HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-04/03/1969 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert ~f/. Gillispie, Jr., ChaJrm~n Robert Bergen Charles Gregoni% Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. i., N. Y. Telephone SO 5-9660 MI NUTS S SOUI~{OLD TC~\~N BO.~RD OF April 3, 1969 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held~ Thursday~ April 3, 1969~ at the Town Qffice, Main Road, Southold~ New ¥ork~ at 7:30 P.M. There were present: Messrs: Robert W, Gillispie~ Jr.~ Chairman~ Serge Doyen, Jr.~ Charles Grigonis¢ Jr. Absent: Messrs: Robert Bergen~ Fred Hulse, Jr. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1236 - 7:30 P.M.(E.$.T.)~ Upon application of Lloyd Terry: ~ain Road, Orient, New York~ for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ ~~rticle'X, Section 1000A, for permission to renew a farm labor camp permit granted April 4, 1968. Loc- ation of property: south side ~in Road~ Orient~ New York~ bounded no~th by ~in Road, eas~ by land now or formerly of S. ~oroieski, south by Bay, west by E. Latham. Fee paid The Chairm~n opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing~ affidavi~ attesting to its publication in the of_~czal newspaper~ and notice to the applicant. TP~CFu&I~MAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in ~V$~of this application? (~nere was no responses) Southold T~vn Board of Appeals -2- April S, 1969 TP~ CPL~IRMJLN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? F. DWA~U~ LATPLa~M: I can here specifically to find ou~ wha~ was 9oin9 on. I ~found out ~hat he has moved ~other shack a!on9 si~e of ~he house. ~ca!ted H~.¢ard~ ~d to say the least was short, ~d w~ted to ~ow ~ ~e had zoning or didn't we have zon~g. H~war~ told me that ~. Ter~ had ~de ~plioation last year ~d had moved the building How~d stated that he had ~de application to move the b~lding, T~ CHAI~W~I: He made application to renew his labor camp permit last year ~nd stated that Cn order to comply with new rules this will necessitate the need for two additional buildings to be relocated on the same lot. I think we went do~ there and found out where the buildings were going to be put. I don~t think he was~ere. H~JARD TERRY, Building Inspector: He wasn't there? ~ C~AiRN~q: I think what ~ did was specify where he could not put the buildings~ (The Chairman read the action of the Board of Appeals on the application of Lloyd Terry, dated ~rch 26.~ 1968, for the permission to renew his farm labor c~p permit, and to expand by adding two buildings. Said permission was granted by the Board of Appeals with the condition that the two additional buildings~would not be any closer than I0 feet to ~ny side line.) ~ LAT~2~: He didn't build a buitding~ He put an old shack in there, I w~t to go on record~ I agree with zoning~ I agree the ca~p should be closer tb his o~%~ house than mine. I have t8 of my o,~vn in my back yard~ n~ I have 18 of his~ I think it is about time he started putting the c~p where it belongs. (A sketch of the property in question was referred to. ~, L~tham pointed out the location of his labor c~p ~nd the location of 5~. Terry's labor camp,) MR. LA~: I ~m not speaking here to keep him from getting a permit. That is not my point~ but I did want to go on record as opposing additional build-up of ~hat c~mp on the ~ain Road. T~CPLa~I~V~: ¥~ere else can he locate the c~mp. ~wS~. LATPLa~: Closer to his own house. T_ME. C~IRS~: Aren't there several houses right n~;~ on his side of the road? MR, LATPL~¢I: Yes, Southold T~ Board of Appeals -3- April 3~ 1969 T~r~CHAI~2~: Are you objection to the labor camp ~u general? ~q~ LATPL~i: I ~m objecting to additional buildings being put there. THE CHAI~W~N: H~ahas to enlarge because of the Board of ~ealth regutations~. MR~ L~T~4: Then it should be done closer to his o~ house . I don~t ~ant to stop him f~om running a c~p. I am not trying to put.him out of business~ I ~m opposing putting more shacks ~n there. ~ CHAIR~£~W: Has he moved more shacks in there? TERRY: Thoses are the ones that were approved lastyear~ THE CPL~_I~4AN: ~ybe we can jog him a little bit by going to talk to him. B~. LATHing: I don~t want him not getting a permit~ It is in a residential area. H~%~ARD TE~RY: Have you ever had any trouN0 !e where you had to c~ll the cops, ~, LD~M~2~: Me had the cops there quite a few times. T~ CF~IPd~N: I move that we adjourn decision ~f this case until we invesitgate this matter further. On motion by ~. Gitlispie~ seconded by ~r. Doyen~ it was RESOLVED that the decision on Appeal no. 1236, Lloyd Terry~ Orient~ New York: be reserved so that the Board may investigate the matter further. Vote of the Board: Ay~s:-~. Gillispie~ ~, Doyen~ ~.lC~igonis~ PUBLIC I~ARING: Appeal No, 1237 - 7:45 P~M.(B,$.T,), Upon application of Ellis Terry~ Jockey Creek Drice~ Sonthold: Ne~ York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning 0rdin~nce~ Artidle III~ Section ~05 & for permission to construct addition on existing dwelling with ~usufficient sideyard and setback. Location of property: south side Jockey Creek Dri~e~ Southold, New York~ bounded north by Jockey Creek Drive, east G.H, Terry Bstate~ south by Creek~ west by Hart Hardware & Garden Center. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by re~ding the application for a variance~ legal notice of hearing~ affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper~ and notice to the applicant. Southold, To~n~ Board -~ Appeals -4- '~ril B, 1969 TP~ CPLa~IRSi~N: I think the hardship in this lies in the jog of the lot~ ~This was prior to zoning. DOYEN: The business setback there is 25 feet~ that is unique~ T_r--~ CF~IP~2N: I don't kn~ if thati>,has ~uy beari~ug~ The real hardship is that the property was laid out before zonlng: and prior to the To%~ tsd<ing over the road~ ~S~ ELLIS TERRY: The lot looks like it is hugh but it isn't really~ DOYEN: %~at is the ~otal area of the lot? HO~;ARD TEP~Y': It is 100 feet at right angtes. !tis 220 feet on one side and 2~0 feet on the other side. THE CPL~!RJ~N: What will the setback be BB feet? ELLIS TERRY: The closest will be BB feet. THE CM~I~4A~: The other side will be setback ~8 feet~ I don~t think this will affect the area any. Is there ~nyone else present who wishes to speak for this application? (~uere~s no response.) Tb~ CPL~IPJ'&%N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak agamn~.~ this~application? (There was no response) ~ter investigation and inspection the board finds that the applicant requests permission to construct an addition on an existing dwelling with insufficient sideyard and setback, said addition being ~u ~ttached garage~ The Board finds that the lot ~lopes to the south, thereby creating a topography problem ~nd hardship~ that the property ad3oins an existing business district) that the irregular size lot on %uhich the applicant lives was made irregular as a result of the T0~a t~ng over the road £ront~ug this property, Accordingly, the Board is of the opinion that this application should be granted for these reasons, altho these are not the reasons that were presented by the applicant, The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficult~ om ,unnecessary hardships the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all property alike in in the i~mediate vicinity of this property and in the s~e use district; and the ~ariance will not change the character of the district and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. Southold To~n Board of Appeals -5- April 3, 1969 On motion by ~ir. Gi!lispie~ seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED Ellis Tezry~ Jockey Creek Drive, Southold~ New York~ be gr~nted perF~ssion to construct s/~ addition on existing dwelling with insufficient sideyard ~nd setback~ on property located south ~de Jockey Creek Drive, Southoid, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~. Gil!ispie, ~r. Grigonis, 5~. Doyen~ The next regular meeting of the Southold To~ Board of Appeals will be hold at 7:30 P.Mo~ Thuzsday~ April 24~ !969~ at the Town Office, P~inRoad~ Southold, New York. On motion by [~. Gi!lispio~ seconded by ~.~. Grigonis, it was BESOLVED that the minutes~ the Southold Town Board of Appeals dated l~arch !3~ 1989~ be approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: ~mfes:- ~. Gillispie, Mr. Grigonis~ ~. Doyen. On motionby t~. Gillispie~ seconded by M~ Grigonis~ it was action ~SOLVED that Appeal No. 1225~/dated January 2,i969~ by Cassel!a Bui!d~ng~ Inc. be corrected to read that the pumps shall be located at least 15 feet from and street or highway or p~gperty line; instead of 50 feet aS was stated in the original action due to a typigzaphical Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, I~k. Grigonis,Mr. Doyen. The meeting was adjourned at 8:$5