HomeMy WebLinkAbout319 . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YOI ,;,; r,-,-,-f,( ~;- APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. '.3' ( I Name of Appellant 1 Street and Number . '(pO ..........................S.?1,l,!1P:9;!..~................................................ W~:w..r.!?~.~..... HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION' FOR PERMIT. NO:...i::.'i,.,.':&................ DATED .Q!<.~Q.I?~;r....+.O'~...;l,9.go............. , WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED'TO . .~~.~~.~~~.. .J:l.~.. ,"J:'I!l~.t.~.?~~. :.............................. . Nome of Applicant for permit': ,.' , . .)~.l,7 ,. ~~:r'.1,~.()!l.. .s.!1.l\~.~.h..... ..W.a,~A~g:t;;,9~1.. .P.!... P.!............................ Street and Number. Municipality State ( PERMIT TO USE as ,single lot at the premises located .at sls North Road, ( , ),' MiIIN/f/I/fI#I./If#/:ft'#f/.ftH~f#! Southold, N.Y., shown on map of property of Wm. ( ) Ricbmolild. as bw;lgalow,#2 with lot of apx 10..800 sq ~t area, lllap by . Otto .Van T,uy-l revised September 28 , 1960 . of ' , 1. ,LOCATION OF. THE PROPERTy.... ?treet Use District 0". Zoning /Y\9P' . . . '. ' ., .................................................................................. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Artide Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Lot has insufficient width and area to meet the requirements of zoning ordinance Art. III, Sec. 101 and Art. X, Sec. 1000AJ RAn. ?ROA,~nwn Law. 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map (X) A VARIANCE due to lock of access (State of New York Town Low Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (!.os) (has not) been mode with respect to this de~ision . of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ) request for 0 special permit ) request for a variance and was mode in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL (x) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) , is requested for the reason that the buildings on the premises have been in existence for many years and are suitable for surmner bungalow use. (Continue on ather side) Form ZBl . . REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because of the existing construction. ,. . .': ._l'.L_"';" 2. The hardship creoted is UNIQUE and is not shared by 011 properties alike in the immediote vicinity 'oft~is.'j:"rdperty 'dhil'iii:.this,.use aistrid,becaiJsethe.existiftg'buildings have been in use for many years as summer bungalows and the applicant now desires to sell the bungalows to the present tenants who prefer to purchase the same rather than continue pay~ng ''rent. .Unlo.ss .':such application is granted the applicant would be unable to dispose of her property unless she could find one buyer who wouJA take all ~hree p~r~els'Tt . one time. .' . t." . . " : ' '.. '. _. ~ ' .' ' ~.' . '_~ ,,; 3';" The Varia~ce wOClld:,cibserve the spirit i:Jf:the: Ordinance.', and:. WOULD NOT CHANGE THE , 'CHARACTER OF'THE"DISTRICT because'of' the ,'fact. that. the ,area .has ,existed in 'its 'present condit:l:on for many y'ea'rs:prior'1;o tnEl: enactmen't':of a zoning ordinance; five 'other 'bUngalows are :'pr'e'sent.ly owned "!i'n,d occupied by owners Who purchased the same prior to the enactment of the zoning ordinance and four of these five are similar in size and location to the property under consideration in this application. The access is over a 25 foot private roadway and accordingly, approval of this access is requested as it is the only means of getting to the property oxcept by water as to Parcel I. 0-""',- .___"........-____._..__." l' '.:;;'" "" ,', :1.. . ~)j '. " ,'~ . ;"J STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ..",~".4""~"0..'"",,,,~,:,,, Signature :iCi( Sworn to thiS,.,....."..,...(......"","',-:-::"",...",dav of .."....J?,9.~!?!?,~;J;'.."..""..."...,,""" 19 60. .' , :: . ~ " . . " J., J..' :-, '.... 1. 'Jr..: : ":,,,' '.:.';: . .' , "~...."'"....,',.,...,.."......"...,",...,,. Notary Public ,...~ ')' . ". . ! MONICA G, GALLAGHER Notary PUblic,State of New York No. 52-1362900, Suffolk County lerm Expires March 30.. 19.6.1 1'EGAL NOTICE ~ NOTICE OF HEARING ; .Pursuant'to Section 267 of the Town'f l,aw and the provisions of the1' Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Towil of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public. hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town 1 Clerk OtIice, Main Road! Southold, I New York, on October 27, 1960 on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of Rensselaer Q. Terry, Jr., Main ~ Street, Southold,. New, York, ale Madeleine R. Armstrong, 3817 Harrison Street, Washington, D. .C., for a vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinan.ce. . Article In, Section 303', and Article X, Section lOOOA, for per- mission to reduce frontage and use as a single lot, property located on the south side of North Road, Southold, New York, and bounded north by other land of Madeleine R. Armstrong, cast by Wenzel, south by Arshamomaque,;: Pond, and west by private right-of":" way. Applicant also i'equests recog- ~ nition of access in accordance with. St'ate of New York Town La\v S-ection 2BOA. 7:40 P. M.. (E.D.S.TJ. upon applica- tion of Rensselaer G. Terry, ifr., Main street, Southold, ~ew York, ale; Madeleine R. Armstrong, 3817 Harrison: Street, Washington, D, C., for a vari- 1 ance in accordance with the Zoning; \ Ordinance, b-rticle III, S,ection 303, and: Article XrSection 1000A, for permis- ; sian to reduce fronta.ge and use as a : single 'lot, property located on the:' south side of North Road, Southold. \ New York, and bounded north by Wil- I liam A, Richmond, east by Wenzell i ~ south by other land of Madeleine R. i j Armstrong, and west by other l~nd of I~ , Madeleine R. Armstrong. Applicant 0.1- ' -~so requ.ests recognition of access in]" . accordance with State of New, York ; Town Law Section 280A. i 7:50 p, M. (E.D.S.TJ upon applica- tion of Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr, Main 'Street,. Southold, New York, ale j Madeleine R. Armstrong, 3817 Harrison l Street, Washington, D. c., for a. vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning J ~, Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and 1 ;Artic]e.". x, Section 1000A, for permls-,; , : 'sion to -reduce frontage an~d use as a.: ( single lot" proper,ty located on the south side' of North Road, Southold, Nei' York, and bounded north by W~l- Ham A. Richmond, east by other land .' of Madeleine R. Armstrong, south by ~ . private right-of-way, and west by pri- : vate'right-of-way, Applicant also l'e- 1- 'quests recognition of access in RCa t' ~ I corda-nce with State of New York Town :,-~ t I Law Section 2BOA. . , I : .8.00 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon appllca- I. t(on of George Lind, ale ~ouis Lind, l Sound View. Avenue, Southold, New', York, for a special exception in ac- cOl'dance wfth Article III, Section 306, for permission to reduce setback on a corner lot. Location of property: northwest corner of intersection of Sound View Avenu~, SOuthold, New York, bounded north by Emil Ball, east by Sound View Avenue, south by : Sound Vie... Avenue, and west. by R. F. Grattan. . 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Harry D. Horton, 302 March Boulevard, Phillipsqurg, New Jersey,' for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 10, for permission to erect and maintain real estate sign with reduced setback. Location of property: south side .Indian Neck Lane; Peconic, New York, bounded north by IndIan Neck Lane, east by P. H. Hor- ton, south by Bay. and west by A. Kull and P. Horton. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear ~ at the time and place above specified. I DATED: October 17, 1960, By Order of . the Bouthold Town Board of APpeals., i . .' CPUNlY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I 55. W'alter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says thot he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Sauthald, in Suffolk County; and that the natice af which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .....r:tJ.A~.{/./-"(;ik; , successively, commencing on the .................dcJ............. day of ......{!).~....... 19&.0 ............~...o...QJ_......a..-=:%L.'1..................... -iT Sworn to before me this ......d.-/........ day of ........&..cJt.:...... 19.66 ............aM~....~....... Notary Public I AnElE PAYNE NGIi:cy Pu"I;c, State of New York 1,;;3.c..11I,J in Sul'foJk County No. 52.3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19! &, I . . TERRY & KRUPSKI ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW MAlN STREET SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK SOUTHOLD 5-3418 Ootober 10, 1960. Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, Southold, New York. Dear Sir: Applioation is made herewith for the granting by you of a varianoe oovering the premises set forth on the enolosed map and identified as Bungalow No. Two. Very truly yours, RGT/G. Enol. '{//-GCx; ,,' ,t?, t'~ ~ Rensselaer G. Terry, as Agent for Madeleine R. Armstrong, 3817 Harrison Street, N.W., Washington 15, D.C. , . FORM NO. 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, .N. Y. . , J /1 ) ; NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ~~.q~~.!?t ..1<9.. .\,H?~...~~..,~~p,gJ~.. JQ.tDote ........... ...... ....Q~.1;9.P.~;f.....J9.......... 19.9.9... To R...Q...'f.~r.r.y'..~;r.....A/C..J'fif~.('l;!'JP'~...);l....)lrmstDom;, 3U17 Hal"rison. St, Hashington,D.C ..:. .so.uthold.,.....N A Y:..........................:....... .............,............................................................ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ......................Q<:t.Qb.er.....1Q...... 19...9.Q for permit to ~..use...:i\S...sing.le...lotot the premises located at ..S/S..No:tth..Road"Southold N.Y. shovIn on mapaf property of Wm. Richmond as bungalow #2 with lot of ....................:........................................ ......... Street ~~ ~.?'.S.~?...s.~...~~...~~.e.~~f:-~ ..~y....?~~~.. ~~~~~~...~~l~;e.~...~.e.p.~...~.~'....~:..~.?...... is ~disapproved on the follow; ng grounds ..~9.~:}1~.l?...:l..I,:!~~f.~~.~~~.~...~.:~.~.th and ~ . .~~~.. t.9. .m~~ 1;. ..t.P..!:!.. .;I.".~q,~~;I.".~m~"':t~.. .gf.. ;\\.Q.l'1-.:!..l'liL Q;r.dJ,HHi~~.. Art.....n I ,....~~~... 3.Q3 & ... Ar.t .x,.. .,Sec.A. .~O.QOA................................... ................................................................................ ................,............................................................... ................,............................................................... . I ~ ("A \ --C-Qj~. ,...........,............ B~'i'ldi~~' 'i~;;;~~t~~'''' ............... \..... ". '1l.,.. ~ . . ...tr-u , I I I 'II Ii Ii :1 II 'I I, 11 I: of the Amended Bulldincl Zone Ordinance of the Town of southold, if . LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and.the provisions i \ I I I " II I I I Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be .held by the zon:Lng Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town I I . i I I I , i , Clerk Office, MaiIl, Road, Southold, ~ew york, . on October 27, 1960, on the following appeals: 7:30P.M. (E.O.S.T.);uPOIl, applieation of Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., Main Street, Southold, New York, a/c Mcldeleine R. i Armstrong, 3817 Harrison Street; Wash:Lngton, D. C., for a \ I ~ I . ! i . I I variance in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article III, Section 303i and Article X, Section lOOOA, for permiss:l,on to reduce frontage and use as a single lot, property located on the south side of North Road, Southold, New York, and bounded t I: it ,. , .1; ,. north by other land of Madeleine R. A~trong, east by Wenzel, sout:hby Arshamomaque Pond, and west byprlvate right-of-way. . . Applicant also requests recognition of access:Ln accordance ., j~ !: with state of New York Town Law Section 280A.' Ii ,I il '. ill I , 7:40 P.M. .(B.D.S.T.), upon application of Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., Main street, Southold,. New york, 'a/c Madeleine R. II :~' f 'I I: Ii Armstrong, 3817 Harrison Street,Washington, D. C., for a variance in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, section 1000A, for permlssionto ~: 1\ j~ " reduce frontage and use as a single ~ot, property located on .. :1 the south side of North Road, Southold,. New York, and bounded :1 ! '~ ! I , II I II ->'''> II , , , J.... , I , , I I, 'I II H I' ! , Ii II 11 .1 I" l~ I , I 1 r 'I 'I I , , , , I I: !\ i I , I I Page 2 - leg.not!ce" tqot.1<;:,e ~'f aearins4t J(adeleine R. Armstrong. . Applicant also request recognit.1on of access in accordance with State of New York Town Law Section 280A. 7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.'i'.),upcln application of Rensselaer G. rrerry, Jr., Main Street,Southold, New York, alc Madeleine :ll..' Armstrong, 38l7'ttarrison Street, wasn.1ngton, P. C., for a ~r!ance in accor4ance with the ZOn.1ng Ordinance, ,Article 1111 Sectibn 303, and Article X, Section 1000AI for permission to reduce frontage and use alii a single lot, property located on the south sideoii :North Road, Southold, Ne'W York" and, bounded " I ~ north by William A. R.1chmond, east by other land 'of Madeleine R. Armstrong, !>outh by private right-Of-way, and we$t by j 'I \ I \ I , ., , I i ' private righ~of-way. Applicant also requests recogn.1tion of I access' in accordan~ewith State of New York Town Law Section I I 280A.' I II 'I 8: 00 1:'.M. '(J.i:.D.~.'l'.) ,upon application of George Lind, II 1\ a/c Louis Lind,Soutid View Avenue, Southold, New York, tor a ! special exception in accordance with Article III, Section 306, 'I for permission to reduce setback on a corner lot. ~i' !t I' J , " I :1 II ~ f Ii I' I Locat.1on of propl rty: northwest corner of intersection of Sound Vie'W Avenue, Sibuthold,New York, bounded north by Em!l Ball, east by Sound View Avenue, south by Sound View Avenue, and west by R. F. Grattan" , I , " III !, ;! , " J,t Ii '.1' II ... I ''>. ;'1"' I I. , ; I I J I I' II II I II it 'I I ii II 11 'I I . . ~.' of Hearing Page 3 - Legal Notice, Notice 8t 15 P.M. (E.D. S. T.). upon application of Harry .D. Horton, 302 March BoulfilVarQ,Phillipsb1,1rc;:r, New Jersey, for ava,r1ance in accordance with the 20ning Ordinance, Article III, SectiOn 300, Subsection 10; for Pfil~ission to erect and maintain real .estate sign with reduced setback. Location of prop~rtYI south side Indian Neck Lane, Pfilconic, New.'l1'orj("bounded north , . " by Indian Neck' Lane, east by P.H.!torton, Gout1.1 by Bay, and west by A.Kull and P. Horton. II I Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at: the time and place above apecified. DA1ED: October 17,1960, ay Order of the I I , I II ;1 I I I 1, I I Ii I , , f 1 II II .I ;1 , I I 'I I .I f~ i f I , Southold Town Board of Appeals. .. .. .. PLEAS2 1?UB!.:ISH ONCE, OC'l'OBER20, 1960, AND FORWAP.D SIX. . . . . (6) AFFIPAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD bF APPEALS, TOWN CLERI< OFF:ICE, M1l.IN ROAD, SOUT!iOLD, NEW YORK. .. '* '* . Copies mailed to the following 01\ October 17, 1960: Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., a/c Madeleine R. Armstrong George Lind, a/c Louis Lind liarry D. Horton. SOMEONE SHOULD APPEAR AT THE HEARING Ii " I' .1 Ii . '~[,: . .~ .~ .~.,:;,,~-_, =- "- -"". --~__,_- '-"_"..;y -,..- .,>-~-;~->'1;0,,"",-:'; . 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