HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/25/1972SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MINUTES Meeting of January 25, 1972 The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Alber~.M. Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 25, 1972 with the following present: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia, Councilman James H. Rich, Jr., Councilman James F. Homan, Justice Louis M. Demarest, Justice Martin Suter, Town Attorney Robert W.' Tasker, Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean, and Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond. Absent: Justice E. Perry Edwards. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED: That the minutes of January 11, 1972 be and they hereby are approved as corrected. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That the next meeting o~ the Town Board will be held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York on February 10, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchis, Councilman Rich, Councilman. Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. At 3:000P.M., January 25, 1972, in accordance wi.th notice published according to law, ~ids were opened for six (6) new 1972 special po'lice cars - X5) five marked _and .one _.(1) unmarked. Trade-in four (4) cars presently owned by the Town of Southold, less special equipment on said cars. Two bids were submitted: Garsten Motors - $21,236.75 Greenport Ford~Me~cu-ry-~$22,~75.00 The bids were held~ ~for study. Moved by Justice-~emarest, ..seconded.by. Just. ice Suter, it was RESOLVED: That t~e Southold Town Board approves the f~llowing ag.reement .between i~he Fishers. Island.Ferry District.and Alfred S. Bicknell: - ~ ~ . ~ · ~ PROPOSAL -TO THE BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MOTOR VESSEL MYSTIC -ISLE AND,THE~MOTOR VESSEL OLINDA BETWEEN FISIqERS ISLAND,. NEW YORK AND NEW LONDON, ~ONNECTICUT. TO: Board of Commissimners . Fishers Island Ferry District - .Fis~e-rs Island, New York Pursuant to .and..in accordance with your Notice to Bidders dated December.28,-1971 a. nd the form of contmact _annexed hereto, the undersigned ~hereby offers to funish all labor, materials and equipment as set forth in said form of contract for the operation and maintenance of the Motor Vessel Mystic_Islenand the Motor Vessel Olinda in connection with the ferry service between Fishers Island, New York and New London, Connecticut, all. in a~co~ance with the said Notice to Bidders and form of contract both of which are annexed hereto for the following sums, to wit: (a) The sum of thirty two hundred and fifty dollars ($3250.00) per month during the five (5) month period from June 1st to October 31st during the period from January 15, 1972 to January 14, 1975 for the operation and maintenance of the Motor Vessel Olinda pursuant to the terms of the annexed form of contract. (b) The sum of ninety five hundred dollars ($9500.00) per month for each and every month during the period commencing January 15, 1972 and ending January 14, 1975 for the operation and maintenance of the Motor Vessel Mystic Isle pursuant to the terms of the annexed form of contract. (c) The sum of seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each extra trip of the Motor Vessel 01inda. (d) The sum of one hundred fifty five ($155.00) fOr each extra trip of the Motor Vessel Mystic Isle. That as a part of this Proposal, the undersigned herewith sub- mits the annexed non-collusive bidding certificate. That the undersigned hereby further agrees to ente~r into a contract in the form annexed hereto within ten (10) days from the date of your acceptance of this proposal and to begin work pursuant to said contract within twelve (12) days from the'date of your acceptance of this Proposal and within said twelve (12) day,period shall furnish the required security and insurance policies provided in said form of contract. /s/ Allred S. Bicknell Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED: That the Town Board authorizes the bills for Ski Trip by Peak Ski Tours on January 8 and 9, 1972 ($220.00), and February 5 and 6, 1972, taken under the recreation program. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Su~er, Justice Dem'arest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS, Steve Hamilton has applied to the Town Board for a single trailer permit dated January 10, 1972, NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED: That the application of Steve Hamilton to locate a single trailer on the property of Elmer Ruland, Route 25, and Mill Lane, Mattituck, New York, be and h~eby is granted until April 10, 1972, ONLY. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That the Town Board will approve the amount of $55,000 bond as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board~for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as Petty's Bight Estates, located at the north side Main State Road, Orient, New York, owned and developed.by Irving and George Newman. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Sppervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justioe Demarest~.- Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia filed his annual report with the Town Clerk on this date, January 25~ 1972. On motion of Councilman ~oman, seconded by Justice Demarest, WHEREAS the Southold Town Conservation Council has.recommended the formation of a Marine Fisheries Pollution Committee under the dual sponsorship of the Town Board and the Conser.vation CounCil, and WHEREAS the Conservation Council proposes as their initial project the study of possible chemical and other plastics, etc. pollution ~n the egg structure of striped bass migrating through or residing in the waters surrounding Southold Town, and propose enlisting the aid of all the school systems within the town, marina owners, private boatmen, chartermen, and other interested parties, as-well as scientists to perform the actual testing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Board hereby establishes a ~Marine Fisheries Pollution'Committe~, and appointss Charles Meyer, as Chairman, and A. Nelson Chapman, Frank Kujawski, Jr., Terry Harna~, Thoma~ B~~ Reeve, ~rank Cichanowicz, and John Plock, Sr. as members of the Committee, and IT IS FURTHER RE~0LVED: That the Town Board authorizes the Conservatio~ ~Couneil~ ~o con~act the Ford Foundation and similar agencies for grants to enlarge this work and minimize e~pense to the taxpayers of Sout~ld Town. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice'Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Board concurs With the Southold Town Conservation Council in their opposition to any drilling for oil in offshore Long Island or surrounding waters. The Town Board agr'ees ~that~since oil spillage in our offshore waters would be catastrophic' to our beaches, wildlife, rural way of life and our economy! {through losses to our sustaining 't0urist'industry), such a project should not be instituted. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Mar~occh'ia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, itwas RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways of the Towh'of Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, the following items, more or less, as may be needed': 30 L 4'6" x 8" Drainage Rings 30 - 3'6" x 8" Drainage Domes · 30 L 36" Covers ..... Vote ef the Town Board: Ayes: Sup~rVisor'Mar~occhia, Councilman Rich,~'Councitman ~oman,-J~stic'e Sute~, Justice Demarest. On motion of Coundit~an Rich, Seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold be authorized fo 'advertise' for bids and to ~urchase from the lowest responsible bidder, the following items, more or less, as~may ~e needed:~ 90~'- STOP signs, red. background~ white~.iegend & border, Reflectorized, No. R2A - 24 ~ND the foltowing~al~ reflectorized ~ith~yellow~background~ black legend: 10 - YIELD signs ...... - 24" x 24" .... t2 =' Right-'CURVE sig~S NO. W-gB-R =~24u~-'x.~24 12 DEAD END signs, ~o. W 140 - 24"~X'24 175 - 10 ft. U'Channel~Posts for Traffic signs, painted green. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: -Supervisor Mar%occ'his, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demearest. On motion~of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter-, -it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of~ Highways of the Town of Southold-, be authorized to advertise for bids and to Purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, the fo/lowing items, more or less, as may be n~d: 1~ - Danline~refills for rear brooms (32 wire 4 plastic) i0 - H-790-8H gutter broom wire Vote~'6f the Town Board:- Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich] Councilman Homan, Justice Su~er, Justice'Demarest.. Moved by_iJust~ce Demarest, seconded by. Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways, Raymond C. Dean, be and he her.eby is authorized, tg purchase material to build a shelter and favilities for a. tracto~ 9t t~e To?n, Disposa~ Area.. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia,_ ~OUDc~lman Rich,_Cou~c$1man H0man, .Jup~ice Surer, Justice. Dema~est. Council'man Rich offered th~ following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUT!.ON OF ~THE TOBN OF SOU~HOLD, NEW YORK, v ADO~TED ~-~ JANUARY 25, 1972, APPROPRIATING $10,000 FOR THE REDEMPTION IN PART, OF THEWS50 000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR CONSTRUC~ TION OF GRAND AVENUE BRIDGE-19~i. Recital WHEREAS, the ~Town of Southold (herein a~Iled "T~wn"), in the County of Suffolk, New York,. has heretofore duly authorized, sold and issued_its $50,,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Construction of Grand Aven~e Bridge-1971, and it ~s npw_desira~le to redeem said Note to the extent of $10,000 fr. oma...sgurce o2~er th~n the. proCeeds of the bonds ~n anticSpation, ~here~ore, be it RESOLVED BY THE TOWN-BOARD OF THE T9WN OF_SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.. The amount of $10,000 is he~g~y .apprppriated from funds now available to sai~ p~rpos, e ~e~m, .in pa~t, on qr before February 4, 1972, the out~gndi, ng ~50.,00.0 .Bon~_A~ticipatio.n Note For Construction of Grand Avenue ~ridge-1971 of the Town, hereinabove referred to in the Recital of this resolution, said funds being, a source other than the proceeds of the..bonds in anticipation of which said Note has been issued. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The adoptiono6f the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilman Homan and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Councilman Rich offered the followin~ resolution and moved its adoption: BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SQUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED JANUARY 25, 1972, AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL, IN PART, OF THE $50,~00. BOND ANTICIPATI. fN ~OTE FOR ~NSTRU- CTION OF GRAND AVENUE B~JDGE-i~7~,_ B~. THE ISSUANCE 0F=A NEW NOTE IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $40,000. Rec ita 1 WHEREAS, the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the county of Suffolk, New York, has heretofore duly authorized, sold and issued its $50,,00.0 Bond Anticipation Note For Construction of GrandG~venue Bridge-1971, and has duly~appropriated $10,000 for the redemptia~, in part, of said Note and it is~np~ necessary and desirable to provide for the renewal, in part., of said Note by the issuance of a new Note in the principal amount of $40~,000; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED By THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TQWN OF Sp~THOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The $50,007 Bond Anticipation Note.for ~9ns- truction of Grand Avenu~ Bridge-1971 of the Town, dated February 4 1971, maturing February 4, 1972, subject to prior redemption, ' .... numbered 1, heretofore duly authorized, sold and issued pursuant to the bond anticipation note resolution duly adopted by the Town Board o~ January 26, 1971, is hereby authorized to be renewed, in part, by the issuance of a new Note in the principal amount of $40,000; the amount of $10,000 having been heretofore appropriated from a source other than the proceeds of the bonds in~ anticipation of which said Note has been issued, to redeem, in part, said Note dated February 4, 1971, all as hereinabove referred to in the Recital hereof, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance ~aw canstituting Chapter 33~a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein ca~Ied "Law"). The maturity of said renewal Note herein authorized shall not be late~ than one year from its date, and said Note may be further renewed pursuant to the pro- visions of the Law. Section 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note shall be as follows: °Amount and Title: Dated: Matures: No. Interest Rate: $40,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Construction of Grand Avenue Bridge-1972 February 4, 1972 February 2, 1973, subject to prior redemption Denomination: $40,000 2.64% per annum, payable at maturity Place of payment of principal and interest: S Supervisor's Office GreenpOrt, New York Form of Note: Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by the Law. Section 3. Said Note is hereby sold to the SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Huntington, New York, for the purchase price of $40,000, plus the amount of interest, if any, accrued on said Note from itssdate to the date of delivery thereof and payment therefor, and said Note shall bear interest at the rate of two and sixty-four hundredths per centum (2.64%) per annum, payable at maturity. Section 4. Said Note shal~ contain the recital of validity prescribed by ~52.00 of the Law and shall be a general obligation of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a~neral tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town, without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the To~n are hereby irrevocably'-ptedged to the'punctual paYment of the principal and interest on said Note and provision shall be made-in tb~ budget of the Town by appropriation for t-h-e redemption of said Note to mature in such year and for the payment of interest to be due in such year. Section 5. Said Note shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town ~hall be affixed thereto and attested'~by its Town Clerk. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect lmmedia-tely. The adoption of the- foregoing resolution was seconded by' Councilman Homan and duly-put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Co~ncilman~Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest~ The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED: That Superintendent'of Highways Raymond C.~Dean-be and he hereby' is authorized to purchase 8 ft. fence, 160 ft. long, to be placed in ba~ck of the new Police Building. Vote of the Town Board:- Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich~ seconded by~Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That Supervisor Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to engage George C. Stankevich, special-attorney, to represent, the Town of Southold in the matter of Morritti vsl Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Me~ting adjourned at-3:4~ P~M. - Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk