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~ ~ SOUTHOLD'TOWlq BOARD MINUTES ~eeting of January 11~ 1972 The So~thold Town Board met at the Office of Super~isor~Albert M. Martocchia', 16 South Street, Greenport, N~w York, on Tuesday, January 11, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. with the following Present: Supervisor Albert M.'Martocchia, Councflman' Jam~s H. Rich, Jr., Councilman James'Fi Homan, Justice-Martin Su~er, Justice LouiS'M. Demarest, Town Attor~ney Robert W. Tasker, Superintendent Of Highways Raymond C. Dean, and Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond. ~bsent: Justice E. Perry Edwards. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That the minutes of JaDuary 4, 1962 be and they hereby are approved as corrected. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justfce Demarest. Moved by Justice suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That the next ~eeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York~ 3:00 PiM., Janu~a~y 25, l~72. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor MartoCchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter~i'seCo~ded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby i's appointed as a-seoond member to represent the Town of Southold in the ~AST program. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocch~ia, Councilman R. ich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. At 2:00 P.M4, in accordance with notice published,~ccording to iaw~ on December 28, 1971,~bids Were-.'ope~ned ~and read aloud, to furnish ~and ~deliver .to .the ToWn.Of Southold, floor covering for the new police building located a~t Peconic, New Yo~k~. ~Two bids were received as follows: Coram Rug ~o. · ' $~2,698.00 ~'Gol'din Furniture 'Co. $2;~499.00 Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, ~.'WHEREAS, the Board reported that ~he lowest bid for floor cover- ing Was submitted by ~Goldin Furniture Co. ? ~ree~port, New York, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES©LVED.~ That the Supervisor, A~bert M. Martocchia, be and he hereby is directed t~'ehter i~to a contract with ~oldin Furniture Co~ 'for~fl~oor cover~ing as advertised in bid at a cost of $2,499.00. 'Vot~e ofth'e ToWn Be'arid: -'Ayes: ~-'Supervisor M~rtocchia,. Councilman Rich, Councilman~He'man, J~st'ice ~ute~, Justice.Demare~.t~ '.M~ved~by Just~ice Demar~est~ seconded by Councilman Rich, ~it was RESOLVED: That SupervisOr Albert .M~~ Martocchi-a Be .and 'he hereby is authorized to-sign wa~e ~contract between C.S.E.A~ a-nd the Town of Southold written by Town Attorney Tasker and agreed upon by the C.S.E.A~ a-nd ~Town of Southol'd-a~s follows: - THIS AGREEMENT~made th. is 1-day of' J~nuary, 1972, ~etween .the TOWN ~OF SOU~I~OLD, a municipal' corporation of the State of New York, having it-s pr~ncmpal ~office-at 16 ~South !Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, ~ew York, hereinafter called the "Town" and THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIONi INC., SUFFOLK CHAPTER, SOUTHOLD TOWN UNIT, a membem,ship corporation of the State of New York, having its office and principal place of business at 330 East Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, New York, hereinafter called "CSEA". WI~EREAS, C~EA has,heretofore been duly recognized as the employee organizat~ion .to represent a~ll persons holding a position by appointment or e~ployment in the Town e~cept uni- formed members of the p~lice department of the Town, hereinafter referred to as "employees!',ifor the purpose of negotiating col, lectively with the Town, in the determination of the terms and conditions of~emp!oyme%t and to enter into written agree- ments wkh respect thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto ag,ree as follows: ARTICLE I ......... RECOGNITION Secti~on 1. The Town does hereby recognize CSEA as the exclusive employee organization to represent the employees and extends to ,CSEA ~he,fol~owing~rights: ...... (a) To represent the employees in neg6tiations and in the settlement of grievances; (b) To membership dues deduction, upon presentation of dues deduction authorization cards signed by individual~ employee,s~ and (c) To unchallenged representation status Unt~l_ seven ,months,prior-,to~the expiuatien date of this ~-reement. Section 2. Seven months prior. ~o the termination of this agree- ment, the ToWn shall determine the employees choice of the employee organization to theLeafter represent them onthe basis ~f dues deduction authorization and other evidence; or,, if n~cessary~by conducti~ an.election in accordance with ~Article 14 of the Civil Service Law and rules adopted pursuant thereto. Section 3. The pa~ties agree ~that~they will each conduct negotiations in good faith, exchange viewpoints, make pr~oposals and counter proposals, make available to each other all relevant r, ecord,s, data and ~information ,in the possession, of the other to the end that-~mu, tual understanding and agreement may be reached with-respect to the terms and conditions of employment and the administration of, grievances of the employees~ ARTICLE II . PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES~ Section 1. Employees appointed from a valid Civil Service list shall be granted the protection afforded to them by the applic- able provisions~of Article,5 ~of the Civil Service Law. Section 2. The.~term "full-time employees," when used herein shall~mean ~hose employees of the Town of Southold ~who ~egularly work twelve~months per year~ five days ~per week. and not less than six hours per day. ~ · Section 3. The~ ~term "part-time employees," when ~sed herein shall mean those employees of the Town of Southold~who work less than-twelve months per ,year~. er who work less than,a,~five day week, ~-or who work. less than a-six hour day~ Section 4. Full-time employees in the non-competitive class who shall have rendered thirty ~30~ months of continuous-service to the Town shall~ be~granted~the protection of the applicable provisions of A~ticle ~.of ~he Civil Service~Law. --Section 5. .Employees shall~have the right to ~e represented by persons of their choice,-including representatives of CSEA, ~n all proceedings relative to grievances, disciplinary proceedings a~nd the terms and conditions of employment. Section 6. Seniority shall be determined on the basis ef con- ti~us full-time employmen~ in the se~vi.ce .of the Town and each department of the Town shall establish and maintain a seniority list of the full-time employees in such department. Section 7. In the event that it is necessary to lay-~ff full time employees, the Town agrses that the same will be accomplished on the basis of seniority within ]ob classifications within each department (1.e. employees with the least seniority will be the first laid off). Section 8. When it is necessary to employ additional employees, such positions will be offered first to former qualified employees of the department in question, who have been laid off as provided in the previous section. Notice of shch employment shall be sent to each such employee by registered mail directed to his last known address advising him of such position. Such employee shall accept or reject such offer within five (5) days of the receipt of the notice and shall be given at least five (5) days from the receipt of such notice ~to report for work. Section 9. Unless otherwise provided by law~ and subject to the provisions of Section 7 and 8 of this Article, in cases of promotion, transfer from one position to another,' filling new or vacant positions, or the assignment of employees to-overtime work on a rotating basis, the Town agrees to accomplish the same -on the basis of seniority within job classifications within each department, provided that the~employee, in the opinion of the department he~d, is competent.by reason of abilityk~ training, experience and fitness to properly perform the duties of such petition. Section .10. The Town shall provide legal services to an employee -against whom an action or proceeding has been commenced involving any matter occuring within the scope of his employment as an officer~or employee of the Town of Southold. Sectionlll. Employees who sustain physical injuries in the course of~their employment with the Town may, in the discretion of the department head, continue to receive.full salary during the period of inca~pacity or until elibible for a disability pension, or death whichever shall.first occur. If an employee receives his sal.ary during, such period of incapacity, any sums received by such employee~under the~provisions of the Workmen's Compen- sation Law for lost earnings as'a result of such injury shall be paid by'~such employee to the Town. Any absence of an employee by reason of such injuries shall not be deducted from any sick leave to.which such employee may be entitled. Section 12. Personnel Records. (a) Any employee shall be entitled to examine his official personnel file upon making ~request therefor to the person having custody ofsaid recOrds. ~ . ~b) Upon request, any~employee shall be furnished with a copy of any material in his personnel file. (c) Only one employee ~ersonnel file shall be maintained w~Aich shall eontain all material with respect to such employee. (d) No material derogatory to an employee,~ his con_duct, character or servi~e-shall be placed in his personnel file unless he nas been given the opportunity to examine th~ same and affix his signature ~hereon, which signature shall indicate that the employee has examined the same and shall not be deemed to inducate that~the employee in any way consents to or~ agrees with the conte~ts ~tkereof.~ The employee may place in such personnel file a written answer to any derogatory material in~.said file. Section T3. The Town agrees to provide,a 25~year non-contributory retirement plan for the benefit of the employees and to pay the entire cost thereof.. Section ~.~ Notice of all positions of empl~oyement to be filled shall be~posted on available bulletin boards and all employees shall be-given adequate opportunity to make ~pplication therefor. Section ~5~. The Town agrees to provide suitable uniforms for School Cro-ssing Guards. -- ~ -. -ARTICLE III ~ ~ .... VACATIONS AND ~LEAVES OF ABSENCE S~c~ion~ 1. All ~uLt-time ~mplo~ee3s Sha~l be ~entitled !to vacation time in accordance with the following schedule: ' 136 Completed Length . -.:. .- of Service Vacation'Credit .... 1 year 10 days 6 years-- - :~ '- ~ /t2 days 7 years ~-.. ~ ' " .13.days - 8 years .......... 15 days,. 9 ~ears ~16-days 10 years 18 days I1 years · r 19 days 12 years 20 days -:~ (a) Payment for earned vacation shall be paid to-such employee prior to commencement of,such vacation provided that ' the employee gives written notice~of the-time of the commence- ment thereof to the Supervisor [at Least three (3) week~rior thereto,~ ~ Section 2. Unused-vacation time-may~be accumulated up to ~a maximum of thirty (30) days. Section 3 Employees who are req~ired'.t0 serve on jury.duty shall receive full,salary-during, the period of-_sqch,:ser~ice, subject to their payment co the Town of all amounts received for such duty, exclusive of expenses of travel and meals. 'Section 4~ Full-time employees shall be entitled to four (4) ,days leave of absence with paY for the purpose of arranging for and attending the funeral of the spouse, parent, or ch'ild of such employee. - SeCtion 5. Full-time employees, upon obtaining permission of the department head, -shall be entitled .to one-half (1/2). day .... leave-of absence with pay in order-to attend the funeral of a :.friend or relative of such employee. The Lave-of absence for funeral purposes shall be in addition..to any other leave of absence to which"such employee-is entitled under any other provision of this agreement. ~Section 6. Employees shall be-entitled to.-be-~absent from work at such times and-for.such duration as the-department head may in his discretion.approve for the'~purpose Of attending to personal, family or business affairs. Section 7. ~An employee who Shall be absent without authoriza- tion therefor,, for-which, no.satiSfactory explanation is given, shall not be compensated for such period-of absence, and if such absence shall continue for three (3) continuous working days, such unauthorized absence shall be deemed to constitute~a ~esignation in acco~ance with-the applicable rules of the Suffolk-County-Civil Service Rules and Reg~lations~ Section 8. Officers and authorized representatives of CSEA shall be entitled to .a leave of-absence-with pay to attend C'SEA con- ferences ar~authorized meetings provided that not more than two employees Of the Town, nor more' than one employee from: each department of the' Town-shall be ~bse'nt at the same~time~-and fur~ther provided that the qota~ num-ber of days of absence of alLemployees for such purposes shall no~ exceed ~en (t~0'~ days in any ca-lenda:r 'year. - - Section 9. Employees who shail be assigned to the duties of resolving e:mployee disputes and g~ievances ~arising 'during the work day shall be authorized time-off with pay ~not ~o exceed 'one,half hour with respect to each such incident. .SectiUn- 10. ~pon request, full-time employees may be granted a leave of-absence not;exceeding two (2)~ years withoht pay by ,reason of. pregnancy bf the employee. Such employee upon the expiration of such period of leave of-absence shall be restored to the same or compara-ble po's~tion of employment, if the same is available. Part-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without p~.y-for- reason~s of'- pregaancy at the discretion of the Town Board-. Section 11. Upon request, full-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay not exceeding one (1) year for reasons of health of himself or his immediate family, provided however, that-,%he necessity therefor, is certified in writing to the Town Board-by a physician; Section 12. Full-time employees shall he"entitled te thirteen (13) days sick leave with pay in each year after completing one year of service. Such employees with less than one year of service shall be entitled to one~.(1) day of sick leave with pay for. each month of service. Part-time employees who w0~k at least five days in each week shall be entitled to-one (1) day sick leave with pay for each month after the first month of work. Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 120 days. An--~employee who,~shalt become sick while on vacation may have such-period of illness charged against any unused sick leave, provided that a physician certifies to such illness and the dura%ion thereof in writing and the'-vacation period of such employee shall be extended accordingly. Any employee who becomes sick while at work, who is required to Leave work will be charged for one-half day of sick leave if-he worked at least 50% of the normal work day, otherwise he will be charged for a full,day of sick leave. A department head'may request a written physicianB certificate in all cases where an employee is absen~ by reason of illness for more than three consecutive work-days. Section 13. Full-time employees.shall be entitled to the follow- ing holidays off with pay,-to-wit: the 1st day=of January, known -as Now Year's ~ay; the 12th day of February, ~nown as Lincoln's Birthday; the third Monday in February, know~n as Washington's Birthday., the last Monday. in May, known as Memorial Day, the 4th day of JuLy, known as Independence Day; the 1st Monday in September, known as Labor,-Day; the second Monday in October, known~as Cotumbus.Da~;' the Tuesday-~next.suceeding ~he Lst Monday incNovember,~:known as Eie~tion Day~ the 4th Monday in October, known as Veteran':s-Day; ~he~4th~Thursday.~in~November, known as Thanksgiving Day; the 25th--day of December, known as Christmas Day. In the event, _however, that it may-be deemed necessary by the head of a-department.'that ~ertain employees are ~eq~ired~to be,~on~,duty on?such days, such employees ~so requested to work on any~3of..the~,above named_holidays, agree to_do_so and shall be~compensated.-tharefor in-accordance with Section ~ ~Article Vt hereof.-~ ~ ~ o -.Section ~. Fullehimememployees shall be entitled to~one (1) day personal leave'of:-absence3withzpay for personal business reasons, (personal- leave~day) prouided that the~-time~for taking such leave shall be subject to prior approval~by thezdepartment ARTICLE IV ~HOSPITAL~ZA~ION Ssction"l. :-The Town agrees to~:make available to the,employees, the.Group-Health and- Blue,~Cross~Heatth znsurance plans provided by the State.',of.New York, ,whicheuer each ~employee shall deszre. The~Town shatl,~pay 10~% of the premium applicable to benefits afforded to each employee and 50% of the premium ap~iicable to benefits,-afforded to dependents of each~emp~oyee. ~. '-~ ~ - :- ~ ARTICLE ~ DUES DEDUCTION Section t. ,Dues-deductions shall,be made~uniformly and consistently by~the,~own on,each payroll-period and promptly paid over to the Treasurer of CSEA. Section~2. The~;Town..shall continue,~to,make duos deduction from the salary of each employee.who,~has authorized_the same~in writing untzt authorizedcin,writing~by such-employee.to discont&nue, change~or amend.:such deductions. -~_~ , ~ SectiDn 3. Any emp~oyee..'authorization~to discontinue dues deduction shall'be in duplicate signed by such employee :and submit2ed to'~the Super~isor;-:who-shall promptly maiT. one copy thereof-t~ thecTreasurer,~of~,~SEA. 3~ 2 ~- .Section'4. ~ The Town shall assume no liability or responsibility for the disposition of dues deductions after the Same~are paid over to the Treasurer of. CSEA. .. : ~' - -ART~CLE~VI-~ '~ .. SALARIES AND COMPENSATION : Section.1. The base salary~ or wages of_employees.for_the 1972 -calendar_year shall,:be as foilows: · ~: ~ ~_~ (a)- Ail those employees whose names are set forth~on Schedule A hereunto annexed and made:a part hhreof.:shall receive the salary or daily_.or hourly~:wage rate~.set-opposiee'his name. (b]~ Ail employees paid on a daily or~annual~;~basis;- whose names are~not set forth on,Schedule A annexed hereto,.shall recelve;a salary, increase;.equal to-three (3%) per cent of the base salary received by them'-at the'effective date of this agreement. ' (c) Ail employees paid on an, hourly basis, whose names are not set forth'on-Schedule.A annexed hereto, shall receive a wa~e increase in the amount of ten '($.10) cents-per hour. (d) Subject to'the provisions,of Article tX,~Section! 2, hereof, all persons hereafter commencing employment as.laborers or mechanics in the Highway or Public Works Department'shall be compensated at the rate of $3.10 per hour ~nd $3.35 per hour, respectively and shall.receive wage increases.of $.25 per hour at the end'of the'first, second.and third.~year of service. Section 2. Employees who'are required to report'for ~work due to, floOds, storms or other emergency shall be deemed for all purposes to have.commenced work when.notified to report for work. When possible' in such events,' such employees will be giuen: a period of 45 minutes w~hin which to report for work. Such employees, when required_to work~ shall receivea minimum :of three hours compensation at their'.regular salary sca~e. Except in the case of a foreman, not less than two employees shall be called out for emergency work ..... Section 3. Employees ~ho shall be required to work~in excess of eSght ~8) hours in any one day~or who shall be required to work prior to or after the normal work day. or week~shall be cpmp~nsated therefor at the-rate of one and one-half (1-1/2)- the normal rate of salary or,wages Or at the option of the employee shall be given compensatory.time off at the same rate. The provisions of this paragraph shall-not, howe~er, apply to work~.performed on any holiday set forth~in Article -III,_Section ~13 thereof. : ..... Section 4. Full-time employees who shall be required to work on any holiday set forth'in Article III, Section 13 hereof, shall receive compensation~therefor at the regu~r rate of salary or wages (in'addition to receiving the regular salary or wa~e for such holiday) and shall also be'given compensatory time-off with pay, equal to the time-worked, on any such holiday. Section 5'. Full-time employees'shall receive additional compen- sation based upon length of service in'the To~rn as follows: (a} Employees with at least ten (10) years but less than fifteen (15) years of.se~ice shall receive a salary increase of ~%. (b) Employees with'at, least fifteen (15) years.~but less-than twenty (20) years of service shall receive~a salary increase of 5%. .- (c) Employees'with more than twenty (20)~.year~ of. service shall receive a salary increase-of 6%. - · (d) Such'additional compensation as provided in this section shall commence on the~ first day of the month i~'which an employee becomes eligible therefor.. . . . Section 6. Employees who shall be required to use' their private automobile.~in the performance-.of official Town busin~ssh~ll be compensated therefor at the~rate of twelve ($.12) per mile upon the presentation of a voucher therefor to the Town Board. Section 7. The Town sha'~!':prepare a salary schedule of employee s by departments as provided herein and the same sh~ll~be annexed ~hereto,. ~- -Section_~8. Whenever-..under any-provision~hereof, an employee is entitled to compensatory time-off, the same shall be taken at such time and for such duration as shall be mutually agreed to by the employee and-the department head of the department in which he ,is employed. _. . ARTICLE~VII ~ . ;:- - HOURS OF WORK Section 1. The normal wo~k'week~of all employees shall be as (a) Full-time,cle~iea!.e~p!Qyees shall be required to work six-hours per-day, five daYS~per-week for a total of thirty hours per weekl (b) All other full-time employees shall be required to work eight hours per day,' five days per week for a total of forty hours per week. (c) Part-time[employees shall be required to work at such times and on such-'schedules as their services may be required by the head of~the department in which employed, provided-that such schedules conform to the rules of the Suffolk County Civil Service Commission, and do not infringe upon the work'schedu~es of~ full=time employees. Section 2. The Town-agrees that the Town Refuse Disposal Area shall be-closed to.~heLpubtic--onfEaster and-Christmas days and the:emp!oyees-~ssigned-to-workrat said-d~sposal area shall not be required to work on said--'days~ ARTICLE VIII -GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. All grievances of employees shall be settled in accordance with the existing grievance procedures established by the Town Board.~ . ARTICLE IX- ~_ . ~SEA RIGHTS Section 1. The Town agrees to establish a committee to meet when necessary w[~h a similar committee to be established by the CSEA for the p~mpose of dealing with employee grzevances and working conditions and such other matters as affect the Town and its employees. Section 2. It zs contemplated by the parties~hereto that, ~notwithstanding the starting wa~es set forth in Article[VI, Section 1, (d) hereof-i ir'may be-necessarY from:time'to--time, to employ persons at a starting wage above the amount set forth in Article VI, Section l, (d), In.~such event, it is agreed by the parties hereto that a-committee to consist-of~five members shall be,established to authorize such employment. Such committee shall consist of the department head of the department in which such person is to be employed~ two members to beselected by CSEA; and two members to be selected by the Town Board. Section 3. The Town agrees to provide a bulletin:board,-at a convenient location for the posting of~ notices relative to the business and affairs of CSEA. · , - Section 4. The officers and membe~s.~f CSEA shal~.have the right to use Town buildings, when av.ailabte,.~for meetings of its members and~committees, provided that such use does~not interfere with the use ~hereof by the Town for regular Town business. Section 5. Officers of~ CSEA shall, when poss~ble~be given priority over other employees in the:~scheduling o~ vacation time. - ----' ...... AFiENDMENTS Section 1. Any changes or amendments to this agreement-shall not become'effective unless the ~ame are in wri~iDq $igDed by the parties'hereto. ~' ..... ARTICLE..XI '' NO STRIKE/PLEDGE ' Section 1. The CSEA does hereby affirm that it does. not assert the right to strike a~ainsthany government aor assist or participate in any such strike, or t~'.i~pose any obligation to conduct, assist or participate in-such a strike. ~._.... ~. C--~ ARTICLE XII ........... LEGISLATIVE-APPROVAL, Section ~. It '/~-'agreed by andl.between the parties that any provision of this agreement requiring legislative action to p~rmit~its ~mplementa%ion~by amendments'of law..or providing the additional funds t~erefO~,-shall-notbecOme.effective'.until the appropriate legislative body has given approval. ARTICLE XIII ~'TERM OF-.AGREEMENT ,Section 1. This agreement and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall become effective-on January 1, 1972, and shall terminate on December 31, 1972.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto.have set their hands-and seals this~ll day of January~ 1972 .... '~HE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By /s/ Albert M. Martocchia~ Supervisor THE CIVIL'SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION INC.., SUFFOLK CHAPTER SOUTHOLD TOWN"UNIT. ' By Henry Tyler,~ President. SCHEDULE A ~' ........ 'SALARY. AND WAGE SCHEDULE ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T°WN OF SOUTHOLD AND CSEA, DATED: ........ - . EmPloyee Hourly Daily ..Annual Clerical: . Wage- ~ ~age. - Salary E. Paolanto~id, Clerk to SuperVisor $7,085.00 J. King, Clerk to Assessors - 7,310.00 S..-RouSe, Ci%rk~typist t6 Assessors ............ 5,050.00 'J. 'Boken, sten~/'to-Town Cl~rk 5,665.00 E. Neville, Steno'tO Board of Appeals 7,085.00 F. Gaddis, Clerk-to Pol~ce~Dept. ' . 5,885.00 ~M.. Arnold, Secretary'to3 Highway Bupt. · ' 8,910.00 B~ D~ttmann,-Steno3to Justice $3;60 B, Andrade, Clerk to S~stice 3.60 Constables A. J; Gada, Fishers .Island~ 2,800.00 R. Jenssen, Fishers Island~ 2,200.00 W. Januick, Bay Constable 8,950.00 'Radio Operators and.~atchman ~ . .~. . F. F. Rackett, radio operator . 8,377.00 Fred Marcell, radio operator ...... 8,377.00 W. Bondarchuk, ra~o operator ' ~ _ 8,377.00 R. C. Reeves, watchman 7,120.00 Wm'~-~llen, relief operator - ~ $2~75~ T. Byrnes, r~lief operator 2.75 Buildin~ Inspectors H. Terry, Bldg. insp. & MUtt. ~'es. insp. __~0,809.00 G.'~Fisher, Bldg. insp. & mult. res~ insp. 9,188.00 Special Police S. Krukowski $2.75 Leonard Greene 2.75 Geo. Hand, Jr. 2.75 Peter Grattan 2.75 V. Browne 2.75 W. Grathwohl 2.75 C. Jazombek 2.75 Employee. School Crossing ~uards .~ P. Berg ....... C. Stepnoski E. Klein E., Frost -P. Ni~rodzik N. Kouros F. Ceyne ..... T~..-DOroski S. Kowalczyk H~r.ly Wage · V,.B~owne Deg.:Warden & School Crossing Guard A. Johnson Highway& Department of Public Works C. Goldsmith, foreman & Ass't supt. $4.75 4.28 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 4.32 4.32 3.85 3.85 3.95 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 4.00 P; Ba~err ~.e.o. W. Dobec, m.e~o. R. Smith, laborer J.: Matinauskas, laborer J. Bakowski, laborer Si Januskewicz, foreman F. Arnold, foreman F. Slivonik, laborer V. Przepiora, laborer M. Felts, foreman G. Capon H. Tyler, laborer R. Hubbard, laborer W. Bond, laborer R. Goldsmith, laborer J. Klipp, laborer F. Wisniewski, laborer Paul Grattan, laborer L. Sledjeski, laborer F. Zina, laborer T. Quillin, laborer A. Wilson, laborer R. Jacobs, laborer H. Strange, laborer W. Witt, foreman, Fishers Island M. Zanghetti, laborer, Fishers Island3.68 Ba~ly -~aqe=- $t2~85 ~2~85 12~85 10~80 10~80 10:.80 10.80 %0~80 6.00 '10.80 A. Kehl,-shop foreman 4.20 D.v~Aanestad, mechanic 4.10 G. Tyler, ~mechanic ~ - 3.95 R, King; mechanic 3.75 J. Go0dwin, laborer 3.66 R. Latham, laborer 4..00 H.-~Latham, ~laborer 3.66 R. White, laborer 3.66 lfote o~ the Town~Board: Ayes: Annual .Salary $6,700.00 Supervisor Martocchia, .Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by,Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73 S-689 BC issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety~Company in the name of Elizabeth McCloskey, Commissioner- ~ ~reasurer, Fishers_Island Garbage and Refuse District, Town of .Southold, in the sum of $20,000.00 be and the same is hereby approved' as..to form, manner of execution~and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Snter,~Justice Demarest. I42 Moved by. Justice Su{~., seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That Howard Terry, Building Inspector, Town. of Southold,_be and hereby is authorized to attend New York Eastern States meeting at New York City, February 20th and 21st, 1972, and be it further RESOLVED: That the actual and necessary expenses to-trRvel, meals and. lodging incurred while attending said~ school be a legal charge against the Town. Vote of~.the Town Board: Ayes: Sppervisor Martocch,ia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice/Demarestl Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman,,Homan~ it was RESOLVED: That a pu~!~c.,hg~r~.~ill b~',held ~y~:ithe~Town Board Df the Town of Southold at the Supervisor's O~fi~e~,.tt6 South Street, Greenport, New York on the~0~h day,.of Fe~b~uary~, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. in th~ ma~ter of ~he-apptication of~Ren~e 'Lalane and Antonia Lalane~for a permit under the pro~is±,~ns~ of.~th~ Wet~ lands Ordinance~'of~ the Town of Southold for~the~p~rp~se of placing fill on premises of the said ReRee Lalane:a~d Antonia Lalane located on the east side of Meadow. Lane atlMa~ti~k, New York and known~ as Lot No. 44 on subd~i~islon.map~knoWn as 'Mattituck ~a~es." All persons.in~erested 'in:said:'ma~ter shall appear at?th.~ time and place above spe¢ified~and Will be given an oppO~tanity to be heard.'.. Vote of the Town' Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia,_Councilman Rich, Councilman~HOman, Justice Suter, J~stice Demar~st~ Moved by Justic~ D~marest, seconded by Counc~lman~oman, it was RESOLVED: That a public hearing will be:.~eld by the Town Board of the town of Southold at the Supervisor~'s Office~, 16 South Street, Greenport, ~NewYork on the 10th. day of Feb~ua~y,~1972 at 7:45 P.M. in ~he matter of the application~Of3Edward G. Abitz for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands~Ordinance of the Town of Southotd for the purpose~of placing f'ill on premises of the said Edward-~G. Abitz located:~on~ths east.,sideof Meadow Lane at Mattituck, ~ew York, known as Lots Nos. 40~a~d ~1 on sub- division map known as "Mattituck Estates~." All persons~ interested in said matter should appear at the time and place above-specified and will be given an opportunity to be hea~. ~ Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Superv~sor~Martocch~ia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justi~e~-Suter~~ Justice Demarest~ Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Counc~ilman,Homan, it was RESOLVED: That. the Town Clerk be and he~hereby~ ~s~directed to request the Long Island Lighting Company.~to install ! =~175 MV overhead street light on pole NYT ~259-5~ Rouble 2~, Peconic, New York, and repair ~ight on pole NYT,~25~, Pe~on~c, N.,Y. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martoeehia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter,'~Justice Demarest~ Moved by Justice DemareSt~ seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That Po~ce Chief-Carl~Cataldo~b~ and~he hereby is au~h~iis~d to request~.~the~app~o~al ~of %he Commissioner of the New York State Department of Transportation to place stop ~signs at.the following railrOad~,crossingS~ ~ ~ : - ..- , · ~ Laurel Lane~Soh~h~ld~ ~ Boisseau Avenue, So~thold ~Mary~s Road,-Ma~ituck ,Laurel A~enue~ Southold ~itt ~ane, ~Mattituck .... ~,Kerwin BTvd...Greenp~rt ~E~ijah!s Lane,~Ma~it~k,'~- Pipes'Neck Road, Greenport Allah's Lane, Cutchogue ~ ,~ Silvermere Road,.Green~ort Cox Lane, Cutchogue 9th Street, ~reenport Carroll~Avenue, P~conic~ Morton Lane, Southold Vo~e of the Town'Board: Ayes: LSupervisor Martocchia,~'~Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED: That the Southcld Town Board release the bond of $5,500.00 as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and approved by the Superintendent'of Highways, for the completion of roads and other improvements in the subdivision known as Eastwood Manor, developed by Peconic Homes, Inc., Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: .Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Wove Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by .Councilman Rich, WHEREAS the Police Department of the Town of Southold prepares reports and may take photographs during the course of its duties, and such reports and/or photographs are public records mnd may be needed by those persons involved or the legal representatives ofsuch persons for the conduct of their-lawful affairs, be it RESOLVED: That the P61ice Department of the Town of Southold may furnish copies of such reports and/or photographs to persons legally entitled thereto and may charge fees therefor to re- imburse th~ Town of Southold for expenses incurred according to the following schedule and the Chief of-Police shall regularly transmit such fees to the Supervisor of the Town of Southo~ fo~ deposit into the General Fund of the~Town of .Southold. .For each photocopy of a police R~port $ 3.50 For each print of a police photograph $10.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Demarest, Justice Suter. On motion of Justice ~er, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways. of the Town of So~thold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest reponsible bidder, the following, more or less as may be needed: 30 - Code No. 31894 Grating, Frame.and Curb Inlet Casting~ 6"~ht. with 4'~ opening - 22". x 35" overall of grating. 20 - Code No..15805 Circular Frame and.Grate. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilm~n Rich, it was RE~O~VED: That the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold be authorized to. advertise fo~ bids and to purchase from the lowest reppnnsible, bidder, the following, more or less as. may be needed: ~ (a) - 2500 tons of 3/8" Blue Stone, to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, at Peconic, N.Y., and each truck must have a weight slip. (b) - Price loaded on Town trusks, from~Barge, at Mattituck, N.Y. Vo~e of.,ghe Town Board-: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. On ~motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, it was --R~SOLVED:. That the-Superintenden~ of Highways of the Town of Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, 10,000 gallons, more or tess-as ,may-be needed, for the Highway Depargment and. Disposal A~ea, of Diesel Fuel. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocch&a, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Councilman. Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise, for bids and to p~chase from the lowest reponsible bidder, the following tires and tubes, more or less as may be needed,~ for the year 1972: 2 ~ 23.5/25 - 14-ply Tires-- 4 - t2.00/24 - 12-ply tires & tubes 4 - 17.5/25 - 12-ply tires 2 - 10.00/24 -12-ply tires~ & tubes 2~- 11.00/22 - 12-ply tires & tubes 4 - 12~'00/20 - 14~ply tires & tubes 4 - 11.00/20 - 12-ply tires & tubes 25 - 10.00/20 - 12-ply tires & tubes 2 7.50/20- 10-ply tires & bubes 2 7.00/20 - 10-ply tires & tubes 6 - 5.50/16 4-ply tires & tubes 2 - i0.00/24 - 12-ply grader ti~es 22 7..10/15 - 6-ply tires 10- 7.I0/15 - tubes 4 - 11/00/22 - 12-Ply tires & tubes 4 - 7.50/15 - 12-pty tires &tubes 4 14.00/24 10-ply grader tires 1 11.00/24 - 12-ply truck tires & tubes 2 - 13'.6/26 - 4-ply Diamondgrip all weather tires & tubes vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ~Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the towes~ reponsible .bidder, the following i%em~, more or less, as may be needed: 1~000 lin. ft. of 12" dia. 16 ga. x 10" .lg.-Galv. AND Aluminum Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe (PERFORATED) 100 pcs. 12" dia. 16 ga. Connecting Bands 400 lin. ft. of 18" dia. 16 ga. x 10" lg. Galv. AND Aluminum Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe (PERFORATED) 40 pcs. 18" dia. 16 ga. Connectin~ Bands 200 tin. ft. of 24" dia. 16 ga. x 10" lg. Gatv. AND Aluminum Spiral Lock Seal Culvert Pipet (PERFORATED) 20 pcs. 24" 16 ga. Connectin~ Bands. 100 lin. ft. of 30." dia. 16 ga. x 10' lg. Galv. AND Aluminum Spiral Lock'Seam Culvert Pipe (PERFORATED~ 10 pcs. 24" 16 ga. Connecting Bands. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter,~ Justice Demarest. A recess was called~at 3:45 P.M. to r~econvene in 45 minutes . to addit bills. Meeting reconvened at 4:30 P.M. -Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED: That General Bills in the amount of $15,206.~8; Special District bills in the amount of $4,822.82; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $38,377.03; Highway biTls -in the amount of $21,207.54,-and Cap~tal~ccount bills in the amount of $1,815.77 be and the same are hereby ordered paid. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demsrest. A request by the Hotel-Motel ~ssociation of Southo~d Town, Thomas Jurzenia and James Cavanagh, for advertising was made to the Town Board. The Town Board finds there is no appropria- 'tion in the budget for additional advertising, therefore the -request was not approved. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Meeting ~djourned at 5:30 P~M,