HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-08/05/1965Southold Town Board-o£Appeals BOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. Telephone BO 5-9660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert ~/. Giilispie, Jr., Chairmen Robert: Bersen Charles GresonJs~ Jr. Serse Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. MINUTES SOUTHOI,n TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS August 5,~ 19:65 A reguIar meeting of the SouthoIdlTown Board o£ AppeaIs was held al 7:30 P.M., Thursday, August 5, I965, kt the Town Office~ Main ttoad, Southold, New York. There were present: Messrs. Robert W'. GiIlispie, Jr., Chairman, ~obert Bergen and Charles Grigonis, Jr. .~bsent: Messrs. Fred Hulse, Jr. and Serge Dpyen, Jr. PUBLIC HEARING: AppeaI No. 789 - 7:30 P.M. (E. D. S. T. ). Upon application of ~-harles E. Ashdown, Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Artic4Ie Ill, Section 300, SubsectiOn 6, for permission to build a detached garage in the front yard area. Location of-property: north side of private road off Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, bounded north_by creek, east by PI. C. ~;Vright, south by private road, west by A. J. Marston. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman ope-ned the hearing by reading appIication for a variance, legaI notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper, and notice to the appIicant. TPIE CHAIRMAN: Is there, anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this app~ioation? Sotffd~ld ~ Board of Appeals -2- August 5, 1965 MR.~.Aj' FLAK: Sir, I am A. Flak for Mr. Ashdown. ~his is the only place where the garage can be located. I have a measurement of 13 feet on the East m~d from the, Other side there is ~8 feet. MR. B~: That is 13 feet where we have 10 here. (Indicating sketch on Appli~ for Building Permit). MR.' FLAK: Yes. THE CI~A~I~MAN: It wiIl be .~6 feet from the property line and 13 feet from the side line. MR.' FLAK: 'Fr~m the front property line to the garage there will probably be 75 feet. MR.' HOWARD TERRY: From the street in? ]~R.~ FLAK: Yes. T~E C~-~: Ex¢Iuding the pri~ate road; but it is 35 feet from the private .x*oad, MR. FLAK: No, 75 feet. THE CHAIRMAN: Maybe you had b~tter explain this on the map. MR. FLAK: ~]~t~icating sketch) This is roughly ?5 feet. TI~E'~M~-N: Who owns this property in here? MRs'. FLAY~ That is all wooded. There is one pri~rate road going through this ~ay. Ml~. HOWARD TERRY: There are a whole bunch of houses on these narrow r~ads alad most- of them have a~essory buildin~s. THEC~: I just wondered who owned this land by the private MR.'. TE~RY:.~ There are several owners in there. On Indian Neck Lane there are ~ty tW9 private houses. Southold Town Board of Appeals -3- August 5, 1965 THE CHAIRMAN: What do they call the private road? MR. TERRY: Wood Lane. MR. FLAK: There is plenty of room. MR. TERRY: Yes. THE CHAIRMAN: There are other accessory buildings on Wood Lane. You are going to build it ? ~IR. FLAK: Yes. THE CHAIR~N: Any questions for this gentIeman? Is there anyone present.who Wishes to speak against this application? Any other questions of any kind ? (There ~as no response.) ~fter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to erect an accessory building in the front yard area. This accessory building is to be used as a two car garage by the applicant. The Board finds that the froriyard area is the only feasibIe location for the building . The Board finds that the accessory building will not harm the character of the district in any way o The Board finds that strict application of the ordinance wilI produce practicaI difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by ali properties alike in thC immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and wiI1 not change the character of the district. On motion by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mr. GiI~spie, it was RESOLVED that the SouthoId Town Board of Appeals grant permission to Charles E. Ashdown, Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, to erect a detached garage in the front yard area on property located on the north side of private road off Indian Neck Lane, l~econic, New York, bounded north by creek, east by H. C. Wright, south by private road and west byA. J. Marston. Subject to the following condition s: 1. The garage shall be located no closer than 13 feet on the east side and no cIoser than 75 feet from Wood Lane and no closer than.38 feet from the west line. Soutlmld ToWn B~ard of Appeals -4- August 5, 1965 2. That the. ~L~ge doors for entrance and exit shall be on the westerly side of the propo~ l~w building. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. GilIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. pUItI.~: ~G:~ Appeal No. ?90 ?:45 P. M...(E.D, S. T. ). Upon appltcattcm.of Frmim't~k N. Davis, ~r. and Wife, 212 Oak Street, Greeslport, New York, for. a .variance in accordance with the Zonln~ Ordinance, Article 1It, S _e~__on 393,. a~t Article X, Section 1000A, for permission todivide a lot With insufficient fro~age and erect a dwelling on same. Location of property: west side Suam~ Lane, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Smith, east by S-,,,et Lane, so~th by yoUng, w. est by Eastern Shores, Inc. Fee paid $5.00. The. Chairman opened the hearing by readl, g application for a ,rariance. legal notice of heari~, affidavit attesting to its publication in the offictaI newspaper, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRMAn: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? - I th.~F, ir everything is stated in the application. MR,".BERGE~: Do you have city water there? MR.'~ DAVIS: I am not sure. MR." HOWARD TERRY: Yes. THE _~IAFRMAN: Where are your papers, Howard, I just wondered what the. d,p~ was ? (The Board studied .the map before them for measurements. ) THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application ? (-~ere wss no response.) Are there any questions anyone would like to ask in connection with this application ? (There was no response. ) Southold Town Board of Appeals -5- August 5, 1965 After investigation and.inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to divide a lot with a frontage of 150 feet into two 75 foot frontage lots. The Board i~nds that the division of this Iot into two 75 foot lots wouId not in any way change the character of the neighborhood. The Board. finds that strict application ~f~the Ordinance will produce praeticaI difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by ail properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the district. On motion by Mr. GiIIispie, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that Frederick N. Davis, Jr. and Wife, 212 Oak Street, Greenport, New York, be granted permission to divide property located on the west side Of Sunset Lane, Greenport, New York,~ bounded north by Smith, east by Sunset Lane, south by Young, and west by Eastern Shores, Inc. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-Mr. GilIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. PUBLIC HEARING: AppealNo. 791 - 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). Upon application of John J. McMahon a/c Dorothy McMahon, North Sea Drive, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 6, for permission to erect a detacked garage in the front y~d area. Location of property: north side North Sea Drive, SouthoId, New York,~ bounded north by Long Island Sound, east by Lounsberry, south by North Sea Drive, west by $. J. Vaccaro. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened lhe hearing by reading appIication for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affida~vit attesting to its publication in the official news- paper, and notiee to the applieant. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application ? (There was no response. ) Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against ? (There was no response.) Southold Town Board of Appeals August 5, 1965 MR. BERGEN: Which side is the door of this garage going to be on? MR, JOHN J. McMAYION: Facing the road. About 52 feet from the monument. About 52 to 53 feet from the monument. THE CHAIR1VIAI~: Would you say 57 feet from the monument? MR. McMAItON: 52 feet. THE CHAIRMAN: Where is the monument? Then it would be on a diagonal from the garage. Is there any reason why this can't be attached to the present existing building? MR. iVicM_iHON: No, there is no reason. TI-IE CH_AIRMAN: I just wondered. It makes it better for the people on the other side of the raod if there aren't a whoIe bunch of accessory buiIdings on the other side. If possible we Iike t'o see them attached on the same Iine as the existing dwelIing. 'Just wondered why you want to locate it there. MR. McMAHON: It is only a one.car garage and if I attach it to the house we wouId have to have a building permit. Right ? TI-IE CI-IAIR~N: WeII~ you have to have a building permit for this. MR. McMAHON: I think it wouId destroy the appearance of the property down there. THE CHAIRMAN: Why? MR. McMAHON: That i'g my opinion. THE ~.HAIR1VL~BI: Your property or someone else~s property? MR. MclVIAHON: My property. THE CHAIRMAN: In other words the cor~ruction is not going to be the same as the house. MR~ MClVLKHON: Practically, it wilI fit in with that Iine. You know that property comes under the hurricanes. THE CHAIRMAN: Where you propose to locate the garage is the land higher?. MR.[' McMAH~: Yes, I had it ali bulldozed after Carol, the hurricane. THE ~: How much higher? MR.. McMAHON: About 8 feet. THE CIIAIRMAN: Youl; existing dwelling then, the house, is 8 feet lower than the proposed construction? MRj' McMAiqON: When we raised the house I bought cement blocks. The same way'with the ~arage. We will do the same. I will have them bring it down 5 dour~es. THE CHAIRMAN: What do y~u mean? MI~i'HOWA,,RD TERRY: He means he is going to put a five course found~n under the ~al'age. THE C_I-IAIRMA~: Then the front of this garage will be higher up, about 11 feet-above ~ound Iev, eI down below. MR.-_' ~McMAHON: I doubt that very much. THE CHAIRMAN: When yOU-say that it is going to be up 8 feet, are you including the five courses ? [MR, ...Mc~: Yes, but you will not see them. THE CH~ffRMAN: You are going to slope up to them. MR.". TERRY: The house will be higher th~n the llarage because he has had to fill 'in there. TI~E C~I~,IRMAN: Is there anyone around there with the same type garage ?. MR. McMAHi~I: My neighbor Dr. Vaccaro had his garage before zc~h~. ~ liS, An'~..I tblnl~ his would be lower. SoM~mld Town Board ~f Appeals August 5, 1965 TI~i~ C~MAN: Lower thmu yours ? MR.~ McMAI~)~: Yes. Tm ~:, What I am getting at is how many garages are un- attached;- F~-wi~. are the accessory buildings used? MR. McMAH~: I dontt Mow. What k4nd of accessory buildtt~gs? MR. ~ TEI~R¥: For storage. They put 'ali ki~:~of ~ them. THE ~~AN: Your neighbors know about this? Nv objection? M1~.: McMAHON: No objection whatsoever. Tg~ CHAIRMAn: Are there any other questions of any k~d? MR, ]~Eit~'~2/: ]~w much traffic is on North Sea Drive? Mit,': McMA~IOIq~ Well, I tel1 you a lot of drag racing,, Speedt, g. I th~k a committee is. ~ to ~k~ae dowu to take it up about those.children, MR,':BERG/~: The reason I asked is that youwill be backing ~ut onto the rvad. MIq,~ Mc~: Yes, I will back up but I can always stop because I h~ve a big d~ve~my, What we have been trying to do where there is space - v.tes~u~h .is ~ ti/e ~ara~e ~pen lo hi.s own property so he backs ontQ hie own · .~~ ~drives ottt ~acing the 'mare highway. MR. McMAI~,~q: I can do that easily. THE *C 'N/~MAN: . Y~u wouldn*t object to facing this garage East and West? MR,-M~MP~ON: .That would be impossible. I haves lot of trees ,and p~mts and//hrubbmry. Southold Town Board of AppeaIs -9- August 5, 1965 MR.' BERGEN: If you put the garage a LittIe ¢Ioser to the house you couId back Out and turn before backing out. MR. CHAIRMAN: How much fill-would you have to put in? MR. McMAHON: Maybe 3 or 4 y~ds. THE CPIAIRMAN: We would Iike to see you do that but I do not think we wouId make it a condition of the variance. MR. McMAHON: If you suggest it, Gentlemen, there is no reason why I couldn~t do it. THE CHAIRMAN: We a~e trying to stop people from backing out. You can't see as welI going backwards. You are definitely handicapped. Especially with drag racers. MR. McMAHoN: I will do it. THE CHAIRMAN: You look Like a man who wiII keep his word. Any other questions ? (There was no response.) A£ter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to erect a detached garage in the front yard area. The Board agrees in general with the reasoning of the applicant because of the topographical situation. The proposed garage will not change the character of the neighborhood. The Board finds that strict appLicati,~n of the Ordinance wiII produce practical difficuItieS or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by ail properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and wiII not Change the character of the district. On motion b~ Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLV-~)~ that the Southold Town Board of Appeals grant permission to John J. McMahon a/c Dorothy McMahon, North Sea Drive,~ Southold, New York, to erect a detached garage in the front yard area on property located on the north side of North Sea Drive, Southold, New York, bounded north by Long Island Sound, east by Lounsberry, south by North Sea Drive and west by J2 J. Vaccaro. Subject to the foIIowing conditions: SouthoId Town Board of Appeals August 5, 1965 1. The proposed new construction shall be no closer than l0 feet instead of 8 feet from the westerIy line of the applicant~s property. 2. The proposed new construction shaIlbe no closer than 50 feet from the property line defining North Sea Dr{ye to the South. Vote of the Board: ~kyes: '-Mr. GilIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. THE CIL~IR1VI2kN: I would like to add this. The situation exists on this property Pwhereby the northerly portion of the property on which the existing dwetIing is constructed'is somewhat lower than the southerly portion of the property where the proposed garage is to be constructed and on.one occasion during a hurricane the southerly portion of the property including, the dwelling was flooded. The applicant has agreed to add fiII to the proposed driveway from the garage to North Sea Drive which-.wiII enable him to back out of his garage and turn around on his own property before entering the public highway, in the interest of safety. However, this is not a condition of the variance. Mr. Nicholas Zouves and his contractor, William Smith, appeared before the Board for an informal discussion relative t0 Mr. Zouves purchasing the George Vloutely property in East Marion ~ and making interior alterations in order to have units for rental. Mr. Zouves does not .plan to run a restaurant there. He would like the approval of the Board before he does anything. At present .Mr.' Zouves has signed a binder agreement on the property but the conveyance has not been completed. THE CHAIR1VL~N: How many people live in it now? How many rooms are there? MR.. ZOUVES: '- 16 roosts. MR. HOWARD TERRY: There are two buildings. THE CtL~IR1VIAN: Howard, how would the Multiple Residence Law apply? MR. TERRY: If he puts kitchenettes in he will have ~o have fire proofing, it would ali have to be fire retarded, sheet rock, shields, etc. THE CHAIRMAN: This is New York law. Don~t they have to have two exits. Southold Town Board of Appeals -It- August 5, 1965 Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector, explained to the Board thai the buildings in question were used as iourist houses befo?e 1952; that the window sills are not over 14 feet fro~iii~he floor and therefore fire escapes are not re-q quired . The Chairman discussed the size of-the rooms with Mr. ~,ouves and the size of the property with the Building Inspector. He explained to Mr. Zouves that in the past there has been trouble about the signs presently around the house. Mr. Zodves said that he would not have-alI the present signs. The Chairman advised Mr. Zouves thai the property as presently run is unpopular with the neighbors. THE CHAIRMAN: How would you renu the units? MR. ZOUVES:' By the_week. THE CHAIRMAN: Mainly during the season? MR. ZOUVES: Only during the season. Unless I move out here, then all year ardund. Would it be permissible to add a unit for my use, for my family. MR. TERRY: He can add onto the rear for his own use but he cannot add a rental unit. But-for his personal use it would be O.K. THE CHAIRMAN: Theoretically how many people could he have there ? MR. ~,OUVES: About 12 double rooms. I am going to have 4 units in one .(~building) and 2 in the other. THE CHAIRMAN: It sounds like an improvement. MR. ZOUVES: WouId itPbe possible to change the zone to moteI. THE CtLA_IRlk~N: Possible, but it would probably not be approved. In general it was agreed by the Board that the plan as presented to them by Mr. Zouves would be an improvement over.the present use of the property. SouthoId Town Board of AppeaIs -12- August 5, 1965 PUB~LIC PII~riRING: AppealNo. 792 - 8:15 P.M. ~(E.D.S.T-.). Upon application of-Crescent Beach Motel, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,:. Article IV, Section 408, subsection (a), for permission to erec~ a directional sign on the property of Augustus Straussner, Iocated north-side Route 25, Traffic-Circle, Greenport, New Y0~k, bounded north by JosePh Brandi, eas~t by Sound Avenue, south by Main Road, west by Augustus Straussner. Fee paid $5.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading appIication for special ex- ception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper, and notice to the appIicant. THE CHAIR~I. iN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this appI~cation ? MR. JAMES 'P, I~k~ANAGH, President of Crescent Beach Motel, Inc.: It being off the road it is a Iittte bit difficult to find this place of mine. The first time I came out here looking for it was hard. ~PeopIe have not found the place even though they )vere directed to it. THE CHA_II~!Vt~N: We have defended the need of motel owners, marina owners and amusement area owners for directionaI signs. You are not connected with Dawn Estates ? MR. I<_/kVANAGH: No. I said to ])awn Estates, "How about using part of your sign?" So I thought he had a permii. Then, of course, later on after my sign we2t up I found he was turned' down on this particular sign. This was ignorance on my part. THE CHAIRMAN: A necessary part of our job is to see if the sign owner has permission from the property owner to erect the sign. MR. KAVANAGH: I have a letter from Straussner giving me permission. THE CHAIR1VIAN: We .are sure you do, no question of that. Matter of fact the only t~hing I can see wrong with this sign 'is the Iength of it. Who made this sign fo% you. iViR. I~L~kVANAGH: Ketcham. MR. TERRY: The sign is 2 feet by 7 feet. It matches the illegal sign on top. THE CPIA/RNL~N: As far as we are concerned we have not permitted any signs longer than 4 feet by 6 feet. Southold Town Board of Appeals -13 August 5, 1965 MR. BERGEN: 4 by 6 is 24 square feet. 2 by 7 is only 14 square feet. (A short discussion followed among the Board members relative to the resolution setting forth the dimensions of off premises signs.) THE CHAIR1V~N: Several signs on a single standard i~ow envisioned. MR. KAVANAGH: How aboul bilIbo~ds? THE CHAIRMAN: That's a good question. 'We are not questioning your right for ~signs, just lryi~g to explain the past history of it. There are many non-conforming signs in the area so if you see a sign Larger than yours it may have been lhere a long time Or ii may havebeen erected against our permission. Some er. ect them the day after we deny ii. As I understand it the law is'that they can be demolished by anyone. No privale individual has the right ~ put a sign on public property. The Town is now attempting to standardize on an ornamental iron post. Mr. Tasker, the Town counsel, questioned the right of the Town to go into the sign business. Personally, I don~t see how it c~n work but ii is an improvement. The. big problem occurs in a residenliaI area Iikelhis. It is agreed lhat the signs should be direclionaI signs with no advertising on them. MR. TERRY: I-Its is a purely directional as you can gel. TI-IE CItAIRMAN: The only .question in my mind, Mr. Kavanagh, is the size of the sign. {The Chairman read a portion of lhe resolution reLative to the size of off premises signs being ~ feet by 6 feet.) Kelchan~'knows perfectly well what size ttie sign should be. MR. BERGEN; Could ~he sign be shortenedon both ends? MR. -KAYANAGH: I don~t know. 'THE CHAIRMAN: Is tha~ Crescent Beach Motel, Inc. You could probably-leave out the 'knc. ". MR. KAVANAGI-I: Just "Crescent B,~ach MoteI". TI-IE CHAIRMAN: It is a lousy place to have a sign. MR.' I(/kVANAGH: It is surprising but people do notice ii there. THE CtLa*IR~N: It looks as if he diflntt even bother to saw qff lhe boards on lhe end of ii. .,_$oulhold Town Board of Appeals ~14- August 5, I965 MR. KAV~kNAGH: Oh yes, there were three slats'below Dawn Estates and he put it on thai. THE CHAIR1VLA. BI: I would like to see you have. it cut off as much as possibIe and stiII have your name on it. lie .(,Ketcham) is the guy who should do it. Are you going to make more signs. MR. IfAVANAGtt: Yes, with perknission. THE CI-I~IRMAN: You can have permission from us. Make the signs 4 by 6 feet. I think the simplest thing to do is, until we hear the decision from the Supreme Court ori Dawr/Estates, shorten the sign. ~]~felI, Mr. Kavanagh, will you cut off what you can? What you really ought to do is make him correct the sign. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? {There was no response.) After investigation and inspection t~e Board finds that the applicant is the owner of the Crescent Beach Motel and according to the Board's resoIut[ons and actions in the past is entitled to a directional off premises sign similai' to those which have been granted to many others. T~e Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the IegalIy established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLYED that Crescent Beach Mot.el,. Greenport, New York, be granted permission-to erect a directional sign on'the property of Augustus Sfraussner, located north side Route 25, Traffic Circle, Greenport, New York, boun_ded north by Joseph Brandi, east by Sound Avenue, south by Main Road, west by Augustus Straussner. This permission is' granted subject to the following conditions: I. This_'sign shall be erected at least 5 feet from any property line. 2. This sign shall be located at least 3 feet from ground level 3. This sign shall be Subject to ali rules and regulations imposed by'a change in the Ordinance in regard to signs. Vote of the Board:.-Ayes:--Mr. GiIIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. Southold Town Board of Appeals -15- August 5, 1965 On motion by Mr. GiIIispie, seconded by Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 7:30- P, M. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, ~kugust 19 , 1965, at the Town Office, Main Road, SouthoId, New York, as time and place of hearing upon application of Floyd F. King, Jr., Rout'e 23, Orient, New'York, for a special exception in acc0rdance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection 03), for per- mission to erect a wall sign. Location of property: south-side-Route 25, Orisnt, New York, bounded north by Main Road ~tt0ute 25); east by Blanche CIingen, south by Theo. Rackett, west by Cooper OiI Co. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. GilIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr] Grigonis. On motion by Mr. Gillispie,~ seconded by Mr. Grigonis~ it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 7:45 P.M. ~(E.D.S.T.), Thursday, .August 19, 1965, at the Town Office, Main Road SouthoId, New York, as time' and place of hearing upon application of Robert A. Leighton, RocheII Place, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsction for permission to convert a one family dwelling into a tWO family dwelling. Location of property: Lot #27 and the west part of lot #28, in the subdivision of Lida Bartley, Mattituck,~ New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-~Mr. GilIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. On motion by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mr. GilIispie, it was \ RESOLVt~D_ ~hat the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 8:15 P. M.. (E,D.S.T.), Thursday, August 19, 1965, at the Town Office,- Main Road Southold, New York, as time and place of hearing upon application of Vail Bros., Inc., Main Road and !Pecorzic Lane, Peconic, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection .{b), for permission to erect a walI sign. Location of property: northeast corner of Main Road and l~econic Lane, Peconic, New York, bounded north by LilIian A. Gozelski, east by other land of Vai~ Bros., Inc., south by Main Road, west by Peconic. Lane. Vote of the Board: Ayes: ~ Mr. GiIIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Southold Town Board of AppeaIs dated 22 , I965, be approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. GiIIispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Grigonis. Sou~hold Town Board of Appeals -16- August 5, 1965 The next meeting of the Southold Town Board of AppeaIs will be held 7:30 P.M. Thursday,-August 19, 1965, at the Town Office, Main Road, Souiho. Id, New York. Meeting adjourned at 9;30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Margaret A. Young,, S~eretary l~ro. Tern. Southold Town Board of Appeals