HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 .. - Warrant No. .. ..................,. To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CJDJIaAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervi.sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amowrts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.......... .,.~....... .day Of."~,, ..... , 19.. 7Qm ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. :mECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. r-CCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ,/<,,'K, fl'1t.K' .., s. - I( nn . /y,fl W9M David .. "lker . . 5 00 / /cf-J(~ <1-97" J -._~, ., !!Iii ~ /'1&'..3 '197/ Charl.. aaaen, PcMItma.ter Box "nt-'l'aX Reaeiver 4 50 I'"!'~P" '(9p. Albert. lIutoccbia -nae-8l1lMtrviaor 13 20 '<111-:5- Cha.. Abru.-. P... Iu_t.1on-awutet ~11. 50 00 .... ':'-' I . . . . Bennet.t.'. Pond 50 00 /!j/Ybl . . . . ~. Inn . ,~i. . . . . Willow Po~~t. ,~! ~ ItfJi;~ .,l.i;7..-:f . . . . ...._ I . _ -< . . . . ~vi_ ~~ ~~ (,/-YS' . . . . II . . . Lallrel CounUy !! I~ /<;l?"f ! . . . . . . I . . II . aoa&1..;r:1I1 ..tate · ~~ Ii! / 'f9~ I . . .. II /</f/ '~97l/- Mar10rie .llcDe1'l101:t Seoreterial Service-Board 95 00 NP~ 'f-9? ~ ( Mattb_ Bender SII_11e. J).~ &u~ 31 00 1'173 ,,;q.,./.. < ...t. Pllbliab1D9 Co. 1tm ," lfC < . . . ~BdIDeCj>>f i~. 4 /(./f...J.... ~9?7 vail 1Ir0lJ. ....11 rv r O,C" Nf(, 'l-97Y Capital Bi9bway Material., Inc. - 8i9U 23 50 I /9<9? va~ak . YOII.ik Inc. - u_ I 25 00 IfI'1r !'y~r . . II 20 00 /SLP;; : ~ . . . . . 30 00 N-.oO : II . . . . I 54 !~ /.J'&/ . . . . . ' ~'7. Ad-< ~,,n ( Indllatrial CC i..loner Boiler IupecUon-Blqbway 10 00 '< /..-\2;,3- . . . . 1n I\n - /~ ~jL ? Y 4"/ Fleet. I-o'-~" Co. "D&ldnV HiGbway 8ld9. 53 04 I~/' / ""PJ::7 Dick'. GaraGe .e-B. Jeu.en 121 07 /~"'Clt ~?J"a Mobil Oil Co. GaIlOU.ne-8uperviaor 34 86 1. ~()I;~~. PAcGE NO. ...... TO OLERJK I}-<\. ~ ,'\' ,4, \ tf~ .. ~ . ell' ., .. 'Y Warrant No. ...............,..... . ~ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Q8PUL BILLS (2) \ SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthoId: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the a~unts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the arnoWlts allowed by audit of the Town Board o}Southold on the........................day of ... .",. ..... . .. . 19.... on Claims No. ........ ....... . to No. .../ ............ inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NA'TIJ1lE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /6-~.7 <l.Q8'1.L Mdr...oaraDh--lllllt.. Corp. 8ervice 57 b5 /C;-;,r '.. .'_L.~'__ -. .~ .~..H... "" .~, .:to ~'f ' /...J~/ \ ~3 . . . II 276 /u;;'() . f"7D'<' -< '>u> -r 4- J [6-D .306.7'1 . . .. .. Main Rd.Cllt:cb ~ ! 1!-_8' lv-II . II . II 8aklawn Ave. - /-..I/..,z. 4QRt! .. . . r. 8 91) - /-...11...-::; . . . . 811-rvillOr 9 55 /-J;Y-- ~ 96'7 '1'a t.'. look.boD 814q. Dep~i ~~~. 93 13 71 /-;r-"';'J"" l7'y "'-. .. - - .. ........ .~^...1 1-. '-i'.... 7m . /-.J'I" 4Fn' 1...._,_.... ,-. ".ind floor. 22 00 /,J') :-' 4ffd .-,.. - IXpen..-1OwD Clerk-2.69 8 IS4 ... .... /~~/Y ~9f/ ...~ ..... ~. ] na.- ue-'1'own Clerk 13 SO Jv11 9ff.:< W. I. '1'eleDhone t!ftrft. '1'eleDhone 4 1s5 , I /~b 9ff.3 ..~ 11 . T..w t!ft ~. t-J\18t.1ce Sliter 40 69 I Inc. Bxpenae-lenior Citi.ena 420 00 I~";':V 4PjJL ; 8unri.e Coacb Line., /j~r:.h 'i'-~f.r -.., , . 14 00 JJ~d 'l'Y'f'A - . .a_, A~. "all t. 500 00 /-J 2.;/ ( 'l'be 811ffolk '1't.... IIIotia...aoninCl 10 07 ' /,/2J/ "\ II . . ...t Gpt.. ..ter 8upply Di. :. 44 65 jJ 2-,- ftf9f7 I " . . Zoninq-ad. of Appeal. I 36 10 ~ I LA, '-I I , , /~-2.7 I I . " . .. 16 34 , \ /"-I/2.P " " . IIIotice- ad. of Appeal. 14 :~ /...)"'29 II " . JIO~1--Yollt.b . DrUCl. 36 /\J-dO l '1'ha . . BeariDq-J'ire Protect.ion 11 02~ 1k .; . '.1 hdl "Iffgo' 8herrill "~rton (Let.tering Po11oe bofi.oo) 89 00 I (Beacb .iqn-----42.00-, PAGE NO. "..". .2.,,, (Strut. a19n-----~~~~ TOWN = .. . . . Warrant No. ..................... . . To SUPEHNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GDDAL BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the a,moW1ts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SouthoId on the..... " .81:b........., .day of '. "..Deee.w.r". .. , 1970. on ClaIms No. "",,'" . . .. to No. .,................ inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /"'-3 Oi "I-7fF _1fo... .. -- n-.-Pnli"''' . 19 00 - /.J:(j>"? ~""''' tho. I' . Cak. CorD. .. . 5 57 031- r..r.,,.,/ ( -_.t! t!n. . . 2~6 84 f,J"-a.:/ .. . . . " ~76 25 I'-J:':;{ ~dD.:1 'l'b. Boflan Coaaanv " . 54 40 /'--'37 00tfJa Crillin.l .....rc:b Prod, I Ita. - SUUDl1..-Pol1ce 19 04 "fat' ~.f" Carl Cataldo u.-Chi.f of Pol'" 81 75 1 ,. A/.:1;; '\6dd..:J-- Part. In~. . Bav Con.tabl. 1 67 /,,'4.'0 0;;" 6 ...... - l!.. T"". Bay Con.table-7.25 ,.. c:.^ ......_ ..c:. /J4'::' 6,.7 Gr..naart.-I'ord.....rcurv u.-Pol1oe 14 00 /,.1''''1' 0'iJ. g- . - l'___. . . 20 00 AI'('(,J ..s'.1 ~.rle. Gre.nbl.t.t 8I1DDli..-1)oo Warden 20 65 -,'-n<'" ~J" Gar.ten Motora Inc. IxDen.e-polio. 9 45 /,I"j.!\j"- ...r-o// Bari: ....-......r. " Gard.n C. ~t.r II II 12 90 f'..\'~(, 60/.:t Suffolk Co. Police DeDt.. Law niae.t.-Police 15 00 VDI,,;' Police-396.09 1""7 Lou'. S.rvice Stat.ion ......- . ,.. "'fn ~.. 1~~Kr-- -.sOf~ .~ndard Ltn-n S.rvice 'toWl.-Town Office 6 65 /'I"l.rt; c:,-'f"'- 3U.t.ic. Martin 'ut.r IIxpena.-JII.t.io. 102 18 h.\Jo 5-.d i A. a. Gr.be . 'l.nnina Board 42 00, I Peconic Air '.rvic. Air travel-B. Terry 43 50 /~~/ ,rOI? . , I,{~.';?, 'Of? i Albert If. ticbllond nae-'lown Cl.rk 3 79 j-.\.(r:.3 i L.I. Trav.ler Inc. Meat. Opt....t..r nt.t. 44 65' ;I',)./.J""y . . . 8-1f Fir. Protect.ion 11 40 ;lfJ-J (5-. f l' .. . .. _.....~ 1n 40; /fft" . II . Bot.ice-Zoning 34 09 !.J"'-.i~? . . . 8I1ppli..-TOwn Clerk S2 15 L ~{)t;.~~. 3. P~GE NO. ............ TO = ... . . Warrant No. .................. . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD 11....1'1. BILLS (4) , . SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... . . . 8th . . . . . . . . . day of .. " .. ..Dec.."'4N:'.. , 19,7.0 on Claims No. """""""'''' to No. , .............. inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER ".': NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /.J-:i% 1',".'" 7 .> / .. 'l'oi1c !feleDhone Co. 6675-'l'own DIIIIp . 10 /-f-,j/'f' i . , . 3660-<:1\'11 Deleue 11 77 ,; /...r6O I . . 2660-Boward !ferrY 31 i2 ,;' h-6/ \ . . . ~710-Jlla~ice De.are.t. 23 64,/ . J'-.\%: .;{ I . II . !783-'l'own Clerk 24 DO ./ /\/1:3 I 84 ./ \ i . . II 3020-Aa....or. 44 I 11.5 / r ~O.'llo / -,J/G}f- / . II . 4111-Ju.t.1c. Sut.er 47 /-j'bV.... &,cf.3 -< .. . . 6022-Pol1ce 50 S5 / \rJ; t . . .. I-.n,,_ . 55 Z2 /~/"'7 , . . . 6022- · 39 75 i /"'{'R . . . 0650- · 1..:t.'H 66 DO I \ , I'" liCk ........ "~r B5 1"%,9' . .. . CII e Park Di.t.. U._ , 575 Police-501.72) tQ - j) /-.)-7 D Ct. .. ..-- 17 I \ I~ / ~q /..}/71 ~JiIL i \ . . '. ad. of ADDeal. , 15 .5 1/,'" \ I " I J/7,,~ . . . 8uaeliea-Ju.t.ioe Dema~e.t. 82 ~5 ' , /\,""7g ..sD~,. Chade. 'l'uc'ker ..lib Police car. 47 . 50 /,'7Y ..~..., ~ -"'11oe 8 BO /..j,'"7J.-' 6tJill ICJeo. L. -nnv. tno. . . o.ot.. 3 0 II>; ~o2<f' Charle. Abraha_, P... Iupect.10n-Laurel CollntrY'/ 25 )0, , Pleet. LUllber Co. ligna 13 M !J'77 6o~y I I~?J ,'-1680 Mat.~1t.uck Allt.o hrt.., Inc BxpeMe-Publ1c Work. 30 09. /-.)/'7/ 603/ Soutbold Hardware Ino. Key. 4 24 /-..IYt? ~oa'Z. IIotbman'. Dept. Store ~!f~S ... ,,"'~' \s::oQ. / ,,6--; 6,,<13 IIowrd 'l'errv n..-Bl.ta. In.lHlct.or 16 8 /,/Y"1 ~",ajl ~r1can 'l'erm1 t.e Control cb. -axpen.e-DuIIIp 20 0 PAGE NO, ". ..... ~()ttf!=4 TO CLERJK ... . . . Warrant No, ..... .....,........... To SOPERV1SOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GDBRAL BILLS (5) SEC. 120 To theS1lpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are her~by authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the......... 8th......... .day of .. . .. .J;)..~.~~.. . 19.1.0 on Claims No. ................ . to No. ................ . inc.. now on me in my office. GHECK BUDGET AMOUNr DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ,f{)37 'aDDert.". Book.bait I ~~ o~ A~;L.-3t~. ... ~_ I PoUce- ~_ _ 3.55 ... _. ,.....>.31' .y.,. _.... "'.. .,- ,.... nn ..su <99 Lloyd bUn Pump-Police SO 00 ..sb"l4 n Price Aaenav Inauranae 9252 00 ~ - ~U<{, Cliff Tyler'. Garage Ixpen.e-'erry Car 128 80 i ." " .. .." 7 55 \1,,<f~ Peaonic Air .erv1ce II Plannincr Board 150 00 -"';;jlJ B8Drv J. Sait.h Pllt.era !I 00 . ~ -.:JO 'fot , ( Pleet. Lllllber ....JHC- Bxnan.a-Jack'. Shaak etc. 79 27 · · · II Biabwav Blda. 44 25 .....'f~ ( Be! Lademann Electric Traffic Liqht 29 50' . II II I.. '-1 s:. : 4" .,,, b-~<J-' ....au-Suffolk Blueprint! 9 Co., Inc.-Planning ad. 409 65 "'.4~) Dr. W1111_ Zitek Care of doer. '124 ../ ". , "ClL,~ I'" f$;' I' K" . - . - ~ --n.e-Pol1ce 88 30 6-~<f-9 'l'rvac Truck & Bquip. Co. .. Bay Conat.able 11 70 \SOG"o! Hardware & Garden Co nter-BxDenae-Police 8 95 , ' '-'>0-:>, X.if:.h Inc. .." 1 50 1 I SvossatCamera II.. 72 05 -S-O';'-~ Vail Bros. ". 135 70 -...c<~~ Southold Puel Oil Co. Fuel Oil-Offica.-Peconic 104 75 ~o""'9 L.I. Traveler Inc. lIot.i.e-Bd. of Appeal. .:~I ~! f5"'''''''' U1.L \00. r -~ ;;::1 ",-d7 Cleo.L. Penny Inc. Bxpen.e-Highway Bld9" SUI 40 -so....- 'l'be Suffolk Tim.. B-w-water Supply Dut. 41 61 PAGE NO. ~.I~.'fr.val.r Inc. · II ~~~~~..-.d TO~ Ibe Suffolk Time. anvelope.-Bld9. Dept. 14.50 - . . . . Warrant No. ...........,......... To SUPER/VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GENERAL BILLS (6) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts aUowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the............ 8:th..... .day of .. ....".Deaember.... ,19.70 on Claims No. """.".....". to No. .... ...,......... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /60(, ..5'''~D ( ITanTuvl & Son Services ~ 48 00 ' l~c'TJ /(."6 ;5 " " " ,~-- &;7 Inn 1,(..7 lfi,&1 VAn Dvek <.. Yousik Inc. OIiIeels 6. tires 65 90 /t.ofJ fr.,?.:;> 'T'h_ ",,""-,1" subscription - supervisor 5 00 /(;'''1 ,.$"06-3 N_~, VnTk 'l'a 1. Con. .77-0550 - Nov. 1 53 70 /;""10 d"OW ' .L M n. ('~'T' eonf 109 38 - /(;0 60;,4 c... - n.. ~nnT' ," 70 90 ;10 ,J-- <",,)/060' /.J/./. ) 5?7. 7.a h-_ I. M-II .... . /6- 'I? '72_.\?t..-.i -r.-;. I a. (I , , t(, fV .-~ 7~.!>.;:;' ~'M - 1.' . - '77"". //./7" "IlK' ,.-' 72. I ' . Ii,,'-J./ r" 6 [{ _.1 '7.I,.,J. -z;J;, / d; ~9t"- 'fIll J; -r- /1/..oz,/7tJ 36 II. ~ kl_ U .1 j) -d;J./J /. u /~r3 doJ? ,/1 ,,~ /i..-r _ I' _ ) 7!. ' r .;II /'1 ~ V I v V d , I I I , I i I I i I I I , , ?o'1.3J?' 6. ~~ARA~/ PAGE NO. ........ TO CLERlK . . Warrant No. ............... . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (Light.in; Di.t.rict..) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foUawing named persons, the amounts set down oppo.site their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the....... 8th.......... . day of """. Deoelllber. .".. , 19.7.0 on ClaIms No. "".". . .. . .. .. to No. ................., inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT lo,;J.- fT. T . .to, T.~,.L _....4...... ]]] 20 /" .3 " .. " . _.to ... .. 2!UI 15 p-- .. .. II 'M-I' ."fJ.,l --.P. " B-W Greenoort 688 50 'i r889 8'- - . .. """,, r J4jJ ..i'^ . 8011tbo1d - i(. < IV V /6 'i- .. . .. " Peconic 211 25 /o.s . " . .. CUt.choqlle 979 29 . I "",..I f'"t/ .\.. V 17 - " II f" " -ttituc1c "1 I 1002 " ,I' jD6 .. II II " Mat.t.Uuc1c *2 87 60 107 67 Vf' . -.. _. St:.. . - Greenoort 142 30 i lo.r M ...Y. .., . CorD. " Fieher. I.land 230 84 i , I . I I ...;'0( '1.:5, ~.3 PAGE NO. ...... l()l'ly ~t)f~~ TOWN . ...... ,-.... . . Warrant No. ~?~........ ~. .......... 'To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the ro1lowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective name out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the" ?1;\1.."............ ..da: of ...December,...,.....:......, 19.7.0. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office = BUDGET I AMOUNT NO. OR NAME NATURE 0.1" CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED o.3C)/" G.R. . # 26" ^meri~an Oi' '"^ . "'0 "olinp 10 . 26 A"^hol"o T^~ Aonh,1.. I1non' ;.1 Q ~a 00 i 30/(", 26' . Asphalts _ Inc. Asphalt Road materials 59 00 ,. 1st<.c ~"' . -~ T^~ . .'.,... Dn.'" . .,. ~"7r "" , . \. ~"7' . ,.... Tn_ ^__~_,~ "n_A . .,. 96 00 3<7/7 ?7' ~--"--""n^'" '"^O^ ,.,,, (:I' ....:........ , "5 00 ,5c?/i? 27 . Del Chemical Corn.. SUDDlies . 31' 74 . . . -39/9 27' . Goldsmith & Tuthill Kerosene 5 00. 3<7;'0 27' . Mobil Oil Corn. ,,3>1 '1/ I Gasoline . . I 0qj/ ?"7, "'_n T T__ n_:_~ ,. ?, A~ 27" ! ..3q;P , Reeve Lmbr, & WoodworkinN Co Inco "Jail ti..s & ,",pmpnt 4 06 ..3<;?.,;>. ~ 271 Shell Oil Co Gas oil pt~. 8 "14 ..3'7 R '/ 27' , Texaco Inc. Gasoline 1 86 0''1,:<., "'" "" "n_^ "'.--, .-- OA .6~ 3':'';, -<c- , , .' , i I , I PAGE NO. .....~.~........ ~?M~~ I , I I , , I ! I "-" etUr.,z,: 7~ ?o'~L___ ......,.. ..- ..."._-~. . .., "..--------..--. ._-,,_..-----_..._~.- ^ . .' . . W tN' 12. arran o. ........................ .To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite theit respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.... ?1:\1............... .day of ." De.cember....."".,.."... 19.70 on Clal"", No. ........"".."" to No. ...."......".." Inc., now on file In my office. , I CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT I NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAD.( NO. ACCOUNT , ALLOWED I 0cl2C, Mach. '40 # 251. Associates Capital Ser.Ooro. Pavment radio leases 15 So:(? 252. Automatic Transmission 00. Rebuilt transmission 14C 00 I , ,30.:)8 253. Clemans Welding Supply Welding supplies 7 45 -". ?<;.1- Dick's Gara~e Renoirs R. n.....a ~! 92 """. , , ,3Q30 ~~~ Eo ,,1' Enn <'. "v (h. Tn~. An;. "'....n~h..a ?' A" I ,:JQ,J! I ?<;A. Pn ,~ . ,...~ nna<:...."~ .~ ..n~", "lr ""I , , 40 I .3<13.:1 ?<;7. "..n..".. !O ('.n. Tn~. Parts for Sweeper 3'Q3'< ?<;~. M...H....~1<- A..+n Tn~. ""n.~.. no"'+. 1M 1\<; 1 O~;;, 259 Mattituck Auto Parts Ioc Rpo"ir 10r 1\" J I 0<;':; h "A" ~ . 'no' ".~...,' f'^ T. ", 0 . .... 1\- 1\" ~iq,q6 261. North Shore Brake Service Ioc Sho,""" rf'linf'd ?"i I\n I ,3'i'.3{, ! 262 O'Keefe O1pV..o1...."01n~ Tn~. ".~k.." ..n;" ~n ,3<?:h "A". ";"....h...,' A,,"^ Tn~ "..n . ...., ,. ~.., I ji.\;03 .,A.. 1>;,'.........0,1 A..+n Tn~ D.., " ...., .." ", ..]q,j8' 265 Trvac & 10m,; ('0. Tnt "..n,. .~. !O ~..n .~ .... "7~ a, ( '/s-o..!'> ?I\I\. ~. /RuCK !. ft. .. f'n Tn, "..n.~~. .. ..an.' ~ n.......e I 7- 01\ J 3Q.39 ?1\7. Vonnvrk !O Vnna;k. Tnr .N..... +..h... ....~ ~, OA , /60 ;e, 'iI I .' , , I , I ! I i : : \ I . , , PAGE NO. .~~............. ~~~. TOWN . _..,-_.... .... - . . . . 12 Warrant No. ..,." ,'"!'." ....", ...., To SUPER/VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD '. SEC. 120 To the SU;pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dIrected to pay the followIng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .. .~1:h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . ""J;J.E:I'.E:I)1R\!.1:..""... "..... 19.?Q on Claims No. """"""'''''' to No. "".....""..." Inc.. now on me In my office. , OHECK BUD~~ \ AMOUNT I r NO. ORaI: )!iIAME NATUR.E OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I I , 139~O l'IJ.sc. . '1 ~J nn II ?Of> D. " ,,_.~ '. l?>MI I ;:><)1 M..., V^~... "'., . "^ . . "P. (7"'~_-:n dO\ " 1d ! 13Q;L.<.. 292 .Tpan K n. . Pe.rt t'mp ", .~... Qf 00 I I l-391/.3 293. Xerox Corn, Basic & Usa~e Char~es 6f 00 I~~<I 294. Ravmond C. Dean Express Charges 16 93 , 3:<,?, ". I J \ I I i I. I , , , I i ! i ! \ I I I I 1 i , I 1 I , ! , I I I , I , : I . , I I i I I PAGE NO. ........1...... ~(k'~......~.. t1!!1J!111. - . . . Warrant No. ... ................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB 1'1"'" ULaIID nDY DUftXC'l CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD .DoLI (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay. the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respecth"e names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .__. . . . . . . . . . . .day of ....." hG"'ui'.. "". , 1910 on Claims No. ""..........".. to No. . . . . . . . . ., inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ({Jo'! ..lter 1'. Cldffin Ma11 Baula9e-1Iov. 4 115 ~O /1: 736 J'/7d ~'31 /o..s:..sr' John I. Ball z..Hr-1' . I.1'erry 'len1Da1 425 00 'I/o. <10 7-3;0 . . Labor~Uport. 285 00 73.3 /oS" Polb ~..... eo-i.a1oner'. .... 60 00 131 /05'7 Law.nce I. ..l4w1n . . 60 00 13.5/ lOSS .. 111'. Doyen . . 50 00 'kN 10,5-0 1M. Morell . . 50 00 . 'lJ'7 /0,"0 aut. and IIIpp1y Co., Inc. 1IIdpt. 801.t. I 570 50 7.3.f /ot I Ip1cer he1 eo.paay Inc. Di...1 1'11.1 712 72 7'1,.. /062 ebar1e. Ianfor4 ~.lIl1C. llaterial-01iDda 9 J8 -7/0 /0/' Alfred I. aiakne11 tion of ..tic 1.1. 8690 00 741" I/oe </ .....t. J. aowl.. 'l'rauporta t,ion 4 00 .74.~':? 10/'.C I'iaber. I.. I'erry Di.t. "pleu.h Pet.t.y eaab 18 90 i 7L~/~ IOU! elr1aoU Auto 'ute, Inc. Material-ol1nda 19 20 7<<</ 1/0/,'7 i Apex Office IIIPP111 Co. 'lIppl1.. 44 9' 7<<~(- /o/,'t AaMC. eaDita1 ..,,1... .-"dio acl""'".e 61 90 I . h'~ [/060 Gada'. he1 . .."ice 'ta' ion - 1'11.1 52 65 /6'70 John II. Appelt .......... Dock .... ..locatJ 700 11JO 7<17 on ~''//6 '07/ ' '.l11\'u h1nt.in9 Co, Inc '....11e. 241 80 "7</0 107.2 '!be ..., London Day Pllb11oat.ioft 19 60 , , Clnakin llar4Wre Co. Material 5 35 70C> /{)?'1 '/.5/ /~'71/ I'.I.Uti11ty Co. &r. ft111U.. 151 48 7s:Z 1/ /1..., tba... .h1pyard . ....1r I to. - Materia1-llpUa I.1e I 90 ( LL3r::. liJ . . . LaNr 1I1..r.tor 427 54 70'3 /J,f'i'f?,8'1 PkGE NO. ... 1. ~~~~ ...... ... , ' /,,-3', ,---1,.f'o.!-;J"./ ;" '- '. - . . . Warrant No. .... .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS .18---' ULUD naB Dur.:~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD alLY (2) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of southold on the...... . ,8th...........day of ...............~~!I.......". 19'1.0. on Claims No. "..."..".."". to No. .."."......."" inc.. now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATUR-E OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 'IS'; 1e!7t. Co. 1Ia..ia8 . .,... nn - , . 7t.-tJ-.s- 107'7 'I'ha "t.1aaal Ga.. 16 '" '7.J-Z, /0751 -" - H. ..f_.' _.. ..-.. , ... .... ) .25'fi.;jq 1,0-7 . . . . . 11(1 111 I /07c; Va1t.ed Al'tiaU 170 66 76,v . I 7L~'1 lOgo . . ~- -- -. ~- -- ~~.oo I, ! , I , I I : , . i i , , PAGE NO. ... 2. 4~~~-1' ~ I .:-- ~, . - Warrant No. .................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS GBNERAL BILLS (1) CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. B, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.. '.'.. ... 5th.........day of ...!JO~J!;~. 70 ... to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. .... . 19.... on Claims No. ......... CHECK BUDGEIR AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHE NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 10.117 4%&.3 .T~"o. liL WA 1 t..r. plumblna-Town Beach 24 00 /j:J'f -IYt4- ( Mariorie McDermott. Minutes-Bd. of Appeals 25 00 /6.:50 " II " Town Board 15 00 /cUI ~@;;6- Dr. L. T. waitz Bxpenae-Town Historian 9 00 /.33..:2.J ri"k ... P E Service-roads 150 .00 /333 II II " " 75 00 /33 f " N II II 25 00 /3:303-" 'f-Y(,6 II ~~I gg " II II 133(. II II II " 1.'3d7 II II II II 50 00 133/f" itEr;, 7 Wendell B. Tabor Meeting-Assessor 5 00 1331 <f&'t,[I' t.ns Garelle " . 5 00 /.5'10 <i-&'U Wi 11 r.-v D~'" ('-n. .i...-Justice Sut.er 8 63 , /S~I /' l"-o.....a1 St.ore SUDDlies-Assessors 4 64 /3i-.;j II " " II Supervisor 6 58 I /3'1-3 4.f'7o II II . II II I 7 60 /3'(-/ -< 1 90 ! II .. " II Town Trustees l.3y,S- " II II II Town Clerk 2 98 fa CfC . . " II Police 2Q 05 /3"f- 7 II II II II Bd. of ADDUls 8 20 I Howard Terry Expense-Bldg. Inspector 26 88 1<J'f'r <f1f'71 / . ; /alfy Lf.f'7;1 A. R. Grebe II Planning Bclt"d I 28 00 / av'-;" Serge Doyen, Jr. II Bd. of Appeals 14 00 <f,f 7,lf . I F.I. Telephone Corp. Service-Civil Defenae 5 00 /03,5-1 't nil;- :. / /3.<? '!-8''X5 Academy Printing Bnt.erpri es, Inc.-Supplies-Town Cle k 44 90 /J.s"".3 Lf-!f'7 to Standard Linen Service Service-Town Bldg. 6 65 Final ~ allotmen /3&-1" l/-t77 Cutchogue-New Suffolk His ". Council- or 1970 500 00 PAGE NO. "" .l.~ " . ~(#~-4 TO ~ . . . . . Warrant No. .. ............,....... To SUP_VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD 4....U. BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To tl1e Supervisor of the Town of SouthaId: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........ ,~. . . . . . . . . . . day of ..." ...Ov.embex" "... , 19..7.00n ClaIms No. ""..". .... . to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DAII'E OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /2->~ "InK' lD., - 1_' IIIDDU..-'loWn DllaD . 292 56 /.:1,r"''; Lff7'l inC!. .e- . . 1393 44 "307 'If? !?o CaDi1:o1 HicrhwaY llat.er1ala IDCII....i9U 110 15 /5.J~Y 4RE?/ In. - - -,"'. Ina. e-Park. " "'cbe. 26 00 / 3u~:; . . . . . Police 18 90 -. u.. . d>, ...,.{"I If"..:';/' 4'pJ 1'i7C' ..nn nn ,(' d'~~ ?'f'.f'<1 .., M__'__ Inc. . . . 269 99 /.36( Y-.?N -.. t!n_ . . .. 7 95 -< l.3t~ . .. . . . . . 24 08 /3/3 "f;8'RY 1'1"'_ . . " 13 73 C<.P,'AL,,; "p<>-<.j - UP) / '77" 'db 'I "/9'g'6- n UnifoJ:'lll Co. Inc. Unifol'lU, Police 43 64 1'3,,j~ y-,f'.f'(. 'r.t> . .... Police Conven~ion 5 75 M<-? 'T-?Y? a--' .... 4 Clothe. Allavance 37 76 fat.,,? <fF?r! .. YOWI1k. Ina. 'I'ir..-Police 242 88 lat.,?' "1Yt"y Link PaDlZ' Co. IlIppl1..-Pol1ce 56 35 105 t.;1 "f-K'yp '. ...' . . 103 60 /3'7n k<..v, i :1_--. . . "f.t.v CGunc11 ue-Pol1ce 7 20 /37; i . " " . " I 15 00 /.07" 1't"Y'd BoDDv'. Cl..ner. " La Inc. -Cl..n1ncr blanketa 2 50 , /373 "I'g'fJ! Bakoa lbabber Ita... IlIppl1e.-Pol1ae I 5 05 1057 jI- </R9<1 IBart. ~ .. " " 6 40 /' /376 "If?'7-.s7 _"'0. School n.. 351 63 1.3761'Y'.f'~ I P. .. 'l'raffic Couultant. 450 00 2. ~?t.--i PAGE NO. ....... ...... \> . . . . Warrant No. " .................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. S, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD aDML BULl (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southald: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the...... ... 5th........ .day of ... "... .IIQ~\lb.4tr.... , 19.7.0 on Claims No. """"....." .. to No. "". .""""". inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /377 -S<y,p" TaDlMtrt.'. Book.hoD ft,.e,~r. - "1:n- , ':: if ~ 18" !#- Police. - 1. 0 . /J7-P /KP--y F ~. L. Penny, Inc. JlXpena....y Con.tabl. 11 68 /-377 .. " . . Police 33 62 /.:IiT't:.? Pac. ShOD In.llranc. "1mbIIr.ement. 317 35 ^-''''I' ac. ( Charl.. Greenblatt. Jlxpen...Pollc. 73 30 - /,3J7o:{ .. .. 58 30 . . . /....;;-0:...,;> </90/ Chief Carl Cataldo . COnvent.ion 217 15 /'sF' f'-- ( ".t. Pllbliabina Co. 8uppli..-81dg. ~t.. 4 50 .. </0"..:> /.3'?,S- -< . 50 . . . AII....or. 4 / aJ>,t , .<07031 David S. "lku LIIncheon..AII....or. 5 00 Y9") ,. ...... I.-!J'? Lif.co 8hi.ld for h.1aet-C::oordinat or 6 00 /3J?:.r ~Po'" "aurot., Ine. 8I1ppll..-Pollce 32 80 /,ff? ( L.I. Light.1nq CoIIaany S.rvice-Depot. Lane 1 32 h 10390 .;1"0 ~ < i " . . .. 158 05 ~ lay! I tzsboJ · · I Town Offic. T U 31""' farO( <,<'7.? i ley'. "loo~ Servic. I - D 1.<,("".( i . .. " 964 80 /.39.3 I NJ9'~ I . 1011(1. 19 50 1-39'6- (.f"r; I icran 'fenite Control ( b. -aervic..DIIatD 20 00 I \'illag. of Greenport. Mat.ec-Town Offic. 8 00 1596 '/'110 I , , /a'17 I Pi tney-aawe. Inc. Stallp lIa(lhiu 27 00 "'4"11 ' I i 13'1Y Y:Of;t.-- nn Priv. Ag.ncy Iuuranc. I 32 00 icharl.. S. Ry d.r Labor-Town .il .~ 46 41 13'9'7 ~'7/ If ...... !colonial OI:lIg., IDC. ~.,,"'cb.. v 3' 24 /<.,L<,t:J <(91'7'- 3. ~~~4 PAGE NO. ."..... ....". TOWN . . . . Warrant No. ..................... . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBD1l.v,. BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Su.pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. beIng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the...... .$.1:))........... .day of ..' .B<nrM~~... 1970 on Claims No. '" . . . . . . . . . .' . to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /fy- /.s' 't. .,. .. .. FIR-I!: COO...C./.....,..,.._~ /'1'0/ e-Civil Defeue 101 00 .! 'l-Q-< 4'>/6 ( (Jlllf Oil Corp. CJa.olin....:ranllick 57 67 . , / '/-::.......~ . . . -"f_ 26 63 lo;co\-" L.I Traveler Ina. aIlDDli..-Tax .MOoeber 2 00- / 'r (;J",c: . . . ..___-0. . Rd. 29 00 /"",t, . . . .. ... Polioe Blder. 80 56 10'7/7 . . " Bot.1ce-Bd. of 1. 29 45' 1!(6/ 27 Q'J '> I'/r-,,k-' . .. . . D'__...f".. ... /f,;"_~9 . . .. .. ...... ,n ~.. I /~/o . . . __"f".. 19 19 /</./ , " . . " BIIdaet 13 50 /1.{ 2 1__ a... -. D_. ....,. _. ... A_ 'Q 14 - 1"\ /'i',-,~ _Rd. o~ 29 26 ) . . .. 'V/v 1"f( ? .. .. . .. 27 74 ;7/'--::;-' : . . . " .. 19 38 / l'fIC . . " . Budget. 15 00 I ( INDbil Oil Co. CJaaoline-lupervi.or 20 86 ~ / \<1 '1 ' I'(;,p- " " . .. 'l'awn 538 43 I ..._1_~ /y/ '1 ,(9/9, . . . 69 48 <, I- JCf"Ld> . " . . . . . 86 85 , J1::'/ , . . . .. . . 23 19 It;- 2-2. .. " . Glaaoline-Polioe 121 24 - /'-{?-J "19.:1,. _L -- _- Of'f't..... 6 65 4. ~~~-..{ PAGE NO. .... ...... . . . . Warrant No. ............... . . , . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD <JPD..U B:n.L8 (5) SEC. 120 To the Superv:i.<3or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following nam.ed persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names aut of the accol1nts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of " South old on the.......... 5t;h........day of . ..... ...OY_Nr..... 197.0 on Claims No. ...... . . .. . to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT l',I;;(sL ir. Y. 41l1-Jllat.ice Sliter $ 25 84 "- 1"',;(5 .. " . - 41 54 /<(C,;{{. . . . -alder. Xu 28 05 1'1-:/7 4-9~~ . .. " 3783-Town Clerk 24 85 ( )''f,otJ . "\ JRY . . .. _- I)wQD 10 81 / <f.Z? . . . 3660-C:ivil Defen.e 11 50 /'Ii;P . . . 371- - .t.ice DeMlreet. 35 46 - N61 . . .. 0656-Pol1ce I 66 00 jl.{.:3';;: "fW Robert. J. Douala.. n._Ail...acr. 100 00 '{--,'5.3 ~.?'f Albert W. Richmond Suppli.s-Town Clerk 5 00 ;-- - T . . ...- .... ~ ~~~ ,...- v.. /'1..3<( '{'1.;l,b wn1~ Law Co. BUDDlie.-Ju.tioee Suter .. 15 70 /r3" 'fYOl.b Phi 11 h.. Gen. SUDDlv Co. nee-Police 56 64 /'f6t 9'~7 T....... ~..._ ..~. .~~...ft " " ! 76 l4 . 1'1-37 '5'7'.:<.r ...... .,... I..... ~_.- . l6 00 Ivai" 'f~f hc:k.r ... ue-Police car. 57 50 1<r39 49-30 (Fishers Is. Utility Co. Gasoline-Jenssen l5 43 3j,,{6 /<.{~(J i " . " Wa t.er- Bighway-F. I . 16 '3 i l'ff.{! .I./:'?3/ Howard M. TerrY Bx-ue-Blcla. DeDt.. 15 )4 jq:{,f;:: '1'9.3;< Marjorie McDermott Sec. Serv.- Zoninq-25.00 "'iii In _. A. .-- J'i-:,.:-a '1933 Ar~ad. Dent St:or. KAv. ..t:a. 1 22 /If-L.f (f 'l-9JJI- tWe.t Publ1shinQ Co. Service 66 ~O - ) 7S:.<:O It.{.li0" " " " Pocket oarts-Hiqhwav 9 :>0 ) I~ wm. B. Zitek, D.V.M. eare of clogs 1-5'-6": .j.> ~ . .. - 47.Y' qft P1\JGE NO. ....... 5. ~()I. '. .-.I TO CLERiK . . . . Warrant No. ....... .....,......... To SUPERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GDBaAL aILLS (6) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foHawing named persons. the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SouthaId on the.. .... . 5th.....,.... .day of .. . . . Jll'ovem}:)er.., 19.7.0 on Claims No. ... .". . """. to No. .............."" inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '/9&(, IN._Y '1'.1. Co I.pp_ ~ I,,~- . 55 51 . I^~~- 12 67.<:'7 " " . 10 .-- . "fM7 IMabil 011 Corp. ca.aoline-Wal. Janll1cK 38 55 "f-9~J' Oil Co " Rau .11 86 .t.65 ~907 Tn,. " &au b1. I 12 9 Pol1ee-,!O~~~ ! 7Q "f'1VtJ 1....1~n I.... ". ... Bay Conatab1e-f24.40 16~ IIU.QfjJ. ueP1;. -,;). uu 'Pill / w" .. . .,... . - . ... .~ '~.1 An IQ7 ~9'f'<? ....... ~ ....,..... ....ton Parte. IDe ae-Public Work. 10 12 , , '.6"..3 w. .~ 2n.. a.._..1" Co. Tn... 1i..-Police 8 64,\ <#l'l'T r ...." . I- . , 'tCI .,,, , 0... ..11at ..,., ..... f.. tax ncef.... ~: oo~ 4'9~ .. . ... -. .. 110 "",vvt . ... ......... 911ft 110 ~9Y7 t. Y. .. .. .I. 1M M ~lIb __t ~ .... .t .. ... ,.. All 11ft I , 1f94"'y I I... ..... ...... - -_. -- ", 116 Jj?..>o "1.1: _i. ".JOln._ 197 ~ '19-7/ Julti. ...tie ..... JaMahl balU_ 172 SO , , I , I . PAGE NO. "".6.."" ~r:t~-4 rC'tJ-n/l(( /1 1'7,/-,9tJ ~ I .- . . Warrant No. .."................... To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Street Light.ing Di.t.ric~ SEC. 120 (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... . ~ ~b. . . , . . . . . . daY of .. . .November.., 19.7.0 on Claims No. ..."...."."".. to No. ..".. . . . . . . . .. inc., now on IlIe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Y..< (d oJ _L :r. 11!' .... Corn. t. Liahts-Fi.her. Island 1230 84 I(;Cho 9.3 / ,....", T. T . St. Licrht.s-Orient 333 20 9'/ .. .. n .. _. ::!'>R 7'1 Y-..i/ .. " .. . 'A!_W _. ::!R4 as , 91, , " .. .. .. - ~ 889 83 "1M '7.~6 '17 ifpJ / .. .. .. " ,i", 206 36 ",f- , \ .. .. .. .. 976 50 '/,9 .. .. .. . Mat.t1t.IICJt .1 1002 17 I V,j! .. .. .. .. " .2 87 60 \ /0/ to 6- Village of Greenport West Greenport Street Lights 142 30 'I4/.;I..-,W I ! I ! i ! I PAGE NO. ...."".".~..on1y ~~~ .. at/tltC L/ L/M I f/o . . '. '"'. -- . I . ""","'" i . '111:- ~ . 11. Warrant No. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r,,,1iiK!"' To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Superv1Bor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respectiv names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOuthold on the . .Il!. ._.1;1;1............ .day of.. . "Noxemb.<:r........""... 19.70 on Claims No. ........"""".. to No. "..""""""" Inc" now on file In my office. CRECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHEI NAME NATURE OF CLA1M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .~R~L I"" "An "'-....-- T~'.n" (,h Tn~ ".~n'~na 2~ 63 "/;0/70 .~U~ I 250 Gr<:enDort Yackh & Shinbui1din Co. - iron 60 ! U$'II' 251 Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. Gasoline 2' 07 /2.'1:1 .. Mobil OU f"n_n. GII.so1 ~ ne "2' 8" . OJ,,'! ~ 253 Mobil Oil CorD. Gasoline 14 64 I , "~A u_.... ".. ""_ n' ... c._. ." ,,~ I r 9("s:~g 2.~~ Mnh!1 0;' f"n_n 30~ T Gasoline 37 'i I .,%"0 256 George L. Penny. Inc. Cement 7' 25 .36'11 ;/67- ';;uTfoOe:; C'ern.nT7i:~.J"rfs,::J"n<'. CN"'" , 'lsto ,1:..- 79 ;?,o ..fo~ 2.'!1l Mobil Oil Corn. I;".. 0' I I ('7.0/.31 I i I I I , I I I I I i I i : : i I I , I ! I I ! I i r I , I , I I i I : I PAGE NO. ".~.""".,,.. ~f)tA~... r'( ;-!x / :..'~ ~.J Y?" 9/ . . . . . . Warrant No. ..' .~~.It,....... .... .... To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the S~rvLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names ~ 'th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOtltho1d on the ... I ................... day of .".......N!:1v~!J!be;l:." ......,19.7.0 on Claims No. ""..".."""" to No. .."........".... Inc., now on file In my office. 'CHECK BUDGET I, AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATUItE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT lqX'ag ,.~"". It ?'>SL . ",--:.... ,,- ..: --- ^" .- - __..0: _ . An t ~ I 1:<3a<l ?'>o ITeton" Rnr" <:ot.e Tn_ .. An , 133,S' ?An 110 t ...e." "n Tn_ non+e ^^ OA ' ".3F 241 1I01o..e.'. "^ Tn_ . nor+e AA ,$$q(P 242. Municipal Machinery Co. Inc. Hvdr. Gate Ram 5 .70 1~'6a" 243. North Shore Brake Service. Inc Reoairs & oarts 9 .96 l~gQ& 244. O'Keef" ""ev"o"~ n'L Tn,. nor+e ?( '''' I :151",,, i 245. Vail Bras Inc ..., .. t,' .7R , , ::?b~. 246. Van Dvck & Yousik 1,,_ Tires & tire natches 10 .48 I"" i':' ',""l--. -' i i i I , i I i -I I i I I I i , I I 'I i I I i I ! I I i I I i I I , PAGE NO. "'~"""""'" ~()I~. , .. . . . .. Warrant No. ... .~~!.......... ...... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SupervLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down apposite their respective names aut of the accounts specified, beIng the amounts aI10wed by audit of the Town Board at Bauthold on the!P .~~h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,day of ...... .~~Y~~.1?~.~ I..... .....', 19.?:9 an Claims No. .................. to No. ..,............... inc., now an tUe in my 'Office. B~~ , AMOUNT ! DATE OF CHECK NO. OROT NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ALLOWED I NO. ACCOUNT PAYMENT 10M "'.Vv. # ?76, Rn"" ",m"' en, ". , I ~, nn ~(jt'l- 277 Lon" Island Tra..a'a~ In~ . . "'n,": "''' .~17^'" ?7~. N..w Vn~1r ('n . .. (~,. U,\\ 1 .~~ "ntW "70 Ta," .. p,~+ +~ma .1a~" 7 00 .911<>5 280 Southold ,~.. Insect spray .92 I I , I :;Q^~ 281 The Suffolk Tim"" LelZal Notice , .7Q I ! 3Q.' 282 Xerox Con" Basic u"e & ,.on" ...h ..r nn! . II' '/s.I5'1 , I I i I , I I I i I I I I I i I I, i I i I ! i i I I i I ! I I, i PAGE NO. ""1~""..,,.. ~~~~ - . . Warrant No. ... ................... To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .or__ ULaIID .uaY DI'DIC'!' SEC. 120 alLY (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the f01lowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOuthoId on the......... .5.t:b......... . day of .. .. .IIoVlIlbeZO. .. .., 19. .700n ClaiIDB No. ........ .. to No. .. .............. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT . ALLOWED PAYMENT '10'; .. .L '1'. tftont t.V Co. __'lbMtr.,: 32 11 7CtS- IO~d . . . . ""ic. ....tr. 6 Airpol't. 74 02 { 1/./S,ol , 7"'" . . . . .lea. 6 1IIt.ezo-..I. 308 II 70'7 IO~05.- aavt.beon 00. aadar-ICD'IIC UY 74 00 __L G. U_, IDa. Work at ...., London '1'eraiDa 8135 1. 'log /OftL /1:''' /O;{;; Aa.OC.CaDital 'erv. Corp. payment.-IIotorola aadlo 61 90 710 /61/.5'" ..~ .4 t.!o._ It_ 30 34 I ffJ/.GZ 7/1 . . . . . .. , 14 28 /1.2 102D .. .0 ~.t.. 14 86 ;7/~ /0 ,~ Wilfred C. 'inclair . 4 00 '?/ll /O.~I I t.!ft. 'II_U.. 3 95 /(),/IS" 7/.;.,- " . . .. . 6 to 7/t /0.'1' ....1 l"ft or.... .....,. I... 834 52 11'/ /~.''i united 81ea.'1I1>>Dlv Co. ~. 'IIPDU,,-DoGk 121 89 7/% ' 1~3d -... ......- ~- . or.1.. 13 6S 7/1' I /().~"'- I ..~.1 Gul. Piet.uru. Con.- 'lbutr. 43 51 /,10 IN.,. ." 'I' .1 .. .. t. 60 47 , 7.;::,/ It!d'7 38 50 /~~i 10.38 i .L> -~ ... l- Ito_ . 20 28 /...< ~ 10$4 1IIbrfard ....t.... 1ad1o Ie".- · .. .. 27 00 , 7;?'/' k)4,o 1IIlbr .. Griffin lla11 Baulacr.-or:tt.. 115 00 ;7,26- /<J"'/ A1f&'ed .. BioJc..ll Opera1:ion of ..rri.. 1'00230 00 /.:;'t; /,,4.2 .4-.. t.!ft. --Utioabf Ildll. 2000 00 . PAGE NO. ......l.......only .~f/~~.~ (""'.- . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4"'_\L BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fo1lawing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ...... 6:tb. . . . . . . . . . . . day of ................~..... 19..?Oon Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my oft'ice. HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ROTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ~CcOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /.:?'~ "f-77'f Albert. w. aicbllond ue-'l'own Clark S 4 144 /;;/3 -'1'77.;- Wendell B. Tabor " ~._lJOr .. Inn /c:!r~ -n7L Edward W. Fox " . 5 Inn I 1,;( '0.5/ </777 David E. "lker " " 5 100 /.2ri:- "7'77F Edna A. Brown " . 5 00 /0211 VanTuyl & Son Service-Police Bldq. 17n Inn /t>...~rf ~7f'" 1'.1. TeleDhone CorD. 'l'eleahone Service 6 45 (;2/9 'I7?1 Standard Linen Service ue-'l'own Office 6 65 /.1"::'0 -'>"7.f-? ".hington 1Ihite'. So.. .taUe.-A. Mart.occhia 5 34 /~.:?/' <t-?f'-3 Columbia n & l n._ 4___D'A_ ":IQ 7f'. /.:!.2L '(.76'1' L.I. Liqht.inq Co. Blec:tt:icit.v 19~ 142 /;';>'.23 ~7f<S'" LIFBCO White dllCk coat-La Glover SCI Inn /...:?-: 'f "f'7!?(, Mariorie .lk:Dermot.t. Sec:. Service-Bd. of 1. 50 00 ',:::~s- ~?J17 Cliff '1'Yler'. Garaae nAA-B1da. n..,....t- 6 25 ) > 9.,p$"' /,-:Je:; (, . . . . . . . ":I Inn 1.,('.,77 -'f?Pf' VanDYck & You.ik Inc. " . " 23 94 "f-78'9' Bldg. Dept.-$15.90 I~.:?Y Acad_v Print.ina '2~ ,~ '" "" I"--Z 9 'f?fo Hubbard'. Service Station n.e-Ali....or CAr q ln /R.3c) /f7'11 /1- ~.j I.JI- KevA-1I ? ?~ , /-<.31 4'71(--1 Helen Po.pi.il n.e-aenior CitizanA 25 n7 I Chief Carl Cataldo Aircraft. Rental 23 00 1~3.:z "f7'j.3 1;::33 "i-7'1<j- Mobil Oil Gaeoline-Supervisor 12,98 ;.< 3 'f (" Cha.. Abrab..... P.B. IUDA<!tion of r ~. ",sn' i'nn..... "796- "- . " . .. " ~& &~ ;,,">3::> /'R3t5. . " . . . 17">; /2<37 \ " " . " " 25 00 ~- PAGE NO. .....1... ~()I. "[.;' "A .~ TOWN. ,,"""" , e'" / ' /~ /' . ~ ."} oW ~I l." ,:~ t \ ,"l: I r/':.l......,-.:::>, '-" / ! '- . . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS - CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GB1I1BRAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fo1lowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TawIl Board of Southold on the"". 6t.b...".."" "day of ._ .. .8etober.. ..... , 19.70 on Claims No. . .. .. to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ~R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /:{.3 if 41-797 T.;....'_..._'A_..'~_.. ,,;~..,,' I"!n In.,. -Caution Liahta S sa 50 1':"39 "!'fF' Fishers Is. Utility Co. Electricitv " Water 25 83 ;;z 'k> rT T T.._ wn Clark lfi 00 ' Ie? 'Ii I .. .. .. .. Bd. of ls U SS / e\ <f;J, .. .. .. u_... ___.... _# I. 1C Q" M'f3 '{7'l. . . .. I :---P1annin" Board 1] 00 1;7'1 '-( \ Police- $21. 66 (Bldg) n, '7 (.35. I' M U .. ft.' ..... ,.. .." .., i.~'l'S L.I. n u Hearinqs-Zoninq l' S9 1;1'1G n .. n --a"'h 1 70 , 1"1'1-7 i n It .. Sunnlies-Bd. of Assessors l' 30 " .- I;J, 'f-R /-.....- . nf'- ., - l' . 95 1;;''1<- I It - 80 .. n .. A rs /~:>o . . . .. Police Blda. 2' 09 1:.>-5"1 -'It'"" .. . .. . ZOninq h..rinq l' 35 '> q:<.7f" . <.. P601., .. .. .. .. . . l' 78 . , , E IJl.5'3 i n . .. .. Gasoline 93 , ~ .. . . .. ~-~ ~. ... 'i...t". ~ 88 - , '1'..1, Co. l"An_"'--l Bil1-JuSt".iC- IE 17" );'60- 11_ " . 1C 1.;1.', (, .. .. . .. 48 , ! ;~,';;.-? i . .. .. .. 0550..;,Su....rvisor i 72 46 /(" 1,/0 t\-85"f ...t. '7 ,,'i?fl /:26-8" ~ . .. .. ._- - - '.' .... In.. ~ . !;:2.','Y 'C J"r;;" 1-':;>" ):;?~o I . .. .. .. 4111-Justice Suter 38 97 i- /"'101 ~~ Sout.ho1d Patrol Inc. pa trol Service 144 90 - 2. ~Qt;~~ PAGE NO. ...... ....... TO CLEaK . . . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBBDAL BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the .... . 6.'th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of .. "...~~~r.... ..". ,19,,7.00n Claim.s No. "".".....".." to No. ,,,,,,,,,...,,..,, inc., now on me In my offIce. pHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :)R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /-Rt:J. 1"IJ"",.3 Albert. W. Richmond Exoens_Town Clerk $ 7 73 I 1';<&3 -";/~o" ]I, ,--~ ~, ;QQ , ( unifo1'll I;;" 'f .t,[f?'O-6- .....""~, Oil en. ~ n__......wn ""4 4' /:?{,~ ( .. .. . .. BIIv Constabl. I 112 26 /o?(..(.. -<{pot Dicker~n's Marine, Inc. nse- . .. 37 90 " i j'::!..7 <If?", 'J ", _..h.. Tn.. .. .. .. 177 90 '....")(.,5' <fe-oJ?' TAXaC!O In<!. .. .. .. 14 67 ( , if!?", y Gulf Oil Co. .. .. .. 67 81 1.2".,,-; 1';<7(- ( 1:..14' nf1 .. Pft1~.... "1'. Q"I 1':<71 ',<5'/0 . Drosso. Restallrant Prisoners Meals 3 41 /;17;; <ff'1I i Galley Restaurant. .. .. 20 40 /d( 7J L.fg/.:( I Win.ton Prod. for Bducat.i n-Expens_Police 7 ~8 .. .. 31.65 1~"7<;t .<f?/ .3 "elin's Service Center Bav eonsta'" 17 .40 48 65 - /:';7-5- .<.te; '/ W. B. Zitek, D.V.M. Servic_DocJs 292 00 /-"7(. ..y-F/_r......! ( Tn.. .._...~..__Dn1~..... a'A_ 1" 0/\ -.: /z77 . . .. .. .. .. 96 00 /~7GF ,-/f't(. Faurot., Inc. 8uooli88- Police 15 00 /'::79 "-/;'; 7 The ltoflan Co. . n 82 81 /.:cIYo .<./,5'f,f"' , The Automotive Index Mua Book-Police 20 00 '" /R&"f i-'ff'tf Rat'!. Law Bnfore_ent. Ac demv-Manuel - Poliee 6 00 , Accident 1d.5';( ..y f'.2o Traffic Inet.it.llt.e, IIorthw ..tern univ.- Invest.iaation 315 40 Plann1.nq Bd. 50.00 ~:: ~ro ....... /RJ"3 .y~c7 / Peconic Air Service Inc. Police ':IA nn /0< If;' ~,( .z :( MeCabes Central Store Supplies-Police 5 40 /.;?F.s- tiFo? .i Carl Cataldo Expense-Police Chief 74 65 PAGE NO. ... 3. 4/k~()I~. . . . .. .... . . . , . Warrant No. ... ................ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBlIBRAL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fo1lawing named persons, the amounts set down oppo.site their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ,......... ~:t;.h . . . . . . . . day .of.-. .."" ."Octobelr" ,1910 on Claims No. """". ."..... to No. ...."......".... inc., now on file in my office. HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /:<i!{, '/f'~ jI Charles 'l'uclcer wash Police Cars 1$ 90 00 I /:J /?7 41'$ Walt.ar' I' Rowland Filte Exti.ngui.sbers techatg~ 10 00 /$? kcR:.>.: ( Capital Highway Materials Inc.-Bigns 47 00 pPfl ~ .. .. . .. 47 00 /c:.!y(; Qi'.:?7 Mobil Oil Co1'D. Gasoline-'1'own Dump 101 33 }"'<l1 %'.:<1" ot.to Yan'l'uyl '" Son Mapa; et.c Highway 390 00 /:29;) ~~.:z<; T.. :1:..... "1~,. ;..- " 11 31 IIH31 "IK&> ( Charles Abrahams, P.B. Inspection of roads 150 00 "" i~Y'l .. . . .. 75 00 ,.+.(96/ f-?.51 i Mid-Island Bldg. Specialt ies Door-Highway 157 00 /:2:9" ~f(a.;{ III.Y. TelePhone Co. 6022..Police 89 08 /.'<9( ~ .. . .. 0656- . 66 9Q /-<? f- 'ff?.33 'l'ryac Truck & Equip. Co. :sxpen.e-Parks 19 15 / .7((''7 ,-!g'.3'/ Kaelin's Service Center . n 29 SS , , ~h'a-5- ' i / -3c;>",' A M Coroora tion Supplies-Asse.sors I S4 00 ! jBC'1 -jl8'ail L.X. Traveler Incl Ifot.ice-oasoline 8 93 , I'::'D""- ! 'f8a? Williamson Law Book Co. Supplies-JUstice Suter 19 26 1303 "f.f'ag- Stephen F. Saint Harbor Master- F.I. 674 72 /30'1 'f~39 Frederick E. Gordon Construction o~.deak:u",. 193 S2 /300~ 'flYo: peeonic I'ood Market Supplies-Tbwn Bldg. I 38 80 , 150'; 4-1i '-II The Suffolk Times supplies - Narcotic Council 79 25 . I 4. ~~~-4. P&GE NO. ....... T CLERJK . . . . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBlU1tAL BInLS (5) SEC. 120 To the ~ Supervisor of the Town of Southold: YD~...~~e hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naan~ >,~~ut of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .6th........., . daY ot< .. Oct.obeJi'."..., 19,,700n Claims No. .....".",,".... to No. """".""..". inc., now on file In my office. ""'" =CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ~-~"-, ~ROTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. IWCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 'I/?'f'.:J. ILnu'. Dog 1fard~~:9J~0 ,.~ '^ D~'i'.__ 1 'M'",.3 l' P. _.~L~ 11 'tnI' Bav a 1 15 iLli''f-</ .. 1t. V.t....'\riiDVM Service-d0Cl8 123 50 'It 'I S' ALL Co_unic:at.iou; Inc. Radio ServiceMPolice ! 116 00 ,,>/?'f-f.. II..' h...... "'. ....Ry""n...-paliCA 39 72 '#'1f7 . n...... --ls 5 57 "f-C'fJ' SVos8et Camera Expense-Police 30 45 '/.K'f 1 Int.ernat'l Assoc. of Chie s of Police-Supplies 37 75 'ff?.s-o Augu.tus Garelle Expense-Asse.sors 5 00 ... .... . 14 61 -a :r-. Car . hi_ ..0-.. 99 >> I 'oO 1_. taft.. I. . 4 15 v. _. .- ".,IIL /In I v. ..... ,. ~ I - i New York Telephone Co. police phone 454 52 I I 5. ~()I.~~ PAGE NO. "..........". TOWN '. . . Warrant No. ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD LXGH'rING DISTRICTS SEC. 120 (1) only To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board ofSouthold on the ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . ....... ....." 19... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. pHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 8',z ,"0 Pieber. 18. JUectric CorD St. Liahta-Piahare Ie. $ 23~ 84 . 83 I T T.'~"''''~~ .~" St. Liahts-Orient 333 20 8'1 I n " .. .. " East Marion 258 75 f :16 . .. 284 85 / j \" ";'c! ,';0'> '!I" I,'" ). . Gr'Pt. E-W- ~t 6( <: .. . . .. .. Sout.bold 889 83 \!Jfi'#'.9~ 6"7 \ . .. . .. . Peconic 213 00 [?g" . .. " " .. CUtchogl.18 976 50 f?'f . .. " " " Mattituck *1 1002 17 '7(; " " " " " . ~2 B7 60 I i 7( It i(7~ ~I H .., .....? r ,. E-n/ .u.. ..~j 1<<;1 I ~ ",,,, d I , . , 1 I I i ! I -. \ ~<1/I9. rlJ~ PAGE NO. ... 1. only ~ _, -'II . . '" Warrant No. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 111_ IS..... RIU' RS'l'UCl' To the Supervisor of the Town of South old : (&) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts. set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....................... day of ..011...l1li..-.. .... ..... . 19. ~ on Claims No. . ................ to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT (,71 q9/ Pf_L la1M4 "'Uty c.. _11"- ... -.. - U, 16 ~"".:!J 0902 ..... ..... , / ) 6'd 994 i .... be. ...- - .... /R(..()~ 0,,</, 1Iet....cIot x.e. .. .. 10C ,.~ I /"'''70 119</' lid.... ~... - .. .. I.' - G'1t </9.< ..u..l AI u.l ........ - .. .. I .... ,.. , I - !o7'"? C;q,( __r I .... DUtd" CNp. .. .. .... 175 t?97 ....... ftla "11- .. .. 125 00 {,c 199.;' i I.e. 4.a ... /'7'// "" AI" ..M!. 'W c.a.. ..... i I b,fo I .. , .. .. .. I'" 24t 1<'70'> i foX-I 3. ..1_. I.. .. 15 66 {.P:c. /6"/> DJ.cIr.. - - - 13 .so M-? /001 ..... Ol'l.... ea_ .__. ..... .ft i /VI 6.f-'l /Or)2 AIIco . --- . 23J . co. j,f,~- /C03 IIU , - I 3 66 1, f'G I I AIde . ...!- - 21ft ." /0c;',,(1 bS7 /" 005- , ~ .. ea. 'f_. . 44 u ri,fg /006 be. -.. __0. 91 ,.. -,- rig'", /00'7 "",- ..- 0 .... ... .. - 10/' I/OOJ' ... I-T rr 1 U.,. 11., Pbctue Ce. ....-"1 ~""I i .. - , r{;ql /OOQ ........ ce. -'11.. - 01.... a 62 ,{,q~ /0/0 ...1 ce.. I.. 1 "'1 - .-.nlea ...... 'h ,{63 /0/1 1a1Ml IWq DUtdct !Petty C'uIa 18 00 I. -c 6Q<,l /0/2 1 - . 61 QI'I ~., ()~/? (.~ 1 ~~ PkGE NO. .. ..... TO ,CLEJR;K p.(:..'ttt_t(,. o{;:(J 3gA';/. "'/// . - . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 111-- JS.UIID IIItaY DlftUCI' To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: (2) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.. .~~.I~................ .day of .........~.... ...... 19.~ on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT !-,O-S - IISM . It c.. .. .. Ira .. ..tic lal. 891 30 / 6Q(, --1 .. .. .. .. " I. " 'fII; sa L/ ,60'7 10/3 .. .. .. .. ~t.. . .....1111 .. "'tlc I. .... ( ?<I;;~ / 6Q"f .. .. .. .. -...-. lepatr --.1c lal. --- .A, I ~Q .. .. .. .. -'n .. ..tic let. ..... .A, / 700 /0/</ .. ..It_ tilft. -.AI ""d IIC 11ft ~t::... -7'0/ 1/6/..5 -I A1bed s 11 tal . ..~. 11ft .1""'- ! : I , ~I . . .' . I . I I 11,307 7'1 PAGE NO. ..... .~..~ , , ~ . . . 10. Warrant No. ....,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB HIGHWAY DBPARTMBNI' CHAP. 634 LAWS CYF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD . SEC. 120 To the Supervl.sor ot the Town ot Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposIte theIr respectIve name out ot the accounts specIfIed, being the amounts allowed by audIt of the Town Board at SOUtho1d on the ....... .tij;h. . . . . . . . . . . . day ot .. ~7.~?b~.~ ,,, " " " " .. " " '" lrF" on Claims No. ""'''''''''''''' to No. """'''''''''''' Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT r NO. ORm:l!])!; NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P . . P-XQ-e_ 11. 236 Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline '4 23 . Pleet Lumb..r In" ,33100 ~"7 17 25 . .3.fb I 238 Gulf Oi. Co. ~ U.S. Brak/)::!'.!! Hvdr. fluid 11 7/1t ( ~.,o , ~~ ) "4, '" Di ..".., ;'".., .' -- I.-i't~:z Mo bi 1 Oil {",n rn 1"___.;,,.. "." "" ( or~"" 240 / 'DA1 I"^",, 1'\" ~. Motor-oil & "....~".... ,.,'" 11 f II.;?'? 2 . i . -; I I . I i i I . i ! I . .' . . I I I I I I ~~~~. I PAGE NO. ...~~.....".... , I . WN OLERIK I ! I I : \~, ") t;/:~<' )" (, ,,1.12-<<(.1-,,(( '-"I, I' - - .-.----,--.- --.'--"-"- ---.---..--- .,---- .. . . .' " N 10. ..: 1:111 ant. O. ..., ....., .............. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1032. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SJ;;C.120 To the Su,pervJsor of the Town of Southold: , You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the fonowing named persons, the amounti set down opposite their respective n--- - , out of the accounts spec1tled. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board at Southold on the... ~1:!1............... .du.' of ."""P\=~<?):?~.t:,""".",,... 10,,790n Claims No. """"""""" to No. .................. inc.. now on We In my office. CHECK B~~ I AMOUNT r NO. OROT NAME NATtmE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I MaCn. AGGo'" 1"'.,,;...1 ,,--. ~- -"" ^ . LO~ I" 7?~3 # 2201 :';S" 'I ??" J:.G" "nil ". -. I"'n y- _. 1.,,, .,n .A Repair mower i 3RbS, -- .,.,... v. _u. to " ~. .~ 19 60 3gb/' 227 I M:lttitu"k Au'tn P"rb. T",. . oe ~~ I en J $5';'Y 228. MuniciDal Machinerv Co. Inc. Blades . .,.,. 229 Muni,.i".1 Ma~"': Tn,. Unc. ,.,.I An J 1'4:70 qX'~ 51 :210 ITJ:""-h""rl An'tn P.r'tG. Tn,. , ~ . ~~ en , I,qf';q 211 Tr"",,, T-.~1r .. f"^ T__ D_M: __ .. . 35 30 i I i ,38''10 .,.", 1'11.;1 R_nG Tn,... , _ +:_0 . M 8,,/1 ~ , i ! " 1 I , I . I . . .' ! i ! I I I I , I I, PAGE NO. ...~.'........... ~'~;YK'( t' I; '~ ! ~; ,I I I I " . . . .' 1.;...1. ~\i arrant. No. ........................ To SOPERoVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SEC. 120 To the Bu,perv!sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the folloWing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n out of the accounts epecifled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... ~.t!1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day October, 70 of ...'...,........,....,.........., 19.... on CIaiIns No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. i I CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT 1: NO. OR NAME NATtJRE OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. ,.,..,,'-. , I-i'Y7/ /I 256. Bond Uniform Surmlv Co. Services (95 00 : , I l3Sj.;L "~7 , <:+n~A T~~ '2 IR" P..~~h R An i I. C>S13 ?~R ... T .~ U T. .~ ^^ 1,-38'.,.'; 259. New York TeleDhone 00. Services - 7'24-~211 '27 8'2 h'APo' , 993: 260. New York Telephone Co. Services - 765-3140 22 .0!.;L.{!: ~~J_.~ ~W;,tbur ~"_ Petty n9.1t c ,~Gt.!::~ .'5 J (-..' ..,. , , i"j'7i: 262 J...an K Roa"'r" "'T+ Hmn .1__'- "-< Inn j i 1 I ...3g7~ 263 Son+.hold Ha,.dw",... M~",. 1-.. :~A__ "'2 ?o k3.f'7J' i I 264. C. P. Tuthill Plumbina sunnlies 7 44 , , l1S'lQ 265. Iw. ... . ,~ <:n~~ .. _ 1-."" :.. _I-. --...- n ,< , I I .3~/. &~. I , I i I I I i I . I I I 'I I , I I , , , I i , I I , , I I I I i .' , , T , I . , i , i I I , 1" I ; I , ! 1. ~f)t.~i PAGJi: NO. ................ . " - , . . ~~.. Warrant No. ....................,.. To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CJ.....u, BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the......... 8th........ ,day of ... Septellber.". "".., 19.70 on Claims No. "". .., to No. . ............... inc., now on fiIe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT na.,e.. . ,..s- <>-0 /ol/P ~7,7 - ~ /094 -<P.7P' 8dward W. Pox .. . I 5 t)o il '-" (J "fG.7-F " .. II " nn , l/~, / -'/U',j ,. - .. .. a; nn . /1(> :> "It-&'1 Howard M. Terrv .-Blda. "Dt.. 6 06 I..,,<f "ft-R:( Dr. Lawr.nce T. ..ita Town Hi.torian 4 89 , . t_~ .<..! ---_. .,-- P.I!: -- Inn nn . . . .. !!in nn J /1:_'0 'c'i. -'/b?3' .. . II 2S 00 t ~ 'r I' ~., '"I I .. " It !!in nn . . , t 1/ off' i .. .. .. !!in nn I, /lr'1} I . . " lsn 00 I t , If I b " .. " " 2nn 00 1/1/ -vtJ,R'1./ 'lDit.b,Ta.ker " Pinkel.t..i Profe..ional Service. 1 025 00 /II,Z 7'~ .8:5"" McMann Pric. Ag.ncy In.urance I 4 00 I 1113 1"""(,[16 ' "rbara M. Andrad. aearinq-Jun. 5,1970 25 00 lI(sL ( McCabe. Cantral Store bIi"tA~T" 00 c~ -s<t€,7 8uDolie.-Ju.tice aah__ 4 IllS' I " .. " n..-As....or. 7 85 It f t, kt-t?F L'exaco, Inc. Ga.oline-HiGhwav 1 27 I, 1.ffrey And.r.on \ IIf7 n!?'v 8xpen.e-Rarcot.ic Council I 4 50 lI..t Bnd IJU.t1ce Sut..r-10.50 I //;;-' -,/,9'" ' it.r Co. Ju.tice DAur..t.-ll.!in 22 Inn III? -'16'11 IlIrrollClba CorD. ~intlmance 377 00 /1c.:?U "169.2 IJeorq. Moor. Boat-Pi.h.r. I.land 343 85 1/;<1 1-'/6Y-J !::olonial DrII'. Inc. 8uppl1..-COUncllun Val.nt.ibe 12 50 1. , ~l)t.#=~ " PAGE NO. ".........." 1. TO CI.EI!S: C\q,~ \ . \ (I.. t' \,~l . . . ... Warrant No. ....... ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD General Bill. (2) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foIlowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the........ 8th..........day of .. .... liI..p~r, 197() on Claims No. ". .... . to No. ..... ............ inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BTJDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHEF NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT II"'"' <.;1.'1'1. 1lAt!a . :n nn 1/";3 rH.y. 'f.leohona Co. 4ll1-JUat.ice Sut..r ~.:I, 30 60 11,.,"""(/ K.Y. .. .. 0656-Police 8f<.f 66 00 II~-S . . " 0550-SuDerviaor 8/( 56 53 .<./&1.;- ( '1;L II::!:!, .. . .. 667S-DuIlD 11 09 /1 ;;''7 . .. .. 37l0-Ju.t.ic. DellBr..t. % 33 72 II::!. t' .. It .. 3710- .. .. 7/'1 20 27 . \ . .. .. 6022-Police f'i- 93 16 ~ J/~9 .,c? q h ( .".L Ta. fl." .... In... .,.... ... ~ 101 18 .. //36 .".L I.. 'l'e 1. CorD. 7646-Civi~ Defen.. 5 15 //;5/ </ tIl7 ... -.a'-i. McDerllOtt S.c.-Id. of ADoeal. 25 00 /13 ;{ </MI'"' L I. Llab Una Co. B1ectric1t.v 140 43 - 1/33 .. . .. It a..... III I;q /j.3 'I ~t.9 j ...... .T....4.. Shi......n 1'004-1'.1. 'frio , 289 00 /13.:::, '17'" (7 10lltbold Patrol Inc. - n.e 483 00 /(..5& "7'7"/ aotbalan'. Deot.. Iwre lIxoen.e-Biahway 17 20 //37 ~7o ~ 111'...14...,. a.. ...... C.nt:..r na.-parka 34 40 113 f' Y7,,31 I.....to ...h1' to..... u_v.___.. 11; I. '17 22 on i 11';"9 ',<7"'5'1 Midwav S"."'-nera I 4..._a.., ~--- 37 00 f/'f-(J ~7"6 lu........._.. ....._ _.... 14..._...h1 4.. 9 30 , 'f /( VI ,"t'70t:. Pitney Bowae Inc. - ... -'-. :<'" --~ II V,;{ ;<'707 ! ( !he 811ffolk 'fille. Beacb St.icker. 13 20 ~ /II.(.--J .. .. n 'Ad ..... , ._111",. 4 .... 11 02 II Y-,/ -',C?"'? L.I, Traveler Inc. JIot.1ce Bldcl DeDt.. 11 02 II'-f---G' '>"7"'7 Schneider Hardware Co. .epair. 47 25 P.o\GE NO. ",,2, """ ~tJI.~ " . . - Warrant No. .................".. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mnIIID/Ua BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southald: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the. . . . . . . . 8th . . . . , . . . . . da,y of ...,....... .. '~p~Z" 1910 on Claims No. . .... ... .......... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my office. HECK BUDGEI' AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ( R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. CcOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~ ," 1../(. ~71r ....-. ..-, ..~ , I.'. T......_!III4..... S 23 50 l.. 1.(7 -'{:7r.:/ - . ,.... - "....-- A7 I !III' 117 f.'5' :~1~_140. 30 . J 1104 'In /IV/(' ... - ... ..-- Cout.abl_12.oo .. oq 1IIraen-12.00 li<{f ! 'f.7f'/- .. ..-- - -. 1A CC ii"j.'!, 1<7/.'- Poli". 32 05 II..!."! -',[71(, ;~- _"L.' __, .4_ _....,.... i 170 00 -'{"JI? I ! /I"'}-- ~_..,. 10... #0. - . -,'4.._ _.. .1 i 74;," 74;, \ i II~~ k"l6' I .. 1___-' ,__ i ~l 60 I /iJ'y -',c71'! 'I . ,-- . 'I "'n , .",. Bay Coutable-55.00 /f,.':;'j/ I 40_ ^^^ ^^ '-7<<0 , , #0- _... -- ^- I J/J/"b "702( I ., T. "- - . ......4..... 47 00 /1-:>"7 "?R :? ~.... 10" ..... - ,.-- 26 103 If..<Y-- "'/Ol~ .. . 17 00 II~";' "1'7.:z"l- ......4 .. pa...r en. . .. 23 45 11f.:,[J -'{7.;2,/ T..... .. .. " AI; 'I (~ I "'701t ... ~ . D_fta..' 1 Ita An ''''' 1'1. 7. ~?.;2? T.._ ,... ,~ .,n I III- 3 '~/.:2.f"" ... - _...,4_ !III n2 i . 11(,t{ '~.:t9 ..-..,. ^.,. '"-. i,,___ 1')7 ,a II/"S'" "f?ao '"- - . <,..~~- 1<;' ,,4;, If (,{.> 1<7~r i - . , -- ...... -~~ -. - lib? -'{73.:1 - - . . -, 'Z' w . ~. ... f I i~ R' ,- - -. '"- ---- -- 8/, ,. ~~ ", ~ 1?7i3'8 ~ . .. . 3020-Ae....or. gj/L 50 33 /,,/,<>~ --'/t:oO '1 //7b ( .. .. . 2660-Bldq. Dept.. 0/,. 2~ ~(]I. I PAGE NO. .' ...3.. "...".'.."".~ TOWN. '. . > . . . - Warrant No. .................". To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD a~ 8UaLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fo1lowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthald on the ..... 8.th. . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ." ... Sept.eBtu;' 19.7.0 on Claims No. .......... ....... to No. ......... ........ inc., now on file in my office. HECK ~UDGET AMOUNr DATE OF NO. ( ROTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. CCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 117/ <l-73<f- &1 1- -~ ~ 1 1 no If 77---- f'7,iJ.5 A. R. Grebe . Plann1nq Board 28 00 /I 7-3 "f7st Bd .., . ,",.L.~ .. ." 1 II') o:n - fO'f <f7a7 ~n . - ~nl ^^ 117s 10"&' ..'[ .~-- I\~ .~ .. -~ ___1Q'7n .~nnl nn (17t. '"/739 Bertha VI..4 6'5 no f/77 r?<{o .. -~ _. _L .. . -" . . , -- - /17/( j<,c7W U.S. Poat Offt... . . I ......1- 1179 he 7<f.:{ ... York. r.... .L .. .... ..... ....~ - ~S.,,3 1(5'0 .... Yodt Ca. en Au_ u, ,. .... - i I I I I , , I PAOE NO. .....~, ~Qt44 ...., I'J/ a . . .... Warrant No. ...... ............... To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBJIBRAL BILLS (5) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accoun~. specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... . .8 tb. . . . . . . . . . . day of .. .... . .- Sept... ..... , lffUl on ClaIms No. """".."""" to No. ",,""",,""" Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ~~ OTHER NAME NATUR.E OF CLAIM NO. CCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1191 '>'7 'f3 "'_L :t.1...", n~~1~~"" Co .:tnc -Gas Is 3 65 \ > 1,8.:< 'f'l'f'l' ....._.~..._- o..1~,.... <!ar. _L A 105 00 \ 11f( 3 l.{7'f/' . a.._14.....-Po1ie. 7 12 (rElf <r-7V'(, 'l'rIIck a BQuip. Co., Inc.- nae-Bay Coutab1e 14 46 118&' <f'N7 Mobil Oil Corp. Gas-Bay Coutab1e ;;.~~ (I.Y'{, 'f7'ftf' Mb_1er'. Gar.Cle Bxpens_Po1ice 7 30 IIY7 If?",? ... T_'__A Ufo"..... Co oas-.Tens.en 4 75 'I [([5 47.s,'O Richard A. J.ns.en Mil_g. etc. 11 81 /'&'7 "f7Sl VanDvck " YOIIIIik IDe. Ti..s-Police 218 40 {{yo /.f7-J!;( ....A ~^ T.._ - . _D^1~..... A ~ 119i I Lou'. Service Stat.ion u_Po1ice Cars 304 52 ~"--3 I, ?-\ 4:7.>'V Gulf Oil Co. ....n_..y Constable 11 66 1'73 Mnt-r 141ft . '7A /11>' ...1........ .. ... ....... ..,..1 e. ~ ".. 1_. t' a BookaMo Bldg. .. 13.68 T supplies ADMab - 39.45 53. 13 La1. Fire E-I Co. fin coor4U.Datcn" .. boots etc. 50 00 ~ T.I_d T Ca. ~'IO 00 i . \ . PAGE NO. .. !i... ~(JI.4~ TO CLERJK '. " . . , Warrant No. ....................... To SUPEIWLSOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHTIlIG DISTRIC'l' BILLS SEC, 120 (1) only To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........8 t.h . . . . . . . . . . day of . ........ " Septeaber. 19'7'(). on Clalm.s No. """"""""" to No. .."......"".,,. Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. JR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /.:2 '. - . 0.. T.< -..< _ft" !t '" ~n~ -~ .~ ?3 .. .. .. .. ..... 1I__<_ft 258 75 , 284 AS 7'-1 .. .. .. .. B-W G t l..s- .. .. .. .. S Id 889 83 ,>,*,%'10 , . '/(, "7 .. .. .. .. I.- 21'1 nn '17 , .. .. .. .. 1::1.. Q'71; ~n ?"'. .. .. .. .. ...., 1 .002 17 ;/'1' .. .. .. .. .. 62 87 60 I I I R .5'g-- ..< - .. ~ Bl...<:! {'-".... .. Piahera Ialand 461 68 ,0 I I ! I 1A~ y/ ';-9 Villaae nf Gr-nuort .. _... ..^ i I , : , , I i I , -<ff.., '-r 7. rY' PAGE NO. .........l...only ~()i.A-4. T CLERiK . . "1'_ W-arnnt No. ... .................. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD .1--, w-a-- I'DD' Dlln'lUC SEC. 120 (1) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the T()WD Board of Southold on the ., . . . . . . . . 8tb . . . . . . . . day of .......... .,.. .Sept..."-r, 1970 on Claims No. ..........".,.,.. to No. ..........,......, inc., now on file in my office. pHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. JR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT q.3~ - 8lee. 8uDDl ..~~r awltc1a , 4 00 /6-or' .. . .. . LiGht. .1 ~ 1] 76 f q<in ...... __4... T.4..h '__~4 3C 50 C7'4/ Ck'iDold Aalto h&'t8. Inc. lleterlal-rerrl.. l~ 02 94"- -... tJt!f 14 _ T..... ... ,- .. Material 924 32 1<<"'.17 . . . ....414..., M 7/~11'70 )4' 65 C)4~ &. L 10 Marine lUec.8ervic: e ir8-8a.rt.er 48 21 - CJd-'L .\J..u, lleterial ~ t.1c lale 95 . t?4.!,- 8Dicer 1'11.1 Co. ~c. Di...l l'IIel-hrrietl 84 25 9410 -..t.beaD ..dar llaint.eDance Coat.rac~ 7~ 00 I : 997 : ]II ....iD... Producu ..1_ Office 811ppl1u-c:opier 7 06 ! - ., "4'_ 0 ---tru 1'11.. 104 40 94R . . . . . 7 28 lS6"8,1.. . . . . . 5' 50 . . .. . .. 12 98 Clh 8I1ena Vi8a. Diatrib. Co.c .. .. 15, M or Q60 .sk .. . Q4t ~o 11'8,/'<") I . . . .. . 7 82 : 1IIu:Der Ib:oII.Di.trlb. Co. . . I 7 12 I 0>1 I, 11) . . . .. . . i 9() c'1/'7.3ll' "? . . . .. . .. 5 56 , . .. . .. .. .. 8 80 ~-'<- 81eetr io llelnt.enance Co ~ Parta-Boi8t. 2 80 4'53 ~l\lllbia PiC1:U.. 'llleatre PU_ 72 77 // (~/j.:; -::::9 1. ~q{.-f PAGE NO. ... ...... {:. /l~ {- c:..,.( , /"</c/ ..1:/ .'Wa:rr{nt No. ..',................... . . TO SUPERiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD 1'....---- IUr"1II'I r*u<< DISftlCI' SEC. 120 (2) To the SupervLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the..... ~~............ .day of .......... ,...8ept... ....." 19.. 7Qm Claims No. .....,.... ....... to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. ROTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ~CCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Q6"4' - "tal iC..t'A lilaelio Balli t. 61 90 ... I ., . nAO;! nn (;s"- . .. . . I". "U nn ."-"Go.5-0 . . . IDa. 2404 50 I C?Sb ___ w". -'lb_tn ru... 30(] 03 C5"7 .L .; .. .....Q, -~. 8 08~ 75 "/S;' ... ..." "-, - Co. Drv Ice E 25 O~-t; .... 11 . .. _ u-A - .. o-=-- 9"'0 _.... .L~' - ...4... -. t.i.ot. II 00 q,,/ .~..... ., .. . .. lC 00 1962 . . oJ ".., .......h.~ . It It IC 00 963 --- na.. ...hl ~_..4_ 2~ 10 - .,,- -" , , ..0 Ctf,u , 96-< _110._- .,..... t"ft -, ,-..- .C_.. A. .,,, An c't;6 _."A_ ... 11"'__ ........ .. ... ~ 28 146'7 - &. '[""'. __,,.. T.e.... r 0;0 96"< _1....... ..... 1I, M.C' ..._,...... 11! 00 , <;-"'" .- ...# .. -~,-,.. ~A" 1 , nn 1""0 .. t!n._ 2961 I i 9''7/ ~..... w. .. ,..... 1 no 912 Uw1n lIo&'Dinq .. 1 00 I q'jq Copperloy Corp. Al_. lilallpll 604 00 914 .., " n of 12.300 00 ,:; ~f',:,,:,,:, ~ ,;;, PkGE NO. "..2..only. ~~.~~ TO ' . '" . .. . ..,'oiI ." -. Warrant. No. .....? .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SIJPEIIIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS Cl(AP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follow1ng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 8TII out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ clay of .... .September"..."...."., 19.70 on Claims No. ........".... ".. to No. ........... ....." Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D NO. OR NAME NATmtE OF CLJUM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED .3K':l.3 " D "':121 . ",. .'- Ta, ."... IJt.~' ~ +.. (".lL In". Ga"oline & oil ::If 70 /9? 7'~~ ."I.s~"; 22~ .Fleet Lumber Inc. Lumber & cement ft 3%;..<- .,." "...... a"',., .. ,,__.~~. ,,+.+~ ^" ~. .. ~"a '0 .,,, . 9.f:z (, 22A .Goldsmith & Tuthill Kerosene 5~ 00 d,f.:l.7 22' .Gulf Oil CO.-U.S. Gasoline & oil 4' 45 ;r" .,.,111. Oil Corn, Diesel fuel 65 81 /2"..' 22" .Mobil Oil CorD. SDecial oil 67 11 JJ"'/? ;) '" I : i , , PAOE NO. ...~,........... ~~~~ IWN 0LI9BiK: (f/U:-It((,' 3~j'7g'.CLI.. ..- '''''' .,".+ ._". ,'- .. . . . . . . Wal.'rant NO. ...... ..?... ...... ...... To S!1PERIVISOR TO PAY AUDl'l'ED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMBNT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 9, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named person., the amounta ..tdown oppoelta their respective nom.. 8th out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ........................ day of ."~ep.t.E:I)1~e.l:,,,,,....,,...., 19.7Q on Claims No. ........""..,,:. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my office. ORECK BUDGET AMOUNT D NO. OR OTHEIi NAME NATURE OJ' CLMM NO. ACCOUNT . ALLOWED P. 1fi'2.Q '''A,"U. /I .,,,~ "'....;+., ..:....".f"^..n " 403 15 .38.-'10 206 D..' ~"m;"" rn..n; 'P',+" Anc C'7 -IS',,,! 207 Kaelin's Servi,... ~~nt.... N.... '1'...;,.... "a~ I"" .. ", di 1-5" ':i- .:;S',3Z 208 Geor..e M.lv...... a Co T...,. ""n.;~ . , 6'J'83 209 Mattituck Auto Parts. Inc. Da. 1 ~ ..+,.. ~~4 Ql &.3N 210 Mattituck Iron Work.. 1" " ~n ..3.R.:;-,,- "" ... "., . T...... 1'P;na c <'IC , ,.. . , G!g3b ." ., . ,., ^. T. I"an_'~ ~" "" ' , , ag,3r 213. North Shore Brake Service Reline shoes 48 O;~ ' oli"y 214. O!Keefe Chevrolet-01ds Inc Renai,. ,,~ ~4 0%3'1 21. L. T...,. ~~. (, ~~ a~40 .,... Tn,.. " 1.. 68 78 . aCNI "''7 I",. 4..+^ 'P. ~+. To,,. Renair narts 12 40 . la,!'?".:u 218. rrvac Truck 8< Bauin. Co. Inc n.,.t" 241 83 , " \3 J'4'J ?'<'I ,,__ n. .t. .. T. Balance wheels. ck front end 10 00 dI i?33 03 I' , . PAGE NO. .....J..~........ , ~()f.rt?::-1' I ...............WN.~..... , i I I I: I; I,' , . . ~ .. . . . . Warrant No. .... .9........... ....... . To SCPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDrrED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I BILL6 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the S\IiPOl'V!Bor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set' down opposite fi~ respective 118411... out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the rown Board of Southo1d on the ........................ day of ...." ..S.E:P.tl!.l\Ip.et............ 1IVO.. on Claims No. ............".." to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATtmE OF CLAD4 NO. ACCOUNT AILOWFD . . ."I~44 II 244. Al!Wav. Inc. S~"k1...~ 4 78 . ;t4s- 245. Best Uniform 00. Inc, Raincoats 54 Inn . T <n? '" 246, Center Moriches Paner 00 Inc Cu"" & ...~..._,. ::!II IC . . .... dId? 247. J, W. Durvee IWe~ h . U 7~ 3R4t 248. 1... I. Traveler. Inc. L....a1 NoH.... 10 45 , -3?40 249 1II..w Yn"k "^ 7 34-5211 A'" ,.. -38'6-0 'u,,, h..... ... Le"'.l NoH".. 10 64 /c,s 'I. - . , . . . .. , " , , . I' .:' . . . . I ~~E~ PAGE NO. ....).,.......... I I ..... .......... ...................... TOWN OIEI!C I I - . . - -- ,-_.~ Warrant No. .... ............... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBNBRAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Darned persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nomes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the... '" . 13th. ........day of " .August . " 197.0 on Claims No. ....... ... ... to No. . . . . . .. ...... inc" now on file in my oftfce. cHECF BUDGET AMOUNT DAII'E OF NO. OR OTHEI NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '10/ ~3~ 11I!~;.~ar.1 CS:~;iincr ity const\l'J:n~ b . 2B ,'if Ciau <<1>..30- owers- ac Y,,",.,/ <;:.s-a{. 1.....1 .......- Corn. Transnlant of cla_ 1950 DO 'lot y.s-3 ~ IT. . T T.~ ~....~"~ Com"'anv Ilectricitv 166 1 7'-'.')'7 <j'!>-:S !7 l- Ie Clerk to Town Clerk 180 0 YoY ~:a'i IF.I TAl ne Cor", Leased Lines-June 5 0 protess 10M J. yC)C! %<;Lo ,,-.~ th Tasker & N aelstein- Services 891 0 9/0. 1'S<'\7,(/ I.."" _M,,1+ CorD.- SUDD1ies-Assessors 7 0 '1// ""-= I. M....~.... .__u 11..."" I",-x.. i 6 0 9/~ %W Williamson Law Book Co. Bingo Supplie.-TOwn Clerk 34 9 'lIJ \tn. E. Zitek, DVM Service-Dogs 261 0 9,4' U'<;<,,- Dickerson.s Marine BxDens.-Bav Constable 12 0 1/.$- ~""L .. .. . . . --_0..1 ~~.. 1 IR 1/& ~-\'7 ., II.~.. Roo.e Inc. Service-Police Chief 18 tlO '11 7 ( VanDyck" Yousik Inc. Bxpense-Police 206 ao - 11 ,/ ~r -< .. II .. .. .. 19 0 :..- 91'/ ~ 89 6 II .. II " Ba" onstable I '--_OO1~".. R - 't"o 146-.,;Q ( 0 ! . 'l.X! I " II .. 8 o ( \~ ::;~ 146-:>" Chief Carl Cat.aldo Bxoen..-Chi.f of Police 29 0 'J:/3 f$"'6-1 ...." -" Int'!. _0..1 ~c" 20 0 9~?1 '-'.';;"i!>- Fed.Sign & Signal CorD. Siren-Police 45 6 "1'6<',-:3 I 7'J3 'fl,; '1.? - tc..nneth Watson Bxoens e-Po 1 ice ~i, 9?& %6""<1- I~ ., 1 .."~ en Doq Warden-$13;34 .A .." ~a . ..-.: ,,-- -.- ; -- ".. .. ;1/)? *""-6- BaT Uniform. Co. Uniforms-Police 919 5 ''I PAOE NO. ...... 1. ~~A~.. ........ 0/fJ-C/latf ':<:1 g'f 3/ 9'6 -r ?U~ of) = .:2~, YI,r, '76 :r- .J,f~3 . /S- f ~.f g~~~ -;;/3.:1",01.// I / .. "."',' ',,, ,............ . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the SU;pervLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set dowD oppoelte their respective """'eo out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .... .1.].1>h........... .day of ."."" .....&ug~.t.. "...., 19.1.0 on Clatms No. .............."" to No. ".......".. ..... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLMM NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED P. tJ.2j/ 4<<;7;-6 .... .... -.. A ~. ...... M41......_"'. y.. . S 55 ~99 7;29 7"::/7 Us.' ..... -- _. 'A_I>" 1 4..A 5 nn '7.30 .r/ tJ_... ... .L' ~ T__ _p_1..... Bt>at: 285 56 'i jl 4$b-" . ~.,L W ..... .___1>_14__ . 1 Qn "hi." .<($'6 " . ......_ 1>. ..... T..... - " . .. 15 51 'IJ.3 -,{sL.1 Gerald King (Coronet) Prisoner Meals-Police Dept 9 !60 I 9.3<':- "/6t.:? ( e L. Penny. Inc. Supplies-BaY Conatable 10 00 -\. ;'-3,5' " " " " " " 2 25 '/3b %'tr:3 ,- 'Charle8 Greenblatt " Police Dept. 9 60 'l-3'j' ~ " " " " " 14 00 ?3f . .. " " " 81 65 'i.3y -'l'Sh '/- 11' c..'k.. " " 15 75 V'fC~ '(J'C,s" ","...1 _. - -.. w...h Pn 1.4.... ".... , 52 50 7'-(1 44/. n, I>s.,....." - - 4..._p_1._A 39 72 f'C;:, J,<~/(, 7 R...... Q GA' - ~ _ ~r4~~~~;a2ke-ll.92 24 57 'i'f] -1<5"(, ?' T._" '. -- StoAtinn ~~.~~:~~~-~Q75 1Q2 74 //(" J~ 7~'y' "".>/.9 a..nrv SteDno.ki Jr. Clothe. allowance ''i'fS" <16'"7. n...14' n., ,,_.._ _l>n1; .... 26 63 fY/' "'6~7/ ('....1..1- Exoense-Police Office 36 91 . :/yry -'."S'70! Medical Economics Inc. Druq Manue18 7 50 '. 9&? ,,>,,6-7-3 rnc a Suoplie8-Police 29 99 . . ,;[.:_/ ;7 ~6"7'f' McCabe8 Cent.ral Store Suppliea-Police 24 52 Dog ~rden~t~~;':2~ I :'0~ 46'70- ..-....1 041 Cn. ~~. Conat!b -1 .32. 550 78 " Bu~ervisor-2do As e8sors-4. Po 11ce-:iOO. 00 PAGE NO. .....~.~........ ~()I:~d4cCI" ....,~~_.,-- -- ....-. - - -- ..~"., "'" o. . . . . ,~~ 1.." .u. ....,................... To SIJ1>ERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ca8Dau. 8ILLI (3) SEC. 120 To tI1e Supervj.sor of the Town of Soutl1old: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay tI1e following named persons, tI1e amounto set down opposite their respective names out of tI1e a.ccounto specified, beln, tI1e amounto allowed by audit of tI1e Town Board at Southo1d on the .... . 13th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...... ....... ..Ayqu.t.."... 19.7.0 on Claims No. .................. to No. ."" ........,.... Inc., now on file In my 01l'1ce. , CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D; NO. OR NAMJJ: NATtmE OF CLAn\!: NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED P. :!'5"'? %7t!. 1Ir~ -. - a 6 96 C;So.,'" - ~,__ u P.B ')5 nn - \ 25 9-5J' <<<;-77 .. . . .. 00 cf,,- i/ .. .. . .. 50 00 I,- 15~ . . . .. 75 00 ~/&t;. '67 P' lie.-tvwft Office . 11 16 I .1 ::;.<;~ "'4'19 L.I Li"bt.in" CoIaDllnv IlllCltl'icitv-JII.t1c:eDeure. 1 46 .' I '15[/ .q.<CX'a _... ..... .-- ,,- 'I'~- .- -.,,--...- 74 11 I . Bldq. Dept.-47.10 1'i.!>'1 .y,s-R'I '- ......k.tvo.. At> ...... . I '1'a - ~.. :;/..0 -'1:4'8',1 Colonial Dra". ~uDDl1e.-a. lIIIir 130 46 /'f 7S' 5>,:; / 7'.sK"...? Va 4 , t!a.. f~_,;:J %,&'J" 'l'rvac '1'rIIck "~1D. CO., Inc.- .e-DllrAp 218 00 7~3 Lj.!,-ff ( ,,- . .. , AA ')4- ~ ~ ?t~ . . . .. " 43 02 9?'-~ -K5F6' Ie. L. Dicker.on Beach WOrk 1155 00 .-' 7(,1 <,(SoP' ~".r Mr::Bvov Regional BarooUc. COllncil 4 SO - 767 -'Ia'<f' ( "4"--- nf' n....rt. ....ter Cooler-Town Office 156 65 . 'il, '1 .. . Wat.er . " 8 00 , ; 9::- '! '-kif'? Arcade Dept.. 8tore cabinet.-8upervi.or 14 95 I ( Mobil on 0.. 50' ,; 77d """>"1'0 l'ue1-DumD 96 i , e!! I '77/ I . .. " JlxoeMe-auoerviaor 51'0 1 97,( "'-/S""f/ ~thun'. DeDi:. 8tore Air Conditioner.-Iupervillor 605 90 I -%y..<' 1__.. n#4I4_ 127 1975 _.._. ...... n. ......41.. 50 97"'1 -%~ PitneY-Howe. Inc. Stamp Macbine JIxpeNIe 27 00 ~ C> I '-f, ?J7 PAGE NO. .....~~........ ~I)I..~~.... ,,-..- . .............,.,.- - --,,.,,,.._,.-- ~ - ----....- , , e Warrant No. ..........,.... . . . . , . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ClJIIIDAL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Darned persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the........ .!-3.th,........day of .. ...Au.,,,,.t. ..". ...".,19,,70>n Claims No. """.....""". to No. ..".,."."...." inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT T. T ".,_....,-- . .,.... '. J b~ 91'7 - '7?F Standard Linen ler:vioe tow.l.-1Own Office 6 65 '1'" Amerioan Teraite Control 1:0. -JlxlMtue-DuaD-Julv 20 00 / ' .1~;:!4~83 !'fo '. .. 0.. .__ 9 19 . "'.. .~~ ,,,.'~...v 1%( ... - "--" 40 nn if'.? Hovard II. '1'erry Bxpeue-Bldg. Iupeotor 7 73 '1'81 I..., ... ... ,.. .,., . rnt!. _-. 70 !i0 '-7?~ Matt:1t.llcJc Iron WOrk. BxIMMe-Dump 324 00 , '1 ;?f" - Balob. '1'. Pre.ton Inc. n.e-CJeft8ral 1 800 00 7-f& I. '1'. Pre.ton Inc. Placr.-Beach 32 00 "in I Amer. Lecrion Po.t. *1045 Maint.enanoe " Hem. J:lav 300 00 f[(n ( Trvaa '1'ruolt " 1Im1iD. Co. n.e-Public Work. 59 55 ~ 915'1 .. .. .. .. rft~:-~~OO ~n a" Oil _. Y n.-t.allle- : 'U 110 19J C?l ...tern L.I. Blectronio. Radar-Police 15 00 ,/r/ c.:? Ulrich llarine, Inc. BxIMn.e-Life~rd. 27 95 ( L1t.t.lefi~-Alerer liernal ( - df3 a....Traffic I1cmal 47 00 -\ 9(;(..!- I .. .. .. .. .. .. 138 75 ~ UO'i -.L.L."U 71'/s ~u'. Service Stat.ion Police-111.50 122 80 9'lC, !Lab. lIqIIip. Co., Inc. Genera 1 Bxpen.e 1000 00 , ::barle. hcker 5'l fly? Polioe car. va.bee! 50 'I 'Ie ..lbertaon Marine Inc. .e-Police Boat. m: 1ft. . 9'1'( If. a. Zitek, D. V. M. .ervioe-Doer. 223 50 /<'90 ,., lIat.1oul Safety Council lP08ter.-Polioe 12 59 4. ~~~~. PAGE NO. ...... ........ .' . Warrant No. e . .................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Q8IIBQL BILLS (5) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Bdard of Bouthold on the...... . 13th .......,.day of .. ."'t,Sg~.t::. . . . .. , 19.7.0 on ClaIms No. ... . . . . . . . .. to No. ...,......... .... inc., now on fHe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /OD/ '161 g' va41 J:nc:!. .e-Police e 4 00 ~/Y pol1ce-9.47 _1. OR 10 55 /c:.,(j :2-. Rare - .... /06.5 4/..:20 .. a..4.. Inc:!. axaene.-Polic. Boat 595 15 /66 '/ / . 1:"__..1 . Pet.t.v ea.h-Ch1ef of Polic. 90 00 ~/.:z( ~ .. " . " 84 75 / ~':::)IJ nee /t)o ~ " . .. .. II 56 20 /<-'() ) -o/t~'"' ~. , .... '. _. .. Police 9 80 . /,j6? 16-1..3 .....4 t'!n " " 110 55 IDc'f ',{I.~l./- .1...... C'!I'\ " " 2 56 /:,/D Q/.:?6- ( . 'IIr...... ..... .t..rn Univ.- n..-Polic 18 00 /0// I ( " .. .. .. .. . 1 75 I,:, /<< .&';2t, The Ronan Co. B:Ic1:HIn.e-Police 28 20 /,._'1_5 "lb:t.7 L.I. Fire J1Q111p. Co. " .. 26 25 .~, / ,,"."- LrJ ~17 k II. In... . . 7 00 , ~ ~ ,,' / ~ .. .. It . . 225 60 , ,"'0/'< "(:{,:;." Jim'. Din.r Pri.oner'. Meal. 9 80 '\ /,..) J 7 <;t.3,. '1'ran.cont:1nen1:al Sal.. Co ~P.- Bxpen.e-Po1ic. 22 9S /Q/~?' .1((,3/ Albert Martoccbia Ixpena.-Supervi.or 13 10 /-:1./ 7" l(t ,1'1... 11' .ILS. '1'...4 1.,. Sal.. Inc. .. Polic. 24 00 1,"1",,-'0 1/(.33' 'the Brookinqa In.titlltion . .. 613 /0';;'/ 'ftJ'f- Jo.eDh Sawicki Clot.hinq allovance 59 10 /6....,.(1. </1.3./ Richard C. Po.t. nee-Police 13 13 /6_73 '1-&36 Ba.t and 'typewriter Co., ~nc.-Bxpen.""upervi.or ~:- PAJGE NO. .. !S~... ~~~ TO .' . e e Warrant No. .................... To SUPEEWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBURAL BILLS (6) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the....... .1.3~.........day of .. ..Augu.t....., 19.100n Claims No. ..."... . ...... to No. . . . . . . . . .. inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Ie>;) tf ~o" 'AJ)8CO Maint.enance t.o 12-06-71 100 00. ". /.,:;.-r:' " .. .. " 100 wOO 'fC65.P IDIlp8rvl..or - :ru.uu /0 '";-f- McCabe. Central Store Pol1ce-9.83 99 83 ~ I'" '17 . .. .. Supplie.-SuJ)8rvi.or 4 75 /~ 't-f 'JCb ~ 9 Burton Potter Poat. '185 IIe1aorial Dav - n.e 500 00 10.-:'9 I <I',<{<> (Sout.bold Patrol Inc. n.e-Beacb.. 135 00 . /.:;.30 .. .. " " " 386 40 . /0.:3/ 'l'-G<{/ BaWkin. DelafiAld " _. .~ P ional - .. 191 86 10"':;'::<' %<{',,( Sout.bold ruel Oil Co. lUel 01l-Hlcrbwav 14 52 loO..:J L.I ., -- Ine, .8. -, {..._u~ 301 30 10$</ " .. " lI1ot.1aA-Bd, of 21 69 If) .:3J,./ . .. .. " " 27 74 /"'.?& It . .. It Bldq. Dept. 22 42 /037 -Y? $".7 " . . .. 'l'own Clerk 17 00 jO'3r' \ . " . .. . " 39 25 /d,3 <j .. " " Beach Perlllit. 58 50 I ---~,- 'I . oj>. , , .. I' ~ .. ~ .. ~ /1"J~o , " . .. . " 46 80 /n Y/ i " It It _.~ of! BLo, 5S 86 i /61.i,~ <,<~v" ( Cha.. Abrahalll., P.B. Service. 25 00 /0 lf3 .. " .. .. 50 00 , /6'1'-1 Mobil Oil Co. Ga.o11ne-SuDervi.or 32 87 /bY'~-- ytby.s " " " " W .T..." t """ 34 95 /0 'It. t .. " .. .. Police. etc. 549 75 / ,~/t 7 "'{,<fG Charle. Greenblat.t. Bxpen....Pol1ce 7 00 PAGE NO. .... E).,,,.. ~~.tl=~ TO CLERS: . ",', . ~ ~ Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD caa"IIUa BILLS (7) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.. ..... ... .13th.....day of .. Alagua.t. . , 19.700n Claims No. ....... . to No. . . .. . inc., now on file in my oft'1ce. , CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED . PAYMENT /o'/? <I/, '17 I'nc "DeIl..-DuII" 762 49 "I6'fF .... . - I 'foP. 5t" /0'-/'/ .. Beacbe. ;'0'':/0 /'rha -., <:ode of Bt.bic. 51 30 N".5-/ " . .. Ho~ice-Aa.e..or. 13 80 10";'''' . .. . .. ad. of 1. 21 28 /0;;).:7 .. .. It It .. 27 93 /---,-!,'""<-f J .. .. .. .. B14g. Dept.. 22 99 I~:;.___ j, I' 4~c,L1 '\ .. .. .. SIIPDU...-Blda. DeDt.. 18 50 /oJ.2 It " " . Town Clerk 17 50 /~f7 " .. .. .. 811p&rvi.or 79 50 , /,..,.:'''"g . . .. It Beacb permit. 36 50 JD;f'? .. It .. .. . 84 50 Icdo /" M.Y. 'fel.ahone Co. 2660-Blda. DeDt.. I 34 67~'\ ! 14 Jo"'.r .. It It .. .. ! 28 i , /66:z., .. . .. 6022-Pol1c. i 52 97 /060 It .. N U .. I 55 95 It .. It 0656- .. I 66 00 \ /b,f -v /"t~ "I'.t,,'<> .. . .. .. . 66 00 ) -< A .. u 6675-Dwap I 12 52 /~ ~6 i I / , , It A " 3660-Civil Def.ne. , 10 01 10(,7 : )6(,8" I .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 45 f N .. .. 0550-'uperviaor 69 38 /o~? .. .. .. 3783-'1'oWn Clerk 23 19 /076 /0:> '71 "- .. .. .. 3020-Aa....or. 47 27 7. ~~~~ PAGE NO. ..' .... ..1', . Warrant No. .... .................. ~ ~ To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GDB.RAL BILLS (8) SEC. 120 To the. Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the........ . 11th. .......day of ....... ..AU9U.t. ". , 19.7.0 on Claims No. .... . to No. ....... ..... .' inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNr DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '" 7-< .If:t..s.'f o.n L. - J:nl! n.....St.PII 176 63 /673 "f(,,,,".;1 .,-_.. I'n.,. .. SUpr. Offic. 4 92 /0/(,/ 7'b'" '3 - Co. .:Inc. ReDlaiX' Stai..-Rocky Pt.. 156 10 .. / y(, ~/>I Inc. ZXpen.e-Town Be.ch 13 85 ,/()?~ . -I~ ~ - . ~ ! /676 -r{, ~/~/ ~ .~L.' ft. ..... ...- " Public Work. 35 33 t.::' '7"1 "'{,..>6 ..,. .,-- .. Hiahway 9 10 . ! ~ - ~ .. ......... ..... ...-- _. . ..... _L f~ '7:1 4"(,';:7 Bdwarcl Capobi.nco ear. remove4 from dump 1460 00 /':"7/ <,<(..s-rl I- .. ., --- S.rvlce Waxina floota-'l'oWn Office 22 00 I , if I ~one. DoaJc Bxpena.......ch 34 10 py~ ~w i i ( I... Taft Tal Junie.. SlabY . JulY I hill <[(,[,0 ' 34 81 10 '6';:; ( New Toft Tal Juat1ca . Jaa. 122 79 /r) 8',,7 y(,d.1 e..l - . _ft' \hlO1llh April 40 00 /".g'l .f/.b~ I ..... l'n. ....L...~ . 55 00 I I,'KS' 'fh(,<{ i ....~ ..... .. ._ t ....... U _. . Bav \ lOj 04 ,1'..-::>i5f!., 'bG3, ....~ ".n. .u. . ....It... \ l~ 88 i ,.j?J tri. if: "11/ log"/ ~,s-i A. , _ /J. "" ,....' .f} ?'U~ - , 0./...1 Ztv, f -r;: J.'.. f?, /''Q I , 117-./ I ~.;t3 'ft.t./. . .'p~/"'" -~~ - ..e. /s- I v (f / I I 8. ~f)l.ti:::4 PAGE NO. ... .............Tci...~.......... .. . . . ....... ................ To StreERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUWfY OF SUFFOLK. BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ABT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS I SEC. 120 To the S~rvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized i.nd directed 10 pay the fonowlng Damed persons, the amounts set down opposite their _live 118m.. th l~ out of e accounts spec!tled, beiDg th~ amounts alJowed by audit of the Town Board or Southold on the ........................ day August, 0 of ."......""....."............, 19.... on Claims No. ............."". 10 No. ".........."".. Inc., DOW on file In my office. CHECK BUDGEI' AMOUNT D. NO. OR OTHER NAME NATUR:E OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED p, ,J1~!( G.R. 19f . Asphal ts, Inc. Asphalt Road Materials 5.55C 00 "l3!ZQ .39" ~ 19\ . CaoitOl Hi"hwav Materials Ir c.- Guard rail 99/ 53 .3""Q 20C . Fleet Lumber, Inc. Brick, cement 8C 95 0M. 20' . Goldsmith & TUthill Kerosene 5~ 00 110.cO 20 . Goldsmith & TUthill Kerosene 5~ 00 :>. ^ 20' Gulf 9il ......- Gasoline 2~ 61 .1'17" 20' I. Mobil Oil CorD. Gas Dieselfuel Anti-freeze 69C 86 .3 774 20 C'..eor"e L Penny Inc I Cement l~ 50 I .'1".r 20/ I, Mobil Oil CorD. Gasoline 1 62 .3.z. 20~ I. Mobil Oil ~rD. Gasoline 1 67 3".~r 201 . Shell Oil Co. Gasoline oil etc. 6' 78 . ~"'T 2m . Suffolk Cement Products Cement block 7C 45 /I~T '" ,oj, ;,''''''''( ~ P,L..( ,. " .,,, T. I~- ... .,.. . /.36 30 .3779 21 . Texas Refinery Corp. Lubricant , . ",.11. 21 Trvac ~ruck & EauiD. Co Inc Hv Tran motoroil 2\ 60 .3/,.s-o ?1' M. ... & . C'b. In" Hv 'I'ran . 90 777Cr? I PAGE NO. ...).~......... ~~.~.. ( .G/ j{(int.r[ /~'5'~":::- /0. I) ":7 _. . . . .......,...v............ To SOPIEIWLSOR TO PAY AUDITEI> COUN~i'Y OJ," SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 11132, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 Page ...L. of 2 Pages To the SU;pe1'VIsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to ~. the foUowlDc named persons, the amounts oet dawn opposite their respective nam.. 13th out of the accounts epecIfle4, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ......... ~1;1.~.s~............... 11?.. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc.. now on tile In my offICe. CHECK BUDGET . AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED ~ . l.g,.gJ # 175 . Assoc. Capital Servo Corp. Payment radio leases 40" 15 3,.g,2. 17f . Michael & Jav Bernstein Materials & labor-floor nAW ",hon 4"" 16 .3<%. 17' . Clemans Weldin!!: SUDD1v Weldin!!: sUDDlies 7~ 20 l~"&d 17S . East End SuoD1v Co Inc Wir" cab1" &. I.. .... ;."k 539 .15 . I~".h- 179 En"'in" R..hu~1A'M~ ('.n..n "_M~O ,,~aI .,0 f'<:J .:for ""Y<<.... ,3,.3' 18C . Edward Ehrbar. Inc. ReDair parts .'1"3" 1~1 '~1\T v .. T T ""~. ,~ M. ... " 00 "'~st 182 . Island Ford Tractor Sa1es.lnc , ReDairs & Darts 19 10 /ot:Jfoo 18" I",l~nd po..n."'.' ~..^. ~". .Tn, Tn"" ,11 h~O' o~ol on .3"jc 1~4.. M.1 U.~D .. i"n TM~ 3ffl <17 ~ , - . ... . -3""0 185 Mattituck Auto Parts Inco Reoair 61\Q 7'2. , ,!J,.q, 1~,,1 .....M:~:M.1 ...~~.... "^ TM UM. 23 20 I.'?""--' 187 .~..~ ~D'" '0 ...~.. ,~. -, ... nnl Ko.~o . 188 North Shor.. .. ,d-" "...,. II h.,.k (<::hnn 1>: 4.. nnJ 31". 18CJ P..nn /':!1... n(! ...o...'h II! v .,~ a1..... 1n nn /""00 190 ~ Penn Glass of Riverhead .Q." Windshield for 1969 Ch"v 95 00 , ,3""'4/ 191 (''''0''''''' T. Tn,.. ,., ~ I'n. ..hnM 79 54 . a7~- 192 Rand-Mac Murray. Inc. Prate Gate 6M 0;0 .379L 19" . Aui-n Tn,.. Io_M~.1,. 97 26 i Rolle Bras, 8..e.. T f.. .9...c. 03797 194 "I> .10' ,,, 0" , .37" . 195 Trvac Truck & "n..:M. i"n TM~ ',." I/, 0 ~..., OAt "',^ ./ 196 Tryac Truck & Bado, Co Inc !.."air 1107 77 J -.:?7 q q 197 Vail Bros, Inc. epair Darts 3 30 , .'1<1'0" 198 Van Dvck & Yousik Inc ~ir" & tub.. "" ,,~ 1, ~(#.44:~......, PAGE NO. ................ TOWN ~. .<. ...,.'~----...- -"- - - . .. . . ~ - . ..,..................... To SIJP<EEWIBOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNr.CY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Page ...L. of ...L. Pages SEC. 120 To the Su,pervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons. the amounts oet down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... .~~'!:h........... .day of ...".. ..AIIg!.\S:t.,,,.....,, .... 1910. on Clalma No. ............"".. to No. .. ................ Inc., now on tile In my office. ~~UDGET AMOUNT DA NO. R OTHER NAME . NATtmJ!: OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED . I ~acn. Van Dvck R, V^"aH. Tnt". .~.~. R. n,,+.. :3 90 ~ 199 I . :~g(lj 200 Van Dvck R, Tnt". rirp R, +"h.. 'A'7 ", 111i<:'7! , 201 Van Dvck R, V^"aa. Tnt". rirp" Ro ... "", .'" 0 .~qn"- ?O? 7.pn Mi'". "^ .~, ~^. a"'^^ 411 65 70"<7 . '7 . . . I , . . ! , . ! ! 2. 4~{M.~~. J?At}JC N(). ................ WN CImRIIC ~ ~ . . . ...... ................ , To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDrrED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 6S4 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 Page ....L. of ....L. Pages To the Su,pervisor of the T<>wn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 13th out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the T<>wn Board of Bouthold on the ........................ day of .....:!\~~s.~,,,,,.,,.......... 19?~. on Claims No. .........."""" to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATtmE OP CLA1M , NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P' '1"70..3 ~ISC;", Bn..." nn~ 4'n..m ". .1 ("n. .~"'~ 80 00 , /f,',. 222 Bond Unifillrm S""''''''' ("n. Services 7? 00 .38'04 223. Capitol Hil!hway Materia1s.Inc. Rainsuits 30 00 0<~0S- 224. Raymond C. Dean ..' Expenses . 23 65 ;?S06 225 Hart Hardwar" & l':a"d"'" ~isc. h ... 7 66 226. New York Telephone Co. Services (765-3140 - June) 20 43 ]0<110'>' 227 New York Telephone Co. Services (765-3140 - July) 19 15 fIe.e~ Services (734-5211 - June) 1 228. New York Telephone Co. 42 31 229. New York Te1eohone Co. Services (734-5211 - July) 36195 . i .3 fo8' 230. North Fork Variety Store~, Misc. hardware items 20 751 I 8.1'09 231. Wilbur S. Petty. Iron & steel 21 68 I 1 I 00 i I. "FIO 232 J"an K IP~..i-_Hm" 90 I .3&'11 233 Henry J Smith ~lumbin". sunnlies 4 29 , .~g," 234. Sou+ho'" -- IMisc ~+..mQ 1~ 48 ( .:i1f.:19 235. Southo1d Hardware Misc. hardware items 14 81 JI .31113 236. Ralph W. Ster1inl! ~rass seed 65 00 .'?[lld 237. C. p. Tuthill Inc. P1umbinf( supplies 2 32 i -381"- 238. Washinl!ton White's Sons Misc. hardware items 62116 I I : L-i',f/':; 239. Xerox Corp. Basic use charge & copies 73129 I :70-1 i"3 : ! ! I I I PAGE NO. .....~.~........ ~(M~d-.." _.__.,~- - -- . . . . H1!..UI' \~O. ........................ To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ABT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pi.ber. I.l.nd Ferry SEC. 120 Di.t.rict. Bill. To the S".,.,rv1sor of the Town of Southold: (1) You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective names out of the accounta epeclfled, being the amounta a11c>wed by audit of the Town Board or SOUthold on the ...... .13th........ . day of ...... ....." Mguet......., 1t10. on Claims No. ........."""... to No. .."" ........".. Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLNIM NO. ACOOUNT ALLOwED P ,0-'7',i Y"G Piok I. ca.r.qe Tir.. " Oil-Tract.or , 195 57 ./ 1'<'7",- gogo P.I. Ut.Uity Co. UUl1Ue. to 6/30/70 244 69 , ,0'7{, 881 . .. .. ~nI_'lbeat.re 4 00 I \5'7'7 . .. . "i.c. Servioe 116 02 , I llellrolocrical ClrOllD IaxaIlinat.1on-ChaDla.ki l s",J! .7~> 35 00 ~?'" Xt'"i laaytheon Co. Radar Mainunance July '70 74 00 I ;\..~-)?o .. .. . .. June I 70 74 00 I 0,s/ Jl84 [Dr. Cba.. 8. Dyer Injury-O. Merry 78 00 . :6"6'Z J?9<- co Inc. Filter. 81 00 tlIfI'iI>>"" 6S~ .886 'atell1te Radio Co. ..pair.-Airport "dlo 498 60 I ~?J' ./ 1T8'7 .ational 'rick.to Co. 'ricket..-'lbeat.re 29 20 . ".(""5...5- ggF !Laycook Bu.. Machine. ~. Repain-Typew.ri ur 47 00 I ,S6e;. ,fft.. Ic:it.y of __ London 'faxe. , 2.391 85 oS'" Soo !.T. 8oloaon Inc. PIIr.er'e SlIpplle. '1( / 11 - ~"'6'"Jj 1%",/ !John Holbrook " Son ,J)...v Material Req'n. 11 7,821 25 66'0 1 %a.:L !Bell Det.roit. Die..l,J4..c. Mat.er1al-Myat.ic 1.1. 117 99 0<;0 Sd "conic Air S.rvic. Commi..ioner. Mt.q.. 40 00 '0<;>/ 1&"" !Gru.kin HardWare 0.. Material-~.t.ic Iel. 60 . .UI.. . /Cq.< ..1""",- !united 81ectoric SUDDly Co. . _ev London Dock 16 50 $,03 Sqt. ~lIllivan Pdnt.inq ... Pureer'. 8uppli.. 67 00 ao.en Fila Delive.z~~ ~. , ,-end ga." , rila Delivery 130 00 0a6--- Buena Vi.ta Diet.r. Co. .. -'lb.. tre 88 26 ",,-q(, %?% " " " .. " " 290 93 0-a~ .. .. " . " .. 152 22 /c<, f,("3, PC 1. 4~{M~~ PAGE NO. ................ ............. "WiiCiiiilii.' .... , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SOPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDrrED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS Wi.bAra Ialand W.rry CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Diat.dct 811la SEC. 120 (2) To the SU;POrVlsor of the Town of South old : You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowlng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of tb.e Town BOard of SOUth old on the....... . 13th. ....... .day of ."...".". Auqu.t........, 19.70 on Cla.l1ns No. ........"...."" to No. ""........".... Inc., now on rue In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATImE OF CLAn.!: NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P' ,--"9S Jnited Art.iata Corp. illU-'lbe.t.re 94 ~6 . -iDQ ,5QQ " .. .. . .. ~1!1 22 600 . .. .. " .. 271 71 001 <;00 Penn Central '1'I'an.. Co. "ntal _tar line 10 00 &0/6 'i'o/ i . . :r ., .. ..4... ......\r .... An 1'0 "I I q".z-- A8aoc. CaDital . . .. 61 to.. 1 - t:,,</ 9"3 1'.1. Ferry Diatrict. a.Dleni..h _L lA onl {,o.s q"d .. U_y '.In., nn I /'06 e~$,- 1llat.'l. Caab l18cJiater Co. Cl.an ca.b R8aiat..r n 25 007 90"- ColWlbia Pict.llre. I'n-- 72 2'1 ! &,og 0",," a lion ___4.. Oil .. 21( i .;:"'C c;,-,g Walter Gdffin Mail Haulaae 115 00 ! I b/cJ 9"9 'lbe Day lIot.ice 16 80 Uf 9/0 Ipicer ru.el Co. D1e.el ru.el-Ferrie. 996 04 c,1:? 9n .. ton .. Wilaon Vlv"J.v.'W>.< a. Mat..rial-OLIImPo 14 09 G/3 9/2. bymond Doven CoIIDia.ioner. HU. 10 00 0/0/' 09'/" St.eDhen 11 .. . 60 00 , Ii, /.5- <7/</ .iabard I'ol'..le . .. 50 00 /ole: 'I/O> Polly JIdIaonda " .. 80 00 617 9/{; . . '~-4.. . . QO 00 , hi? 9/'7 Alfred I. 8iaknell ODoItration ft" 1'.....4.. , 1 00 ' Io/c;- . .. "lcUna re_1ra 392 91 ,(::-:, 0~ ;! .3 Y6 PAGE NO. ......~....Q~~y 4K~~~... ,. , . . Warrant No. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 LI08'1'IHQ DU'l'lUC'1'8 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: (1) only You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, beIng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the......... . 13th ......day of .. ..."Ala911.~..."." ,197Q on Claims No. """.. . . . . .. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT t:< .. .. T.4~h"4na nv at. Liahta-Orient. . 333 20 t3 .. II .. .. B. Marion 258 75 to'! II .. . .. B-W Greennort. 287 61 &-i>/ -btf . .. .. .. aOllthold 971 10 \ , >If'fgg,u>r.. 1,.1- . .. .. .. Peconic I 223 30 &'7 . .. .. .. Cutcboaue 1.246 97 U/ . .. .. .. llat.t.it.llck *1 1,080 09 C,9 .. .. .. .. .. .2 87 60 .- ?.. -.j:!.r Vill.ae of Greenoort .. W. Gr..nDQrt. 142 30 7/ 0"f- r.I. Electric CorP. .. ri.her. lal.bel 230 84 i i [ , i I [ - i Lf!(,./ ,7& PAGE NO. "" ..1" only ~~~ ; . . / . Warrant No. .. .................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 6J4 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD (JIQD_\L BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons. the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the account\,speCified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.. .. " 7th............day of . ..." ...... .1Uly" ...... 19" 7Qm Claims No. ".""........... to No. """"""""" inc., now on file In my office. .. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '79.5 440 ( Albert II. llartoccbia n..-'II~rvi.or $ 15 21 - I <, 1'-.3,0 J 7'16 . . .-Porkv. 27 80 i I 7c;'7 .t/4' <,t 1 wend.l1 I. 'labor AII....or 1It.9. , 5 00 79x .<L..ti!..s- I'", . .. 5 00 4..tt;~ , 7qq IIdward W. Pox .. .. i 5 00 ,goo 44(.'7 I......t A .. ! .. .. I 5 00 %0/ J/..t(,g :A. .. .. S 00 .&;2_ , vanDyck " Youaik Inc. ~,ut;Q Bxpen..-AII....or Car 43 66 S,,~ dd'?o '. .. . .. 14 75 ~ 'U t.b-CO~ona-llarcbant. llaint.nanc. 145 00 <: 6~~ 14.4'7? &. l'.n_ Jlf...... 80 40 0/.. .2" i < 60C, .. . .. It It lS 80 g07 k4:7" -.- ..... ~ r..... _Publi.. --rk. 110 54 XnX' .f J. ._t.... ir.-aicrbwav DeDt. 33 53 k'~?6 Wil1 n La,w Book Co. ; gOQ Binao III li.. U 16 1"-" n.e-iilu.uu J"/d ! ;,{J/7. Albert W. Ricblllond Town Cl.rk-16.77 36 77 81; , 0/.:71 A. R. Gr.be IIxlMtn..-Planninq ad. 27 35 "'.- J'/X-- , .. .. . .. .. 14 00 8/3 4<L:7.f .chool Diat.. *7 u.. of Icbool 405 00 %/4 ././n. Boatman'. Harbor Inc. Dockaa-.-Barcr. 35 00 J'/<.5~ #8'0 1',1. t'el.Dben. Corp. Le..ed Lin..-Civi1 Def.n.. 5 00 SIt; .U~ ( L.X. Li9btinq Co, 81.ctric1t.y 190 45 ) .::13.:1.// Y;7 .. . It . JII.t1ce nl ~" -to 41 66 .J>% /'/1/ ,f2 lunri.. Coacb Lin.. Inc.-' u... to St.rling Gard.n. 555 00 PkGE NO. ..... 1. .... ~ . . . Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. a, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CJDPAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the SuperviSor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.........,~......... .day of . ..... _.. July . ., 197.Q. on Claims No. ....... ...... ..' to No. ...............,.. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT glee; "-4g~ rF,3'....", IBav.rlv Benn.tt Matron S.rvic. 10 00 S.to 4t/fv ~31.o.1f 1- . Aut.o Sal.. BxlMtn._polic. car. 257 90 ff?-I i I- Suffolk \'i_. .lIooli..-Aa....or. 12 50 . s:v. II II .. . . 22 00 S?3 \ M. o~ A--....l. 16 53 . .. II .5"2 cI I Lldk.s- I . . .. . ZOn1nQ 8 36 '61P.7 "\ 5:16- II . II Code of Bthic. 51 30 S:u . . .. Beach P.rmit.. 679 50 S:t1 . .. II n.....u~rvi.or 75 33 !J.3 ! .. II .. .. .. 10 75 %:Cc nuge, -.., London lu. 8ot.ia.-Bearing-ZOning 9 80 5(~" i<LILf' '1 !Othman'. Deot.. It.or. Saf.ty Box-Beacb 5 79 S31 41/.fK ( nn Pric. Acr.ncv 259 , !) ~.:pf.o. Iuuranc. 00 . '\ ! 332- II .. .. ! 275 00 .. A''11 i ~arl.. Abraham., P.B. Bngin..ring S.rvice. 150 00 . i 5.3'/ .. . II II 50 00 s.a~- <: 01 01 01 01 50 00 J".3/. .F ,c>~ .. .. . .. 25 00 ... '3~ od I -, .537 : . .. .. .. 25 00 ! 5.3% I . .. .. II 25 00 J.!i9 1.I,l49o 4 'llfo.t/ Robert. Muir S.wing <:h..t 13 55 %'/0 .U~ iTJu~ iDavid P. Moor. Bxpeu.-Jlarcot.ic Council 4 50 gf; Uu~. :B.3/CIO. FL ~~ Print.ing SlIppl1..-Pol1c. , 14 30 51-.L .,..-- if:; 1110.0 ".t. and iter Co. SlIppli..-Ju.tic. Demar..t. 7 90 ,[<(3 . 111~:t...,/ Central It.or. l.......n..-SllnArvi.or 12 30 2. ,c/4~(JI t?:i::~ PAGE NO. ..,.., TO CLERm:: . . . . . Warrant No. .. .................... To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CJ....Ma BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the folIawing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amoW1ts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........, th . . . . . . . . . . day of ... .... "July"" ..... . 19..7.f)m Claims No. "'"... .. to No. .... ............. inc., now on file in my off1ce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT (5 .d.'~'./ -, T.... . _orovn DIuID (13'.0\ 3388 16 . ~$f'O.i/ J (I-;'(s" . . .. .. " .. 576 94 6-11 "'1-<1'75 ~ .. . .. 956 74 ~:J7.fi'q . . . , 3-17 , to _....., · - IIDrk. 54 67 . . . I i 51 38 /4.", . . . . . .. , , I ~ (da ~",C9C fl7/lo.1< _. Y. . .. .. 163 42 6"6~ 7'"19/ ......... . ..... t"... .. . ~ ..... 52 50 5\,9 at"'''' <7' 1A-8IM""- I..... Cl>ntrol C!!O. - Service Town May. 20 00 40,0 (J )(0:Z- . . . . " . .JUJU 20 00 )1$3 '5t'<,e9 " 1l1:2:lt),V . -Jlaet1nc:r 15 72 I ,f6-'" ~..{T;;6 fJ KJ~o.'/ ........~ 1 Ot. 1 Cl>. l'II.l-INIID 154 98 162;"' ''16-6/ I Th. Co. SIIDD1i..-Su i.or 7 50 .YC~ ~c." SUDDU...-'fown 122 94 5$/ -+0' <J I....._~ ....1 _41..... aichard Jen..en 63 30 SSg '1<6'0 !l CUt:cboqu.-1'''' 8l1ff. Biat.. Counc11-Bxpen.. 500 00 %{;4 'fG'o6- I..'. . Mnter JlxDen..-Park. 58 65 , :?~o W<>,,':: !IL~~" ./ IIccabe'. Cent.ral Store Suppli..-AB....or. 117 00 %"'1 1'. Y. T.l.phon. CoIIpany 0550-'lIparviaor 72 26 , 6675-lNap , 11 80 g('L , . .. , 6".3 "i'>b" \:' i . . " 0550-Superv1.or 123 21 .3~9. yy I < 74 ~LL' , . . . 3710-JU.t.ia. Demar..t. 27 , U6"' . . .. 3020-AB....or. 49 60 g~~ ( . .. " 3783-'1'own Cl.rk 25 38 g-~ 7 .y-~;;; '1T f(,-J."j tu. --X;;hh/ AA~ (zf..~ - ,f) .J-'/-s- 00 3. ~()I,.~~ PkGE NO. "."" ....".. TOWN . . . . , Warrant No. ...,................... To SUPERNI80R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GIDUIRAL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.......... .~.~....... . day of .. ."'~1.Y" ''', 19.7() on ClaIms No. """" . to No. .................. inc., now on file in my o1fice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT !/;y / 9 .. '1'-- I- .. ,a._ 22 I(n J'l,q . n .. Sllnnli..-~x ..c.iv.r 15 60 :576 .. .. .. .. Ju.~ic. DeMarut. 22 70 6'71 . .. .. IIoUo.-IcI. of 1. 16 t3 ffy;;, Moa ~ .. .. .. Supp1i..-tOwn tru.t.... 26 35 fi73' .. n .. ~1}1n~:2r~').? ., ... D'" OlD 37<1- .. . . Beach Stick.r. 36 25 5'70/ \ .. . .. ..---.... _#< i. II: nn , . :17" -';'Slo :, - "... ... .- f; AI!. I. .'0_'. 1(" I,n ,f'?7 ~I ..~to.__ .....' - - . -- ..--.. :f7?' .._ ..__to ........- .. Uav . 2<:1 I,.!; 1 f?'?'l 145.t3 I n n n n - 2.. 1G.4 n .. i .. ' FS" n n n ,..,--'" - _. '21; 17 !I . ex/ ~~~ L.I. 'lr.vel.r Inc- Hot:ice-Bd. of All....=- 9 W;O gq -;<S-;y Sou~old HardWare SUDDli.. 99 SS Ff.3 ~-;\J ./ - ... Oi.l ax---. - SUDel'vi.ol' /12 B6 'is,! Amer1can PbOt.OCODV BauiD. Service - Town Cl.rk ~ -~~> #'c!-;':: -.r-A co. -- , : ;:>~ if J' oS' , CI~-Jtol1 -;\00 00 n II .. S.n ,..' - I 00 r<i' ", !(zl., 4"'~ 7' '!'own Board : 15 , ....tuialAII.i.tanoe - I efj? , " n Board ~f ADDiRal. 25 00 J[{6' 1.1<:'/51 -- .. 1_- ')') Inn ~gJ ~q llaaJWaatoD Wb1t.'. SoIII I_DU., - belche. 50 ~3 S''7.<' ~~~ Ifft Yen tel.,hoM CoIIpaay . .....lOr. 46 ~6 ,.'-- .' iI. 100" <1'i / *-:1 to. D. "' y- - K'1:( -'?0~ ~.... L. ...., 1Dc. eup'l.... . MMM' 46 ~l P^,GE NO. """..." 4/k;;-t~~;.;q' ~<>4 /~ ?-<?~y . . . -- Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK rw.......- IaMD BILLS '''' D...., \CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .DiLI (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names . (;q1.t't' of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the..... .7..>........... .day ':"O! ...... ....,.,.. ..... ". '" 19 "on Claims No. ""....".....". to No. .....""..".",, inc., n~w on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT . ALLOWED PAYMENT ,5"",0'1 r:z'T .... -..-...- ~ 7. ~ '. l"'t'l. L04../ %~ ca. 2. l2 cj- c!< %2,0. 1_.'1 .1 I.. .,...1 .. U w 0"% If''JJo '. 2M. l. . C!e, 1,- 1.7 c!,4'l 53/ d'lJ' %";z, I. '1', aa. 1_........ . ...... ,,,. , .aa. L2 ::--'j-.llQ ,f.33 1_1 CIL ~ 1.- ..Y .2_ ~ - I I..L .. 2.. 111 ,t.56c> %,J ,0' 6.$1 J'.,J.s .- ,,- .. _ A'''' ... . .. , 03-:0 ,fat CO. I .... __ A' ....... ..... . ~ uo J.o .0~~'.3 %3'7 I D. .ulev . II1II - ......, .... 0"n.l %dJ' .... - .... .. s.. 1ft ,/0-..5- %.39 . '1'..--" ... .~ - I_~ 1&1 i. -5.$ b ,f </0 a' '. rue ..... H. Ie , c....tate 0'67 %</1 I ~dua .- it a. ... Ao c56~f g'lz "..81u8C Jl.c. -. - id. ~~ 0601 No? I II. :ba. 1.- - I- .f"<t"</ .... '.,AIal6 .... 'u. .. ~ &2 101 '5"b() ! .f"d<' l -- .,-. 1- '5"11 . I' , ~-L"'! % -<lL ......... ........ Ce. It... _ '" ...1.1H. ! .,j-,;q ,54;;- .... -,- a. ... .. Y. .7""'" ".,. i'. ,.,64 x.</p a...IJ. CU1ta1 ... '1 110 . .f"-<lo Ce1-~'1a .s.tuu - ... 7J 171 0""k~ ....,.(, %60 1Ia1te4 ~j,o eu.1~.. --_.-- ..~tft. ~a !lG /c, .s$l"~. 3;7 PAGE NO. ...... .... ~(M~rl TOWN . ,,t," ;., t"" ^ -< 3. "'-/.37, 7;:/ ~ . . - Warrant No. ......"........... To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS 1-1 - -... CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD .... .q,..... SEC. 120 .WIlli.,;ifJ) To the Supervisor of the Town of Southald: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing naMed persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namel out of the accounts specified, being thea-mounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the....... .,...............day of " .....~... ......., 19.7eon ClaIms No. ",,"... o to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '--52 '7 K:9 1- r.... 1"- _.. 11,1 .. .. >i/.f" ~2."C.1 .. 'I, . .. - ,- ....- .... . \.3'6", %6:4 - .. l!a.. -,' ..aU 12... - \57" %'s./ '.. ~. . <10 , rw , ~A' CUJ '--"'1/ !f 53- ./ LZ. //l"" '. 0- ,. I , 1 , 1 /';:,1'90..37 PAGE NO. ....... .... ~~~~ ~ .-- . . . - -- . - 7 .......... To SUPEIWISOR. TO PAY AUDlTED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 834 LAWS. Ol" 1m, A:R.T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Damed person., tho amOUDts set down opposite their roopectlvo I111III1.. 7th out of the accouDts epoolflocl, baing the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Baar<l of SOUthold on the ........,............... day of ."..".......July.....,....... 19.7.0 on Clalma No. ..."...,...."... to No. "..."""....... lno., DOW on molD my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT n NO. OR NAME NATUIIJ!: OF CLAnI4 NO. ACCOUNT AIiLOWF1D L;>7.2~ u.K. Asnhalt Road Materials ~/.2/,:,-o # 170. Asnhalts Inc 2 94 50 171. Asohalts. Inc. Asnhalt Road Materials 5 l8C .00 ::'~JK 172. Ic..nitol Hilrhw&y Mahd..1s In" Traffi" 0' ~n "" .,t' ." L-1'7,zo 173. Pishers Island Utility Co. Inc. Gasoline. etc, 5' 17 , ~#.3c 174. GreenDOrt Lumber Co. Cement l' SO ..3713 I 175 IGulf" Oil cb. ,,~ . O? ~..3.v 176 Georl>'e L. Penny Inc. Lumber 17' 30 I -.31..3 .. 177. Rason Asphalt, Inc, Cold patch 46 30, , .,jJ.,J4 178. Twin Pork Pence Inc. Pence materi-ls 38( 03 , Mobil Oil Corp. , I 179. Gasoline 42 Mobil Oil Corn. 3'11 52 ' 't.3i'g ..3.~ r. 180. Diesel fuel 'f ,- 181. Mobil Oil Corp. Motoroil 9' SO 187.. Of1 ~ . <101 <1<1/1 i i I ! I i 7, 9'" Iff. 1'0 1. &4/,,(M~~.. PAGE NO. ................ {r.;' c (a(( , /4. 96'3, // c_.- ._.' ,";.,....,.... . . . . . . 7. Warrant No. ............. ........... To SD:I'mWISOB TO PAY AUDrI'ED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BILLS HIGHWAY DEPAR'D4J!NT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 11m, ABfr. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the S~r of tho Town of southaM: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Damed pereons, the amounts lOt cIoWD opposite their _tlve I11III01 7th out of tho accounta epeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of southoId on tho ........................day of ."..... ~1,I".Y.. " .. .. . " . .. .. .., 197Q. on Cla1ma No. ....."......"". to No. ............."... IDe., DOW on file ID my office. _'K BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF OR OTHER NAME NATmtE OF CLAm roo ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT "7,,1, ,~~~. . 40' X 158. Associates Capite1 Serv.Oorp.. Payment radio 1eazses 15 67~ 159 Theo J. Burke & Son Tine sets 20 92 37# 160. BUllavs B""ress 00, Deliverv char"es on narts 7 72 J73r 161. O1romDt- P"-s+en-" Co..... Cans & waDh-.." . 2 ~o d7'fo , ...". :n4,.k'" . .~ "" 00 J'rr , 6~. Ba"t Bnd Sunn'v rh_I"", M~"".-I., 8 rn.. _AI, ......."k" 8 44 ~'rz- 164. Ellison Products Drill s 2' 16 0~ 165. Mattituck Auto Psrts. Inc. Eauioment 94 30 ozer &:r:ruCI< -37Ffjt 166. North Shore Canvas Products Material & labor repairiAg / 7 61 d;,K5 ,,,.. u____. ., T_~. I "_I"~h .,,, tJ7'H. ,MI- ". O. ,,___ U_~h. ,,_ T_~ 11>_n~4.. ~, Od "757 169. Riverhead Auto Parts- Inc- Reoair Darts 0;0: 21 d- . ?'~ 170. Steel Industries Corn, Paint strainers 28( 90 a7r9 171. Trvac Truck & l!nuiDment Co. New Pickup 1.75( 00 172. Van Dvck & Yousik- Inc- New tube & tire ~han"- 2 65 J'~ 173, Van Dvck & Yousik. 1Inc. New tires 3 16 79. R / 174. Van Duck lit Youdk. Inc. Soacers & studs 1 00/ 4,C6? .;l,/ PMm NO. ................ ~~~~ - " . . - . 7. W.......nt No. ....."................. To BOPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDrrmD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BIL1B HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ABT. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SU;pervlBor of the Town of Southolcl: You are hereby authorl2ed ancI cllrecled to pay the fo1lowlng namecl persons. the amOWlta lOt clown _lie their _tlve DIllIN 7th out of the accounta spec!f1ec1. being the amounta aIlowecl by aucllt of the Town BoarcI of SOUthoIcI on the ........................ clay of ..... July.,,,,,...,,,,,,...,,.. 19.1.0 on ClaIma No. ...........""". to No. ............."... Inc.. now on tue In my orrlce. JK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF OR OTHER NAMI!: NATtJ1!.E OF CLAD/.! _TO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P A YMI!:NT 3rt:! # 204. .. u> Tn" ...---.. ,,~" H"'e "'.... u. ls?,;;.. 205. Charts Unlimited Week1v Wh1dll. tax chart 2 95 .:S7s:3 206. John W. Duryee Misc. it~s 11 09 .3.r</ 207. Granite Safety Products Corp. Safety hats 8" 50 .3 rsb" 208. L I t..". __at , 60 3.a 209. McCabes' Central Store. Inc. Suoo1ies 2C "6 '7~.1b I 210. McCabes' Central Store. Inc. Supplies 4c 95 $1.5"7 211. Vail Studio & Camera Shop Films 11 17 o3?sF. 212. Xerox Coro, Suoolies 91 10 10-0,./0 '1". ,.. D__>_ _..__ -..- ~, ^^ . 9.37 . ::&0 I'~II !f(). ................ .1?#~{!f~d TOWN . . . . ......"................ " To 8tJPERjVISOR TO PAY AUDlTED COUNTY OF....SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OJ!' 1m, ABT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Lighting District SEC. 120 Bills (1 only) To tho 8"""rv1l<0r 01 tho Town 01 8outhold: You are here-by author1zed and directed to pay the follow1ng Damed persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out 01 the accounts specified, belnr the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 7.1:,1:,1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..."........ :t~~.'>!..........., 19. ?9 on Claims No. ""'''''''''''''' to No. ".........""... Inc., now on fIlo In my office. CImCK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED p, 0-..3 tTy ... III+'. . _L . ~~~ 20- - .,,(),,"" " ; ", L:t.'t. ; 75 6"-<;1 . .. " c7,s- " r- " " 8.... k.. t. 283 10 0-'; .-I.:J " " " " .' au 33 Q." "\ ~ 0-7 " . " " . 208 65 ?<::I ,1-;; ".. " M4 65 -;> " " . oS'1 " " " " ....t.+.i+.uak ~ 1 959 92 I c'o \ . " " " .., i21h".., &0 ! &/ 0'0' ..., - ..~ . w...+. Qr_nBnrt. 142 30 I . i -1 . T .. " .. -" T.,...A -- ---- - /" I . '. 11'070.50 PAGE NO. ...J.:......... ~(]I.#~:t. , ,/ . . .... ,............... ''''0 SUPJillWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNrry OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CJENERAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the ~Isor of the Town of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amoUDts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amoUDts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ....... ~ ~I:I. . . . . . . . . . . . day of ............................... 'f 19.... on CIa.ln1s No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATtmE OF CLA1:M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P' 0Y'/ '~'-f"6.--+/ ~harles Abrahams, P.e. Engineering Services $ 25 00 ' ~.v.:; to " " " " 25 00 ) yvo. 'f "''' I"U , to " " I ~'f3 'fy-""y " " 25 00 " " " " " ~~ ~~ ;'L?c;' IVY D."" . " to " " to , CJ~/ =33 I 'No - {/ .. to " " .. 25 00 .0..0 }'-r'-fb_~ I ::~L/~ to " " " to 25100 i , " to " " to i 1='-,/7 /'-{'!-D.V 50 00 b'-'Y I'N~.'-f to " " .. to 50 00 :''19 /'"fD.'-/ to " to .. " 50 00 &:60 1'I'fc . 'f to to .. to .. 100 00 r, ;.5"1 4-7,3 cL i3 5 Lr;o.'-I- M _"" A_ "" co, /:,'s~. 1Co?00 !A({16.<I Martin Suter Justice .. Assoc. of Towns 76 61 bL'7j <g3{; 3/60. 'f- Charle. Tucker Exnense-police , 60 00 , 06-v -</,;(.37 0IPc,'f- Joseph Sawicki Jacket-Police 36 00 ('.5';5- Albert Mart.occhia Expense-Lunch 16 25 I -'(dJ3.Y fJl;;<~ ..f I bSf!, 4;<.3"/ ;)160,'f- Charle. Greenblatt Supplie.-P_lice 3 60 bs-7 -</0740 fl8/"0,'I- Angelo Petrucci Rental of Bulldozer 600 00 . ~s-'8" 'l';;>W h:>1S 5",.1J.~ Harrv H. Tuthill SUDDlie.-R.R. Bridae 26 40 6'--.1/9 -<l<f~ A ,330'f- George Mellas Expen.e-Tax Receiver 9 60 '~00 -<l~ 7C5' 13g610 Serge Doyen, Jr. Expense-Bd. of AppeaU 13 00 t.~,i "'1':2 'f'f /3.9;1 Alden W. Young ExDense-A8ses.ors 15 00 6 <60;10 ( ~ 06&f .-;c;>____ Lawrence M. Tut.hill Engineering Services 197 '00 6&,-::S tv&fd;(,~ " .. " .. /.;'cJy 11-.027 29 ~~ i{,.,f,L/ -</c2'iC C; 1-30 Albert. W. Richmond Expense-Town Oft ice 16 00 PAGE NO, ...,.~~........ ~t)t.~~. WN CLERiIC t, 1'1' "- (( J 7 ')':;' I J,'C 1 ~ -.. . . . . ..... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . TO SUPlliWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUN'fY OF SUFFOLK BILlB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the S\IiPOrviBor of the TOWD of South old: You are hereby authorized and d1reeted to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out or the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit or the TOWD Board or SOUth old on the .......... 9 th . . . . . . . . day of ."""..." .~\l.I)~...... ......, 19.7.Q on Claims No. ""'''''''''''''' to No. .. ......."" ..... Inc., now on me In my office. CImCK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATtJRE OF CLAXM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. - ~ ,-'- ! (,,(,..'/ ";';<'1 ? ( Colu Ribbon & Carbon :0 Inc - -Bd, of AOI 28 34 tz.~ c:.b~'b ~ .. .. .. .. " " 41 2~_ II/- / ''Ph... '1'~m... ~ _L ,~ 1qA <;0 (,r{, '7 " " " ~ ,. Nn"~ ...._. . 11; n1 iloq- ~;:'<f'i' " " " " " Bd. of ADoeall 26 60 " ~ &&9 " " " Nn"'~""_ .. .. 271"1" "i- t?o " " " " E-M-Orient Park 12 92 lib '-' 67/ " " H " TAX i"..... 14 49 (,72. " .. " SdDolie.-Tax Receiver 1 049 23 l {].3 Firat Church conqretfs-Jtci~ /[ "l'c:?'Iv Rental for Hi.torian 500 00 , I ! ..... ... .., .. ,.. C7'-1 //.:!5".:> 1'.1. Teleohone Coro. Leased Lines-Aoril 5 00 ~7:Y---- S-.....- ... Pro, Serv - ;, .8_ , 14 40 "'Y:.(...--I - (.,7C t'.. "^^"'."n_ Town Tru.t....-9.30 SIlP!i:I,t ->'~ Ta ~. ~. n. .. _T:iI 61: 27 69 {,7/7' .y.:J.6~- William.on Law Book CO. Hiqhwav Book-Town Clerk 59 84 J ", ~7 "I R-5' fL Doolev'. Floor Service waxinq Town floors 22 000 CD /6 t7y- 'loiS'-=' Buy. Printing Co. North Fork Booklet. 3000 00 , ,{Yo H. A..h-f_r Bua MaC!h Bldg. Dept-20.85 -'--/.2$"t, W :0 Inc - .... ft. ... "n A.. .." ,{,g; //.;{s"? Pitney-Bow.. Inc. Stamp Machine 88 20 i {!i'.::J. '"1".26% L.I. Liqhtinq Co. Electricitv 238 11 6t',] '"I"-?'b-Y ABC Busin.s. Machines Supplies-Supervisor 1 50 i bty- -,t.;u" AmeriC!an Termit.e Control I o.-Service-Dumo-Aoril 20 00 G.fS" 1<.:?{,/ Ed Lademann Electric Elec. Service 73 30 1fff'b -,t.('G,~ Pnnn 47"lnn 2. ~~~~.. PAGE NO. ................ ~ . i" . . . . ..... .,............... To SUP.<a1;VISOR. TO PAY AUDrrED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, A:f1.T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBNBRAL BILLS (3. SEC. 120 To the Su.pervLsor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by aud1t of the Town Board of Southold on the .......... .9.th. . . . . . . . day of .... ....." "JUNE......... '" 19. ~Oon Claims No. ...."..."".",, to No. ..." ..........". Inc., now on file In my office. CREeK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NA TC:R.E OF CLA:IM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. ,;,'7 -]Qt;<',L ~ - .. " Tn.'" .' 25 00 ';'g;y- R?5" 7??-Sro,'f OVst.erooncis u<... Anro. Tn,,", 2nd .1' \ ..nn nn bl5Y <Q6b /-Jo T R M _;n 1,;,A nn L'7,-;" ~7 .:>J/#o. jI . Transcontinental Sales SUI plies-Police 22 15 ; bi'/ 'i .:? {'e' iJ roo. 'f -.. " " "- ..0: t: 9"" ~r:.7' ;]1'00. 'f Pecieral Labs. Inc. " .. 357 02 1../3 ~7o 0/>0.'1 Center Moriches Paper CO. " " 10 00 , c:,'Ji ~?I Academv Printina " " 5] 90 -""I' "' &905'- 'Y&.7..< a/,oo. i Riverheaci Auto Parts. Inc BxDense-P. I. Car 1 97 I '"-:::'7{.' 7C:? /,-3 if I CJD. c.; Hart Hardware & Garden Cel t.er Inc.-SuDPlies-Police 8 70 I I (,97 <;t::?7<j:. ~roo. <(- "st ImDressions Inc. " " 8 ]0 i ~~~~tn~!,i~y( ! c:"9!?~" 1<.276- -9 roo.,,/, Kaelin's Servo Center ft. ,Con~.;;;aJ;> e- 0.00 ,,0: ,,0: I , I Ir._ "-/"c?7t hBr.2/>, 'f Supplies-Bav Constable bY'/ East Bnd Supplv Co. Inc. 12 37 ., -;{R:7/' - .. ., -, I,-'-e' - .." ,,,. '/(\( L;"0I:7f' 1J(~.'f East End ~ writAr Co " 59 100 i 70,-..:( 7'-0279 /6-0, 100. <{- Texaco Inc. Expense-Police 1 32 :;r-' ------ Gulf Oil 0.:0. 1".'_ GaDuline-w. vtitt ,.. "-<> /0.,3 -r~ ;)IDO. 'i- " " " Bxpense-police 26 63 70 '/ 4.;:z$"/ fJl~oH-( Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline-Supervisor I 18 84 . 700 ,- , " " " " 696 71 , b-~ N.Y. Telephone Co. 2600-Police , 384 20..... ?Ob 3100,'1' 707 f) III ". 'f .. .. . .. 3710-Justice Demarest 15 26 ~J"c{ ,-fJ ~ I bD'f- ?o c1"'~ " " .. 6675-Dump 10 48 ?n? f) 3~Y:D'f " " " m.a.:~~X!l Defense lR U 7/0 6"3{,'1-o.<t .. " .. 3. ~(#;.~~. PAGE NO. ................ WN CLERJK . . . . ,,1,.. "". .................. To 811PERiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAW8 OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the 8U;POrvlsor of the Town of 8outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts epectfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUtho1d on the ..... .9.t.h............ .day of ."."".. ...:nJJifB"....."..... 19..?90n Clatma No. ..."........"". to No. "......""".... Inc.. now on file In my office. cm:cK BUDGET AMOUNT D. NO. OR NAME NATUItE OF CLAn\! NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED Pi I~. n 1)",,..1<.. .. ~. .L '" .", ',,1: .. .. .. .. t~ IB Fleet Lumber CO. .. .. .. .. " .. Rn In,; . . .. .. .. R.R. Bridge 284 52 I .. .. .. <:nnn1iAa_R1r1n.. 22 InB I R.R. Bridge-$4.77 I J. W. Durvee 1)",,..1<.._11 .4R 1(,!'" McMann Price Acrencv Insurance 8 00 .. .. .. .. 3 00 , Rothman I s Dept. Store Metal Storage Shed-Citizens 126 50 , Villacre of Greennort Taxes 2 28 Mobil. Oil Corp. Fuel-Dump 63 88 i .. .. .. .. Supervisor Martocchia 13 08 ! ! Greenport Lumber Co. Parks 10 08 I I i ~ 11 Expense-Assessors , 120 00 ! I('",n/-. .Tim H",m" "n_ _"On' . Un." 1:" Inn I/hrl"'a ;~A c, ... ',ron 'r.",,,ol ; np_ T. 6 75 , / Howard M. Terry Expense-car-F.I. 22 50 , ~hp Suffolk Times Notice-Clams 4 94 t- ...._.. T.' ~__ T~~ co_Town Off;,..p 6 65 ,~i~",/-iron" Tn,... pog Warden-12.00 ,,"- >T.T. "'. ", .....,.,,, "" ~n .~ .. .. .. Pol; ,..p 142 75 . ~, ..,., ....., __a r.t"_"MA _H. e",.. 67 44 ! Planning ~.-112.00 ~. ~ssessors- 40.00 ~7h nn .vwu ~.-.~.vv ft. .. Ermin. CO. i;:xnense-Bav Constable 51 .. n ot- _.Tn co /- ; ro.. , 130 38 PAGE NO. ...4........... ~()I.~~ ..........:... ............... . o. WN CI.ERJK . Y . , . . . ... ........................ To StlPERiVISOR TO PAY AUDlTED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 193~, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD General Billa (5) SEC. 120 To the S~rv1Bor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dJrected to pay the following named persons, the amounte..t down opposite their respective nom.. out of the accounte specified, being the amount. allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... .9,1:h............ .day of '"'''''''''' ...:JUMB".""" ". 197.0. on Clabns No. """"""""" to No. '''''''.""".". Inc., now on file In my office. , CRECK BUDGET AMOUNT D.- NO. OR NAlIIE NATURE OF CLAm NO. ACOOUNT . ALLOWED '737 N' ~ .3110. 'f' Iv. n '. ... P...... p- li..-Poli<!. S 2 130 I 7311 1"I(,;!,,'4.'I1 .. .. .. SUDervi.or 50 46 739 140'03 if 1(0. 'f Phi11iD. Gen. SIIDDly Co., Inc.-Supplie.-Police 28 99 I 7'10 "1,30< ~I{O_ 'f n_'. f'!n .. " 434 157 , 1'-(( I-<G'." .. 19 asro . 'f W. B. Zit.ek. D?V.Ki Bxpen.e-Dog. 206 00 , I 7Yo,7 ~"'~ ;;f(rd. 'f carl cataldo .. Chief of Police' 117 48 '%ro _ <f Police-82.77 7'13 1"'.:'J.o7 -dtro.~ ILnu'. n . n..~ - . A .1 ~ Q6 IQ2 , 7vy I_""o.f .#uo,cy' ICharle. Tu<!ker' . ...h Police Car. 62 50 . , 7'1~- -y:a 00 q G((iJ.'f -.. a,.,,_ Xn<! I {.__V. 1 {... 10 199 "'" r.G2~.'f Bay Con.table-32.85 ;,;t(/t:, "1'.3.,.<6 as-(o.Y' lIft' ~ In. ..~ A^ ... I~.. .~ I 7<;7 7<' a r/ at:?'o,y I.., "'p{ ft. T.",. _1tn1 {... llnat- 17 169 ;,v,f' <l1(0. 'f t.ew York Telethone Co. 2600-Police 398 68 'lIly (''f'<>. .. ) .. " .. .. 3660-Civil Defen.e , 10 51 , 7'3/0\' '" i /,5""6 '*'110 f .. .. .. .. 16n22_p..,,-- 69 37 j 70/ ~ab""O. 'f .. .. . .. 2660-Bldg. . In.oector 31 48 : 7\.1-a / L.I. Traveler Inc. Bot.ice-Tax Rec. 18 27 ~ J,3 30. 'f . ..... 0" 7,'/3 15 ;70/6 , " " Bot.ice-Bearinq-Appeal. 26 79 , : 7,('1 -7okl 7" I3c{1/ .. .. . Bot.ice-Zoninq 16 34 ;':;-&" 7." ~"P .. " .. .. Cla_ 5 51 , ~{S-~ B 8"0 (a .. .. .. .. ad. of Appeal. 26 79 Bldg. Dept..-9.04 , 78"'7 L,0r<,i' iI-dft--'-" TaDoert.'. Book.hoD Su~rviaor-l.13 11 175 . -....JU 7.,'?' ",/5,,,,- I 30 W. {ft'" Pea~ Noa. 7 50 7'-'<1 ",/~/c;, I -6b Mat.1:it.uck Iron Work. Mat.erial-Labor-Plag .pole 44 00 , 'JhO -Y?/7 13 {'-{'fo.f Charl.. Abraha_ Bnqineer Service. 25 00 : 7r;:,/ "f';}, F I_YO ~ Twin Pork Pence, IDnc . Back Stop-~tt.le Leaque I 7':~Ci .. .. . . Pence-Town Po~er1:y I 5. PAGE NO. ................ ~~.. , , ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SuPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD , SEC. 120 GIDIBRAL BILLS (.I ) To the S".,.,rvlsor of the Town of South old: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounl8 set down opposite their respective names out of the accounl8 apeclfled, beIDa' the amounl8 allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUth old on the ......... .9.th. . . . . . . . . day June 70 of ,_... ....... ......... ..... ......, 19.... on Claims No. ..... ......... ,_" to No. ..... ............. inc., now on file in my office. CHiECK BUDGET AMOUNT D: NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLA:J:M ALLOw1m I NO. ACCOUNT l' ?'t.3 oLI.1jQ -3)j~.,/ r."1'al La~ t_ ......... . ....U... . ,"Q ~~ . , 76,-/ "I3;Z.,o )J!j->/-'I;;',3 Bobert W. Ta.ker . n .....,A.. 20.5 1t5 70' -'/3:2., ~?116.1,t: 1Ita.~ ..... .. . . rA T.... - ''I ~, , 76/. " 3/;;'b.'/ . ..... ...." ". 'f. .. . O~ . , 7&7 ';1.30<;< y<'>{LlJ, Y' 'Pt._ l1I..ur__ ruad Workmea'. 1:1.... 2.178 14 - - 7(,,(/ 4.3';7,3 ,_ aoo Arca" Dept. Store 'UDDUa. H 0'\ , , .767 -<;:301<1- c?rlo.y: ... YOft Tel Co. tal 11_ ' .\ 66. 00 , .' , ! , I . , , . . I , . . i ~&,4;L97 ~.-6 PAGE NO. ................ ..................................: TOWN 0LER4C . ~~,; ';/. .... . . To SCPERiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS I'D". DLUD CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD naa Dll'l'UC'f SEC. 120 aILLI (1) To the Su,perv!.sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounte set down opposite their respective namee out of the accounte epec1fled, being the amounte allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......, .'.th. . . . . . . . . . . day of ...."..."...JUa..........., 19,,700n Cla.I1ns No. ......"....."". to No. ""'''''''''''''' Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D, NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED ,';--/.' 'J.n '- .- . u I." ..j I~ 1" Yc; 1_- .~. 21 41 ,,51'7' '7,,/) l!ft. '9.. a_ 2n22 1M SlY '191 10.. ...., , . "2 100 .sl" 79;0 Wilfred C. '1Dclair .. 3 00 $20 1793 .~ 8a~"'-.e cable- 67 t8 . ";7/ 79<L l!ft. ---- 6 30 I 0'22. 796 1.1'. .-, %Ba. '. h_lie. . 51 6;7,3 7f'r:. I..~.l ca.b --iater Co. D8tail ~. 11'- -.aiater 6 01 ( .J/.(,!~ "5,,,'/ . . . . 8-. 15 60/ I 0""2"" 7'7'T .1 --- ..diG --1 t 61 90 I lilt.. .".... _1' IIota- ..... I 6::Ct. 795 2 50 1......- 81 I 6~7 '7qq 10 'uD.lv 8IIlb8-A1l1'aort. , 6 73 0.<l? 1'.1. I' D1au1o~ Cba_ hDd - 01."'- 200 00 I 'If.'" ..5ac; >(00 . . . ,. nnl 00'0 /I"dI ..ltel:l'. Cldffin Ma11 8allla .. :r-l'70 111 00 , c53/ Eo?, JobD If. Luau 'IIDDUe. 12 00 .&,7, 6oB.- 'D1_~ I'\1el Co. I'\1el-l'erd.. 731 36 "'83 g o.lL I'ir. Iu.-~ue HI .00 ! ()~o~o 05dd x.-- . .. . ~Jr:aen'. - ....tloll 44 ooJ 'lb. ..., Londoa ;';;'7 .....ia9-AirpaII't....oUae " 11 20 .5-:;16' gt!~ 05.3{, gOh Alf~" .. aic'ItM11 Op4tntion-l'euie. 9110 00 0537 g07 1'. I. Ut.il1ty Co. Ut.11nie. to 4/30/70 168 26 /3/ b/8 RJ 1 only ~aI..~~.. PAGE NO. ................ WN CLERJK .. . . . . . ...."......,..... '1'0 SUPBiWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ABT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the S".,.,rvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following na.med persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the .....\? ~.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ."." . June" ..." ......... ..., 19,,70 on Claims No. """"'''''''''' to No. ....... ........... Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT I D. NO. OR OTHER NAME NATIJRE OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED Pl u.K. 267/ # 135. Asohalts. Inc. Asnhalt Road Materials 4 329 00 136. Capitol Highway Materials Inc Barricades, P1ashers, etc. 762 00 $.5"?? 137. Capitol Hi<<hwav Materials. Inc Street si<<ns 23 50 l~n.JO I' 138. capitol Hihgway Materials, Inc Street signs 23 50 ) .3.5"'73 139. Pleet Lumber Inc. Lumber 8195 ~ o..sy 140. P1eet Lumber Inc. Lumber 21 63. ) 3574' 141. Goldsmith & Tuthill Kerosene 54 18 ! .35"7.5- 142. Gotham Sand & Stone 00. Blue stone 1.992 19 (1?<',0<1 143. Gotham Sand & Stone Co. B1 ue stone 1.423 34J .3S",", 144. Greenport Lumber Co. Inc. Lumber cement 42 49 22101 , .36"77 145. Gulf Oil Co. US Gasoline & oil . , 1 , 146. Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline 791179 , T ? fl 147. Mobil Oil CorD. Diesel fuel 155 76 '"S:;.~ , 148. Mobil Oil CorD. Anti-freeze 30 60 -'r' 1"- 149. Mobil Oil Corn. Snecial oil 47 10 ~ , . , .$.0;,-0 150. Mutual Steel Co. Si",n nosts 715 52 "10,&7 151. National Chemsearch Corn. Sum"lies 163 00 i i .;!t;g ( Geor"e L. Penny. Inc. 152. Lumber cement 80 20 , 153. Rason Asohalt Inc Cold natch 20<< I..n 1 ;$<36J..., 154. Rason ASDha1 t Inc I"I\ld na+/"h ../\n 8n 3'7'.10 155. Rason Asoha1t Tnc t"n1" --,,-.. .,n7 Ion .J 3sJ3 Suffolk Cem~nt Ponrluct~.Inc ! In. 156 Block 68 I "-,ifoL 157 Suffolk E1..c1:ried ~nn1v Co pin~ 7/\ 179 l,;:<,"gS" I.R I ",..~n "n~" Tn~ "'~_o ! .,.,~ I.,n .3""'?' 159 The State Insurance Fund Highway Share ~::;; P&GE NO. .....;............ #d~"'-. ..~ WN CLERa:I: t.!(f /1 :;,;:, (';(;(, -.s-~/ .' r' r . . ....... ................ "'0 SUPJiliOVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY O~' SUFFOLK BILIB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OJ!' 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 Palte 1 of 2 paltes To the Su,pervtsor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named pcrsons, the amounte set down oppoaIte their respective names aut of the accounte specified, being the amounte allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the.... .9th.............. . day of ,,,..,,,,.... June..""."".., 197.0. on Claltns No. .........."""" to No. ...""........". Inc., now on flle In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D; NO. OR OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLA'fM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PA . L-i'.s-.h 1/ 119. Assoc. Capital Services Corp. Payment radio leases 44 27 *,3. IS.- 120. Assoc. Capital Services Corp. Payment new radio lease (Mav) 358 88 ) ,5'6',If !f 121. Chromate Pastener Corp. Machine Bolts 114 56 0S8'9 122. Dick's Gara"e Repairs 32 50 l-?.s-qo 123. East End Supply Co. Inc. Sandpaper 19 00 .305"9/ 124. Eds Marine Service P1ex. hose 10 08 l3C'1z, 125. ~eenport Yacht & Shipbld".Co. Labor on shaft 58 13 .36"73 126. Hansen's Gara"e NYS inspection on trucks 21 00 1..;>",-'1</ 127. Island Pord Tractor Sa1es,Inc. New 1970 Backhoe 13,900 00 I o~.s:tJc 128. Island Pord Tractor Sales Inc. Pads 135 00/ .36"9.5- 129. Georlte Malvese & Co. Inc. Repair parts 517 61 If !Jf1,..J6 130, Georlte Malvese & Co. Inc. Repair parts 540 89 .3,Pl{, 131. Mattituck Auto Parts. Inc. Rear post lift & parts 955 54 , /" 132. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Repair parts 305 62 ,(s- 133. Municical Machinerv Co. Inc. Air frei"ht char"..s on carts 41 90 >'1."<t ,3697 134. Municinal Machin..rv Co Inc R..nair na..t~ 687 50 135. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Repair carts 36 92/ . , 136. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Recair carts 472 10 J .369'" 137 North Shore Brak.. S..rvice. Inc. R..noir pa....~ 44 26 138 H 0 p..nn Ma..hL C'h. Inc R..nair 37 03 .'1,,'19 139 H 0 Pen" Ma..hi"....v (".n. In.. R..nair 598 06 'lS3.as , 140 H 0 P..nn . '" T~~ '~+'''A . 59 38 141 H. O. PI''''' ,f"^ T~~ ,..H.v" 50 ~8 .3'00 142. Rand-Mac Murrav Inc. Repair parts 303 77 PAGE NO. ....~~.......... ~(i~~.. 'J .~~ . -,~ - -~- ..---- - --- - '" . . " . . ".., ................. To SUPER/VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, _T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Page 2 of SEC. 120 2 pages To the Su,pervjBor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 9th out 01 the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day June, 70 of ..."....."."."....."..... '" 19.... on ClaIms No, ........""".... to No. .."........".... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D; NO. OR OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. J\'la",u. ,n' _;?I,oJ 1/ 143. John Rpinpr & Co In", Rpnair 04 ..'3.0'-' 144. Riverhead Auto Parts Repair parts 91 17 'Uo3 145. Rolle Bros. ReDair Darts 10 57 ~t.O"" 146. Shell Oil Co. Oil ch!!. car wash etc 59 74 ~",oS- 147. Henrv J. Smith Part s 16 53 ~606 148. Steel Industries Corp. Parts 478 40 3C-07 149. Suffolk Tire Shop Parts 14 50 1 .3 ~og' 150. Rol(er Tabor Backhoe service 285 00' i ! L960Q , ~, ""aa' (,h nA~.1 . .,~c nn l",".^o 152. ~rans~lobal Steel Co. Broom refills 392 00 ,.5610 ( 153. Trvac Truck & EouiDment Co Reoair 67 23 ~"3, 7S" ! , ~.. 'l'r..~'" .. ,,~..~ ,..~ "AM~r ...,.. C'> , . I , '55 Tu+h~ l' PHHnao 0"1/ C P .,.. 7., 'M:t.- 156. Vail Bros. Inc. ReDair Darts 8 75 :;>61' 157. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. New tires & tubes 113 36 a{1,8: 7.f'/ i I PAiGE NO. ......2,....... ~~~.ud.... -~_.-------- - ~ . . ~-- - . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'0 8UPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUN~fY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS (YF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Page 1 of 2 pages SEC. 120 To the 8u.pervlsor of the Town of 8outhold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 9th out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the TOIWI1 Board of Southold on the ........................ day of .."...". ~,:,.ne.. .. . .. . " . " .. ., 19 !(). on Claims No. ..."......""". to No. ....."..,,"..... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT I D; NO. OR OI'HER NAME NATURE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED , p.". ,;$bl"f! ..,~"... I F(),.k~ / 1'- ~R I II 11\7 Am.... - ~g 036>1"- 168. Bond Uniform Supply Co. Services 64 00 '00 169. Bond Uniform Suoo1v Co. Servic"~ 64 1 00. ..3e, If '7" . '" .<:hnp ~+n,.p ~"nn1;~. ~" '''' .?GI~ 171. Capitol Hi2hwav Materials Inc Rain "ear 90 .00 I ..JUg 172. John W. Durvee Misc. items 13 23 .3'-/Q 17'" . W;1h",. f". Rpnt' ,"" "A' "'1\0 (\(\ d6::Lo 174 Grpennor+ .oil Hp.Tin" f"n.Tnr P1"". & h".hinw ; 1 77 8","-1 175. Fisher" I U+ilit'v r,,_ Tnr PI . '" "",,.1<- ~ 190 I dt.:i:2...J 176. Hart Hardware t Garden Center Misc. items 18 97 r 3.",~ 177 .Ton~+ M. ""hI P.,.t' t'imp ., .> ')1 I')" i ."62"- 17R I u.++a..~.. T,.nn ... Matpri" 1" ., A:, p+r 82 175 . i I .3.2"- 170 I Mrf".h~.' f"~n+~. 1 T~~ .., !lriH~" 9' 59 I I .:J.,;'h 180. R. A. McCallum Inc Hi-Dri 5 150 ! , .~.7.." 1R1 I Mid T.1 .~A Rl Aw 'IHp~_ ~h"n A"",. ')00 1M i ..3t,.z<1 182. New York Te1eohone Co. 3140 (Anr. )5211 (Mav) 85 23 lill'?/" I , , 183. New York Telephone Co. 3140 (Mav) 26 92 I 0629 lR4 I Wi 1 h",. ,,,, ~ P..++" S ",. 54 113 o3.!!o 185. Rothman's Dept. Store Wax 5 25 I 0.3.3/ 186 Julius S~hub..rt Rn{:i="''' ..."..,~. "'1\0. 100 I ..iilf.~?~ 187. Henrv J. Smith Pi ttinO's '; IR'" I , , I ..ii6.3> 1"" IA Misc. items 108' 41 /~8.# 189. Mi.'l"'. Hpm~ , Southo1d Hardwarp 20 03 G'..a <L 190. Ralph W. Sterling Grass seed & peat moss 73 18 I PAGE NO. .......~~....... ~{)I.:{l4.....o/".. . '. J't1C~'Q ~ - . . . . , " ..... ......... '1'0 SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUN~'Y OF SUFFOLK HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS BILUI Page 2 of 2 :pages CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, M1.T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SU;POrvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 9th out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of ."".-7\.10':".".."""..."", 19,,7Pon Claims No. .."....""."". to No. ""........."... Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT ! D, NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLMM I I , NO. ACCOUNT i AIJ1.A)WED ! p, .::s1D~6- I M1SC. L..aa1 "_+'_6 # 191 The Suffolk Times 7 ?? I 192. Vail Studio & Camera Shop Films 16 17 I 063. I , .3.,,,, '0'> r' D "._ r.!. ^ "6... T__ ~" --- ,,-- .,. AA I '1.5- 3(,,~g 194. Xerox CorD. Basic ch"'s. (Mav) 92 10 ' ')'/0 ",,",AA , 10~ """.- D_.'. ~L I T..__' .?J.39 196 Ravmond C. Dean ExDense 113100 ./,!/9~.!,,~ , , ; I I I ; , ! i I I T I i I , I i I , i I i , , I I I I I : I , 1 ,- , I I I I i , ! I PAGE NO. .....?......... ~9!.€::-1.. WN CLER.K . . ........................ ';0 SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNrfY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGHT DISTRICTS SEC. 120 (L)ONLY To the S1JiI)OrviBor of the Town of SOIIthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ..... 9th............ .day of ."..."" ..o1.un........ ". "., 19. 1.0 on Claims No. ...."..""...... to No. ."" .......".... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D' NO. OR NAME NATURE OP CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALIJOWED '13 [.,,1. T.4..h..4.... B~ . -^", ... . 8 333 120 ' -'/-'7 .. .. .. .. ...t. Marion 258 75 N ~ .. .. " .. B-W GreenDOrt. 283 10 ~ 7"10 ~ It .. .. .. SOllthold 852 33 ' \,,; > ri( "-/7 -'I-!? It .. .. It peconic 208 65 ~ -yr .. " .. It CUt.choaue 944 65 I 'r'9 " " .. .. Mat.t.it.uck *1 959 92 \....--"'c .. .. .. .. It *2 87 60/ ~s-/ "'19 V4"--- n4' .. 142 ~n erei' 0-' ..1. Blct.ric Corp .. Fi.her. I.land 230 84 \'~J'- 1,,8' ""-<. , ,I, :<... ~O( , , . i : 0.0 " I :;.. a;;C ~~ 1 only ~t)I... ~, PAGE NO. ................ WN 0LEI!aC . . ---" . Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD OID1DAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Su,pervl.sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specIfied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOuthold on the .......5 th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of "..""" ..May"."".."" ". 19,,7.00n Claims No. """.."..."". to No. """.""""". Inc.. now on f1le In my office. C'HECK BUDGET , AMOUNT I DATE OF , NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM I NO. ACCOUNT I ALLOWED PAYMENT "-q'7 iJ.9 'f 7 9-.30 Bdwin Fickei..en A.....or Mt.q. $ 5 00 i >/9% ,aq",,? 9..30 iR;t.... It.. , r; nn .. .. 40 .i4<1-9 1'30 - . . , 1 B. .. . 0;. nn .seo J9 '" 7'.30 w_ ....... II II I 0;. nn ,~;;" 65.9<>i #-.30 re....1 f..'. . ~- -~ - . - . .c. I 'tl'. Qo;. 002.- .;39$..<' ,--r~...30 ITail Bro.. BxDAn.e-SuDArvi.or Car 35 00 t.5(1..3 iJ96"Y /30 -.30 ifni. H. Lieblein(Pt.. of BtI1 'Pt.) Channel mark.r. 50 00 0--;'~ ..d9S'; / .30 ""'Sq. of Or-n.....rt. Wat"r Bill S 00 ! 006- .:i 9 s-,s ,/)t-:"", ...-, ..., ...,.. .J . ~_ Tn~ _""---_ A.,. ...n I d'1,rL Y'-,t" Cba.. Abrah.... P.B. In.oection-Sun.et Knolls ~:JoG. '"t -nd 50 00 I 1..'"7 ( _ .J _. .--- 0.. nn -.2957 "' , .. III. - ,f~..3J' ( ! ,s;;t .. .. .. " 24 00, ii96,y 1-.3" Pit.nev-Bowe. Inc. StamD Machine Rental I "f;; q 45 00 0-/0 I /.8~ ~dre..OqraDh-Mult. CorD. Maintenanc. 142 32'" 0"// 37'67 9-20 .. II .. A.....or.. Machine 2324 45 'P-~(.73,.2.1 I , .. . .. Service 206 52 I 0? ..v /-..30 , , 59d.o II.".. _'I'a... .. I 21 , 1..5'"/0 /a-.3o G SO i , I , 1..5"/<" 39tbl d/'-dd F.I. '1'eleDhone CorD. Leased Lin.s-March 5 00 I :J/'s- a'9t..:z /-30 Standard Linen Service 'l'o..l Service-'1'own Bldq. I 6 65 ! ( , -4 >S/t .:!.9C,,; L.I. Liqhtinq Co. Blecuicit.v 196 75 <.5"/7 " " " " 61. ~ .. ~t.-!>-;3~ 0/% ( .. II . .. ~/'9 ;] tN" 'JL 8"'30 '1'apoert'. Booksboll SUDPli..-BldQ'. Dept. 16 61 I ~9C; .$-' 9-Jo Vail Studio " Camera Shop " As..ssors I 10SI 50 6:Zo I 0":t/ ~9C:;;~ y-20 Auqustlls Gar.lle A.soc. of 'l'own. , 106 SO PAGE NO. ".....:L~...... 4~~~d... WN CLERJK ~!,()!'J-(! - /1 ();:;!S' 1/ , .-' . ~ . . Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPmVISQR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS (JF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aBORAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the S"<IJOl"VLsor of the Town of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ...... 5 t.b . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ."."""" ..May."". ..".., 19,,700n ClaIms No. ....."."""".. to No. "" .............. Inc., now on file In my office. OHECK BUDGEI' I AMOUNT DATE (JF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAiM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT --"=<.z f?o - .30 .....-, I..... - . . . -.. .-- S 11'. .... ..6",3 .it967 ;;J A I:l.t)-:~o .. to . . 18 50 5-"" 1~6 30 .. to .. .. 48 60 1....:)-<:.5" .;'!'It>! IAo-30 ., d",.. _p..,1i...A 40 00 0-::<. 3-9,;.9 1~-.3. .. ,.... .,., . . 1QQ nA -4 .."-'<7 39:70 If?~. 30 11!...... " Co to BAv Con_table 15 19 SAg .il'l7/ 130 -.3. ft. In. " .___D~' ;~_ 6 00 9-f1:< &-.30 t. J. Wlarner I_- nee- .. 3 50 ..s';?" 1..5..3'0 Jr'l73 /:i~'30 .... .. ....._1.... II... . . . 1" nn . 0:3/ .397'1' /le-.!!e ~ ISuDD1iee-Po1ice 28 00 I /? 0 Jro , \.-,GJ'. .3.97s' B .. Porme. Inc to to 33 75 ~"-30 I .,,~~ .3-'17) A a Buna. nee- . I 67 25 I .3~"", <'0 -.$0 ( .,... _L . Bav bis 20 63 "t 3971 , , ~ 0:3..5- -ic ;.3e - .. . .. .. Polioe 10 30 I o,S03t. ~1)-.5c .. to .. .. .. usloo .~ l.b \.5:37 J'l7? /f....30 ( I....'h{' n", I {......_p.., 1 4..... 395 82 i ..{~ { , \53$' . .. .. .. .. I 607 03 '-53'7 HD.-30 ( I {...._ .. , 1J 58 1\ .3971 ;::;~-:30 ; i I ...s</'o . .. .. .. H i 17 82 , 6-"/ 4.30 . to to .. .. ! 05 j.( 3 ."D i 39.?'o ~"'_.3CJ SUDDliee- to 4C 25 6-.t,/L/ llo-,3o Leon uniform Co.. Ine. 11!.... End .s""ft~'f , .5 -A3 ;> 9J"1 /30'30 1I!vft"'n...-Bav Con.table E 88 .....r~Jo A. Martocchia-$15.00 <S'$"'/ .IE'??.? V;}.-do Mobil Oil Co. ... '~':;1r_S5o' no , 7 77 oS4.5 3f'J'J ,~~nnin9 Board , 7 .00 ~y~ 'l & Son i 73 .00 i (Map. 70.00 2. ~(lI~~ I'J>(}~ rf(). ................ - - . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To S!JPER;VI8CR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBDBAL BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the SlJiPOl"ViBor of the Town of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foUowing named persons, the amounts..t down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts specIfied, being the amounts aUowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the...... ~~............ . day of ."."""".May.......""'" u170. on ClailD8 No. """"""".". to No. ..".............. Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATU'EtE OF CLAIM I NO. ACCOUNT ALIJOWED PAYMENT (J9~'f , ,'- W. .c -.. ~ O~'''' I. 25 191 - 395'6' toit.UeUeld Alaer S1anal ( o. - Liaht. 150 15 .:J9n Mc:C&be. Central Store SUDDUe.-Hiahwav 29 66 :J9!i7 ~bil Oil Co. ruel-Dump 145 33 I €J''i 8' f? ~.t. Bnd iter Co. Service-Hiqhwav I 92 00 I 3'18"1 i ~. R. Grebe BxDen.e-Plannina Board 13 00 , ! ;J9fo ~merican Termite Control Service-Dump-Mar. 20 00 I ['he 8ubDli..-B1dcr. DeDt. 26'50 'j-, ! . .. .. lIot.1ce-Bd. of A 18 12 16 :3"711 "- .. .. .. Ordinance-Beache. I 62 51 "71.:<,1. .t.,f" i I . .. .. . Peddling 11'21 ( Notic.-A.....ar. I .. . .. 9 30 I I Lo.t. Traveler Inc. . .. 7'80 ~ .. .. .. CoDie. of Ordinance. I 8 70 I I " .. .. SUDn1ie.-B1da. DeDt.. 7S 9S I 1'1:'.8t. .. " .. Notice-Beach Ordinance 62 70 .. .. .. SUDDlie.-JU.tice Sliter 31 75 I 12116 .. .. .. I Notiee-Bd. of A 1. i I I r, (IN.Y. Te1eDhone Co, 2660-Blda. Dent. 19! 76" " .. .. 3783-'l'own Clerk I 24!52 I .. .. " 3710-JII.t.lce o..are.t. I 20 27 ~'1~ -< I I /?o. J't " " R i3660-Civl1 Defeue 11 31 i n n .. 16675-Dulllp-Jan.reb. Mar. I 29 60 .. .. R I~~~?-Police Mar. 27 75 .. .. . 60 2-Police Feb. 12 2S R .. " 6022-Police Jan A PAiGE NO. "" .:3~"." ". ~(M~;. ~. TO CLE:RK .' _ ,>}'~~.T,':;''\!.,.. !y"" -.. '.- . . . J .. " ;:a:~~,:~~,;~,;~;,~~~ COUN~ OF SUFFOLK . . "'.'.. ,~ BILIB GEI!I"L B~LLS' .. ~ .CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. T0WN OF SOUTH OLD. (\4)' ~. .' :i.{ .', l SEC. 120(::';:.' . . _,;,\ 1 . To the s~r of, the Town of South old: .;,,~i:~j.. .' .' " " '! " , '.: .' ~ .,,:,,,',, ::.'~' -~" .' ' .. t You arehe~l>y authorized and directed to pay/the fonowlng named persons, the ~mounts set doWn'OJ>I'OSi~ thelrt..tive lUIaIIES , . , '. ., . .... Seh out ofthe~unts spec1t:ied, belng~the ~unotints;"'lowed by audit of, the TQWn B,oa11iot Southold-on',the .\:, '! ",.,.. "." o:~..... .day il 'MII." ~. 1Q ',.1. i.: .... ..' , of. ....~.. ..... .... _, _.... ..,. 19,:..., on;Cl~ No. ., ...,.... "". ',.,_ to No.... ",.,,'" ..ft"'-.,.... inc., now, on. fUe fnmy ,Office.,_' . ".',,--- . ,.', . 'i.. . ,. , . ,i.. : "., .: , . '.'> .' - ,'-"..' ,ltJDG .'.,. ..,~, '" '." ,. ., ....~~ .A CHiECK!,B ET .. i. "',::' ., ,,,......,;',"'.,.~""'~ DATE't roo ,OR" NAJ\IE ., .if . ."NATUREO~C~. . :. "" ~ NO. ACCOtJN1l1 .. .' ..,::. "'('. ", .", .~w!tD PAY]., S';1f .&;4<1 .... 9r..n~~t .Seatqp~~.,1t1e.-POOd , '" $. 'IV'90 :it .:::y <1~'1$-) Som,_ ~n.1fO.1;'ma.: . car '.h1..l4 f~r' ~u:p.~~1.8d~ 1 '39'$ -7~. q~' ij,: J7b .l . . ........ ."" SUPfj),~:1."-J'Gu.c. ";.'3.10Ck, - .3<;q" ..' j. We._ PWa 11,shiRgeo.iHj" . 'J;L .'. .j:' .;. . j:,;;, , ~~ ",' '. .. .:- ." '" .' ......---,y '. ..,;. . ... ,.," J ..' I 'f T?7 am', ...""ix.oubB.. 'BaJ:'I\.~t>")~ . L8wn<'~r,",,"rIc:8 .' ,.' ., 'l2ath 1 ...~ . . , .._ ..'.... ;,. . .,,' ,,', ... '.', ':," ,I ~ 5"7r 3QU" . ,,' / ~."t En". Typ.W;;$/;Eir'!C/:). Typ.wtl~r -SUP!!rv~80#< l' 291 10 !d ~7f &49'1 .' . "..'hi:/!". 'COIOIIN-n.iaaUon ..J.rvie EXpen.'-:"'Supervbor ic~~ ,:,., . .:.'35 ~Q'! .f~ !SSo *,d" '.' sll~'ao~*;Cln &'SotusiSuppl Co....Suppli..-High_y..' ..'2;:0. 00. If71- . ,. ,. . .,. 1/. .~ ",,' . '-;1 ,; _ <"- _ :'. ,,',I,:",i._ _'"':''' .',' ~- :; .:: ,.,,': - / ~r 081 " '('. n".'iCle~y tnsurance ..;. .!,26QO .! ,.,., " "I~<! / ."..; '. ..' ; .. .... . , ". ' I, --;', Jir~' "''';,'1''''.' 'i.. "<:",~.\.1.' ,}',c." '" ;,.... ':-:'1'90' ''''i. .. ;,;r", )~~" i . ".; .....' ~Jib~t',~/~~w"" i' ~n.~Su~~V-i.~sii!' L,; ." ,;~S 88 . i Ii .". · . 'Dt; ,.... ' . ".-' , !"'\\ ." ." '," """ .'0> .. .'" ." '.' , .,"', !!! ." 6'1' """,,",F.. .~b! '. .Co." ii' su~l:L..:':' . . . .... ',.~.' . (i.'ti;. "" . :"?11 '7>} : " ~ i~,,4 '~~6~~?~c:..'", ..... ':;~ ."~ ......'.,tti< ;[,,4',,8 92 T,.' .; 53'; ,. I, " ;" ""." .' 'q", , . ;, .. ' ...'). ..,;. . .,'.' ,.. I ;: ~. ... "'P4t;b,oJ;4)"UfY, })J;l Co... '. pU..l....1{!;gh_y' '.. ", ~;l;~." {'so 00..., .... . .... ' , ." i"'" . ~el " /' ,.. . . "i' .'. ' ' .," I, . . _ '.; .,:. .Y. ''l'e1.i!iphone Co. 3020-Jl.8e..Grs....: 1;' 54 00 '; "''= .'. ''''. '..;:"'. ...' . ,..;: """. . ";..H . "0. ", .. ... .. 656i' ...1 .. " .. ~"6 ...., . 0 . ,-Pol 08 ... .,......6.6 00 ""'.-A'I',~' :f -<. ." '.,' .' 'jj <1 . .. .. II 051>0-SuPlJrviaor ': ." '.;75 95 . ,'.;~ ""5'0 " . II II " 6675-Dump . "., . .... 'll. 64 \~ .6Y/ ; .' II II' II 3783-'l'own C1!erk (2' Mo..)... . 50 621 '. ~ ~ .. I .,~ . ;"1';0<''7 Mattituck AutoParta, In . 1965 Ford ....cq799 i.1i. 0"'; '1' .'. . i --"'U! I, I I '~"Io"r ryac Truck & Equ p. Co. polioe 122.991 ." I '127 40 ~y" ",!ooq Fleet Lumber mnc:::. Expense-Village Hall.' . "14 35 ,1{ .," ' ..' 1:1:;. .'''' "'fh" Standard. Linen Service Towels-Town Office . ".6 65 J...~ .. I ~ "'9< "'0/( Edwards Sports Center Supplies-Police 6 00 ! ,; 69 ... ,~. 7 "''''/,;, Charles Abrahams, P.E. Inspection . 1 75 CJO .i ZJ~., . UJ.J &' ~ " t"" ./.fP/.Y T'~ . . M, ; 11 . ';nn_Rr;na.. ~ '~~I.'-~ _.d .;i Ad . r~ I " t. ;.,,"."",' ,,]; ,;- '".. .(.;j..:' " .. ~ , i,.~.. ., ,.." .' .~ Warrant No. .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNT' O~' ~~FFOLK . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED BJLHS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GENEaALBIl.LS(5 ) SEC. 120 To theSupervLsor of the Town of Southold: 'You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the folloWing named persons, the amounta set down opposite theti-:respectlve names . 5th. , out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the..,..,................. .day I of "..".......May.."" ""..,1970. on Claims No. """""""",. to No. """..""""" Inc., now on file In my office. t cl, ! . CHECK BUDGET AMOuwr DATE c: ,,0. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAIM 'S . NO. ACOOUNT . ALLOwED PAYMEl . c9v 40/4- g .-3" rcHumbia Ribbon & Carbon ( o.-Supplies~~own Clerk $ 13 07 f Goo Storage-C.D. Vehicles .. 160 00 ! 40/6~ .:1.7-3. King Farm Marina "0/ :<330 bog warden- $5.65 , . I I -"(VI(, P.0:>. ~~ Lou' s Service Station h_, '___.0 "'" ".. . 171 '1.8 ";6.;0; 4017 Vincent F. Browe pabroll . special patrol -:D-,71' s 50 23 I ~; iD..:r .#0 Ii? ~_i\" N.Y Releohone Company 6 22-Police , p-,--, -3" !i 661 Chief Expense-Chi~f of polce 58 10 I\'j Yo/G Carl Cataldo , .~ r:()~ professional Services-Apr. 147100 J! 1<4,,,,,,, ;;:3 3" W. E. zitek, D.V.M. ~t. 6'6 P:J.o-3t 2 69 ! '1:1 W- 6"'1 I C_n....~l" 1>..~..M~_.. Exoense-Po 1 ice , ~7 kt' " "" ;L. I'.zc _:iJc r Industries of Ame ica,. Inc.-Supplies-Police 18 81 t t'''. fl 00S , 14'", ~ '3 /",3.. I'In....-.... /I.. T1I.h~11 fuel - Tow of tic. 108 55 I . , . I --{'" boy P.2.J. '.do I" nant. Store reDatr ~ servtee tape.reeor4.r .1.2 50 ~. L,'t>Q'f- i !"" '-fO ,{ - .3" I ! ! ~(".:24.' East End T 't~r ro. -- "~n; g ~ ,'0 !:;n ! .c " 0// , "1 lit .,.",;;zt 1..,I5A 1>. _"'0_0 M '~A~oAg minutes of Town B..rd hear in" ' 25 00 I ,'::l~ 1 { i 1 '~ I m ,. I , f. . I I i: I I i .'.~ ,~ I i :..';;:.I : .,~. i i , ,;r;^ I 1 I 1 ! . i -~ I ~- I I ii I I. T I ::-~ '';' : v~ i I I /JI c. ~111..;f}/ / w' , ,,tM:. ,~, , -~- --, Warrant No. ........... ............ COUNT'O; . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED SUFFOLK BILLS cItAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD LIGH'.l'1NGbISillt:tt'J! I3ILLS SEC. 120 ( 1') To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and d.i~ected to., pay ',the following namedpei'sons, the- amounts set down OPPOO,!~,~h~irf~spectlve names ,~t of the accounts 5pecified, being the amOu,n~~a,.llowed by audit of tl;1e: T6wn Board of Southold on the.. '.:,;'S-t.b. .",~............ .day ~f .................May... ....... 19'::1Qon:'c'ia~ No. ................ to No. .................. inc.. now on file in my office. , . CHtCK BUDGET i: AMOUNT DATE 0 i.i~ATURE OF CLAIM I :-10. ,DRaT NAME I NO. i ACCOUNT I ALLOwED PAYMEl' , i $:nOIS4 I , herB I.1._nd B1~dtric her. La . , , , i , t- I I I "i 4' rt ! , ~ ! I , j ;) I 1; ! ~- I I I , , i " " " " t E-W 283 il0 ffi I '~1 , , " " " r " Southold Ii ---.:Ii , ~ " " " " , I ;" , !i I " COl tcho'Jl1e i ;., I " " " . , , , f " " " " I t " " " " " ..2 87 ~- -I I I I i I '; , . I f i i ~~'; i' I 1~ I i:; , I I I I I I ~,- I I I '/i , I I , i I i; , I l~! , I , I , I I ;,~ , I , , j I I I ,I ..i I ,,(I , I I I I I '~ ,] I .J I I '-":~ "IJO/,3'1 ',' . -,;~ ~$~':'1 PkGE NO. ..... ....1...... only ...0.'.. ~;'t !~ ;,J - ----- --- ---- ___ ____- ..._J , Warrant No. ,,,...,,,,,,,,,,..,,...., . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FISIURS ISLAND FERRY SEC. 120 rJI8'l'RIC'1' BILLS (l) To the Supervisor of the Town of southold: 'You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following nam.ed persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town :Soard af SOuthold on the........... 5 th...... .day r . of """"""" 'May"'" ..."" 1!f.0. on ClaImS No. """"""""" to No. """"""""" inc., now on file In my offIce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT I DATE 0 '<0. ,OR OT NAME NATU:RJ;: OF CLATM I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOW1ID PAYMEI I~/ , ~ ;S-<...5~ I 170 JfS ~ i g I . , -..s--8' , ~ - "/.'3 If "J; , ~. i - ,4 ! , 'I . - I .:L 0 I : ., i , "'" - 2001 I ~ 61 90 i r,{ '--">0 , . . I., '" . I 'I: . ,.,.., I ", -SI.!> t r 1;;,' <s' ! I ,I : O' _ I i , $. ::!.nc - 6'.'?6 " :'! ,'"I ,J.;', "1:..A __ .::'i ."':1 ~o - r ies c'" -:;' F.I. Utilit.y CQ., Inc. Ut.ilities tQ 3/31/70 146.72 ;J oS'"", 7 Raytheon Co. Radar Maintenance 74.00.j PkGE NO. "........". .~f}I.~4i '1'4It.a1-$16,4S6.!6 __n___ __'_"'_~'___'___"__'_~_""___ n_,._._______..-_____ . __ _~___,___ I .f ~ .' , I; i ~ ~j,{; .v0Z~4' , i r' 'iJt' '."' ,"'1'1 ,,, "l. ....-<<., . . ,I" --.. . Warrant No. ....;>. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DBPARTMEm' BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and clirected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bouthold on the ..".. .5.th..".."... ..day of ...... "."'.IIY" " """.......... 19,,790n ClallDJ! No. "...."...""". to No. ....."""....... Inc., now on file In my offlce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT I D, NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAn.[ i NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED i PA u.K. Gulf Oil Company "J;k 33=- 1/ 96. Gasoline &. oil 49 11 ~3.;H~. 97. Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline 644 01 , 98. Mobil Oil Corp. Diesel fuel 96 SO I 09 . (H, ro, ._ An+;_ .. n" '70 . 0" I Mobil Oil Corn. Gasolin~ ,'7'7-",/ ..33:3'7 100. 513 10 101. Mobil Oil Corp. Die se 1 fuel 62 15 i i 102. Mobil Oil CorD. Lubri te 23 28./i i I 3:33& t03. Fishers Island Utility Co.Inc. Oil, etc. 41 39 i I 1"'339 104. Blue Ridge Oil Corp. Brake &. HYdr. fluid 958 00 I ! I 1.3-3'10 105. Goldsmith &. Tuthill Kerosene 52 25 i I i T dl,s"" 106. Cliff Carlson &. Sons, Inc. Leaching sections 2,712 41 t I ,3,.,",- 107. Mobil Oil Corp. Gasoline 2 28 / Canitol Hi"hw." Ma+....;alo In~ R. pp; , ~"ne A+~ "",' , < , 108 I ,~<f'1'1'1S" 33.,1, 109. Capitol Hil!:hway Materials,Inc. Batteries &. bulbs 34 80 I " " . '" ". Tn~ '" nno .. nne+e <..,10" /' , .3.3'1<1 111. Georl!:e L. Penny. Inc., Lumber & cement 43 99 I .3aH.r 112. Rason Asphalt, Inc. Cold Patch 202 SO I '~9''/o 113. Rason Asphalt, Inc. Cold Patch 93, 60 , "'ilL 114. Transglobal Steel Co. Inc. Hydr. oil 105 00 i 115. Trans~lobal Steel Co. Inc. Chemical weed killer 437 25 Ic';',4~ I Trans~lobal Steel Co. Inc. I '-- 116. Barricades 499 20 I ;' i ., i 117. Steel Industries Corp. Highway signs ! a.~47 362 40 I.~QS;'.c" , 118. Steel Industries Corp. I Chern. weed killer 437 25 (! >-- 119. Steel Industries Corp. i Tar remover i 496 0071 33,.. ,')" n. ~~ .. '" _~ . ~~ 1 ~ ~ n nH ! , "I ..') ~ i.".? '-- 121. Hampton Battery &. Electric SS- Distilled water "tr.OO j" .33<17 122. Suffolk Cement Products,Inc. - Ready-mix concrete 297.00 1. ~~~~ PAQE NO. ................ f, 137- 30 (,' /( ( '11''- ( / .'?, (.. //,-~. 3;1 . , " . Warrant No. ." ~,...... ,....,........ . . To BUP.mIWIBOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS (1I!' 1932, AAT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the S~or of the Town of Bouthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foUowlng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsm.. 5th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ........................ day of ..".." ."''Oy,..."" "..".. '" 19.~9. on Claims No. ."........""". to No. ""........,,".. Inc., now on flIe In my office. 0IiECK BUDGET AMOUNT I D NO. OR NAME NATURoE 011' CLAn4 NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I r ,..,,"u. ,2,1'2.... .... ~:3$'C # 92 Trius Inc R"Dair Darts -<'<FI 335, 93. Blue Ridge Oil Corp. Rear brooms 76C 00 .33S'<'- 94. George Malvese & Co. Inc. BroDm refills 22< 72 Za.s-.:3 95. North Shore Brake Service,Inc Repair parts 2t 43 .:s~-!o-,of 96. Assoc. Capital Services Oorp. Payment radio leases 4~ 27 .:J..J..s-.s- 97. John Reiner & Co. Repai r part s 80 I 98. Riverhead Auto Parts, Inc. Repair parts 8~ 86 I 3as;, I 7"- I 63~"7 99. Snap-on Tools Corp. Wrenches, etc. 55 d.a.s~ 100. East End Supply Co. Inc. Plugs HC 40 ..9367; 101. Hansen's Gara..e N.Y.S. InsDection of trucks 21 00 I aa~(J 102. Grandor Bouipment Oorp. Repairs & repair Darts 1 19 99 ( "';I..' 103. Grandor Equipment Corp. Bolts 5' 97 ! .33./ 104. Clemans Weldin!! SupP1v Weldin.. supplies 71 25 I 23(.J.. 105. O'Keefe Chev-olds Inc. Used 1964 Chev. Pickup 70C 00 .'130 106. North Sea Auto Radiator Repairs H 00 I , 53"~ 107. Penn Glass of Riverhead Windshield for 1955 Chev.truck 87 23 , 618174 I .33"~ 108. Mattituck Auto Parts, Inc. Repairs & repair parts t' 109. Municipal Machinery 00. Inc. Carburetor 199 40 . 110. Municipal Machinery Co. Inc. Repair parts 367 88 ! 3M.' I 111, Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Renair natts 254 27 <f~';,'.s 112. Municipal Machinery Co. Inc. Repair parts 16 05 I , '- 113. ! Municipal Machinery 00. Inc. Repair parts 96 OS / -3.'''7 114. Vail Bros. Inc. Repairs & parts I 379110 1 R'~./Q 115. Vail Bros. Inc. ' 1910 Pontiac Sedan ! 2,483 O~.J .3a{"g ;. 116 V.n nvt"1r It, v^..~,.. Tnt". ~"'". "."a .. . : 17, "'. ' 117. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. Implement Tires & tubes :U.65 f,/3.M , 118. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. Tires & tubes ~ PAGE NQ. ....~~.......... ~Qt. .. ~ WN CLER4C o 7EJ?, /? ~-'..,-'"""--"-'-'- -' -~-.-.'_.._._.- - . . . .' . .~'a.rrallt No. ...... ~.~ ..... .......... . . To SiJPERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nsanes 5th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of southold on the ........................ day of '"'' "~1I<Y.""....,,...,.. ".., 19111. on Claims No. .... "........"" to No. "" ..... "....... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D; NO. OR OTHER NAME NATtJR,E OF CLA7M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. . 33/'0 # 141. Jones Soconv Dock 801 ts for snow n10w blades 22 25 /" 142. New York Telephone Cbmpany Services (734-5211 - Jan.) 2 65 .'3?0 143. New York Telephone Cbmpany Services (734-5211 - PEb.) 1 95 { 144. New York Telephone Cbmpany Services (734-5211 - Mar.) /3f'df 3~ 60 145. New York Telephone Cbmpany Services (765-3140 - Mar.) If 51 '- 146. New York Telephone Cbmpany Services (734-5211 - Apr.) 4C 48 33"/ 147. JohnW. Duryee Sprav paint ., 92 "3?> ~ 148. Southo1d Hardware, Inc. Misc. hardware items 5" 14 .3~o:I3 149. Washin2ton Whit's Sons Chuck & kev .. 25 ",n<l 150. Bond Uniform Sunn1v Cb Servic.." IIC 00 aa7~ 151 The Suffolk Tim..s 'A".1 NoH lOP ., n~ c/.39' 152. Cutcholroe Diner Meals for men ~ 00 63'l? 153. Vail Studio & C'mA'" Shon "'~ 1 mo 1~' 1\0 d3YS 154. Hart Hardware & Garden Center Misc. hardware items 2" 23 .33? 155. ~an Tuv1 & Son Survevs 178 00 .3<3.90 156. L. I. Traveler. Inc L-"'a1 N . ? QB 33!?1 157. Pcerox Cbrp. Basic char2e & Usa~e 6C 00 3y>- 158. !wilbur S. Petty Supplies 961 33 'lIS '?.t.., I I I , 1. ~~~~ PAGE NO. ................ ......... "-;0 ...Ci.EIi.K.....Z j I ~._"'" . . Warrant No. ........................ To SUPER>VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GDJIIIAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Sua>ervJ.sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naanes out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ......7.tb............. day of .... ...~~J~".".... "" ". 19.".0 on Claims No. """""."."" to No. .". ..... "....." InC.. now on file In my office. OHiECK BUDGEI' I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATtmE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 377 I,~. ./ peconic Air Servic.. Inc. ue-PlanninCl ad. .. 40 00 %;7" 378" [;;>7.2" Charl.. Abrab8... P.B. In.-t:ion .. ..aert. 100 00 h 3?p .. . . .. .. 50 00 I I \./02 (",,, - 35'0 l:f727 'l'b. Davev Tr.. t. Co. St.II_ ....val . 3[(/ ~,7..(,.r SOlltbold Wu.l Oil Co. I'uel-BiClh..v 80 00 I jg~ f37";>9 IIortb Work vad.t.y Stor. lIxpenae-8ivu I 10 75 38'3 3730 'l'ryac Truck .. aquip. Co. " .....aor. 1 34 I 3g<j. "7031 AMriaan -, ,to.. 1 &.- 20 Ion I I 39':'- ( IIcIIIann Price AeJ.ncy IuuraDc. 206 00 -. 3g,; \ . . . . 19 00 ; , ~71,..c> .:I7ir;], - - --- '" . - -. .. a&'7 " . . . ; l~! 00 3.?:y . . . .. -- - $7 .;1733 ABC au.in... Macbine. "DAir.-SUftArVi80r 10150 i I I ay?? .3'73 'f Academv Print.1na BnterDri .... Inc.-SIIDDli..-Bi.toria 11 27 05 Pl..t LWIIber &:;:- 9 77 ,;59/ 373.6 'IIDDl1..-SuDervi80r Offic. Q9.< -37$# Apeco . 37 59 I I ...393 a7371 Boward II. '1'erry Jlxpeue-P. I. I 19 132 I I I .:I 9<,/ 37a? Willi...on Law Book Co. SlIppli..-JII.t.ic. Sliter , 12 57 , ! 396- 3729 Standard Linen S.rvice 'foWel 8ervic. I 6 65 -f.~:J I -- -- ~U'o 3Pt5 "'?I'~ 'l'appert. '. loOk.bop Blda. In.p.-12.45) i i .3'97 ;;J? 'f/ Caleb V. I.i tb .. Son Inc. I IlIppl1..-Pol1ce : 246 57 I ! dVcr .:f7Jft Local Ste.l " Supply Co. . . I 19 50 i , 104 150 1 .:Jy<; S7q.s- BdWin Pick.i...n Ibr:peu."'..oc. of '1'oWnII ! I ! I 7"00 .;J7f'J Mattb.., Bender Co. . ad. of A 1a I 36 50 ...S/C>/ 07'f-'I 'lfaydde Mark.t. ISIIDD1*..-Town Office 1 31 41 , ,_? ,{ 14,/. J' ' 1. ~(J(.Ii=~ PAGE NO. ..,,,.,,,,,,.,,. TO CLERJK "'I~(i-I'('c. '/~' / ,/-") '- ,~'- <~\ . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPER>VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD CJaDAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the Su.pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, beIng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ...... .7.th. . . . . . . . . . . ,day of ."."""".,,........~~:l:H. 1910 on Claims No. """"....."... to No. """""..",," Inc.. now on file In my office. CIJ'iECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAm I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J"'02-, ,,0'/4'7 "t/. f- MaUit.llck 8i.todcal SOC. 2nd balf allot.ment.-1970 ~ 500 00 , 4tH c:1-d5' ;;}'J-.30 . T .,_ o. I II. Inn - I 4~4' 'i_do 1-030 - en 144 <76S;LU .L/.~s- 1-.3 0 . . . . 874 20 -4.<Jt. ...3../uo I ~n ".t. and iter Co. S.nic.-Ju 11 150 I 4A,., .""$7 10 -.30 Cberl.. GaGeD, Po.tIIa.ter St.aaDtJ-1tec1 '1'ax.. 500 00 -'/09 3'/.!.-~ /-3d Dooley'. I'loor 8ervic. 1IIJr:inv I'loon 22 00 I tj - 30 I </t,q $7,,3 Wend.ll B. TabOr b....or Lllnobeon 5 00 i 410 d"S4 q-.3o adwr4 w. I'ox .. . 5 00 i ' 411 '<"'-',5- '7'60 David B. .. .. .. 5100 i I I I 4/:<, <3'/.<'" 9,.3~ Bdwin I'ick.i...n .. . 5 00 \ "-'13 , 'l'b. 8\1ffolk "..... Rot.ic.-PlanninG Board 49 97 I/?,.'!o -'//4' ~7-.3o .. .. . .. . II 2185 , ~AS-' ~"'..3o .. . II II .. II 11 1117 .1/-10; q, ,30 I . .. U II Bel of A . 13 187\ I -'//7 5-.30 \ " " " .. Town Cl.rk 15 96 il.,2.s-?.,,~ /1/2' '.5'1$"7 y..;' .. " n .. .. . 64 141 .pq I-do . .. . .. Public Work. 7 103 I , "1",,0 :1-30 . II . .. b....or. 35100 '!Q/ q~-..3c. .. .. .. .. Bldg. Dept.. 26 50 I , AL.?,:; 0..30 " .. . " SUDervi.or 7 60 I) '- I 40 -I AL.)~ ''JS9 I'?" Mccabe. Cen~l Store SlIppli..-Juat.ia. De.ar..t. i 403 ... ! , /1.2,; \:!5?CQ 6'-30 Mobil 0 1 Co. GallOl1ne-A. llertoaobia I 25177' ",""W -?'7bO .2:J_~:J ~ L.I. Li9btiftll Co. I oaJtlawn Av.. I 1105 ' :i ~"'.?6t .I/-:{{, . .. Blect.ric1t.y 447 61 . ," 1,--;- .,,;7, c"/ .=- ~ 2. PAiGE NO. .......".""" . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To 6UPER1VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD n_u BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the SU;POrvlBor of the Town of 6outhold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the..... .7.th............ .day APRIL 70 of .",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,. 19"" on Clatma No. """""""",. to No. """"""""" Inc.. now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT I DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT -<<;;-,. . ,:)";:"1 c?,'.3" Ollt.bold Hardware, %nc. IlIIDDl1e.-'1'oWn ~ 5 00 ",..go iIobi 1 0.1 t!ft. ....., - I "''7 71 /L?" J"/'~ ~ . I 4:.<." 3..0 /.30 llat.titllcik Plumbincr " Htcr. ...ir.-Hicrbway 16 75 /-31> Clerk-l.M ..:j" y'''<J ~-2o Albert w. R1obalond -- .^ .... ,... !rIotice-SlIlMtrvia:r: '\ 43/ ....s-.,,:3CJ L. I. '!'raveler Inc. 7 60 . ":I.3~ lfib ~'" .. . . . Id. of A_l. 13 168 if.. .J''/~- ~".~o < . .. .. .. Planniq Board 62 32 '/1(<;. '7/ -<~-/ g. '3. . . . . '1'oWn Clerk 77 42 1. I .;/& , It?" ,a" . . . . Id: of A'peal. 21 85 43/ /-3" .. . . n.e-Publio 1Ibrk. 6 84 /- I ,\1 4107 g-.~n lit. Y. 'telephone CoIIIpany 3783-'1'oWn Clerk 27 78 1.3! I;;;, ,.'7" .. . .. 0I56-Police · I 55 00 -<0r. (;, 3. . . . 3710-3U.t.ice Demare.t. I 57 122 " 2'1.'>.,19 i \ ; , .. . . 0550-1J1IIMtryhor Peb. I 80 15 #0 -.3.." .....30 # . .. . . .. liar. 64129 .,s'do 3660-ciyil Dafen.e I 05/ . 4-jL.<.. 2": 80 . . . 11 ~ I Bart. Hardware " OiIl'den Ce 1t.er Inc. -SlIppl1e.-Aa...lIOr 11 ~o I /:J.7'1 4/.3 9-;;'" #'/ <3./L, /;?o ~3(.) . .. .. . .. Police 1 07 . , "';1-0,30 Jo ..ph SllWicik1 110...,;..,. StalllD I i , .,'145' ~'76S 10100 I. '\ -jL~ 9-30 N.Y. Telephone Co. 3020-Aa....or. 5272 I , 3'1'" 9'30 . . . .. . 56181 /7'7.13 -jL-i!7 fk-3d . . . P565-Ml1ce i 68 20 44'y .uppUe.-Police , 3'7'70 -) McCabe. Central Store i 13 39 #& 17-0.'7.,/, lI":w-3o Loll'. Sei:vice Station ~nae-Police-261.76 , <<<"t> .3'/'TI ~~-30 warden-33.8S i 29~ 61 . lie> .:,.,', ,?(J 3. 4~W~~ I'~~~. ................ ., . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPmVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GB!IBRAL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Su.perv~r of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the..... .7.th............ .day of .",,,.... ,,r..pf.11..,,..,,,,.., 19, "7Q,, Claims No. .."....""""" to No. "",,"""",," Inc., now on file In my office. cm:cK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLA:IM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT -I-s1 ) Acadeow Printin'" BnterDri ... :Inc -8" -, ~ ___......'4__ :10 175 :>"":L- j-~d -.3" 4$;<. 3"'?~ r~c - ~o Charle. 'I'IIcker "a.hinq Police Car. 50 00 "\ 4.;-3 , Charle. Greenblatt. BUDDlia.-Polica 20 60 12G-?,O %4 ..3'/'/-1 I-~r,-:)o .. . " .. " ,;.n 9<1,,, ~o-~o < .. .. .. . 27 60 4"S 4.<;1" ~..2()-dc . .. . . 42 70 -'Is'! .:59'7..5- ~0.3o 8outhold Pharmaay " " 175 $3' ,.:h7(, A.-3. Mat.t.1tIlCk Alita Part.. n.e-Poliae 15 56 130' 30 APJICO . " 65 10 , ~~ 03'/77 X7,IO I -160 1;''''''''30 " " .. 17 100 461 0'J~f 1"'-20.30 Geor~a Deae "Son. Inc. " " 8 00 ...23-30 ' U09 _raen_.uu 4(,L, :;;"'1''1'0 r~.3. ALL Communicat.ion.. Inc. Bav Constable-18.00 22 00 <f'.:;.6~ 4"63 1r'..10 ''''0 " " .. !xcenee-Police 70 68 dLd -3'/8'0 I~(.i-do Vulcan Binder" Cover Co. " .. 80 25 4"(,-5- .~n.fl /io-.dc VanDyck . You.ik Inc. . u S4 24 .7,-"3. .32 4(,<, Ir.z.c -30 I . .. . . " 199 08 ! New Suffolk Shipyard Inc. Dockage-Bay Con.table I 210 00 L/L" ~'I Rz,1 1'.;>0 ..30 .l/.Ly ,:f'7'? .3 l~o..3" Automat.ed au.ine.. 8y. Bxpen._Pol1ca i 28 74 , I d.LD d/'l }?.. "'oZo ..30 Wheeler'. Garage " . , 6 72 I,/r,o :;'7g~- /':2" -.30 A. R. auna. Ixpen.e-Pol1ce 67 50 I Banrv J PubliC! 7 145 I 47/ 0'7!1{, /- 3 0 h u I l'}o-3o "'.-- , 4U/~ ",'11,'7 Seaboard eom.unicaion. III ue-Bav Con.table 41 95 'h'3 .;(7-.$c W. B. Zit.ek, DVM nse-Dov.- ! 103 00 ..In.?K , Brauner. l'ireaZ'IU Inc. I . Pol1C1e I 207 20 ":71" ,;1-;8'1 ~c-3o I I / (j}'Q , .iI'; PMlE NO. ""~~"".".. ,&~~.~ . , . . Warrant No. .............. . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEEWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBIIBRAL BILLS (5) SEC. 120 To the Su.pervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amount. allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..... 7.th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day APRIL 70 of ......................... .....', 19.... on Claims No. .....,............ to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGE'!' AMOUNT , DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT -- nnl t/7'!'- ...:!'TQI'i //-,3 C Robert. w. ""aker "ft. lea. . ~7!1Ji - .<I7{. hilt Ind 'lypewrit.er Co. n.e-lIlDerv1acr I: -3'7'0, /-030 84 00 -'IN d'7~..< ,.j~.30 Albert; II. llartoechia .. Aaacc. of Town. 114 00 11'7'9 ":>qQ.~ iI~.<- dO Cliff 'lvler' a Gar.cre ..-H. Terrv car 21 90 ~"~""'o ~: a:;~:18: gg I. ,;)7'7 3'/<;4 /~ ~~ Peconic Air Service-Inc. 90 00 ~, - ~() -. .vv I -0ro ho.a" Henry G. Stepnollki Jr. Notary Public Renewal I 10 :>0 I .3';'7,s- \ ! I j , I i , I , , I , I , I ! I I j ! , I , I , I i , I ! I I , i I I , j j i (~''1':/. 57("'> 5. ~P!~~". PAGE NO. ................ . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB S'1'Uft LIGII'l'IIICI DI.ftIcrs CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD (1) SEC. 120 To the S1]J>OrvLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 7th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ........................ day of .",,,..,,,,..,,,, .Ap.aIL."., 19,,700n Claims No. "."..." "."... to No. ",,""""""" Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .;<3 L.I. Liaht.ina CoIa-nv St.. Liabt..-Orient. "" 12ft "- ...t. IIa ... 258 ~5 \ ;'14 .. .. . . .20/ . . . . Jl-WG 2R" 111'1 02';' . .. .. . -.. AI(2 1'1'1 3?.19' c70 ""7 .L{2I ( .. . . . nia 21'18 55 I . . II- Q44 &5 I .:.; :f . .. CII i M,/ .. . . .. llaUit.uck "1 959 1:a2 ;;},t) . . . .. .. ..2 97 &n / "' , , .:1/ q" ... .. - . --- ,~ ....A .... ... ,j.q '/</ Vi.lla". "'. . '42 f4n i ! i I , i i I I I I I i : , , , I I i I i I ! I i I i i I ! PAGE NO. "..~......."... 4~~~.tlz:~ TO CLERJK . . Warra.nt NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB .1' , ,-...- RID ::: :::..:::-- ,~ aHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD att.y", (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specifIed, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board or SOUtho1d on the........... 'I tit. ...... .day of ....""""..Aplr11. "".., 19".7tn Claims No. """"""...." to No. ...""..".".." iIW., now on rue In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE' OF NO. OR NAME NATtmE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1/00 7:J..' -~ . ... - I >'/"/'0 4<.c '12d 1- _.._ Le. 'I. 1_ -.,- ... ... Cuet".- o .. .. 4-6r '/.1,'- .:::::G-.c, 4.'-. ,,,' ... ~. · ....... 1_ 1 ." '71~,3rr -1/, '1 . . . . - . I~. f, ... 100 i <LL</ ~.2'7 . . .Ia'" 1 d'.- ')"" ,. -, ... -, ..... .. "U..l .1 . .......1 U " dr.. 'l~c. O,t...II'\C?".. 'I. I....) I No. "1.:<. .dL~ 7.30 f G .... ---'---"0, _..~ - 'U \ . . 100-: "--ttH. Ant-- 11UI~i ).Uo 'ill -.... C!a. 1_- ~I"" - .... T ! ~'/o '7..?:> - 01'.... _. lY Co. n 10 471 '1..... a..,.- ..- t!a..l". ..1- 47;2. '/.'v, ._1'. -..... 60. L ..~ ft.II!I. '1M i 'I" I i "03..P ij73 . . . ~ to 2/J8 i Ui If' I .h',/ 7.4'.'- W. G. t..._ , 47.S- '7:?~ ... 'I fAin laY to .U~T-' JO 10 ) :>_ _. -'IN . . . . . . t 10) -'177 7'." a..... CIUIital ...u.. . 11 to ~.~p ~1 11115 -'l7X 7.-?x -~..- _. . lv.:1., udal........ hie i ';\,0 r,.<" J. ..buIJl ,:IhC, ....... ,_11._ i lO:11 I I ia ......... C'.,. -.....J..-<II" , ~.fo ?<<. -. SitS ;If?' 'Yd, JC1el-a . ..~tof.e ..11" 3d .4t1t. Ql'k It ! 100100 0 .y"" , '/<0 1111-. "!Ilia -11 ..". .1170 111 00 ... -. at : t~ C :8611 00 "/f?3 ".<. -'#'-/ 7# ..1:. Jb. -- 12 00 I , -:> L.:-Y) . 1. -.11' ~~~ I'JI(}~ ~(). .......... ...... ..-- . . . {j. . warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AtJDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 "- To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followtng named persons, the amounts set down opposIte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts s.IIowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the .."..... ?~.h........ ..day of .". "~ri1.,.,, .......' ....." 197.0. on Claims No. .........."".". to No. ......... ......... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BtJDGET AMOUNT ( D' NO. OR NAME NATtrnE OF CLAIM I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I PA' \:r.A,. Mabil Oil ". ;I; " f3I.1-./S /I 66 Gasoline , 6 39 ' 1Y7o 1<1</0 67. (:;ulf Oil Co-US Gasoline , ~, I ,s:zo 68 b.." ~ on ("",.TlC: "'.~-,:_~ 2 69 :J/.;,u 69. ~he11 Oil Co. Gas. oil etc. 114 ~7 ~/0'/ 7n Irransldobal Steel COrD. 'Men ~zr~~~!: Signs A'7n An ..3/s-~ 71. I\ll-Citv Steel COrD HydrauHc oil , 105 00 I 151.53 72. pteel IndustCies Corp. Si=5 ! 397 I 20 Xot.I,o 73. ~teel Indu.tries Corp. 'Men Working' signs 479 40 0/.5'.1 74. !':a.t>itol Hi"hw~v M.+-~'n' - Tn~ '" ..n ~^ ,;,/o,-s- 75. bapitol Hil'!hwav Materials Inc. Name si<ms (Str....t\ 30 75~ i q/~-.s- 76. ~uffolk Cement Products. Inc. Readv-mix .. 614 26 T I .;)/.(.7; 77. ~reenport Lumber Co. Inc. Lumber etc. ,,,~' ~" I "1 78. ocal Steel & Sut>olv Co. Code #3180" -+~ 890 00 I "'..(- 79. ,-,ocal Steel & SUDolv Co. Castin!!s 1,477 SO 1 <lc.4,';" I 80. '-'ocal Steel & SUDolv Co Ends & Tvholders 37 00/ I -?/.S J 81. Mutual Steel ComDanv S;O'ns A?" ""I 82. "ason AsDhal t Inc Co'n M+_" 239 40 I 0/,-;0 , dICe- 83. pel Chemical Corp. Graphite. etc. 126 95 I ~/~ 84. ~reenport Lumber Co. Inc. LumbA" 13 78 85. ~orth Pork Variety Store J4..c., Paint for silins I i ..3/tL 3 96 Fleet Lumber Inc. T cflt..3 86. Lumber 7R Inc I o.31G-I 87. ~eor"e L. Penny. In" T. -+. I ..~ I In_ :;3 g,o:/.., , I i i . PAGE NO. .~!............ ~f)f.~~ ..... .................."........... ~ TOWN ~ /. C /1, ;; / .,...._ ""_MoO ,_~ ~- . . . . .Vurral1t. No. ...... :'. ~.... ....... .... To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART, 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC, 120 To the SUJ>OrvIsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pa.y the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 7th out. of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board at Sautho1d on the .................,...... day April, 70 of .......... '........... ..,..... ." 19.... on ClaiIns No. .................. to No. ........ .......... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOuwr I D, NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAnIII NO. ACCOUNT ALIJOWED , P. IMacn. 44 27 1 .3/t-.s- # 72 Associates Capital Serv.Corp. Payment radio leases I O'Keefe Chev.-Q1ds Inc. 19 07 i '3d,{, 73. Repair parts 74,~, 74. O'Keefe Chev.-Q1ds. Inc. Radiator assembly 55 76 3;c.7 75. Geor~e Ma1vese & Co. Inc. Chains for Sweeper 336 52 , , -.3/6% 76. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Hercules en~ine 993 00 ! 4 !23 , .3d. 77. Fishers Island Utility ~.Inc. Repairs / ,20 ( ..:117() 78. Transg1oba1 Steel Co. Inc. Materials for painting trucks 499 711,00 79 Trans~loba1 Steel Co. Inc. Materials for painting trucks 212 80 1 , I 3/7/ 80. Al1-Citv Steel Corp. Materials for Daintin", trucks 392 00 IUOo : 81. All-City Steel Corp. Rotating lights 254 70 ! , I , , 031'7' / 82. Riverhead Electric Tool Co. Repairs & parts 53 10 i I 31/13 83. Mattituck Auto Parts, Inc. Repair parts 387 05 i , 317~ 84. Riverhead Auto Parts, Inc. Repair parts l1S 52 , 161 132 i -3J7.s,- 85. Tryac Truck & Equip.Co.Inc. Repairs & repair parts j I , , 86. Van Dvck & Yousik. Inc. Tires & tubes 61 44 , i 87. Van Dyck & Yousik. Inc. Tires & tubes 636 46 I I .3/"/6 88. Van Dyck & Yousik, Inc. Tires 206 120 ici97.1f I I 89. Van Dyck & Yousik. Inc. Rims & patches 73 i38 I I , , ! 90. Van Dyck & Yousik. Inc. Align & balance wheels 'I 20100 ; i //'1'7 91. Henry J. Smith Materials for Roller i 28 81 ! 'j, ~-'"'-y, 6.3 ! , : I I I 1 i , I , , 'I I , , ! PAGE NO, ....g,......... ~()f.~~ . .................................. TOWN CLER4C . . . . Warrant No. .......:................ To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Superv!.sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the folloWing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 6outhold on the .... 7.~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .""" .~.P.~~~.J....""."".., 19Z9.. on Claims No. ............""" to No. ......" .......... inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT i DA NO. OR OTHER NAME NATImE OF CLMM I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P. ..~~~. ,3/"/} ii I?? 'J>. (' Tho,... r-ha~ R. 0"...1>1;..~ 15 94 dhq 123 McCabes' Central Store Supplies 2 36 I 2/,.fo 124. New York Te1e\<hone Co. Services - 765-3140 19 15 II : '::-I/!/ 125 Xerox COrD. Basic ch~. & cODies 95 16 i ;) is^-, 126 L. I. Traveler Le~al Notice 7 79 I I 01 g.3 127 Mutual Steel Company Snol< p1o~' parts 602 31 I : -1154' 128 Washin~ton Whites'Sons Misc. hardware items 17 171 I -I -1'/2.s 1 ?'Q l'I'h.. """"^1k ~.' n. .. ,~. "_"'8_ 1/\7 1,/\ (hS; IC 130 The Suffolk Times LeEal Notice 7 60 3/8(; 131 AlrWav. Inc. Rock salt SO 00 , "x,", 132 C. F. VanDuzer Service Inc. Tanks of ~as SO so I I I I '.3/$,f 133 Rothman's Department Store GE Fan 22198 1 !/:1':::-?i o?, , I I I i , , I I I I I , I I , I I I I i ! I I I I ! I i , i I I PAGE NO. .~!............ .#~~~~~ . . .. ............... ~ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . TOWN CLERJK -_.__.-----~--"._---~._-_.__. -.----,. -..-., - _....~~ - ._...._,. h _',""_'~. f "---..--. . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BJLLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ARJr. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GaaRAL BIr.LS (1) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board at SOUthold on the...... .10.th......... .day of .""""".,,,..... ....r.ch". 197.0 on Claims No. """.."..".." to No. """"""""" 100., now on me In my offIce. CHECK BUDGET' I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATUJtE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 23--:;:U <1<f-7/ 1d.:.J Dr. Lawr.nce t'. 1IIit.. BKDen.e-Bi.torica1 9 0 ;'Y'V l'~f-,!J4 Boward N. 'ferrv . 8chool 89 5 ! -J,--~3 I ;"4</_;;;' i "0-4 ,;'!'f?3 Geora. B. I'i.b.r .. AII.oc. of 'l'oWn8 123 0 0<0 ,)66 - i37"1'1 9-5''' JIdna A. 8z'own . . .. .. 72 5 ~ /}~~ ;:[</7.5- I'll, - Ole 8U_beth Ann ..vill. 1'... for Bot:arv PubUc 11 0 ~</7C ;2..:t. _~:JJ ,~S7 1- fio L.I. Ligbt.1ng CoIBpany 81.ct.r1c1t.y 241 0 ,~0P J7 '/7 7 .3d.-30 11.---'--- ...--..--, rtIO _- . 'In hn - ,:;>0'1' & I" '7.? 6-- :Jo _.t. Publbhinq Co. 8UDDU..-8u i.or 21 10 dbo 31"7'1 "'--3!J ( Academy Printing 8uppU..- .. 39 15 .51,;,/ IZ-<-. . . ~nae-a.nior Cit.1a.na, 79 sO .12'117" , ,~t,2 .J......-3d Mobil Oil CorD. aa.oUn....lIlMtrvbor 21 )2 .:1,[,-3 ~<fn f".:lo -&J Charl.. TIIcIk.r ...b Polic. Car. 66 )0 -.,-')6</ i:J '1<9 :? .s.-- 3(:) 80llthold Lulllber Co. BKpen..-8upervi.or Offic. 1 52 I :!.c...>--' B</,f-a lfp - $-'" NcMIInn Pric. Agency Iuuranc. 185 )0 I I ::?L.(, i:! #''1 9-2<> 8CN Con. Calculator 1230 25 ! I I ~t~7 (;j<l-~<>- ;e.~ 8ki-o-ra.. Tollr., Inc. Ski br.. I 150 )0 ;:[~t. ~, T )0 ~&Y Peak Tour. Inc. Ai Par.. I 590 <..;7L.y ..3<f 8' 7 8unri.. Coacb Lin.., Inc '.rvic.-A..oc. of 'l'oWn8 107 50 tI_ av_..-... .- 15255 ..,'77<) .;;'! <l-i',f" . t'h. 8tate In.llrance l'und "hole Town-870.77 .1 :?-"7 I {J'f-f(9 L",: Burton Pott.er Poat. *185 llaintenanc. 200 1>0 li,,- V.t. I'or.ign 1IIra Poat * . 1>0 i ,{1 ::{ ~~9~ t205- for 1970 200 / I I :: 7,'7 3'F9'1 ~I..-~ adward 8brbar Inc. I BKpenaeDllap 23 24 I 1/- 80 ~ . I'bh.I'.-IdaR4 Util1ty~-Ut.U ita.. 12 ("-"-<-AI ;<7'!- ;N'7-? 9-$~ It4dr...ograpb-lllllt. Corp~ Suppli..-A.....or. 97 90 , !iP3<1 0 "J 1. ~(lt.i!:::~ PAJGE NO. """.......... TO ..... CLERK . / /,:,: .790,00 lJl- J,{"CJr tt_i? C. ' . . . . Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CJJlllJlRAL BILLS (2) CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUiPOrvlsor of the ToWn of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective lUIIIIles out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the...... .l~~......... . day of .,,' ....ca",,,,,. ""... 197.0. on Claims No. "..."'"'''''''' to No. .." .."........" Inc.. now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CI.MM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~I/,,/ ( ~LL COmmllnicat.ion. Inc. JlxlMtn..-Police ~ 140 85 .3+93 . .. .. .. Fire Coordinator I 51 80 .;1,/&.40s-' <<7/ ,1'77 . .. " Doq 1fIard.n .. f8.00 ",4 nn IRa" .'- I A If;, nn ,::r;~f .:/</'1,/ SerQ'e J. Doyen - ue-A..oc. of Town. 149 62 ."171} ~<!'i~ A. R. Grebe . PlanninQ' ad. 13 00 , Dooley. Floor Service i ;;/.., :9.'-I"i~ Service-I'eb. 22 00 , I Albert. W. IU.cblllOnd Town Hall $17.05 711 ~/11 iN-97 -. -~ 3..66 20 A'q 3<f<jJ( ( be. Cent.ral Stor. Suppli..-Town Cl.rk 11 80 -\ /3,19 ;"5<5 ( . . .. .. Police 1 39 0?f :N.'iCf ( Willia..on Law Book Co. " JII.t.ic. 'uter I 3 'h 25 t...>-. -\ i q'Sc;" { " .. . . .. Jldwarda 3 25 1\ , .:?2G ::;S-o. 'out.bold Bi.torical Soci. tv &. al1ot:aaent. 500 100 i I ! -ZVl .tandard Lin.n S.rvice 'town '.rvice-Jan/ , ;16"0/ I 665 i , , ",,f'f ;;!-$"~ Peconic Air Servic. Air 'ervice- B. o.r.rrv I 40 00 I .::S"? -367:, 3 ~oning Bulletin 'u".cription- .. I 17 00 .;{'}o """".:::! ( Columbia Ribbon " carbon ~g. CO.-Suppli..-A.....or. 25 163 C),,<, i ~c( . . " " " ad. of ADD. 36 68 {i ~9~ ::l,':io6- r. I. 't.l.phon. Corp. Lea.ed Line.-Jan. 5 00 ! '1'appert'. Book.hop . _~~1;.---------"'!.!C? ."li,,} <J..G""o~ I!!....or.------------!.ii 50 ! 66 : , , It,/rty .::1607 Nat.tit.uck U1:tholat..rv ShOD JlxDan.e-aIlDarvi.or Offic.' 48 00 d('r;,,- a.bo,( Barbara C. Dit.tmann St.enooraPher-aearina 25 00 I I , 6(9~: G!6-oy CJeorCJe llella. Bxpan.e-Tax Receiv.r 14 '40 , <: , dr7 ",.5-,. capital Bighway Nat..rial. Inc.-'iCJna-BiCJbway 211 50 I .at770 . /". , 1'l~ " .. . ! .. 'lIpplie.-Police i 156 20 /57f? ,"1'1 2. ~~~~ PA(}E~. ................ . . . . Warrant No. ,......... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GDIIIIAL BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the........ )..O.~....... .day of ...'"".". ..MJICII. "."., 19..1Q>n Claims No. """..""".,,. to No. ....."........... Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATU1'tE OF CLKlM NO. ACCOUNT , ALLOWED PAYMENT , 2.91 .3~/1 J6-3o (]MoBIL Oil Co. Puel-DllJa'D 98 14 p~,p ~30 ( i , ~.~/, .. . . CIa.oline-PoUce 515 44 I J~/ .361.:L f;1,p ;50 801lt.bold PharmaCY. Inc. 8I1DDli..-Pnlice 98 ~ ?,';L J,F/." f!;{",-~ Charle. 'flicker. Peconic ...b Polic. car. 75 00 ;;)4.5 30--;<j. .;\'13 -:x' .. . ... ._.. '" U II .... ^^ 3",-/ ;;)6-/6 f',;J.. . go Goodf.llow Allto BodY Su....' I~- Suoolie.-Polic. 3 40 3L)~ - f~o ~ 30 Svo...t. ca_ra .. 067' .. 5 70 ~3l' (, (J.:2J - 30( Charle. Gr.enblatt. .. . 113 26 '\ 0;5"7 .3.r/7 f.:2" - 3.< . .. .. .. 3 70 (;"Y {2" ~"36 .. . .. .. 19 60 3127 d67!' f,;;o - 30 JCalin'. --'4..... I!:!ar. 119 . 55 i ! 3/0 ,Nil 9 f;l.o-30 Bev.rly Benn.t.t. Mat.ron S.rvice I 10 00 i ;3'1 .!I6".:z" f~-3. Matt.ituck Auto Parta Ino .uoolie.-Police 7 178 I 3/,p iF .ro1! I f~e _0_ ( Fl.et. Lullber Co. Inc. .h.lve.-Polioe Bldq. 10 25 :513 -...$-- 30 .. .. .. Supplie.-Supervi.or Offic. 20 55 i 3,'1 /";1.0 -& I ! .{J6;;Z.( Cent.re Moricbe. paoar Co. Inc.- SUDDli..-Polia. 10 00 f:le - 3<> I 316- 3S"~" 1...- .nr -. i 4 I2A ;;;I~ :i:lbot.{ f;;"o &> A B · ---Palil!:!. I 584 59 ,,is-;x, ~ WBrden-------6.40 I , ';31'1 <3S.<6- tJlo - 30 Loll'. Servic. Stat.ion Po ic. aar.----586.05 592 45 i , ;;j'r B"'-oJ,(" f~",- -3<> Cliff Tvl.r'. Claraa. S..rviI!:!A-H TArrv car I 7 90 . , ...1J'l ,3.Q7 q~3~ Sout.bold HardWare Suppli..-Aa....or. i 10 90 I I , 00 i L=i? 0 J0~8' 6',50 Hulae. S.rvice Stat.ion S.rvic.-SupervLaor oar , 3 3::2 ( a6~t;- 7." )6jJ Lockwood, KeII.ler & Bart.l. tt., Inc.-Bnlaraementa- I 85 00 Duperv1.0r 11 ~4 3;;>,;/" 03,; ;Io J~.3_ A - 1__. I C:<31". 6'1 3. ~~fl:::d PAiG'E NO. ..........".." ............~.. 'Ci.~"""....'. . , . . .,c <'iJ~~~t Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlaS General Mlt. (4) CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppo.slte their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the.... .1Q1:.b........... .day of ."."" ...JIIU\CH"".""... 1970 on Claims No. "".".""".". to No. ......." ....."" Inc., now on file In my office. OHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 3.z;J 36:.7'/ 'l-~' Trvac &. ,,- .---A----. c.... A Ii ,Q . 3.:2,/ ~'o.z., 6-:~tt' L.I. Colllllercial "view .ub.cript.ion-Supervi.or , 24 00 I ,3'.2"fJ-- ,fl.j';;f3 1-20 ar.enDOrt. Window Cl.aninaRervice 72 no .s.:z.t 363t/- 8;". "39" McMann Price Aaenmt IIn.urance 379 03 ..32.7 o~.j'[ /-:10 Gold.mith " TUthill ~el-'l'own Office 125 25 5:?J;/ .3o!>'Ytf" /'..2D,30 carl cataldo ~pen.e-Chief of Police 82 125 3<29 36".37 .), if -.3^ William E. Zitek D.V.M. Service-Dca. to 2/24170 226 95 i i 3.30 36'",,f' /'.:26 _ O^ Bart Bardware " Garden c. nter-SuPDlie.-Police 4 49 i I :33 ( ..36'd'1' ~--.3o Wa.hinqt.on "hite'. Son. ~uppli..-Supervi.or Office 3 69 33~ 56"7f"D '1- 50 David B. Wlalker a.ssoc. of Town. 94 50 ..:133 36--9'( 9-:50 Wendell B. Tabor " " 113 25 53'-!- .36Y~ 7-~ James B. Rich, Jr. " . 98 68 i I ! 3..3,5' .:16-" if j- ,30 Southold J'uel Oil Co. J'uel Oil 57 '28 i i 3"51" ~ IrvinCl W. Miller Poudit. " "DOrt 500 00 337 l:rt.-.y,s - pl.... LL The Davey 'free Bxpert. Co. Service-t.ree. 1800 00 -r;;'~ :J3E: 13 6' -4'L ':<~_~O Bdward Bhrbar Inc. !BxPen.e-'fown Dump 87 98 33'( 36''17 1-30 vail Bros. Inc. .. Public Work. 14 32 .5'(1.' ('rl..&> / L.I. Traveler Inc. .otice-Bd. of Appeal. 10 92 5'-1/ $- '50 l .. .. . ~uperv18or'. Report. 199 26 .. .. . ~rnin9 Permit..-Nat.t.. P. D. 61 00 3q ,~ 3S-1-.? of N .. " iupplie.-Counailman Valent.i l1e 8 15 3'-13 7- 30 t- "'" .. n n .. JU.t.1ce i 14 UU I ..Ny P,,-,>. '3s . . n u _... , i 1P .- 03V--' ff~" ~o ( The Suffolk Tble. roUce-Rd. of Appeal. ' -- -- "";~ I "l...cq " 88 3'f $-00 <'?5'i,i(/ fit 30 .<, n " " - ;;._ ,... i ..v. ...., 3V9 !o - '30 iub.cript.ion-Bd. of Appea1a, 5 00 .. . .. SlIpplie.-Tax a.celver 38 50 '- IJj: 07 4. ~()I. , I'J\ClIC riC>. ................ ......."...wvn;;... ."......~ . . . . . . Warrant No. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . To. SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB <JDBML BILLS (5) CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SlEC. 120 To the S"""rvLsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bouthold on the........ .J.Ot;h....... .day of ."...."".." .~~~,,,,,.., 197.9. on ClaIms No. .."""",,".... to No. .."..... ".... ". Inc.. now on me In my office. ! CRECK BUDGET , AMOIDIT DATE OF NO. OR OTHEEi NAME NATURE OF CLAIM I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Js-o .:'l$3 <- Mccabe. Central Store SUDDlie.-lax Receiver Is 9 89 -3"1 N.Y. Telephone Co. 3660-Civil Defenae 11 25 J"C6-/ 1580_.T...+-t rK I ~:) ,3s'c;' ~ " .. . 0656-Pol1ce 55 00 ... . .. , .....ov- I ~.. 3,,-3 /i -i'l. /(]) / j!,. ) aJGflL- A __/)V>, . - iI/. a.s--s-.z n, /6-~ - , / u / I ! , I i i i I 1 ! I I , , , , I I , , i I i I , I i I i i , I I , I I ~ad0 . 1,/ 5. ~~~ PAGE NO. ................ .. . . Warrant No. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD LIGHTING DISTRICT BILLS SEC. 120 (1) To the SU;POrVlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fol1oWing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board at southold on the .... .10.th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of '",,,,,,,,,.,, MARCH,,,,, '" 19..7.Qon Claims No. """""."..." to No. ".." ".......... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGEI' AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1,3 03c; Pi.herll Island alectria C orp.-St. Lightll-r. I. . 230 84 , I , /'-1 *' Villaae of GreenDOrt. st.. Liaht.II-West. GreenDOrt 142 30 I \ ~L,' T. ,T . Ato ,..~ M),~._ . .~ ", 2n /(, If If If If _..~ u._~_~ ""A 7" j 17 If If . .. -_v '>11>" ,'" -~ /7 J If .. .. If ~.. ......,. .... I 09"-5'.01.0 \ I /0 <-JI .. .. If " '>"'11> "'C: I I 944 i 65 I .:(0 i " " . If ..... I ! I ,;</ .. .. .. If u...~ ~ ...._.. ..n 0"'0 a,> .:<~ i , . If .. If If ..... .... "'''' / 4.3DI..3'1 i i , , i , i i , \ I I i I I ! I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I . i I ! I ! i , PAGE NO. ".""/1".,,. ~iI~~ . .. . . . - - Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB rl--' BloYD raay DUftlC'f CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD 81LLS (1) SEC. 120 To the SUiPOrvJsor of the Town of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .101:b........ .day of "...."."... .~)}.;I;y' '" 19..700n ClaIIDS No. .....".""",,,. to No. """..""".." Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET , AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATImE OF CLAn! I NO. ACCOUNT I ALLOWED PAYMENT ,.. Cc T"c. '.' ... ~1a lale I. 42L 63'0 ..tt'1 ..,--....-- '. ' 80 47 --I.:i~ iil twO....... I.. f!n ,....- "...- , lG G!!I Ib" U:u tift. I"c; ... ~ ,~.,_"';, .-.... n 43 L.j:<q t,i3 .... .. . 74 00 4130 UJ/ Inc. rllten 91 44 I A. John Gada llat.edal-Dod 18 03 I -131 ti,g6- , I I 4'1'-' 6d, -~ / ,".'.'" ,.. . .... ~~ i I ")t/:l'-? i.f"7 .... -. - 111 ul I (.:34 /,3'J' ..1' ......,..... tift 1'n.. ft..., t!.o 1 /"',/70 i 141 51 i t,!?9 ., 9.. = fn~.~ __..u... .L 48 i -'/.%" .1,.. 5 ,. I "/at, 6'10 IIo*orola c. . 8 IJIG. ir.-Mdioa I 42 25 ! I I 106../ J. 8al_n Ilia. aar..r'. 'IIDDlie. I 3 15 I 4-3~ I 4dg t..0 "'1'-- llarina Inc. llaterial-Kyatia 1.1e 18 00 I 43q /d .. tift. -We "",...... I 4 14 . , <I4<J 16''1 "" ... --- J:r-.CI . rer&"1e. 149 05 ~hC.. it. ar..tcer-ol1n411i I >>4.; /,"7,5- .. -~ :.... -- lea. - C 10 40 , 69/' "'_..... .. ~. . ... ..... i 2 ~'I 44-2-- i , .;Us {,'I''l ., ilia llaterial i 111 00 "- ,.::Lnc.. I 4<L<I /,q,f 'I'ha.. .biavard . ....ir Co.- 8uDDli..-Olinda 55 29 i 44" /''['1 . .. .. . Ovel'balll-llYlltia 1.1.12345 93 I ffl 1700 -. 0.._- of DlI'o_rt.v I 850 00 , "/<17 7,,/ . '- _..., . 'ta~j on-ru.l-I'reiabt. BowIe i 74 58 '/-IY 702; A.. ..... ....1 ..... 7.... _...1_ : 1197i 32 J/.';Iq 703 ..1'. ...t......... ,...h ; 12 00 i /'--:J, X..c:'~7, ,'l<Z.. 1. ~9!t~d I?JI(}~ l<(). ................ TOWN I " ~ . ., - . . Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB 1'1..... I.1aUD nau CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dllft1C'1' BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the Stq)ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the..... . lOth ......... .day of .""""". ..~,.:."" '" 19,,1~on Claims No. "."..........." to No. ...""""""". Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ,J.,,, '7/1d ".oc:. Ciei tal '-rvic.. f.<D Badio nt. . 61 190 / '-Ie; 700'- IfUt...ed C. .i.acla1r - n... 7 60 <I.'-.v '706 an _. Tn Olin" 864 100 1.l".., 'Y/O" _alter Griffin Ma11 Ball1aQ.-l'eb. 115 00 ;.ls"; '7"j' "Urad .. Biakull ~r.tion of 1Ir.t.lc 1.1. 8240 00 1'/,,' .' '..,'.' I ! 1 , I i I I , I : , I I ! , , ; I , ! , I I , I ! I ! i I i i , i , I ! I I : , , , , i i 2. ~(!I~~.. PA(}E N(). ................ . . ~ . --.. Warrant No. ..,. ~.......,...., ....., To SOPERiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ABT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the S~rv",or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following narned persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specltled. being the amounts al10wed by audit of the Town BOard at Southold on the .. . 10th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of '''''' .Mar.en. ."....". .". ". 19,,70 on Claims No. """""",,,,,. to No. ."""""""". Inc., now on file in my office. . I CHECK BUD~~ I AMOUNT I D; I NO. OROT NAME NATURE OF CLAIM , I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I PA I 0o~3 :;.R. - T ~ Tft~ T nmh~~ ! i/ ~ "". 3 50 I L I. Ic.. Iiz Fu..l Chrn R;"",b n;1 I i Ido",,'" 44. 70 ~, IV i J'_2~~ 45. Trvac Truck & TI"n~ftm"nt Co Moto"oil .~ 00 i.... , O'A~" 46 Gulf Oil Com"""" U S ro".olin", )1, m " . "0 .40 V' Mobil eil CorD. Anti-freez" & motoroil I " 00"''''- 47. 96 93 ';'1if~f I I !v , 48. Mobil Oil Corp. Diesd fuel & !!asoline 677158 ! do",y .49. Rason ASDhal t Inc. Cold oateh I 199 80 Iv , , IV .30:<Q ,0, 1'1'1>10 "nnA 1>""m.o,.," "'~Am;nm ^ft . ".O~~ 00 I I J'o,"~ <;1. r-. .. ..~. H;, u, ;..10 Tn..._ u: _>... . . "".. · 01. I.... l';03/ ,0), ,,: T.T.ft" ('h.T,.,.... l:"O^'';ftA .. 11 I.o)[ 07 ./ I I 6'0.32- 53. ZeD ME!!. Co. SUDvlies 490 96 !...... )\ v -.303.3 "" 'R'AA+ T Tn~ T. T<::O "" iffi~.U 55. 'RTAA+ T In". T. _~ ,. ').7 1~}/ ':',,'JR':; ? ! ! I , - I I I i ! I ! I i I I I i I I i I ! I i ! i I I i I , ! i i PAGE NO. ....~~.......... ~~.tfl1:d.... WN CLERK (j . - . . . ~ \NarnulI.. l~O. .,., ::1,_,."......,.,..... To SOPER/VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Su.,ervisor of. the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and cUrected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names . 10th out of the accounts specIfied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ...........,............ day of ".. ...~.l\r.c;!1""..."",..."., 19..?:9 on Claims No. "" "..". . . ., to No. .................. inc.. now on fUe in my office. I=CK BUDGET I AMOUNTT DA NO'1 OR oTHEI NAME NATURE OF CLAIM i . NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PA , . _Uf. V~;' R,.n" Tn". - -~ ~~ ^~ 1/ do,3-/ ,11. 0;;;, 1"'0.3-> 0;7 A~~^- ,..~_...~, -, T".." ("~,.n "~'m,^^'" ~.- .- .- AA ?'7 ,/ , "'0.31:' .." I,,,,.,. . "^_,,: _^ T_'- T_"~~" ?< "" i/ .3o.3'T 59 Mattituck Autn Part.q I"c D_^...,. ^ _~_ 1 2~ 78 V ,5CJ3x. 60. Geor..e Malves" & Co ""0" han"'" I. on l" ..j;,.3r 61. MuniciDal Machinerv Co. Inc- . . .~ 15 20 (I,..,. i 62. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. Hvdra clutch 840100 '...... I , I I 110.,10 63. Penn Glass & Mirror Safetv "'lass 8163 '" 130-5/( I." "^"a u,.^" "~'^,,.. "a,.,.:__ R..n.ir .~ ",.,1 ,,~ -/ d042. 65.<- JJastern.J\'.I!ldin~_Co.,,--_~...._ Roll plate....foJ:....RoJ.1e- 25, 110'" . - ..00____ ~;'o-/3 66 North Sea Au+n . ,,~,,:_+^,. 325100 '" 130"","" 67. Van Dvck & Yousik Inc. Tires & tubes .,~ 01. i........ _3t'.i,L-s~ 68. Hansen's Gara"e 1\1. Y S ., 1/ , II~;"Q do...;!'::;; ;;9 R, ~_ T_ R"nair~ R. 175 00 70. Trvac Truck & Enuinment Co In" "..na;"~ R, 10;0 on v ,304-7 71. Riv"rhead Au1:o P~f'1:" Tn... . -~-~~ ~~O. 00 i./ . ,2;)FI r('"l ! . I r 1 I i I , , , I i , I I , ~{M~-4. I PAGE NO. .. .~t........... , ,-...-. ,-.-, ,._-,,' "_.--' ... -,.... ,.-.',,, . - .. - ~ . . - Warl'ant NO. .......... ;3.111........... To SUPEI1iVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 624 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENr BILLS SEC. 120 To the SupervLsor of the TOIWIl of Southold: You are here'by authorized and directed to pay the follow1ng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the TOIWIl Board of SouthoId on the .....1 Oth . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ." ...".I~.3;'~.h.."......"...."., 19..?9 on Claims No. ........""".... to No. ..." ".....".... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT ! Di! NO. OR "u=~ NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I p, MISC. ,~.. Trnn V .?o~x Ii <11 . W..lrH..." nn .. <'. ,..0 '>7r 00 , "'ode a? M." ,+ 'M~ ?, nfl v' q . '::>0..5__0 0... 1",,,1. !':. A...", n R, -~ .. ,>r 0.. v' I.;',>"" 0"- McCabes Central Store Inc SunnlieA 1. 95 .,./ ..-00..5-2...- o~. J. ...." AunnH."A ?~ "!!I V 806"-::> 1:.""01 ?170 ,/ 96. The Suffolk Times . '''.R.!.. I 97. The Suffolk Times Le"al noti".. 7 . 03../ or <3os</ 98. New York Te1enhone Co S..rvic<'s 18 30 V L.."al , ~ IQ I 3o~\S~ 99. L I Traveler In", . V' I-i'o~~ 100 Bontl n.... ,,^_ ('.0, Services 641 00 ./ "C0'" 101. CutchollUe Diner Meals for m..n 68 65 ./ . ! , -30-:5'% 10'> n...HM.+..A Pavroll deduction Charts 24 00 Iv -i'0.5'0 103. Vail Studio & Camera Shon Films 51 16 Iv dObO I 104, S Tnr. . ) 1.0 v' , i ../ l'1ou 10~ .f. T...~ Install & furnish DUmp 575 00 /c?,S;..s3 i , l-i'O'.-v 10/\ !':+....I ('n , ~h.....~ AC'2;~,,! v i j...... 107. Mutual Steel Co. Snoo, olow 625 00 00(,3 108 I Del .., ""_I !':"...n'~..~ '2?' !I? v -"'00 " 109 Xerox Corn ..0 65 i ' . 'A ,V c30(,{,- 110, International Salt Co. Rock Salt 2.432 00 >/ 80bC 111. Raymond C. Dean SUDPlies & exoenses 111 75 Y I I;>Ob~ 112; The State Insurance Fund I Iv Payment premium on Insurance 3 338 04 "'Ob!? II"!. M, !(..h' 1>.~+ +. '4"" ... ,n 1.0 V .94.u (,...<;- PJlJGE NO. ......:3.....".. ~9!~~ .= --, ", .._~...__..,.-_._,-"""...",., " .."...._"'_.''"--.--,~." -'--~"""-'-~""""'~~"r"'-,_..,--.".,~..__..,., .-._-." . ,-----, . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GDDAL BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the SUiI>OrvIBor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the......... .6.th........ .day of .",,,,, ",.);I~~:ry.,,, "'" 1979. on Claims No. """""''''''" to No. ...""" """'" Inc., now on file In my office. CBiECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATtmE OF CLAIM NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 130' 3'<' '/-.2 5-30 A M. ... - 1__- S 1n "A I .3 ~ <13 ,r:30 I 28 ~6 I,} I Albert. W. Ricbalond . Town Cl.rk <3;2.., 3.:<<1<1- 9-3" Wendell B. 'l'abor ~....or'. Mt.a. 5 00 /33 3:t'fS 9.30 David a. Nllk.r . . 5 00 I I 13<1 3.;1.<1(" '1- 5. Idwin rick.i...n . . 5 00 I I.3J~ ""z'-/7 '1'00 Auauat.u. Gar.ll. . .. 5 00 /,3t 3,J,,<fi? (,.-"50 Willialllllon Law BoOk Co. IUDDli..-JII.t.ic. Suter 10 07 i 3',' 3;< <I '1 I 30 Dooley'. rloor S.rviae I_..~ __ .1, ., 10 001 - I !'3r 3~':'-'" :z 7- 3", F18h.r. Ia. 'l.l.phon. Coz P.-Lee.ad Lin..-Dec. 5100 I :Yj ;J.;;SI 1- 3, carl.on & Mar.alea Ina. lervice-'lown Offia. 43 30 I _upplia.-Town Office I I I'-Ie 3.-U"'( 1-3. Nlyaid. llark.t. 3 54 l<.f/ W6 -:3 t /j-3, Yanhyl & Ion n..-Town 'lru.t.... 74 00 ~~. ~uervet1on Adv180ry Coune I .l4,:Z 3d1d-<.,t Mi.. T.rry llarnan, See. 11 10 94 I 1'-13 3::<-56 1- 36 Sa. Robin.on'. SlIpply Co. "lIppa..-B. LadelllllM I 18 70 IL( ,,7' .6.:l.st f./--,.:. ~ Dr. L. T. 1IIi1:ll ~pen..-Town Hiatorian I 7 50 I 1II.bington *i te '. Son. ~lIppli..-lllpervi.or i I'/S' J'~,,? -J...'";.:;o 15 38 J'-fl 03.26-i? Clb' ,. Mobil Oil Co. hal-Town DuIllD 136 30 iL{ -! d~r .;..I-~t Oy.t.erponda H18t. loc., Inc.-~ a11ot.lllent. (lat.) 500 00 ~(~ St.. Agne. Po.t. ~intenana. for 1970 I 200 00 ! ,yt( ::J.'<';, ",l- I I , I i ~c ir.. i 1<6 3;;;)(./ Peak. A1ta Ski 'lollr. 280 00 I I rr.iqbt. on cbair. I /:.. J ,3.;;.tf,.:J ,-.3" Adirondack Chair Co. 10 15 I /('! 3.2 6.3 <.SO Acad8IIIY Print.inq Bnt.rDri ...-SUDDli..-SIlDervillOr I 84 30 I (gD.Og' ( ~n.urana. i I .I ,-(.:v 3;;;.../.<1- MaMann hie. Ag.ncy , 20 00 i I ~D.. 3~ i I , /1..)/.::3 " .. .. .. j 213 00 i PAGE NO. "~~""",,... ~lM#d::.d.. TO . CLERJK 6----ZA(/;> a:d If 01,;( :;:'1' " . . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GIIII1UAL BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the SUiJ)ervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and d1rected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the...... 6.th........... .day of .".""""... J'ebx:ulLrJ(.., 197.0. on Cla.Itns No. """...."."... to No. """"""",," Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET ! AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT AIJ,OWED PAYMENT I....:;-.,L" 3.2t{,6- -.j--t;$o US Po.t. Office. GreenDOr1 8I1DDlie.-SuDervi.or . 202 60 ,.{,,'2,/ a.:/.t.f,. /-3. ...t. and '1'ypewrUer Co. .. 81gbway 19 30 ~S6 3.:2.!-7 /.; ; >w ,....4...1 114 ~- ., ., T....,_..--- _t-..._'" 'un '\n '-57 3;zlY /- .30 Villaae of GreenDOrt. wat.er-Town Hall 8 00 ..7,{..6" Bxpen.e-PIIblic WOrk. 22 00 I '6~/ 3;(&9 Borth Shore Canva. ;,{/q 3::170 J- 3[J Midland Blda. S_c1alt.ie. Inc.-Door.-Biabwav 1524 00 If, (~ 3.:2 'if 6-.3" Ooldin l'urnit.ure Co. Rllq-SuDervi.or Office l] 20 I ! / (,,,' B.:27:?.. . 4 . -. .---It;n i jf,.?--' 3:1.73 36,&0 American Termit.e Control Co.-Service-DIImp-Dec. 20 00 I -' 50 --l It, :0 '1-&" / L.I. '!'raveler Inc. Suppli..-A.B...or. 8 91 25 ! /10'1 '1-30 " " .. " " ,I I t;~" I I'd, - 30 " " . " Bd. of Appeala 16 50 /GG fit. . "" " " .. .. .. " 6165 ! , Ie, '7 fD _3...:') " " .. " '!'ax Rlleeiver 188 00 , I(,e 3.:<7<1- 10 -~ .. .. . .. . .. 207 99 ,5Q:(, 7r < ! /t.( 8'-.30 .. " . " Town Clerk 32 65 I f2.". '" i ;//n . .. .. . B. Terry 31 40 j 7/ 117 - 0- .. . . .. Planning ad. 16,50 I I I I r/:J. Pre,,- '" . . .. " Zoninq lS! 39 i /7:5 7,,1Y! .. .. . " ZOning I 19! 95 ) , ~?r 3:?n,- l1cJ!, ~ ( L.I. Lighting CoIapany AeriBl Highway. i 89i 10- .371..2 '1 , -7/' f,rp;{f i .. . . I BlectricUy 2821 17 {- '3~ l , , ~- 3~ ( ...t. Publi.binq Co. Pocket. Part.. , 1181 50 ) It.. 6-;; !?t, 3:27t. 15- '00 17"'; to ..",., '\ I JII.t.1ce 8dwatd. ";:1 00 1'/;'" " " u . .. . I ~ 2. ~~~~~~. P~E N(). ................ . " . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERlVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A&T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GBHBRAL BILLS (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor 'Of the Town 'Of Southold: You are here'by authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUtho1d on the...... .6th.......... .day of ....."..".." .r.bruaxy., 19.70 on ClaIms No. ".".""."..... to No. ................" inc., now on me in my office. , AMOUNT DATE OF CHECK BUDGET I NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 17'i .,i,;lT7 Th. Micb. CoaIpany Law of Subdivi.ion. $ 7 50 ./ , , j f(~1 Cl.27Y Acadeaw Print.1nQ ant..rDX .... Inc.-Su....li..-Polic. , 25 90 1[( ! J:'-79 Rothman'. DeDt.. Store .. . 5 64 IY:L 3:1.8"0 ( Charl.. Gr..nblat.t. . " 17 30 / 1?,3 " . .. . 24 80 ./ 17'1 ;f~3'1 vanDYck" You.1k Inc. 1- na.-polic. I 159 60 I IV5" $'U~ Fred'. Auto Service . .. 55 00 If(~ ~Ol.VJ GIIlf OU _. . .. 26 6] ,fJ;(flY , 7 00 i 13',/ Geo. Dea. " Son Inc. .. .. , 1%'/ 3"- 8's- I At.la. Hvdraulic Co.. Inc . .. 8 80 i I f(y- 8...8'6 .... - .~ .. .. 16 95 i/ ) ,/a 3:1,>(7 Internat.ional Cit.v llau nt MIInic. Police Ad_in. 14 00 I 'i / 3:J..1f'~ Texaco Inc. Ga.oline-1Ia. Januick 20' 64 /9:? 3~!f'i Mattitllck Auto p--.. __'4_- ! 6 ]0 i /93 3;;C~~ Bver.t.t. J. Nlrner " . 7 00 ! I I I 'i 'I 3;1.11 Albert.aon Marin. Inc. .. Bay Con.tabl. 82 09 i Suoolie.-Police I i /'7,~ McCabe. C.nt.ral Store 31 83 I /9& n n " .. n I 6 00 I , 97 I , /'17 "'.:t'1~ .. n .. . " , 20 19V' . " " .. SlItMtrvi.or i 105 32 , , . .. . .. , 61 I 19'1 . I 309 ;{ 0, n " " i n .. 34 75 .. i i ;;f61 .. " .. .. r. 31 95 ;'O;Z 3C( '13 C. P 'I'IIthil1 I . J77 3. ~~.~ PAGE NO. ................ ^ . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS GDDAL BILLS (4) CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Su,pervl.sor of the Town of S01lthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foUoWlng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified. being the amounts aUowed by audIt of the Town Board of southold on the ......6 t.b . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ."""....""I'.br.llary.". 19,,700n Claims No. .."....""""" to No. """"""""" Inc., now on rue In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ;/0' / rlf.Y. "_1 _Pft1t.... '\t7Q as 'I \ ;!'''<f " .. .. 3660-Civi1 Def.n.. 10 45 "",if 3.2...9';- II . to 0550-SIl~rvi.or 64 10 l .j<<,3.<l7 ~o'- . II " ~lll-Jq.t.ic. Sut..r 22 30 e?o7 .. . .. 302O-aax ..c.iv.r 58 94 , -::oY II II .. 3783-Town Cl.rk 27 , 83 c:!69 r SIIffo1k ....k1v Tim.. Hotic_Zoninq 15 58 ' \ 0-0(6 .. to to .. Bd. o~ A-......... 8 65 3;L~ < Tax R..c.iv.r 12 I 7' C1..i?.3,<I'j ~:;Zll .. " .. II 239 ; ~/<< U II .. u Zoninq 20 14 i I ~n..-DumJ) .: 0{13 l3.l9.!, Bdward Bhrbar Inc. 314 75 i I " " 3~91 S~u~old Fuel Oil Puel-Biahwav , " f'.J 144 96 , :<(.5-- 3.l9r -. ,~ . Co. ~1_ .14__ "-.... 1199 r & r:a.aL- , :lif'f , ~-;,d. Theodor. Rohloff Rllth Kinq MelDOrial Blda. i 766 60 i ,:(,7 ~"-,,o . ....nt 1 nt 1 ~^ ~dn.-15.98 I 747 I,,^~ , .. , n'\t "" ~ ~....or.-10.84 . . - --. . .... I Pol1a.-692.1l /J ' , ~Lr -" ,~ -. AA -~ " ~, .. I . II I cYI!f <1;3"1 Vail Bt.udio .. Camera Sho SuDD1i..-A.....or. I 29 95 .-<19 33o:l.J -y BxlMtn..-Dump I 5 96 '~1.c> .3~03 ~ . H.nry J. ami th Bxpeu.-Pol1c. B1dq. I 24 50 ~ I 125 i .,. "'1-/.76- '<21 .. .. " " .. 17 .<.;<,;( 330<1- Lou'. S.rvic. Station Pol1c.-$276.24 .. ...... ~~ '1'14 1Q .-" . 16132 .,?,U 366"- ...t. Bnd Co. Inc. ." 4__ PAGE NO. ....."...""" ~~1ifr~ ...........'ro~.'. ............... \ \, . , . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBDML BILLS (5) SEC. 120 To the Su,pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the ,folloWing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUtho1d on the ............ 6 t.b . . . . . . day of .",,,,,J'.bruary..' ""'" 1910 on Claims No. """"'''''''''' to No. """"""'''''' Inc., now on file In my office. CHiECK \1tJDG1LT I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT , ALLOWED PAYMENT , , q,!;io/- 3~o~ Jo.eDb P. sawicki Cl _PolieA . 69 ')4 ......,~-- 3,307 Hart Hardware a Qarden C nter iBc.-BxpeD8e-Police , 16 10 c?,;Jb 33o$" VanDyck 6i YOlldk Inc. '1'ir..-Pol1ce 199 08 .:?c{1 iJd" '1 Hawkin., Delafield 6i Wooc Service.-Bond. :lnA 'A o?if 3310 Village of Greenport Blectricity I 29 58 D""'-~" - " ;t(y .:53 If NY '1'_1 Co .n656_D~1!_- I 50; nn I ~3{J f3310V " EouiD. Co. - 4 95 ':<31 Zkfl,'j Cliff Tyler. Garage Inc. h Bldg. Dept.. , 22 25 , : I ,.:(~ ;'3 i3 1'1 Antone Picurilli -- n.e-Tbwn Board table I 40 00 ,~3d o8/.r Leq !al.1111 'fr..elft' !lie. auppl1.. - Juat1e. a..a...t I aa 70 I i i I ! ! i I I , , ! I : i i I I , I i I ! I i I i , I : I I PAGE NO. ..."".~....". ~II'~~~~. TO CLERJK - - t . . Warrant No. ........,... . . . . . . . . . . . . To SCPEIbVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Special Diatriat.e SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 6th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts aUowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ........................ day of .... ,,'~~J;'~~~.... ".,,', 197.Q. on Claims No. """""""",, to No. ..... ". "..""" Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLA1M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I ( .illaqe of Gre.nDO~t. 1fat..~ ~ 6630 00 .:< . 411. /../07 7, 7~ J(, ..., _#< ..~..- .,-- 3 , , ( Vill.as of GreenDOrt. ...t. Greennort. L1aht.a 142 '\0 ) '-I .07 _. 1'.."_ .. ......-- - -- .. 1.. .,,1Id! hi . IJ.at 197 63 6- ~ r.o., Z."" U....ie. '::'1"".' It...... U"'hI - 01'1... 333 JO -I-, r:, 10., 1.1ud Utlttl., eo.p.., ..net U"'hI - ... *1'1_ 27a 44 1 r.o., Z.I... Utlttl., Ceapaa)' _.,.ee. U"'hI - Ch..~.... 1-. S06 al y .!l8" ..... !al... U"'U., ('I J'" ....... U...t. - SoIItIIold 901 l,a -<105"//.70'.:> '\ ? f r.o., leta... U...ta, Oa ~[., .tnet U..... . hooaic J08 6J I , , , I(J ..... bl.JIII U...tl.. eoa,.", ,tnet 1.Ip.. - Cute...... 993 91 II ..... bl... Uptl.. Co.,..., I.,.... u.a.... - Jlattltun 11 1.208 69 Ii I ! I ." ..... b taDd Uptl., CUll'.' tr..t U...t. - *ttituGt Q 81 60 Ii ! I I I I , I i I i , ! I , , I I I I , I I I ! , I I "1 I 01';0 j'c'.I?/ PA(}E N(). ................ ~~~~ . . Warrant No. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPEIllVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .u- ~ DL'- ...u SEC. 120 DUftlC'l' alLY (1) To the Su.pervlBor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bouthold on the .........,~........, day of ."" ".IIcaaq..", "" '" 19.7.0 on Claims No. """""......" to No. .........".."". Inc.. now on me In my olflce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT ! DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATU'RE OF CLAn! NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT "'n'/ {,.s--( .. .. -~ . ..- -_..~- ,..,.. . ."'11 Inn dot;- ~ 1II1U11' .. (ld.fia ...il ...t.a.e 111 00 do' -'6:< -~ y- -..e "- . 1.\ 11101 '1M ~.s-/ ...... "'1 . 8en1oeSt..Ti. ...t-h'~. 30 OS 1-<;<; .t..s-,s "1- ...1 Co. "'1- . 611 13 do d,So, J- 'I. 1IotIr. 8enioee- U Ciba1n 116 50 i I 11SIOO ! <L10 t..s;, D. ~1- 8en1aee , c1",," , ,In 6$/1 . - .'__0 . Al eoi I ./,' ,{.!:Q .. ShA' -.- --.... -. 40 I .... l'ORlIn ...d.... a.-1v CD.-L1....~r.... I 1/-13 {,t.o 1M ao I I I 1/14 ~bl J. Iohan IDa. Pur..'. a._u... 11 21 41"- ({,t.:<. Off1oe 1Ia_1v a. Off1ae a._u... Il 10 ,-,/~ ({,{.3 ..., Lo.... LiaIa.ia8 .. Co.-aau..--.,- 3 Hi '1/1 t....; ...1 .1n 1lma1_. Co. InllDeCt. co:a --tea 132 00 I ! '1/9 "..5 LNIiIr1-- . Iu . nuw Lile ufu 1203 50 I -'/Iq If... ..1. ...~.~..-- tift. ..... , ._.....~... 2'1. n ~" hr.?' AinHft u ...u,c. ' A. t. W-*u 210100 i 'f.>I do {. JY ..ytia.. Co. ..t~~ Ma1Dt~--~. 74100 , Mt_ . Al..HI..r Co. DDak Material 1040 i 00 , -1-<",-- thQ ! , I , -<0.3 ,b"~ Diak'. ..--- eta.. 'lJraotor eu ! ,100 I - "-"? , I I , i I , , i i , I i 1 _11' ~(){~~... !'J\(}1C r<c>. ................ .' WN CLERIK: . /9- 6 7{,' 8"/ ." . . ! " ,. .1 II 2 . II Warrant No. ".... .,............ ,... To SCPER:VISOII. TO PAY AUDl'I'EI> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK II BILLB " TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS !! CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, " i ~ SEC. 120 Page ..1- of -L Pages , To the Supervl>or of the Town of Southold: , You are he",by authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite the!r respective 1WD8I 6th out of the ,accounts specified, be!ng the amount. allowed by audit, of the Town Board of SOuthold on the...................... ..day Pebruary 70 of ............,.....,............ " 19.... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. :CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF OR OTHER NAM!: NA't'UR:E OF CLAIM , 10. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT, I ~,".- "'- D ".,,, Georlle L. Penny, Inc. Lumbtor 587 78 -%),0 '?,,~ #21 Trvac Truck & Bauioment Co. Inc Sealer & oil 17 .'1'1 I "- #22 Mobil Oil CorD. . Gaso1:l.ne 817 29 oZ",-, #23 Mobil Oil CorD. Diesel fuel 105 09 118"1./9 #24 Mobil OU Corn. Oil & Anti-freeze 265 53 " ,;I,1t8 #25 Greenport ~acht & ShiDbld~.Oo. Oak 25 20 01."0 II?", Y .AO' ". .. I!. ..... .Y - Castin"s 197 on '\ 1000 1127. ~ n...T,..... I!. ..... - "AC IAn t..o",(Jl.O .. 1I?1I ""- Plashers & Batteries 448 80 ''701 #29, T.."as D.4'~......v "" Oil II. lub.. ?"A Inn _?rm? #30 Bast End Suoolv Co. Inc. Lane navement markin.. 479 80 ,- 11'11 .A"_("..f~v ""',.- Plashers & Batteries 448 80 .OM" ...,.. 4' , .., ""'..- 2" Posts e 444 00 1/.370.80 . #:J<! All-Ci tv ~..n. 1_,,!/A" AO., Inn J.j, 1l.29'''''< I' . !I . . . , . I' , ' I I . ! I 'I " PAGE NO. ....~..,........ 4~~~' .-'--...-..'--........... ........... .,.._..........u . . . , /' . I , i I i I Warrant No. .. ..?.............,,"" ~. , To SOPEIIIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I BILIB HIGHWAY DBPARTMmn' BILLS I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , CHAP. 634 LAWS CII!' 1932. ART. 8, I SEC. 120 Page L of L Pages I To the Su.perv!sor of the Town of Southold: I You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 6th out o! the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit o! the Town Board or Southold on the ........................ day I of .."...p.eb.ru.~r.1'""..""... 197.~. on Claims No. ......".."...... to No. ...............". Inc., now on file In my office. I ,mCK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II OR OTHER NAME NllTURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT II J.n" MaCn. Asso"iateA ., S..rv ~ " , I. :l R.6-;I # 28 44 127 # 29. Associates Capital Serv.COrp. Payment radio leases (January) 44 27 I 01 ""6 # 30. Gada's Puel & Se ,. ft. c. ".na{rA 3 20 ~""" # 31. Hansen's Garal!e , Truck ' -~. is 100 .'nnn # 32. lEd 'A . .., .Tn", ~ -'- ~ 30 100 ,""f # 33. Trva" Tru"k '" "ft,,'n ('.1\ Tn,., R.na'" 142 91 .1q 77. oq , # 34 Trvac T""ck & ,,_.a_ ~ Tn,., Repairs. parts & H 1.834 118 " .1nnO # 35. Rand-MacMurray Inc. Hvdr. cvlinders 482 170 ,,sS(,.S-;"" 'I ,I # 36. 1 Rand-M Thft , '''.na'" 73 87 ~ 'nK~ # 37. Dick's Gara.... ' n,.~~ R. .. .~ '" 36 76 ~-4. 76 # 38. IDi"k'A .... 18 00 - '"~I # 39. John Reiner & CO In", R"nAi.. 468 145 -'170, Ss , # 40. John Reiner & Co In", 2 140 I 41 1- W.',Hne I "nq, # R. SO 10'1 , I ~ #_42L RtvOthe.ad..J\u.t,!L1'.adIL.In". I Rep..al..~a1!.h 59 170 Z"Od , 43 Bast P.nt! ...._-,.. ^ T. lot,.",,, I!. 145 50 "":;s- # 44, North Shore Brake Sery!,,,' In,. Air brake chambers 170 26 2n9. # 45. Roger Tabor Rent eouipment 425 00 1"f" # 46. Mattituck Auto Parts Inc Repair parts. bat....' lOt" , .n1n 19~ J??%Y # 47. Rotanium 8roducts CO. ReDair DArh. , 424 08 # 48. Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. Tire rim ~<: 00 -""fa # 49. VAn Dv"'" '" Tn,.. 'I'....ft1r ,n ..n .;U2.:J.:; , \It SO. Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. Tires & tubes 236 92/ , # 51. Municipal Machinery Co. Inc. I :17'10 iClutch cones 7, 25 .L I ~~t!:it:d I , PAGE NO. .."...~.~..".. " I TO CL1!1RX I , I , 1 I I _._.... ~ H .'_'_..__ .. . . . . I " , . , 1 " " ;, Warrant No. .. ~~................... " ; To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1. " BILLS f]., HIGHWAY DBPAR'DIBNT BILLS f CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, Ml.T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , ;; Page 2 of 2 Pages t' SEC. 120 , , , To the Su,pervlsor of the Town of SouthoJd: f: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down oppoolte their respective nom.. I out of the accounts opacified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the..... .6.th............. .day of .",. J!ebmaxy" " " .. ' " .. '" 19. 7.0 on Cls.1ms No. "................ to No. .................. Inc., now on tile In my office, HECK B~~ ! AMOUNT DATE OF I OROT NAME ! NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ,Placn, , Inn "\ If 52. ., ,..,. Tft~ Wheel assemblies 21"1 ''JC(/ 1/ 53. M.1nicioal Machinerv Co!. Inc. ReDair 45 115 If 54. Municipal Machinery 00. Inc. Repair parts 19 10 -2<";',7-$- I , If 55. MunidDd Mach Co. Ine, Oil .....,.. 19 50/ b~ 1..3/,7..s , II 1 , ' i I , , PAOE NO, ....~.~......... ~rJf:ilf:~ TO ' OLI!JRIIC ^ ...- ~' "',~. " ""'- . , . . I I 2. Warrant No. ........................ To BUPEI!>VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB HIGHWAY DBPAR'B!l!NT BILLS I CHAP. 634 LA we OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I SEC. 120 Page L of 2 Pages I - To the SUpervIJiOI' of Ihe Town ot Bouthold: , You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the tollowing named persons, the amounts ..t cloWn oPPOlllte their reopectlv. nam.. out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bouthold on the .... .~~.~.............. .day of ... .~~1?~!l:ry,...."", ......, 19.!<? on Claims No. .........."".". to No. ". "............. Inc., now on ru. In my office. lECK BUD~~ , AMOUNT DATE OF OROT NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. f.CCOUNT ' ALLOWED PAYMENT I !>Usc. A....a v. ,)'7Q)... If 51 Southo1d Heater. hose. nozzle 83 29 , -'20q." If 52. Al1-city Steel Corp. Prame & blades 119 ~O :J,oqd If 53. Bond Uniform Suoo1Y Co. SUDDlies 80 00 /-1-/."0 If 54. Bond Uniform Supply Co. Supplies 64 00 , ':;1<;S- If 55. Ravmond C. Dean EYnenses & sunnlies 28 85 7.,q(" If 56. Bast End Supp1v Co. Inc. Rain ..ear & supplies 45 18 /3'T./8' I If 57. Bast End SupplY Co. inc. Rain Rear 92 00 , :(nq" If 58, Hart Hardware & Garden Center Misc. hardware items 10 48 .2no<;l If 59. Qatchogue Diner Meals for men 17 65 ::lqqq If 60. John G. Bailey Rent buildinR for storae:e 50 00 "' If 61. L. I. Traveler Inc. Le..a1 Notice 7 03 1..900 If 62. L. I. Traveler Inc. Letter heads & enve100es 55 10 If 63. L. I. Traveler Inc, Payroll deduction slips 15 90 ' <;8.;/3 If 64. L. I. Trav..1er Inc. Le..al Notice 7 22 ,-If 65. L. I. Traveler Inc. Legal Notice 7 98 ',fol If 66. McCabes' Central Store Inc. Office supplies 109 81 'Ulo7-J If 67. Mattituck Iron Works We'litin... & reoairs on olows 937 87 , ::l9n' If 68 Municina1 Ma"hinerv ~. Inc CUttin.. ed..es 2"1 00 ")(I~d If 69. New York Telephone Co. Services 19 00 ,).I?o,,- /I 70. Wilbur S. Petty Steel & bolts 67 'S7 ..:26 ~3 dlXot. If 71. Rothman's Department Store Ploor was. etc. '1:1 1f{1'7 If 72. Southo1d Hardware Misc. hardware items 48 36 'Rf)t If 73. The Suffolk Times LeRal Notice 779 "( /-/'P2..- If 74. The Suffolk Times Legal Notice 7 03-, I I I ~ft~d i PAiGE NO. .....J.~....... I I TOWN , I , I , . . . . . Warrant No. ...~..,.................. " COUNTY QF SUFPOLK To StJPIEIINISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS HIGHWAY DBPARTMBN'l' BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932, ART. 9, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 Page L- of -! Pages To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthoJd: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down oppoelte their respective nam.. out of the accounts epeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bouthold on the ... .Ci1:h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .,,'... P.ebruary............., 197.0. on ClaIJns No. "......"....".. to No. ........ "........ Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT D,' : NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED P F......... ~~O9 # 75. The Suffolk Times Lel!a1 Notice 8 17 ;;'~I() # 76. C, p. Tuthill P1umbinl! sUDDlies 1 49 k:/81/ # 77. C. P. Van Duzer Gas S- ---, .- Heater_ installation. tanks "'as 241 00 ,,,,,,,,:>- # 78 Was'" ....,~ Son" I ... . ... .... i ';;<~I~ # 79 Xerox (brn. Charl!es for Januarv 60 00 /~.'o I I # 80. Xerox Corp. Q1arl!es for Pebruarv 60 00 ~ I ~814 # 81. Transdobal Steel Coo Inco Plow bolts ">'77 Inn '174..0 # 82. Trannlobal Steel (b. Inc. Plow bolts .':197 oo~ , 3'30/,S"J , I I : : ! I i I . . . I . PAGE NO. ..~!............ ~~~ TO . "/ . --. --~ / . . Wa1Tant NO. .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ABlr. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GBJIIJIML BILLS (1) SEC. 120 To the Su,pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, betng the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the .......... .l~ ~ . . . . . . day of .",,,..,,....,,. .J:al\\lar.f., 19!() on Claims No. .." "..",,".... to No. """"""""" tnc., now on file tn my oftlce. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATU1!.E OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ;--30 Albert W. 1U.abllOnd ......... cL.rlC.....:to a 24 -;, .;?'1'f'3 / -JeT _._. AA...... 50 7 ~9qo.f 9'-010 David a. _lk.r A.....or Meetina 5 00 6 :<,qqs 9-30 Wend.ll B. 'labor . .. 5 00 7 1_ ,,</ ,- BurrollGb. CorD. Maintenane. 377 00 ' 16 ;1.914 )-.30 \ . .. .. 1890 50 /1 1-30 .. .. . 32 50 ',;:J...- / ~36 .. . .. 32 50 <'5 -'<"in I-a- Addr...CXJraDh-MI11 t.. CorD. . to 12-31-70 206 56 I 'f M9r /tJ _~6 ( Mccabe. Cent.ral Store Jl-,. SIIDDl1..-'lax aBc. 157 90- ,. /6" A /" -<3 ~ " 'A "" . .. . .. . ...t. Bnd - , /e, ..:<199 6-30 it..r Co., nc.-SIIDDli..-JII.t.ic. Suter 3 25 17 .34>~ lI! /"17- 30 N.Y Plannin.. Faderat.ion . f.. 5560 IS' .300 ) /-30 Sollt.bold Pbarucv Inc. SIIDDli..-Town Offic. 4 T 64 I #. - I /'7 30,.<, ~ Griawold-T.rrv-Glover Po. i: i803-Maint..nanc. i 200 00 ;:ZD :J"o$ JI~ T Matt.ituck Ri.t..loc. Inc. S...i-annual allowance I 500 00 ';'1 30.01/ / 30 Peconic S' 1 Diat. .7 U.. ...f S,. 1 Alldib>ri... 375 00 .'i'<z i:Ioo6- j - .30 WilliellUlon Law Book Co. Suppli..-Ju.t.ic. De..r..t. 106 i 19 \ .2-3 tM~ / -J, Dool.v. Floor S.rvic. S.rvie.-Town Offic. I 44100 , "'" , 3,,~ 7 3~ . oil" Bclward Jlbrbar Inc. Jlxpen.e-Riqhway 45 96 \ i 77.;1. 07 \ ""~ :l"o Y /- .36 Henry J. Smi t.b PlulllbinQ' Service ; 1M 84 , , 0../6 .j' "'" r 1- 3~ alter AdallUlon SUDplie.-Town Offic. 2 07 ,<7 '5", I " .:<7-~c> Fi.ber. I.. T.l.Dhone Cora I Lea.ed Lin.. S I 00 otS ~brl ! ..p-=,j" Arcad. DeDt.. Store SUDDli..-SIlDArvi.or 2 94 f:z..r.z I I "''I Rulllbl. 011 " a.fininq Co. I CJa.ol1n.-SIlDArv1aor 9 29 1. ~~.. PAGE NO. ................ ~- Yji' d.. 0 I bt./b.()3 . . . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPER;VlSOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A&T. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GD81W. BILLI (3) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ......13 t.b . . . . . . . . . . . day of ."."""". ""'ItI1~~,, " ., 19.7.Q on Claims No. """"...,,"..' to No. .""""".""" Inc., now on file In my office. OHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATImE OF CLA1M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PA YM1!JNT S'I- ~M..'7 ';~-~OIT_..C 'l'rllck .. lIaIIiD. Co~' -Park. .. II 1 a n4 I ~. A.....or.-39.18 > ~ Ip3o-3O 4" 'wdi"f~ b~ " .. . . Bav C!ofta,L .~. ..n 10" 3d . ~7 ~ 5'c' L.I. 'l'rav.l.r Inc. Rot.ic.-Bd. of 11 57 ~r ~- So \ " . .. SUDDli..- "''' an ~ ? 5g 17;; E,(.. .. .. . Rotic -..4...... Car. 11( a,;. , , 5"7 ~-& . . . SUDDli.a- "II. 4!O 00 :'"oX q' Th ~e;L 'l'b. SlIffolk Weeklv '1'i_. Rot.ic.-Polic. car. 16 "4 01 6"-30 R.Y. '1'el.phon. Co. 0550-Suoervbor , 18 55" I ':'1\ I (,~ ,:,,,.5<> (.,-30 .. .. . A'" ", uec. (,,3 "-30 " .. .. 1580-Juat.ic. Clark-1969 7 25 /,.,L/- ~o-3(J .. .. . ,;.n"_D^'4...... "a 711. &,:)' 30<51 Id3-30 aLL y_... _. ~ ,~ .... ^^ &^--3c> I ("G, '1"'~.:I. Bv.r.t.t. J. Marn.r . PoU.t!. l~ !On h7 f':?o-3o :i2,,.,le5 &33 _... .. .. ,... ,.. , M 3..'O<{ ,)3-& wa.hinaton Wbiu I. Son. .. Dftd ~ ') aQ I 07 V3o- 30~ Mccabe. C.ntral Stor. '-.-Polit!. A 7"" "''''36 .J. 'r ']fJ I~,-& .. n . . .. .. 1 ... ...... '7( 3",3~ 130-& .Hart. Hardwar. .. Qa..A__ .....-..-.._ .. " I ,;. QI( '7~ 177 cO ~o~7 1",3 -.50 MB. B. Zitek, D.V.M. - ue-Dcxr. -Dec. 73 3", ZJ ,r I ~o-.3o Charl.. '1'IIck.r .. Dt\li... ~a.... "n nn 1t/- :;;. ii'l (j,,,- 30 StaU.r Bilton Hotel . t"h4.... carl .i la, ~6.. ~fI-3o i ~ 7.5 60'/0 Dro..o. ...taurant. ~r. _al. 2 47 P.3<>'- .30 nl~~.~1j' .ISU 76 20 VI j:!:30 T~..I_ ...._..__ ........__ I ,.__r .n-.2 ." "''''' 0:'" If'ao-.-YJ J:rnt! _ , 11 ,B"i'A Biancbi ~ .!J 4__....'4_... 1 7 4n PAGE NO. ........3...." ~~~~~~. . . . . Warrant No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GDJlR!Ut BILLS (2) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts spec!!led, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the...... .1.31:11......... .day of .",......"..J.UQ..IY...... 1910 on Claims No. ....""""""" to No. ""..."......... Inc.. now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 0#-0 .501 ;J ~; 0: ..., Po.*: 46861 2nn nn . (J .J, ., _.'II._~4__ ...~_.. 72n I dr /-3n { . .. . .. nn 5."'1 y S"&> Collllllbia Ribbon " carbon I ~. 'i" do:!' ~a. Co.-8uDDlie.-Town Cler 17 59 .3-3 .3", tS' 1'/1-.30 Yan'1'llyl " Son Mapa-Planning Bel. 92 00 M ;W/~ Jt. ifo Mobil Oil Corp. I'lIel-Town DuIllP 138 93 / as 3.017 s- --3^ Mobil Oil Co. aa.oline-Supervi.or 12 63 . 3~ ( McMann Price Aqenc:y In.urance 158 00 87 \ . . .. . 8743 00/ 31l' .:201 ?' .{ .. .. .. . 1062 00 iJ'f r " . .. .. 20 00 "/0 " . .. .. i 61 00 I .. .. .. .. 694 -'II 00 .tLL>19 1_30 n..t. Lulllber Co. Bxpenae-Supervi.or Office 63 '7 I "f,v I "(3 ( L. I. LJ.ab t.iftCI CoII-nv Blect.riait.v . I 221 42 .....,,~o "- If'-/ /-~ . .. .. " ~~L' 158 20 , i , '10' -3<:>'"-1 /-30 L. J. JCal1n. I'lorbt. Bxpen.e-8I1Dervi.or 10 00 i yi!, .aO.2.~ /.5(..1 Pitnev-Bove. Meter "nt.al 24 00 I if /" .:;'''.2.3 I-~ ..t.at.e of Anna Levine Rent.al-JU.t.iae Room 90 00 I I 1>0 , 7'/ 1- 3. Village of Gr..npar t. U.e of Village Jail , 350 i / I 'fy ,;r""'f- /- .3, . . "nt.al-Suoervi.or Offiae 900 00 ! i 0-"'" I-a" .. .. Blect.riait.y 63 04 ..5"1 , 2lL>"", '';'30 YanJ)yck " YOII.1Jc. Inc. Bxpeue-'J.'oWn Dump 25 00 06-.2- 'If. iJt) 1II.bina1:on White'. Sou 8uDelie.-Park. " Beache. I 9 ~4 ="D~ 6 , Iff". .30 I I 0"3 " . .. .. Higbway I 14 85 2. ~~~~ PA!ZE N(). ................ \ " . . . Warrant No. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O"''QL BILLS (4) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: Yo,:! are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specIfied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ........ .13 ~ . . . . . . . ,day of .""""~~~a.~,,.. """. 19~9 on CIatma No. "........""".. to No. "",,""",,"" Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 7[[' ~<,L.3 K"_fu ( MobU 0"'1 Co. ~ ~J:d.n:-~6.9~ ... f:"k, "- . f.J.j""",at . Blaq. Iup.-2.70 7'1 fo>c, .Cb . .. . Pol1ae-475.70 515 30 P.:l.s"-34 ndi' Iup:- 9g f0, i3_I"<f'" 1-4d Tappert.'. Book.hop . ..or.-l'. 0 ... ~1" <J;--~ ....u 1'; ~ f'1",- ao VanDvak .. You.1k Inc. I- .-Polio- 89 48 IS;;; l305''? ;0.>,., ,a. Riabard A. J.n...n " Con.tabl.-P.I. I 62 02 J".3 f300 ~;{c _..7" Pac. Allt.o ShoD .. Polio. car. I 61 00 f(</ ,J",'/-.t' Polo .-~.. L.I. Fir. BauiD. Co. 811001 i..-Pol 1c. 4 00 &~ ].., "'9 /'..2.6 _.34 A.er. PbOtocODV ~iD. C .-luool1..- .. 49 95 J't ;5' D..s-~ N_.~ Patcb09l1. Station.ry Co~ c... . 39 00 .91 ..:1,,;67 /!:fo ~ 50 A. R. Buna. .. . 67 50 31 .3..3 !y .iiAF,;L fw.t.., _~C! Jldward B. hal.r . . I I /1 9:<>6-.3 /'.2.c, ~# 8vo.._t. Ca-ra .. .. 34 35 i 1,:) .;;,., .s-<I {'olD . '" -- .... .. . A ... "Ii ,ff", ...s- /.(b. i!f ~c. ..- " 7 3 1c2 a;"G"t: t?elo!J _ an ALL CO_lIn1cat.ion. ,JJ..cc. . .. " 123 40 I~ ,"c 9'3 .3c-s7 /':Le.... iJ(J Ch1.f Carl Cataldo .. .. Chi.f -~ 60 '1'1 3D.!>,!" ?.t<,,;}o Henrv O. St..DI\ollki_ Jr. Coat 'i:s' ~S9 9.5. VaU Studio .. C...ra Sbo Suooli..-Aa....or. 155 00 I / 'i i -s-; 'lC: .!bt.o /'.,10 _ i5<> Pecon1c Pood Mark.t. . Polic. I 15 , J "l? 5,,(./ I';l.<> ,a" Acad_v Printing ant.ror Inc.-SuDDli..-Polic. , ..., 60 145 , I 'IV #'" ?.2J /- 3~ Standard Lin.n S.rvic. Servic.-Town Offic. 6 i 65 '7/ ~or;J ?!~ .06 Suffolk Weekly '1'1_. IIfotice-Bd. of Appeal. 12 i 54 f3a &.'1 PI 7 ,aD i I 1<-"",9 SlIffolk Weekly '1'i_. .. Plannina Board 23 I 37 /e) / ,0 -39 .. Y. 'l'el.Dhone Co. 1302G-'1'ax aIc.1v.r I 41 9S i'> JC1:J---) ~(H~...s 1C-..?_3:! .. I .. 366G-Civil Def.n.. 10 45 \- 8'.;1""" /D,3 Y.ac I .. .. . 3783-'1'own Cl.rk ~;;;~d 4. !'lUCf!C N(). ................ TOWN . . . . . Warrant No. .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To St1I\ERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF' 1932, M/Ir. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD General Bills (5) SEC. 120 To the Su.pervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of tile accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of tl1e Town Board of Boutho1d on tl1e .......;J. 3.1:.1:1. . . . . . . . . . day of ...'""""." .!:!'~Ii11,1!!:t;y."., 19.,?Q on Claims No. ",,""",,""" to No. "" ".....""... Inc., now on file In my office. OHECK BUDGET i AMOUNT DATE OF' NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLA1M NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1"''-/ <'J ..tc, 10 ~ .50 Burroughs Corp. Supp1ies-Tax Receiver 44 40 '0./ 3,b-3o II. Y. T,I~ CD. 667S . DII!IP 9 4S ICG. .30'"7 ";/if'. ",0 N.Y. e e hone Co. 2660-B1dCi. InSDector 26 05 ~6~ 6-0 Ie> 7 ,301, If' r'r7 - 0(1 L.I. Traveler Inc. Expense-P1anninQ Bd. 21 47 loY o~C'i 36,..30 ~ VanDyck & YouBik Inc. " Public Works 25 00 ~ I &~ - IC'7 ::st, .06 " " " " " " 30 00 II () .0<" 71 .'3 i:,.:b Mattituck Auto Parts, In " " " 25 96 . Uf $"'7.1. ,- ;'fo Southo1d Hardware " " " 9 12 (( .z. .':J"7~ ) -'30 Southo1d Fuel 011 Co. Fuel-Town Barn 97 18 oJ,,? 'I- t?:/..30 J..le 1Iai..-. - GaUey ....t. i 1(,3 Ifa.t - 'd.OHIf.' _1. 19 7J i "'1 <1"'70' ~-.30 MDW.l OU CDI'D. D' - a"IItIIf'liaor 16 02 i I i i i I I I I , , I I i , i I I i , I i , , i , , , I i , i I I , i I i i I 5. ~~i!f:~ I?A~ NO. ................ ........""w.. .Ci.ERK....."... . . Warrant No. .................. . . . . . . To SUPERJVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LIGB'l'D1G DISHICI' SEC. 120 BILLS (1) To the S".,ervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective naanes out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ..... ~ 3. t!\. . . . . . . . . . . . day of ....""""."..r...~~J;Y"" 19~~ on Claims No. """"....".... to No. "'''""".''''" \nc.. now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT I DATE OF NO. OR OTIIEJR NAME NATUltE OF CLMM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED I PAYMENT I '1,.) ... , , ..-- .... G t. I"at Gr-n--rt .u"t. Lt.. 142 30 i5'ho ;<.. .. I H .. .. .. 14'1 i..O ;18'4-,"0 3 I' L.I. Light.ing Company St. Light.-Mattit.uck *1 929 37 I .. .. .. .. .. .. #1 929 37 4 ,5 .. .. .. .. .. .. #2 87 I 60 <- \ ~ 0.5 .. .. .. .. .. ".. 01., I'.n ' r J.i7.<cq,47 7 .. .. .. .. .. Pecnnic 20R 65 ~ . .. .. .. .. .. Southo1d 841 63 '7 .. .. .. .. .. ;!Yu~~ f,:?I 253 40 P__;I!C I 10 .. .. .. .. .. East Marion 252 65 i \ I II .. .. .. .. .. Orient 333 i 201 I ' L::'- (') l!? ,-1'~ i' '" . ' I I I I I T i I I ! i i I ! I I I i i 1 I I 1 I i , ! i i 1 ~f)l.11:::~ P~ NO. ................ TO . CLERJK .-y- (',,~g, c '7 ) . . Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPElWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB r f<lo--- DIiAIID rDaI' DDftlC'I CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD au.u (1) SEC. 120 To the SU;POrViBor of the Town of southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out 01 the accounts opec!fled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... . 11th . . . . . . . . ,day of .""""". ,,,.~,,., 19.10 on Clalma No. """" ""...." to No. ..""......""" Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BumET ! AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAlIIE NATURE OF CLMM I NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ..!:rf' tJJ. A". .. 11 %ala Oft I;;C'/~. o;j"q [,(,.2'1 .. V_ . . 1ft tift ,-it'o 1..:".<<" "11v - .. 20 00 an 'J.-6- r.wa.. I. ..1dw1a · · 20 00 dd':;-- ,~, .. ... 10 Oft I .3€.3 611? I' ..' 20 00 ag;! Lt..?.Y 1II1i1ar .. . ^^1D ...11 au' 111 00 i 03'8'6 6;l9 -. ...-, 01.1 "'-'_ AM "12 d3t 630 -- - . ............ - - 7 H i ~ oJala I "?P? 6,31 Aa... C'a."tal 1en1oea.- t.l.c lel. 11 90 i , '-EN 63.2.- WUfn4 C. .1Dola.... ........'1.. 11 01 I , I 1 ag. '33 fl. ,,';aIU. 1M. tuner'. h_U... 6 02 I ,', - ! 090 ''''4 ..-.. S. -.., 211 00' <39/ tf,a, ... Co. ".t' "'1D'''-'''171'. DI..1M' 74 00 I , ! 39>-- ~B' 1IIterfo&'d .......... ...10 lerv' I.n-GLDIIIfo 7 I 50 i I <393 6a7 ....11"9 C1t.y Doa'k . Dr.... .......... 300 OO! 39</ My .'b---. ......ft then of _t:Gh I 4'. 10 '? ! I a9,'- uy Cln8k1D ...Iti.... Co. Ma...1al...()",J- i J 1 24 <d9t '1<0 ...... ~..tCtl1 . ....u.. I 5' I 85 i ..397 641 riahN'. leland hnv D18 .-Petty c:a.h ' 18 00 I Gr,r 6,/-:<....- ....... . ........ Inc. IlulUuc. ~" I 25, 00 d?9 6-13 ...... ....1 . Ien. .tat 1.oa....1 I 61 i 83 , t I ~"" 6'01'01 r1aben 18. UUUty Co. i UUUU..-IIoV. 173M 1',,, 6%- Apex GlU_ 'lIpp1y Co. i OfUc. 1.,.11.. i 23 7. ~Ol--- i $<[ III ....1D... h....'. 11...,. ......".,.... ~~~ ~:19' '? PAGE NO. ..""J.,,"~y .........""..............,,........ TOWN CLERK /, ,/ ) , (l ilc', C, It 9, .s8 9. t J Warlant No. .."..~.~............... . . . -to SUl'JIJRIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DBPARTMBNT BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 193~, ART, 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Su,pervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names 13th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOUthold on the ........................ day of ."".." "JanItIU:Y.."..." '" 19.?Q on ClaIms No. ..........""".. to No. ............".... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DAT NO. OR NAME NATt!R.E OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAY! ':,>'7:1 G.R.# 3. Del Chemic:al CorD. Clear-coat & Deicer 123 60 ".,.. #4. Gulf Oil Q). U.S. Gasoline 23 80 B 5 Mobil 011 CorD_ Gasoline 421 62 ",.~.r II II. O{I ~ Matoroil & Anti-freeze 128 28 .""6.Qo 1\ # 7 Mobll Oil Corn Diesel fuel 47 00 '.(""7.'- 1111. R. .. !i1nn.. Tn,.. Ran+ <10<110:0: $7' II O. A_nh6'+ Tn,. _.~ .... ,n :l,(""7~ #10. Pleet Lumber iI:n~. Cement, glass, glaze 104 70 .;!S'7k #11. Geor!!e L. Penny. Inc. Trusses 975 00 :/.nq II'.,. 't'_. ._~ ..... u... i"n T", - Ga"olin.. 4<1 <III c1.s-8'0 #1~. . -.... i"^, Tn~ .^^ ro .J.- d_ #14. GreenDort Lumber Co. Inc:. Glass. cliDs 44 91 )';'-7, "-;1-_ i PAGE NO. ....~..."....... -t?~~p;~~~.. /: / (, 'R ;' c" .C- (C~~ .;/1 .;y / (.'> / C( (I ( (- tL{,' ='/, /.. ./~"'!_-, (:1., - /, ~ '/,\'1, '--'7 '. ,F -'),1 ,/, ,.., ,~:o. .c.., ;/ <-. ,-'., / - .....-r--,----..- ...-.-.____.~_._. "-'Y'. -,--'--'-"--+-- . . ...,., . 1. . . .. arrant No. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To eUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS CHAP. 634 LA we OF 1932, ABoT. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Su.pervLsor of the Town of Bouthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persona, the amounts set down oppoelte their respective 118m.. 13th aut or the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board or SalIthold on the ........................ day or ."."" ".:r!IP~~Y.. """ ..... 19.'1.'1 on Claims No. ....."..."""" to No..""" ........... Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET I AMOUNT DAT NO. OR OTHER NAME NATImE 01" CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAy] Macn. ~.s-.., /I 1. Theo. J. Burke 8& Son o."c . ReDair Darts 58 58 -""Ii:>" /I 2 Cani tol Hi..haav Matedals Inc, Decals for ..,.....ck.. 925 00 -"08' /I 'L ~1 elllan" W"~" Sunn1v SUDoli"s l71~n .OoS'lid /I 4 Edward Bhrbar In". ReDairs & ---... -.rI8 81. 'Zoo ,<>, I' /I 5. Edward Bhrbar. Inc. Parts 411 72 / O(.s-g~- /I 6 Hanson" Gara..e T..I1,.k ins . dR Inn " Il ., "a I. "" TM_ na..to.. RR1 In2 . ~s!i' < Il R. - u_. _____ I. "" TM_ 0__.'_ :!1 In:! /~a"JI /I 9. Geor<<e Malvese 8& Co. Inc. ReDair narts 137 77 v ( /0"."'0 -Y.' Ii? /I 10. Municipa:J: Machinerv Co.Inc. Repair parts 90 55 /I 11. Municipal Machinery Co. Inc. Repair parts 16 65 "C'",~ " .., ...... _..~ T. Repair narts batteries 843 59 Il 1<1. n"" ~. 'Tn,., 0__. , 'I I~n J~-Jtq /I 104. n' - -,..- Inc, ft. .,- 'UI I".. d,,4~-4.:.I #15 O'Keefe Chevrolet-olAs Inc ReDair nart.. ~ 95 I /I 11.. n' ~- T.._ II.."", . "...n ... .. ~..nn Inn) :1."'''''' /I 1... p..nn ",1... .. ..,--- I'!' , 4',,~ ... .........~ " ,... .'<'T>. /I 18 H 0 Penn Machinerv Co Productive III '10 ~8 /70.71 /I 19. H, O. Pen~ Machinerv Co. Reoair oarts 20 33 " ,:ie'''-'' If 20. Riverhead Auto Parts. Inc. Reoair D rts 139 65 a -'r"" If 21 Ha1....v A S".-'.- ..+ A....n "".tv 1Rd Inn .'.>'1</ # 22 Suffolk Ti.... Shan Sta. Wa"on .f'lan 6 I~o 1"-'7<;"', " ~~ v._ ft. ... . .. . ". T__ ".. I..., ( ..JRd. g<f # 24. Van Dvck 8& Yousik. Inc. ~bes 227 12 J PAOE NO. J.~............ ~~~/ ............;oo;m... -7 ,. ~." -."-...........- ---~,-- .~ ,~_..'-~,,---_. "'"-- ,~.,; . -*arr.nt No. ". ~.~""......" ...." . . ~ , To SUPERIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A:RT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMBNT BILLS SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, tha amounts set down opposite their respective nom.. out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Bauthold on the...... .1.3tb.......... . day of .""" ...Januuy.,.....,......, 19.. :lOon Claims No. ."............... to No. .........."".... Inc., now on me In my office. 0BiECK BUD~~ AMOUNT DAT NO. OROT NAME NATU11.E OF CLAm NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED , L>,qr.. # 2S Vah Dvck & Yousik Inc Tires & tubes 323 12 "1<-{;;I.O # 26. Van Dyck & Yousik. Inc. Tires 132 48 1'...--Q'7 II" p.~_ A"+^ <1,,^^ 11>.~..+ Ift>- st~ r\n Fe"-'/~, 1-/ I , , . , PAOE NO. ..2............ ...................................... TOWN CLEI18: .,,,.,. . .--.. . . . 1. Warrant No. ........................ . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SUPEI!lVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED .BJL1S HIGHWAY DBPARTMBNl' BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SU;Pervlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named person., the amounts set down _lie their respective I1I1II1.. out of the accounts specified, being the amount. allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the...... .1-.~~.I!-.......... . day of ...". Januar.y."".",..".., 19.70 on Claims No. "......" ". "." to No. .." ......... ..... Inc., now on me In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF OR NAME NATU'R.E 01" CLAm NO. ACOOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .2-53'7 1'1.1;:><";. ~ency lit 'I'rust Account- _ 4+h -...-..-- , ~_"~n 47 ~GI<.w0=- # 5 "'-- ;." :-'L 8 I~'o ,v I .!J.d'. Il .. u~ ". T__ 1",.- ~. 1 009 10 ':;._<;9 II 7. t1r>. In.pi! ""n.. I"- lid. 0 0'1 .2/-.00 # 8 Cutcholl'Ue Diner Meals for men 37 80 ..;)/-.o # 9 Ra-ond C Dean & AU..U-" ~ 76 dl~O~ II 10. John W. Durvee Misc. hardware ftems 19 32 ';/(;..03 Il 11 T..1a..... n~a+.f~+ 42 25 ;11,0" # 12 GreenDort Yacht & ShiDbuildin Co. - An..le ~..".... ei!e. 44 44 .J/:~s- II ,~_ Uu'+ u. .. - I,u.~ ~"_M. C .C ( " II 14. I"i!'l. S..li! .....-.... ,,_.Ir S..11o 608 00 , II 1~. T.1o '1 ~a1 10 l"n_...... Rock Salt 608 00 > II 1"_ T.1o'1 R..11o- -.. ,.,.110 ..nR Inn -30-'/0.00 # 17. Int'l Salt Comnanv Rock Sal t 608 00 . " # 18 Int'l Sali! Comnanv Jtl>"k S.11o 608 100 / 02{,~'7 # 19 JoseDh J. lCrei..er Inc. Install Casin.. for wat..r OumD 650 00 / ---.. # 20 L I "'_a.._' -- T...". L.....1 M_'" - 8 17 II ~1 T. T. .... .. T..... I. .. 7 41 " ,21, oS II ?2. L T. -- Tn... I. .. ?J_H._ .'> 7~ 0'';''. Co I # 23, L I; T..a....1.._ 1",,_ I L....&!.-.No1oic" 15, 90 " # 24. L. I. Traveler. Inc. Le..a1 Notice 8 40/ ';<(,09 # 25 Mattituck Iron Works Weldin!!: & materials 811 73 "\ .;!J. 'h # 26. McCabes' Central Store Supplies for offices 134 88 ,<S.3. ?.J' # 27. McCabes' Central Store SUDDlies for offices 18 90 ~?'I # 28. Municipal Machinerv Co. Inc. iCuttin.. ed!!:es. nose pieces ! 131 30 PAOE NO. .....~~........ ~(JI.~d.. ............-io ...Ci.E:R.K......... . , . . . W.rrant No. ......1."............. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SOPER>VISOR TO PAY AUDlTI!:D BILlS HIGHWAY DEPARn.u!Nl' BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Su,pervlsor of the Town of !!outhold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the _ounts set down oppo.slte their re8pectlve nam.. of he 13th out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audIt of the Town Board SOUthold on t " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ." ..J~I1~:r1:'.''''''"" ..."., Ill:?.. on Claims No. .........."""" to No. ......."......... Inc., now on m. In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF ORO~ NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT b<>f3- 1'l""#'29 MUnicipal Machinery 00. Inc. Snow plow parts 143 SO J/.:J..3 Sc> /I'm .. ...... T.... ",. .... "'..n Inn } I.2M' II '2' C!..... Snow ..low ..art.. 629 40 ~/./.c /I <I~. 111_ V.....k...... "'^- .... I", ,so. 9.5 /I <I~, N- v.....1I' ...., "'^- 18 90 21.r.5 /I 34 Wilbur S. Petty I A. .,. 8r. ha.t 'e.." , .... I\R 14 :JLI<> /I 3S .1. C!_,.... Plumbin" ~ 2' ;1.<>/7 /I <11\. I ..". lu.. ,...-- 2t. 81 \ /I 37. The Suffolk WeeklY Times Lead Noti..". 7 n'2 .7/<>18" /I <lR, 'MI" ,t. ..... I. ., "'~+;... ,n A'" .,'3:<.87 II ..... 'I'h. " ,.. I. .. u.d 7 08 /I 4n 'MI. ,,,. 'IP ...;_.. I. .. ....... .. A' ,;{M9 /I 41. C. P. VAn t:AA T. I... '1'.,,11' ~._ 8 0;0 /(. (:. /,___/0 ('/775,93 ) . PAGE NO. ...~...."",,. ~~~~ TO <7L1mK: .