HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 . . . . . ...a.r.rllant No. ...1.................. ./ . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GBNIRAL PUHD BILLS . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowlng named persons. the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. 7.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..,:r~...... .......... . IS7'-. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc.. now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NA1\[E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Al620.4 DoroMi'. NuN'IT IDo. wreath for ottice in Southo1d 5 75 . . Alllo.4 Co1U111bi& B1bbon " Carbon Mfa. :0. ribbonll 9 76 . BBo10.4 J. Doven Jr. B5 me.tine u;penIe 19 !n~"" 4 North lIbrll: Varieb Store IDo. Iliaht bulbi Juatice Court 12 24 ! .,..:"'^ 4 Eckert 011 Service IDo. fuel oil - Juat1ce court ! 92 58 ... 4 . . --- Service towel. \ 9 bo u, BldC. 65.00, Juatice 65.~.o;o J;o rna p' .00. -al. . 261 4 Co. Ltd. law book 1lUDD1_t 1'5 m IL II' . JI. El-tronic Service 1'8IIIDVe radio 15 )Q A7ll0.4 T...... Ieland Railroad leue tor 2 )0 Alllo.4 Matthew 8e11der Co. law bookI - ,1u8'tice. 47 DO varied IDnc Ieland LiChtine Co. office ~.46, trattic 14.62 405 08 varied IDnc Ieland LiChtinl Co. attic.. 185.77, trattic 64.68 250 "5 . _:4 3498 ......... Pi.her. I.1and Utili tJ' Co. IDo te1epboDe - Jua'tice B31,o.4 Pierce Yacht Ba.in IDo. haul boat 75 bo I bo Al010.4 General Cod. Publ1.here Corp. 8 1UPP1_t. 1;0 To1IIIl Law 120 A7ll0.4 John D. Carta attenlW1't at pte 252 bo . B'120.4 YirciD1& C. Tabor uniform 19 ~ Al910.4 McMann Price u.ncy IDo. 1n8urance on _ener " Pcrd 24'5 )Q . Al91014 MoMenn Pric. ,ApnCy IDo. inaurance 24 )Q 1 .4 Mobil Oil Corp. PI - eupervi.or 27 ~ 8'1,0.4 Oulf Oil Co. p. - bq conl'tab1e 87 73 A.l680.4 Au'tolll8;l:ic Da'ta Proce..inI payroll run - 12/15 66 175 .u680.4 Autolll8tic Da'ta Proc...inII: binder. 11 80 .... . ~, . 4~ . . . ~ PAGE NO. ...J,............ /~.~.~,.. TO CLmRIB: (j~ I J., 33Jj.7 . . , . \'tal'/fllDt No. ...... J.. .. . .. .. .. . .. . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GIi:NERAL PUHD BILLS , BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthOlf- You are hereby authorized and directed! to pay the fonowlng named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nameo out 01 the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .7~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day "JanUUT 75 of ............................... , 19.... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF ci.AIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT H~ 4t;r(, .. 4 Del I!n.', ~n.. doll: 7Q ! ,S Jr; './ 1II"C'~n.11 ~A 11Y''''1'''- 'tv.! _....,....'- AU c:n o ",rju. .)7 ~0(. .'A'II'~n.1I. &, 1__"_--- ___ .....H.... 11'7 !In .1,V , . lt7q _,~11 Mo....' __ - ,.+-to ...._ .... '^ - }q 3f) , _'~nl1 ! 1 7 !.(~J rn....,-- ,... ...... L ... .... ." J,{) f ! , ...., "'^ h .......of' n., "'__ ,"',,^ _., I hnn ^CI 3/ ftJd~ ( ., , I "'..,~ 4 "'-hof' nof' "''''_ Boo ...,,-- :I""" ,:;n IIJ9'/..lf 32-- 1'A'II'I:ln 4 -of' M1 "'-^_. 1400 --,,-~ U'I\ Rn I' I"- '1,] /7/:'0 Ilnl~,14- rna for .L'.,_ v. 60 2f ;..~: I Ilnl'1O 4 RiT Aui-n oil _ bay -. 10. Is 'fClV-': 3( 1'((,/1/ "120.4 DaYal Rent-all Service 0 refill. 146 25 . .~~ If !fir) , "120.4 LIlli. Edelman :me. badlre 10 08 . ~7 tfri ryC . "120.4 Riverhead Rad1a1;oxo Service clean " re'O&ir rad1a1;or 15 00 :if 'f7'i I "120.4 International A..'n at Chiete f Police Inc. cn.i. interven. 200 00 jtf ...."', .,., "120.4 MrI. Bertha Wid1r.titY matron cb1'tiee 20 00 I/d t:/:, //7 Al4eo.4 LawY.re Coop.rt't1ve Publ1 Co. AnderlOn - so,,'I n. 17 10 tI/ eN \ 7J Alllo.4 Arcade Dept. S1;ore IDo. 1U'DD11.. - .ru.t.e Dem.r..t 40 '1\8 J/v C?fr/ A~.2 Pi_tic SUpply Co. :tnc. coat " boote 86 00 ., U2, /.'/0 .Al410.4 'l'be North Pork Pre.. warrant thee..... :I, ,:;n {( V \ I [;.(/. I 1!3120.4 BaIt IDd iter Co. 1U'DD1ie. - no1ice 81 18.. /' 1;;0(< ~ lYe.. () ) If) Al410.4 BaIt EIId 'tel' Co. fluid tor copier 22 Iv. 1/& Ill' Al220.14- fluid a: caner tor c-_._- S, A.. ./ Ealt IDd ter Co. IJ.l (tht/ - 8'1,0.4 Hebert E. Ladd. Dick \II) "in nn lif ?{'(1~vl0.~ 8u1'tolk Time. 1epl notice ~ ~ '\ , ..;;.., /. ~3(j1'1I J'" PAGE NO. ....g.... ...... ~ '" . . War.."t No. ...... " .. .J,. .. .. .. . .. . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILlS GENERAL FUND BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nameo out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the..&In!... 7th..........day of ~'!-n.~ry:."..."..... ..... , 19.r? on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my ot/Ice. CHECK :>~UDGET . AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT {?J IqQS7 .u620.4 Southold Fuel Oil Co. I ;18 lla110ns fuel 117 ~ f <'( B"3120.4 Town ot' Southold HiJlhwav Dent. renairs to nolice cars "101 ;w, I (7..- B;l"Io.4 Town of Southo1d Hi..~wav Dent renairs T.n bRv "^nR't " .. '7 ILl) 53 B'Il~ 4 I Tnwn nf Saw' .. ~ "'. n__+ ---.,-- +^ __H OF; hnRt ..., on /'r _. 1 ", "if {'IOI A8,61) 4 I '1'n"", nof' ,~ u; n8_+ ---_.+;-- ."0_ D+ r"~ ,11. (( \ I.,....,n II. I I "'"..~ "of' ,.. u; n. .. _8__;_a +" ;"^-',, .-- " &.^ (C I h I Tn"", ^of' .H '" -.. ""'-+ -_. '-- +" ~,"~;~ft T_a_ ___ I Q '7n 57 AR'61) 4 I '1'^""" ^i"" ..'., .. n__+ ____, __ +_ n.__' """ '7n 1f{ I i/~""" "620.4 Fishers Island Utilitv Co. li...h't &: watAr R ", I t:q (ftltO 11.8160.4 .---. Petroleum Corn. diesel fuel JOt "11m,,, 'IlL, 1)'1 &0 ?tf C I .2~ iO Al620.4 C.F. Van Duzer Gas Service Inc tank "as &/ qtj~2..- A1620.4 Mid Island Buildi1ur Sneciali'til s Co. Inc. tr"cks far doors , "II. IIu> [,1/ M160.4 Romac Eauianent Co. Inc. narts for """1 """ I"" t,J 119&3 1\8160.4 Romac ent Ine. "arts for ... .~ r ILR 1 '70 b'l 8160.4 Romac Enuipment Inc. nart" f^r ---., ..." I",,, ~( tftft!/ 3120.4 Van Dyck &: Yousik Ine. tires - nolice 217 68 ;;~ IqfL( 3120.4 The Lawyers Co-operative ~li o..;_ft Co. law book sutro1ement ;7 100 tl 3620.4 Mattituck Auto Parts Inc. hooepair parts - B1Wt Dent. 8 20 ~8" 8160.4 Mat'ti'tuck Auto Parts Ine. Irenairs - 1070 Int'l 1"1 01 br ClqtC ~8160.4 ~ t'ti'tuck Auto Parts In . bulbs - pay10ader 6 82 1() 8160.4 I>1attituek Auto Parts Inc. epairs - payloader 27 85 '}/ 3120.4 Matti'tuck Auto Parts Ine. arts - po1iee cars 194 00 f}rJ- 149t7 3120.4 ~i verhead Auto Parts Inc. arts - police ears 11 57 13 I1fM ~;120.4 ~" Annliance Servi"e Cn , h" nutlet at Police Dent. ~ 66 " -. PAGE NO. ...;3........... .... ..../ . . !warrant No. ..... ..1... ............ To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GENERAL FUND BILLS . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Darned persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nameo out 01 the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .EI\3:'1!"!!.I).t,1).. . . . . . . . . . . day of .. Jllnuar.v...... "......... , 1975. on Claims No. .................. to No. ........... ....... Inc., now on file In my ot/loe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pH. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '74 cJ1/' Cj A3510.4 Was n White's Sons sunnlies - do'" -rden <; ";<; v- i{ 4tjJd B~120.4 Leslie Edelman me. nn1iee shio'" ", ", ~/ ?C fit?7! B"'i120.4 Hart ~re &: GAmen Cento... rn" "t:. "C ~ 17 (NJ"~ 4 I BAs'" Cn ,,"4"'~_ ^~_+ i ,,1, "" / ig fi(7J B'3120.4 Auto Chemical Products nar'ts - nnliee cars i ,,, R" / '79 t) q ;1/ B3120.4 Mobil Oil Corn. "'asoline ""'7 "" fV qtf7 ) varied Yankee Jlirwavs me. Tn Bd 6<;.no. "" "" , ",1, "" kl t}CiIJ/ A3510.4 Riverhead Animal Hosnital boa "^"'a .. (f> ....r~" """ "" 22- 00020.4 L.I. 'i'raveler-Mattituck Watchri.An me - ' ---, "" "" x-3 la477~ Al355.4 L. I. Traveler-Mat'ti'tuck watchln me _ , ---, ,.. ".. fV (IsBOlO. 4 L.r. Trav ler-Matti'tuck watchln mc _ '0__' _ ^""O_,. ." t:.., ~ y( 63120.4 McCabe's sunnlieR 11 t:.11 &-l. ~220.4 McCabe's le""'o", ,. ~ " c" [7 rroK a3620.4 McCabe's nencil" c "''' fr ~330.4 McCabe's Rec ~.,. "",. t:.11 f9 ( 8090.4 McCabe's turstees - supplies 11 44 q6 '-1'1/1 1910.4 McMann Price Agency insurance on cars "'i7 00 . Cf/ ';;',,1 uJ "680.4 ~utomatic Data Processing of L. I. payroll I'Wl 75 ,Q7 '-I'10V' , , 765-"1667 - Police - Dec. 1/7. 3120.4 New York Telephone Co. 18 1<;4 ~3 .'1 New York Telephone Co. D5-~~i - Police - Dec. 76 82 , 3120.4 New York Telephone Co. 765- 67 - Police - Nov. lQ O"'i :-- eN fIT .'1 New York Telephone Co. ,~ 22 - Police - Dec. 66 43 'J,ci If. 01 q\( 1I1l0.4 New York Telephone Co. ~2"'i-"'i710 - Justice - Dec. 2'7 01 f~ I .'1 New York Telephone Co. ~~550 - Super - Dec. 84 ~ ~1l0.4 New York 'l'elephone Co. 5~~ - Justice - Dec. 81 01 ~ \ ''It .'1 ~ew York Telephone Co. !' .r-vv75 - Dump - Dec. 20 37 f1 '- l- I 110. 57/ 4 ~~b;Y P1><JE NCI. ........... .... I I ,- . . Av.,....nt No. . ..1................... 1:0 SUPElllVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GENERAL FUND BILI..S CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following n.med persons, the .mounta set down opposite their respective nameo out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .., !I.eyen.t!l..........day of ..".. ..Janmr.y. ..... ..... , 1915. on Claims No. ............."... to No. ..... ............. Inc., now on me In my ot/lce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT )()D t:,/;f1 A4210.4 Narcotic Council - John Bopp petty cash 10 00 dl ;4,[3 A42l0.4 McCabe's Narcotic supplies 18 35 /a v tfif flf A42l0.4 John J. Bopp travel ;4 08 "/13 A4210.4 New York Telephone Co. ~6~1500 - Dec. .Narcotic 17 07 ~ I () 'i / i ) Al~"" 4 New York TelePhone Co. ~6~;o20 - Dec. - Assessors 100 71 1c~9{ "- I :Ucf.dL JJ( .. ". 4 New Y".,.k Tele Co. f."'~ -~8"'1 _ Dee - Clerk I "'Iq 22 ( I i" db 11 N= V^",1< m^, r.n. ~6~2660 - Dec _ B1n... TIAnt 44 4" In 4 N..... Vn",1< 'l'e 1 enhnne r.n. ~6~Bn - Pl - n..c :.>6 "7/ / or \ o (j flu .n. ~ 11 .~ "^ e+ ~i+ _ "'nv: 111'1 1'11'1 , N9 fro or,. 11 '''_e _i __ e+ "'~.m "''' "" //0 'ifX' f Y.- Y.' p, "'."""",,, ''''^ 11. <;<; ri.~ 07 <; <;,;. IJ/ 1111 Police boat 5.12 1'\0 .,..i IOn ~ .~ T. M" Tnn h1 riD''' 1 <;:.> 1 h~ "_i ..~^ .",,; ,,;, ,'r'; f /2- {j9fO 11 ", "'n_+ . T. _,,~+ ~n_ .. .~ nne' '7'Jn nn ,,~ ~'Y;/i I 11 "n+>.'" "'in" 'e' ^..I~ _iv -,,~+ ~n N\ JJ 'I QN ?,; A1620.4 Village of Greenport. rent - supervisor's office 1,800 00 II( ~~/- Shade T. Island Tree Co. stump removal sao 00 '/71 ? ,/ I if () ("Y H 5 PAGE NO. ..... ........... -"'.< ,',; . . . .. ,.,- J ~Werrant Np. ;...:.,.,..... ......... . .. .~.. -.:', - .- . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY ApDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I . ~P. 634, LA~:r:F 1932, ART. 8,. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ ~J SEC. 120 .j}~ ~ , To the Supervisor of the Town 01 Southold: . ..J; I I You 1~ ereby authorIzed and dIrected to pay the following named persons. the amounts set down opposite their respective nam~ j out 01 th ac~ounts specifIed, beIng the amounts allowed by audIt of the Town Board of Southold on the.. . . . . . ?~. . . . . . . . . ., . d.,. , of .......() .~,. .0........,1911> on Claims No. .................. to No. ................... Inc.. now on file In my office. i ',I , CHECK bBUDGET . A.'IOUNT I: I NO. ROTHER NA.'\[E' NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT . ALLOWED P , .~/l4. / . 774 A - CODV Inc. Office Expense . . 56 .30 '775 IJI/s- ~. Adams &. Porter Inc. Insurance . 21560 .00 . . , 776 3;( l/P 3 '. " A1f~d S..BiGkne11 Operation Ferry 10620 .00 "',' ~ 777 131/1, J . . Browne Inc. ,., Airport 276 .60;. I . , 461.50 - ,778 ?/I~ - < Dick's Garage Operation Ferry i '1 :, ..." . , , .,779 (, Dick's Garage Operation Ferry , 27 .00 'JY.~ , , 780 .;;,1/1 1 Doherty & COmpany Accounting ! 250 .00 l' . I 1781 a/~ '7 B1ectric Motor Repair Operation Ferry 14 .44 ; j 782 J(.;;,( .~. F.I.S;I.ectricCorp. Operation Ferry 32 .21 J 1'83 lii/o1)1 tJ F.I. Ferry District Office Expense 20 .00 '. 784 131;(3 /~ F.I. Utility Co. Inc. Office Expense 19.45 1561.67 , I . Operation Ferry 137.221 1 . . . 1785 ~(ci~ /j. Gada Fuel & Service Stat. Operation Ferry .. 54 .76 da1terF. Griffin , ! 786 ;3/.;1,b,/:3. Mail Haulage I 200 .00 ! 1787 131c1.1; /4 L.ee& Mac Pav:1.11g . Operation Ferry. I 675 .00 1 ;'. 1 . Howard ~cAu1iffe !nc. 1791.99 ! 788 l3.;j/i Ie; Operation Ferry J ! i Na~ioDa1 Plumbing Supply . F89 Ij id$/G " Operation Ferry . 20 22 j 1_, . .' 1--- , ~ . . . 65) I'" l.3iit ( NCR . Corporation Operation Ferry 469 . , I' :'. ., NCR corporatio'n ,5 I/J. f. , 791 .... _'Jf" . ( Operation Ferry 78 00 I. . . . Jack' Norton . 792 'ifl.sIJ/C/ .'. Office Expense 60 00 'n~ . ~'.' V,,,: L I . . ~~ -- "'_.... ,... - .. 7 ..~! .... " . "'" ~. v. .""<- <-y -',,~ uv ,. ~~. -.."" 79' ~$.' .~, . . ," ,-'- r .So:!.o!!)onInc. Operation Ferry 2.25 >- . ~~.. . I 795 . .3 " ~1:2 ' picerFUel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry 1767 13 7.96 .tll31 d3 ullivan Printing Co. Inc. Office Expense 28 40 . "Y . 1 of 2 ~~ PAGE :NO. ..:........... " / . . ., ?-b ,f\ ;I~ ~1~3D' . .., ! y -..-., . , ,', ~', . '. "'~ ~ "" .' " j oJ. , ' '. -. ".' ,.,. 'I' " .. ,",;", ,. .c' rl'" " . ."' .'iIi..:.' . W. errant. N<>, ,:........ .. ..." ... .. .. ", /,,"";:'?"" ' ','.', ".',-.. ..' , '. ' .., TOS91'ERv'IsoR T? PAY AUDI'I'ED COUNTY.OF SUFFOLK ".! ,,' . :,' BILLS I' ,,' "orAP. 634iLA~S OF 1932, ART. 8, TOwN OF SOOTH OLD , 1 . '. .' ': . , , , .~.:'i'" .,', , , E!j:C.120 I ' r '" , To the"" superv~.or '01 the. Tqwn of Sollthold: . you, ~re, ~ereby' authorized and directed 'to. pay the folIowlng named persons; the amounts set d~wn opposite their respective Jl&!De8 ! , " . . . -' '. . ~ j out Of the accounts specl!!ed, being tl>e amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the...,... ,...........,.... . day 1" ' ,\ " " . " .af. ..', .',.",. ..'.;, ..... ....:.~.:. ',19... on CJaims No. .. ,.,.,.... .., ,.., to No. ;...........:. .." inc., noW' on file in myofJice; I " . .. . . i .!Cm;CK BUDGET ." , . , . . AMOUNT n i NO. ". OR' OTHER N!L\rn NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACc:;OUNT .. . "" . . ALLOWED''''" i 797 l3/ ~"',;2.j ,"" Bruce Terminix Co. N.E. O~ration Ferry . 10~00' ~ 7913 .ll3t cR,j7" 'Thames Shipyard & Repair \'K....., w.:.~; Ferry 14.00 I 799 13'f~1 dL' ,Yankee' Airways Inc. . Office Expense 651.00 . j . . ..,. .' . I BOO 1~/j'~077" .... z& is Contractinq" Airport 605.00 '. I.' ., . I : j' . '. '. : 373281.72 ., 12/if cRf:"'" ~'~~ dJ..io ;/~ ~I-'A>'~ ../ /'d;;J 1/1 d..... j . '. . '... V v / 17 0 11!l~ 0 . { ,,'. ..n.E(,~ t'S" ! .' ". II ?~ If,a ; , " ....... .' - '. j ". ' . . - .3733'1"" .' , I "'" . I j '. c"'.!;. ~ . . . , . .', I . ' I i' !i ""1'." , , ; . I" 'j "., j ~ ,- I'" " " I I.. ' I 1" J. I.' ,I,', . j i ' . .1 ',. '''. i '. 1 ' , \1 ' l " " I i.' , '.' . ,< I I i,. . I.' .. : , I', I.. '. '. 'I " I ,.' I, . I,,' .' i'" ,,: . V "'.' ,. .'. . ' . , , ,. .,. .'" . ". . '-'-- II " , , , , .' ,'! '" \',',' I.,; -', I .... I' I . . ~ II i. ' . ' I r I , I'. .' "'," ... '. ..-:. --,_., .., .' . , " . ' " ' I ,'" , I,' ., . ...." ," . -..-17-'-' . ......'....'\ -. , .' '. I. . ' ..', L . 1, . I" ! . ~~ '. "', ," .2 of 2 ~.-/ PAGE NO. .......... ~..... ." . n. , '~,r i . , i.,' ~ ~.. !; . ~ . ,'.. ; ..~ ~ ,- it,;."~; ',1/":'$ < "';:"':f:.;, >1';;XW<0. i'\~ ..,:i ') ,",' ;",~,-: ; ~)l ,~"1iI J,;.,o'" ':~:v;:~.c.;-.,.,~.~i l~~~."~iI'~'.,,~.'.~~,, .',.')<, }i~" ,..".,~,,, "', .,' " .. .. _.. ,_..... ...... ," ,,",...... .., _," ".,'d, . - Warrant No. .......J.............. .~ m COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 70 SDF VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILUO CHAP. 834. LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are bereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective names out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. . . . . .7 tho . . . . . . . . . . . . dsy of ...........JMWn'Y.... ..... ,19.7.5 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my olIlce. CHECK p~UDGET I. AMOUNT DATE C I. II. OTHER NA..'\fE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PA~ 511'11 G.R.tt 1 PAtrole"m Corn. diesel fuel 174 88 /" ! '. ? n;l "^~~ goasoline 1786 p'allnns) 2b.c 11': /(fI.JJ., 'I. Oil COrD. p'asoline 1710 p'allons) 2'1~ 17 .? (''I. ,;-.: I, . n; 1 f'n",n "~R",""'a Il.nnn p'a11^nc\ i ,?ry nn / I , I I I I . , i ! I ! '15' 3. :.<; PAGE NO. ... .1.. .... .... ~Ol~-.d.. ..............;o....~.......... ,>" 7%.:<. ,:(0 Ot){=If>fi / / 1 .~, \. '.: ;;.' ...,.',.X2.~Z:,~~~(i;l;i~,:,>.!,."... 5. . .':. .AJ,'1Ii '::.;"'~ .~-'I"' ,;..b>.'"{~a:'t~~:aidt.l,ii~~,!t.ii"""r-~':i<;.l.;J:."",__.,~,,,; . . Wa'!1an~ No. ...... .l....... ....... . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SUPER/VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down; opposite their respective names out of the accounta specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8oUthold on the .......... 7:tn ........ .day of .... ,:[I).I'!~.......... . ..... , 19... 75>n Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on me In my ot/lce. ~K BUDGET AMOUNT DATE cl ). DR OTHER NA..'-IE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYME! '5943 MAGH.f . r.aniT.al ServinOd 1"0 Inn - navment radio leases lIno I?R ~4'f ? ninldd n, _~~~i _~ ..._.~,,~ _ Ii' T ..,..,,, loR {%K '" VP .. no "a~.i no i. 'inn '0 "'''' Inn rf f/t , 11 J? r." Tnn nanoin n~rT.d _ I lRh 1",'7 I {,91/? , '" Mo++i t:l1nk "uto Pal"t~ Tnn ronair nants , "'n7 1,7 . ..(9'11,\ 1 6. Clem S. McKown tools I 27 00 , I 27 I 7. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. IJIl1ffler - *15 18 /t).;.L~5 J/4f , ( , 8. Ri verhead Auto Parts. Inc. repair parts 86 2') : 1{7~ 9. Trv.ac Truck & Equipment Co.. I c. - repair parts 67'0 64 kPJ7 10. Van Dyck & Yousik. Inc. tires - #69 82 2" lift'", 11 T.Tollo _ . .n_l"o"illon Tnn "olonnin~ R. ~nillo ,,'" h" I , I , I ! ! I I I I I . x.-3// ' Sd , PAClE !l(). ....J.... ....... ~O!O~~ " , ',: ,:",_;,;\.X":';:I:;;"~~~~:;~:;":'~,;"", ", '- ',,'0 ,;, .~!~~~' -"', . , ~. ,",',- A~/~t-.t;",......);~ __ ' , . ,~.v..,..,~.~;.,"""., .i.~' .'",;..,>~,~>,':~' . . . . Wa~nt No. ...... ....1............ !o '. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ SDPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS CHAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nameo out of the accounta specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... .7th..... ...... .day of ....... J.anuary. .. . .... ..... , 19. 75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on IIle In my office. IcncK ~UDGET AMOUNT DATE , :>. II. O'I'HER NA..'4E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED . PAYME Lc9..n MISC .t ,,~; Tnn n11n.~ {snow' ",., ,Q . Jid , ;> "f'f'1M> ,,,,,,,1..~~ I "., 1'" "I. New York Telenhone Comoanv 1704-~211- serviees-12/4/74 I 7A ln 11"".9.:5 V~S , "h 7" 1- 4 : w"w Y"rk 'T'e]enl'l"ne r.o 17(;<;_"i14n_ oo~.;~~o_'''h':;hJI 1 I J<?j .r~ I '" ~ T. ( OT\m.,\ i t: 7" / .Irs:; i 6 x".,.."x ;~~ 1l'l~o1n i 1'2" nn " JtJJF i '7 Floo+ T I RnnW "a; ,,+ o+n I 1m in -f1.fl; 4'" ;'" I 8. Hart Hardware & Garden Center. Ine. - mise. items 1'9 (p t 0 T.Too+ ,;,,~ , ~t: ,n T i I I i I . i i ! i I i .;LI? 7 , ,~ / PA<lE !I(). ..... J.......... &{~..t(JI.~~ ....."':....l..~ ..Cii:Rat........ \ .: ~, '.'~ ): L"t~;~IiJJ.~;':1;,K/i::(, ';.,:,':,~ " .j-'" -~~"""','~~,.,: ~k~"it. ...t,p,,,',.....tj.. , . . "W~f'rant No. ....... ~.. .. . .. .. .. . .. . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount.. set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .~!':r!'~:11h...........day January 75 of ...,......','...,.......'..... , 19,... on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE , '0. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYME: ,'/ :2 If" Police ~orge Dege & Son gasoline tank 1,2C 0.00 ;( :J/7 Police bolony Cabinet Inc. cabinet for police 1. 427 00 f I , . I cJt.:J. 7 - 1 ~~~~ PJ\(JE NO. ..... ........... TOWN " 4 --Wlkrant No. ...... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 9, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPBCIAL DI8'l'1UCTS PUHD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foDowlng named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .1~.................. day of .. .Janu&r.1...... ..... ..... , 19..75 on Claims No. .................. to No. ..... ............. Inc., now on me In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE TO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMI! / e/?.tl9 ~~. ...,,-- ^# , ....... ..." .:.... /17/7 ' .;(, .;?3t> i~~' -. .....,...... f'O_ ,.......... ..-- ~~ - I~~' -h "" .J .::13/ T _".. .,.-, --.. .-- ~^ ,. ...... - 11'''' ~ .1L.b. ! I r {)J 10 , \ - I ! PAGE NO. ....~.. ,........ ~~r.~/ . \,;....'... f . . . '. Warrant No. .....~.,............... . To SDPEIIiVI8OR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILlS .aw_ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down oppoelte thklr respective nam.. out of the aceounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... ................ day of ........1',. IJ'......... , 19." on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my ot/lee. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1.,;1,;( I (J()O ..1111L.. ... .... '1M.... -.r . ~~" /.;(3 I 001 ... a'I'!'> .1,. , ..... -- -. -- ...- ;.;2-<// DO,'). 11 . '.....' .. ps /< 003 -- ..... . It. I " 00 //;// I We.! . ,. . .. .. ...... '. ... I .72 p7/ 005 ... .. n u '.& _c .a I~i '.-.''& _. --1"- .. I , Ie f ( ,j I Oar. , /d.9 .& . . . - .. - ...... .... .. n I... J 1.30 I f;l) -- ~. /dJl . . . . ,::,>'17-1 /3':< ()(){'i' . AaU' en e... .... . ~ 0011 I tal_ /35' 4 .....1 au ..- .... .. I , , I . . ... /3,s I ulO M160 c... . ae. .il: .. ..... , /3, I.)C" .16510.4 lid'.. fMta ..... ..., .... uO/'Y -. ""n'~ . ... n liTl AU55 L- elL ... . ... '\ /3'% &1110..4 ........ 11 - . .. c.... be. .... .. I' -I 139 (XiI'" .( ( &1110.4 . . . . . . . 72 ~,. _I "1 .... li;!o { &1DD.4 _.~'. .. /0</1 "JO.4 . . .. .... _I_ n 05 0014 v -i.{ I. (J /.sf... )A14LO.4 . file ......... .. .... Cleak 7.5 113 A1.UO.4 . ...11... . ... ........ 1. 15 IcU.r ... ~ .., I~-Y &7518.4 0) _IUI. -- II.U .r~-I \ ,.tr1,. at... 1 00' 1-'/0 IOo'~ &1JJO.4 .., "'1, 'II: .....- (- -"', _... . . no 00 .. - ..- J 9";'~ 7 r 1 .~~~~/ PAGE NO. .......... ...... ~.\) ~ ....S a-fJI. .... ~ No. .........2............. . To 8UP..a.9'ISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. au LAWS or 1932, ART. .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND SEC. 120 To the Suparvlsor of the Town of Soutbold: You are bereby authorized and directed to pay the following Damed persona, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apecIf:Ied, being the amounta allowed by aucl1t of the Town Board of SOuthold on the .... 6.th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...Fahruaq................. 19..75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc. now on me In my_ CHECK: BUDGET , AMOUNT DATB C :>11. Ou,.';:O NAME NATURE OP CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED p, , /i~o It B3120.4 Van Dvck &. Yousik. Inc. tires - PD !: 1/',- "II. li7 / ... 1(.,(. ,11'\1'0.4 MoM 1 Oil Corn. oil - pn '''I' 1.0 I'll! I".."n I.. Mn"" Oi' r.^..n, .on". _ JOn ""- '0 /'19 / I".., ?n. I.. Mnh<' n.' "nTn "7< OR /'/lfq'/'I II II I.b' b '["I1?n.", ! . ""ni! nn (""Tn II II "I'" ?n 11:1 R"I1?O.'" ,,^h<' n., ", II II I ~ac ~n ~ - IC>. n. _. A" &"B3120.4 $64.00 B~~~0.4 $1 .0~".A3~~~,1 $5.00 7C nn T., :^ o,~.. IO..? ~(, " B3130.4 $36.60 B312 .4 $278.60 /, Greenport Ford Mercury, Inc. repairs - vehicles 315 20 IJY f;{31 '0. 4 Jl~ If' ? I', office sUDDli." - PD , I~-!;' " . '83120.4 Best Uniform Co. reefer - uniform - PD 114 00 I.~ .1 r ~ 1'- 13'3120.4 Charles Greenblatt. Inc. uniforms - PD 27 85 /,f7 1./(..' B3130.4 Charles Greenblatt. Inc. shield - Bav Constable 17 15 . , 1',.-,.' 'I fR'" B3120.4 JoseDh H. Sawicki clothin" 24 00 1.r7, - 83130.4 Leon Uniform Co.. Inc. caDS - Bav Constable 17 90 . Ita / ( 113120.4 Walter Dohm reDairs to water cooler 37 05 . /101 ~120.4 Leslie Edelman, Inc. uniforms - PD 146 ~~~ Ib.. i ", 120.4 Leslie Edelman Inc. uniforms - PD '6 Ib3 B3120.4 Leslie Edelman, Inc. " II 91 00 ~ 1"<", 7f Ibl 83120.4 Leslie Edelman In~. " " 69 05' ~.." " 1,J;.. .\13120.4 Leslie Edelman, Inc. " " 4 ~~I it" ' Ibl20.4 Leslie Edelman Inc. " " 21 ./' ~ lfo7 A3510.4 Dr. William Zitek servic... town v..t 60 00 . ~ f,', l3120.4 radio ....ntal - PD 184 ..~ 1hz Associates CaDital Servi~e 1&"1 83120.4 Associates CaDi tal Service " " II '8'" .." J .~" <], /,? I,' r.. ... /70 03130.4 Mattituck Inlet Marina "as - Bav Constanl. 100; 8"1. I I 7 OR, 171 ~3120.4 Texaco Inc.. "as - pn 17~ . ,.. _ RAV n ".. 17 JI~ ...,..n I.. . ~..... T n~ PAGE NO. ...~,...... ~#~ ....... . Warrant No. ......I............... . To Su....a.VIEIOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......... .J", . . . . . . . . day of ... MI1'I~"""",,, ..... , 19'J' on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my ot/loe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /'7.5 N>03<1 At__ .. -6' .. .. ... - -c. T 171 I oo~ I.~ nrnrr .__a _ - ..- ,. . ... -/ -- - 175 io,,~( -.-. - a .a. - . " ~ --- - - 17{, 10037 .a ~ .. .. ~. - I 1'17 looalr at... . . .. .. - / Dt_~ .... - , . /74" 00d9 ,._a. ,. a .. .... -- --'Ie .-. 179 It:Jc~ ,. .. ... 0&. ....~ .. .... r- .' IfO -r . ...-.. -... ... - ... .. I' . /",,# - . - ~ /8'1 .:.{,'" ..01 . ~ - - --' I . . . . ~ ~ If:? VD~~' .a.. . -- -,.", .., ... ,,-" ~ I l,fa .I. . . . . . . .. ...~ Ii'<f /oooL'f ,. ~.. ... . . ... - l.r.o' '", ,pol .. I'a. - ... .. .", '14' I , Ii'/' - .t - ..... 1[,-.7 o~-t" ... - -... ~ ~ - .... IYr "o'!:? A .. &. ~- -- - . /f'<j 00 '!If' ,. a .a . . . .- _. /90 '00'19 ..... .. ......a , _. _. .. .... a'. I~I leo_I.....'" - ... u. .. . /<j:>- VAJ/ ' - - L;D;t .. I.. ,... -' AtIMO.' 'o.~ o~~. ..... ... ,. e,,,. - 19o? o~J AiD'.4 If. _ .. .. .... ( &16. -W... 15..1 If-S '" 6/ __ .... .a. _. .. ... ...- .... ;f~ . . . . . ~!!!' ...=.. .ss..~ ~~~~ !:!l !!! I/""'!~-:- 1<7 , . . . . . PAGE NO. ..,j ........... . ~ , . Warrant No. .....z................. To SUPZIWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GENERAL FUND BILLS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecifled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .~i~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day February '(5 of ......................... ..... . 19.... on Claims No. .......,.......... to No. .................. inc., now on rUe in my otl'1ee. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 197 tA1620.4 Tmm of Southold Highway Dept. repairs to custodian vehicle 42 21 /~: I()()~J.< }J)160.4 Town of Southold Highway Dept. repairs to Pay loader 7'd 64 1'1 Al620.4 Town of Southold High~ Dept. repairs to custodian vehicle 16 28 &.... B3120.4 Tmm of Southold Highway Dept. repairs to police cars 257 15 eMl .A~">10.4 Town of Southold Highway Dept. repairs to do~ WRaon 6 1"1 ~.;I, I~ ~'t B8020.4 Lawrence M. Tuthill enp:ineer on subdivisions 60 00 10(JS"1 A ! 0433 Al620.4 HenI'V J. Smith & Son Inc. renair to furnace 4') 1">0 ~ot/ I'ooa A1620.4 C. F. Van Duzer Gas S,eI'Vice In . heat at hi.mwav shon \ ')4 62 doS- IOO-S9 A16,0 4 Daniel L. Sims door at hi.mwav 211 00 c.Mt 100(,0 A8160.4 Texas Refinery Corp. lubricant - ddump 184 80 ~7 Af160.4 Tryac 'I'ruck c: Equipment Co. pump on mt' 1 12 26 6UJ%' A 110.2 I TrYac Truck & Equipment Co. mower 159 :95 eMf 100/;1 1\8160.4 Tryac ~1."1J.ck &: }:~quipillent Co. repa1.r parts - Payloader 4 18 DZIO A71l0.2 Tryac Truck & Equipment Co. mower 159 95 . 0211 loo/;'" Bgl~.4 George L. Oenny ,[nc. plywood .. bay const.. 457 60 . WO-'! 6I.1,x A 1 .4 George L. Penny Inc. disposal area 11 52 <213 loc/;3 Al620.4 Southold Fuel Oil Co. fuel oil 129 15 c5( 1-'1 I (JOW A3310. Mutual Steel Co. street signs - Bay Haven 53 45 ~/,r .( A13160.4 Agway ?etrolcum Corp. diesel fuel - dump 282 I~. dllt loe/,n A8160.4 Agway Petroleum Corp. diesel fuel - dump i 488 /04'1. , c2/7 iA1620.4 Southold Vacuum Cleaner Center wand for cleaner 15 00 417 lo~7 n6804 Fishers Island Utili tv Co. Inc. Hi.mwav barn , 7') dll9 10'CJ5. ...8160.4 Roaalie J. Jacobi attendant at. lak~ ~dg9 - Jan. 15 00 d(AO 8160.4 Rosalie J. Jacobi attendant at Lake Lod2e - Dec. 15 00 - 02~1 loot! R8020.4 Edward J. ~e insuection of rechar~e basin 40 00 1()07" 4-7 ~ 0(.;(.:( B,120.4 Center Moriches Paner Co. sunnlies , ~~-3 /tXJ71 B,120.4 The Cake Co. fl""hers 122 8"> d(~"; oo~ ~'120.4 ROllers Pl"za Sunoc~ ""npli"" 10 7", , .;(0:2 6- !(l()'23 ~"i120. 4 "....t End Office Product.. Cen+"" ,,^nv <;Q <;0 d~~ 1/00"" ~"i120 4 Mattituck A"+" TT1C - -, < -- "..,." q"i 17<; . ~~7 /0'1.(' ~3120.4 Fogarty Appliance & Service Co switches 300 00 3'f'-(7.,( PAGE NO. ...if. ......... -'" . . .y l ~~- '", Warrant No. ....... Jf...?.......... To SUPEIIiVISO!I. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GENERAL FUND BILLS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclf\ed, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .1!;L.J0;}:)...............day of ..~b.rtJ!>ry;.. ,,"..... ..... , 19.75. on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. ...."............ inc., now on file In my offloe. CHECK ~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J?~5' . ~3120.4 K.B. Electronics Service cable to console 36 00 d~'7 10077 Al68o.4 Hart Hardware & Garden Center nc. supplies 10 92 cX',3o o07.P' inno.4 Albertson ~~rine eru>:ine repairs 84 40 013/ '0079 A'\filO . 4 Dr. \,illi8JIl Zitek services - do"'s I 40 00 Di'3~ : oo?o B"IPO 4 C~rl Cata'do nettv cash : 7<; 00 ~.'?3 4 Me~ Y",..k '!'''l'''''''''n'' C" 7-.w....6022 _ P"lice - .T~n. \ 71 1:> o{.8 '/ 3120.4 New York Tele"hone Co. 765-3667 - Police - Jan. 18 ~ d.3S 4 1J..~, Y",..k ,'".1 ""J"""" ~" 76",-;(>'74 _ P"lic" _ .TAn. /11 c<.3t B3120.4 !'ew York Tele hone Co. 765-2600 - Police - Jan. 852 70 . 01.37 ,AlllO 4 N..'" Y"rk ~'ele,)hone Co 208-4111 _ Justi~e - .TAn. 6:> 87 ' ~.3~ /1.1330.4 New York Telephone Co. 765-3020 - max Co. - 92 29 . 013 1008'1 W3()2J 4 ;'18'. YorJ<. Tele.,hone Co. 76"-nn - PI ,-- - Jan. 27 06 . c:<lIo B3620.4 New York TeleJhone Co. 765-2660 - Bldg. - Jan. 46 47 / a"l'/ '1410.4 Nt:w York 'rel<5nhone Co. 76"-.:"78"1 _ Clerk - Jan. 41 7"1 ' OW~ ,,3640.4 New York Teleohone Co. 765-~0 - C.D. - Dec. 9 97 a1/.3 /""1640.4 New York l'ele"hone Co. 76';.60 C.D.- Q IQ7 ' eX .y:y B3120.4 New York Telephone Co. 765-2609 - Poli~e - Dec. 831 77 d?"/S !.lllO.4 New York 'l'e1enhone Co. 2Q8-41l1 - Justice - Dec. <;0 '2 ' OI~t U220.4 New York Telephone Co' , 4~7.-0550 - Super. - Jan. 86 58' 6/47 <1110.4 New York 'l'ele}hone Co. --, -;.; - Justice -Jan. ! 40 174 ;(4R A,c:Sl60.4 New York l'elephone Co. 734-6675 - Dump - Jan. , 20 69/ &'/9 ;Ullo.4 New York 'releDhonc Co. ,2"1-"1710 - Justice - Jan. \ 22 64 U355.4 '\1.1 Business Products Sales Inc. I .;($0 'CO~::J lens for machine 61 16 ~ ~$7 (18010.4 Suffolk. Time s legal notice 12 95 . dS5i, ~ 1:20.4 Suffolk. T1Jnes legAl noticp '1'+ 2t5 / &S3 OO~ ' 10.4 Suffolk 'l'1Jnes legal notice 16 78 / - legal notice H:J3 67/ 02':'-"/ l~?30. 4 Suffolk T1Jnes eo?-6"S 010.4 Suffolk. Times legal notice 44 65 ' d?ct ~ 38010.4 .I. Travelr - Matt. Watchman le"'al notice 48 24" 07.57 ~?0.4 L.r. Traveler-~Att. Watchman legal notice 305 59. 0:<,5"5' /"oiTI 010.4 . I. Traveler-Matt Watchman le"'al notice 11 99 . dlS9 )~iO.4 1[.. I. Trave1er-Natt. Watchman legal notice ~ 00 . oUO 010.4 L. I. Traveler-Matt. Watchman le.llal notice 15 40 . d. 6/ l. !.l220.4 L. I. Traveler-!'~tt. \oiatchman supervisor I s repOrt )40 90 - OIt.:< 00 r.r 11220.4 Albert M. Martocchia office exoense '31 45 . 0163 looK' . f1220 . 4 Xerox Corp. monthly rental B3 50 5 PAGE NO. ....... ......... . . . .. . Warrant No. .. . .. ..?.. . .. . .. .. .. .. . To SDPElWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GEN&'W. FUND BILLS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. sixth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...... .Febr1.1.ary..... ..... . 19.7.5 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAll4E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~,:;/ /OfJg'J 4 M. 'l'errv n08ta~e & mi1ea~e 11 7<; dlt,S /06f~ 4 . ~~, . ,L. , ....,n+. _ 1)p~ p,. .TAn. <;0 00 ,;;tt IOfJS9 ,- it (H' Q~~., n~ Tn~, "H~ 1 _ 'HC+, nn A7 '7" ~t,1 '0090 it ,,_,..~, +h h '",,+hi" f',,~1 _ nHi~"in'" "" !..,,, 61. 67 fDC 91 ,^ J. 117., I 7" !nit ,+ . ".,+. , ,n &/.1 loo9~ JI ,,- ", ^" ~1' "" I"" &70 looP9 A1410.4 "'.'+~n F. fire extiruroisher in"""ct;"n :> 100 Bldg 65. ..:271 locPIJ ...n; ~.. ^; Tnc Doven 6'i, Planni= 1'V\. Arm c;4 ">14 00 ..:17,2 /001$ AlllO. 4 EAst End TvDewri ter Co. Inc. naoer & fl1u,d . 87 ">0 ~73 IDO,?' Nareo Southold Uni ted ~lethodist Chur h - use of facilities 'i'i 00 017-</ /<<J97 Hare 0 John J Bonn mileA."'e 70 46 OL 7:;- Io/r ( ;>la.reo Thomas iJelfrick milea",e f) 00 d7~ ( :Ia.reo Thomas He lfrick mileage 1" <;0 . 0177 /1119 Harco New York 'l'elenhone Co. coIIlllUIlications ">4 17 .' , IJ 7A 6<..( I PAGE NO. .....6......... ~#d CLERJB: . ~ ... ~ .. ' Warrant '~o. . ...!~................. To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS .' 09~~ CRAP. eu LAWS or 1932, ART. B. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~ ,.19.:'<.. :/ SEC. 120 ~ To the Bupervlaor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the acoounta apeclfted, beIn, the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .........t. ~ . . . . . . . . . . day of ........!J~................. , 197.s: on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc. now on file In my office. iN~~ BUDGET AMOUNT DATB a PR OUUla. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT - ALLOWED .. &4 ..a/$'.1 ...... Operation Ferry 57 00 Alarm Security Protection ~/ .,,$/S.3 American Legion Post Inc. " " 8 03 I a/l. J/~-.y Apex Office Supply Co. Office Expense 12 24 .,s~ .i3 /.s-S- A. S. Bicknell Operation Ferry ",1578 00 ~4 ~/S'I.. F. I. ~el~pfteR8 Corp. Operation ferry 228.93 An.. !. .. ~ .,g 1.s-7 A'l.rpOrT 21)~.;), F.I. Ferry District 'Ol'fice Expense 20. 00 EI. ,3/S ;- Gada's Fuel & Service Operation Ferry 61 44 .$7 ~ f.s-' Walter F. Griffin Mail 200 00 .$ff .$16. 0 Grinold Auto Parts Inc. Operation Ferry 86 57 ' .$'1 ,3"1 Jabbour Electronic Supplil s " " 24. 02 , , 40 .ll/ ,~ Howard McAuliffe " " 199. 81 41 .31,,3 Mobil Oil Corp. " " 548. 40 \ , -9"~ .j/~4 Jack Norton Office Expense 60. 00 13 .$liS' Joseph Piela Electric Co. Operatjion Ferry 53. 52 r ~,; .3, l, t Clyde G. Pierce Operation Ferry 91. 60 % .aft? pray's Inc. " n 70. 55 4/' 4/71. Quickservice Elect. Supp1' " " 5. 80 .a II. 9 a -'11 Joseph L. Raub Airport 3. 90 , vrr.L<.;<= j,,j.V;) 14. 90 ,y,? .]11c J. Solomon Inc. Operation Ferry 1.85 -'It JIll Spicer Fuel Company Operation Ferry 1581. 03 vrrJ.ce Expense 2~ .IjU, $0 .;3/7.:1... Sullivan Printing Co. Inc Operation Ferry 204.00 233. 80 S/ J/7.J Bruce Terminix Co. N.E. ~peration Ferry 10. 00 , e. I-AI; PM ,\S 6.:1. ~/7..J ~hames Shipyard & Repair Ferry 243. 17 ~irport 00 L.- .5';1 ."l/lJ- !F. I. Utility Co. Inc. 28. . /Sty,? ~S Page 1 of 2 .~./ PAGE NO. ................ CLER.K: , \ 4' ~q~' . 15. . t ... '" "', . , . Wurant No. .. ..<it .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 1) SUPElliVT80R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS .' ;J~1l~,<<-.l. ~~ CRAP. IU LAWS OF 1932, ART. a, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~<-...z;. <--; .1 SEC. 120 To the SUpervloor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their r~ctlve nam.. out of tba accounts apecIfIed, belDr the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ............ ~. . . .. . .day of ............ ..~~.... ...... 197~ on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. Inc. now on fne In my ot/Ice. ::K BUDGET AMOUNT DATI!: OF PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ..:;4 ,$/1t ( Fishers Is. Utility Co. Airport 73 80 In C(5 ~s t Fishers Is. Utility Co. Office Expense $11.66 113 13( ~ ~ ~ 1 nl .117 S-(, ~J77 National Plumbing Supply Operation Ferry 24. 10 . ~5900. 28 ~tJ ~/1J' 'Astencv And Trust Account Hospitalization I 41 13 15941 41 , PAGE NO. .2..o€..2..... ......~ . ,. . . Warrant No. ........ g . . . . .. .. . . . . . .To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. 6th out of the accounta specified, being the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ....!'.Elbm'lrY.... ..... ..... ,19.7.50nClalmsNo. ........, ,...".. to No. ..................lnc.,nowonfUelnmyot/lce. OHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NA..'\rE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT G.R.tf. J...,wav Petroleum CorP. diesel fuel g, 06 330,0'3 11. 59r.~ 1::> . . .an_ r.nM1. "Haft >1 -r"..1 2'>,7 rr7 J'qI.L 1, I i'.1".. D, "~a (Ii 1 j1,. r.h..m; "'II r.nM1 lubricant 460 00 ~ 14. Canitol Hil':hway Materials Inc posts j1;U&rdrail 2 210 00 ;/300.60 ~1r.7 15. Capitol Hil':hway Materials. Inc delineators I gO 00 (1'1 ! 16. Dick's Garage anti-freeze I 7 50 .(1'9 (F. I.) I 17. A. John Gada General Contracti 19 - cold patch. lumber. cement I 331 l23 ,J'q)O 18. Greennort Lumber Co. lumber. cement 55 134 K~? I 19. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. I':asoline - F.I. (117.8 I':allons) 7'3 ~4 ( ~ 20. Mobil Oil Corp. gasoline (445 gallons) 145 52 S1?Y 21. Mobil Oil Corp. gasoline (542 gallons) 179 94 105;;( S4 22. Mobil Oil Corp. gasoline (1,471 gallons) 488 137 \ 23. Mobil Oil Corp. gasoline (730 I':allons) 238 171 / (173, ~11 24. Geo. L. Penny, INc lumber. cement I 22 75 .Ib {17{ ! I 145 25. Rason Asphalt, Inc. cold patch 0 r/17{ 26. Suffolk Cement Products. Inc. cement blocks 68 35 .(17' 27. Texas Refinery Corp~ lubricants 531 35 tn' 28. The State Insurance Fund workmen's compensation premium 4.685 2 I /S CJrf,$, g..s PJlClE !i(). .....1.... ...... ~~~ OUE,{' /7 If It:, "n. 9 9 / , , ... .. , 2 Warrant No. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPr. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the lollow!ng named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the BCCounta apecifled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . day 01 ...,F.ebrn~y......... ..... ,1975. on Claims No. ........."....... to No. ..........,....... Inc., now on me In my ot/lce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NA.'dE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 19 7' IACH.1I16. Asso"ia'tes Cani'tal Servi"es Cc ['D. _ ~.n; ^ 100.0. 1100 :>8 s,,, 17 ~T Tnn 111 r:;r:; - {1g, 1R ,.., "'01n;n~ =01;Hn" .,,~~1;.. 11'7 ..,,, [~~ ,,, Tl< _ '" ^, 'r" 1<'.T. e; 00 ~'it~ :>0. Tn" ~.'.... ,,-, i 80 10 - {HlI :>1 IL 1'\ ~, c._ . _ ~.n;^'" I ?hl'\ 1'\1'\ " ! 22 Geo. & roo Tn". ~.~.... - I q6q "38 ch'C. 7 X .f9'6J 23. Geo. Malvese & Co.. Inc. repair parts - sweeper 6 40 51g~ 24 G. & M. Delle, Inc +^ ~.. ~~ I1R "" ..(ygJ 2'i. .L Au'to Tn", 11m 71'\ S~gJ ?h -" '" - _.~.; ~ ",,,.+. ?I'\ RI'\ f1g' 27. . i1">o.l f'o, Tn... . Tl.,.+._ .1 7"3 4'3 [1f' 28. Riverhead Brake Service repair narts lr:; 6r:; .s19t 29. Riverhead Electric Tool Co. switch 6 Cj'i , 30. Clem Mc Kown tools '11 40 7/./"7 .(qq ~ "31. Clem McKown ,0 1'70 111'5 32. Trvac Truck & ~. roo 'n". _ ~o~.;~ 200 18, .( qq#l ,2. Van ])yck & Yousik Inc .... ... 1,? hl'\ /'70.:). J? , ,l "I, Van Dvck & Vou"ik. Tn". +;~o, "R i."R (qq~ 34. Walter Motor Truck Co. re1">air 1">a"+," 00 ;0 ~1'(: 35. Wells - Pontiac-Cadillac Inc. renair _ Sun''t "ar 27 ,2 'q1~ "36. The State Tnsuro.n",. 1<',,"rl !. .....^' 1 0.,,)' ,), 7<06<1. s.;>... (,#ifJ:: ) ~. ' . ----"I' PAGE NO. ....1........... ~'TO"'~'''''''''' , . "" . Warrant No. ......... i2 . . .. .. . . . . .. "To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS asAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dIr""ted to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. 6th out 01 the accounta specified, being the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ..... Febrna:t:Y.. .. . .. ' .. ... , 18.7.5 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my 0!!1oe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NA1\1E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT MISC'~11 'Rnnn Co. dO~';^Oa _ .JQ'74c 10? '17 JS>{;;J,7 ~11 1'). Bond Uniform SU1:mlv Co. services - lQ7'i Rl QO .(9tf1 ,I': '" m. .~ "^~ drOD li"ht bulbs 'I<=; <=;0 ~()o() 17 A .Tn"n ~.n. _ rOQk s...l+. _ mi.." ,~ I ?70 RI1 (,001 I 1R T.on.. T_', ,~ Tn^ _ ,,"on 7<='_71': 1 I': nn , '0 , 1IT0= v,,~.. "'0' ao_; .0. _ 7'14_<='?11 _ , /11/7<=; 71 '3'3 /3/,3.3 (POO'J- ?O 11IT..= v,,~.. "'.., dO~';^"" _ 7"5-""11n , /,1':1'7", hO Of) ~oo~ 21 NorT.h 10'01"1< v,,~; 0+" ^~ Tn^ ?h ,<=. (,00<1 2? . ^Ol"n h I?n (gOO ~ 2'3. Southold Hardware Inc "onn' Od ~,,~ "I r?o tpot, 24 C....., ..,,,, f'non 1') bo ~Oo1 25. Vail Studio &: Camera Shon nn1 "1"; on "nn ..nn,..,';.... 64 f7? 10001 ?h .~ ,,,= 'ona 12 bo 27. Xerox Cornoration ^^n'o _ DeQ 1'3') bo ) /S''l.{!O ~oo7 2R X..rox .+;^n n..v..1 f' "''''n ,,10 hn ~olO 2Q The ,,"nnn ta I, I':,n k, .;2,$'.5"1 30{, PAGE NO. ....1........... ~9Io~..q .. .... . Warrant No. .....2................ To SDPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS FEDEiIAL illiV!iJiUF. SHARD~G CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, A:aT. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUparvIsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeci!led. being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... sixth. . . . . . . . . . . day of i'ebr.unry. .... ,.. ..... ..... , 1975. on Claims No. ..........',...... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NA1I,{E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '-I,,,, qh m",et LUlJ1beY' Ine. Police shelter7~~~i4 327 IS si::m sho" '. 1 1bu q> ""00+ T Tn~. ",,,1 ir" shlb1t,<'t" 7,4" :)4 I I I I i i : PAGE NO. ...1... '........ ~~......~ TOWN CLmRIB: ..- " . ' . Warrant No. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK S'ECIAL DISTRICTS FUND BILLS CHAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apecl!ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day 01 ...'.. ~p~;t7'. ..... ..... , 19,75. on Claims No. ........'"....... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my ot/Ice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 4 oi3,;( Light. Fishers Island Util1 t7 Co. Ine street 1i~'te - Fishers Is. 2~~ ~~ I 0- Lights Long Island Lighting Co. street lights - Orient ~C} 60 '\ b Lillhts Lo= Island LillhtinJr Co. treet 111lhts - East V16 :>4 7 L1~ts T.nn.. Island T.i..htin.. Co street lilrhts 0 , no" ..., .Y ,Ra03 U...h'tS Uuur T.'aft;o p_......ft... ~n H.....+. _ 1ft I ':)(;'7 n'7 ~ 1'f?77,..3 ~ . '1 T. _..+. T .nn... "'J..., ._A T.. -"+.n.. ('^ H ...h+. _ , ",nlL 111< It> H........ T .nn.. T.' aftA T. -...... __ (',., ,. ...... _ Ma+'+' Jl, I, "IL... '711 /, l1~ts T.nn.. T.' .ftA .. -......_... ('^ ,. -..... _ M.+.+. Jl':) ,n'7 "" 10{ lillhts Tn.... I..IAnrl T.i..h:tin.. C,., ,. ........ _ emi'.. F_Y ....v; lLJJ. /3 . -..... Vi" .-. ,.,f' ,.' ......, _ Gnt, F_W dAC. "120 q2 -'1'\ If ).l4- IMT'A Vi"..... of' If'..... '. , _ F_TJ n. "+.. 14. '10(\ ()() ~ 1/ iN"tAr Vi"...... of ~ .... ,ft+ _ F_Y n..+ 8.840 00 ":~r?/o. ?-l 16 V."."" "f' h."..+. n. .+.... ft+, it 1:>.""" nn "- ( rl-: r. r~ 1i vt .~ ,"ef " 4 ~ k. oJl k~ It; , '1' , U-t lM .,j RC{Jt:1~ OV"l ~ 0..(: H-tl)( ~lIiio , . \~ \1 \&..-t ~ , \ J?JLClIC NO. ............,... ~~~/ ~ F , . . . . .. ~arrant No. .....,................ · !'o SUPZIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS C!IL\P. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ............ ,MardI. .. .. ' .. ... , 11115. on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my ot/lee. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Mt ( .. . . .... 1 /~/Iii " , ~ ,jJ 7 ' v~ .. .- :> "1 '1 -- ,,)'6f :7 !"" \ < "An", ... .. .. -' -, .,., !JV\ i J,g9 .. .. -- ......- I ,.. 1- J 890 10111 ... A. ...,. i Inn 1'7'7 I ~IM \ ,~t_, cJ..91 Vc:?I/o1, ... .... -,. ( d..S'S" / ~Icn , ~9d , .. t".- j ,)92 (JIB ... --.., ...., ,,- - ". M.f ., J-94 ......_~ DiRk'. -- ...... ,,''' I_ ,~fs V ,( 3';;(. ':< () lIS .". . Boh.ft W ,,- - ~ nn .~ " J1~ < ..... , v_ Ol ..... i) d-.97 17~ r--loltf.9 MatbMr Ca. I/() ~~ Alno.~ ,( :":1 ",C?R 'Aft?, A..&...... ~ - ~ :JM, -~. ........- I ,:,,;;. tin <~/i:, .119 n^,^ .. i I) ... ... ~ ....... ~ 1 ._ ~ I ,~o I(JIIT A8160.~ ....-J.... 'le:N1t. CcIDVo1 Co. ~ Pit. I ~ 00 I Sol loll! Al91O.~ --- - Pr1e. ~ 8pee. .IIJ;t1-Fv1l Pol1q 870 00 39.2 /dll't! Al~lO.~ ""w:" _ Pria'ttDllIerri.OM 'fIMt Cl~1opM 21 05 ! .' '~:'-H' 503 It A'(620.~ ""Y. . Pria'ttDllIerri.OM llat't. a.D. C1 1011 _h " 85 ~-.I tJ I~ "I Al22O.~ Wut ~H"'~" Co. h.. '0"' X- 25 00 , ~s ' tf 101. I n.lt.,^ .It. -- 1._.... --""~ ,^ "'^ ~' 30b tJ 1.;1 'j A8010.~ 'DMt DoL.. e"., ... ..~ ,..: 1'\10 ~7 III.).~ Al~lO.~ S+--""Ii u.- Ierrioe 'fIMt Cl.... ~tolflla 9 72 .3:J! tI/J.i.} AlQo." Ba' ~-. Delafteld . Wood lIMd.a~ 1en1_ fJ1 YT M7 () 1.4S A802o.~ .:I. .:I.... t '1'4MI. "~I 11 l4.ot l83 82 ,:'7 3:-- t,.~ I ~~ P~E NO. ....... ,.. ...... TO CLERK: ~4,t, 70:5./ tf" ~a.et' """"",,-.,._.. . . . . ""arrant No. .....,................ · ~ SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS . ..ax, ... 81UAI CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorlsed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeeif!ed, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .11.Ut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..........MaNh....... ..... , 19. '15 on Claims No. ..........',...... to No. ..........,....... Inc., now on me In my olflce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .}'/~ /0/;.27 ... a _ lowI._A AA nn ...5"; o/JUl ,1ft. .. -.... " - AI;; ttI.'o. ~/~ IOIc9-f .~ T.1~ ~ -- - nn ~/03 (~~.~ IIIi Ut. It -~ L__ nn ..31+ ..1.";..1 It --- I, ,_ .~ IIIi Ut.. Inn ...$ ,<.5- /0/.91 2 .. ~. --- ~ """ ...3 I (,. !,bl ~ ~ ... All ...... ,...... ... 1:.11. - .... ~/7 /01..33 u.6ao.~ c:.tu Ca. ..... itft _~ 'K" 10/;41 ~~ ....11 y ta ,., "" .31 q /01' ed _. T ~'I' Co. 1110. .,.. 1'.50. n.M ~ ~ ,3d-.<J '0/31. .~ ~lH a lAw 800k Co. t.1ekete 2'19 ~ I .~ .3.;;f..1 /0/ <VI I' III\. .VeID dIR7 11 50 ,3.;t.;l. /0112 ~,o.~ L. ~ Iae. tor... ~ !io d~3 '01""7 .~ ~ 1110. .,. 11P~ -.11:e1a 17 ~ I , 3.)-'1 '0/* .~ ~t:ion I .-a 1'5 -, to__ I ~,;L!, - 0/411 ~,o.~ 1 0pt10al _iN to ~- a"." 'r1 1'5 .3 .;L(., 'OI-'A .~ ~u.p. a-al 8IIppl7 1. parte 68 6 .;),..21 0/13 .~ Pboto Iae. 1111 1Ai ~ ddf In .~ .. . ..-,- Iae. -< 1Q ",; , ~ ).'7 ( .~ W.1...... IDo. 11 ra11'_ 1n r;o; 3361 ol'l'.s- .~ I ~tt;lwu: AlIta ..... Iae. . .. eape - 1tlda ~. 1n l1li ~3 II 0111.. L .~ ...a . M. '1'taW.ll ri8ia 1Iaad 0147 iBaolO.~ '!!Ie Da1 ~H"'i. Co IIOUN J.~ 33~ ." CIGP .LQ IN ,,]33 bill! 2 ~~ /.." .~ P~E NO. ..... ,.......... TO CLERK , yi'arrant No. ....,................. y ~, , to SUPERVISOI!. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK -&I. .- mu BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...n th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .0... .~........... ..... , 1915 on Claims No. ,_ '....,.......... to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NA1\m NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .U<f ~()/+ - J h. _ eDd JIItf1. ZO I;n Ja-s- /0 JI.S .. V. am 1.... .. no aat ",..$'1 .. .. .:1- .s'.?7 lenS .... .- I .:[ iUJ" ,;., I.!>.J .. v I -[ 8~P II" 1..$"'7 .. .~ ..... 1.... 6"1'c ilcr~ M:1 -=.;~-- t GIIJ.oda c.ter IDD. _ .. -..11. _! ~ ~8'. ~.1 a'll - ......:;. ..- .J'I~ 1101-5"' .. f. -... - .... a~ .If. ft.,1!.. _4' .- [ ~ 08'>"fL \ Je1ZO.~ IMIU Oil CD. p-H_ ~ ~~. ~~ &'f.6 #/'S IM1l'!ft a~ ~ a,12O.~ IMIU~ CD. "1":'H- -. pl. ~.~! .a<f-'l 1M & ........ ::... 'O 3'f-[(' Je1ZO.~ IMIU :~ ~. oil U9~ 09'f''1 .560 1- 'P_..~ ,,- ,.., nn .. .- -.. "- <$.o-r \ ~ ,.... -- ..... - ..- "- .... ., .s.t",ff I"~. r- 'P_', ~ &. ~... 'On -- ~ ... 16..('...;- - 1- 'P_", '. ..a l!ft. u. - -6.~t/- ~O._ r.- e... - - r lOT l~ ,ToS' -t' I/or..s- .- ...... -. f.Io1- ftU1107 CD. 1M tel - UI:, 7 .- Pilla,. T.,_a ftU11;,y Co. DIG 1.~'t - ''1 ( ~ -.. M .F.:>'7 jJb,6o.~ '!WIG fd 1aIIrtbol4, AI~ , I)ept J."e)I&11'II to -'1.0-'- od.. ..IIa816o.~ '!WIG fd 1INtbDld. ...,. .,., DIp. oH"'t J..' _ 60 ~ '0( J;)5lO.- '!WIG fd 1t..,o/t:t..,'cI.. AI"'~ I)ept oil . ftltel' 6 M I Je1ZO. ~ '!WIG fd 1cMtbol4, ~ rr-, I)ept to ... lQli M VOl" YU1c l.I '. - I.,... ,.. - _ - -~ 11ft..... PAGE NO. ....,. ......... ...~ . . , Warrant No. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . I . to 8DPE1WISO!1. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS "'!J ,. 81IIf CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being ~amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .U.................day of .....~...... .....'..... , 19,... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my ot/lce. Fm:CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~,~ /0/(,) Al22O._ ~. 'T'Ier, 8r. II.....-t 268 I~ J /"3 1/01':;3 Al620._ C.P. .,.. II .in .. Ien10e r-I.. - fbJo IIua li.kl~ Jt4 <>1t.'I 18oao._ , II .. ~ ".. Inn .3.t ..5 lo,U Al22O._ v.lla r.rt1ao -", ..... . .II. It..II. , ;JJ.{. /D/C.' I Al680._ Dna ,hA " - : "'" I\A 6/,,7 I ( - oa. ,~' ~. I ... .... ~% AlOlO.~ oa. IIIr'fb1k '1'JMe etal IIOU.. ~ ~ ... 1_' &70 '01',,< JUUO.4 'DIe IIIr'fb1k .,.. etal IIO't.1oe - oan ~~ ~7/ 18ozo._ 'DIe ,..;;. , 2102 18oao._ !be IIIttoUt . ,A '" dl.3 Al2IO._ !be lid' to1k '1'JMe .. ,- .II._ b. - d7-'1' ( AlOlO._ L.L --:tU1iIIIIIIk ..... , --, " ~-=: ~;i 'oltg' .&1010.4 1..1. ~~..... :::. - letal ~ boud ~! 18oao._ 1..1. ~~__ .3'71 .4 1..1. ~""'~__1fa :DIe. - 1etal - JI1_i.. ~~ $7% 118010._ 1..1. ~....~__ ..... . - ~75? '"- .- ... 1'ork re. Co. _. L__ --- Ih. ;", ...... ..?S'o ... ... 1'ork'1'e1 'r~...... Co. - ... ' ,~~ .?!f I '''-.- ... 1'ork , l:o~ 'I.... ...:.::: _ __ ..3? ~ .4 ... 1'odt tllJA", Co. r.:;. - ... ~~ :;>If -3 &1110._ ... 1'ork t'el Co. '^--. .:J!" 7" .4 ... 1'odt !\I1...._ Co. ~~31' - ... ~ - z!"S U:m.- Jfew '10lIl. Co. -:;...: -_. W\ 0J'j 01''1 ;.. .~ ... 1'odt t'el........ Co. .; ...;;: ~ - ... !~ .3.1' .- ... 1'odt t'el To. -.... 3e' .{ jJ6IJo.- ... 1'odt rel~ Co. ~2~~ - ~. <>;97 .?gf .II. -- ^ :;;::; I: c39Cl 11)120.: ... 1'odt t\IJA,.... Co. c.: __ .. ~I~~ w;;:~~.:,.; - ....: ..39/ -..... ^ Jtd< ,15J,2O.- ... 1'odt t'el~,a, - Co. ~:: :J:;-' - ... 821 J'J....... c3;E .II. I __ _.. '"^ P/'7o dr/ /017/ \..::.,_ .II. 1_'. - .. tin cSt or 0/7'.2 1Bl2O.Jt. 1Ia~__ AIIIto J'artII ..-h<I GJ.. 'fila......... 1'76 10 PAGE NO. ...~........... /~~.~.~ pr- TO et..EEm: . ,Warrant No. ........,............. 9 to SUPElWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~ _1Vif CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..;JJ.~................ day of ....IIafth"..... ..... ..... , 19'15. on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my ot/lce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ..3-q~ ~ _I- .::19'7 '''114 .IL ..l. ..:!~r ~. .... ... I"" .af~ "'7"/ .... ..." .... - l..- I - ~t>-# /O/'7{, .... _, R~ fl4o.lr .a-- "'. I..- ~ ~ol /0/'77 : ~ ,.. .. q".:J ~~/71'" ~~ 1- a "" ~63 /",,'?'" .\ 1Ib1 te'. ... ~-- ~ ;/I;, 'fC'/ IOI~ .\ ;fila'. D:LDer ftMMI to ~ .,.,~' /10,81 .\ If. B. ~ Co. 10 .1 -.r,,( "'lfI.j , ~- 0J.l Con. 8';0 a2 ~..? '<>/Ii'03 ' ~~ IIiIItt ...-. 1'71!. I1n .ilbR' /o,l?<I- .~ .. IIu'toeeb1& .. .0 I: WWH.. 12 iJ5 *<f ""~ ...........\ t.IdJt ^-ot..,... 1IDU_ I ,0 JO ! ~/'" /0' i'''' 1180.\ l:aeliD'. Ierr1ee CeIIter _III. '1,,-,0 )Q #II JN8'7 11210.\ iIII1ted "_4 -10 Qauoob _ fd .,.[ t ~ JO ~,~ J",rt1'. mo.~ ti.. tn1....-. CcNM11 ..... 10 00 -r10 /01 r9 · mo.\ row 'folk '1'el~ Co. 76S-lSOO - ..... 18 12 "lIt/- /(119(1 mo.\ B. 01'14 . I _1....,.. - 1M ~ .11' I J ~o._ I!Io hf1'olk ..... ad 6 00 -'//(. IMIi.;l.J ~o.\ 1-1. 'l'zs~". Vat... - ad 4 50 "1'17 /MOJJ mO.4 ~ J. IIapp t.a'Nl ~ in ~/r ~?1 ~4 '. _ - ~..1...- I,i 20 I 'flf /O/~/ ~4 P'; -u 'f. ..... fd ~ 195 i"Y' 01 Y6 .4 'IW1a JbI'k .... Co. :rao. .1; airport 00 't'oz( /0/97..... - ,h 1m 1"$/:( 101'11' A1410.4 CIIb"-. I ,.,... L1.IIn:I7 1/2 &11.#'. _t 2,9>>. 00 PAGE NO. ..~............. ~~~/ , TO CI.ERIIt ' Warrant No. ......;3............... . tr. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SDPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IDGHWAY DEFT. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective """'.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the...... ~+:t;J:l............day of ..."......Mar.ch ..... .....,19,75 on Claims No. ........'......... to No. .,................ Inc., now on file In my ot/lce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT C/;/~ G.R.~' CaDitol Highwav Materials Inc si""'s 22 27 ,"C.:;"'.:!./)' '14. CaDitilil Highway Materials. Inc used si= posts e;04 00 ~olS; 'Ie;. Greennort Lumber Inc. lumber cement 224 40 '16. Mobil Oil Corporation I gasoline (2 276 "allons' 7e;e; 6'1 ("o/t gasoline ('1.000 gallons' I '17. Mobil Oil COrDoration I qq6 00 :JJ!7c:1,'?3 'OR M~"; 1 OJ 1 ~aa~1;~a r1 "<:,, "" ,\ ""''' A"/ 1,011 '\0 Ra""n A"""al t Tn" cold "atch ?RR hO bOlt 40. py,~rh,,,+o T~n ~1 _,._ <:P <:" I T , I 33S'O,7C 1 ~l)l~d PAClE !i(). .,......... ..... TOWN /3/ 7FI. ij9 - Ut/E/?/'J/I I Warrant No. ......... . :3.. .. . .. . .. . . . , To'SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. SEC. 120 To the Suparvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the IICcounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... ~1 th . . . . . . . . . . day of .......... Ma:rAJ:t. .. .. .. .. '" . 19.75. on Claims No. .................. to No. ........."....... Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pH. OTHER NAllm NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '011 MACH~~ "e~He1 "c~,; 'C''''' 1 1J.no ?R '\ 1J.n n; "Jr I c "'An~; "',0 _ H'. T ,I, Q I C'7 ~ 03. g ~ (po'J-o 41 Dick 's Gara",e repair" _F' _ T. 2'i'i 11 'i. bo:J.1 42 East End Glass glass replacement h1J.1 nn 'o~~ 40. Island Ford Tractor Sales Ine _ hose I 80 I hR / 1J.4 Mo /!o (!n T"" 'Y'An~;,...... <;<;hlo<; &,0,),3 4'i Me /!o (!n. T"" 'Y'CM;YO _ I hnl 10? 13<<0,S' '1 46 Me.J/,. (!n Tn" 'C ,;yo _ lR? In2 (PO";.,tf 47. J'lfalvese Mowers & Eouipment Irc. _ r lRlo'>; ~o).[ 48. J'lfattituck Auto Parts Inc repair parts 'i?n 14h t,o )..~ 49. Mullen Motors. Inc, swi +"h _ ha 1'1 'i a? /' 50. Municipal J'lfachinerv Co Inc repair parts _ GR & F'WJ) l'i'i 70 /7Y. .;1.0 (po~1 ')1. Municipal J'lfachinerv Co Inc lock wa ?? <;n 52. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc repair hR 140 7/;.03 ~O';lt 5'3. Riverhead. Auto Parts. Inc repair .... 7 <;11 'i4. Ln", I 'Y'cne; yo 14 loll d3. '/7 ~Ob-Cj, 55. Truis, Inc. repair parts R l'i'>; (,030 56. Tryac Truck & Eauipment Co.. I c. renair fi4'11'i'i / ~ 57. Van Dyck & Yousik Inc. repair'''' _ Jt?'>; 4h Inn /7-'/,cJA". I {;;31 'i8 iT~" n""Jr /!o .. ~, T"" , ... . ,/I. ... ~" oR 10h ')a, Van Dvck & Yousik T"" ?() 11? .1J/4S',3/ ~(11.-~~ ~ P"GENO ..................~....... A . .............". TOWNCLERJE: I _ Warrant No. .......;?.............. . . . Tt SDPERVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , " BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit Of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........ .11. th . . . . . . . . . day of ..... .MarQIJ- .. '" ..... ..... , 19..75 on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK ~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT , lc '3:<.. MISC ~~ , 7 -i; meal'" - ins'Oectinn licenses 44 1rIJ3'3 "" RnnrJ Uniform Su'O'Olv Co. services - Feb. 74 81 00 ~03if "Q M~ T.QQ '0<, Rnn"" DIn"" R"MTi~"R 8n nn 'O~~ ,0 Mr Kenneth Lee Dickerson Jr. snow plow services 30 00 '03(., 40 Wilbur Duvall storage 11,080 00 '037 111 -, ~ Lumber Inc misc. i tams 20 20 -" lJ.? ><A"tS ><Rrdwa"e & Garden Center Inc. misc. items "." 07 /39,7C? 'o3'b 4.". Harts Hardware & Garden Center Inc. - misc. items 86 72 44. Low< Island Traveler. Inc. legal notice - Highway material~ 31 35 0--7-./.5 (po 31 4<;. LOM Island Traveler. Inc. legal notice - traf. signals 26 10 (p D 1r> lJ.t=; n~~ T T~n "" 0"" 10 1,,0 btAt 47. Marion S. Arnold part-time clerk 45 00 48. Mc Cabes service contract - typewriter 44 00 0.5-5.33 ~D4~ 40. Mc Cabes office suvDlies 11 11 ~ "- 50. Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. repair parts - snow equip; 713 10 ~o13 51. Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. shoe - snow plow 513 50 1"".;;s.f1.r-..~ , 52. Municipal Machinery co., Inc. snow plow 1.432 00 53. New York Telephone Co. service - 734-5211 - 2/4/75 94 64 1",.0.1. c'otf'/ 54. New York Telephone Co. service - 76<;-1140 - 2/16/7<; 12 28 --' bO'AJ- 55. Ravmond C. Dean SUD't expenses 22 "8 60 'It. 56. Rothman's Dept. Store used refrigerator 80 a" ! \ 57. Suffolk Weekly Times legal notice - Highway Material~ 14 18 I bO i'J 1.. <599(, 58. Suffolk Weekly Times legal notice -traffic signals n 48 I ) i=}q. ~1~~nlk W~p.klv ~;mAA lp'g~l nn+'i~p. _ ~n~n ln~np.~ l? 1 n PAGE NO. ....1..........,. ~~A~.. r ..,1Lrrant No. .........3............ , ,. SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. ( CON' T) SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecllled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the...... :U:l<l:t... .........day of .......... ,M.ar.ch ..... ..... , 19,75 on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. inc., now on me In my otllce. jcHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT IbOc/K M.lSC(;K C l' Tuthill Tnc. p.oun1in!rS _ snow ~,~,.,c q 42 t,ot/1 61 ","',on & Rnn; r.~ t"n _ """',' "'en" , 411r !1111 loOro h? vo;1 <=t+nn;n /!o Q"n~ ,~ 40 ~On h"l ~ "M~c . '" 1 "I~ 11111 ~O(:J. h4 ,."-,..., <=t, ~^~c o~'" "'~'" I <;, 10<; , Glg0.~Y PAGE NO. ......2....... ~~.~d ~ Warrant No. ................ ....... .J~~ To SUPE:!WJISE)R 'To. l' A Y AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , ,_.., BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS 01" 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 c!)w--t · To the SUperv1sor of the Town of Southold: Y~orlzed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of . ' !fled, being th mounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........ /I~.........day of ....... .................. ..... . ~' on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. . ................. Inc., now on file In mY otJloe. - BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF :>11. OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '0' M Apex Office Supply Co. Office Expense ($43.0 i'" Operation Ferry (275.0 -........... ,~v ;'7~ fA Richard S. Baker Commissioner Fees 75. JO 193 ,,3 Alfred S. Bicknell Operation Ferry 2700. )0 191/ "1 Bouton Services Inc. Airport I 145. 35 Iqs (,.c- Browne Inc. Airport 365. )0 I 'It. (,1." The Day Publishing Co. Operation Ferry (23.10 25. ~1 .. .~ _"""~ i ., ~ 1 ,'197 {,1 ( Dick's Garage Repairs Equipment 144. 10 .... /,f Dick's Garage Repairs Equipment 126. )0 .:17"/' '1ft , 109 John C. Evans Commissioner Fees 25. )0 :/9'/ 10 Federal Propellers Repairs Ferry 664. 25 ''''-00 71 F.I. Electric Corp. Repairs Equipment 51. 16 ~()I 'P F.I. Ferry District Office Expense 20. )0 ~()-'. J3 F.I. Utility Company ,o:t':t'J.ce Expense l'IU .1.1 92. 56 Operation Ferry (22.45 '-< &; 71 Richard V. Foyle ~ommissioner Fees 50. )0 :~,m~k J.r Gada Fuel & S~rvice Operation Ferry 135. 27 .< O:s J!. A.J. Gada Gen. Contr. iAirport 58. 70 ot. b)1. 77) Globe Ticket Co. Operation of Ferry 707. ~8 . 119 '.{,I 7R Globe Ticket Co. ~peration of Ferry 491. .3 _ - :{o7 77 Walter F. Griffin -tail Haulage 200. )0 .,~ t'~ i1u Grinold Auto Parts Inc. :)peration Ferry 16l. ~8 ... 1L44'JJ ft Grinold Auto Parts "epaJ.rs IHagli \.L. I.L 2. 34 - ~epairs Equipment (1.23 ".:<.0 gr.,.. c. B. Guthrie Tariff Bur. :)peration Ferry 230. 31 ,g ~/C. (3 ~oward McAuliffe Inc. ~epairs Equipment 24. )0 PAOli: NO. ...~..Rf..Z... ~A.~/ v;~~o+o~ Warrant 1110. ...."".................. . \r~ y To 8Dll!:B>VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK }j)( . . . BILlS CHAP. 834 LAWS OP 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD , SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You ara hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ...............................,19.... on Claims No. .................. to No. ....,............. Inc, now on file In my om.... CHECK: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE 0: :>11. V!=>< NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAY] f"-. / I ff4 McMann Price Agency Inc. Airport - Insurance 525. 00 ?.1~ ,f~ New London Marine Supply Operation Ferry 134. 52 ~ ~ /.3 8t. Jack Norton Office Expense 60. 00 ~~8 81 Quality Bus. Machines Office Expense 26. 80 ~';lIS fK Quickservice Elect. Suppl' Repairs - Ferry I 4. 48 . i.J./? 8'j Joseph L. Raub Operation Ferry 33. 64 ~~ /1 'io John M. Riehle & Co. Insurance 8853. DO .?.;t/i 91 J. Solomon Inc. Operat1on Ferry l2b.UJ. Office Expense ( 5.72 31. 73 , ~~ I~ 9.:l. Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry 2336. 64 ?~~ f3 Bruce Terminix Co. of NE Operation of Ferry 10. DO :;>~~I 94 Thames Shipyard Inc. Repairs Ferry 373. 61 1~ c:?~ 9~ Vard.ety House Operation of Ferry 59. 86 $ 9262. 92 :? d( aJ 9~ I /i..,~ , ~~~ 4-vA'Y_~' .Y. . .1/1 /3 I ,- u ...----; '" () 1/ ",5' .:(1 PJ\CI!: NO. ................ /~- TO . Warrant No. ........,............. ,..... , SDJ>.a:1,,.n80R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK II-.:BL __u BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the.. U:till.................day of ........ JIaNh.. . . .... ..... , 19'15. on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /7 ~:d' .. pt~ --. T_'''' ft1l1.... Co. !Do .~..-t Ualatll m 1]3 I Ii' ~3t ~ fd .... - J-. Uq I. !J I-. T9'- 1.44Itt.tac Co. ~ - J.D. - .\'1I.~Z , ,...; T.'_ .._ .... ....... " Ol' . L1IItUIII I-. t.'- UOu.. Co. ......".. - .J-. - ~.~ ,;l,z w _ .._, -..0 ..... .. .... - iJl<J ~ I-. Ie'- ~ Co. 'raatlwld - JD. 1.~.~ I ,:21' t_ T.'..... '"- ...., , .:l~J ;(57 < ~ I-. x.' . ~ Co. Pn i. _ J.D. - ,cJ9.,s ~ .. ..-..... .... .... :wi' ... t27 ~ I-. x.'.... ~ Co. Clot rL 1." - J-. --1~~.~ ~y i ,...; ..... ... ..... -. 1:"." 029 ~ I-. Ie'- 10tIIaUDIJ Co. **-- t - J-. l'~~'?I ,s>o I,"'; .._.. -..0 ...... _..... 1 ~/ ~t.tac I-. _,_ ~ Co. **-- t: - .1-. 125.! a.{ I~ l!a .-. ,.... o!J.iI I-. Ta'_ 1.44It~ Co. ~=--: - JD.. .\U.,o .:Ii? I r- ..-.. ... , l!a _ .... Juw -. I'-' ~'~I: I ~t,c.,,?.s, <;t,s/ , , ,~~8-..wc/, PA!JE~. ....... ....... '. . ... -# ,~arrant No. ..,................... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Su..-vrsoR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS ~~ .... CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the acoounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the .....;Q............... day IIaI"ob '15 of ................... ..... ..... , 19,... on Claims No. ........'"....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .;l/'l Car JWd JIrao . '.ear _.~I 00 .tl.2o ::: 1'IIIIl 11eet. c.v. _&i ~tL/ ~ IDe. -- .... 866 :n .:1.:l~ - a. ...... ~-- i 1Q 11;6 i i , . I ,s-.j-'" r. 5.2. 1 I'J\CJIC }f(). ................ -, ~--> 4 Wmant No. ........... . . . . . .. .. . .. To SI!PE1WI8Oa TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~~ . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUparvIl!or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. 8th out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of . :Ipr1-1' .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ' .. ... . 1975- on Claims No. ..........',...... to No. ..........,....... inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NA1'4E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1130 IdJJ ? .~ " ~.;.r;;...'I _ 21 4'i 113/ d).df Jo. ... .. ~1nA - Lf? 7..- 11I:W9 ~ 1- .".... ...., c.. 1"5 ~. /.f33 0:210 ~ 1- - .. 4t> M' 1/1 If d:L / / It. 1... ... t'A 1,- ! 14 '50- / ,".2/' I 1/3) ~ I.. .. .. 1'. 1,......- 0107' LI?~ If IGutho14 '1\1IIa .... DIDt. -~-1;0__ 104 ...6 1137 -~\) .4 d '1\1IIa .... Dep't. repair 1;0 police OaN 415. 75 W38' \ 18160.4 78 12 8cIIIthold 'lbIa DO Dep't. repair 1;0 PlQ'1_ JI.~q ~'ao) 1'7 ~ 11/:1.1' ed :r.roa: Corp. pe,pel' p1-~". ,s.99,1Ifueo 19.72 1 61 Ill/a Jd~/; ~620.4 ~ IelaDd Ut111tJ' Co. IDo. 1I't1l1 tiel ,. IIIf/ "J~~ ~620.4 ~ JIuIatIr.e~ Co. 01-....". '""IPJ)H.. 189 "., 1/-'11- i J A:1/ ~, .4 QIiIIIIf .Auto Part8 IDo. - _ beariJIa 6 11' J/'f-J III ~J7. 18160.4 -....., 011 Corp. oil 12 66' 1/ 'f'f I}l,o." I,. --"r Co. b. 1'- - 1I00Ir 10 Bo' Lf If: 10:10\ J' 71Bo.4 ,.~ Co. IDa. beach I14ID8 12 1"6 ~ Jf Ij~ tAJ.J''''' ~620.4 JIIel Oil Co. tu.1. tor ot'tiCeI 110 70 /.-1Y1 .n.J-j,.~ JJl2O.4 *ri.... Paper Co. -to.l. }5 ~ /..fvf 1/,,:10 ,.1 ~l2O.4 ~ Oil Co. ..-ol1De }5 ~ I' LlVq ~60.4 1IqIa:1r-t IDo. pa:rt8 PIQ'}.... 1,101 ~ USll I a~1&6o.4 aau1r-t IDo. pa:rt8 - PlQ'loe~." 224 P7 /1;) Ih:1.;2.3 71Bo.4 ~.. Ji'quir-t Co. IDo raIte tor bee-"1 582 ,0 LlS'- -IU~~ ~620.4 J. lid. th " laD IDo. pa:rt8 tor fum80e ,0 52 (jSJ JO:J.2( .4 LaIId T.ree Co. ...r _ 17'5 00 PAGE NO. ....... ,....1.. ~~~.~ " TO CLEIIIK: ' If jt" 71/.71 """".d/ , ~ - Wmant No. ....................... . To 8uJ-.a:tovrsoa TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~1I ~ BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..., .I;pr1l....,....... ..... , 197.5. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NA.'.IE NATURE OF CLAIM --J..fsJ/.. NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~ . T. :!Be. ,- . _ -- ._D.. lacJ t;O g"f \t:J'l')./(..,II.MII. .T. TIIft. -. __'"- ,Jo;n ~ "''IL'IIn II. T ~A ,- _ ...... ,'M: "'" /If4. /If J.:lr II. - ., Jon N\ 1Lfr I T,-,~ Jt! ~ n...... II. .. I n ^^ ~~ I :U ~30 .I1!nn._ .... 1\, "'...11 DOtu7 110_ U 00 ~ ,^'~ / ,n":_._ L1~ n.dI.oot..-l. ea.d1t CoIp. ...... ,.A"." NDtal YI 50 If,; l ~'"r' Al620.4 L1ttoD ~kJ.. CNdit CoIp. .April _hiM NDtal YI 50 ' MIJd '1'1 ...."'n.4 J'JAbuw 111'- Ut.1litJ' Co. ~ JhI~ [2 I ~ 12, -~ ,,_}. 9~'?:2--' jjj Vd.233 Al6lo._ PJ..IIbuw r.'..... Pire DUV1et NDt&l ~oe oft'ioe 500 00 l/iI (J:8'f Al"o.4 ~.. ...',.. 1111.... to ....1atifa MettDc 1S 60 m d~~( AlllO._ .Iud _ I'I'1Dt.1IIa 8err10. IDe. ~ - Jut10e ...... 2-\ 10 W ~3 ~ .- *' ~ 1 '. oalGlllator 6 ...11. - awa DIP'I. ,&> IS , '7 IV ~ AlJ55.- JIitC8e'. -..'1. - unl.' - 2) , .If/.~ o2n A751O.- .... IiId ~,1A11ter Co. DIe. ...,.u 1;0 h1atoI'1aD --"... 1050 ~~ 0;;.36' "-.4 MaDdud U- 8er91oe W-'fI 9 72 ' III o~9 .4 IIIrtb JI'oZ'k YariIt7 Ston IDe. 1..... 21 60 u'i J 'I iii,IO<; .4 IIdIIud. J. .... Nriew fd IGu.tIIol4 .. - 75 00 tfk.~ IOd.-I{D'J ........." J. .... ~..u.ate 0I'i.t '" tile .. 92 00 /.{ 1 If/' , 'I()~LI .4 t _ M. '1'II'tII1U .u._ - '*-Ii .... to hi"'" 128 00 If- 'if "':/\I.2!u:S.4 JIiIId.D P. J'jAlrai flm 1III8h 6 00 ~ 1")55.4 Jfe1Y1l1. ~ Jr. 1DIIh 6 00 ~ I (J'- 'ft{ ~J55.'" BdIIu'd w. Jbx mIIIIh 6 00 r-rf "(;::1'118160.4 l!!! 'l'uIDte CcaWol Co. -oe.t mt -..... 110 lIB PAGE NO. ..........~... /~~/ , r \. . Wllrrant No. ....:'1:................. To SUPERVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Suparvll!or of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecl!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .81b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...,.Apn.l....,..,..... ..... , 1975. on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT tI7f I 81QlO.- It:. - ...,. J'r1ee CIftd1t 1U OO~ ~79 (J";4(,. . ~~:.\ HV- Price ~ boat .'W-""" R.. ~ J..t5. ~K" B1: ._ IIl- - Pftoe - ,... .l/t/ 4 -- IImMi 1Q mJ 4'f~ /o.,.~7 " CIodt> an &. !_- ,- Q '7A ".. I l"in " LCf.tv .(,(3 It I .. /o,1K I \ , ~<I . u I.,. ~J /0>-11 " R. .!P. t._'n Ilri' 1'11\ 10 4R' w.,.~'1 It .. _ irA'''' I'!N. !~ ....... Inn 4,(7 Iw.,.f( ]De, IB8d. "" - ~. .:...- rnl.,. ~/fj'11 /oyf.,. .\ !L. i.-t.. at ,-.& 1m '-/('/ IOYC, ~ III. .... "'-- ,w;; ~ Alfo /Oy{.f 1.1680._ Ia+.a atL .. "111_ - 9i. IIin ";'1/ /0'.,.(> 4 1k Co. PaDll' Co. IDe. IIIIDI)U" 16, 76 .ff~ lo'YP- Al620.4 C.P. Van DIInr au 8errioe IDe ...- ~~, ebop 116 70 /oa~i .' ~,~ "19 49..3 /~1 Al~..\ .... ~-l'''-'''' ~tII c.ater _. - ~, -". ... .(f4 ..\ .... Yo1'k '1'el Co. - IIuoh 9 97 ;,/f- AlllO.4 .... Yos ""1""... - Co. 5550 - IIuoh 118 6' d"L AlllO." ... Yo1'k '1'e .eo. ..... - - IIuoh 2" 77 ""f7 /Oy!'l Al22O:: .... 1bI'k '1'e1..~ Co. ~!~ - IIuoh - cbIIp 24 ~ ~'r ~ >1" d9? ... Yo1'k '1'el...... Co. -77-0550 - IIuoh - 1IQpII'. 125 "i9<f ei ... Yo1'k '1'el~ Co. 7}It ~2 - Ma1'Ob - pol1oe ~ : ~o - ,,_ ,o- J_ ~~ - - .5"1 ~k ... Yos '1'e1~ Co. 76<j..;~1 - IIuoh - Fol1oe ~ 54 ~.;o,;, - ~... ,o- ~;';;""'i. 10 - - ~o3 11Jvr. 9 Jo. _. ~..+- '8_ 't.n _ on an .50"; /IJY(,.O , ....- a. .....~"u or. _~ "1.10 8 7_ .,f;o s (oy!,/ . ..... .._ ..~ .... u __ &_,_ _# ,.~ - 10; an . r ... DO'ta17 &-" 1 " .....r1pt.1OD 19 00'( (,,9. ' 56/, 1(}Yr.y Carl Cat.ldo ~507 ... .....~ P8"1i'1i7- ::10. uu ~ ~r.'J7 PAGE NO.3.............. . . .... ..... ........ TO ' - ~ ' , 4 " Warrant No. ....................... To SUPERVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~8R~ BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ~ .. . .. ... ..... ..... , 1975 on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ..50 ~ I:)'Y'~ I.......... ... _... ......... SIMm "iO (,6 Soy 10>-1. ,f 1 ....,...... II. .... ........+-, - ~ U .[,0 /Oy~~ 1 ...., "" IL TIoa, - ~1 AliI .[11 IC,......... -....0, ...., "'-_ ..-11 i ,.., kl Si~ I()Y~ L-t...... 4 -.a.o, 0i1 CarD. _l1De - 2.~ a.1 i ~ QH .513 ,...... 4 I_H_ rna. .. ba_ 11 .. 5''; ,--,...... 4 LIeU. ~1_.. IDe. 5 I'It'fOlftl'll ~ ~ .$1$ 10... 1.71..,,,,,'1L I_H.. YDft. - ,<;It. B3l2O.4 r...l1e "'1_.. IDe. - p}.... 21 10 - " /7 I_ B3l2O.4 CbarlM III .IJ> 1.1;1: IDo. bat. ~ !~ .og 10" UrIn'2t\.4 Cbarl.. .1-1&" IDe. - SIC; :/0'1'1.'1 .....''''''.4 But Bad t.1" Co. IDe. t.r 17 2"> ~J.o /0...10 YU"ied All Co A\"oati... ]Dc. I nolin kl ^" baY 1!' ^" &wr "> 84 100 10...1/ .....,......4 rea I)"' If""'- 1 28 11;1\ .5~1 BIll' lIMo""..... 1IoI'ka IDe. .[:J~ /0...1> '...... "".4 Jre-Ifuter DLn.1an I_U.. 1~ 1(,6 ,- 6:1.3 ~4 Van D.r'ck AI y-n: IDe. I 127 171 10""'13 ! ..s~;/ B3l2O.4 Van D.r'ck I: y-n: IDo. t1nII 16'1 Ib 0:1J- //)"1"1 ~4 D. "-].-.,. AI Co. 1-11.. 6 QO; ,(J,(., /O'..F U620.4 -'&aT IDo. jan1 tonal "I 1"> .. 5.2.7 W,,1L ""'2t\.4 JrJ:r Car .Auto Parta - -- nn .5:d't 1/)>'11 II'In """.4 X-1eat 1Av 1_ -.; (,n J).9 /(no11 ~4 MDCabe '. ''7 - [3D /0.,.1 'I 1.:55].0.4 Jdea J~ ARIM .r3/ I()ygu rn'2t\.4 Cu Sball S'tat1cm Q .,.. .[3.;1, /oyE/ 'U'ied WI! te.. loDe !laY IL, .. 6... ,...... ^" ''M "'" ~33 /oyfJy ,. ... L ,+10 ... 11' ...._, _n 220 20 4 ...................................... P~E NO. ..... ,.......... TOWN <'JL1!:RJK .. .... . . 'Warrant No. ....~.................. To SUPJ:IWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SIJ!!!I!IWo'" 'R"f}~f BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...~................ day of ....~,...... ..... ..... ,19,:r.>on Claims No. .........,........ to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NA.'\!E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT frfi,(~h !())..i'3 Al620.~ Jfokvt 011 Senioe IDo. f\IIl 011 91 ~ .'>.3:(' v _ .z::,,::;,.- Al410 ~ Albert w. 81"-...... - AA'n ~ oro.. 151 00 53<:' ,D"'" i _ \ 171.10 ~ ji .'41ft. ~ V ti..- . 20 ! IV &z 4).4'( .4 B.J. - 0 Co. It4 00 !j;j$ 10.((. _4 II. 111Gb Jr. - loaa'n ~ ! 1'72 i 110 'f/J M:J f7 .4 &.U ft~ I r;o 00 S'fO ~ IA,)i? _. fd - "'" MH' TA"'- ~ ~ 10 f!if dlLn .IL _"'- 11 !Io ClJj ~ J{.:J fO Jo. II. 1-"'" 00 c''f3 .:ffi /I. 1. 4' 4 IIaat; BIId 'tel' Co. :rr..:, ce c t 1 r;o 00 ~ v ~ !f1T.'/ ~~... TmIt 'h1 Co. .,- .n. _ It4 .91 ;(;if 1~;>9~: = = t'elepbaae :~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . Ig~91 ~ ~41O.4 ... 'bit '1'e1epbaae Co. 765-",s, .., IIaroh ~ 69) , ~:i1 ,- , , ~~ I-. -n.'- Co. eleot.rici'tY 1'58 1'5) 6!1.l10>'13 '''-0.4 LDDIr x.'..... Co. 0 .... I 2"5. '58)- I gr, 73 ss"j) ~ ~ (AlOlO ~ III.ftolk 1.-1 ~ 1403.... S~...,D>wfi.4 III.ftolk '.r1..a 1epl JIOtio. 62 to ,13-0 I J"S: ~ v .4 Itaf'to]k '.r1..a 1...B1 DOUoe 116 I ~ /' 10.4 Iatrolk '.r1..a 1epl JIOtice 19 ",., ~~ ~ ~ -:M ' . ~ I L.J:. tti1;blak - 0;6 I 9!. ~ fJ\ ~ ,m:..so.4 L.I. ~tt1tuU. Va - 1epl ~;? ~' I~"jf~. :.1. ~ .~ L.L - lli 1'70 ~~/ ,,~ 0.4 L.I. 'htn'elel'-llatt11uaJt Va - lepl 45 10 J ~ '/oY1~.. 1-.- .. ... {"I - .~ -- ~ c.:l.9'7 B}12O.4 B.Dla:l.e1 V1ntere DO't&!7 l'f'I.1 1 11 00 g,d,c:J<iY, .... .. Uq. _retari.&l MrYice 1,250 ~ (,(~ - /c:).tfl Al680.~ tic llata Proo r1J1 1M ITI d '1 O!() PAGE NO. .....5.......... //,:.~ . . warrim. ~ ........!I.............. .. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1l'o SUPER.VISO!!. TO PAY AUDITED BILIS mtAP. 83. LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IDGHWAY DEP!'. SEC. 120 'ro the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the lollowlng named persons, the amounta set down oppoolte their respective tiam.. out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... .E1tn............ .day of ....... .Apr.il........,..... , 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. ........ .......... Inc., now on file In my otllce. ;CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OP pIt OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM roo ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT G.R.t; 1>1"" D.' ,"" Oil I> ~1 ,n ~~i~+ 0":;0 ,v, ~. .CO 'g(' 117 1>1"" D.' ,"" ni 1 /I- ., ~. ~~+;-~ 001:; 00 /;{~ 48 r.n1nsmith & futhill '" 1111:; 1":; (po( 9 110 r.,,1f' nil _ TT <=I . '" 1<' T IR1? ~~lo' 117, 7,? / I 'i0. Mobil Oil C ation . '" (;>1hR ~~ll~"q) ":;oR 1" r;,V 5l. Mobil Oil COI'Doration "'asoline (8'i0 ",allons) 277, 70 > /o~.;l..if4 - 'i? Mnbil Oil Cornora+.ion lub.,..i ,~ 'i0 hl1 'U~I 'i"'i 1+ Tn". n~l" .,R., " " bOt? 'i4 <=1",,11 nil . '" M~" I1R ,,:; ",1 , R 1<:7 . I , c . j ~ 7.ss-,6 7 PAGE NO. ......1......... .t?4~~~_.~ OUE/.?I9I/ /3 '70'7.00- , W'~~ No. ........~............. To SuPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEFT. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dtrected to pay the fol1owlng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of SOuthold on the...... .8th............ . day of .....April.................. , 19,15 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on !lie In my office. :CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 'O~; 11VJ1!.C~.;,ff All Communications Inc radio reDairs & Darts l?e ,<=; ! '0 ,4- 64. Associates CaDi tal Services "a,nnen+' "'anin 1 ,~ line ?R , i '0 InS he; "'m, RinD'''' nn & r.n"'mi,,~l f'~__I~ l.ci",,,, _ l.~' "'"ni",ln ,,1, ?71 nn I '0 &L 66. Carl's Eauinment & SU""l.. Tn 1 ?1 ,e; ~O r: r::.7 ,., 1,'",1ni ",. '''01 V 1",,,,, "'iyo", 0"",,1 i "'''' I llf 00 &0,9 68. East End Supply Co. wiDer assemblv - FWD 71 85 , '0 ~~ 69. Island Ford Tractor Sales. Inc used Ford 4400 tractor ,.,ae 00 /;10 70. Kinney Chevrolet Olds Inc. reDair Darts - transmission 1 20 71. George L. Malvese & Co., Inc. repair parts - sweener q87 16 /4.)'7.37 ~1' 72 George L Malvese & Co. Tn". I ","'""oi,,, -~ - lilio ?1 frp 1~ 73. Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. shaft 6 ')1) {jJ 1~ 74 ; +, olr Ani-.n Tl'" 167 48 ~o '7" 71). Pace Auto Sho'D re"airs lq74 P 1 li'l he; &o7r 76. Seatronics-,- Inc. radio reDairs - installation ,n7 ?O ~o l' 77. Clem McKown tools <=;6 70 78. Truis Inc. reDair Dart" _ loTi ;n e;" OJ /lJ11 79. Truis. Inc. < reDair Darts - ill8 ,r i7A I 7t:'3.OL 80 Truis Inc - r::.1C : ?e; .1Q 81. ITrYac Truck & Equipment Co.Inc rotor mower oar 100 I /.< R?'. X'..:1 ;"" r 82. Tryac Truck & Equipment Co. Inc re'Dair 'Darts ?m R? ~o 19 83. c. P. Tuthill. Inc. re'Dair 'Darts - Huf'f qO c he; ~O go 84. H. E. Young Co., Inc. conmressor .c. 1--,f.),,3. .oj 'I PAGE NO. ....1........... &d~()I.Ilf::,-4 TOWN CLERiIt . 7 Wal1t.:t N&. .......... .it........... To SUPZR:VISOR, TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPr. . CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nam.. out 01 the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the T<>wn Board of 8outhold on the ............ 8tb. . . . . . . . day of ...... April........... ...... , 19,75 on Claims No. .................. to No. ........ .......... Inc., now on me In my otllce. :CK ~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OP II. OTHER NA.\m NATURE OF CLAn.( NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT IQ $' IMISC.# ^- -.. T",^ +',,",a '0'0 1'Ot; '7'0 ~O~ 7,. Cutcho=e Diner. Inc. meals '0 '0" ~~ 74 T ...""'" Island Traveler Inc legal notice - dioso1 f'"ol 11 : A... ~t$4 7'5. North Fork Varietv store Inc. shovels 7,h 7<; 76. New York Telenhone Co 76'5-"3140 services - "'/11>/7<; I :>A ()Q /.<0./0 '0 g~ 77, New York Telenh"ne 7'14_<;211 _ aa_", ~na _ ~ '" 'n~ "'0 m l.o ~~ 78 ~"f'f',,'k Tim"" ' o~a' "'n+4 nO _ "'. nnn' "'nn' " "" lo~1 7Q Ro"'er Tabor services - "n"w ~, "'7 "" II bog< 80. Xerox Cornoration meter usa"''' ""ni"" ,,,,, I"" ,~~ 81. Zep Manuf'acturiruz Co cleaner hornet SDrav 12'0 178 . 'oql 82. Estate of' MarY Zeneski easement Davment 20() I()O , 679. 77 ~9t.~. , 1....,....... . ,'_ 1 ' 6.........., PAGE NO. ................ ........... ..TOWN....... ..... ...7 ... .. . Warrant No. ......4................ To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT To the Supervisor of the Town 01 Southold: You are hereby authorized and cllrected to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective "- out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... .IHon.. .. .. .. .. . .. . of .. ..!':I':ri.1......., ........... , 19.?? on Claims No. .................. to No. ....... ........... Inc.. now on file In my of! ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED 64 3,),,37 101 A. Copy Inc. Office Expense 22. 15 . 65 .3:l.:3~ 10.;J.. Apex Office Supplies Office ExpCinse 48. 87 66 3').37 /oJ Bouton Services Inc. Operation Ferry 65. 24 67 3:210 /o.t/ Box Office Theatre 17. DO 68 13021/ 105 DeNoia Bros. Operation Ferry I 85. DO 69 3024.3.. /ot. Drawing Board Office Expenses , 4l. 98 70 3:113 107 F.I. Electric Corp. Office ~xpense 11.!"'~<"l>1 ~^^ .r Airport Expenses/I/.'Y~ IS 71 ~1"1 10(( Fishers Island Utilities Office Expense 45.04 95. 7 """"'-y &. ~(!. n~o~~"~~n c^ n., Airport .~ 79.50 72 3:l% /07 A. John Gada, Contracting 148. 8 '~n Cn , n .~ . 73 110 Gada Fuel & Service Operation Ferry 62. 7 74 3':;11. III ( Gada Fuel & Service Operation Ferry 69. 2 75 3.;JJj7 I/~ Walter Griffin Mail Haulage 200. 0 76 ~..;( 1/3 ~andrigan Corporation Operation of Ferry 3642. 8 ~ . . . -. . ~ 78 $.249 /IJ/ ~oward McAuliffe Opaeation of Ferry 138. 4 79 a{).~D ~iner & Alexander Lumber 8 IInPIA/ C7 _/?!{'PfJ/R.s 38. 0 , I/~ Gj:!ePatiDn 6~~ 80 3:J.Sl lit, ~tephen A. Morell Commissioner Fees 75. 0 ~ational Plumbing Supply RJf'P/1I/(S 81 3;J,S:2. //7 Qp-- .H..I, of Ferry 17. 3 82 B~S3 118' equot Inn Office Expense 5. 5 83 3~s4 119 oseph L. Raub Operation of Ferry 29. 2 84 3~S~ /~ hipman Fire Equip. Co. Operation of Ferry 230. 0 ~ 85 /~I ~ picer Fuel Company Operation of Ferry 984. 5 86 .:J:J.5't. /.2:1.. (Spicer Fuel Company Operation of Ferrv 314. 2 J 1 ~ (/ ..'. .. PAGE NO. ................ TOWN . ~.~Ol Q~ d-} ~I. . ....,. . . . Warrant No. ..................... ,. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 ISLAND To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: FISHERS XIXKEK FERRY DISTRICT You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective n: out 01 the accounts apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....................... ot ......................... ..... I 19.... on Claims No. ..... _ . . . . . . . . . . .. to No. .................. Inc., now on file in my 01 CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT NO. )11. OTHE!!. NA>\rE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED 87 /.23 rSullivan Printing Co. Operation of Ferry 189. 5'"): 'B ).~7 /~.</ ( I 88 Sullivan Printing Co. Office Supplies 39. 5 , I . 89 31Sa /~S Robert W. Tasker Legal Fees 300. 0 90 3~S'J /~t. Terminix Company Operation of Ferry 10. 0 ; 91 3;).60 /~7 Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs - Ferry I 73. 7 92 3;)..(,1 /~1 Yankee Airwavs Inc. Office Expense 65. 0 , ~"J.. /dlf , 93 z & S Contractinq Office Expense 15. 0 . 94 .:w,,3 /30 Alfred S. Bicknell Operation of Ferry 113076. 0 I , 95 3J..te4 /3/ Lawrence & Memorial Hosp. Insurance Claim 454. 0 77 j'.;?t.[ /-'?~ Drs. L~~-~ars~ll~rnm~r~~o If If 3d.dW 96 <1:1t.' /.3-3 Dr. ~ l~am . os n1 Insurance Claim -.... ---=- - - 97 !!~{,7 /.3A/ F.I. Ferry Di.trict Office Expense i 20 .M , ~ 1186. 0 . .3:< ~g /.:J..5 Agency and Trust Hospi taliza tion 87 76 ~ /3' t:L J.. ./J.;; r.-' ~ . idA>. ~;-/, ~~. , . r#~ w / f7 fJ 1/ (/ ,;" - ,.:1 !?- B,(.,'" , 2 .$~~{.... PAGE NO. ................ TOWN CLERa . #", ,j ~ 4 Warrant No. ........... . . . . . .. . . . .. To> SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~~r J1~g BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......... SUa.........day 8th j,pril 75 of ..........,.,...........,..... , 19,... on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on !!Ie In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pI!. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~3R' !u, 1_. fttl1tiY Co. IDo .tone't l1A'te 10<'..3 'i I.. ttI 't ,.......... _ ..... I.. I _ T. "- ~.~ """, ,^ , - I _ .~ A _ ~ ~ LL' - .... . I . _ ~ - ~ ..,,. --1_. 9.10 I ....... . - ,. 7:10 <I, god' 1...........,.- T__ T_'..... 1__,.... ~ ,.....+_ , !: ~. IT__ T.'....... e." H_+_ --.1 ' ~, IT__ T.' ... e." u-..... _ __ h ,u rY1 I r...... T_' -.. Co. ,.-.+. _ 1L.V p__I.... I 'j/ I 776(;'. t?'l PAGE NO. ...~....... /~~.~/ ." . .. Warrant No. ...!I................... . T!I Su......VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~_._-_.~ BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... 81:b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ......... ~.J,.. ..... ..... , 19,?'- on Claims No. ..............,... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otlloe. I<mECIt BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NA.."fE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I tip lb. Bart JIuodIIare a ~ c-te Do. paint - a1p - ,..,,"'\C 50 rrr D "3 165 '" 7-1'.7J1 S1a lb. Bart IIu'dIIIre " ~ Ccrter iDe. I81ao 1 t.. - aiD aboD 24 ~,J.o.f SiJID. lb. ., II . Ift-uata a lit.. C C). aiD _,,-hoC_ 2080 _2 .2M bN. IIattolk <:. mt ~ta 1DI. h10"1r. _18 128 I I .. I ,x,r73, ~ ~~ PAGE NO. ../. ........... . ..,' / /-:.. ......... .... ~ , TOWN . I " (""'",..,. Warrant No, .. .. .. . .. . 5.. .. .. .. .. . /~ To SIJPBIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ." .-> SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down oppoalte their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the .1Iiztb............... day of ...'... WaJ'.. .. , .. .. ... ..... , 1915 on Claims No. ........'......... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. ~Clt BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NA..'.fE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT <1. ~ \ .... r' _1 Co. ape 86 20 -'... \lI3dll~ "A 75 ~ ).)(..YJ- ~0 / 4 Meel Co. 1.... ./ ,<lAY 'i.lt. :IDa. _ -1....... . 1\ 88 t;'& 9 Jb36711" 'IBa _ IrA 19511\ .;{)) Jr,' ,.(7 () It" 1B8. tlY -. _ i 1\114 I <;7/ 16sdY.lt. -... __ _ I ..,180 )7:1.. /636" .It. ._-.. _ 21M' O~ " 1_.. :Baa. _ 12110 IJf.Jlj -- <7'/ IAVO ".a bar 1560 o {' laJlI :IDa. ~ _ 27.111 ~.12 63 29 ' ~7(, .It. ....._ fWo1 _ 98 1.8 ~ J j:J.;.J./ ~7} IO~IV 4 CaPI>. fWo1 _ ~ 0'5 t- <7f' HI1/l -" .... .... -..,... Ca, - 375 (j 9 h IIv n620 4 11IIut.... to .... dDoN 41 10 , /D:Jlt; VOlA ~JcI /iDll. u62o.4 :r.uoaat earu. of 1>> 00 t;'Y/ 1/~.1t7 '1620.4 'It""'''' of.l .>Ion later 8 00 "IK :L~.3 It .....'..4 .IMr:I.eaD...... c.t...l Co. ....nee Ai; .., 110 00 rfz, Ila~Jq lir. Iu ~ t'tMa hl1ee --...1.111 ..'a - lUe iDa. 1.~ 8' ~f1Lf I/a~z.o 61010.4 J_ __ Ia~,-A--T' Ai; .... of ~ 114 50 f(y)' 1..1,1./ 1151,0.4 IDIIrt IIIitd Co. ... 0CIM't. -. 5'yGt, fu620.4 IDIIrt IIIitd otftee h...... 1- OuAt....et 41125 <'f7 IOJ~IJ.1620.4 IDIe't IIIitd otftee h~. ..un-. 150 00. I q 7./" sf? 1d.3J.' .4 1lai;U1;wdr, Jarto lIaJ'te :IDa. - -'....... 20 ~ )'cfq O$':;''.It. .. ,,_ I 'IW+." .....n __ 'I!Iii. / ,~._L 4d1 ,b,~,1.3 ~- . , ~ I . ? . 1> ..Warrant No. ....................... To SUP~nso.. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK _ BILlS . AI. .-. OBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervllor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta ~ed, ~ the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the .....6tb..............day of ..... _.. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... . 19.15 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. IDe., now on me In my otllce. CHECK: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT S9() jd.3,J.J Al"""~ ..".. to ''7 . ~ !Jql ~ J. Jr. 1IIL '-_ t:a ." _ ."'- )C.7J )9 V tb>"J" - ~ :1..:&0. .. _ - it; "" .('93 .. &, II .. '... _ _.a. _,. ..... _ I~T 'f7.6'U .,qll .. &. · - '.... _ - .a. _a'. I H NIo "r( 16];)2.. .._,_ .... .: _ )'9(, 163)4 .. .: _ '197 '6~30 .. - ~ _ ~qf I.,...,..... _.... ..... Cft. _ .. Do. 1_ . ~(J )'57 III. 'rJ 'J97 /6 I.",..... 1_.... ..0....- CB. 1_ _ _ ~(fl) 1._- ~ Ion..' - n, ,... r. (/ 03'5''' 6/"'" !o(jl ' ~ Ion.. . - ---- _ __ _...It.ft, 1_ - in (jJ li!~ni-.. ~ .. -~, .... _ ...... I'llA l, oj I n';\1 V lnuo.~ - ......1: _ _ 1_ (80'/ ,.2<,.~ u. ---..-- n I.... {,()( /J2.3C-.so10., l1li11.1:4.. l., .... 1_ &(J~ Jo~3- .,..... LIar, _ be 1.It..It. ~O) '6~~~-..1111 Code a1A........ IC. !_ f. iff /6'33" 1."'0._ 1_, r- ___ !!ft. ,-_.~ .... I_ I b (J f '03\1U ~._ I.~. PI'iDt.UIC 1IeIrr1.. lM. _ II1dII n.M. .". 125 (, 1 0 1Bo10. - I'ae laft'o1It 'l'1-. _'7 1"iS . /1 1 ( 1113 ill .- ~ 8trttolk 'f1-. ,~' - 1'7 U ?A q 3{ & 1 ~ I ._ "'- Iat folk 'l'1-. _ .. 102 '!O b I,) ~ _ !be llaft'o1It 'l'1-. - - .-z I..... J P-~..."........... ~~7' . . . , , ... ,Warrant No. ....................... To Stljo.l!2oVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta apecllled, belDl the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .1JI~...............day of ..~............ ..... ..... ,1~. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT tl<{ I 62V1, .4 ~ Ma.I':UIe IDo. 1;0 1ItIa1.1' 1M ~ 1"/(,, tfnl20 4 But DId tel' Co. IIIo. Duel' UI4 tl\l14 81 ~. IV/.J/~ (,,/7 /fJJIY ~. 4 !Ian IInd tel' Co. IIIo . I IIQ 110 (.,,; . .." ~, 6o..)Iay 10", ~ 1\ AIL Do .!J ql. If t,JQ ,o~'f" . .." IlIa 6. ..... ~.,R ! ",., is b-z,() II. 1'Iut I :P:P !In .... h~1 /03,/1111 .... 1'Iut . I!A k pS.~1 &2-I.- ..... ~. ... - 1n-.1 62-3 111\3cf, 4 'a 10 fn &1,>/ ~..4 llatt1tuo11: Auto PartI IIIo. puote :525 ~ - 3fU7 (,J,'I II f;3Vf( ~4 llat.titwak Alato PartI IDo. puote - doI1IU4ea tNok )1 , idJ. ~ Al22O.4 llatt1twak Alato PartI IDo. puote - 1uiPe1". oU' 1 ~~ (^ J- 7 I III Wq 8)120.4 IIa:IIim Paper Co. ___11.. 60 ~ {;J..f{ toHV .4 J.L. _" Co. 1Vppli.. 25 18 , )() &)1 1\\ (f 8)120.4 I4'DM ~ _Van ..rvio. 10 ~3(J ilh.H' .4 ..-.....s '. Servio. staUaD oU 1 10 (p 3J .4 l1IIplex 'l'1IIIe JIaoOl'de Co. 1III'Y10' ., _ 1'10 57 50 17'1'&:; (,,5v 103\3 .4 lillplex 'l'1IIIe JIaoOl'de Co. npp11.. 117 4 /,,3s In .4 IIDbU on Col'P. oU 131 50 ~ 3'( 1/11\ ,,\ .4 x..u LoprwaU I w1Jll papS' 29 ~ ~ ~ (;3S 1/16 (( 1131,0.4 Ioa-.n'. 8aJ.1Io1' IDa. ~)p~" JOO &Z~ '., .4 Lul1. JldeJaan IIIo. boota S, i5 1 ?Jf.4{ (g37 10" , .4 liPta ill 10 Laali. JldeJaan IDo. !J~Y ... IIaD't. CliDtoD CoI'Notiaaal ..d1l1W - J1Y!. 1J4 ~'5 Jo3{JI~Ui'tY PAGE NO. ....,.......... ~~r.~ . . . , ~ .rWarrant No. ....................... To SOPElWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 ~ ",. To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta apeclflecl, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the . e:1Jdb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..._........ '.. ..... ..... ,1975 on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT !. ~ q 143 "''''.\ - IbJod ]Do. 1~ 'U , t.}.f 0 143 f.n 1R'I'.tft.\ C-t.... IIaIII'1GJIee Co. tGwlll .-n an (,'11 },,\},I IR'IWI\ ..,u IIIo. 1-. ~ !IK & '12.- ......... \ 3. 3. IIu't, r... i '7ftn Inn. ,~ \ (, V3 .,ey.'" ........ k 3. J. ...... TBA. : AL'II I,.. 777-1'/ /. '(If I..,,,,,, k 3. 3. ...... '11M. A I ..... I nil. (. V:: J6.1{.? I..,.."., k .6, ,............, ,AIL I..... f.; <f ~ 1631.'1'......... k -............ .,... I All: ' {. If7 1n~C;,!"""'" \ 1.- Ca. 1II1II. A '11 nn (n <it 03 C;I,,'-M \.. _ .- 1.. '7n l V9 11I;~7.'!O.\ I8laVola1- 'IBa. .. _... ""'^ 1 tift , , (;, sl) 'n~ c;X' "''''''.\ Ted'. A.wto IIndIr _. ~ !1ft (,)'1 InJ'q......... \ .... Dnk . .IP YDa, ~ I.... I t )L. .\ 1Ia~1:aIk SItim. _ . Sh '" O~}' I ,IO.7f t rs I -eel Ilatti1:alk ..... _ .-... '97.0;8. ~,/Q QO" ~ bSY lo~71 .\ 14'"- :DiIdwV1- ...-.., '11'7 t;n (. ((f- /01 .4 ..11_ *10.. ]Do. .. - Bldc iDIp. CI&J' 6 90 !.5~ liAl"o.\ ~ . N.....4_ 1\ ! 15 \ ).{'f.o 1 /g<)) 'b')1'.51a1\1O.\ MDCUM 17 06 I.. o(f .\ '. - II1dc ~. 1'7 88 &)9,': .\ I..1. 'lnmt1.....". .....-~ - :bl. 1111&1 16 U (p ~ d : ,~\ \1_ .\ 10.1. ~". "6<:" JDI. lepl __ r7 /1(,.s( & &1 ' '~10.\ ...1. ~~". ..t..L . :bill. lepl '" 88 0t ~ ~1O.\ I..1. 'lnmtl.....". ......~ - :b". loe&ll.- 96 25 P'~ENO \ A~~".";.~/ ~ .............. ~~~ , - '" IWarrant No. .......~.............. I To BtIPI:IIIVI8Oa TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS "~J, IWl CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are lmeby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite ~respectlve nam.. out of the accounta apectfted, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... . ..............day of ...,...........,....... ..... , 111'15. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. AMOUNT DATE OF NO. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ALLOWED PAYMENT /1'/1- z-. - poll.. 15- I - /0/7.61{ U...-c'li M - .... fJoiM of- - -. 111- JIr1ee ctftd1~ _ to__ ..- - JIr1ee - . 11- JIr1ee ctftd11: aD aud11: 11,- - JIr1ee 13(J],b1 - - T Co. "" fOU - JIo11ee - .Apr1l . - 1At&' c.. 765-197. - r.uc. - A,dl . - lff I.-. T.'.... Co. . ~r I.-. T.'~ L'I.IIrt1Dc Co. ~.19 ed. T.'.... Co. I'1Itbere T.'_ Vt1l1 !'~IC 1f(). .. ..~........... ~wAfil-~/ , . . - . . jWartant No. ......J............... To SCPEIIiVISO!!. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD c a, ... SEC. 120 To the SUparvll!or of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following llamed persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the acoounta apecWed, being the amounta allowed by au~ of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....................... day of ... ..~....".,............. , 19'$. on Claims No. ..... ..~"....... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otlloe. \" CHECK BUDGET \0\ NATURE OF CLAIM AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NO. ACCOUNT ",l" ALLOWED PAYMENT 1..'11./ lA'J.f.1 ".ri. Yaaa. .&.1rw.,...IDO. -~~~t'~tSO.Appaa1. .32. !)O ,.. Aft (, If;" I' Varia YanDa .&.irw.,...Iao. ~, 6S..00.~_1a& .32. ~ ~ SO tit ro~~r B3130. W.abi.OD Vbi 'a'. SoIuI '~it.f '0 aoClllf, \, ~ 31 (.en Jo3g1 .&.6160. P.ul BarD. Diapo.... .... '\\~, 1,51 0,5 \ \ I,'. I. qy NJ91 B312O. 'lw1D .0* Penoa. Co..Ine. Bin&a-poU.. t~\ 1 ~ so ,I, ": : !.Y4 /0391 .&.1620. lIft'bold Pul 011 Co. ...tins (B1&bVat, ~!lea) 112 20 I "A3S1O. 111.-.,. DeP'. "paiR-:DoaW.I'4_ hhiolit 6 S1 7trV " \ '~\: 70/ 111I3'~ .&.8160. Hi.-.,. Dep\. RepaiR .. JAbot" DI.poial 26.3 43 ' , ff/ '7/Jv ~,o.4 ScNtbol4 '1'011'1 1It1t-,. ~. to pollo. boat 1.... "7(}?' .,uo.4 ~ld .... lit.. I Dept.. I'e)1Ja1N " --i. poll.. _ 577 ~ "7IlY .a8J.6o.4 ! IINtIaold '1'011'1 1ft F J Dept. repa1n 1;0 pqlollcloltr 967 86 ,,- IOH1 BJ6Zo.4 llatoti... AlIta JIuotIJ IDe. filter - Blda. Dept.. , 00 } (}) '7(}~ .4 ~ J. IIIIp i~t.ioDII at Pebbl. IIeaoh J60 00 "7 (J 7 lo:!J~'1 ~ .4 ~ J. .... i~t.ioDII 180 00 JO'J,q{ 1- , 7di' [.uno. 4 Col.--ta tH_ . Ca11IaD Mtc. 4 10. ~~. 9 78 '7(}Cj 1/03 ?(, ~o.4 AcM _ ~ 1en1_ IDo. - IIldIr Dep1;. 28 05 '?IO 1/0317 &.1620.4 Pleet r_-.. IDe. IIIIibe1' euppli68 - 1IIi8O. 82 95 '7// /oJW T.' --.... !'Ne Co. ~ ...1 450 00 ! 7/'1- 1/11 a ,.........., ...., .....- 1_<> .... ',. ,"', ~ , 713 I/O 11/j)D It. In.. _ 1....- r;I; Inn "7 I 'I lOtiO' _ 11.05, polio. 12.70 ". !- 1....,.._- - ... ~ / d'la 'A. .u_ ""', '0. _ - - ~ ?n an+... "., II&. IO'/<J3 It. . 1".-.. "- I.' '110 an 7/7 jOlf41.f B3U0.4 ~'. "Wl~.. 69 20 I 6 ~4~~~~ PA1JE NO. ....... ....... '. . TO CLmRIB: ) Wanont..,1'ro. .........5............ ;~.-y,. .po To Sm>ElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS cm.U>. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Highway Bills EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of South01d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followiDJ lIamed persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... ..9:t;J;l............day of ......... ..~y: . .. ' .. .. .. .. ... , 19.75 Oil ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc. now on me In my otllce, ",''!Eel![ BUDGET AMOUNT DA.TE OF ,..I-. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ,.,... ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I.h.t :i.H.ff~_ t/JJJft hl A,",,~v Petroleum Coro, diesel fuel 1'50! 41 d8/,;"9 , ' , h? A,",,~v I Qnm ('^"'" '" ~ ~, f'nQl Ani AA ~q.r h-" AT",.. "M" ;~la 1.476100 f,t q' 64. Blue RidJze Oil & Chemical Corp white traffic naint 6'16 00 I" 11 1'i'5 roc,,; +nl Hi"hwav Materia.ls Inc "10 cones I q~ 100 10:> % 66. Enroire Municipal Supply Corp. curb inlets ,,180 00 i,) q1 67. Fleet Lumber Inc. lumber 20 9, 68. Mobil Oil Co "asoline (1960 "als) 6'50 72 '1?'l."/'I ~(61J 69. Mobil Oil Co "asoline (960 "als.) ,1872 L/o~ 70. Rason Asphalt Inc. cold patch 280 00 L/o1l 71. Shell Oil Company gasoline (38.8 gals.) 15 10 I.IJ$ 72. Soneco Service. Inc. cold natch - F. I. 25134 I < r 1 ,;' 9~ 'I /0 PAGE NO. ......1......... -&d~9f..Ji~4-.. /3 /67 d'.;;'" (J-e'4'-2A-"c. / ;> war.-N.'!. .........5............. To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS miAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Highway Bills SEC. 120 To the superv1sor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followlnS named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... .6th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of .........Ma.y...........,..... ,19.75. on ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on fne In my otllce. ..iECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OJ!' I~n PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM N,.. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT foto/1 MA~.:.tt Aaann; "+.<>n CaDi tal Services C'I'D _ Davment radio leases 409 28 (~/~ on I ('an; +nl u; . al a Tn... _ " '''~';~Q "i70 ::>0 / ~~ IO~ Q1 T);...Jr'" ". flaD and labor - F. 1. 16 40 ' ~lo1 ,,') T~... ~Q~a; ~ _ u"...... an 1 ~f'I ha r ~/of q,. H. 0 Penn Mach. Co. Inc. screens - Koleman I 94 4 / .J I fi f'lJr ",; ~+n~ A Tn... ...,,++; n~ n; 1 '7 J,n {,,/lO Qo; TLR. F.1, ,+, nics Service reDairs to radio's 128,0 Qh n M"lvese & Co Inc reDair =rts - sweeDer 22,' '14 0I.8/,;;J,g- , lit , I, q7. Georl<e Malvese & Co. Inc. valve - sweeper '>7174 ~ II' QR M"t;ti tu"k Auto Parts Inc reDair =rts 4,,1 q2 99. Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. caster assembly 472 00 . IJI~ 100. Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. repair parts - chipper l06lq'i ( (,3~.76- l 101 Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. repair Darts '17 80 -~ 102. Mutual Steel Company refills - sweeDer 208 ,8 I. lit 10,. Mullen Motors.' Inc. Used lqn Am. Hornet ltunabout 1 8q'i 00 ~ I' 104. Hiverhead Auto Parts Inc. repair parts 47 66 /" I r 105. Hi verhead Brake Ser1i'ice repair parts 95 42 . In iI~ 106. Seatronics Inc. radio installation & repro Dart 167 1'1 ~ 1.1 J.q 107. '" Tn... ~<>...nnn; +; nn; n~ h<>an , "'" f'If'I LI:J.O loR. C 'P. . 11 Tn... ~"na;~ n ~+. _ H'WT'I '7 ,'" I_LIJ,~ 10Q. 'l't.rin "';~" . .~ ('r _ , " ,,"+ .n f'I(\ 110 ""n TnT...Jr F,. Tnt'. '.""~Q' Q 21'1 82 I'l.t:j. 111. Van Dvck & Yousik Inc +.;~"" _ M' 1 110 04 "I{,O, I&' 1 112. Ivan Dvck & Yousik Inc +.; ~"" 184, ,2 / ~t 113. Wagner Electric Motor Repairs - recondition motorc 2040 , >>/ c.sy.s; ,,0 PAGE NO. .......1........ 4d~Q!'~--f Warr."t NO: ...:.... 5.............. 11 .',<< COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To cPERVrsoR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD CHAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, Highway Bills SEC. 120 To the supervtaor of the Town of Southold: You are heleby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified. being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ........ .Ma;\[..... ...... ..... , 19..7.50n ClaIms No. .. ................ to No. .................. Inc, now on file In my o1f1ce. ECS: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF :>11. 0'I'HE!t NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ;0. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT .. ~ 1111. MISCA<< ,,^nn TTn;.!'n""" Qn~~'" r!n ''''rv'i,''''" - March 10;> ...7 ~/~ An ., Tf< . ., a In, - Ls - ~,). or) 'Ph" r!nf'f"" 'Pnt meals 16 <;0 -~ I _I~' j 0' "'~a'" ".,.,'" n~~.' ,,, .... - - la+,n~ 70 00 ~ 00 U~~... R. T~n _ m; "" H,"m" I an Aa Iv' a~ ~~.' , ,r: 10130 n', ,,- Vn~" 7...4_0:;;>11 _ "",..,d """ _ " /I, 'n~ ',;>0 0:;0 - I~IJ~ 01; "".. T "nO' ~-, .~ I~~ Tn" , ~"a' _ """n 107;> ~,~ 10 40:; M~IJ at:: 11r leJlal - used lq72 11 00 b'.ai Q7. Xerox Corporation meter usa~e copies 135 00 - - -, _. , -- - (,33 (TO .... PAGE NO. .....1.......... ~~~~~ " r ... I , .$' Warrant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS 17 I. .1 CBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOL~ . ~., SEC. 120 L/I~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite th~ respective nam " out 01 the accounts apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the...... ~.-:-:.............d of ..........~t!.y.. ..... ..... , ~ on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my off!' DHECK BUDGET AMOUNT NO. ROTHER NA..'\1E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED 99 W.fI I';;;'?" - Copy Inc. Office Expense 29 66 100 q~~~ /10 ~larm Security Protection Operation of Ferry 57 00 101 B~f3 Iii Allen Kernan McKown Inc. Insurance 213 00 102 3;;.%-/ IJ/,J. f\pex Office Supply CO. Office Expense 23 05 103 3:if'.> />/.3 The Day Publishing CO. Operation of Ferry ! 30 24 104 3~:?i. /,/,0/ William Faulkner Airport I 168 00 , 105 :,:J..S'7 /15 Fishers Island Ferry Dist. Office Expense 20 00 106 131K,f pit.. slobe Ticket Co. Operation of Ferry 48 52 107 J~K1 1,0/7 ~alter F. Griffin Mail Haulage 200 00 108 IP.Q? plfi ( Nal ter F. Griffin Office Expense 30 00 J ", Ei:1Cf'Y r, :J,09 ;J',;?,9fJ /-10/ J;rinold Auto Parts Inc. Repairs to " 1. 23 ~. ~. ~ Repairs to Ferry 30.61 110 :;;).'1' 1.:50 :;ruskin Hardware Co. Repairs to DL~1:lcturcsl:!lb(,S. 18 82 III ~7~ IS I I~abbour Electronic Supplie Repairs to Ferry 31 10 112 ~73 IS~ ~ike Kotowski Operation of Ferry 455 00 113 3~94 /53 at. Plumbing Supply Co. Repairs to Ferry 39 11 114 .1::1.95 /5,0/ rs. Jack Norton Office Expense , 45 00 115 3~9l IS~ rays ,Inc. Repairs to Ferry 41 79 116 5:)97 IS t. uickservice Elect. Supply Repairs to Ferry 6 30 117 3.:<9% 1[;7 oseph L. Raub Operation Ferry 6 00 118 ~~99 /58 . Solomon Inc. Operation of Ferry 25 74 119 33"" IS' ppicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation of Ferry 2726 54 . .'... 120 I~c ( he Suffolk Times Operation of Ferry 24 07 121 310/ 1(,,1 he Suffolk Times Operation of Ferry 11 45- PAGE NO. ..~............. ~4;~K'" . ~ vY 4~qo JJ "II tV l'b . . . . Warrant No. .........4........... To ~A.~R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD oY~JkJ-- , SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and dIrected to pay the following named persons. the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhoJd on the ........................ dsy of ...................'..... _ . . . " , 19.... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on We In my office. :rECK BUDGET , AMOUNT DATE OF DR OTHER NA,,',[E NATURE OF CLAIM 'ro. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 3""- 1(,,>- ~ullivan Printing Co. Inc Office Expense 75 60 13"~ 1~3 ~erminix International Operation of Fery 10 00 iool/ 1(,"; ~nited Electric Company Operation Ferry 12 54 '305 IbJ fishers Island utility Co. Office Expense 8.81 "Q "7 Operation Ferry 19.46 I 'Jo' 1(,' ~lfred S. ~icknell Operation Ferry 13958 00 18366 64 3307 1t.7 Agencv and Trust Hospitalization 81 1(, - It 1 '1$ 7() - - - - - - - , - - 'l' , , - - , 2 of 2 PAGE NO. ...............- . i " I .. ...."....".. , .. Warrant No. . .. . . . . . .. 5. . . . . .. . . . . I I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I To SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILIB ~t. hA.._ -_ CHAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... 6~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...'.. ..~, .. . .. . .. ... ..... , 19.. "'on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. pmCK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J.. :27 Doc Pd .... J.-fJPt ,......... Co. IDe. 1U111ber ~ 90 I Doc Pd PJ...ot IMIIMr IDe. lUlllber 1 00 n d)' I> Iflf'''' Sip 81 . PJ...'t T.~l" IDe. 1U111ber 7 68 :n.9 S1&D St!. IM-..-o'ta JiUII"'" . 1If'Ir. Co. _teri&1.a - aiD. abIm i 1.6Q1I 00 T .", IIIJ./~ 8iD 81 . JIIrt IIiu'dIIIue " ....". CcteJ IDe. _teriala I 'If J!Ju I Sip,SI . JIIrt ....... " ....". eea-.....l IDe. _ter1al I 'VI ,,'1. I ?~ ~to1 Tft~ llater1ala 1Do ~,.-. tor liP abop 11';; ~ I'iW j U 1"iD. tel llater:I.aJA IDe -.,.........tor ~ ~~l. Jd:Dd 1.. IB4. ::: ebop : ~6~77 AIn 16 .. Q4~ ~33 Police "'1; aut_ Co. 111&11'_ tor _ oo11c. 00 J3Y Doc Pd. I11III'7 J. 8Id. th " 8GI1 1Do. _tv 1~ tor doc POUDd 114 67 d3\ Dog Pd. SIInolk c-t Produicte 1Do. _10 - doc poUDd ,1S 50 ~~<o Dog. Pd 8cNtho1cl 'tIM1 R1~ Dep't. labor -doC poUDd ", 71 , 1~37 Doc. Pd as..rd J. Bqe aupery1uon at tOlllJdat1on 180 00 9-3~ Sian Sh Paul BurDa, Electrical Cant. electrical woK - Hop 165 ~ , ~q Ilk ...1 - - . I . . . - \b~-"""J'7 I .'4.~~ PAClE NO. ....... ,.. ..,... CLmRIB: ~ , ~ 5- . ."4( ,Warrant No. .... .................. To 8UPE11iVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~R~~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecllled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ......._....,.. ..... ..... ,1975. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~-6- ..t4/ ,~. ........ .... T.'.- VUUtJ' Co. .II.Nt ~ .y" J4~ 4 1"._ of .11.-" '5l7 1'5 ~7 .:244 y. t_. .. Co. ,......- 6.989 62 , i I i I , I I I I I '/.:.7f(:1, 0 d" I ..~~ PAGE NO. ..........' ..... .. .... . . . ,.11 '. . ". 'M\rrant No. .....~................. , to SIIPEIIiVISOa TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta apeclllee!, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .;J,~................ day of ....."-........ ..... .....,19,75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 72.1 .~ III1t 011 Co. '--,*,,~ 148 78 I If 1117 I 72 J A",,"O.~ .~-- JI1ftor1oel 8ooie1ir II a -~ !!aU - TcMi o;nn 00 7,;23; JOI.I J d a_,.. ~ J. Ball - 10"76 eel__t1ou 10;6 Q 7).'1 ..-.- ~ J. ..." ILIL an~ 7c2. ( /OVI/ ... 3. .11 ... lQ'1f;l I Q'II 118 /JfI,JY ,2-(, //}/fl ( .10 l".- -+. ,- M 7:2- ) 6'112. ... ... , ..- An 7;-/1 /d41f1 ~ _. ~ te e.. ... ...'1:1: _ .. ~. JIn M 7;1'1 14 If I( [-eel l- oll ..........- _H_ - '"'It ba". 6.1iC1 'Ii> JU '2~O .~ --- .... Co. 14___ 116 81'1 73/ 10'1'11 .~ ~ ... -,,,. Co. 14_ _ ... " qj, / 16d.1~ 737/ A71ao.~ --- ... Co. IlIa. 61 I~ - 73.3 II Iff] B802o.~ ' T .... .. !'wtb1U ftY1ft of ,... an 1M 7.Jr; O'flk- B}12O.~ CIIaJol.. _.-~1att 1III1r- .., 120 W- I....,""'.~ --.', ~ .l J.M"t '] 2,f::~ /d'fH Al~lO.~ Bou-.&!.'. Dept;. 81ioN Ia&UIe 1\ 10<; 7{ .g, 1611J 0 lu620.4 ~1'CI U- lerY10e t~. Q 172 ??? 1011;21 lullO.4 P1ehe1'll IelaDd VUl1t.Y Co. IlIa - .m.u.. '" l,r,o 13 ;) '6'/ J-" iI1620.~ JIICu'rill 1'1 oil _4- " I""" J3 1d't2J UllO._ Irorth JbI4t 8toN IlIa. 1Q 19; IT - '7 tll) 1/0 ~ 1-'( WlO._ Col...atU IH_ of: Ce.ft all. lit.. ( ~ rihboo>e 9 178 7'fL 10 'f:J \ .~ ~ IlIa. r.1r obu-ter 65 00 7fJ. ,_..~ - P11:DeJ' .... ~ 112 00 10 '1M. . '7~ l/d'lJ" W>1O.4 Code "'1'1--' Corp. -.ppl-- 65 ~, ~---~~ 1 . ........ ..'::/..:.., ...... ..~ !'J\(1IC!I(). .. .............. TOWN CLmRIB: ." . . . - '":. .arrant No. ...6.................. .., 'to SUPEIWI8OR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ... BIWI BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. lotb out of the accounta apecl!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of .....JIq<"....... .....,.....,18.71:) on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. ....."........... Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT PATE OF NO. PR. OTHER NA.'.m NATURE OF CLAIM . NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 7Ylt laY;) r.,,,I\!1 ! Taw T _ ~ ~. ..., (I(IJ17 ",_~! A", An" - .. -r- ..~ .cL . 1/ l\lllter - di ~, aNa 28.44 7 r~ k. ........ T~ ..... " .... .." ^" ! i '71;7 I rf#:~iJ ........ .. "'" ~_..., ^" " .... , ! 7'1 Ji' II.......... .II. .,., ......... I ~ _ 7VQ IH)'f3{ ,- ~ 1_ _~_.. <N,_ ~ ., '1 \1) I 11\ \(f V ~ ... ~ __ _ .. _ -, ') ;/ ,- 10 T .. G. ..... " "^ HJj: I') (2.- lIS 1..",_ 10 .. ......... ... " "^ 7(] 6'f,}-f1 .n.'. 10. ,0.,_ ....._ ...., .. ... r:LY> _ , -- 7.5"V """",_10. I,..'.......' ('0, ...,. ,101"" '7 {( 16~"'lMIL I/1nH' rrtl "^ _ .. .,. L- A ;.!A9010.8 Part tGIID 2~ 979.00 0\ C, 16'1&) ~'A.A 1_ ...., __ kn';.;A'"" .,.10. 'C'7 "" ,'-- ~)7 ,(j'f3( ... A INY'R.....'... , ...~ .- "" 1o..Jo - "A ....~_ ,.,(y IL ....... ~... _.... _~~ _" .__ 1(9 10'+37 .4 ;.'" ....... Is .. f"4'" ,.",10 ^^ ~ . 1')(. (j I/oifJft l"l'>.10.4 Rl.lItor1cal Sod.toY Tin... ba11' <;00 100 ;, (, ! Jean B. Tiedll:e to!' 151 140 7 & 'l.> Ilatf~1 ~ean H. Tiedlte ~np 14"1 180 "7G3 ~ean H. '1'1edke ~DP 127 IQO '7 Gcf ~ean H. 'l'1edke ~or 168 18'5 / ')& ) 'AIJllb 1.1620.4 ftMe1'e IelaDd. ,.- Co. - ~. _.... 8 61 '?&~ U,620.4 Sa!'t ~ "Qudc T.... ..._ 'i_ "1"1 &; '7!JJ 7 Ib'ft ~7180.4 k.rt & TL ~ftP __ 4 no; f " PAGE NO. ........L.... ~ii~ . . ., , . ~arrant No. ....6................. . 'to SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~,~... ~ BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecllled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... 1O:tb. . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .~...,,,................, 1915. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. !CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1f.f '"- 98 Bo- I II.nao.- Pl..~ T.-.. :.tac. _teri.ala - beachea 1&9 /oL{fJ JirnPn._ Pl..t T'-;u. IDe. 1-'-. rr 50 Id-~I/O "- - '77d u,62o._ 1'Dt.d_"i~l ..:I..... Mach1De. c..-. tar -.ua-....... 247 M . ~ "../ 'I> 17/ j6lf'f'f 1 I d-J "'" '" nllo.4 1'DterIIiati.-l ...~ IIIohinee CmoD. ~. 8 ~'5 '772- I/M/~( 4 Oil Cred.1 't CorD. -- <-1' i 4 i'I'7 : 1n I/rlul.<( II. ..- ft~ _in eMl. I 116 bo '77V 'D ~ 3. -.... " 8mIa Inc "'1__ .... ~l. '77) l(j 620.4 _1 IIIIID8 e1eo'tr1cllU - 711 1n '77~ I lOW?, .a16o.4 L. Oil Co. :.tac . di-.l tue1 "'10 ~,. 177 I f()~5lJJlh60.4 h't'roJ..- CorP. dieeel tuel - di SZ'M no r,.. J7l: I~ y({ asl60.4 .....r1.. IDe. IIeed 210 bo 77r; 14 Iff), ~620._ L ten Corp. l:lJlbt. 1~ n jk'n I /6~(3, U6z0.4 ~ IfaDat'ae Co. -1:1... 28 174 7}/ " 1110._ 1... .u. '. Serv:1.ce Center b1adee 1"1 M IffI~'" ?KV . m-( 116z0. _ 1:. P. Va Daser .. Servioe Iac -- MaD ,,"112 7fJ lOu/I. 11910.4 Price Acme,. ~. aD. 0&1'1 1::>Ci. M 1fY ~ied I.oB& talawwi L1Ch1oinc Co. otti_ 4T7.68. .t.~ 18.10 4Qo; Irs Iff( (}tSJ, 4.~? m 25 ~ K5. 73 I...-ied IDnc Ielalld Licht.iDc Co. attic.. 25'3.78. 8'tNete 119.34 7f~ ( iYar1ed Li:IIIs Ielad L1cb'tiIIC Co. nreet l1&ht~ 12 70_ 1t7IM(J (1620.4 Ro'tbmID'. Dept. Store repair air cond1t1_ 21 DO , 4'~5.4 18 - IJfJt 8u1'tolk. T:f,mea bid I'Iq\aM't - aa. 12 ~~1 .u<q .4. I Sun'oUt 'l':Ulle' - 'l'UW1 1A ~g In {j 1JjJ.010.4 8u1'tolk. T1me. 1epl - ~ Board. 79.1. I' .4 1........O.lJt T1JIIe. - 'ro.1 ~ zo l ~10. 4 Suffolk. T:f,mea Bd: App-1" - 1epl 65 I , ~~4_ P~E NO. ..... '.......... . , '.' 'Warrant No. ......~............... , , To SUPEIIiVlSOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 0eDeral PIIa4 B1ll. BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... ).Q'f;h.. . . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ...1_. ,...... ..... ..... , 18.75 on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. jcm;CB: p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAlllE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT '7q:? I '/Va A7180.11 Vi1.1ace o~ Ore~ taxes - l.......hi"C &rea 5 t2 741./ l/Aul II Al22o.11 )iJCabe' . 1Npp11.. - 8UPI1'ri801' 2 58 I'}tj{ I /Jllt/. ~ B.5l2O. II Lttt.cm IDduB'tr1.. Credit Corp. 1'8I1't&1 - copier Y1 150 . -?q~ '& U/.:jI .u420.11 Miller & ~t lop! tees 1'1'5 00 '197 ./a .4 Mat'ti'tuak Au1;o hrt8 IDo. re:pa1re I 20 70 ")ti~ II (JVl..1II varied AI! Printiwr 8erY1c.. !Dc. 16.8'>. 16.85 I 'A 70 n 1JtK''f1 :<.3.!f .- ~. ...... -- L ~ rv;. -II.. . or ktrIJ 1/t1.,eI.~ Al '9;5.4 Edwin P. PicJd.e_ 1unchecm 6 00 xdl . An Al~.4 Melville Kelley Jr. 1UDCheon 6 00 ell v- I 1/0'-1(,9 Al:555.4 ~ w. Pbx luncheon 6 00 x63 1/0'17 Q .u62o. II Robert Mt;pietro carage rent 0;0 00 ~IJ'I / u'f 71 Al62o.11 /Southold Hardw.re IDo. repair. 2 110 gO'; I/dY7l. Al62o.4 Paul !!umB, Elect. Cont. outl.t ''to I~ ~d (, AlllO.4 I 1'!O IIOI,<J~ Martin Suter .Aaa'n of TOWIll 00 ~d1 ! IOIf7~ ~.4 Scuthold '1'oW1 ~ Dept. PI - bldC dept. 47 41 ~'uf IDYll .4 I J.,awrence M. 'l'\rth1 11 ~IIC ,70 .DO r1 . .L. ...U. .I.G ~~-? 59,(,0 JO l/o\.f'7~ varied Lone IBlani Li&:htillg Co. tra1"f'ic 58.51, ottice 88.58 147 xII - .4 Xarox Corp. auppl1.. 107 110- ( i'n ( ~620.4 :r.m: Co1"p. -.fth-t... 1Dat.al1a't1ca 1'7"1 Ic;n 'J,q1.~~ f/J \,,"\\l~1O.4 Xerox Corp. IIVPPli.. 28 Ic;n ~N Ii .11 14 l Xerox Corp. auppli.. 88 f(/{ I 7180.4 Bart ~ A 0vdeIa c.ater ] Je. 11 06' ~/(, ,,,I.()g 7180. II Ifart ~ " ~ c.o'ter I 10. 12 48( 3t)'/ 'I XI? ~62o. 4 BaI"'t ~ A lIDo 6 16n , 4 ~~~ PAGE NO. ................ , , , - . .Warrant No. ......6............... . To SUPEIIiVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~.&r.1UIJ! CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutb01d: You are hareby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta &peelllee!, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .1~...............day of ...........~.. ...........,1975. on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF Ng. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM , NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT KIf - variad Greenport T ........r Co. 1Da. cMIp 49.63. beachaa 1~.98 173 61 litH', XIY /~'ffj) A816o.4 Robert L. Berpn Oil Co. IDa. cIi_1 hoel 1~ 21 ,f,lo 1/1J~f(1 A816o.4 'rr!rac 'huck 01: '" :t Co. ID . repair parte 27 19 x!l( /d'ff' -I..7110.1j. Jtae1in'. SeJorice 8t&ti1oD parte - 10 Tl Y J- 2.- I III ca;2 .&Bl60.4 J!oe&l1e ;r. J~obi lake .. atterJdan1; i 1" 00 0-13 BJ1,o.1I Southo1d ToW! ~ Dept. repaira 1;0 boa't 117 18 " II (}\j~" ) IInP.IC, x:YI !A8160.4 1au:tho1d '1'oIm -. . Dept. opua~ --1-,", at dtap 126 20 K,).{ ,~ A816o.4 1outbo1d ~ ltiitJ'-,. J)ept. ftpI.1ra 1;0 ~~ 117 18 XJ-& B3120 .4 8oIttbo1d Tow Hi8hwa7 DGrp't. rapaiZ'a eto. police Carl 717 60' R:J7 ~, 6o~ III j,flf .r' "'120.4 Gulf' 011 Co. 1M 6, . 10 24 ~ >? :lX ( "120. II Gult Oil Co. au ,a - oo~ ~~q ft20.4 Lanier !\usineae Produc'ta tzoaDaoriber W. I.LI /.20 2?3 () ID\f!" JI8020.4 Lanier Buflin_ Prod:ucta portabJ.. dic'ta'to.r 197 Sol , 96< y31 "., ~420.4 McCabe' s III&rid.IIC peoe i 1 IO'fu , 40 I ,f).,'t.J" gj l-- r.J62o.4 IIcCabe' . envelopee I 22 I ..J ~3j AlllO.1I IIew York Telephone Co. 298-41ll - JUlJ'tice - 1I,pri1 56 14 '", g3'f ~~.~ .... York '1'e1.pbane Co. ~J020 - A.IN..ara ....y ~ ~ 1/2, ~ t,r. __ V~ ". -- Yo ~3G. 1~~4 ... York 'le1epbcDe Co. D: ~._-.::i ~, I~ ~J.I. 7/ (;.77 0.4 ... Tork Tale Co. ~3&> \\\~ ~~ iB8020.4 ... York '1'e16~ Co. 765-131' - 1"-". - ..,. ~ I~~ ~1" =0._ ... Yark I"~. ;..c", ..;;.a:;, _ -. .~ _ ........., &y~ , 10.4 ... Yorit '1'e1.......... Co. ~~:~-~ 41 I: ~~I =4 ... York ...., '. c... ..,Q ~V3 0.4 ... York M~ Co. ~5550 - JuR10e - ..,. ~ I~ .4 JIaw York c... ..... ;;.;;,;;.. _ _ "v' k~~ .4 ... Yorit Tel......... Co. ~-o.p-..,. 20 ~ ""0.4 .... Yorit Tel Co. ..... .....;:;;. - - - ...." ~ 6'1& IAURQ ~8160.4 Agway Bonemeal-Trees at dump 32 70/ {~7 . /Oyfb 1<71t!0.4 Village of Greenport Water at beaches 4 00 5 ~~ PA!lE NO. ..... ........... WN CLmRIB: , . , .' cWarrant No. .....6................. , To SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~ CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Chm.er 1 1'\md B:I.U. SEC. 120 . To the SUpervjsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .;J.i)'!;t+...............day of ............ "--.......... , 19.7!) on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~rz .!tn., '"^ Jo. 1- __ --. .i'!A _It L.~ _ Moo... P.t'I ~ - V~ l hn., "^._ )few York 'fe1~ Co. 765-2600 - po11oe - IIa7 I ~ 2' to IfII Jo. 1_ TAN ...... .:...;;,- - _...~ h." /1J/7.~( g~( IAllC" ~}uo.~ )few York 'l'e1epboDe Co. .'. 7 - police - mAT I:~ ~/ , _r> It _. _4'_ ,.... -., ..0 1_ !:j1'> . ..'1 ]1B}120.- Belt UaU'_ Co. _."at I ,~ ~ ~ o'Y --.. .....~#.- "- ,; - '"' '" A__ ", ArI 3JG.iJ ~n .. r ( ~'lJO.- Bea't 1JI111'01'la Co. C lIP tor ba,. 12 00..... ~~ ~3120.~ CbaP1ee ~~t't, IM. 1~ !~ t .;;.sY., 1 .....- g". 61((4, 1&'120.- ClulP1.. Qremllla'tt IIIc. w _4 89 25) <;<(9 " I. T_ -. ,L._ "... ... 8'~u ~120.~ Lealie 'MeJ.-n IIIc. lID11'o1'llll ~ ~ ~67. 27 ~(,/ TR. ... o "'" ~'';hA ~j b~ ~120.'" Leelie Bd.e:t.n Iac. 261 ~ '. . ,..... "'"'~ ,." gr.T '-..~l2O._ r....J.iI! ~ IIIc. 1 I41bte 111 40J c.. , - ..... ,'" n... . , ,~ A-a , ,<-:~ I~ r -. i'- I / yr.~ o"?1 kAl20 _ "n~n'v 1".. -, i ..... I",.. . ! g~g I 6'191 kA120 _ IMu. H...... ,.... ...- ,.... Ih^ (jbEf '61fQI{ ~'5120.'" rna, .. 1..1.1 ('~ . k1 fV\ .......,1'\ nn ..... ~ All. < 16){)O i.a1'ied lw. hn .. '" ~ .{l1 J 120.4 '. ,Qr "'"" ~/I (. .... 'a auppl1ea 10 ~ ~l\ 16{o.... B 'U"IO.4 H '.~ '..a ..__ ~..'" ...'" ~ 7:2... .... [ . F7'[ o{oJ .4 8eatronic. Tn" +_ tv._+ .? I1hr~o.'" y". J. "'.ill- ... ,.~ ....+ *- ......... "IA ~ rTf~ /oS' , 131,0.4 III. J. Mllle Co. tIoat 0- 6bn / ~7)~ ' ~ 62199 !/oSd) i}l2O.'" set. JoHph 8aw1oJt1 clo~ 6 ftdcd'~.E4:~ PA(}E NO. ....... ......... TOWN CLERIB: . , .. Warrant No. .........6............. , to SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD General J\md 81l1II SEC. 120 To the SUparvll!or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apeci!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. ;I,~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ............... J\1De.... ..... , 19.1!:> on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my office. ~CK D~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT [7(. 1/6.5'1(, JIo...t. '" ba." , h ,.a -:n . c;n. TV> 1 H. 1('. ,,'- ! tt.D X77 Jo. v.... nv." ... Tn. ,AA n, , y, /? lo~07 .II. v_~ ........'" A .r. H. TnA 0& ...,. 3J1. JY 979 \ "01'Q J? ....."'~ .II. '" 1J T~_ .~ ...,.. ~., X'to 111J,!fi .....,,, ^ Ii '" "' nv.. UA+ 1 " " "'^ f'g J , Irlll" , Ii T - ". 14 In ,.g RK :;L /ifJ IJ ... . .-- I. ._ Ju'\ ~ ffJ U[/1.o- II I ~t End nHi". . ~. H_ 2Q 7'io r-. r-< I / Ir{J ~ II I Town Press la.. .". "\ 00 X/f'f fr( lOS/V B~l2O.11 ltine Safety AoD11ancoa Co. b 124 22 J(fC. oJ'j{ B~.4 stIIndard RailwaY ~ Co. I", 216 n f?7 Jd \/(" B312O.4 .Aaaocia'tea Cauital Serna.. I_".;^ 184 .. <?ff (Jft., B~120.4 Su'teinl b' 84 00 q(jq ,/a)/! B~120.4 Lowell ., 11 1'It t~ I 22 QI> x:q () : "df/Ii B312o.4 Ford o;Q I~ )Nf 1'0)),0 B3120.4 Gr1g's S&rv1ce Station vehicle 2 140 N:l u{~ ~]20.4 River1:le&d Auto Parte IYehicljl 1 In ??3; I 183120.4 lJoppJ". Cleanen '" La 1>>.0 . cle 20Q 100 ' (<IV- D<7I .4 Bopp)". CJ- .... .. ,---, 1'Do. e]Aa:fti>\C 91 90~ 3/l f 0 .4 BoPP7'. C1~ a YBn 0' 11 Ion ffjf, ;. 6i1 ( ori aft , 1"i1 100 ..J .4 Cu1 Cataldo ~fl~ J4)'-W .4 JiNBrd M. ",-1<1_ A Ian f1~ )()~ ~410.4 Co1U111bia Carbon .. RibboD lit.. ~ In ~ Xlf'( 10 (ViI "680.4 bI~'tic Data otL r 6/'10 n.". ..... 7'io 187 1IJD loQ~17020.4 .....t101 ,~ - ow _+ c;nn !M ~~~ PAGE NO. ..7............. /. L.- v' ...................................... TOWN CLmRIB: , , l. ,. Warrant No. ....... .Q....... ....... . '1'0 SUPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS omaaw. lIUID BILLS aRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of ths Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled. being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... ;I,~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day 01 ...'.. .~~, .. . " .. .. ... ..... , 19.7? on ClaIms No. ..".............. to No. ................" Inc., now on file In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT q! I /11 ('J. I.'rno.4 See Heef'wl ID.c. inlNrance - Mat'ti ~k 810 Pitch 1 100 2'5 q 0.1 III)~ 120.4.A.. R. BwIaa pOlice s\mo1i.. CI"'I17" CffJ3 I/Q{:!O .4 Matt.itwlk. &\&'to Pe.rt8 IDa. 'IU OOIlst. 1'5.0"1. noUce ,IU: In. 1':;' Ah Cj hit' (." 4 ~, . Coach Linaa rna. Matt Sr. CU" _ :> i .^ - {jo( 10531 ._L_. 4 ""_.,..o~, " T~._ IDe. "d Sr. CUB _"" i ....!. ^^ SOLI,b-o tj d' (, ......""/\ 4 Eaat &lid "'.=.1" Co. T..... bAy I '7 F.n -: / /" ,., lv'" , IfF I rI'~ '1 d / I...., "'^.IL I Eaat ~ Ibm...' v Co rna hay qdY'O\{"II!i'jI~D.4- rYJ..1.l D,L C_. Q.u> 5'fo;u~ , / I cfd 4' 11I('j, '{ Varied Jolm Jeriick, Southold PotI'tmu ~r - ponap _1oer 500 00 (j JI) IM'.h" leal Hawld.ns. Dela1'icd &: Wood leg,u OPiniOD J88 60 t:J// /t>(1,(. ,"~ IL . . .....+6 6706 0~ /,,,537.,,,,,..b. r. T n 1'"',....' "It) t;,2 1'/3 _13-'3010.4 L.I. Trave1-.Ma'tti't\lGlt Va.' lap]. 42 90 "iY. ..V "l'I1r; IL L. T "~ .,' .. ,.._, 17 00; f/) II)~' .4 LoI. TraYe1el'-Mat101tuck Va 1epJ. I 62 4, 1 tf'J(",!J1j It. 'l'h. I 1,,_1 624~ q/7 \D'w, n-,o.4 '1he SUffolk Time. 1ecal 28 51 tj)ft lafyi) "t, ... -.. . can Leaion Poat Ii'. T.' 1'nnIW :>00 no 7.3 /~ 7/ ~' ~~.. PAGE NO a . ......... .......~........ .. . .............. TOWNCLmRIB: , nL ~\e.vv qy~J ~ J/%) d..- 3'17' -- . W'aI'rilf>(Ne. .;....~................ . To SuPElliV}SOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BILLS (" EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the foIlowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names . out 01 the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... JQtn.. . . . . . . . . . . day of .......... J.W1\'>..., ..... ..... , 197.5. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on !!Ie In my office. 'ICHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT l't/37 .H.ff78. Asphalt~nc. road materials 1.200 00 Itf~K 7Q. Capitol Hi~hwav Materials Inc. traffic paint 4Q610 ; ItfJ? 80. Carbro Industries. Inc. ri~ an~ domes 924 00 I I" 81. Robert L. Bergen Oil Co. Inc. diesel fuel 201 ')'1 .;{99. SI jiol "tv 82. Robert L. Bergen Oil Co. Inc. diesel fuel I 68 28 It/ -1183. Blue Ridge Oil & Chemical Corp hy-tran 120 00 I' iIIO!( q~J;;JWr>"vur I ./. II 84. ~ Lumber, Inc. cement 3150 6Y-70 11.:>/7.... I I VOI'L.,It.,. 85. Fleet Lumber, Inc. cement ' 23 20 !~/-f3 86. Thos. H. Gannon & Sons~c. slurrv seal 2 000 00 I~ / .t/"l 87. Fred Mazzaferro remove & replace sidewalk 1')') 1'1 I 10/ ~ 88. Mobil Oil Corp. 1 ~asoline (2.998 ~allons) 1 040 1,1 10/~~tT_!22... George L. Pennv. Inc. cement 'Ill') I 90. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. jgasoline F.r. (168.7 gallons) 92110 '! \ 91. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. gasoline F.r. (191.7 gallons) l~ 9986 .3/(;.;7') t'Y1 92. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. Igasoline F.r. (60.1 gallons) I 4442 I \ 9'. Gulf Oil Co. US l"'a,q"lil'1pl".T (Qo." ,) Ror-17 IL'~ 94. Rason Asphalt. Inc.. cold patch 190140 ( d7/'.C'(J (,,;>(71 , 5 1 95. Rason Asphalt, Inc. cold patch 18') 160 1&'/1'9\ 96. NYS Employees' Ret. System payment proportionate share ts'l.')611 Inn I . l-t----- . , 1=+= ' ,--- -.on. ~0~g,~, /,3 PAGE NO. ....L........<ed..-L6~~ :f74 TOWN CLERK / .Y ~ 0 () C? c; - c~-,,~/,\a.tf../ (C, / /: . '. '>Yi'fr/nt 'No" .........6............. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SUPq1;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED . , BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BIIiliS . SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthoId: You are hereby authorized and cUrected to pay the following named persons, t.he amounts set down opposite their respective names out 01 the accounts apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of Southold on the..... .:j.!?th........... . day of .........June................ I 19.7.5. on Clafms No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE C PR OTHER N A,'I[E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYME! tl.50 ! ~'lACHi~ ,n 100 11 All Communications Inc relocate office radio (./'>1 11 A ! ~8sociateg "..~; +~l !':<>'."in<>Q n+. ""0,1;,, 1 <>OQ<> <;n liln blS2 Irq. Theo. J. Burke & Son Inc. tines - Seaman 286 1')6 u. 153 120. Julius Bindrim Inc. repair Darts ')1 6, (PI /;~ 121. Dick's Garage repair parts - F.I. I 61 00 l,ISS 122. H.O. Penn Machinerv Co. Inc. repair Darts - bulldozer ,18 00 (pi st 123. Island Ford Tractor Sales. Inc. repair parts & battery '378 46 . (PIS? 124. Mattituck Auto Parts Inc. repair Darts 472 17') Ie/Sf 125. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. repair Darts ,q 10 MS? 126 Seatronicg, T"n ""0,1; " lQ m,,"; 1 <> ,n Inn (PI C,o 127. Sherwatt Equip. & Mfg. Co.. Inc screens - Koleman ')ql 06 td G/ 128. [{enry J. Smith & Son. Inc. reDair parts - sweeper q <;2 ". ( , 129. l'ryac Truck & Equip. Co., Inc. parts - sickle bar - mower , .!., '350 00 ~/(A. reDair parts ==T=.23<; Rn l no. l'ryac Truck & fuluip. Co.. Inc. /gl()'~'-, ~ !oil ) 131. J'ryac Truck & EauiD. Ca. Inc. reDair narts I 22il / \ 132. "an Dyck & Yousik Inc. tires tubes adaDtors 72 26 ("tLJ 133. an Dyck & Yousik Tr!c. tires and tubes 172 ')8 ,j::{:<, 6-8 .--...- . nn I 134. an Dyck & Yousik Inc. tire reDair 1 nn 135. an Dyck & Yousik, Inc. tires tubes - trailer . 177 74 ) .. f/t/-j n6 IT'S EmDl ' P<>+. .+ Q ",." nn ~ ~- /3 o.y~, J"cJ / PAGE NO. .. .1. ..... .... .. fi4(7~~;7'd6:1;)~.. TOWN CLERK . ." ~jJt"'tlNo. ........6.... . .. . . . .. . ~ ., . . To ~[)PERvrsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . . BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BILLS , EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the To'VI-'"Il of Southold: You are hereby authorIzed and directed to pay the ronowing named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts alIowed by audit 01 the Town Board 01 Southold on the...... .:J,Qth.......... .day of .......... ...:r'IWI'.. .. '" ..... . 1975.. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my ofIlce. - CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE O' OR arHER NA,',[E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYM MISC ~ AP:way. Inc. plastic cloth ~~w' ) '0 .,8 . 1 1. //, ~~6 (PI IP" '----"' . , ." 102 AE:wav. Inc. ~loves 7 .8 &,1'(" In, AdiY'nndack Chair Co. Inc. chair 82 73 /", ( 104. Crown Uniform Service services - April 54 DO yj'.<<o . (pi"" I 10'1. I 43 l Crown Uniform Service services - May 20 ,". 10'( lnh H ,~ ""nQ shoes.Dants shirts - oiler 88 DO //0.95' 'IIPI ~ ,! I 107. Brandi's Shoe Store shoes - road painting 22 95 ' ~/'1 108. A. John Gada Gen. Contracting paint, brushes - F. I. 32 88 1.''11 ( lOQ. FloUT 59 ( '" . Lumber ~ Inc. casters 39 ')\1": (, 0 1 fA "0:., ~ OlJ 1$:1-' llO. GreenDort Lumber Co. Inc. ladder 36 L '1,( Ill. Hart Hardware & Garden Center Inc. - misc. items 25 89 ? /. 0, (J" I~' . Ii UZ.. ~~rt Hardware & Garden Center Inc. - misc. items '04 20 J n! U 7.1. ll'O. McCabes office supplies 3 87 . 1.113 ll~-, ~~s. Marion S. Arnold part-time clerk 67 50 ( llS. New York Telephone Co. 765-3140 - services - 4/16/75 29 24 &17-1 116. New York Telephone Co. 734-5211 - services - 5/4/75 88 02 /',<'7,/(' l n7. New York Telgp)lOne Co 765.=3).40 services - '1/16/7'1 2Q qO .,~ 118. North Fork Variety Store, Inc. kevs , 1 20 t,l;;t- IN. The Suffolk Times subscriDtion 2/1'0/75 - 2/1'1/76 8 00 (Pl..,+- 120. Twin Fork Fire Extinguishers C. gloves 28 'J'J ,(PI?i' ..JJ.~,,_13Nmond C. Dean .~__ sUDerintendent expenses 40 89 time clocks. racks. cards 321 25 U,fo. _~22,,~,Employees' Ret,.J2Lstem payment Droportio1)ate share__ _13 . q8< 00 "".,.",.~.......-- ..... "'-..- /6~ 0 ~',/. /3 PAGE NO. .. J............ fbLd~~:.L:-;-' TOWN CLERK: . . - I ' 'WSJ~_~'" ....................... ,To SU1''P:!'t~R. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILlS . CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . ~J . SEC. 120 dx-~ ~ To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: . 0)/'/"'1 You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Darned persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names . /"" "Po. ' out of the accoun~ecllled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the....................... .day of ... ,._........ _. ..~'!!.~...... , 191s: on Claims No. .... ,_............ to No. ......... ......... inc., now on me in my office. 'ECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF )R. OTHER N....'\!E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT , I"}I .5~/9 A. Copy Inc. ,~1 Office Expense 29.(6 ?i\ .33c!M Richard S. Baker ,a.V Commissioner Meetings 150.( 0 17.3 .J3 ~I Alfred S. Bicknell ,,.., Operation Ferry 1 416.( 0 '1;/ ';f3~:1.. Leo Dalkowski I~ Operation Ferry 142.( 0 I 1::,- ~B..1..3 The Day Publishing CO. '31 Repairs Eerry I 15.S6 ,.. r"~"'7' /7t (Dick's Garage 13~ R'flp~irs - &E-r40cl:I*r-e-s l15.81,~o O~ r-~A."7' " 'i" ~3,;J-I RepaiEs ~~mem: 23.01j po!' -- I Airport $39.00 n '77 Dick's Garage 133 Maint. Property 24.00 63.,,0 nf 3J.:J-S Thomas P. Dillon 131/ Operation Ferry 79. E4 11f:?3c:l~ Doherty & Cmmpany I~~ Accounting 600.CO ffo 33dl1 Raymond F. Doyen ,~ Commissioner Meetings 225.00 it I 33df The F.I. Electric cor~~1 Airport 773.78 'ff oZ. 2Jd? F.I. Ferry District 13i Office Expense ,20.CO f ~ :?,?.;30 F.I. utility Company Inc. Office Expense 55.3i{':;8 OS . .:J - ..tl'L-Gpcr;:!tiBn Fcr-ry-- 32. 74.\' I'd 33 c$f Richard V. Foyle 140 Commissioner Meetings 1100.00 'fs 33J) Gada Fuel & Service 1#/ Operation Ferry 72.5) ~f G 33.33 Walter F. Griffin I~.t ~ail Haulage 200.0) If 7 .33cS'..J Harbor Foods lot!. Operation Ferry 18.9) .. , D/~t)~ c .. ,'I'" Operation '.' 80.00 ) '6! .!l3.3S Home A~d Ch~mney CleanJ.ng..L ~,r ^^ 325.0 .,- It'l .3-3.,3t:, Jabbour Electronic Co. '.$ Repairs to Ferry l3.4~ / 'jo .33..37 L/Z,ycock Business Machiri~/. :)ffice Expense 30.0) /1// .33.38' stephen Morell 1~1 :ommissioner Meetings 125.0) I'll . If~ 33,;]J Nat'l Plmbg. Supply Co. Repau's to Ferry 86.7~ ..._ __00.- _00 ~._ _c__ -, '')..3 .33 -sf"" ..'Irs. ..Jack Norton _---.9}'fic~ Expense _ 60.0) PAGE NO................. ~~&~ ~.'" a Q.,. ' / f \~v/ 1 !;) : ;J ~' . ,,; ) ,?-. . ).j.... ,. ~, ~ 6' . OWar<< ~C!I' ....................... ~ -To SoPERv:r.i!OR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . Bn.L8 CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD dt;~ , SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthoId: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons. the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts anowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . day of ......................... ..... I 19.... on Claims No. ..... _ . . . . . . . . .. .. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my office. ;HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 19 d ,33 "'II Quickservice Elect~~uppl Repairs to Ferry 9.' 5 I~' . ~ '-U L' ,="-i:y "h-';~ /95 ,33-,/.1.. Joseph L. Raub Repairs ~~f~~turc3 1.80 31. 2 17 h .3343 1~2. 725.( 0 John M. Riehle & Co. Inc. Insurance /91 33.t/-'/ Ruby Glass Co. Inc. IS3 Repairs to Ferry 32." 0 11i .3 3 ^Is Shipman's Fire Equip/~~. Repairs to Ferry ! 9. ~ 0 197 .]3~t J. Solomon .Inc. I~. Office Supplies I 10., 8 1.00 33~7 Spicer Fuel Company 1st. Operation Ferry ., 727. " 6 eJ,o/ .33 18' Sullivan Printing Co. In ' ~~ 'f F"-R"-Y'':W4.'DU1 791.' 0 Office Expense 487.00 .Jfl1..- 33 "19 Bruce Terminix of N.E./(f Operation Ferry 10.( 0 ..f.N 'Thames Shipyard & Rep~ij Repairs - Ferry 2 698.1 5( "" 3350 2,""'~'r' . , l..,l . ' ~-1' Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs to Ferry 33.1 5 '100 - ~VJS 33.9 Donald Love I" Repairs to Ferry 240.(0 ,"2tJ /, .33 S:L John Evans I,.... Commissioner Meetings 75.( 0 - 4~168. 1 . ~J 335'3 Agency and Trust ,,3 Hospitalization 85.6 ;zct .33 oS"; Theodore Heuser 11#>1 Accounting 50.0 4I.!.!" ~..L../ :.'0'1 .3 35"6- T"""", (}of s.._.hed.j (- New York State Emnlo"ees Rptiro ~ System District's share.... , L - PAGE NO. ................ ~if~ . ..- -.~. - . - -"':--~arrant No. . ....6.. ..... ....... ... << To SOPEIIiVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 SPECIAL DISTRICTS To the Supervtsor of the Town of Soutbold: YoU are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town BOjU'd of 8outhold on the ...... 10th............day of ..... June........ ..... ..... , 19.7.5 on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. ........."....... Inc., now on me In my otllce. pm:CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. nil. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT yV ,~,I, I . .. < ., _<..0- T. .. < I. .A u IT "- - . . T_' ~. "_~d ^. - - < - ~ , L - - - - - .. - no ....v I- ( - - - - ... .., 'VJ 4V , ~ .. " " " " " " " _.. ,t<Ib l .' I 4'" .... ? 1-9 d I. . " " " " " - -. - J I. . " " " " .. - AH -< I /. " " " " " " -;, , c~n I ~1 '~ .. n - - .. .. .. - .A -' ....". 296 '61 -..b'o 1-<4~ Ligbtill g Villase of Oreenport . . -.:JJ .N7 Vater ..t Gre ..-ort Vater D1a1;rio't - pqto Vlllap ~ Gt-e-p"P't 12.250 00 , I . " , ~~ -",<L. """I- V'; /tJ t""~'1of PAGE NO. ..,I............ ~c~ . TOWN CLmRIB: Warrant No. .. .. ..6- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ~ -"" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK '. To SIIPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecIfIecl, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... JOt.h . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...... ...,~~.......... ..... , 19. }Son Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT -'f.S c1."I-<I- ""~ 1>..1. Ip.aul elect.rical work - do.. . S "H 1.7 ~t ~<{.5 &~ D.o. III...~ ~ ,,--..-- : ~. " " 17 "" "1:7 I, ..'Nt In..... 1>..1. T. T..... " " ?..? !J.' ~?' ,;1~7 h...~ ...., ,.. -- ~.. (Oft T_ ., " " " I ""A /J1 ~? Il<{.,f' "-.. u.. L ~f~h .. ,,-- T..... ., i ?" " " " "..? ,~ , ~oO" , ~, ~ 1776"'; t,'" I I )1 {/ / . /. " '~:~'..:.. ~:;..... ...-:~ .... .....:.:.~ P~I!~. ........... ..... TOWN CLmRIB: '-~ . , . . t . . . r-i larrant No. ...1.................. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . &".......VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS ommw. ~ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorlZl\d and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. \ out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . etaft_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ... J'uJ.7:'"...... ........... , 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT {j'10 I A <"(I AnlO.4 V oC 1l1DtII - ball nr<rk 11- I~ , ,o.)'~~ (j'2./ :A162o.4 Li'ttCla ~'1u Cred1 't Corn. ~ em lI&Ch1ne at Police ~ 'iO q]'V 'lId( Al620.4 J. B JCs 1;0 ctuo.1p ~ o;n q-?~ k/J[(. . 4 _..~_r....._ i on IV\ Cf:{y /dSf"1 .. ,.. - Lo.. ...... 1112 ..11, i IV\ c;nn 4?/ /Irff .. ..- ..- f'np........ 1'.... co.." ti~ L. ,1f(9 .. .J I. a ! .... " Cj?7 /0 s'( d 1B8010 4 '!'hIt -.. ......,. . Crt. I. ~'1t !bJo. qif !/I)'(./ .4 t l:t'ila _ - ~'7n IIV\ ,"31 ofC'V A1410.4 Vi111 - Law Book Co 6n 16.,.i , 1t~ jlJ{f.3 ~~;.\ Xerox Corp. . rea'tal 1~ ~ i :rarox CmO.,. Cfi/'v /(j (Gv lsao10.4 J. Jr. at Rd., I. lio; ,.. qrj3 ill) {t, (' A.3310.4 L.I:. ~ "Co. IDe. t.o 1'T'\ IV\ rf'l'l !/df(,,~ A.lllO.4 PUben Ial&Dd tJt1l1 toy Co. 1te1 - .. .~.' c<> 10; o:;n 01/( , /0,7.7 EIl?10.4 McMann PzrI.ce -'->c... Inc. ce nn ...- 0 :>06 M 4Y{; I/lfni U620.4 ScnRhold Yac_ C1~ Center baJM ~ 'aR qP!7 lid) G f/ ~1680.4 ~t.omat.icUa't& o~ 1.. . 1 run 611<; 7~ 16"1 q flf' If?/) ,,1220.4 twest ......, Co. !.av book ?'~ 110 tjl/1 Jdf7f Perai'tl ~ Korth JIbs Pru8 &" IAn C/S7J lO-V ~160.4 !American '1'eftI1 te Ccmtfttl Co. .. a:t nit hrt IIV\ tfsl IIJ73 .4 IA1bert M. Mu-tocchia --,. ... 'II"". ~ tJft.. ./ ~410.4 i:'1tney Bowes -..II. I<n IAI }If 'q{3 / d rlFJ 3.110. 4 ~tt.llev -...- . Co. 1110. l' r;n ifY 7110.4 fIouthold ~ Inc. I .. - puke ~ 25 ./ds'?C 1 ~~~ PA!lE NO. ....... ,...... ,. ,),b /6/. 6-3 . '..(. If <.j. -;;(i, pF$. &1 ~~ . - , '. ~a:~~.;;.~~;.~~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GENERA:" mIND BILLS C'BAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta &pee!!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . ~.:i,&4~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ,}tiT......"..... .....'..... , 191-5. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on me In my otlloe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT c:j'(( /tJ.57i I>. i114 JI.. .11"_ 6100 , rjY~ ,d7) .-- k ... ....... 6 00 /."_~ __/J '1f / /If'! '/'1 It .- _L 1R 10;. t{rY loSyl .It. .. "" 6 00 tf(t( " ...... ...:-........ I '71 r.n 0681 \ tj(, 0 1..It. e. -' ._ e:;", r.c. tll.. / . ~ ...___ ,~ ~ a 7/ 11\5~;L .. J. . I H_+- .L 1 ~ - ~t 3 III)'r' IL .... r..._ ........ <;'7 ~ , tlct/ IO{W^ .It.. n-Ir -r,,- .,-I....b. .+.n. <;'0; bn 'AI/ 5,,{' A7110._ Oeorge L. Penn:y :1Dc. truh barrela 14 ~ Cf.t.), /6" ,,'. r T_.. 4<; ~ qt~ Il/friG. IL ....... _ f. /)""",, ,-..R ihJ:I NI/A<fr7 .^. --IL -....rI... ..1.. 170 be;. 7/",/_ I C/?;f!1 ..&1' .IL r. P. ........"'", r"" --' c;6 !:In "JI(J/ /' I' 17 7/A 7 /O{XY b. T, ~" Tnn ....~....., f'ru>1 116 C!7 'q:; i M'<YO k Rut _ ,,, _ _y' .. 4<;. hn Q7v I/d"fl/ LAl620.~ T_' ._" 1"-" 1n.. ..+.il'..... 7 M ~- ., '1 J> 0')((7/ A8160.4 JihPk 0'1) _1'. T_, ,1<'.) ",,-, d-....... ^^ 174 J2t:> {i'1I /~')q '3 I h .........Al _ oinaoot ~ hn /''!. / 111 \ ,,\ v .'.~ i ~ T.'..... T l"", nff;,,<;,. '?,,'lLOH. ~ rJ:. /+();> b4 IIPF - 4'7 (. I I Varied I ~ T_h_A 1'J\........ ..".. 1"'\7. <:;1. SUI. .11.'1 ::>21 bB 4. 7 (/ /) LID.Jo Jean 11. Tied1te ~_'t&'tive at he&r1nc. 474 40 CIO osq\! 0 Jaan R. Tiedke a1; 122 DO t 'J.'!. .lhl,.( B3l,o.4 Water Thrill. IDe. ........... tor pump 99 ,0 'S'1l f()J1 ~ 4 Water'l'br1118 IDe -<- +n m I~ 497110)'11 A7620.4 3Imt'iM Coach L1.Ma IDe. 'tt. Sr. Cite - 'trip 1;0 HJ ~ 00 , I o /?-:..../ .,..- ~ PAGE NO 2 ~.-?'.~............. . ................ TOWNCLmRIB: , . . . t Wm-ant No. . ..1.... .............. , T To SUPElWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~.~. IUID BIWJ SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down oppoe!te their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... ?tJ:l: . . . . . . . . . . day of ...,....~..,............ .19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. ~CIC BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 4'el '.~1t\ 4 Uma w1",,,,, Lilrhtilw Co. t.raffio liomt 12 ~l tft3 J~~011_-<..... r- ..~. CO. t_N'i" 54. office '\11.:>'1 1'''' :>7 .. 1/(,') . if!?V 1.....,"^ h ,~ ""- ...., .....~+ 1:n a._ ...I1l1 ,'" qJf( ._,h IL ,.. _ "'. ,~ _ dftor ~ ", ql(~ \~ \, b\J;. - - -- -- -.~ 1_.. .~ ! &. '" ~ QQ.t/7 I ' ~g 7 I ABl60 4 1d TIM1 -. De[')1;. Pav1uader ! 26 04 ~ c;fr>l h...".x" 4 1d'l'nwn DoiIDt. DOlice boat l'6 .,- 16 28 C )' q t 7 IM.O f:a&.60. 4 81\18 OU & Chemioal Corn b1U11f1De Jw.4 DO /,''';'0 }.7100,4 'f '1 ~ O~61 1IiI'I16rp- 1..,,"'<.1." Glover Jr. cl 01: leveling beaches 1,200 00 '--' Cltll ,M,W Al62o.4 Xerox Cm>D. rental 135 00 (j(j'b I(}(.~ { Al680.4 Au~101c Data Prooee.i>\l P.R. 1"UI'1 - 6/3, 83 65 4CZ3 IA(.O 6 Al910.4 a.ja_-llrio. J.&fmo7 bl-Ioet liability ,,450 00 t/{j,/ II, /..61 A3510.4 Riverhead &ni_' Hoepital care of dop I 200 00 1'lr ,lcI.O U716o.4 1IothIIan'. Dept. Stol'E: steel. box 9 95 09& o&ot! 1.1:}30.4 Qeorp MIl"". 1UDCh . .u..... I 21 00 1fJ '^~ I t Al62o.4 Cm'ter Moriches '-..per Co. ~lie. 66 50 tJtJ f / A1422.4 Robert w. Taalter aeontarial aerv10ea 1,250 00 ,," 1:J-5'f-Uv cjt/tl b6\\ r .u42') , 4 Robert 1.. Taslter recording ~ee 4 0') ./ / () iJ 0 .. "... 1.u410.4 .Jud1th T. ~- ~:I... 29 12 , /..1Jff / ,(j~(), iAUlo.4 Eu't End Ofi'ice Prociuota ~ 29 75 / t5d V /~0.4 The S1df'olk weekl7 'l'1-. lepl - P1.aDniDs 70 40 ;d1J3 v\Iu010.4 '!be 8laffolk V'-"'J' TiMe ~e&al- &8.l"<1 2'1 15 f)u{,3(P .^If I{\~\ I 'J!. 1_.. ~- .__, ......... -- ,,^^ ",,7 I A 0 <; J~)lo.4 The S\1ftolk 'Iou.. 1,,;ga1 - 00. 4peals .1\0 4, J v ~ 11 I_~ m._ _.;;.., ^^ ^^ 1000 U010.4 The Suffolk T1mea 1~1 - AeV. ShIriDg 45 ,a PAGENO...~............. ~ro~i~~ / , " ~ant !io. ..... ........ ...... .... To SO......vrsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. J7'7/, . out of the 8CCOFta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .........,)............. day \ '. I, J , 'l - of ........... .c.....~. i'.......... , 19.. .- on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. Icm:CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I~09' h!312O.4 !lobU OU COrp. P .u. GallOl1ne ;p 332 11.0) .) J 'J,) )1fUQ I \i)\.! ~ B.3120.). . .abU OU Corp. ?D. Liaaol1ne 114 ~ I( VI , //J}d I B3120.4 I obU Oil Corn. :='. ,.~. Gaeo11ne 922 87. /b II 16~/~ B3130.4 Some. tniforms l nifOrlllll-BaY ConItabJ.. 7 ~~ ! "', / 111 /:l. B312O.h CharI.. Greenblat't. Inc. P.D. lnifol'lllll-vh1t.e gloves 2,) be I .\ \ I d I'), B3120.h Charles Greenblatt. Inc. Tape Hollers tor Vehicle. i 49 5 I II~~\\ ~, /tJ1'/ B312O.h Charles Greenblatt. Inc. Lw.fon.,s tor s..""nJOl men 93 ~ >-' , ItJ /( R3120.4 Charles Greenblatt, Inc. 1 ni1'onus-SUJDer trouHrll 2,) ~ 111 / ~ B3120.4 Ch'lrles Greenblatt. Inc. I n1!orm.s-8h1rt:a 25 ~OJ IJD~/1 I"- 115 1111 -; B3120.4 Best l:ni1'orm Co. L nil 01'Il\II 3J8SO ....... IA 19 B312O.4 Leslie Edelman I'.D. Lnitol'lU 4 ~5 " IOIe; B3120.4 Leslie Edelman Shields tor Seasonal Otfioere Jij ~ I ./ . . '.' , /):)0 B312O.4 Lesl1e Ed..] IIIAJI P.D. UnitOl'lU 20 bot :" I~I.~ \. '>-C - IO.:L I B312O.4 Leslie Edelman Ralnooats tor Seasonal O1'1'1oere 179 bol . '''''1..- ~312O.4 Leslie EdeJJ,,an boots tor Seuona1 Gtficere .36 /30 /0-;)..' B.312O.4 Leslie ~ Belts for S..tonAl otz'iclrI 30 p5 'A ") ~ B312O.4 Leslie Edelman Lnilol'lll8 tor SeII-n.1 Officer. 16 10 . or 'j ( W120.4 L..l1e EdA1....n "'pons tor Seaacoal otfioers 534 21 I~ f6~;)D B3120.4 All Communications 1'0110800$69.00. Dog-$5.00. 134 no, ),1 I' 10 ~r- 13&7-$10.00 1 10;;1..) B.3120.4 All Cornnunications Radio & SireD In8tallation 93 10 . 0 ~J /~r.JJ B3120.4 Sonar Radio Corp. P.D. Iiallde Talkin 1.226 .4 u~ IIA 1.1." ~3120.4 Associates Capital Services p.,). Radio Rental 1134 4 , Prisoner Food 1030 /0(,,'). B.3120.4 Village Luncheone'tte 26 5 1031 II 4 {,).If 8.3120.4 Larry U.ms Loss of Personal Pro 32 0 I -''1- ~F~ E'AGIG NO. ................ TOWN CLmRIB: , . , - " ..! "t......nt No. ..7.................... '1'0 SDPERVI80R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND BILLS SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclllee!, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ... .8u.................day of . ;!:\l;!,Y.. . .. .. .. ... .....'..... , 19, T? on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1of3z... ,n~jJ 1.3120.4 Mattituok Auto Part. P.D. Vehicle Part. . 74 ~ 103.) I/A(...1~ B3J.30.h Va White. Material for !'Iav C'.nn-+-"'- . 33 !>6 'A.1 c,? 1/0'2' 1.3120.4 J .J. Hart Ino. P.D. Vehiol. Part. 112~ , ~ IOr.2~ 1.3120.4 Van Drak .. YouIIik, Inc. 54 1i2 fA 3 J Tire. tor P.D. Id l!.. IIIH~ B.3l20 .4 Driven Lio8!Ul' Guide. 2 YNr SUbsoriDtiona ! 19 110 1..01 ') , I 111(, 1/)1 B3120.4 '....*lut lad Offic. Product. P.D. Otfice Suooli.. I)q ~ /AJ? i 10 (,3/ B3120.4 J.~ Priut1ng P.D. -.to-Parking- Signa 36 ~O lojq IJO (,32. B312O.4 Loq I.land Fir. lquipaen't Co. P.D. Keeuaoitator .315 po //1Y() 1/0"33 B3120.4 Peter Bogo'rio El.ctrician InIItalJ. Lichte-Cellar ot P.D. 295 ~ fa'f! I Jdf.3Y 13120.4 John H. Latil-"'n InI'ta.l1 UndergroUlld CODduit 17 ~.r ;;-. - Jo't1--- lot.b B3120.4 V. w. CJr&1Dger, Inc. Sh.lvea for P.D. 64 31 III-~ /or.3f., B3120.4 X.Y. 'l'llephone Co. Monthly ch&rge-734-6022 102 93 /11 <I Y I/{)(.JJ 8.3l2O.4 Hart HardJrare Hat.r1al tor S:1gD8 U 55 , 1 IfJ(.7,X Cemeterj es Eas:t Marion Cemetery Ass 'n taxes on 3 plots 6 00 IclV\ latc' JJf.J(j B80l0.4 The Day Publishing Co. legal notice 13 44 , 10'1] Jd(.YO B8020.4 A. R. Grebe attndance at meeting 50 00 }, 7}' ""C! r,.." /()'tf IU(,I.{ B8010.4 LB.M. supplies J/~.6 t1 .. lo~9 /k I."z B3620.4 Southold Hardware Inc. supplies 7 13 10j11 IQW. B8020.4 Lawrence M. Tuthill preparation of bond estimates 151 00 -' 10-{J . /Af.'fY Hist. The North Fork Press printing for bicentennial 61 45 IOn /1 B8010.4 The Suffolk Weeklj!' Times legal notice 40 70 IOn 16U'" Al220.4 The Suffolk Weekly Times printing - Revenue Sharing 7" ! ,:,,, 11:?;3/) ."I.W .- IO)"f B8020.4 The Long Island Traveler Inc. legal 68 15 .. (O::'~ !" B80l0.4 legal 40 31 IO~'''''- The Long Island Traveler Inc. ,~-: ", \'" .(1, l ;'.! ~ PAGE NO. ....<< $.".... .. ..... . . ....2.~~ TOWN CLmRIB: , , , , . " .) 1Iflrrant No. ........1.............. '1'0 SCPU.nBOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GEIiBBAL P01Q) BILlA SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ... &t.1:+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .>r.>,'J,7............ ..... ..... , 19??. on Claims No. ........'......... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK O~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT IOSG. 4 New York Tele~ho;ue Co. 76:>- - C.D. June ? 97 ^~, " IdS~~ AlllO.~ Hew York Te1epbm1e Co. ~?-J710 - Jue1;ioe - J_ 33 22 / .]O() ./3 ...(" A' 11(\ NMr York: - C... ..., '"" ...... _ Mav ry;, 1"1 lOGO B8o:!o._ New Yoa Te1.pbaDe Co. '765-131' - p1--i>\C - Mq 29 ~ I" 10 &1 I~ \.'f7 .,..,......11 _ "f'_1r """, t'^ i....... .~; _ _ .1,~~ 1(" Id~'/, ~~~.4 )Jew York 'felepboDe Co. 734-5S50 - .1uwt:1ce - ~ I 48 ~. ( . 11 -. ....~..... ....." (''^ ,,:.;.. "'$;" r'ln",... .J".... ?'7 i - Iii!.] ~l\S2o.: L. I. Trave:le-Ma'tt. Wa'tcbman Ion o1'fie. bid 11 02' ,u"'f .,n,n T. T "'-....., ..-.... ,~' , "., ."" 14 r. ~ I Dl- <.fa' I 138010.4 L. I. Trave1-..Ma't't. Wato!Dan IjJal 27 8IJ lOr.' I!WtI 3~1~.4 The Slat'toll. 'Wewuy T:i.mea bid 1'or DOlioe boat 14 30 /111. ) Id&<:V ..~. J:!a1"l'. .. I~,,~ ? '-0 16&f 71 .4 ,., .... for beache. 34 /11(.), Everett J. WarDer 00 /(j(.q I/.r(;f].. &r1ed AlOert M. Martocchia 1unchea tor meot1JW8 30 00 1070 IIIIC"n Al """ 4 McCabe'1I ~H... , "" In/ l/d{,)'J' 71;0.4 I 716 44 Mike Jacob:!, p112lllb:mc - Horton Park 11I1(,('\' , 167/.,; A1220.4 Mob:!.l Oil Co ~ park 5I17.n f 166 (n~ lid!. )(. 608 18 v!U'ied Pleet Wniber Ine.. beaches 2.70Jparks 17.75 / , /7 . ~ f'AGIC NO. ................ ~~.". TOWN CLmRIB: azt .~ .' , Warr t '..NO. ...... .7............... . . To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. aut of the accounts apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the..... Stil..............day of ....J:Wy,...................., 1975. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otlloe. :;CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE 01" JR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM O. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~f~ G.Ri~2 ,s Tnc. rn"n i 01 a On? nn (pIt'; 10'1. Robert L. Ber~en Oil Co. Inc. diesel fuel A7 AA "16 104 CaDitol Hi Materi"ls Tnc ~"~,, "'a,; 1 ..nn", loA nn , " 10" Mobil Oil Cornoration lubricant'" lO? of; In 111 I 106 Mobil Oil ~ './-inn ~aQnl;na (? 11,,<:; ~ol1nnq) I 86'1 ~O /171,;St{, 107. Mobil Oil COrDoration "'a"'''l ;n", (? nnn "'all nn",) 71>< h" (pIt- 108, George L. Pennv. Inc. lumber I 2"1 ~4 ~/13 109. Rason Asphalts. Inc. cold patch 177 tio , I I I , , . c ! I i I i 1 I i , i I I I I I I ! 13/..3.-/6' 1 ~~~J PAGE NO. ................ &-/JL€-hLI-J2tL ?; ,,/;-9' '7 // '7 ~ . ' 7 Warrant'.No. ......... ..... ........ , . To ,SUPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the follow!ng named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... Sth, . . . . . . . . . day of ........J:q.J.y................., 19.75. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllca. iECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE 01" :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT &(q~ MA~~ All Communications Inc. check & correct transmitter 18 00 &11( , 0, 141 AQQ~"iates Capital Services pavrnent radio leases 50 40 (olq' ,l!? Blue Rid2:e Oil & Chemical Cor' . =tter broom wire 278 00 ~lq7 14,. Carl's Eauip. & Supply, Inc. repair parts ~ Wisconsin 48 05 (p ,qf 144 ", Qm~nQ W"ldi= SuDDlv weldin" sUDDlies ! 104 40; &/11 140;. I 24" 1,1 . Dick's Garage repairs & tire - F.I. I 146. Edward Ehrbar Inc. repair parts - Huff gO I '581 133 I 1.'/05. C, 9, ~ yq1J , 147. Edward Ehrbar, Inc. repair parts - Huff gO 724 36 c , 148. Empire Tractor & Equip., Corp. bearing retainer 241 08 ( ,19"-; 0 I ~"O I 149. Empire Tractor & Equip. Corp. repair parts 5"> 9'3 ) (pvo'V 150. Hart Hardware & Garden Center Inc. - oil stone 6 20 I 1'51. Kinnev Chevrolet-aIds Inc. repair parts 14 71 1 ,-,/("g</ ; Iovo3 , 13 ) \ 152. Kinney Chevrolet-aIds, Inc. flv wheel 22 I l~yO~ 153. L.1. Transmission Co., Inc. belting 95 80 I /o-tO( 154. Mattituck Auto Parts, Inc. repair parts I 1'38 170 I ~YO~ 155. Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. repair parts 224 1'35 110"'1 156. Clem S. McKown misc. hand tools 119 176 , . i (0 'YD~ I' 157. Ri verhead Auto Parts, Inc. clamps. crews. nuts. etc., 56 61 i {gyo1' 158. Riverhead Radiator Service radiator 78 80 1 ~ 1'10 159. Truis, Inc. clutch - Huber 84 80 I I 160. repairs to'antenna ,2 00 .3/0'/(, Seatronics, Inc. I (ov II 161. Seatronics, Inc. pa:vment radio contract 278 16 I I 162. Wright Equipment Corp. links - P. H. Crane 6,,> gO ~'?;?O,IO I ~VI l6'5. Wl"'i uht "Rm]; nmpn+. r.n"Y'T'l l"PT"I:=I i yo n~;:I"I"+q "Jlh ?O ,,3.Y'/7. (7.5 PAGE NO. .....~.......... ~4~bd'~ TOWN CLER.K ~"" . ~" ~ Warrant '4...... .7.............. -. To SDPElliVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILIB CHAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. nlt of the accounta specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... 8m.. .. .. .. .. .. . day of ......... ,J:~J,y.... ...... ..... . 19.75. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce, ;CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM O. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT l :Y/3 [.uSC .ff TT\t' .,."",-1 t'~T\ +.~T\1r 4~ IRa 1 ;;0. loY/~ 130. Crown Uniform Service uniform service - June 4- I ;>() (pYr( 13l. Fleet Lumber. Inc. plates. clamps. etc. 27 40 .'" Yrl 1"12. Global Equipment Co. roll file 7,C I7R I ~ -1/1 1'3'3. New York Telephone Co. services - 7'34-')211 - 6/4/7') ! 8" 176 134. Xerox Corporation meter usage coni"" j 17,1; 100 ' ~7",OO to :y /g 1"1'), Xerox ation "Q~D''' nnn;"Q I 17,1; ()(). (n'Y It 136. Zep Manufactur;Lng Co. zenresti"'e 4g g') - , i i i , 06'8 'l,g' ~~b~ ..'l. ~ PAGE NO. .....1........... . ...................................... TOWN CLERK . , -- :a~~'.~.;;;.~~~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CRAP. f.34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followIng Darned persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out 01 the accounts specified, being the amounts a]]owed by audit 01 the Town Board of Southold on the......... ./I.tA...:.....day of .....July................... , 19..7.50n Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on me In my 01Ilce. cHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF )R OTHER NJ\...'JE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT :ja~~ d/I Apex Office Supply Co. Office Expense 36.36 , 0' 0<:' , , Operation Ferry 145.50 B(PL QJ/tI... Arrow PapeE Supply Co. Office Expense 41. 10 33C,7 dl3 DeNoia Bros Operation Ferry 40. 00 3g,~ dp/ Roberta C. Elwell Operation Ferry I 9. 74 . I , ,33&7 .' I dl5' F.L. Ferry District Office Expense 20. 00 6Uc:..< - Office Expense 41.7jl. ~tjflJ1 ')~r1 F.r. Utility Co. Inc. Operation Ferrv 56.7~ 98. 49 ol..J /U 4 41(" F.I. utility Co. Inc. Airport 300. 00 - .- \31/ ~17 Gada Fuel & ServicliL Operation Ferry 56. 61 31). &d Globe Ticket Co. Operation Ferry 54. 54 ~~ 0/19 Walter F. Griffin Mail Haulage 200. 00 fJ; D;,d<O Mrs~ Jack Norton Office Expense 75. 00 '7s c.?,;{1 Ocean Auto Parts Inc. Repairs - Ferry 35.80 r -I ~I~ .3.) 1~ co2 ~;;Z Oceanic Electrical Mfg. RepairS Ferry ~,177 or,;z.3 Pray's Inc. Repairs - Ferry I 62.07 33!{ c'< d-l Quick Service Electric Repairs Ferry 9. 58 3371 < ..... ~.1 -<) ~1$~ George Sanders Terminal Expense 44 00 l ;;,,,, 00 ~ ='l :d.> George Sanders Terminal Expense 40. . ,- -. J.]10 I ~dl Wilfred C. Sinclair Office Expense 8. 50 ,.if! cl",," f J. Solomon Inc. Office Expense 25. 80 33 f.-2 c20i.<j Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry 2087. 17 33i3 cK. 30 Sullivan Printing Co. Office Expense 63 20 ?3! A/ dl.J1 Bruce Terminix of N.E. Operation Ferry 10 00 .-~ -.-.--' rsg:> c/3?... ~Thames Shipyard & Repair .Repai~s F~~ry 46 60 PAGE NO. ....;1...<?f..~. ~~~ , ~~~qd 11 . . . .. .. ~ trrant No. ..... ..7..... .......... To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SPlOO~ DI8'mIC'l'I BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective Dam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....8. i?b: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .................Iul7........ ,1975. on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT If;,( .._/~ I..i.orh t PiUlhere T.'...... Utili1;y Co. 8'tfte1; 2"32 00 t5".3 b<'~o I..iJzht Till_ of .t.rM't - L:W ?'M Jao Li!h1;. Lang Ialend Ligbting CO. .'t:reet 1iB!1ts - Oriant 553 40 Licht. Lang Ial.m Lishting Co. street lig\1ts - Faat rWion 418 90 , Light. Lang IelaDd Light:ing Co, street l1t1hts - Sou'tllo1d :1.425 176 ,,1IC Light. U:iJJg uland I..i8hi;ing CO. S"I;!'O()'t ). i.g.'d~s - reco...i:i.z I "3<;8 20 ~.s-I L:1ght. IDnc IaleDd Lil,Chting Co. street lig.':1ts - r.!a tti tuc:.: {fl 16n 51 1.1gh1:. Lang Island L18b'tiDg Co. street liChts - ~!attit,ud, #2 145 16 Light. Lang T_'..., L1I,ChUng Co. 8treet l1~hta - Cntchogue 1.635.136 1.1ght. Lang Ialend Lich'ting Co. stree't lie:hts - Greenpori:. 1'...H '.70 74 -- - I 7/8'1, . Lf't) 1 ~~~ P~E NO. ..... ,. ....... '. TOWN CLERIB: . ~ , . .... 8 Warrant No. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . To .SUJ'J!:MfIsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~~!J' ... 8IWI CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... .~tQ . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..A\I8I.MI~........ ..... ..... , 1915. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. ImECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. bi!. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT hfxi 'AI, .!' .&.7160.4 BobeI"t MIir IIItl~_~ ?q 21 , 0 '?J.. 6"<- A7510.4 Cut....,... "" a&Uo1k 1I1at. 11 - 78U'lY allot.Dt 1000 00 /6 Rl.. ". I C> Aluo.4 Nat,~ _.. "Co. !M. orill. DlU101oe _. 12 r;o IfJ!'JJ Id{.1..j VU"1ed GI&lf 011 CorD. -- 21 20 bay"" n.. ~ " HYd M~'~ A816o.4 - 'lend. ~ CoIrtro1 Co. ...nee at dumD I 4n no 16/10 6(,71 Uf!IO. ,. Corp. -.to" IJClDt.raot 1~ ~ j(j84 Al620.4 CoI'D. ft~ loSfl 1111 "11 .4 'DI8 ~ JIb1"K ~ 1&' o;n liJ8K 11l(,?' -Al41O.4 ~ IDa. r- Q6 ,.:; Id'S ,., 1-. 1,0. /6C.1~ VU"1ed y.-.. IDe. 0- ., 32.50: l~.OO ~co '0(1 Nft 14f.7'1 Al41O.4 s+.-.ta""C1 ~ Berrio. ~ 4 86 Id?.#- /6(.7, A~.4 81..--"- -r.a .Aft......; BoeIp1tal eervice. _ .ni..,. ... nn Id'f1lr 11'7 , A~10.4 KG Dept. 8-r4'1'8 I S\1DDlies for 'nax Reviw BIt. 20 en /09 'Ii -....ed LIme to.,...... L:4Ib'tiDc Co. 32.16. ottice8 '532. ~ ~ 4Q /d'fr , IDnc ~1and L:1Cb'tiDc Co. I 1,^,,77; Y&T'1ed ~ 9i.c;q, oU'i_ QI>.6"1 1'il " loljL ( varied IDnc Ie1and. LiCh'tiDc Co. .i.,.,~ 61.0', attice. 28.08 89 11 Itltj IJ .,~/'1.:iIA1680.4 JJttomatio Data ProceM1nc at L I. P.R. run 7/15/75 90 17 . I jl1q~ Al680.4 ~'tio Data Proae.aiDe of L I. P.R. l'Im - '11-2'. 3 00 I' Idlll Ibl.7f ( 'A1620.4 Xerox Corp. ...._hi". ren't&l - T. C. - .J\me 192 ~ IJf/J1) I Al620.4 Xerox Corp. ---kjne rental - - .J\me 135 00 l/iJI ,tlA, u620.4 Piehe.. 1:.,...., 1Jt1l1tJ' Co. IDe _ter " l1&bt - hi~ 22 ~ I' rJf1.. )0"" " AlllO.4 PiaberI T9'..... Utili tJ' Co. IDa 'telepbaDe - .Jwrt1oe 75 :rT' II d..... Al620.4 Y1lJ.ap ot ~rl _ter - puk " ottios 18 10 . II () ~ 16~Y> , Youth V1llap ot Ore '1.ort: 1iCh'tl - polo C1'QUIJda 135 46 //0.1' Ilb~ f J.. Sr. Ci'tl .Ao~ 1'r1nt1nc SerY1cee h4v1'1V' _ Sr. C1 'tI n 34 00 , /7~' !' ~g~6%J 1 /V.~..~~.~.~:... ?......... PAGE NO. ..... ........... TOWN CLmRIB: ~ C..e-L / "~.i) 7 7~' 11 '-' / .. #... . . '- . . . Warrant No. .. . . . .. . . .~.. . . . .. .. . . . " To SD'PEIWrsoR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OBIIBRAL l'UIID BILLS EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecJfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..~..~........... day of ...~............ ..... ,197';>. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !!Ie In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT II/; ~ ",ra} .n410 ~ .Jud1 th T. Bolten l' 05 I/O 7 /I'iY ,n41n 4 Lanier ProdI.1ctl 58 50 II ()i' 'L/OC' 0- I'tat.:l.c:lDe.... amml1.. 240 20 //119 ;dtR(, ..... .It. "'-, '" Mr., ~.r1bbor1a Q 12 . ' f+o~ I Ii /) u/G~ ,f;>/(~{( n..'> . I {. ,.t rr'~ , II I I fA (,PK . ^ .~ .Id. - / ,.~- . . III:L. . , L fa _. -, . -- 4'^.. .to 1':11. = . I 11..5 lIf~ft1 Al620. ~ North JbI'k 011 Heat IDo. p1U111binC repair 17 00 II l!.f /4r.9/ 4 _ ........, 1H1 t I'!opn .... _ .......rv1lOr 1.... 44 II I { /IGf .4 Mat " Beatf... I'! ~-. wter heater 48 QO II I ~ 1'111.0 Sr _ Ci'ta CoIu!h Lines Inc. bull 'trin - Sou:tbold Sr.Ci'tl 18'> 00 1/17 d;. "'7110.4 Hart &: CI&rd.en Center !IDa. ..monl1ea 8 QO IIIP .4 RA....t. e &: Garden Center Irnn. ."n"118a 12 -w 1 I 19 ."IM~ "'71.60.4 Hart ~ " 0ard8D Center r-. i.. - beach I 10 74 ( Iff?- ~ () / IIJ... 0 Al620.4 Hart ~ &: Qerden Center r-. atmnlie. - clerk'. b1.w 21 42 \ / /1 J-I ,,,1.1'. A8160.4 Van DNk .. Youaik Ino. re _ nAvloader 1~ 00 118....2.. JA'f' "'7160.4 John .... anr .. re 1;0 boat ramn 140 00 I/;XS Jd~if. "'7110.4 8uftolk c-t ProdI.1ctl IDo. f'or H'ortcm Park 121 7'5 il,)(/ /d~Y9 "'7160.4 J 01I8tI DoeIt floats 42 no / //),5 :t8l6o.4 R. L. 011 Co. IDo. dien1 fuel 116 Qc;' I' ~~s."J J/d-G 10..,u .&8160.4 R.L. Oil Co. Inc. diMe1 tlle1 16Q 00 - /I()] .. , "'3310.4 MItual Steel Co. stzoeet. ..-- c;R 80 I I ().[r 4742. htBl60.4 '1'nck " 't Co. W. f'or In't'l 1"!n 18 / IJJ 10743 Hist. Southo1d ~ Inc. tooll for 0]--1..,. o1d -ter7 ~ 18 2 ,ffda/~A~. / PA!JIG~. ....... ,........ ........................ ............. TOWN CLmRIB: rO ',~ . . 8 Warrant No. ....................... , . To sl1PmwIsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS C&\P. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 _,T. PUHD BILLS To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeci!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .........~...... ....., 19~ on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otlloe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I!~ () 1/6.,J,- 11 . r...., JJIft _ '. -..... ,~ "'" I / 13/ I,^ 10' b. _.. ..4.. rt+.. IL ,1< 1131..1/1170(., ,. h ....._ _n A. ,....... ,Ak "'- il ,i.2> I,D 7117 . '. -,..- .. .... . 1f3Y /;'7n~.It T__ ---a ,_......... !,o.... ~ I 1(3J 167()~ ~ _~ . T_ __ ___ __~ _..L _,. _ _" i ,- ,- I II 3~ J47/() ,..11....._ -.. to", T_ _ ,,-+- '74 an II:t 7 lo71( h ".... r..... 01 221 '72 1/3ff /~.. 'J.1410.4 '. .. ... 4 ) I'Vb/IX Al22O.4 MoCabe'. __DU" - ~ ~ 93 ~:J...~ }I )],'W;.4 )i)Cabe'. _ ......:.. 1 lO .1 II L{ ) ,""/~ Al620.4 lDZ'e't't& Me deli microfilm 1;0 eoun- 10 "on I{V . I ~. '" Lo I. 'fraft1er :me. 1-:l. D0101ce '7,() 4 1/1/, \ B8010.4 LoI. 'fraft1.1' Ino. 1..-1 DO'tice -.; iI6 I jS-if ~ 'I . II.~'( (alii Al22O.4 LoI. 'l'ra'ft1er :me. 1.......a-t.i0l1 Q 86 'iilf' &1220.4 L.I. 'l'ra'ftler IDo. ._._~ I ~ repor1; J&a AS '.fi";55.4 LoI. Tra_1er ]Do. 1-.. DO'tic. --.II...on # R/r'" IIY1 ~0.4 The ~ talk ~ 1-:1 D0101ce - ,- -..6 Ir.o - . ',-/ I / r./ Y'D 1/ % 1~1~ B8Q20.4 The Slat'tolk '!'1-. . " ., D0101C' - - -. 'U ~ 'fb- , 1/'f1 Al,,-,.4 '!he Sufi'olk or-. D0101ce - &I.un<.. 28 l>n .J ! I , II ~1) n"n.4 Rev YOft: Tel Co. .......08 00lll"t - ..Tu.1.... ">2 ~ 1(1 .4 Rev York 'lele~ Co. datp - J1I17 22 i:} ~~ {''2-- , ' AlllO.4 Rev Y01'k Te~ Co. ~ce 't - ..Tu.1... 71 1 ( I {J .4 Rev York TelepIaM Co. P"I_oI.. loud - JuDe ~- 16' M'. /n t'f 1/.:'<1 \\JS.4 Hew YOK Co. 1Bldar: . - Juae ..... 2 ,\'1'7, J \.:> I ( 0.4 .... York ~ Co. JUtice INter - J'\m, 56 10 If {/1. \~ r. ,,-,.4 .... York '1'al Co. -H r an - J_ Of; ~7 il {7 .4 New YoJk ~ Co. ClG'lt - JUDe ~ jO ~ I' .r/ .4 New York Tel Co. - ..Tu.1... 1'"'' .... . -D... I//{~ :5640.4 ~ York Tel8fbaDe Co. C.D. - 765-3660 - J'\i17 L20 10) i- ~D' 11 , PAGE NO. .......}.,.,... ............ 'TOWN Ciis:iait.......... ...... . .~ V{~rrant ~o. ..... 'V" ....... ... ... To SIiPmlwIsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CIIW'. 634 LAWS OF 1932. ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD """'IIB\L JIUND BIU.S SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons. the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of southold on the . 8th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...,..~~,....... ....., 19.~ on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :III. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J /1./ 1/07/" a,l,o.4 1fDbi1 Oil Corp. au - bay ~ ~ I n2 - II 6 :J.IM 71 ~ .&7180.4 Southold. PatJoo1 Irac. 1IeCNI'1t.Y -tJoo1 _ July kJn lo:;n ,/ II 603 In7!l.t .\9060.8 :I!:IIIi;Il- ~e 8eoUc:D. m n.n1;. at Civil Service """'.,,, - 1I1.l./ """0.4 Matthew Bomd.er " Co. Inc. law............ ~,~ ",^!nn , / / ~{ IO~11 Al420.4 Matthev IIeDder a: Co. 1110. 1_ _ _ 1-.._. I ..." o:;n - I // {. (, /()1!J hll.....^ II ~__ 1_- ..... I.... //1..7 /".,.,' ,,^. II _+... ..-r' IT n _ _ '71'11 A-a 101': //Gf?IIir.,;I. II ,- .. T.... .......-...!IIt.. ,.<+_ +- II'.T ct,n IIV\ - // &1 IJo"'~) ~~o... II ..i.. _.. ~ __ "'" 1'7~ , II 10 1/l7l.(,' - -T_.. -+ OlIn I_ //7/ ",.,,Q'la"'80.4mPlc" ... r#:: 1M - 1/) v ,.,., ~6o 4 L. ' on 1'..., rna ~.---, -, Ib IA, I 173 k6o.4 v"'............ a: y.....1k rna, ..,,_ ... '7"- IIV'I .- \1 . II/V l'A1)Q'JaB16o.4 'Ian DIMk a: TOIMIik DIe. t:.i_ n ",,!QI;; ! / , 117{ 6.7180.4 'Ian n...1< a: ~ DIe. A _ Tnt:.'l ,"'" I,A I, //76 1I"?O~10.4, J[e~ t"r .. a:....woIr 0" 1m - J 17"') Ja7<' j 111620.4 Southold JUe1 011 Co. hea'tr... on - 112 Ic;o . } / ) If /~.4 tiVU'head.&uta Parte 1110 ' naJ"t - B1&r l'7n ., JI 71-160.4 _hr<.! .Auto Parte rna. _ --, "IJtn ./ . 1/%0 .4 ltiveme.d Au1;o Parte DIe. -<- - ..,... .. I.... ./ ... ' J/f(/ .. ed I'leet LaIber lPc. . ~.'7"-. hl&r IuI; OI;.'IV'I '" ./ II X JIJnjH~6o.4 llattituolt Au1;o Parte 1Do - /;Il.,.. ,/ J/xJ "....,.1{6B16o.4 e J. Jaco1n fa1<_' ~ IIV'I '" j I g'llllf71r II Capobiarlao bu'rell 100 Inn / ,..,--~.. 'w/-' / ~~, ~- , .' . . /...1. ,'. .. PAGE NO. ..4............. V ........"2TOVm~ffl..!..... '- ... . . 8 Warrant No. ....................... " To siIPmwrsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~~ "T. ... BILLa CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specIfied, being the Bmounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ......... .....,.-1; .....'..... ,19,~ on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Iii 5' ....1I}l2O.4 IoIrtbold 'rom RI&'-I;r Dept. ~ an DOlice .... 266 01 . )(8~7 Al620.4 IcNtbold 'rom DeIJt. ~ an .J\aetiO' oOlll"t ~ I," id liJ~f RS131\ M:t t:=~~ =JI;lt=: ... rwft~~, A I~ I - ~~~ .. ii~ ....1b..ld 'ro. 1R F r 7 Dept. II- rw ~ :DIep. hDa~ I ~ I~ '-z-z".s6 .4 II-u-.ld ...... ".;..... :~ ....ld 'ro. WI F 7 UIpt. IP- - 8)~ ;;Z'..~ _.. : ~I~ l,fi.V .4 ~ - -:... I - ~L j.ltJ< ---"9 J.7U0 4 Dick' . II q l./ 1A...,1~ 10 1fNt Co. 1av~ 1n nn IN) IA1Yd "lU'ied :r.u.m COI'P. 110 .... ING 14)1'f1 J8550.4 T "... aD Aa001&101an i ~~. Jo.~ nn I/O JA?Y41 Al41O.4 'rftYeler l'1':bIteI7 ....~ 1!H; II:n "fif 1 /() 1!t~ Al41O.4 1IiIc.be' . til. foldull 1';; RIL /1<11 1/,fJjlCf -"310.4 I.GIIIf 18'- L1tbt.1Dc Co. . ., 1~ 11'11 odb /Q7'r') A751.0.4 Buot ~ ~ Guda CeateJo 1\ 10. nke rw 7 In 1:;0/ fJ1 yc. A;,sl0.4 .....-r1 &ft'I_1 IlDepital _ of m.. ,/&AI; hn ., , dOl/ 1~1c,t1 A7180.4 p. P. TIIthill 1110. la_tor:r at ... Suft'olk ~ ., ,:; ~J 167~ Youth Jbrk L1 'ttle T ~ 1Do. oi'D&t1oD in 1.000 In pdu . 'lee't t _____ 1Do. '^ Varied 1NPP11e. ... 17 .:' . A1355.4 (>0) flfl sO '!he 'l"J:oa~er 1'I'1Dter7 -lopea onM ~ I;>" .OJ -me eI' 1epl ~ 10 ~ 31~() ,,'J47 1U41O.4 '1he TIraYeler l'1':bIteI7 ;n 1 :J.oR 11I1(j &l~.4 JItCabe' . A.M'MOI'II - 'II ... /1.07 J.- .4 """"" - .... o:;Jo. ;a.- '" )few YGrk 'l'elepiloM Co. 11";11 f07$~1 "1~.4 ... 1imt '1'e]~ _ Co. ~~ : ;::; a, ~ IV...f 3 u_1O.4 ... Yolk 'l'el Co. 44 I 'J../~ " X- -r.'- Co. nffl.o.. &07_0:). 0" - I\nQ In - 1:;1.-1 ~ II07~1.1 -~ LaaIr x.'- Co. bm._ 126."", c 67.1"1 10'11 !an 7~,,;Jd ........ ~4?~& / 5 ~. '~ib-V: P~E NO. .............. '. ...................................... TOWN CLmRIB: . j . ~ Warrant No. ...........8.......... " . To silPEIWISOII. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ""Nt ~J.L ... BII.ltI SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecJfled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... J.2tb . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ."P-:t........... ..... . 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I'l.-Iy" "83120.4 ... loft T.:I~ 76>-3667 J'UM b1"""'1 . 18 Sk' r "A >. /,,,/[;, .~ ..- 76s..aoo ~v.q 8S: ~ 'j..,o:r (1/17 B312O.4 I. Yoft: M"'P"- lDae hi"".. I P~/q II01:J1 '.~ ..~ 76~ oI~ 1:f f: / ,V( B312O.4 I. loft '1'e1~ ~ """ 4~1 ,,"'N 11 -- 76~~ ; 6~ QJ . :: Yoft =- ~ 2J ,- f61<~ ~(it 00 Iv10X All C ,..Ioati_ P .D. Bad:I.o Seir'r1oe (\ ~O ... -, I~'f zJS1O.4 m~ I ~ ....... ~-. ~ '5 I uu, In,Jp," ,: / ( Dol ~ RIid10 SerY. CoIn. 00 ">I"J'I II., B3lJO.4 ........ I r.... - ~f\~ fI7 lUll 1~~1 mo .1..U- _ Caanaba bd.1o Sen. CoD\ 10 00 rJ~~ .~ ........ I ~~ ' ......... ..-.. ~: I~ B312O.4 me. .~.4oa.U... P.D. AD'- tor I'Wtab1.e 'I' -- ........ It; P.D. V~..1.. .... !23 70) ~ ~~/ , . r~ ~ I I b'tV I -... I ........ . :t'or ;, I66J \.P' 'tJ.3 B312O.4 s-r Bad10 Corp. Batter1ea for _1rt...'raJJt1e 12~~ / (J '7t7 B3l2O.4 1ept11M ~ IDa. P.D. lP11a S>\ppliM 18 78 ,,) 1'.; . l67fi i)U'Y . Ir.u. :JO ~ "" .. ,,>31 B312O.4 A~... Capj,VJ. Serri.oee P.D. Iad10 Ratll1 212 d-. 0-"''; IfJ,f9 B.312O.4 v_ DI* .. loua1k P.D. '1'1N8 213 35 J.>Jt? /tJ7/', B312O.4 RoD&14 G. x.---. IDe. Ileot.rcD1o Su. I 232 00 /:;),'\7 ItA ?{,/ B3l2O.4 BaMr CorporaUCD Vehial. BqIIiy---; -----'"', 35 16 1.1 1 ~ '/1J7~1. B312O.4 CJN (oI)l't. Ford Hero. V-1ole PartI (W....e-.r ~_.. ~.12 20 LIH .j -.<.. ~."".~,- I.YJ 4 1/67{,3 B312O.11 Walter BD1d.eDd R~ P'1ra IItt1ncu1Iben1 23 75 '/~t9 /0'J'.'I B312O~ Motorola IDa. , w-.1J.-i...'1'a1Id.e cbarpr 45 00 ~. II~r~ I/~~~~~ Hobil au ~: Ir.... ,;6~ p.1.38.?E P.D. Ga8ol1De IYV _t?H.~. P.D. ~1"_ 10& 1:_ j:) "If I /6 7~V 30. J'bl't. of IGPC au-_ eaan.ble / '41-1 B312O'; ~l.. Qn-~~t UDitO_P.D. 47 15 f1,,~11 ~;~~ f ill, 1"- .~- ~-~ 6" :t'or 1U.OTt .. IUU )J,t,~~ If; 3120.~ M1ne Sat.. 1ppH....... R1.ot He1MU 120 22 I('~ fd,r.9 ~~:~ -- -. .u. ~ ~ I<;Og' 00 BeA Un1t_ Co. P.D. UDit_ . ~ ~ , iJ-{! ' . - .,-..1"1 tJDit_ t .J. ~O".q) J 671~ ~3uo.1a so..w'. Cl.__. - . ,6 ~4~b~~ P~E NO. ................ . ................................... TOWN CLmRIB: , ? < "". ~ , ... Warrant No. .... ..8.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . Tct SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD /W k&L I'mID an:s A SEC. 120 To the SUparvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... l2tb. . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ......~.........,....., 197.5. on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. inc., now on me In my otllce. ~CK D~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~~ft ~ ~ I:!R. ~ *-t ~ ~, 0" p,S~ 1r.111 B312O.~ X-11a 1rA.1.... P.D. Un11'~.... 6 ~! - 11-1) 9 I p_n. ,..- ':'L ... ... - ," mtt lb..... -. n##4 _ 11> n _14_ .. "" ') o:i ~> rvs7 !IQ /fY B .4 But lad Otftoe ProcIuctl P.D. Ottice 1III.pPl1.. ~ I~j' ;~f~ 111171 U,ttoD ~ ,,:;....- Id-Sq 1!~~~1 JIIICaIM' . paper .t: ~._ tioG tape I 5 l' Iv~ 1011'f B II ~ I P.D. ~ __14.... 2t ..r. J;}, (./ ,"77{ I. .. ~ .D_ ^#..._- I I.' h, I~~}o ~...._,. _"4_ .._ VA , !In 10\1 p8.1> .- J'>";J ('>II iti W1ll1a Z1Wc 'OlIn Vet ~~ ~). ",1./ " nMt 9 Co. .. ~ft.. Rav I 1.iI ~ fl.'> 11'711 V.B.S. fftUer Salu Trailer Hitch tor Beaah Patrol ,~ I~ -, ,.,,1- ,;". B312O~h Ma'\Ut1IoIt Auto Parta Veb1A'''' 1:lt7 /6' fD B312O.4 IIIrt HU'4w&N J./ ,;. C.!:.. MillO P.D. ,n Ao/ I~GR /6 7f I B312O.4 Aawar. Ino. A tor V ~ , J.e: . )j, 69 lOll. B312O.4 UP Mumtact.ur1n1i: co. PD 'd -.. 1~ 1/\. /Q.) 0 J67(J WJ.o.4 Lou1I M. ~ att--t-....e at Jutice 8choo1 17"; 20' 1<771 [;o7g-<,t. "~-.4 U.S. 11081; Office, Ch~~ _lapel 160. 65 . 1';;7.:' M7K.~/ ~1,o.4 0u1t Oil Co. 8M - Ba7 ootl8tebJ.e 280 52, /~7..:J /,p78'6 n:'''^.4 .Toaeph Sawicki 01ot.b1nc - detective 182 ~. '. L~r,I- /D'/~7 "ou.th 8authold Little r_..... IDo. t1011 - ,.000 00. /.'27~ <),1,0.4 But Bad 8uwl7 Co. Inc. palioe boat to ':7,~ ~; t/ 07nt' ~ t' 9o.~- /-R76 B1~.4 But Bad. a.pplY Co. . boat 1'" 4", / (." :J /.' :3 { 7 ~;M~b~J ...................................... P~E NO. .......... ..,... TOWN CLmRIB: , ..- J<. . 8 . werra'tit No. ........ .............. 1'" 'SUPERoVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BILLS EEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following nemed persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... 12th. . . . . . . . . . . . day of '" ..A<JgI;l~.t..........,..... , 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllee. :HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF )11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT "J.:I~ G.R'f16 Air Vae Industries Inc. basin cleaner rental 1.80'" C;2 117. h!Dhalts Inc. road materials c;.00400 ,yg.s....C!o ~y~ I 118. ASDhalts Ine road materials 2.0C;2 00 ~Y,;J.7 11g. T, ~ 0;1 Co. .Ine, ,.Ho"ol fuel i12C; "0 : I 120. CaDitol Hi"hwav Materials Ine used rail I 1.2c;0100 121. CaDi tol Highwav Materials Ine si=s 146108 671,s-: C' (; ~Y:Jl 122. Capitol Highway Materials,rne signs 17 88 120. CaDi tol Hi"hwav Materials. Inc. corrugated Alum. DiDe 4. .,,00 I 20 . t y:fJ! 124. Goldsmi th & Tuthill kerosene 4241 c;R ~ Y )0 125. Gotham Sand & Stone COrD. bluestone 6. 8c;4 120 . , ~,. :3 126. Greenport Lumber Co. Inc. lumber cement 02017g 127. Mobil Oil COrDoration "asoline (2.000 O'~llnnq) 71Rloo t".P 12R. 0;1 0+;"" 0'~"n1;T"" (2 14<; O'~ll,.m") 820168 dO~.>;~o 129. Mobil Oil Corporation gasoline (1 2C;C; "all on" ) 4R1 102 / iy21 .';)/ 130. George L. Permy. Inc. lumber 4c; 2." 1'31. Rason Aspha.lt Ine en1" .+.> 27h Ro {,S.r,!.l/o ~~.jl ~ 1"2 A,,"n~l+ T"n eol" "~+nn "'77 hO- { ..~ (DY,3J 1'3'3. Texas Refinerv Cor"nT'atin" 1 ""T'; ,+ lR4 Ro I ! d1, % . 6'1 ~~~~ .... ..... ... . . . .. PAGE NO. .....1. ........ WN ' "~ "j,}. 777. ,{,7' {iU[,(YJ /1 Jo . . . Warra~t No. .. . .. . ..8.. .. . .. .. .. .. . To SUPERVIBOR fO I'!AY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supsrvlsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... ;1..414. . . . . . . . . day of ... ..Augus,t..... '..... ..... , 18.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. HECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF DR OTHER N!\ME N!\TURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT !\LLOWED PAYMENT \ lii~R A"Qn~i O+.P" "'"-, +^, "~_.' . 1 <;0 1110 / M' ..<10 {~, 1hQ. ^. . ,,+"" "',,~, +", ",,~., """ 1, <;0 1110 ?':11 , 170. Theodore J. Burke & Son Inc. renair parts - seaman '1110 In ~jg 17l. Dick's Garalte renairs & nar+" IF T , ?o In '''J<! 172 East End Glass ..,; ;p1n ! <;0 100 ,~'Y1c 17'1 Edwa,..n F:h,..ha"'. Tn~, ~" ,+ I ')'7.h I,ll {,'rlff 174 Tnn1J"+ '01 'R"",..i~a &, "'m~l" (;, "Pol" 1A I All 17<; Georlte Malve"e & Co In", ann " 1111': 100 Lid 7. I:L. r - ('-"'I:.. 176. George Malv"se &, CO ~Q"'+" 10 11 '7. . In" ~13 177. Mutual Steel COlIIDanv r"fi11s _ 11lh hh 6"11 178. Mattituck Auto Parts Inc repair narts <;0 kA 179. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. repair parts 1 :;>R 170 o?'i3.7(, ,,,.t(~ 180. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc. renair na,..ts 11<; Inh ~ C'1f-/.. 18l. Riverhead Brake Service renair n",..t" ?oo 10 tY-!7 182. Truis Inc. ,.."~,,i,.. .. 1'7.0 '7.0 , 18'3. Tryac Truck & Eauinment (;0 . Tn - llA? Ah ,,.1f 184. Tryac Truck & Eauipment Co . In - repair <;1, 11<; /1<j~.31 , 185. Tryac Truck & Eauipment Co. Iro . cutter bar/bladp" 44n nn' I' 6:;>2 - 186. Van Dvck & Yousik TTI~ +, ,.."" 4n t:.1'.,,<5-4 -~,H7 , 187. Van Dvck & vousik Tn" 1'7. 111 ~ "/3,9/, :7'/ PAGE NO. .....1.......... I':&r.~-{~g~ TOWN CLER.B: , ~.. 8' Warra~t No. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. S UPEIt'VISOR TO :!!A Y AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. 12th out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ....... ..A~s:t .. .. ... ..... , 19..~? on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. reCK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II. OTHER NA1\{E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT j".[D, MISC~~. '04 00 14 . Crown Uniform Service uniform service - Julv t"S7 11111 n~v Tn~ "R." +;o"c+ RR LqR 1111'; Fleet Lumber Co blades TIlip.r" 11') 100 ,'U8'.{)'>; ~y~p.. 111e; k'lcc+ ,,~ misc. items I 372 0.3 J 147. Hart Hardware & Garden Center mc. - misc. items i 60 ~2 ( C;/.(,q i ly$3 111P Uo~+ fIoo ~n(L _ m~"nn 1 inp I 1<=>7 ~ , 1 I~v ;;"'1 149. Jonp" nn~k Inn1v 1"nnp R Rn \ l1';n T ~~~ TQ1 o~" Ic~ Tn~. bidders notice - pickups . ~l i28 .:?o:S't. ~vS's ! (snow) 151. Lo= Island Traveler, Inc. bidders notice - salt fence. post 14 FiR . ') J 1'02. New York Telephone Co. 7"14-'0211 - . "'" _ 7 /), 1'7t=. 00 ~I') /.3'5; to" I'Y~(, ) 1'0"1 New York Tel,mhone Co 76'0-"1140 - i ~P." _ 1')" c ,. "1'0 lOJ . I IV$7 11';11 " nco~ superintend,mt loa )0 ~y.% 1 "" _.C:n+.p~ . T~~ steam I'IW cleaner-rental "I:> ~" ~;,.~ 156. Southold Hardware. Inc. saw & shears a 18 157. Suffolk Times bidders notice - nickuns 11 8"1 v{6.9(, (p>l~() Il 158. (snow) Sui'folk Times bidders notice salt fence. post 11'; 1L3' ~y~/ 1"0 !.pnm 1t: "'7 ~""1oJ, 160. Sterlin.s2: Nurseries Inc. '"rass seed 1R ~" ~Y63 161 VR.il St1J";~ JI. ~ ",., ,~ tele instomatic 40 I5s ty (,i 162 Daniel T. Vi''''' IQP~'; ~PQ 11J.1J. bo VU"t 16'3. Xerox Co~oration ~nn;p" 10'0 DO . . /.3 %'5, If? PAGE NO. .......1....,... ~r~~ Wp,.oI!t );0, -f!.f.......,.......... To SUPE!WI50R TO PAY AUDITIID COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . .' . " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD(4...J~L0~/ BJLLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. EEC. 120 . ~~ To the SupervJ.o;or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namee out of the accounts specified, being the amounts anowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....,.......... _ ," . . . . . . . day ot .......,............ _..". ..... . 19.... on Claims No. .....".,.. ...._.. to No. ........_... ...... jnc., now on file in my offJce. I ICHECK BUDG'ET AMOUNT DATE 0 pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYM .- l~rJ ,jl '"i / .3 Richard G. Ahman Airport 41. 5 ~JI '1 .3 ~I i.I Alarm Security Protection Operation Ferry I 57. 0 ,j '/{ Elfl j"" JohM M. Appelt Operation Ferry 314. 0 ;) I.f~ 3 '-II ~ Alfred S. Bicknell Operation Ferry 1552. 0 .!J. if 7 :~ 1.//7 Buena Vista Distributor Theatre ! 289. 3 / . Repairs ~.- I ...1v.f .1 <II Y Dick's Garage t 12. 0 :J, '11 ,:I'IIY Doyens Gourmet Foods Operation Ferry 1 5. 4 . 1 _oJ J?) JttJ-O F.I. Ferry District Office Expense 20.( 0 .1-'5f :2 v:J-1 F.I. Utility Co. Inc. Office Expense 71.83 't' ,a...~OIl "''-'-x .1':>'''0.1 <:"0. f :J..f2. Theatre 89.63 ..1-~ 31fcl:J.. F & M Glass Co. Inc. Repairs Ferry 70. 8 i1749l~~ :Jf1 ,~4t~~ A. John Gada Gen. Contr. Airport \ ~ MIt 3'/C)~ Walter F. Griffin Mail Haulage I 200.( 0 , ----,---- - I)..a 3 <f:J.-{ Gruskin Hardware Co. Operation Ferry I 29. 5 0_ i 3b. .j.S~ 31f.;l ~ Theodore Heuser Accounting 0 (J--rfJ ::?Y:2) Jabbour Electronic Suppli s Repairs Ferry 19. 8 ~')!l 3 f.;)-i Kathleen H. Kuss Operation Ferry 1. 8 .- --- -. ~4 3 V2--f Laycock Bus. Machines Office Expense 30. 0 =p-- --- ----- ~'t 3'1'30 Charles Morgan Operation Ferry 54. 0 'c--' . .- -.-.- ,j& , 3 '13/ National Plumbing Supply Repairs Ferry 42. f 2 ~ 3 <f J.;L City of New London, Ct. Property Taxes 77. f 4 d'S 3'f3'!:J Mrs. Jack Norton Office Expense 60.( 0 J.- ~. 3 ft'~ ~ean Auto Parts Operation Ferry 179.~9 . ::;(;j 3 <(bJ: !aramount Pictures Corp Theatre 570.~1( C Paramount Pictures Corp. Theatre . 178 63 j 1,j1"::fZf ~/ ~A',/ ' PAGE NO. ....1..():f..4.. .,..........'.~.' .-:..... ~. ............. TOWN CLERK ~Lr 1 ) J "q.! !/p;)1 91- / "W..{i.Jta2;l1i- po. :Xf:-.r.... ............. .... . To SPPE?VIBOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ . ,~ . . BILLS 0-<~~~Mj5~-'~1 CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD EEC. 120 ~_J'~: _ To the Supenisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southo1d on the ..' _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..........._ .... ..... .......... , 19.... on Clajms No. ............ _..... to No. . _............ _.. _ inc., now on me in my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE )R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMJ , -PaL",..(~ont p;" I ." es ~ 1'heab;oe_ i:;~.~[~ ; d..~l ,:?~30 Penn. Central Transp. Co. Operation Ferry I 10.~ . b---- ~, 5/.q :~ '/37 Clyde G. Pierce Repairs Ferry 113. . 0 -+---- , ~iN ,1~f Prays Inc. Repairs Ferry i 10. 0 I ~7/) 3rJ r Joseph L. Raub Operation Ferry I 4'fO I I , I .c71f. ,~ VV(j Rosen's Film Delivery Theatre 8. 8 ~ 1"- 6<fW George Sanders Operation Ferry I 36. 0 , ~ ')JIf 27'-'~;L J. Solomon Inc. Operation Ferry~ 23.71 >1 34. 6 Office Expense 11. 25 --.L_ ..1){[ 3/f'1'; Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry 2422. ~-.t-- ':'7( / Sullivan Printing Co. Office Expense 33. ""0"/ :~: ._----, ~J~ 3VvJ/ Bruce Terminix Co. of NE Operation Ferry 10. &71' ,~~V~ Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs Ferry 119~ .:).71 '.'?i.{.1{.7 A. W. Toivonen Operation Ferry I 24. 8 M4 "3 I.f I,/t C~ited Artists Corp. Theatre I 500. 0 rPfD ,1 if<,cq Warner Bros. Distr. Co. Theatre 131. 0 ~fJ , 8 !iS7J Alfred S. Bxcknell Operation Ferry 1 8252. 0 -~-~. .. -- -,-1 ,- -,~ ~-- -- .;rlJ, :::!'fP Agency and Trust Hospitalization 1,_.J3..5L p..tL.... --- ,5,f'( t?, I.f s' .... ~own of Southold District's share NYS Retire. i4170. OO~ - JI q2..? II . . -.'- --- ~-_..- 1---.--. u --.-.-- -_.-- ------ ~."...~._......._~,-"'-""~---._-- '---- -- PAGE NO. ................ ,y~(:~:./~,d~ , TOWN CLERK "'- . . . .. . .~ Warrant No. ....JL.............. . ,~ . To sdPEIIivrsoR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~ PYBIIUB 8lWtI1m SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeci!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....~..............day of .... ~t........... ..... , 197'? on ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT dcIr T .....r Co. ID.1. cecI&r '5Q 28 Ai._ ml. IIorth JIbft: VarietY store IDe. toolI 44 84 !l4 _ !Ih. L...- --<-- A ... Co. tor -.A'h'" ftA 60; 60 doc 8teru. ....ri.. IDe. __ Ned 70 00 IM1cl'O .AJ.ber't V. B1c~ in .-;1.0-....,....-. I .- '- ,,~ I i I , a 0.%'(. 'l~ ru<<a~ ~&;:/, j L-t/'Z.-{_, !,J\(}1C~. .. .............. ........................ ..,.......... TOWN CLERII!:: . ""- . 'Warrant No. ...!:!.................. r, ." n'8v.r-.....vI80R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS t;HAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 SPBCIAL J)JZI'1'R1C'1'a PIJIID To the SUparvIl!or of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeci!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ..A1JIU8't:..... .....'..... , 19,75 on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. !CHECK D~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NA..-.m NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT . co;- ~(r8 I Limti...l Willhen Ielalld Vt;111- Co. 1Do 1 :>'1"1 "fit .c~ <<6- <f "t &-V. -I'. "" "Light L. I. LiSbtiQl Co. Street Light...orient 559 6? Light L. I. Lipt1ng OOllJ)&D7 8tre.t Light.-X..t Marion 423 43 , Light L. I. Lighting Oo..paJQ' 8treet Light.. South01d jl.,497 59 Light L. I. Lighting OoapaD7 Street light.. PeoOl1io I 361 96 > 0/ 'b"5< Light L. I. Lighting O~7 8treet 11ght.- Jlatt1tuok ] 1~2 83 Light L. I. Lighting C0JIpm7 8treet light.-Mattituok 12 146 67 Light L. I. Lighting C~1I7 street Llght...cutohOSU 1~ 32 Light L. I. Lighting OOlDPIID7 Street l1ght.-Greenpol't B- ~ 476 24" .' i , .. , :p"''H~'. 7.5,t1.:J, ''1 c? . " - ~ ~~~~i.0~~~ PA!lE NO. ................ TOWN CLmRIB: . ,,~, '-. ,-. .~., . ",~"'arr.nt No. ......9............... JL at.,- B1U.8 ft.: '.._.'tp SDPmVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .. ""'''- ," BILlS .. ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD c:IL\P. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .e1&ta1:b . . . . . . . . . . . . . day " of ....~....... ..... ,19.'" on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. . tmECIC BUDGET AMOUNT ' DATE OF NO. PR. OTHER NA.'.!E NATURE OF CLAIM ./ NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I.!}-'w 1~'551o._ B1~ 1111 hili_I 'tal ...n.. to .... _'951 00 I/}-f { . 1..1.1_10._ '1'- om.o. 1'1 Ita I'J-.f{" .k .1..8. ita .--..- Mi .... /'Vr7 ,,~~ . .... .-to '. llhl or."7 I V'fr'r ~.~ a..~ ""rIM.. ..-tal 1 ~~ 'l.!J.f 1:J.-Y 0 Jo. -r.... .i.. ~ /'1ft ~ J ~/iI / c .-0.- ....~ JIIoto %Do. t11a 1-7 25 " V ~7510.- II&ft'o]k Otftee -..17 Co. naAa 29 28 1M) .- t....-.l Code ....---. CoI'p. I __1 ... 160 50 I:;W iAlolo.- ~ C8de ,-'ir ~ CoI'p. .....' t. 8'12 T1 I:JV( ~"'.- 1fIIIJt ,..HlOhi. Co. law booU J6 00 IJ q (, .- Af- ~ _ I'r1DUIW IuY10ee IIRIIe . I!I"1IIC ...te 12 05 ,:;.Q1 A.lUO._ WI L .. 1.'- vtU;J;_ Co. :IDI,. JIIIaM - ~ 52 87 1:19f &1620._ ..~ .. x.''''' 'ft1l1t.r Co. :IDI. uab~ .... _tar ebupe Jl 08 1:Yt9 A7UO.- . WI.. . ..-n. ~ - IIU'k J8 20 13IJO A7UO.- '!lie JIIIIftb JIbIIt ...... ~ete 117 ~ I.HI ~6o._ -.n... ~te c.'-l Co. MI'riH at ... 110 00 , ,'<(/1/ ~680._ A* tie Date h'_.lITFi'W ot:r. I. PQI'Oll U5 00 ,3iJ~ ~10._ ....... JIbIIt P~u.a c-s.tteI .6JLt..... ',000 00 1:!JOY 1.>>10.- x.-. IIJl- LllPtiIW Co. uabt at 'f ., . :r- n -, /' 1.>>10. - x.-. T.,'- LllPUIW Co. ....t ~ Z1 65 130 \ , ,H~ ~,o." n- 1Mbt IMiD %Do. boat ........ 60 00 '/307 ~7U0." JllIl t. e. It.~ plT1'" tor IIU'k ~ 00 . ' ~7JlO.4 '9"111-.. ~ II. ,-fl"t ~ at I'I:t1o __ ..,. 101 01 rjlJ 1 ~d(J .3~ ifol. ~c; ;+"~~:,(~!f!{~ PAGE NO. ........... ..... TOWN CLmRIB: . . , -- , . . 0 t ... . Warrant No. ..... .;r.... ....... ..... TG st1PElWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK At. .- 8IU.I ", BILlS .. ' CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....,.. ~ . . . . . . day of ....II" ~ 81' ... ..... ..... , 1915 on Claims No. ............."... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otlloe. Icm:CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /16 q ( .-... _ ~, DIe. MOl' \ 1,1,/ () l~gl7 1_.... _ ., DIe. ~ 'Vi ~ /311 '/tJ~o .. ,.., 1'uIr.... , aot: I_ k'l n r ~11l llir-JI ... ,~ _ 'II~ U .., , '1 IDrr/. I ~ ~D ~ ,.2 /';; .. ....... _ .. ;.;... !'1tif Jd~' .. 1M1'" - '- ~ 9a / /3/) Ug;.J'k _ _+ 11.&'1 N\ /.31(. It!- ._ III L. an Co. IDa, ......, _ _ 1M' JIn-O !?n 68~);1, _ III L. an Co. IDa. _, _ _ 10;,1 "IR 13/t //J't~~ _ CO.....- "'" M /3/9 /fffJ7 i.'7ll0._ IN.,,'. ,.~ FA An J?/)O I ~gJ8 .. GIIU on ". - 'lID _ 13J./ ~'7180.. 1-- ~ ,,'I..... Q liB' /3ot2- UnO._ JIuot JIINIIuoe " ..., .. n.. dJ3 .. IJIuot I!JIt . ..." J... A ~ 1.3J-V ,vll ~. ~... ....." 'I.... 12 80 / IIUu I t3;J. \ 1510.. JIIII'odIara " 181.' ~ - 'I lit. , ifiB , IjJ.~ ~_ - A ..."..... Cater w... 1ID ~Q 13 (2) b6lo.- ... . ... I: ~.... - , ft, J3~.i ~. ~... ~ ..." ...... _.._ .. Nt J3J-? /A.f{~. DoaIt - - t"I_ _1. , kn -it /336 1M3! ~ .. 10. IIIo. ,.. 1C. L." /3j/ <1n60.. IIIo. 14_ " 0I7l-) /J3.i.16k3~ 1J8160.. ___ -II If .to IIIo. ~ tor PIIl'lM- no " "-., ~.. ~ 2 ,< ...~. .... PAGE NO. ................ . ' ~, ~ . .' t . . 9. ' .' ..Warrant No. ....... ............... . T:) SDPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .. BILlS '. CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 . AI. ... BIU.8 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the . ~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .........~......., 19~ on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J2 :u ._ ....taau14.,... 1M"'" '7 Dlpt. ~ CD ...lffn...' 0&1' '52 118 -r--.. H.3lf ~-._ ac.tbo14""''' lint. wdr. CD DOli.. "-to ~ 06 !) J33{ lA&60.4 1ODt.bo14.,...... ~. '-* CD - ]~.. .. .. H,3k, InWA _ ... - - Dmt. I-m _........ _ia1. 6"il h/f.t1 1<3;; _ 14 _ -. ... .4. I-m _ -Hae -to ! 1628 J.?3r .k '~_ -... WD'k em _Ha. a._ I ~ID ,/ /33f IA~. ....... .,.&S. ,u._ llia,.. I- /3)?() /dfhlu.620.4 1II1II1 l1eatriaal ... ... 67 "'1 ,?,W JI.r?t,~4 *1r.... no 8Q /JY'1.'/Qf.?7~4 Albert.. JIu1;oooh1a bu r.atal " 16 "iO /3'f3 ._ 1IDCaIIe'. .. 8 l"I . t:;'V}/ /Dg~1eo10.4 ~~'. 1_ 10180 /i'-Y 3 r~' ,.AI"d"~ -.5,.:(':.0 - -- /,1 fJ . _ Ioutbold..ua Ioboola I I,We. U4:680.4 ~t1c Data Pno fd L.I. D,r 1Wl- 8/20 I 80 Q/I!, 13 f1. f61(pi .4 ~t1a Data I'IWUlTiWW ~ U iI. -thl7 ~'.. _ I 1 50 /,,01-"". ./~Y6 .4 ~101a Data td L.r. ft.P. ..... _ An.. 70 ,.. I? W td[1<1 "711.0.4 'ftd.a IfaI'tt "-e Co. IDe ...... -+... .+. ... 4- ..- 112 100 r J <)~ /IJ>Y~ U6lo.4 L1't'tOD IDdutri.. CNdit ,,- ~'t&1 at 7{'/ I;t\ JiJl !J6i~ 1160.4 IoIathold Pat.1'ol IDe. beaoh _t:rol 711100 1.3 5" z. 1/ (g yY U620.4 CIolda1th" f'aal aU 101 ItV'I I,? 53 / tffle'~ 1.1610.4 C. P. !u.tIa1ll IDe _ ~ .... 'A ,n Qt;. 1.<~VI/I7f<fI.~4 1~ 1M a;{ .4 LaaIr T.la.... ' Co. 1'" Iii 13 5't IJI)r'f7 .4 LaIur 't.,..... - Co 7F. I" ~ gfj;2} r PAGE NO. .....~........ .q~~~&~<i:/ ~~ TOWN CLER4t ,- , . , Warrant No. ......8............... . J , i TG> &u...I!iIoVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ . BILlS . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the SUpervjsor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aceounta apeclf\ed, being the amounta allowed' by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......~............ day of ... ..SI..,1 . S ~ ........... . 19. .. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on fUe in my office. Icm:CK D~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER. NA1\IE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I?S7 II A p~p .. J.IL s.u.a u.. Co. Pretec\1oD Sb1-.J".-tor PD Veh.. . 19'; 8'; J35~ IJo8" '19 I- !Do.. P.D. v...... m....... .... 2 6h /3 {"y , I/t1yJ1JJJ L , ..-......... Co. p.n. .rat" ~.a La 80 17. (.0 111 if 11I~ W\.I, 11. . .~~ ~ -. ""H_ -.J ~ m ,,1, (p / 1,1 ff2 . . (tin -. i 76 80 , L3 (, c., IAft) B312O.4 ~ n'l.aa Matron Serrl.ce I 10 00 13(,3 /IWfi BJ].20.4 Southo1d Pha1'Mc7 "..-Band Aida. Clip Board etc. 24 .11 f3W I/(fin' B312O.4 ~eelMt IAv P\1b1:l..t1onI P.D. Office Suppl1e. 16 SO / I/oK5'(' BJ].20.4 AHoc1a'te. Capital Serrloea Radio ReI1taJJI tor s..,t_ber 212 S3 I ~(.) ,3 (,(, ,0.-'1 ~ , 721 ,\,3b BJ].20.4 SaDar !Iad1o Corp. c..... tor 2 Val He-Tal H.. 110 ,~ /;2~ , .4 uuqo. to P.D. Port&b~. 50 :' 1,_ ,{,It' B......., I. All C_"" catiODll 1,._, --- P D. Mike Cord. 21 I~,q 11Af((fJ B312O.4 ~~ 1 ~. to TV 60 00 , 1 , g, 1,1 )0 Idt'( IBmo.4 Lou '. S8I'Y1ce stati_ P.D. Vehiol. ]2 (37/ l/oli~1 1B3l2O.4 H&ttUuok Au1;o Maoh1n. ShoD P.D. Vehiol. I 70 61&. 11,0 J . {3' _\ B:D..J>.~ Port ot BcJpt Marien Parte otr Mar1De II , ~ :1 1313 /6~ B.11.J>.4 Port of ~ Marine RaY CGDIJ'tab1e-S'DUtc Pl~ I J'), 7'1 IIJ~~- B:D..J>.4 Van Droit &: You1k BaY Con8tabl..T1re 36 IJb. v ~:D..J>.4 }lat101tuok\~ .,. BaY CGDStable-Ou 19 ~ 131) 10114'( ,37" Jdi~) .4 Auto Parte. !Do. P.D. Auto P~127.01 . 1'i6 '>9 /377 "'.11)).4 !'I&t101tuolt Auto Part.. Inc. au ConItab1_-28.98 }:J1f I~K~ t ~.11.J>.4 Alber'taon Marine BaY CoI1ltab 1- ParY 123 30 ~ ~:D.20.4 . fir!" )2>71 Mobil on Corp. Oil-P.D. I ~ 61:: 1\1 ' 13g; 10 '6(,7 .4 Mobil on Corp. Ga8-P.D. 1300 ~ . 1\ J" ~3l2O.4 Moon Oil Corp. OaII-P.D. 788 t3t O~(.~ BJl2O.4 .1..1. Hart P.D. Vehicle ParY ;l ~ '),'1 / P _ n_ ....... -,. ....... :; :; (" B312O.4 J .J. Hart r, 13~_'f, .4 Ben UDU'OI'll Co. P.D. t;D1t_ 3; 2 I .t/)' ,3g) d. B3l2O.4 BNt. UD1tol'll Co. P.D. tnitOI'llll 00 1.0 135< I/U6wI .4 Be'~ . Co. P.D. UD1t_ 676 00 I' #' ,?'/~ .3/ /? ~ // . ~ /,.,4grt~" ~~ PAGE NO. ..,............. TOWN ' , '0 , . , . Warrant No. ..9................... . ~ . . 1'3 SUPEIIiVISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . . BILlS .......~r fIIID BILLS . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, - SEC. 120 To the Supervtsor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeci!led, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. ~:J.P~. . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...,.......sept "-........, 197.5. on ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc.. now on me In my otllce. jcm:CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT JJf7 HJY7(} .- Il'leet IDa. _H__ .~ l7,it Ilttf7/ - I ...... 1H "', o;n JJff .." ... I. t.v _~,. ._ - Yo. .......... & &.. l? 90 I- ... I - ~~ ft Jr. -- ~ - , I IJtj/ l^y)3 1_.:...11. I_Aft, h. -....- ;312/ 11_",- ... I-.A/\ .Jr. -- _+ ...n 1 .. ,H3 llIX1V "'. II. :I. "_T_ , j7, '1'1 loi)) !...",^ 10 --- ,- -+ ~. J31J lQf7c' I...",^ _ ..--- fO.... T~, ...... ~. - /39(. } oK 7'J 1&7180._ IVan D.nIt .. IDa. -M_ ...... t:._ , "In' ,;A /.3fJ /dRl8' iA8160._ '. ... ftI... 'lID '7A {3 1[( .- ... yOl'lt Co. -"'- -,"'- _ILB_ 0 0fI- IJ 11 .4 ... York ....l~ Co. -77-0550 - IuiPer - . ,~ 171 ~ Jlua .h WlO._ ... York Co. ..;.;. ~;;~ .i..,_ _7 - - /'1"/ 1D'i" &4 ... yOl'lt '1'elepbaDe Co. ~5550 - JII8t1oe - AIIp8't " 59 /v.o'1. .- ... York Co. .:.: "In ,,, - - J'fd3 . .~ ... yOl'lt ....1..... Co. ;~:ID: =0; ~ . i I ,u:o'f .- ... 'loa Mepboae Co. 'l~~~ .. 1_ Torft Co. . - Polic. - _. 20 05 ._ ... '111* 'hJ...... Co. - - Polioe - JQa. 79 ~ J 'fO I ." _ TOI'k 'alepbaDe Co. - Polic. -_. 1:SIt1140 _ fJI"6 1~%80 .4 !lie IIIt':tolIt ~ 1ep]...&~'. 14. ~ '{l /ifd9 0._ !lie IIIUolk ,~, - ... 1/f/tJ J .- x..l1. .....,- %Itc. ba_.'trouIerII J8 133 - .n,1 ~ Pili lI"u ." . IDa. 29 95 1 If!'" Inqn."",lO..~ 11M L. I. '1'Joaftler 1Do. 1epl - ~. 14 21 ~ /yP '!'he L I. :r- ,~, - ... ,- J .- ....,..... .... IiI1 th .. 8aIa IIIII. No )1ffjl 16~gJ IIIa11"t8 .. Wo_..1'8 110 J'I/) Jb g g<{l .- '. <n...-- IIIII. cIJ'Y 01 1M 1.5 JyI(p /5((.~ =._ '!'he _ ';;11"'.'" Co. 1qal - ___,. lei. 16 :10 /'/1; JO tfll .4 DIP. 11&. tell: 1IIPYi_ 1;0 .... ,000 ..~4~4~/j 5 P~I!~. .......... ..,... TOWN CLEIIJIt , , ;' . . Warrant No. .... .~.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ) , . Te SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK '~ . BILlS . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, . aT.,.. am.t SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. ~tIa out of the acoounta &peel!lee!, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day lept .. 75 of ........ ....~ .. . .. ... , 19, on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !!Ie In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I'hf Ill' ""''7 1A7020._ 1JIaiGD ..... ...hool .10 r I' 1200 00 1"1i<1 1/.1781' 11n1_._ Ifu't JIIad Co. ]Do. - . ~ 56 I<I-:J^ iI,,!?~q 1.&1_10.\ IIDCIIbe '. oU.-..... - C1mtt .".: 1- l'-f~/ .17'1. .~ - I '!be I 1:l 'W - i I t..J,):? I"if' - I~ '1'.,..... Co ~. I "I~ 1<IVo3 .~ I... Ymok ' c.., --.-- - .Ytoo,. IOIIin . I~<f lo8'f~' .- .. 'foztt "-J.~, - Co. ~~~~ - _. 26 M ~ (,I I~..s- k 1_- Co. _ AM. a ." ?- ,1..);, 1'I'02.b i'1~10.\ .. 111ft N...J Co. ~~-_. ~ ~ loi.?:J..7 - I... Y<B4r Co. "fl".; 1&1620.\ ~ k 18(> l',Ca.!" u- . PI,;9 ~ Ia'.n~.- Bullard ;S. &_""'1 OODtnat - _ I +.\1. 700 00 P/~o lO895 .~ IIN. ..1c 1fo1a pi.. ~ P.I. trip 52 00 , I I t ~~~Jd"" PAGE NO. ..... ........... . W..n4"t,'NO.' .........~.. .......... . . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To 8u...I!iotdItlSOR TO PAY AUDITED , ~BfLIB . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD . HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of tha accounta specl!led, being tha amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... .~~............day of .......sept.ember...........,' 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc.. now on file In my otllce. JRECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~)./lf G.Ri~q. 2 644 <=;0 1 . ASTIhal ts Inc. road materials f 1- ~. 140. R.L.Ber/l:en Oil Co.. Inc. diesel fuel 77 95 /.J%. () 7 o r IV 141. R.L.Bergen Oil Co.. Inc. diesel fuel 50 12 (' /J!J 142. Blue Rid.l>;e Oil & Chemical COI'] . anti-freeze. tarps 1 010 60 /3/5 60 (P' f' I 14,. Blue Ridlze Oil & Chemical COrt . motor ,oil ,0'1 00 , 1_ '1. 144. CaTIitol Highwav Materials In . sie:ns 6'1 40 0C!-? '7,:; IP / 14<=;. CaTIi tol Hie:hwav Materials 4,7 In e:uard rail ends <=;0 .1..)'13 146. Carbro Industries Inc riruzs domes (as TIer bid) 1. 7,8 00 ~y71 147. Gulf Oil Co - US /l:asoline F.1. (220.5 gallons 114 86 ~y7J- 148. Georl':e L. Penn.v. Inc. lumber '38 7g : ~v;t 149. Rason Asphalt. Inc. cold patch 193 60 i ~'v7i 150. Suffolk Cement Products. Inc. cement blocks 204 7<=; I 1 , (,.f%/'()1 PAGE NO. .....1.......... ~~g~k/ TOWN = /(, 76/.:77 d--?,Le_~ c:L~(/ / " , 9- ~rrfnt No. ......... ............. . . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK o SDt'ERNISOR TO PAY AUDITED . " BfLIS "RAP. s:U. LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8', TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPT. BILLS SEC. 120 '0 the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. 8th JUt of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of .......81aP:t<wiblJ.r..........., 19.75 on' Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otlloe. ~CK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II. OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM :>. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT &.7! MACrcif. 1 1. All Communications Inc repairs & parts <;1 00 ~""7'1 192. Associates Capi~al Services nt radio leases ')0 40 ~Ylo 193. Crown Uniform Service services - August 41 20 ~ygl 1Q4. Dick's GaraQ'e repair parts F.r. 40 7? ~yf)o lq<;. K B Electronics Service "" I R? "I; ~Y~3 196. Kinney Chev-Olds. Inc. si=al plate q8 ~YfJ.l. 1Q7. Mattituck Auto Parts Inc. repair parts I ?IF !4R f.o""rr 198. Mullen Motors Ine 2 - 197') New nnrl",,, MO"lI I qO 1,,<7 I 199. Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. = - paint IDa "l? !oo ) r,,;;.<; 90 IV u I 200. Municipal Mach inery Co Inc ecll<eIDaster ?I;O I OO~ t'Yf7 201. Rolle Bros. "lhn", . ., R hR r-/ff 202. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc fan h"l+' ? IRR iP-..f9 20"1. Riverhead Brake Service ~"lino" nin", 'i4 14? _t'Y9o 204. Seatronics Inc. labor - Sup.t ""hi n1" 2<; 100 '(/91 205. Truis Inc. repair ,,_ hnh,,~ MOl; IMM ~YCj} 206. Tryac Truck & Equipment Co. ,Ine . repair parts 229 102 / , 207. Van Dyck & Yousik J:pc. tires - #67 oR OM /;v'l3 208. Ivan Dyck & Yousik. Inc. tires - #67 qR OM J39,0 </ I~ 209. "an Dyck & Yousik, Inc. tires - #78 41 72 j tl-ff 210. Wells Pontiac - Cadillac Inc _ qnn'+ ""hin1" 34 16 '7/<0 l' . 9''1 ~d ~~ 1 .............~~L,..~ PAGE NO. ................ TOWN CI.ER.K: Wa""nt ~No.' ..... .9................ To A~R TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . ~ I ~Bp..L8 < TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS aF 1932, ART. 8, SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nameo out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... ~tA. . . . . . . . . . . .day of ......s...P't~J!lp...:r............ 197.5. on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. ECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ~O. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~"Yqs '!J.1jv5~. 1m 164 16 . Hart Hardware & Garden Center Inc. - misc. items .t":q, 170. Mrs. Marion :Arnold part-time clerk P;!; Inn 6y97 171. Municipal Machinery Co.. Inc. snow fence twisters 20 40 61: 172. New York Telephone Co. 734-5211 - services - 8/4/7S 82 11 /'''.Iio I 17'3. New York Telenhone Co. 76"-"1140 - servi"'''' _ 711 h/7!; I :>R I!;n fa yCj9 174. Raymond C. Dean sup't expenses 26 1"10 / ., ^" 175. Southold Agway Inc. tubs 10 190 3;t, .J, 't 'IP ~ 176. Southold Agway. Inc. wheels. pruiner 2"1 1"1"1 10301 177. C.P.Tuthill, Inc. pipe - pounders 10 192 ~3 0-; 178. Washington White's Sons tools 72 1e;"I fo30~ 179. Xerox Corporation meter usage copies ns 00 0fYf 180. Zep Manufacturing Co. zepreserve S9 78 i i I I , 7oC. .1"/ !'A(11C !i(). .. ...~.......... .~4.::r-b~~ TOW!f CLER.K -;::f;:',;,,~:;';'~;~;~;!;;;,~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLKa - C~_-U . . BILLS / ~ j J CRAP" 634 I!\.WS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ' . Q>- v-- EEC. 120 V p",v-f To the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: . You are hereby authorJzed and directed to pay the followIng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective namea K+J, out of the accounts specified, being the amounts al10wed by audit of the TO~"11 Board of Southold on the ...... . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . day of ...........$.~p..r.............. . 197~ on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on!l1e In my office. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE DR OTHER N .'u'dE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMl "...,.- --""..---.,-,~ r-..".----,..~ . .......... ~.._.-._----"..........._<-- .....- ..-.;,...-._- _ !J11J_ ~<7~> 1l:_[~.I'L7NC. orr-,C[ L:x ?e'H".E 30 '6 2;....-___. .--- r ", ~'7 C(>C/J. 'i t? /1J71t'Ii?t/.f (J OF,J:I(!? l':.~ rc1iJs./i; 10 !_~- J. ..- ~.- _ 11..5 I,.;r /}pc)( CJ{IC'L= .)uP.bI" 1'.0. OF.Ftc~ E)<,/~/--",c 17 3S- ,..... . - 1174 :i~9 ( ~ , , - J?.I9-lkv + Sf~(.I1J T"c. {)P<"/lc...j'6f'/ 6/:" Fey.ry L!i "0 I If'1U~ )'~D ( Bill/tv J- )ll'1uJ :T1Ve- ()pl?/lcdIlV (+ ~vrY i 4J"o J'~ J17s 1?/cJ,LJ~j S. I3nJ\l=./L , !/S6 "'I {; J:~e<: 66 "..."/ . t1/JIQ1d'\ 1t"J./r 12 h;/1 ~ /'J:J" Dc /, e /l fv ./- (leH' Pll IV of /-K:covn -11/1./ G 5C~ 00 cz,........ ~!7 / ""2" I9I~YmlA/ci /-, DoyeN C>{J-Hfl1/ >J'/NvC~ He <:, /.56 - '-'''7,;) Od 3Jj1f <-14 I)J/Zs JE'. Pe 12.{2.l/ z: dWCl/,d.s 0# c to: I=~ fJc .-I<f..? 26 dO 0--.-, 2119 ,"(IS- e, Pf?~)-Y .E'dw41C d s c5lt<'ce ~/<.PI::>"/Sk; ;;:((J :::J(j {7 I <'pjtO ofl~ ~ /. .Et.. t"c I/?/c (10 N..E.' ()pL't2cl/tP/J Fe I'ry IftJ.6 ill . , , 1/1 ()Q III e '7'S"~. 19 76/ q/ ..- . . 1.4/12 ;/0/2 1- /:2..5: 70 j .. IIJFAcE L:,X.PDJSE:..__ L,..2" , Jlt/ ",;, 7 LI. (/,1,);'" A) Fret> SC/'LO L- c- ) ''''7 ",05_ _.~ ,---~ O/""HcE /-f".<?b.:.rE .52.'~. . , ~'1tj ,'<Jl ;::: I. UJ,I If v {l t> . c...~1 ~ --- f 1t0/'.ii?h'I/J,v H/2I?'( 75": StJ ~ ~1,,7 ~ -rfl t: 17 r/2 ~ J:?'jtJ2 T-:-- -, "--.- ,- iJ 183 ,';5..1 /?t el, ~ 12.d.Y- Fe> 'I t. tz,~ . , ~Lt';/?1/ f.f/oA./ER. Fees /,(I() C!(J ~ig4 ,3,~ 11 7CAAi Cod4 . SR. d F r--I,C;.E 1;)( P E /() j; ;=. /tJ 5- (]() , 7 :}/I&..) }Ol ~"-ft.~ ;._EYc 1-I_Se~2Li/<'L_ g e.j?:lJ {?"f.~IZ~ 0, P'?1 (> J1!'- I c: s0 _00 -"-'''"-, .-..---- 4& t .((:~ a~ 0 fSL,7/C.' Ii E..L..{D(j . {J pe/.?ccl, OJ ;::-e vr.x. /Y9 23.. -.- f-.~ ~-,--". - ---_.._._-_.~--_.- ---- :-- .'t)1t 7 :-;'~r .q (UOL IE. /2. G" f I{;A) 1I?.Ji7 / L j//!~t/ L/1 c; E~____ 2dt> u/\ c>./w,,r j-'-=' - ------- f--. ) .. _~~K ..'"cd iT!!A_hCJ/l.o L-)ec!I2~/J/(' S R Q Phi fl...s J:::- c: i?.1</____.. ___ _:~2 ~ 9 --- ------- . , ,c,i.~J_s:~~~...~~!!../.("'L\.f.)- !5w-. /JU c;' . () FFIC:E .z-~ ~f..AJ ~~_.._._._.__ / s-' ,t5tJ - ,.~ '. / d :L ,:........~~d~ PAGE NO. ..... ........... TOWN ~VJ1 . ,01'.1 it' .i~ .., . '~UT,:,';tJNO. ........er....... () V..JJ ora Sc;,,::-..vrSOR TO ?AY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Of/ ~ $<,' J . . . ' "'" -r..L BlLLS ' ' C[,,'JvvVv' C'rlAB ~4 ~WS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ',,'~~ SEC. 120 (/^ To the ~upervLsor of the Tawn of Southold: You are hereby authorized Rnd dIrected to pay the following named persons. the amounts set down opposite their r~ctive names rF? out of the accounts spec1fied, being t.he amounts aI]owed by audit of the TO'WL1 Board of Southold on the .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ..........:':!~~r:............ . 19/$. on CIafms No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on me in my office. '-F-~ CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ,ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMI ) F1q; _.~_...-. ____.._._~v._...___._._ 6?e;}tJ-;~ S'1-/?t-c.LtJl?es 9'& ~ .~= ~ 6FEI'2/'l7//'AJ r--el?,RY f7/.YO l '.!'/;1////,;S/O/!/l'/2S ~~_S'"_~:5"' 66 -- Re I'€'s-~n- 3 . -r; tCE Z X ?/ZNS'.J:: J c.€.c,ltoAJ Ferr 3 I J...-h tee Ex ?EA/~E 66 ,"J I. ~ I .... ~./ C' 1/if'4!/2 p /~ 6 . . , ,JuJ 1'.(Ia E" Ppfi'[ 6'.>(3 ~Dtfl . , tJ 02- HY/'" V /:J.'72 _ __ __, , .., /C ~/2- ;UN:. 1f>,J;,tc e.R4-1t6,v' HY/' ~$I38 h ,31 (v t?), /C Il?s S-le 'r9'A/E I< HCE .cx?E-f/.f'F ,,;(<1 6_0.. __ .3./.2 ~f'~/.-tJ~. FeKlj. I-.-/:Jo.cl., .:;;/'2' " f/t:://.?S' Af'r,Y _pz Irf___ z, / 9 .2 ~ 6 I'fltJt2 HX T A (>4 '//2~ ;;1 .q 1c~ f' ,5:2 C ~(/A (h.r/t,!~r., A i<.__ n.~<I //2 (j /4' tJ ~ (j , 31. 1 tJ,.ed./2J.!.[LL ItI2 .'/ lze4L!{(> 3Dt:J ?. .. ~~5'o~....;::'~Q.J. t).)I/."cI Eltct./.?I.'cfu 1 ,/.f?e...l'{i~t.2f'=-r:-el.'!"'X____ 66 _' _{~j_:2:~ 3 ()/II/ 1J~.i!; '=.Lf L/J1_.7J;5'I./2.. ]Lie0LdR_____.u.. ___ / Pd 60 So' ' 3)/-1 /?c';2~_/Z/ L, Ld1l.G Thf'c;&.Ln________ 3'/ {, -__ "---- -- ._~--_.- _ 3'/,5 2....:1-....5. a./1//Z,fc~/,j6 -,c;;'cc E)(./?~;?s[ 7,,,' iJd _ .3S'1i ::':J.. ~ /l~~(?1;,/2_0S!:!{~~U. ()J:Qt!/?/.~tI~v 6 F .L:~A~/<')t'_ 195~.J.{J 06 ___ ----_._,._~-,.._-- .5'ItJ.__..E~7.._L/, r~I}J2Y ])1S?/?ICL_yCJ:]t(i Ex PE'/'/)~E ..__ .;.('8 ~~ w_ '2.5/1 2>~'! 1l6~"Y "'Tlfusr 1I_.sp,lr~"~"''1''D'" o:{1,Y;dJ.Sj 01 ~. I. F~"Y blS7-elcf '])1$761<1'$ /6 T q L- ,'''/' . ~g~ PAGE NO. 3.p/!...2... SM,u{ ~?:.~::...::~{/ TOWN CLERK . " , " - , . .: I'Warrant No. .....9................. . 1'6 SDPEIWISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . .. ..... BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD '-:Uk ~ · SEC. 120 To the Superv1sor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecJfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the. .eiCJa'tb.............day of ...'.. .1epttIIIIer..... ..... , 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my ottlce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~t. '_4 .. T.1_ vt1l1....... Co. 1'IIe ~. to ' I ..r '>f'.>7 . 1- td It.If ow, U-t" L1JIht'- 9 1.1- L1 Co. CII 1.682 ~- Bu1: JIar10D -,0 .~. J 11&"'1 tuck 11 L .", 1I&'tU tuck 12 I ~ 90. '7 (..9;(<J, Z( :t !i.. J'eooD1o ,~ I! I GIll ~ B-1I * 58 oJ i I - 7~J1P; /,;} PAGE NO. .......1....... ~d~~~ . . . . ~ "warrant No. ......9................ .. ,; i" SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .. - BILlS J!!JIftU..,. __ CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclf\ed, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ............ "..~.. , 19.1'- on Claims No. .......... ........ to No. .................. inC., now on !lie In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. "II. OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~../t? ~N. JIiIaII'1.oa....... :Dao. -' 1MtaU ..... _.....JOO '5. Me> b1~o 1.oJ rrn ttc-.J..- HJ-. -'oN Paul ..... Bleo't. Cca1;. 1MtallaUca a't i , I I .. .. ~.. U /,. ..,.-.---'--.. . 1 ........ .:~/~~<. .,-(?:.~~:/ PA!lE~. ..... ......... c. TOWNCLl!IIIa!:: .' 4. . ., f ~- p- ~ j" 10 . ,,' arrant 'No. ...~................... . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED .....,,, rile ~ BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SUparvIl!or of the Town of Soutbold: -- You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. ----.out of the accounta specified, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... .1._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day October 75 of ...'.................... ..... , 19.... on Claims No. ........'.....,... to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. pmCK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I<1J{g I. ? -I AlJt20.4 Robert W. Tuker Secre1arial I8J'Y1c_ "'"" nn /"-31 I/D"O~ 81910.4 MIJAo- Prioe . IYlWlht _H.... 0;'9; 00;. -;43~ 1/.9." AlO10.4 Jill" - Prioe ., .H :::00 nn 1~3q .? 7 Al68o.4 .aan-Uo Data Proo....h1C )Ia7J'Oll &"1m 78 12 I~o ID90i Al680 .4 ___tio Data Pronr-4"\1[ p: hi ....... i 3 16 14/.~1 109.9 ~O.4 anted ..tiuvli -t Cbuzoch _ or obu:rch h.c1l1 tise I 1cn Q8 1~-liL I...., "".4 Butera L.I. Boapi'tal .at..- _ c. Ca'taldo '.'30 00 ' ';> ( 10910 1443 ID'II B3l,o.4 J_ Pe18boff buo:re 50 00 /4(.44. 1-9/~ A816o.4 Alllricu 'lum. te CoiDt.zoo1 ""100 at pit - Aucuat 40 00 NtiS' ,_913 1L'7620.4 8tIDri8e Coach L1De. IDe. 2 ~.. - ~ 9/4 - Sou'tho1d Or. 450 00 1"'4' 109,<1 U620.4 X- COrp. ~'tal or copi.r 135 00 140+7 10"''> u620.4 X- Coaop. or copier - Clerk 170 97 I~Y'i /0'11' l'U'ied Yankee .A1rw.J'e IDe. 65. ~ 32.50 97 50 - 1"-'1-9 1/. '17 wlo.4 rut IIId OUio. ProdwJte Center COW PlJller 29 7'5 It;f.~o IDfrf U620.4 ft't.laq .... _ter 34 :!Q. 1'1-$'1 1091 <; U620.4 w' u- lerrtc. 'i..- IlU'Yice 14 58 14$' ;J. Id9;lD 7180.4 or GI'e! ~ l1Itc_t w.t.t>r 2 Po I-+~ 3 Itl9~1 "10.4 o~ .. & ....wt liPte - polo P'CJUIId8 1'32 59 i4$' ~ 11!J9")~ .4 _il 011 CI'edi 10 Coaop. lH-wperri8OI' 24 rn 11t..r .r 'H;l 3 ~620.4 1Ib1 te '. Soaa 1IIW11.. 'T3 21 I~~.f.. 10'liL,) 7110.4 '. lerrto. Ceater 111.10, hllldM, etC. 6" Iio IW1 14 B16o.4 . L. BerpD 011 Co. ]Do. d1_1 tlle1 167 11.9 l-forB' v09~~ 8160.4 Befi-.r COrp. ~1o oil 131 60 14-r9 1101.2 7 A7UO.4 Da'fa1 Ret-&1.l 8ePrioe 1M. tent tor pu'k ct.dioat.1oD 100 Ix> :\*'<'1-'-" ; 1 C2 ~~~~J f'J\(}1C NO. ................ .'/1Jo,~ /'1 0-6,}, 37 TOWN ' , -,- ."..... . . . . ...~. 'lVarrant No. .. ..~?................ . ; To SUPEIIiVISO!!. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OJ., SUFFOLK BILlS i. CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD GENERAL FOND Bn.uI SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .., .7tJ:1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...,...Oc:tober. ..... ..... ,19..750n Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. inc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 1-1-'0 109>' AlJ20.!J Mary Moree Pa"roll tnI' we..1e ..ndin.. Q/:'h 10 r::n 1'1-4/ o9~i A1620.~ Long bland Lighting 00. Ju.tice De_reet-Electric 29 17'-" 'YL IAlt.;>O .&..Ong J.'J.ana ....lgh1:1ng Co. Town Otticee-ijlS06.72 r- lA33l0 Lo~ Ieland Lighting 00. Trattia e1lznal.. 'it7~.8q ~8o I>l! 1-1,,,. 10'}30 AIIIO.b Barbara M. Andrade StaDlDe tor Juetice 99 71) /4'3 109.31 LILCO Jean H. T1edke LILCO Heari~. ! 450 45 1-1-'1- o?3...1A3610.~ Theodore Heueer Bd.of A.....ment Revi.w I 100 00 I-I'.s- I093:J1A7110.~ Dick'. Garag. GravelY rental-Park-F.I. 6E> 00 II-" 1"93~ ..6S10.4 Raymond Cleave. POIlt#86l Room Maintenance 200 00 1'1-' 7 1093'- 83130.4. Mobil 011 00. Gu-Bay Oon.table 204 98 I-I-H loj3' ~3130.4. Gulf 011 00. Gu-Bey Oonetable 2ltE>. C;6 14'9 o9a! ~1220.4. X.rox Corp. Paper 78 10 1470 1"93' "904.0.8 'l'be State In.urance Fund Workmen'lI Comp.nllation 221 22 o ,,-, --~. .... T', - ~ ,- .._~. a, n.. ...., ,\10m' 147~ lo9~0 1910.4. F &. E Salee 00. Guarantee &. F01'8e17 bond 176 55 1'/-73 "'NI\ 1680.4. Automatic Data Procesll111j W-2'II-Month1y 2 75 ' ~O,7~ I .u680.4 Automatic Data Proce..ing Co. pr run - 9130 78 18 /47~ I09"',i A1620.4 Long III1and. LiChting Co. flood light 10 82- ~ A7180.4 Long Illland Lighting Co. light - 'II beach 2 05 M',C,:!J ~"10.4 Long III1and Lighting Co. 'trattic 1iah'te 55 176 1.f7o!!' of"':!> !B8010.4 Serge Do7en Jr. Board at AImAal. 34 Iso ,-47' lo?-.<,z 18:3620.4 ~ H1nd.el'!llllml att.arVI.ft'J'iI at conference H2 172 /477 o9~. 1l~.4 EcbIard w. Fox &818.lIOl'II _tin<< 6 00 /1"7'1 IO?",t. 1l~5.4 Melville A. Keleey Jr. ......lIOl'II mee'tinll: 6 00 1471 ~O'l</.} .4 _lit. Publ1l1h1ng Co. MoK1nney book 29 00 :; i?d! f. ,/ '. --"'" ~~' / PAGE NO 2 ..... .. ...~:. ~ ;: ............... TO ' ,~, ,~ "" - . . . , . 1..~arrant No. ..../B................ . . .. ~O SUPEIWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta &peeWee!, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... .7~. . . . . . . . . . . day of ..~~...... ........... ,19,7S on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT IJl.KD 1~9off B1l2O.4 Dr1ftN IJ-- Gu1cII Co. 2.2 -,r. 1II1Ncr1pt1_ * 19 10 ,;/-SI 1~9+9 B'ftW\ I. East IDd Oft'1ce PI'OdnotII P.D. ott1oe __14__ S'} SO 14K.:z. 'o9~o B"- I. JD'S J.u~ BodY P.D. V-.s.ol. II_~- J20 00 J. ~ BJ12O.~ Iran D;yok &: Ioull1k P.D. Tires 2~ ~;'J >y 1'l-8~ 109", ? I Van ...... .. IowdJI:. IDe. p. D. Ti.... 1~4 09~J. B31.2O.4 (h..At-A PcmI MerGUr7 P.D. Veh1cle R8pa1l'I I 14 6S I;fff.s- ~Hi Pb1UiD8 a-ral S P.D. V-.s.ol. Parta 68 16 141(. 10,/5''1- ~ 11 ~" .D. :fCIj/.UU 84 All c-...i ~tiCIIIII . BOII$lO.OO. IJi-$S.OO 00 1~~7 IO?$'$'" ~ ~. ~~ MUe. I~ P.D.- $2).9) 25 28 D.V" $1,,) . /#f- 109~{. B312O.4 Cbarlu Gre.b1att. IDo. P .D. Un1fol'llll U 20 1"9.~,( 118&111 !Mal.... P. D. Un1folWl ~~~ 'IiO~\ 1"f8fl .. B312O.4 LeIll1e ~.... P.D. tJn1toaI B312O.4 LeIll1e 1>'-'"'' P.D. tJD1t_ 26 80 I~'O lo9st a312O.4 A.IOC1at.e8 CaDital Servioes P.D. Radio Retal 212 ~1 . 10,/s9 ~ L' P.D. '001;0 1'; .:I. . . /4,91 Inc. I . /'1-9.1.. Id9' 0 )120.4 Mattituclc Au1;o }I.o"jne ShoD P D. Vehic1. loom /'f?.3 '09'1 B.3l2O.4 S1JIID18X 'l'1M !I8corder Co. f!.e Cards tor P.D. D..... Roaa 118 Ita 1~9-1 lo9'J. B31.~.4 ;~ .WI1'-te...."sonl Rope.Drum, Noul.., P1na- 7 b6 ..---.----"'-- /4Ps- '071.3 B31.~4 Walter F. RoIrlmd P'1re Ext1ncui8her-Ba)' Coutabl. )2 72 . 1~9" 'oH~ B31.20.4 GrINItport. Ford M8l'CU1'7 P.D. Vehicle Repa1ra 26 70 802 c" 1.01-97 1<>' ts\ B.3l2O.4 Mobil Oil Corp . P.D, Guol1ne 39l (.- <. .q u;u. IiOrp. P.D 1.231 jO' \ ' B)12Q,4 Mobil Oil Corp. P.D. 0U0l1ne \ B)l2O.4 Iobil 011 Corp. P. D. Gasolin. 1,)) 9:>/ ~ B31.)o.~ Mattituck Auto Parte V1r.n-~~" pl1er. $5.$6 )12 67 I-I'I~ 1090 B 'ft "" Mat a,,+... _. ~ P. . .u II/?' '09'7 B312O.4 HOPP7" Cle&ne1'll Cleaninc UD11'Ol'llll US 40 -.:5-0 ~-.s- ,Pi ...3 g;;~~g~ffl/ PA!JE~. ................ ...................................... . TOWN CLmRIB: . . . :' .Warrant No. ....~.............,.. . 1'0 SIJPEIW'ISCm TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~a,. PIJlID BIU.S CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. 7.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...'.. .Oo:tobez!. .......... , 19'75. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHER NAlla: NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT IS~o IDQ,r \7110.. IIIrt ~ ,. Guda c.ater :I Ie. Up - ...... pad. 2 bz - \ ..7110,.\ DIrt iII:rdIare 8: Guda c.rter :I Ie. a'tud - BoI"tca puk l' ~ -< ~ . ~ IIfUot: oil: 11 l1li. ..... c: ag' _..... , _ ;,. >- ..7110..\ BIrt ........ I; IIardm CeDter I IIJ. ~ tor t1c - puk ~~ .IL Haft.. TI... - '. 150' '09" .. ~~, Jl .7 _ ..1- ",_ VJ\ '^ - U~.: J. !lice i'''''paA'tioD rIP01"tIt 6/24-!~22 I ~ ~ ,. J _;. 4, -',. ~.\.\o. .\ J. s.ce 1 ""I"'0'ti0l1 rIP01"tIt 5/6-5128 ~ )Q IS-o~ 10 Q 70 AlllO.4 AcadelQ' Prin't1IJa Servioes Inc. envelopes 24 10 Al410.4 AcadeDIT Printing Servioes Inc. envelopes - clerk '15 60 .ISo .3 10'/71 Al~.4 McBee Loose!Alat Binder Product :IJIdex leaves 50 66 ISo.t. 10'17.;1. A7510.4 Rub;y Silberman Staple Co. Inc. staples - historian l' 50 Is-os '0'17.3 B8020.4 Lawrence M. Tuthill bond. estimate. " inlpeotion tee. 182 00 1501, "'1701- A~.4 K.B. Electronic Servioe repairs to radio - fire co-ord. 21 75 A351o.4 Riverhead jlnimal Hospital .ervice. to dogs 140 - - -- 1607 1097$" 00 'So,/ "'97" Al410.4 Loaal Oover:ament Program, COrD 11 U'J11versity - guide 10 00 ~0.4 Li.psahutz Stationers Ina. Bldg. dept. suppl1es I 85 19 ISo 9 1<>977 loS"' 0 D971 Al410.4 Judith T. Bolten stamp. &: mileage ~ 05 IS-II ,. 97 '1 AlllO.4 Fishers Ieland Utility Co. 'telephone 59 6, - . ,/8. B8020.4 A. R. Grebe Sr. Planning Bd.. meetiDp 52 ~ ISI:" ISI.3 1.9tl B3l2O.4 Carl Cataldo Petty oash 50 00 'SIlL ";9t:>.. B3l2O.4 New York Telephone Co. 7}4-6022 - Sept. 93 77 .'+ New IOrJt Tele Go. r.LV - Jwstice - sept. 1'4 f;f; .AJ.22O.4 New York Telephone Co. 477-0550 - Super. - Aug. .'+ New YOrlt Go. _~ - Jwst1ce - AUg. ~ ~~ Al~5.4 New York Telephone Co. 765-3020 - Meenors - Aug. ." New Ion 'l'e.Le va. ~~ ' J - .IJUIIIp - ::Iep't;. "'.L 'to Al110.4 New York Telephone Co. 734-5550 - Justice - Sept. 35 62 '.91.3 B8020.4 IDnc 18land Traveler hearing - p1anni ..g Bd. 29 58 ISIS ~ , ;.." ~'/~g~ 4 a-z J..... t;'-;:{/ PAGE NO. ....... ......... ,.......... 'TOWN Ci.imiiK:.......... , . ~Warrant 'No. ......l.q.............. . , To SUPEIWISOR. TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FOND B~ SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apec1fted, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .7~.................day October 75 of ............................. , 19,... on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT A~6 k "I'<I A"5610.4 E.tate at Al..Tittlt!er Bogan l.asesGent Bd. Review 50 00 ,('S'17 /e6 <<.' A"II>10.4 Rober't W. Brown Alse.ement Bd. Review 75 00 /'S'ir' lie 'If'( A"5610.4 Mabel P. Lvtle Aes8l8lll8Ilt Bd. Review 1.0;0 00 /0619 IJlJ9.r'/ 4 An a Jr A t Bd. 100 00 ~A o?rr 4 1:horIA~ < ! lA? 110 K.1/ '-'91'9 h PnA+' 11& ~ _ .LT. I.' T'Joov I 4Rl 40 /<~ 21990 lL T ....na T_' ,.. T I"^ ... 12 Q1 N;>-:S t 4 'Ph.. W ,......, _ M -i n. 'At! "il O~ .<4"c ~?/ 7.r.~8 BSo10 4 '!be W ~s 1e_1 _ 'At!_ IL4 c:;c:; /lS'tl.5" .o'lf'a.'( B8010.4 L.I. Trave1er-Ma'tt j'!atcbman le"'" - Bd ~ IL4 /.$'" ( B8020.4 New York Telephone Co. 765-131:}- Sept. 30 26 1\ ID7 ,oQf3, B3620:4 !'jew IOrk. 'l'elepboDe Co. 7-:.~ -:::~::./ - Sept. 1f5 06 ;.J>"! New York. Telephone Co. 765-2660 - Bldg. 55 74 > -2.30, f'7 Is ~' .If New YOM 'l'elephone Co. 765-3020 - Assessors : ~ - I~.!>o A3640.4 New York Telephone Co. 765-~ - C.D. 101.3/ /0?9,J ;\J310.4 Long Island Lighting Co. signal. I 16 2J1 Al62o.4 Fishers Island Utility Co. i 178 1013>- lo99f l1ght a: _ter 22 t.riJ!I 1099' ~160.4 Van Dy'ck & Y'Ousik Inc. [tire repair 35 00 ,..rJ'!- '0997 ~7110.4 Tryac Truck & Equipment Co. me . repair parts 91 06 1"-3':- 10998 11\8160.4 Banac Equipment Inc. - pay10ader 352 62 '~3' I Hart Hardware & Garden Center - 110. 5 176 10991( 11<3510.4 euppl1es /5';,1 II DO C fu,620.4 Durotest Corporation ight bulbs 126 11 ,.rJ8 11""1 \raried Southold Agway Inc. eaches 10.901 park 12.95 23 85 I~:?I' 1100"" aried IRiverhead Auto Par'ts Inc. 1dg In. 2.661 &lsess 5.60 8 26 /.t'~ 11003 ~20.4 Lawrence M. Tuthill Lnspection - subdivisions 180 00 ,Slf-I 1100 <I 8160.4 ~. P. Tuthill Inc. n" v:; 100 01,)1'2 ."~ '1vP n'. , 5 ' "Ir;zz1:C/ ~&,,!, PAGE NO. ....... '.. ...... ..p::..................,. .2.;?,'>~ TOWN CLmRIB: . . . . ~Warrant .No. ....10................ To SOPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FmID Bn.u! SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective osm.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .., 7th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .... ..Qc:tobeJ:'...,.....,..... , lQ5. on Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~-Iy B"3120.4 New York Telephone Co. 17E~~r, _ Sent. n Ql ,Si/-3 II()O~ ~l2O.4 New Yom Telephone Co. 7~ 2974 - Sept. 85 16 9.;)./. o. /,5" Ii 4- I 13"3120.4 New YoIit Telephone CO. 17E~2600 - Sept. 824 ')Q /~ 'IS / eo" A71l0.4 Greennnrt Lumber Co. Inc. bolts ?7 -:q) /.3!:,'/o 15*" A71l0, 4 I (hooeennort T C<>. Inc h '" - Park loR 60 1~+7 1/007 4 L. Inc. ""H. ft ..+" I 1h <;IL I I I~~ .4 "'. n...~+ ...n~1r n~ _HA" A__ I b.A? 40 ISJ!q .^. ....().IL "'. Dent. +~ """,1, 1'70 hI'! IS~o /lcog ~ 13"31'30.4 ~ f.f. +~ ......1'1 ".. tv>..+. 7/,.:31 Dent 1'>: ()? ~I B'5620.4 Sout.ho1d Hi&hway Dept ron- < _ft +.n "II." 1? h? /,$""'....... Al620.4 Sout.ho1d Highway Dep. t repairs 1;0 custodian vehicle Itj 93 /5'!:~ Nutritio Southo1d Highway Dept. lubri "..t'l r\n 0 77 /~~ 1/00 V ~3120.4 Hart Hardware &: Garden Center ' IlC. sunn1ies 4 qq lo5>.s- fI 0/0 133130.4 East EIld Supply Co. Inc. hnat hook 7 ,0 ""tf,~o... 1S:-5"(. 133130.4 East End Supply Co. Inc. !lUit ...7 ()() I /s.s7 1/'" 0 I Al620.4 Warner EDg:I.neering trees moved 1;0 dog pound 220 50 6 ~~~d PA(!E NO. ..... ........... , " /0 Wa"\" rant 7.;-0, ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (] .. '~~A ~--G ",J ..J:D&_.L \rq ".s~&i-:'~'vr-S.QR: TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILLS /1k~.J CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~.PAA7 SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SouthoJd: You are hereby authorIzed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounts specified, being the amounts alIowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ..........7:'!!,'........ day of ,..... ....._~............ . 191.s:- on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file in my otTice. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE t NO. \ ~,OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM COUNT ALLOWED PA YME, - """"""'...=........ - '-- 333 A Copy Inc. Office EX!3ense 50 '~:;1 3S'J,R COpy Inc. Office Expense 35 .<(,1.,'i'S' - ~ A. 22 '- ~=i.~-i'~ ;]5CJ..' Adams & Porter Inc. Insurance 300 00 . .. 33~ 3530 Alarm Security Protection Operation Ferry 57 00 33'1 .3S.3/ Apex Office Supply Co. Office Expense I 22 86 .3W 3s3J Bouton Services Inc. Repa~ Structures 43 73 . 33'1 ~S33 Bov Scouts of America Operation Ferrv 121 50 <? r , 340 Buena Vista Distr. Co. Theatre 189 50 3"11 3531 Buena Vista Distr. Co. Theatre 144 25 333.75 y,L", .3S 35 Columbia Pictures Inc. Theatre 344 63 313 35'31.. The Day Publishing Co. Office Expense 26 04 3"1'1 3,j37 Doherty & Corn~any Accounting 300 00 .,-,-,'-. ~. ----- 3*> 363F John Evans Commissioners Fees 75 00 3";':' d,I),} 9 F.I. Electric Corp. Airport 288 22 _C,___ ~---_.- .~ .31'1 3.51/0 F.r. Ferry District Office Expense 20 00 . .;1'/[ .3s 1/ P.I. utility Co. Office Expense 63.78 r.~~-€-E _. ", ,., .,Cc "7 Theatre 110.17 --.._- 319 3rl..fl.. A. J. Gada, Gen. Contr. Airport 67.30 ----- Eldg......&..s.tr-UGwr.Q.S-..;2" ., 0 ~ 1 7?(J 1 "! Operation Ferry 1454 00 ------- 3.50 3-~-f3 Walter ,P. Griffin Mail Haulage 200 00 .. . ----- 3s1 ,3.!J-f/ Miner Alexander Co. Structures & Bldgs. 19 01 ,....- 3';,"- 3.5"~- 1'1rs. Ione D. Norton Office Expense 75 00 .,>,{J ].5'f& Pirates Cove Marine Operation Perry 39 53 -- ._._....~- . f/C.~ ,-- 3.::;'1 3':;; -17 Quickservice Elec. Supply Repa1.rs Ferryof 1,8b 8.75 ) /0 1/ ..-...----..- __..lIA . ~ -......._1- PAGE NO. ............ ... ~:.c~&/thJ -. (W..J,~ ,q ;r- ob ~ 3-~1 /' I wa~o.. ...../~............. . . -10 ~ 'V1.SOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 4d (] B1LLS ~ /. t t-J ~~..(../ CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD c3vv7 ~J SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southald: You a;e hereby authorized and directed to pay the foJIowlng named persons, the amounts set down opposite their respective names out of the accounaspeCI!ted, being the amounts aHowed by audit of the Tovm Board 01 Southold on the.... .7"'!............... . day J y- of .............. ............... 19. .'~ on Claims No. ................... to No. .................. inc., now on file in my oUlce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE 0: :>R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAY'M'E!' .OfB"Cc. EXpd1"e r.:3'I5') TIT !c-~ 3ss- J s- if Rosen's Film Delivery Theatre 152 64 3St.. Jsll George Sanders Operation Ferry 88 00 3{1 3s.iO J. Solomon Inc. Operation Ferry 13 77 . ~'l 35' SI Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry I 2373 73 I 3{'1 .:3 S <f);( Sullivan Printing Co. Inc Office Expense 54.0q) ':'>-'~~~~~~u . . .......... , ~v~ !VV 310' .:3 S S3 Robert W. Tasker Esq. Legal Fees 300 00 3(,,1 3.s-f/ Bruce Terminix Co. N.E. Operation Ferry 10 00 3~:J... j /X Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs Ferry 31 77 ..5..5 3(,,3 3~.5-t, 20th Century Fox Film Theatre 511 00 3r.4 3SS7 Robert E. Wall Airport 18 00 v Distr. 93" 3/,,5 Warner Bros. Corp Theatre 753 '3&{,. 3 S ~')-9 Warner Bros. Distr. Corp. Theatre 525 63~ 1'1/4, '1,/ 3/,,7 Warner Bros. Dist. Corp. Theatre 134 88 3~r 0'.5"..)7 Alfred S. Bicknell Operation of Ferry i18722 00 "j~q -, AaQnr" on~ Ho,<oHol1ooHnn 85 64 ~rov 2:OOOOc /iC2J& '1.g 101. 'I'- -- - . - --------- .- I ! - -,---{ -_.__..~-_.- .-- -,' ..--_..,~--- - """"'~_.- PAGE NO. ................ ....................................... TOWN CLERK ( , , W,......t No. .....;t.Q............... ..- ........... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SI;IPERVIIIOR TO PAY AUDITED , BILlS CHAP. 8M LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amount. sat down opposite their _ct!ve liliiii" out of the aeeounta apeclf\ecl, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ...... 7.tA . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of .... ....QQtotler............ '" 18.75 on ClaIma No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otlIoe. ECB: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF pH. 0....... NAME NATURE 01" CLAIM 10. ACCOUNT , ALLOWED PAYMENT IU..t{~~lL 'a~""+a TT11'. ,.n~n a nQ), nn jJrt ? CO~ It;.. ,. 1'5'5. Aaphal ts. Inc. road materials 'Cl.'f3,:}O . , 156. Aaphal ts. Inc. road materials 4 264 00 6rf1 1<;7. R.L.BerJZen Oil Co.. Inc. diesel fuel .79 12 L3/0~o r&3tk8. ~.s - Capitol Hilidlwav Materials Inc cones channel posts " (lJ// 1'59. Gotham Sand & Stone Corp. bluestone 6.810 19 t;3 /} 160. Greennort Lumber Co.. Inc. plywood '34 56 (;3(3 161. Mobil Oil Corp. I':asoline (4.'394 I':allons) 1.709 27 f , Ih ii, ) 162. Rason Aaphal t. Inc. cold patch ,~~ ), .~I'''~ ~o '(,/' 1163. 187 !20 Rason Aaphal t. Inc. cold patch Cj If; 164. Texas Refinerv Corp. lubricants Pl7 1 <=;0 I , . , ., ".- ~0-Ul;l PAOE NO. .....1.......... ~.(~4~ .".........................:.......~~I'/ TOWN CLmRIB: . t, 7'.$" di.;(, ~~. t/7Ci'.) d t! 12.. ~ , 10 Wvrv>t No. ....................... v......fIo To SPPEIWISOR. TO PAY AUDuJIiU COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Highway Bills SEC. 120 To the Suparvll!or of the Town of SOUtbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following Damsd persona, the amounta sat down opposite their _tlve Dam.. out of the ~ta apecUled, beIDe the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southold on the ....... .7th............day of ...... .Q9.1;9:t?~.I.'............. .., 19.. 7.50n ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. IDe. now on !lie In my olflee. JECK BUDGET AMOUNT DA.TI!: OP PR<Tl= NAME NATURE OP CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 03 I~ ~YJA(;~;~ n; ~lr I a Ilan",.o nona;na '" T "7"7 'v, : 03/7 ?1!1 .~ '" !'\h;nh1n;n~ (', Tn~ _ ; a' a "a'h~n h? 1? I &JIg' ,,, 0::; 1( " ..." "o~";~o ...ona;na JI,. . '^n _ nan;^' Ro::; 110::; I b~;q :>16 Ta'an" Ford "0100. Tn... M'h' ~ 1->""0 lR 10 (;jJiJ '0'''7 1(;nno,," "'''a Tn~ +0;' 'a~ 10no "i !"i8 ()'J ! 218. Mattituck Auto Parts. Inc. re'Cair 'Carts 234 159 t?,})., 219. Mattituck Automotive Machine S! OD - renairs - manifold exhaust 20 00 I)>> 220. Manuel Pereira & Sons bucket renaired '170 ,'1 ()c)1 22l. Rolle Bros. Sales & Service Trc - hydraulic ho"" '" f; S "IR 78 () C:<S 222. Ri verhead Auto Parts. Inc. re'Cair 'Carts 77 42 103 db 22,. Clem S ...~~, n R? Q<; ()dl 224, '"a a, .... 'ala 1an"n "in<; ,<;n 103 d~ 22'1, "'"; AMr.,IT, In" ", -'p ,,,-; +1-> _ JhR h?? ,!In I;:;, ..r; \ 226. ITryac Truck & Em';'Om"nt Co.. II c. - re'Cair parts 9,4 199 060./9 COl' <?'of 227. ITrvac Truck & Eaui'Olllent Co TrJc' _ aeronuin ?<; I::>n , 228. Van D:vck & Yousik Inc. tire ...hRTl"''' R 100 I (,) 30 229. Van D:vck & Yousik Inc ti,.." " +'l1b"'" - Jt"i2 <;R 170 ':;':).5:)('7 I ?'I" \" _n Tn,."lr JI,. Tn" ./1.7.'0 O::;h Ihh " 23l. \Tan D:vck & Yousik TIl" a' ; na1 " ? 10::;1 / 0"103 )'/ 1 JZ~;./ er-~L PAGE NO. ................ ...04.... .... ....... ..... ...~...~.:"..,/ TOWN CLmRIB: vv.~NO. .....;1,0............... "To 4UPE11iVISOR TO PAY AUDITED' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , . BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY BILLS SEC. 120 To the SupervIaor of the Town of Southold: You are heleby authorized and directed to pay the following named persona, the amounta set down _Ita their respective DIIID" out of the &CCounta apeclfled, beIDa' the amounto allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... .7'J:i!:J.. . . . . . ... .day of .........O!J.'\;~1;>!!.:r:............, 197?. on CIaIma No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on fOe In my otllce. r;;.:BUDGET AMOUNT DATE a :>11. OTHER ; NAME NATURE OF CLAIM - --- NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED lFJ;. ('a"i+....l u. Material" Tnc brooms with handles 2~ 00 ~~31 lRI:; (""'i+....l u. Materials Inc tow 'ehains =ab hooks - snow 44c 42 66<1,~,o { lRI'> ('a"i +...1 u. . ,1 a Tn" ......^ta 6C 00 lR7 ('a"i+...1 Hi.",hwav Materials Inc lock and flat washers 2; 18/ 1J3P-- lRR ('1 lJ",l riina R1mnlv lene "now I ')f 0') ! L~ 33 lRa H'1 "''''+. Inc "'~i11 ""t Ate 1 1:;' 06 b33'1 1af) ~n'r, '''''' 1/00 Tn" _ mi '''' a! '>;') '~3~ 101 ~ 'I' & Son Inc, f'l"a ;>~ nn /}3~ , 10;> r"na ,~ 1 ,,"a1 - seal lr 7'>; () 3" lOT M" offi,,,. sutmlies 2" 16 /., ~c 104 New York Telenhone Co 7,>;4-')211 - services - 9/4/7') 8" 89 1/.5'.(,5 I/Y .,.0" 10') New York Telenhone Co '76"-""140 - s""""i"""- 8/16/7') 2" 76 ~339 196, Southold ^ Inc cl;nm'r cord and ,,~,i ""''''S 1m 70 ~340 107. Southold Hardware Inc. naint 1" 16 , 10') ;.ff 198. Suffo:Jk Office SUDnl:v Co timA rA"order ,..aeks Ate ,>;8c 00 I~)~ 199. Suffo:Jk Times le",a1 notice - slurrv seal lC 18 , I, {,,3;.L 200. The Traveler Printing stamoed envelones 67 00 ~3 JA II Washington White I s Sons l~ 40 201. bolts I;; 3 otA- 202. Xerox COrPoration mA-tA'" _ 1m", 1'>;< 00 , 1786. /J-... ~~,;../ ::r--4~ PAGE NO. ......1......... .................................??V TOWN CLEIIiIt - '_1 ),'.warrant 'NO. ....~O................ . ... T" SDPEIIiVI.SOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. B34 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIAL DISTRICTS PUND SEC. 120 To the SUpervtsor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the fOllowing named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecIfIed, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .. .7~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ..Oc1;ober.... .....,..... , 1915. on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. Cm:CIC BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. :>11. OTHEa NA.'.m NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 4/ .2..r Q Liahtirul: Fishere Ialand Utility Co. street 111lh'te 2TI ?~ , .. ....t IalNld LiahtiIur Co. street 1i Irh'te - Orient 21>1 "'o?- LiJrht . IRl8Dd LiJlhtiIur Co st_At lillhts - East ~ 441 Q<; T.-I t"^ - ~"..u:n hl .. T,. t"^ ,........- - ! ),17. ~ ,a. tv' .;{~o r.. T.< ""..... ft~ "^ . . """"'0_ I, ~ '7~ )..5z*..:l'l' . T.-I, ...~ 1 .._~~ ... ill , ,=1'1 ho - , . T..I, t"^ H ~"'...~ _ "'_...... .....^Ir Jb 1~ 71 T.i...ht T.i",htinJ.t i"... . . 1"~"''''_ _ 1<'_101 II.aA ~ - /,.3 016; fA""htin... V1l1AJPe nt Greenoort At,.....-I; ,. an"'~ _ F-101 777 <;7 , .~ . I (N,-I. 1'1- ~~./~A'~,,! I ...................................... PACtE NO. ..... ........... TOWN CLERIC , " . ~_-- 1" 1 . f . ~ .;.-. , .. . ~ ,~ ';:7~'~' ~~; .~~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (JP/YIZ/7!./.. BILlS {f . CBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......,.... 6th.......day of .......,...~...... ..... , 1975 on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. icm:CK BUDGET - AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~ -~ LI I' 0,- I.' ..."", ~ft 4ft II e \ 10 -.. D_ ft~ _ 1.1'" ,nn I - 1~91 /1&1'1"111\1,-_1 D_ ft~ ~ I.~ __ t l)tj5.~S 9, I . ~. I, __ 1976 -''Jftah ..0 rta 10_< '- ....... .:,./ ilolli 10 - 1Pt A ~ .,... ! ~"'.nn I$'t.' II"" Q I, hb - ~..... ~ I IJ'I nn /-.~1 Ilo.flo '& .1,' 1_ .., Ih_ ..- h "111:4 I-d'C1-/,~, I, 'D.n' ...._... ~ ,- II ~_ 14 ._1- .. ~~IiJV /10;..1. ~ 1_'" DR _ ..4__ "." 4" , /. -' IrJtCJ BoM'd O~ 1 - - {~Z "0-..3 I, ,.,__ ,,- ....... .",- ..... 1..>7/ IfcY'; I... .6--.'-- ,., .~. - Z~ -- . ./ I!'"~ ~ '//G'''~ I. n.w ,,_ _# - - 11:. An > l~t7~ ~'o~'- J. t.. _ .. T. "",lnn /I.s-'tf\:. (11620.14 - 11Io.n.._~:I.c1e _ I ..oK: 1t- JJ:I-pfI.A,:7 l6.1~.6 -...._ -H_ -. ,I 4ulu ~ ~1~,s1 ...... '- L- P'P" ~ R~ - IS L!I I/Q;.g l6.1110.4 . -- - ~ .....1- IS,.,' lIo?-q ~l{,plI ,h. 7j" . nn : ~_ T_ _ A..., ..41 ....1..... l~r/JI'O"'O V~~. ." ~'t ~'~..~'esa~CII1 n.. _# . .._.,~ ..- ......1- '--. I II (1620.41'.1. U'tn11:v 1;0. V'I ~ ._-.. - __J ~ fV I?'IC~'"" 7 .,,, ,"II / I. ..T. ......4'4..."_ ..., - __ ..I. I.... 7 '.A.> &"1'1 110":;: ~1155.4 Bclward w. Fox -..7,-;;: ,/J;;:2!..'I033 h'J120.4 Dr. . '~'..,. (~..ll'{'" 1___ .....- 11; nn /t'k) I,.?>J-. J.. '." ....", T. -. - -- - .~ I^~ '/...c-<I"''..t.n3.f .J..I.....~# ft4~ ,.__ 1>__ - ~IL'~ ~ f7 (I,-~~~ / (" .;7. ~~oIfhvI '-' A.,A PAGE NO. ...1........... ............ 'TOWN Ci.i:M:' ......... J'j" /~.., ,v <,L-b,(;> V j '" . . " " ~ f , ~ .Warrant No. ......!l............. · 'To SIJPI!:!WUIOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounts allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........ 6~ . . . . . . . . . . day of ..... .110. ~1."..........., 19,7.5 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pI!. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT " 1ao20.~ '1M 8affolk ~1Me lepl DOUce -.1....1"9 .... 40 43 I) I> .r AlOl0.~ fte hUolk ~i_ legal aoUce - t'cMi -.na 15401 1,,~.LJ.11 .. ,- .....,..... -~. _ aI. ,.1. '1'1' ,.., ., r I!.. ~ , ( AU55.~ fte .,.olk fi_ legal aot1ae - AII....an 19 28, ,- ..... . .. .... - ~ M 22 00' , ~~' I~ /10"1>7 f1la - .......1'8 N"~ 11.~i A3510.. ... ran ~ Co. "'iD9-D09 .... ! 215 00 ,..-- A ,! &::--- I...... '1M 'II:a...t.r ~1 ~ice _ "'.---H'a i l' 00 ~:'I.1':. AlOl0.. ~ ~ IItlud l'a......lal: &1..1 DOUce_- t'cMi ~~ H::? Q1,.5' 17880io.~ '!be LoDIJ 1Itlu4 'h.....t.r legal DOUce - ApJ..la .... 22 n \ ......-/ - /$1,1 100/-0 A8160.~ I'r:ack . "'iD. Co. 011 cblu - 1970 1D~'1 4 43 , ~ A (!....,,, Vt1' o~ _, 1_ ~ ~ ./!18. "'.,oU-\\~n~.~ !H~ :1 81:1- r-t fi~~~ ..~....11 -. ,e r>>.<::: /{ps,49 I~?H~'~ !.1l~ of car-r-t: IIor:taD lVk-cl18caDDect ..tUI: 2 )Q ( r 1&J..6..,u.~ nl'---- of car ~ ..tel: - . off1oe 32 ~ 'I I..rK~ "04-'" A1110.~ Wi1U...... Law Book Co. law booka - 1uUce If ....i 74- 3 I~~ "<1+') Al620.~ :laJ:OX Cor:-Uon __bba natal - t'cMi Cler:k I 135 0 /....1:fI1 1/0'f'" lIIo2o..~ &t :baa. .t. _.. ~1. 84. i A~ID /. ([W)120.~ aoa.toold 'aND Bi__y . ~~ . ~epaiJ: pol1ce car 5_ 1" .~ - Ar --- 161 i7~ . ~ ~:> 113620:~ Ioatbold!- =tp..Yil:: npair .~-~~Pi:"'" U f~( /011.// /Jo,U IJ-~If'" J\AU5S.~ Ioataao14 t'cMi .~""y . res-ire .......or.. ftb. 247 153 , . (IA7110.~ 8oatbold...:. 14 lij7, ~10.~ Ioathold 'fowD IU.flnlay . cIo9 ..... ftbicle-l'8JIIat . 22 ~ JQ130.~ 12.39 ftCJUJ.ator~.:=w n t. 9 /S-~ I"~ A7110.~ . I'r:ack . aauip. Co. ,IDe. 15.65 - ir na 115.6 ~6 .IS....,,,, ",,~1 .H20.~ ..Uit:aakAato... .,- 16 74 /.."-' . lDfon.lIaOtb .~ 'IS- ,'D"'~ a7110.<4 "DrY J. ..it:b . .....-.%nftL .i: oil 11 00 t.s1'~,\D...q "1620.4 John .ieroclan - -...- 2 45 /..~ Y/r".~" 1U620.4 Ioataaold hel Oil Co. f_1 oil - b19....y off~ 118 20 1~11 A rl.~1 JUUO.4 k...port t.n-..... Co.,lne. l-"'r - cIo9 poaneS (/ .,9 S~_ /" ? r:.: ,oj' > ,>" >" ,;/.- r/' \" t>I--'i':rr...."'7 ..,~-4~' ,..~~/~>>;/7 / . ~ ~/;C-U > PAGE NO. ...~..... .................................... - TOWN CLEI!<R: ! , f .; . . . . , ~~ ~ f Warrant No. ....................... , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . . To SUP~R TO PAY AUDITED BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUparvIl!or of the Town of Soutbold: You are heteby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounts apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of ...' ..N9:V:"'~~............ , 19.1S on Claims No. .................. to No. .... .............. Inc., now on file In my otllce. ~CK :>~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ~ 'TV ,,0",..1 BJ12O.4 Clinton Correctionll Facility Police Flag. $ 79 SO . ',O'? BJ12O.4 l Lawyers Co-Qp Publi.h1ng Co. P.D. attic. Suppl1.. 51 90 I(/.,;" "D~-f B3120.4 MOCabes store ".D. Ottice Supplies 17 ~ I /~tJ/ ,0'-/ BJ12O.4 DstEnd Otfice Product. Cents to PW. Office S'Uppl1es S9 50 ~O~ 1I0s'- .~ son LarJ.n'. Lnc. ~'Upp.ue. Bay . ~o.~~ ~ $5 U$ BJ120.4 Albertson har1ne, Inc. P.O. Material~. Repaire 9.60 I A..lJ'~ A$.5'/O. ~" ' I 106 50 IID.:-1 BJUIi.4 Dr. lim. Zitek, Town vet Town vet . ./ p,. .1.} BJ12o.4 id_rds Discount Center P.D.-Gun !'.leaning Equipaent 6 P6 .I,\,1Z /fp() 7 1!> 'I'" I B3120:4 _WaL= . u.r..-.....\Jl11to10n ~:;;5f - FdwardB D1.count Center 1>.D.-AImronition 1$ f10 &(J~ /I""~ A3510.4 c. Tyler'. Garage, Inc. R.pair Dog 'iarden Cage 10 Po ,I" ~l>~ \ '0(," A3510.4 So\iJld ?recision iiepair, !M. Pad Locks for ;)og Pound 20 ~O '".-- 1-" oJ 110 ~I ~~. ~ , ' . ^ .. ...- "7 ..... &08 110(..,1 n3U).4 Washingt.on i,11i t.e I s Sons S"ppl1ell-Bay Constabl. 7 1.9 A J BJ130.4 Van Dyck & YOuaik. Inc. 1'1rell-Ba"v Constable 76 64 \\.~ 1~9 Ib ov-. B3120.4 V'an ])yclc: & Youaik. Inc. Tir'II-P.D. 54 2 . t{f" Id~ ! ~ BJ12o.4 Van Dy'ck & Youaik, Inc. Tires-f.D, .3d4. D3 /flo ".1.4 B3120.4 J. J. Hart Inc. P .D. Vehttle ?a1"t:f' 26 ,3 ((Pl/ I BJ120.4 All COIIIIIunications, Inc. Hepair Siren. Chan!;O :t.adio 85 0 1\ \01.-7 A ~ Greenblatt, Inc. , ql' 8 0 School Ouard Uni1'Ol'llUl 35 S IG{V I." >~ , .!.uu. uuara UJUrOlWS ,,0 ~ 3l20.~ Charles. Greenblat.t. Inc. P. D. I:nitOl'lll8 37 ~ I .LDc. !'O.u.ce Pror..lI1ol!A1J. BarIl JiI'; ) J B3120.4 Lellie 3delman Inc. P.D. t>ni1'Ol'JllS " ~ . BJ120.!~ .u.". uuara l:11UOl'JllS I Q\ 31> Le.1ia ~elcan Inc. Revolver Gl"ip~? .D. 20 510 'if;(... -;) ,,10' ... Lnc. .. . iJ. l'n1tOl'lU 10 90 Iht,l) , "Oi2O.4 Leplie EdA]''''''1'l Inc. ~.j). lnii'o1'lllll 4 15 .. --./< JM. !.~. '.,. ?B:U , 3120.4 ...u..:. v, ~,:IM. '.Dp ~ ...:>/.. -"~~. ,-. i "1: ZS[JOj I \ Ja 1__1... r-. - 1M. P.D. ~ /3 7~ ?t" PAGE NO. ..3..,... ~~'.-r:~ TOWN CLERJB: . . , , . Warrant No. ...11................. , 'TO S~:: PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ~d CBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecJfled, being the amounta allowed. by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the....... .6t1t...........day of ........~... .....,19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. !JIc., now on me In my otllce. CHECK: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT I. ../_ ~ ,... 1IID120." ..If Oil Co. -- _ WY .. o.01A7..3'1 1'f'7 - l,o.-(lu120.<4 8IIif Oil Co. _ 9U - r.l. 33 ~ .. ~.._ ... ~ or.... "_ .........._~ ._,- III (> II." ~620.<4 llart "~lHan . ..~ Ct:..IDc. ....li_ - batlcJ1D91 43 23\ :9./,,7) I.~/' (1070 &7510.4 '1M 11011 tioea t.. - lliatodaa _I u ~/1"o'1l 1u560.4 blaDd ""'- Co. t.ne 1IIIDdt \ ..... 1M jJ.!<lJ 1I01,.t &7110.4 ....11..... "no1ae CeDt:eJ.' be1ta. bl.'n 41 40 IftJ/9 1/013 &7'10.4 All_ w. s...: "-PjJ kcbblllt - ...1aea 500 00 !....I,~C "..1'/' ~.1-5..& ..1"n1..... _.. 3r. _. ., -- IL'1/I\lo1;' U6l0.4 rnak A. .--1ch 1IOu1Da 18 - beU"iDa 1- -- It (uno.. LoDt blaDd Ll_tuv Co. 1 1-1. 1-" .';;'1 /. ')., c, It ;-;;:; !oGII9 blaDll L1tbtuv Co. ~i9bta' o~f1eea 56 1 ~~ ( 1>2. ~ {~'01 y310.4 blaDll L1Gbtiaa Co."- ..... .... . r. :mtUJ_.4,.... blAlad r.i.9btiD9 Co. t:nffiG _19_18 ,.9_ ~ ~ .4 '1'.1__ _.- ,LL''';_ ~^ - . . ,,, J ,. ~;&... Oft 'le1.V-. 7.!~~ - po11ae 835 15 'Y 120.4 ... 1'0&''k 'le1 _ ;"'14_ AIr. I,. ~ \P120-4,~ l'odt 'lelelllll'.... !!!-~667 - poli_ 15.00 J ~ .1 ) Mo20.4 1_. I.'. .....___.__ -- 1_- ( . Ib.:<-t tH~!'~I~ ~~ 'le~plllm. ~!! !!~! - oJuU_ 8at:eJ.' ~ 3~( 1~.5~ 1 p~60.4 ... !~ 'I'al.~ ~~ "!~ - = - Oct.4.. !! 2! ~ 1110.4 ... l'arK 1 ~~20.4'" l'odt 'lei_II'" 477-0550 - .....-oR. M.19../ Ii 'I""'" tt{ &1410. .. i't'..... - - -. -.. .. ....'"'\ r ~co Al620.~ 1IceI'..... ~lter ccmtncta 32.86(. L/P'!7 .4 Ik-:'V.. 1t.. :.J-t~'''L H'~ //"_"D1&1 Al620.<4 111. ir- -al"'" ,y_'. I /.f.'Z/.. 1108'<> A1620.<4 ~.tta A. JIC~ lliarofl1a" 11 ~ .4... 2ft Ian , ., I..~IC-'J Ilo~1 Al220.<4 JIobl1a Oil corp. ~. - . laor 12 &.& r, ~<4 /I(,l..)' IID!'Y 1u160.<4 1Io&'t:h rod Oil T_, - 'MI .... /tD.:N IIO'~ iaB160.4 IIolMtrt L. BercJeD Oil Co. . dillH1 f_1 ~;~I "" I 3~~~ i ~~b~thJ PAGE NO ........................ ............. . .... ........... TOWNCLERIK: . ' . , , . . Warrant No. ....xx.....ll...... ~/~ . , . To SUPEIWUIOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CJL\P. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecI!Ied, being the amounta allowed by aucl1t of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... SDth. . . . . . . . . . . day of ....... }/W(m.P.~..... ..... , 191'S. on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. IDe., now on !lie In my otllce. ~CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. DR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT //,$0 lIo'1.f 113.120.4 A Pr1n't1ng Service. Inc. P.D. Office SU _H $ 31 2S ,~~/ 1/0'61 B312O.4 AllCommunicatioIUl, Inc. P.D.R:::: 3er1d.c. Con'traot 69.:) p fI.W, _ B.C." 1\1, m //.~ I,on B312O.4 A.sociate8 Capital Seniee. P.D. Radio ReDtal w S3 '/~ "DkS' B3120.4 Charles Greenblatt, Inc. P.D. linirorrns 2~ ~S /t.:J1- " 08'9 B3120.4 ~latt1tvck At'tan.otive I"ach1ne S !wp.. !'.D. Veh1cJ.e ltepairs I JC 00 /6.3 5 B3120.4 Lattitl1ck A\:to 'ar1:8 P.D. V.ldcJ.e l>arts I 2J(J 26 11090 I ~ t'.lI.--...u.:,,:, /,fo~ 110'11 B3120.4 Hart :'ardware f< Carden Center D;t.-_ 6.86 17 18 / ( B312O.4 J ,,). :Iart, Inc. P .11. VehicJ.e Part.II 2 70 /51. II,. IIDth !h37 ... ~.t. UQ,,4 v, ..L~. p,O. Vehicle Darts 120 00 113.120.4 J.;. Hart, Inc. '.D. ?e j,c1e p~rts J4 q6 1 1(-= ~~ IJPfj3 B3120.4 Greenport Word ;;ercuIT. Inc. p.o. V.nicle Parts 19 8S /td9 11<7901 Bt12o.4 SOen... ?recision aepair, Inc. p. .J. :iJultall Eledt.r:I.c Doors 350 OJ /t;~ '" tlOO:U u:u. uorp. I' .11. (JaBO~:l.ne ~ 10 / ?7'C ~() ,,,,t->. B3120.4 Mobil Oil corp. .D. Gasoline SO /(,,// B3120:4 \:...... vorp. r.D. ,.aso~J.ne ~gl~ " '1"7 Ilof6 Van Dyck & Yot,sik, Inc. p.D. Spec. RP 1// 7" ." , 1//097 &3510." &iv.Read ADiaal 1Ioep1tal q. 130 00 /t t/.~ lip 'iF A8160.04 aobelrt: L. "zogea 011 Co., Iraa. ....1 f...l - ..... 173 99 I( H A' 111'99 A1420.04 Shepard'. C1t:at1ou, IDe. law book. - tGIM at:torD.y 195 00 / f,fJ .. &1620-.4 ............ L1..... "rv1c:e U... aerv.-t:cJIIm e1eJ:'k'. oj f. 11 72 III~ 0 I/~~ 1/11b I a3610.04 B. JrelUaet:!a 'fIYor lIoII81Dg bel. - hear1Dg. 10 00 /~~/ IIle-"- !aJ610.04 JobD 3. 'fa!.bot: IIou1DV bel. - bear1Dg. 10 00 I'~~ 110.3 .. --0.4 the 1JoJ:t:!a Fork he.. pr1D.i.D9....ppU.. - ..perv. 37 86 1/ "g.. iI/of. ~7510... IIuby .u.benaa .t:aple Co. B1.t:or1aD - ..ppl1ee 10 50 / /~( ~\ ~7510... Suffolk Off1c:e .apply Co. Bitlt:oJ:1an - ..ppU.. 38 09~ 1/1 t:!'\:J -v ( .. .-a;J;O.&A _app...y ~. D - ..pp...~ ":UI "'. b1,.502.-- '7510.4 8..ffolk ClDf1ce 811 Co. B1at:oJ:1aD - ADDU.. 791 /hSl III p 6 ~7620.4 .uDd... Coeeb. L1Dea, IDe. .... - ..t:Ut:aek Ir. C1U. 95 3; iso. '4- ...r ~~g~ '.......2~.. .....~ PJlClE NO. ....... '.. .... ,. TOWN CLmRIB: ~. ..' " , ' . '. . , 11 . . Warrant No. ....................... , . To SUPEEWISOa TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUthold: YoU are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the aecounta apeclfled. being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........................ day of . ..lj'!?Y'.I!I~~r ..6..... ..... , 19.7$ on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK \:>~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT / L i(;z /1107 Al920.t As~oolatIon ot Town. Town Me.bershIp Due. 400 00 /65'..5 1108' Al620.! RIverhead Cement Block C ~ I drain. ~~~!Ilea.,~nd IoR":I "" ., nc. _ 'Pnl Jt<S'tf /1/6 'i A11l0.t Mat-.t-.hew Bender &: Ct'I. "-'-'-a1 T.aw 1? t:n /&~! /1/(0 R'tl ":10.1. nn c tl..a_ RAT ('! 'a 11.11 01 I~.j& ( - I R'tl?n.l, ;;:...t. ",,,,.'I ~",..nl" ('^ Tn" "'-.....-.A.. _ "'-,,- " ot. ).L.s7 II/I 1/ ...., ~n.l, "'.... ~n'" - ,- ,,- R...... I. Q" { ;Zf/.7;).... Ib-:I lu-:a1 ~n .J, 1",_... .- ,,- "_A " DA_ - I. , , nL /1,,0'9 ,..... III ::v I..; n I, A".."~"...,, n"",, ~ ... " " , n,,'" _.,,:: A.. r::L I- " (j. '-0 .,1.">,, ~I, ...... ..1-. .1."-'- ..t-." T. 0' "'aa. 1..':: All IbM '1/1.:3 1.11120 .I, F''''!no' - ~ no ( ! 'tSb.5.'6o Smith ..t:" IT __a' "'aa. - . /6 t,:J 1111d- 11,20.11 Lawver. On_nn, 'Pnb 1 . a'" C ^, f'n.. m. A 17 ':It: /}.L:3 1/111/ 1.1010.1.1 Everett J Warne" . '.,^- 0 In" !J.J. t/ 1(//(" B'U'30.h Mobil 041 C . f"^..... aaa _ ...._ 'a. ,n.. 1...1'1 fLu) III'?' A.7C:;lO.I.J. Mo<td.l1mJ G . '.L 0"_. ._ <""", -- '0 Inn , IL/-L IIII~ Ullo.4 MattItuck gt-.a . I Ji'4 1 a f'^ , I , I, '0 I bL7 . "llq 6S;10.L. VFW Post qZOe: A. T. In Ua' ?nn nn /bbY ''I1~6 3120.L. Fleet Lumber I~c. ennnl 4 .... _ 1>,," "a lne: 01'1 Ibbq ~ T..l"n n. ..--- ,..L ">^ Jean H. TIedke IL70 Jean!t '''4 .. T .,,,^ Uaa_' ,0.0 ~... .~ -.. '... Lqq.JIf JL.,71 II I:lJ Jean If '1'f ..~1ra T",,^ .. . .- ^" ~L -.. jL.:12 Jean H. TIedke T flftt> .. , ". r::" [1,13 Tean H. TI.dke , T..l^^ ':,,>' Ar:: r- II 90 t/. /ltL / PAGE~............ ~r~ TOWN CLERK /""..., . . , >lflrant.. No. ..... J.'\....... ....... . . .. 0 SUPER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS cUP. 634 LAWS OF 1832, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEFT. SEC. 120 'l'o the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authoriZed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... .9~. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . day of ... ..NQv.enl1;>~X........,..... . 19.75. on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my office. . ;CK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM 'ro. ACCOUNT , ALLOWED PAYMENT k (lJ"lA(;l:I2~ 4 'ates 1 Services ,..",H" 1 'Of' 11f'\ /O{)I'_~<'" r~A. 2,7. 40 Associates CaDi tal Services Davment radio leases <;0 'Jb3 2,8. Dick I s Garal'(e tire reDair F. I. R nn ~' J.. 2'0. Gulf Oil Co - US "asnlinA (0-".(, ~oll"nq) <;1 Q<; 1/7.";(, 'fp-r h1 ) , i , 240. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S "asoline (11iJ.? "a11"n,,) h<; /,3t,J - 241 Tsl and WnT'n 'l'r>a,,+'m' C!o' ~~ Tnt I lR 'D - /}hb 24? MA+.+.i+.""k A"+.,, Tn". n""'";,, I '7':> ", l /)67 24,. Muir Bros "q"n m;"" 1 iJ.nn nn h'C\ 244. MuniciDal Machinerv _()o Tn", n^ 1 1 o,..~ _ '. ,.,AT'+' 10 Q? ;/'//./:>'- U'IV' ) I. 24<;. MuniciDal Machinerv Co Inc. _ 11'.101.'0 '>f'\f'\ '>f'\ 6(/ 246. Mutual Steel Co rA:fills _ ' as D"T' n;,n , f'\11, Df'\ Pi< 247. Riverhead Auto Parts Inc """''';n',.,..,..+.,, 7<':>f'\ '7R "PI 248. Riverhead Radiator Service reDairs to "..,., ':>, ':>" /)7 ~ 249. Trvac Truck &: EauiDlllent Co. .II - ;.. 7<iJ.7< 1'7' I /;57- I> Van Dyck &: Yousik tires Jl;::,8 <;<; r'7? 250. Inc. , PA(}E! N(). ...,............ ~~~k7 " _ ~-r". . " ~ ~ 1 \1II!'fan~ No. ......... ..1........... . . . 0 SOPER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILIB RAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEFT. SEC. 120 o the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay tbe followlDlr named persons, the amOlWta set down opposite tbelr respective nam.. llt of the 8cCounta apeclfled, belD, tbe amounta allowed by audIt 01 the Town :Soard of 8outhold on the ....... .6.th . . .. . . . ., . . day f ........No:v:eUlbar.....,....., 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otrlce. GK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF I :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ). ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT " /371 tIflSC :!p. ',""0 n" ~.._ nn '" ('hom; ~~,. I"^"" _ r'I~, "~Q 0'10; ~o~ _ Qn^~' V t:.7" An ~ V 1hn j /.3 IS 2OQ. Ca"itol Highway Materials. In . - snow fence ties 07 "__1+.' ..J . V /.IS.?, <?~ i ?In M"terialQ Tn - snow fence wires 160 0<; . i .', 211 Ca"itol Hi"nwav Materials. In . - rivet = & rivets 161 00/ , P7/ 212. Crown Uniform Service uniform service I 4"1 20 , iNiI v ,h;o'I) i ?1~ ,- "'n~" on^o.o .po. '" !l.- f ." 286 1<;0 131ft ::>14. V. TJ ,,"-" -". ., '~tA" Tn~ offico su!mlies 44 '1'1 b37; 21<;. ' "'~n+. "'ardwa~e & Garden Center Inc - misc itsms 2<; 01 t)& ~ 216 Morton Salt Co bulk salt (as Der bid) 4.006 1'1 /~ (7/ ::>1 '7, 0+..' nl~deQ 1.167 ! 18 .?o':>;, "'0 rr V' 218. Mutual Steel Conroanv blades 1.'1'16 !72 (Jt~ 210. McCabes office Su""lies 8 0<; ath 220. Long Island Traveler l.""al no-ti"es (mining nermit' 12 1'18 1~';'G . '(1' 221. 1.0= Island Traveler legal notices ( Davloader) 11 28 ,~ '" 222 New YOT'k 'f'el"nhnnA ---.; nOQ _ 7'14. """1 oa ~t:. /.36'.5' , 22'1. n__.1 _ 7",,--,,4n ~a 17 i New York 'l'eleDhQne Co l3 ir \ 224. The Suffolk 'l'imes l""al notice _(min.;n" "ermi+.) 10 82 .:/'),/0 , I) 22<;. The Suffolk ' ---, nnH no _ .) 11 ' ?A- ~gC 226. Washinuton Whit..'" !'1nns ?11 !l1n (,3 g7 22'7. Xerox COrDoration ID"+'''T' . .n 1~<; nn /?tr; 228. ZeD Manufacturiruo: Co. z ,,,,, ao Ian . ~~~tt-/~ PAGE NO. ....1........... TOWN CLE!!it .;...."Q~. .':. ..:j.j,........:........ , . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 'fo SUPIIIiIVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILlS JRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART, 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPI'. SEC. 120 o the Supervisor of the Town of Southo1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. ;t of the accounts apeclfled, belnr the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the.... .9.~...............day ........~<?v:~~'?~r..........., 19.75 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my olfloe. Ii: BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM: ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT fG.R.~7: Asnhalts Inc. road materials 2.Q'i2 00 , 2. t~ 17'\. road materials ?'7M 00 ~,y/I"oo . Asnhalts Inc 174 .. -" .1+.o Tn" ~"cn 'c1o ? lJ.Ko 00 , I~. 1'71; i'lL on ~" Tn". .-1< oeol 1'",,1 AI=; hi, /6'(1."/.5- --'j ! l 171'i. 1'1 T- Oil Co, Tn" n; "0'" 1'",,' '7lJ. " 9.s;; 177. Carbro Industries Inc. domes rinJ<s (as per bid) 11680 00 1.3.51 178. Capitol Himwav Materials In . silms. posts I 668 40 I I {,3I;: inlets - (as ner bid) i 179. Emoire Municinal Sunnlv COrD. 1. 720 00 . I,3S? 180. A.John Gada Gen. CbntractinJ< mc machine nain+'inu - F.I. ?01lJ.I'()() 13~\ "\ 181. MObil Oil Company gasoline (',\, 000 ",allons) 1 167 00 I 02=1,".J.o 0 -f,) 182. MObil Oil Company ",asoline ("\,000 ",allons) 1 167 00) :' /1//. 18'3. Geo. L. Penny. Inc. lumber. cement 60 .... 184. Geo. L. Penny, Inc. lumber 1.395 191 /66'');.>r,r : 185. Geo. L. Penny, Inc. masonite 262 80/ &-%1 186. Suffolk Cement Products cement blocks "18 40 - I ! I I I ! ~~g~ PAGE NO. ........1....... ~.!_r".,.."., '-~ . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. ~. TOWN CLERiB: {ltL</:~_. t:'l(JC. .:?,c,' 0/-;/7-'/0 . . W~t.N"l. .....,................... . "? st~:n: PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK _ ~ , CJIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ V SEC. 120 {JIrl To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You ara hereby authorized and directed to pay the fonowl~ named persons, the 8mounta set down opposite tht -:r"'ct!~"'. ~:~..~..:;;&~ out of the ~ta apeeJtled, beJnr the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ... .............. .......day ~B~' 1/ .. ".<Ii .,.,.," ","'-" .:',. of ........ . '!................... , yon ClaIms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my omce.....~ . '. .""',~r~::',."<",;;'f.. .cK BUDGET AMOUNT DATI!: 0 PR VUUilO NAME NATURE OF CLAIM , NO. ACCOmrr ALLOWED P'- $s13 .$7~ Arrow Paper & Supply Co. Term~nal Expense 9.25 ~_. · .-?73 Bouton Services Inc. Airport 14.07 .~/..,. "57$' .~74 Chandler Palmer & Kipg Office Expense 6.00 , 37S Mrs. Evelyn Clarke Oper. Ferry 1.25 .~7' .g.5JJ 37t. Creem Automotive Ser. Inc Oper. Ferry I 83.64 9S'Ji 317 The Day Publishing Co. Oper. Ferry 47.,'?~ 5'Sn 379 Doherty & Company Accounting 300.00 , . ;:;-,ftl .379 Raymond F. Doyen Office Expenses _.:.: !~i/ BfO The F.I. Electric Corp. Airpc;>rt <,...'it 1..),/05 . 108.42 138.75 ~" ~~ dS~ 39/ F.I. Utility Co~ Inc. Office Expenses 43.41 oparati.on Ferry 9b.28 237.18 Theatre 97.49 Js13 .3f.:t, A. John Gada, Ben. Contr. Airport 1/1,3,'" 843.00 3f..3 , A. John Gada, Gen. Contr. Office Expenses 120.00 \0 ~f'l- 3K;.f Gada's Fuel & Service Oper. Ferry 62.60 sSE!!:.- 3YS- A. R. Grebe Elect. Contr. Airport 35.00 gSg(. 3Ft. Walter F. Griffin Mail Haulage 200.00 Laycock Business Machines , 30.00 3.587 38"7 Office Expense , - aSK'g' 3Kg' National Plumbi~g Supply Repairs Ferry 185.78 3$.f''l 3K'j Mrs. Ione D. Norton Office Expense 60.00 , (3.5'10 .3 ,/0 Pl1ay's Inc. Repairs Ferry 25.77 '3-'fl .3 fll J. Solomon Inc. Opera~ion Ferry 1 24.79 cJ;1.J.. ~ ~f.:z. Soneco Service Inc. Airport 197.54 ~3'~ .313 Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. Operation Ferry ,1:.,,,,> on , Repairs Ferry 39.50 Ilb12.49 PAOli: NO. /...O.f...~. fl~~~~ TOWN CLERS: ~ 01 . Iy JI,4~)' --_. - ._,--- -.---- -- --..--.------.-- .-----.---..------, ~.,-_.~_._,---- ___no' _..___~._~__,_..__ - ~--- -'-.- ___ ~m ______".~__ ~, . , It ....................'::......... . "~j . ~ S:"~V1BO:u: PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~,~':!,: ""'" ~ ":'.':. ..... ...,. , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ .~~~ , To the Supe1'Vll!or of the Town of Southold: ~ ';~"': .":,' 'z, You are hereby authOrIzed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite ~r~)~~,: ouC of the accoun~ ~ed, beI.nc the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of Southolcl on the ....... ..........."".c::. M f ,.,~ of .........".. . "..............19. .. on Claims No. ...................to No. ................... IDe. now.on fi1e In mr,~;.:" ":;;,'~t~~--,,_~'''_. ,"__._.,,~ ~, J__-=a: D~UDGET AMOUNT , nA'1'B . ! XO, II. OTE:ER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM . J>~~1iJQ '1' ~/ ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYJ :3s~ / 3r~ The Suffolk Times Operation Ferry 34.80 , '," J,3~7s :Yjs Sullivan Printing Co. Office Expense 75.60 :-1S9(. .39t. Terminix International Operation Ferry 10.00 : 3sri? .391 Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs - Ferry 3.25 IJ'.)9.P elf! A~fred S. Bicknell Operation Ferry 1 ~894.00 1.:J.f9') .$ff F.I. Ferry District Office Expense 20.00. I .3tOG -(00 2..f: ",..,.-, ""':f': ... "/'~J .... A2encv and Trus,t (F.r.) HosDf talizatfon 85 "6,4 ~I ..,..." ~:~; i I ",;,,~;, I ; <'it~~. . i '::; 0~;0 ; "~.<' ! f '....' I I .<0' j : ! , ! ..',!<v , . I '': . . ! I , / \ I . ,; I , {,i .' , I t ,J , .' . ., I " " . PAOBNO. ~............ ~7~' TOWN CLE!IIII:" iJ'~+ '~1~~#, : -----....-'.-------- .~_._-. ---,----","----~.-._,--~ ---~--_.,~-_._---"'--.--:-- --,.---. ~ - -~-~ -~--+-_._-" - t.. . . .-4' ~"::;~.~~~;.~~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - BILlS aRlCXlU. DDBIeB .... CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: - You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......... ~ . . . . . . . . . . day of ........~.1 -........., 19''J5on cialms No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on !lie In my otllce. . CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 6,).' JIJ ,~ ..........., ",_'_-a _.1._ a T_& ........~-- 2~~ ~~ t--! .u.... L1ahU_ _ D1at:. I 2M~ :{{,<!- .'-6o'.' Vii of .~D01't: r 106 1"\ I.c._6o._ T ....... - ,.... . - , 77 ~~ ~......- ~ 0... .. -- .. 1 "., - 1/ '.'-6o&_. . - - T_ o 1IWI1' - he, c .~ al ~._..- . . eo. ..-... l.MI2' ~U' 11ft I 9*'1{. >I;J. ,-.-.... ~- ...... ....... Jt.9 77 . ~~. .. - -. .o. ". -., .. - _ 'f.. 8' 9~ . - ...... ...., .... - -- ...._ _...., . _ .J!~" .. -..... ...... '- - , / / I I I I /1Le6.~ ~~. ~/ ~ I '........................,............. PAGE NO. ..... ...... ..... TOWN CLmRIB: ,.'/1, - ,-~nt ~o. .1~........,.......... -~--- To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , BILlS c:IIAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective namee out of the accounta apecltted, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........,............ day of ......D.. & 75 .. .. .. ' .. ... , 19, on Clatms No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK . ET AMOUNT J)~ NO. pR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAn II/.. '7? , "~1~" J. -"., ' . ~ \ 77 !I go?/' ,. 6 ... 1- -.. - ,,1_ I /Y ltf " ("J I. -- a# _<tAt IZ/. ~.. ., _--I \ /I?! "7tl 17 I. a# 16 011 1cP..~, <, ~ 1355.4 Acadeey Pr1ntiDi S~~I !Joard o~ Au..IIOIWo-~ i ~ ~ \ I " J. . , , I , /?h ",....'6 I.' .. 1.I~, , 6ft1. /h.P3 1/1"''1 .. ...... It! .. - "\IIr...lm , / to%' ~ 1//30 t\ &1MD.r' .... 111..1- M 1" J " I ~ I~'~ Ie:; ys- " IJ ., 1 v-2t. 1 ..- /6~ '1 C.! ~680.1j Aart a tio Data - I .... 1"-- 7Q I," jpJ"7 --- ., I,,:JI '~1 .Ii _.... --_. 21 I," //aJ2 ., /!>( - ~ I J!'I' Sl.-. J.162CM ~ a.l1 ~ , '. /{;Y9 /1(3-" U160." D ., Ca... ..t__'" ~ ~'T , , /(b 96 1113.3= C1aI'tt a....J . L Qt...L.... Jar fd '911 - .......... i " /69/ . D1oJEt. .&J:. M .. .n < Iff 3<f . /c.fb2. 1113S' J. .:r.. .~ 1116/'15 . -- /tp'# II13b & J. V&1'ia 7 00 / (21 :1~ GO '"' 1/137 .A1- J. Bllw:l.aP.....-..-. &'"'11111'8 7 / J; 'lS- I --.............. A.. .....,- , 7 00 (1I3g.&.~ /fff-: "I~"'(~1~i.~ U=~W1\~ II _WI' ~JS:9t /',<?'J z....s1.A1 0.' /~Cj y ,4,..... It_ 22 90 (/lop. ( m10.' neet 1 r.. IIIo. /~9? .f ~\ . J. ..,__ "-. le_ 5 ~ ~ ) 33.7.G' //0 IJ ,f c- .' J. T_. .. 1~~ /J()/ , _ 1IoIrt 8'. ' I' , of.l lI11SJ.JiII 6,1, ~,fJ''J 1 ~~ !'J>Cl]c NO. ................ 5&/,gh V.3g, . " ~ant No. .....12.............. t, 'A , To UP!:IWISOK TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS ~ !XX.x.s CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 1~0 ,."..,~ To the SUpervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authOrIzed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apec!f\ed, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... ....9th.........day of ...... .Dec-~......... , 19.1Son Claims No. ..........'....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllee. \ I"=CK BUDGET J\M DATE OF NO. bR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM , " NO. ACCOUNT ~ PAYMENT .~ /1o~ II/oW' -""" Two.. ,-- - "".. "'^ _. 110~ 111<.13" B3130.l ~! ~* ~. .. .. .....t_ bIv constable 12 ".. 9J.../4 , /. '70 " 13 ." 1._- .". ..,.. / J os. /1/-+"- I. . ,. n. ,..- "4- M I of. I~ ""'<4-> J. A.D '1 () 't' 11/ '110ft, A1620.~ Hart -= .~. : ...~.~t.8 ! t U 17, y,5' /,10 " ~ ~J. Ij~ 9 ,: c.~ 11eo.~ Hart ,~. - ~~l-1_ !Lltn I ",l s.- I /6 = ';;;." .. /1J1 II 1.-, II .. -,- " ~.,--. I .f~,'!'O /7/:2.. II A la..'..... /. - 'u_ ... .... . /7/3 "'-+'(/ ... ........ A ~. -,.... 17 'lie A v " 1.7/4 If' r;o .'" "4 . ...,. _..- ., ... ...,. eft ~ d a 1/;;',50 /]/~- .11. "4 - - , ~ _. --ft ~ ""I - /7/0 1/ c I. I.... - Dec. ft~ __01- .. .. W en - /7/7 'II~I A k J. IT'" - - of'" 101111.... - /7IK:', '1 r ~.~.1'h.11''''''' .~~. 1..-1:"-- ..... 1~ I~ ( /7/ ~ ~ ., I ~.~.~_~aL" ...~-.:=. l..-1~-t.. ...4 -:t4i- /3', '+0 I "- I. ~ 10.4 L.I.a.....d.. 1IaU. lep1 ".-.I 01.,-1. /J.-:z..;z.., J / z?'3 1/'"'''' .a ~11_ ....torUa t I?: '/7.;z-.... " tA 11410.4 JlcCa1J_ ,'. - _ ..;; ~ "e.:! ~- ".J. 11_ - 'to. C1.n 1~ ~, sg,09 "..., 1 .,..- - /.;;z.. " C .~ 1b'Cd.. -..,.11_ : . PtPt. U rHI /7. s.- " ,:: .4 ~'t.. ,..-;;. _ ...... /,~ 1/~3 i1220.4 JIob11 on "0&. ""'"'"'u'''_''''.~' 1- IZ(1) ,1<5'+"'10.2 IiItuBl S'teel .t...et _4_ 14' IQO ,I 7~.. ~1220.4 !be ... th I'OI'k Pr 111 ~A - .... ... .. .,a /7.3.:2.. '" ~-:::., Iiii" _ _ I'aItc ~ .. Pl"1I'rt1aI ~I~' .!J't. 1t/- 1510 4 !be _ lib J'OI'It Pr 1'733 . r . ... N 15 bo ; r , /7::'31 "1>1. 113120." BII11 Pupeok1 vaV01-BallAl.t_ f.F =<:.. ':'-0 ~ --&L 2 . .. ..::?:.~ " i'AGIC~. ................ TOWN CLERa!: . " " ~u:.~~1~.~~~.~~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SQUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of SOUtho1d: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfIed, being the amounta allowe<i by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .................... day of ..... ~C-~..... ..... , 1975 on Claims No. ........,......... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. icBECK IftIbaET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. OR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT J.1 ;$0.....1/11 ~ 7 j on. -- 7010IJ " /130 "I/~"f.AiI t, ~ &o.iI.. ,17-:1/ "8, "7180.' au _ L. P _.' IDe. "I ~Pa" .... JlYi~~'. ~,!! 9(..19 17-:>fi " ~ t 1. ~Yftft ~-",..... '/.'1-:'''1. f/Sf" 1.j Ifw YoI'Ic 'fel 76.5- C.D. !~I<!f!"" /.7I'V r, 6 !.~~.~. J __ --- -- _ &21_ /7-f-;; ',c. ,11",.4 .. York 'fe1.IUliw. 765- Beard ot 84 .'!{ I~ "" I'.' --. -~- ,.... ~ ,:';. JI~. ~ Yen 'fe1. W -'I' Ii'" 2MO-.....-. ~!-- I ~~I ~ L/-7tf. 3 Y 71~ :: : _~ '= Yen J!.l~ .= 1IoY. 1:J 1.1 !?W ~,~ ~~~~.~ == 'lode ~ L. r-. ~ oe ~~~~. ~ I: /7 n 'rI(~ ~10..~ ""4_' ii:a1 <<*'e at -- 1QO 100- I -1<{;J '1".' ~.. SOU1:IIo14 Ha.. 11.....1110. ' · _ __ 29 / /7.'lj/ ,,,,.,, 1&.1410.. u_ .. ,- 11" 72 17S.;2.,III(yf I.-~, .. ...~ - ~ aim" 1'7S3 " t! ,uv::.' 1~-'!'OwD ~ 1721" I " c. a.101u.. '1's.. 1-"- . 1Q8 175".5- . C> ,..v.~.' 'ftM8 1e1al-'fotm Board, 12 ji /I o. f / )-zs-Z' E( B8010..~ Itat.fca1,k ~ 1 :~ ~el' 26 /: , . F ...[!!iit T1M8 1eP1-Pl_1,. Board i 4~,' 8, 7sJrr; I ,,,,,,,. /1.f!!'tiY 111(,-1 ~.. 1_' ..sr. ,....... ;, / /'54 III'r 1110.. MIrt1a ..... !Dr 1975 21..1JJ\ I /1G6 /II" 7510.. ....'tal - or 64 00 1.'WtJ/ 111'7 7510.. 'fe1.u 1._ .'. , l. %..2 III "6 A1420.' 10'_'" V. !'--"-. R... 1_' 12~OO / - /~3 / ,1(,9 I....j,.."~ '110-'._ ~. I~." /1td/ 1//104.& .. .. · . 122 (>> ~ 87.0 C) /7c..s:- " "( .1 - R. 'fUt)tot11 P.L N't1_ ot ..-un.1oM 165 :JO i U illfl__. C.P. 'fvtht11 -,- 'ueUceCt. 11 ~ 3,.:1./0.75 ~' ' ~.=---".d" ~ P'~ENO , .. ~..:z../.Q.,:;.~ ~ ..... .......... TOWNCLmRIB: . .;.1 ~ant No. .I~.............. t, . " . ~ UPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS gpmw. I"UJ.U) BDA.I! CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SUpervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their rctlve nam.. out of ~unta speer ~ta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....9- T:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .day of ...... .~... .19.. on Claims No. ......... .......... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NA.\IE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /7G7 117...f Bi:2O.h RODDY'. Cleaners & La1.lI1<lrY Tnc Cleaning p.D. t:n1f'onns $ 11 SO) ,1f.i'}O /7~!;; p 3120.4 Happy's CJ.canel"!! 8. La1;n<lI1' ...nc UJ.eall~ng ". J. IlUl'Ono.s UX 2t?J I' I ./- '/ /0'7 11173 b.... "" I. l'ichae1 T. Btuice Rsp1acement. of' 'trol;sers 1 )/6 /'77 D IlIlY''''; b.......... I. RAft. tn1form Co. P.D. Lnif'on18 48' 00 5'"$"'..< s.- ~'77J " t!> 83120.4 :'est Inll'ortJ Col P.J. 1. mI'orme I (J z~ ,.^ 17~ If""Y~ B3120.4 '::har1es Greenblatt, DIC. 'o.D. L'n1f'orma I 2~ ~( 9" I- 3 .. 6 133120.4 Charle" Greenblatt. Inc. ". D. 1.n.1.f'orme 25 ~'1"~ - _I'~ /77~ B31~.4 Lealie ~man. Inc. Bay Constable 1 'n1 rom 1JJ 95 I /1!:Ji .. ~ B3l2O.4 1,cslle Edelman, Inc. '. n. LnltoI'Pl J>q1;i)Dent ~ 25 00' . 131120.4 L.llie EcIelJJIW::. :;:nc. P .D. lnii'orms 25 /777 " " 133120.4 1"'81ie Ed8~, Inc. ". 'J. Ar1l!1unition lC JIi", L ~~g 1t17'" I 13.3120.4 '18.'1 Dyck & Yousik, Inc. f1. 'I. Tires 17c 00 ~~~'" I. ,,~ B.3120.4 Van ])yck (, Yous1k. Inc. ~'. '). Tiro6 oJ 6Qj > 7tlO . J5 B3120.4 Fan Dyok t YouSJ.L, lnc. \ Tires Jw JC ... .A. /7J'1 1f17/f < B312O.4 ., ~ ib~ ~.ry. Orl~c' Supplie8 7ti ).y I' c\/a 98 / /'Y:::..l " Ai 133120.4 hcr;abea ". J. Uffice ~;l'Pi\l1es 2' to /7?.3 1'179 D313O.4 Albertson "erine, Inc. i );nglne Parts-Bay Constable L to I /7Y11 , //1%0 B3120.4 Zap t'IU,LfactLring Co. "..'. Cal~sh soap, ~'./washer fll d 219 14 . /1f:S 1,,11 "3510.4 Cliff' Tyler' a Garag., Inc. Repair Dog Warden cage I 1(, GO I~ i ,,,y.,. B3120.4 Dick's Garage Repairs p.D. 7chic1_Fis:ler's r'l. S;; 2, /7tf7 / II ~ 3 133120.4 SO\Jthold "'acuu! 8enter leepalrs to vactruIr. 7..0 /7ff B312O.4 t c;~r:r-c 1)C11e~proot vis't-P. D. 590 00 '(l~ /111'0/ Francis E. Gillis S ee " :1aaJ. -1'.11. ,~?:~ ;IIK.s;" ~-!l20:t . William Z1t.ek~ 'b\A . T01lll Vet ~ ~ ~l " A~ Town Vet I 0 J~( 8'~ B~20.4' All CoI!llTlun1cations, Inc. P.D. 106.95; RAdio :.~Grvice Cont ac9 and! ':?t.~ I' B31.J(J .~ All Gou.!. J..,uicaticns, Inc. Bay Constable :~ 10.ex) 121 95 n~ 1/ :3! A3510.4 All CommunicatLJns. Inc. Doll 'iarden r'C:_I)() '~~tf 1~7 .u Le8~1e , Inc. P.O. ! nilorm S~e. ~~ 25 ,').'t.' r A ~.312c.4 Lelli. Edelman. Inc. ".D 1. niforma ),0 /79.6 ., ~ .4 Leane Ede1JDan, Inc. P.D. Iniforma: 26 !5 I' 133120.4 LlI8l1e Edelman. Inc. n. ). lnifoI'llll :~ / 1';1'/ " .:::. / io/p III gi' B313O.4 Somes 1. niforme Uniforms/Bay Constable 7 65 /17/ /1'8'9 ;A3310~ Arnold Gladding Coat for School Crossing Guard 60 00 '/ .;I.,f'~~: a<.. c:> PAGENQ. ....4....... cfl<<~~ d..~ . ...........TO~~.......... . IW )A. , .'P .a~ant No. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . J , , To SD!'JIiIOVlSOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS GJ!1ORAL FUll) BIIJ.S CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the SUparv!l;or of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of ~ apecl!ied, being the~ allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ....... .y:.7?(.....day of '" ......, . . ."'-~.., 19.... Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT dOc> 111110 ')lwnJa .... .... .., P.-.._ 5.7611'1.1,\ . 111111 )Yc>/ II(q( ')ltn.\ ~...d>." .. .::. 17.JJ. ~~WL' U.3L 111!. ,LBo.;) , 119).- '''W\.Ja J.J. 111ft P.D. y.......,. 71S 00 /J'03 1((93 ')I~ Jldtl__ R7.ht-... P.D. ,,-...... - J -4.. 67 . , /fiJL /I1(j" I"~.. 1InU__ Ado PaN P.D. T-ht..,~ PaN ! ,! 1S /eoc /tIt/$' UlDJa ... l1li ~. ...:1.'" 01. P.D. ~ I 11 ~ /fc& II/tit. IJIIOJa "i' L1 .. - P.D. Oas.. 100 l~ /cfo? /((97 IJUOJa & I....~.. 0IIp1ta1 ...-.s- ., ~c-. 21J >, IJ?c)g (/1'Ii D2DJa Iep.l lee OD.. x.- JaaW1lll. .......4~ 10 00 Ut;CJ '"'{9 I.JI.IOJa Tt....~. Lr-~ I 1\. P.D.ooI'r' I IT ... /ISO //10 I'~.o '''~.k JIIIn1 ~l ..... ..-..s.. x.- aa..,._- W'1l1e ~ P.D. 210 GO /ft'/ "~' I ,)I~ nen I . II'. x.- P.D. y '.. . __ '4_ 51 60 'V /&.;;;.. 1/1...0.( \ '''-oJ. 1IC'~1 011 CUp. P.D. '--~.4_ ". 00 / '..\ /.ffJ '''f u;u, P.Do :1: ~\ " I!> 1.JI.IO.Ja IIeId1 011 Oupt '.De ........'4_ /.p,/S ' c- , ou. P.D. , ~J !:IU) I I )1:;4/ .31IOJa aMI ..... x.- 1._, of ~ CIu. ..all Sta 60 "",,,,3 /117 .31IOJa c._ IIII'1eIIH ....... CIt. P.D. J~ S. !.]4_ WI 10 'I'>-D-r ~ I .. /74' oJ'- IJ$I.O.k I.......t. T~ -- IIa18W tow DeI'~ . 7 ,$ '/ ' I 11>OS- I" /%/? " A .6;.3]10.2, r.-,t. ----..- en.- ... 8n".1 ~- ~ 3D ,a.. .I I '/rd 1- t~ . 6:: '~d!ca{~g~ PAGE NO. .......... ...... TOWN CLERIK . / Fr"ant, No. ...1" ............... C " 01'''-'' # ....... To SUPEIIiVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of tha Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of tha accounta apecIfIed, being the amounta allowe!l by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .... .9th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ....D.......r..... ..... .19.15 on Claims No. ........ .......... to No. ......".......... Inc., now on me In my office. . OHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. PR OTHER. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT /~~C> 11,vo'!~7180.A ",,_+. T__ 1~~~ VIA", _",luG ~ 1MI ~ A8160.A 10.52\ DaIp . /F,,;;2,/ 1i"Y07IAR1~ r. ~,.... ~.~ nn"-. .. .1_, _ o.11_~"'" '7n r:;n ;.12..:;;> IIv,,\?,IA' ~,. La ,....,01+...1 JH 1..1. T",^ _ _. ~. I i~ nn r_ \ I)~""'''''' 11",,9 ~l& r~. 'J;"'I, I,.. ....._........... : "'" rv}'- /K.:<<J. 11"/0 ~4 JV---H.- J. Ja-....... . .Ir.. . I '71i nn /rf'~ II 'rll B1910 McMann Price .A2ency lIu1:t1perll iDaurance ~ 00 /3 07'1- /O,? 'f .4 11,1910.4 McMann Price A_CY 1 ll1A. nn '7 nn ( ) c--, &- .1ee _-hut co< 7 II VI 'V 1'.1620.4 H J. SII!:th & SOD. IDe f'auce1: "I'" "i"i /J:!:?!: I,YI3 33620.4 Bovard 'terrY' &. in tv) /, t' c; Af2Cf.~ .-'.95 I tfd:( I II';-N ,,7610.4 Ve'. !Ia&~ J. 1111 10 28 /%60 I/'>-I~ 1\1620.4 C.!'. Van Duzer au s.r...4nc.-.1JJatalla 10 ~':tv) oil. tAtsac /[3/ /1..-1 (. ~160.4 Van & YOU81k. IDe. t1re w/1JiIlJDun ~ ..2"51 1'7'5 1 . 1'J1ft 00 "- If~ IIYl1 -- .v." __' .v ....... .".,. _... 1"7~. ' 1\.1220.4 Roderick .. :nu-l. P.C. . 46.")U /C " .4 ' 173(.. ~o //-3 1'.1440.4 Ro4er1ck Van"'" P.C. Jdu:. 100 /i:?9' "lh Mn10.4 R.odIrri.dt ""'~P.C. '7'> 1m /f5?r 1I'>','i 1220.4 w..t PIA1.1.,tt.ftl Co. law book ",_ all. 1;0 / ~ /ygf, Myl,. 1410.4 X... u.a service COD - "",_I 1QQ ~2 /.&-:7 'r A~ 1620.4 Xerox CorpoI'aUOft rental of copi..... 135 ~ ';'~9.9~ I~ 'f.,61 A1620.~ Xerox Corporat1cm ~ta1 of co'P1er-001:. 135 00 /)37 I/v>f) "1620.4 Zep JilUufac1:ur1Da Co. c1 c ~ 255 97..... ;f:10 "A i162O.4 Zep ""t~c:tur1DC Co. cl-'''C C .....DUDda 76 67( 33?-.(,1 /, ~j,.4 1Ir. Oreb8r!"p-.. i,5O /1f'f-/ /I ",,""1 l1"O.4 yet.. Ai a, Inc. I'I'anca1a. goy_ .GO 2'Z7 50 '... .i /.0 '77.3.F<:/ ~ -----~? ./ PAGE NO. ....:f4..6..... ~&d:'..:2:. ".;~ ~' TOWN CLEIiIK : , , '" 1"~"T'nt ,:No. ..12.................. To Su......VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BILlS CRAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... 9tIL . . . . . . . . . day of . D." . .. n ,'J: '.. ..... ..... , 19"'. on Claims No. ..........,....... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK BUDGET DATE OF NO. PR OTHER NA..'4E NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT ff'Y~ i - - -.. tjl__ . I ~...J" - /m -~ ~... I~J:~- It .~ .~~ ~..~ /f<l7i - -.. ':;""...:' 4G I.,. !- /. ~, I I ~;'1 - ')0 'tYf.-" 3 (0)1.) a j ... .. _1- In6 .,,,,.~ IL" -1. ~. . .... ! ~I / /1/7 .. - . ",' ... l..:m 1- IfltY J:.-: 1:1...... .\01 ~ t... fd -.- 1_: .... 11:.-./' 8_ .... . & ~ I "" , 'S"c - ,'oW !liZ; fI'\o"~( ~ Ai... -- Iii. 8. aft I"" . I "f:[7 /I ".A-{ iH~~ ~ on La~ Co. CIt_ II1IPPl1es - Jus tiC~ 1~ I~ ~ (s-rt.of( I - /0",-;' /J....c 1A111O.. l.Guel~ I.- r- - 1- /f~ 1A111O.. IIIIrtIa ... ~ 1'17. )'0 , 1/'.,), t.111O.. .--.. 1: I / tf:S'I IIIIrtIa ...... I 4_ '.1ft .' /~~~~ .- == TeItt !'el.J~ . ~...!.~...~. T ~ 1:. i ~% ... Tolle !'el _ - n. ~ .... i ~.' IS'S"'. :B ... Tolle ~t.!!!1,. ..... . :~. - .::~~ .....1IIC:':",....."" rI~~ 1 ;riJ~r:.~' :.-ah"\""~' .~ ,,"'~_ "",',' ,'Ii.. 1 ,7)016 ,I).). . 120.4 ... Tolle - ,- , / ~:% = TeItt !'el_ !! !! '/~~ .-~. ,/ ~ ~,c ''!''.'' = Tolle !'el 111 ~: ~~ ~ 0.4 ,.,1 / /~f '-",0.4 x... 141.11 Co. ~o-.. '"1 F ~ / !J.h II 10". ~ ~1Z;;:% co. __~o ~ ,., ~ ~/.. x..j M... Co. o '='ffE. l:...5 .-IT I"o.ff,~o -t~: .. /y-r;.y ".).f 1A1&20.. CleeBnnok e1 ~'. Me. . '[J! 1'-'>0 .,'20.. J .J. a.:rt.:r.o~ ~.!. ~~. Jr-';a 111 zg - II:l.Jt 'j I~~ 1IJ.:1" A8560. Island Tree CO. grinding of stumps 7~i 00' IIAn A8510. Bleaklev, Platt, Schmidt & Fritz - Trustees - leaal 50 00 1'<73 ' 11)...J.,e A!:!160'1 American Term1 te Control Co service at duDIp - November 40 00 ' I 'if? .t 11:1.)"'" ",.."..... ^of' h<~...+ ft+ ,..,.. "r j,;., ~ t'1'tf. ~v 7 ~~~ PA!}E N(). ....... ....... ,. , - Q,L~ . ;if /~ ~No.'I...................... , !I~.TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ ~ ~;J BILlS lAP. 834 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (j{ ~ SEC. 120 , the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: YOU are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. t of ~counta specified, being the mounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........... 'if? ~. . . . . . . day ..... ...c::.:-.. ......... ..... '70S:' on Claims No. ........... ....... to No. .................. Inc., now on me In my otllce. :K p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE OF II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMJ!:! /1 ?Io4 A Copy Inc. Office Expense 30 16 .tft ~.:,- Arrow Paper & Supplies Office Expense 20 25 , ...., Richard Baker Commissioners Fees 100 00 .l/-7 ~, -<16 ?{,7 Bailey & Staub Inc. Operation of Farry 550 00 ' c"tfS /fo!' Bouton Services Repairs Structures ! 45 76. .31.,,<13 "109 Columbia Pictures Inc. Theatre I 10 00. :;t. t/:L 140 Raymond Doyen Commissioner Fees 125 00 f3".,tjl- ;/11 Dick's Garage Airport 490 00. : Alrport: :O:>U.Ul 94 50. ~h41 -W~ Dick's Garage Operation Ferry 44.5C , John Evans Commissioner Fees 75 00 J ;3'<llJ -"11,3 I Fishers Is. Ferry Dist. Office Expense 20 00, i~.3'1 A//;../ ~'3t F.I. utilities Co. J:neal:re :oq:>.u' 7/$' Office Expense 55.41 ~ 166 52 j ~~37 ,:,peral:.Lo!1 rerry oo.u /IlL Richard V. Foyle Commissioner Fees 100 00 J 13~3b -sin A. John Gada Airport 464 40 J 13"3s -it!' Globe Ticket Co. Operation Ferry 237 51 I 00 / i.3'3.p AI,,? Phyllis F. Griffin Office Expense 45 "033 "hc Walter F. Griffin Mail Haulage 200 00 J , I Jabbour Electronics Operation Ferry 1 90 J .,3'>' ".I.v 03/ /1.<.< Jabbour Electronics Operation Ferry 16 40 J - 00 I (,30 ?tt.3 Laycock Business Machines Office Expense 15 1>-1 ~4 Mrs. Ione Norton Office Expense 15 00/ ! rl? ?!,j" Ocean Auto Parts Operation Ferry 12 70 J >7 1I,U Clyde Pierce Operation Ferry 169 00 j ~')(. ~7 Pray's Inc. Operation Ferry 26 351 . .....~~~$~ PAGE NO. ................ TOWN CLERK ~ 3t~.b1 ~J) .::~:~;~;.~.~~;~:.:.. COUNTY OF SUFFOlK . ~ BILlS rjJ.X . -J 1!AP. 8M LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD " Cy..J'v- EEC. 120 l./{)I f/oI"1 o the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby autborlzed and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nun.. Jt of the accounta specified, being ~mounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......... J1. M. . . . . . . . . day 1 .. ...... kc.-........., ..... , 19. r5 on Claims No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In m" otllce. ;K ~UDOET AMOUNT DA.TII: ' ~ R OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAm ). ACCOUNT ALLOWED ~.-~ . ,~' ~ 'l'S I 7'.R.8 Rubv's Glass Co. Operation Ferry 14 68 . . 'r'/ 1;>.', Schneider Hardware Oeeeration Ferry 10 60 i,'iP , 001 !3b.;>;2. -'bp Shetucket Plumbing Operation Ferry 7 I ~ Office Expense 93 00 j 1.%.--1 #,$1 Sullivan Printing Co. !~'~3 -0.:( Spicer Fuel Co. Operation Ferry ! 963 76, 1 Operation Ferry 11505 19 I ~tro -'/.3$ Spicer Fuel Co. Inc. /J~/f ,;,,/:,d Terminix International Operation Ferry 10 00 . , 31,1' ?lgS Thames Shipyard & Repair Repairs Ferry ~58 . :s5 I,t8 ..;131- United Electric Supply Co Operation Ferry 8 70 , 3"1 11$7 Universal Pictures Theatre 105 00, ~ ojI.?~ Alfred S. Bicknell Operation Ferry 14116 DO; 2c ,).J.2 2 ~ , . .q~/ -"/59 Agencv and Trust Hosoitalization 85 64 I :;'C301' S7 - I I - ! , I , I \ I , j : , I I ~~~b~ PAOE NO. ..... ........... . .......................,"..._~ TOWN CLERK , . , Warr~nt ~o,.~. .. .12............... ..... "., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To Sr'1'ER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD HIGHWAY DEPl'. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the .......~th............day of .......p.~~~!'!1;>~:;'............, 197.'~. on Claims No. .................. to No. ................... Inc., now on me In my otlloe. :CK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ). ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT G.Rit, ASDhal t Tn~ ClR), 1 2 T'ClR.n mo+o . 01" ()() t39~ 193. Asphalt. Inc. road materials 2.706 00 Co!. f-Z. 0 (J 194. Asphalt Inc. road materials ?ul1() ()() ". 19'). Asphalt. Inc. road materials uo:> ()() ... ( \ 196. CaDi tol HiO'hwav Material Q Tn~ "",,,, m'o~"'T'R; 1 ! 1 ()()() ()() I /.7'1(,. 6~ ~13 ( lQ7. CaDitol HiO'hwav Materiol,,"Tn~ I :>011 l1u J j)f! 198 Carbro ;00 Tn~ ri ''''s RT1d I t;7? ()() j)1s- 199 Dick 's GaraO'P 1'~ . ,+ _ H' T CS 00 200. Fleet Lumber. Inc. lumber 1 :>11 Rt; /<1/.115 (}9~ 201. Fleet Lumber. Inc. cement 11< ()() /J91 202. A.John Gada Gen Contran+;,.,O' (,Cl1n H'T 417 16 09(; 203. Thos. H. Gannon & Sons Inc. slurrv seal u 7t;() Q? &399 204. Goldsmith & Tuthill kerosene -..711 go \ 205. Gulf Oil Co. - U.S. gasoline _ H'.T (1 1<1< I< O'R1) 8') 41 /.;19,57 1/1 !JiJ l I 206. Gulf Oil Co - U>\ O'RQn1 ;n" _ H' T fRt: ., -1 ) I ')0), ,t: t,lcJ/ 207. Mobil Oil Company gasoline (2.78-.. "'al) 1, ()t;U 711 208. Geo. L. Pennv In~ 2'1 60 , 209. Geo. L. Pennv Inc. lit .", ,. lilo~ 210. Geo L Tn~ 111 . 1:> /975/ i I I 211 neo T Tn~ lumber 14 cs4 212. Geo. L. Pennv, Inc. cement 81 7'5 !tlo3 21'S. Rason Asnhalt Inc. cold patch 6cs8 40 I , t. i /. It{. !<~c> .8'<',,/ / //".-;' :<:>: ~~_: __.;.,'~'~'"-~-~~;::':.'/ ;/[:f.':,;".c-j PAGE NO. ....1........... ;;I ....4................................. TOWN CLER.K :.-~):../ &. l?' 7 - Ci --5 - cY-?l./:/).a t/ (~ , , 12 w"{l'a~.;.................... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED BILLS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY BILLS. SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the followlnl named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta specified, belnl the amounta allowed by sudlt of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ...... .9.th............day of ....... DeQerobar, ..........." 1975. on Clalma No. .................. to No. .................. Inc., now on file In my otllce. CHECK p~UDGET AMOUNT DATE a II. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAy] 6401/ ~C~~t All ,,~~ i"a+,inn" Tnc radio renair" 'i7 00 bfoS 2'1'1. Associates Capital Services payment radio leases '50 40 do~ :>'ih ", ~~ 1.Jpl"!;n'" wplrHn", . ',q :>:>7 hO it.fo7 ""''7 "', Tn", ~.,Ho "o~.;~, _ 1i'. T. 4'i 74 6/09 "",p, H' H' 1 1,0 "P, I 1;;/01 ""'0 M.',"ooo /100 r.n Tn" . ~.~+o 7? :>0 " (P1/0 ..,c'n -, '''+0 T_ . n.~+a I 40 IR1 1 !oJ/ II ?hl M' t:>, m; an +~~, ~ /100 0, ?'iO 100 Vcf/ .L "c,'O ,,; ,"O~"M" ^,,+~ T, 4,0 1,0 &//3 "t=" "h.o~"p." H" on+~; n 'Doo' 1"0 repairs - Ji" Saw 7 17') ~ .yI /-1 2h4 Hen'Y'V .T. ,'\mi tn /100 ~nn Tn" ~.~+~ 1 100 I tf/.r :>t=,'i ... H'",,;n I"n Tnn 461 ~4 ?hh I V~n TnT"k /100 ,.. ;k Tnn +.iT'''''' 167 116 ~I/t 267. Van Dvck /100 YOUS;k Tn". +;~pa _ ~.;n+ m.nh .10 hil ,;?rJJ.tS 268. Van D:vck & Yousik Inc. alim:nent & Darts - JPn ?'i 4.'i , I ! I I , I I I I ~~ 00 </. -3 {, 17./' / ,j'-g~~ r..:i?'" ;I'. . , PAGE NO. ......1......... ....~. .~:'. ~.~......:-:-..... .~. ...~:~... TOWN CLER.K - '. W....~, ~;" ;t,?.............. To 'UPER;VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ Bn.LS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPl'. BILLS SEC, 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, beinr the amounta allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ..... 9tn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ...... .p.~P.~\I1l;>\,!.:r:,........... , 1975. on Cla!ms No. .................. to No. .................. !nc., now on file !n my office. iCHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF ! PR OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ! NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYM I tl/1 MIS~~( ^ _ ~ TM ~,o '" . It ,A I '2'14 r.ani tnl Hi..hwav Materials. Tnc hats liners . ah --, - "It?<:: I tilt 2'1<;. Canitol Hi..hwav Materials Inc. boots torches etc. 74<; 7<; 'I 2'16 Canitol Hi..hwav Materials Inc. boots Ali nn ~o&'o,[,;( , I '?'7 r.Rni +n' Ui I a T~~ ", arlaa ~"ai ~a _ a~nM !" ",,:; A? I ?'IA TT~i f'n~"'o~,i no T~n >0 _ n~+ I <::It nn C7;>: Sic) 'Iii/III I "'10 TT~i f'n~"'o~d no Tnn _ >-Tn.. I 4'1 2n J &1;10 "ltn I H'Qa+ omri ~ i+o~ f'n renairs ... cleani~a +'~e'.~i+o~ ,,<:: <::n t!!)./ "In un ,_+ "._", _ f'n -, -- ,...--- ),<:: ",:; bf-.:1;J, 242 A..Tonn ~R.rh ~"n. ,~~ M~rl_ a~nM , ",A'7 <::n &fp '?4'1 ,,__.~ lq2 00 . 244 HR~+' UQ p,. .~~ . _i an . , ,,<:: '17 ,&1:;~ '?4" HR~+' Ua'. ,~~ _ _o,~+ ,? Itlt ,Ii;,!?/ 246. Hart Hardware & Garden Center inc mise i+o_a It,:; A'I , ' 247. Hart Ha ... ~. ,~ 'nn _ -,-- " ''7./ [,1-25 248. Mrs. Marion S. Arnold "art-time cle~" 4" nn I (//X 249. Mutual Steel Co ~nM ni onoa ~"Qi~a _ a~n 778 Rh I ' 1 &f077 2<;0. Me Cabes ' ~ 20 8'1 I 251. New York Telenhone Co. 7'14.<;211 Servinoa _ l' ", ,-- 00 nn /.>;0.04- It 1<<'% 252. New York Telenhone Co. 76"-'1140 Services In/16/7" ",,:; nil , I 253. Geo. L. Permy, Inc. misc. items 4 74 1b'~1 25!t. Geo. L. Penny, Inc. hardware cloth 'I "0 1ft,,/1 I 255. Geo. L. Penny, Inc. skill saw '17 q'i 16'1,('30 256. Raymond C . Dean Sun't eXDenseA '?n ~ (1//: /' .:::r-g~thJ PAGE NO. ....1........... ~~~~~~....:.............~...: TOWN CLER.x: . Wa,.ar~ ~.;..,:).g.............. To SUPERVISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . Bn.L8 CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEFT. BILLS SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apeclfled, being the amounta allowed by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........ .9:t.b. . . . . . . . . . . day of .......P.~~~ro[>~:r........... , 18..750n Claims No. ........ .......... to No. .................. Inc., now on file In mY,otllce. 'CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF I NO. :>11. OTHER NAME NATURE OF CLAIM ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAY] )hi/,jl MIsg~~. Sterli= Nur"erie" Tn". rve " on j NJJ. ?"R (! 1> '1',,+.,,; 11 .fi 110 '50 I rS v3J 2'10. William H Witt freiO'l1t reimh1JT'''emen+.. 1 Rn ] (PV3-1 "'~() meter n"~ao ""n;oQ Pi" nn 1& Y.:JS "'~1 7an f'n ,,1 ,nn" " I ?"I"I 11 I I J I J I I ,. ; j ..I . 0'''16 a 6',/ PAGE NO. ....4........... ;k:~~ y-;e~ihJ TOWN CLERK ~. ~'--III_nt, No. .....:12.............. To 80:i'"""VISOR TO PAY AUDITED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - BILlS CBAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Soutbold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down opposite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecIf1ed, being the amount. allowed by audit of the Town Board of 8outhold on the ........ 9D. . . . . . . . . . day of .. .Pe.:.. .It.elf.. ..... ' ..... , 1". on ClaiJDS No. .........."...... to No. .................. inc., now on file In my otlloe. CHECK BUDGET AMOUNT DATE OF NO. )11. OTHER NA"\rE NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT Jt.7 .. - ...... - - _. - - 810 tit) - I , I . 1 ~~rid~ I'~I! NO. ................ ~ ~~~.~~;.~~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~-- BILlS CHAP. 634 LAWS OF 1932, ART. 8, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEC. 120 To the Supervisor of the Town of Southold: You are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named persons, the amounta set down OPPOSite their respective nam.. out of the accounta apecJfled, being the amounta allowe4 by audit 01 the Town Board of 8outhold on the ......... 9tb . . . . . . . . . day of ...DI" 1 ~...... .. ... , 1~. on Claims No. .............,.... to No. .................. Inc.. now on me In my offloo. !CHECK p~UDGET AM DATE OF NO. II. OT!!ER NA.'\m NATURE OF CLAIM NO. ACCOUNT ALLOWED PAYMENT 67 ~~t '. -- ~ .- do. ,t~~ ......... 2.~~ iff" 1.u:7 ,._...1. ."., ~ ,. ~ .... _I ..1.J. 'd i J. I ! I ..3/<J.b.g 1 ~~~~ P~E NO. ....... '...... ,. TOWN CLE!!IK: p