HomeMy WebLinkAbout5662 6I Sts rt Rtad,, — sr!o dwc.. D& AA. 6 3t S& L rlu.Jgoof J. , - SYSB Pk' 3-3-os' A 3- to -or ayq ra APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,' *OF S001*0 Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman ',' •O <0 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer * #; Southold,NY 11971-0959 Vincent OrlandoG ,� Office Location: James Dinizio, Jr. �O . t Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Michael A. Simon we _t41/44;1)any►�,' 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) •'�1 Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809• Fax(631)765-9064 Uilta 3`3O(M FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MAR 3 0 2005 MEETING OF MARCH 10, 2005 ZB Ref. 5662 - JKJ NORTH FORK REALTY, INC. Southold Town Clerk Property Location: 53740 Main Road, Southold; CTM 61-4-6. Zone: Hamlet Business. SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 7900+- sq. ft. lot has 52.30 ft. frontage along the south side of the Main Road, Southold, and is improved with a two-story frame building, as shown on the January 18, 1984 survey, amended December 4, 1986 by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's November 29, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, citing Section 100-92, in its denial of a building permit to construct alterations at second-story height of the existing building. The reasons stated for disapproval are that the new alterations will increase the degree of nonconformance with regard to a single side yard at less than 10 feet and total side yards at less than 25 feet. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on March 3, 2005 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant proposes new construction which includes modification of the second-story/flat roof of the existing building. The new construction is proposed over the existing nonconforming building (18'8" by 54'10"), maintaining the existing nonconforming setbacks of the first floor (zero setback from the easterly lot line and 10 feet from the westerly side yard, for a total of 10 feet on both sides), as shown on the applicant's diagrams (with a ZBA date- stamp of December 27, 2004). REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. There will be no change to the second story • Page 2—March 10,2005 • ZB Ref. 5662—JKJ North Fork Real CTM ID: 61-4-6 which is presently used, except for the modified roof line which slightly increases the height to the top of the ridge at 15' 9 94" and replaces a flat roof that exists. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the building has existed in a nonconforming location for over 40 years and is occupied. 3. The variance granted herein is not substantial. 4. The difficulty is related to the need to modify the roof, replacing the existing flat roof above the existing second-story of a building with nonconforming setbacks. 5. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. 6. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of structural alterations, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for, as shown on the applicant's building diagrams (with a ZBA date-stamp of December 27, 2004), and shown on the January 18, 1984 survey, amended December 4, 1986, prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.0 This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Orlando, Goehringer, Dinizio, and Simon. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). UIJ U t crz- Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 3/' 7 /05 Approved for Filing • 0 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005: 10:15 AM JKJ NORTH FORK REALTY, INC. #5662. Request for a Variance under Section 100-92, based on the Building Department's November 29, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, concerning a building permit application concerning proposed second-story alterations. The reasons stated for disapproval are that the height alteration will increase the degree of nonconformance with regard to a single side yard at less than 10 feet and total side yards at less than 25 feet. Location of Property: 53740 Main Road, Southold; CTM 61-4-6. Zone: Hamlet Business. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: February 1, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN - 111 t,. • FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL C DATE: November 29, 2004 TO: JKJ North Fork Realty Inc. 1077 Bay Home Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application, dated October 18, 2004 For permit for a second story alterations at Location of property 53740 Main Road, Southold, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 61 Block 4 Lot 6 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed second story alteration, increasing the height of the second story/roof area in the HB District, is not permitted, pursuant to Article IX, Section 100-92, which states; "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the HB District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." According to the bulk schedule, lots in the HB District require a minimum single side yard setback of 10 feet and a minimum total side yard setback of 25 feet. The existing building notes a single side yard setback of.5 feet and a total side yard setback of 10.5 feet. Those non-conforming setbacks will be maintained by the second story alteration. Pursuant to the ZBA's interpretation in Walz (#5309), such additions and alterations will thus constitute an increase in the degree of non-conformance. NI e to Applicant: AI, ' change or devia • n to the above referenced application, may require f rther r•view by the .outhol Town B. Iding Department. Authorized , gnatu - CC: file, Z.B.A., Planning Board M 0 MP 0 APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS For Office Ilse Only Fee:$jSO Filed Br .-- Date Assigned/Assignment No. 5-4, H 2- Office Notes: Parcel Location: House No.5.2rigo Street M ict„J £&kt, Hamlet So Lt'no-oc.rj SCTM 1000 Section (o I Block 4 Lot(s)_ (p Lot Size Zone District I (WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: Nov 291 aoo*F Applicant/Owner(s): -$'14_3 n16Pfl1-t FORK katrry (nic. Mailing Address: 33 ffrarn 67rca l-A• PlEAsi E�NY 1Ird ? Telephone: (63 N 9Th — 79 g(o 14-40 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,stale if applicant Is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative: {:Eu f a S4aq,J,.1 of.) (D wra&P Address: f, Telephone: 76 3a6 l (, l- 76s--3a6 Please specify who you wish correspondence tb be mailed to, from the above listed names: l�Applicant/Owner(s) 0 Authorized Representative 0 Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED lo' FOR: Building Permit. ❑Certificate of Occupancy 0 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use ❑Permit for As-Built Construction 0 Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article,Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article Section 100- qa Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: y A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. • ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ❑Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 haspas not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year • 4111 0 M � Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if gran ted, because: toot u.304. c,.ayad Qu.� mj mecr;as of (" L6C ,,JC D 0. (2) Th benefit sought by the applican CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: ,Qot' u( att), t .- G.,s1 /web (3) The amount of relief requested Is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or)environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: / J (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty In meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This Is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Q estions on next page to apply USE VARIANCR STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney. therwis . Please proceed_to the sianature and notary area below, Sig ature o Appellant or Authorized Agent Sworn to be ria me this (Age mu submit Authorization from Owner) / " •ayof .. a1.L _,1... ../I0 otary Pub c vows • MIA App 9/30/02 00111TANDIE MOW Sete al Nis In Commission Expires oe/ot /, r 0_ , - - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD /i 2- OWNER STREET 50 74-,/O VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT r J Ak ,, 6xi i Int /l a In /.0QJ s- S�. �� FORMER OWNER tuba ck ��lt N ,5.� -.. S TYPE OF BUILDING c� Cvi.G t4 ti iiiiMMI set ES. ��t. SEAS. VL FARM rOMM.. . ISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE . REMARK • aC10 Sao r o r= _ • • 3s � /�� •r �' e i *to42 1 / Are,: AGE BUILDING CONDITION .t..,._ 9 s-o 6 cr 2. .3 bre 0 NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM ALl s /is/ z S o00 Acre Value Per Value Acre i _/ n'L70 #777 -.bubo icir .buboicir 1 Je AMAg/r 411cciii illable 1 • 'illa� 2. • illable 3 foodland Nampland FRONTAGE ON WATER _ ushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD JC- w� ouse Plot DEPTH •!/ y _ Q V v s'+ ^ BULKHEAD to! DOCK w 0 , , 10. ,‘, v 1✓ 1 I" c3S . .. 0 ' vos‘''' sg-24 ,0 00 1y J���P Q N �p T1 "P ih, _ ♦ 0. 1 Z'+ �\Syihk \� 9�liked o - �. NP ,SS • moo- Nal' Cr- 0 0 I 0$ Acsel r re 1 4010 401 % 5 a Co tr 1 0040-11 0R sOcfr‘' lik . 4� O 9t ® '& 10I _ 1/41is° Ey f� Y15 # , M111 9L elks -' vZ , c• _.' 1' COLOR - .. r seNneeaarMr4,`-,..qE TRIM I _ s io M. S.GRAND sic, - r �1 I' • + lam_ l M. Bldg. Z t' �C Foundation Bath 2 .-Y ,. Dinette - .23/0 3. co L /93 O 3 A- ! G/L Extension Basement ,Cl/ L L. Floors C /7 , K. Extension Ext. Walls Interior Finish /1k '4'•q A LR. Extension Fire Place /V V Heat O ,,L f4 4 DR. Type Roof GL�,1 Rooms 1st Floor _BR. Porch Recreation Roonf F Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. atikh T Dormer breezeway • Driveway - - Garage r Patio 0. B. Total 6930 a77 . t �d10 I 41)5 p w ti 6 • am Warta' . • rtnm. N.SQ2�' OQ°E.:: 233, 1p r- 'x(/57/N MAP OF PROPERTY . .'Z gr sriert i - •{r. .ri C 2 "`* FL. / srn-. I F� �T 7wF •- F �. if r-KPO r SURVEYED RN/ ___ M d i '\ ri(4?E_ �T_C3 .1�UIjC�t f to 4/-!z_ PKG</ //4/<7 V m I fir .1 _E. � Qrn 1J / 4, -. mfrrcific rxrsrattc s.1 C:J!.3i7 1 ck.. U� �' ;; 1' c /2 PI rc N A �/ SOU i NULD -- Oj etc, nnCl 3 ' al ~fIl Gh F .2I TOWN OF SLJUTHOIr7,1 !y ' ai ' 10"?�I ill ` "cc K F \ ! d / .,�OF Np\ �� I f 1 % / i 7�pv�K na:1:: �' csi 81 a o / � � I '. .`Y Lf.N q!'iN �"gsil a�� � . ...ALE 20'_1, i. = z / r .. we.T q.w oO�))ji ,• 11 � .r cf�f / / " � '° : ', Q-MONUMEty' d II SUPEcaraGi70-061-Yf_o // ii IIq ..IIF 411 j` MA? NvrF_;i:=L - DECA 1985 • _ II f mr+ORREE'TCE `NALL W /�/ GUA2ANTEES CHANGED-DEC.5�1� t . I O -- �'. O ..�+� NTEEQ �O I -�� ti N SUFFOLz GOVNTY NATIOMAC BANK -n THE QvJNEr2 AND IMEfLIIiW 7{TLIh15uK!1faI�E }.' ' S an II lI 'NI AS SURVEYED �;1 ina di JAMIE-0984 2OD.E2fatVAl� TUYL,P. C. - —,0 559'261170°W,fO 55.66 I HAC.FErTi!t}Z, W LCC EN5E0 LANG SUk-tteY o METHODIST CHURCH GREENPORT N.Y. - lb .1 4111. ic) PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A.Application) Applicant(s): v(L 4 0 o PJ-n4-- f-o EK. Q. a , -c—y Loc._ • I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed: A. Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size: Square footage: B. Please give t 'mensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the fisting building: Dimensions/size: t�,4 Square footage: 1 II. If land is va Please give dimen 'ons and overall square footage of new construction: Dimension/size: Square;footage: n 1 ,(� Heightl 1 V t J' III. Purpose and use of new costruction requested in this application: / 4- . • IV. Additional info ation about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the co equirement(s): V. Please submit seven(7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction. 7/02 Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you. Alk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILD " `RMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL6 (V O 8 2004 • ' Board of Health ' SOUTHOLD,•NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 i- • .- F Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. '—""- . Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined : ,20 Ctnntact• Approved ,20 Mail to: (/ Zp 7 Disapproved a/c GoFte'v 4 • Phone: : 7-" (e6 ?..r- Expiration ,20 .ice ' - • P g 41 pector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT • ' Date , 20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. ' ' - f. Every building permit shall expire'if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 128 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,anew permit shall be required. - APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the , Building Zone Ordinance of the°'own of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,'and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,-for the construction of buildings,additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,'building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit t '=:•authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. - • IcY NO(.1-/:,. Cork. rcC_ ( (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporatio6) ' :b3f2a.r, ✓n{'.1S &..) '11 117 ( -7 • ►Mel,./ , li z) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder 'LOA1E CL._ Name of owner of premises 1- K • N v t fG.. For k• i2FAt_T ,✓ (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If appl•cant is a corporation,•signature of duly authorized officer `.- , - -� 171 e c. .C' 1€ y • ; and title of corporate officer) — PkiLs ,D .,� B � ers License No. Plumbers icense No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. • 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 53 `� 7 d /7)2At yr 6-6(4 V-46 House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 1 L I Block ti Lot (11 Subdivision Filed Map No. 7238 IOSA3 (Name) ,xr vete to we..:iiia l ! c 1ie0a38.k0 ri�ttu8 ru herbise0 VIM i WO=kid nor te3 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy R.e A-C,, i 54=0,re S c A J O- •K't'e S )c.0 b. Intended use and occupancy R c 4 0. , I S d re c C A 3 a rrc°C . 3. Nature of work(9heck which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair ,/ Removal Demolition Other Work (Description): 4. Estimated Cost '0 Zo o DO Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units " Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars Tu» ('�z to< < S to re 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. T%-^-' O rc•'c,C 3 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 'Tw c Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 5e Rear Sc...✓vi.e Depth 5 c-vre. Height me Number of Stories S M 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth 10. Date of Purchase AO C-J S 7 t U 3 Name of Former Owner 0.utvieS ti J 13(Ov-• 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation?YES NO 13.Will-lot be re-graded?YES NO /Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES NO k 5 �tiv r fi b- 53 !ty0.15}u.M) log 7 14..Names of Owner of premises (=v r c. aer( f, Address int I✓ Wc tti'Y 1(7)7 6 31-t•l c I. 7Sd d Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor (-.t r 1 cl If, ,'U it Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO Ve * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey,to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE-OF NEW YORK) SS: -2OUNTY OF rfe, 1J. t '`Q P'✓\N 6•\) . being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, S)He is the CR,RP o e.44-r'tg._, C9 Le�(L, , RE-s 1 T (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) &said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; hat all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be )erformed in the manner set forth in the application filed-therewith._ -— worn o re me thi �' "' day of (.k)4 kex 1 20 n / eek,( lia � Notary lic Signature of Applicant Hotel Pub( BEST `� II New York No.O nap_ f m__ _ _�•• t _ FORM NO 4 • COPY FOR YOUR TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD INFORMATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z.+9.40•• Date December. -.11 .. , THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .8/B .Maw Road Street Map No. . . . Block No. ...xz....Lot No. .xxx s outhoid f.N.s r conforms substantially to the 44:144 ;s•i;4. t:'t' �aia'vi � ia' ' '1` ' 44)4;44:y47;; •�.office e baaait24 before „Certificate_ of occupancyAPr3l.2319.5.7 pursuant to whicho.Z .494.0 dated December 11, 1972., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law.The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . ..Business•building-.(•-stores,. -offices-eta) The certificate is issued to Nargery-Burns•& •Gotleib Nickles. • ••Dwners (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval .pre-existing UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No....N.71iO738 HOUSE NUMBER.. .53 ....Street Main Road diAJO Building Inspector 7 • QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION • A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? D YesJ -4o B. Are there anyproposals to change or alter land contours? O Yesjo C. 1)Are there any ar•..that contain wetland grasses? [� � 2)Are the wetland ar-. . own on the map submitted with this application? 3)Is the property bulk h-. • between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4)If your property contains wetlan$A .r pond areas,have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination $ . 'urisdiction? D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation' near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? (If not applicable, state"n/a".) E. Are there any patios,concrete barriers,bulkheads orfertces that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? NI n (If none exist, please state "none".) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? alric„R If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none,please state. • G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? n If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. - H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel 26C-a Siic p f y',;�9 b,AA,. and proposed use Pah l 6 • • Q� f ao1aq A 'zed ignature and Date • • • .p. - r 0 APPLICANT r) TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The To n of Sou •11.'s Cote of Ethic rohibits conflicts of interest on the rt of To. 'fficers ,' a '10[ ; i- • !o;- • i' form is • iro•ite •+ sible conflicts of in e -� nnform:tio hi c. :_e - o,�. . and . low it to take wh. ever action is necessa to a tit same YOUR NAME: . NNo, (Last name,first name, iddle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other jlf"Other» a name the activity: Do you personally, (or throe gh your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) h-,.e a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"inclu t = b blood, marriage, or business interest. "Bus'less interest" means a business, inclu•• g a Partnership, in which the Town officer ormployee has even a partial ownersemployment by) a corporation in which the-k own officer or employee owns more than�5p%o (or o the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. .Name of person.employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself(the applicant) and the Town officer or emplo ee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in e space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all + at apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner, or employee of the applicant; or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted tl ' / . da t ftJ eG o' Signature: 40 IN Print Name: M .,NNod .,,,T:.•:-.s.,,,,,i44444%. I IRIDGE7LEDGER O• 7.44, 1 Ori% RAFTER 0 LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION RAFTER SIZE USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION ROOF LSTA24 1-1I4"x24",20ga STRAP APPLY OVER RIDGE TO EACH RAFTER 2x6-2x8 LS26 18ga SLOPE HANGER APPLY TO EACH RAFTER I LEDGER 2X10 LS210 18ga SLOPE HANGER APPLY TO EACH RAFTER I LEDGER Ill* ENSELECTS EXUSTENSELECTED ADLOCATED BY CORACTORILAHNEL• AS REQUIRED RAFTER RAFTERSMAINTAIN VENTILATION TOP PLATE 1►/. i2x4 LEDGERCKING \\ �11I1L•__. � 2x4 SOFFITJOIST ��� ATTIC SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A ' ;. FASCIA �\ MINIMUM NET FREE VENTILATING AREA �I� WALL STUD O NOT LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF ���_ GUTTER THE SPACE VENTILATED ALL OPENINGS ONTIN SCREENED VENT SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION- RESISTANT METAL MESH WITH MESH I- CONTIN SOFFIT/EXT PLYWOOD - LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION OPENINGS OF'A INCH IN DIMENSION SOFFITED EAYE 4"-6°RAFTER RT10 10 /4°x 18ga TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNECT TO EACH RAFTER 8"-12°RAFTER RT20 21-118"x 20ga TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNECT TO ROOF VENTILATION / EACH RAFTER, 50FFITED EAVE DETAIL - RAFTER 0 ' \ RIDGE CAP OF SAME MATERIAL AS ROOFING NAILED TO' C VENTTHING TOP PLATE111111111111 :. WALL STUD .**71. RAFTER/" UGH —AN LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PRE-MANUFACTURED KEEP SHEATHING MIN 1-1/2° RAFTER/PLATE RT75 TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNECT EACH RIDGE VENT FOLDS FROM PEAK TO ALLOW FREE • RAFTER TO PLATE OVER RIDGE TO AIR PASSAGE CONNECT OVER CONFORM TO SLOPE PLATE/WALL SPTH4 STUD PLATE ANCHOR PLATES TO EACH STUD OF ROOF USE THE FOLLOWING APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT 4 GOOD CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. ,,•ice. ,II ®'c FFO(,j•C ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE �`� $�` Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK y ; P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ust MARRIAGE OFFICER REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS `. ®y� ®����1 Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER = 0l * ` ot° Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �..��,,.•�� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk DATED: December 29, 2004 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5662 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 5662 of JKJ North Fork Realty Inc. for a variance. Also included is: Notice of Disapproval dated November 29, 2004; copy of tax map; survey showing plans; Project Description; copy of C of 0; copy of building permit application; copy of property cards; ZBA Questionnaire; Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form; and plans. F DEC 2 9 2004 s `' FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 29, 2004 TO: JKJ North Fork Realty Inc. 1077 Bay Home Rd. ,6 Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application, dated October 18, 2004 For permit for a second story alterations at Location of property 53740 Main Road, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 61 Block 4 Lot 6 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed second story alteration, increasing the height of the second story/roof area in the HB District, is not permitted,pursuant to Article IX, Section 100-92,which states; "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the HB District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." According to the bulk schedule, lots in the HB District require a minimum single side yard setback of 10 feet and a minimum total side yard setback of 25 feet. The existing building notes a single side yard setback of.5 feet and a total side yard setback of 10.5 feet. Those non-conforming setbacks will be maintained by the second story alteration. Pursuant to the ZBA's interpretation in Walz (#5309), such additions and alterations will thus constitute an increase in the degree of non-conformance. ► ote to Applicant: • ny chan'e or deviation to the above referenced application, may require furthe review by .44• outhold Town Bui :'ng Department. uthori -d gni t • CC: file, Z.B.A., Planning Board .„ . r --- ,... -- •-- ., ,--- , ,s'i , . ... - ---- -- - :. ,-, ,..;.:,-... .... .,-,-..: 7 •--';'":-.'''''';' . '• . '— ' -;:,-_, _ — -.3.-. i:.-.'",:,- ,;._?:47:-,2:.**ilif.,.P: , -.. . ', =F:.;-7.-:• •-- - •: : - : — . - ..,'. :7- -As..,'AI-. .rif.:--As--,P1.4.V441- . .. 's•'''"-`'-," -,0-kz,i..'-;:..,*1/. - - . . . ,e. ,' -.': ,.'.. ;--T.,-;,...:-.0.i:v.,,-._.•4811.'.. .1:: - ' -,-;:, -;•.:1{•.; •:- . ..., . .. ... ' .. ., •• . ,. ., -1.114 - -- - =' - • . ••--- ' - • - . ; •,-. -- '77 .;,....Y4-;:;.•.*47. ••,.., .,,„:.:,:,,,. . • . ,e-,,.- .;. . , - - :30=11410/414.4011.41' . , • . _ ..., ?.. .., . ... , . . 7.. . „ ',..1/4*• I A --1-. 4 itit..-Uri _ . , ':-Irt . - , - . . , feit 00 E • • • •44Npaitu., ....,, 5-A.* A...1 •••:..k.-- . . • ... , ._ • ,------ 2,,-/„, MAP OF PROPERTY i _ . 5LIRVEYW MO - _ s.t-. -- r 004001'... ;'-til JAMES' T lalia0V-• 14.. P... ' . ' '7.—' i' ;.,` .7)".. .g. e • -. •• ; . • . .Y 1.8 •,` 74 1 ,frr-i _ ,. ,,,, • .,.... • . .. . . • ki,, .,,,Th ,,P : \ . .. . • :.•. • .. . 1 \ . -E3.20CTIZ. V.DUI3 WI Ck... - .. :,,,&, .., 4., •, 7 ,Ph-,- i ... e---i 4--e- ,. , F 1 Bt j-i- 7'::;;_lGVA-4:1i, • -: 7K. , .. 4C1 SOU—THOLD ,•.- "A fl 7 * , ,,.,,,L, . ' 1 4. „, (ii 4 01.;,••• ...,. '1.,kt,".,•:// 3'1!. fil , T0',.../N OF 50U11-10L-P WIC . - 1-1,. _ • -, .LT ? ( I, # -- , , , , . ,,,, 7..• , /2 ////\/...,G.„‘nt.,:,17.01;z:Demo:::::17.1:whhe,1:01nrszi: ......"Cfc. ry.v4. ib. - 3 ....- , 1/::;,,,,,,,,,;._ .4,,,....p„.., •71c. -\ —. 1 ci . ..; .t tillir iw f-c.4.- ..:,..--___:____.- - f, , , ...- 4 'c? ‘:.: ,..4. -4 * - , ' - :. Vi:\r:C,'t?.k.:7,0,7"::)'.y; 4 .. Y .3. ,,, 4. ..,. ,,,.. A.,„, cs2e, .„..v .. -.1,. - et, — • - ,. L A N D ,.....,:,---e- 4 -1, F _..,....,,,,, , , ,....- ., U. to 0, , -gaai Shall ft,t b:6°1 G, SCALE-20t=-1" .. .j 0 P' --, •.yak,true,...„03, corissdow :.•=* ..4 gi, 2 .,,,r,..:„...._-;,:,:as•Rover:thea:;:::::4 • CI.MONUME.NT ,., i •:,2:„7:-.1;::::::ndott'",:::::4.4 ' _____ ti--- .t• // ,,,. r_,,,., on Ivi 1,,.._„..• asrvel , 14.; ,......, 5()Fff CO.TAX..MAP t*Pk.'tdCQ'ae i 4"-6. - I: .....i• • IN4 • , su mi ...1 MAF' A,MENDF.:{, - DEC.:A 198.6 i II 1 , IA • / . GUAQA NTE ES aiANIGEo-'DEC 5„.499 I - zi li . 1 , OLD BCLICIK 4 ttl , f . 81 It/-,-, p4TE wALL '31..) .A.gAN TEE 17 TO i . I 8 / • !.-,uFKR.1.4 cOVN TY NATI ON AL,l'AN14,;TQ.Tj•-ft ON.(4.1s1E125. .. \‘, -0.1 AND .AmEr2.1-cm Ting-ikeur4,WCS ita-- . _______\...44. ......., •NI ..10A:113-}19e4. • A.5 SURVEYED 11 0 c2,4 i __-- .---2 1 r-, r‘ , _ ' , 120 E)E.RA CV_VAN TUYL P. C. . . ii di F-- ;', ' 1; '. n 1:1' 12 __' - - - .. t '2 s $p 00 w. , 515.6e, .-:. 3 2004 , LK.ENif.--:-ED LANK:,Si.Jk\MYCNS 1 ''..,1440012E.lifig-- . 1.11.11 MET 4-101)161" CHURCH . GN PORT N.Y. . - __ -------- ._ _____ _____ _ ......._. ---- _I il:-------- ------ --- ---------- --_ _____ .. .. - __ . w... FORM NO. 4 COPY FOR YOUR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INFORMATION ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Zi+940... . . Date . .. . ..December. . .11 , 19.72. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at . .g/g Main Road . . Street Map No. . xz. Block No. ... ....Lot No. 7txx .•••Southold •Pi eY• conforms substantial) to the t4, ,: ' ' '" ; office e y `a�•`:; L�•G �:. .asiz'4cic'�icS'a'c.'.�' � 'va�i'LV�r's ' ra`i bazelatt beforeC rt. icgt of 'occupancy April.23. . . 2, 19.5.7 pursuant to which E } o,z4a. dated ... .. . .. .December 11, 1972., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law.The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . ..Bus•iness.buildiag.•(••storee•,• •offices• eta) The certificate is issued to Margery•Burns•& •Gotleib •Nickles• • ••Gwners • ••• (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval .pre—existing UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No... j1.714.0738 HOUSE NUMBER...53*).. ..Street... ..main.Road • Building Inspector 7 • • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDIZ _-?ERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? . TOWN HALL ' 0 8 2934 Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 L. .._____.:‘,...___ ._ 1 Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. .� Trustees Examined ,20 Cbntact: Approved ,20 Mail to: Disapproved ale �' G. �'. Z___•41<-)qZ___•41<-)q(/ � • Op, Phone: '�� �� �� Expiration ,20 di g 4 spector • • APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date , 20 INSTRUCTIONS . a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expireif the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter, anew permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the'Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,'and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,-for the construction of buildings,additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit . authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. 3 kS No(41,- Co,- k ems` ( f (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) ,b '3 'rte r m t',i5 a,n) /_ c',,),G mel,) , if ) t ) '-c) H7q7 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If appl'cant is a corporation,.signature of duly authorized officer • N. : and title of corporate officer) B ` ers L cense No. Plumbers icense No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: / 5i 7 d / am / 6-61 a.cge I/ House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section I b I Block V Lot 4) Subdivision Filed Map No. ',Be.S08AJ (Name) a.:z,woo.to Qts'c.,:a,ti1i`1 fiti , iSiCi a-mio.01.4 tent ni b9tlilano 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy R Hca < < 54-0 r.e s 0-44 J p-r t'c'c c S ec,C e b. Intended use and occupancy ck c it.c1 c ( 31-d re s �,_.A S a Ccc'C 2 . Sop, , ,, 3. Nature of wore]k(deck which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost if ,ZO 0 DO Fee i (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units ' " Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars � 0 Refa L • wStore, 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. T ° df ri''t.e 3 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 7w r Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Sc-- z._ Rear Sc_v' . Depth 5C-vre_ Height (,,...,T\c_. Number of Stories Sc.- rn( 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth -- Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth 10. Date of Purchase A J O-U s V (0 3 Name of Former Owner 3 Ct.tvte s cavi J IS fo p l-P 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation?YES NO 13. Will lot be re-graded?YES NO ( Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO . Z a lc S vvorfi)^ .55 trn;14,51-0,a L.c_n_e/ ((7q7 14..Names of Owner of premises F--or L (2.en(f,.i Address inc l✓, 1-►c, y+lJ y' 117q ne No. 6 31 -49i- 7S1 d Name of Architect l Address Phone No Name of Contractor C.,—ex cLA ci i•.C ,.J t- Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE-OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF 5r4. ta. L''v "J &,i-/s,v N.5-J " being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)He is the el?o e.,.(4-~ 6. LC.+L(L -- iE-,S i1. -7-- (Contractor, (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to b re me thi 1 rday of alit 20 /1'V (jek (6tephg.e.d . lac...e„.—...--T Notarylic Signature of Applicant NotaBESII ry�g 71 New York te �Wt2007 :ate} i J .'1 t.. :q 7 ' - 'e`", .tE-:, s. ,,- '' ^ F; •i• 3 • t r .-;'y ,1ST, _ 6 _'\ s t,,,i �:kib 5 `f •. s_ _ • n "•-•it' s tom;' ,` •__ - - - •.: ` _ '' • _ - , _ _ ' . . `" � - • • ,tom-.,3t-,-.,5`2-,,. S r, _ „"". ' ..,� l�5:519, 00_ a,; .. '"t:i _k3c •+1. a fafY7�7 K'�J t, - - - - .- • AP OF— -.6.4 ,sif - VerI 0/ems • i , to .jc:.!!i /4 1 4 \ ////♦���\ 14'. .l,l i AY" i- ,C-V., - , ��"i . rtsi-4.4.1,.../ a — - 'i. ' V SOUTHOLD 0x1 , , • U i� + ---,7 d TOWN OF 5OUTI-IOLp,RY: t v 4k86ii ;-'j r, if. t; g i OF 14E1* -;!;E' �y `yr r T f°alf` �Z'k•Q,�GK i/A,y yo91 V en fA I ,4711111: fG4' ! a •;dt�'1., r "; orr) , 4`.L.. • j N64'4, �$256ry��� , .::'- ?;1.-: -1.•,... ,. s 'n-`�4681 u: J t Nn a' nn, SCA�..E20 ,, - 0//••�� .��( :1.1::::":::•,:',..:::'--::v"-. aa ansttfyrtxi wtA ' f.M =A s „ -;..r' }�' h '�, -,'IV MONUMENT .,tt�1z�N c't•'8 .rson for hereon 41"tan .•�` th1:r.���,'8�on h. :to aw-vti — J- - -; �, ny jT :::--�.e'� ,nm.� �;� rL,.41 t?.TAX MAP 1� ►7' �Z 7C�'CJ iI:e -i6 +ty �• r ' S ,.;;'h>.t16p 7"4t's ere a s 'Taste it ot:9m s 4' , s 1 4111 MAF f'�M NOL-21,. - DECA,Ick; g ��- la - / GUARANTEES Cl-{ANGWO-DEC,Srl99I - 4- - II 8 1.(coNcRETE wALL i O / • BBUFF-1;2I,14 QQVNTY NATIONAAL¢ANiC.,TQ.111t t4.1,IE( i k:,� N AND.,Rh%IItAN 7F 1 Z. iMy iZ�9,� _ ; - - 11 1:1115 A5 SURVEYED___ jil 11 m -------- -, P , , 20D 12..1 C1 VAN TU L,P, C. d) 1i _ - - 11 ,a 5.5'; 2�I "ter, • 5�, . 3 2004 � ' . Liu NSELANL StJR YC ,rte^ ZBA TO TOWN CLERK CHECK AND APPLICATION FILING TRANSMITTAL SHEET ' DATE: December 28, 2004 ZBA# NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TOWN CLERK RECEIPT / DATE STAMP JKJ NORTH FORK 913 $150.00 5662 REALTY, INC. RECEIVED DEC 282004 5663 Donald Annino 980 $150.00 • Southold Town Clerk Filed by: Total: $ C.; Town Of Southold - P.OBox 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/28/04 Receipt#: 913 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees ;$150.00 Check#: 913 - Total Paid: $150.00 Name: J K J, North Fork Realty Inc 33 Farmington Ln Melville, NY 11747 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID:103229 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ;J : STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING MAS ISLES, AICP o. �i_®REC OR OF PLANNING May 20,2005 Re1� y y .°3 Ms. Ruth Oliva, Chair MP Town of ZBA d 53095 Main Rd. eN l—P.O. Box 1179 1300°F 1'92 9 Southold,NY 11971 00a Dear Ms. Oliva: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Rand;Curtis&Susan 5586 Martorana,Frank 5650 Archer,William 5654 Jensen,Edward 5657 Faucon,Dorothy 5659 JKJ North Fork Realty 5662 Kramer, S.;Ryan d. 5664 Wallace, Gregory 5665 Hintges,Robert 5669 Cingular Wireless 5671 Kestler,Francis 5676 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles,AICP Director of Planning S/s Christopher S.Wrede Planning Aide CSW:cc : G\CCH6RNYIZONING12ONING\CORKING\CHRISLD\APR\BR#11.APR LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR ■ P.O.BOX 6100 ■ (516)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER(516)853-4044 SOU APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �� �* J/, Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva,Chairwoman $ ,`O 4 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer #t Southold,NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando Office Location: James Dinizio,Jr. COQ I t, Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Michael A. SimonI,YCOU � �,'• 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) -. ;,.��� Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 May 16, 2005 Mr. Thomas Isles, Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Isles: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. 5662 (JKJ North Fork Realty) Action Requested: Second Story Alterations; Side Yard Setback Variance; Within 500 feet of: ( x ) State or County Road ( )Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman By: Enclosures _ q#. {'1 Pv'/p r/ �1 ••• _ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �0#1�,�,,*O� S002, P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE 01' ®� 4 ; Southold,NY 11971 Chair 4i *; OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS c'a Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS aQ�1�, 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H.SIDOR =®l� h� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) GEORGE D.SOLOMON COUNT(,� I. Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 pichm,4;1, 3310 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE aft�t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0P13 ca. 4.5.401.•g-d-Q.a...a,.v MEMORANDUM Date: March 3, 2005 To: Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Ap eals From: Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer , Re: Appeal # 5662 for JKJ North fork Realty SCTM: 1000-61-4-6 In response to your memo dated February 15, 2005 we have the following concerns about this site plan; the Planning Board (PB) staff has reviewed the appeal memo and offers the following comments: 1. The PB is not currently reviewing a site plan application for this appeal. 2. The Notice of Disapproval dated 11/29/04 does not indicate that Planning Board approval is required at this time. I request the reserved right to comment on this application if it comes into the Planning Department for site plan review. We hope these comments will be useful to the ZBA in its review of this appeal. Thank you in advance. Cc: file, pb ,,, U.S. Posta! Service,,- ft CEP'c\IED MAILTM RECEIPT p. (Dom /fail Only;No Insurance Cov,,rage Provided) a For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.come m � sNF1�19© : AL USE ru Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 Certified Fee 1® 2.30 �Y Return Receipt Fee 175 ����Hee•Postmark (Endorsement Required) • \. C Restricted Delivery Fee , 1, 41ert2 MP 41 r-9 (Endorsement Required) in ru Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 2/05 El Sent To UK,(Ia y r+C.1Vko6146 j,r f' or Apt.No.; ,/�D /I C (0 2 or Pe Box No. I1v 4 2— City,ware ••0 C 0. N , 197 7 PS Form 3800 ne 002 f. I co- ' , U.S. Postal ServiceTM Ln CE ` 1ED MAILTM RECEIPT I"- (Dome?lrMdrl Only;No Insurance Covsrage Provided) rl For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.come ro N s igo 1 AL. USE ru Postage $ 0.37 ',UNIT—ID:-0971 p Certified Fee 2.30 /•• pl,) ^Postmark v D Return Receipt Fee ,,/, c , Here (Endorsement Required) 1.75 r�i .�FB �?��qaCO Restricted Delivery Fee i;,: Clerk: I&2 \I ' (Endorsement Required) 4, ru 4.42 ,,\2/a1�/055 ` Total Postage&Fees O Sent To S O ay`� If/)r, t. 'fJ^ Di Y1�r�l.' f` S°treet,Apt No.; PO grO 9 5 9 or PO Box No. )( City,State,ZIP+4 tw V TM.O L ' v 1 lol l U.S. Postal Service,. o CE "1ED MAILTM RECEIPT N (Domes i"`da:l Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) rl For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms ca L USE ru Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 _{ Ln I=1 Coddled Fee 401.®x- A o 2.30 • ,,y--- Pstm'"ric� IM Return Receipt Fee 1.� ` Here.0' (Endorsement Required) F FA Restricted Delivery Fee pY C lr �K 123C4-'-' � (Endorsement Required) \ <900 r Total Postage&Fees $rti 4.42 12/05 s . r \�$ / 1. O SentTo-v'1 LRV-/ t col). N Street Apt No.; 44. . -0� r or PO Box No. •�/� al•"yL�l (L. W City,State,ZIF+•. 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Pp (,o 5 -O SSU-f-kOt4 .y IVB 1 [ i 1 1111 r rYi` ` ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK X In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF "Ta N o[rill_ Ev a..e Q c-i l MAILINGS (Name of Applicants) CTM Parcel#1000- - - X CP4) Mac COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I,Kew S1-1/4rJMonl residing at 3(o Cl-korisus ?A-TA 0 Box 3+fiF c^7714.a a ,New York,being duly sworn,depose and say that: On the la- day of r , C, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in rt+o L, York,by CERTIFIED MAIL,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED,a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (r)Assessors, or( )County Real Property Office �B-1.4.7t14ot-i, ,for every property which abuts and is across a public or priv,ite street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. jj‘C (Signature) Swrn to befor nie t,_'s day of, i � ,200 CONSTMCIE UMW fid i -411L44111. l �..: .� (Notary Cbl 42011 1 Public) I PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. I 4110 6 1- S3.CS ? \i -i•.1 1--4 } NY Iter) ► 6,( r4-:" a i\)1.0 1177 o an° 9_s-1 (1c)- t..51 Lice ? i . o 4i Nc, C4o P© r i V7 ) = N 1(1-'1 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK X • In the Matter of the Application of ` AFFIDAVIT' Iv 0 P--ri} �o R ( OF SIGN sT) K k �cmL 1 N POSTING (Name of Applicants) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- - - X COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, 0v -.\" (D'N) residing at -36' A LlS PiP Se+n'W 0z.u� ,New York,being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the day of C43 2.00 , I personally placed the Town's official Poster,with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon,securely upon my property, located ten(10)feet or closer from the street or right-of-way(driveway entrance)— facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to that date of the subject hearing date,which hearing date was shown to be M 2 3 3-06 6rt,) (!ignature) Sworn to bef9 a me this 4 day of � , ' (F10 s CONSTANCE usow! Now Publie,Shea ftd Nan* (Notary Public) M Suffolk eamnesout Expires OS *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property,as the area most visible to passersby. ', . `''-`LEGALNOTICE'�'``'.- .. =.'SOUTHOLD;'TOWN-F". :, BOARD'OF.AIPPEAL'SF';,- T IURSDAY MARCH'S,,,; - . "2005 • ,NOTICE" s., i h BY_ trIVEN,;pursuantato,Section, 67 .0i the.Town`Lawv and,,Chapter COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 100,(Zoning) Code,of theJown STATE OF NEW YORK ss: of`hearings v.i1l folia` ' Ay the Jacqueline M. Dube, being duly sworn, lic•.hearin s;wilb;,be>.�liel tine SOUTHOLDkTO rfipAi D says that she is the Legal '0F4,4PPEALS'a t;thhe;Town,;I ail, Advertising �53:095c-Mau koad>;P O;fBox Coordinator, of the Traveler Watchman, 1x179,,i,Southol J; 'Nei n-;Fork a public newspaper printed at Southold, 17971-¢9591;: ;on_ `'Thursday, -'igarch,•,3; Y2005, l'at`ithei;time's in Suffolk County; and that the notice of notedibelow.;(or:as soon rlhere=. which the annexed is a printed copy, has -at)i034,possib e,1:i-ta=x.,,,,411-k • ' $s- been published ' in said Traveler '.:ea4:30•�<AM'�T�. and IyI ;,KOS� AS'. m#5646: (C,arryover Watchman man once each week '.�:frO.ULoinwl,/2404,); Side._yard:vari- :;;ances:ifor.proposed<adddit3oris= for at ' successively, • .1'035?Aquavie,Ayei ue;i East commencing on the day of :Marion;`GTM21-2- 3:_:ir h-ic. °9•f35,1.A.M t,POiOT1lY'W , ..... ..G , 2005., FAUCON' #5659:_;This.,--is-fan: Appeal1 requestuig'"Rei-Orsak'of ' k•---- :-, the ;,,'Bin%ldii%g-•."ID'epartiment's 'December,20; 200'4 Notice''of Disapprova1,' 'cbnceriring'tk,a. request,:.;for, .Preexistinga-Use- Certificate'•of`Occupancyt'for Ea '. <<two$ami'ly ,J dwelling:,.use.'=,='The Swo to before me this./ day of ,reasons;statecla,in=its•'-deniali�•i`s _ I , !' 'Section_,100=3113- and-�'tlie code ••• -A- w(LkLM' ., 2005. -requirement' fpr ,•;a '.S ecial----, Exception for" ':-`two'- amily, -` _ dwelling; and Pre-CO •Mattituck; CTM 142-1-4. ing dwelling,at 3500 Deep Hole - Zone: Residential= Office. Inspection Report- 'dated ' 1.0:10 AM EDWARD F. Drive, Mattituck; CTM 115-17- 12:00 PM -- LINGULAR JENSEN #5657. Request for a 9& 10(combined as one lot). . WIRELESS PCS, LLC (Site November 10, 2004, indicating Variance under Section 100-244 11:00 AM WILLIAM and Owner: A. Junge) #5671, the existing dwelling is listed as based - on the ' Building PATRICIA MOORE #5636. Request for a Variance under a' single-family dwelling. Department's November 9,2004 Applicants request: (a) Special Section 100-165(C), based on Location of. Property: 46925. Notice of Disapproval, concern- Exceptions under Section 100- the Building Department's Main Road, Southold; CTM 69- ing a proposed porch addition at 71B (ref. 100-91B)for approval December 15, 2004 Notice of 5-16. less than 35 feet from the front of an as-built Apartment and Disapproval concerning a pro- 9:40 AM MICHAEL and lot line, at 440 Sunset Way, •future Apaituient 2 within a 500 posed equipment shelter build- KAREN CATAPANO' #5656 Southold; CTM 91-1-8. sq. ft. of office floor area, as an ing at less than 70 feet from the (Mr. and-Mrs.V.Pust, Owners). 10:15 AM JKJ NORTH FORK alternative, within the principal rear lot line, at 21855 C.R. 48 Request for Variances concern- REALTY, INC. #5652. Request building (first floor), and (b) (Middle Road), .Cutchogue; ing 'a proposed farm 'stand on for a Variance under Section Variance under Section 100-33, CTM 96-1-19.1. Zone: Light this 4.99 acre parcel,in conjunc- 100-92, based on the Building based on the -Building industrial. tion,with a proposed''goat farm, Department's November 29, Department's October 8, 2004 12:15 PM CURTIS and barn,'storage, cheese processing 2004 Notice of Disapproval, Notice of Disapproval,amended SUSAN RAND #5586. Request facility,'milking_room'based,on concerning a building permit January 14, 2004, for the loca- for Variances under Sections the' Building- Department's application-concerning proposed tion of the accessory garage in a 100-242A and 100-244, based December, L, -2004 Notice of second-story alterations. The • side yard after proposed expan- ' on' the Building Depaitinent's Disapproval, revised December reasons stated for disapproval sion of the principal building.- May 14, •2003 , Notice of 29; 2004. The reasons stated for are that the height alteration will Location of-Property: 51020 Disapproval, amended October denying the farm stand is,that: increase the degree of noncon- Main Road, Southold; CTM 70- 13, 2004. The reasons stated in (1)the proposed goat-farm use'is formance with regard to a single 2-8.-Zone: Residential-Office. the disapproval are that the pro- not:'permitted because the{•code side yard at less than 10 feet and 11:05 AM BARBARA posed porch reconstruction and requires 10'acres'or more under total side yards at less than.26 KELLC #5670. Request for a as-built rear deck addition will Section 100-31A(2)B,- and (2) feet. Location of Property: Variance under Section 100-33, be less than 35 feet from the rear the;farm stand is not-proposed 53740 Main Road, Southold; based on the Building and front lbt lines. Location of with five(5)tillable acres either CTM 61-4-6. Zone: Hamlet Department's January 12, 2005 Property: Greenwood Road, owned or•leased by the farm Business. Notice of Disapproval,-concern- Fishers Island; CTM 12-1-13.3. stand owner'as required under 10:20 AM RICHARD ing an as-built accessory(show- The Board of Appeals will Ch.-47-3B, at 33705 C.R. 4k3, SCHETMAN #5667. Request er) structure located at less than hear all persons, or their repre- Peconic;74-2-12-2. for Variances under„Sections three (3) feet from the 'side lot sentatives, desiring to be heard 9:45 AM WHITNEY B.ARM- - 100-33 and.100-131A,based on line, at 680 Locust Lane, at each hearing, and/or desiring STRONG #5661. Request for a the Building Department's Southold; CTM 64-2-54. to submit written statements Variance -under Section 100- November 23, 2004 Notice of 11:10 AM ROBERT HEINT- before the conclusion of each 239.4A.1,based on the-Building Disapproval, concerning new GES #5669. Request for a hearing. Each hearing will not Department's December 21, construction that will contain Variance under Sections 100- start earlier than designated 2004 Notice of Disapproval con- additional living space without 30A.1 (ref 100-31A), based on• above. Files are available' for cerning a new dwellmg(as mod- being attached with the code- the Building Department's review during regular business ified);at less than 100 feet from required heated space, constitut- December 16, 2004 Notice of hours. If you have questions, the top of the bluff or bank of the ing an accessory and a second Disapproval concerning a pro- please do- not hesitate to call 'Fishers Island Sound. Location dwelling, and exceeding the 18 posed storage shed; a non-per- (631)765-1809. of Property: Clay Point Road, ft. height limitation as an acces- mitted use on a vacant parcel Dated:February 7,2005 Fishers Island; CTM 2-1-11.3. sory building in a front-yard. located at.275 Strohson Road, BOARD OF APPEALS, 9:50 AM' GREGORY WAL- Location: 38910 Main Road, Cutchogue;CTM 103-10-13. RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIR- LACE and LINDA WALTERS Orient; CTM 15-8-30. 11:15 AM DAVID and BAR- , -WOMAN #5665.'Request for a Variance 10:30 AM BRUCE GARRI- BARA DASH.#5672..Request - By Linda Kowalski under Sections 100-242A and -TANO #5653. This is a request for a Variance under Section 1X 2/17/05 (571) 100=244, based on the Building for a Special Exception under 100-242A and 100-244, based- Department's December 7,2004 Article III, Section 100-30A.2B on the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval concern- to establish a Bed and Breakfast September 24, 2004 Notice of -ing, a proposed second-story use as an accessory use inciden- Disapproval, ' amended addition which will constitute an tai to the owner's residence, December 23, 2004, concerning increase in the degree of non- with up to a maximum of five proposed additions/alterations conformance with a setback at (5) guest bedrooms'for lodging which will increase the degree less than 35 feet from the front and serving of breakfast to.not 'of nonconformance when locat- property line, at 62 Washington more than ten(10)-casual, tran- ed at less than 40 feet from the Ave,Greenport; CTM 41-1-35. sient roomers. Location' -of front property line.Also the new 9:55 AM PETER WARNS Property:'8100 Main Road,East construction will create a new #558: Request for,Variances Marion; CTM 31-6-16. nonconformance when located under-Sections 100-242A, 100- 10:35 AM JANICE and with combined side yard set- ?'239.4B-and 100-244, based on WILLIAM CLAUDIO (Linda backs at less than 35 feet,at 595 the, Building, Department's Braider,Owner)-#5655.Request North Parish, Drive, Southold; Septeiinber,.20,-2004 Notice of -for a Variance under Section CTM 71-1-6. Disapproval concerning;"pro- 100-32, based on the Building 11:20 AM , WILLIAM posed additions'with an increase Department's December 8,2004 ARCHER #5654. Based on the APPEALS BOARD MEMBE'_ ._ ' P.O. Box 1179 Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman Southold, NY 11971-0959 Gerard P. Goehringer Tel. (631)765-1809 . Vincent Orlando ZB Fax (631)765-9064 James Dinizio Michael A. Simon �- http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN MEMO TO: Planning Board FROM: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals DATE: February 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Coordination for Reply/Comments The ZBA is reviewing the following application, advertised for a March 3, 2005 public hearing. Enclosed are copies of the Building Inspector's Notices of Disapproval and map submitted with the variance application. 'The Planning Board may be involved regarding reviews under the zoning code regulations, and your comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZONE DATE DATED JKJ NORTH 61-4-6 . #5662 11/29/04 Second-story Section Gerald Lang FORK HB Zone alterations View-2nd contractor REALTY ., within existing story single side less 12/27/04 than 10' & both and site side yards survey combined less than 25 sq. ft. Your comments are appreciated by February 28, 2005. Thank you. mze_-1 i _ z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD pz2; -, _._ __Z____ OWNER STREET 50 74/0 -...q VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT )kS AthFz %'i/1yII9e14<< ' oa. /,t- s^ FORMER OWNER1-7.)ubaodk. A Wt N � _ ,CR. L • Q ,° �._., S W TYPE OF BUILDING ,r,' ---e:414,...,..: ..,,�44:._. .a cI ,,,.-- . j , atic b, i 0 :� ..-;‘,¢,.,,,,; ., . c:::' :ES. SEAS. VL. FARM OMM. asz. e1ISC. Mkt. Value _LAND IMP. TOTAL .. -DATE • REMARK l'gP,�.4 - � � o0 3s 'ft) 5' / .tv Fweza 6 ,.f � 4211- �.es. / 47 b...3 •-,,c, .- •� I ,.� ,7--,: - /�° A b. AGE BUILDING CONDITION • a NEW NORMAL BELOW - • ABOVE , a //Z/? z _s-,,ro c,Q FARM Acre Value Per Value �/,,///�� / r� _// //,� c�/ ,/g!g - Acre g �3--L-!ZZ�I d /7% 'bu bd i I c 4 ...j of /'7Jd- / k f� ll "illable 1 IV 111c, 2 = - 'illable 3 • , Voodland _ --- wampland - FRONTAGE ON WATERSs " rushland - - - FRONTAGE ON ROAD ® 0 J louse Plot _ - DEPTH _ /cd fl•V .- •., -- .- r► BULKHEAD - otal DOCK . N "'"•4 Y. 1- ...,,.(.. .. , r.-----i , N...... altairr.,.... .2....( . . 1 , - .. —,..., • COLOR 1,1 1 ........, -: ....,...-- -.-- ;-----( .,-- ai:_ - , ......, , ..„-- to! i la Li I m S GRAND DEPARTMENT STORE . 4 L 11:91<rdlICe t . •-' ' ,' I "1: ILL ,,..1 -- ....' ,. _._, _i 1 , 1.1 la.", • ist14(41,44 . 1 .‘• . I _ - - _ ....C-1 2.11/1 4,1: %., ',, ;TT( • '1 ==• i 1 _ _ - • ...... -A" ',. . , e v.' "••• 1. , t . — 174-2 ". - I - — .............. ... ..L. .. t 2- - V,- - ;,----, Foundation Bath.' Dinette M. Bldg. 1,42, ‘,4-1,r-t ,._ _ .3io 3. 0,6 c IC— Basement ridf Li- Floors (,- li K, K. Ti Extension , Extension Ext. Walls •• /1--44-1--eee, Interior Finish /1/e e.-At 4. • LR. Extension . Fire Place 116) Heat 0 /4,- F., Az 4 DR. Type Roof FiAit -' Rooms 1st Floor BR. Fill _. . • Recreation Roan- Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. -r- Porch Dormer, - Breezeway • .. Driveway Garage . Patio O. B. - Total 6q30 / ' ts . . a 7 7 a _ 1-rfit.t . ... ._ Th, ti 5 r? / ,....; , .... N ) TIcE OF HEARIN A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Appeals Board at Town Hall , 53095 Main Road , Southold, concerning this property APPLICANTS: JKJ NORTH FORK REALTY TAX MAP ID : 61 -4-6 VARIANCES : SIDE YARD SETBACKS PROJECT: ROOF ALTERATION DATE/TIME : THURS . , MARCH 3"1-- 1 0: 1 5 A. M . If you are interested in this project, you may review the Town file(s) prior to the hearing on business days between the hours of 8am and 3pm . ZHW3 BARD TolAilo OF SnUTHnLD 631 765 1809 SF`t t\ZONING BOARD OF APPE&___ "------MAILING ADDRESS an ! P 4CE OF HEARINGS: 53095 Main Road, Town Hall Building, ..d. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 Fax 765-9064 LOCATION OF ZBA OFFICE: North Fork Bank Building, 1st Floor 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue, Southold February'l, 2005 Re: Chapter 58 — Public Notices for Thursday, March 3, 2005 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Times Review newspaper. 1) Before FEBRUARY 141h: Please send the enclosed Legal Notice, with both a Cover Letter including your telephone number and a copy of your Survey or Site Plan (filed with this application) which shows the new construction area or other request, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed), vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office located at Southold Town Hall (631 765-1937)and the County Real Property Office at the County Center, Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. If any letter is returned to you undeliverable, you are requested to make other attempts to obtain a mailing address or to deliver the letter to the current owner, to the best of your ability and to confirm this in either a written statement, or at the hearing, with the returned letter. AND by FEBRUARY 14D: please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers, names and addresses noted, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. When the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing and return it when available. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 2) By FEBRUARY 23rd: Please make arrangements to place the enclosed Poster on a signboard such as cardboard, plywood or other material, posting it at your property for at least seven (7) days and kept in place till the hearing date. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard. Please also deliver your Affidavit of Posting at the meeting (or earlier if possible). If you are not able to meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. • Very truly yours, Zoning Appeals Board and Staff Ends. _. . . . , i ,i-. ii. ';4=11 1 -1.", la til-r-4.5! ,,, Towil•of-Stipthold, ZBA-- ,..._, , — ;=., , Ei ii, QF ._. 1-0 App. Name )- Tax Map 0:File No. • SEBoard Member Gerard P. Goehringer [ r: ID Unliste . ,iSerchI:' , , •r—,- , .. — 1 Hearing Tirrfe: 11 15125 ..- . i File Number:i!,662 li Tax Map:, 61.-4-6 1'AO. Name: 31Q North Fork Realty, Inc. 1li . .Hamlet',Southold Type 1 Zorie: Fr---7. !.f Btatus: 1-------7New !Actioni! i Location: 353740 Main Road liShort Increase height of second story/roof area -1 Desc.: , kr r , 1 I Ngtes . i , t . . 12/27/o4-' '11:1: 1rcAps ' 'Nom I DeyeHhhed by the Southold Data lloceitig:Depailinent r', . . i I . iS I-S" l'h, X TUU2fo4ro TW 24a4Ga - _ I uP@Iall uuoa111lmua: '"Jk4JaA :�w . aw , !. ,..w.Avn«.,� .7. -: l1 w7, \ ih \<( S -- - -- - - -- � IIII 4 E' I;I !II I 11 U- �I,i 0 w lrl;l fl 'i [Y ZId . Z = I'',� 0 �,,i UXJ i CO 1111 VIII III, 1.'1(1 1111'; P'! — -il' /' 11'� 4 x1id, ''11 7 1 1 0 O O °i� I' � ._. 2X4 PLATE¢ I 111'1 ryI ® / 2 \O` -OYER- Ii O F:1, EXISTING (2) I-3/4X14 1111111 1:11 i- ROOF LVL HEADER III' II SECT, 304.1 BUSINESS, GROUP E3 OCCUPANCY (2) / A 134x 14 LVL HEADER ER I1tl 11 0a p0 0 d TABLE503 TYPE R V CONSTRUCTION: ,I I u21,1: -STORIES 1-11G1-1 11 1111 0 1 LESS TI-IAN WOOS.F. FIRE AREA� 1 BLDG. HEIGHT LESS THAN 4d0 d I? I • \ LII .i O EXISTING FLAT ROOF TO PE • . , — _ N_III \ iii REMOVED AND REPLACED. y, . k . . . Ili l 1 - IIS ASPHALT ROOFING I (PROVIDE (2) 2X8 COLLAR TIES CONNECTED TO WALL) IRI O 15* FELT UNDERLAYMENT trr i I/2" SHEATHING "pG (I) 1-3/4X15 2 � Cs LVL RIDE V!IId ;ll ll, 2x\- A, APPLY (2) 5/8" T\ YPE-X m/5 OC 11 TiuI1 :jI — EXISTING ROOF iii iii EXISTING ROOF W / ,„,,, p( d 2X4 PLATE 2X4 PLATE I -OVER- (2) 2X8 COLLAR TIES -OYER- T V IPy C2) 1-3/4X14in (I) 1 3/4XIro LVL RIDGE LVL HEADER (2) 1 3/4X14 — I) LVL HEADER ::III �I'111, (PROVIDE (2) 2X8 COLLAR TIES UNDER RIDGE CONNECTED TO WALL) I ' \ II II( ' I EXISTING EXISTING II WALL WALL II e CO il,d 11 le Ill li11 11: lll 1 �� it 1 iI�1�17�17'�7 77��7 In.m' r!1'7"7.17,1=77.1717:77',,•11 • 1 11,51;l I I IPi���1 ilm i 11 / 1,1 \ ii = EXISTING 2ND FLOOR JOISTS 1111 \ 1 N- I:11 -Ilel IY I C�,I FLAT CEILING AREA: 402 S.F. FIRE PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED CATHEDRAL CEILING AREA: 610 S,F. /A N -- .,11 AS PER STATE AND LOCAL CODE BLDG. HEIGHT TO PEAK: 31'-6" I'': 12 / 4 l2) 13/4X14 LVL HEADER 1''1 ��p0 INSULATION: \ 6\(o Ill ROOF/ CEILING: Rao 2 2X4 PLATE (CATHEDRAL TO HAVE SNAP VENTS i - -- v V 10� BETWEEN INSULATION AND SHEATHING) % /' 2x OYER �_ . . a 0 " EXISTING l2) 3/4x14 1:11 0 / ".11 ROOF LVL HEADER `" EXISTING WALLS: ASSUMED RI1 I \ (WALLS TO ISE INSULATED IF NONE FOUND) `'; I 1 I u td 111 O \ \ T1134564'-0" 2NE:), FLOOF;,) 1L4N SCALE: 1/41'-d' NEF74L NOTESWIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE c.---- PLAN CONTENTS: 1 ROOF FRAMING:RAM I N G: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION GROUP B}.RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: 1-1/4"x 20 gauge strap shall be attached to each pair of rafters in accordance to table 3.4. NAIL NAIL JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES BUILDING? USE BUSSINESS When a collar tie is used in leu of a ridge strap,the number of 10d common nails required QTY. SPACING CONSTRUCTION NOTES- in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of 8d nails in the strap. RAFTER TO 8'WALL:3-8d COMMON EACH BUILDING HEIGHT 3t-6" +I- TOE-NAIL 1012 S.F. TOP PLATE 10'WALL:4-8d COMMON RAFTER TOTAL SO. FT. OF CONSTRUCTION 1).The information within this set of construction documents is related to basic design 2).RAFTER-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: CEILING JOIST 8'WALL:3-8d COMMON EACH intent and framing details.They are intended as a construction aid,not a substitute Lateral framing and shear wall connections for rafter,ceiling or truss to top plate shall be in TOE-NAIL DESIGN CRITERIA PRESCRIPTIVE AS PER N.Y.S. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE AND for generally accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York accordance to table 3.3.When a rafter or truss do not fall in line with studs below,rafters TO TOP PLATE 10'WALL:4-8d COMMON JOIST 1995 SSC HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL State building codes.The General Contractor is responsible for providing standard or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be attached to CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE FRAMING ELEMENTS AS PER FLOOR PLANS, CROSS SECTION AND GENERAL NOTES construction details and procedures to ensure a professionally finished,structurally the to the wall stud with uplift connections.Roofs overhanging the rake side of the building PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL sound and a weatherproof completed product. shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE EXT. BALCONIES 60 OVER PARTITION WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL DECKS 40 2).The General Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction 3).WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: ATTICS w/o STORAGE 1O meets current federal,state,county and local codes,ordinances and regulations,etc. Wall studs above and studs below a floor level shall be attached with uplift connections in COLLAR TIE AS PER TABLE 3.4 EACH FACE These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building and accordance with table 3.3b.When wall studs above do not fall in line with studs below,the TO RAFTER WFCM-SBC END NAIL ATTICS w! STORAGE 20 DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS should be adhered to even if in variance with the plan. studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor assembly with uplift connectors in BLOCKING 2-8d COMMON EACH TOE (LIVE LOADS PSF) ROOF (GROUND SNOW LOAD) 45 accordance with table 3.3. TO RAFTER END NAIL ROOMS (OTHER THAN SLEEPING) 40 3).Dimensions shall take precedent over scaled drawings. RIM BOARD EACH END ROOMS (SLEEPING) 30 (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). 4).WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: TO RAFTER 2-16d COMMON END NAIL First wall studs shall be connected to the foundation,sill plate,or bottom plate with uplift STAIRS 40 4).The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no connectors.Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete WALL FRAMING: GAURDRAILS (ANY DIRECTION) 200 responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans,nor responsibility for foundation and slab-on-grade,15 inches in masonry block foundations,or lapped under construction means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures,or for safety JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL QTY. SPACING NOTES EXPOSURE CATAGORY B precautions and programs in connection with the work.There are no warranties for a bottom plate,3 inch square washes shall be used with the anchor bolts.Anchor bolt - LOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans. spacing is to be spaced and sized in accordance to table 3.2a.In addition to spacing, TOP PLATE TO PER FACE NAIL p p p p g TOP PLATE 2-16d COMMON FOOT SEE NOTE:1 (ROOF - FOUNDATION) DETAIL PAGE 4 GENERAL NOTE PAGE anchor bolts are to be spaced between 6-12 inches from the end of a sill plate and all 5).Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. comers. TOP PLATES AT JOINTS FACE NAILING SCHEDULE 5EE GENERAL NOTE PAGE INTERSECTIONS 4-16d COMMON EA.SIDE NAIL EGRESS SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE 6).The General Contractor is to ensure that masonry or prefabracted fireplaces meets 5).TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: STUD TO 24" FACESym.: or exceeds manufacture's specifications and applicable codes. Type I exterior shear walls with a minimum of 7/16 inch wood structural panel on the exterior STUD 2-16d COMMON O.C. NAIL FIRE PROTECTION IS SEE FLOOR PLANS attached with 8d common nails at 6"o.c.at the panel edges and 12"o.c.in the field,and (SMOKE 4 CO2 DETECTORS) 7).The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items 1/2 inchgypsum wallboard on the interior attached with 5d cooler nails at 7"o.c.atpanel HEADER TO 16"O.C. FACE 16d COMMON TRUSS DESIGN N/A - STANDARD STICK FRAME CONSTRUCTION such as bookcases,shelving,pantry,closets,trims,etc. edges and 10"o.c.in the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL - in table 3.15a-b. TOP OR BOTTOM 2-16d COMMON PER 2x4 STUD END ENERGY CALCULATIONS RESCHECK 3.5 RELEASE 1 8).Wind load requirements shall be taken into account during construction. PLATE TO STUD 3-16d COMMON PER 2x6 STUD NAIL 6).TYPE II EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: BOTTOM PLATE TO: FOUNDATION NOTES: Type II exterior shearwalls shall meet the requirements of table 3.15a-b times the appropriate FLOOR JOIST,BAND JOIST, 2-16d COMMON PER FACE NAIL length adjustment factors in table 3.16. END JOIST OR BLOCKING FOOT SEE NOTE:1,2 CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA 1).The General Contractor and Mason to review plans,elevations,details and notes to determine intended heights of finished floor(s)above typical grade. 7).INTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: FLOOR FRAMING: GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD Allowable sidewall lengths provided in table 3.14 shall be permitted to be increased whenNAIL NAIL SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD 2).All footings to rest on undisturbed(virgin)soil. interior shearwalls are used.Sheathing and connections shall be in accordance with JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES HAZARDS CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED LOAD MPH and 2.2.4 respectively. QTY. SPACING (MPH) 3).Provide 1/2"expansion joint material between concrete slabs and abutting JOIST TO: PER TOEMODERATE SLIGHT TO concrete or masonry walls occuring in exterior or unheated interior areas. SILL,TOP PLATE OR GIRDER 4-8d COMMON JOIST NAIL 45 LBS. 120 B SEVERE 3 FT. 11 NONE - 8).CONNECTIONS AROUND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS: TO HEAVY MODERATE Header and/or girder connections shall be attached with uplift connections in accordance BRIDGING EACH TOE 4).Any new concrete walls being attached to existing concrete structure shallwith table 3.5.Window sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2-8d COMMON END NAIL be installed with#4 re-bar,18"long at 12"o.c..Use approved epoxy for installation. 3.5. BLOCKING EACH TOE ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: 2-8d COMMON 5).Unless otherwise noted,all slabs on grade to be 2500 p.s.i..Concrete to be TO JOIST END NAIL NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE poured on 4 inch thick sand or gravel fill with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing.Interior slabs 9).CATHEDRAL e CEILING ASSEMBLY: SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES Where a ridge is to be used as a structural beam,the rafters shall either be notched and BLOCKING TO: 3-16d COMMON EACH TOE AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD to be minimum 3-1/2 inch thick. anchored on top of the beam or slope connectors shall be attached to each rafter-to-ridge SILL OR TOP PLATE BLOCK NAIL 4'PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. SEE NOTES:1,3 along the open ceiling part of the building.Connections to the ridge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE SEE NOTES: 1 BOTH FIELDS) 6).Crawl spaces to be provided with a minimum 18"x24"access opening.Install one attached with the above requirements. TO BEAM 3-16d COMMON JOIST NAIL INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. ( 8x16 cast iron foundation vent for every 150 sq.ft.of area. NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: JOIST ON LEDGER 3-8d COMMON PER TOE GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS 8d COMMON @ 4"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 4"Q.C. SEE NOTES:1,3 7).Dampproof exterior of foundation with bituminous coating as per section R406 of TO BEAM JOIST NAIL N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code.A 6-mil polyethylene film shall be applied over 1).Unless otherwise noted,all framing material to be#1 ACQ pressure treated lumber. BAND JOIST PER END NOTES the below grade portion of exterior walls prior to backfilling. All fasteners,hangers and anchors to be galvanized or stainless steel. TO JOIST 3-16d COMMON JOIST NAIL BAND JOIST TO: PER TOE NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. 8).Drainage as per section R405 of N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code. 2).Girders for deck joists to be bolted to each post with washers and nuts. 2-16d COMMON Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE:1 1).For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof,including 4 feet on each side of the roof peak, FRAMING NOTES into concrete with a minimum 1/2"die x 7"long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. ROOF SHEATHING- . the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. 1).All framing techniques and methods as prescriptive design of 1995 SBC High Wand3).Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to a 12"x12"x12"thick concrete footing. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL 2).Tabulated 12 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49. Edition Wood Framing Construction Manual. QTY. SPACING Use a minimum 1/2"dia x 7"long anchor bolt with washers and nuts.Footings Shall be 3 ft. For framing members with<0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. below grade.Porches with covered roofs shall have 12"dia.concrete piers for the girders. STRUCTURAL PANEL 8d AS PER TABLE 3.8 2).Unless otherwise noted,all framing and structural wood material to be#2+BTR. WFCM-SBC 3).Tabulated 4 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49.For Douglas Fir. 4).Deck joists to have blocking at 8'0 o.c.. CEILING SHEATHING: framing members with 0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 inches o.c. 3).Floors,walls,ceilings and rafters to be spaced at 16 inches o.c.unless noted 5).A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be installed between the building and ledger. NAIL NAIL otherwise. Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2"dia.bolts with washers and nuts JOINT DESCRIPTION QTY. SPACING WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: where needed. GYPSUM 7" O.C.EDGE 4).Unless otherwise noted,all bearing wall headers to be(2)2x10#2+BTR.Doug.Fir. 5d COOLERS NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE Bearing wall headers to have(2)jack studs and(2)full length studs on each side of all WALLBOARD 10"O.0.FIELD SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES openings.LVL headers to have(3)jack studs and(2)full length studs on each side of 6).Concrete piers shall be a minimum 6"above grade. AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD WALL SHEATHING: openings.Bearing wall window sills shall also have(2)window sill plates for 2x4 wall 7).All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors.Each Joist shall also be anchored 4'EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"Q.C. 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. SEE NOTES:1,3(BOTH FIELDS) openings between 4'1 and 6'0 and 2x6 wall openings between 5'11 and 8'9.Provide fireto girder(s). JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD and blocking where applicable. QTY. SPACING INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"Q.C. 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. SEE NOTE:3 All flush beams/headers to be installed with heavyduty8).Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building. STRUCTURAL AS PER TABLE 3.9 5). galvinized hangers and PANELS 8d COMMON WFCM-SBC NOTES anchors where applicable to all connecting joists. PLUMBING NOTES 7/16"OSB 6d COMMON 3"O.C.EDGE THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. 6).Double up floor joists under walls that run parallel to the floor joist and under bathtubs. 1).All water supply,drainage and venting to be installed as per N.Y.S.Residential PLYWOOD 6"O.C.FIELD Floors to have ceramic tile installed shall be verified for proper load capacity unless noted Construction Code. GYPSUM 5d COOLERS 7" O.C.EDGE 1).For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the corners,the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shall on plans. WALLBOARD 10"O.0.FIELD be used. 2).Verify septic system with the Engineer for Suffolk County Health Department approval. FLOOR SHEATHING:7).Provide blocking/bridging in floor joists at 8'0 o.c..Use solid blocking in floor joists - 2).Tabulated 12 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with under all bearing walls. 3).If wall studs,plates or joists are cut out during installation for any plumbing related work, NAIL NAIL G>0.49.For members with 0.42<G<,the nail spacings shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. provide adequate bracing and plates to protect and secure the structure.Verify with the JOINT DESCRIPTION QTY. SPACING framing 8).Provide insulation baffles at eave vents between rafters.Install draft blocking as state code and manufacture's recommendation for maximum hole size and spacing permitted. STRUCTUIRAL PANELS 6"O.C.EDGE 3).For exterior panel siding,galvinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. needed. HVAC SYSTEM NOTES 1"OR LESS 8d COMMON 12"O.C.FIELD 9}.Unless otherwise noted,all roofs and walls to have a minimum 1/2"thick,4-ply Fir LEGEND 1).Mechanical subcontractor as responsible for adhearang to all applicable codes and safety NOTES: WALL CDX exterior sheathing grade plywood.Plywood to cover over plates and headers. requirements. THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF 10).Unless otherwise noted use 3/4"thick T&G PTS Fir or Advantech plywood subfloor 2).HVAC subcontractor is to fullycoordinate all system data and requirements with the MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor joists.Finished floor to be installed Y NEW WALLS 1 manufacture's instructions. equipment supplier. over subfloor as per1).Nailing requirements are based on wall sheathing EXISTING WALLS 3).HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit it to the General nailed 6"on-center at the panel edge.If wall sheathing 11).All bathroom walls to have 1/2"thick moisture-resistant sheetrock.Garage walls and Contractor and owner for final review and approval. is nailed 3"'on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher - ceilings and over furnace to have 5/8"thick type-x sheetrock.All other parts of building PP i shear capacities,nailing reouirements for structural WALLS TO BE REMOVED I to have regular 1/2"sheetrock.All walls to be taped and finished. ELECTRICAL NOTES: members shall be doubled,or alternate connectors, such as shear plates,shall be used to maintain load path. 12).All roof with a pitch less than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice&Water barrier or 1).All electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. approved equal.Flat roofs shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPDM 2).When wall sheathing is continuous over connected torch down type material over. 2).All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter. members,the tabulated number of nails shall be permitted to be reduced tel-16d nail per foot. 13).All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete to be pressure treated.Sill plates to 3).Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R317 be installed with a foam sill gasket and cop-r-tex termite shield or approved equal. of N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code.