HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-1953 YEARLY FINANCIAL REPORT 1949 Paid for settlement of òog d~mage claims Jan. S Claim of Con Kroleski Rec.'d. 3.12 July 4 Claim of John ~arnews " 3.06 June 28 Claim of Joseph Savage " 3.00 Nov. 18 Claim of Mrs. Frank Kull " 3.48 Nov. ;>l Claim of Henry F. Cornils 3.24 Nov. 23 Claim of J.T.Kirkup 5.16 21.06 Less Mileage ~.06 Pa1d to Town of Southold 1 .00 W.'J~ AU DITED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD On__~._~___19 L.J!1 -LC~1r p ~ Town Clork -' . - .~ ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN '//ELFARE OFFIC::;R T01IN OF SOUTHOLD FŒ FISCAL YEAR BZGINNmG JANUARY 1, 1949 EXPENDITURES Salary $ l,GOO.OO orfico and other exponaea Poatage $ 15.00 Telephone 175.00 Stetionery 20.00 Trevel 85.00 orfice equipment 40.00 335.00 Home relief 'l¡¡¡COO.OO Buriala 258.00 Lunacy caaea Exan11netiona . 90.00 TarAL EXPENDITURES t 17,275.00 .. REVENUES Retmburaement of home relief from Stete 12,000.00 Unexpended 20,000.00 TMAI. REV'ENUES $ 32,000.00 ! ,", ~. Deted: September 21, 1948 Signed ~ J;^-~v4-- T01l1l Welfare 0 ricer -4-- · $17,275.00 ~oul~the totel approprietion. I " I I POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET I I 1949 I i [ Salaries:- I Anrig . 2,737.50 Kelly ) I ) Granger ) ) King ) : . .2,555.00 èach 12,775.00 ) Howard ) I ) Wetmore ) I A. J. Gada, Constable 300.00 Egbert Brown, Speoial Constable 150.00 Overton ) ) , Coyne ~ Geehreng ) : Sohool Traffic Officers 4,800.00 ) 200 days each . h.oo Reed ) ì ) I Karcher ) ) ('1) Southold ) BQndarohuk, Watchman 2,190.00 Additional Special Constables 300.00 Additional Sohool Offioer 800.00 Additional Regular Patrolman 2,555.00 Equipment: - Polioe Motoroycle 1,000.00 Offioe Expense: - Expenses Anrig Car .$3.00 per day 1,100.00 Uniforms (Overcoats & Shirts) 750.00 Police Department Expense 3,950.00 Telephone 400.00 Off ice Expense ~oo..oo . 34,007.50 Summary: - Salaries, Patrolmen, Speoial Constables, etc. 21,007.50 " I Sohool Traffic Offioers 5,600.00 \ Office Expense, Telephone, Office Equipment, etc. 600.00 I Police Department Expense 6.800..00 . 34,007.50 I II Respectfully sUbm~ " I ¿ctH-...<h<. ~;?, - - ì I I \ Norman E. Klipp SuperT180r [ 1\ I I I POLICE DEP&qTMENT BUDGET 1950-51 i I [ I Salaries :- < 2,920.00 I Anrig I Kelly ) I ) Ki;-¡g ) ) Howe.rd ) :: @ $ 2,737.50 16,425.00 ) Faucon ) ) Harris ) ) i'JevJ H8n ) i A. J. G8da, Conste.ble 300.00 I Egbprt Brown, SDecial Sonstable 150.00 Tuthill ) I ) Coyne ) ) Gge'lren:- ) 1\)0 òays @ h.oo 6,080.00 - ) KAroher ) ) Hoerr ) ) Arnold ) ) July ) ) Peconic Scl,ool ) Bond8rch~k, Watchman 2,555.00 Ac'<Ution:'!1 Na.tchr'lHn 700.00 Aãditional Special Constables 300.00 Equipment:- New Police Cars 2,000.00 Office Expenge:- Expenses Anrig Car @$3.00 per day 1,100.00 Uniforms 600.00 Police DeDartment Expense 4,000.00 Teleuhone 600.')0 Off ice Expense 150.00 ~~37 ,880.00 I II I I I I I I Summary:- Salaries, PÐtrolmen, Speoial Consta~les, $ 1vatohmen, etc. 23,350.00 School ~r8ffic Officors 6,080.00 ! Office Ex~ense, Telephone, Office Equipment, eto. 750.00 Pol ice De~8.rtment Expense 7,700.00 $37,880.00 Respectfully submitted, ?L~~~~' Norman E. Klipp Supervisor. I I I I " . I POLICI DBPABMB'.r BUDŒB:! 1951-52 Salaries:- Anrig . $ 10.00 per day $ 3.650.00 I I Kelly ) ) King ) I ) Howard ) :: ..8.40 per day 21,462.00 ) J!'aucon ) ) Harris ) ) Jacobs ) ) . Ssczotka ) New Mø.n 3.066.00 A. J. Gada, Conatable 1,000.00 Gottfried Arnold, Special Constable 150.00 1'uthill ) ) Coyne ) ) Geehreng ) ) Karcher ) 190 ~s . $ 4.00 .6;080.00 ) Hoerr ) ) Arnold ) ) July ) ) Bedell ) Laurel School 760.00 Bondar cl1uk , W_tchmøn 2,774.00 New Watc~ 2.774.00 Additional Special Constablea 300.00 ]l quipment: New Police ears (3) 3,.500.00 Office Sxpenee:- Unií OrlllS 700.00 Police Department Sxpenae 5,000.00 I Telephone 600.00 I I 'I 'I -- .--.~ -- , I " I -. .- -. I I I Office Expense $ 1.50.00 Transmitter 800.00 2-wa;r radio .500.00 $ .53,266.00 S1D\IIII.rJ'I- I Salaries, Patrolmen, Special Constables, Watchmen, etc. 3.5,176.00 School Traffic Officers 6,840.00 Office Ixpense, Telephone, Office Iquipment. etc. 7.50.00 I , I I Police Department Ixpense 10,500.00 i $ 53,266.00 I I ¡ I I Reopectfull;r BUbmitted, I ~~~~. I I I I Jior-.n I. Klipp Supervisor I I ,. / I , I I , EQUALIZATION OF TAX RATE COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ELEVEN TOWNS OF SOUTHOLD AND RIVERHEAD 1951-52 Rates of Assessment taken from New York State Tax Bulletin of May 1951. Southo1d .68 - Riverhead .80 Southo1d: Assessed Value - 1,145,984 FUll Value · - 1,685,27l - 1,145,984 - .68 - · Riverhead: Assessed Value - 372,130 .. . FUll Value · - 465,162 - 372,130 - .80 - · PUll value of district.... 2,150,433 Per cent of Full Value in Southold Town: - 1,685,271 ~ 2,150,433 : .7836891 - 78.37% . Per oent of Full Value in Riverhead Town: 465,162 ~ 2,150,433 · .2163108 - 21.63% - . TOTAL AMOUNr TO BE RAISED BY TAX......................$16,OOO Amount to be raised by tax in Southold Town: 16,000 X 78.37% =....................... 12,539.20 Amount to be raised by. tax in Riverhead Town: 16,000 X 21.63% ........................ 3,460.80 Tax Rate Southold: 12,539.20 .. 1,145,984 = .010941863 . 10.942 per M. · Tax Rate Riverhead: 3,460.80 · 372,130 : .009299975 : 9.30 per M. - · , \ , c~ ?tu. ~~ c:r:ø 1 1!St . Supervisor, j~ Town 0 f \( "<---U /: .- /~ ,New York ,/ ,/ Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting of school district no. ~ , town of .~ , Suffolk County, held on . j~ /0, ít¡ ,f-"¡ // , the qualified voters present adopted a budget which calls for $ .;? ~ Lj fI--d , to be raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated recei~ts oOûtained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 IfOTAL BUDG~T...............:¡p 1j~/¿lðO Sta te aid................. ~ IC¡r&·<lo I Receipts from other sources, inc luding balance on hand. $ cf 7 'J </. &, ó , :¡p /77,f'1. (J IÍ I / Amount to be raised by tax...............$ 00( ~ </ f/7J. d(J , Very truly yours, (ìJ-~ <£; ~ Chairman, oard 0 Trustees or President, Board of Education d:.:é /) r - Â~J~ 'í~-r'V gfP 1 1951 Supervisor, ~ ~ Ttwn of ._. - L ,¡ - /,,~ ,New York / l/ Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting of school district no. e? , town of ~ , Suffolk / County. held on ~ /, I 'j.5/ / , the qualified voters present adopted a budget wtliOh calls for :¡P /~, /' ¿J (j , to be / raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 TOTAL BUDGET...............:¡¡; "j /, .< 7..5-:- , / State aid.................~ ::?, .3 d'-tI . Reoeipts from other sources, (p () 7 ~- . inoluding balance on hand.. I :¡p 1>;37S / Amount to be raised by tax...............$ /.<. tJ()d 'j Very truly yours, ¡ ~~ } c·/· .¡J Ii/) .C... c -~~ í'k.-. ~ J(/ . ~ Supervisor, L Z SfP I '95' ,Town of v A > I . leI .. o/Ju.'Þr--r ,New York / Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting f of school district no. 4 , town of Al~ , Suffolk County, held on k.iJ ¡(I, I '1'::'-/ /.. . the qualified voters ¿/ / present adopted a budget which calls for $ ..y'/ r~ ~ ~S- , to be l raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated recei~ts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 'rOTAL BUDGET...............1¡ ì ç, 0 7;) 7. ..<.0 . I ( State aid.................ò¡,> cf¡f7/. 7::'- , / Receipts from other sources, including balanoe on hand.$ /ò~, tJ 0 :¡¡; If rfJI lr Amount to be raised by tax...............$ 1// Ift.s: .¡./:,--~ Very truly yours, ~~~'tt~ eP- President, Board of Education ~ "J~ 1J~. /~- /~ . /' supervisor,:1 v SfP 1 1951 Town of ,~_ '/'~ ,New York Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting -/ .~ ¡J ú' of school district no. S- , town of 'A ',~ , Suffolk , County, held on ~ ~ /f~/' , the qualified voters pre~ent adopted a budget WhiC~ calls for $/ t; 7 '1 ¡) . , to be .' / raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated recei~ts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 TOTAL BUDGET.....,.........:¡ i / 'l'¿, -21 () , / / State aid.................:w S-/, t'---tJ-fJ / Receipts from other sources, . inoluding balanoe on hand.$ ~~ v~ð , i¡¡i r¡.3, So---o, I Amount to be raised by tax...............$ r¡ f ~'1 rJ , , I ar or President, Board of Education . ~/' -1 ·-1' ¡ . /t 'J ' " Vi .~ . hA" ,Z1rl~- -) / Lh At a¡ Supervisor, I iI, , ~FP 1 1951 To,wn of ,~ L/ ~- ,,{< CÞ.....'...' ,New York . iJ Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting ( of school district no. 6 , tùwn of 'Îj~~~ , Suffolk County, held on )l~ / f S-/ ( , the qualified voters present adopted a budget which calls for $ S-.J~. , to be raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated reoeipts oontained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 TOTAL BUDGET...............:; ) /0. fðO. I State aid.................:w t; Receipts from other sources, including balance on hand.$ õb tû I :¡¡; 5ltJð Amount to be raised by tax...............[ j) .s-JH. Very truly yours, ) ,-f / . ~~~ /)~. ;/~~.~ SfP I 1951 Supervisor, ¿, d ' . .Town of . A ~_ ",~~~- ,New York Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting of school district no.+, town of, ..~ , Suffolk County, held on ~ I, It? s-/ / , the qualified voters present adopted a budget whic calls for $ ~~~. , to be , raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated reoeipts oOûtained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 'rOTAL BUDGET.....,.........:¡p .3~ / f 3. .2 0 / State aid.................~ S-/H. Reoeipts from other sources, including balance on hand.¡ ; /0 ð '1;), 02-rJ / :¡P /0/7.3·.;¿ () Amount to be raised by tax...............~~,jð-H'tJ-tJ Very truly yours, hairman, Boar or n.__ ~ñ~i". '11 , ..f ]H_....LiIR {-~ !2.~~ - /L ~_<)~ 1/ SEP 1 1951 Supervisor, ~ --: . Town of . d-----f.....f-, Ci ~n_ _ ,-,ç¡tp.P~ ,New York '. (J Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the~l meeting of school district no. J' , town of / - /, Suffolk / County, held on ~ /, í'l,5,- / , the qualified voters present adopted a budget which calls for $ Jt ~ ~. , to be . raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated recei~ts oontained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 IfOTAL BUDGET...............:¡p .3 J', -¿f í ,¡-. ,!; -:J-i/() _ / State aid.................~ Reoeipts from other sources, cF'l 9 r inoluding balance on hand.$ . ~ /tIt.Jfr Amount to be raised by tax...............$ c:<'~~ Very truly yours, c&f,~'oJ~f· President, Board of Education / }¡ . lJ} , t·,~· . ' I¿'lf/~c,,~-¿ . L-v-, '~'7f) / ~~i-'¡' Supervisor,' ¿¡; '" ~r:P 1 1!51 ~own of ~~ ~ (. I ;:e- /'jA O~·~¡, ,New York , ï ' I~ Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting of sohool district no. e¡ , town of "i-I, .T:;:i; ..-f. --I , Suffolk , <Ý County, held on I , the qualified voters present adopted a budget wh for $ J~ Stf'rJ , to be .- raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipcs contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 'l'OTAL BUDGET.....,.........:¡p02tJc:z,~, State aid.................~ 6Z~ I Receipts from other sources, SO, ..2 r:J<) . including balance on hand.$ . :¡P / I /5 .S--o--v, Amount to be raised by tax...............~ ~ SO-O' Very truly yours, oard of Trustees or President, Board of Education / ~. ~ 'L¡ "'~ ~ {, Supervisor, ! .-.- '~rp 1 Town of qS! ,(/~-- ,New York ,'> / /' G " Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the rzular annual meeting of school district no. /0 , town of X ~ , Suffolk County, held on /~M11 0, j,:>7 / . ' the qualified voters present adopted a 'budget which calls for ~ /'1 ¿; !" tl(j, , to be raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 TOTAL BUDGET...............:¡¡> ..Jð S- J'-((Ò , , State aid.................~ /;J/ ðt./I' , Reoeipts from other sources, .2~- oJ.) 06 inoluding balance on hand.. , i ¡i /..5- Z' c2 P'-7J Amount to be raised by tax.............u~ /'-IF tt/ti Very truly yours, oard of Trustees or President, Board of Education /~ :í;:? 1: / -' U', " ~j -w. <:!:'D 1 ,Q!'1 Supervisor. /1 I . t-. Town of ?V~~-"", ,. , vI ~. ,New York \'kpO.--?if I . Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the,regular annual meeting I 4.~~ of school district no. II ,townJof/~, ~ .;/ , Suffolk County, held on lfu¡ I, I 1/':'-1 , the qualified voters , present adopted a budget whioh calls for $ / {, , ð--ð-ò , , to be , raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated recei~ts oontained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 IrOTAL BUDGET...............:¡p ,;JoB J.5~ . State aid.................~ / .3Sõ ' Receipts from other sources, 000.s-. including balance on hand.$ :¡¡; t J ,s-s , Amount to be raised by tax...............~ / {, , ð--tJ<j Very truly yours, , President, ~ / {l~ 1J~. ¿;~4~ Supervisor" ~~' (- Town of ,~ 'J SFP 1 1951 / / '-./I //,>..tPPÁ<~_~ ,New York Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting of school district no. /~ , town of ~ , Suffolk County, held on  I / / 'I s,-¡ /' /' , the qualified voters , / ' ..;;' ~ '1 () (J present adopted a budget which calls for ~ , to be , / raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipts cOûtained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 TOTAL BUDGET.....,.........:¡p ';/0. 'lJ-<., , State aid.................~ '7, r;, t>-tJ , Receipts from other sources, r:! .¡ .3.:< ' including balance on hand.$ / :¡¡; / (,/ ð J -<. Amount to be raised by tax...............$ ooZ 9f '1.,-0 ' ¡ Very truly yours, Ç}.~ W ~~ airman, Board of Trustees or President, B~ard of Education t Ρ'tv,)Z-n~ -ti.# L/--y-hJ ¿/ Supervisor, / I Town of X h-vCL-f'-A SFP 1 ~fc~- 195' ,New York , , Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting -I of school district no. /'-1' , town of ,v~Le..--e_ , Suffolk ~/, ~"./ J f~7 ( County, held on , the qualified voters I present adopted a budget whio6 calls for $ cI; 1hJ---tJ. , to be raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 'rOTAL BUDGET...............:¡p / cf'.:3 ~ ~ 7 ~ State aid.................~ /3 :J /. 1 '-/ , Reoeipts from other sources, d f)fJ. () 0 including balance on hand.$ :¡p / ó 3.1 E-/. 7'-1 Amount to bo raised by tax...............$ "~ H-o' Q-v Very truly yours, . r President, Board of Education .?~ ./' ~J¡, ' E_ 7 I I '. , i'r¿~:1) /~~b ,-J ' . / U4C- .,,-~-C6 supe~~~o~f, '~d- ,{ /1 (.' J' ,- ,New York .~J:P 1 '951 / Ii frtip....-,.,1.--Æ...- . , U Dear Sir: This is to certify that at the regular annual meeting .I of school district no. /:;- , town of x<~~ , Suf'folk / County, held on ~ I., J'Í S-/ . , the qualified voters present adopted a budget WhlCh ,Jalls for $ ) 1; I <II , to be raised by tax on the real property of the district. The estimated receipts contained in this budget are as follows: 1951-52 'r01'AL BUDGET...............i¡ i /J'f/,/ State aid.................~ ':<'lðð / Reoeipts from other sources, including balance on hand.$ /'-1.53 :¡¡i ¿¡: -3 '>3 Amount to be raised by tax...............~ /j 6 '-/-/ Very truly yours, ~!~/~-' 4; r/laA- 1airman, oard of Trustees or President, Board of Education