HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967RE.~ bu( th~ FU) To~ all FUll of bu, FU pr, su Co Fu an, of on in i Al RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN BOARD APPROVING PRELIMINARy BUDGET and CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON h )LVED: That this Tow~ Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary let of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the Ist day of January, 1967. itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures heretc attached and part of this resolution, and be it HER RESOLVED: That such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Clerk where It shall be available for inspection by any interested person at reasonable hours, and be it FHER RESOLVED: That this Board shall meet at 3:00 o'clock p.m. c~ the °/ch day ~vember 1966, for the purpose of holdlng a pub)lc hearing upon such pre--nary et, and be It HER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing in the manner vlded In Sectlcm 113 of the Town Law, and that such notlce be published In stantlally the following form:- NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIHINARY BUDGET Ice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Tow~ of Sc~thold, Suffolk nty, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January Ist, 1967, has bee~ cc~plete~d flied In the office of the To~n Clerk at Southold, ~ York, where It IS avail-/ for inspection by any Interested perso~ at all reasonable hour~,. her notice is hereby given that the Tc~w'~ Board of the Tow~ of Sou~hold will meet, revlew said prellmlnary budget end hold a publlc hearing thereo~ at the Office the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said To,m, at the 9th day of November 1966, and that at such hearlng any peri, on may be heard favour against the prellmlnary budget as complied, or for or age last any or Items therein contained. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Pursuant to Sectlo~ 113 of the Town Law, that following are proposed yearly salaries of Town offlcers of this Town, to wlt:- Supervisor Justices of Peace (2 ~ $5,700) Justice of Pe~ce (I - Fishers island) Councilmen (2 ~ ~4,300) Town Clerk Town Hlghway Superintendent Town Attorney $10,000.00 3,8o0.00 8,600.00 6,000.00 8,500.00 5,800.0o ted: October 7, 1966 By Order of the TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO, N.Y. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL BUDGET FOR yEAR 1967 SUMMARy Gel Ge( HI! Hi Schedule ral Fund - Town Wide 1,3 eral Fund - Part Town 2,4 lway Fund - )tem I 5,6 ~way Fund -[tem 2,3,4 5,6 Appropriations $351,800.21 $297,400.00 $233,~48.93 $162,770.62 Estimated Revenues $133,667.33 $ 78,568.12 $ 29,405.53 $ 13,497.49 To Be Raised $218,132.88 $218,831.88 $203,843.4O $149,273.13 Sp :iai Districts 7 $2,154,205.32 Super Justi Town Counc Asses: Recei Town Traff Dog W Civil Atten Town Econ¢ Comm~ APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL KUND - PULL TOWN Personal Services Equipment Other Expense $18,254.00 300.00 4,200.00 es of Peace Personal Services Other Expense $16,490.00 975.00 $ 1,300.00 oard: Other Expense Personal Services Other Expense Schedule I, Page I lerk: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Personal Services Equipment Other Expense er of Taxes: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense 'rustees: Personal Services Other Expense ,ttorney: Personal Services Other Expense Slgnals Slgns Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Defense: Equipment Other Expense ance Officer Personal Services Jstorian: Personal Services Other Expense (including aid to historical societies) $22,754.00 lc Opportunities Committee: 'ce & Industry: Personal Services Other Expense $17,465.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 8,600.00 200.00 : S 8,800.00 $11,200.00 - 300.00 1,000.00 $12,500.00 $38,000.00 '-' 500.00 .~ ~ ' 6,500.00 $45,000.00 .... $ 6,800.00 ., 300.00 2,500.00 $ 9,600.00 S 3,950.00 300.00 $ 4,250.00 $ 5,800.00 500.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 1,600.00 500.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,800.00 I00.00 2,000.00 $ 3,900.00 ' ' ' $ 300.00 500.00 ',- $ 8oo.oo $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 600.00 4,900.00 200.00 200.00 3,500.00 5,500.00 200.00 3,700.00 Publ Schedule I, page 2 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - Full Town, cont'd General Government icWorks: Personal Services Other Expense Alrpor Public Parks Librar Welfar Bond Bond Bond Capl Intere Dues Conse~ Ce~et, Obser, Legal Conth Emplo' Socla Insur, .2,500.00 ~1,3oo.00 $t3,8oo.0o 1.o0 2,000.00 /- $ 2,0o~.o0 Personal Services Other Expense Refuse Disposal: Personal Services $20,100.00 Equipment I00.00 Other Expense 6,300.00 $26,500.00 Beaches: Personal Services 515,150.00 Equipment l,OO0.OO Other Expense 5,000.00 .... $21, 150.00 es - five ~ proportion of School Districts served $33,500.00 Home Relief 535,000.00 Burials 1,5OO.OO $36,500.00 Debt Redemption ~ticipation Note of 1965 (beach property) $10,000.OO ~tjcipatJon Note of 1966 (disposal area) $12,000.00 ~tJcipatlon Note of 1965 (n~chinery) $ 8,840.00 Note of 1966 (beach) 5 50.24 t on notes 3,983.97 $34,874.21 Miscellaneous Ass'n of Tc~ns & L! Ass'n ,ation of Natural Resources: Inland Waterways $3,000. Drainage Areas $ 300. Shade Trees $ 5OO. Shellfish Conservation $1,000. 300.00 5 4, 8oo. OD ~s Organizations for rooms $ 1,200.00 Post #1045, A.L. Fishers {sland Post #185, A.L., Greenport (Burton Potter) Post #730:, Catholic War Veterans (St. Agnes) Post ~6803, A.L., Griswold-Terry-GIover Post #9205, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Southold Post ~61, A.L., Raymond Cleaves ties once of ~emorlal Day Engineering Fees ent Fund es Retirement System Security - Town's share nce: Workmen's Compensation Other Insurance & Bonds 6.00 500.00 ~,500.00 $10,000.00 8,300.00 5,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $38,106.00 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - Full town $351,800.21 Board Plann Build HuJti Polic Bay C Regis Conti Emplo Socla Lega lnsul GRAND Scheduie.," Page 3 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL ;FUND - PART TOWN of Appeals: Personal Services Other Expense ng Board: Personal Services Other Expense ng Inspector: Personal Services le Residence Enforcement OfFicer Personal Service~. Other Expense (both categories) Department - personal services Equipment Other Expense ,nstabJes: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense rar of Vital Statistics 0 Personal Services Other Expense .gent Fund ecs Retirement System Security, Town's Share & Engineering Fees ,nce: Workmen's Compensation Other Insurance & Bonds $II,400.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 5,850.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,OO0. O0 $ 2,300.00 $ 2,200.00 $181,050.00 11,300.00 I1,100.00 7,000.00 3,000.00 2,4oo.00 ~,5oo.oo 50.00 5,000.00 $2t,300.00 8,500.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 9,000.00 $12,850.00 $ 7,85o.oo $ 9,500.00 $203,450. O0 et;,.,400.00 $ ' ,550.00 - $48,8oo.oo TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - Part Town $297,400. O0 EST ]MATEI) REVENUES Statei[Aid: Per Capita Mortgage Tax Home Relief ]nterI~st ~ Penalties or~ 'ra~e~ l iterate', ¢ Permits: J. Po Repa, Intel Revm Conce Fees Fees U~ex GRAN State Oepar Inter Villi Town Unex GRAN J~n~ Dealers licanse, Trai let F'ermit~ GENERA,,. FUND - Other Tov, n WiHo ~47,197.25 ~17,000.00 511,000.00 nes from State & Sheriff ~nts of Welfare Assistance ~st on Deposits ~e from airport slon, Town Beach Town Clerk [ustlces of Peace ~ded Balance 2,50N.0C 95o.oc IO.OO 25.00 ~,000.00 25.00 S 4,510.00 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 300.00 $ 3oo.oo 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 300.00 S 300.00 450.00 $ 450.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $4i,6J0.08 $4t,610.08 TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES, GENERAL FUND, town-wide $133,667.33 ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - Other Than Property Taxes Part-town Aid: Per Capita $21,908.35 mental Earnings: Fees of Building Inspector Fees of Planning Board Fees of Board of Appeals Fees - Change of Zone Fees - Police Transcripts $ 2,400.00 500.00 600.00 I00.00 150.00 st on Deposits 2,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 e of Greenport - use of police radio )f Shelter Island II Il II Il nded Balance ]~?,609.77 TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES - General Fund, Part-town $21,908.35 3,750.00 2,ooo.oo $ .:;, 300. O0 $4), 609.77 $78,568.12 ? HIGHW~ BRIDG~ ~ACHII SNOW GRAND HIGF~, BRIDG MACHI SN~ AJ~PROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Schedule 5, Page 5 FUND (Item)) General Repairs FUND (item 2) Repair & Maintenance of [RY FUND (Item 3) Purchase of Machinery, etc. Repair of Machinery, etc. MISCELLANEOUS (Item 4) Control of Snowy & Ice Cutting weeds & brush Salary of Super+ntendent Fringe BeneFits Other Miscellaneous $233,248.93 2,518.44 43,O0O°OO 29,399.52 42,000.00 4,~4o.0o E,500.00 7,011.52 26,201.14 $23j,248.93 2,518.44 7~:,399.52 8'7,852.66 TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAy FUND $396,019.55 ESTIMATED REVENUES FUND (Item)) State Aid State Aid (Motor Vehicle) Unexpended Balance FUND (Item 2) Unexpended Balance ERY FUND (Item 3) State Aid (Motor Vehicle) Unexpended Balance MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Item 4) State Aid (Motor Vehicle) Unexpended Balance Schedute 6, Page 5 - HIGHWAY FUND - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES $)3,745.O8 $ 5,660.45 $1D,000.00 29,405.53 2,518.44 $ 2,518.44 1,500.00 5,oo0.0o $ 6,Soo.oo 2,479.05 ,Z,ooo.oo $ 4,479.05 GRAND TOTAL - Estimated Revenues, Highway Fund $ &-2,903.02 Sc hod I Fire Di! Lightin Park Di Fishers Fishers Orient East-We SPECIAL DISTRI£TS Oiient 3. East Marion Fishers island Southold 7. Peconic B. East CLtchog~.e MattitLck 10. Gre-npcrt I. Laurel 2. Cutchogue 15. New Suffolk S145. -a..,' ~,",~2'.:)(, 175,bgi.L 9~7,.455.0(, 65,942. O0 2z7,056.00 b6b,ouC. IN 1,100,333o00 108,61C.00 (Ri,erhead~ 12,',905.00 51,O60.00 Total School Districts tricts: 3rient East Mario~ rlshers Island Southold Cutchogue Mattituck 12,00C.00 33,835.50 40,30G.00 37,050.00 30,IOC.O0 Total Fire Districts Districts: Orient East Marion Fishers Island Southold Peconic Cutchogue Ma ttituck PI Mattituck ~'2 Greenport Eas~-~e~t 4,200.00 3,200.00 2,400.00 9,800.00 2,600.00 Il,bOO.D0 9,400.00 i,350.OO ~,~OO.~O Total Lighting Districts tricts: Southold Cutchogue-New Suffolk Mattituck 15,600.00 7,811.25 31,725.00 Total Park Districts Island Ferry District Island Garbage & RefuSe District 223,108.14 23,741.00 3,011.79 osquito District : Greenport Fire Protection District -ire Water (IO3 hydrants) 8,525.46 6,565.00 9,255.00 25o.oo 300.00 250.00 I00.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 700.0(5 I O,). C,O 250.n0 700.00 1,8'4.28 7,0,J,;.O0 165,157.00 2,360. O0 11.79 - 0 - 5 ,5 'z.r2 32,~;, I ' " 43q,5,~o.C ~ ~l , Io3. 19 103,905 36,430.00 I ,808,6r,,,). 12,000. O0 12,5~9.55 24,580.50 40,3 OO. OD 36,800. 29,8OO. 00 156,070.O5 3,950.00 3, 100. OD 2, I00. OD 9,500.00 2,300. OD I O, 9OO. OD 9,300. O0 1 , 1 O0.00 3,600. OD 45,85 o. 00 15,60o.00 5,936.97 24,725.00 46,261.97 57,951.14 21,381.00 3,000. O0 15,090.46 TOTAL A PROPRIATIONS - S~ecial Districts $2, 154,205.32