HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN ~OARD APPROVING PRELIMINARy BUDGET AND CALLING A PL~BLIC HEARING THEREON RESOLVED: That this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preiimln- ary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the Ist day of January. 1966, the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it 'FURTHER RESOLVED: That such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested , person at all reasomable hours, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board shall meet at 3:00 o'clock p.m on the 3rd . day of November 1965, for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon suc-~-'-- 'preliminary budget, and be it ;FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing in the manner' provided in Sectio~ 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published in substantially the following form:- NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the To~n of Southold, ' Suffolk County, Ne~ York, for the fiscal year beginning January Ist, 1966, has ~ been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at 5outhold, New York, , where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable l hours. Further notice is hereby given that the To~n ~oard of the Town of $outhold · will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereof . at the Office of the Supervisore 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. in said I Town, at.3:OO p.m. on the 3rd day of November 1965, and that at such hearing : any person may be heard in"~'~"of or against the preliminary budget as com- piled or for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, that the following are i)roposed yearly salaries of Town officers of this Town, to wit:- Supervisor Justices of Peace (2 ,~ 4,500) Justices of Peace, I, Fishers Island Councilman (2 ~ 3,300) TOwn Clerk Town Highway Superintendent Town Attorney $8,OO0.00 $9,000.00 $3,500.00 $6,6oo.oo $5,500.00 $8,000,00 $5,5oo.oo By Order of the TO~N BOARD OF THE TOt~ OF SOUT~OLO, N.Y. By: Albert W. Rrc~F~ond Town Clerk Dated: October 5, 1965 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL BUDGET FOR YEAR SUMHARY 966 Schedule General Fund - Town Wide I, 3 General Fund - Part-Town 2,4 Highway Fund - Item I 5,6 Highway Fund . Item 2,3,4 5,6 Appropriations $325, 435.50 $281,355.00 5222,047.82 $155,491.94 Estimated Revenues 5147,392.92 5 46,922.23 5 28,985.54 5 13,497.49 To Be ~aised $178,042.58 5234,432.77 $193,062.28 $141,994.45 Special Districts 51,972,13B.5 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - FULL TOWN Genera ) Goverr~ent Supervisor: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Justices of PJace: Personal Services Other Expense Tow~ Board: Other Exp~nse 16,754. O0 200100 3,800.00 ~3,4oo.oo 975.00 2,3OO.O0 Councilmen: Personal Services 6,6OO.00 Other Expense .... 3OO.O0 Town Clerk: Personal Services IO,qOO.OO Equipment 350.00 Other Expense 975.00 Assessors: Personal Services 36,300.00 Equil~nent Other Expense 6,350.00 Receiver of Taxes: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense 7,000.OO 3OO.0O 3,OO0.O0 Trustees: Personal Services 3.200.00 Other Expense 200.00 Town Attorney: Personal Services 5,5OO.O0 Other Expense 600.00 Traffic: Signals 1,000.O0 Signs 1,OOO.00 Dog Warden: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense 3,80o.oo 2,500.00 ),430.oo Civil 0efense Equipment 500.00 ~ Other Expense 1,OOO.00 Attendance Officer Personal Services Tow~ Historian: Personal Services Other Expense (including aid to historical societies) Public Works: Personal Services (Tow~ Prop.) Other Expense Economic Opportunities Co~nittee . I ,200.00 800.00 3,900.00 1,OOO.00 11,8OO.00 Schedule I, Page I $20,75q.00 $14,375.00 2,300.00 6,9O0.0O $31,725100 ~2,650100 $10,300.00 $ 3 400.00 $ 6,100.00 2,600.00 7,730.00 1,5OO100 1,200100 4,700.o0 12.800100 APPROPRIATIONS - general Fund - Ful Town Commerce & Industry: Personal Services $ 2,500.00 Other Expense (includes publicity) 5,500.00 Airport: Personal Services 1.OO Other Expense 2.500.00 Librarie- - five ,~ proportion of School Districts served Public Dump: $ 13,000.00 Personal Services Other Expense $ 6,000.00 Parks & Beaches: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense $ I1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 4,200.00 Welfare: Home Relief $36, 000.00 Burials 1,200.00 Notes: Debt Redemption Bond Anticipation Note of 1965 (Beech property) ~nd Anticipation Note of 1965 (m~chinery) Interest on notes I0,000.00 8,OOO.OO 1.619.50 Miscellaneous Oues, Ass'n of Towns, etc. Conservation of Natural Resources: Inland Waterways $4,000. Drainage Areas $l,000. Shade Trees $1,000. Shellfish Conserv. $1,5OO. 275.00 7,500 O0 Veterans Organizations for rooms 1,200.00 Post #1045, A.L., Fishers Island Post #185, A.L. Greenport(Burton Potter) Post #730, Catholic War Veterans (St. Agnes) Post ~03, A.L., Grlswold-Terry-Glover Post #9205, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Southold Post #861, A.L., Raymond Cleaves Cemeteries Observance of Memorial Day Legal & Engineering Fees Contlngent Fund EnLoloyees Retirement So~lal Security Insurance: Workmen's Compensation Other Insurance & Bonds 6.00 200.00 1,500.00 15,000.00 3,500.00 5,200.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 Schedule 1, Page 2 S 8.000.00 2,501.00 33,500.00 19,00o.o0 16,200.00 37,200.00 t9,6195o 39,381.00 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - whole town $325,~35.5O Schedule 2, Page 3 APPROPRIATION<.; - GENERAL FUND - PART-TOV~ Board of Appeals: Personal Services Other Expense Planning Board Personal Services Other Expense Building Inspector: Personal Services Multiple Residence Enforcement Officer Persona~ Services Other Expense(both categories) Police Department - pets. Equipment Other Expense service Bay Constables: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Registrar of Vital Statistics Personal Services Other Expense Contingent Fund E~oloyees Retirement System Social Security, Town's Share Legal & Engln eering Fees Insurance: Workmen~s Compensatln~ Other Insurance & Br,uds $9,600.00 $2,950.00 $12,55o.0o $4,850.00 $ 5,900.00 $~0,750.00 $4,000.00 $2,200.00 $2,375.00 $~66,885.oo I~,000.00 11,345.00 $6,400.00 $1,5oo.oo $3,ooo.oo $1,5oo.oo 5o.0o $10.000.00 $15,500.00 7,300.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 8,500.00 $ 8,575.00 $190,230.00 $~0,900.00 $ 1,55o.oo ~,6,800.00 GRAND TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - Part-to~ $281,355.00 Schedule 3, Page 4 ESTIKATE0 REVENUES .. GENERAL FUND - Other Than Property Taxes Town -w I d e State Aid: Per Capita $47,197.25 Mortgage Tax $17,000.00 Home Relief $1),000.00 $75.197.25 Interest & Penalties on Taxes $2,000.00 $ 2,000100 Licenses & Permits: Oog Licenses (From County) Bingo Licenses Junk Oea)ers Licenses Trailer Permits Town Trustee Permits Franchises $2,500.00 950.00 25.00 25.00 390.00 30.00 $ 3 920.00 J.P. Fines from State & Sheriff 80000 800.00 Repayments of Welfare Assistance 250100 250.00 Interest on Deposits ~2,000.00 2,000.00 Revenue from Airport $1,000.00 $ 1.000.00 Concession, Town Beach 525.00 Fees, Town Clerk Fees, Justices. of Peace $1,200.00 $3 ' O~0 m O0 4.200100 Unexpended Balance $57,500.67 $57,500.67 GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES, GENERAL FUND, town-wide $147,392.92 ESTIMATED REVENUES - General Fund - Other Than Property Taxes - part-town State Aid: Per Capita $21,908.35 $2{.908,35 Departmental Earnings: Fees of Building Inspector Fees of Planning Board Fees of Board of Appeals Fees - Change of Zone Fees - Police Transcripts 2,000.00 450.00 500.00 3oo.oo 150.00 3.400.00 Interest on Deposits S 2 000.00 $ 2,0uO.O0 Village of Greenport - use of police radio 3,000.00 Town of Shelter Is. " " " " 300.00 3,300.00 Unexpended Balance 16,313.88 $16,313.88 GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES - General Fund, part-town $46,922.23 AI~ROPR I AT I OIlS ' HI.AY FUND (item ~) Genera! Repairs BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) Repair & Halntenance of MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) Purchase of I~chlnery, etc Repair of I~achlnery, arc. HISCELLANEOUS (Item 4) Co~trol of Snow & Ice Cutting weeds & brush Salary of Superintendent Fringe Benefits Other Miscellaneous H II.WAy FUND :,'~. 22 f Ok7.82 ~ 2 ~518./4J+ $ qO,OOO. OD $ 28t760.18 ~O,OO0.O0 4,OOO.00 8,000.O0 5,000.00 27,213.32 Schedule 5, Page 5 $222,047,82 $ 2,518.~ $ 68,760.~8 GRAND TOTAL APlq~OPRIATIO~S - HI GH~AY FUND $377,539.76 Schedule 6, Page 5 ESTIMATEO REVENUES - HIGVMAY FUND - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY i TAXES HIGI~Y FUND (Item I) State Aid $13,216.50 State Aid (~,tor Vehicle) $ 5,769.0~+ U~expended Nalance ~10,000.00 $ 28,985.54 BRIOGE FUND (Item 2) Ll~expe~ed Balance $ 2,518.ZP+ $ 2,518.q/~ I~ACHINERY FUND (It~. 3) State Aid (Hotor Vehicle) Unexpend,d Balance $ 1,500.00 $ S,ooo.oo $ 6,5oo.oo SNO~ & HISCELL~NEOUS FUND (Item Stat. Aid (Hotor Vehicle) Une,pended Batance 2,479.05 2,000.00 ) 4,479.O5 GRAND ,OTAL - Estimated Revenues, Highway Fund $ 42,k83.03 School Districts: SPECIAL DISTRICTS Schedule 7, page 6 Estimated Est. Balance To Be Expenditures Aid or Revenue Raised $120,865.00 73,467.00 164,430.00 846,620.00 64,324.00 215,022.00 612.850.00 841,000.00 102,020.00 113,880.o0 49,431.00 12,0o0.00 24,998.50 39,800.00 32,500.00 29,100.00 2. Orient 3. East Marion 4. Fishers Island 5. Southoid 7. Peconic 8. ~ East Cutchogue 9. Mattltuck I0. Greenport II. Laurel 12. Cutchogue 15. New Suffolk Total School Districts Fire Districts: Orient EaS~t Marion Fishers Island Soathold Cutchogue Mattituck Total School Districts 4,200. 2,900.00 2,4O0.00 8,050.00 2,600.00 9,SOO.DO 8,900.00 1,250.00 3,900.00 Lightim9 Districts: Orient EaSt Marion Fi~lhers Island So~chold Peconlc Cut~chogue Hattituck #1 Mattltuck #2 Greenport East-West !Total Lighting Districts 18,950.00 7,495.00 31,745.00 196.092.OO 23,181.00 3,000.00 Park olietricts: So~thold Cutlchogue-New Suffolk Ma~tituck Total Park Districts Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island Garbage & Refuse Orient Nosquito District East-west Greenport Fire Protection District Fire 6.890.00 Water (106 hydrants) 8,200.00 $33,877.00 17,820.00 26,300.00 507,800.00 21,575.00 82,771.00 296,790.00 493,800.00 15,341.00 15,584.88 24,700.O0 9,494.00 600.00 3OO.OO (R.) 86,988.00 55,647.00 138,130.o0 338,82o.0o 42,749.00 132,251.oo 316,06o.0o 347,200.o0 71,094.12 89,180.00 39,937.00 ~ ,658,056. 12 12,000.00 12.029.0g 24,398.50 39,800.00 32,500.00 28,800.00 $149,527.5o 400.00 5OD.OD 800.00 5o.oo 6OD.OD 3oo.oo 1,4oo.oo 15o.oo 400.00 3,800.00 2,400.00 1,600.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 9.500.00 7,500.00 I.lO0.O0 3,500.00 39,40o.0o ~ 0 - 3,99o.3~ lO,O00.O0 152,886.00 18,95o.oo 3,5o4.69 2,),745.oo 44,199.69 43.206.00 21,381.00 3,000.00 1,12 .8o 13,368.2o TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - Special Districts $I,972,138.51