HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964./ RESOLUTION OF THE T(X/N BOARD APPROVING PRELIHINARy BUOGET AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TI~EREON REROLVEO: That this TOwn ~)lrd does hereby prepare and i~rove Is the prellmlniry budget of thll Y~ for the fls~ll yeir b~lnnlng on the lit ~y ~ J~ry 1~ ~ e ~rt Of t~i~ rllolutlon~ end ha It F~THER RESOLVED: That such preliminary budget thai] h fll~ In t~ office of t~ T~ Cl~k ~ere It shllt ~ ~ell~le for InlpKtlon ~ Iny Interlltld tt III r~l~eble hours, end ~ It I~], for the purpose ofholdlng a public hearing utNm such prelim- end be It FURTHER RESOLVED: That the T°wn Clerk give notice of such hearing In the mlnner provtled in ~ctlon I1] of the To~n Lie, and that such notice ha publiBhed In subit~Clelly the following form:- NOTICE OF NEARING UPON PRELI#INARY BUDGET Notice Is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Tmvfl of Southold, Suffolk County, He. YOrk for the fiscal year beglnnl~9 January 1st, 19Cb, his beefl completed end flied In the office of the Tcwm Clerk at Southold, New York, Mhera It Il available for Inspi©tlon by any Interested plrlcm it ill reas~ebla hours. Further notice I! herd)y given that the Token Beard of the Tovm of Southold ~111 meet end review slid preliminary budget and hol:d a public hearing thereon, at the Office of the Sulier¥1sor, I~_~outh Street, greenpOrt, New York, Ih said Teem, et~..~o'¢iock p.m. on the ~r'th ~ay of Novieber, 196], ~nd tl~t et Such hMrlng any person m~y be heard In favor of or ~g~lnst the preliminary budget et coml)lled or for or ~gelnst any Item or Items therein cofltelned. MIO FURTNER NOTICE II HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sectlo~ II] of the Town Lie, tl~t the following ere proposed yoerly selarlea of Tewfl officers of this Town tO wit:- Supervisor Jbstices of the Peace (2 ~ ~,4.O00.) Justice of Peace, Fishers Island Councilmen (2 Tmm Clerk Tmm HIgMMy Superintendent ,T~ Attorney $7 .Soo,~O B,OOO.OO 3,DOD.OD 5,600.OO 5 8,0OD.00 5,0OO.O0 BY QRO~R OF THE TM BOARO OF THE T(WN OF SOUTHOLO Noted: October TO~NCCLERK~ General Fund - Town General Fund - Part-town Highway Fund - Item I Highway Fund - Item Special Oistricts TOWN OF SOUTHOLO ANNUAL BUOGET FOR YEAR:1964 SUHI~LARY Estimated Schedule Appropriatlions Revenues To be Raised l, 3 $292,131'.80 $129,673.92 $162,~57.88 2, q $245,7q0.00 $ 26,050.00 5, 6 $189,7o0.oo $ 1~,7oo.o0 $175,0o0.oo 5,6 $12B,SiS.Ld+ $ 8,518.q~, $120,000.00 7 $1,775,236.22 $1,775,~)6.22 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNNENT Town Offices: Personal Services Other Expense Supervisor: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Justices of Peace: Personal Services Other Expense Equipment Town Board: Personal Services Other Expense Equipment Councilmen: Personal Services Other Expense Town Clerk: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Assessors: Personal Services Other Expense Receiver of Taxes: Personal Services Other Expense Town Trustees: Personal Services Other Expense Tovm Attorney: Personal Services Other Expense Traffic: Signals Street signs (Stop, etc.) Dog Warden: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Civil Defense: Other Expense Equipment Attendance Officer: ' Personal Services Town Historian Personal Services Equipment Other Expense (includes aid to Historical Societies) - Full Town Schedule I, 7o~.00 10~00~.00 14,66~.00 I0~.00. 3~00~.00 o :oo 30 O0 · nonei 60~.00 5,60~.00 9,80~.00 lO9.OO 8o~.o0 33,60~.00 5,8o~.oo 6,3o~.oo 3~0oI.oo 2,80~.00 5,oo~.oo 40~.0o 1,60~.00 3,80~.00 5q.oo , oq.oo 1,50~.00 I.O0~.O0 It20~.O0 600.00 300.00 3,900,0o Page I $1o,70o.o0 $17,760.00 $13,000.00 700.00 5,850.00 $10,7o0.00 $39, qO0. O0 9,300.00 2,950.00 $ 5,qoo.oo 6,000.00 $ 5,350.oo 2.500.00 1,200.00 $ 4,800.00 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS Libraries - five ~ proportion of School Districts served Public Dump: Personal Services 8,~00.00 Other Exp~nse II ~00.00 Parks & Beaches: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense 7,1o0.00 '200,00 ,7,~00:00 Welfare: Home Relief ~0,000.00 Burials .)~00.00 Debt Redemption Notes: Bonds: Capital Note 6,000.O0 (Tax Office machinery) Deferred Payment Note 4,000.00 (beach acquisition) Serial Bond (Statutory Inst.) 3,600.00 (Tax office equip.) . Interest on Notes and Bonds ~28.00 Page 2 (less $187.20 credit) $27,$00.00 $20,300.00 $14,800.0o $~1,5oo.o0 $13,740.80 Hiscellaneous , Publicity 3, Goo. OD Dues, Ass'n of Tc~ns, etc. 2 5.oo Inland Waterways Drainage Areas Shade Tree Fund Veterans Organizations for roo~s Post #1045, A.L. Fishers Island ~,OpO.O0 ,o o.oo 1,000.00 1,2~0.00 Post #185, A.L., Oreenport (Burton Pot~er) Post ~r/30, Catholic War Veterans, St. ~gnes Post #803, A.L., Grlawold-Terry-Glover Post ac~205, Veterans of Foreign Wars, ~outhold Post ~/861, A.L., Raymond Cleaves Cemeteries ,6.00 Observance of Memorial Day Con~nerce and Industry 200.00 ,o o.oo Legal & Engineering Fees Contingent Fund I,OOO.OO lO,OOO.O0 Employees Retirement Social Security o0o.oo 4.00~. O0 Workmen~s Compensation Other Insurance & Bonds 2,00p. O0 3.oop.oo $ 38,681.00 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - wholeLtown $292,131.80 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - Part-town Page 3 Board of Appeals: Personal Services Other Expense Planning Board: Personal Services Equipment Other Expense Building InSpection: Personal Services Other Expense Police: (Constables) Personal, Services Equipment Other Expense Registrar of Vital Stat'istlcs Other Expense Contingent Fund Employees Retirement System Social Security, Town's share Legal & Engineering Fees Insurance: Workmenls Compensation Other Insurance & Bonds 9,9OO.OO 1,000.O0 4,100.00 150.00 .3,~55.oo 5,8o0.oo 2,m185.oo 15~,0100.O0 9,$po.oo )~,ooo.oo 1,500.00 ~0;00 5,000.00 14,000.00 6,000.00 I,O00.O0 4,000.00 8,oqo.oo $1o,90o.o0 $ 7,805.00 7,985.00 $179,5oo.oo $ 1,550.oo $ 38,000.00 GRAND TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND - par:t-town $2q5,74o OD I Schedule 3, Page 4 ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES Town-wide State Aid: State Aid, per Capita State Aid, Mortgage Tax State Aid, Home Relief $47,197.25 16,000.O0 14,OOO.,OO Interest and Penalties On Taxes 2,000.00 Licenses & Permits: Dog Licenses (from County) Bingo Licenses Junk Dealers Licenses Trailer Permits Town Trustee Permits Franchises J.P. Fines from State & Sheriff Repayments of Welfare Assistance InLerest on Deposits Concession. Town Beach Fees, Town Clerk Fees of Justices of Peace 3,0OO.'OO 620.OO 25.ioo 5OmmOO 500400 60~00 90oioo 5ooioo 3,5oo.op 2,p5o;.oo 2,000.00 2.5ooi. oo Reimbursement from Lighting Districts 3,77 ~1.6.7 Unexpended Balance 31,0001.0? .. GRAND TOTAL - Estimated Revenues - General Fund, Town wide Schedule 4 ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES Part-town Depart~ntal Earnings: Fees of Building Inspector Fees of P)anning Board Fees of Board of Appeals Fees - Change of Zone Fees - Police Transcripts Village of Greenport for use oF Police radio 2,000.00 )50.00 4ob.oo 20D.O0 IOp. OO 3.oolo.oo Unexpended Balance 20.OOp. OO GRAND TOTAL - Estimated Revenues - General Fund. Part-town $77,197.25 2,000.00 4,255.00 9OO.OO 5OO.OO 2,050.OO ),771.67 31,000.00 $129.673.92 3.050.00 3,O00.OO 20,003.0~ $ 26,050.30 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHVAY FUND Schedule 5, Page HIGHWAY FUND (item) General Repairs BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) Repair & Maintenance of · MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) Purchase of Machinery, etc. Repair of Machinery, etc. ~18~t700.00 $ 40,000.00 . 6,ooo.oo SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS (Item 4) Control of Snc~ & Ice Cutting weeds & brush Salary of Superintendent Expenses of Superintendent Fringe benefits (Social Security, Retirement S compensation)and Other Miscellaneous expense GRAND TOTAL _ APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND 30,000.00 ~,5oo.oo 8,000.00 500.00 9,o..oo.oo 700. O0 2,$18.b,k, $ 66,000.00 $ 60,000.0o $318,218.z+~ Schedule 6, Page 5 ESTIHATED REVENUES - HIGM~AY FUND - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND (Item I) State Aid ~ 9:,700.00 Unexpended Balance ~ ~000.00 BRIDGE FUN0 (Item 2) Unexpended Balance , ,~ 21~18.Ag4 MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) Unexpended Balance ~ ~000.00 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Item Unexpended Balance ~ I~,000,00 1~,700.00 2,518.q~+ 5,000.00 l,O00. O0 GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES, HIGHWAY FUND Other than real property taxes $ 23,218.q/+ SPECIAL DISTRICTS School Districts: 2. Orient 3. East Marion 4. Fishers Island 5. Southold 7. Peconic 8. East Cutchogue 9. Hattituck 10. Green~ort II. Laurel 12. Cutchogue 15. Ne~ Suffolk Total School Oistricts Lighting Oistricts: Orient East Ration Fishers Island Southold Peconic Cutchogue Light ~attituck #l 14attJtuck #2' Greenport East-West Total Lighting Districts Fire Districts: Orient East Marion Fishers Island Southold Cutchogue Hattituck Total Fire Otstricts Park Districts: Southold Cutchogue-New Suffolk Mattltuck Total Park Districts Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island Garbage & Refuse District Orient Hosquito District East-West Greenport Fire Protection District Fire Water (76 hydrants) Schedule 7, page 6 $ 82,~63.0o $ 56,728.o0 $118,86~.00 $321,5~7.00 $ qo,oOo.oo $135,519.00 $2~1,888.oo $ 82,572.00 ~ ~2,3~o.oo $ 4,430.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,~oo.oo $ 7,000.00 $ 2,9oo.oo $ 9,800.00 $ 9,~oo.oo $ i,Zoo.oo ~ ],ODD.OD ID,DOD.OD 11,!91.75 22,)90.00 31,800.00 28,600.00 27,~00.00 $1,490,956.15 $ 43,200.00 $ 131,581.75 121710.00 91566.86 171235.00 $,~j, soo.oo ~22,jl41,00 ~,8oo.oo 39,511.86 33,500100 22,141.00 3,000.00 11,345.46 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,775,236.22