HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962STATE OF NE~ YO~K 1' SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) I, ALBERT id. RICHNOKO, Town Clerk of [he To~n of $~utholdl, Hew York, do HERE~Y CERTIFY THAT I have compared the foregoing with the an~lual budget of the T~ of Southold, duly adopted by the ]'om ~rd oF seiki T'ow,n on the ~th day of ~er 1~61, a~d entered in :J~taFI In the ~inutes ol ~e p~eedlngS of said ~rd, and ILhat che ~oregolng Is ~ t:ue and corr'~c: ¢oc, y of said annual budget and the ~ol~s thcr~f. IN idlTNESS ~JHEREOF, I nave hereunto set ~rry hand and tile se:al of said To~n, thls ~ch day of N,)vember t~61.. RESOL~TI0# 01r TO~W ~D APOPTING A#NUAL ~H~ VITK ~E~ Moved by Councilman Louis M. Demarest; seconded by Justi~a~nry ~ER~S, t~ T~ ~rd of thru T~ of 5out~ld, N.Y. has ~1: at the tl~ and place sp~fl~ In :~ ~[tcl of public h~rlng ~ the pretlmlnary RE.YE0: TMt the T~ ~rd of t~e T~ of ~t~Jd ~s I~ereby a~t · ~h ~ellel~ry ~dge~ ii orlgl~ly c~l~, es :ha ~al ~d,~t of thii er~l~s of this T~ ~rd, ann ~ ~t further RES~VE~: qr~t t~ T~ Clerk of the ¥~ of S~t~d she1 ] prate T~ ~rd of t~a T~ of ~t~ld, t~ther with the estl~te~, If eny, dellv~r ~e c~ c~r~f to the S~I~or of tnl~ ~ to be pre~c~ by him to the ~Kd of Supervisors of the C~tf of Suffolk. 0eted: November 9, 1961 P~ELI#IW Bm~Irr ANB CALLING PUBLIC HIAAIN~ THEREON IENLVED: That this TM IMrd does ~ereby pre~)lre end epprove .s the ~eliBl~ry ~t If ~ll T~ for t~ flscll y~r ~i~1~ on the ~ of JNq, I~ tM llml~ Itinerant of estlmt~ r~eflues ~d ~iturN ~re~ IttKd ~ ~ Hrt of this resolutl~, aM ~ F~ Al~V~: ht IKh prellmi~ry ~et shall h filed In t~ ~flM of tM TM Clerk ~re It ~11 ~ ~lllebli for Ifli~tl~ ~ ~ llESOLVED: TMt this boerd skill met it ~:]0 o'clock p.m. on the ~ch ~ of~W 1~61, for t~ ~r~se of ~ldl~ I p~llc h~rlng ~ s~k prellml~y ~git, ifld k It F~ ~VEO: ~t the TM Clefk give ~lce of S~h heirl~ In Cha W p~ldM In SKtlw 113 of t~/TM L~, ~ that such ~tlce k ~11~ In ~t~tlilly t~ follw~ forn:- ~TICE ~ H~IN U~ ~iLI~I~Y ~ Ilotlcels hereby given that chi I~rellmlfllry budget of the Tram of Suffolk Covnty, N4w York fo~ the flscll ¥Hr kqlnnlng JlnUl~y I~,, W ~ c~lltM ~ fll~ In the off/Ge of the T~ Clerk ~t~ld, ~ York, ~rl It Il available for Ini~ctl~ ~ any inter, tM' ~ lc III r~ble ~rs. Furth~ notice Is hereby given tk Southoldfrill meet and review slid pre heering t~r~, It t~ ~flce of the Graft, ~ York, In slid T~, It ~ I~1, ~d t~t it such ~rlr of ~ ~l~t t~ prellml~W Itm ~ Itm there In c~tlln~. it the TM loerd of the TM of Ilmlnery IMglt MM hold I I~jbllc Supervisor, I& South StrNt, 3:30 o'clock p,m. ~m the gth day of any perlQ~ miy be heird In fevor ccxq)lled or for or Igelnst N~FUKTHI~L NOTICE IS HEAEIY GIVEN, p~rsuent to Soctlen 113 of tha Town LIw, that the follewlng ere prol~osedyenrly $illrlll of TM officers of ' this ToM~ ~o wit:- Sm rv I sot Jultlces of the Pence (2 Jultlce of the Peece (Fishers CO~mllm (Ws $2,k)0.) Train Clerk TM Hlgtmly Superintendent Ta~m At torn~ IsleMI) $&,~0.00 7,100. oo $,10~.00 7 ,i~.oo 0RDE~ OF THE Tlldlt m ol~'r~Y TNE TOrN OF S~UTHOLD MTED:-Octokr I0, 1961 SUI~ARY ee~eral Fund - Toke ~/Ide ~enerel Fund - Pert-Town #lghwey Fund - Iow 1 NIg~ Fund - It~ 2 S~Ial Districts S~hedule 1,3 5,6 App~opr let I ohs $1Jg,ZOI.7& $~ ~S,281.o7 $1,~,675.75 $1~, ~0.00 $192,z~5.0o $~]9,7ol.76 $1o7,281.07 APPROPRIATION~ - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNNENT Supervisor: Personal Services Equlpmont Other Expenses $1~,700 200 2,~O0 Justices of the Peace: personal Services Equipment Other E.qmnses $10,600 ~o Council.mn: Personal Services Equllment Other Expenses $ 5,200 Teen Clerk: Personal Services IEqu I Immn t Other Examases $ 9,000 -0~ 8)0 Assessors: Personal Services Eflulpemnt Other Expenses $35,Q00 ,500 Receiver of Taxes: Personal Services Equlpment Other Expenses $ 7,300 To~ Trustees: personal Services Equllment Other Expenses g fees To~m Attorney: Personal Services $ ~,800 Equipment -O- other Expenses ~00 TM Board: lllrsanel Sm'vlcen $ -0- [qullsmm~ 250 Other Expenses ~00 Tmm Offices: Personal Services $ -O- Purchases & Other Expenses Publicity: $ 3,000 TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNNENT PUBLIC SAFETY Traffic: Personal Services $ -0- Equllment -0~ other Expenses 1,720 0og ~erden: Pervo.el Services $ 3,800 Equl ~mont 2S0 Other Expenses 1 ~(~0 Civil Defense: Personal Services Equlimmnt (Unlf.gRadlo) Other E~penses 2,000 TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $15,~00 $11,610 $ 5,~60 9,830 $38,5o0 $10,30o $ 900 $ S,300 $ 750 I $ I ,72o. $ S,700 3.300 Schedule 1 (Page 1) $t07,325 $ 10,720 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND EDUCATION Attendance Off I car: Parlor4 1 Serv I cas Equipment Other Expenses $ ,,aDd Town Historian: Perlonei Services $ 60Q Equllment -O- Other Expenses ~ HistOrian's Ex4)anses 1501 Oyltorponds #lstorlcel Soc.,Inc. 750 Southold Historical Society 750 Cutchogue-Ne~ Suffolk Historical Council ~01 Libraries: Personal Services Equilmmmt Other Expenses FIIhers Island Library Floyd I#morlel Library Southold Free Library Cutchogue,Free Library Nattituck Free Library 5,358.~8 ~,921.65 3,~2.80 TOTAL- EDUCATION Schedule I (Page 2) $ 1,200 $ 3,00o Public Perlonel Services Equlpmant Other Expenses TOTAL - SANITATION SANITATION I ,0001 i2~ooo I $i9,8oo $t9,800 RECREATION Parks & leaches: PerlOflal Services Equipment Other ExpenSes SOO! 5001 youth Agencies: Personal Services Equipment Other Expenses -0- 2~000 TOTAL - RECREATION VELFARE welfare: Personal Services Equipment Other Expenses Name Relief (incl. Veterans) ~urlals $0,o001 11OOO~ TOTAL - IdELFARE $10,500 $ 2,000 $5 I,O00 $1t,$o0 APPROPRIATIONS - GENEJ~L FUND Notes: Capital Note (Tractor at Oump) Oeferrnd Pa~t Note (leach ~qulsltlon) DEBT REDE~PTIqN $ 2,~0o %o0o $ Bonds: Serial Bond ~C~ (Office Equl~t) TOTAL - OEBT REDEt~PTION INTEREST Interest ~ Notes & Bonds CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT INPROVEHENTS Inland Water.y: Purchase of Drainage Area S~de Tree Fund TOTAL - CONSTRUCTION ANO PER/~ANENT IHPRoVB4ENTS $ b,O00 $ i,ooo ~chedt, le I (~g~ ~) $ 10,100 6,000 MISCELLANEOUS Veterams' Orgenlzatl~s for ~rlc~ Legl~ I~st #1Ok5 (Fishers Island) American Legion Burton Potter Post #185 Catholic War Veter~s':St.Agnes Post Aamrlcen Leglcm Grls~id-Terry- Gl~er Post ~O3 Veterans of Foreign Wars, ~thold Ton ~t American Legl~ Rayed Cleaves Post /A~61 C~terles 2O0 2o0 2O0 Memorlel Oay Observance American Legion Post #10~ : (Fishers Isled) $ ~'~ Other ~sts Legal & Engln~rlng F~s ~ ~0~ Contingent Account S ~loyees* Retlr~t S~lal SKurlty ~ ~.~.~ Insurance: ~or~n's C~satl~ $ 2,~OG. Other Instance & ~nds ~ 8~000~ TOTAL - MISCELLANEOUS GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ I ,200 200 500 ti,0oO. $ t0,900. ii. APP~.OI~IATIMIS - GENEI~L FUNP - P~T-TO~/N ~¢.h~ui~ 2 (P~ge Contingent laird of Appeals: Per ioflal Serv Ices lqullnent Other Expenses $ 9,350 -O- 2,J25 $~i,675 Planning Board: Personal Services $ 3, I00, 150: $ ~,605 Building Inspection Costs: Personal Services Equipment Other Expenses $ 9,035 Police: Persoflal Services iqullmmt Other Ex.rises Iqlltrar of Vital Statistics: PersOl~J Services Equillmnnt Other Expnnses $ i .5ooi :ia $ 1,55o rulployees' Retirement System tl),7ooL $13,70o. Social Security Legal & Engineering Fees Insurnnce: Vorlusin's Campeflsatlon ~,100.I Other Insurance & lollds J 2f?OOI / GRAJID T~/TAL - GEIIEAAL FUND PAKT-TM APPI~PIKIATIQNS $ 6,1M: $ Schedule 3 (Page ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES State Aid: State ATdt Per Capita State Aid, /mortgage Tax State Ald, Youth Bureau State Aid, ftc)me Relief State Aid, Burials $ ~8,O00. 17,goo. $ 1,0O0. $ 2o,ooo. noqa Interest and Penalties off Taxes $ 6, qo. Licenses & Permits: Dog Licenses (from County) Dog Licenses (From Tow~ Clerk) /~arrlage L;censes Hunting & Fishing Licenses Bingo Licenses junk Licenses Trailer Permits Town Trustee Permits Bus Franchise Explosive License $ 3,000. $ ~85 50. Fines, Penalties & Forfletures: Deg Redmq~tlons dP Fines from State & Sheriff Repayments of Welfare Assistance Interest off Deposits Concession To~m kmch Departmental Earnings: Fees of Town Clark $ Fees of Justices of the Peace $ 1__~.~. School Districts for Youth Progr~a Unexpended Balance $ 86,000. $ 6,~oo. 900. 8o0. 2,000. 1,2oo. $ 2,900. $ 1,00o. Io5,g70.oo .35,oo0.0o GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUNO - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES ' $1qO~970.00 Schedule ~, (Page I[STI&~TIEO REVENUES - gl[gfJ~L FUNO - PM~-TGMt - OTHER THAN Iq~OPERTY TAXES Del~r~Nmtel Earnings: Fees ef Building inspector Fees of Plennlng BI)ltd Feel of loerd of. ~ls Fmc'of ~ of Zone 35O Vllle~e of Gremport for use of ledlo ~ GIANO TOTAL - ESTI~TED REVENUES - GENERAL FUI~ - PMT-TOVN - OTHB~ T~AN I~OPERTY TAXES $ 3,000 $ 7,000 APPROPRIATIONS - NI~NI~Ay FUND Schedule 5 (Page 7) HIWY FUND (Item I) General Repairs MIDGE FUNO (item 2) $13g,20[I .?6 s 2,ooO.oo /~K:NINERY FUND (item 3) Purchase of 14ichlnery, Tools, end Equllmmmt Rmlr of 14&chlnery, Tools m~d Equ f Pment $ ~0,000. O0 30,78~. O7 SNON & MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Item 4) Cwntrol of Snow · Ice Gutting Yeed$ & Brush Salary of SUllmrintendent Exffenses of Superintendent Other Miscellaneous $ 2o,oo~.oo 7,5o~.oo 500. OD GRANO TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND $139,201.76 2,000.00 $ 70,781.07 $ ~kl,500.00 ~256,k82.83 Schedule 6 ESTI/MTEO REVENUES - HIGN~AY FUND ,~ OTHER TFLAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES NIINt~Y FUNI) (Item I) 'State Aid $ 9,500.100 IOaOOO.[OO $ 19,5oo.oo MiNE FUflO (Itm 2) Unexpended ~ 1 ence MAGNII~,RY FUND (Item 3) Une~pended Balance SNO~ · MISCELLANEOUS FUND Unexpended Balance $ z.oee.oo $ z,ooo.oo $ 5,ooo.~. $ S,ooe.oo ~$ I,OOO.OO $ I,OOO.OO GRAND TOTAL - ESTU4ATED REVENUES - H IGHT~,Yi FUND - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ 27,500.oo Schedule 7 (~ag$ 8) SPECIAL DISTRICTS School Districts: 2. Orient East Mrlon Fishers Island 5. Southold 7. Peconlc 8. East CuCchogua Mttltuck lO. Greenport il. Laurel (Southold Town Share) 12. Cutchogue 14. Hattituck (Oregon) 15, #~ Suffolk 3/~,000.OO 3t ,051 .OO 100,513.00 ,292,OO0. O0 39,0OO. 00 7o,~00. DO .~#,~,ZOI, OD 3~, O~Z~. 66 M,775.OO ~, ooo. OD Total School Districts: Light Districts: Orient lilt Nerlo~ Fishers Isleml Southold Peconlc Cutchogue Mattltuck #1 Mattltuck ~2 ~est Greeeport 2,700.00 2,000.00 2,ooo.oo 6,700.O0 2,OOO.00 6,90o.00 7,0OD.OD 8OO.0O 6o ,. ,oo Total Light Districts: 'Fire Districts: Orient East /~arlon Fishers Island So~thold Cutchogue ~lettltuck $ 8,000.00 6,689.75 12,$~3.00 29,8OO.00 27,250.00 __.2Z~200:00 Total Fire Districts: Park Districts: ~outhold Cutchogua-New Suffolk Kettltuck $ 13,~9o.oo I,~I.M : Ik.,97.r~. OO Total Park Districts: Fishers Island Ferry District $ ,)5,~9. OD Fishers Island Refuse & Garbage District ~.2~018.00 Ealt-~lst Greenport Fire Protection Fire $ 7,02~./4~ (72 Hydrants ~ $50.O0) Vater ~ ~,6OO.~0 Total: Orient ~losqulto District GRAND TOTAL - APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,179,893.66 $ ~o,700.0o $ 30,~06.88 $ 35,0~J.OO $ 22,o18,oo IO,625.~6 2,50O.O0 $1,~2,675.75