HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF $UFFOLfll ) I, R ,AL,PH P: BOOTH, Town Clerk of the Town of ,Southold, N. Y. do HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I h&ve compared the fore[~oing with the ~nnuad budset of the Town of So .uthol, d, duly adopted by th Town Bo&rd of s~id Town on th~ Sth d~y of November 1959, ~nd entered in d~ail in the nninvtes of the p:roceedinss of s&ld Bo&rd, ~nd th&t the forgoing is a tru~ ~nd correct copy of estd -,.null budget ~nd the whole aereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h&ve hereunto met my h~nd ~ the se~l of s~id Town, thie 5th d&y of November 1959. i~ ESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD ADOI~TING ANNUAL BUDC~ET WITHOUT AMENDMENT ',~RE ~S, The To~ Board of the To~ of Sout~ld, N.Y. has met at the time and place e}~cifled in the no.ce of public he~ing on the prlliminary budget ~d ~ard ;~1 persons desirin~ to ~e heard thereon; now therefore be it RESOLED: That the To~ Board of the To~ of ~outhold does h~r$by a~pt such preltmtna~ bud~etas ori~n~ly compiled, ~s the ~nual b~et of thta To~ ior the fisc~ year ~nin~ on the 1st day of Jan~ry lq60! ~d that such ~d~et as so adored be entered i~ det~ in th~ minutes oI the ~roceedtnEs of ~is To,~ Board, ~d fur2~r B.~OLVED: That ~he To~ Clerk of th~ To~ of Sout~ld ah~l prepare ~d certify, in duplic~.te, copies of said ~nu~ budEet as adopted ~ the To~ Board of the To~ of Southold, to~ether wi~ the estimates, ti ~y, a~F~ed pursuit to Section 202-a, su~i~sion of ~e To~ Law, and &sliver one copy ~ereof to the Superhoof of thi~ To~ to ~ presented ~r him to the Board oi Super~sors of the oI S~fol~. ~L,.ted. November 5, 1959 RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD APPROVING PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND CALLING PUBLIC HEARING THEREON RESOLVED: That this Town Board does hereby preI~re and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the !st day of Sanuary, 1960, the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expendi- tures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: Th~; such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: Thai: this Board shall meet ~t 2 o'clock p.m. on the 5th day of November 1959, for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such pr®liminary budget, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published in substantially the following form:- NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town of Southold for the fiscal year beginning $~nuary let, 1960, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at Southold, New York, where it is avail&bls for inspection by any interested l~erson at all reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby ~iven that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon, at the Office of the Supervisor, Green~ort0 New York at Z o%lock p.m. on the 5th .day of November 1~59. and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, the proposed salaries of the following town officers are hereby specified as follows:- Supervisor Sustices si the Peace (2 '@ $3,600. ) ~ustice of the Peace - Fishers Island Councilmen (Z ,_~ SZ, ZOO, ) Town Clerk Town Highway Superintendent Town Attorney $6,900.00 7,200.00 2,800.00 4, 400.00 4,500.00 7,000. O0 4, 500. O0 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD. T~twn C,~er k Dated October 6,, 1959. PREL,IMINARY TOWN BUDGET for 1960 Highway Fund (Ite]m #l) ]~stimated Expenditure~l, Gener~l Repairs Estimated Revenues: State Aid 9,500.00 Une~psnded B~l~nce 10,500.00 Bridge Fund (Item Estimated Expenditures Estim&ted Revenue Unexpended Balance Machinery F~d (Item ~3) Estimated E~enditure s Payment ~d ~terest on Bonds Purchase of Mach~ery Repairs to Mac~nery Estimated Re~nues Unex~nded B~ce 7,949.39 32,000.00 lS,, oo, oo Miscellaneous Fund (Item ~4) E sttn~ted Expenditures Snow Rernovel Weeds & Brush Salary, Supt. of Highways Expenses, Supt. of Highways Other Miscellaneous Expenses lil stimated Revenue: Unexpencled Balaxlce 16,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 500.00 12,000.00 145,500. O0 zo. ooo. po 6,652.29 6,652.29 57,949.39 5.0O0.00 41,500.00 1,000.00 125,500. O0 none 52,949.39 40,500.00 -2- l~ublic Libraries Memorial Day Observance Legion Post Rentals I~ublic Welfare Public Welfare Budget No~ m~d ~terest Oener~ Fund:- Fixed S~aries: Super~eor To~ Clerk Registrar of Vi~l Stati~tic~ To~ A~orney ~uetice of ~eace, Fishers I~l~d Co~cilmen (2 ~ $2,200. ) Assessors (6 ~ $~,, 500; Chalrm~ $1,500) Receiver of T~es f A~endance O~flcer ~onltableo & ~ci~ Secretary for Sr. ~lerk (E. Bowden) Sr. Clork-t~i8t (M. Regent) Sr. ~lerk (~. A~mld) Sr. Ste~srapher (~. Boken) Clerk, part-time, Super~sor's Office To~ His~ rian School ~ro8sing Guards Salaries - ~le~ks for Receipt of Taxes S~arie8 - Addition~ partotime clerko Building ~spoctor ~initor'8 Ser~ceo- ~ustice og ~eace & We~are To~ Dump Attendant0 To~ Trustees - S~arie8 & E~enoes 20,000.00 20,000.00 6,900.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 2,800.00 7, Z00.00 4,400.00 22,500.00 2,800.00 1,200.00 93,132.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 1,125.00 4,200.00 1,500.00 500.00 10,830.00 1,800.00 600.00 5,200.00 150.00 4, Z00.00 950.00 ZO, 000. O0 200. O0 1, ZOO. O0 2.5, 150. O0 I 95, 487.00 -3- Payment - Deferred payment Note (Beach Acquisition) & Int. " - Serial Bond #1 (Office Equipment) & Interest Social Security Coverase for 1960 Care and Disposal of Unlicensed Dogs DoS Warden - part-time Expenses & maintenance of pickup truck Rent for Supervtsorls Office Rent for use of Gresnport Jail Printing and AdvertisinS Office Expense - Supervisor !, Highway Offices Telephone~ postage, stationery, etc Premium on Bonds, Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes, and Supt. of Highways Office and other Expenses - Board of Assessors Part-time secretary to Board of Assessors Office and other Expenses - Justices of Peace Office and other Expenses - Councilmen Rent, Heat, Light, Telephone, etc. - Sustices & Welfare 2,200. O0 lOO. oo Office Expenses, Receiver of Taxes Expenses, Town .Attorney Insurance, Compensation, Public Liability, Traffic Lights, Highway, Town Beaches & Pa~ks ~f~ice Expense - Constables Police Department Equipment & OperatinS Expenses Fees to :Physicians Parks, Beaches & Recreation Life Guards, Town Beaches Office Equipment for General Town use Maintenance of Town Office equipment Leases of property M&lntenance of Town Dump Use of Greenport Villase dump Ta~ Maps Ensineering & Professionsi Services 4, 500. O0 1,200. O0 4,500. O0 4, 140. O0 7,500. O0 500. O0 2,700. O0 1,000. O0 720. O0 350. O0 5,000.00 2,000. O0 600.00 5,300.00 1,500.00 125.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 300.00 17.000.00 1,000.00 23,500.00 25.00 5,700.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 2.000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 State Retirerr~ent System -4- Association of Towns, membership fees Long Island Association, dues Shade Tree Fund Heat, Light, Water, Town Clerkls. Office Janitor Services - Town Clerk's building Office Expense, Town Clerk*s office - phone, supplies, etc. Mafntenance & Improvement - Town Clerk's building Publicity Ftmd Expenses - Town Historian Street Sign Fund Inland Waterway Improvement: Support for Historical oPurposes Light for TraHic Circle, Greenport Pecontc L~ne Traffic Light Depot Lane Traffic Light New Suffolk Traffic Light Historic&l IViarkers - Southold & Cutchogue Planning Board Salaries, 4 ~ 500.00, Chairman &00.00 I/lxpense, Postage, Stationery, etc., Mileage & travel Board of Appeals Salaries, 4 '9 750, Chairman 850. Secretary for public h~earings Stationery, postage & travel expense Building Department Printing, postage, phone, supplies Travel Expense, inclvdtng mileage Conferences & meetings Civil Defense:- Communications Radiological Welfare Stationery & Supplies Truck Maintenance, etc. Miscellaneous 20 600.00 1,505.00 3,850.00 500.00 1,385.00 8Z5.00 1,9Z5.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 Contingent Fund ZO,O00. O0 Z25.00 50.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,200.00 700.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 150.00 1,000.00 Z,000.00 1.000.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,000.00 4,105.00 5,735.00 850. O0 1,350.00 5,000.00 $154,850.00 $615.~36.39 -5- ~gSTIMATED RECEIPTS Per Capita Assistance for the support of Local Government Tax Penalties Licenses (Dog) Village of Greenport, Use o£ Radio Station Fines and Fees {$ustices of 'Peace} Concession, Town Beach Rent, Welfare Office Bus Franchise Town's share of Dog Money .from County Mortgage Tax Fees, Town Clerk - licenses, etc. Rees, I~ egistrar Fees, Town Trustees Fees, Building Dept. Fees, Apl~als Board Fees, Change in Zone Fees, KPlanning Board Fees, Tourist ~, Trailer Camp permits Unaxl~nded Balance 44,758.40 4,000,00 487,00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 600.00 30. O0 2,000. O0 12,000. O0 967.00 350.09 450.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 300.00 300.00 50.00 20,000.00 $94,292.40 -6- DISTRICT5 Orient Fire Orient Light Orient ~io s quito ]East Marion Fire East lv~arion Light Fishers Island Light .Fishers Island Fire East-Wsst Greenport Fire Water (65 h~dr~te $2,632,455.00 ~se~sed V~t~n ~ 2.60 per ~. Fire (J~ 1/60 ~ Dec. M/60) 5outhold Fire Southold Light Sou~ Park Peconic Light Cutc~gue Fire Cutc~e Light Ma~ituck Fire Mattttuck Light tl N[attituck Bode~rd Liiht tg Yattituck Park Fishers Isled Ferw Distric: West Green~rt Light District Fishers Isled Refuse & Garbage District Z, 600.00 60844.38 7,000. O0 2,100. O0 2, 500. O0 8,228.75 2,000. O0 2,000.00 13,939. O0 9,444. 38 24, 200. O0 5,500. O0 6,040. O0 2,000. O0 21,000. O0 7. ZOO. O0 27,700. O0 5,600. O0 800.00 11, I100. O0 36.455.95 336.00 21,775.85 $216,819.93 NO. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. ~ No. 7 No. 8 -7- SCHOOL DISTRICTS Orient East Marion Fishers Island Southold lOeconic East Cutcho~ue No. 9 Mattitvck No. 10 Greenport Bio. 11 Laurel (Southold Town Share) No. 12 Cutchogue Bio. 14 Yattituck(Ore[~on) No. 15 New Suffolk 34,000.00 29,690.00 81,795.00 225,600.00 36,000.00 87, $00.00 150, 500.00 242, 500.00 32,088.08 65,056.00 41,000.00 29. 836.00 055,365.08