HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 ( "~4-'708 ) t STATE OF NEW TOHK DEPAET ( DIVIS [:~NT OF AUDIT AND CONTI%OL iON OF MONICIPAL AFFAIES) ~POET OF EXAMINATION OFTHE ACCO F~TS AND FISCAL AFFAI~ OFTHE TOWN OF SOU'~OLD ! (80'~OIZ COOX~I'Y) Pursuant to Art~ole ~II, General ~unioipel Law Period Examined: ~anu~ry 1, 1945 to December 31, 1946 A~e~o W. Aoeto Examiner Approve~: of: Town off Southold P~[NOII~AL OFFIOE~ W~0 SEHVED DURIN~ TM~ PERIOD EXAMINED OFFIC~ Supervisor Town Clerk · ustios of Pesos Supt, Highways Welfsre Officer Reo, of Taxes 1945 S, Wentworth Horton Ralph P, Booth 01iv®r N. Case Harbe~ M, Hawkins Hor~mn E. l[lipp Radford C, Shanklin Harry H. Terry Hsrold D, Price &robie W, Sy~onds Albert W, Richmond 1946 So W~ntworth. Horton Ralph P. Booth 0liver W, Case (Deoeased Oct, 1946 Ra:iph W, Tuthlll (Appointed 10/8/46) Herbert M, Hawkins Norman E, F~lipp Radford C, Shsnklin Ha~ry H, Terry Harold D. Prioe Al'ohie W, Symonds Harry E, Mason Town of Southold Population U. So Census 1940 Incorporated Villages Wholly within town Tow~ 12,046 Greenport Of Which in Villages 3,259 Fire Districts (With treasurers other than supervisor) Cutohogue East Marion Fishers Island Mattituek Orient Southold Other Special Districts Southold Light Orient Paoonio East Marion- Cutchogue" Mattituok Mattituok #2" Fishers Island Mattituck Park Southold Orient Mosquito E. - W. Oreenport Fire Protection ,Ooverning Laws Town Law and other general laws of the Special Acts (Established 1945} State of Raw York Chapter 311, Chapter 113, Chapter 615, Laws of 1920 Laws of 1860 Laws of 189~ (Suffolk County Tax Act (Five .2ustteea).- (Town Truateei} Town of 8outhold ~ssessed Valuations The valuations placed upon the taxable property of the town as a basis for distributin~ the taxes for the period exaained and the certificates attached to the rolls to legally establish such valuations for taxable purposes and to collect the taxes ac levied are as follows: Xind of Property Year Year 1945 Real Estate $~1,899,010 $21,899,935 Special Franchises 5921685 . 57§~891 Total - taxable all purposes $22,4910695 $22,476,826 Pension exempt Total taxable property Date verified by Assessors: Sept. 11, 1944 ~ept, 14, 1946 Date of Warrant to Receiver Nov, 29, 1944 Nov. 28, 1945 County Equalization ~ate 76.Bl115~ o Town of Southold Taxes Levied and ~ax Rates ·axea levied for the period by the Board of Supervisors for state, county, town and district purposes, and the rates of taxation established to produce such amounts are as follows: Pll~oaa Highway Fire Districts Light Districts Park Districts Mosquito District School Districts Total Town and District Appropriations Less: Estie~ted Raventms Payable ~o Supervisor Payable to County Treasurer Total ~axes Levied 1945 $ 82,463.00 88,100.00 $?,511.82 11,254.56 5,959.15 $~39,590o94 4~,~0.00 $49~,240.g4 198t994.99 Amounts 1946 $ 97,8~8.00 96,000.00 4~,?10.55 1~,~10.2~ ?,~4.59 ~251426.B? 64f700.00 $~20,982.2~ 3710o962.62 Tax Rates (Per $1000I (Outside of Villages) On Property entirely ~axable On Veterans - partially exempt $14.94 $14.89 ~.12 Town of Southold Tax Levies. Taxes levied were verified to determine whether or not they were in accordance with the sums authorized in the town budget and other estimates presented to the Board of supervisors. The distribution of such taxes upon the assessment roXis, however, was verified only to the extent of sslectLng several items at rando~and proving that the taxes charged thereon were pruportionate with the total on the basis of assessed valuation. Indebtedness Special Dis- trict Bonds Special Dist. Certs. & Notes Outstanding Of Period Issued Paid dur- Duri.n~ Period ing Period $ e,ooo. $ .oo S4.ooo. $zs,o0o. Outstanding End Of Period 600. 9,000.00 5,100. 4,500. Oaths and Undertakings Oaths of Office Examination of the oaths of office on fils in the County 0lark's Office disclosed that all town officials filed oaths of office in statutory forfend for the period exa~ined, except as follows: Welfare 0ffieer Archie W. Symonds (Sec. 25, Town Law). Undertakings Ail of the required undertakings were found on file for the period examined. The highway bond of the Supervisor should be an annual one, not for the term. (Sec. 285, ~ighway Law}. 6o Town of Southold Receipts and Disbursements Except aa hereinafter stated, all moneys determined to have been received were properly recorded and accounted for and all disbursements were made in accordance with statutory requirements The accounts of the Neoeiver of Taxes were not included in this examination as such accounts are audited by the County ~reasurer after the return of unpaid taxes, and settlement statements furnished by hi~ indicated proper accounting for ail tax moneys collected and unpaid. However, collections on account of the current tax roll 1946-47 were examined for the month of December 1946 by means of a test check from duplicate receipts ~o the cash book. Audit of Claims Moat claims were not approved by the officer whose action gave riss or origin thereto. (Sec. 103, Town Law). Some claims for compensation for personal services were not certified by the officer or employee having direct supervision of the claimant. (Sec. 105 (a), Town Law). Public advertisement claims should contain the rate per line ohargsd as required by Section 70 (al of the Public 0ffioers Law. Lump aum payments were made to American Legion posts for Memorial Day observances. Disbursements for such observances should be made direct to the vendors or persong furnishing materials or services. (Sec. 64 (121, Town Law). Lump scm payments aggregating $?,500.00 were made each year to the free association libraries in the town. Payments should he made upon contract or authenticated vouchers. See Opinion State Comptroller, File ~910, dated October 24, 1945. Supervisor Most of the checks drawn against the general fund do not state the appropriate account chargeable therewith. (Sec. 119, Town Law}. Assessors Some of the Assessors did not pay to the ~upervisor all o~ the fees received for dog damage cases from the County Treaaure~r under the provisions of Section 123 of the Agriculture and MarketsLaw. ~:~"'"'t' Town of Southold A schedule of amounts due from Assessors was submitted to the Supervisor and it is expected that full collection will be made. Fees and mileage received by Aoaessors from the County Treasurer should be paid to the Supervisor not later ~han the fifteenth day of each month fo!lowin~ the reOeipt thereof, to- gether with a verified statemgnt, as required by ~ootion ~-? (1) of the Town Law. See Opinion State Comptroller, File dated July 9, 1946. Estimates Estimates only of the Supervisor and: ~ghway ~uperintendent were available and none were entered in the m~nutes. Section 11] of tho ~own Law provides that ev~ry administrative officer and department shall prepare and fi.lo wit2L the To~m Clerk detaile( estimates. The same section also re. qUires that ail estimates, including district estimates, shall, be set forth in the minutes of the proceeding8 of the Board. Prelim..i.. nar~. a~.d .Annual Budgets Estimates of revenues and expenditures should ho separately set forth for each fund. (Sections 112 and 113, Town Law). ~.nnual AC counti~ Annual finmncial reports wore not found on file for any of the Assessors or ~ustices of the Peace. Section 105 of the Town Law provides that all town officers and employees, who receive or disburse any town moneys, shall submit detailed statements in writin~ showin~ receipts and disbursement8 for the fiscal year. See Opinion State Comptroller. File ~I047, dated December ~?, 1945. Welfare Accounts Examination of .the welfare accounts diaclo~ed that claims for reimbursements submitted receiYe~ by the town from the state during the period examined wore upon expenditures actually made by the town. Statement of Amount.. of Loc.al ..Assistance Tax statements and receipts for Ioeal real estate ~axes should contain a statement of the amount of local assistance to be received from the state by each local tax,n5 unit. (Section 69 (c) of the Tax Law, as added by Chapter ~06 of the Laws of 1946). Town of Southold Highwa~ Aoc..ounts Some highway claims were not verified by the claimant as required by ~ections 284 and 285 of the Highway Law. Co~aon throughout the pe~lod was the workin~ of highway employees ~ore than eight hours\per day and/or five days per week. (Sections 160 and 220, Labor Law). See Opinion State Comptroller, File ~12~9, dated April 19, 1946. In 1946 $5,000.00 was expended from the .~iaoell~aneous item of the highway fund for the acqu~aition of real prol~rty for storage of highway machinery and tools. Payment should have been ~ade from the general fund. See Opinion State' Co~aptroller, File ~60~, dated April $0, 1945. Board of Trustees Chapter 615 of the Laws of 189~ created the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and e~powered such Board to manage and dispose of the co~on lands and lands under water beloagiag to said town. The records do not indicate that there were any financial transactions during the years 1945 and 1946. As of December 31, 1946 there was a balance of $1,5~1.26 to the credit of the Board of Trustees in the Southold Savings Bank. Section ~ of the above chapter provides that it shall be the duty of ~he Board to pay to the Supervisor, at the first ~eeting in each year of the Town Board: all moneys which shall have come to their hands in the exercise of their trust. In view of this requirement of law, such balance should be paid to the Supervisor. Section 2 of this chapter requires that all conveyances, leases, permits, agree-ants and other writings be in duplicate, and that one of such dnp~ioates should be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and recorded by the ~wn Clerk in a book separate from all other records. No such records were available in the Town Clerk's Office. Whether or not there are any financial transactions during a fiscal year, the Board should file an annual financial state- ment in the Office of the Town Clerk, as provided by Section ~ of the above chapter. Town of Southold SCHEDULE 1 SUMMART OF BALANCES, RECEIPT~ AND PAYMENTS FROM JANUARY 1, 1945 TO DECEMBER 31, 1945 Fund General Highway Welfare School Balance ~an. 1, 1945 (ll $ 57,565.68 47,981.62 16,541o17 3,4?9,82 Special Districts 7,643.94 Tax Fund 60,767,6? (For Distribution} Totals $193~979,90 ~ceipta during ~ear $ 85,886.7? 97510.P~, 11~710.57 61,~25°76 48,133.07 $584, ?68,71 Total Balances Payments Balance and during De~ 31 ~ceipts ~ear 1945 $141,452.45 $ 74,588.86 $ 66,863,59 145,491.88 121,308o04 24,183.84 28,251o84 6,699.34 21,552.30 283,782.00 ~85,37~.90 408o10 108,900o74 60,767.67 48,133o07 $778~748o61 $616~813.26 $161,935.35 FROM ~ANUAEY 1; 1946 TO DECEM]~R 31f 1946 Fund General (1) Total Balance ~eoeipts Balances Payments Balance ~an. 1, during and during Dee. 31 1946 ~ear ~oeipts ~ear 1946 66,863.59 $ 98,1P~.27 $164,991.86 $ 71,435.66 $ 93,5~6.20 Highway 24,183.84 105,120o59 127,304.43 116,812.11 10,492.52 Welfare 21,552.50 13,164.46 34,716.96 6,501,26 28,215.70 SChool Special Districts Tax Fund (For Distribution) Totals 408.10 B85,426.87 385,834.97 581~748o36 4,086.61 794.25 70,867°41 71,661.66 69,781.46 1,880,20 (1) Includes General Fund, Surplus and Withholding Tax Accounts. 10. Town of Southold SCHEDULE 2 RECONCILIATION OF CASH BALANOES WITH CASH IN~ AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER ~1, 1946 Total Cash Balances to be Accounted for (Schedule 1) Accounted for as follows: Cash in Banks Bank First National Bank of Oreenport Bank of Southold Mattituok National Bank & Trust Co. Peoples National Bank of ~reenport First National Bank of ~reenport First National Bank of ~reenport First National Bank of ~reenport First National Bank of (~reenport Peoples National Bank of Oreenport First National Bank of Outohogue First National Bank of Greenport Total Net Cash in Banks Bank (a) Checks Net Account Balance 0utstsndina ..Balance ~eneral $64,636.52 $90.17 ~enaral 6,113.54 .00 0eneral 16,0~4o?1 1.25 Surplus 8,226.78 .00 Withholding 476.27 .00 Welfare ~8,500.06 84.$6 School 1~6,615.79 132,527.18 Highway ~,880.08 Sl3.11 Highway 6,080.74 14.85 Highway 1,656.60 297.14 Tax (For 8~,574.78 .00 Distribution) 64,546.~5 6,11~.54 16~055o46 8,226.78 476,27 28,215,70 4,086.61 6~065.89 1,~59°46 8S,SV4~78 (a) Verifie~ from Certificates of Depositaries. ll. Town of Southhold The Supervisor should give an annual highway bond. Claims should be approved by a town officer. Public advertisement claims should show rats per line. Claims for Memorial Day observances should be paid direct to vendors. Payments to libraries should bo made upon eontre~t or approved vouchers. The Saporvlsor should state in every cheek tho account chargeable therewith. The Assessors should pay to the Supervisor monthly all fees rooeiv®d for inquiring into dog dmaasos. Estimates should ho submitted by all administrative officers and departments and entered in the minutes. Est~uatss of revenues and expenditures should be separately set forth for each fuml in the budgets. Assessors and lustioes should file annual financial statements. ?ax statements and receipts should show enount of local assistance to be ~ooelYsd from the state. All h~hway cla~as should be verified by oleimnte. Highway employees nay not work in excess of eight hours per day and/or forty hours per w~ek. Boar~ of Trustees should file duplicates of all contracts and other writings in Town Clerk's Office, file annual statement~ in anoh office, and pay to the SUl~rvisor balance in bank acoonnt. $?AT~ OF ~ I~O1K ) ) A~O W. ACE?O, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is an Examiner in the Stat® Department of Audit and Control; that he has ~ade an examination of the Acoounta and Fiscal Affairs of TO~ OF SOUTHO~), COU~FY OF SUFFOLK; that he has read the foregoing report of such oxa~ination and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Sworn to before ne day of 1942 .DAVID RATNER _r _ .- ~ - ~-~---_____,._ TT -~, ,.r .- - Oo'oo~ / __ - , V . .. ov_rL-/i/ - o/ ` ~t~-2.x} 7-] ~°' - oobsh b~G i 1/' ' ~ i - C. 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