HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985TOWN BUDGET For 198_ Town of in County of ~o u T H o L l'~ Villages Within or Partly Within Town Village of Village of CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, JUDITH T. TERRY , Town Clerk, certify that the following is a true and correct cop), of the 198_5 budget of the Town of SOUTHOLD os adopted by the Tow. Board on the 20th day of NOVEMBER , 1984 . D,t,d NOVEMBER 20~ 1984 ~J83 ,~-~ L SUIOfARY OF TOmI DUI~Ff ]r~qD GENERAL GEHEBAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE HIGR~AY-T01~HI?IDE HIGH~AY--OUTS IDE VILLAGE without CHI PS COHIIUIIll~ DEVELOFHEI~ FEDERAL REVENUE SHAB. DIG PUBLIC LIBRARY FUIqD APFROFRXAT'~0NS AND PROVISIONS ~POlt OTHER USES $ 2,383,973.00 2,675,580.00 579,680. O0 . ~lr 087r 300' 00 267,500.00 170,152.00 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUES 860,320.00 375, 0q0.00 3.,5oo.oo 37,500.'00 267,500.00 133,152.00 DEBT SE]tVICE FUHD -.-.= :'-:.. '*without CHIPS, FRS and HUD S SPECIAL DISTRICTS: · -=.. (LXST EACH SKFARATELY) ~ast-~est ~lre Southoid ~aetevater DistriCt Baysi~ F~sher~ lela~ ][lefu~e & ~arba · U~atrXcC Sub Total above Districts Orient-East~ar~on Park Dhtriet Sour~old Park District Cut~ 'Hattituck Park District Sub Total above Districts Fishers Island ' Orient Firs District East MaCon Fire District Mattituck Firs District TOTAL ALL DISTRICTS GRAND TOTALS THIS PAGE 7r16~,185.00 6,726,533.00 0 14.700.00 40~000.00 97.300.00 67,000.00 62.060.00 263.000.00 224,600.00 189,200.00 2,733,771.50 9t897t956.50 1,508,012.00 1,107,360.00 0 0 0 0 0 3~200.00 2~392.00 0 1~640.00 ~;000.00 0 1,114,482.00 2,622,~9q.00 LESS UNEXTENDED 155,000.00 70,000.00 20,'000.00 80,000.00 0 37,000.00 362,000.00 325,000.00 20.00 540.00 100,000.00 4~900~00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8?000.00 0 113,460.00 ~75,~60.00 AI'IOUNT TO BE ~AXSED aY ~AX ,568,65 3. oo 2,230,5q0.00 525,180.00 · 969,800.00 0 0 5, 29q, 173. O0 5,294, 173.00 14,821.00 70,3~3.50 55~000.00 145,115.00 10~000.00 155,000.00 l ,70o.oo 40,000.00 32;500.00 94,10p.00 87,000.00 67,000.00 60,420.00 263,000.00 207~600.~O i89,200.00 1,505,829.50 ~,8oo, oo2.5o 6ENB~LL GOV~I~T SUPFOR! ACCOUNTS CODE 'TO~i BO&~D Personal Services Al010.1 Equipment A1010.2 Contractual Exp. Al010.4 TOTAL JUSTICES Personal Services ALI10.1 Equipment All10.2 Contractual Exp. ALI10.4 TOTAL T~,~I~IC VXOI~TIOI~S Personal Serv£ces Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL Al130.1 Al130.2 Al130.4 S~E~VISOI Personal Serv£ces A1220.I Equipment A1220.2 Contractual Exp. A1220.~ TOTAL D~te FIIt~NCE Personal Services Al310.1 Equipment A1310.2 Contractual Exp. A1310.4 TOTAL CO~PT~OLL~ Personal Services A1315.1 Equipment A1315.2 Contractual Exp. A1315.4 TOTAL I~DEP~I~DENTAUDITINC A~D ACCOuHT[NG Contractual Exp. A1320.~ BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LAST AS TENTATIVE YF.,AE. AHEHDED BUDGET LIHI~Ud~Y ~T ADOPTED ...co,9.. oo / TAX COLLECTION Personal Services A1330.1 Equ£1ment A1330.2 Contractua~ Exp. A1330.4 TOTAL GENERAL FUlqD APPROPRIATIOH~ GENERAL GOvI~UiEIqT SUFFORT ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY YEAR A~_~DED BUDGET BUDGET 19.~.~ 19 ~.~/ ~9 ~.__~ ~9 ~.~ AOOL~ED 19~__~ BUDGET Personal Services A1340,1 Equipment A1340.2 Contractual Exp, A1340.4 TOTAL PUltC~ASINO Personal Services A1345.1 Equipment A1345.2 Contractual Bxp, A1345.4 TOTAL ASSESSOIS Personal Services A1355.1 Equipment A1355.2 Contractual Exp. A1355.4 TOTAL DISCOUFf ON Contractual Exp. A1370.4 TOW! CLERK Personal Services Al410.1 Equipment AI~10.2 Contractual Exp. Alii0.6 TOTAL ATTORaax Personal Services A1420.1 Equipment A1420,2 Contractual Exp. A1420.4 TOTAL PERSOssAL Personal Services A1430.1 Equipment A1430,2 Contractual Exp. A1~30.4 TOTAL Personal Services A1440.1 Equipment A1440.2 Contractual Exp. TOTAL 6~N~L ~usD C~AL GOV~I~NT SUPPORT ACCOUNTS CODE ACTUAL LAST YEA~ BUDGET THIS YEAR AS AMENDED BUDGET OFFICERS TElqTATIVE BUDGET 19F__~ PRE- LIMIIIARY BUDGET 19~__~ ADOPTED 19F___~ ELECTIONS Personal Services A1450.1 Equipment A1450.2 Contractual Exp. A1450.4 TOTAL BOARD OF ETHICS Personal Services A1470.1 Equipment A1470.2 Contractual Exp. A1470.4 TOTAL PUBLIC WOR~S ADMINISTRATION Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A1490.1 A1490.2 A1490.4 BUILDINGS Personal Services A1620.1 Equipment A1620.2 Contractual Exp. A1620.4 TOTAL Personal Services A1640.1 Equipment A1640.2 Contractual Exp. A1640.4 TOTAL C~l~I~at COI~IUNICATION$ SYSTEH Personal Services A1650.I Equipment A1650.2 Contractual Exp. A1650.4 TOTAL C~ s~omooM Personal Services A1660.1 Equipment A1660.2 Contractual Exp. A1660.4 TOTAL 4 GENERAL FUND APPItOPRIATIONS 6ENERAL GOV~A~ENT SUPPORT ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCET BUDGET ACTUAL ~IS YEAR OFFICE~S PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUllET ADOPTED 19J~' 19~'._~' 19~__~ 19_..Y~ 19~_._~ CENT~_L PRINTING A~DI~ILING Personal Services Bquipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A1670.1 A1670.2 A1670.4 CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Personal Services A1680.1 Equipment A1680.2 Contractual Exp. A1680,4 SPEC?i~ ITemS Unallocated Ins. A1910.1 Hun£cipal Assoc. Dues A1920.2 Judgments and Claims A1950.4 Contingent A1990.4 TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL COVET. SUPPORT GKHB]~.L FUBD A]'~.OPR. IATIONS ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINA~Y YF~R AliF~IDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED PUBLIC SAFelY ADMINISTRATION Personal Services Equrpment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A3010.! A3010.2 A3010.4 POLICB AND CONSTABLE ** Personal Services A3120.1 Equipment A3120.2 Contractual Exp. A3120.4 TOTAL JAIL Personal Services A3150.1 Equipment A3150.2 Contractual Exp. A3150.4 TOTAL TRiFFIC CONTROL Personal Services A3310.1 Equipment A3310.2 Contractual Exp. A3310.4 TOTAL ON ST~KKT PARKING Personal Services A3320.1 Equipment A3320.2 Contractual Exp. A3320.4 TOTAL FI=qB FIGHTING Personal Services A3410.1 Equipment A3410.2 Contractual Exp. A3410.4 TOTAL CONTROL OF DO(IS Personal Services A3510.1 Equipment A3510.2 Contractual Exp, A3510.4 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ** Town with village - See explanation (2) on last page for changes to town -area outside of village. 6 G~N~RAT~ PUND APFROPRIATIO~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUI)CET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINAR¥ YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ~ 9___~ 19L~ 19~__~ 19~__~ 19 ;.~ PUBLIC SAFETY (CONTD.) COFfROL OF Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A3520.1 A3520.2 A3520.4 Kx*KINLqO BOARDS Personal Services A3610.1 Equipment A3610.2 Contractual Exp. A3610.4 TOTAL S~ETT INSPECTION ** Personal Services A3620.1 Equipment A3620.2 Contractual Exp. A3620.4 TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE Personal Services A3640.1 Equipment A3640.2 Contractual Exp. A3640.4 TOTAL D~MOLITION OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A3650.1 A3650.2 A3650.4 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A3660.1 A3660.2 A3660.4 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ** Torn with Village - See explanation (2) on last page for charges to torn - area outside of villages. GEp~:I~AL F~D APPROPRIATIONS ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET A~TUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS P~E- LAST AS TENTA~IVE LI~INARY BOARD OF ~RALTH * Personal Services A4010.1 Equipment A4010.2 Contractual Exp. A4010.4 TOTAL RBGISTRAitOF VITAL STATISTICS Personal Services Equipment Cot~tractual Exp. TOTAL A4020. ] A4020.2 A4020.4 LABORATORY Personal Services A4025.1 Equipment A4025.2 Contractual Exp. A4025.4 TOTAL PUBLIC NRALTH, Personal Services A4050.1 Equipment A4050.2 Contractual Exp. A4050.4 TOTAL REALTR * Town with Village - See explanation (1) on last page for charges to town - area outside of villages. 8 API~OI~IATZONS~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMZNARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET Al)OF'fED NARCOTIC GUIDANCE COUNCIL Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A4210.1 A4210.2 A4210.4 NARCOTICS cor~LOL Personal Services A4220.1 Equipment A4220.2 Contractual Exp. A4220,4 TOTAL JOLWf IOSPI?At Contractual Exp. A4525.4 Personal Services A4540.1 Equipment A4540.2 Contractual Exp. A4540.4 TOTAL I~DICAL UHAT.TH CENTER AND/OR PHYSICIAN Personal Services A4560.1 Equipment A4560.2 Contractual Exp. A4560.4 TOTAL ~za (co~=.) PERSONAL SERVICES .1 EQUIPMENT .2 CONTRACTUAL EXP. .4 TOTAL TOTAL HBALTH ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFXCF~qS ERE- LAST AS TEHTATIVE LIHII~Y YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDgeT ADOPTED SUFT. OF HX~RMAYS Personal Services A5010.1 Equipment A5010,2 Contractual Exp. A5010.4 TOTAL C, AR~E Personal Services A5132.1 Equipment AS132,2 Contractual Exp. A5132.4 TOTAL ~~s A5182.1 Contractual Exp. A5182.4 Equipment A5182 · 2 Contractual Exp. A5410. TOTAL JOY. NTAY~ORT Contractual Exp. TOTAL A5615.4 OFF STRgET P~ING Personal Services A5650.1 Equipment A5650.2 Contractual Exp. A5650.4 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES .i EQUIPMENT .2 CONTRACTUAL EXP. .4 TOTAL TOTAL TRANSPORATION ..,J/.2, F&I.&&~ ...¢.~//,¢~.¢o¢' ,,.2'.¢.¢'¢/.¢¢.e-¢'" ,~¢z2.C-.Cq. oo 10 G~qERAL FUND APFROPRIATIOH~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDCET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PI~E- LAST AS TEHTATIVE LIMIHARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ECONOMIC ASSISTANCB AND OPPORTUNITY SOC?'T. SKRVICES - ADI(INISTRATION Personal Services Equipnent Contractual Exp. TOTAL A6010.1 A6010.2 A6010.~ SOCIAL SEuVICES - HOHE RELIEF Contractual Exp. A6140.4 S0CTAT. SERVICES - BURTAT.8 Contractual Exp. A6148.4 PUBLICITY Personal Services A6410.1 Equipnent A6410.2 Contractual Exp. A6410.4 TOTAL INDUSTRTAt DEV~LOPI~IIT AGENCY Contractual Exp. A6~60,4 VETERANS SERVICES * Personal Services A6510.i Equipment A6510.2 Contractual Exp. A6510.4 TOTAL PRO~R&~18 FOR Personal Services A6772.1 Equipment A6772,2 Contractual Exp. A6772,4 ~ ~'~ ~'~ ~ ~. oo ~, ~ TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY ~Town with Village - See explanation (1) on last page for charges to town - area outside of village. 11 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICF~S PE~- 19ga 19~ ~9~ ~9~~ nC~ATlO! AI~INXST~ATXON Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp, TOTAL A7020.1 A7020.2 A7020.4 PA~KS * Personal Services A7110.1 Equipment A7110.2 Contractual Exp. A?l10.4 TOTAL PLA~ · E~.~ATION C~T~S * Personal Services A7140.1 Equipment A7140.2 Contractual Exp. A7140.~ TOTAL JoxiqT RECo PROJECT A7145.4 ~ BEACHES Personal Services A7180.1 Equipment A71~0,2 Contractual Exp. A71~0.4 TOTAL ~ ~OIIC~ItTB Contractual Exp. A7270.4 YOUTH PIO~RAlf* Personal Services A7310.1 Equ£1ment A7310,2 Contractual Exp. A7310.4 TOTAL * Town with village - See explanation (2) on last page for charges to town - area outside of villages. 12 GKIqKRAL Flllql) APPROPRIATIOHSI ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY CULTURE - RECREATIOH (COBTD.) JOINT ~Ou~ PROJECT Contractual Exp. LIEuAuy * Contractual Exp. A7320.4 A7410.4 NUSEUH Personal Services A7450,1 Equipment A7450,2 Contractual Ezp. A7450.4 TOTAL HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510.1 Equipment A7510.2 Contractual Exp. A7510,4 TOTAL HISTORIC4~L PROPERTY Personal Services A7520.1 Equipment A7520.2 Contractual Exp. A7520o4 TOTAL CELEBRATIONS Personal Services A7550.1 Equipment A7550.2 Contractual Exp. A7550.4 TOTAL ADULT RBCUFATIO! Personal Services A7620,1 Equipment A7620.2 Contractual Exp. A7620,4 TOTAL TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION * Torn with village - See explanation (1) on last page for charges to torn - area outside of villages. 13 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCBT BUI~ET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS T~TATIVE LIMIHARY YEAR AMENDED BI~CET BUDGET ADOPTED 19~_~_ 19F~' 19f_._~ 19 ~_._~ 1~__.~ ZONING * Personal Services A8010.1 Equipment A8010.2 Contractual Exp. A8010.4 TOTAL PLAITING * Personal Services A8020.1 Equipment A8020.2 Contractual Exp. A8020.4 TOTAL I aFA CH Personal Services A8050.1 Equipment A8050.2 Contractual Exp. A80~0.4 TOTAL ENVI~ON~rAI. COF~OL Personal Services A8090.1 Equipment A8090.2 Contractual Exp. A8090.4 TOTAL RF~USE A~D GARBAGE ** Personal Services A8160.1 Equipment A8160.2 Contractual Exp. A8160.4 TOTAL COI~I~ITY B~AUTIFIC&TION Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A8510.1 A8510.2 A8510.4 ~O~ A~D CO~ITY S~VICES /~0 0o0. oo * Town with Village - See explanation (1) on last page for charges to town - area outside of villages. ** Town with Village - See explanation (2) on last page for charges to town - area outside of village. 14 GEHHK&L ~u~D '- APPROPRIATIOHS~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY YEAR AMF./~DED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19.__~ 19~__f," 19~.r 19~s' 19~__~ BOISE a~ATEHEFf Personal Services A8520.1 Equipment A8520.2 Contractual Exp. A8520.4 TOTAL Personal Services A8540.1 Equipment A8540.2 Contractual Exp. A8540.4 TOTAL Personal Services A8560.1 Equipment A8560.2 Contractual Exp. A8560.4 TOTAL Personal Services A8810.1 Equipment A8810.2 Contractual Exp. A8810.4 TOTAL Contractual Exp. A8830.4 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ~MPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement Fire and Police Retirement Social Security Worker's Comp. Life Insurance Hospital and Medical Insurance TOTAL A9010.8 HOME A~D CO~IT~ See¥ICES (CONTD.) /..,"'.f o°8- .p'9 .~ o-.,--o. ,-,, .g~.-,, . ,-o ,~ o o o . oo UNDISTRIBUTED A9060.8 ,.~ b o ,r. IJ. 2 a, v./ ,Po,~ ~-o-o. oo "w ,.e~/,z-~+~. ~,~ .3,/.~o oo. oo ~ 15 ~E~m~T. ~ APPItOPH~ATXONS ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET EUD(~ET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMIHARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19~.. 19 ~_.~' 19~' 19 ~__~ 19.~.~' D~BT SE~VXCE FRI~CX?AL Serial Bonds A9710.6 Statutory Bonds A9720.6 Bond Anticipation A9730.6 Capital Notes A9740.6 Budget Notes A9750.6 Tax Anticipation. A9760.6 Revenue Antici. A9770.6 Debt Payments to Public Authorities A9780.6 Installment Purchase A9785.6 TOTAL IIITE/~T Serial Bonds A9710.7 Statutory Bonds A9720.7 Bond Anticipation A9730.7 Capital Notes A9740.7 Budget Notes A9750.7 Tax Anticipation. Revenue Ant£ci. A9770.? Debt Payments to Publ£c Authorities A9780.? Installment Purchase A9785.? TOTAL ~yml~ TaA~BP~S T~,l~ ~0: Other Funds A9901.9 Capital Project Fund A9950.9 Contributions to Other Funds A9961.9 TOTAL TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES A962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AIqD OTHER USES * Transfer to Page 1 OI~XS'mXE~T~ (cow~.) ACCOUNTS CODE GEI~RAL ~umu ESTIHATED BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY OTHER ?A~ ITEHS Real Property Taxes Prior Years Al020 Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes Al080 Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1081 Interest and Penalties on Real Prop. Taxes Al090 Non Property Tax * Distribution by County All20 Tax Collection Fees (Hot Interest on Taxes)A19q2 Clerk Fees A1255 Police Fees * A1520 Public Pound Charges - Dog Control Fees A1550 Safety Insp. Fees * A1560 Charges for Demolition of Unsafe Buildi~s Al~70 ~alth Fees * Al601 ~bulance C~r~es A1640 Parki~ Lots and Carases A1720 On Street Park~n8 Fees AIT~ A1972 P~°gram/"AgingHcme Aid A1973 Park and Recreation Charges Al001 Recreation Concessions A2012 Special Recreational Facility Charges A202~ Nuseum Charges A2090 Zoning Fees * Al110 Planning Board Fees * A2115 *Tovn with Villages - See explanation (3) on last page for crediting these revenues to tovn- area outside villages. 17 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL Tills YEA~ OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS T~TATIVE LIM~I~RY YEAR A~DED BUDCET BUDCET ADOPTED 19f~ 19~'/ 19 Y_~- 19 ~.~ ~ 9_~.~s' DEPAH~AT. L~COHE Garbage Removal and Disposal Charses A2130 Sale of C~ery Lo~s A2190 Charges for C~etery Services A2192 Services for Other Oover~n~s ~ ~ A2210 Narcotics Control Services for Other Oover~en~s A2290 USE OF llOIIEY~D Interest and Earnings A2~01 Rental of Real Property A2410 Rental of Real Property, Other Governments Al412 Rental of Equipment, Other Governments A2416 Cv,missions A2450 LXCE~BE~ eD P-~llXTS Bus. & Occup. Lic. A2501 Games of Chance Lic. A2530 Bingo License A2540 Dog Licenses A2544 Permits, Other A2590 FII~ A~D FORF~IT~ Fines and Forfeited Bail A2610 Pines & Pen. Dog Cases A2611 Forfeiture of Deposits A2620 SALE~ OF PROPEILTYAIID COllF~i~ATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Haterilas A2650 Minor Sales, Other A2655 Sales of Real Property A1660 Sales of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 18 ACCOUFfS CODE BUDGET BUllET ACTUAL THXS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TI~ITATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19.~ 19~._.~ 1~__~ 19~ 19~__~ Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Bndovment and Trust Fund Income A2755 Other Unclassified Revenues (Specify) F/~W~'/~e/~/ A2770 /~. ~. ~ A2770 Xnterfund Revenues A2801 Per Capita A3001 Nor tSase Tax A3005 Loss of Public Utility Va lust ions A3017 Snowmobile Law En[orc~ent A3317 Narcotics Guidance Council Social Services Frosra~s for Aging Youth Pro[raas FED~aIT. AID Civil Defense Public ~orks Employment Antirecession Frosrams for AEing A3484 A3660 A3772 3820 ~1 A4305 A4750 A4772 A4960 A5031 ~.~ E~ergency Disaster Assistance ~ TRANSFER Interfund Transfers TOTAL ESTINATED REVENUES Unexpended Balance * Transfer to Page 1 19 ACCOUNTS CODE Unallocated Ins. B1910.4 Contingent Acct. B1990.4 ~ICE Personal Services ~quim~nt Cc~tract,,~ 1 G~%~RAL FLeD APPNOPR/-ATIC~S - TO~q OUTSIDE V'DT,T~_-~ AC~JAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PI~- LAST AS T~TATIVE LIMINAR~ YEAR AMeNDeD BUD~' BUDG~I' 19 ~ 19 F~ 19 ~ 19 Fr ADOP 19 X~- PUBLIC B3120.4 ~ /(.FF,~.~ BAY O3~ST~.~ Personal Services B3130.1 ~qui~0ent B3130.2 Contractual B3130.4 JAB PROGRAM Personal Services B3157.1 ~]ui~m~nt B3157.2 Contractual B3157.4 ~.~G. INSPECTOR Personal Services B3620.1 ~qui~ent B3620.2 Contractual B3620.4 Contractual B4010.4 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINAR¥ YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED PRO,RAN FORAGING Personal Services B6772.1 Equipment B6772.2 Contractual Exp. B6772.4 TOTAL PA~S Personal Services B7110.1 Equipment B7110.2 Contractual Exp. E7110.4 TOTAL PLAYGROuauS AND RR~RK~TIONiL CENTERS Personal Services B7140.1 Equipment B7140.2 Contractual Exp. B7140,4 TOTAL YOUT~ PRDGRAI~ Personal Services B7310.1 Equipment B7310.2 Contractual Exp. B7310.4 TOTAL LIBRARY Contractual Exp. B7410.4 ZONING Personal Services B8010.1 Equipment E8010.2 Contractual Exp. B8010.4 TOTAL PLA~NINC Personal Services E8020.1 Equipment E8020.2 Contractual Exp. B8020,4 TOTAL T~ fIChE & CC~A,i% ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE ~ OPPORTUNITY CULTURE - RECREATION HONE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 21 6~i~a~. ~u~v tFFB. OFRIATIOII$ - TO~ OUTl~II,,~ VILLA6E ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL TillS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TNNTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR ASI~DED BUDGET BUDCET REIIISNAHDGARBAGE Personal Services B8160.1 Equipment B8160.2 Contractual Exp, B8160,4 TOTAL HOHE AiD c~mfmllTY SERVICES (COIITD.) BI~LOTEB B~FITS State Retirement B9010.8 Fire and Police Retirement B9015.8 Social Security B9030.8 Worker's Comp. B9040.8 GHI Dental B905'8.8 ¢S~A_BenefitFun~ B905~.8 Unemployment Ins. B~O~o. 8 Hospital and Nedical Insurance B9060.8 TOTAL DEBT $~RVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bouds B9710.6 Statutory Bonds B9720.6 Bond Anticipation B9730.6 Capital Notes B9740.6 Budget Notes B9750.6 Tax Anticipation. B9760.6 Revenue Antici. B9770.6 Debt Payments to Public Authorities B9780.6 Installment Purchase B9785.6 TOTAL umJXSTff, XBU'fED 22 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AI~NDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ~9___~ 19 ~.__~ 19,~'~ ~9~-~- ~9 ~._~~ INTEREST Serial Bonds B9710.7 Statutory Bonds B9720.7 Bond Anticipation B9730.7 Capital Notes B9740.7 Budget Notes B9750.7 Tax Anticipation. B9760.7 Revenue Antici. B9770.7 Debt Payments to Public Authorities B9780.7 Installment Purchase B9785.7 TOTAL INTERru~D T~AISF~RS TRANSFER TO: Other Funds B9901.9 Capital Project Fund B9950.9 Contributions to Other Funds B9961.9 TOTAL TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES B962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES * Transfer to Page 1 UNDISTRIBUTED (CONTD.) 23 FUND ESTI~'ED P~ - OUTSIDE ITTT,T~ ACCOUNTS Police Fees B1520 Bldg. Insp. Fees B1560 ~1 th Fees B1601 Zoning Fees B2110 Planning Bd, Fees B2115 Int. & W~nings B2401 Permits B2590 Sale/Ord. Books B2655 Insurance Refunds B2680 Use of Police radio B2770 Cablevision B2771 Cedar Beach B2772 Misc. B2773 CODE THIS YEAR OFFICERS Pt~- AS TJ~TATIVE LIMINARY AM~DED BUD~mi' BLDG~'z' 19 SB 19 $~ 19 ~- 19 ~S ADO~i~13 d b ooo ~&OOO.a o ?' STATE AID Per Capita B3001 Navigational Aid B3315 Bldg. Fire Code B3389 Youth Projects JAB B3820 * Transfer to Page 1 24 ACCOUNTS CODE HXGHWAY APPROPRXATXON8 - BUI~ET BUDCET ACTUAL THXS YEA~ OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIV~ LIHIItARY YEAR A~NDED BUDCET BUDGET ADOPTED 19__ 19 _f 19 _5 19ff_ GKIFSRAL RKPAIRS Personal Services Contractual Exp. TOTAL DASI10.1 DASl10.4 Capital Outlay DASll2.2 BRIDGNS Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Bxp, TOTAL DA5120.1 .~,~o SS ,7o"~-o. ~0 DA5120.2 DA5120.4 //oo~. ~ /~c,~,. ~ Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL DA5130.1 DA5130.2 DA5130.4 HXSCKLLANKOUS (BRUSH & WENDS) Personal Services DASI40.1 Contractual Exp. DA5140.4 TOTAL SN0~ RElt0VAL HIGHWAYS) Personal Services Contractual Exp. TOTAL SSltVXCES FOe OTHER Personal Services Contractual Exp. TOTAL DA5142.1 ~/~/~.~ ~.-~-o.~.o DA5142.4 ~o 7~. $~ 3~,~ /....-b-'O oo0. DAS1 ~8.1 DA5148.4 25 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICI/RS PRE- LAST AS T~I~TAT IVE L IMINARY YEAR ANBNDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ~NIq. O~E B~aFXTS State Retirement Social Security Worker's Comp. Life Insurance Unemployment Ins. D~b.~,O.L-t~s. es~ DA905~.8 Hospital and Medical Ins. DA9060.8 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE I~X~CXPAL Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Tax Anticipatiou Revenue Autici. Debt Payments to DA9710.6 DA9720.6 DA9730.6 DA9740.6 DA9750.6 DA97~0.6 DA9770.6 Public Authorities DA9780.6 TOTAL Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Tax Anticipation Revenue lntici. Debt Payments to DA9710.7 DA9720.7 DA9730.7 DA9740.7 DA9750.7 DA9760.7 DA9770.7 Public Authorities DA9780.7 TOTAL INTgL~UND T~SgBRS TRANSFER TO: Capital Project Fund TOT~_L INTERFUND TRANSFERS DA9950.9 BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES DA962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES *Transfer to Page 1 26 ACCOUNTS CODE HICRI/AY REVgNUES - TO#I~/J BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TI/NTATIVE LIHINARY YEAR AHEI~DED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19_._~ 19~__g 19~,~" 19 ~_..~ 19~'~''' LOCAL SOURCES Non Property Tax D£st£bution by County DAI120 Services for Other Cortes. DA2300 Interest and Earnings DA2401 Rental of Equipment Other Govt's. DA2416 Interfund Revenues DA2801 Niscellaneous(Specify) STATE AID Consolidated Highway FEDERAL AID - SPECIFY DA3501 DA45 DA45__ Iuterfuud Transfers DAS031 TOTAL ESTIHATED REVENUES UNEXPENDED BALANCE ~Transfer to Page 1 27 HI6[ ,,~/ APPROFRIATIO~E - OUT~IDE VILJ ~- ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS T~NTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19~__~ 197L.~ 19~__~ 19 ,?__~ ! 9 O~I~iULL R~PAIRS Personal Services DBSI10.1 Contractual Exp. DBSlI0.4 TOTAL & 4~'///. ~' IIlI~O~I~IITS Capital Outlay~/~$ DB5112.2 Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL DBS130.1 DB5130.2 DB5130.4 HIECELLABIOUS (BRUSH Personal Services DBS140.1 Contractual Exp. DB5140.4 TOTAL S~OW I~I0¥AL (TO~ Personal Services Contractual Exp. TOTAL DB5142.1 DB5142.4 SEILVICES FOR Ot*gRR GOVIIiJHKUTS Personal Services Contractual Exp. ~OTAL DB5148.1 DB5148.4 EI~LOY~E B~iIEFITE State Retiresaent Social Security Worker's Comp. Life Insurance Unemployment Ins. DB9050.8 DE 0 .8 Hospital and Medical Ins. DB9060.8 TOTAL 28 ACCOUNTS CODE  I~AY AFFROpRTATIONS- OUTSIDBeLI~CE BUDGET BUllET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINA~Y YEAR A~NDED BUDGET BUDGET 19~ 19~ 19~ 19__ ADOPTED 19~ DEBT $ZRVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds DB9710.6 Statutory Bonds ~ Bond Antic[pat/on Capital Notes ~udget Notes Tax Anticipation Revenue Antici. ~ebt Payments to DB9720.6 DB9730.6 DB9740.6 DE9750.6 DB9760.6 DE9770.6 Public Authorities DB9780.6 TOTAL INTEREST 3erial Bonds Statutory Bonds 5ond Anticipation ~apital Notes ~udget Notes Tax Anticipation ~evenue Antici. 9ebt Payments to Public Authorities TOTAL DB9710.7 DB9720.7 DB9730.7 DB9740.7 DB9750.7 DB9760.7 DB9770.7 DB9780.7 INTE~FUND TRANSFER8 TRANSFER TO: Capital Project Fund TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS . DB9950.9 BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES DB962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES *Transfer to Page I 29 :GRWAY REVENUES - OUTSIDK VILI~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- AS TE.:AT:VE ::M:S Y YEAR A~NDED BUDGET BU~E~ LOCAL SOURCES Non Property T~x Distribution by County DBII20 Services fo~ Other Govt's. DB2300 Interest and Earnings DB2401 Other govt's. DB2416 Interfund Revenues DB2801 Hiscellaneous(Specify) STATE AID CONSOLIDATED HIGHWAY (~c ~,~a~ FEDERAL AID INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL CHIPS UNEXPENDED BALANCE DB902 UNEXPENDED BALANCE DB909 Transfer to Page 1 30 4. f APPROPRIATIONS ACCOUNTS CODE Personal Services CF~.~ Equipment CF .2 Contractual Exp. CF .4 Employee Benefits CF .8 TOTAL Personal Services CF .1 Equipment CF .2 Contractual Exp. CF~oA. 4 Employee Benefits CF .8 TOTAL Personal Services CF .1 Equipment CF .2 Contractual Exp. CF~o/f.4 Employee Benefits CF TOTAL Personal Services CF .1 Equipment Contractual Exp. CF Employee Benefits CF .8 TOT~ Transfer to Other Funds CF9901.9 CF .9 CF .9 CF .9 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19~'3 19a'¥ 19..~..~X 19~.__x ~fransfer to Page 1 31 ESTINATED REVUES AND ESTINATED UNF~ENDED EAIAUCE ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUllET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHtNARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDGET A~PTED Interest and Earnings Federal Revenue Sharing TOTAL UN~XPBNDED BALANCE CF2401 CF4001 ~fransfer to Page 1 32 COIOIUHITY DKVELOPh~ APFROFRIATIOIqS ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS ~a'fATIVE LIMINARY ~9___~ 19 ?_.=~ ~9~s- ~ 9 ~.~_~ ~9~__~ ACQUISITION OF I~OP~TT Capital Outlay CD8660.2 PUBLIC WOIKS, FACILITIES, SITE TUPILOVZWi~TS Capital Outlay CD8662.2 CODE BIIFORCKI(EFf Personal Se~wices Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8664.1 CD8664.2 CD8664.4 CD8664.8 IKRABILI?A?ZO! Capital Outlay CD8666.2 IIHADILITITIO! - LOllS AHD ORAHT$ Capital Out lay CD8668.2 SPKCIAL PROJECTS FOR ~LDNILY AND niu~XCAFPED Capital Outlay CD8670.2 PAYII~TS FOR LOSS OF ~lr~iT. IECOI~E Contractual Exp. CD8672.4 DXSFOSXTXO! OF REAL FROFB~TY Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8674.1 CD8674.2 CD8674.4 CD8674.8 ~3 £~ ?. ~ 33 ACCOUNTS CODE BUllET BUllET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PHE- LAST AS TUTATIVE 19~ 197~ 19 ~__~ 19 ~'.~ 19 I~OVI$IO! OF P~BLIC Capital Outlay CD8676.2 PAYIf~T OF Contractual Exp, CD8678.4 CO~I~TZO~ OY ~ Capital Outlay Capital Outlay CD8680.2 CD8682.2 :34 CONNUNITY D~V~LOFI~KT ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRB- LAST AS TBIITATIVE LIMINARY YEAR ANI~DED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19 ~_~ 19~_~ 19~__~ 19___r~ 19~__~ DEV~LOI~I~FT Capital Outlay Perso~l Se~ces Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fri~e Benefits A~IVIT~S Pe=so~l Se~ices Capital Out lay Contractual Exp. Frinse Benefits TOT~ CD8684,2 CD8686.1 CD8686.2 CD8686.4 CD8686.8 CD8688.1 GD8668.2 CD8688.4 CD8688.8 CDA COITINGImCIAS CD8690.4 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Development Income CD2170 Interest and Earnings CD2401 Commanity Dev. · ...... Grant from County CD2763 Federal Aid CDigl0 TOTAL ESTINATED UNBXPENDED BALANCE *Transfer to Pase 1 COI~IUH ITl DEVELOFHEHT APPROPRIATIONS ACCOOHTS CODR BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TEHTATIVE LININARY YEAR AHEHDED BUDGET BUDCET ADOPTED 19._~_~ ].9 ~'.__~ 19~.-~ 19 ~_._~ 19~__~ ACQUISXTIO! OF BEAT. I~OPRIT~ Capital Outlay CD8660.2 PUBLIC WORKS, FACILITIKS, SIT~ l]ll~,OlmmmTs Capital Outlay CD8662.2 CODE EEFOROEI~I[T Personal $e~w£ces Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8664.1 CD8664.2 CD8664.4 CD8664.8 CI,KARAHCE, DI~LITION Capital Outlay CD8666.2 R~ABILITATIO! - LO~S AHDORAHTS Capital Outlay CD8668.2 SPRCIAL PRO~CTS FOR ~.MmLY AIID HAWl)ICAPFED Capital Out lay CD8670.2 PAYH~FfS FOu LOSS OF REIFFit IHCOHE Contractual Exp, CD8672.4 DISI~SITIO! OF R~AT. Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8674.1 CD8674.2 CD8674,4 CD8674.8 O 33 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS P~E- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIM?NAg¥ ~ AMENDED BUDGET BUIF,,ET ADOFTED I~OVISIO! OF PUBLIC Capital Outlay CD8676.2 PA~ OF ~-FED~AL SRARKS Contractual Exp. CD8678,4 CON~LETIO~ OF U~AIq ~ I~_OJ~CTH Capital Outlay CD8680.2 Capital Outlay CD8682.2 34 COI~HUNITY DKVBLOFIiENT ~ueu API~OPRIATIONS ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUDCET ADOPTED 197_..3 19 ~..__~ 19 F'._~ 19__~ 19~__~ ~'.,tmllNO ~ ~IT DEVELOFa~a~ Capital Outlay CD8684.2 ADIIlNI~TRATXO! Personal Serv£ces Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. · ringe Benefits TOTAL CD8686.1 CD8686.2 CD8686.4 CD8686.8 II0D~L CITIES ACTIVITIES Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp, · rinEe Benefits TOTAL CD8688.1 CD8668.2 CD8688.4 CD8688.8 CDA CONTING~IICX~ CD8690.4 TO?iT. APPROPRIATIONS Co~unity Development Income CD2170 Interest and Earnings CD2401 Community Dev. Grant from County CD2763 Federal Aid CD4910 TOTAL ESTIHATED REVENUES UNEXPENDED B.AT.ANCE r *Transfer to Page 1 35 4'¸ APFROFRIATIO]~$ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LININARY YEAR AHENDED BUDGET BUllET ADOPTED 19___~ 19 z__~ 19~__~ 19~__~ i9 z__~ ACqUIEITIOI OF Capital Outlay CD8660.2 PUBLIC WOIKS, FACILITIES, SITE 13fFIOVII~BTS Capital Outlay CD8662.2 CODE EHFORCEIiI~T Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8664.1 CD8664.2 CD8664.4 CD8664.8 C~KAIABOE, DKBOLITIO! IKHABILITATIO! Capital Outlay CD8666.2 REHABILITATION - LOAIS ABD ORAHT8 Capital Outlay CD8668.2 Sl~CItL P~OJECTE FOe ~LD~L! t~D E~DIC~P~D Capital Outlay CD8670.2 PAYliEITS FOR LOSS OF Contractual Exp. CD8672.4 DISFOSITION OF PROI~RTY Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8674.1 CD8674.2 CD867~.4 CD8674.8 /0 ~t"'~. ~LO 0 o 33 CO~UBITY DIVELOIgSWT ~. ~'/~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS T~TATXVE LIIiI. tt~Y YEAR AHE~DED BUDGET BUllET ADOPTED 19~'~ 19r'/ 19 ~_...~ 19 ~.__~ 19 ~__~ PROVXBXO! OF PUBLIC SSitVXC~S Capital Outlay CD8676.2 FAYHKWT OF ][OM-FBD~RAL SRA~KS Contractual Exp. CD8678.4 COI~LZTXO! OF UUaAW IEIIK~L ~OJECTS Capital Outlay CD8680.2 RELOCATXO! P&YMIMTS Capital Outlay CD8682.2 34 COIlllI~ZTY DIVELOFI~IFT ~ueu APPROPRIATZO]$ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY 19!..3 19 ,~' 19,r~ 19_..~ 19 ~_.f Pti~lZ]lO AND NA~AGEM~I]~ DE~ELOlq~NT Capital Outlay CD8684.2 ADIIlNISTHATZOB Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fr £nSe Benefits TOTAL CD8686.1 CD8686.2 CD8686.4 CD8686.8 llODEL CITIES Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8688.1 CD8668.2 CD8688.4 CD8688.8 Cll. COIITIIIGIllCIES CD8690.4 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Development Income CD21?0 Interest and Earnings CD2401 Community Dev. G:ant from County CD2763 Federal Aid CD4910 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES UNEXPENDED BALANCE KSTIHA'fKD RAVKHUES AND UlqK~ENDKD a,tT.A~CE *Transfer to Pase 1 35 PUBLIC LIB~AR! ACCOUNTS CODE ACTUAL BUDGET THIS YEAR AS 19__ BUDGET OFFICIfltS TENTATIVE BUDGET 19__ PRE- LIHINARY SUI~ET 19__ ADOPTED 19~ LxBeaRY OPKRATXOJJS Personal Services L7410.1 Equipment L7410.2 Contractual Exp. L7410,4 TOTAL EHFLOYSE SB~BFXTS State Retirement L9010.8 Social Security L9030.8 Compensation Ins. L9040.8 LiEe Insurance L90~5.8 Unemployment Ins. L9050.8 Disability Ins. L9055.8 Hospital and tledical Insurance L9060.8 TOTAL BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOE OTHER USES L962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES Library Charses Interest Earnings Cifts and Donations Endowment and Trust Fund Income Library System Grant Other (Specify) State Aid Federal Aid L2082 L2401 L2705 L2755 / L2760 / TOTAL REVEI~UES UNEXPENDED BALANCE '~'Transfer to Page 1 COIOiUNITY DSVKLOFHElqT FUND ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCET BUD~ST ACTUAL TH S OFF C S LAST AS YEAR A~DED B~KT B~BT ~PTED ACQUISITION OF Capital Outlay CD8660.2 PUBLIC WORKS, FACILITIES, SITE IHFROTaW~TS Capital Outlay CD8662.2 CODE ~ORGEMEHT Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Frinse Benefits TOTAL CD8664.1 CD866~.2 CD866~.I CD8661;8 CLEARANCE, DI~)LITION REHABILITATION Capital Outlay CD8666.2 REwiIILITATION - LOA~S Capital Outlay CD8668.2 SPECXAL PROJECTS FOR ELD~RLYAND HANDXCAPPSD Capital OutXay CD8670.2 PAYHENTS FOR LOSS OF RENTAL XNCONB Contractual Exp. CD8672.4 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8674.1 CD8674.2 CD8674.4 CD8674.8 ACCOUNTS CODE ADOFTED FIOVISIOH OF PbbLIC Capital Outlay CD8676.2 Contractual ~xp. c~678.4 COH~LETIOH OF URBAN RBBm~L I~OJECTS Capital Outlay Capital Oul:lay CD8682.2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~uHD ACCOUI~S CODE PLA~II~ A~D Dg~LOFI~ Capital Out lay CD8684.2 ADHIH I81T~TIOH Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8686,1 CD8686.2 CD8686.4 CD8686.8 HODEL CITIES ACTIVITIES Personal Services Capital Outlay Contractual Exp. Fringe Benefits TOTAL CD8688,1 CD8668.2 CD8688.4 CD8688.8 CD& CONTI~GENCIES CD8690.4 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Comuuity Development Iucoue CD2170 Interest and Earnings CD2~01 Co~unity Dev. Grant from County CD2763 Federal Aid CD4910 TOTAL ESTD~ATED REVENUES UNEXPENDED BALANCE *Transfer to Page I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL TillS YEAR OFFICES LAST AS TENTATIVE YE~ AHENDED BUDGET PRE- LININARY BUD~_~T ADOPTED 19~ 19.~.~-- ESTINATED REVENUES AND UNEX~EHDKD BALAHCE ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TEHTATIVE LIMINARY 19g.-~ 19_,..~ 19~%' 19___~' A~O~fED 19 ~_..~- ADMINISTRATION Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL SOURCE OF SUPFLY, PO~KRA~D PUMPING Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL FURIFICATION Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp, TOTAL TRANSMISSION AHD DISTRIBUTION Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL EMPLOYEE B~FITS State Retirement Social Security Compensation Ins. Life Insurance Unemployment Ins. Disability Ins. Hospital and Medical Insurance TOTAL SW8310.1 SW8310,2 SW8310.4 SW8320.1 SW8320.2 SW8320.4 SW8330.1 SW8330.2 SW8330.4 SW8340.1 SW8340.2 SW8340.4 SW9010.8 SW9030.8 SW9040.8 SW9045.8 SW9050.8 SW9055.8 SW9060.8 39 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL Tills Y[AR OFFICKRS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHII~RY YEAR ~DED BUDCET BUDGET 19._~.~ 19~.~/ 19_~_~ 19 ~._..~ ADOPTED 19 ~_.._~ DST SII~VXCE ~ItXIIOX~L Serial Bonds S~9710.6 Statutory Bonds SW9720,6 Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 Capital Notes SW97/+0,6 Budset NoCe~ S~9750,6 Revenue ~c~, S~9770.6 Debt Pa~ents to Public Authorities ~W9780.6 IFf~J~T Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Revenue Antici. Debt Payments to S~9710.7 SW9720.7 SW9730.7 SW9740.7 SW9750.7 Sg9770.7 Public Authorities SW9780.7 TOTAL T~JSF~ TO: Other Funds Capital Project Fund TOTAL SW9901.9 SW9950.9 BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES S#962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES * Transfer to PaBe 1 mmIsTH~UTHD (coa~.) 40 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDCET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDCET BUDGET ADOPTED Metered Sales U~aetered Sales Water Connection Charges Interest and Penalties on Water Rents SW2140.6 SW2141.6 SW2144.6 SW2148.6 Interest and Earnings SW2401.7 Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SW1650.7 Minor Sales, Other SW2655.7 Recoveries 8W2680.7 Other Compensation For Loss SW2690.7 Other, Specify SW TOTAL u~XPENDED BALANCE * Transfer to Page 1 41 ~ DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PI~- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINA~Y YEA~ AH~NDED BUDGET BUDGET 19_~_.~~ 19 ~'Y' 197__~ 19 r~ A~OF~ED 19ff_ Fve= FROTKCTXON DZBTRXCT Payments on Fire Contracts Contractual Exp. TOTAL AFPROPRIATXONS 3410.4 ESTIMATED B, BV~HUKS AND UI~KXPBIDKD BALABCK TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE FYJ~.E P~OTBCTION DI~ST~.ICT Fvmm I~OTBCT lO~ DISTRICT Payments on Fire Contracts Contractual Exp, TOTAL SF -2- 3410.4 APPROI~IATIO~$ ESTIHATKD REV~WUS$ A.BD mXPHII1)KD BALAIWCE TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE * Transfer to Page I 42 ACCOUNTS CODE DRAINAGE EST ~qAT~D R]~vlsu ulslS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIN[NARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 19.__ 19__ 19__ 19__ ~OPTED TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE *Transfer to Page 1 BALANCE D!Si~OSAL SOO~I~HOLD ~ ~8~TER ~ P~ ~ICT AFI~OPHIATIOHS ACCOUNTS CODE BIN~BT BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS P~E- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEA~ AHENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19/f Personal Services SR8160.1 Equipment SR8160.2 Contractual Exp~ SR8160.4 TOTAL~$~$~//~r ~FLOTEE B~IT$ State Retirement Social Security Compensation Ins. Life Insurance Unemployment Ins. Disability Ins. Hospital and Hedical Insurance TOTAL SR9010.8 SE9030.8 SR90~0.8 SR9045.8 SR9050.8 8R9055.8 SR9060.8 DEBT 8~RVICE Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capita[ Notes Budget Notes Revenue Antic£. TOTAL SR9710.6 SR9720.6 SR9730.6 SR9740.6 SR9750.6 SR9770.6 IFf~BT Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Revenue Antici. TOTAL SR9710.7 SR9720.7 SR9730.7 SR9740.7 SR9750.7 SR9770.7 ? r 48 ' ~ ' DIgT~,ICT ACCOunTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL Tills YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIHINARY ~ *m~aED EU~CET BUDCET ADOPTED 19,?=-- T~A~SFE~ TO: Other Funds Cap£ta! Project Fund TOTAL SR9901.9 SR9950.9 BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES SR962 TOTAL APPROPRIAT[OES AND O'L~R USES Transfer to Page 1 49 ACCOUNTS CODE BUllET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TBNTATIVE LIHINARY YF~R AH~NDED B~GET BURET R~MOVALAHD DIS- FOSAL C~UONS SR2130 TOTAL UNEXTENDED BALANCE o ~ Q,, . *Transfer to Page i 5O PUBLIC PAR~IN6 ESTINATED REVENUES ACCOUNTS CODE ACTUAL LAST YEAR BUDGET THIS YEAR AS AMENDED 19__ BUDGET OFFICERS TENTATIVE BUDGET 19__ PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET 19__ ADOPTED PARKING LOTS AND GARAGES ST1720 TOTAL UNEXPENDED B~!.A~CE UNEXTENDED *Transfer to Page 1 55 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDCET ACTUAL Tills YEAR OFFICERS PRE- AS YEAN A~ BUDGET Bm]tNT ADOm'K~ Personal Services SM Equ£pment SM ,2 Contractual Exp. SM TOTAL ~HPLOY~B B~FIT$ State Retirement Social Security Coe~ensation Ins, Life Insurance Unemployment Ins. Disabil£ty Ins. Hospital and Hedical Insurance TOTAL 8M9010,8 SM9030.8 8~90~0,8 8H9045.8 8H9050.8 8M9055,8 SM9060.8 DIBT Sll~VICE FR~CIPAL Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Ant[cipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Revenue Antici. TOTAL S~9710.6 SM9720,6 SM9730.6 SM9740.6 $M9750.6 SM9770,6 Serial Bonds Statutory Bonds Bond Anticipation Capital Notes Budget Notes Revenue Antici. TOTAL SH9710.7 8H9720.7 SH9730.7 SH9740,7 8H9750.7 SM9770.7 I~T~uiD T~AI~BFI~8 Ti~k~BFIR TO: Other Funds Capital Project Fund TOTAL SM9901.9 8~9950.9 BUDCETA~Y PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES SM962 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER USES ACCOUNTS CODE DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 19__~ ~gg_~ ~9~__~ ~9_~ ~9~__~ TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALA~'CE SM SM u~sXPENDED BALANCE *Transfer to Page 1 57 S(~i.UBUL~ Or 8ALAI,T, B8 OF ~ YOgll OJ~Lmmt (ARTXCLE 8 0~' ~ '~Ogll 1985 OFF~C]~ 58 8ALAIY $ TO~I~ WlT~ VILLAGE BXPIANAT IONS (1) Taxes for these services must be levied on the area of the town outside villages: Building Inspection (Section 138, To~n Law) Board of Health (Section 304, Public Health Law) Registrar of Vital Statistics, except when combined districts coincide with a consolidated health district (Section 4124, Public Health Law) Library (certain contract payments) (Section 256, Education Law) Zoning and Planning (Section 261, To~n Law) (2) Taxes for these services must be levied on the area of the town outside villages under the circumstances set forth below: Police Department (Section 150, Town Law) Town of Fallsburg, and towns in Suffolk County containing villages which maintain police departments with two or more full-time policemen. Department established after January l, 1960: Town contains a village which maintains a police department of four or more policemen on an annual full-time basis. Department established prior to January 1, 1960: Amounts in accordance with an agreement made between the town and a village within the town which maintains a full-time police department of four or more policemen. Joint Police Department (General Municipal Law, Section 121-a) Recreation (Article 13, General Nunicipal Law) Amounts for parks, playgrounds and recreation centers established under the provisions of Article 13 of the General Municipal Law. Refuse and Garbage (Section 120-v, General Municipal Law; Article 11, Town Law) The share of the cost to be paid by the town in accordance with an agreement between the town and one ore more villagas for joint refuse and garbage collection and disposal, unless otherwise provided. (3) Revenues estimated to be received from any of the functions or activities for which taxes are levied in the town outside the village must be applied to the estimate of expenditures for such function or activity (Town Law, Section 107(2). Non-property tax distributed by a county must be credited to the town area outside of village if the village receives a cash distribution of non-property taxes from the county. 59