HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-6189 Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO, ~Jtq DATE: ....!',\1g, . 2~,..JP05 ISSUED TO..... y~.!'I~ENT..¡;..¡;J¡,&&N .fLAHERTY........... .................... Aut11orizatiott Purouðnt to the provi.ion. of Chapter 615 of the WlWS of the State of New Yorl. 1893: and Chapter 404 of the WlWS of the State of New Yorl 1952: and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUC'{IQNS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS ahdthe REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS..f.B..OM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;!'. and in accordance with 'the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on .....1\\1.&.,,14.,. 2005 d' 'd t' f th f $ 250 00 'd b ....... an In consl era Ion 0 e sum 0 .........~.......... pal y Vincent & EileenI,laherty ······_..·..···..··..·.·_.·....m..n...·........·........ Southold b of N, Y. and su ¡ect to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to maintain and replace the existing marine structures. Construct 351' of new bulkhead Immediately ;1'1 front of 1 and within 18w of existing bull-:head on south side of property. Remove and replace a portion of existing wooden deck to allow . installation of backing system for bulkhead Stabilize 60' of existing east bulkhead by installing HDPE sheathing below bottom 'I' stringer. Repair hole in short return section of exisUl1g east bulkhead using HDPE sheathing. all with the conditiof"1 the fence on " the east jetty is removed, there will be no turf behind the new bulkhead, and all disturbed areas are to be planted with Cape American Beachgrass, and all as depicted on the plan prepared by Costello Marine Contracting Corp dated A~rIl 25, 2005 all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in . the originating application, . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporat~ S~al to be a~xed. and these P!esents to be subscn'hed by a malority of the said Board as of thIs dat.e, ~? /~~1- &~1~ Artie Foster ~ 0Ÿt¡ ;6L'::_ßJI ft. ~ ~ Trusite. , TERMS and CONDITIQNS ~ ~ Vincent & Eileen Flaherty ~AI"gat 177 Inlet Way, Southold .... . N, Y..·as t::,;~ the coasideradoo lor the i"""o-.œ of the PWnit does uMetsWld And prescrlbe to the foI- l. 'Iõat the said JJoud of Trustees aod the TQWD 01. Southold ate rdeued -from any IU1d aU damages, « claims for damages, of' suits uWng d1tectlr oc indirecd.r as a ~ of any ope£- adoa pedotmed f"'ØIIaGt,,~.ws..~t, ~ the ~ ~~ .~. ac: Ids (It Let own ~ defend anr aod all such suhs' nlt/ote<! b,- ddtd.,utIes, and the said I'amittœ ....."..., fuJ11.bhlUty with mpcct thereto. W '~e eulusioo of ~ Ðaard of Trastecs of the Town of ~ . 2. That dús I'elìIût Is valid for a period of 24mos, wbJd¡. Is ~ to be the esdmated time· ttquired to 'romptete the work InTOt..ed, but Shoald ~ wa.ttaat, request . for an cxteÐSioo may be made to the Ðo«rd at a IaIu ~ . . 3, That this PCllllÌt sh<>uld be rctalned Inde£'UJitclr. or as loog as the .akI Pcttnittce wish';' CO . m.intoln the stroaure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyoDC rooccrned that awb- ~on was odgInaUy obtained. 0(. That the ....ode Involved will be subject to the iospcction and approval of the Boe.rd « Iø agents, and DOC1-<OIIIpliaooc with the provisions of the odgùiadng application, may be CUJ$C for mocation of this Pumit b,- resolution of the said Board. S. That tbcrc will be no untt2.SO<1able intea:fetCOCC with navi¡¡atloo as a result of the 'ROd: herein authorized. ' . 6. That tbcrc sbaU be no Interference with the right of the pubIk to pass and repass atoag the beach ~ bI8h . and low watea: marks. . 7, That if Eutute opcndoos of the TOYiI1 of Sourh9ld m¡uke cbð. taDOI'aI. and¡oc aI(troflont In the lQcatIoø ofcbe 190tk beteIo aacborPe-l, or IE, 10 tbc opiøIon ofcbe Ðoard of Tmstea, cbe . wodc shalt cause anreasoaobt. obstt\l(:t1Oß to free øaviguloo, the said p;..mI..... will be ~ IIJ'CX1I1uc ootIœ, to remove or alter this wode or project hetcIo stated ~ ~a"s to the Town· . of.~td. '.' . 8, That the said Board will be aodEied b,- the Pumlttte at the <ioml"HIoa:òf ~ "WOdc &11th- orhed. 9, That the·PCm>Jttee will dItaIn aU other permits and ___li·dIu may be tcquhecl .p; pI-"" co chis permit wbIch _ybe .... ect ta cevoI<e upoo f.u- to obt:dø ..-. - ":" . . Albert ,J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Pohwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Han 53095 Route 25 P,Q. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 24, 2005 Mr. John Costello Costello Marine Contracting Corp. P.O, Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: VINCENT & EILEEN FLAHERTY 177 INLET WAY, SOUTHOLD SCTM#92-1-8 Dear Mr, Costello: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wed" August 24,2005 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of VINCENT & EILEEN FLAHERTY applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of South old, application dated July 5, 2005 and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 24, 2005, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, ---------- -------- -- --- -------- WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 2 . . WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOL VEO, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of VINCENT & EILEEN FLAHERTY to maintain and replace the existing marine structures, Construct 351' of new bulkhead immediately in front of and within 18" of existing bulkhead on south side of property, Remove and replace a portion of existing wooden deck to allow installation of backing system for bulkhead, Stabilize 60' of existing east bulkhead by installing HOPE sheathing below bottom stringer. Repair hole in short return section of existing east bulkhead using HOPE sheathing, all with the condition the fence on the east jetty is removed, there will be no turf behind the new bulkhead, and all disturbed areas are to be planted with Cape American Beachgrass, and all as depicted on the plan prepared by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. dated April 25, 2005. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed, Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection, (See attached schedule,) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, ~·I 9· ;¿.--¡~. t}. Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President Board of Trustees AJK/lms . . Albert J. Krupski, President. James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Tuwn Hall 53095 Rout.e 25 P.O. Box 1179 Sout.hold, Ne\\' York 11971-0959 Telephone (6311765-1892 Fax (631 I 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: 1..)( (l (f) fÍ1 <:f 6'c/ R Ò f\ '41 {ï h 01\ t1/ Please be advised that your application dated r; I 5:/0 f' reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of J' / d l.j /0 t- followin9 action was taken: has been and the ~.{Application Approved (see below) L-..) Application Denied (see below) L-..) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: ":> .,/ '4lniJ {llDfic1..Lðn ~ ..fSO, 00 ~d q\lÇ)O TOTAL FEES DUE: $ ~;B, ðO SIGNED: ~:)~'0 PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES Albert J. Krupski, President . James ICing, Vice· President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . Town HaIl 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line 1 sl day of construction % constructed v/ Project complete, compliance inspection. . . Telephone (631)765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., August 17,2005, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Jack McGreevy, seconded by Doris McGreevy, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board ofTrustees APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the Wetland Permit application of VINCENT & EILEEN FLAHERTY to maintain and replace the existing marine structures, Construct 351' of new bulkhead immediately in front of and within 18" of existing bulkhead on south side of property. Remove and replace a portion of existing wooden deck to allow installation of backing system for bulkhead. Stabilize 60' of existing east bulkhead by installing HOPE sheathing below bottom stringer. Repair hole in short return section of existing east bulkhead using HOPE sheathing, Located: 177 Inlet Way, Southold, SCTM#92-1-8 The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the Condition the bulkhead remains in line with the neighboring bulkheads and a 10' non-turf buffer is installed landward of the bulkhead. C¿.-h æ..~.~ d 7 .?r....-....-:Y--l'~r- Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Aug, 17, 2005 Field InspeCtion. . I,,~~ Aug. 17, 2005 Fìeld InspeCtio. . f ð\ h-"t-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '" Aug. 17, 2005 Field InspectiQ. Th I I I I I I I I í I I I I I I I I I I I I I I í I I J Field Inspectio. . he...' Aug. 17, 2005 Field !nspectio. . 1&'\ \...,!Lr+j . , . Vlnœl1t &. EìIeerI Flaherty 11 Iole!: Way - Cedar 13ead1, SOOt!!otd 6U1fd1ea¡å 10/5/04 . \ ----- . . 'I ~í z- , f., I' f ' . ,/ (-; II ',;-.< <0'\\:': ~. 'd _, . ~ ' ~ , ' (. ~~' . " ,: ~;\.. "i . ..'~ ,-~, < I . ,,". .'/'. '" .' .....,: -----r-------~, _." ./.... "'-t..\ /....~ /-------=-- . ~....(/. ,\ ~~ - ~ , .>---r.......-.,~_~ \'ì", I' J- -to I -~- ;1 .IJU1 , " I ,I o ~ I . : i ~ ~ , "~. "/.';>. . _h'- ei. ~!!! . a.?;;- *ii ;~j~ ~ii~ is "-- ~ uc~ o ,,~i , =n:· - ~g; :;1,11,111 ~; ;;: ~",,' :,11 I ':1'1' , ,! :d~¡; III'; I I ¡ ~ ~ -'-,; ; ¡ 1 j ~ -111'1 IIIIII '.!,,' I;H:: i III Ie,., I Ii I , ,-. ¡ j !J! _ :c. ~ ~ ,,_..,;;; ,¡ ;¡ ¡!Hd I' , Î': ~ !, ! : : ~ i..,¡. ~L'_"":' J . . MAIliNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE WCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.! Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLÀNN1NG BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~IIË I To: Town of South old Board of Trustees IG æ II u i'~fñìnl I 'I" ¡i ,_:"...1 From: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner L WRP Coordinator ~ I '0 lü'.) " ' ." ~ __JJ Date: August 22, 2005 i _____._.J '.:'1 Re: Proposed Wetland Pennit for Vincent Flaherty SCTM#IOOO- SCTM#92-1-8 This proposal involves the construction of a 351" of new bulkhead immediately in front of and within 18'" of existing bulkhead on south side of property, Remove and replace a portion of existing wooden deck to allow installation of backing system for bulkhead, Stabilize 60' of existing east bulkhead by installing HDPE sheathing below bottom stringer. Repair hole in short return section of existing east bulkhead using HDPE sheathing. Located: 177 Inlet Way, Southold. SCTM#92-1-8 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards, Based upon the infonnation provided on the L WRP Consistency Assessment F onn submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is generally CONSISTENT with the following Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the L WRP provided that the Board require any necessary amendments to the application and implement appropriate best management practices to further the below listed Policy Standards, Recommended Best Management Practices include: I, To further the intent of L WRP Policies 5, 6, and 8; protect water quality and the health of marine organisms; require that no CCA treated wood, oil based preservatives containine creosote (CRT) or pentachlorophenol (PCP). applied to the surface of wood materials shall be permitted in the construction materials of the structure. The applicant shall use a decav resistant alternative, Pursuant to Chapter 95, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written detennination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. [ Policy 3 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. . . Policv Standards 3.1 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. D. Use appropriate siting, scales, forms, and materials to ensure that structures are compatible with and add interest to existing scenic components. H. Protect the visual interest provided by active water-dependent uses. J Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes, public parks and public trust lands and waters, I. Limit water surface coverage or intrusion to the minimum amount necessary. 2. Limit alteration of shoreline elements which contribute to scenic quality, K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources, I. Maintain or restore original landforms except where altered landforms provide useful screening or contribute to scenic quality, 3, Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a. introduction of intrusive artificial light sources b. fragmentation of and structural intrusion into open space areas c, changes to the continuity and configuration of natural shorelines and associated vegetation NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policv Standards 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suggested: A. Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. I. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. a. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505,8, b. Avoid hazards by siting structures to maximize the distance from Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. . . c. Provide sufficient lot depth to allow relocation of structures and maintenance of required setbacks over a period of thirty years. 2, A void reconstruction of structures, other than structures that are part of a water-dependent use, damaged by 50% or more of their value in coastal hazard areas, 3. Move existing development and structures as far away from flooding and erosion hazards as practical. Maintaining existing development and structures in hazard areas may be warranted for: a. structures which functionally require a location on the coast or in coastal waters. b, water-dependent uses which cannot avoid exposure to hazards, c. sites in areas with extensive public investment, public infrastructure, or major public facilities, d. sites where relocation of an existing structure is not practical. 4. Provide public infrastructure in or near identified high velocity flood zones, structural hazard areas, or natural protective features only if the infrastructure: a. will not promote new development or expansion of existing development in: a Coastal Barrier Resource Area, except as provided in the Coastal Barrier Resource System Act; a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area; or a V-zone. b. is designed in a manner which will not impair protective capacities of natural protective features, and c, is designed to avoid or withstand damage from flooding and erosion 5, Manage development in floodplains outside of coastal hazard areas so as to reduce adverse environmental effects, minimize the need for future structural flood protection measures. or expansion of existing protection measures and to meet federal flood insurance program standards. B. Use vegetative non-structural measures to manage flooding and erosion hazards. I. Use vegetative non-structural measures which have a reasonable probability of managing flooding and erosion, based on shoreline characteristics including exposure, geometry, and sediment composition, 2, Use vegetative measures to increase protective capabilities of natural protective features. Discourage clearing of existing, particularly indigenous vegetation during siting, design, construction and regrading phases of any development project. 3. Discourage alteration of existing natural drainage contours and swales and encourage enhancement of those natural drainage features where they exist. C. Enhance existing natural protective features and processes, and use non-structural measures w¡'¡ch have a reasonable probability of managing erosion 1. Enhance the protective capabilities of beaches by using fill, artificial nourishment, dredge disposal, or by restoring coastal processes. a. Use only clean sand or gravel with a grain size equivalent to or slightly larger than the native material at the project site. . . b. Design criteria for enhancing the protective capabilities of beaches should not exceed the level necessary to achieve protection from a 30-year storm, except where there is an overriding public benefit. c. Provide for sand by-passing at engineered inlets or other shore protection structures to maintain coastal processes and protective capabilities of beaches. 3. Increase protective capacity of natural protective features using practical vegetative measures in association with all other enhancement efforts. D. Use hard structural erosion protection measures for control of erosion only where: l. Avoidance of the hazard is not appropriate because a structure is functionally dependent on a location on or in coastal waters; located in an area of extensive public investment; or reinforces the role of Maritime Centers or Areas for Concentrated Development. 2. Vegetative approaches to controlling erosion are not effective. 3. Enhancement of natural protective features would not prove practical in providing erosion protection. 4, Construction of a hard structure is the only practical design consideration and is essential to protecting the principal use. S. The proposed hard structural erosion protection measures are: a. limited to the minimum scale necessary b. based on sound engineering practices 6. Practical vegetative methods have been included in the project design and implementation. 7. Adequate mitigation is provided and maintained to ensure that there is no adverse impact to adjacent property or to natural coastal processes and natural resources and, if undertaken by a private property owner, does not incur significant direct or indirect public costs, 4.2 Protect and restore natural protective features. Natural protective geologic features provide valuable protection and should be protected, restored and enhanced, Destruction or degradation of these features should be discouraged or prohibited. A. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of6 NYCRR 505.8. B. Maximize the protective capabilities of natural protective features by: I, avoiding alteration or interference with shorelines in a natural condition 2, enhancing existing natural protective features 3. restoring the condition of impaired natural protective features wherever practical 4. using practical vegetative approaches to stabilize natural shoreline features 5. managing activities to limit damage to, or reverse damage which has diminished, the protective capacities of the natural shoreline . . 6. providing relevant signage or other educational or interpretive material to increase public awareness of the importance of natural protective features C. Minimize interference with natural coastal processes by: l. providing for natural supply and movement of unconsolidated materials and for water and wind transport 2. limiting intrusion of structures into coastal waters D. A limited interference with coastal processes may be allowed where the principal purpose of the structure is necessary to: l. simulate natural processes where existing structures have altered the coast 2, provide necessary public benefits for flooding and erosion protection 3. provide for the efficient operation of water-dependent uses Limited interference is to be mitigated to ensure that there is no adverse impact to adjacent property, to natural coastal processes and natural resources, and, if undertaken by a private property owner, does not incur significant direct or indirect public costs. 4.3 Protect public lands and public trust lands and use of these lands when undertaking all erosion or flood control projects. A. Retain ownership of public trust lands which have become upland areas due to fill or accretion resulting from erosion control projects, (However. in situations where erosion control projects have created public land uvdriti, but also resulted in damage or erosion to public lands and public trust lands downdriti of the control structure, the public benefit of that structure or project should be re- examined and appropriate modifications made as conditions suggest.) B. Avoid losses or likely losses of public trust lands or use of these lands, including public access along the shore, which can be reasonably attributed to or anticipated to result from erosion protection structures. C. Provide and maintain compensatory mitigation of unavoidable impacts on public tnlst lands and their use. 4,4 Manage navigation infrastructure to limit adverse impacts on coastal processes. A. Afanage stabilized inlets to limit adverse impacts on coastal processes. l. Include sand bypassing at all engineered or stabilized inlets which interrupt littoral processes. 2. Avoid extending jetties when it will increase disruption of coastal processes, 3. Consider removing existing jetties when they do not protect existing water-dependent uses and disrupt coastal processes. B. Design channel constnlction and maintenance to protect and enhance natural protective features and prevent destabilization of adjacent areas. . . c. Use clean dredged material as beach nourishment whenever the grain size of the dredged material is the same size or slightly larger than the grain size of the potential recipient beach. [ Policy 5 Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of South old. Policv Standards 5.1 Prohibit direct or indirect discharges that would cause or contribute to contravention of water quality standards. B. Prevent point source discharges into Southo/d's coastal waters and manage or avoid land and water uses that would: 2. cause or contribute to contravention of water quality classification and use standards, or 3. adversely affect receiving water quality, or 5.3 Protect and enhance quality of coastal waters. A. Protect water quality based on an evaluation of physical factors (pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved solids, nutrients, odor, color and turbidii}), health factors (pathogens, chemical contaminants, and toxicit», and aesthetic factors (oils, floatables, refuse, and suspended solids). C. Protect water qualii}' of coastal waters from adverse impacts associated with excavation,jìll, dredging, and disposal of dredged material. Policy 6 Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. Policv Standards 6.1 Protect and restore ecological quality throughout the Town of South old. A. Avoid adverse changes to the Long Island Sound and the Peconic Bay ecosystems that would result from impairment of ecological quality as indicated by: 2. Degradation of ecological components Degradation occurs as an adverse change in ecological quality, either as a direct loss originating within the resource area or as an indirect loss originating from nearby activities, Degradation usually occurs over a more extended period of time than physical loss and may be indicated by increased siltation, changes in community composition, or evidence of pollution, 3, Functional loss of ecological components Functional loss can be indicated by a decrease in abundance of fish or wildlife, often resulting from a behavioral or physiological avoidance response. Behavioral avoidance can be due to disruptive uses that do not . . necessarily result in physical changes, but may be related to introduction of recreational activities or predators, Timing of activities can often be critical in detennining whether a functional loss is likely to occur, Functional loss can also be manifested in physical tenns, such as changes in hydrology, C. Reduce adverse impacts on ecological quality due to development. I. Reduce adverse effects of existing development. 2. Mitigate impacts of new development. 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A, Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of I' he Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in Trustee pennit conditions. B. Comp(v ....'ith statutory and regulatory requirements of the State's wetland laws, I. Comply with regulatory requirements of the Stream Protection Act for the excavation or placement of fill in all wetlands that are adjacent to and contiguous at any point to any of the navigable waters of the state, and that are inundated at mean high water level or tide, 3. Comply with the regulatory requirements of the Tidal Wetlands Act for the protection of mapped tidal wetlands including coastal fresh marsh; intertidal marsh; coastal shoals, bars and flats; high marsh or salt meadow; littoral zones; and fonnerly connected tidal wetlands. 6.4 Protect vulnerable fish, wildlife, and plant species, and rare ecological communities. A. Protect vulnerable fish and wildlife species, 1. Vulnerable fish and wildlife species are those listed in regulation 6 NYCRR Part 182.5 as Endangered Species, Threatened Species, and Special Concern Species. 2, Review existing species records and field survey proposed development sites, at the appropriate times, for the presence of listed species or conditions that meet their habitat requirements, 3, Protect habitat of listed species identified through field surveys or other methods during all stages of their life cycles. B. Protect vulnerable plant species, I. Vulnerable species are those listed in regulation 6 NYCRR Part 193.3 as Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Exploitable Vulnerable Species, and Rare Species, 2. Review existing species records and field survey proposed development sites, at the appropriate times, for the presence of listed species or conditions that meet their habitat requirements, 3. Protect habitat identified by the occurrence of a listed species during all stages of their life cycles, . . C. Protect rare ecological communities. I. Rare ecological communities to be protected include: a, communities that qualify for a Heritage State Rank of SI or S2; and b. communities that qualify for both a Heritage State Rank of S3, S4 or S5; and an Element Occurrence Rank of A, (See The Natural Coast for an explanation of Heritage State Ranks). 2. Review existing ecological community records and field survey sites potentially affected by proposed development for the presence of rare ecological communities, 3, Protect rare ecological communities, Use appropriate design and development of land and water uses that will integrate or be compatible with the identified ecological community. 4. Use the most up-to-date infonnation available on the structure and the function of rare ecological communities as a factor in detennining open space requirements of a project. Policy 8 Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes, 8.3 Protect the environment from degradation due to toxic pollutants and substances hazardous to the environment and public health. A. Prevent release of toxic pollutants or substances hazardous to the environment that would have a deleterious effect on fish and wildlife resources. B. Prevent environmental degradation due to persistent toxic pollutants by: 1. limiting discharge ofbio-accumulative substances, 2. avoiding re-suspension of toxic pollutants and hazardous substances and wastes, and avoiding reentry of bio-accumulative substances into the food chain ITom existing sources, WORKING COAST POLICIES I Policy 10 Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. Policy Standards 10.3 Allow for continuation and development of water-dependent uses within the existing concentration of maritime activity in harbors, inlets and creeks. In addition to Mattituck Inlet and Creek and the Village of Greenport, important concentrations of water-dependent uses are located at Orient Point, Orient hamlet, Gull Pond. Mill CreeklBudds Pond, Town/Jockey Creek, New Suffolk, James Creek and West Harbor. Individual marinas and other water-dependent uses are located outside of the concentrations of maritime activity, A. Ensure that public actions enable these harbors, inlets and creeks to continue to fimction as concentrations of water-dependent uses. . . B. Protect and enhance the economic, physical, cultural, and environmelllal attributes which make up the character of these harbors, inlets and creeks. 10.5 Provide sufficient infrastructure for water-dependent uses. A. Provide adequate navigation inji-astructure. 1. Protect and maintain existing public and private navigation lanes and channels which provide access to the Town's water-dependent uses. 2. Maintain necessary public and private channels and basins at depths consistent with the needs of water-dependent uses. Discontinue or modify navigation channel or basin maintenance dredging where project depths exceed vessel needs 3. Limit in-water and overhead obstructions that impede commercial, industrial, and recreational navigation. 7. Give priority to commercial or industrial navigation in determining rights to navigable waters where commercial or industrial navigation activity exists. 8, Provide for services and facilities to facilitate commercial, industrial, and recreational navigation, I Policy 11 Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters, Policy Standards 11.1 Ensure the long-term maintenance and health of living marine resources. A, Ensure that commercial and recreational uses of living marine resources in the Town of Southold are managed in a manner that: I. places primary importance on maintaining the long-term health and abundance of marine fisheries, 6, restricts commercial and recreational activities, including the use of certain gear types, gear sizes and practices that have negative impacts on marine habitats, C. Foster the occurrence and abundance of the Town's marine resources through: I, protection of spawning grounds, habitats, and water quality, 11.2 Provide for commercial and recreational use of the Town of Southold's finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, aud marine plants. A. Afaximize the benefits of marine resource use so as to provide: I. a valuable recreational resource experience, C. Protect the public health and the marketability of marine and fishery resources by: . . 4. maintaining and improving water quality of fishery and marketable marine resources to protect public health, Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18'12 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only coastal Erosion Permit Application ---wetland Permit Application ---Grandfather Permit Application WaiVer/Amendment/Ch~geS ~ceived Application: 7/ or -Recei ved Fee: $ ..l~1).... ompleted Application 1/~}or- Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ---- ~AC Referral sent:~o~ te, of Inspection: 1110\ Rece1pt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~blic Hearing Held:~¡Q{ Resolution: L ~ fB) ~ ~ ~ ~ VJ [E .1,:" 1Jl) JUL 5 2005 Southold To\\'Ji Bùard of Trustl'p:: Name of Applicant Address J() wesJ- <sf{~ef Apf. ;Z1q Nt.w ~t't. Aly IÒOo4 Phone Number: (,]/;;¡) 78tß - Oßq 0 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - q{J -/ - 8 Property Location: 177 Inlt! J¡¡/Í1Jl ~nld tJr 1197/ / ' - ...-.- (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and löcation) AGENT: ~~(lýLYIt'. IL!._rL/> ~(I,). (If applicable) Ullli.UAkUlI.f [ ~ c¡ ~ A)<:' '\ \,p' - Address: P~~:~~~~~~5 1 , . . Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice~President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Han 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (63lì 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-~fø/o'll BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOlD ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of , ''''''I, _!.Xn~M__~__i~(.AM'L~~_Ju.1~---- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I. AR'T1ItALJ. W./C{t>£ , residing at /Þ #f#'(7f!IJl87ÜI'- W;k)'A/1fjf f:~ /0-1,.../ //7"7. . being duly swom, depose and say: That on the Zßday ofJr,M,'f ' 2005Ípersonally posted the property known as /77 /..,c.sr """.t~ ~,r".ø,MÝo //'7/ by placing the Board of rustees official poster wher~ it can easily be seen, and that I ha\'e checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days ptior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held {lJAI. l'11.Lt! . &.f.aos ' ~a 1 1;00 /bftl, Dated: rJ/Z't/ð~- @1iP? (sign ture) SwW\ to bif9re me this o-'7Jday of~200b n ¡ 1/'\ ~\i fl U ~ I ù:J/ ~v6- ~ublic - L CYNTHIA M, MANWARING NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO:01 MA61 00507 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUN~ COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 20 ~ . . ~~'~'':~~".. > \~ f J", , ~..,..c.t. . . ~'---!J(__. ''-'':': £'<'{... -"-'-'-' ---'-~---"-" NOTICE OF"'HEARING ...anar:t!OH[,lpaVI:>oWtN'~qr-f'k""'''''''''I'''''..,..'''''iI~oN. 5Ö11tH(AD aG-MIO t)f 1~~~... ....., f.:...... Hai. ~']O'P., K...." .~. ~.tIÞ"IooIi ~~..~ .. .-.,." - ..., ..~ ......... .',,~- 0,1;, _ ," ~. ,~-'~-' ,jf' : lI!"!y,. "<.'.=.'e . ._~... -. ~~~~:" , . ",,;,";<,!,;.~..::.,~. ~..- " , :\'::':/i.. "'" ;j~.:; '.-:-;-1II1_..r11 ~ -"1.;. >"" . ~.i;': ':.:. . . --,. ',-' ~ ,',,- ~ ":-':. . ,: , .-,..-- . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: V"NC::ÐJlrét¿~ F¿A¡'¡~I SCTMIflOOO- '12- /-ð YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permi t from the Board of Trustees to: c"".M>n<ucT -:3~/ '-j: <V'" ""..1.<.) B~c.,'¿~ /'''',"=,,<In;,.Z-y /µ- ~ OF .4--, U//f'#/~ 1tf'''OF o'H>r,-./t:; &c.,~~ 0"-' ã;.vm 5",~"" op í=~.5'T7?~,C/gtP ':;ð/ro..,. =""'r~\; é=~ $"'c."".~L.",,::> A"-"? ;;;?~,..e. ~... ",-,8""''''''- 'R.f£7Þ~ :$"~c:.mMY Of'" ~ :B",c.,,,,rk.~ 2 . Tha t Rev iew.-.is follows: the property which is the subject of Environmental located adjacent to your property and is described as /77 /~~ J<.lAý ~~W::> A/.ý/I"17¡ 3, That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on:W~ 8/;~;b~~ You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing, The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: 0H<""""f~H/9'_;r-ry MAILING ADDRESS: /0 cÞé¡<;r S'r. APT 23('~ /-1"6<-</ 7o",C.' ,I./."¡-. /f)'1107" PHONE #: Ene,: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience, 5~ / TI'T/C.C/ C; . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: f· Lr..-v ~ V,¡U¡/AJI>4 A¿G=/ P. D. 13,,¡c f"Z3 ::h>vnh>'-? /VI, II "!71 3. ~.-?~ j¿;"""~,.:¡-.J /;/ A/fFI6-z..r.:;;:s Ú/.....G é7ÆBt:S7<Jc.u/~ C::-r: 0 G B'31 ~/ /1? ""A:.~ 2,s¿y.v é--Sr's ~~Y<.J,N.Ý. 1/5l(, ~. c/-ht:I)~p~ -7- /1144-1 í-?A STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~fwt. J. f.1J#<.;7?!sT<- /6 "..¡.~~/<- å/""O"v~æ~ IV.-?'- /t'?9Z- , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the :L-? day of ,Á.,¿.., ~~;-, deponent mailed a true/copy of the No~ice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of tne above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at 6&~PO~~~' , that said Notices were mailed to each of said perso s by (certified) (registered) mail, , residing at 'Ì Of ,w-.., Sworn to before me this c""¿ day of ~bè¡ \. " ,~:;¡C:('¿ '0-- , } ..) CYNTHIA M, MANWARING C\ ~" \ '\' r "OTARY PUBLIC. SJATEOF NEW YORK _ \~~~ '\.1 h'-O. '\,Uu< G...~ NO:01 MA61 00507 ~ Nota~ Ptfbl1c ' . '.' () - QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNT'l-ì COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT, 20 f..LI: . . U,S, Postal Service", :. CERTIFIED MAIL,., RECEIPT U1 _ (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) o Ul r~~II":. .'.IIII,J 'II"ir.I'.'''tI.'I'I. jo. ,T:TIr;:w:¡.'I j .T l SllJJII«I.D, tIT l1971 . , .-'I .- IT' Poslage $ 0.60 LWIT ID: 0944 Certified Fee 2,30 'lurnRecejptFee Postmark emenlRequired) 1. 75 Here :tad Delivery Fee Clerk: KWXH7S ementRequlred) Postage & Fees $ 4,65 07/'29/05 IT1 o o R< D !Endor~ D Reslrlc [J"" (EndOŒ '" ru Tolal .T c:::J Sent To o ~.¡. 0_/NI'" A £ ~/ ["'- Strëëf.ïJ,pfNÕ:;--;::;nuhn----nnu---n-----nnuuohu-----..... ___h______. o. PO BOK No. 1 ,0·,80';<: 1:23 citjr:-stãië:-Žípt.4--·_·-----------·0._---------_.h.-----------..---------...--------... .5øcr1?k>c.O, ^,.ý. .1197/ PS Form 3800 June 2002 Sf'!' rh "erse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service", o CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT o ...n (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) o IT1 o o o o IT' '" ru " Postage $ 0.60 LWIT ID: 0944 Certified Fee Poslmark Return Receipt Fee 1.75 Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KWX1f7S (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4.65 07/'29/05 U1 .T .-'I IT' ~ t:J Sent To t:J ____~~~!.l!t?d.fa5-:_-t_J!}:!!~..E!.~.._n._____________________.___n.. r- Street, Apt. No.; ~ / A- or PO Box No. ";r 1":5,,1,F/GZ-OS L¡q_er cirY~-Siãt8;zip+;¡·············-··-······················............-..-.----.-......- C?I2bt;7U"'n~'¡ Cr. ðG8'31 PS Form 3800 June 2002 See Reverse lor Instructlon~ ['- .-'I ..D o U.S. Postal Service"" CERTIFIED MAIL", RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) U1 .T .-'I IT' , ,..,.". F '" .. Postage S 0.60 IJUT 10: 0944 Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.75 H,", (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee CIeri<: KWXH7S (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 4,65 07/'29/05 IT1 o o o o IT '" ru .T t:J l::;entTo o ¡í20~~1 - j:::ÃPt:.,q,,"-, r- ~~::::O~::~/u;;;;;~;;~.--~~-:;,:.:.~~~------..-.......... c¡rY~-Stãt8;Zf~------uun---..-----.-~-----h-h---n------n---.------u----u. /C:-s;¿.ý....- .N.v. //57(" :11 ( . 817.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only . PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION /To be comDleted bv A mlicant or Project Sponsorl 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME =o5~o m4le,w. ~,Acrll¥~ ~¡cp. V,.....c....-r ..4"'0 €/~t!T6"-/ r<-A<Jt!!!le:TY 3. PROJECTLOCA TlON: Municipality 5~ o,,~ County '5v~o~ 4 PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road Intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) /77 -TN-...r W,¡Jý -S~oc.r.:>.IV''Ý.11<f7/ -S'.C, roM, /000 - "Z-/-ð 5. PROPOSED ACTION IS: o New 0 ExpanskJn D Modiflcadonlalteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: ~/wr~AJAÞ-lC. PIfnlC/i11r ro !.A¿J,A/r.A,,,,, .AHO R~,,Ac,, ev./ST,IV1.dRI"'¡5 " ~vCT"t-'ÆI!!IS. c::::1:>"vS'77tllucr-.35/ 'rQ<il"'Naz-ße.'I'CI+SV:>/M~~"''Tð''t.y .II" F~roF'ANðw/77"'''-I /(3 CJF t'E~/S'7: ...ee,.G/~""'_""""~Ø,-v.s::-~'r'f"I<I_~"'..ç\. -¡c P~¡OIIt67CT...., R~ol/,.A/~f,.;)..e~.crqA ~/O"-'O~ (5;</Sr:. ,¡-./OðOenv~ 7'Þ Au,oQ,.J Av#r~A,"ø-JOF ðll/c,c,...,o, S'Y$7W7""1 ~ 15Ø'(;,N:~o..sr""..,/t:.loE6 G:to'.roFI!:~.ðC.C/c;.,~r~.::> ..ey/_S'r..,sc:.c.,......., H"'O¡Øt!I':I""~Þ-I,.......c, ...er.r.Ot:A-J"ðc :::S:,?7e,~~. t:2(ÐO~,~ ~~.. /-./ '::!1~r,Æ.~A^", ~,.ø_.p ~ A!!Iut.../ft:.Þ<IM JI'ty=a v~ M, 'M SA"&,Ar.LJ1'-'¡tf,. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially - c, - acres Ultimatety _ II!:\. - acres 8. WILL ~OSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~ Yes 0 No If No. desaibe briefly 9. WHA~RESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? 111 Residential 0 Industrial 0 Commercial 0 Agric:ufbJre D Park/Forest/Open Space Describe: ?7,cIVA,..- --::::¡?es/~Cr;;¡ - ¿"¡"T'E7C.~ OOlt1er '0. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING. NOW OR UL TIMATEL Y FROM ANY OTHER GOVS.RNMENTAL AGENCY (~5P"'L. STATE OR LOCAL)? l..!:::rves D No If Yes. list agency(s) name and permit/approvals: "...,vS S Acoe, DoS, ~~ ~..... op Sø...""¡"GC 11. DOES ANY ASPEC~~HE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? DYes l11'"No If Yes. list agency(s) name and permit/approvals: 12. AS A RESULT OF P~SED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITIAPPROVAL REQUIRE MODI FICA TlON? DYes l!1 No I CERTIFY TH~ THE INFO~MATION PROVI~D ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicantlsponsorname: /~-..... ß"""'.;.o-. CJ,e,"J. Date: ~¿$"-O~ __ .x - - r _ ~ ....""... p,..,<,_Siø~ SignabJre~ ..........- _"''''1_ ~ --....... If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Fo"" before proceeding with this assessment OVER f Reset 0\ , COSTELLO M~ I >IE C()' T. ( PMON~ NU. . Q~L ~rl ~UYW ....;,..- ~-- "--~ A,..,...."_a.:;,I~' _ ".c.:'i...k!U......,L: . , . ¡-'II _ j¡¡-t] --=--~ -- COSTElLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATI01\ DOCK BUILDING. JETTlI!S . BULKHEADlNG . STEEL" WOOO PlUNG . FLOATS 423FiI'THSTI'IEET· P.o.øox212C. CIRII¡I!NPORf,NEWYOR!tI',"' (SSI) øT-1,. I 4T7·,3III1 47700812 , FI\X(UI)417.ooo Al1JIInII"....'I'InJI- I. Ç;Ü~ FL rI~;(T'¡ _of í7~ r ..... '" -... -A. -,n"lll"t.) IWIIMii' . locl2lKhlt 177 lHc.rw..y. s:..,"",~ #''Y' II~" . do hereby giw ("-no t.fIIziœ ea......... CoIp. tile II\IIIIøIitJ 10 I&1t . .... ÎII my be!lalfiD çplyfltf 1Vr all 0(.... DI( I I -I pllDlÍrs fbr wœt 10 be _pIeIød at rrri __ lI.A...-i~I:). A -:r i6f~/()Ç (:7 :.......~ ~-:L.~x:..~ ~.....;.. , ---~ -- _. ~ J\¡¡alJBH B¿1>·O~ SO Z;Z; JOV Town of Southold . . VI~1d- PkLktth¡ L WRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FOR,'VI :\" INSTRUCTIONS 1., All appJicams for pennits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall cOl11pkte ¡¡lis CCAF tor proposed actions that are subject to the Town of South old Waterrront Consistency Rel'iew L;l\\ This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions ineluding Bllilding PO'll/i/5 and a/her minis/erial pennils not located wilhin the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this foml should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of SoutlwId Local Waterrront Revitalization Program. A proposed action wiII be evaluated as to its si¡,~1ilìcant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of South old TOII11). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, moditìed prlor [0 nuking J determiilation that it is consistent to the maxirntun extent practicable with the L \YR.P policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the L WR.P policy standards and conditions, it shalI not be undertaken. A copy of the L \VRP is available in the folIowing places: online at the Town of Southold's \I ebsire (southoldtownnorthfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning De¡xmmeru, all loud libraries and the TOII11 Clerk's office. SCTM# qJ. / o fõ)~~~~~~~ m1 JUL 2 8 2005 [gl B, DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate respons ): Town Board D Planning Dept. D Building Dept. D I. Category of Town of South old agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e,g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) o o (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant; loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: rxr Nature and extent of action: JM.I.I1.'k~(f- pm1liU 10 ~flli:dnfJÆ awl (e~lare. ex(~ tW1~IV1~ ~dlæs. .fodr.ucf 0/7/1 t ot VIf.LÙ ~eœt '"AlVfdla~ U\ -WölAf of- aw1~ Ie" ¡ eaJ ð't\ ~ -7lde of. ~ ~~eh additional sheets ifneeessa. . Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria DYes 0 No ~ Not Applicable Anaeh additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No 0 NotA , ~S. t1(~J1~ i<; dekll!lCYaf~ ~s. ~.. ~neVtJ ~ \1JlU (ru-k~(Ae ~ ~wL ~A h dd" h ~WILI =s eets 1 necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria DYes 0 No ~Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of South old I ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. o Yes ~NoD Not Applicable . . . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, .the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See L WRP Section 111- Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. DYes D No [Xi Not Applicable Attach addiÜonal sheets if necessary Policy 12, Protect agricultural lands in the Town of South old. See L WRP Section 111- Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. DYes D NO'Ø Not Applicable Attach .1dditional sheets ifnecessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. DYes D No ~ Not Applicable Created on 5125/05 11:20 AAl ,~ aA.Ý $ ~-·ì Or.,D OrB 50 f! 0 G B A. Y rJ E C 1< ßeach cedo.r'nt po' fØlQ,.,.JlScT ¿.·--T'...., ~~.. V/C /W/T..,.. A1AP ~ ." , .. 5'--- PltzOjOo.eo: I~· , ..,~~ PBlUltT", MAlNrA,H "-I!«IN-Al:. GIuSTo ........ ~ e:::.....,,,..~ 3$,' ';! .,.. ,v.w ,oc;'~"'..AO ,'__,~y ",.., .....~.. ""'O'.A~ WI'rW,'N /8 'oF S~r--. ~"'þ .iV 110_* S,~ ¥" P.c.~ .~ove ANI:> .RI'_"'C..oI PøArFrÞJ GFe1USr,...;c, WI#ØOðAl~C roA~"'" /~"'_-"~"" ¥' ....CJC-. ~v..,_.ç í"ioc ~'~"'eAr.>. $7OtIIII/~ ~0'.2': ~ .~1/1OOIf1" Silsr /S"""'HtStIr.> AIY /NSrA"_... N,.,.", DØ.·fS,rY__£Y""~c.e!N'Iã ("HDP.) ~Ni!iJTH'~ _'8.,""W..eo~ 3rPA<JIth""', ~/12 #_ /,.¿ :5Hð,t:Zr Rt!'7V"rJIN ::Þ-=rIO,v Dr ~)Û.s;r/AJC.. 4"4:sr /! ~&IIc:> ~$u.19 #t:>PE .s~"'NoNolOo, '" . . .'. . '':Y·~.:-r'''~i) "'.' h-~ '1Ii'", ,.i.t ~:~:.. c.... ~:~) ( h.J:'>,'¡ ~..: Ac>c::S"'~ : 115.... ,..,...~po. L/S'Hðr 'SA11&_/.:raJ&# ~,.y 4..A .0. rMaOUG.,. ARr-'c-'c:A.N13 P-/'WATY, """""I): t'Q I-'OJ? -J~'(')¡/0 ¡'"n: SÞ'i/.~.5.£tc ApP(.tGAIoI'T ------ 3 ~....-o ..,-: VINCENT ç:J.A~ERT'" /0 ~4II'Sr ~, ~.-r.S~G .1'<4'._ 'r"ø,cll:., _,y. /0004- /77 Ao.......A, -~ $DCI~ .....y. "'7' S .C.T:N "'..0 - 9R- 1- .. A~,.~~~P'''&'.J .......1,11..: ~_~ f/l!ø.~.""~ "C "'''-~9'--''; ""-)I. 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