HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-05/24/2005SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 24, 2005 4:30 P.M. A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York. Supervisor Horton opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Councilman Daniel C. Ross Councilman William P. Edwards Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Patricia A. Finnegan Absent: Councilman John M. Romanelli SUPERVISOR HORTON: Welcome to the May 24, 2005 public meeting of the Southold Town Board. Please rise and join with me in the Pledge of Allegiance. There are portions of this meeting dedicated to the public to give the public the opportunity to address the Town Board, first being prior to the Town Board voting on any of the resolutions that are on our agenda this evening, the public will have the opportunity to address the Town Board in regard to any of those resolutions. Also, at the conclusion of our voting on resolutions and town business, we offer the floor to address the Town Board on general town business and other town related matters. And also I believe we have two public hearings this evening and there will be time for the public to address the Board on those specific public hearings. If we could move forward with the approvals and then I have got a presentation I would like to make. Southold Town Board 2 May 24, 2005 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the following Town bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $141,817.46; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $4,840.88; Risk Retention Fund bills in the amount of $1,537.80; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $143,394.46; Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of $6,515.01; Community Preservation Fund (2% tax) bills in the amount of $5,978.26; New London Terminal Project bills in the amount of $295,936.77; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $39,684.33; Refuse & Garbage District bills in the amount of $88,368.24; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $691.60; Southold Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $67.09 and Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $89.07. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the April 26, 2005 Regular Town Board Meeting be and hereby are declared approved. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the next Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held June 7, 2005 at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York at 7:30 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. I. REPORTS 1. Town Clerk Monthly Report March 2005 2. Town Clerk Monthly Report April 2005 3. Board of Town Trustees April 2005 4. Southold Town Justice, Bruer April 2005 5. Southold Town Justice, Evans April 2005 6. Southold Town Justice, Price April 2005 7. North Fork Animal Welfare League, Financial Statement 1st qtr. ended 3/31/05 & 3/31/04 8. North Fork Animal Welfare League, Financial Statements December 31, 2004 9. Southold Animal Shelter Shelter Report April 2005 II. PUBLIC NOTICES None III. COMMUNICATIONS None Southold Town Board 3 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Before proceeding too much further, in regard to addressing the Town Board, we just ask that you do so from one of the two stations located at the front of the meeting hall and state your name and residence clearly into the microphone so we can have that as part as our public record. Next is a special presentation that I am very honored to be a part of, I would ask that our Town Historian Antonia Booth come forward. Toni, as we all know her and love her dearly, has been the Southold Town Historian since 1987 and recently she has been recognized and certified, for lack of a better word, with a prominent organization called the 'Association of Public Historians of New York State' and as I come forward, I will explain a little bit more about this. Before I explain a little bit about this organization, I want to draw some attention to the great work that Toni has done, not only in archiving and documenting the (inaudible) our town history but Toni has been very involved with organizations and individuals who have been conducting research and have been in need of a point, be pointed in the right direction to obtain information for a whole host of projects related to Southold Town history. There is no better person in town to go to who knows the history of Southold dating back to the early 1600's. I am sure she knows something about years prior to that as well. I have had the honor of also knowing Toni my entire life. She is a very dear and close family friend. She and my mom used to raise a lot of heck together. So, Toni is a dear friend of my family, a dear friend of the Town, a wealth of information. She is responsible for most of the pictures being hung throughout Town Hall. She is also co-author, I believe the correct title of the book entitled "Greenport" that she wrote in conjunction with Thomas Monsell, which is a fantastic book and I encourage any of you to purchase it and read it and keep it in your collection of important, local literature. But this is, I have it written down so I get it exactly right. In New York State as this reported from the Association of Public Historians in New York State, there are 1,400 registered historians and fewer than 3% of those, is that correct .... ANTONIA BOOTH, SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIAN: There are 1,400 municipal historians. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct and there are only two registered historians in all of Long Island, one of them being Toni. So Toni is officially one of the registered historians on Long Island and her store, her knowledge and her background extends far beyond Long Island as she has become recognized in organizations such as this. So, fewer than 3% of New York State's 1,400 registered historians are actually registered. So it is a great honor that Toni works with the Town and is recognized as one of the very few registered historians and I think that it is also fitting that she be one of the few registered historians because we all know that Southold Town is the oldest English speaking settlement in the State of New York. So, thank you for continuing to make us proud. MS. BOOTH: Thank you very much. I am very proud to work for the Town of Southold and I am very happy to represent everyone who lives here. SUPERVISOR HORTON: And we have from the Association of Public Historians of New York State a certificate acknowledging this achievement and from the great Town of Southold, we also have a certificate of congratulations and acknowledgement for this. MS. BOOTH: Oh, how nice. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Absolutely. I also have another, Toni, thank you again for taking the time to come out this evening. I also have another communication from Stephen Mudd, the owner and Southold Town Board 4 May 24, 2005 operator of Mudd Vineyards. "Dear Mr. Horton, This letter is to acknowledge the professionalism and helpfulness of Mr. Bruno Semon in the Planning Department in Southold Town. We at Mudd Vineyards have had the opportunity to interact with Mr. Semon on many occasions. He has always made himself available to us by telephone or in person for answers to questions that we have had related to various projects. We certainly appreciate this type of cooperation from a town employee. Please pass on our thanks to Mr. Semon for all his efforts." And I wanted to make that know to the people of Southold Town. That is one of many similar types of communications that I have gotten in recent months about the Planning Department, Mr. Terry and Anthony Trezza, Valerie and also about a number of members of the Building Department as well. So I always like to acknowledge when I get those letters, it means a lot to the Town Board, so I like to recognize people for the good job and thank those who take the time to acknowledge it. At this point, I offer the floor to the public to address the Board on any of the resolutions we have before us this evening. Mr. Carlin? FRANK CARLIN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the Board. I have my black book. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Good evening, Mr. Carlin. MR. CARLIN: 223, on that issue here... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes. That authorizes and directs me, the Supervisor, to execute an agreement with CompuSolve Government Solutions LLC for MinuteTraq software. That will be at $535 a month and this resolution has to be, this contract has to be approved by the Town Attorney. Essentially what this system will do is it will provide a tremendous streamlining process for town departments to interact with each other and streamline the creation of the resolution process and assure that things are even more well-documented than they already are and actually the Town Clerk, Betty Neville, did a lot of research on these systems and a couple of townships in the state have made use of this and improved their record keeping capabilities tenfold. It is another, actually, great piece of technology that Betty has brought to our attention. TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: Thank you. MR. CARLIN: What do you mean by review, in connection with the proposed new animal shelter? SUPERVISOR HORTON: I am sorry, what resolution are you on? MR. CARLIN: I am on 325. SUPERVISOR HORTON: 325? Okay, that is, as you move forward with a project of this nature, let's take for example the Animal Shelter. A legal requirement is that the Town conduct a SEQRA review on the project. This is simply a legal step that is in conjunction with the overall project. SEQRA stands for State Environmental Quality Review Act. MR. CARLIN: How long will that take? Southold Town Board 5 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Not very long at all, actually. This should, I would imagine, be done in a very short period of time and movement on this project isn't dependent on a timeframe associated with this SEQRA, so we will be able to proceed as planned while this is running on a parallel track. MR. CARLIN: If you know what puzzles me a little bit here is a Board meeting that I was at last, your resolution said that you finalized the Animal Shelter plans, am I right? SUPERVISOR HORTON: We adopted, please feel free, you have worked hard on this, I will let you speak to it. MR. CARLIN: You were going to go then, in the future, out for bidding. Am I right on that? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Yes. We adopted the schematic, or a concept plan. Now the architect and engineers are preparing the bid documents based on that. SUPERVISOR HORTON: They are putting together the construction documents so we can put it out to bid. MR. CARLIN: Okay. But something....(inaudible) in the May 5th of the Suffolk Times, page 18, Mr. Richter stated "The Town has yet to prepare the final design for either the Town Hall or the Animal Shelter". Now... SUPERVISOR HORTON: The design... MR. CARLIN: (Inaudible) you finalized it at the Board meeting. Is this a misquote here or what? SUPERVISOR HORTON: I am not sure about the timing of that comment... MR. CARLIN: (Inaudible) Board meeting. November the 5th, the Board meeting... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Excuse me, Mr. Carlin, Mr. Carlin? The question you are asking, is there an adopted design and the answer is yes. There is an adopted design and the finn that we have retained to do the engineering and architecture of the plan is now in a position, or is establishing or putting together the construction documents. You have to have construction documents to put it out to bid. So that process is under way. MR. CARLIN: Well, what does design mean? Does design mean, you know, construction? You are designing something? SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct. You have your design, this is what it is going to look like, these are the dimensions and now you have to put very specific construction blueprints and schematics together so you can set it out to bid. So it can be built. MR. CARLIN: I know I received a final plan of it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Right, so... Southold Town Board 6 May 24, 2005 COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: But that final plan doesn't include things like, you know the color of the carpeting and things like that, that are part of the internal design. JUSTICE EVANS: The size of the pipes, that kind of stufl~ SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yeah, it is a little bit more than the carpeting.. COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: Well, I am using that as an example. MR. CARLIN: I will finish this off by saying, what I am saying about here is that is some more red tape is going to get involved on the way down to home plate. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mr. Carlin? MR. CARLIN: That is what I am decided and what I have seen for umpteen years. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, the SEQRA, be it red tape or not red tape is a legal requirement, a legal requirement that we have to comply with and it in no way jeopardizes the time frames associated with getting the animal shelter completed. MR. CARLIN: Okay then, your bidding will be in the future now. Maybe what, two months to go out for bid, before you know? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes. We, hopefully we should be able to put it out to bid this summer, I believe. Is that correct? COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: That is correct. MR. CARLIN: You go out for bids in the summer and you accept the bids in the summer and you said that you perhaps could break ground by in the fall. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I believe so. COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: That is the plan. MR. CARLIN: You hope. COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: Yes. MR. CARLIN: Because if you miss that one, that means that you are going to go almost through the winter without... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mr. Carlin, with your support, with your support and help, we will definitely make this happen. Southold Town Board May 24, 2005 MR. CARLIN: Okay Josh. equipment operator and a construction operator positions? 7 Okay. Resolution 326 and 327 and 328, what is it that between a to SUPERVISOR HORTON: 326 is promoting from Automotive Equipment Operator, AEO, Automotive Mechanic. MR. CARLIN: Okay. Now how about the other one, 327? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Heavy Equipment Operator to the position of Construction Equipment Operator, as a Construction Equipment Operator, I believe as the civil service guidelines go, you are qualified and therefore allowed to operate more equipment than one would be permitted to operate under the title of Heavy Equipment Operator. MR. CARLIN: It is a different rating? SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct. MR. CARLIN: You were stepped up. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct. That is correct. MR. CARLIN: More pay? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes. MR. CARLIN: That is the same with the other one? SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct, they are promotions. MR. CARLIN: Okay. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well deserved promotions. MR. CARLIN: I am questioning that. I am just saying I figured it was a promotion and that promotions should require an increase in the pay. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, sir. MR. CARLIN: That is all I have for now. Till I get back to my black book here. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, Mr. Carlin. Any other comments on the resolutions, questions? Yes, Mrs. Egan. JOAN EGAN: Good evening, everybody. Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ross, Mr. Horton, Mrs. Neville, Mr. Wickham, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Finnegan. Happy Memorial day, everybody. Note the flags and the flower. Good. Before I address... Southold Town Board 8 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: This is from Mrs. Egan, in case you were wondering. MS. EGAN: (inaudible) SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, this is here for the meeting. MS. EGAN: No charge, no deposit. What constitutes public works? Who is in charge of... SUPERVISOR HORTON: What resolution are you referring to? MS. EGAN: That is before I address any. Public works? Who is in charge of public works? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Jim McMahon is the Director of Public Works. MS. EGAN: He needs a big wake-up call. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. MS. EGAN: I think I have told that to you and to both of your girls. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Excuse me, Mrs. Egan, I don't have girls working in my office. I have two assistants who you know well. MS. EGAN: Darling, we women call ourselves girls until the day we die. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. MS. EGAN: Okay. Now, now, what is number 308 all about? SUPERVISOR HORTON: 308 enables the Town to reap the benefits of some grant funding that we were awarded under the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan, I believe this is a reimbursement. MS. EGAN: Okay. And 309? SUPERVISOR HORTON: The same. MS. EGAN: Okay. Now, 310, that sounds like we got a lot of money. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, it is $1,464,735 to be used for preservation. This is federal funding that Congressman Bishop secured for the Town... MS. EGAN: Good. SUPERVISOR HORTON:....in association with Long Island Sound Coastal Preservation. Southold Town Board 9 May 24, 2005 MS. EGAN: Good. Well, I hope that everyone there and here is aware that we are on for seven hurricanes and I hope that some of this funds will go to someone writing an article on the tsunami and things like that. I think some of that money should be earmarked for help for us. Seven hurricanes out here with our roads in the shape they are in, we are in major trouble. And number 312, (inaudible) SUPERVISOR HORTON: It is just correcting the language of the resolution appointing this gentleman as a seasonal Southold Town Police Officer. MS. EGAn: Okay now on 313, I noticed that there are at two to three changes for the Human Resource Center. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, there are changes here and these are, thank goodness we have wonderful people in this community who regularly donate monetarily to the Human Resource Center and the programs that we implement there and this is a budget modification, transferring funds that were donated to the Town in support of an ongoing program there. MS. EGAN: Well (inaudible). SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. Are there other resolutions, Mrs. Egan? MS. EGAn: Of course. 315, what town is this student from? SUPERVISOR HORTON: 315 is accepting a resignation of a gentleman who has worked for the Town. MS. EGAN: I am sorry, I am ahead of myself. That was 320 something. SUPERVISOR HORTON: So 329? We will skip right up to 329. I believe Mr. Smith is a, I know he is in the Mattituck School District. I am not sure if he lives in Mattituck or Cutchogue, off the top of my head. MS. EGAN: Good. Number 316, I think is excellent. Linda Cooper, she is (inaudible). 317, I heard Mrs. Neville speak somewhere recently and she (inaudible). She is going away and she has brought a lot of new things to the Town that has saved us some money and given us a lot of information. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Absolutely. MS. EGAN: Now, of course I think I have asked this before on 325 (inaudible). SUPERVISOR HORTON: Actually, one of the associates is a Southold Town resident. MS. EGAn: But the firm isn't. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Cutchogue. Southold Town Board 10 May 24, 2005 MS. EGAN: We have already done 329, now there is a resolution here that I think is the public hearing that is on the (inaudible). Now, what is 335 about? SUPERVISOR HORTON: There will be a public hearing on that this evening. MS. EGAN: A local law to amend, the litter on private properly? SUPERVISOR HORTON: It provides enforcement power to the Town. Are those all the resolutions, Mrs. Egan? MS. EGAN: I believe so. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. Thank you very much. Would anybody else care to address the Board on resolutions? (No response) Then we will move forward with the voting, commencing with 308, please. #3O8 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Horton to execute an amendment to Contract #C006213 with New York State relating to Implementation of priority LWRP pro,iects, said amendment to extend the funding for the agreement to March 31, 2006, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #3O9 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Horton to execute an amendment to Contract #C006157 with New York State relating to Southold Erosion Mitigation Proiect, said amendment to extend the funding for the agreement through September 30, 2005, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. SUPERVISOR HORTON: This is continuing environmental protection programs that we have implemented in the Town over the past two years, specifically related to estuary protection, road run- off mitigation. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #310 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute a draft grant application for submission to the United States Department of Conunerce~ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) in accordance with a grant designation the Town has received the amount of $1,464,735.00. Southold Town Board 11 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: I just want to acknowledge Congressman Bishop for his tireless work to this Town, this 1.4 almost $1.5 million brings Southold Town upwards of I believe $6 million in the past couple of years from federal funding for our ongoing preservation programs. And it is a testimony to this Town's ability to preserve land and work with other levels of government to bring in funding sources that assist in our efforts. So, thank you to the Congressman. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #311 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute an agreement with the following individuals and businesses for the summer 2005 recreation programs~ all in accordance with the approval of the town attorney. Funding for the instructors listed below has been budgeted for in the recreation department's 2005 instructor line A7020.4.500.420. Martine Abitbol (French cooking) ................................... Lisa Baglivi (watercolor) ............................................. Eugenia Cherouski (folk dancing) .............................................. Shirley Darling (tennis) .............................................................. Martha Eagle (Aerobics) ............................................................ East End Insurance Services (Defensive Driving) ..................... Lauren Egan (Pediatric CPR) ........................................ (Family CPR) ........................................... Carol Giordano (Baton) .............................................................. David Haurus (golf) .................................................................... Hidden Lake Farms (Horseback Riding) ..................................... Rosemary Martilotta (yoga) ........................................................ Tom McGunnigle (golf) ................................................ Mark Parson (golf lessons) .......................................................... Theresa Pressler (youth program) .................................... Riverside Gymnastics (youth gymnastics) ................................... $25/hour $30/hour $25/hour $25/class $30/hour $30/person $45/person $50/person $25/class $50/person $230/person $55/class $45/person $50/person $25/hour $40/person Virginia Ross (horseback) ............................................................. $300/person Steve Smith (weight training) ....................................................... $25/hour Touch Dancing Studios (social dance) ......................................... $48/person Michelle Zaloom (Adult Rowing) ..................................... $40/person (Teen Rowing) ....................................... $50/person SUPERVISOR HORTON: I just wanted to acknowledge that we will be hosting another youth camp if you will, youth program this summer out at the Peconic Community Center. It will be head, led by Peggy Grigonis and I just think it is going to be a wonderful program that is going to take scores of young Southold Town children and get them together and provide good, clean, healthy recreation and learning opportunities. I believe they will be children under the age of 10, if I am not mistaken. Another great program that will be offered there. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Board 12 May 24, 2005 #312 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends resolution #191~ adopted at the April 12~ 2005 regular Town Board meeting to read as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Richard J. Buonauito to the position of Seasonal Police Officer for the Southold Town Police Department effective May 2~ 2005, through September 2005, at the hourly rate of $15.13. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #313 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund ~Vhole Town 2005 budget as follows: To Revenues: Gifts and Donations $ 560.00 A.2705.40 To Appropriations: A.6772.4.100.110 Programs for the Aging Contractual Expenses Program Supplies/Materials Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. $ 560.00 Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, #314 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Dori Dubrava and Linda Zeneski~ both to the position of Senior Program Volunteers at the Human Resource Center effective immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #315 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Ross, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation of Joseph Giordano from the position of Custodial Worker I in the Department of Public Works, effective May 12, 2005. SUPERVISOR HORTON: We will miss Joe. He is a wonderful addition to our Department of Public Works force. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Board 13 May 24, 2005 COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: It is my great pleasure to read resolution 316. #316 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes Linda J. Cooper to the full-th-ne position of Senior Administrative Assistant in the Town Clerks Office, at a salary of $52,235.42 per annum, effective May 26, 2005. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Ms. Cooper does a phenomenal job for the Town and for the Town Clerk's Office and Betty, thanks to her and all of your staff'... TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: She certainly does. SUPERVISOR HORTON: ... that makes this Town tick. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #317 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for temporary full th-ne Cook for the Senior Nutrition Program and part th-ne Health Aide for the Senior Adult Day Care Program at the Human Resource Center for two consecutive weeks. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #318 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the closure of Sound Avenue~ Mattituck for the Mattituck Presbyterian Church Annual Sununer Fair on Saturday, August 6, 2005 from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the town of Southold as an additional insured and contact Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the adoption of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #319 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Ross, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the letter of intent to retire of Greg N. Tyler from his position of Automotive Mechanic IV at the Highway Department, effective June 9, 2005. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Board 14 May 24, 2005 AMENDED June 7, 2005 by Resolution #361 #320 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends Resolution No. 199~ adopted at the April 12, 2005 regular Town Board meeting to read as follows: RESOLVED that effective May 25, 2005 said employee be placed on a leave without pay under the FMLA, for surgery and a recuperation period, and will remain on the Town's group heath insurance at no cost to the employee from this date through and including June 2005 Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #321 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville to advertise for a Custodial I position for the Department of Public Works. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #322 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund, ~Vhole Town 2005 budget as follows: To: A. 1410.4.400.500 Town Clerk, C.E., Minute Tracking Software From: A.1990.4.100.100 Contingent, C.E., Unallocated Contingencies Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. $3,745.00 $3,745.00 Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, #323 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute an agreement with CompuSolve Government Solutions, LLC for MinuteTraq Software, to at a cost of $535.00 per month, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #324 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Ross, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to James Mott and wife to temporarily locate a single family house trailer, for a six (6) month period, on their Southold Town Board 15 May 24, 2005 properly located at 42205 Route 48, Southold, to be used as temporary living quarters while they reconstruct their home which was damaged by fire. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #325 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to retain L.IC McLean Associates~ P.C. to complete the SEQRA review in connection with the proposed new animal shelter, in accordance with their proposal dated May 12, 2005, at a cost not to exceed $1,800.00, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #326 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Ross, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes Automotive Equipment Operator Randall A. Wells to the position of Automotive Mechanic III, in the Highway Department, effective May 26, 2005 at a salary of $21.5573 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #327 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes Heavy Equipment Operator James S. Finno to the position of Construction Equipment Operator for the Highway Department, effective May 26, 2005 at a salary of $21.3934 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #328 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes Heavy Equipment Operator Richard G. Mellas to the position of Construction Equipment Operator for the Highway Department, effective May 26, 2005 at a salary of $21.3934 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I meant to take the opportunity at resolution 328 to congratulate the three gentleman from the Highway Department that received those promotions, they are well deserved. Southold Town Board 16 May 24, 2005 #329 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Jacob Smith as a student member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council, effective immediately. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #33O Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville to attend the Annual New York Association of Local Govermnent Records Officers (NYALGRO) Conference being held at Lake Placid, New York on June 12 through 14, 2005. All necessary expenses for registration, accommodations, and meals shall be a legal charge to the Town Clerk 2005 budget A. 1410.4.600.200. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Betty, we are going to have a moratorium on new technology that you are allowed to bring back to Town Hall. We need a break. We are all trying to catch up with you. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #331 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Corazzini Brothers Inc. in the amount of $43.00 per ton, for the purchase of Type 6 Asphalt to be picked up and used by the Southold Town Highway Department. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #332 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Thomas A. Crowle¥ to the part-th-ne position of Mini Bus Driver in the Human Resources Department effective May 25, 2005 at a salary of $10.25 per hour for 171/2 hours per week. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #333 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute the Westlaw Order Form between the Town of Southold and West Group regarding the Westlaw Zoning & Land Use Library at an additional cost per month of $1.30 for a minimum of lwelve (12) months, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Southold Town Board 17 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: This is essentially an on-line legal library that our legal department can make use of, through an agreement of this nature. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #334 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines that the proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law in Relation to Amendments to the Domestic Partnership Law" is classified as a Type II action pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations, and is not subject to further review under SEQRA. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #335 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines that the proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law in Relation to Amendments to the Litter on Private Property Law" is classified as a Type II action pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations, and is not subject to further review under SEQRA. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #336 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Budget ~Vhole Town 2005 budget as follows: To Revenues: A.2025.00 To Appropriations: A.1620.2.500.425 Special Recreational Facilities Park & Recreation $20,000 Building & Grounds, Capital Outlay Tennis Courts $20,000 SUPERVISOR HORTON: This is for maintenance and up-keep of a number of tennis courts that are in need of repair in the town. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #337 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was Southold Town Board 18 May 24, 2005 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the closure of East Side Road, Mattituck for the Annual Mattituck-Cutchogue Boy Scouts Cubmobile Race on Sunday, June 5, 2005 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and contact Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the adoption of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #338 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints James P. Eagan to the position of part th-ne, seasonal deck hand for the Fishers Island Ferry District, effective May 15, 2005 until October 1, 2005, at a rate of $9.00 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Mr. Supervisor, I would like to modify #339. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: And ifI may ad lib it and I am open to correction on it. #339 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, WHEREAS there has been a design team that has proposed a six inch high median divider in Cutchogue Village as part of the Cutchogue Road Improvement Project and WHEREAS the Hamlet Study for Cutchogue has promoted traffic calming methods through that Village and WHEREAS the Cutchogue Fire Department in a recent letter dated May 20, 2005 to the Town has pointed out there may be safety concerns connected with such a high median divider, now therefore the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby supports the reduction of that to a two inch high median divider, otherwise in accordance with the Department of Transportation plans and be it further RESOLVED that this resolution and letter be sent to Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora; Senator Kenneth LaValle, and Department of Transportation. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I just want to make sure this is in keeping with the letter. I would just also ask, doesn't this have to be part of the resolution that there be greater and further communication between the New York State DOT regional office and Assemblywoman Acampora's office and the Cutchogue Board of Fire Commissioner's in conjunction with moving this initiative forward. So, if we could make that note when we send the resolution, Ms. Neville. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Board 19 May 24, 2005 #340 Moved by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby adopts the attached LWRP Consistency Assessment Form pursuant to Town Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Who ever thought we would see the day? And this is a major step in the Town's overall comprehensive planning efforts and I think is an important step so, congratulations to the Board and to the Planning Department for their movement on this. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #341 Moved by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for an upcoming LWRP compliance and educational seminar in The Suffolk Times and The Traveler ICatchman. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #342 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby designate Mark Terry as LWRP Coordinator pursuant to Town Code of the Town of Southold~ Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I am sure Mr. Terry is going to do a fantastic job and Councilman Wickham, thank you for keeping all of the moving parts in regard to the LWRP and consistency initiatives moving. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. JUSTICE EVANS: I also have 345 that wasn't on the agenda. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, 345, please. JUSTICE EVANS: We can't do 343 and 344 right now. #345 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 24th day of May, 2005 a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to Stop Signs on Elilah's Lane" now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 7th day of June, 2004 at 8:15 p.n~ at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Southold Town Board 20 May 24, 2005 The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Stop Signs on Eliiah's Lane" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2005 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Stop Signs on Eliiah's Lane". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Purpose - The recent installation of stop signage along Elijah's Lane at the intersection of Tabor Road has resulted in a public safety concern. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove the recently-added stop signage. II. Chapter 92 of the Vehicle and Traffic Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: § 92-30. Stop intersections with stop signs. The following highway intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections and stop signs shall be erected as follows: Stop Sign on Direction of Travel At Inter- Location Section With (hamlet) III.SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. SUPERVISOR HORTON: If there is any question about this, you will recall a few months ago, we did hold a public hearing and enacted a law that put in place a stop sign at that said location. Since that time, I have had communications with the Chief of Police and also with several residents in the community as to the effectiveness of the stop sign and there seems to be concern and general consensus within the neighborhood that the stop sign is not actually contributing to added safety, that it is actually perhaps having the opposite effect in other ways, so we felt it important to put that on the public hearing and give the opportunity, particularly to the residents in that neighborhood to be heard. There is also a concern when we had the public hearing initially, not all of the residents in the neighborhood attended or were aware, so we wanted to provide that opportunity to have them be heard and perhaps depending on what we hear, at the end of that hearing, reverse that action and I also want to acknowledge that I was an advocate for the stop sign and Councilman Wickham was not an advocate and we locked horns on it and here we are, eating crow in front of Councilman Wickham, who has been so kind as to not say "I told you so, Josh" but nonetheless, you know, we live and we learn and look forward to attend that hearing on this side of the bench. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That brings us to our public hearings. Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was Southold Town Board 21 May 24, 2005 RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared recessed in order to hold lwo (2) local laws on the matters of (1.) HEARING ON "A LOCAL LAW IN RELATION TO AMENDMENTS TO THE DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP LAW" AND (2.) HEARING ON "A LOCAL LAW IN RELATION TO AMENDMENTS TO THE LITTER ON PRIVATE PROPERTY LAW". Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Meeting reconvened at #343 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was WHEREAS that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 26th day of April, 2005 a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Domestic Partnership Law" and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby enacts the following Local Law: LOCAL LAW NO. 6 of 2005 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Domestic Partnership Law". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Purpose - The Town of Southold Domestic Partnership registry is available to unmarried persons who, among other requirements, are in committed relationships of mutual support. This amendment would extend the availability of the registry to domestic partners where one, rather than both persons, maintains a legal primary residence within the Town of Southold, but will continue to require that both persons share that residence. Chapter 39 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: § 39-3. Requirements. A domestic partnership shall exist belween lwo persons if the following is true: F. One of tq:he persons currently maintains ...... a primary residence within the Town of Southold and declares that he or she ....j intends to do so for the indefinite future, and both persons share that residence. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Board 22 May 24, 2005 COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Number 344, I would like to have some discussion on it but maybe we should, what is the word? Read it in as a .... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Or if you would like, we can take an opportunity to discuss it before the resolution is... #344 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Edwards, WHEREAS that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 26th day of April, 2005 a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Litter on Private Property Law," and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby enacts the following Local Law: LOCAL LAW NO. 7 of 2005 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Litter on Private Property Law." BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Purpose - These amendments to this existing law will provide for notice to owners of private property upon which litter has accumulated, of the Town's intention to clean up those premises, and authorize the Town to collect from such owners the cost of such cleanup. Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: § 57-5. Litter on private property. A. No person shall throw or deposit litter on any private property within the town, whether owned by such person or not and whether occupied or vacant, except that the owner or person in control of private property may maintain authorized private receptacles for collection in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon private property. B. The owner or person in control of private property or any portion thereof shall at all times maintain the premises or that portion controlled by him free of litter, except when stored properly in authorized private receptacles for collection, when such person shall have actual notice thereof or when said litter shall have been present a sufficient length of time to constitute constructive notice. C. Litter or debris on private properly either not properly stored, or present for a sufficient leneth of time to constitute constructive notice, may be removed by the Town in any manner deemed appropriate by the Town, upon notice to the owner. Notice posted in a conspicuous location upon the properly, or in the nearby vicinity of the litter or debris for at least three business days shall be deemed sufficient notice. D. Assessment of costs and expenses. All costs and expenses incurred by the Town in connection with the removal of litter or debris from property not owned by the Town in shall be assessed aeainst the properly on which said litter or debris was located. The total costs and expenses shall be determined by the Superintendent of Hiehways, or in the alternative, by the Town Board and shall be sent by certified mail to the owner of record. If the owner shall fail to make full payment within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the mailine, the costs and expenses outstandine shall be reported to the Assessor of the Town as a amount to be levied and assessed aeainst the properly. The expense so assessed shall constitute a lien and charee on the property on which it is levied until paid or otherwise satisfied or dischareed and shall be collected in the same Southold Town Board 23 May 24, 2005 manner as other Town char~es. That portion of said collected funds shall be returned to the operational budget of the department that incurred the expense of the cleanup. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any discussion? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: What protection is there for a property owner when other people come in and dump a bunch of litter on his property? SUPERVISOR HORTON: What protection is there? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I mean, could a property owner get caught up in this law when some third party comes and dumps litter on his property? That is my concern. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is a valid concern. COUNCILMAN ROSS: That was raised by people to me, also. That they had property that litter accumulates and they don't want to be held subject to prosecution when it just so happens their property is in a particular spot that... COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I would be, I would prefer to hold off on this until we can get a few more answers to those kinds of questions. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. Is there any counsel? TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Well, I am not sure that this necessarily changes that circumstance. That circumstance, I think they might already be subject to something. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: But there is no financial control by the Town, which this law would now give. TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: They could still be subject to receiving a violation but not necessarily the expense of having to clean it up. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Yes. That is right. SUPERVISOR HORTON: So I think that actually answers the question, the concern. I think what we can do is to motion... JUSTICE EVANS: It doesn't necessarily mean that that person is going to get, if you say that someone threw that garbage on my property, it doesn't necessarily mean that that person will get fined for it. I think they will look at the circumstances. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Right. Exactly. You still have the ability to assess it on a case by case basis. And the other thing, since this has been put forward, we can and a motion is on the table right now with a second, we can actually vote on it and also make amendments to it in the near future with great ease. Is that amenable to the Board? COUNCILMAN EDWARDS: I would like to make a comment as well. I am amenable to it. It seems to me that the intention of the law is clear, that if I have a piece of property and somebody throws garbage on it and assuming I don't know who that person is and therefore I can't take the garbage and return it to them, I have a responsibility to the community to get that garbage out of there and the fact that I didn't put it there in the first place doesn't relieve me of that responsibility. As to, there is an issue of constructive notice here and there is a separate intention that the Town would provide notice of at least three business days, I would suggest that if Councilman Wickham feels that the three business days is not sufficient notice, let's say that it was a piece of property that you don't live on so Southold Town Board 24 May 24, 2005 you might not drive by it that often, we could extend the number of business days but the basic issue of who put the garbage there in the first place doesn't relieve the homeowner of his or her responsibility or the property owner of clearing the garbage, it is still a community problem if it isn't cleared. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I think if we can bring some resolution to the matter, in light of what we have heard, I think the three days is adequate, I think that we still are a small town and we do have direct interaction with our residents and if there is an issue or you know a situation that deviates from the intent of the law, then that can be dealt with on a singular basis. I also think that we can amend this, moving forward. But I think that this is a solid step that is needed and we can call a vote on this and amend it as needed. Is that agreeable to the Board? Okay. Great. Then I would ask the Town Clerk to call the roll. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. #345 Taken out of order SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. And we will make sure, Councilman Wickham, that the Town Attorneys' office takes those comments under advisement, starts working on that specific point in the near future. Thank you it was a good discussion on that. That concludes the resolutions and public hearings portion of the meeting. Would anybody care to address the Board? Yes, Mr. Carlin. MR. CARLIN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the Board. I have been living in this Town for 51 years. I stood before six supervisors. I am not a new comer in this Town. I say it the way it is. I could write a book from what I seen in this Town. This subject tonight, I didn't want to have to do but I find it necessary. I have a tendency when I start an issue to start out in centerfield and work towards home plate. And when I get to home plate, I take my best swing. I remember back in the part of the 80's and the 90's and before I start, what I am going to say tonight that everybody who watches television will agree with me. I remember back in the 80's and the 90's when Cablevision controlled Town Board meetings on channel 70 and my friend Paul who operated the camcorder, was at that time the technician. You see Paul at Polish fairs, you see him at the county fairs. You see him at a lot of different things and everybody could see these Board meetings, all the towns. Automatically on a Friday night, it would start with Riverhead, excuse me, Southampton, Riverhead, Southold and Greenport. And it was good because you could see what other town's problems they had. But then it left channel 70 and went to channel 22. Government educational access channel. The famous 22, number 22 channel that is yellow and blue and played music 90 percent of the time. But maybe that is not too bad but the problem is, we never have a schedule when we are going to see a Town Board meeting. I can hear a lot of mmhhmm. And you put it on 8:00 sometimes on a Friday and it is on. Sometimes it isn't, sometimes it is on a Saturday afternoon. We don't have a fixed schedule. Well, that isn't too bad. But the quality of it is very poor. I don't want to do this but I have to because somebody has got to do it. I kept track of these Board meetings for two years and I made you a list of everything what happened here. That is the way I do business. I don't just come up here and shoot smoke out. One example, I only want to give you one because I don't want to go through all these four pages, I will be here all night. February the third Board meeting. Two and a half hours of steady buzzing. No quality at all. I have been cut ofl~ I have been eliminated-October 21, November 6 budget meetings. Jim Hickey has been cut off2 Mrs. Egan has been cut off2 Very poor television Southold Town Board 25 May 24, 2005 system you have in this Town. There is a lot of senior citizens that stay home that like to see this, these programs. They don't get out. It is awful, Josh. Now, you are on channel 22 on 'Supe in the Diner'... SUPERVISOR HORTON: I use my own crew. They are great. High school students from Southold. They are fantastic. MR. CARLIN: That is right. Maybe you should have them here. November the l0th, you put out a schedule here about your 'Supe in the Diner' giving them when you are going to be on. SUPERVISOR HORTON: And mind you, channel 22 is actually an interesting channel and organizations in the town and I have worked hard to make them aware that that channel is the people's channel. If you have a show that is related to government or education or anything that is pertinent to the town, you have a right to have that show broadcast and aired, some of the points that Mr. Carlin is making are very true. What has happened in the past three years is Cablevision has taken, it was on channel 70, where all the town's were broadcast on channel 70, what they have done is they have created a channel 22 specific to each township on the east end or actually throughout Long Island but there is no integration belween the different townships channel 22's. so each channel 22 is specific to that township. And what they have done furthermore, is they have, it used to be Cablevision would come out and actually tape the Town Board meetings and in their sort of corporate downsizing over the past three years, they have outsourced that and they have also are slowly closing down the Riverhead station, so when we have the taped Town Board meetings sent to Cablevision, there's not always somebody there as there is supposed to be. We send a schedule and say this is when the Town Board meeting should be on, and they are, they don't always honor that time schedule, it has been an ongoing problem and I can tell you that Joanne in my office, Joanne Liguori, spends a disproportionate and an inordinate amount of time hounding Cablevision to you know, make sure that the Town Board meetings are aired properly in accordance with the schedule and also to work on the quality of the Town Board taping. Now, interestingly enough, about the Town Board meetings themselves, if you take the tape that is recorded here, and you play it on any of your VCR's because we test them, they are fine. Something happens in the transmission or the transference of the information on that tape through the Cablevision system. Because this gentleman, when he is done, take that tape out and we can play it on a machine or have it transferred to a VHS tape and it will be fine. Because we have actually tested, you know, I have heard the buzzing or seen the scattered or the interference on the tapes of the Town Board meetings and said, 'I want to see that tape' and we take it, we put it in a VCR and it works fine. So there is something in the transfer of information at the Cablevision system that hasn't yet been figured out but Mr. Carlin, you are absolutely right that the schedules are consistently off and the transmission of the meetings is less than sufficient and I am not, you know, I am not a technical advisor to Cablevision but that is, it is an ongoing problem and we spend a lot of time trying to work that out. We will get on it again this week if it is still a problem. MR. CARLIN: I am not finished yet. Josh, I hold the highest FCC license you can have... SUPERVISOR HORTON: We will retain you as a consultant to deal with it then. MR. CARLIN: ... an FCC first class license. That gives me the opportunity to be engineering in charge of any television station or any FM radio station and sign up on the log. So I know what I am Southold Town Board 26 May 24, 2005 talking about. I don't believe that Cablevision, the amount of complaints that we have with this is due to Cablevision transmission. And I went to Cablevision... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, don't call me a liar, Mr. Carlin. MR. CARLIN: ... and I tried to find out what is going on here. Who controls this tape once it leaves here. And they said 'we have nothing to do with it, that the Town controls it' SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, it goes right to Cablevision in Riverhead. It is delivered from Allen Production... MR. CARLIN: Not according to them. VIDEO TRANSCRIBER: (from audience) I deliver it right to Cablevision. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. VIDEO TRANSCRIBER: It comes out of the machine and goes right to Cablevision. MR. CARLIN: Now, who do you work for? VIDEO TRANSCRIBER: I work for Allen Video. MR. CARLIN: Home video... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Allen Video. VIDEO TRANSCRIBER: (inaudible) MR. CARLIN: You contract out to the Town? VIDEO TRANSCRIBER: Cablevision. We are a subcontractor to Cablevision. These things come out of the recorders, which these are (inaudible) recorders and go right to Cablevision (inaudible). MR. CARLIN: Well .... SUPERVISOR HORTON: On his way home, he drops that off in Riverhead. MR. CARLIN: Well, I am going to recheck that because the last time I was there... SUPERVISOR HORTON: I will work with you on it because we need to... MR. CARLIN: No, they said the Town Board has control of this tape. See them. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, they are wrong about that. MR. CARLIN: Now, you had better get it straightened out. Southold Town Board 27 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: I will work with you on that. MR. CARLIN: Good. (Unintelligible) here is a good example, this last Board meeting. I stood home and watched the television for 2 and a half hours not a public meeting. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I am telling you, you could pop that tape out right now and put it in our VCR down the hall and it will work. It will be picture perfect, crystal clear recording. So there is something in the transfer of information. MR. CARLIN: So you are telling me that the Cablevision all of its, 75 % of the times, on your programs, they are having trouble with their transmission? (Unintelligible) I don't believe it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mr. Carlin, the programs that we record are on very different equipment, actually it is on digital equipment. MR. CARLIN: Is this, the case with this February the third one, noisy. Don't you monitor with your phones? You didn't hear nothing on that? You wasn't on that, you wasn't here. No. But I would like to hear that tape again. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Please. We can make sure... MR. CARLIN: On the tape, February the third. SUPERVISOR HORTON: ... we get access to it. MR. CARLIN: Yeah. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Absolutely. MR. CARLIN: And anyway, I was home watching the last Board meeting, public hearing, two and a half hours and it came about 10:30 and I said to my wife, he is running out of tape, watch, they are going to cut it. And damn if you didn't cut it before the public meeting was over and what comes on but yellow and blue and music. That is (unintelligible), that is poor management. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Alright. MR. CARLIN: That is poor management. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mr. Carlin, I don't manage Cablevision and I don't manage the television channel. MR. CARLIN: We are going to fix it up. SUPERVISOR HORTON: We will. You and I together. Southold Town Board 28 May 24, 2005 MR. CARLIN: Yes. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Definitely. Absolutely. MR. CARLIN: But I don't believe you putting the blame on 100% on the noise or anything what the (unintelligible), you putting it on Cablevision and I don't think they are going to enjoy that either. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is fine. I don't mn a TV network. Well, I don't mn a TV channel. MR. CARLIN: Get the schedule on this pro, here too, like you have on the... SUPERVISOR HORTON: We do. The schedule goes out regularly and we will make sure we maintain....I believe the Suffolk Times and the Watchman do put, in the Community Section .... MR. CARLIN: (Unintelligible) One minute you are on on Friday at 8:00, the next minute you are not .... SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is, again, that is, as far as we are concerned....Mr. Carlin, the schedule is set. If we have to work harder to make sure that Cablevision is airing them on time, then we will shoulder that responsibility and do that. MR. CARLIN: I would like to see it go back to the old way. When Cablevision controlled it all and we never had any problems. I never seen not one... SUPERVISOR HORTON: They do control it all, that is the point. MR. CARLIN: No, no, no. Not what they told me. SUPERVISOR HORTON: They are trying to get away from that. What they are doing, interestingly enough, you will be further disheartened; what Cablevision is doing is relinquishing control and in fact, what they want to do is Southold Town is to no longer make use of the Riverhead center, that any programming to take place on Channel 22, they want to actually physically install an insertion point, here in Town Hall and therefore all of Channel 22 would be mn out of Town Hall and I have to tell you, I think it is a bad idea because I don't want to put Southold Town government in the business of running a TV channel. So, Mr. Carlin, it is completely run by Cablevision and what they are doing is working to relinquish that control to the individual townships on Long Island. MR. CARLIN: I know what you are saying. I know exactly (unintelligible) involved in this stuff'... I know all about that. SUPERVISOR HORTON: So you and I will work together on that. MR. CARLIN: But what you are saying about this here noise has nothing to do with cutting people off though and I don't think Cablevision is going....you cut me off.... SUPERVISOR HORTON: That may, you know what that, actually .... Southold Town Board 29 May 24, 2005 MR. CARLIN: ... you eliminated me on the budget meeting .... SUPERVISOR HORTON: You know what... MR. CARLIN: Let me finish, please. And then when I complain to you, you put me on. SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, Mr. Carlin. Mr. Carlin, please do not say "You, Josh Horton, put you on" because I do not put you on television, Mr. Carlin. MR. CARLIN: I didn't say that. SUPERVISOR HORTON: What probably at that point, what has happened in the past, they don't run out of tape because this is digital, there is no tape involved, is that correct? MR. CARLIN: Well, why does it go blank? TAPE TECHNICIAn: There is a tape because it is taped, it is on VHS tapes and we turned two tapes in last meeting. SUPERVISOR HORTON: What happens, Mr. Carlin, isn't that the tape runs out, I believe what happens is that Cablevision says, this is going to run, they will allot X amount of time, 8:00 PM to 10:30 and they have it automatically set because they don't have somebody sitting in Cablevision at 10:30 at night and the system is designed to actually shut off at that point, is that correct? TAPE TECHNICIAN: It automatically programs (inaudible) it basically is a hard drive, that plugs all tapes into it and at 8:00 it says it is going to play a program, whatever it is, puts it in there, automatically inserts commercials and takes it out what ever time it is. Whatever is running on tape. It is a mindless, personless thing. SUPERVISOR HORTON: So, Mr. Carlin .... TAPE TECHNICIAN: You have no control over how much (inaudible) and how much is in play and what plays in that time slot. SUPERVISOR HORTON: So, Mr. Carlin, the point being, we are not going to solve this tonight... MR. CARLIN: I know but I am not done yet I will tell you why... SUPERVISOR HORTON: You and I... MR. CARLIN: ... I am going to tell you what I am going to say. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, you and I will work to... MR. CARLIN: Hey, I am a taxpayer. Southold Town Board 30 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Excuse me, Mr. Carlin, I know you are a taxpayer. You and I will work together, contact Cablevision again and I am going to tell you my office spends far too much time dealing with Cablevision issues but we will reach out, we will do it again, we will be in touch with you and we will make sure the issue is resolved. MR. CARLIN: Well, the things they... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Believe me, I don't feel like dealing with Cablevision, I guarantee you. MR. CARLIN: The things being said here, I don't buy it. How come I see the Board meeting here for three hours it wasn't cut ofl~ This last one last week was two and a half hours, it was cut ofl~ TAPE TECHNICIAN: That is Cablevision programming. MR. CARLIN: Aww, come on. I don't buy that. I don't buy that. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Alright, Mr. Carlin. This gentleman is not the Town Board, this is a meeting to address the Town Board. MR. CARLIN: I don't buy it. I don't buy it at all. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Alright, well. MR. CARLIN: I tell you, this has got to be straightened out. It is awful. SUPERVISOR HORTON: We will....Mr. Carlin, Mr. Carlin, MR. CARLIN: .... without having... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mr. Carlin, I have said it once, I have said it five times tonight. We will reach out to you, we will put it together and we will try to address it. We have tried to address it in the past, we will do it again. MR. CARLIN: And I want to straighten out one more thing here. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. MR. CARLIN: A lot of people are going to say tonight that he is complaining about this because he wants to be seen on television. Well, I want to youse all something in this town, I would come to Board meetings before they were ever televised. So let's not use that as an excuse. SUPERVISOR HORTON: We would never say that about you. MR. CARLIN: And I tell you, I am not only starting, once I go back to my black book, Josh, I got more. You, in the six months you got left in the town you are going to really learn about Frank Carlin. Southold Town Board 31 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, we will definitely be in touch with you tomorrow to figure out this Cablevision issue. MR. CARLIN: Well, let's get it straightened out. SUPERVISOR HORTON: No matter how you yell at me, I will still work with you. MR. CARLIN: I will be home tomorrow. Sometime during the day, anyway. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Alright. We will catch up with you. MR. CARLIN: We are going to connect these together if we coordinate here a little bit more. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Absolutely. MR. CARLIN: Let's try to stop allow somebody cutting off because I know what is going on here. There is no reason to cut these programs off the way they do and then of them you let go and some of them you don't let go. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Alright. Just so you know though, I want to make the... MR. CARLIN: (inaudible) SUPERVISOR HORTON: Excuse me, Mr. Carlin. Excuse me, Mr. Carlin. I want to make the record very clear right here. MR. CARLIN: What do you want to make clear? SUPERVISOR HORTON: The Town Board does not have the ability and does not, in any way, shape or form turn on or turn off any Board meetings that are on Channel 22. If they are being shut ofl} yes, we need to address that. Which is why my office will be in touch with you tomorrow and you and I will work together to make that correct. MR. CARLIN: I am not saying they have the ability to do that. But sometimes if you don't complete the tape it is not Cablevisions fault either. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. We will get that all straightened out. MR. CARLIN: Yeah, let's get it straightened out. But the last time I was there they said, no way, if he has any, come and see me, the manager in the second floor Cablevision and we will explain to him the system. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. Yes, Mrs. Egan. MS. EGAN: What you two should do is get Zabby to help you. I haven't seen Zabby lately. She was a good person. She was on 20. Did you ever make any trace of the $100,000 that you gave Greenport? Southold Town Board 32 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: We have executed an agreement as to how those monies will be transferred in accordance with the work project, for the work plan. MS. EGAN: Oh, but you never found out what happened with what they did with the money, is that what you are saying? SUPERVISOR HORTON: The way that works, Mrs. Egan, is upon the completion of work a voucher if you will, a detailed bill would be delivered to the Town and the Town would reimburse. MS. EGAN: Have you received that? SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, we have not. No work has been completed. MS. EGAN: So in other words... SUPERVISOR HORTON: At least against that. MS. EGAN: Excuse me, I need to get that clear then, so then... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Money will... MS. EGAN: ...the money has been allocated... SUPERVISOR HORTON: But not spent yet. MS. EGAN: But not spent yet. SUPERVISOR HORTON: And it wouldn't just be transferred from the Town into a bank account. MS. EGAN: You have to prove... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Prove that work was complete. MS. EGAN: Okay. Now how are we doing on the union contract? SUPERVISOR HORTON: I believe we are doing very well. MS. EGAN: Well, you have been saying that for two and a half years. SUPERVISOR HORTON: And I believe it. MS. EGAN: I don't. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Okay. Southold Town Board 33 May 24, 2005 MS. EGAN: Let's get with it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I would hope to have a ratified... MS. EGAN: I think that a lot of these things... SUPERVISOR HORTON: I would hope to have a ratified contract .... MS. EGAN: .... these people in resolutions and changing jobs, I think you could lose a lot of good mechanics that other people who are going to go to private instead of staying in civil service because you haven't signed their contract. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mrs. Egan, I believe that we will have a ratified, I am confident and I am very hopeful that we should have a ratified document within the next few weeks. If you read the newspaper, I believe it was last week, it was reported that there was a vote of confidence if you will, on the Town's most recent proposal, so we are waiting to hear back from the union delegates as to how we will proceed. MS. EGAN: I believe under their contract they cannot strike because they are civil service people... SUPERVISOR HORTON: It is not under their contract, it is under New York State law. MS. EGAN: Yeah, then they would lose their jobs. Now, the summer season... SUPERVISOR HORTON: And no matter how you cut it, the Town, working for the Town is a great place to work. We are competitive with the private sector in this community, actually more competitive. MS. EGAN: Now, with the warmer weather, hopefully it will be warmer weather and outdoor entertainment, how are we doing on the noise control? SUPERVISOR HORTON: We are doing very well. Haven't gotten any complaints in the past two weeks... MS. EGAN: Well, (inaudible) SUPERVISOR HORTON: Well, it is day by day. MS. EGAN: So, we haven't really (inaudible) noise control with machinery... SUPERVISOR HORTON: We have actually managed to, to be honest with you, on a case by case basis managed to mitigate specific situations as they come up, effectively. MS. EGAN: Well, I think we have to enact something a little bit stronger. I know in my community when they take down the branches of a tree, several people, they do that grinding on the property and Southold Town Board 34 May 24, 2005 that is horrible, absolutely horrible. I reported it to the Southold Police but you know, by the time they get there, they can't really do an awful lot about it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: And even if there was a law, they wouldn't be able to do an awful lot about it because how do you monitor how loud a chain saw is? MS. EGAN: Oh, it wasn't a chain saw... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Or a grinder, for that matter. Right. I know. It is called living in a community. People have to be able to communicate with each other. MS. EGAN: There are noise decibels and they do have to be told about it. If I send you a list of people who I know who have off'ended the, my ears and certainly young children's ears, I think that they should get a letter from the Town, that you are allowed to take the noise level to a certain height and I think that something should be done and nothing is being done. Now, I have been addressing this since even before you came here, dear. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I know, and you are an avid offender of noise control, driving around in your car beeping like you do. MS. EGAN: No, no, no. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Oh, yes, Mrs. Egan. I hear it right past my house. You lay right on it. MS. EGAN: My horn has saved more lives than you will ever know and I am have been very good about it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: A cigarette in one hand, a flag in the other; honking the horn. MS. EGAN: Nobody can honk the horn the way that I can. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Agreed. Agreed. MS. EGAN: You will get to the public works people .... SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes. MS. EGAN: ... tell them that they are not doing their job... SUPERVISOR HORTON: I won't tell them that. Actually .... MS. EGAN: They all come and keep yessing me to death and you should know by know that I will do something. Now, we are also, I would hope, Mr. Horton, get something into the next bulletin about people using the Child Protection Agency. It is getting horrible on TV. You are all waiting for something to happen here. It can't happen here, it can't happen in my family, it can't happen to my neighbor. It is happening all over and people don't know how to protect themselves and that is part of your obligation. Southold Town Board 35 May 24, 2005 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. MS. EGAN: Thank you. MR. CARLIN: Josh, one quick thing. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, Mr. Carlin. MR. CARLIN: (Inaudible) I am going to Cablevision myself, going to see what is going on. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Sounds good. MR. CARLIN: Okay? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Please let us know what is going on. MR. CARLIN: I will give you a report. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you very much. Thank you for a very good meeting, an interesting meeting and we always appreciate the input. Moved by Supervisor Horton, seconded by Councilman Edwards, it was RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Edwards, Councilman Ross, Councilman Wickham, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk