HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeographic Info System 11/01-03/02FINAL PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT Southold Town Geographic Information System: Development Report: November 2001 - March 2002 The design, development and impleme33tation of the Town's Geographic Information System has been documented with previous requests for payment. This project was financed by a 50-50 match of local funds and staff resources with grant monies awarded by the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund Act. Proiect Backflround In 1997, the Town adopted a strategic action plan to position the town to constructively manage anticipated growth. One of the tools identified as essential to the implementation of this plan was the creation of a Geographic Information System. At that time, the Town lacked basic electronic capability to use information in a geographically-oriented format. While it had access to the Suffolk County Department of Planning's GIS, that arrangement provided extremely limited access to vital information in a less than timely fashion. Therefore, the Town sought this grant in order to enable it to jump-start the development of its own GiS. Project Deskln The Town's GIS was designed with very specific goals in mind. And these were achieved. First, created an accurate database. We designed protocols to ensure that the creation and maintenance of the database met with the highest accepted cartographic and other professional standards. This included establishing a Catalogue and Timeline Report, a running log or library reference whereby the creation of the database could be tracked chronologically. Second, key types of information pertaining to the Town's natural resources as well as its man-made infrastructure were entered into the database. A '~Nish list" of database elements that would be needed by various Town departments was developed and used as a guide. Third, the information in the database was created in discrete and separate layers; a format that would permit a near-infinite layering of different types of information in graphic format. Every attempt was made to make the layers correlate to geographically-specific points. As technology improves, costs go down, and financial resources permit, the spatial specificity of specific elements of the database can be added or improved. The Town's GIS reflects the intent of the Project Design. A sound framework has been established, one that will serve the Town well in the coming years and in the face of challenges that will result from new growth. The GIS will facilitate not only growth management, but ongoing stewardship and maintenance of natural and man-made resoumes. Southold Town Geographic Information System: Data Catalo.que and Timeline: November 2000 - March 2002 The development of the GIS database is documented below: January 2002 Addresses updated. Underwater lands updated. Linework updated to reflect new subdivisions. Protected Lands Map amhived. February 2002 Updated Agricultural Lands map. Created 1500' coastal "buffer" map for use by Bay Constables for enfomement purposes. March 2002 Created Zoning Map for Town (Editing and Proofing still underway.) Updated Sea View Trails (bicycle) map. Installed New York State aedal map HTML mapping for Town's Web site started. Hog's Neck Case Study map started for use by Planning Department. VS/GISTIME3 2 Southold Town Geographic Information System: Development Report: July 1997 - July 2000 The design, development and implementation of the Town's Geographic Information System is documented below. This project was financed by a 50-50 match of local funds and staff resoumes with grant monies awarded by the New York State Department of State under '~itle 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund Act. Proiect Background In 1997, Supervisor Cochran proposed a strategic action plan to position the town to constructively manage anticipated growth. One of the tools identified as essential to the implementation of this plan was the creation of a Geographic Information System. At that time, the Town lacked basic electronic capability to use information in a geographically-oriented format. While it had access to the Suffolk County Department of Planning's GIS, that arrangement provided extremely limited access in a less than timely fashion. Therefore, the Town sought this grant in order to enable it to jump-start the development of its own GiS. Proiect Desi_~n The Town's GIS was designed with very specific goals in mind. First, we wanted to create an accurate database. In order to accomplish this, we decided on protocols to ensure that the creation of the database met with accepted cartographic and other professional standards. The establishment of standard protocols was especially critical to ensure accuracy during the conversion from paper to electronic format. These protocols will ensure timely updating and revision of the GIS database in the future, as well as ensuring the documentation of primary sources of information. The aim was to ensure accuracy within the database and to build-in accountability for maintaining the accuracy within the system, in addition to the Data Catalogue and Timeline Report, a running log or library reference was started whereby the creation of the database could be tracked chronologically. Second, the system was designed to provide key types of information pertaining to the Town's natural resources as well as its man-made infrastructure. Meetings that had been held with other departments prior to July 1997 resulted in a '~,ish list" of preferred uses of an electronic database within a GIS format. That list was used to develop the database in such a way that it would provide (to the extent possible) the desired data in the format most preferred by the potential users. Third, the information in the database was created in discrete and separate layers; a format that would permit a near-infinite layering of different types of information in graphic format. Every attempt was made to make the layers correlate to geographically-specific points. However, not all paper-based information is available in geographic-specific format. As technology improves, costs lower, and financial resoumes permit, the spatial specificity of specific elements of the database can be improved as needed. Fourth, the most user-friendly GIS software available on the market (MAP-INFO) was chosen so as to facilitate the use of the system by non-technical staff within Town Hall. The creation of specific layers or aspects of the database will always require specialized expertise to design and build. However, the use of the resulting electronic information for the purposes of administration, data analysis, mapping and graphic presentations should not require the same degree of specialized staff training. The goal was to enable at least one person in each Town department so desidng access to manipulate electronic information within the system relevant to their needs. MAP-INFO was determined to be the best tool for this purpose. (At some point in the future, it may be advantageous to add the ARC-INFO package to our software resources. ARC-INFO is used by the Suffolk County Department of Management Information Services, a key source of GIS data for the Town. ARC-INFO permits a slightly different range of applications, some of which are highly useful for planning and infrastructure management purposes. However, using it requires a higher level of staff training and expertise than is possible given current levels of staffing and workloads.) The Town's GIS reflects the intent of the Project Design. A sound framework has been established, one that will serve the Town well in the coming years and in the face of challenges that will result from new growth. The GIS will facilitate not only growth management, but ongoing stewardship and maintenance of natural and man-made resources. VS-8/00 2 Southold Town Geographic Information System: Data Catalo.que and Timeline: July 1997- July 2000 The development of the GIS database is documented below: July 1997 October 1997 December 1997 Janua~ 1998 - June 1998 February 1998 Ap~11998 Purchased workstation, color laser printer & Maplnfo software. Obtained data sets from Suffolk County. Data sets included the following layers: tax map, zoning, roads, State Agricultural District boundaries, parks, railroad right-of-way and 1996 digital aerial photographs. Training in the use of Maplnfo by Conservation Advisors. Obtained from Conservation ^dvisors the following data sets: draft soils, landmarks, surface waters and topography, Obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation the data sets for Regulatory Freshwater Wetlands. Updated and corrected tax map layer received from Suffolk County. (This data was about 4 years old and significantly out-of-date.) Established procedure to obtain tax map updates on regular basis from Suffolk County. Developed a Protected Lands map for Planning Department. Established a procedure to update Protected Lands map. Obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation the data sets from the Natural Heritage Program showing unique flora and fauna habitats. Purchased large-format plotter. This plotter enables printing of maps at a scale suitable for presentation and display. 3 May 1998 June 1998 - August1998 June 1998 August1998 September1998 October 1998 December 1998 Apd11999 Obtained the following data sets from Conservation Advisors: final soils map and the locations and designs of pending Peconic Land Trust conservation projects within the Town of Southold. Obtained from Suffolk County, the following layers: 911 and zip codes. Created current farmland layer; e.g. land in active agricultural production, based on aerial and field work by Planning and Data Processing staff with cooperation of local farmers. Developed Community Preservation Project Fund Map in accordance with State legislation authorizing same. Developed procedure for updating tax map layer based on changes in Southold Town Tax Assessors' files. Created Hamlet Detail maps for proposed Flood Mitigation Project for which Town was soliciting State funds, Created Flood Insurance Claims layer for proposed Flood Mitigation Project. Obtained school and fire district layers from Suffolk County. Obtained Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps from Suffolk County for proposed Flood Mitigation Project. Created study area maps for Route 48 Upzoning Project, a Town Board sponsored study to upzone business property located along County Route 48 within Southold Town. Began correcting errors in County's zoning map data set. Created detailed maps itemizing proposed re-zonings along County Route 48. Obtained National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Maps from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service through Peconic Estuary Management Program. 4 June 1999 - September 1999 Augu~ 1999 September 1999 October 1999 November 1999 November 1999 - March 2000 December 1999 February 2000 Mamh 2000 Updated current farmland inventory with new field data from Peconic Land Trust staff in conjunction with Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy project. Created layers and maps showing lands in active agricultural production and produced overlay of active lands with protected lands m{I,p for Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy report. Began creating new zoning map that follows tax map shoreline boundaries to allow for possible future zoning of underwater lands. Obtained USGS quadrangle data sets. Updated following tax map information using current Southold Town Tax Assessors' files: acreage, detailed land use, and general land use. This work was done for Water Supply Management and Watershed Protection Strategy. Created map reference area layer for Police Department use. Created creek maps for Trustees to mark locations of existing and proposed boat moorings. Created Mattituck Creek Watershed (boundary) layer using data from EEA Inc., a consulting firm retained by the Town to complete the Mattituck Creek Stormwater Remediation Project (pursuant to LWRP Project Agreement # C005800). Created Land Preservation Segment Layer according to Southold Town Land Preservation Committee's specifications to assist in prioritizing potential land and development right acquisitions. Obtained 1999 digital aerial photos from Suffolk County. Began and finished correcting and entering additional information into the soils layers originally received from Conservation Advisors. Updated line work for tax map layer with latest information from Suffolk County. 5 April 2000 April 2000 May 2000 June 2000 July 2000 VS-8/00 Obtained current and proposed future locations of water main layers from Suffolk County Water Authority. Digitized locations of Trustees' moodngs on creek maps prepared from November 1999 through Mamh 2000. Created new layer pf Agricultural District Parcels using information from Southold Town Tax Assessors' Real Property System files. Generated approximately 300 letters and mailing labels for Land Preservation Committee's town-wide mailing to current farm land owners based on Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy Map adopted by Town Board as part of Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy in January of 2000. Created map showing properties Southold Town wants preserved under the Suffolk County Greenways Program. Created map showing Protected Lands within Southold Town along with existing and proposed locations of potential future public water mains using Water Main Layers obtained eadier from the Suffolk County Water Authority. Obtained street right-of-way and general soils layers from Suffolk County. Obtained updated version of current water main layer and additional layer of SCWA-owned parcels from the SCWA. Reprinted as final map to accompany Water Supply Management & Watershed Protection Strategy report. Updated the Protected Lands map with SCWA owned parcels and added churches/cemeteries that were missing from first map produced for this project. Completed Soils layer received from Suffolk County by coding additional descriptive information as was done for the agricultural soils layer. Southold Town Geo.qraphic Information System: 6 Status of Projects Currently Underway: AuQust 2000 This section lists the status of specific tasks or projects connected to the creation, implementation and ongoing maintenance of the GIS database. Work on these projects will continue as part of GIS Implementation (LWRP Grant #C005961 ). New zoning map: Rough draft ready. Needs to be verified against current official (paper) map and/or other printed documentation. Zoning boundaries on current official map that are open to interpretation need to be addressed and the new map modified to reflect the changes. Finally, the new map needs to be updated with zone changes approved in October of 1999 as a result of the CR 48 upzoning. Further proposed upzonings on CR 48 that are slated for this fall also will have to be added. Agricultural Soils Map: Conservation Advisors (CA) only provided us with the soil codes for this layer. Since then, the descriptions and capability units of each of the soil types have been added. Recently it became evident that there are errors in the layers provided by CA, specifically where two different soil types are listed for the same area. These errors still need to be corrected. Trustees Moorings: Digitizing of moorings has been completed. We are waiting on the list of information that Trustees wish to be tracked for each mooring. Protected lands Map: The Southold Town Planning Department needs to determine how to handle or categorize easements held by the Suffolk County Water Authority on certain parcels. That is, should those parcels that the SCWA holds easements on (but does not actually own) be considered protected or not? Also, we need to obtain and enter updated parcel information on lands held by the Peconic Land Trust and The Nature Conservancy. Sales Information: We are working on the design of a program for creating a sales information layer based on the New York State Real Property System. VS-8/00 Southold Town Geographic Information System: Additional Mapping Needs: August 2000 through 2001 7 This listing contains projects considered essential to the completion of the GIS database as well as to its implementation for use by the Town. Some of the projects noted below were discussed in the section of this Development Report entitled Status of Projects Currently Underway: August 2000. Easements: Conservation and other easements held by land preservation agencies (e.g. Peconic Land Trust or The Nature Conservancy) or by utilities (e.g. Suffolk County Water Authority and LIPA) have to be defined, identified and entered into the GIS database. Wetlands: Many locally-significant wetlands are not on the official DEC Freshwater Wetlands layer. The general location of these wetlands have been identified on paper tax maps. These wetlands needs to be mapped at least for internal use and possibly for future classification by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Street Map: The County's street layer dataset has to be verified and corrected to match up with our Police (911 ) and Building Department (street address) records. Ortho-rectified Aerial Photos: Acquisition of ortho-rectified photos has been requested by the Southold Town Planning Department in its 2001 capital budget for GIS Implementation. Ortho- rectified aerial photos will permit expanded and more accurate use of information in existing GIS layers by enabling the superimposition of aerial photographs onto other spatial-specific layers. This information will have significant applications for several Town offices and uses. General Land Use Map: This map initially was generated by the Suffolk County Planning Department for the Brown Tide Comprehensive Assessment and Management Program, which was conducted by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services during the early 1990s. The definition of housing density used by the County for the purposes of that program is not particularly useful for the Town's growth management purposes. Modification of the density classifications will improve the accuracy and usefulness of this information at the local level. Shoreline Hardening Survey: The management of the Town's extensive shoreline requires a base data set against which to measure all future requests for shoreline hardening structures as well as to assess the suitability of existing structures. Although a shoreline survey was undertaken for the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, it needs 8 to be updated and converted into electronic format. Creation of this layer will require new field inspections and use of a hand-held geo-positioning system (GPS). VS-8~0 9 Southold Town Geographic Information System Additional Hardware/Software Needs: Au.qust 2000 throu.qh 2001 Full, integrated completion and implementation of the Town's GIS will require the acquisition of the following hard- and sOft-ware. These items have been listed in proposed operating and capital budgets for either the Planning or the Data Processing department. GPS Interface: Needed for field work on natural resources and man-made infrastructure. Di.qitizin.q Table: Needed for creating new layers from paper maps, photos or surveys. CD Burner: Needed for backup and data sharing with consultants in contract to the Town on specific projects needing the use of GIS data and with other agencies, whether data-source agencies or cooperative agencies. Additional GIS Development Software: A development software package such as MapBasic is needed to create custom Maplnfo programs on an as-needed basis for specific projects or ongoing needs. At some point in the future, we should acquire ARC-INFO software in order to expand our capabilities to manipulate the GIS database more effectively. Maplnfo Licenses: Individual departments need to acquire additional licenses to use Maplnfo software to allow their staff to access and use the GIS data files. VS-8/00 10 Southold Town Geo.qraphic Information System: Data Catalogue and Timeline: July 1997 - March 2002 The development of the GIS database is documented below: July 1997 October 1997 December 1997 January 1998 - June 1998 February 1998 Apd11998 Purchased workstation, color laser printer & Maplnfo software. Obtained data sets from Suffolk County. Data sets included the following layers: tax map, zoning, roads, State Agricultural District boundaries, parks, railroad right-of-way and 1996 digital aerial photographs. Training in the use of Map/nfo by Conservation Advisors. Obtained from Conservation Advisors the following data sets: draft soils, landmarks, surface waters and topography. Obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation the data sets for Regulatory Freshwater Wetlands. Updated and corrected tax map layer received from Suffolk County. (This data was about 4 years old and significantly out-of-date.) Established procedure to obtain tax map updates on regular basis from Suffolk County. Developed a Protected Lands map for Planning Department. Established a procedure to update Protected Lands map. Obtained from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation the data sets from the Natural Heritage Program showing unique flora and fauna habitats. Purchased large-format plotter. This plotter enables printing of maps at a scale suitable for presentation and display. Obtained the following data sets from Conservation Advisors: final soils map and the locations and designs of May 1998 June 1998 - August1998 June 1998 August1998 September1998 October 1998 December 1998 April 1999 pending Peconic Land Trust conservation projects within the Town of Southold. Obtained from Suffolk County, the following layers: 911 and zip codes. Created current farmland layer; e.g. land in active agriculturel pmduclion, based on aerial and field work by Planning and Data Processing staff with cooperetion of local farmers. Developed Community Preservation Project Fund Map in accordance with State legislation authorizing same. Developed procedure for updating tax map layer based on changes in Southold Town Tax Assessors' files. Created Hamlet Detail maps for proposed Flood Mitigation Project for which Town was soliciting State funds. Created Flood Insurance Claims layer for proposed Flood Mitigation Project. Obtained school and fire district layers from Suffolk County. Obtained Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps frem Suffolk County for proposed Flood Mitigation Project. Created study area maps for Route 48 Upzoning Project, a Town Board sponsored study to upzone business property located along County Route 48 within Southold Town. Began correcting errors in County's zoning map data set. Created detailed maps itemizing proposed re-zonings along County Route 48. Obtained National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Maps from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service through Peconic Estuary Management Progrem. June 1999 - 2 September 1999 August1999 September1999 O~ober1999 November 1999 November 1999 - March 2000 December 1999 February 2000 Mamh 2000 Updated current farmland inventory with new field data from Peconic Land Trust staff in conjunction with Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy project. Created layers and maps showing lands in active agricultural production and produced overlay of active lands with protected lands map for Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy report. Began creating new zoning map that follows tax map shoreline boundaries to allow for possible future zoning of underwater lands, Obtained USGS quadrangle data sets. Updated following tax map information using current Southold Town Tax Assessors' files: acreage, detailed land use, and general land use. This work was done for Water Supply Management and Watershed Protection Strategy. Created map reference area layer for Police Department use. Created creek maps for Trustees to mark locations of existing and proposed boat moorings. Created Mattituck Creek Watershed (boundary) layer using data from EEA Inc., a consulting firm retained by the Town to complete the Mattituck Creek Stormwater Remediation Project (pursuant to LWRP Project Agreement # C005800). Created Land Preservation Segment Layer according to Southold Town Land Preservation Committee's specifications to assist in prioritizing potential land and development dght acquisitions. Obtained 1999 digital aerial photos from Suffolk County. Began and finished correcting and entering additional information into the soils layers originally received from Conservation Advisors. Updated line work for tax map layer with latest information from Suffolk County. 3 April 2000 April 2000 May 2000 June 2000 July 2000 Obtained current and proposed future locations of water main layers from Suffolk County Water Authority. Digitized locations of Trustees' moorings on creek maps prepared from November 1999 through Mamh 2000. Created new layer of Agricultural District Parcels using information from Sguthold Town Tax Assessors' Real Property System files. Generated approximately 300 letters and mailing labels for Land Preservation Committee's town-wide mailing to current farm land owners based on Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy Map adopted by Town Board as part of Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy in January of 2000. Created map showing properties Southold Town wants preserved under the Suffolk County Greenways Program. Created map showing Protected Lands within Southold Town along with existing and proposed locations of potential future public water mains using Water Main Layers obtained eadier from the Suffolk County Water Authority. Obtained street fight-of-way and general soils layers from Suffolk County. Obtained updated version of current water main layer and additional layer of SCWA-owned parcels from the SCWA. Reprinted as final map to accompany Water Supply Management & Watershed Protection Strategy report, Updated the Protected Lands map with SCWA owned parcels and added churches/cemeteries that were missing from first map produced for this project. Digitized the Suffolk County Water Authority Water Main Map. Created Water Protection Zone layer for Ground Watershed Protection and Management project Completed Soils layer received from Suffolk County by coding additional descriptive information as was done for the agricultural soils layer. 4 January 2001 - February 2001 - March 2001 - April 2001 - October 2001 - March 2002 - Updated tax map linework with latest available from Suffolk County. Created "acreages in vineyards" layer to be used with Farmland Protection Strategy layers. Began creating Mattituck High School evacuation maps. Began updating digital zoning layer with 2000 CR48 Moratorium updates. Began proofing digital zoning layer against previous zoning map (Van Tuyl pdnt). Began creating parcel level zoning information. Purchased street layer with EAL from Maplnfo. Received SLOSH coverages from Suffolk County. Received Peconic Estuary Program GIS data from The Nature Conservancy (Critical Lands Inventory). Received NYS Digital Ortho-Rectified aerials from spring 2001 flight, 5 FR~M : ¢OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD FAX NO. : 631 765 3136 Ma~. 31 2082 82:25PM P1 Project Measurable Results Geographic Information Definition: Projects that involve spatial digital data, soffw~e, or equipment. Projects may involve setting up a GIS, training staffin GIS, developing spatial data sets, or implementing GIS projects. 'Number of GIS stafftralned: GIS stations established or enhanced (number of computers): Elements mapped (typed and extent): ..... .$g ~ /4-'O-~c.~{ ~ Spatial data created (type and coverage):...~.~..-.~ .,4-'Ti-A~_.,~ Spatial Processes automated [program type and application (emg. building petters)I: tk~7'- A4~p u ¢~ Kecords accessed digitally [number and type of records, (e.g. tax records)].