HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransfer Station Contract AI~;LIZAIgETH A. NEVILLE TOV~'N C LEIIlK S,_,ttthold, New York E~t_x ~ ~:~ 1, 765-~ 14~5 Telel}[1,Jlle ~ ~a 1 , soutcholdtown.nvr t htbrk, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 437 OF 2005 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BO)dID ON JULY 12, 2005: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Robbins and Cowan Inc. in the amount of $2~929~972.58~ as part of the renovation of the Solid Waste Management District Transfer Station, as modified in accordance with the recommendations of L.K. McLean Associates, P.C., as reflected in thc attached Memorandum (See resolution V436 attachment), and authorizes and directs SupetMsor Joshua Y. H'~rton to sigm an agreement with Robbins and Cowan Inc. effectuating the acceptance of such bid and completion of such work, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Robbins & Cowam [uc. 179 New ~/'ol'k Avenue Hnntington. New York 1 1743 Att: John A. Robbins, President Jnly 19, 2005 CO P'r' Re; Town of Southold: Transfer Station Expansion & Site lmprovemefits Notice of Award - Contract "A' LKMA Project #: 04050.000 Dear Mr. Robbins: As Consulting Engineers to the Town of Southold, our office has attached Town Board Resolution No. 436 of 2005 adopted on Jnly 12, 2005 thus awarding Contract "A' of the above referenced project to Robbins & Cowan. As you are aware, the Town of Southold has deleted some of the"items associated with Contract "A" in order to meet the budget limitation on the project (please refer to the attached Bid Breakdown for Contract "A" for details}. The bid amount received on April 21, 2005 was decreased from $3,457,956.00 to $2,929,972.58. The Town of Southold is eager to commence construction on this project and expects to procure an executed a~-eement with )'our office as soon as possible. Our office is in the process of conforming the bid proposals submitted on the bid date (April 21, 2005~ to reflect the modifications to the awarded items. Once the copies are made by our office we will coordinate the signing of the Contract Agl'eement within the contbnned copies for distribution to all involved parties. Please prepare to furnish the Town of Southold Clerk's Office with all necessary bonding and insurance documents as defined in the Instructions to Bidders within the Contract Specifications. The Bid Security furnished by your office shall be returned upon filing'approval of the Performance Bond and completion of ten percent (10%) of the work under the contract. Attached you will find a cop)' of the Resolution adopted on Jul,',' 12, 2005 by the Town. Once again, our office appreciates your prompt attention to the contract requirements for a contract to be fully executed between your office and the Town of Southold. Once all conformed copies are prepared and contract requirements are furnished by your office, the Town will review all contract documents and schedule a contract signing with your office. Upon completing all contract procurement procedures, the Town of Southold will schedule a Pre-Construction Meeting with all involved parties. If xou. should have any questions regarding this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact this office directly. CFD:cfd Enc. (2) Bid Breakdown Spreadsheet, Iown Resolntion CC: Southold Town Board Members w/enc Patricia Finnegan, Southold Town Attorney w/enc. LICMA File Copy w/enc. Very truly, yours, Cln'istophet: E. Dxvyer -- Associate L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL "TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF" CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK LKMA Project No: 04050.00 Prepared For: TOXkqq OF SOUTHOLD 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Contract A MARCH 2005 Prepared B}': L.K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 437 South Country Road Brookhaven, New York 1 l 719 (631) 286-8668 TABLE OF CONTENTS SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF Title Page Invitation to Bid Table of Contents Instructions to Bidders NYS Wage Rates Standard Insurance Requirements General Conditions Conditions of Contract Proposal Form Package Qualification of Bidders Contract Agreement Questions Page Specifications General Construction Drawings (Separate) Site Electrical Drawings (Separate) Fire Well Drawing (Separate) Sanitary Drawings (Separate) Waste Oil Tank Permit Drawings (Separate) Water Distribution Drawing (Separate) Boring Plan & Logs ISeparate) IB-I thru IB-6 SIR-1 thru SIR.2 GC-1 thru G-C. 12 CC-1 thru CC-20 Proposal Form Package 1.-22 QS-1 thru QS4 A-1 thru A-3 Q-1 Divisions 1 -Division 16 1 of 41 thru41of41 E-1 thru E-3 FW-1 S-1 thru S-3 W-1 and W-2 WD-1 B-1 tb_m B-3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD,· SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971' PHONE: 631-765-1938 / FAX:.631-765-3136 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALEDPROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - "TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF" Definite specifications may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning MARCH 24; 2005 PLACE OF OPENING: DATE OF OPENING:r TIME OF. OPENING: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APRIL 21, 2005 10:00 AM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Christopher F. Dwyer. L;K. McLean Associates, 63%286-8668 (X245) VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BID IN SEALED ENVELOPE. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1) NAME & ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME. BID MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A 5 % BID SECURITY. It is the bidder's responsibility to read the .attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town of Southold requires that this .document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the bid document for your records. A non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged for plans and specifications. Payment can be made by either money order, cash or check (payable to the Town of Southold). A non-mandatory pre-bidder's conference will be held at 11:00am on April 7, 2005 at the Southold Town Landfill in Cutchogue (Route 48 & Cox Lane). The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX }) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. Receipt and Opening of Bids Form, Preparation and Presentation of Proposal Bid Security Qualifications of Bidders Rej ecfion of Bids Bidders Responsibility Construction Tcu-ms and Conditions Security for Faith_fid Performance Bid Reservations Non-Collusive Statement Addenda and Interpretations Method of Award Single Price Bid Analysis Municipal Exempt Status Labor Law Wage Rates Insurance Required by the Town of Southold Quantifies MBE\WBE-EEO Requirements · ) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS The Town of Southold invites bids on the forms herein provided for the Town of Southold Transfer Station and Residential Drop-off Facility construction in Southold, New York. Sealed bids shall be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York no later than 10:00 AM prevailing time on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. All bids received after the time stated for the opening in the Notice to Bidders may not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the Town. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal del/very, the bidder assumes responsibility for having his bid deposited on time at the place specified. Faxed bids will not be accepted. 2. FORM~ PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PROPOSAL The Proposal Form as issued by the Town Clerk shall be completely ~led in, in black ink or typed on the original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filed in, in both words and figures, with a total or gross sum for which the bid is made. All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it be "0', "N/A", "No Charge", or a dollar figure. All lines must be filled in to indicate bidder's acknowledgement of the request.-Bids that do not have all applicable lines f'dled in on the bid proposal form may be disqua:lified as a non-responsive bid. We cannot assume there is "no charge" when lines are left empty. Bids that contain any omission, erasure, alteration, addition or items not called for in the itemized bid form or that contain irregularities of any kind will not be accepted. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and total amount bid for any item, the unit price, as expressed in words, shall govern. The following two items will automatically render a bid unacceptable to the Town of Southold: a. Failure to sign bid proposal page. b. Failure to include necessary bid security deposit (as required). It shall be fully understood that any deviations from the inclusion of the above items will be grounds to see the bid as non-compliant and will not be considered for award. 3. BID SECURITY (a) The Bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank or trust company with its principal place of business in New York State, or an acceptable bid bond, in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid, made payable to the Town of Southold (herein identified as Owner), as assurance that the bid is made in good faith. The certified checks or bid bonds of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until ill/rig and approval of the Performance Bond and until completion of five percent (5%) of the work under the Contract. · r lB-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CO) The successful bidder, upon Iris failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of the acceptance of his bid, shall forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 4. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS (a) Forms for qualifications of bidders, giving evidence of sufficient facilities, equipment, experience and financial ability to insure completion of the work are provided with the bid specification package, and shall be filled out by the contractor and returned with the bid submission. (b) Information contained in any statement of financial ability shall be not more than thirty days old at the t/me of submission. (c) The Town 'reserves the right to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or advisable to determine any bidder's ability to do the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Town, on request, all data and information pertinent thereto. The Town reserves the right to reject any bid if such investigation fails to satisfy the Town that the bidder is fully qualified to do the work. Financial instability of a bidder may be cause for non-award. 5. REJECTION OF BIDS (a) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid ii' the evidence submitted in the qualifications statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TOWN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will be considered informal and will be rejected. CO) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or part thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have been examined and/or checked. 6. BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY (a) Bidders are cautioned not to submit bids until after having inspected the site of the proposed improvement and having made themselves familiar with local conditions. The attention of persons intending to submit bids is specifically called to the paragraph of the Contract which debars a Contractor from pleading misunderstanding or deception because of estimates or quantities, character, location or other conditions surrounding the same. Special attention is called to the notes on the Plans or in the itemized form of bid, which are made a part of this Contract, which may alter or revise the Specifications for the particular contract. Co) No representation is made as to the existence or nonexistence of groundwater, xvhich may in any way impede the work, proposed to be accomplished. Each bidder shall fully inform himself as to groundwater and sub-surface conditions prior to submitting his bid. ,) IB-3 · INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (c) The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent, cost, and character of the materials, labor, and equipment required to complete the proposed job in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, including all other expenses incidental thereto. (d) Bidders must examine the Plans and Specifications and exercise their own judgement as to the nature and mount of the whole of the work to be done, and for the bid prices, must assume all risks of variance by whomsoever made in computation or statement of amounts or quantities necessary to fully complete the work in strict compliance with the Contract Documents. (e) The Bidder shall assume all risks and responsibility and shall complete the work in whatever material and under whatever conditions he may encounter or create, without extra cost to the Town. (f) No pleas of ignorance or misunderstanding of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of faihire to make the necessary examinations and investigations, will be to fulfill in every detail all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, or will be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation, or for an extension of time. 7. CONSTRUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS The successful bidder is warned that the work specified in the Conditions of Contract, together with the Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, General Conditions, Plans, Specifications and instructions of the Engineer or his duly authorized representative will be rigidly enfomed. 8. SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE The successful bidder shall be required to execute a Performance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount bid, such bonds to be executed by a New York licensed insurance carrier/surety company with an A rating or better from A.M. Best & Co. and acceptable to the Owner; or bonds secured by collateral; or securities approved by the Owner. The Performance Bend shall be written so as to remain in full force and effect as a maintenance bond for a period of not less than one (1) year after the date of final acceptance of the work. The successful bidder, upon failure to execute and deliver the bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of award, shall forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his bid, and he will be liable for and he agrees to pay to the Owner on demand, the difference between the price bid and the price for which such contract shall subsequently be relet including the cost of such reletting less the amount of such deposit. No plea of mistake in such accepted bid shall be available to the bidder for recovery of his deposit or as a defense to any action upon accepted bid unless said mistake can be proven by documentary evidence acceptable to the Town. After approval of the bonds and execution of the Conlzact and after ten (10) percent of the work has been completed, the bid security accompanying the bid will be returned. 0,1) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 9. BID RESERVATIONS Bids submitted shall remain in effect for forty-five (45) days past the date of bid opening. This period may be extended, for the benefit of the Town, by mutual agreement between the Bidder and the Town Clerk. 10. NON-COLLUSIVE STATEMENT The form of non-collusion bidding certification contained in the proposal package must be executed by the Bidder and submitted with the proposal. The 'submission of this statement certifies that the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 11. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS Every request for information or interpretation of the Contract Documents or Drawings must be addressed in writ'mg to the Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971, and to be given any coasideration, must be received at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any such interpretations or supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda, and will be mailed or faxed to all prospective bidders. The failure of any bidder to receive any such addenda will not relieve the bidder of any obligation under his bid as submitted. Any addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 12. METHOD OF AWARD The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, and conformity with the specifications. 13. SINGLE PRICE BID ANALYSIS In the event a single bid is received, the Town will conduct a price analysis of the bid price prior to the award of the contract. 14. MUNICIPAL EXEMt'T STATUS The Town is exempt fi:om the payment of Federal, State and local taxes. Taxes must not be included in proposal prices. 113-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 15. LABOR LAW The Contractor and each and every subcontractor performing work at the site of the project to wkich th/s Contract relates shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Labor Law, as amended, of the State of New York. Attention is called to certain provisions of the Labor Law, as set forth' in the Conditions of Contract, Paragraph 11, which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 16. WAGE RATES The rates of wages determined by the New York State Industrial Commissioner pursuant to the Labor Law, which shall be paid on this project, are set forth herein following the Instructions to Bidders. Contractors and subcontractors are required to submit to the Town, within thirty days after issuance of.the first payroll, and every thirty days thereafter, a transcript of the original payroll records, subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury. 17. INSURANCE REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The successful bidder will be required to procure and pay for the following types of insurance, as set forth in more detail herein following the Instructions to Bidders in the Standard Insurance requirements Section. (a) Comprehensive Automobile Policy. (b)Comprehensive General Liability (c) Excess/Umbrel~a Insurance ' (d)Workmen% Compensation Insurance (e) Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance 18. QUANTITIES Any quantities set forth in the bid specifications are approximations only. No guarantee is made for any quantities stated. Payment shall be on the basis.of actual quantities supplied or the actual work done at the trait prices quoted. 19. MBE/XVBE-EE O RE QUIREMENTS This contract is subject'to the provisions of Article 15-A of the Executive Law. Therefore, the winning bidder may be required to submit an 1V[BE/WBE Equal Employment Opportunity Program and a Utilization Program within ten days of being notified of award, and make good faith efforts to achieve goals established by the Town of Southold and the New York State Enviromnental Facilities Corporation for the participation of various business enterprises as Sub- Contractors and Suppliers on the Contract will be required. IB-6 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF" TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: March 28, 2005 Acknoxvledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follows: Proposal Package Please note the following clarification: On Page 2 of 22 within the Section of the Contract Specifications titled" Proposal Package", the 2nd checklist item "A Bid Deposit in the amount of Ten Percent of Bid Price as required in the Invitation to Bid" shall be changed to read "A Bid Deposit in the amount of Five Percent of Bid Price as required in the Invitation to Bid" ADDENDUM NO. 1 - Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TO~VN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF" TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: March 29, 2005 Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 2 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follo~vs: Proposal Package Please note the following clarification: The itemized proposal forms in the Proposal Package, specifically pages 8 through 15, shall be completed for all interested in bidding the Contract A - General Construction of the Project. The total amount of Items 1 through 45 shall be used for the purpose of determining the lowest responsible bidder for Contract "A". The following page, Proposal Package 16 of 22, is altemate items associated with Contract "A". The sole purpose of filling out the three Add- Alternate Items, A1 through A3, is for the Town to receive pricing on each item and not to be used in determining Contract "A". The Town shall decide whether or not to award those items to the lowest responsible bidders of Contract "A". Item A1 would be used to substitute for Item 41 (see Item 41 's Notes 1 & 2 for measurement and payment) of the Contract "A' while Items A2 and A3 are additional items (add-on's) to the Contract "A". All three (3) contracts, Contract ",4 '- General Construction, Contract "C" - Plumbing Construction and Contract "D" - Electrical Construction of the project shall be awarded separately by the Town. · ADDENDUM NO. I - Page I of 1 ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF' TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: April 8, 2005 Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 3 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follows: Di~ion 2 Please note the following clarification: In Division 2 - Site Work on page 3 of 67 under the section titled "ITEMS TO BE SALVAGED FOR REUSE BY THE TOWN" part "D" needs to be excluded from the bid specification document. The To~m no longer intends to salvage the structural members of the existing building. Therefore, any additional language in the contract that indicates the To~xm's intentions to salvage parts of the existing building is not applicable or binding to the contracted work. In "Division 2 - Site Work" on page 2 of 67 under the section titled "DEMOLITION DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS" part "A" specifically the second sentence where it states "All materials and debris to be demolished shall be removed and disposed of off-site" shall be changed to read "All materials and debris to be demolished shall be removed and disposed of off-site with the exception of removed and segregated metal (steel, aluminum, etc..) and debris. The Contractor shall dispose of the specified materials on-site to a location determined by the Owner (either in containers or a staging area within the landfill property). All material shall be reduced to a maximum length of 20' with ali other dimensions reduced in a manner to fit inside of standard 40 cubic yard roll-off containers." Metal Building wall sections Please note the following change to the building sections: The rigid flame is "flush" with the outside edge of the foundation wall with the wall girts mounted between the columns as shown on the follo~4ng sketch. ADDENDUM NO. 1 - Page 1 of 1 · ADDENDUM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF" TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: April 13, 2005 Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 4 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follows: Please note the following clarification: In the Proposal Package - under Pay Item A1 "Modified Domestic Water SenSce 3" SDR 9 HDPE" within the "Description of Item" column the unit should read "LS" instead of"LF". In the Proposal Package - under Pay Item A1 "Modified Domestic Water Service 3" SDR 9 HDPE' within the terms of payment No. 1 and No. 2 should read: 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum bid price to install a domestic water service as shown on the Contract Drawings and specifications and as approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with layout, earthwork, excavation, backfilling, installation of main service piping, distribution branch service piping, and all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid for this Item. In the Proposal Package - under Pay Item No. 1 for Contracts A, C and D within the terms of pa3anent specifically No. 2 it should read" Payment for this item will be made in three (3) pa)xnents" instead of"Payment for this item will be made in ~'o (2) payments". In Division I - General Requirements - Section 01590 - the General Contractor under Contract "A" shall furnish the Engineer's Office (complete with utilities and furnishings). In Division 1 - General Requirements - Section 01500 - ~' the Electrical Contractor under Contract "D" is responsible for the installation of the proposed Temporary Electrical service and metering at the proposed transfer station ~ the General Contractor under Contract "A" shall pay for all temporat3r electrical power usage at this meter ~ the General Contractor under Contract "A" shall furnish Telephone Service ADDENDUM NO. 1 -Page l of 2 ADDENDUM NO. 4 the Plumbing Contractor under Contract "C" shall furnish Temporary. Water Service as specified the General Contractor under Contract "A" shall furnish Temporary Sanitary. Facilities. In the Proposal Package - under Contract A - General Construction ~ Pay Items 37, 38 and 39, and Contract D - Electrical Construction - Pay Item 4 - the General Contractor is to provide complete un-energized systems including all associated conduit and wiring. The Electrical Contractor is to tie in, or energize the systems installed by the General Contractor. In the Proposal Package - under Contract A - General Construction - Pa3' Item 41 "Domestic Water Service - Complete" the General Contractor is to supply and install the specified items to the building footprint and leave a 10 foot coil for the Plumbing Contractor to complete the plumbing connections. Drawing WD-1 does not show the water distribution piping in the "Site Plan". Refer to Drawing S-4 for the plan view of the water distribution piping. Disconnection of Utilities - the Electrical Contractor is responsible for disconnecting the electrical power at the existing transfer station. This electrical power can be used to feed the proposed temporary electrical service and metering (the Electrical Contractor's responsibility) at the proposed transfer station. The General Contractor shall pay for all temporary electrical power usage at this meter. The General Contractor is responsible for all other utility, disconnects. This includes electrical power at the buildings to be relocated. In Division 2 - Site Work - Section 02050 "Demolition" - the General Contractor under Contract "A' shall include disposal fees. ADDENDUM NO. I - Page 2 of 2 ADDENDUM NO. 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF" TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: April 18, 2005 Acknoxvledge receipt of this Addendum No. 5 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follows: Please note the following clarification: Drawing 14 - Weigh Facility Plan & Details Section A-A - The foundation wall and footing derail should have the same reinforcement as shown in Section B-B (directly below). A vertical tie of#4 ever), 18" on center extending from the footing into the xvall with two (2) #4 bars continuous through the length of the poured footing. All concrete shall have a compressive strength of 4,000 PSI at 28 days. Drawing 15 - Site Weigh Scale Details: note the following Plan Viexv for Scale Foundation: Change scale from 1" = 6' to l" = 8' The approach ramps shall be reduced to 20' long (typical of 4) and 30' overall length. All footing, elevations and slab information will remain the same. Section A-A: Change scale from 1" = 5' to l' = 6' All concrete shall have a compressive strength of 4,000 PSI at 28 days. Drawing 17 - Gas Venting Plan & Details In the End View of the Gas Migration Trench Extension Detail (bottom of sheet) the width of the trench should be 3'-0" minimum. The stone aggregate used to surround the slotted and solid PVC pipe should be sub- angular stone furnished by the Oxvner. ADDENDUM NO. 1 - Page l of 2 ADDENDUM NO. 5 Dra~ving 40 - Site Details All structural concrete and concrete used to manufacture drainage structures shall have a compressive strength of 4,000 PSI at 28 days. Drawing E-1 - Electric Site Plan The feeders for the New 600 Amp Trans S and the MBP Panel shall be 4-500 MCM in 4" conduit. Emergency lights are called out in Spec. Section 16510, Item 3, and page 24 of 36. Site lighting, all poles shall be single head only - no t~vo head poles. Reconnection of the generator shall be to the proposed Mechanical Room ~vithin the Transfer Station and location of the MBP Panel. ADDENDUM NO. 1 - Page 2 of 2 ADDENDUM NO. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL - TRANSFER STATION & RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF" TO: ALL Contractors FROM: L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. DATE: April 20, 2005 Acknowledge receipt, of this Addendum No. 6 by inserting its number and date in the place provided for same in the Proposal Package 7 of 22. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies them as follows: Please note the following clarification: Drawing E-I & E-2- Site Electric The feeders for the New 600 Amp Trans S and the MBP Panel shall be two (2) sets of 4- 350 MCM in 4" conduit. For the emergency generator, the intent is to provide emergency power to the Scalehouse, Information Booth and Administration Trailer during poxver outages. · ADDENDUM NO. 6 - Page I of 1 NEN YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC HORK STATE OFFICE CAMPUS, BLDG. 12 ALBANY, NY 122q0 SCHEDULE 200q Date 02/15/05 TOHN OF SOUTHOLB CHRISTOPHER F. DNYER, ASSOC. L.K. MCLEAN ASSOCIATE,P.C, q37 SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD BROOKHAVEN NY I1719 PRC 0502031 SUFFOLK COUNTY Location and Type of Project PROJECT ID #: NONE SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION S RESIDENTIAL DROPOFF ROUTE ~8, MIDDLE ROAD TOHN OF SOUTHOLD In response to your request, enclosed is ~he schedule of ~he prevailing hourly wage rates and the prevailing hourly supplements for the above prodect, ~oge~her wi~h copies of the Notice of Contract Let (PH-16) for THE SCHEDULE MUST BE ANNEXED TO AND FORM A PART OF THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT HHEN IT IS ADVERTISED FOR BIDS. These schedules have been p~epared and forwarded in accordance with Article 8 of ~he NYS Labor Law, which provides tha~ i~ shall be the duty of ±he fiscal officer ~o ascertain and determine ~he schedules of supplements ~o be provided and wages ~o be paid to workers, laborers and mechanics employed on public work projectsz and to file such schedules Ni~h the Oepar±ment having jurisdiction. This schedule is effective from July 1, 200~ through June 30, 2005. Ail updates, corrections and future copies of the annual determination are available on the Department s website (www.labor.state.ny.us). The attached rates are based on the lates~ information available to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Hork. Care should be taken to review the rates for obvious errors. Any corrections should be brought ~o the Department s attention immediately. It is the responsibility of ~he public work .contractor to use the proper rate. If there is a question on ~he proper classification to be used, please call the district office located neares~ the project. O1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES: Upon cancellation or'completion of this project, enter the necessary information and return this page to: New York State Departmen~ of Labor Bureau of Public Hork State Office Campus, Bldg. 12 Albany~ NY 122~0 PROJECT HAS BEEN COMPLETED/CANCELLED= Date Signature Title For additional information, contact our local District Offices: Albany (518) q57-Z7q~ Syracuse (315) fi28-~056 Binghamton (607) 72~-8005 Rochester (716) 258-~505 Buffalo (716) 8q7-7159 Utica ($15) 79~-251~ Garden City (516) ZZ8-3915 Hhi~e Plains (9lq) 997-9507 Ne~ York City (21~) 352-~0B8 PH-200 (6-03) GENERAL PROVISIONS OF LAMS COVERING WORKERS ON PUBLIC HORK CONTRACTS INTRODUCTION The Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers or mechanics employed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and supplements · (fringe benefits) in the iocalit¥ where the work is performed. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JURISDICTION A Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) include's a state department, ·agency, board or commission; a county, city, town or village. a school district~ board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer, water, fire, improvement and other district corporation; a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. The Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) awarding a public work contract MUST obtain a Prevailing Rate Schedule listing the hourly rates of wages and supplements due the workers to be employed on a public work project. This scheduie may be obtained by completing and forwarding a Request for Hege and Supplement Information form [PN-39) to the Bureau Public Hork. The Prevailing Rate Schedule MUST be included in the specifications for the contract to be awarded end is deemed pan~ of the public work contract. · Upon the awarding of the contract, the law requires that the Department of Jurisdiction [Contracting Agency) furnish the following in.formation to 'the Bureau: the name and address of the contractor, the date the contract was let and the approximate dollar value of the contract. To facilitate compliance with this provision of the Labor Law, a copy of the Department's Notice of Contract Let form (PH-16) is provided with the original Prevailing Rate Schedule. The Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) is required to' notify the Bureau of the completion or cancellation of any public work pro~ect. The Oeoar~ment's PH-200 form is provided for that purpose. HOUrs No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of a contractor or subcontractor engaged in the performance of any public work project shall be permitted to work more than eight hours in any day or more than five days in any week. e×cept in cases of extraordinary emergency. The contractor and the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) may appIy to the Bureau of Public Mork for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular public, work pro~ect. · HAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS The wages and supplements to be paid and/or provided to laborers, workers and mechanics employed on a public work pro~ect shall be not be ieee than those listed in the current Prevailing Rate Schedule for the locality where the work is performed. If a prime contractor on a public work project has not been provided with a Prevailing Rate Schedule, the contractor must notify the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) who in turn must request an original Prevailing Rate Schedule from the: New York S~ate Department of Labor Bureau of Public Hork State Office Campus~ 81dg. 12 Albany, NY 12240 'Upon receiving the original schedule, the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) is required to provide complete copies to all prime contractors who in turn must provide copies to each subcontractor and obtain an affidavit certifying such schedule was received. Page 1 The Commissioner of Labor makes an annual determination of the prevailing rates. This determination is in effect from July 1 thru June 30 of the following year. The annual determine±ion is available on the Department o+ Labor webszte (wH~.~abor.skate.nv.us). The prime contractor is required by law ko provide coples of ali applicable counky schedules to each subcontractor and ko obkain from each and every subconkractor an affidavik cerkifying khak such schedules were received. If the original schedule expired, khe contractor may obtain a copy of the new annual determination from the Department's websike. PAYROLLS AND PAYROLL RECORDS. Every contractor and subcontrackor must keep original payrolls or transcripts subscribed and affirmed as krue under penalty of perjury. Payrolls must be maintained for at leask khree years from the project s date of completion. A± a minimum, payroiIs musk show khe following information for each person empIoyed on a public work project: ~ Name ~ Classification(s) in which khe worker was empIoyed ~ Hourly wage rate(s) paid M Supplements paid or provided ~ Daily. and weekly number of hours worked in each classification, Every conkractor and subconkrackor shall submit Jurisdickion (Contracting Agency), within khirty (~0) days after issuance of its first payroll and avery thirty original payrolls, subscribed and affirmed as krue under penalky of perjury. The Department of Jurisdiction (Conkracting Agency) shall receive and maintain such payrolls. In addition, the Commissioner of Labor may require contrackors to furnish, ~ikhin ten days of a request, payroll records sworn to as kheir validity and accuracy for public Nork and private work. Payroll records include, but are nok iimiked to, time cards, work description sheets, proo~ that supp.lemenks were provided, cancelled payroll checks and payrolls. Failure to provide the requesked information within the allotted ken days wiii result in the Nikhhoiding of up ~o 25~ of the contract, not to exceed one hundred khousand dollars. If the contractor or subconkractor does not maintain a place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25,000, payroll records and cerkificakions must be kept on the project worksite. The prime contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevailing ~ages or suppiemenks by any subconkractor. Ail contractors or their subcontractors shall provide to kheir subcontrackors a copy of the Prevailing Rate Schedule specified in khe public Hork contrac± as weii as any subsequenkiy issued schedules. A failure ko provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor is a vioiakion of Article B of ~he Labor Law. See Seckion Ali subcontractors engaged by a public work gro~ect contrackor or its subconkractor, upon receipk of the original schedule and any subsequently issued schedules, shall provide to such contractor a verified statement attesting that khe subcontractor has received the Prevailing Rate Schedule and ~ili pay or provide khe applicable rates o~ wages and supplements specified therein. See Section 2ZO-a. ~ETERMINATION OF PREVAILING HAGE AND SUPPLEMENT RATE UPDATES APPLICABLE TO ALL UUNI£~5 The we~es and supplements contained in the annual dekerminakion become effectzve Ju~y 1st whether or not the new determination has been received by a given contractor. Care shouid be kaken to review the rates for obvious errors. Any corrections should be broughk ko the Deparkment~s attention immediately. It is the responsibility of the public Hork conkractor to use the proper rates. If there is a question on khe proper classification to be used, please call the district office locakad nearesk the project. Any enrors in the annual determinakion wilI be correcked and posked to the Deparkment~s website on the first business day of each month. Conkrackors are responsible for paying these updated rates as well, rekroactiva to July 1st. Hhen you review the schedule for a particular occupation, your attention should be directed to the dakes above the column of rates. These are the dates for which a given set of rakes is effective. To the exkent possible, the Page Department posts 'rates in its possession that cover periods of time beyond the July 1st to June ~Oth time frame covered by a particular annual determznation. Rates that extend beyond that instant time period are informationai only and may be updated in future annual determinations that actuaiiy cover the then appropriate July 1st to June ~Oth time period. ' HITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS Hhen a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor believes that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the public work contract shaI1 be withheld from the prime contractor zn a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. · Hhen the Bureau of Public Hork finds that a contractor or subcontractor on a public work project ~ailed to pay or provide the requisite prevailing wages or supplements, the Bureau is aUthOrized by Sections 220-b and 255.2 of the Labor Law to so notify the financial officer of the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency) that awarded the public work contract. Such officer MUST then withhold or cause to be withheld from any payment due the prime contractor on account of such contract the amount indicated by the Bureau as sufficient to satisfy the unpaid wages and supplements~ including interest and any civil penalty that may be assessed by the Commzssioner of Labor. The withholding continues until there is a final determination of the underpayment by the Commissioner of Labor or by the court in the event a legal proceeding is instituted for review of the determination of the Commissioner of Labor. The Department of Jurisdiction [Contracting Agency) shall comply with this order of the Commissioner of Labor or of the court with respect to the release of ~he ~unds so withheld. - SUMMARY OF NOTICE POSTING REQUIREMENTS The current Prevailing Rate Schedule must be posted in a prominent and . accessible place on the site of the public work pro~ect..The prevailing wage schedule must be encased in, or constructed of, materials capable of withstanding adverse weather conditions and be titled "PREVAILING RATE OF HAGES" in letters no smaller than two (2) inches by two (2) inches. Every employer providing workers~ compensation insurance and disability benefits must post notices of such coverage in the format prescribed by the Horkers~ Compensation Board in a conspicuous place on the ~obsite. Every employer sub~ect to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuousiy post at its offices, places of employment, or employment training centers notices furnished by the State Division of Human Rights. Employers liable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspzcuously post on the 5obsite notices furnished by the New York State Department of Labor. Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates unless they are individuaily registered in a program registered with the New York State Commissioner of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to ~ourneyworkers in any craft classification can be no greater than the statewide building trade ratios promulgated by the Department of Labor and included with the Prevailing Rate Scheduze. An employee listed on a payroll as an apprentice who is not registered as above or is performing work outside the classification of work for which the apprentice is indentured~ must be paid the prevailing ~ourneyworker's wage rate for the classification of work the employee is actually performing. Article 8.of the New York State Labor Law requires that only apprentices individually registered with the New York State Department of Labor may be paid apprenticeship rates on a public work pro~ect. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York S~a~e. Page Persons Nishing to verify the apprentice registration of any person must do so in writing to ~he: New York State Department of Labor Office of Employability Development/Apprenticeship Training S~ate Office Campus, Bldg. 12 Albany, NY 12240 Fax (518) 457-7154 All requests for verification must include the name and social security number of the person for Nhom Aha information is reques%ed. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registra±ion is Hri~ten verification from the Albany Apprenticeship Training'Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprenticeship Training offices outside Albany can provide conclusive regis±ration information. It should be no,ed ~hat ~he exis±ence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof ~ha± any person is registered in tha~ program. Furthermore, the exis%ence or possession of walle~ cards, iden%ification cards or copies of s~a%e forms is not conclusive proof of ~he registration of any person as an apprentice. INTEREST AND PENALTIES In the event ±hat an underpayment of wages and/or supplemen±s is found: ~ Interest shall be assessed at the rate ~hen in effect, as prescribed by ~he Superin~enden~ of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the Banking La~, per annum from the date of underpayment ~o %he date res±itu±ion is made. ~ A Civil Penalty may also be assessed, not %o exceed 25~ of the total of wages, supplements and interest due. DEBARMENT Any con~ractor or subcon%ractor and/or i±s successor sha~! be ineligible to submit a bid on or be aHarded any public Hork con~ract or subcontract with any state, municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years when: w THO Hillfu1 determinations have been rendered against that contractor or subcontractor and/or its successor within any consecu±ive six-year period. ~ There is any Hillfu1 de%ermina±ion ~hat involves the falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages or supplements. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS Willful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor LaH) constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or bo~h. OISCRININATION No employee or applicant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disabili%y or marital status. No contractor, subcontractor nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of %he Sta~e of Ne~ York who is oualified and available ±o perform the work to which the employment relates. See Section 220-e(a). No contractor, subcontractor nor any person ac~ing on its behal+, shall in an~, manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed, color, disabili%y, sex or national origin. See Section 228-e(b). The Human Rights Law also orohibits discrimination in employment because o~ age, marital s~atus or religion. Page There may be deducGed from Ghe emounG Payeble to the contractor under the dontrect a penalty of fifGy dollars for each calendar day during which such person ~as discriminated againsG or inGimidaGed in violation of the provisions of Ghe contract. See eecGion 220-e(c). The contract may be cancelled or terminaGed by Ghe StaGe or municipaliGy. All monies due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited for a second or any subsequenG violaGion of Ghe terms or condiGions of Ghe anGi-discriminetion secGions of the'contracG. See Section Every employer sub,ecG Go the HaH York State Human Eights Law must conspicuously posG aG iGs offices, places of employmenG, or employmenG training centers notices furnished by the State Division of Human RighGs. HORKERS~ COMPENSATION In accordance HiGh Section lq2 of Ghe StaGe Finance LaH~ the contractor shall maintain coverage during Ghe life of the conGract for Ghe benefit of such employees as required by Ghe provisions of the NeH York SGate Horkers~ CompensaGion LaH. A ConGractor Hho is aHerded a public work conGracG must provide proof woPker$~ compensation coverage prior to being alloHed Go begin work. The insurance policy musG be issued by a company authorized to provide Horkers~ compeneaGion coverage in NeH York StaGe. Proof of coverage must be on form C-105.2 (CertificaGe of Horkers Compensation Insurance) and must name this agency as a certificaGe holder. If NaN York StaGe coverage is added to an existing out-o.f-sGaGa policy, iG can only be added to a policy from a company auGhorized to Hrite workers! compensation coverage in Ghie state. The coverage must be lisGed under item 3A o~ Gbe informaGion page. The conGracGor musG maintain proof that subcontracGors doing HoPE covered under this conGract secured and mainGained a workers~ compeneaGion policy for all employees Horking in New York Every employer providing workers compensaGion insurance and disability benefiGs mueG posG noGices of such coverage in Ghe format prescribed by the Horkers~ CompensaGion Board in a conspicuous place on UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Employers liable for contributions under Ghe Unemployment Insurance LaH must conspicuously posG on Ghe ~obsite notices furnished by Ghe NeH York State DepartmenG of Labor. . · ' PH-203 [6/01) Page 5 TOHN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Public Work State Office Campus, Bldg. 12 Albany, NY 12240 CHRISTOPHER F. DNYER, ASSOC. L.K. I'~LEAN ASSOC[ATE,P.C. 457 SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD BROOKHAVEN NY 11719 SUFFOLK COUNTY AGY. OF J[~IS. = TONN NAT. OF PROJECT= NEH BUILDING Schedule Type Date O2/lS/OS Prevailing Rate Case No. PROJECT ~D R= NONE SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION & RESiDENTiAL DROPOFF ROUTE 48, HIDDLE ROAD Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec. 220.3a of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. Accordingly, you MUST complete ONE of these requests for EACH pdme contract let immediately upon notifying a successful bidder for this Public Work project. Photocopy as many blank forms as required to supply one for each contractor. Return this request to the address given above [] Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, new rates and · supplements will be requested. [] CONTRACT AWARDED: (check one and indicate date of first legal instrdment which bound agency to contract.) [] Letter of Intent [] Contract Signed [] Resolution Work to be done by this pdme contractor: Type of Contract: CHECK APPLICABLE TYPE [] (01) General Construction [] (02) HeatingNentilation [] (03) Electrical [] (04) Plumbing [] (05) Other Contractor Information: ALL INFORMATION MUST BE SUPPLIED Federal Employer Identification Number: Name: CONTRACTOR'S TELEPHONE #: ( ) - Address: City: State: Zip: Amount of Contract Approximate Completion Date: / Estimated Date Entire Project Wilt be Completed: Approximate Starting Date: / / / / CONTRACTS NOT YET AWARDED Type of Contract (Check all applicable contract types) [] (01) General Construction [] (04) Plumbing Signature [] (02) HeatingNentitation [] (05) Other [] (03) Electrical Date Page 01 Prevailing· Rate ScheduIe New York State Department of Labor .................................. Casa Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q Suffolk County GeneraI Construction Rates Prevailing Nape Rates for 07/01/0q - 06/30/05 INFORMATION ABOUT PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE This information is provided to assist you in the interpretation of particular requiremen*s for each classification of worker contained in the attached Schedule of Prevailing Rates. CLASSIFICATION It is the duty of the Commissioner of Labor to make the proper classification of Horkers taking into account whether the work is heavy and highway, building, sewer and water, tunnel work, or residential, and to make a determination of wages and supplements to be paid or~rovided. It is the responsibility of the public work contractor to use the proper rate. If there is a question on the proper classification to be used, please caii the district office located nearest the probect. District office locations and phone numbers are listed below. PAID HOLIDAYS Paid Holidays are days for which an eligible employee receives a regular day's pay, but is not required to perform work. If an employee works on a day listed as a paid holiday, this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevailing rate for the work actually performed. OVERTIME Overtime holiday pay is the premium pay that is required.foP work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The applicable holidays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for each classification. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Particular attention shouId be given ~o the supplemental benefit requirements. Although .in most cases the payment or provision of supplements is for each hour worked, some classifications require the payment or provision of supplements for each hour paid (inc[uding paid holidays on which no work is performed) and/or may require supplements to be paid or provided at a premium rate for premium hours'worked. EFFECTIVE DATES Hhen you revieH the schedule for a particular occupation, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These ape the dates for Hhich a given set of rates is effective. The rate listed is valid until the next effective rate change or until the nan annual determination which takes effect on July 1 of each year. All contractors and subcontractors are required to pay the current prevailing rates of wages and supplements. If you have any questions please contact the Bureau of Public Hork or visit the New York State Department of Labor website (HHH.labor.state.ny.us) for current Hage rate information. APPRENTICE TRAININS RATIOS The following are the allowable ratios of registered Apprentices to Journey- workers. For example, the ratio i:l,l:3 indicates the allowable initial ratio is one Apprentice to one Journeyworker. The Journeyworker must be in place on the pro~ect before an Apprentice is allowed. Then three additional Journeyworkers Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number ................................... 0502051 SUFFOLK 2004 are needed before a second Apprentice is allowed, The last ratio repea±s indefini±ely. Therefore, three more JourneyHorkers mus~ be presen± before a third Appren±ice can be hired, and so on. Please call Appren±ice Training Central Office at (5lB) ~57-6B20 if you have any questions. Title (Trade) Ratio Boilermaker Mason Carpan±er Electrical (Ou±side) Lineman Electrician (Inside) Elavator/Escala*or Construction & Modernizer Glazier Insulation A Asbestos Worker Iron Worker Laborer Op Engineer Painter Plumber A Steamfitter Roofer Sheet Metal Worker Sprinkler Fit±er l~l~l:q l:l,l:q l:l,l:q 1:1,1:2 1:1,1:5 1:1,1:2 l:l,l:q 1:1,1:6 1:1,1:3 1:1,1:5 1:1,I:3 I:l,l:Z 1:1,1:2 1:1,1:3 1:1,1:2 Bureau of Public Work - Albany Bureau of Public Work .Bingham±on Bureau of Public Work Buffalo Bureau of Public Work - Garden City Bureau of ?ublic Work Nam York Czty Bureau of Public Work - Rochester Bureau of Public Work - Syracuse Bureau of Public Work - Utica Bureau of Public Work - White Plains Bureau of Public Work - Can±tel Office If you have any questions concerning the at±ached schedule or mould like additional information, please contact the nearest BUREAU of PUBLIC WORK District Office or mri±e to: Nam York S*a~e Depar~men± of Labor Bureau of Public Work State Office Campus, Bldg. 12 Albany, NY 122~0 District Office Locations: Telephone # FAX # 518-q57-27~ 518-qB5-02~0 607-721-8005 607-721-B00~ 716-8q7-7159 716-8q7-7650 516-~8-3915 516-79~-5518 212-552-6088 212-352-6580 585-258-~505 585-258-q708 315-~28-~056 315-~28-q671 315-793-231~ 515-793-251~ 91~-997-9507 91Q-997-9523 518-q57-5589 518~q85-1870 (7/01/200~) NOTES Admin. OVERTIME/HOLIDAY CODES OVERTIME Following is an explana±ion of ±he code(s) listed in ±he OVERTIME section each classification contained in ±he attached schedule. Addi±ional requirements may also be listed in ±he HOLIDAY section. A ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. AA) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. B ) Time and one half of the hourly rata after 8 hours per day. 0,> Page Prevailing Rate Scheduie New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK ZO0~ (Bi) Time and one half of Aha hourly rate for Aha 9th A lOth hours week days and the isa B hours on SaAurday. Double the hourly rate for all addiAional hours. ( C ) Double the hourly raAe al±er 7 hours peF day. C1) Double Aha hourly reAe afAer 7 and obe half hours per day. D) Double the hourly raAe afAer 8 hours per day. D1) Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. ((E )El) Time and one half of the hourly rate on SeAurday. Time and one half 1st 4 hours on SaAurday. Double the hourly rate all addiAional Saturday hours. (E2) SaAurday may be used as a make-up day at sAraighA time when a day is losA during AhaA week due to inclemenA weaAher. ES) BeAween NovemBer ist and March Srd Saturday may be used as a make-up day aA sAraight time when a day is losA during Ahat week due inclemenA weather, provided a given employee has worked and 32 hours Ahat week. E4) SaAurday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day aA straighA time when a day is iosA during Ahat week due Ag inclement F Time and one half of the hourly raAe on SaAurdey and Sunday. G Time and one half of Aha hourly rate on SaAurday and Holidays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. d Time and one half of Aha hourly raAe on Sunday and Holidays. Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. Double the hourly rate on SeAurday. Doubie the houriy raAe on Saturday and Sunday. Doubie the hourly rate on SaAurday and Hoiidays. Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. Double the hourly rate on Sunday. il)Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. Double Aha hourly rate on Holidays. Two and one half times the hourly rate the firsA 8 hours on Sunday or Holidays. 'One and one half times Aha hourly raAa all addiAional hours. Four Aimes the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ~ Triple the hourly raAe for Holidays, if worked. $ ) Including benefiAs aA SAME PREMIUM as shown for overAime. H ) Time and one half for benefiAs on all overAime hours. NOTE:BENEFITS are PER HOUR HORKEB,for each hour worked, unless otherwise noAed HOLIDAYS PAID Holidays: Paid Holidays are days for which mn eligible employee receives a regular day's pay, buA is noA required to perform work. If an employee works on a day lisAed as a paid holiday, this remuneraAion is in addition Ao paymenA of the required prevailing raAe for Ahe work actually performed, OVERTIME Holiday Pay: OverAime holiday pay is the premium pay Ahat is required for work performed on specified holidays, It is only required where Aha employee actually performs work on such holidays, The applicable holidays are lisAed under HOLIOAYS: OVERTIME, The required.rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY secAion lisAings for each classificaAion, Following is an explanation of ±he code(s) lisAed in Aha HOLIDAY section of each classificaAion contained in Aha atAeched schedule, The Holidays as lisAed below are Ag be paid aA the wage rates aA which Aha employee is normally classified, ( 1 ) None, ( 2 ) Labor Day. 01¸ Page 06 Prevailing Re±e Schedule New York S~ate Department of Labor .................................. Case Number ................................... 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q ................................................................................. Memorial Oay end Labor Oay. Memorial Day end July 4th. Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. i Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, and Veterans Day. New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Good Friday. Lincoln's Birthday, 10 Weshington~s Birthday. 11 Columbus Cay. 12 Election Cay. Presidential Election Day. 14 172 Day on Presidential Election Day. 15 Veterans Oey. 16 Day after Thanksgiving Day. 17 JuIy 4th. lB 172 Day before Christmas Gay. 172 Day before New Years Day. 20 Thanksgivin~ Day. 21 New Year's uey. 22 Christmas Day. Day before Chris±mas. Day before New Year's Day. 25 Presidents' Day. 26 Martin Luther King, Jr. Bay. ................................................................................ Asbestos Worker NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs WAGES: (per hour) 1/02/05 Asbestos Worker/ Insuletor ....... $41.81 (Insulating Only) 1/03/05- 6130105 $41.56 OVERTIME: .... See C, O, V ) ON OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See 1 ) ON HOLIDAY PAGE. Over±ime: .... See ( SM, 6, 11, 15, 16, 25, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. For Rem./Abatement: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. ~ When working on Labor Day ~riple (3) ±ime is paid. APPRENTICES:( 1 )yeer terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's rates. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 40% 60% 70% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman .............. $ 21.74 $ 23.86 Apprentices ............. Same % as Same % as wages of wages of $ 21.74 $ 23.86 WAGES (per hour) 7/01/04 R'emoval S Abatement only~ ...... $ 24.45 ~ Page 05 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~a~e Depar~men~ of Labor .................. ~ ............... Cese Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200~ nM On mechanical systems .~ha~ are NOT ~o be scrapped. ALL o~her removal or abe~emen~ refer ~o Building Laborer Ca~agory Excep~ for Re-Roofing refer ~o Roofer Category. OVERTIME: See (B) ON OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAYS: Paid: See ( I ) ON HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: See ( 5, 6, ~ ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. ~ Eas~er is paid a~ ~ime and one-half if Horked. APPRENTICES: 1000 hour ±erm$ a~ ~he following percentage of ls~ 2nd ard ~±h 78% 80% 8~% 89% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Rem & Aba~emen~ .......... $ 7.I0 9-i2a Boilermaker DUTCHESS COUNTY: Entire County NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs ORANGE COUNTY: Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire Coun±y SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire County ULSTER COUNTY: Entire County NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: [per hour) 7-01-0~- i-Oi-05- 12-51-0q B-$1-05 Boilermaker ........... $ 57.90 $ $9.62 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D,O ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( 8, 16, 25, 2q ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See (q; 6, 11, 12, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year Aerms a~ *he following percen±age of ~ourneyman~s wage. ls~ 2nd ~rd 4~h 5th 6~h 7th 8~h ~5% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) ~age 0~ Frevail~ng ~ate ScheduIe New York S±ate Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 2004 $ 7.81 + $ 8.02 + 48 Z of 48 % of wage Pate wage rate 4-5 Carpenter - Building and Heavy Highway NASSAU COUNTY: En±ire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire WAGES: (per hour) C°UT-D1-04 Building Carpenter ............. $ 33.32 Heavy/Highway: Carpenter ............. $ 33.32 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. NOTE: ON NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND OR, ANY GOVERNMENT MANDATED OFF SHIFT WORK THE FOLLOWING RATE(S) SHALL APPLY: Monday thru Friday 4:00pm to 12:00am ...... $ 36.3i HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... Overtime:.. See ( 18,19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. See ( 5,6,16,23,24,25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES : ( 1 ) year terms at the following Percentage of Journeyman's Wage: Building Heavy/Highway ls± yr 40% 40% 2nd yr 55% 55% 3rd yr 65% 65% 4~h yr 75% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Journeyman Appr 1st ~ 2nd terms Appr 3rd ~ ~h ~erms (per hour worked) $ 2q.21 12.45 12.45 [04)Reg.Council Nass/Su~f Carpenter - Bockbuilder BUTCHES5 COUNTY: Entire County NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY= Entire 5 Boroughs ORANGE COUNTY= Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY= Entire County ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 7/01/05 Piledriver ................ $ 38.79 Dockbuilder ............... 38.79 Addle. $ 2.82 per hr. Page 07 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~a~e Oepar~men~ o~ Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 2004 OVERTIME: .... See ( B, E2, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( I8, I9 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Paid: ........ See ( 5, 6, 11, I5, 16, 18, lg, 25 ) for ls~ & '2nd yr. Appren±ices Overtime: .... See ( 5, 6, Ii, 15, 16, 18, I9, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: wage.. lsd. year ~erms a~ ~he folIoHing percentage o~ Journeyman's Znd. 5rd. 4~h. 50Z 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ............... $ 27.86 Apprentices .............. 18.9~ 9 - 1456 NASSAU COUNTY: NEW YORK CITY: ORANGE COUNTY: PUTNAM COUNTY: ROCKLAND COUNTY: SUFFOLK COUNTY: HESTCHESTER COUNTY: WAGES: (per hour) Carpenter - Floor Coverer DUTCHESS COUNTY: Entire County Entire County Entire 5 Boroughs Entire Coun±y Entire County Entire County Entire Coun±y Entire County 7/01/04 Carpe~/Resilien~ Floor Coverer .............. $ AB.00 7/01/05 Addi~. $2.96/hr, OVERTIME: .... See B, E, q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See Paid: ........ See Overtime: .... See 18, 191i o~5~OLIDAY PAGE. 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: Hage. lsd. ( 1 I year {arms a± {he ~ollowing percentage o~ Journeyman's 2nd. 5rd. BOX 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: {per hour paid) Journeyman .............. ;. $ 26.05 Apprentices ............... 17.80 9 - 2Z87 Carpenter - Marine Cons~ruc±ion/Biver 0,) Page 08 Prevailing Rake Schedule New York S~a~e Depar±men± of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q OUTCHESS COUNTY: Entire County NASSAU COUNTY: En±ire Coun±y NEH YORK CITY: Eniire 5 Boroughs ORANGE COUNTY: Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire Coun±y ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Eh±ire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/0~ Marine Construction:- Marine Diver ............. $ ~7.85 " " Tender ........ $ 35.15 OVERTIME:. .. See B, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ..... Paid: ..... Over±ime:. · See · See See 18, lg ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5,6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 10, 11, 19 ) for ls~ & 2nd yr. Appren±ices 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: (1) year ~erms ak ±he following percentage of ±he ~ourneyman's Nage. ls± 2nd 3rd q~h qO% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ................. $ 27.86 Appren*ices ............... 18.9q 9 - lq56 Carpenter - Miii.Hrigh~ NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire Coun±y ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq Building: Miilwrigh~ ................... $ 39.99 OVERTIME:... See ( B, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Paid: ....... See 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 25 ) for 1st & Znd yr.Appren~ices Overtime:... See 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, 1B~ lg, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 year ~erms ak ±he following percen±age of Journeyman's wage. lsd, 2nd. 3rd. q~h. 55% 65% 75% 95% Page 09 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ................. $ 30.q6 Appr 1st ~erm ............. 19.6~ Appr 2nd term ............. 21.67 Appr 3rd term ............. 2q.q9 Ap~r ~th ±ecm ............. 27.7~ 9-7~0.1 Carpenter - Timberman NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/0q 7/01/05 Timbermen .......... $ 37.~7 Addit. $3.26/hr, OVERTIME=.,. See HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See Paid: ....... See Overtime:... See APPRENTICES: ( 1 Yst. 2nd. qOZ 50Z B, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. 18, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, IS, 19, 25 ) for 1st & 2nd yr. Apprentices 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. year terms, at the following percentage of Journeyman's 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ................ $ 26.05 Apprentices ................ 17.80 9 - 1536 Core Driller ORANGE COUNTY: South of but including ~he ~ollowin9. Weterloo Mills, Slate Hill, New Hampton, Goshen, Blooming Grove, Mountainvzlle, east to the Hudson River. PUTNAM COUNTY: South of bu~ including the following, Cold Spring~ Tompkins Corner, Mahopac, Croton Falls, east to Connecticut border. SUFFOLK COUNTY: West of Port the Atlantic Ocean. NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs ROCKLAND COUNTY: En~ire County NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (pen hour) 7/O1/Oq 10/~7/05 Core Oriiling: Driller .................. $ 27.60 Addit. $1.96/hr Assistant ...... ........... Z2,88 Addit, $1,71/hr Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S±a~e Department o~ Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 2004 ............................................................................... No±e: Hazardous Was±e Pay Differential: For Level C, an additional 10% above wage ra~e per hour For Level B, an additional 10% above wage ra±e per hour For Level A, an addi±ionel 10% above wage ra±e per hour No±e: When required ~o work on wa±er: an addi±ional $ 0.50 per hour. OVERTIME:... See ( B, E, K*, P, R~ ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Peid~ ....... See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Over±ime:... ~ See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. .... ~ See (8; lO, 1i, I3 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Assis±an±: One (1) year incremen±s at ±he following percen±age of Assis±an± Hages. This is no± an appren±iceship for Driller. is± Year 2nd Year 3rd Year q±h Year 70% 80% 90% 100% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Driller $ 10.36 Assis±an± 10.36 9-1536 Elec±rician NASSAU COUNTY= En±ire Coun±y SUFFOLK COUNTY: En±ire WAGES: (per hour) C°un±Y7-ol-04- 4-30-05 4-29-05 Elec±rician ............ $ 42.00 Fire Alarm ............. 42.00 HVAC Con±rols .......... 42.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 OVERTIME PAY: See B,E,Q,V~ ) on Over±ime Page. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ Over±ime: .... APPRENTICES: is± 2nd 35% 40% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Journeyman Apo 1st yr App 2nd yr App 3rd yr See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. See 5,6,16,25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. ( 1 ) year ±erms e± ±he following percen±age of Journeyman's wage. 3rd 4±h 5±h 6±h 45% 50% 60% 70% (percen±s based on hourly Nage (above), plus dollar amoun*s) 43.5% + 44.5% + $ 5.89.~ $ 6.40~* 15.0% + 15.0% + 24.5% + 24.0% + $ 4,07~* ~ 4.40** 43.5% + q4.5% + $ 5.89.~ ¢ 6.40** Page 11 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~e~e Depar~men~ of Labor ............................... · ---Case Number ................................ ~- 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q App 5~h yr 43~5~ + 4q.5% + $ 5.89~ $ 6.q0NN App 6th yr · q~.5% + 4q.5% + $ 5.89~ $ 6.40 PUMP 8 TANK WORK 7-Ol-Oq 35.20 · OVERTIME; See [ B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAYS PAGE. Over~ime~.. See ( 5, 6, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAYS PAGE. APPRENTICES: One [ 1 ) year ~erm$ e~ ~he following percen~ of journeyman's rake. 15~ 2nd 3rd 4~h 5~h 40% 50% 60% 70% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: per hour worked. 50.5'% of houriy ra~e above, q-25 Electrician - Linemen NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUPPOLK COUNTY: £n~ire County For Utility Ois~ribu~ion B Transmission Line Construction. WAGES: (per hour] 7-01-04 Lineman / Splicer ............... $ 55.20 Material Man .................... 30.62 Heavy Equip.Opera,or ............ 28.16 Groundmen ....................... 21.12 Flagman ......................... 15.84 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B,Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... Overtime:... See [ 5,6,8,16,23,25,26 ) on Holiday page. See [ 1 ] on Overtime Pege. APPRENTICES: 1000 hour Periods a~ ~he following Percentage of Journeyman's Wage. ls±. 2nd. 3rd. 4~h. 5±h. 6~h. 7~h. 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% Page [2 Prevailing. Rate Schedule NaN York S~a~e Depar±men± of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 20Oq SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: [percen±s based on gross wages-o~hers per hour) 24% + (of Hourly Ra~e) 5.91 Underground Natural Gasline Mechanic (2" or less): Journeyman U.G.Mechanic ....... OVERTIME: See B, HOLIDAYS:: 7-01-04- 2-27-05 2-26-05 $ 29.41 $ 50.59 Paid: See Over, imm: See 5, 6, 8, 16~ 23, 25, 26 ) on Holiday Page. 1 ) on Over±ime Page. Supplemental Benefits: ( per hour worked ) 12% + 14% + $ 5.96 $ 5.96 4-10q9 Line/Gas Electrician - Maintenance NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire Coun±y "PLEASE NOTE" Apmiicabie ~o elec±rical maintenance of axis±lng elec±ricai systems including, bu~ no± limited ~o ~raf~ic signals S s~ree~ lighting. HAGES: (per hour) 7-01-04 Journeyman ........ ~ 32,30 OVERTIME PAY: See HOLIOAY: Paid: ....... See Overtime: .... See B, H, ) on OVERTIME PAGE. 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( is± 2nd 40% 50% 1 ) year ±arms aX ~he following wage. ~rd q~h 5±h 60% 70% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percent(s) based on hourly wage (above), plus dollar amount) 35.5% + 2.71 4-25m Page 13 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department o~ Labor .......................... ; ....... Casa Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 20O4 Electrician - Teleda~a NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County "PLEASE NOTE" This rate classification applies to all Voice. Data & Video Hork; excluding Fire Alarm Systems and Energy Management [HVAC Controls), in those cases the regular Electrician rate applies. To ensure proper rate please call the Garden City District Office at (516) 228-5915. HAGES= (per hour) 7-01-04 (Telephone and Integrated Tala-Data Systems) Journeyman ............. $ 30.69 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAYS: Paid: See (1) on HOLIOAY PAGE. Overtime= See (5,6,11,12,16,25)) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (percent(s) based on hourly wage (above), plus dollar amount) Journeyman 47.5% + $ 1.41 4-25tala Electrician - Tree Trimmer NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7-01-04- 1-05-05 1-02-05 (TREE TRIMMER) Line Clearance Specialist .......... $ 22.2B $ 23.06 OVERTIME: See ( B, E, P, T ).on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: .... See ( 5, 6, 8~ 9. 10. 1l. 16, ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: See (1 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) 14,5% + of 15.5%+ of q.37 hourly $ 4.71 hourly rate rate 4-1049/Tree Elevator - Constructor Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK ZOOt ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County except for the Township of Stony Point NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County except for fha Townships of Bedford, Lewisboro, Cortland, Mt. Kisco, North Salem, Pound Ridge. Somers and Yorktown. NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEN YORK COUNTY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (pep hour) 7/01/04 Elevator Constructor .............. $ 40.89 "Modern. ~ service ............ $ 52.755 OVERTIME:.. CONSTRUCTOR. See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. OVERTIME:.. MOOERN./SERV.See ( B, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIOAY: Paid: ...... See ( 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See [S; 6, 9, 11, 1S, 16, 22 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICE: [1] year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. ls~ 2nd 5rd CONST, $16.60 22.56 26.45 50.50 $0.50 MOD & SVC $16.32 17.88 21,13 24.58 24,58 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman and Apprentices: Construction ................... $ 19.970 Appr, 1st year ................ 14.508 Appr, 2nd year 15,GB7 Appr, ~rdyear ................ 16,q78 Appr. ~th ~ Sth year .......... I7,q70 Modern./Service ................ 1B.91g Appr, 1st year ................ 14.210 Appr. 2nd year ................ i~.907 Appr. 5rdyear ................ 15,795 Appr. qth & 5±h year .......... 16.679 Glazier DUTCHESS COUNTY:' Entire county NASSAU COUNTY: Entire county NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 b~roughs ORANGE COUNTY: Entire county PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire county ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire county SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire county SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire county ULSTER COUNTY: Entire county HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire county HAOES: (per hour) 07/Oi/Oq Glazier ................. $ 59.15 OVERTIME:... See ( C*, D~ 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE, ~ Denotes if an optional 8th hour is required same will be at the Page 15 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q regular rate of pay, If 9th hour is worked ~hen both hours or more ( Bth and gth or more ) will be a~ the double time rate of pay. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See ( 5, 6, 16, Z5 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at ±he foliowing wage rates. $ 1~.~9 $ 19.60 $ 23.51 $ 31.33 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman ............. $ 17.qZ Appr let term ..... 6.95 Appr 2nd term ..... ~'r'',.., 11.29 Appr 3rd ±arm .......... 1Z.51 Appr qth term .......... lq.97 9-1281 (OC9 NYC) Ironworker - Derrickman/Rigger NASSAU COUNTY= Entire County NEW YORK CITY: En±ire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Eh±ire'County HAGES: (per hour) 07/01/04 Derrickman/Rigger .......... $ 38.13 OVERTIME:.. See ( Ax, D1, E~, Q, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~Time and one-half shall be paid for all work in excess of seven (7)' hours a~ the and of a work day to a maximum of ~wo hours on any regular work day (the eighth (8~h) and ninth (g) hours of work) and double time shall be paid for all Hork thereafter. ~Time and one-half shall be paid for all work on Saturday up ~o seven (7) hours and double ~ime shall be paid for all work ~hereaf~er. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See ( 5, 6, 8, 10 )'on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: 50% ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of ~ourneyman's Znd 3rd ~h 5~h 6th 60% 70% 80% 90% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 30,07 g-lg7 Ironworker - Ornamental NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Count~ NEH YORK CITY= Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04- 01/01/05 12/31/0q Page 16 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q OrnamentaI ................. $ 38.59 Chain Link Fence ........... 38.59 Guide RaiI Ins~aIla~ion .... 38.59 Addi~ionai 2.35/ Hour OVERTIME:... See ( AX, D1, E~, Q, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~Time and one-half shall be paid for ali work in excess of seven ~7~ hours at the end of a work day to a meximum of ~wo hours on any regular work day (the eig~t~ (Bth) and ninth (9~h) hours of work} and double time shei1 be paid Tot all work thereafter. M~Time and one-half shalI be paid for ail work on Saturday up to seven (7) hours and double time shaII be paid for ail work thereafter. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See ( 5, 6, 8 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICE (1/2) year ~erms a~ the foliowing percentage of Journeyman's 1st. 2nd. 3rd. qth. 5±h. 6th.. 60Z 65% 70% BOZ 85Z 95Z SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman .............. $ 29.ql Appr 1st term ........... 17.65 Appr 2nd term ........... 19.11 Appr 3rd term ........... 20.58 Appr qth term ........... 25.53 Appr 5th term ........... 2~.99 Appr 6th term ........... 27.9~ 9-580 Ironworker - Reinforcing ROCKLAND COUNTY: Southern Section NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq Reinforcing & Metal La~hing ............. $ql. O0 OVERTIME: .... See HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See Overtime:... See ( A~, E~, Q, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~ AIl overtime in excess of ten ( shall be paid at double wage. 10 ) hours i ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6, 8, 107 11, 13, 18, lg ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year ~erms at the following wage rates. 1st 2nd 3rd qth $2q.00 $27.50 $31.50 $35.50 Page 17 Prevailing Rate ScheduIe New York State Department o~ Labor ....................... ~ .......... Case Number .............. r ................... 0502051 SUFFOLK 2004 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) ' Journeyman ............ $ 26,23 Apprentices: 1st term .............. 18.23 2nd term .............. 19.73 3rd term .............. 20.73 4~h term .............. 21.73 Ironworker - Structural NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq 1/O1/OE Structural ................ $ 38.95 Addi±ional Riggers ................... 38.95 $2.25 Machinery Movers .......... 38.95 per hour " " Erectors ........ 38.95 OVERTIME:... See (BM, EMM, ~, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. M Time and one-hal~ shall be paid ~or all work in excess o~ (8) eight hours a~ the end o~ a work day ~o a maximum o~ ~wo hours on any regular work day (~he ninth (gth) and ~enth (lO~h) hours o~ Nork) and double ~ime shall be paid for all Hork ~herea~er. ~ Time and one-half shell be paid ~or all Honk on Saturday up to eigh~ (8) hours and double time shall be paid ~or ali work thereafter. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. S~e ( S, 6~ 8, I8, 19 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year ~erms a~ ~he following lsd. 2nd. 3rd. q~h. 5~h. wage6~h.' $ 19.40 20.00 20.00 20.60 20.60 20.60 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour Horked) Journeyman ................ $ $8.~3 Apprentices ............. 27.18 9-~0/361 Laborer - Building NASSAU'COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (per hour) 7-01-0~ Building Laborer: $ 25.85 ~(For Asbestos Removal Ra~e See Below) OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, E2, ~ ) on OVERT~ME PAGE. HOLIDAYS: Paid: ........ See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See ( 5~6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEHENTAL BENEFITS: (per'hour worked) $ 19.44 Page lB Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~a~e Depar~men± of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 2004 APPRENTICES: Regular Hour Terms ( No~ available for Aba±emen± Honk) TERMS NAGES/HR SUPPLEMENTS/HR i hr. ~o 1000 hfs ............ $ iS.Si $ 7.70 lOOi hfs, ±o 2000 hrs, 1B.iO 8,79 2001 hrs. ~o 3000 hrs. 20,6B 8,9q 3001 Hrs. ~o 4000 hfs, 23.27 9.I0 ~ASBESTOS REMOVAL ONLY 7-01-04 (Re-Roofing see Roofer Category) Asbestos Removal Honker: $ 25.50 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 9.91 Laborer - Excavation NASSAU COUNTY: En*ire Coun*y NEH YORK CITY: Entire Coun±y SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire Coun±y HAGES: [per hour) 7/01/04 7/01/05 Laborer/Excavation: Basic .......................... $ 32.Gq $ 33.59 Flagman ........................ 32.~ 33.59 Pipelayer ...................... 32.q~ 33.59 Tree Honk, Landscape ........... 32.q~ 33.59 OVERTIME:... See B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid= ...... See 2, 20 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See 5~ 6~ ll, 13 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: 10.00 hour ~erms a± ±he following percen±age of journeyman's wage. ls~ 2nd 3rd ~h 50% 60% 75% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman & A~pren~ices: $ 17.56 $ 18.69 9-731Ex Laborer - Free Air NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y HEN YORK CITY~ Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County GROUP A: BIas~ers. GROUP B: Tunnel workers ~ ~ (including Miners, Drill Runners, Iron Men, Maintenance Men, Conveyor Hen, Safe~y Miners, Riggers, 8lock Layers, Cemen~ Finishers, Rod Men, Caulkers, Powder Carriers, ~zners' Helpers, Chuck Tenders, Track Men, Nip~ers, Brake Men,Derail Men, Form Men, BoAAom Bell. Top Bell or Signal men, Form Horkers. Movers, Concrete Honkers, Shaf~ Men~ Tunnel Laborers and Caulkers' Helpers) Page I9 Prevailing Ra±e Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q GROUP C: Powder Hatchmen, Top Laborers and Changehouse Attendants. HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq Laborer (Tunnel)-FREE AIR: Group A ....................... $ 52.52 Group B ...................... $ 31.11 Group C ...................... $ 28.7q Small Bore Micro Tunnel Machines 80% of rates above For Repairs on Existing Hater Tunnels 90Z of rates above For Repairs of Sewer & D~ainage Tunnels 85% of .rates above For Repair S Maintenance of all Subway S 80Z of rates above Vehicular Tunnels OVERTIME: ..... For Laborer (Free Air) See ( D, M, Ex ) on OVERTIME PAGE. For Repair Categories See ( B, F, RM ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~ Micro Tunneling ~ Straight time first 8 hours, double time a~ter 8 hours. HOLIDAY: Paid~ ....... See ( Overtime:... See ( SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS GROUP A $ 3Z.78 par 0.28 per 3.00 per 0.i6 per GROUP B per 0.28 per 5.00 per 0.16 per GROUP C $ 28.92 per 0.28 per 3.00 per 0.I6 per Small Bore Micro Tunnel Mechinee For Repairs on Ex~st~ng Hater Tunnels For Repeirs of Sewer & Drainage Tunnels For Repair Vehicular Tunnels 11, 12, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 11, 1Z, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. hour paid + hour Horked + day + overtime hour. hour paid + hour ~orked + day + overtime hour. hour paid + hour worked + day + overtime hour. 80% of rates above 90% of rates above 85% of rates above BO% of rates above 9-1~7Tnl/Free Laborer - Heavy HighHay NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County Laborer (Heavy/Highway): GROUP # 1: Asphal~ Rakers and Formsetter$. GROUP # Z: Asphalt Shovelers, Roller Boys and Tampers. GROUP # '~: Basic Laborer, Power Tool~ Trackmen, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete, Traffic Control Personnel. Page 20 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Oepertment of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q WAGES: (per hour) 7-01-04- 6-01-05 5-31-05 Laborer: GROUP # 1 ............. ~ 29.00 ADD $ 1.67/Hr, GROUP # 2 ............. 28,25 ADD $ 1,64/Hr. GROUP # ~ ............. 25.90 ADD $ 1.56/Hr. NOTE: PREMIUM PAY 20Z-on a±raight time hours for NEW YORK STATE D.O,T and other GOVERNMENTAL MANDATED off-shift work. NOTE: Additional IOZ Hourly Wage for Hazardous Material Work. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following Percentages of Journeymans Wage. 1st year .......... 80Z 2nd year .......... 90% OVERTIME PAY: See B, E2, F ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 17.12 (After forty hours paid) $ 10.67 4-1298 Laborer - Tunnel Compressed Air NASSAU COUNTY: En±ire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County GROUP 1: Blasters, Mucking and Machine Operators. GROUP 2: Tunnel Workers* * (including Miners, Drill Runners,Iron Men, Maintenance Men, Inside Muck Lock Tender, Pumpman, Eiectricien$, Cement Finishers, Rod Men, Caulkers, Carpenters, Hydraulic Men, Shield Drivers, Monorail Operators, Motor Men, Conveyor Men, Safety Miners, Powder Carriers, Pan Men, Riggers, Miner's Helpers, Chuck Tenders, Track Men, Nippers, Brake Men, Form Workers, Concrete Workers, Tunnel Laborers, Caulker's Helpers), Hose Men, Grout Men, Gravel Men, Derail Men and Cable Men. GROUP $: Top Nipper GROUP q: Outside Man Lock Tender, Outside Muck Lock Tender, Shaft Men,Gauge Tender end Signal Men. GROUP 5: Powder Watchmen, Top Laborers and Changehouse Attendants. WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 Laborer(Compressed Air): GROUP 1 ..................... $ 5q. Og GROUP 2 ..................... 52.89 GROUP 3 ..................... ~2.2B GROUP q ..................... 31.69 GROUP 5 ..................... 27.12 Page 21 PrevaiIing Ra~e Schedule New York Sta~e Dep~rtment of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 05020~1 SUFFOLK 200q OVERTIME: .... See ( D, M, R~ ) on OVERTIME PAGE. NOTE: Time and one-half to be paid for all overtime repair-maintenance work on existing equipmen~ and facilities. ~ Straigh± time firs~ 8 hours, double ~ime after 8 hours. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( 5, 6, 9, Ii, 12, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE.. Overtime:... See (5' 6' 9' ii, i2, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFIT~ : GROUP I $ 54.$q per hour paid + 0.28 per hour worked + 5.00 per day + 0.16 per overtime hour . GROUP 2 $ 55.20 per hour paid + 0.28 per hour worked + 5,00 per day + 0,16 per overtime hour GROUP 5 $ 52.57 par hour paid + 0.28 per hour worked + 5.00 per day + 0.16 per overtime hour GROUP 4 $ 51.98 per hour paid + 0'28 per hour worked + 5.00 per day + 0.16 per overtime hour GROUP 5 $ 50.54 per hour paid + 0'28 per hour worked + 5,00 per day + 0.16 per overtime hour 9-1q7Tnl/Comp Air Mason - Building Bricklayer NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq Building: Bricklayer ................. $ 58.42 OVERTIME=... See ( A, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:... See ( 5, 6, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour ) ~erms at ~he following percentage of Journeyman's wage. ls~ 2nd 5rd qth 5TH [500 Hms) 6TH [500 Hfs) 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS= (per hour worked) Journeyman: .................... $ 18.05 Apprentice: .................... lO.qO 9-1Brk Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~e~e Oeper±men~ o~ Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200~ Mason - Building Mosaic and Terrazzo Worker NASSAU COUNTY: En~ire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire Coun±y WAGES: (per hour) Building: 7/01/04 Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker .......... $ 41.$8 " Finisher ........ $ 40.57 OVERTIME: . See ( A, E, 9, V~ ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~ ADD ~' 8.05 per hour ±o supplements on ~ime & one-hal~ overtime hours. ~ ADD $ 10.05 per hour ~o supplements on double-~ime overtime hours. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. OverAime:.. See ( 5, 6~ B~ 11, 15, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: (750 Hour) ~erms a~ ~he ~ollowing percentage o~ ±he ~ourneymans wage. ls~ 2nd 5rd ~h 5~h 6~h 50% 55% 65% 70% 80% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman: $ iB.55 Apprentices: Same percentages as wages. 9-7/3 Mason - Building Tile Sea,ers Entire Coun±y NASSAU COUNTY: NEW YORK CITY: ORANGE COUNTY: PUTNAM COUNTY: ROCKLAND COUNTY: SUFFOLK COUNTY: NESTCHESTER COUNTY: WAGES: (per hour) Entire 5 Boroughs Entire County Entire Coun*y Entire County Entire County Entire County 7/01/0~ 12/01/04 6/01/05 12/01/05 Building: Tile Sea,ers ........ $ ~B.85 $ ~9.B5 $ 41.51 $ ~2.Z7 OVERTIME:... See A, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15~ 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hr)±erms a~ Aha ~ollowin9 percentage o~ ~ourneyman~s ~age. 1,~ 2nd 3rd q~h S~h 6~h 50% 55% 65% 75% 85% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman: ........ $ 18.12 $ 18.q5 $ 18.78 Apprentice $ 9.4~ + 9.45 + 9.43 + wage percentage o~ $ 8.45 9.00 9.55 19.28 9.95 + 9.35 9-7/52 Page 23 Prevailing Rate Scheduie New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q Mason - Cement NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq Cement Mason ............ $ 39.00 OVERTIME:... See C, O, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY= PAID: ....... See OVERTIME:... See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 wages and fringes. 1st 2nd 50% 60% year ~erms at the folloHing Percentage of Journeyman's 3rd ~th 5th 6~h 70% BOZ 90Z SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) ~ 19.60 Apprentices: 1$t term 13.73 2nd term 1~.93 3rd term 16.1~ ~th term 17.3~ 5th term 18.55 6th term i9.2~ 9-780 Mason - Marble NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEN YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entira County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq 1/01/05 7/0i/05 1/01/06 Building: Marble/ Sawyer, Rubber & Polisher ................... $ 3q.63 $ 35.28 $ 35.93 $ 36.58 Marble Restoration Finishers .................... 18'.06 18.26 18.46 18.66 OVERTIME:.. See ( A, E, 9, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAYS: Paid:'. ..... Journeymen receive 1/Z days pay for Labor Day. Cleaner, Maintenance and 1ST ~hree ~erms of Apprentices See ( 5. 6, 11. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. All others See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime=.. See ( 5, 6, 11, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: wa~ 2nd 50% 55% ( 1/Z ) year ~erms at the folloNihg percentage of Journeyman's 3rd qth 5th 6±h 7th 8th 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% . 95% Prevailing RaGe Schedule New York Sta~e Oepar±men± of Labor. .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman-Polisher ......... $ 15.95 $ lq.28 -Finisher ......... 5.55 5.65 Apprentice .................. 7,15 + 7.50 + wage percentage of $ 6.78 6.78 lq.63 $ lq.g8 5.95 8.25 7.85 + 8.20 6.7B 6.78 9-7/2q Mason - Marble CuP,ers and Se~ters NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs EXCEPT for pro~ec~s ~ha± fall wi±him a fifty-mile radius of Columbus Circle in New York Cz±y. HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire county HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 1/01/05 7/01/05 1/01/06 Building: Marble Cut~er$ 8 Set,ers ................... $ 4q. O0 $ 45.10 $ 46.20 $ 47.50 OVERTIME: See ( B, O, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE a~tached. HOLIDAY: Paid: .... Journeymen receive 172 days pay for Labor Day. Apprentices 1st ~hree Germs See ( 5, 6, 8, 11, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE, Plus any day following a Thursday or Sunday Holiday. MAll o~hers See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: See ( 5, 6, B, 11, 15, ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/Z ) year Germs aG ~he ~ollowing percentage of journeyman's ls~ Znd 5rd 4±h 5th 50Z B5Z 65% 70% 80Z 95~ SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS= (per hour worked) Journeyman ................ $ 17.00 $ 17.40 $ 17.80 $ 18.20 Appren±ice ................ 7.25 + 7.60 + 7.95 + 7.95 + wage percentage of $ 9.75 9.80 9.85 9.85 9-7/q Mason - Marble Rigger NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y NEW YORK CITY: En~ire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 1/01/05 7/01/05 1/01/06 Marble-Riggers, Crane & Derrickman ....... $ 57.13 $ 57.83 $ 58.58 $ 39.25 OVERTIME:... See ( C, 0, V ) on OV~RTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... 1/Z Day for Labor Day. Overtime:.. See ( 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year Germs aG the +ollowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6~h 50% 55% 65% 75% 85% g5z SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (~er hour worked) Page 25 Prevailing RaGe Schedule New York SGaGe DaparGment of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 2004 Journeyman ............... $ 17.77 $ 1B.1Z $ 1B.q7, $ 18.82 Apprentice ............... $ 7.60 + 7.95 + 8.30 + 8.65 + wage percentage of $ 10.17 10.17 10.17 10.17 9-7/20 Mason - Paver NASSAU COUNTY: EnGire CounGy MEW YORK CITY: EnGire 5 BorougHs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire CounGy ~ Shall include bug nog limited to: ~irad clay brick pavers, pre-casG con- crete slabs (london waiks), p~essad concreGe paver$~ cobble stone, all types of ~lagging, asphalt concraGe pavers- asphaltic cement sand and stone aggregaGe, unit safety surface. WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/2004 Journeyman ........................ $ 2~.12 Ap~renGice ( one year term ) ...... 20.27 OVERTIME: ..... See B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIBAY: Paid: ......... See 1 ) on HOLtBAY PAGE. OverGime: ..... See 5, 6~ 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman ........................ $ 10.76 Appr .............................. 6.08 9-1 Paver Mason - PoinGer/Caulker/Cleaner NASSAU COUNTY: Entire CounGy NEW YORK CITY: EnGire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: EnGire CounGy WAGES (Der hour) 7/01/04 PoinGer, Cleaner,& Caulker (Mason) ........... $ 33.~6 OVERTIME:... See B, H, E2 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See OverGime:... See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 lSG 2nd $16.80 19.69 year terms at the following wage rates. 25.75 31.S0 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Der hour worked) Journeyman ............. $ 15.9~ Appr 1st term ... ....... 2.50 Appr 2nd Germ .......... B.91 Appr 3rd Germ .......... 6.50 Appr qth Germ .......... 6,50 Page 26 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S±a*e DeparAmen~ of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................... 05020~1 SUFFOLK 200q 9~iPCC Mason - S~one Se±±ers NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y NEW YORK CITY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 770170q S~one Se~er ........... $ q2.SB OVERTIME:... See ( C~,E~,Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. ~ On weekdays ~he eighth (8~h) and ninth (9~h) hours are ~ime and one-half all work ~herea~er is paid a~ double ~he hourly ra~e. ~ The ~irs~ seven (7) hours on Saturday is paid a± ~ime and one-half ail work ~hereaf~er is paid a~ double ~he hourly ra~e. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( 8, 25 ) Overtime:... See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour la±. Znd. ard. 50% ~0% 70% ±erma a~ ~he following percentage o~ q~h. 5~h. 6~h. 80% 90% 100% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Stone Set,er ............ $ 25.q$ Stone Tender ............ 10.95 1st year apprentice ..... 15.06 9-1S~n Mason - Tile Finisher NASSAU COUNTY: NEH YORK CITY: ORANGE COUNTY: PUTNAM COUNTY: ROCKLAND COUNTY: SUFFOLK COUNTY: WESTCHESTER COUNTY: WAGES: (per hour) Entire County Entire 5 Boroughs En±ire County Entire County Entire County Entire Coun±y Entire County 7701/Oq 12/01/0~ ~/01/05 12/01/05 Building: Tile Finisher ............. $ 52.19 $ ~.Z9 $ ~.$9 $ ~q. O0 OVERTIME: .... See A, E, Q ) ON OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:... See 5, ~, 8, 10, il, 15, i6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 750 hour ) ~erms a± ~he ~ollowing percentages o~ dourneyman's ls± Znd Srd q~h 6~h 7~h 8~h 50% 55% 65% 70% 75% B5% 90% g5% Page 27 Prevailing Ra*e Schedule New York S±a~e Depar~men~ of Labor .................................. Case Number ............ ~ ..................... 0502031 SUFFOLK 20Oq SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeymen ................ $ 15.35 $ 15.35 $ 16.35 $ 16.85 Apprentices .............. '.$ 7.00 + 7.00 + 7.00 + 7.50 + wage percentage of $ 8.35 8.35 g.~o 9.35 9-7/88 Opera~ing Engineer - Building NASSAU COUNTV~ Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY= Er±ire County BUILDING CATEGORIES: CLASS" AA "CRANES: Crane. Truck Crane, Derrick, Dragline~ Dredge, Crawler Crane, Tower Crane & Pile Orzver. CLASS "A": Asphal~ Spreader. Backhoe Crawler, Boiier, Boring Machine~ Cherry Picker (over 50 ~ons), Concrete Pump, Gradall, Grader, Ho~s~, Loading Machine (10 yds. or more). Milling Machine, Power Hinch- S~one Se~ing/S~ruc~ural S~eel & Truck Moun~ed. Powerhouse. Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, S~one Spreader (self-propelled), Tank Hork, Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS "B": Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer, Borin9 Machine/Auger, Cherry Picker (under 50 Tons)~ Conveyor-Mul~s. Dinkey Locomotive, Fork Lif±. Hois~ (Z Drum), Loading Machine & Fron~ Loader~ Mulch Machine (Machine Fed), Power Hinches (No~ Included sn Class !'A"), Aaphal~ Roller, Hydraulic Pump wi~h Boring Machine, Scoop. Carryall, Scarer, Maintenance Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cu~er, Hork Boa~. CLASS "C": Curb Machine~ Mai.n~enance Engineer (Small Equip. & Hell Point). Field Mechanzc, M.illing Machzne (Small). Pulvi Mixer, Pumps (all), Roller (dir~), Ridge Cu,±er, Vac-A11, Sho~blas*er, S~riping Machine, In~erior Hois~ Concrete Finish Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyer, Curzng Machine, Hois~ (one drum). CLASS 'D': Concrete Breaker, Concrete Saw/CuP,er, Fork Life or.Halk Behind (power opera~ed), Generator, Hydra Hammer, Compactors (mechanical or hand opera~ed), Pin Pulier, Portable Hea±ers, Power Booms, Power Buggies, Pump (double action diaphragm). CLASS "E': Ba~chin~ Plan~, Generator, Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine, Oiler, ~ump (gypsum), Pump (singie action diaphragm)~ S±ump Chipper, Trace Tamper, Tractor [ca~erpilier or wheel), Vibrator, Deckhand'on Horkboa~. · ' HAGES: (per hour) 7-01-0q Class "AA" ............... $ q5.06 Cranes:~ Boom length ove~ 100 fee~ ad~ ' 150 " " " 250 " " " 350 Class "A" ............... $ ~Add $3.50 for Hazardous Has~e Nork Class "B" ................ $ ~Add $2.50 for Hazardous Ha$~e Hork Class "C' ................ $ 1.00 per hour 1. B0 " " 2.00 " 3.00 " " Page 28 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor- .................................. Case Number ................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK ~Add $1.50 for Hazardous Haste Hork Class "O" ................ CIass "E" ................ OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) HOLIDAYS: $ $3.58 52.20 on OVERTIME PAGE. Paid: ........ See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, i5, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. "NOTE": Employee must be empioyed day before and day after a holiday to receive holiday pay. Overtime: .... See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, I5, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. APPRENTICE ( I ) year terms at the foilowing retes; 1st yr ................... $ 19.90 2nd yr ................... 20.70 3rd yr ................... 21.33 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) ALL CLASSES .............. $ 25.79 Note: OVERTIME AMOUNT ..... 20.60 APPRENTICES .............. $ 15.lq Note: OVERTIME.AMOUNT ..... 5,60 4-138 Operating Engineer ~ Heavy Highway NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HEAVY/H.IGHHAY CATEGORIES: CLASS "AA" CRANES: Crane, Truck Crane, Derrick, Dragiine, Dredge, Crawler Crane, Tower Crane, Pile Driver. CLASS "A": Asphalt Spreader. Backhoe Crawler, Boiler Cherrypicker (over 50 tons), Concrete Pump, Grader. Gradall, Hoist Loading Machine 10 yds. or more), Milling Machine, Power Hinch-Stone Setting/S±ructural Steel or Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryell-Scaper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader (self propelled), Tank Hork, Track Alignment Machine. CLASS "B": Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer, Boring Machine/Auger, Cherry Picker (under 50 tons), Conveyor-MuItl, Oinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Moist (2 drum), Loading Machine & Front Loader, MuIch Machine (machine fed)~ Power Hinches (ail others not included in CLASS A), Asphalt Roller, Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine, Scoop, Carryall, Scaper, Maintenance Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine, Vermeer Cutter, Hork Boat. CLASS "C": Curb Machine, Maintenance Engineer (Small Equip. S Hell Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine (Smai1), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt), Var-All, Melding/Burning. Compressor (Structural Steei& 2 or more Batteries), concrete Finish Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine. Fireman. Hoist (One Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping Machine, Helding Machine (Structural Steel & Pile Hork). CLASS "O": Compressor (Pile,Crane4Stone Setting), Concrete Saw Cutter/ Breaker, Hork Lift (Haik Behind. Power Operated), Generator (Pile Hork),Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Compactor, Pin Puller~ Page 29 PrevaiIing RaGe Schedule Ne~ York SGaGe Depar~menG of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q PorGable HeaGer, PoNered Broom/Buggy/Grinder, Pump (Single Ac±ion-1 ~o 3 Inches/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm), Hand Trenching Machine, Nelding Machine. CLASS "E": BaAchin~ PlanG, Genera±or, Grinder, Mixer~ Mulching Machine, Oiler, Pump (CenGrifuga! up Go $ In.), Roo~ Cu±~er, S±ump Chipper, Oiler on To~er Crane, Track Tamper, Tractor, VibreGor, Deckhand on Nork BoaA. HAGES (per hour) 7-Ol-Oq Class "AA' ............... $ ~6,15 Cranes: Boom Length over 100 feeG add $ '1.00 p~r h~ur n " 150 " " $ 1.50 " " " 250 " " $ 2.00 " ,7 . " 350 " " $ 3.00 Class 'A" ................ $ MAdd $5.50 for Hazardous Has~e Hork. Class "B' ................ $ 38.09~ MAdd $2.50 for Hazardous HasAe Hork. Class 'C" ................ $ 36.72~ ~Add $1.50 for Hazardous HasGe Hork class "0" ................ $ 5~.99 Class 7'E" ................ 32.62 "NOTE": PREMIUM PAY 20Z on e~raigh~ ~me hours for NEH YORK STATE- D.O.T. and oGher GOVERNMENTAL MANDATED o~f-shif~ Hork. OVERTIME PAYi See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIHE PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( B, 6, 8, 9, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. NOTE": Employee musG be employed day before and day after a holiday Go receive holiday pay.. OverGime: .... See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. APPRENTICE ( I ) year Germs a~ Ghe ~olloHing ra~es; lsG yr .................. $ 19.90 2nd yr .................. 20.70 3rd yr .................. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour ~orked) ALL CLASSES ............. $ 23.79 NoGe: OVERTIME AMOUNT... 20.60 APPRENTICES ............. $ 15.lq NoGe: OVERTIME AMOUNT... 5.60 q-138 OperaGing Engineer - Harine ConsGruc(ion ALBANY COUNTY: EnGire CounGy ONEIDA COUNTY: Entire CounGy ALLEGANY COUNTY: EnGire CounGy ONONDAGA COUNTY: EnGire CounGy BROOME COUNTY: Entire County ONTARIO COUNTY: EnGire CounGy CATTARAUGUS COUNTY: Entire County ORANGE COUNTY: EnGire CounGy CAYUGA COUNTY: EnGire County ORLEANS COUNTY: EnGire CounGy CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY: EnGire CounGy OSHEGO COUNTY: Entire CounGy Page PrevaiIing Rate ScheduIe New York Stake Oeparkment o~ Labor .................................. Case Number 0502031 SUFFOLK 2004 CHEMUNG COUNTY: Enkire Counky CHENANGO COUNTY: Enkire Counky CLINTON COUNTY: Entire Counky COLUMBIA COUNTY: Enkire Counk¥ CORTLAND' COUNTY: Enkire Counky BELANARE COUNTY: Entire Counky BUTCHESS COUNTY: Entire County ERIE COUNTY: Enkire Counky ESSEX COUNTY: Enkire Counky FRANKLIN COUNTY: Entire Counky FULTON COUNTY: Enkire County GENESEE COUNTY: Entire Counky GREENE COUNTY: Enkire Counky HAMILTON COUNTY: Enkire Counky HERKIMER COUNTY: Enkira Counky JEFFERSON COUNTY: Enkire Counky LEHIS COUNTY: Enkire Counky LIVINGSTON COUNTY: Enkire Counky MADISON COUNTY: Enkire County MONROE COUNTY: Entire County MONTOMERY COUNTY: Enkire Counky NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Counky NEH YORK CITY: Entire Counky NIAGARA COUNTY: Enkire Counky HAGES: (per hour) DIPPER & CLAMSHELL OREDGES CLASS A: OTSEGO COUNTY: Entire Count> PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County RENSSELAER COUNTY: Enkire Counky ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SARATOGA COUNTY: Enkire County SCHENECTADY COUNTY: Entire County SCHONARIE COUNTY: Enkire County SCHUYLER COUNTY: Entire County SENECA COUNTY: Entire County STEUBEN COUNTY: Entire County ST. LANRENCE COUNTY: Enkire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Enkire County SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire County TIOGA COUNTY: Enkire Counk> TOMPKINS COUNTY: Enkire County ULSTER COUNTY: Entire County NARREN COUNTY: Enkire Counk¥ HASHINGTON COUNTY: Entire County HAYNE COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire Counky HYOMING COUNTY: Entire Counk> YATES COUNTY: Enkire County 7-Ol-Oq Operakor ........................ $ 28.07 CLASS B: Oparakor II ..................... Engineer ........................ Zq,72 Boat Masker ..................... CLASS C: Mainkenance Eng ................. $ Z3.59 Ma±e ............................ Z1.gg Drag Barge Operakor ............ Z1,99 MelBer .......................... Z3.Z2 Boat Cart ....................... 22.15 Chief of Party .................. Z1.9~ CLASS D: Oiler ........................... $ 18.59 ScoNman ......................... 17.88 Rodman .......................... i?.B8 Tug Deckhand .................... lB.13 Deckhand ........................ ID.13 7-Ol-Oq HYDRAULIC DREDGES CLASS A: Leverman ........................ $ 27.56 CLASS B: Leverman II .................... $ 23.0~ Engineer ........................ Z~o17 Derrick Operator ................ 2~.17 Chief Make ...................... 23.82 Chief Helder .................... 2~.G8 Eleckrician ..................... Fill Placer ..................... 23.82 AssA,Fili Placer ................ 21.80 Page $1 Prevailing RaGe Schedule NeH York S±a~e Oepar~men~ of Labor .................................. Case Number ....................... ~ .......... 0502031 SUFFOLK 200~ ' Boa~ mas~er ..................... 25.23 CLASS C: Maintenance Erg ................. $ 25,59 Ma~e ............................ 21,99 Drag Barge Opera±or ............. 21.99 He,der Dredge ................... 23.21 Spider Barge Opera,or .......... 23.01 Boa~ Cap~ ....................... 22.15 Chief of Par~y .................. 21.99 CLASS D: Oiler ........................... $ 18.59 Shoreman ........................ 17,90 Rodman .......................... 17,90 Oackhand ........................ 17,90 Tug.Deckhand .................... 18,13 OVERTIME: See ( B, F, R ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIOAY: Paid: See ( 5, 6, 8, 15, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Over±ime: See (5~ 6; 8; 15, 26 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFI.TS: (per hour worked) "The ~ollowing SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS apply ~o ALL ca*agonies' 7-01-0~ All Class A & B ............... $ 6.q5 plus 7Z (overtime hours add) ............ $ 1.25 All Class C .................... $ 5.85 plus 72 of wage [overtime hours add] ............ $ 0.95 All Class D ..... ; ............. $ 5.25 plus 7Z (overtime haurs add) ........... $ 0,~5 ~-25a Opera~ing Engineer - Survey Crew - Building NASSAU COUNTY:. Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O[/Oq 7/01/05 Survey Ra~es-Building: Par±y Chief .............. $ ~5.15 $ 2.71 per hour increase Ins~rumen~ Man ........... $0.87 2.32 per hour increase Rodman ................... 21.16 1.B$ per hour increase Prevailing Rate Schedule New York Sta±e Department o~ Labor .................................. Cese Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK OVERTIME: .... See ( A, Ex, q, V ) ON OVERTIME PACE. ~Ooubletime paid on the Bth hour on Saturday. HOLIDAYS: Paid: ....... See ( 5, 6, B, ll, 12, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PACE. Overtime:... See (5' 6, B, ll, 12, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PACE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeymen .............. $ 17.ZO g-15Db Operating Engineer - Survey Crew - Heevy Highway DUTCHESS COUNTY: En±ire County NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y MEN YORK CITY: En±ire 5 Boroughs PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County NAGES: (per hour) 7/01/0q 7/01/05 Survey Rates-Heavy/Highway: Party Chie~ ................ $ 46.15 Instrument Man ............. 5q.19 Rodman ..................... 29.85 OVERTIME:... See ( B, Ex, q~ V ) ON OVERTIME PAGE. NDoubletime paid on the 9th hour on Saturday. HOLIDAY: Paid: ..... See ( 5, 6, 7, ll~ 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:. See ( 5,~' 7' i1, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman .................. ~ 17.20 3.11 per hour increase 2.52 per hour increase 2.$1 per hour increase 9-15Oh Operating Engineer -NeIi DrilIer NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) ?-Ol-Oq- 8-Ol-Oq- 7-Bl-Oq Nell Driller: ............ $ 25.65 $ 26.66 Nell Driller Assiss~ent:. 22.66 2~.57 OVERTIME PAY: See B, E, G, P ) on OVERTIME PACE, HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See 5, 6, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See 5; 6; 16, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Hell Driller: ........... $ 11.51 Hell Driller Assistant:. 11.21 $ 11.61 11.50 "PLEASE NOTE" For All Overtime Hours Add $ 2.50/hr Hezardous Naste Differential Page 53 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Oepartment of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q Level A ................. $ 3,00 pep hr over Pate Level B ................. 2.00 ' " " " Level C ................. 1.00 " " " " q-13Bwell Operating Engineer -Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation ALBANY COUNTY: - Entire County ONEIDA COUNTY: Entire County ALLEGANY COUNTY: Entire County ONONDAGA COUNTY: Entire County BROOME COUNTY: Entire County ONTARIO COUNTY: Entire CATTARAUGUS COUNTY: Entire County ORANGE COUNTY: Entire CAYUGA COUNTY: .Entire County ORLEANS COUNTY: Entire Entine'County OSWEGO COUNTY: Entire CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY: CHENUNG COUNTY: CHENANGO COUNTY: CLINTON COUNTY: COLUMBIA COUNTY: CORTLAND COUNTY: DELAWARE COUNTY: DUTCHESS COUNTY.: ERIE COUNTY: ESSEX COUNTY: FRANKLIN COUNTY: FULTON COUNTY: GENESEE COUNTY: GREENE COUNTY: HAMILTON COUNTY: HERKIMER COUNTY: JEFFERSON COUNTY: LEWIS COUNTY: LIVINGSTON COUNTY: MADISON COUNTY: MONROE COUNTY: MONTOMERY COUNTY: NASSAU COUNTY: NEW YORK CITY: NIAGARA COUNTY: Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire Count Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County Entire County . Entire County County County County County OTSEGO COUNTY: Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County RENSSELAER COUNTY: Entire County ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SARATOGA COUNTY: Entire County SCHENECTADY COUNTY: Entire County SCHOHARIE COUNTY: Entire County SCHUYLER COUNTY: Entire County SENECA COUNTYi Entire County STEUBEN COUNTY: Entire County ST, LAWRENCE COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire County TIOGA COUNTY: Entire County TOMPKINS COUNTY: Entire County ULSTER COUNTY: Entire County WARREN COUNTY: Entire County WASHINGTON COUNTY: 'Entire County WAYNE COUNTY: Entire County WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County WYOMING COUNTY: Entire County YATES COUNTY: Entire County On Contracts for Inspection Only: These rates Do Not APPLY. IMPORTANT NOTE: Rates apply to pipeline repair utilizing a Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) linin~ system. For all other pipeline repair work, the traditional classification and corresponding wage rates apply. OPERATING ENGINEER - Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation 7-01-04 Lead Tec TV Crew ............. $ 35.51 Hat Out Tec .................. $ 3q.20 Technician ................... $ 32.89 Boiler. Operator .............. $ 33.5~ Yard rate .................... $ 28.96 Yard Mechanic ................ $ 33.5~ Page 34 Preveillng Rata Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q NOTE: PREMIUM PAY 20% on s~raight time hours for MEN YORK STATE D,O,T, and other GOVERNMENTAL MANOATED off-shif± HoPk, OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( 5, 6, B, 9, 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE.~ ~ mus± work day before ~ day after or receive 2 hfs per in~ermit±en± day Overtime: .... See ( 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE.~ APPRENTICE ( 1 ) year *erms a~ ~he following ra~es; ls* yr .................... $ 19.01 2nd yr .................... 19.78 Srd yr .................... SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman ............... $ 23.29 No~e: OVERTIME Journeyman. 20.60 Apprentice ............... 14.64 No±e: OVERTIME Apprentice 5,60 4-138 Pain~er-Bridge/S~ruc~ural S~eel NASSAU COUNTY: Entire Coun±y SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire C°un~Y-Ol-04-7 NAGES: (per hour) I0-01-04 9-30~04 ~Bridge .................. $ 40.25 $ 42.00 S%ruc±ural S~eel ........... 40.25 42.00 Power Tool/ink Compressor.. 46.25 ~For Bridge Pain~ing Contrac±s, ALL WORKERS on and off ~he bridge (including Fla~men) are ~o be paid Pain%er~e Ra~e; %he contract must be ONLY for Brzdge Pain%ing. OVERTIME PAY: See ( A,O,) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Over±ime: See ( 5,6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year ~erms a~ ~he following ra~es. ls~ 2nd 3rd Bridge ....... 40% 60% 80% S~eel ........ 40% 60% 80% Tool ......... 40% 60% 80% Appr ls~ year ........ Appr 2nd year ........ Appr 3rd year ........ SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman ........... 48%+ $ 4.50/hr 48%7hr 48%+ $ 4.50/hr 48%+ 5.00/hr 48%/hr 48%+ 5.00/hr 48%+ Page 35 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFPOLK 2004 $ q.50/hr 5.00/hr 4-DCg/NS Painter - Brush/Spray NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/Ol/Oq Brush ..................... $ $2.2~ Spray & Scaffold .......... 35.25 Fire Escape ............... 35.25 Decorator ................. 35.25 Paperhanger ............... 34.45 OVERTIME= .... See ( A, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See Overtime: .... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE ( 5, 6, 16, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE APPRENTICES: Indentured after 5/31/93 ( 1 ) yea~ terms at the following percentage of ~ourneyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7/01/04 ...... $ 11.30 16.13 1g.35 25.80 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked ) Paperhanger .............. $ 20.78 All others ......... $ 16.67 Apprentices: ls~ Year ................ $ 5.90 2nd Year ................ 8.51 Srd Year ................ 10.98 4th Year ................ 15.45 9-NYDCg Pain,er - Drywall Taper NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WAG£S: (per hour) 7/01/04 Drywall Taper ............. $ $2.25 OVERTIME:... See ( A, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY: Paid: ...... See ( i ) on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime:.. See ( 4, 5, 6, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE APPRENTICES: Indentured after 5/31/93 ( i ) year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $11.30 15.13 19.35 25.80 Page $6 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule New York S~a±e Depar±men~ of Labor. .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200~ SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked ) Journeyman ............... $ 16.67 Apprentices: ls± Year.. .~ 5.90 2nd Year ................. 8.51 Srd Year ................. 10.98 ~h Year ................. 15.q5 9-NYOCT9 Pain,er - Highway S~ripin~ ALBANY COUNTY: Entire County CLINTON COUNTY: Entire County COLUMBIA COUNTY: Entire County DUTCHESS COUNTY: Entire County ESSEX COUNTY: Entire County FRANKLIN COUNTY: Er±ire Coun±y FULTON COUNTY: Entire County GREENE COUNTY: En±ire Coun±y HAMILTON COUNTY: Entire Coun±y MONTGOMERY COUNTY: En*ire County NASSAU COUNTY: En±ire Coun±y NEN YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs ORANGE COUNTY: Eh±ire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County RENSSELAER COUNTY: Entire County ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SARATOGA COUNTY: Entire County SCHENECTADY COUNTY: Eh±ire County SCHOHARIE COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: En±ire County SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire Coun±y ULSTER COUNTY: Entire County NARREN COUNTY: Entire County NASHINGTON COUNTY: En±ire County ~ESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County NAGES: (per hour) Pain,er (S±riping-Highway): 7/O1/Oq 6101/05 S~riping-Machine Operator ........... $ 23.06 $ 2~.64 Linerman ~hermoplas~ic .............. 27.79 28.~9 OVERTIME: .... See ( B, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIOAY: Paid: ........ See ( 11, 12, 15, i6, 17, 20 )ON HOLIDAY PAGE. Over*ime: .... See [ ~; g;z2, 15, 16, PAGE. 20, 21, 22 ) ON HOLIDAY 11, 17, APPRENTICES: (1) year ±arms a± ~he following wage. ls± ~erm $ 15.89 $ 14.24 2nd ~erm 16.67 17.09 3~h ~erm 19.45 19.94 4±h ~erm 20.8q 21.36 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) $ 6.38 + $ 7.iq + 7% O~ wage 9-8a/28a (2~0) 01) Page 37 Prevailing Rate Schedule NeH York State Depantmen~ o4 Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK .2004 Painter - Metal Poiisher ALBANY COUNTY: Entire County ONEIDA COUNTY: Entire County ALLEGANY COUNTY: Er±ire County ONONDAGA COUNTY: Entire Coun±y BROOME COUNTY: Er±ire County ONTARIO COUNTY: Entire. County CATTARAUGUS COUNTY: Entire County ORANGE COUNTY: Entire County · CAYUGA COUNTY: Entire Coun±y ORLEANS COUNTY: Entire County CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY: Entire County OSNEGO COUNTY: Entire County CHEMUNG COUNTY: Entire County OTSEGO COUNTY: Entire County CHENANGO COUNTY: Entire County PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire County CLINTON COUNTY: Entire County RENSSELAER COUNTY: Entire County COLUMBIA COUNTY: Entire County ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County CORTLAND COUNTY: Entire County SARATOGA COUNTY: Entire County DELAHARE COUNTY: Entire County SCHENECTADY COUNTY: Entire County DUTCHESS COUNTY~ Entire County SCHOHARIE COUNTY: Entire County ERIE COUNTY: Entire. County SCHUYLER COUNTY: Entire County ESSEX COUNTY: Entire County SENECA COUNTY: Entire County FRANKLIN COUNTY: Entire Coun±y STEUBEN COUNTY: Entire County FULTON COUNTY: Entire County ST. LANRENCE COUNTY: Entire County GENESEE COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County GREENE COUNTY: Entire County SULLIVAN COUNTY: Entire County HAMILTON COUNTY: Entire County TIOGA COUNTY: Entire County HERKIMERCOUNTY: EnAire Coun±y TOMPKINS COUNTY: Entire County JEFFERSON COUNTY: Entire Coun±y ULSTER COUNTY: Entire County LEHIS COUNTY: Entire Coun±y HARREN COUNTY: Entire County LIVINGSTON COUNTY: Entire County HASHINGTON COUNTY: Entire'County MADISON COUNTY: Entire County HAYNE COUNTY: Er±ire County MONROE COUNTY: Entire County NESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire County MONTGOMERY COUNTY: · Entire County NYOMING COUNTY: Entire County NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County YATES COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs NIAGARA COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 Me~al Polisher ........ $ 21.98 All Horkers shall be paid a premium in an amount equal ~o tHen~y ( 20Z ) par cent o4 ~heir basic straigh± time rate of pay for ail ~ime Horked on hanging scaffolds and on standing sca~oids'Hhile Horking more ~han 28 fee~ off ~he ground, such premium ~o be paid on ~op of ~heir straigh~ time or overtime, Hhichever is applicable. OVERTIME: .... See ( B, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See (5~6,~,il,1B,16,25) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.. See (5,6,~,ii,15,16,2~) on HOLIDAY PAGE APPRENTICES: 55Z of Basic Polisher Rate (~) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Z of To~ai Hages) Journeymen & Apprentice - 55% of Hage$ g - 8A/28A Piasterers- Plasterer MEN YORK CITY: Only Brook[yn and Queens Counties NASSAU COUNTY: Err;re County SUFFOLK COUNTY= Entire Coun±y HAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 8/0q/04 2/05/05 Building: ' Plasterer/Traditional ........ $ 32.q5 $ 33.24 $ 33.24 Page 58 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Humber ................................... .0502031 SUFFOLK 200~ OVERTIME: .... See ( 8, E, E2, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( i )on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: ..... See ( 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 25, 26 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the folIowing Hage rates. First year: 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months ~0% Second year: 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 55% 60% Third year: 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 70% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked ) Journeyman .................. $ 17.51 $ 17.51 Appr. 1st term .............. 8.05 8.0S Apbr. 2nd term .............. 8.86 8.86 Appr. and term .............. 10.qg 10.q9 Appr. q~h term .............. 11.30 ll.50 Appr. 5th term .............. 12.96 1z,g6 Appr. 6th term ............. '. 13.79 15.79 9-530 S 18. SO Plumber NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7-Ol-Oq- 11-01-0~- 5-01-05 10-01-.0q q-30-05 Plumber ......... OVERTIME PAY: See HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See Overtime: .... See $ QO.19 $ ql.qq A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE. 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6~ 15, 25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. $ ql.56 APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following rates. 1st year ...... $ 15.46 $ 15.96 $ 16.06 2nd year ...... 19.88 20.50 20.69 3nd year ...... 26.17 26.98 27.16 qth year ...... 28.12 29.00 29.16 5th year ...... 30.07 31,01 31.12 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked~) Journeyman $ 21.13 21.13 2Z.05 Appr 1st term 12.20 12.20 12.55 Appr 2nd term 14.00 lq. O0 1~.38 AppP 3rd term 14.63 1Q.63 15.08 Appr 4th term 14.95 1~.95 16.25 Appr 5th term 16.55 16.33 17.06 (~Sunday and Holiday Benefits paid at Double Time rate.) PUMP & TANK HORK 0)) Page 59 Prevailing Rate Schedule New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 2004 NAOES (per hour) 7-01-04 Journeyman ......... $ 31.60 Overtime: ( B, E, Q ) on Overtime Page. Holidays: Paid ( 1 ) Overtime ( 5, 6, 9, 10, 16 ) on Holiday Page. Apprentices: One year terms at the following rates; App: 1st yr ....... $ t2.22 App: 2nd yr ....... i5.64 App: 5rd yr ....... 18.95 App: 4th yr ....... 22.21 Mechanic: ......... 27.57 Serviceman: ....... 18.go Supplemental Benefits (par hour worked) Journeyman ........ $ 15.6l App. let yr ....... 6.66 App. 2nd yr ....... 7.97 App. 3rd yr ....... 9.5B App. qth yr ....... 10.84 Mechanic: ......... 12.56 Servicemen: ....... 9.58 4-200 Roofer NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County NAGES: (per hour) 7-01-04- 9-30-04 10-01-04 Additional $ 2,25/hr Roofer/Naterproofer .............. $ 50.75 OVERTIME PAY - Ne. Roof= See ( B,E.Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE. OVERTIME PAY Re-roof= See ( B,E~E2,Q ) on DVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: ..... See ( 5,6,13,16,25 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at ±he following percentage of 5ourneyman's wage. let 2nd 3rd 4th 40% 50% 70% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman $ 2I.Oq Apprentices: 1st 2.00 2nd 6.00 5rd 11.82 4±h 16.,71 Sheetme±a! Horker NASSAU COUNTY= Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire CountY_O1._04_? HAGES: (per hour) 7-29-04- 2-01-05- 7-28-04 1-31-05 6-30-05 Sheetme~al Norker ........... $ 59.15 Additional $ 2.00/hr Additional $ 2.00/hr Page ~0 Prevailing Ra±e Schedule NaN York S~ate Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK ZOOq For Temporary Operation or Maintenance oF Fans: ......... 80% of Sheetma~al Rate OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0,) on OVERTIME PAGE ( D' 0,) on Fan Maintenance HOLIDAYS: Paid: ........ See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: .... See ( 5, 6, 11, 15, 16, 25, 26 ) on holiday page. APPRENTICES:let (2ndl/2)yea3rdr termsqth at 5ththe Follo~ingGth 7thPercentBth°f journeyman rate 30% 35% qO% 45% 50% 55% 60% 70% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) (per overtime hour worked) Journeyman $ 2q.16 $ ~0.62 Aopr let term g.q6 15.41 Appr 2nd term 10.63 17.45 Appr 3rd term 11.74 19.37 Appr qth ±erm 12.91 21.41 Appr 5th term 1~.01 23.31 Appr 6~h term 15.01 25,02 Appr 7th {arm 16.51 27.72 Appr 8th term 19.38 32.B6 q-28 Sheetmetal Worker - Sign Erector NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEW YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs ROCKLAND COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County WESTCHESTEE COUNTY: Entire County WAGES: (per hour) 7/01/04 Sign Erector ................ $ 33.90 ~NOTE: Overhead highway signs and structurally supported signs (See Iron Honker Claesifzcatzon) OVERTIME: .... See HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See Overtime: .... See A, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE. 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the ~ollo, ing percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd Srd qth 5th 6th 7±h 8th 9th loth 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% Page ql Prevailing RaGe Schedule New York SGaGe Depar±manG of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502051 SUFFOLK 200q SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Journeyman ............... $ Z2.43 Apr lsG Germ .............. 5,Z2 Apr Znd Germ ............. 5,88 Apr 3rd Germ ............. 6,B4 Apr qGh Germ ............. 7.Z1 Apr 5Gh Germ ............. 9,87 Apr 6Gh Germ ............. 10,5~ Apr 7Gh Germ ............. 13,19 Apr BGh Germ ............. lq.06 Apr 9Gh Germ ............. l~.B2 Apr lOGh Germ ............ 17,18 9-137 SGeam~iGGer - Refrigera±ion. NASSAU COUNTY: EnGire CounGy NEW YORK CITY: EnGire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: EnGire CounGy WAGES: (per hour) 7/Ol/Oq SGeamfiGGer ............... $ 29.30 RefrigeraGion, A/C, Oil Burner and SGoker Service end InsGallaGione, limiGed on RefrigeraGion Go combined compressors up 5o five (5) horsepower, and on A/C Hea~ing and Air Cooling Go combined compressors up Go ~en (10) horsepower. OVERTIME: .... See HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See OverGima: .... ~ B, E, Q~, S~ ) on OVERTIME PAGE. 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 26,Memoriai Day) on HOLIDAY PAGE. 2. 6. 9, 15, 17 ) 10, 11, 26, Memorial Day ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Journeyman ................ $ 7.71 9-658B SGeamfi~Ger - SprinklerfiG~er NASSAU COUNTY: EnGire CounGy NEW YORK CITY: EnGire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY= EnGire County HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq 12/29/0q SGeam FiGGer~ ................. $ ~0.82 Sprinkler FiGGer~ ............. ~0.82 For Work on Temporary HeaG~ & Air CondiGionsng ........... addiG. $2.25 per hr. addiG. $2.25/hr. Prevailing Rate SoheduIe New York State Department of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................... 0502051 SUFFOLK ZOOq OVERTIME: .... See ( C~, B~, O, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE, ~ Applicable to HVAC and mechanical contracts with a dollar value not to exceed Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $7,500,000.00 ) and to fire protection/sprinkler contracts with a dollar value not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $750,000.00 ). Hours of labor shall be eight hours ( B ) per day. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:... See ( 5, 6, il, i5, I6, 25 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE. APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) wageist. 2nd. 40% 50% year terms at the folloHing percentage of Journeyman's 5rd. qth. Sth. 65% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ................. $ 29.50 + .52 per hour worked For Hork on Temporary ...... ~ 25.qq Heat S Air conditiohing + .52 per hour worked Apprentices ............... term percentage of $ 29.50 plus .52 per 6our worked 9-65BA Surve Crew Consulting DUTCH~SS COUNTY: Only the portion south of the north city line in Poughkeepsie. NASSAU COUNTY: Entire county NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 boroughs PUTNAM COUNTY: Entire county SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire county HESTCHESTER COUNTY: Entire county Feasibility and preliminary design surveying, line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a Consulting Engineer agreement. HAGES: (per hour) 7/O1/Oq 7/01/05 Survey Rates: Party Chief ............... $ 28.75 $ 1.07 per hour increase Instrument Man ............ 24.11 O.gO " Rodman .................... 2i.i6 0.79 " OVERTIME: .... See ( B. Ex, Q, V ) ON OVERTIME PAGE. ~Ooubietime paid on the 9±h hour on Saturday. HOLIDAY: Paid: ....... See ( B, 6, 7, ii, i6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:... See (5; 6; 7; 11, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour paid) Journeyman ................ $ 11.70 9-15dconsui± Page q3 Prevailing Ra~e Schedule Ne~ York S~a~e Oepartmen~ of Labor .................................. Case Number .................................. 0502031 SUFFOLK 200q Teamster - Building & Heavy HighHay NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County HAGES: (per hour) 7-Ol-Oq Truck Oriver- Bldg.& Heavy/Highway; Asphalt Delivery ......... $ 28.905 Concre~e'Delivery ................ ~ .............. $ 28.62 "PLEASE NOTE" Drivers of ~hree-axle tractors and trailers, $6.00 per day extra. Drivers of heavy equipment and tag-aiong ±raiiers, $10.00 per day extra. Drivers of boom trucks, SB.O0 per day extra. OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, Q, R, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: ........ See ( 5, 6. 11, 12. 1S, Z5 )~ on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime= .... See ( li, iZ. 15, 25 ) on OVERTIME PAGE (code R). .... See ( 5, 6.1~ ) on OVERTIME PAGE ( code T ) ~(must work two days in holiday week) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per. hour worked) Bldg,& Neavy/Highwa¥~ Asphalt Oe~ivery ....... $ 2~,gO Concrete Oelivery ............. ' ............... $ 2q.90 q-282ns Teamster - Demolition NASSAU COUNTY: Entire County NEH YORK CITY: Entire 5 Boroughs SUFFOLK COUNTY: Entire County NAGES: (per hour) 7-OI-Oq Truck Driver, Chauffeur o~ Loader/Operator Trailers ..................... $ 23.i0 S±raight Jobs ................ 22.80 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, L, S, S1,) on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY: Paid: See ( 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 26 ) on Holiday Page. "NOTE"~ Employee must work ~wo days in Holzday week SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) $ 18.18 q-282.Demo Helder STATENIDE: Applies to all counites. HAGES (per hour) 7/01/200q Page Prevailing Ra~e Schedule York S~a~e Oepar~men± of Labor .................................. Case Number 0502051 SUFFOLK 2004 Helder ......... [To be paid ±he ra~e of ~he mechanic performing ±he work) DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK Under Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, when two final determinations have been rendered against a contractor, sub- contractor and/or Its successor wlhfln any consecutive six-year period determining that such contractor, sub-contractor and/or Its successor has WILLFULLY failed to pay the pravaling wage and/or supplements, or when one final determination involves falsification of payroll records or tha kickback of wages and/or supplements, said contractor, sub-contractor and/or its successor shall be debarred and ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract/sub-cOntract with the state, any municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. NOTE: Where th9 Fiscal Officer Is denoted "NYC", the infomlatlon has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determination. i LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTI~CT company Name Address City State Zip Code 385 Services LLC 2657 State Highway 28 P0rtlandvilln NY 13834 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1466399 01/08/2009 DeL Multiple willful violations Company Name A & T General Consmuction Inc FEIN: Barred Until 13-3927478 01/31/2006 Address 3 Alan Shephard Place Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls City State Zip Code Yonkers NY 10705 CompanyName A A Gcneral Cont~actom lnc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1319254 10/18/2009 Company Name A C~ricone Coner~e FEIN: Barred Until 16-1582253 03/03/2008 Address City State Zip Code 1765 Mt Read Boulevard Rocheater NY 14606 Fiscal Officer Notes: Dog And W,J. Grinder Roofing as a substantially affiliated employer and Dominic Antonucci as an individual. Multiple willful violations State Zip Code NY !4010 Address City P O Box 203 Athol Springs Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and Crazy Horse Tonawanda Inc Company Name A G Plumbing Inc FEIN: Barred Until 13-3276217 07/22/2006 Address 54 Knickerbocker Avenue Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Multiple willful violations City State Zip Code Brooklyn NY 11237 Company Name A R DiGima FEIN: 16-0996110 Barred Until Address City State 1331 Belle Avenue Utica NY Fiscal Officer Notes: Successor to LBS of Frankfort lnc and/or Clean Air Asbestos Removal Inc Zip Code '13501 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 1 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Aegean General Contracting Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3451267 03/I 1/2008 Address City State Zip Code 5%16 157th Srrent Flushing NV l 1355 Fiscal Officer Notes: Settlement agreement with A.G.'s Office - falsified payrolls - Also Aegean Marble Co., Aegean Marble Contracting Co., and George Begakis individually Company Name Aegean Marble Co. FEIN: Barred Until 11-3451267 03/11/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Aegean General Contracting Inc State Zip Code Company Name Aegean Marble Contracting Co. FEIN: Barred Until 11-3451267 03/11/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Aegean General Contracting [nc State Zip Code Company Name Address City Albany Pipe Insulators lnc P O Box 332 - Foundry Rd Voorheesville FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-1617890 02/18/2008 DOL State Zip Code NY 12186 Company Name Address City American General Construction Corp 54 Knickerbocker Avenue Brooklyn FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: t 3-3276217 07/22/2006 NYC Multiple willful violations State Zip Code NY ! 12~,7 Company Name ANS Welding Corp FEIN: Barred Until l I-! 867262 06/09/2009 Addmes City I 11 Dale Street' West Babylon Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Debarment period extended a~er additional willful violations State Zip Code NY I 1704 Company Name AP Painting & Improvement lnc FEIN: Barred Until l 1-2683637 04/09/2007 Address City 575 Hempstead Turnpike We. st Hempstead Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls State Zip Code NY 11552 Company Name APC Painting FEIN: Barred Until 05/13/2007 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Apollo Construction Services Corp State Zip Code Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 2 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Apollo Construction Services Corp 157 Tibbets Road Yonkers NY 10705 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes~ 13-3983219 05/13/2007 DOL dba Apolo Painting Co~p. - multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Apolo Painting Company FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3863295 05/13/2007 aka APC Painting - aec Apollo Construction Seevice~ Corp Company Name Address City State Zip Code Apolo Painting Corp FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3863295 05/13/2007 See Apollo Construction Sa'vices Co~p Company Name Address City State Zip Code Asbestos Systems [nc 1771 Foote Avenue Jemestown NY 14701 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 25-1742587 05120/2007 DOL GregoD' Mc-Cay T/A GM Enterprises dba Asbestos Systems lnc Company Narco Address City State Zip Code Azam Ali Chaudlvy FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/10/2007 Sec Republic Reconstruction & Management [ac Company Name Bat-Sac Constxuction [nc FEIN: Barred Unfil 11-3391498 07/17/2009 Address City State Zip Code 62 Nanlist Avenue Port Washington NY 11050 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL aka Bat-Jac Cont~fing bec. a/lEa Bat-Jac Inc. and Kenne¢,h Metz, pr~ideet and one of its five largest shareholders and Steve Menzer, vice president and one of its five largest shareholders, as individuals. Falsified payrolls. Company Name Bat-Jac Contracting Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3133524 07/17/2009 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Bat-Jac Construction lnc State Zip Code Company Name Bat-Jac Inc FEIN: Barred Until 07/17/2009 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Bat-lac Construction aka Bat-Jac Contracting State Zip Code Page 3 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC woR~'(~0NTRAcT company Name BettyHolllnc FEIN: 16-1089599 Barred Until Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: see B H Refrigeration as its successor State Zip Code CompanyName BettyJones' Serviee~ FEIN: Ba~ed Until 16-1247154 12/31/2006 Address City State P O Box 58 Utica Nh' Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL dba D&B J's Services and Betty Jones as President and Individually Zip Code 13503 Company Name Address Betty Jones (as President end Individually FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/31/2006 ' See Betty Jones' Services City State Zip Code Company Name BH Mechanical Services FEIN: Barred Until 16-1089599 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: Aka B H Refi'igeration [nc State Zip Code Company Name Bistrian Materials Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3359771 06/06/2005 Address City State Zip Code 175 Springs Fireplace Rd East Hampton NY 1193" Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Sec Patrick Btstrian Jr,, Inc. (substantially owned-affiliated entity or successor} Company Name Boguslaw Bozek FEIN: Barred Until 05114/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - see Goldhand Construction LLC State Zip Code Company Name Butler Fence Company FEIN: Barred Until 16-1111490 04/25/2005 Address City State Zip Code 536 State Fair Blvd Syracuse NY 13204 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Company Name C B E Contracting Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-2968809 10/21/2007 Address 310 McGuiness Bird Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls City State ' Zip Code Gr~xmpoint NY 11222 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 4 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Calvin S R. obinson Electrical Inc 2117 E~'et Drive Clem'water FL 33764 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-1657781 04/12/2007 DeL Falsified payrolls Company Name Address City State Zip Code Carl Babb FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/21/2008 As an individual - Sea Olympic Window [nstell~s [nc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Causeway Construction Corp 110-30 15th Avenue College Point NY 11356 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: t'3-3065561 09/27/2007 NYC Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Cavalier Constr Corp c/o Clayman & Rosenbe 305 Madison Avenue New York NY 10165 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 02/19/2008 NYE: Falsified renords - plea agreement. Also K[ngsmn Trucking & Rigging Coq~., Manbm Consmactlon Corp., Pon Ewan Trucking Corp. and Super Structure Build,cs, Inc. as substantially owned-a~liated entities end/or successors of Cavali~'. ComPany Name' Address City State Zip Code Ceaturian Menagernant of New York [nc P 0 Box 96 t Port J~n Sta NY I 1776 FEIN: Barred' Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3230587 05/03/2006 DeL Aka Cant~rian Protection of New. York State-falsified records - debarment period extended Company Name Canturian Protection of New York FEIN: Barred Until 11-3230587 Address City State Zip Code Fiscal Officer Notes: Sen Centurian Management of New York State loc - deban~l until 05/03/2006 Company Name Address City State Charles J Pard~e 261 Ball Road Hastings NY FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 03/16/2009 DOL As an individual. Sea Dalton Steal Inc. Zip Code 13076 ComPanY Name Charles Saliba FEIN: Barred Until 07/26/2005 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Address City Fiscal.Officer Notes: Sea Monarch Construction Corporation (owner) State Page 5 of 30 Zip Code LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT ' Company Name Address City State Zip Code Classic Electric Inc 29-01 21st Avenue Astoria NY ] 1105 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: [ 1-2811549 11/27/2005 NYC Multiple violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commercial Building Maintenance Coq> 40 Oak Drive Syosset NY ! 1791 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: l 1-2945732 01/23/2008 Plea agreement with D.A.'s Office - willful violation and thlsification of payroll record~ Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commercial Painting Co 4872 West Seneca Turnpike Syracuse NY 13215 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1513909 05/01/2008 DOL Jam~s Stanton dba Commercial Painting Co. falsified payroll records Company Name Commercial Steel Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1557064 03/16/2009 Address City State Zip Code 65 Corporate Park Drive Central Square NY 13036 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As a successor aad/or substantially-ownad affiliated entity with Dalton Steel lnc dba Pan:lee Construction - multiple willful violations Company Name Commtech Communications lnc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1335983 11/22/2007 Address City State Zip Code 649 Wanvick Road North Tonowanda NY t 4120 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL S~e also Commtech Electrical Construction Corp and Michael R Palmer - multiple violations Company Name Commtech Electrical Construction FEIN: Barred Until 16-1~407836 11/22/2007 Address City State Zip Code 649 Warwick Road Notth Tonawanda NY 14120 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL See also Commteeh Communications and Michael R Palmer- multiple violauons CompanyName Converse Construction CoQ FEIN: Barred Until 11-3262576 03/21/2007 Address City State Zip Code 1597 Route 112 Port Jefferson Sta NY I 1776 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls Company Name CountyWide Electric Cotp FEIN: Barred Until 16-1540552 04/19/2005 Address City State Zip Code 795 Portland Avenue Rochester NY 1462 l Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Succ./Substantially ownad-Affi[iatad entity m JoBeth Inc.-sfipulmad to debarment Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 6 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Crazy Horse Tonawanda Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-152812~4 03/03/2008 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 203 Athol Springs NY 14010 Fiscal Officer Notes: · DOL and A Castricone Conc~te lnc Company Name CrossBay Contracting Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-2124028 04/18/2005 Address City State 242 Nevins Street Brooklyn NY Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payrolls -multiple willfuts - d~oarment period extanded Company Name Zip Code 11217 Address City State · Zip Code D & D Mason Contractors Inc FEIN: Barred Until l 1-3219453 05/16/2006 158 11 961h Street Howard Beach Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payrolls - plea'agreement Company Name NY 11414 Address City State Zip Code D&B J's Services FEtN: Barred Until 16-1247154 12/31/2006 Fiscal Officer Notes: See Betty lones' Services Inc Company Name Dalton Steel Inc FEIN: Ba~ed Until 16-1557064 03/12/2009 Address City State Zip Code 197 U S Route I 1 Central Sq~aro NY 13036 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL dba Pardee Construction and Shirley Pardec as an individual - multiple willful violations. Also Charlas J Pardcc as an individual. Company Name Address CRy State Zip Code Da-by General Contracting Inc FEIN: Barred Until 1 1-3420817 08/04/2008 565 Oak Strut Copiasae Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL dba Daxby Glass Co - multiple willful violations NY 11726 Company Name DarbyGlassCo FEIN: 11-3081390 Barred Until Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Darby General Contracting [nc State Zip Code Company Name David Ogden FEIN: Barred Until 04/19/2005 Address City State Zip Code 795 Portland Avenue Rochester NY 14621 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOE V.P./Sec. of JoBeth lnc; Pres,&V.P. of CountyWide Electric Corp. - stipulated to debarmant Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 7 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Dcbcon Construction Corporation FEIN: Barred Until 13-3157140 06/11/2006 Address City State Zip Code 77 Weyman Avenue New Rochelle NY [ 0805 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willfuls - Debcon Construction Corporation and Deborah Rago individually - falsified payrolls - debarment period extended CompanyName Deborah Rago, in~dually FEIN: Barred Until 06/11/2006 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Debcon Const~uctinn Corp State Zip Code Company Name Dellapenna Associates lnc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1465989 02/18/2008 Address City State Zip Code 86 Olive Street Johnson City NY I ~,790 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Dcllapenna Brothers lnc - debarment period extended after additional violations Company Name Dellapenna Brothers Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-0964223 08/04/2008 Address City State 86Olive StTeet Johnson City NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL multiplewillfuls-debarmentperiodextendeda~eradditional violations Zip Code 13796 Company Name Dennis LounsburyBuildersInc FEIN: Barred Until 14-1538702 05/27/2009 Address City State P O Box 220 Bulville NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL aka Lounsbury Erectors Inc. Zip Code 10915 Company Name Address City DePoalo and Son Building Contrac~3rs Inc 296 Morris RoM Schenectady FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-i507523 07/12/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations State Zip Code 12303 CompanyName Dimcon Comm~ci~ Contrac~m FEIN: Barred Until 08-i681415 05/18/2009 Address City State 310Maple Avenue New Hampton NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and RebeccaGauo-Woodasanindividual. F~sifiedpayarolls. Zip Code 10958 Company Name Dominic Antonucci FEIN: Barred Until 10/18/2009 Address City State Zip Code 1939 Town Line Road Hilton NY [ 4468 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As an individual. See A A General Contractors [nc and W J Grinder Roofing Company Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 8 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Drywall Systems Unlimited [nc FEIN: Barred Until 06-1405921 10/02/2007 Address City State Zip Code 182 West Mom Street Middletown NY 10940 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Company Name Address DE~wall Wizard FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05-1684878 10/16/2006 See St~han Potty' City State Zip Code Company Name Address City ' State Zip Code E Green Restoration & Roofing Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1561693 06/2 i/2009 117 Hawley St~t Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Binghamton NY 13901 Company Name Address City State Zip Code Elizabeth A. Cart P O Box 82 Vaiafie NY' 12184 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/14/2008 dba Evedasting Slate - as an individual Company Name Address City State Zip Code Eme~ Heating & Plumbing & Heating Con~ 5 Emus Lane Monsey NY 10952 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-2590780 DOL and Julius mad Gita Behrend, as individuals. Parties enter~ into a voluntary agreement to be pea'manently debarred Company Name Address · City State Zip Code Empire Dcmol!tion Development Co Inc 1096 Niagara St FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1517860 03/24/2005 DOL Multiple willfuls ' Buffalo NY 14213 Company Name Empire State Renovation Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-3170331 05/22/2007 Address City 15 Division Place Brooklyn Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payrolls - plea agreement State Zip Cods NY 11222 Company Name Enj ern's Incorporated FEIN: Barfed Until 16-1038008 03/04/2009 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Address City 111 South Main Str~'t Herkim~r Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and Francis Enjem as an individual. Falsification of records. Page 9 of 30 State Zip Code NY 13350 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Enviroclean Services LLC 4245 Union Rd- Suite 210 Buffalo NY 14225 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 26~0045677 09/07/2009 DOL CompanyName Euro Craft Restor~ion, lnc. FEIN: Barred Until 13-3769924 I0/14/2008 Address City State Zip Code 41-12 Ditmars Blvd Long Island City Nh' 11105 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and Savvas A. Sawa (as an individual) Falsificetion of records and kickback of wages Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Everlasting Slam FEIN: Barred Until 22-3397381 10/14/2008 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 82 Vaiatie NY 12184 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL And Elizabeth A. Can- and Se, an Campion as individuals. Falsification of records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Flower City Asbestos Inc 850 St Paul Sweet Rochester NY 14605 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: I6-1292474 08/18/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations Company Name Address Flower City Insulation Sales & ContTacmrs 137 York:on Street FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1157832 08/03/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations City State Zip Code Webster NY 14580 Company Name Address City Foundation Constmctioo Consultants Inc 294 20th Street Brooklyn FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal offcar Notes: l 1-2761496 05/20/2008 NYC Multiple willfuls and falsification of payroll records State Zip Code NY 11215 Company Name Francis Enjem FEIN: Barred Until 03/04/2009 Address City 111 South Main Srceet Herkimer Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Enjem's Incorporated. State Zip Code NY 13350 CompanyName Franco Paintslnc FEIN: Barred UnUI 08/07/2008 Address City State Zip Code 159 92nd Street Brooklyn NY ! 1209 Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC and Mida Painting Ltd, Nicholas Kaltergis and Stamatia Kallergis, as individuals. Assurance of DisconfinuancetSettlemant Agreement Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 10 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Frank J. Labfiola FEIN: Barred Until Address City Fiscal Officer Nntes: Sec State of the A~t Construction State Zip Code Company Name G~m Building & Equipmant lnc FEIN: Barred Until 14-1793970 06/28/2007 Address City State Zip Code 2332 Route 9W Sangertics NY 12477 Fiscal Officer Notes: DO[. 01) Company Name Gem Installations [nc FEIN: Barred Until 23-2709267 04/06/2005 Address City State Zip Code ? O Box 422 Little Meadows PA 18830 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willfuls Company Name Address City State Zip Code Goorgc Bcg~kis FEIN: Barred Until 03/I 1/2008 Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - sec Aegean General ContTacting Inc ComPany Name Goorgc Bush FEIN: Barred Until 01/14/2009 Address City State Zip Code 19 Hoff'man Drive Latharn NY 12118 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsification of payroll records Company Name Goorgc Fomkis FEIN: Barred Until 03/07/2007 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 8808 Baltimore MD 21224 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls - Paint City Contractors lnc and George Foralds individually CompanyName Goo~gcJLcvaS~ FEIN: Barred Until 0~06/2008 Address City State Zip Code Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual dba Ontario Flooring Company. Debarment period extended after additional violation Company Name Address City State Zip Code George Lucey,Manual Tobio(sec note) 150 Kings Sttect Brooklyn NY l 1231 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Manuel P Tobio and Lake Constr and Developmant Corp (individually and as a whole) grand larc~y,falsified records,debarred perrnanantly Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 11 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name GM En'cerpfises FEIN: Barred Until 16-1509833 05/20/2007 Address Fiscal Officer Notes: See Asbestos Systems Inc City State Zip Code Company Name Goldhand Construction LLC FEIN: Barred Until 22-3765123 05/14/2008 Address City 116 East Saddle Eiver Rd Saddle Rivc~ Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified of payroll records State Zip Code NJ 07458 CompanyName Grcgory McCoy FEIN: Barred Until 05/20/2007 Address City State Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual See GM Enterprises dba Asbestos Systems [nc Zip Code CompanyName Gregory Kloepf~ FEIN: Barred Until 10/06/2009 Address City 248 Lain Road West Seneca Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As an individual. See Kloepfer's Floor Coveming State Zip Code N~ 14224 Company Name Gulley Terrazzo Tile & Flooring Co FEIN: Barred Until 16-1396462 04/06/2005 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 11304 Rochester NY I461 i FIscal Officer Notes: DOL See Tobie R Gulley Company Name Hamax Construction Corporation FEIN: Barred Until 06-1482076 09/11/2008 Address City State Zip Code 540 Commerc~ St - Ste 6 Thomwood NY 10594 Fiscal Officar Notes: DOL Also Thomas Hanlon and William Valentine as individuals. Multiple willf~ls and falsification of records. Debarmeet period extendedaffer other willful violations CompanyName Harrison Jarvis FEIN: Barred Until 08/t2/2009 Address CRy State Zip Code 132 W 129th St-Ste4W New York NY 10027 Fiscal Officer Notes: AG As an individual and Two By Four Carpentry and Constraction Inc. Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office. Company Name F[DA Construction FEIN: Ban'ed Until 06-1613022 12/10/2007 Address 942 Havemeyer Avenue Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified records City State Zip Code Bronx NY 10473 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 12 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON 'OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Hector Colon FEIN: Barred Until 04/17/2007 Address City State Zip Code 3643 Brockncr Blvd Bronx NY 10464 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Conducting business as M & H Climate and Energy Management Ltd. Falsified payrolls Company Name Hi Tech Insulation FEIN: Barred Until 16-1487213 12/09/2007 Address City State P O Box 12861 Rochester NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Kevin C. Mar!owe dba Hi Teeh Insulation - multiple violations Zip Code 14612 Company Name Address City Hi-Amp Electrical Cons~xuction Corp 265-12 Hillside Avenue Floral Park FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3520080 04/30/2007 DOL and Ivan Torres individually. Falsified payrolls State NY Zip Code 11004 Company Name I C Conslxuction Company lnc FEIN: Barred Until 14-1789216 08/21/2007 Address City State 120 South Broadway Red Hook NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willfuls - Debarment period extended aP, er additional violations Zip Code 12571 Company Name IES Environmental Inc FEIN: Barred Until 10/05/2009 Address City State Zip Code 1655 Elmwood Avenue Cranston RI 02910 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL And international Environmental Services lnc and Janms J Ney Jr as an individual. Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Intaroounty Roofing Systems lnc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3550866 05/09/2006 20 Jcrosalem Avenue Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsificd payrolls Hiclcsville NY I 1801 Company Name Address Interior Decorating Floor Covering Co Inc 2229 Clifford Avenue FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1337838 07/29/2007 DOL Falsification of records City State Zip Code Rochesmr NY 14609 Company Name Address City International Environmental Resources FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05-0448266 08/09/2007 Se~ International Environmental Services Inc State Zip Code Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 13 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code International Environmental Services lnc 2 Stafford Court Cranston RI 02920 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05-0448266 10/05/2009 DOL dba International Environmental Resources - Falsified payrolls - Debarment period extended at, er additional violation. Also lES Environmental lnc and James J Ney Jr as at] individual CompanyName Ismael Cisneros FEIN: Barred Until 04/1412008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - See Izi.Plumbing &' Heating Ltd State Zip Code Company Name Ivan Torres FEIN: Barred Until 04/30/2007 Address City State 265 - 12 Hillside Avenue Floral Pa~k NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Individually and Hi-Amp Electrical Consaruction Corp, Falsified payrolls Zip Code 11004 Company Name Izi Plumbing & Heating Ltd FEIN: Barred Until 11-3157717 04/14/2008 Address City 291 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and [smaal Cisneros, Individually - falsified payrolls State NY Zip Code 112[I CompanyName J Barr Constmction CoQ FEIN: Barred Until 11-3344003 1~14~009 Address City State 119-51 Metropolitan Ave Jamaica NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and Steve J Nictas as an individual. Multiple willful violations Zip Code ~ 1415 Company Name J Mangone Contracting lnc FEiN: Barred Until 11-2802563 11/07/2006 Address City 53 13th Avenue Minenla Fiscal Offlcar Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls and kickbacks of wages and supplements State Zip Code NY 11501 Company Name J T Painting Corp FEIN: Barred Until 06-1260246 02/26/2009 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 337 Burlingham NY 12722 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsification of records Company Name James Avallone FEIN: Barred Until 08/07/2008 Address City State Zip Code Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - see James Avallone Tile & Marble - debarment period extended Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 14 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name James Availonc THc & Marble FEiN: Barred Until 0%5336752 08/07/2008 Address City 217 Christie Street Ridgeficld Park Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations - debarment p~'iod extended State 'Zip Code NJ 07660 Company Name Iamcs J Ney Jr FEIN: Barred Until · 10105/2009 Address City State Zip Code 1655 Elmwood Aveeue Cranston RI 02910 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As an individual. See International Environmental Services Inc and lES Environmental Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code ~BC Industries of Parish Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1470149 07/24/2007 P O Box 728 - CR44 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations Mexico NY 13114 Company Name JoB¢th lnc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1441129 04/19/2005 Address City State Zip Code 795 Portland Aveeue Rochester NY 14621 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Stipulated to debarment Company Name John Varelakis FEIN: Barred Until 02/20/2007 Address City 2063 Maple Street Wantaugh Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - Sm ,Spmcewood Painting Cot~ State Zip Code NY 11793 Company Name ' .IRC Aris Electric Cona-antors FEIN: Barred Until 09/13/2009 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See JRC Electric Control Service lnc State Zip Code Company Name JRC Electric Control Serviee Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3199418 09/13/2009 Address City State 516 East 51st Street Brooklyn NY Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC a/Ida IRC Aris Electric Contractors - multiple willfufl violations Zip Code 11236 Company Name Julius and Gita Behrand FEIN; Barred Until Address City 5 Emes Lane Mousey Fiscal Officer Notes: ~e Emes Heating & Plumbing Contractor, lnc State NY Zip Code 10952 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 15 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INEUGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT ' Company Name Address City State Zip Code K & K Restoration Corp 752 Cypress Drive Franklin Square NY ~ I 010 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: I 1-3350553 04/14/2005 NYC Falsified records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Keith Grimes Inc Fairlawn Dr * P O Box 964 Montauk NY' I [ 954 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2938037 03/21/2006 DOL Falsified records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kenneth Metz 62 Neulist Avenue Port Washington NY ! 1050 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/17/2009 As an individual. See Bat-Jac Construction Company Name Address Kevin C Marlowe FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: See Hi Tech Insulation City State Zip Code Company Name Address City State Zip Code Keystone Construction Corp 9945 Fort Hamilton Pkwy Brooklyn NY } 1209 FIEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1402500 08/20/2008 DOL ' And Nicholas Margaritis as an individual Company Name Kingston Trucking & Rigging Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-3540715 02/19/2008 Address City State Zip Code 99 St Nicholas Avenue Brooklyn NY [ 1237 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As a substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp. Falsification of records ComPany Name Kloepf~s Floor Covering FEIN: Barred Until 16-1234359 10/06/2009 Address City State 248 Lein Road West Seneca NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL And Gregory Kloepfer as an individual. Multiple willfu[ violations Zip Code I4224 Company Name Komas Construction Corporation FEIN: Barred Until l 1-2691706 01/09/2006 Address City State Zip Code 162 85th Street Brooklyn N'~ ! 1209 Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payrolls Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 16 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code L & T Plumbing Corp 367 Veterans Mernbrial l-Iwy Commank NY 11725 FEiN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3223496 01/I 1/2010 DOL And Robert DeMonte as an individual. Company Name Address Lake Consmaction and Devetopmem Corp FEIN: Ban'ed Unfit Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2678816 See George Lueey City State Zip Code Company Name Address City Llada Williams c/o M JAB Construction lac 183 Washington Avcnue New Rochelle FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/22/2009 DOL As an individual. See M JAB Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code NY 10801 State Zip Code Lc~nzo DcVardo FEIN: Barred Until 01/08/2009 1850 Steinway Street Long Island City Fiscal Offcar Notes: DOL As an individual. See Vardo Construction NY 11105 Company Name . Lou~sbutT E'mctots Inc FEiN: Barred Until 05/27/2009 Address City Fiscal Offcar Notes: SeeDennisLounsburyBuilderslnc State Zip Code Company Name Address City LTS Construction 24 Miller $tzeet Rocheat~ FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1463105 06/30/2009 SeeThomas L. Smalls State Zip Code NY Company Name ' Address M & H Climate and Energy Management Ltd FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Offcar Notes: 58-2152185 04/17/2007 See Hector Colon city State Zip Code Company Name Address City M & S Pipeline Excavation Company Inc 784 Conk, lin Road Binghamton FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Offcar Notes: 16-0926714 05/06/2009 · DOL Multiple willful violations State Zip Code NY 13903 Tuesday, February. 08, 2005 Page 17 of 30 O1¸ LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT ' Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mac Stringer Painting 250 Lake Avenue Rochester NY 14608 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-I008740 12/18i2006 DOL Falsification of records Company Name Manbru Construction Co~p FEIN: Barred Until 02/19/2008 Address City State Zip Code 1439 Wood Road Bronx N\' 10462 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Also at 201-203 E 22nd Street, New York 10010. As a substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp. Falsification of records. Company Name Manuel P. Tobio FEIN: Barred Until Address Fiscal Officer Notes: See George Lucey City State Zip Code Company Name Manuel Tobio FEIN: Barred Until Address Fiscal Officer Notes: See George Lucey City State Zip Code Company Name Marianne Ogden FEIN: Barred Until 04/19/2005 Address City State ZiP Code 795 Portland Avenue Rochester NY 1462 I Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willfuls - President and Treasurer of Jobeth ~ stipulated to debarment Company Name Mary Ncwsora FEIN: Barred Until 05/24/2009 Address City 1537 Union St~et Schenectady Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As an individual. See Pachyderm Enwrprises, [nc State Zip Code NY 12309 Company Name Mas-AnnMechanical [nc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1357694 07/12/2007 Address City 35 Regency Oaks Blvd Rochester Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL State Zip Code N"Y 14624 Company Name Masciarelli Construction Co FEIN: Barred Until 16-0902053 05/06/2009 Address 784 Conklin Road Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations City Binghamton State Zip Code NY 13903 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 18 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Merchants I & S Co~p lac 7732 Victor Mendon Road Victor NY 14564 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1405450 11/22/2007 DeL Debarment extended al~r additional violation Company Name Address City State Zip Code Merit Fence Co Inc 130 Old Route 6 Carmel NY 10512 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 06-1350241 08/06/2008 DeL Multiple willful violadons Company Name Michael Falgiano Ir. FEIN: Barred Until Address City State Zip Code Fiscal Officer Notes: Principal officer-partner and/or shareholder - See M Falgieno Construction Co lac Company Name Address City State Zip Code Michael Falgieno Sr FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: Principal officcr-parmer and/or shareholder - see M Falsiano Construction Co I~c Company Name Address City State Zip Code Michael R Palmer FEIN: Barred Until [ 1/22/2007 Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - See Commtech Communications lac and Commtech Electrical Construction Coq~ Company Name Mida Painting FEIN: Barred Until 08/07/2008 Address City State Zip Code 159 92nd St~:et Brooklyn NY 11209 Fiscal offcar Notes: NYC and France Paints, Inc. and Nicholas Kallergis and Stamatia Kallergis, as individuals. Aasuranen of Discontinuance/Settlement Agreement Company Name M JAB Con~raction Inc FEIN: Barred Until 58-2620937 04/22/2009 Address City State 183 Washington Avenue New Rochelle NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DeL and Linda Williams as an individual. Falsification of payroll records Zip Code 10801 Company Name Monarch Construction Corporation FEIN: Barred Until 13-2808501 07/26/2005 Address City 1057 Jackson Avenue Long Island City Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC And Charles Saliba - falsified payrolls State NY Zip Code 11101 Tuesday, l~ebruary 08, 2005 Page 19 of 30 L LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT : Company Name Address City State Zip Code Muhammad A Beig 142 East Market Street Long Beach NY I 156 [ FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/21/2007 DOL As an individual - falsified payrolls Company Name Musa Pacuku FEIN: Barred Until 04/14/2008 Address City State Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - See Victory Roofisg & Contxacting Co [nc Zip Code Company Name Address Nava~'o Special Cleaning Services Inc 85.12 Sixty-Sevcmh Ave FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-294610! 04/16/2006 NYC Falsified payrolls City State Zip Code Queens N~ [ 1374 Company Name Neptune Construction Co FEIN: Barred Until 11-2779916 Address Fiscal Officer Notes: See Wayne Vitalc Inc City State Zip Code Company Name Nicholas Kallergis FEIN: Barred Until 08/07/2008 Address City State 159 92nd Street Brooklyn NY Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Fmnco Paints, Inc.and Mida Painting Ltd Zip Code I 1209 Company Name Nicholas Margaritis FEIN: Barred Until 08/20/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Keystone Construction Corp. State Zip Code Company Name Nikolaos D. Varelakis FEIN: Barred Until 02/20/2007 Address City 94 Cleveland Avenue Massepequa Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - See Spmcewood Paisting Carp State Zip Code NY 11758 Company Name Address City Northeast Regional Communications lnc 232 Main Street Vestal FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Off'tear Notes: 16-1470036 03/24i2005 DOL Also P O Box 573 Appalachin NY 13732 - multiple willfuls State Zip Code NY 13850 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 20 of 30 [_LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE T0--B~D-~I~'(~)~:-~,%,~ARD~-:~-~'d~-I~-U~'-LIC W~I~'~'COI~:~-R~C:I'- ! Company Name Address City State Zip Code Nu-Look Painting & Wallpapering Inc 151-60 7th Avenue Whimatonc NY l 1357 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3389457 08/04/2009 AG and 'IF Painting Corp. and Tercisio Ferrcira, individually. Pta agreement with thc A.G.'s Office. Company Name Olib Construction Company lnc FEIN: Barred Until 22-3200661 I 1/14/2006 Address City State Zip Code 120 South Broadway Red Hook NY 1257 I Fiscal Officer Notes; DOL Company Name Olympic Associates Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1444097 0t/08/2007 Address City State Zip Code 2843 U.S. Route I t Lafayette NY 13084 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations Company Name Olympic Window Installers Inc FEIN: Barred Until 22-3034903 07/21/2008 Address City 174 Lincoln Avenue Hawthorne Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL and Cart and Russell Babb as individuals State Zip Code NJ 07506 Company Name Ontario Flooring Company FEIN: Barred Until 16-1554554 02/06/2008 Address City State 296 Rogers Parkway Rochester NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL See C~orge J Leva Sr. Debarment period extended after additional violation Company Name Zip Code 14617 Address City State Zip Code Oswego Trucking & Leasing FEIN: Barred Unffi 16~1371814 07/21/2008 258 Washington Blvd Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified r~..ords Oswego NY 12801 Company Name P & H Supply Company Inc FEIN: Barred Until 13-3868727 05125/2009 Addrees City State Zip Code · 241 -A Han'ison Avenue Hah'icon NY 10528 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL . Multiple willful violations - debarment period extended afar additional willful violations Company Name Pachyderm Enterprises lac FEIN: Barred Until 00-1386527 05/24/2009 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Address City State Zip Code 1537 Union Street Schenectady NY 12309 Fiscal .Officer Notes: DOL And 1,Villie Jones and Mary Newsom as individuals - Multiple willful violations Page 21 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Paint City Contractors lnc P O Box 8808 Baltimore MD 21224 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 52-1764775 03/07/2007 DOL Falsified payrolls Company Name Address Pardce Constmcfion FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16,-1557064 03/12/2009 See Dalton Stgel Inc. City State ZIp Code Company Name · Patrick Bistxiee Jr Lac FEIN: Barred Until 11-2590480 06/06/2005 Address 175 Springs Fireplace Rd Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified records City State Zip Code East Hampton NY 11937 Company Name Paul M Maintenance Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3287638 07/02,/2007 Address City State Zip Code 7 Gatewood Drive Hanppaguc NY 1 1788 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payrolls Company Name Pete Forakis FEIN: Barred Until 03/07/2007 Address City State Zip Code P O Box 8808 Baltimore MD 21224 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willfuls - Paint City Contractors loc and Panagiotis Forakis dba Pete Forakis Company Name Pilos Contracting Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-2540761 08/10/2005 Address City 271 581h Street Brooklyn Fiscal offcar Notes: DOL one willful with NYC and one willful with DOL State Zip Code NY 11220 Company Name Pipejackcrs loc FEIN: Barred Until 11-2209596 06/26/2007 Address City State Zip Code 15 East Bartlett Road Middle Island NY 11953 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Company Name Port Ewen Trucking Corp FEIN: Barred Until l 1-3484639 02/19/2008 Address City State Zip Code 2013 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY l 1234 Fiscal offcar Notes: DOL Also at 99 St. Nicholas Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237. As a a substantially owned- affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp. Falsification of records Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 22 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Professional Fence Co ofWNY Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1425254 07/08/2005 Address City State Zip Code 6479 Willow Drive North Boston NY 14075 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL multiple wil[D. Is Company Name Rlfmbow Mechanical Systems Inc FEIN: Barred Until 01/28/2007 Address 42-49 Colden St - Suite 3 Fiscal Offlcal~ Notes: NYC Plea agr~ment City State Zip Code Flushing NY 11355 Company Name .Rapid Demolition Co lac FEIN: Barred Unfit 11-2869485 11/18/2007 Address 2550 West 13th Street Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC And successors City State Zip Code Brooklyn NY 11223 Company Name R~bccea Ga[to-Wood FEIN: Barred Until 05/18/2009 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: As an.individual. See Diracon Commercial Contxaetors. Company Name Address City State Zip Code State Zip Code R~ublic Construction & Manag~roant Inc 81 t I 7th Avehuc Brooklyn FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Ofllcar Notes: 11-3178177 12/10/2007 NYC and Aeam Ali Chaudh..-y - falsified payrolls - plea agr~ment NY 11228 Company Name Robbye Bissesar FEIN: Barred Until Address City 89-51 Springfield Blvd Queens Village Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Star International lnc State Zip Code NY 11427 Company Name Robert Amendola FEIN: Barred Until 03/19/2008 Address City 1084 Suarise Highway Amityvillc Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Westwood Fence Corp. State Zip Code NY 11701 Company Name Robert DeMonm FEIN: Ban'ed Until 01/10/2010 Address City 367 Veterans Memorial Hwy Commaek Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See L & T Plumbing Corp. Stets Zip Code NY I 1725 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 23 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Russell Babb FEIN: Barred Until 07/21/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual - See Olympic Window Installers Inc State Zip Code Company Name Address S & B Construction & Conuacting Ltd 78 Wohseep~ Road FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: ! ! -2987611 04/15/2007 DOL City State Zip Code Bdghtwaters NY- I 1718 Company Name Savoya Construction Corp FEIN: Barred Until 06- i 42 i 004 09/21/2006 Address City State Zip Code 13 - l 5 37th Avenue Long Islartd CiD, NY 1 I I 01 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL a Joint Venture with United Painting and Contracting Inc. - falsified payrolls - debarment period extended Company Name Sawas A. Savva FEIN: Barred Until 10/14/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: See Euro Craft Restoration lnc State Zip Code CompanyName Sco~ Bendersky FEIN: Barred Untll 04/15/2007 Address City State Zip Code 78Wohseepee Road Brightwat~s NY l 17 t $ Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL individually and as O/ricer and/or Shareholder of S & B Construction and Contracting Ltd Company Name Sean Campion FEIN: Barred Until 10/14/2008 Address City P O Box 82 Valatie Fiscal Officer Notes: dba Everlasting Slate - as an individual State Zip Code NY 12184 Company Name Shirley J Pardee FEIN: Barred Until 03/12/2009 Address City State I97 U S Route I I Central Square NY Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Dalton Steel Inc dba Pardee Construction. Zip Code 13036 Company Name Address Southwestern General Contracting Inc 1586 Gowans Road FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal.Officer Notes: 16-i569822 10/08/2009 DOE Falsification of reeerds City State Zip Code Angola NY 14006 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 24 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address Spider ConsU~ion and Watexprentlng lnc $06 53rd Sweet FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11/19/2006 NYC Falsified payroll reenrds City Stets Zip Cods Brooklyn NY 11220 Company Name Spmcewood Painting Corp FEIN: Barred Until l [-2949533 02/20/2007 Address City Stets Zip Code 94 Cleveland Avenue Massapequa NY 11758 Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC end Nikolans D. Varelakis, Slisan E. Varelalds end John Varelakis, as individuals. Multiple willft!l violations and falsified payroll records. Assureace of Disenntinuanc~JSettl ¢ment A~reemant. · Company Name Stamatia Kallergis FEIN: Barred Until 08/07/2008 Address City Stets 159 92nd Stn~ Brooklyn NY Fiscal Officer Notes: As en individual. See Fmnco Paints, Inc. end Mida Painting Ltd Zip.Code 11209 Company Name Star International lnc FEIN: Barred Until 00-16[3496 Address City State 89-51 Springfield Blvd Queens Village NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Also Robbyn Biases=. Falsified payroll - permanently debated ' Zip Code 11427 Company Name State Environments] Services [nc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3164259 02/25/2008 Address City · State 1801 Stillwell Avenue Brooklyn NY Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Pica a~r~ement Zip Code 11223 Company Name Sta~c of the Art Constmmion FEIN: Barred Until 11-2653210 10/06/2005 Address City Stets 140 Marine Street Farmingdale NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations Zip Code 11735 Company Name Stephen Potter FEIN: Barred Until I 0/16/2006 Address .112 Suramerviilc Drive Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL dba Drywall Wizard City State Zip Code Rochester NY 14617 Company Name Address City State Zip Code Steve $ Nictas c7o J Bart Constr FEIN: Barred Until 12/14/2009 119-51 Metropolitan Ave Jamaica Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As an iudividual - Sen $ Ban' Construction Corp. 11415 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 25 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Steve Mcnzer 62 Neulist Avenue Port Washington NY I [050 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/17/2009 As aa individual See Sat-Jac Constractioo Company Name Super Structure Builders Inc FEIN: Barred Until 11-3487355 02/19/2008 Address City State Zip Code 99 St Nicholas Avenue Brooklyn NY I [237 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Also at 2013 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234. As a sabstantiaily owned-affiliated ~tit7 and/or succ~sor of Cavalier Consmacfion Corp. Falsification of records Company Name Superior Jamcatoum Corporation FEIN: Barred Until 16-138l 131 03/17/2008 Address City State Zip Code 55 Jones-Gifford Avenue Jamasmwn NY 14701 Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payroll r~con:ls Company Name Susan E. Varelalds FEIN: Barred Until 02/20/2007 Address City 94 Cleveland Avenue Massepequa Fiscal Officer Notes: As an kadividual - See Spruc~wood Painting Corp State Zip Code NY 11758 Company Name T J Wilson Electric Inc FEIN: Barred Until 13-3615112 02/10/2007 Address 263 Waverly Avenue Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Falsified payrolls City State Zip Code Mamarooeck NY 10543 Company Name Tarcisio Ferreira FEIN: Barred Until 08/04/2009 Address City State Zip Code 151-60 7th Avenue Whiteatone NY 11357 Fiscal Officar Notes: AG and Nu-Look Painting & Wallpapering Inc and 'IF Painting Corp. Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office. Company Name Telc-Dat=-Com Solutions Inc FEIN: Barred Until 52-2216924 03/24/2005 Address City 597 Tracey Creek Road Vastal Fiscal Officar Notes: DOL alter ego of Northeast Regional Communications lnc State Zip Code NY 13850 Company Name TF Painting Coqo FEIN: Barred Until 08/04/2009 Address City State Zip Code 151-60 7th Avenue Whitastone N Y 11357 Fiscal Offlcar Notes: AG and Nu-Look Painting & Wallpapering Inc. and Tarcisio Ferreira, individually Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office. Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 26 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code TGR Corporation 22'Troy Lane Lincoln Park NJ 07035 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 22-2671011 07/31/2006 DOL' Multiple violatons Company Name Thomas Haalon FEIN: Company Name Barred Until 09/11/2008 Address City Fiscal Officer Notes: As aa individual. See [',[amax Construction Corp State Zip Code Address City State Zip Code ~[~omas K Falgiano FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: Principal officer-partner and/or shareholder - see M Falgiano Construction Co Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Thomas L Smalls FEIN: Barred Until 06/30/2009 24 Miller Street Rochester NY Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL dba LTS Construction - also as an individual. Falsified payrolls. 14605 Company Name Thomas Masonry & Concre~ Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1535306 08/18/2009 Address City 803 West Avenue, Ste 207 Rochester Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations State NY Zip Code 14611 Company Name · Thomas Masonry Enterprise lac FEIN: Barred Until 73-3103284 08/[8/2009 Address CRy 955 Buffalo Road Rochester Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Mul6ple willful violations State NY Zip Code 14624 Company Name Tobit R C-ulley FEIN: Barred Until 04/06/2005 Address City P OBox 11304 Rochester Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Dba Gulley Terrazzo Tile & Flooring Co. - multiple willfuls State NY Zip Code 14611 Company Name Topo-Metries lnc FEIN: Barred Until I t-2465550 04122/2009 Address City 432 Park Avenue South NewYork Fiscel Offlcer Notes: DOL Fal~ficafion ofpayrollrecords State NY Zip Code 10016 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 27 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Topor Contracting lnc 153 Fillmore Avenue B uff'alo NY [ 42 II} FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1590680 04/27/2009 DOL Falsified payrolls Company Name Address City Tower Building Maintenance and Mgmt 347 Kingsland Avenue Brooklyn FEIN: Barred Until Flscel Officer Notes: 11-3042307 11/24/2008 DOL Additional willful violations - debarment l~xiod extended State Zip Code NY [ 1222 Company Name Tri-State Building Contractors Inc FEIN: Barred Until 14-1765905 05/24/2009 Address 108 Sparrow Ridge Road Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payroll records City Cannel State Zip Code NY 10512 Company Name Address City Two By Four Carpantry and Constr [nc 132 W 129th St-Ste 4W New York FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/l 2/2009 AG dba of Harrison Jarvis. Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office. State Zip Code N~t- 10027 Company Name Address City State Zip Code Uhl¢in Property Services and Contracting 209 Paddock Street Watertown NY 13601 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1372913 08/10/2005 DOL John C. Uhleln Ill dba Uhlein Propvt~ Services and Contracting - consent by stipulation Company Name Urdted Painting and Conn'*acting [nc FEIN: Ban'ed Until 09/21/2006 Address City State Zip Code 13-15 37th Avanue Long Island City NY 11101 Fiscal Off, car Notes: DOL a Joint Venture with Savoya Construction Corp. - falsified payrolls - debarment period cxt~ded Company Name Vardo Construction Corporation FEIN: Barred Until 11-2694892 01/0~/2009 Address City 1850 Steinway Street Long Island City Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL And Lorenzo DcVardo as an individual. Falsified payrolls State Zip Cod.e NY 11105 Company Name VtCO Mechanicals Systeans lnc FEIN: Barred Until 01/28/2007 Address c/o S.Z¢itlin 50 Court St Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Plea agreernent City Brooklyn State Zip Code NY t120[ Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Page 28 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address CRy Victory Roofing & Contracting Co Inc 265 Victory Boulevard Staten Island FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 38-0100331 ' 04/14/2008 DOE and Musa Pacuku as in individual. Falsification of records State Zip Code NY 10301 Company Name W 3 Grinder Roofing Company FEIN: Barred Until 16-0846854 10/18/2009 Address City State Zip Code 1765 Mt Read Boulevard Rochester NY 14606 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL As a substantially affiliated employer. See A A General Contractors, Inc. Multiple violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code W Pmpe~'y Resources lnc 123 West 126th Street New York NY 10027 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer'Notes: 13-3462866 08/16/2006 NYC Multiple willfuls Company Name Address City State Zip Code Wayne Vitale Inc P O Box 325 Port Jefferson NY 11777 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: I 1-2779916 11/08/2005 DOL Dba Neptune Construction Co Company Name Address City State Zip Code West Electric Inc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1496979 07/19/2006 P O Box 83 Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Multiple willful violations Blossvale NY 13308 Company Name Address City State Zip Code Weatchcstcr [roo Works Corporation 65 Plain Avcaue FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-~459763 03/02/2006 NYC Voluntary debaxmunt New Rochelle NY 10801 Company Name Address City State Zip Code Westwood Fence Corp FEIN: Barred Until 11-3084236 03/19/2008 1084 Sunrise Highway Amityvillc NY 11701 Fiscal Officer Notes: And Robert Amendola as an individual. Falsified payrolls. Plea agreement entered into with Suffolk Coun~ D.A.'s Or, ce. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Wiley Development Co lnc FEIN: Barred Until 16-1363561 08/11/2009 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 235 Northampton Six-e= Fiscal Officer Notes: DOL Falsified payroll records Buffalo NY 14208 Page 29 of 30 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRAC~ Company Name Address City State Zip Code William M Stringm' FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/18/2006 See Mac Stringer Painting Company Name Address City State Zip Code William Valentine FEIN: Bah'ed Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 09/11/2008 As an individual. See Hamax Construction Corp Company Name Address City State Zip Code · Willie Jones 1537 Union Street Schenectady NY 12309 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/24/2009 DOL As an individual. See Pachyderm Enterprises lnc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Wilson Tank Builders Inc 646 North Broad Street Grove City PA 16127 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 25-1773019 05/08/2006 DOL Falsified records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Wintech Contracting Inc 1950 E Main St - Ste 205A Mohegan Lake Ny 10547 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3139312 07/22/2009 DOL Falsified pa.'oil records Tuesd,~y, February 08, 2005 Page 30 of 30 STANDARDINSURANCE REQUIREMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONTRACT INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INSURANCE IDENTIlq'ICATION: THE BID NUMBER IS TO APPEAR ON ALL INSURANCE CERTIFICATES INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The Corporation/Contractor/Agency/Consultant, is an independent contractor and covenants and agrees that it, its agents, servants and/or employees will neither hold itself/themselves out as, nor claim to be an employee, servant or agent of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, and that it, its agents and employees will not make claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD including, but not limited to Worker's Compensation coverage, Unemployment Insurance benefits, Social Security coverage or retirement membership or credit. INSURANCE: Contractor/vendor shall not commence work under this contract untiI he has obtained all insurance required under the following paragraphs, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD has approved such insurance. WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract, such insurance as will protect both the owner and the contractor from claims under worker's compensation acts and amendments thereto and from any other claims for property damage and for personal injury includ'mg death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations by contractor or by any other party cF~rectly or indirectly employed by the contractor. Copy of Certificate to be provided to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. DISABILITY INSURANCE & UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: Contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the entire term of the contract any disability benefits and unemployment insurance as required by law. Copy of Certificate to be provided to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, such bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance as shall protect him and the To~m from claims for damages for bodily injury incincYmg accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor/vendor to maintain such insurance in amounts sufficient to fully protect himself and the Town, but in no instance shall amounts be less than those set forth below. These amounts are specified only to establish the mlnlmum coverage acceptable. Bodily injury liability and property damage linbility insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) for damages on account of any one accident, and in an mount of not less than $2,000,000 (two million dollars) on account of all accidents (general aggregate). EXCESS/UMBRELLA INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of the project an excess/umbrella insurance policy in an amount of not less than $2,000,000 (Five million dollars) each occurrence and aggregate. OTItER CONDITIONS OF COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: 1. Coverage shall be written on oommercial general liability form. 2. Coverage shall include: SIX- 1 STANDARDINSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractual liability B. Independent contractors C. Products and completed operations AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Automobile bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance shall be provided by the contractor/vendor with a minimum combined single limit (CSL) of $1,000,000 (one million dollars). OTKER CONDITIONS OF AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Coverage shall include: A. All owned vehicles B. Hired car and non-ownership liability coverage C. Statutory no-fanlt coverage ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF INSURANCE: 1. Contractor/vendor shall submit copies of any or all required insurance policies as and when requested by the Town. 2. If any of the contractor's/vendor's policies of insurance are cancelled or not renewed during the life of the contract, mediate ·notice of cancellation of non-renewal shall be delivered to the Town no less than 10 days prior to the date and time of cancellation or non-renewal. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall file with the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD prior to commencing work under tlfis contract, a certificate of insurance. 1. Certificate of insurance shall inglude: C. E. G. Name and address of insured Insurance company name Policy number Limits of liability for all policies included on certificate B. Issue date of certificate D. Type of coverage in effect F. Inception and expiration dates of policies included on certificate. If the contractor's/vendor's insurance pohcies should be non-renewed, cancelled or expire during the life of the contact, the Town shall be provided with a new certificate indicating the replacement policy information as requested above. Thirty days (30) prior written notice to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for cancellation is applicable. GENERAL CONDITIONS iNDEX I. Definitions of Terms 2. Standards of Workmanstfip 3. Samples 4. Manufactured Materials 5. Laboratory 6. Shop Drawings 7. Permits 8. Plans and Specifications 9. Cutting, Patching and Digging 10. Errors, Omissions and Discrepancies 11. Temporary Toilet 12. Proper Method of Work and Proper Materials 13. Inspection 14. Waiver 15. Water and Electric Power 16. Machinery and Equipment 17. Maintenance 18. Schedule of Operations 19. Right to Use Work 20. Notice of Warning 21. Warning Signs 22. Accident Prevention 23. Damages 24. Maintenance of Traffic 25. Final Site Cleaning 26'. Protection of Land Markers, Trees, Shrubs, and Property 27. Protection of Utilities 28. No Damages for Delay 29. Record Keeping 30. Subcontractors and Suppliers 31. Penal Law .I GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS: Whenever the following words and expressions are used in the Specifications, it is understood that they have the meaning defined below: PLANS: Ail official drawings or reproductions of drawings pertaining to the work or to any structure connected therewith. SPECIFICATIONS: The body Of directions, requirements, descriptions, etc. contained in this document, together with ail documents of any description and agreements made (or to be made) pertaining to the methods or manner of perfonuing the work and/or to the quantities and quality of materials to be furnished and accepted under this Contract. OWNER: Shall mean Town Board, Town of Southold. ENGINEER (ARCHITECT): L.K. McLean Associates as engaged 'by the Owner and duty authorized to represent the Owner in the execution of the work covered by the consultants and assistants engaged by the Owner and the Engineer to the extent of the particular duties entrusted to CONTRACT: Collectively, the Contract executed by the Owner and the Contractor, Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, Conditions of Contract, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Construction Drawings, Addenda, Performance Bonds, and all supplemental agreements made or to be made. CONTRACTOR: The party of the second part hereto, whether corporation, firm or individual, or any combination thereof, and successor, personal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns, and any person, firm or corporation who or which shall at any time be substituted in place of the second part under this Contract. INSPECTOR: An authorized representative of the Owner or his Engineer assigned to make any and all necessary inspections o£the work performed and the materials furnished by the Contract. MATERIALS: Any approved materials acceptable to the Engineer and conforming to the requirements of these Specifications. WORK: All of the work proposed tO be accomplished at the site of the project, and all such other work as is in any manner required to accomplish the complete project. This includes all plant, labor, materials, supplies, equipment and other facilities and acts necessary or proper or incidental to the carrying out and completion of the terms of this Contract. The term "work performed" shall be construed to include the material delivered to and suitably stored at the site of the project. 2. STANDARDS OF WORKMANSHIP: The apparent silence of the Specifications as to any detail or an apparent omission fi.om them ora detailed description concerning any work to be done and materials to be furnished shall be regarded as meaning that only the best general practice observed in the latest current construction work is to prevail and that only material and workmanship of first quality is to be used in this connection and all interpretations of these Specifications shall be made upon this basis. GENERAL CONDITIONS .) 3. SAMPLES: The Contractor shall furnish for approval, all samples as directed. The work shall be in accordance with approved samples. Samples shall be submitted in ample time so as to prevent delay in fabrication or ordering of materials, allowing for a reasonable time for the Engineer to consider the samples submitted and, if necessary, to permit a resubmission of samples to the Engineer until approval is given. Work and material shall be furnished and executed in accordance with approved samples, in every aspect. Each sample shall be labeled, bearing material, name and quality, Contractor's name, date · and other pertinent data. Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be in duplicate and of adequate size to show quality, type, color, range and finish and texture of material. Materials shall not be ordered until approval is received in writing from Engineer. 4. MANUFACTLrRED MATERIALS: Where several materials are specified by name, the Engineer shall have the right, before execution of the Contract, to require any and all bidders to state the materials upon which they b~sed their bid. Where any materials are specified by name or trade name, or by catalog number of a company or companies, the Contractor shall furnish the article mentioned unless approval of the Engineer is obtained in writing for a substitUtion. Should Contractor desire to substitUte another material for one or more specified by name, he shall apply in writing for such permission and state credit or extra involved. He shall also provide supporting data and samples for Engineer's consideration. Unless particularly specified otherwise, all manufactured articles, materials and equipment shall be applied, assembled, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer and including the necessary preparation to properly install the work. Where reference is made to manufacturer's directions, the Contractor shall submit such directions to the Engineer as required. The materials used in construction shall be disposed as not to endanger the work, and so that full access may at all times be had to partly completed work and structures and they shall be so disposed as to cause no injury to.those having access to the work or any of the units. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. Standards of work required throughout shall be of such grades as will bring first-class results only. The type of labor employed by the Contractor shall be such as will insure the uninterrupted continuity of the entire work, without conflict of any kind. 5. LABORATORY: Laboratories shall be designated by the Engineer for testing the materials to be used under the Contract. ~Vhere tests are made by other than the designated laboratories, two certified copies showing correctly the chemical analysis and physical tests shall be furnished to the Engineer. 6. SHOP DRAWINGS: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer six (6) copies of all shop drawings and schedules and no work shall be fabricated until his approval has been given. All shop drawings submitted to the Engineer must be in English, and must bear the Contractor's stamp of GENERAL CONDITIONS appro, val evidencing that the drawings have been checked. The Contractor will make any corrections in the drawings required by the Eng/neer and will file with the Engineer four corrected copies. Approval by the Engineer of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for (a) errors of any sort in shop or setting drawings or schedules; or (b) deviations from Plans and Specifications unless the Contractor, at the time of submission of said drawings and schedules, has given notice to the Engineer of any such deviations. 7. PERMITS: 7.1 Municipal: All work in connection with the installation of pipes or other underground structures of a like nature either within or without the limits of the highway, shall follow all the provisions as contained herein together with the provisions, as they apply, of the Highway Law, Roads Opening, Section 149, and Section 198 Town Law, with all subsequent changes, additions or corrections thereto. A. The Contractor shall obtain from the Building Department a certificate of occupancy, whenever the scope of work of the Contract provides for the construction of a building or structure, · or for modification or alteration of a building or structure, so that a certificate of occupancy, or a revised certificate of occupancy is required under state and/or local law. The Owner shall be responsible for obtaining the building penmt and permit(s) pre-requisite thereto, including but not limited to the following, unless Contractor is specifically required to obtain the same pursuant to other provisions of this document: (1) (2) (3) Building permit Fire prevention permit Health Department/Application to construct a) b) sanitary system including SPDES permit Hazardous materials storage The following additional permits when required under law shall also be obtained by the Owner: (1) (2) (3) NYSDEC permit(s) Town Division of Environmental Protection U.S. Army Corp of Engineers The Contractor shall give all notices, and comply with all laws, ordinances, roles, regulations and conditions of the permits, bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified, and shall be responsible for acquisition of all pertinent information necessary for such compliance. The Contractor shall be responsible for: (1) Coordinating all building department and other department and agency inspections and approvals, (2) Obtaining U.L. approvals, (3) Health Department inspections and approvals, (4) Obtaining final certificate of occupancy. GC - 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS On projects involving multiple contracts, it shall be the responsibihty of the "General Contractor" to coordinate with the building department and other agencies and to obtain the certificate of occupancy. It shall be the responsibility of the mechanical contractors (prime contractors other than the G.C.) to coord'mate inspections and approvals of that part of the project, which falls within the scope of theLr contract with the G.C., and/or as may be appropriate, directly with the approving agency. In the event that one or more of the contractors on a multi-contract project fails to perform the work in a timely manner, thereby causing undue delay in the completion of the project, and the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, the owner shall in that event, have the option to exercise "The owners right to stop work or terminate contract" as provided for in the conditions of the contract. B. Pipes and Underground Structures: All work in connection with the installation of pipes or other underground structures of a like nature either within or without the limits of the highway, shall follow all the provisions, as they apply, of the Highway Law, Roads opening, Section 149, and . Section 198 Town Law, with all subsequent changes, additions or corrections thereto. C. Any work to be performed within the Town Highway fight-of-way will require a Town Highway Department road-opening permit. Obtaining of the permit and subsequent release/approval shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Acceptance of the contractor's performance bond in lieu of the Contractors road-opening bond shall be at the option of the Highway Department. 7.2 Suffolk Count,(: All permits required for opening County roads and making connections with County drains will be obtained by the Owner. A copy of the permit, which must be kept on the job at all times, will be supplied to the Contractor. The Contractor will not be permitted to open any County road or make any connection to any County drain until he has been supplied with this permit. (a) Department of Public Works All permits required for opening County roads and making connections with County draing~ will be obtained by the Owner. A Copy of the permit, which must be kept on the job at ali times, will be supplied to the Contractor. The Contractor will not be permitted to open any County road or make any connection to any County drain until he has been supplied with this permit. The Contractor shall be responsible for conformance to all conditions of the permit and for the subsequent release/approval. (b) Department of Health Services: The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining approvals pursuant to Health Department pemaits described in paragraph 7. lA. GC - 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS '3 7.3 State of New York: The Contractor shall obtain all necessary New York State highway permits whenever the Contract requires any work to be done within or upon existing State highway right-of- ways. These permits shall be obtained fi.om the District Office in Hauppauge prior to the performance of the work. 'Upon application for the permit, the Contractor will be required to supply the following: (1) Three (3) copies of a sketch or print showing description and location of the proposed work. The Engineer will supply these prints to the Contractor. (2) Contingent liability insurance for the State (in addition to his own liability insurance) shall be furnished in mounts and manner as required by the State of New York. The contingent protective liability and completed operations liability insuranc~ policy to cover: "The people of the State of New York and/or the Superintendent of Public Works covering liability arising with respect to all operations through highway permits by permittec or by anyone acting by, through or for the permittee, including omissions and supervisory acts of the State", in the amount of personal injury (including death) and property damage as required. 8. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Contractor will be furnished with five sets of Plans and Specifications giving all the details and dimensions necessary for carrying out the work. One copy of Plans and Specifications furnished to the Contractor must be kept constantly on the site. Anything. shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans and all the work and materials necessary for the completion of the work according to the intent and meaning of the Contract shall be furnished, performed and done as if the same were both mentioned in the Specifications and shown on the Dra~vings. Any conflict or inconsistency between the Plans and Specifications, or any discrepancy between the figures and scale of Drawings, shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer, whose decision thereon shall be conclusive. In the event the meaning of any portion of the Specifications or Drawings or any supplementary drawings or instmctious of the Engineer is doubtful, the same shall be understood to call for the best type of construction, both as to materials and workmanship, which reasonably can be interpreted. Ail materials and workmanship must be strictly in accordance with the Specifications. The Plans show approximate size, arrangement and location of the proposed work. The Engineer will give base lines, grades, shapes and dimensions and the Contractor shall construct the work exactly in accordance with such instructions of the Engineer subject, however, to change as provided for under the headings "Changes and Alterations" and "Compensation to be Paid to the Contractor". Additional copies of Plans and Specifications, when requested, will be furnished to the Contractor at cost of reproduction. GC - 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall furnish to each of the subcontractors and materialmen such copies of the Contract Documents as may be required for their work. 9..CUTTING, PATCHING AND DIGGING: The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or patching of his work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of other contractors shown upon or reasonably imphed by Drawings and Specifications for the completed structure, and he shall make good after them as Engineer may direct. Any cost caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. The Contractor shall not endanger any work by cutting, digging or othemSse, and shall not cut or alter the work of any other contractor save with the consent of the Engineer. I0. ERRORS~ OMISSIONS AND DISCREPANCIES: a) If any errors, omissions or discrepancies appear in the drawings, Specifications or other documents, the Contractor shall, within ten days from receiving such Drawings, Specifications or documents, notify the Engineer in writing of such errors or omissions. In the event of the Contractor's falling to give such notice, he will be held responsible for the results of any such errors or omissions and the cost of rectifying the same. b) If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any work is shown on Drawings, or details, or is specified in such a manner as will make it impossible to produce a first class piece of work, or should discrepancies appear between the Drawings and/or Specifications, he shall refer the same to the Engineer for interpretation before proceeding with the work. If the Contractor fails to make such references to the Engineer, no excuse will thereafter be entertained for failure to carry out the work in satisfactory manner as directed. c) Should a conflict occur in or between the Drawings and Specifications and/or existing conditions, the Contractor shall be deemed to have estimated on the more expensive way of doing the work,, unless he shall have asked for and obtained a decision in writing from the Engineer, before the submission of bids, as to which method or material will produce the results to the best interest of the Town. 11. TEMPORARY TOILET: The Contractor shall provide and maintain a sanitary temporary toilet xvhere directed by the Engineer. The temporary toilet shall be enclosed and weatherproof and kept in a sanitary condition at all times. Upon removal of the temporary outside toilet, the vault shall be disinfected, filled and all evidence of the toilet removed 15om the site. 12. PROPER METHOD OF WORK AND PROPER MATERIALS: The Engineer shall have the power in general to direct the order and sequence of the work, which shall be such as to pen-nit the entire work under this Contract to be begun and to proceed as rapidly as possible and such as to bring the several parts of the work to a successful completion at about the same time. GC - 7 ) GENERAL CONDITIONS If at any time before the commencement or during the progress of the work the materials and appliances used or to be used appear to the Engineer as insufficient or improper for assuring the quality of the work required, or the required rate of progress, he may order the Contractor to increase their efficiency or to improve their character, and the failure of the Engineer to demand any increase of such efficiency or improvement shall not release the Contractor fi'om his obligation to secure the quality of work or the rate of progress specified. During freezing or inclement weather, no work shall be done except such as can be done satisfactorily and in a manner to secure first-class construction throughout. All work shall be done in such a manner as will properly protect and support existing permanent structures, pipe lines, etc. 13. INSPECTION: Inspectors shall be authorized to inspect all work done on materials furnished. Such inspections may extend to all parts of the work and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials to be used. In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the Inspector as to materials furnished or the manner of performing the work, the Inspector shall have the authority to reject material or suspend the work until the question at issue shall be referred to and decided by the Engineer. The Inspector shall not be authorized to revoke; alter, enlarge, relax or release any requirements of these Specifications, nor to approve or accept any portion of the work, nor to issue instruction contrary to the Plans and Specifications. The Inspector shall in no case act as foreman or perform other duties for the Contractor or interfere with the management of the work by the latter. Any advice, which the Inspector may give the Contractor, shall in no way be coustmed as binding the Engineer nor the Owner in any way nor releasing the Contractor fi.om the fulfillment of the terms of the Conti'act. The Contractor shall be conclusively presumed to be acquainted with all existing conditions and to guarantee that all work and materials shall, upon final completion of the work, be turned over to the Owner in a complete and perfect condition and he shall be responsible for the proper care, maintenance and protection of all work and material until his entire Contract is completed and all work and materials found in good condition and accepted. The Contractor will be held responsible for the entire work until completed and accepted by the Engineer and the Owner. The Contractor shall, at all times, provide the Owners, Engineer, assistants and inspectors under him with necessary facihties for detemaining both on the work and at the places of manufacture, that all work being performed and all materials being manufactured are strictly in accord with the Contract. Until acceptance of work by the Owner, the Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to the work including action of the elements or any other cause whatsoever. The Contractor shall continuously and adequately protect the work against damage fi.om any cause. 14. WAIVER: Neither the inspection by the Owner or Engineer or any part of their employees nor any order, measurement or certificate by the Engineer nor any order by the Owner for the payment of any money nor any payment for or acceptance of, the whole or any part of the work .by the Engineer or the Owner nor any extension of time nor any possession taken by the Owner or its GENERAL CONDITIONS employees shall operate as a ~vaiver of any provision of this Contract or of any power herein reserved to the Owner or any right to damages herein provided; nor shall any waiver of any breach of the Contract constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach. Any remedy provided in this Contract shall be construed as cumulative; that is in addition to each and every remedy herein pro~4ded. 15. WATER AND ELECTRIC POWER: All water and electric power supply for construction purposes must be provided by the Contractor. The cost shall be borne by the Contractor. 16. MACItlNERY AND EQUIPMENT: All machine~, equipment, trucks and vehicles used in the prosecution of the work or in connection therewith, shall at all times be in proper working condition. The Contractor shall be responsible for curtailing noise, smoke, fumes -or any other nuisance resulting fi:om his operations. He shall, upon written notifcafion fi:om the Engineer, make any repaks, replacements, adjustments, additions, and furnish mufflers when necessary to fulfill these requirements. 17. MAINTENANCE: If, within one year from the date of issuance of the Final CertifiCate, any portion of the work shall, in the opinion of the Owner, require repairing, replacing, or rebuilding, the Contractor shall start such repairs within five (5) days after the receipt of notice fi-om the Owner, and if the Contractor shall fail or neglect to start such repairs within the said five (5) days, · the Owner may employ such other person or persons as they deem proper to make such repairs and pay the expense thereof out of any sum retained by them, provided nothing herein contained shall limit the liabihty of the Contractor or his Surety to the Owner for nonperformance of the Contractor's obligations at any time. 18. SCItEDULE OF OPERATIONS: Within 5 days after the signing of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit a proposed program of operations, showing clearly how he proposes to conduct the work so as to bring about the completion of his work within the time limit specified. This program shall outline the proposed sequence of operations, the rates of progress and the dates when his work will be sufficiently advanced to permit the installation of work under this Contract. 19. RIGHT TO USE WORK: The Owner may enter upon and use the whole or any portion of the work, which may be in condition to use any time previous to its final acceptance by the Owner. Such use shall not constitute or be evidence of acceptance by the Owner or the Engineer of the whole or any part of the material furnished or work performed under the Contract. 20. NOTICE OF WARNING: If the Contractor shall fail to make prompt payment to persons supplying labor or materials for the work, or refuse or fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials or refuse or fail to prosecute the work or any pan thereof with such diligence as will insure its completion within the period herein specified (or any duly authorized extension thereof) or fail to complete the work within said period or fail or refuse to regard laws, ordinances, codes, instructions of the Engineer, then the Engineer shall forward by registered mail to the Contractor, at the address given in the Contract, a Notice of Warning, and in the event the Contractor fails to comply with said Notice of Warning within five (5) days fi:om receipt thereof, the Owner shall have the right to terminate the Contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS 21. WARNING SIGNS: Contractor shall provide and maintain proper luminous warning and detour signs where directed by the Engineer. Obstructions such as stored materials, equipment and excavations shall be marked with not less than two lights, which shall be not more than 4 feet apart. All lights shall be kept burning from one-half hour before sunset to untiI one-half hour after sunrise. 22. ACCIDENT PREVENTION: During the performance of the work, the Contractor shall exercise all reasonable precautions for the protection of persons and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery, equipment and all other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction published by the Associated General Contractors of America to the extent that such provisions are.not inconsistent with Federal, State or Municipal laws or regulations. If any operation, practice or condition is deemed by the Engineer to be unsafe, he shall notify the Contractor in writing to take corrective action. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, any operation, practice or condition shall be promptly discontinued and before the affected part of the work is resumed, remedial action taken. The Owner reserves the right to remedy, any neglect on the part of Contractor as regards the protection of the work which may come to its attention, after 24 hours' notice in writing; except that in cases of qmergency it shall have the right to remedy any neglect without notice, and in either case to deduct the cost of such remedy fi:om money due the Contractor. Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs shall be construed as relieving the Contractor from 'full responsibility at all times for safe prosecution of the work. 23. DAMAGES: The Contractor shall pay and make good all losses or damages arising out of any cause connected with the Contract and shall indenmify and save harmless the Owner from any and all claim~ and any and all liability or responsibility of every nature and kind for any loss, damage or injury which may be brought against the Owner or any of its officers or agents, by reason of, or connected with the work or materials furnished under the Contract and shall pay all costs and expenses of every k/nd, character, and nature whatever, occurring upon or arising out of the Contract. 24. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC: All work under this Contract is to be completed within the time indicated in the Contract Agreement or as extended by the Owner. If in the meantime it should become necessary, because of the lateness of the season, or any other reason to stop the work, the Contractor shall at his own expense, open proper drainage ditches, erect temporary structures where necessa~, prepare the roads so there will be minimum interference with traffic, set up and maintain a competent organization as directed by the Engineer, to keep the highways 'in first class condition for traffic, and take every precaution to prevent any damage or unreasonable deterioration of the work during the time it is closed. GC - 10 GENERAL CONDITIONS 25. FINAL SITE CLEARING: Before final payment will be approved, the Contractor shall prepare the construction areas as follows: All basins, manholes and pipe as constructed shall be cleaned free from accumulated construction dirt, silt, form work, etc., and all proper restoration as called for in the items of the Specifications shall be complete in every detail. The Contractor shall clean all construction areas flee from accumulated forms, excavation fill, construction materials and construction shanties. All areas shall be completed in every detail and shall be broom cleaned from excess dirt and materials. 26. PROTECTION OF LAND MARKERS, TREES, SHRUBS~ AND PROPERTY: Wherever in the conduct of the work, a monument marking a point of public or private survey is encountered or brought to view by excavation, the fact shall at once be communicated to the Engineer. In no case shall the Contractor remove the same until the location for resetting shall have been made by the Engineer. All monuments or land markings exposed to view when the work is first undertaken shall be carefully preserved and the greatest care exercised to prevent injury to or disturbance of position of the same. The unit price of all items shall include the cost of restoring to its former condition any sidewalks or curbs, as well as restoring any trees, shrubs or lawns that may be damaged during this construction. No additional payment will be made. The Contractor is required at his own expense to obtain any and all permits for use of private property if he uses such property for storage, transportation or accomplishment of the work under the Contract. Private property shall be cleaned up neatly, any damage repaired and premises restored to their original condition. 27. PROTECTION OF UTILITIES: The Contractor shall familiarize himself with the existence of structures of municipal and other public service corporations on or adjoining the site of the work, and give reasonable opportunity to and cooperation with the owners of these utilities in the work of reconstructing or altering them. Such reconstruction and alteration shall be so conducted as to delay or interfere as little as practicable with the work of the Contractor. Any additional cost of various items of work because of these utilities shall be included in the price bid for these items. The Engineer shall direct the public utility corporations to shift or remove those utility structures that may be necessary to permit the Contractor to carry out the work in accordance with the Plans. The Contractor shall not remove or cause to be removed, any structure or part of a structure owned by a public utility corporation without the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall cooperate with the public utility corporation whose structures (aerial, surface or subsurface) are within the limits of or along the outside of the right-of-way, to make it possible for them to maintain uninterrupted service. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a way as to delay or interfere as little as practicable with the work of the utility corporation. 28. NO D.aA~,IAGES FOR DELAY: Notwithstanding any other provisions to this Contract, the Contractor agrees to make no claim for damages for delay in the performance of this Contract occasioned by any act of the Town or any of its representatives, and agrees that any such claim shall be fully compensated for by an extension of time to complete performance of the work as G-C - 11 GENERAL CONDITIONS provided herein. This provision shall not apply to any act or omission to act of the Town or any of its representatives, wherein the same is done in bad faith and with deliberate intent to delay the Contractor in the performance of this Contract. 29. RECORD KEEPING: The Contractor shall establish and maintain complete and accurate books, records, documents, accounts and other evidence directly pertinent to performance under this contract (hereinafter the "records"). The records must be kept for the balance of the contract term and for slx (6) years thereafter. 30. SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS: Within five days after receipt from the Engineer of notice to begin work, the Contractor will furnish written notice of names of all subcontractors to be employed on the project and the general iterr~ of work to be done by them. Simultaneously, the Contractor shall furnish whtten notice of the names of suppliers of materials to be used on the project. The Owner may disapprove for good cause any subcontractor or material supplier selected by the Contractor by giving written notice of its disapproval within five (5) days after receiving the names of subcontractors and material suppliers, to the Contractor who shall thereupon promptly notify the Owner of the names of the subcontractor or material supplier selected in replacement which shall again be subject to approval by the Owner. 31. PENAL LAW: Attention is called to Section 1918 of the Penal Law as follows: Cons~uction or blasting near pipes conveying combustible gas No person shall discharge explosives in the ground, nor shall any person other than a state or county employee regularly engaged in the ma'mtenance and repair thereof excavate in any then existing street, highway, or public place, unless notice thereof in writing shall have been given at least seventy4wo hours.in advance to the person, corporation or municipality engaged in the distribution of gas in such territory. The person having d'trection or control of such work shall give such notice, and further he shall ascertain whether there is within one hundred feet in such street, highway or public place, or in the case of a proposed discharge of explosiv&s within a radius of two hundred feet of such discharge, any pipe of any other person, corporation or murficipality conveying combustible gas, and if thereby any such pipe, he shall also give such notice to any other such person, corporation or municipality. Provided, however, that in any emergency involving danger to life, health, or property it shall be lawful to excavate without using explosives if the notices prescribed herein are given as soon as reasonably possible, and to discharge explosives to protect a person or persons fi.om an immediate and substantial danger of death or serious personal injury if such notices are given before any such discharge is undertaken. Any such work shall be performed in such manner as to avoid danger to any pipe conveying combustible gas. Any violation of the provisions of rids section shall be a misdemeanor. GC - 12 -3 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT INDEX 1. Contract Documents and Definitions 2. Scope of the Work 3. Compensation to be paid to the Contractor. 4. Time of Essence 5. Commencement of Work 6. Time of Completion 7. Liquidated Damages for Delays 8. Extension of Time. No Waiver 9. Weather 10. Contract Security 11. Laws and Or(Ymances 12. Qualifications for Employment 13. Non-Dism'imination 14. Payment of Employees 15. Estimates and Payments 16. Acceptance of Final Payment Constitutes Release 17. ConsUmction Reports 18. Inspection and Tests 19. Plans and Specifications: Interpretations 20. Subsurface Conditions Found Different 21. Contractor's Title to Materials 22. Superintendence by Contractor 23. Protection of Work, Persons and Property 24. Representations of Contractor 25. Patent Rights 26. Authority of the Engineer 27. Changes and Alterations 28. Correction of Work 29. Weather Conditions 30. The Owner's Right to withhold Payments 3 I. The Oxvner% Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract 32. Contractor's Right to Stop Work or TeL urinate Contract 33. Responsibility for Work 34. Use of Premises and Removal of Debris 35. Suits of Law 36. Power of the Contractor to Act in an Emergency 37. Provisions Required by Law Deemed Inserted 38. Subletting, Successor and Assigns 39. General Mun/cipal Law Clause 40. Grades, Lines, Levels, and Surveys 4 l. Insurance Reqmrements 42. Foreign Contractors 43. Lien Law 44. Refusal to Waive Immunity 45. Exemption fi-om Sales and Use Tax 46. Minority and Women's Business Enterprises/Equal Employment OpporUmity, State Revolving Fund CC- 1 ~) CONDITIONS Olg CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS The Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, Conditions of Contract, General Conditions, Specifications, Form of Contract, Construction Drawings, together with any Addenda, shall form part of this Contract, and the provisions thereof shall be as binding upon the parties hereto, as if they were herein fully set forth. The table of contents, titles, heading, headlines, and marginal notes contained herein are solely to facilitate reference to various provisions of the Contract Documents and in no way affect, limit or cast hght upon the interpretation of the provisions to which they refer. Whenever the term "Contract Documents" is used, it shall mean and include the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, Conditions of Contract, General Conditions, Specifications, Form of Contract, Conslruction Drawings and any Addenda. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Contract and those of the Specifications, the provisions of this Contract shall govern. Extra Work: The term "extra work", as used herein, refers to and includes all work required by . the Owner, Which in the judgement of the Engineer involves changes in or additions to work required by the Plans, Specifications and any Addenda in their present form and which is not covered by a specific unit price in the Form of Bid. Subcontractor: The term "subcontractor" shall mean any person, firm, or corporation supplying labor and material for work at the site of the project but not including the parties to this Contract. Notice: The term "notice", as used herein, shall mean and include written notice. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served when delivered to, or at last known business address of, the person, firm or cOrPoration for whom intended, or his, their, or its duly authorized agents, representatives, or officer, or when enclosed in a postage prepaid ~wapper or envelope addressed to such person, firm or corporation at his, their or its last known business address and deposited in a United States mailbox. Directed, Required, Approved, Acceptable: Whenever they refer to the work or its performance, "directed", "required", "permitted", "ordered", "designated", "prescribed", and words of like import shall imply the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Engineer, and "approved", "satisfied", or "satisfactory", "in the judgement of", and woJ:ds of like import, shall mean approved, or acceptable to, or satisfactory to, or in the judgement of the Engineer. 2. SCOPE OF TIlE WORK The Contractor will furnish all plant, labor, materials, supplies, equipment and other facihties and things necessary or proper for, or incidental to, the work contemplated by tiffs Contract as required by, and in strict accordance with the applicable Plans, Specifications and Addenda prepared by the Eng/neer and/or required by, and in strict accordance with, such changes as are ordered and approved pursuant to this Contract, and will perform all other obligations imposed on him by this Contract. CC - 2 -) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 3. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR (a) Agreed Prices: It is understood and agreed that the Contractor will accept as payment in full the summation of products of the actual quantities in place upon the completion of the work, as determined by the Engineer's measurements, by the unit prices bid, no allowance being made for anticipated profit or for reasons of variations from the estimated quantities set forth in the Form of Bid. (b) Extra Work: The Owner may, at any time, by a written order and without notice to the Sureties, require the performance of such extra work or changes in the work as it may find necessary or desirable. The amount of compensation to be paid to the Contractor for any extra work, as so ordered, shall be determined as follows: 1) By such applicable unit prices, if any, as set forth in.the Contract; or 2) If no such unit prices are set forth, then by unit price or by a lump sum mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor; or 3) If no such unit prices are so set forth and if the parties cannot agree upon unit prices or a lump sum; then by actual net cost in money to the Contractor of the materials, permits, wages of applied labor, premiums for Workmen's Compensation Insurance, payroll taxes required by law, rental for plant and equipment used (excluding small tools) to which total cost will be added twenty (20) percent as full compensation for all other items of profit, costs and expenses, including administration, overhead, superintendence, insurance, insurance other than Workmen's Compensation Insurance, materials used in temporary structures, allowances made by the Contractor to subcontractors, additional premiums upon the performance bond of the Contractor and the use of small tools. 4. TIME OF ESSENCE INASMUCH AS THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT RELATING TO TI{E TIME OF PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENABLING THE TOWN TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC IA,[PROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PREDETERMINED PROGRAM, SUCH PROVISIONS ARE OF ~ ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 5. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor agrees that he will commence work mediately on and not later than ten (10) days afrer si~tming of the Contract. 6. TIME OF COMPLETION The time of completion of the entire contract work shall be TIIlRTYNINE (39) WEEKS fi:om the date the contract is signed by all parties. The date of such completion shall be the date of the Certification of Completion herein specified. The entire work must be satisfactorily completed so that the project improvements are available to the Town for use. CC - 3 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Owner reserves the fight to order the Contractor to suspend operations, when in the opinion of the Engineer, improper weather conditions make such action advisable, and to order the Contractor to resume operations when weather and ground conditions permit. The days during which such suspension of ~vork is in force are not chargeable against the specified completion date. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAYS The time lmiit being essential to and of the essence of this Contract, the Contractor hereby agrees that the Owner shall be, and is hereby authorized to deduct and retain out of the money which may be due or may become due to said Contractor under this agreement, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day which amount is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as the hquidated damages, including overhead charges, services, inspector's wages and interest on the money invested, that the Owner will suffer by reason of such default, for each and every day during which the aforesaid work may be incomplete over and beyond the time herein stipulated for its completion in 6 - Time of Completion, provided, however, that the Owner shall have the right to extend the time for the completion of said work. 8. EXTENSIONS OF TIME. NO WAIVER If the Contractor shall be delayed in the completion of his work by reason of unforeseeable causes beyond his control and without his fault or negligence, including but not restricted to, acts ~f God or of the pubhc enemy, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, riots, civil commotion's or fi.eight erabargoes, the period herein above specified for completion of his work shall be extended by such time as shall be fixed by the Owner. No such extension of time shall be considered a waiver by the Owner of its right to terminate the Contract for abandonment or delay by the Contractor as hereinafter provided, or relieve the Contractor fi:om full responsibility for performance of his obligations hereunder. 9. WEATHER During unsuitable weather, all work must stop when such work would be subject to injury and the Contractor shall transfer his men and materials to those parts of the work where weather conditions will not have any effect on the workmanship. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any damages on account of such damages or suspension, and he must protect any work that might be injured by the elements and make good any work that is injured. 10. CONTRACT SECURITY (a) The Contractor shall furnish a Performance Bond, or other acceptable security, equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the bid as security for the faithful perfoimance of the Contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract. The Performance Bond shall be written so as to remain in full force and effect as a maintenance bond for a period of not less than one (1) year after the date of acceptance of the work by the Engineer. CC - 4 ) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 0).) (b) Additional or Substitute Bond: If at any time the Owner shall be or become dissatisfied with any surety or sureties, or if for any other reason such bond shall cease to be adequate security to the Owner, the Contractor shall within five (5) days af[er notice fi-om the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond in such form and sum and signed by such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such bonds shall be made until the new surety shall have been qualified. 11. LAWS AND ORDINANCES In the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall comply and obey all federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to, labor employed thereon, materials supplied, obstructing streets and highways, maintaining signals, storing, handling and use of explosives and all other general ordinances and state sfatutes affecting him or his employees or his work hereunder in his relations with the Municipality or any other persons, and also all laws, codes, ordinances controlling or limiting the Contractor while engaged in executing the work under the Contract. As a condition of the Contract, the Contractor shall and does hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the labor laws of the State of New York. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sectiuns 291- 299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the. State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. The Contract may be forthwith cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these laws. The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Law, as amended, provides that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week expect in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as herein before defined, to laborers, workmen or mechanics upon the work called for under this Contract or upon any material used upon, or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and in water works construction outside the limits of cities CC - 5 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT and. villages are no longer exempt fi:om the provisions of the Labor Law wh/ch require .the payment of the prevailing rate of wages and.the eight (8) hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall fumish satisfactory proof of residence in accordance with roles adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 fmther provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, .the Contractor shall fum/sh a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 220-A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State of any city, county, town or village or other civil division of the state of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every subcontractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satisfactory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for dally or weekly wages on account of labor, performed upon the work of the Contractor, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the mount due each respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if for any reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct fi:om the whole amount of any payment on account thereof of the 'sums or sum admitted by any contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor performed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any contractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so shown to be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised Specifications for every contract for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, county, town and/or village is a party shall contain a provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the ' CC - 6 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays, after entering into such Contract, less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both by fine and imprisonment; for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($11000.00) and in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be 'forfeited, and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York, for this Contract are set forth herein above as part of "Instructions to Bidders". 12. QUALIFICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT No person under the age of sixteen (16) years and no person Currently serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall be employed to perform any work on the project under this Contract. No person whose age or physical condition is such as to make his employment. dangerous to his health or safety or to the health or safety of' others, shall be employed to perform any work on this project; provided, however, that such restrictions shall not operate against the employment of physically handicapped persons, otherwise employable, where each person may be safely assigned to work which they can ably perform. 13. NON-DISCRIMINATION There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex in the employment of persons for work under this Contract, whether performed by the ContraCtor or any subcontractor. Neither shall the Contractor and subcontractor or any person acting on behalf of the Contractor or subcontractor discriminate in any manner against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Owner under this Contract a penalty of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of this paragraph; provided that for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms of this paragraph, this. Contact may be canceled or terminated by the Owner and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. 14. PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this Contract in full (less deductions made mandatory by law) in cash (or an5' agreed upon method by the Employee) and not less often than once each week. CC - 7 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 15. ESTIMATES & PAYMENTS (a) Month/y: At the end of each calendar month during the progress of the work, the Engineer shall make an approximate est/mate of the work satisfactorily done, based upon the prices set forth in the Proposal Form. In consideration of the work done, the Owner will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor the mount estimated by the Engineer as due him less five (5) percent. The making of any such estimate or payment made thereon shall not be taken or construed as an acceptance by the Owner of any work so estimated and paid for. The five percent (5%) of the mount of the monthly estimate remaining unpaid will be retained by the Owner as a guarantee that the Contractor will faithfully and completely fulfill all obligations imposed by the Contract and Specifications, and against any damages caused the Owner by reason of any failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill all conditions and obligations herein contained. (b) Final Est/mate: One month after the completion and acceptance of the work specified and contracted for, the Engineer will make a final estimate of all the work done.. Thereafter, the Owner will pay the full amount, less prior payments, less any amounts retained to complete the work according to the provisions of the Specifications, less any money paid by [he Owner by reason of said Contractor having failed to carry out faithfully and completely all the obligations and requirements herein contained. Upon final settlement, according to the conditions herein specified and not until such settlement shall have been made, will the Contractor be relieved from the obligations assumed in the Contract. (c) Measurement for Payment: The Engineer shall make due measurement of work done during the progress of the work and his estimate shall be final and conclusive evidence of the amounts of work performed by the Contractor under, and by virtue of, this agreement and shall be taken as full measure of compensation to be received by the Contractor. When requested by the Contractor, the Engineer shall measure, remeasure or re-estimate any portion of the work, but the expense of such remeasurement or re-estimating shall, unless material error be proved, be paid for by the Contractor. (d) No payments will be made for materials delivered to the site which have not been incorporated into the work. (e) Contractors and subcontractors are required to submit to the Town, within thirty days after issuance's of the first payroll, and every thirty days thereafter, a transcript of the orig/nal payroll record, subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury. 16. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT CONSTITUTES RELEASE The acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be, and shall operate as a release to the Owner from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all the things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Owner and others relating to or arising out of, this work, excepting the Contractors claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payment be improperly delayed. No payment, however, final or otherwise, shall operate to CC - 8 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT release the Contractor or his sureties from any obhgations under this Contract or the Performance Bond. 17. CONSTRUCTION REPORTS The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer prior to commencing any work under this Contract, a detailed schedule and plan of operations indicating the manner in which the Contractor proposes to prosecute the work and a time schedule therefor. Such schedules are not intended to bind the Contractor to a pre-determined plan or procedure, but rather to enable the Engineer to coordinate the work of the Contractor with work required of, and to be performed by others. The detailed schedule shall include a list of the subcontractors and material suppliers he proposes to use on the work. The Contractor shall fumish the Engineer with periodic estimates for partial payments as required elsewhere in the Contract Documents, and in addition thereto will furnish the Engineer with a detailed estimate for final payment. Prior to being eligible to receive the final payment under this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with substantial proof that all bills for services rendered and materials supplied have been paid. The enumeration of the above reports in no way relieves the Contractor of his responsibility under existing Federal or State Laws of filing such other reports with agencies as may be required by such existing laws or regulations. 18. INSPECTION AND TESTS All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Engineer at any time during the construction and at any and all places where manufacturing of materials used and/or construction is carded on. Without additional charge, Contractor shall furnish promptly all reasonable facifities, labor and materials necessa~ to make any tests required by the Engineer and/or requked by the Specifications. If at any time before final acceptance of the entire work, the Engineer considers necessary or advisable an examination of any portion of the work already completed, by removing or tearing out the same, the Contractor shall upon request, furnish promptly all necessary facilities, labor and materials for such examination. If such work is found to be defective in any material respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or if any work shall be covered over without the approval or consent of the Engineer, whether or not the same shall be defective, the Contractor shall be liable for the expense for such examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such approval and consent shall have been given and such work is found to meet the requirements of this Contract, the Contractor shall be recompensed for the expense of such CC - 9 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT examination and reconstruction, in the manner heroin provided for the payment of cost of extra work. The selection of laboratories and/or agencies for the inspection and tests of supplies, materials or equipment shall be subject to the approval of or designated by the Owner. Satisfactory documentary evidence that the material has passed the required inspection and tests must be furnished to the Engineer prior to the incorporation of the material in the work. Any rejected work will be removed froin the site of the project completely at the expense of the Contractor. 19. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: INTERPRETATIONS The Contractor shall keep at the site of the ~vork one copy of the Plans and Specifications signed and identified by the Engineer. Anything shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown in the Plans shall have the same effect as if shown or mentioned in both. In case of any conflict or inconsistency b~tween the Plans and Specifications, the Specifications shall govern. Any discrepancy between the figures and drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer whose decision thereon shall be conclusive. 20. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FOUND DIFFERENT Should the Contractor encounter subsurface conditions at the site materially differing from those sho~vn on the Plans or indicated in the Specifications, he shall immediately give notice to the Engineer of such conditions, before they are disturbed; the Engineer shall thereupon promptly investigate the conditions and if he finds that they materially differ from those shown on the Plans or indicated on the Specifications, he shall at once make such changes in the Plans and/or Specifications as he may find necessary. Any increase or decrease of cost resulting from such changes will be adjusted in the manner provided herein for adjustment as to extra and/or additional work and changes. 21. CONTRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS No materials or supplies for the work shall be purchased by the Contractor or any subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. The Contractor warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the work. 22. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR At the site of the work, the Contractor shall give his constant, personal attention to the work or employ a construction superintendent or foreman who shall have full authority to act for the Contractor. It is understood that such representative shall be acceptable to the Engineer and shall be one who can be continued in that capacity for the particular job involved unless he ceases to be on the Contractor's payroll. The Contractor's superintendent and foreman must be able to read and speak the English language. CC - 10 ) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 23. PROTECTION OF WORI~ PERSONS AND PROPERTY Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the proper protection of all persons, property and work. The Contractor shall give notice to the owners of utilities which may serve the area and request their assistance in predetetiaining the location and depth of various pipes, conduits, manholes, and other underground facilities. The safety provisions of applicable .laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery, equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction published by the Associated General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in contravention of applicable law. The Contractor shall furnish entirely at his own expense any and all additional safety measures deemed necessary by the Owner or his Engineer to adequately safeguard the traveling public. The Contractor shall, at all hours of the day, safely guard and protect his own work and adjacent property from any damage and shall replace or make good any such damage, loss or injury, unless such be caused directly by errors contained in the Contract Documents, or by the Owner or its duly authorized representatives. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such watchmen, barriers, lights, flares and other signals at his own expense, as will effectively prevent any accident in consequence of his work for which the Owner might be liable. The Contractor shall be liable for all injuries or damage caused by his act or neglect, or that of his employees. The Contractor shall take particular care to avoid the blocking of fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes, letterboxes, traffic signals or other visible devices mainta'med for the use of the public. 24. REPRESENTATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor represents and warrants: (a) That he is financially solvent and that he is experienced in, and competent to, perform the type of work involved under this Contract and able to furnish the plant, materials, supplies and/or equipment to be furnished for the work; and (b) That he is familiar with all Federal, State and Municipal Law, ordinances and regulations which may in any way affect the work of those employed hereunder, including but not limited to any special acts relating to the work; and (c) That such work required by these Contract Documents as is to be done by him can be satisfactorily constructed and used for the purpose for which is intended and that such construction will not injure any person or damage any property; and (d) That he has carefully examined the Plans, Specifications and the site of the work, and that from his own investigations he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the character, location, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials, structures and CC- 11 ,) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT utilities likely to be encountered, the character of equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the work, the general local conditions which may in any way affect the work or its performance. 25. PATENT RIGHTS As part of his obhgation.hereunder and without any additional compensation, the Contractor will pay for any patent fees or royalties required in respect to the work or any part thereof and will fully indemnify the Owner or his Engineer for any loss on account of any infi-ingement of patent rights unless prior to his use in the work a particular process or a product of a particular manufacturer he notifies the Engineer in writing that such process or product is an infiSngement of a patent. 26. AUTHORITY OF TlqE ENGINEER In the performance of the work, the Contractor shall abide by all orders and directions and requirements of the Engineer and shall perform work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at such time and places, by such methods, and in such manner and sequence as he may require. The Engineer shall determine the amount, quality, acceptability, and fitness of all parts of the work, shall interpret the Plans, Specifications, Contract Documents and any extra work orders and shall decide all other questions in connection with the work. Upon request, the Engineer shall confirm in writing any oral orders, directions, requirements or determinations. The enumeration herein or elsewhere in the Contract Documents of particular instance in which the opinion, judgement, discretion or determination of the Engineer shall control or in which work shall be performed to his satisfaction or subject to his approval or inspection, shall not imply that only matters similar to those enumerated shall be so governed and performed, but without exception all the work shall be governed and so.performed. 27. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Oxvner, upon the Engineers recommendation, reserves the right to make alterations in location, line, grade, plan, form or dimensions of the work, or any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of construction. If such alterations diminish the amount of work to be done, no claim for damages or anticipated profits will be warranted on the work, which may be dispensed with. If such alterations increase the amount of work, such increases shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually done and at the prices for such work as contained in the schedule of prices. 28. CORRECTION OF WORK All work and alt materials whether incorporated into the work or not, all processes of manufacture and all methods of construction shall be at all times and places subject to the /nspection of the Engineer who shall be the final judge of quality, materials, processes of manufacture and methods of coustmction suitable for the purpose for which they are used. Should they fail to meet his approval, they shall be forthwith reconstructed, made good and replaced and/or corrected as the case may be, by the Contractor, at his own expense. CC - 12 ,) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is not desirable to replace any defective or damaged materials or to reconstruct or correct any portion of the work injured or not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder shall be reduced by such amount as in the judgement of the Engineer shall be equitable. The Contractor expressly warrants that Iris work shall be flee from any defects in materials or workmanship and agrees to correct any defects, which may appear within one year following the final completion of the work. Neither the acceptance of the completed work nor payment therefor shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under or upon this Contract or the Performance Bond. 29. WEATIlER CONDITIONS In the event of temporary suspension of work or during inclement weather or whenever the Engineer shall direct, the Contractor will, and will cause his subcontractors to protect carefully his and their work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If in the opinion of the Engineer any work or material shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure on the part of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors to protect his or their work, such work and materials shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. 30. TIlE OWNER'S RIGIlT TO WITmtOLD PAYMENTS The Owner may withhold f~om the Contractor so much of any approved payments due him as may, in the judgement of the Owner, be necessary: (a) To assure the payment of just claims then due and unpaid of any persons supplying labor or materials for the work; Co) To protect the Owner from loss due to defective work not remedied; or (c) To protect the Owner f~om loss due to injury to persons or damage to the work or property of other contractors or subcontractors or others, caused by the act or neglect of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. The Owner shall have the right, as agent for the Contractor to apply such amounts so withheld in such manner as the Owner may deem proper to satisfy such claims or to secure such protection. Such applications of such money shall be deemed payments for the account of the Contractor. 31. ~ OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT (a) The Contractor shall be adjudged bankrupt or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or Co) A receiver or liquidator shall be appointed for the Contractor for any of his property and shall CC - 13 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT not be disrr~ssed within 20 days after such appointment, or the proceedings in connection therewith shall not be stayed on appeal within the said 20 days; or (c) The Contractor shall refuse or fail, after notice or warning from the Engineer, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials; or (d) The Contractor shall refuse or fail to prosecute the work or any part thereof with such diligence as will insure its completion within the periods herein specified (or any duly authorized extension thereof) oF shall fail to complete the work within said periods; or (e) The Contractor shall fail to make prompt payments to persons supplying labor or materials for the work; or (f) The Contractor shall fail or refuse to regard laws, ordinances or the instructions of the Engineer or othemrise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provisions of this Contract; then and in any such event, the Owner, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy it may have, may by seven (7) days' notice to the Contractor, terminate the employment of the Contractor and his rights to proceed either as to the entire work or (at the option of the Owner) as to any portion thereof as to which delay shall have occurred, and may take possession of the work and complete the work by contract or otherwise, as the Owner may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor will not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid the Contractor hereunder shall exceed the expense of so completing the work .(including compensation for additional managerial, administrative and inspection services and any damages for delay), such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Owner for such excess. If the right of the Contractor to proceed with the work is so terminated, the Owner may take possession of and utilize in completing the work, such materials, appliances, supplies, plant and equipment as may be on the site of the work and necessary thereof. If the Owner does not so terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed, the Contractor shall continue to work. 32. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If the work shall be stopped by order of the 'Court or other public authority for a period of three · (3) months without act or fault of the Contractor or any of his agents, servants, employees or subcontractors, the Contractor may, upon ten (10) days notice to the Owner, discontinue his performance of the work and/or terminate the Contract; in .which event, the liability of the Owner to the Contractor shall be determined as provided in Paragraph 31.. The Contractor shall not be obligated to pay to the Owner any excess of the expense of completing the work o;ver the · unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder. 33. RESPONSIBILITY FORWORK The Contractor agrees to be responsible for the entire work embraced in tiffs Contract until its completion and final acceptance, and that any unfaithful or imperfect work that may become damaged from any cause either by act of commission or omission to properly guard and protect CC - 14 ) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT the work that may be discovered at any time before the completion and acceptance shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory work without any charge to the Owner, and that such removal and replacement will be performed mediately on the requirement of the Engineer, notwithsta~rling the fact that it may have been overlooked by the proper inspector, and partial payment made thereon. It is fully understood by the Contractor that the inspection of the work shall not relieve him of any obligation to do sound and reliable work as herein prescribed, and that any omission to disapprove any work by the Engineer at or before the time of.partial payment or other estimate shall not be construed to be acceptance of any defective work. 34. USE OF PREMISES AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS The Contractor expressly undertakes at his own expense: (a) To store his apparatus, materials, supph~s and equipment in such orderly fashion at the site of the work as will not unduly interfere with the progress of his work or the work of any of his . subcontractors; (b) To frequently clean up all refuse,' rubbish, scrap materials and debris caused by the operations to the end that at all times, the site of the work shall present a neat, orderly and workmanlike appearance; (¢) Before final payment hereunder to remove all surplus material, temporary structures, plants of any description and debris of every nature resulting from his operations. 35. SUITS OF LAW. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner from and against all suits, claims, demands or actions for any injury sustained or alleged to be sustained by any party or parties in connection with the construction of the work or any part thereof, or any commission or omission of the contractor, his employees or agents of any subcontractor, and in case of any such action shall be brought against the Owner, the Contractor shall immediately take charge of and defend the same at his own cost and expense. 36. POWER OF THlg CONTRACTOR TO ACT IN AN E~'IERGENCY In case of an emergency, which threatens loss or injury to property and/or safety of life, the Contractor will be permitted to act as he sees fit without previous instructions from the Engineer. He shall notify the Engineer thereof immediately and any compensation claimed by the Contractor due to extra work made necessary because of his acts in such emergency shall be submitted to the' Engineer for approval. Where the Contractor has not taken action but has notified the Engineer of an emergency indicating injury to persons oi damage to adjoining property or to the work being accomplished under this Contract, then upon authorization from the Engineer to prevent such threatened injury or damage, he shall act as instructed by the Engineer. The amount of reimbursement claimed by the Contractor on account of any such action shall be determined in the manner provided herein for the payment of extra work. CC - 15 ) ,) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 37. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW DEEMED INSERTED Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein and the Contract shall read and be enforced as though it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party the Contract shall be forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 38. SUBLETTING, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS The Contractor shall not sublet any part of the work under this Contract nor assign any money due him hereunder without first obtaJ, ning the written consent of the Owner. This Contract shall insure the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereunder and upon their respective successors and assigns, but neither party shall assigfl or transfer his interest herein in whole or in part without consent of the other. 39. GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW CLAUSE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law, in the event that the Bidder or any member, parmer, director or officer of the Bidder, should refuse, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the State, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or any public Department, agency or official of the State or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a ~vaiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, such person, and any finn, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public Department, agency or official thereof for goods, work or services for a period of five (5) years after such refusal, and any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any pubhc Department, agency or official thereof on or after the first day of July, 1959, by such person, and by any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporationwithout incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or t~t.Anation, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. 40. GRADES~ LINES~ LEVELS AND SURVEYS The Engineer shall furnish the Contractor with the basic horizontal and vertical controls from which the Contractor shall transfer and stake his lines and grades and for their accuracy. The Engineer will establish the basic horizontal and vertical controls at the start of the work, and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to safeguard such controls; and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, these controls are damaged or destroyed either in whole or in part, the Contractor shall pay the cost of hav'mg the damaged controls verified, checked, corrected or replaced. CC - 16 CONDITIONS OIF CONTRACT 41. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall not commence work until the To~vn has approved ail the insurance required under this Contract as required immediately following the Instructions to Bidders. Additionally, the Contractor shail indenmify and save harmless the Town of Southold fi.om and against ail losses and all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of every k/nd or nature, brought or recovered against the Town of Southold by reason of any act or omission of the Contractor, his agent or employees in the performance of the Contract. The Contractor shail not permit any subcontractor to commence any work under this contract until satisfactory proof of carriage of the required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Town. 42. FOREIGN CONTRACTORS Foreign Contractors must comply with the provisions of Articles 9A and 16 of the Tax Law} as mended, prior to submission of a bid for the performance of this work. The certificate of the Nexv York State Tax Commission to the effect that ail taxes have been paid by the foreign contractor shall be conclusive proof of the payment of taxes. The term "foreign contractor" as used in this subdivision means in the case of an individuai, a person who is a legai resident of another state or foreign country; and in the case of a foreign corporation, one organized under the laws ora state other than the State of New York. 43. LIEN LAW Attention of all persons submitting bids is specificaily cailed to the previsions of Section 25, Subdivision 5, Section 25A and 25B of the Lien Law, as amended, in relation to funds being received by a contractor for a public improvmnent declared to constitute trust funds in the hands of such Contractor to be applied first to the payment of certain claim~. 44. REFUSAL TO WAIVE IMMUNITY Pursuant to the provisions of Section 103-A of the Generai Municipal Law, in the event that the bidder or any member, partner, director or officer of the bidder, should refuse when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the State, any politicai subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the State or of any political subdivision thereof or of an authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminai prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, such person, and any firm, parmership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, firm director or officer shail be disqualified fi.om thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards fi.om or entering into any contracts with any murdcipai corporation or any public department, agency, or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five (5) years after such refusal, and any and all contracts made with any municipai corporation or any public department, agency, or officiai thereof on or after the first day of July, 1959, by such person and any firm, parmership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without CC - 17 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT incun-ing any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. 45. EXEMPTION FROM SALES AND USE TAXES In accordance with Chapter 513 of the laws of 1974 adopted by the New York State Legislature, amending Section 1115 (a) of the tax law, specifically paragraphs 15 and 16, political subdivisions, as described in subdivision (a) paragraph (L) of section 1116 of the tax laws, of the State of New York are exempt from the payment of sales and use taxes imposed on tangible personal property within the limitations specified in tax law 1115 (a) (15) and (16). (15) Tangible personal property sold to a contractor, subcontractor or repairman for use in erecting a structure or building of an organization described in subdivision (a) of section 1116, or adding to, altering or improving real property, property or land of such an organization, as the terms 'real property, property and land are defined in the real property tax law; provided, however, no exemption shall exist under this paragraph unless such tangible personal property is to become an integral component part of such structure, building or real property. (16) Tangible personal property sold to a contractor or repairman for use in maintaining, servicing or repairing real property, or land of an organization described in subdivision (a) of section 1116, as the terms real property, property or land are defined in the real property tax law; provided, however, no exemption shall exist under this paragraph unless such tangible personal property is to become an integral component part of such slructure, building or real property. Contractors entering into Contract with the Town of Southold shall be exempt from payment of sales and use tax as described above. Procedures and forms are available to the Contractor direct ~orn the Instructions and Interpretations Unit, State of New'York, Department of Taxation and Finance, State Campus, Albany, New York, 12227. 46. NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION MINORITY .A-ND WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, STATE REVOLVING FUND The Contractor agrees to make documented "good faith efforts" to utilize at least 15% Minority Business Enterprise(s) and at least 5% Women's Business Enterprise(s) for the combined Federal and State Funded portions of the Project. The established MBE/WBE-EEO goals shall be in conformance with NYS Executive Law, Article 15-A. Failure to attain these objectives or demonstrate positive good faith efforts to do so may lead to appropriate actions by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan recipient. Within ten working days of the award of a prime contract, the Contractor shall submit to the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient's Minority Business Officer and MBEfW'BE-EEO Utilization Plan with a detailed description of each of the subcontract services to be provided by NYS Certified MBEs/WBEs as well as an estimated dollar amount of each subcontract. The CC - 18 ) ~) CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT MBE/WBE-EEO goals herein stated are the goals which have been included in the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipients approved MBE/WBE Utilization Plan. The CWSRF/DWSRF Minority Business Officer shall review and approve the Prime Contractor's Utilization Plan within ten working days after receipt of such plan if it clearly delineates methods to achieve the established MBE/WBE goals. Failure by the Contractor to submit and receive approval from the CWSRFDWSRF loan recipient of the MBE/WBE Utilization Plan prior to the first request for payment may result in the withholding of progress payments to the Contractor by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient. Such withhold'rog of progress payments shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements of the contract documents including the completion of the project within the specified contract time and any construction sequence requirements of the contract. Within thirty days of approval of the Contractor's MBE/WBE Utilization Plan by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient, the Contractor shall submit copies of legally signed MBE/WBE subcontracts (fully executed) and/or legally signed purchase orders tO the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient's Minority Business Officer. These subcontracts and/or · purchase orders must include the following information: 2. 3. 4. Actual Dollar Amount; Job Description; Signatures of Both Parties (Prime and MBE/WBE); and Date of Execution NOTE: Purchase orders must be accompanied by copies of both sides of legally signed and cancelled checks. The Contractor is advised that failure to submit the referenced MBE/WBE support documentation within the time stipulated may be grounds for the withholding of progress payment by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient. Such withholding of progress payments shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements of the contract documents including the completion of the project with in the specified contract time and any construction sequence requirement of the contract. SUPPLY POLICY Contractors shall receive credit for the use of MBE/WBE suppliers as follows: Suppliers receive 25 percent credit if they only provide supplies,' and do not manufacture or fabricate them. Suppliers receive 100 pexce'nt credit for items they supply that they also manufacture or fabricate. A "supplier" is a business that distributes materials or equipment, and which provides a commercially useful function When such activity is traditional in the industry producing the material or equipment that is supplied. CC - 19 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT O1' "Commercially useful functions" normally include: l.) 2.) 3.) Providing technical assistance to a purchaser prior to a purchase, during installation, and after the supphes or equipment are placed in service; Manufacturing or being the first tier below the manufacturer of supplies or equipment; or Providing functions other than just accepting and referring requests for supplies or equipment to another party for direct shipment to a contractor. Haulers receive 100 percent credit if they provide the material that is hauled. NOTE: For those contracts in which an extraordinary proportion of the contract price is for equipment or supplies, the contractor may purpose a lower project goal than otherwise would be required, or request the applicant/recipient to increase the twenty-five percent (25%) limit for supplies, or a combination of the two. Only NYS Certified Minority/Women Business Enterprises may be utilized for MBE/WBE Program Crediting purposes. 'Contractors must ensure that firms proposed for MBE/WBE participation are NYS Certified with the New York Empire State Development Corporation, Omrfi Management Plaza, and located 30 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York. Please be advised that them is no fast tracking system under the NYS MBE/WBE Certification Program for appmv'mg firms wishing to participate as MBEs/WBEs under New York State agency programs. See attached Exhibit on how to access the directory for certified M/WBE firms on the Website. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to utilize at least 10% minority employees and at least 10% female employees in the workforce(s) associaw, d with the Construction and/or service Contract. The established EEO goals shall be attained in conformance with NYS .Executive Law, Article 15-A. The NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation requires at least one, or two weeks notice be given prior to pre-bid and pre-construction meetings to allow for the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation officials' attendance and review MBE/WBE compliance requirements. Failure to meet the provisions for this notice may be grounds for rescheduling the meeting. CC - 20 Town of Southold TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF PROPOSAL PACKAGE BID OPENS: APRIL 21, 2005 REMINDER NOTE!!!: VENDORS MUST RETURN THIS DOCUMENT INTACT AND FILLED OUT COMPLETELY!! (Do Not Sign the Contract Agreement. It is included only for informational purposes, and will be signed by the successful bidder after award of contract.) All line items on the Proposal Form must be filled in! All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it is a dollar figure or No Bid. Please DO NOT remove any pages from this bid package! Thank you! Proposal Package 1 of 22 BIDDER'S CHECK LIST Your response to our above referenced bid will be considered unresponsive and will be rejected if the following forms are not included at the time of the bid opening. Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion as required by NYS Law. A Bid Deposit in the amount of Ten Percent of Bid Price as required in the Invitation to Bid. As per specifications, the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD requires a current insurance certificate, with the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD listed as additional insured, to be on file in the Town Clerk's Office. You will be given t6n (10) business days from notice of award to supply this form or the bid will be rescinded. Vendor Information Sheet and Address Record Form. Assumed Name Certification. Bidder' s Qualification Statement. NOTE: Please do NOT sign the Contract Agreement. It is included only for informational purposes, and will be signed by the successful bidder after award of the contract. Proposal Package 2 of 22 VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET TYPE OF ENTITY:CORP. X/'/ PARTNERSHIP FEDERAL EMpLoYEE ID #: ~ ~ ' ~(4:>~ ~ ~.(_.,0 OR SOCIAL SECURITY #: '""---' DATE OF ORGANIZATION: IF APPLICABLE: DATE FILED: STATE FILED: If a non-publicly owned Corporation: CORPORATION NAME: ~,tS~ INDIVDUAL LIST ~PRINCIPAI~ STOCKHOLDERS: (5% 9f outstanding shares) LIST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: I~AME TITLE If a partnership: PARTNERSHIP NAME: LIST PARTNERS NAMES: Proposal Package 3 of 22 ADDRESS RECORD FORM MAIL BID TO: ADDRESS: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: ~' ONLY if different MAIL PURCHASE QRDER TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CONTACT: E-MAIL: ONLY if different - MAIL PAYMEII~,~O: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CONTACT: Proposal Package 4 of 22 ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATION *If the business is conducted under an assumed name, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under the New York general business law must be attached. ASSUMED NAME: If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid or previously filed with the Town Clerk. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD or other municipality bid on contracts only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) INSURANCE STATEMENT Bidder agrees as follows - please mark appropriate box: Insurance Certificate as requested is attached I certify that I can supply insurance as specified if awarded the bid .~r~, Insurance Certificate filed on DATE FAILURE TO PROVIDE SPECIFIED INSURANCE &I~/~QUALIFY B~II~DER. ~dZE D SIGNA f Proposal Package 5 of 22 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the prices(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. $. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by an firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm's submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm's bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any commun/cation, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The per~ng this bid, under the/~nalties of perjury, affirms the troth thereof. Sigma /& ~[~mpany Position """*'/ / ~, Type, ae & Company Position: Compan: kName I Date Signed Federal I.D. Number NOTARy:~_DAY OF~, 20_0_~ ' NOTARY Pr,~L[C- O ~ L ~AUD~ ~ Pu~c, S~ ~ N~ ~ ~. ~67510, S~lk ~ ~ ,, ~ Proposal Package 6 of 22 PROPOSAL FORM TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF DESIGN VENDOR NAME: '-~9~:~ ~ ~.5 '% ADDRESS': ~'-~ '~ VENDOR TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX: The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as necessary and called for in the said Contract Documents in the manner prescribed therein and in said Contract, and in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer, at the prices listed on the attached Bid Proposal Form. If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid documents. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD or other municipalities bid on contracts, but only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda (if none were issued please write N/A below): Proposal Package 7 of 22 TOWN ~,; SOU~OLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BIE EXTENDED AMOUNT SID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words} QUANTITY 1 ,,... _ .Genpral Conditions and Mobilization I LS Dollars Cents 1. The lump sum price b~d under Payment Item ~ shaft include supe~ision and m~nagement, on-going p~ject-re~ated e~enses, insurances, ~nding, labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessa~ ~o mobilize to the constru~on site, meet ell of ~he general requirements set fo~h under Dwision 1, comply with ail condi(~ons set fo~h in t~e Conditions of Contact and GeneraT Conditions of the Contract and demobiflze from const~ct[on site upon successful completion of the p~ject. 2. Payment ~or th~s item will be made in ~o (2) payments; a. Fi[~ Pement ~%) u~n complain mobifization to the site. b. Twen~ F~ve Pement (25%) upon second pa~ial pe~ent request. c. Twen~ Five Pement (25%) upon successful completion and acceptance of the project. Site Demolition - Pavement Su~aces 1~,~ SF ~o0 ~' ~ - for .~ w. ~l~ ~C'C~'~/SF ~ v ~ I Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shall receive the unit pdce per square foot for Demolition and Removal o[ E~sfing Asphalt Pavements, areas o~ stone, crashed glass and ~mpact~ ea~, as speckled, and shown on the Contract Dm~n~ and approv~ by the Engineer. Included in this item is ~e cost of sawcuEing the existing asphalt ma~a~. 2. Ali costs associated ~th demolition of pavement, miscellaneous demolition, removals, dis~l lees, all labor, materials, equipment and inciden~ls necessa~ to satisfactorily remove the e~sdng s~e features n~es~ to complete ~e proceed ~ according to the plans, sp~ifications an~or as direct~ by ~e Engineer shall be includ~ in ~e pdce bid for this item, 3 ~ ~O~ ~~for ~0 ~5~ ~D" SRe Demolition~t~l~-~Concrete~.~ t~/LS O 1 LS Dollars Cents I Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum unit p~ce for Demolition and Removal of all E~sang Concrete. Including F~tings, Foundations, Approaches. Walls, Slab~Pa~, Embedd~ Concrete Re~in[ng Waft Blocks, Removal of all concrete associated ~th the existing Scalehouse an~ Administmti=n buildings, ~ specified, and shown on the Con~ract Drawings and approv~ by ~e Engineer. 2. Ali costs associated ~h demol~ion of pavement. ~iscelian~us demol~ion, removals, dis~sal fees, afl labor, matenals, equipment And inciden~ls necessa~ to satisfactorily remove the existing site fea~res n~sa~ to complete the proposed wo~ according to ~e plans, specifications an~or as dirked by the Engineer sha~l be included in the price bid for ~is Item. 4 Site DemolEion - auild~s & Stru~ures I LS for W~O~ ~ /LS Dollars Cents 1. M~surement and Pa~ent: The Contra~or shal~ receive ~e ~ump sum unit odce for Demofi~on and Removal of ~e ~ing Steel TransOer Station Building and ac~sso~ stmc~res (lean-to's, sh~), as specified, and shown on ~e Cont~ O~wings a~ app~ed ~ the Engin~r, 2. A~I costs ass~iated with disconne~on of utilities, demoli~on ol steel, miscellaneous demol[~on, rem~a~s, dis~l fees, ~ll labor, materials, ~uipmen~ and incidentals n~essa~ to ~as[actodly remove the e~s~ng transfer station features necessa~ to complete the proposed wo~ according to the plans, spec~catlons an~or as dire~ ~ the ~ngineer shall be included In the pdce bid for this Item. S ~ Site DemolEion - ~Re Features 1 LS for ~~ {~ ILS Dollam ~nts 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor sh~ll receive ~he lump sum unit pdce for Demolition and Removal of all Site Fea~res within the Demolition Area (as de,ned on contract drawings) Including the E~sting Diesel Fuel Tanks, Wasle Oi{ Tanks, TimbeEPlastic Walls, Rei~tion of E~sting Flagpole and Removal of th~ Exishng Weight FaciliW Sanitaw S~tems, Removal of Weigh Scales, dismantling of post & rail fencing as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by ~e Engineer. 2. All costs associated with disconn~tion of utilities, demolition ol concrete and steel, midol[angus demolition, removals, dispo~l fees, ali la~r, materials, equipment and inciden~ls necess~ ~o sat~sf=cto~ly remove the existing ~ansfer station fea~res n~e~a~ to complete the pmpos~ wo~ according to the plans, specdicafions an~or as directed ~ the Engineer eh=Il be includ~ in the price b~d for this Item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 8 of 22 TOWN OF SUb rHOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY · CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY 6 Building Relocation - A~d~ministration Building '~-[--i. i ['~-~' "~ t ~.3 t ~'-.3 f~,,= O O/l' OD -~ y4-O O ~ ~.~'~ 1 LS __ for ~' /LS j - Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum umt price for Reloctaion of he Existing Adminis[ration Suildmg {ncludin, site prep Anchoring System, Wooden Ramps, Stairs, Insula[~ SkJ~ing Walls. Underground LP Gas Tanks, and ~e M~ular Liffing and Rel~ation o~ the building to its new location as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawings and appmv~ by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs ass~iat~ with d[sconnecUon of tailities, demolition of any stru~ures, miscellaneous aemolition, excavation and removal, ~isposal fees, al~ labor, materials, equipment and mciden~s neces~ to satisfactorily retake the e~sting transfer station features necess~ ~o complete the relocation of the administrabon bu,~ding acco~ing to the plans, sp~Uications ancot as 0irected by the Engineer shall be includea in the pdce 7 Building Relocation. Scalehouse Building ~ I LS 8 ~ ~ S". Excavation~ &~Grading 188,000 SF 9 ~ Pro~sed Site Sa~ta~Systems _._ 3 Dollars Cents 10 Road Sy~em - Recycled Concr~e Aggregate Dollars Cents CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE · Proposal Package 9 of 22 'ltJ,,1,. L - L jU IHc,..IJ TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. {Fill in Unit Price Written in Wbrds) QUANTITY 12 Road System - Type 6F Asphalt Top Course 135,700 SF Dollars Cents ~. Measurementan~Payment:TheC~ntract~rsha~receivetheumt~idpdcef~reaChsquaref~t~IasphaItpavingtype0~asphaItt~pc~urse installed and measured at the finished asphalt surface as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with layout, prootrollmg of RCA asphalt, milling, transitions, all labor, materials, equipmenl and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, sbecilications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be mclubed in the unit pdce bid for th~s Item 13 ~0 ~J I~'T~;---~°Tt-'~ -[''~ ~ ~ Site Com:rete - Curb Syste.~.~.[.,4 ~ 5,800 LF ¢1~ t,,~ t ~ ~J[&g (~4C) -- for *-'71 /LF Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor sha~l receive the unit bid pdce tot each linear foot of Concrete Curbs installed and measured along the top of curb as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2 Ail costs associated with layout, earthwork, Ich'ns, hardware, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary Io sedsfactadly complete the work according to Ihs plans, sbec,ficat~ons and/or as directed by the Engineer shaJl be included in the unit pdce bid for this Item 14 Site Concrete - 4¢' Sidewalk 6,815 SF for ~'~'l't /SF Dollars Cents 1 Measurement an~ PaymenI: The Contractor shall receive the unit bid pdce for each square foot of 4' thick concreta walkway installed in designated locations, and measured, as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associatad wtth layout, formwmk, earthwork, all labor, materials, splices, eduipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactobly cornplet( the work according to the plans, sbecilicafions and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce b~d for this Item. 15 <=~:[]~,.~-~,Sv~.ci.y/._~,Site C°ncrete' 6" Reinf°rced C°ncrete Slabfor ~ ~/~th"~ jSF 1'725 SF ~i~,.,7,~ i~ ~ I 5,/4 ~-~~'''~'' Dollars Cents 1 Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the unit bid pdce for each square foot pi 6" thick reirdomed concrete sJed installed in designated locations, and measured, as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer 2. All costs associated with tayout, formwork, earthwork, all labor, materials, splices, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complet~ the work according to the plans, spec,fications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid for this Item 16 ~rk~llQ~Site C°ncrete' 8" Rein'°rced C°ncrete SIab.~OOC. j~¢..~ ~ tO/~ 2'800 SF for_ /SF Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the unit bid pdce for each square loot of 8" thick reinforced concreta slab installed in designated locations, and measured, as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with layout, formwork, earthwork, all laber, matadals, splices, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complele the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid for this Item. Site Concrete - 10" Reinforced Concrete Slab 2,160 SF Dollars Cents 1 Measbrement and Payment: The Conlractor shat{ receive the unit b~d pdce for each square foot of 10' thick reinforced concrete slab installed in designated locations, and measured, as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs sssoc[ated with layout, formwork, earthwork, all labor, matahals, splices, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complet~ the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer sha[l be included in the unit pdce bid for this kern. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 10 of 22 TOWN Or L uUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTFIUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Proiect No. 04~060. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY Site Concrete - 10" Reinforced Concrete Slab 18 ~..-_L with Surface H.a~deoer 14,600 SP ~t ~' Dollars . Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the uni: b~d pace for each square foot of 10" thick reinforced concrete slab with SUd&C( hardener installed in designated locations, and measured, as shown on Ihe Contract Drawings and as aopmv~ by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with layout, [o~wo~, ea~hwo~, ail ta~r, materials, splices, equipment and ;ncidentats necessa~ to satisfactorily complet~ the wo~ acceding to the plans, sp~irications an~or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid for this Item. 19 *~Site Ce.crete - Rei.f~ed Structura,~ U.~ ~.t~ 720 CY *~t*~-'' ~'~ ~ Dollam Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~enh The Conlmctor shall receive ~e unit bid pdce for ~ch cubic ya~ of rein~o~ed structural concrete installS, at the new Administration building, Weight Facili~ and Scales, Transfer Station, Home E~hange Facility and E~edor Waste Bm areas, as ~iel~ measured, as show~ on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs ass~ated ~th layout, fo~wo~, ea~hwo~. ~lacemenL [inishing, instaUation of steel mmfomemenL all labor, materials, ~uipment an( incidentals nece~ to satisfactorily complete the work ac~ing to ~e plans, sp~ificaflons an~or as air.ted by the Engineer ~all be included in the unit price bid for this Item. 20 ~[~o~.. for ~ Site C~ncrete - Prec~Block Retaini.g WallfloWer0/../~'"~/EA 400 EA ~ . ~~ Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor sha;I mce~e :he unit bid price for each pre.st block retaining wall section deliver~ and install~ at the sca~ehouse as shown on the Contrac~ Omwiflgs and as approved by the Engineer. Including all suppo~ng ma:eda;s such as RCA Base, Drainage Pipe, Subangular Stone (furnished ~ O~er) and connections ~o sto~water ~:em. 2. Ali costs associated ~ stakeout, grading, compaction, sub,asa preparation, ins~llation, ail laboh male~als, equipment and incidentals necessa~ [o satisfactonly complete the wo~ acceding to the plans, specifications an~or as dire~ ~ the Engineer shall be ]nclud~ in the unit pdce bid for this Item. 21 ~ ~1~ for Building S~uctures - Transfer Station ~ ~1~ ~1 ~~ ~ /SF 20,400 SF ~ ~ Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the unit bid pdce for each square f~t of Pre-engineer~ building constructed, i~cludmg all m[emal stm~u res and s~:ems including but not limit~ to, internal anQ e~eHor doom, 2- 15'~0' rollup ~om, snow/ice fence, and roof drains, as sho~ on the Contract Drawings and as a~roved ~ the Engineer. 2. Ail costs a~ociated with stakeout, e~avafion, grading, com~c~on, subbase p~p=r&tion, ~nst~ction, erection of building, finishing si integer st~ctures, a~l labor, materials, ~ui~ment and incidentals necesse~ :o satisfactorily complete the fabd~tion of ~e transfer s~tion wo~ &cco~ing to the plans, spec{fications an~or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid [or th~s Item. 22 Buildine Structures - Home Exchange 480 SF ~ ~ Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shall receive the unit bid pdce ~or each square f~t si pre-engineered buildlng const~, including all e~edor and intoner st~ctures and s~ems specih~, as sho~ on the Contract D~ngs and as approv~ ~ the Engineer. 2. All costs associated ~ s~keout, e~avation, grading, com~ction, subbase preparation, const~on, erecSon of building, finishing si interior st~ctures, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals nec~sa~ Io sa~sfa~od~ complete ~he fabd~tion el the home exchange budding acceding to the plans, specifications an~or as dir~t~ by the Engin~r shall be included in ~e unit pdce bid for this Item. 23 ~ Building Structures - A~dant Booth I LS ~ Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~ent: The Conlra~or shall receive the lump sum bid pdce to install a pre-engineered building. This item will include all utilities and anchoring st the st~cture in its proper location, including all e~erior and ~ntedor st~ctures, all mechanical and electrical systems specifiC, as sho~ on the Contra~ Dinings and ~ approved by ~e Engineer. 2 All costs associat~ with stskeout, excavation, grading, compac~on, subbase preparation, concrete prep, construction, se~ing of building, all labor, matenals, equipment and incidentals necess~ ~o satis[actorily comp[ete the ins~llatJon of the A~endants ~oth wo~ m ac~rdmg to ~he plans, specifications an~or as directed ~y the Engineer shall be [nclud~ ~n the unit pdce bid for this item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 11 of 22 TOWN OF SOU il-fOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED- AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY 500 Gallon Double Wall Above Ground Waste Oil Dollsrs Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive t~e lump sum bid price to instal[ a pre-engineer~ double wall above ground waste oil tan~. T~is item ~11 include all utilities, :oncrete sleb installation, and anchoring of ce structure in i~ proper I~ation, installation of prefabd~t~ steps, all mechanical and electrical systems specified on the construction drawings to meet SCHDS regulation, and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with s~k~ut, excava¢on, grading, companion, sub.se preparation, concrete prep, construction, a~choring o¢ tank in p~ace, al~ r~uired ~fe~ ~uipment, all fees associated with inspection by SCDHS, and all la~r, matenals, equipment and incidentals necessa~ to ~tisfactorily complete the instaqation o¢ the ~0 gallon double wall a~ve ground waste oil t~nk wo~ in according [o the plans, specifications ~n¢or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid for this Item. Site Drainage- Stru~ures, Rings, lnl~ Boxes, 25 I LS ~.,- ~1.~ Covers and Grates ~ Dollars Cents ~ 1. MeesurementandPa~e~t:TheCon~ractorshallreceive~e lumpsum bidpdcetoins~ll~es~edra~nagestmctums, nngs,~ps, foofings, cu~ inlet ooxes, steel ~rames and grates as sho~ on the Centract Drawings and as appmv~ by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with layout, ea~hwo~, excavation. ~c~llling, compac~on, ~nnections, pa~ing, all la~r, materials, equipment and 26 ~[~for ~Dr~ina;e~dcc&~~ Pine ~ /LF 1,600 LF Dollars Cents 27 S~e Signag ~ 1 LS main entrance sign, information signs dir~ional signs, custom signs and any miscelian~us sig~s as shown on ~e Contract Draw, rigs and as approved by the Engineer. 2. Ali costs associat~ with la.ut, ea~wo~, fabrication, shipping, installation, all lair, mate~als, equipment and incidentals necessa~ to satisfa~orily complete the we~ ac~ing to ~e plans, specifi~tions an~or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid for 28 Line striping - 4" Wide 13,~ LF 1. Measurement and Payment: Pavement s~dping will De measured ~n linear feet along the cen~e~ine of the pavement stripe end shall be base~ a 4-inch wide st~pe. Measurement ~or stdping with a plan ~h greater or less than basic 4 inches as sho~ on the plans or as directed by the Engineer will be made ~ the following melhod: 4 inches Note: The unit p~ce includes nil la.ut and maintenance/protection of traffic dudng installation. Site Fencing - 6' High Vinyl Coat~ Galvanized 1,025 LF 29 Chain Link Fence and Gates CONTINUED ON NEX'r PAGE Vroposal PacKage 12 ( 22 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050, ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY 30 '~U,~ {;5~.r'("~ Site Fencing - 4' High Vinyl Coated Galvanlzed 'T"~ ~..A..~.~',.~ -~Chain; Link Fence~ /LF 530 LF ~ ~O ~[ [ ~ O~ for_ ~ ~ Dollars Cents 1 Measurement an~ Payment; The Contractor sha~l receive the unit b~d pnce for each linear foo~ o~ 4~ H~gh Black vinyl chai~ link [encing wit~ ha~ware installed and measured as shown on ~e Contract Drawings and as ap~v~ by ~e Engineer. 2. Afl costs ass~ated ~th layout, ee~hwo~, f~tings. ~ar~am. alHabor, mate~ats, splices, equipment and incidentals neces~ to sadsfa~odly complete the werk according to the plans, specifications ancot as direc~ by ~e Engineer shall be included ~n the unit pdce bid for this Item. ~,,,, ,~-~ .~ ~ ~ ~ for ~1 ~,',. /~ 33 ~.oS"e Landscaping- Treesand Shrubsm= ~, 1.,[~ ~ ,~ ~ 57 EA ~ ~¢ ~ 34 Proposed Scale Sy~em- Weighbridge Furnished ~ and ,nstalled 2 EA ~ ~ ~ for '~T~ ~ ~ /LS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE · Proposal Package 13 of 22 'IuWN L,,- bt. J ~, .. LD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY [" C.~-..U'---~----~-~-['"'~ '~"1-~. Steel Stairs & Railingo ~D -'~.t,~O 1 LS 36 lot ~ ~ /LS ! Dollars Cents I. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum b~c~ price to instaI[ toe steel sis.rs on the intoner of the transfer station as well as between the tuel dispensing system an~ main parking area. Included in th~s item are all sisal railings as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. A~ c~sts ass~cia[ed with ~ay~ut~ excavati~n~ backfi~hng` c~ncrete p~sts~ we~ding~ hardware~ painti~g~ and a~ ~ap~r' matena~s~ equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactediy complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in ff~e uni[ price bid for this Item. 37 ~ Radiation Detection System _ ,~ I LS Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Coctractor shall receive ~he lump sum bid price to tumished and instsll the rad/aaon detection system as shown on the Contr4ct Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with excavation and backfilling, earthwork, conduit, conductors, delivery, instsllation, inspections, calibration, scalehouse staE training, hardware both mechanical and elecrdc components as per specifications, all labor, materials, eqmpmect and incidenlals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work accenting to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid for th~s Item 38 '-------- Methane Detection System LS Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor aball receive the lump sum brd pdce to furnnish aed install the methane detection systsrn wghin the scalehouse and integrated with the exhaust system as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. AIl costs associated with conduit installation, delivery, detector and panel installation, inspections, calibration, exhaust fan installation, vents, hardware both mechanical and electric components as per specifications, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactonly complete the work according to the plans, abecgications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price b~d tot this Item. 39 ~j Scale yideo Monitoring System I LS Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Con~ractor aball receive the lump sum bid phce to tumished and instsll a four camera video monitoring system as shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with conduit insts[lation, delivery, camera installa~on, video recorder inslallation, monitors, power supply, adjustments, hardware, conduits, conductors and all other electric components as per specifications, all labor, marshals, equipment and incidenlals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be incleded in the unit pdce bid for this Item. 40 · ~- Gas Vent Modification ~, , I ES Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Paymenl: The Contractor shaft receive ~e lump sum bid 0dca to perform the gas vent modifications as shown on the Contract Drawings and specifications and as approved by the Engineer. g. All costs associated with layout, earthwork, excavation, backfilling, piping, drilling, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactor[ly complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid for this Item. 41 Domestic Water Service- Complete 1 LS for ~T~ O~ ~-t~j~ ~' /LS Dollars Cents 1. Measurement ~nd Payment: The Contractor shall receive ~he lump sum bid pdce Io install a domestic water service as shown on the Contract Drawings and specificatrons and as approved by the Engineer. 2. Ali costs assccialed with layout, earthwork, excavation, backtilling, instaltstion of main service piping (4"), distribution branch service piping ( t '), and aLI labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necesssry ~o sabsfactodly complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/er as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid tor th~s Item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 14 of 22 TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (FiX in Unit Prfce Written in Words) QUANTITY Fire Suppression Water Well and Fire I LS 42 .... Suppression Equipment- Complete -r~ Dollars Cents I Measurement and Pa~ent: The Cont~ctor shall recede ~he lump sum bid pdce to [umished and instil a fire suppression water wel~ and hre suppression equipment wi~in the trans[er staMon as shown on the Contract Drawings and as apprev~ by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with excavation and backfilling, ea~wo~, drilling, piping, Jns~llation o~ h~m, fi~ hose reel installaMon, well ~ump and pump control installation, all la~r, materials, equipment and incidentals n~essa~ [o ~tisfa~only complete the wo~ acco~ing to the plans, sp~ifications and/or as directed by ~he Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid ~r this Item. 43 . Fuel Dispe~sin~s~em- Complete I LS for~ ~ ~__U__~__ /ES . . Oollam ~nts 1 Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum bid pdce to instil a 1 ,~ gallon ~el dispensing s~tem. This item ~1~ include all utilities, concrete slab installation, and anchoring ol the structure in ~s proper I~ation, ins~llation of prefabd~ted steps, all m~hanical and electrical systems sp~ifi~ on the ~stm~ion drawings to mae( SCHDS regulation, and as appmv~ by the Engineer. 2. All costs A~iated with s~k~ut,ex~vation, grading, companion, su~ase preparation, concrete preparation, ~n~mction, anchoring of ~nk i~ place, alt r~u~red safe~ equipment, all tees ~sociated with insp~tion by SCDHS, and all labor, materials, equipment and inciden~ls nece~a~ to ~tisfactonly complete the inspiration of ~e 1 ,~ gallon fuel dispensing ~nk wo~ in a~o~ing ~ the plans, specifications an~or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pdce bid for ~is Item. 6" Crushed Stone Pavement wEh Non- 44 3,500 SF ~ ~ ~ Woven Fi~er Fabr~ Dollars Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shaEI recurve the unit price per Square Foot o[ crashed stone pavement with 8oz non woven filter ~ab~c installed and measured by su~ey, as sp~ifi~, and shown on the Contract Dra~ngs and approv~ by t~e Engineer. 2. All ~sts associated with mobdi~hon, tmns~tion, placement, greying, all la~r, materials, equipment and inciQen~ls necess~ satisfactorily complete the wo~ acco~ing to the plans, spec~caMons an~or as directed Dy the Engineer shall be [nclu~ in the pdce bid for this ttem. / Dollars Cents Dollars Cents WRI~EN IN WORDS NOTE: The Town of Southold reserves the right to increase, decrease, or eliminate in its entirety any or all items prior to or after award of the bid. Proposal Package 15 of 22 TOWN OF SOUl HOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT A- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED AMOUNT BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY A1 Modified,~_O ~q~-~.'j~for ~'~[~' '¥~ ~3 f'~ ~'~-'~'~DOmestic ~,~.~ ~.~.3Water ~i~e~ ~~3" S~R ~HDPE 1 LS ~~ ~ 1 Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shaJl receive the unit bid price for each square foot ol meta~ canopy A with foundations as specified, shown o~ the Contract Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. 2. Atl costs associated with ~ayout, lo.work, eaKhwo~, companion, concrete, fabrication an~ all I~or, mate~als, equipment and incidentals necessa~ to set=sfacto~ly complete the wo~ according to the plans, specifications and/or as direct~ by the Engineer shall be included in the unit pnce bid [or this Item. I A2 ~ ~ M~al CaBopy A 1,500 SF ~ ~ ~ Dollam Cents 1. Measurement and Payment: The Con~or shall receive the unit b~d pnce ~o~ each squa~ f~( of metal canopy A as sp~itied, sho~ on the Contract Drawings and as approved by ~e Engineer. 2. All costs as~ciated wi~ ~a~. fo~wo~, ea~bwo~, com~ct~on., fabrication and all labor, mammals, equipment and inc[den~s necessa~ ~o s~tisfacto~ly complete the wo~ acco~[ng to the plans, specifi~tions an~or as dire~ by the Engineer shall be included in the unit price bid for this Item. ~ Metal Can~a 2,700 SF ~ ~ Dollam Cents 1. Measurement and Pa~ent: The Contractor shaJl receive the unit bid p~ce ~or each ~uam [oo~ ol melal cano~ b a5 specifiC, s~own on ~e Contract Drawings and as ~pmved by ~e Engin~r. 2. All costs associated wi~ layout, ~o~wo~, ea~bwo~, compaction, fabd~tion and all ~abor, materials. ~uipment end incidentals nece~a~ ~ satisfactorily complete the wo~ according to the plsns, specifications and/or es aire~ed ~ ~e Engineer shall be includ~ in the ~n~t p~ce bid for this Item. WRI~EN IN WORDS Proposal Package 16 of 22 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT C- PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMI 04-050. ITEM ~ DESCRIPTION OFITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE B~ EXTENDED AMOUNT NO.~(Fi~n Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY / BID I forGeneral~nditi°nsx~ and __M°bilizati°n/ES 1 LS Dollars '%, Cents / 1. The lump sum pr[ce bid u~er Payment Item 1 shall include supervision and man~ement, on-going project-retated expenses, insurances, bonding, labor, mal'ef~als, equipment, and incidentals necessary to moJTffize to the construction site, meet all of the general requirements set forth under Divis'l~ 1, comply with all conditions set forth in the/Conditions of Contract and Generar Conditions of the Contract and demobilize from the coh,[trection site upon successful completio.r'/bf the project. 2. Payment for this item will be made'~two (2) payments; a. Fifty Percent (50%) upon complete r~bifization to the site. b. Twenty Five Percent (25%) upon secoh~ partial payment request.~ c. Twenty Five Percent (25%) upon succes~,p~ completion and aoc~tance of the project. 2 Proposed Water Service Connection at, in /1 LS / ~qn~iiPneme~ rntshaar~Ciindc~t~a~I iTtch~;~ricry;~i.~da?/~tCthitsO~deYmC~mplete the wo~cording to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the 3 Interior Plumbing- r Station 1 ~LS for~/LS Dollars ~/ Cents 1. Meas~a,~enb~'he Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to ho~ up all interior plumbing within the transfer statior as specified~ the Contract Dra~V~ngs and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs assod~nstallation of bathroom fixtures, water main hookups, samlar~ystem connection and hookups, hose bib, copper lY~~als, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily com'~ete the work according to the plans, specifications an/cVor as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the price bid for fi'tis IteiTl~ / 4 InteriTlumbing- Administration Building 1 ES , foy /LS I j Dollars Cents 1. Me~.~rement a?~...~yment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to hook up all interior plumbing~ithin the administration building asked, and shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with water main hookups, sanitary system connection and hookups, hose bib, copper piping,'N~eat tracing, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, speci~tions and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the pdce bid for this Item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE · Proposal Package 17 of 22 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT C- PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal-for: Town of Southold No. 04-050. ITEM '~ DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATE[ UNIT UNITPR~~= BID EXTENDED AMOUNT NO. (Fill I~ Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY/ BID 5 Interio~bing- Weigh Facility 1 forDo-~lars % Cent-~ /LS 1. Measurement and Payment: "~ontractor shall receive the lump s~ price to hook up all interior plumbing within the weigh facility as specified, and shown on the Contr~t~.~rawings and approved by t~ Engineer. 2. All costs associated with water main hbe~ups, sanitary systern/e~nnection and hookups, hose bib, copper piping, heat tracing, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals ne'~sary to satisfaj;~dly complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the ~,~ bid fo~s Item. $ Interior Plumbing- Employee Trailer,~ I LS Dollars Cents,/ 1, Measurement and Payment: The ConJ~ctor shall receive the lum~m price to hook up all interior plumbing within the employee trailer as specified, and shown on the C~tract Drawings and approved b~ Engineer. 2. All costs associated with sanitary/~'ystem connection and modifications ai't~ookups, all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals thepriceb d c r this/temneCessaryit°fsatisfacteri/y complet~he work according to the plans, spec[ficafio~s-.~nd/or as directed by.the Engineer shall be included in NOTE: The Town of reserves the right to increase, decrease, or eliminate in its entirety any or all items prior to or after award of the bid. Proposal Package 18 of 22 I U e,~l UI' TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTFIACT D- ELECTFUCAL CONSTRUC;TION Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No. 04-050. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDE~AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Fill in Unit Pt~e Written in Words) 1. he lump su~__ent Item 1 shall include supervision and management, ject-related expenses, , insurances, bonding, labor, materials,~quipment, and incidentals necessary to mobilize to the c~struction site, meet all of the general: requirements set forth under Division 1 ~a~d Division 16, comply with all conditions set forth in,~l~e Conditions of Contract and General Conditions of the Contract and demobiliz~f~rom the construction site upon successful comp~tion of the project. 2. Payment for this item will be made in tw~,~(2) payments; a. Fifty Percent (50%) upon complete mobi~ation to the site. b. Twenty Five Percent (25%) upon second ~,rtial payment request. c. Twenty Five Percent (25%)upon successful~mpletion and acceptance of ~project. 2 Proposed 600Amp Electric Service % I /LS for ./LS ~ Z ' ' Dollars Cents : ~ ,/ 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive th~,~mp sum price to hook up a new 600 Amp service to the site as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawings and approved ~Jffl~e Engineer. 2. All costs associated with electric conduit runs, wires, pan/eCinsul~ions, terminations, and tie in to LIPA service, and all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfact~l'ily comp'~te the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shaU be included in the price bi/d/for t~Y~s Item. ~ 3 Transfer Station -Interior Electric/ I ~LS for~/LS Dollars Cents// . 1. Measurement and Payment: The Con/t~ctor shall receive the lump sum pdce to'~ook up all the interior electric within the transfer station as specified, and shown on the/Q'ontract Drawings and approved by the Engir~er. 2. AIl costs associated with electric,,~Snduit, wires, connections to electric doors open~l(s, fire suppression system, interior lighting, receptacles, outlets, and emergenc~'qighting, and all labor, materials, equipment and inc~entals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plan~ecif~cations and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be~cluded in the price bid for this Item. D~llars Cents .... 1. Measurem~t and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to hook up all electdc within the weigh facility as specified, and/shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs a~sociated with electric conduit runs and spare runs, wires, provide new service runs, tie into radiation detection system, methane detec~'~,,~'~stem, video monitoring system basement vent fan, tie in of weigh scale power, and all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the price bid for this Item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 19 of 22 TRANSFER STATION RE$1DEHTIAI DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT D- ELECTFIICAL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Proposal So~thold EXT~DED AMOUNT TEM DESC'~TION__ OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID / NO. (Fill in Unit Pri'~Written in Words) QUANTITY BID 5 Administration Electric 1 L$ for__ __~____._/LS / Dollars Cents~ ./ 1. Measurement and Payment: The Con_tracer shall receive the lump sum price to hook ~'all electric within the administration building as specified, and shown on the Contra'~ Drawings and approved by the Engine~. 2. All costs associated with electdc conduit runs~wires, provide new service runs, an/d/spare conduits, connection to mains and all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necess~.ry to satisfactorily complete the~'ork according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the ~ for this Item. ~ 6 Home Exchange Electric '~ / LS for /LS ~ Dollars Cents ./' '~ 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall receiv~trhe lump ~,(m pdce to hook up all electdc within the home exchange building as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawing.~nd approved~y the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with electric conduit runs, wiresy.~rovide new servic~runs, connection to mains, lighting hookups with photocells, outlet installations, and all labor, materials/~quipment and incider~ls necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as~F~ed by the Engineer ihall ~cluded in the price bid for this Item. 7 Site Lighting / 25 EA ~ for_ Dollars ./ Cents ~. 1. Measurement and Payment~he Contractor shall receive the unit bid cost to hook up alr'~ite lighting within facility as specified, and shown on the Contract D~wings and approved by the Engineer. ~ 2. Ali costs associated wi~j~'electric conduit runs, wires, provide new service runs, and spare c~nduits, connection to all street light fixtures with photocells, ~nnections of bases and footings, installation of light fixtures, and all la~:)r, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary/tcf satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications an~or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the pr~e bid for this Item. . ~ 8 Ex/or Building Lighting~ I i LS~~ for / /LS ~ /[ Dollars Cents ' ~. 1. Measu ;ement and Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to hook up all exterior bulldog lighting within facility as specifiE ~, and shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by the Engineer. 2. All co: .~?ociated with electric conduit runs, wires for the installation of exterior wall light fixtures, and all labor, materials, equipment an~'d~identals necessary to satisfacfodly complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by ths Engineer shall be included in the price bid for this Item. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Proposal Package 20 of 22 IU..,. Ul" o~,dlnuLU TFIANSFI:FI STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY CONTRACT D- ELECTRIC;AL CONSTRUCTION Itemized of Southold LKMA Project '~ESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE BID EXTENDED,~OUNT ITEM (Fill in'~nit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY NO. 9 Fuel'X~enser Electric' I LS Dollars ~. Cents 1. Measurement and Payments.The Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to hook up of the fue~ispensers electric service as specified, and shown on the Con'~ct Drawings and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with electric~onduit runs, wires, installation of alarm panels, connection ~¢power to fuel pumps, and all labor, materials~t and incidentals r~essary to satisfactorily complete the work according t~'he plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be include~n the price bid for this item. 10 Electric to RPZ Vault ~ 1 LS / Dollars Cents '~ 1, Measurement and Payment: The Contractor shall rec. i~ve the lump sum,~4qce to hook up ali electric to the RPZ vault as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by theT~gineer. 2, All costs associated with electric conduit runs, wires, pro~.e new se~ice runs, outlet installations, and all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily completel~e wo~ according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be included in the price bid for this Item, ~ 11 Attendants Booth Electric /1 ~ LS for ..... /LS// Dollars Cents ./ 1. Measurement and Payment: The Contractor,,aflall receive the lump sum price'~ hook up all power to the attendants booth as specified, and shown on the Contract Drawing'and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs associated with electric condui/t/funs, wires, spare conduit, provide new'~rvice runs, outlet installations, tie in to panel and all labor, materials, equipment and incide~als necessary to satisfactorily complete the ~ork according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer she"be included in the price bid for this Item. 12 Emergency Gene~r Electric I LS Dollars" Cents 1. Measurement ~'d Payment: The Contractor shall receive the lump sum price to hook up all power to'~e Emergency Generator as specified, and sh?'wn on the Contract Drawings and approved by the Engineer. 2. All costs a~ociated with electric conduit runs, wires, provide new service runs, tie in to panel, disconne~on of generator from old location, pro/~de temporary power during relocation, mounting of all hardware isolation breakers and all labor,~aterials, equipment and incide~fais necessary to satisfactorily complete the work according to the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer shall be~_luded in the price bid for this Item. TOTAL Dollars Cents wRrrrEN IN WORDS NOTE: The Town of Southold reserves the right to increase, decrease, or eliminate in its entirety any or all items prior to or after award of the bid. Proposal Package 21 of 22 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE "' /' "x ACKNOWLEDGMENT appeared, ~ ~- (tl~a.laJk.~,~-Q'D . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactorY'evidence to be the i~dividual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC M£LANE L. Netary Public, State of New 4867510, Suffolk County., Proposal Package 22 of 22 Town of Southold BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The signatory of this questionnaire certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to interrogatories hereinafter made. PKINCIPAL OFFICE: PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: T['fLE NAME A Corporation / A Partnership or Entity An Individual BACKGROUND ADDRESS PROFESSION/TRADE 1. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 2. Younormallyperformwhatpercentoftheworkwithyourownforces? ~ % List trades that you organization ~orn}ally performs below: 3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? ['",~. If so, note where and why. Are.there any claims, judgments, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your firm or its officers? If yes, please provide details. QS-1 Has your gum requested arbitration or filed any lawsuits with regard to construction contracts with/n the last five years? If yes, please provide details. 6. List the maj or consmaction projects your organization has underway at tkis date: Name of: Engineer/ Project Owner Architect Contract Percent Scheduled Name Telephone # Telephone # Amount Complete Completion twz&r.~-,o ~4~.~,ol -~.ooo,0o~ ~o7o 'v/,/or' 7. List five major projects you organization has completed in the past five years: Name of: Eng/neer/ Work Done Project Owner Architect Contract Date of With Own Forces Name Telephone # Telephone# Amount Completion % of Work ~ I QS-2 8. 'List the construction experience of the principal individuals of your organization (particularly the anticipated project supervisors): Present Position Years of Individual's Name .Of Office Experience Type of Work For Which In What Responsible Capacity 9. Do you have, or can you obtain, sufficient labor and equipment to commence work when required and complete the work within the Contract Time? 10. Bank References: 11. Trade Association Membership: 12. Has your firm ever been investigated by the New York State Department of Labor for prevailing wage rate violations? If yes, when? What was the outcome of the investigation? QS-3 13. Attach current state of financial conditions showing assets, liabilities and net worth. Failure to attach the required documentation may be considered non-responsive on the part of the Bidder and may result in rejection of the Bidder's Proposal. -) STATE OF~[~6~1'' , ) COUNTY OF ) the {J fh~,,~r~ of~a,laz,~ , ~ ~. conmcmr md ~t answers m~ego~esfio~ ~d all smtemenm ~reM conmMed ~e me ~d co~ect. N0tar~ No. 48~t510, Suffolk ~ t QS-4 CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this .day of AD Two Thousand and Five by and between the Town of Southold, party of the first part (hereinafter called the Owner), and , party of the second part (hereinafter called Contractor). WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the premises and the agreements herein contained, and the payments herein provided to be made, the parties hereto agree as follows: FIRST: The Contractor shall perform all labor, and furnish all the materials, equipment, tools, and implements and will well and faithfully perform and complete the entire work of constructing the TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTAL DROP-OFF AS DESCRIBED IN THE Contract Documents made and prepared by the Town of Southold, and L.K. McLean Associates, P.C., the project engineers, and as set forth in the Contractor's Bid dated April 21, 2005, and in strict and entire conformity and in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Fo.m~ (Bid), Performance Bond, Conditions'of Contract, General Conditions, Detailed Specifications, Contract Drawings, Addenda, and this Agreement, hereto annexed and made a part hereof, and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Contract Documents". SECOND: In Consideration of the Contractor performing this Contract in the manner herein stated and as stated in the Contract Documents, the Owner promises and agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor the sums of money mentioned in said Contract Documents in the maturer and under the conditions therein provided. THIRD: The Contractor covenants and agrees that, anything in this Contr0ct or in the Contract Documents to be contrary notwithstanding, or regardless of any matter, thing, contingency of condition unforeseen or otherwise, present or future, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any additional or further sums of money than the amounts in said Contract Documents provided; and the failure of the Owner or its agents to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms, covenants, agreements, provisions or conditions in this Agreement or in the Contract Documents, on any one or more instances, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future of any such terms, covenants, agreements, provisions and conditions and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect with power and authority on the part of the Owner to enforce the same or cause the same to be enforced at any time, without prejudice to any other rights which the Owner may have against the Contactor under this Agreement or the Contract Documents. .1 · Terms used in the Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. Neither Owner nor Contractor shall, without the prior written consent of the other, assign or sublet in whole or part his interest under any of the Contact Docmnents; and, specifically, Contractor shall not assign any monies due or to become due without the prior written consent of the Owner. Owner and Contractor each binds himself, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of the other party hereto in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents constitute the entire agreement between Owner and Contractor and may only be altered, amended or repealed by a duly executed written instrument signed by both parties. IN WITNESS Vv~-IEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Total Bid ' Tm r~l~r% ~ ~ t-~ty ~ tt'o..r=,ard~ ~ h. rdr~ se~qty t~ ~ 58DOllars Written m Words $ 2,929,972.58 Written in Figures TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jo fia Y or[on, S pervisor Towel Attomeyw b~ CONTRACTOR 'HTLE rd' (COm?OP, AWE SEAL) A-2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ..ff~-~ ~ ss.: Onthe /5 dayof ~r~4~ ~,~_he)eal'2OO5betbreme. the undersigned, personall5 appeared. _ , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisthctory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is lare) subscribed to the within instrument and ac~owledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signaturels) tm the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(si acted, executed the instrument. N(3TA ~_/flBLICP,/Y~ Ann- P. ~ ~u~, N~ Yo~ ~. 01~727~ ~mm~ Ex~ 2-1~07 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF _.5't~D:~ ./fi_ )ss.: On the ( ,~ day of ,~..v ff_(4- in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared, ~--T~,~_ q,~C~ ~. ('qLt~ ,ndr:~.-x , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(si whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC BARBARA ANN RUDDER Oulliflld i~ Suffolk Ce~ A-3 ALL QUESTIONS PERTAiNING TO THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. (Please use this form and fax to 631-286~8668 to the attention of Christopher Dwyer. We will respond as soon as possible.) Date,' Company Name,' Contact Name.' Fax No..' Telephone No.: "3 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TR~aANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTAL DROPOFF GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEIv[ENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract documents. Refer to the Dra~fngs and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might at'feet the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DMSION NO. 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Included in this Division are the following sections: 01010 General 01025 Measurement and Payment 01500 Construction Facilities & Temporat3, Controls 01501 Health & Safety Provisions 01590 Field Offices All Contractors shall note and pay particular attention to the Minority and Women's Enterprises/Equal Opportunity, State Revolving Fund clause found in Item 46 of the Conditions of ContracL DIVISION I - Page I of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENI~ SECTION 01010 - GENER.a~L SITE The site of the proposed general construction for the TRANSFER STA~[iON AND 1LESIDENTAL DROPOFF is located in the Town o' Southold, on Middle Road (CR 48i in Cutchogue, Count).' of Suffolk, State of New York and more particularly shown on the Contract Drawings. SCOPE The work to be performed under this Comract shall include all labor, materials, equipment, services and incidentals required to perform the proposed consu'uction as indicated in the Specifications, shown on the Contract DrawSngs anti/or as approved b? the Engineer. B. In general, the ~vork shall include but not be limited to the following: Clearing and Grubbing Demolition Grading and Drainage Asphalt Paving and Curbs Transfer Station Construction Track Scale Conslruction Attendants Booth Construction Home Exchange Construction Site Restoration, and Landscaping Site Lighting SanitaD, System Installations Without restrict'rog the generaliv,/ of the foregoing and for the convenience of each Contractor, the items of work are specified under the Standard 16 Uniform Divisions of the Construction Specifications Institute as follows: 1. General Requirements 2. Site Work 3. Concrete 4. Masonry 5. Metals 6. Wood 7. Thermal and Moisture Protection 8. Doors and Finish Hardware 9. Finishes 10. Specialties 1 l. Equipment 12. Furnishings DIVISION I - Page 2 of 17 DMSION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13. Special Construction 14. Conveying Systems 15A. H.V.A.C. (Not Used). 15B. Plumbing 16. Electrical The work covered under these Divisions shall be bid under four (4) separate Contracts: Contract A - General Construction Contract B - I-IVAC (Not Used) Contract C - Plumbing Contract D - Electrical Each Prime Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating their contractual construction schedules with each other. Each Prime Contractor shall submit a computer generated critical point method schedule indicating ail items of work under their respective contracts and in accordance with each Prime Contractor's associated work. It shall be each Prime Contractor's responsibility to update the schedule as required to reflect changes in schedule of any or all Prime Contractors. SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall make or provide any shop drawings, cuts or samples which the Engineer may require for the approval of details and to show the constraction as it will be installed. No shop dra~ving shall be issued or used until it has been approved by the Engineer or his. representative. After approval, no changes or deviations shall be made without written notice being sent to the Engineer. The Engineer's approval shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from the Drawings or Specifications unless he has, in writing, called the Enginegr's attention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors or omissions of any sort in the Shop Drawing or schedule. The Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of each requested item to the Engineer for approval. SUPERINTENDENCE AND WORKMEN The Contractor shall give his constant personal attention to the work while it is in progress, and he shall place it in charge ora competent and reliable superintendent, who shall have authority to act for the Contractor, and who shall be acceptable to the Engineer. the Contractor shall, at all times, employ labor and equipment which shall be sufficient to prosecute the work to full completion in the mariner and time specified. All workmen must have sufficient skill and experience in such work to properly and satisfactorily perform it and operate the equipment involved. Any person employed by the Contractor whom the Engineer may deem incompetent or unfit to perform the work, shall be at once discharged and shall not be again employed. DIVISION I - Page 3 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION All proposed work under this Contract shall be performed during and with Engineer's approval. The Contractor is advised to inspect carefully the full premises and consult with the Engineer regarding any items of construction or reconstruction that ma3 be questionable. MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to interfere to the least extent practicable with the passage of vehicles, pedestrians and all other kinds of public traffic; and he must take every precaution against accidents happening to said vehicles, pedestrians and other traffic because of his operations. The Contractor shall enforce regulations and reslrictions as ma)' be necessary o~ required for the protection of fire, accidents, propem,.: damage and public nuisance. He shall provide and maintain such toilet facihties at or adjacent to the site as ma)' be required 'the Contractor shall erect and maintain such signs, channel and obstruction markers and barricade> as may be required for the protection of traffic. The Contractor shall not deposit or store any equipment or materials x~Sthin the Site Area except with x~tten permission from the Engineer. MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF UTILITIES The Contractor shall familiarize himself with the existence of structures of municipal and other public service corporations on or adjoining the site of the work and give reasonable oppommi~, to and cooperation with the owners of these utilities in the work or' reconstructing or altering them. Such reconstruction and alteration shall be so conducted as to delay or interfere as little as practicable with the work of the Contractor. additional cost of various items of work because of these utilities shall be included in the price bid for these items. The Engineer shall direct the public utility corporations to shift or remove those utility structures that ma5 be necessat3,' to permit the Contractor to can5.' out thc work i~ accordance wSth the Plans. The Contractor shall not remove or cause to be removed, an3 structure owned by a public utility corporation withont the approval of the Engineer The Contractor shall cooperate ~Sth the public utility corporation whose strucmre,- (aerial, surface or subsurface) are within the limits of or along the outside of the right- way, to make it possible for them to maintain uninterrupted service. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a ~vay as to delay or interfere as little as pracncable with the work of the utility corporation. GRADES~ LINES~ LEVELS AND SURVEYS The Owner's Engineer will establish one (1) bench mark and location of the ;;ork lines as reference points for the Contractor. The reference points shall be mainta'med by the Contractor. All other required lines, levels, grades, etc., shall be furnished by the Contractor from the reference point~. DIVISION I - Page 4 of 17 DMSION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Re-establishment of the reference points by the Engineer for the Contractor shall be done at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions as shown on the drawings, and he shall report any errors or inconsistencies in the aforementioned to the Engineer before commencing work. Commencement of work shall be corrected by the Contractor at his expense. L.~BOR~ LAWS AND WORKMANSHIP All Contractors and Subcontractors .employed upon the work shall and will be required to conform to the Labors Laxvs of the State of New York, the Occupation Safety and Health Act of the various acts amendatory and supplementary thereto; and to all other laws, ordinances and legal requirements applicable thereto. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. The standards of the work required throughout shall be of such grade as will bring results of the first class only. QUALIFICATIONS All bidders must have been established in the type of construction of whichever Prime Contract they are submitting a bid for as specified in the Contract Documents for a period of at least five (5) years. On request, bidders must furnish a list of a minimum of five (5) projects of similar tS'pc construction that was built by them in the Nassau- Suffolk area. List must contain name, address and telephone number of client's engineer for which each project was undertaken by Contract. A minimum of five (5) of the projects must have been built for municipal clients. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS No Subcontractors shall be employed on the work unless prior approval has been given by the Engineer. The Contract shall, within five (5) days after signing of the Contract, submit a list of proposed Subcontractors to the Engineer for approval. The list shall contain firm names, names of all principals and addresses and projects completed by each Subcontractor and names, addresses and telephone numbers of the particular project's Engineer for which the Subcontractor on the aforementioned project list must have been of similar nature. A minimum of five (5) projects for each proposed Subcontractor must be submitted. If for any reason a Subcontractor must be discharged from work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hoars prior to discharge, stating the reasons, and shall provide the Engineer with the name and qualifications of the replacement Subcontractor for approval by the Engineer. This action is deemed necessary to maintain continuity of the work and to minimize project disruptions. All costs due to slo~vdown of the project for such reasons shall be borne by the Contractor. DWISION 1 - Page 5 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Where reference is made in these Specifications to a societ), the portion ret'erred to shall be read into and shall be a part of this Contract and Specifications. Materials, methods anti equipment shall conform ~4th the latest A.S.T.M., A.W.P.A., A.~c k.. N.E.C., I.E.S., etc. Specifications as may relate to or govern the construction work. TEMPORARY OFFICE AND STORAGE SHED This Contractor shall, at all times, provide and maintain a ~vatertight office where directed, for his use and the use of his Subcontractors, and the use of the Engineer. Waiver of the temporatT office requirements shall only be granted b3 the Engineer. Temporary office shall be' removed from the site upon completion of all work and the office site restored to original conditions. The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the premises, where directed, watertight storage sheds for storage of all materials which might be damaged by weather, and shall remove them from the site at the completion of the work. Restoration of the shed site shall be done by the Contractor to the condition prior to erection of sheds. CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Contract drawings ;vhich accompany and form part of these Specifications. bear the general title TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TILA_NSFER STATION AND RESIDENTAL DROPOFF, Suffolk Coun~r, New York and separately numbered and entitled as follows: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cover Sheet Legend and Notes Existing Conditions (North) Existing Conditions (South) Overall Site Plan Demolition Plan (North) Demolition Plan (South) Phase I Consn'uction Plan Phase 2 Construction Plan Phase 3 Construction Plan Proposed Entry Road Plan .And Profile Layout Plan (North) Layout Plan (Sotah) Weigh Facili~. Plan and Details Site Weigh Scale Details Weigh Scale Security. and Radiation Detection Plan Gas Venting Plan and Details Administration Building Foundation Plan DIVISION l - Page 6 of 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 E-1 E-2 E-3 FW-1 S-1 S-2 S-3 W-1 W-2 WD-1 B B-2 B-3 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Administration Building Ramp/Stair Plan and Details Transfer Station Foundation Plan Transfer Station Foundation Wall Sections Transfer Station Foundation Details Transfer Station Foundation Notes and Schedules Transfer Station Tip Floor Plan Transfer Station Floor Plan Transfer Station Add )alternate Floor Plan and Sections Transfer Station Mechanical And Bathroom Plan Transfer Station Roof Plan Transfer Station Elevations Transfer Station Building Sections Transfer Station Plumbing Plan Transfer Station Electrical Plan Home Exchange Plan and Details Attendant's Booth Plan and Details Grading and Drainage Plans Weigh Scale Retaining Wall Striping and Signage Plan (North) Striping and Signage Plan (South) Planting Plan Site Details Site Details Site Electric Plan (South) Site Electric Plan (North) Site Electric Details Fire Well Plan Sanitary Overall Site Plan Sanitary Plans Sanitary Details Waste Oil Tank Plan and Details Waste Oil Details Plan Water Distribution Plan Test Boring Plan Test Boring Charts Test Boring Charts CLEAN-UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the construction area, including storage areas used by him, free from accumulation of waste material and rubbish and prior to completion of the work, remove an)' rubbish from and about the premises. Upon completion of the construction, the Contractor shall leave the work premises in a clean, neat and ~vorkmanlike condition satisfactow to the Engineer. DIVISION 1 - Page 7 of 17 DI¥ISION 1 - GENEI~4L REQUIREMENTS GUARANTEES Before issuance of the final certificate, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner the fotloMng guarantees in addition to those specifically required in the General Conditions and in the various technical sections. The Contractor hereby guarantees that all materials and workmanship installed under }tis respective contract to be nexv and of good quality in ever}.' respect and to remain so tbr a period of one (1))tear or for longer periods where so provided Ibr in the Specifications, t¥om the date of issuance of the Final Certificate by the Engineer. Should any defects develop in the a/bresaid work within the stipulated periods due to faults in materials and/or wot -kmanship, the Contractor hereby agees to make ali repairs and do all necessaD,' work to correct the detective parts. Such repairs and corrective work, including the cost of making good all other work damaged by ,)t' otherwise affected by making of the repairs or corrective w'ork shall be done without any cost ,~r expense to the owner, and at the entire cost and expense of the Contractor, ~ithin five !51 days after notice to the Contractor. The o~qer may have the work done and clmrge thc cost thereof to the Contractor and'or his Sureties who agree to pa3' the owner the cost or such ~vork if the Contractor fails to respond as required. PAYMENTS Pa3Tnent(s) made under this Contract will be made on the basis of actual work completed tn accordance with the Contract Documents. Pa3anents will be computed from the unit and lump sum bid. Pasa-nent will only be made for the items shown in the Proposal Form. END OF SECTION 01010 - GENERAL DIVISION 1 - Page 8 of l 7 DMSION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01025 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTS DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, appurtenances and all services necessary to perform all Work as required by the plans and specifications or as required by the Engineer, at the lump sum or unit prices for the items listed herein. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES The ENGINEER'S esfunated quantities for unit price pay items are approximate only and are included solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids. The OWNER does not expressly or by implication agrees that the nature of the materials encountered below the surface of the ground or the actual quantities of material encountered or required will correspond with the estimated quantities. PAYMENT ITEMS The method of payments and measurement of payments for each contract item shall be described on the Proposal Form (PF) section of the bid specifications END OF SECTION 01025 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTS DIVISION 1 - Page 9 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01500 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS SCOPE Work shall include but not be limited to the following: Temporao.' Utilities - Electricity, lighting, heat, ;entilation, telephone ser,,ice (includ[ng fax machine), water and sauitao.' facilities. Temporary' Controls - Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of the Work, and water control. Construction Facilities - Access roads, parking, progress cleaning, project signage, and temporary buildings. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY All Contractors shall be responsible Ibr providing temporary electric power tbr all construction activities associated with their contracts with the exception of the Proposed Transfer Station & Residential Dropoff Building area. TELEPHONE SERVICE The Contractor shall arrange with the local telephone company for all telephone services for cortstruction needs at locations as required. Contractor shall provide an adequate number of service lines tbr his needs and coin- operated instruments for use by construction personnel. Provide, maintain and pay tbr private telephone service with two incoming lines Engineer's field office commencing at t/me of project mobilization. D. The Contractor shall also provide an answering machine for the Engineer's use Provide one (1) plain paper facsimile machine. Provide all necessary paper, toner and maintenance during the course of the Contract. TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE The Contractor shall provide temporat3, water service tbr construction purposes, sanitar.', facilities, fire protection and for cleaning. B. Potable xvater shall be furnished for construction personnel by portable container>. Water sen'ice shall be protected from freezing, and the service shall be extended and relocated as necessary to meet temporary, water requirements. DIVISION I - Page 10 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall install a meter and pay for ail expenses associated with temporary water service during the course of the work, including furnishing all necessar)r permits and fees required for temporary water service. Comply xvith ail applicable codes and arrange for all necessary inspections and approvais. Upon completion of all work, the Contractor shall disconnect and remove all temporary connections and fixtures. TEMPORARY' SANITARY FACILITIES The Contractor shall provide at the site suitable enclosed toilet facilities for the use of construction personnel. The Contractor shail observe and enforce all sanitary regulations and maintain satisfactory, sanitary conditions around and on all parts of the work. B. Adequate xvashing facility shail be provided for the construction personnel. The Contractor shall maintain, service, clean, and disinfect facilities in a satisfactory manner and enforce proper use of the sanitary facilities. The Contractor shail be subject to a fine and prosecution if any human excrement is deposited in or mound the construction site. The Contractor shall pay for ail expenses associated with temporary sanitary facilities during the course of the work, including fumishing all necessary permits and fees required for temporary sanitary facilities. Comply with all applicable codes and arrange for all necessary inspections and approvais. FIRST-AID FACILITIES AND ACCIDENTS A. First Aid Facilities and Accidents The Contractor shall provide, at the site, such equipment and facilities as are necessary to supply first-aid to any of his personnel who may be injured in connection with the work. C. Accident The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer ail accidents and whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work, whether on or adjacent to the site, ~vhich cause death, personai injury or property damage, giving full details and statements of witness. DIVISION 1 - Page 11 of 17 DIWISION 1 - GENER,UL REQUIREMENTS If death or serious injuries or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported irrm~ediately by telephone or messenger to both the Owner and the Engineer. If any claim is made by anyone agai; the Contractor or a Subcontracto~ t,n account of any accidents, the Contractor shall promptly report the facts mv, rinng to the Engineer. giving full details of the claim. WATER CONTROL A. ' Grade site to drain. Maintain excavations tree of water. Provide, operate and maintain pumping equipment. Protect site from puddling or running ~vater. Provide ~vater barriers as required to protect site fi.om soil erosion. Provide tempor~,' control of surface ~vater, stormwater runoff and discharge from pumping in accordance with Contractor's approved soil erosion and sediment contro! plan. SECURITY Provide security and facilities to protect work, and existing facilities, and Owner's operations fi.om unauthorized entry, vandalism or theft. B. Coordinate with Owner. C. Furnish security during the course of the ~vork. ACCESS ROAD A. Maintain roads accessing construction area as shown on the Construction Drawings Extend and relocate as work progress requires. Provide detours necessary tbr unimpeded traffic flmv. C. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering public and private streets. Clean all mud and debris from construction traffic at no additional expense to the Owner. Comply vdth all State and Local regulations. Designated existing on-site roads may be used for construction traffic, as directed by the Owner and Engineer. Damage to existing site roads as a result of this Contract will be the responsibility of the Contractor. DIVISION I - Page 12 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PARKING A. The Contractor's personnel shall not park on the main road or adjacent private side streets. B. When space is not adequate, provide additional off-site parking. C. Do not allow vehicle parking on existing pavement. PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean and orderly condition. B. Remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from site and dispose xveekly in areas as designated by the O~mer. REMOVAL OF UTILITIES~ FACILITIES AND CONTROLS A. Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to Final Applications for Payment Inspections. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. C. Restore existing facilities used during construction to original condition. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to specified conditions. END OF SECTION 01500 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS DMSION 1 - Page 13 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENEI~kL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01501 - HEALTH AND SAFETY PROVISIONS REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain a safe workplace and to monitor working conditions at all times during construction e. . as necessat3', to provide appropriate protective clothing, equipment and facilities for his personnel, and"or to establish work place procedures to ensure their safety, and to efforce the use of these procedures. equipment and/or facilities in accordance wit the following guidelines: Safer3, and Health Regulations Promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor OSHA, 29 CFR 1910 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, and 29 1920 - Safer3' and Health Regulations tbr Construction. 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Medical Monitoring Program Guidelines. If, at any time, the Owner or the Engineer is apprised of a safer3' hazard which demands irmnediate attention because of its high potential for harm to public travel, persons nn or about the work, or public or private property, the owner of the Engineer shall have the right to order such safeguards to be erected and such precautions to be taken as necessox.'. and the Contractor shall comply with such orders, if, under such circumstances, the Contractor does not or cannot or his representative is not upon the site so that he can be notified immediately of the insufficiency of safe~' precautions, the O~x~er may put the work into such a condition that it shall be. in his opinion, in all respects safe~-, and the Contractor shall pay all expenses of such labor and materials as may haxe been used this purpose by him or by the Owner. The fact that the O~'aer or the Engineer does not observe a safety hazard or does not order the Comractor to take remedial measures shall in no ~vay relieve the Contractor of the entire responsibili~' for an5 costs *,r claims for loss, damage, or injmy by or against any part sustained on account of the insufficienc3 the safety, precamions taken by him or by the Owner acting under authorir3 ,~f this Section. It is the responsibilir3' of the Contractor to take appropriate safe~, precautions to meet whatever conditions of hazard may be present during the performance vt' the whether reasonably foreseeable or not. The Contractor is alerted to the fact that u shall be his sole responsibili~' to anticipate and proxSde such additional safety precautions. facilities, personnel and equipment as shall be necessary to protect lilk and propert) whatsoever conditions of hazard are present or may be present. END OF SECTION 01501 - HEALTH AND SAFETY PROVISIONS DWISION l - Page 14 of 17 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01590 - FIELD OFFICE SCOPE Work shall include but not be limited to the follo~ag: A. Temporary Field Offices and Sheds B. Maintenance and Cleaning GENERAL A. Existing and/or permanent facilities shall not be used for field office or for storage. B. Fill and grade sites for temporary structures to provide drainage away fi:om buildings. C. Install office spaces ready for occupancy 15 ~vorking days .after date fixed in Notice to Proceed. D. Employee Residential Occupancy - Not allowed on Owner's property. CONSTRUCTION A. Portable or mobile buildings, or buildings constructed with floors raised above ground, securely fixed to foundations, with steps and landings at entrance doors. B. Construction - Structurally sound, secure weather tight enclosures for office and storage spaces. Maintain during progress of work; remove at completion of work. C. Temperature Transmission Resistance of Floors, Walls and Ceilings - Compatible with occupancy and storage requirements. D. Exterior Materials - Weather resistant and finished. E. Interior Materials in Office - Sheet type materials for walls and ceilings, pre-finished or painted; resilient floors and bases. F.. Lighting for Offices'- 50 foot C at desk top height, exterior lighting at entrance doors. G. Fire Extinguishers - Appropriate type fire extinguishers at each office and each storage area. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL A. Heating, Cooling and Ventilating for Office - Automatic equipment to mainta'm 68 degrees F. heating and 76 degrees F. cooling. B. Storage Spaces - Heating and ventilating for Office - Automatic products in accordance with Contract Documents; adequate lighting for maintenance and inspection products. DIVISION 1 -Page 15 of 17 DI%qSION I - GENERAL REQUIRENLENTS CONTRACTOR OFFICE A3NrD FACILITIES A. Size - For Contractor's needs and to provide space tbr project meetings. B. Telephone - As specified in Section 01500 C. Furnishings in Meeting ,&rea - Conference table and chairs to seat at least 12 persons; racks and files for Contract Documents, submittals and Project Record Document>. D. Other Furnishings - Contractor's option. ENGINEER OFFICE A. Separate space for sole use of Engineer, with separate entrance door with new lock and four key's. B. Area for Engineer only - Minimum 240 square feet, minknum dimensions 12 feet x 20 feet x 7 feet tall. C. Windows - Minimum three, minimum total area of 10 percent of floor arem ~aith operable sash and insect screens. Locate to provide vie~ of construction area. D. Electrical Distribution Panel - Two circuits minimum, 110 volt, 60 Hz sen:ice E. Minimum six, 110 volt duplex convenience outlets, one on each ;vail. F. Ielephone and Fax - as specified in Section 01500. G. Sanitary Facilities - Refrigerated bottled water drinking fountain and private lavatory facilities. H. Furnishings l. One desk 54" x 30: with three drawers. 2. One drafting table 36" x 72" with one equipment drawer and a full width parallel straight edge. 3. One metal, double door storage cabinet under table. 4. Plan rack to hold working Drawings, shop drawings, and record documents. 5. One standard four-drawer legal size metal filing cabinet with locks and txvo keys per lock. 6. Twenty linear feet of metal bookshelves. DWISION I - Page 16 of 17 DMSION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7. Two swivel ann chairs. 8. Taro straight chairs. 9. One drafting table stool. 10. One tack board 36" x 30". 1 l. One waste basket per desk and table. I. Equipment - Six adjustable band protective helmets for visitors, one recording high/low outdoor weather thermometer, recording high/low barometer, and anemometer. J. One plain paper photocopy machine. Provide all necessary paper, toner, and maintenance during course of contract. K. Computer and Printer - Pentium III (rain), 350 MHz (min), 128 MB RAM (min), 6 GIG hard drive (rain), 100 MB ZIP Drive (IOMEGA), VGA Monitor and I-IP Laser Jet printer or equivalent. L. Softwa/e - Windows 2000, Microsoft Office 2000 or XP. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING A. Daily janitorial services for offices, periodic cleaning and maintenance for office storage areas. B. Maintain approach walks fxee of mud, xvater and snow. REMOVAL At completion of work, remove buildings, foundations, utility services, debris and restore areas as found prior to mobilization. END OF SECTION 01590 - FIELD OFFICE DIVISION 1 - Page 17 of 17 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCI-IEDUL~S, ADDENDA and other Contract documents. ' Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under the Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 2 - SITE WORK Included in tiffs Division are the following sections: 02050 02150 02160 02170 02200 02222 02231 02232 02320 02371 02373 02456 02512 02513 02514 02517 02540 02577 02595 02621 02623 02624 02630 02722 02723 02740 02772 02775 02820 02891 02900 02911 02920 Demolition Clearing and Grubbing Shoring and Bracing Building Relocation Site Preparation Clean Granular Fill Screened Angular Stone Screened Subangular Stone Unclassified Excavation & Grading Precast Concrete Retaining WaJ1 Block Angular Rip-Rap Stone Wheel Stops PVC Water Pipe and Fittings Copper Tubing and Fittings (Underground) High Density Polyethylene Pipe Water Main Blow Off Hydrant Septic Systems Pavement Striping Geotextile Filter Fabric 8oz. 6" Perforated Drain Pipe Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (Smooth Interior) Storm Drainage Pavement Subbase Preparation Recycled Portland Cement Concrete Aggregate Base Course Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Concrete Curb Concrete Walks Vinyl Chain Link Fence and Gates Signage Plantings Topsoil Hydmseed DIVISION 2 - Page I of 67 SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITI ~'~ DESCRIPTION Under this Section, the Contract,~: :,bat s~mg. ly ,t 1 lab..: t,,~ ~er/als, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the Demo it:~}r 3 and D,:bri, ~ L ,'al as specified herein, shown ,on the Contract Drawings and/or as c:irec~e,] ~ ~he Engtne~ t INTENT The intent of the section titled "Demolition" is ti, properly dentify all existing site features and to appropriately define the remo~ a. cfisposal and salvage activity associated with each feature. The Contractor shall execute the demolition acti~ ity in accoM.mce with all of the section~ c,f thts specification. SCOPE In general, the work to be done shall include but not be limited to the following: B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. Pavement and curb removal Steel transfer building Buildings foundations Weigh scales Weigh scale foundations and approaches. Diesel fuel tank Waste oil tanks Pavements and slabs Drainage structures Signage Retaining walls and fencing Well abandonment Sawcutting Building canopy (lean-m) Exposed precast concrete retaining block (by Owner) Embedded or buried precast concrete retaining wall blocks Existing Dram Storage (Haz-Store) Building (by Owner) DEMOLITION DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS The Contractor shall completely remove all steel, asphalt, concrete and debris to allow for the proposed construction as shown on the Contract Drawings and directed by the Engineer. Ail materials and debris to be demolished shall be removed and disposed of off site. DIVISION 2 - Page 2 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK The Contractor shall exercise extreme care NOT to damage the existing structures and surfaces which are to remain. The Contractor shall remove from the site all cut-offs and demolished materials and replace remaining voids and previously occupied spaces with suitable granular fill material properly compacted in place. Off-site disposal for all demolished material and debris shall be at a facility approved by the New York State Departm:nt of Environmental Conservation. All costs, permits, etc., for proper disposal shall be borne by the Contractor. The Town shall be responsible for removal of municipal solid waste (MSW) from Town residents and recyclables (plastic bottles, cans, cardboard, etc.). Sawcutting shall be performed by a mechanically driven wet saw and saw blade shall be able to cut full depth through the pavement in one pass. ITEMS TO BE SALVAGED FOR REUSE BY THE TOWN The Contractor shall remove the existing wood split rail fence along the west side of the contract area and mm over the posts and rails to the Town for reuse. Care shall be taken in the removal and stacking of the posts and rails. The Town shall provide an area onsite where the posts and rail can be stacked. The Town shall remove all exposed precast concrete retaining wall blocks for reuse. The Contractor shall be responsible for removal of embedded or buried precast concrete retaining wall blocks. The existing emergency backup generator is to be salvaged during the project and shall be relocated/reconnected by the Electrical Contractor as pan of this Contract. The existing Transfer Station Building (only) is to be removed in a method so as to salvage all structural steel and properly relocate on-site for re-use by the Owner. Any roof panels, side panels or supports compromised by corrosion or deemed unsuitable for reuse by the Engineer and/or Owner shall be removed and disposed of at a suitable off- site disposal facility. SANITARY SYSTEMS Sanitary systems shall be removed in accordance with the Suffolk County Department of Heakh Services regulations. Coordination, inspection, documentation and notification of the SCDHS shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. WATER WELL ABANDONMENT A. The water well shall be abandoned in accordance with the Suffolk County Department of DIVISION 2 - Page 3 of 67 Health Services regulatio~, TheContractorshallbere4:~u, b~ ~ ,q.:~ccb~; ~ mitedtothe following: a. Disconnect power anti b. Remove pump, scree[~ c. Removal of exposed ~t.ll lc. ti d. Backfill material and q Coordination, inspection, doc~nt,!ntat~on ,utc[ /:,~tmcation of the SCDHS shall be the responsibility of the Contr lc PETROLEU3,I TANK REMO~, AL A. The petroleum tank(s) shall be remoxed by a quahfied contractor in accordance with the Suffolk County Department of Healm Services regulatiom. B. Tanks located above and below grade shall be included contents included heating oil, diesel fuel, and waste oil. C. The Contractor shall be responsible to include but not limited to the following: 1. Disconnect power and make safe (if applicable) 2. Pump tank of existing liquids by a qualified contractor 3. Proper abatement tank and clean for disposal 4. Removal of tank to an approved disposal facility 5. Clean surrounding slabs and equipment in contact with the remove tank or petroleum residue. Coordination, inspection, documentation and notification of the SCDHS shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITION DIVISION 2 - Page 4 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02150 - CLEARING AND GRUBBING WORK INCLUDED The work shall consist of clearing and grubbing the entire area of the project site to the limits indicated on the contract drawin.2s and/or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall carefully protect and guard all tr~es and shrubs except those to be removed within or adjacent to the project site. The use of any machine, equipment or appliance on any part of the work in such a manner as to, injure, sear, or kill such trees and shrubs, which are to remain, is prohibited. The Contractor shall remove all trees, brush, stems, branches, stumps, stubs, roots, dead wood, undergrowth and other objectionable material in the area shown on the contract drawings and/or as directed by the Engineer. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL All materials cleared and grubbed shall be disposed of as folloWS: Off-Site Disposal: Cleared and grubbed material shall be disposed of off-site at an approved New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Facility. All fees associated with off-site disposal shall be borne by the Contractor. All uprooted vegetation from the land clearing operations shall be removed or properly disposed of within 15 days. 3. Burying or burning of cleared and grubbed material is strictly prohibited. The Contractor shall take care to remove any bushes or shrubs located along the project limits and damaged during the construction. GRADING The area cleared shall be rough graded to the lines and lhnits as shown on the plans and shall be left with a neat and finished appearance. The area shall be rough graded in a manner so not to cause stormwater runoff to impact adjacent areas and or directly follow into the designated wetland areas. END OF SECTION 02150 - CLEARING AND GRUBBING DIVISION 2 - Page 5 of 67 DIVISION' 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02160 - SHORING .~ND BILACINC GENERAL The Contractor shall fl.a~ish all labor, materials equipment, tools and appurtenances required to complete the work or shoring, braci~ and sheeting or sheet piling, necessar) to complete the construction, prc, tect structures, ~.-d prevent the loss of grotmd or ca,, mg of embankments, as sho,a n. specified or required, and shall meet all applicable bttilding and safety codes. Pressures on sheeting and the stability of the sheeting and bottom of the excavation are dependent not only on soil conditions but upon many procedures and options available ~o the Contractor, such as dewatering, staging of excavation and installation ol bracing. flexibilit)' of sheeting, construction equipment used, and time of completing the ~ork. All such factors shall be considered investigated in the design of the sheeting and bracing. RELATED DOCUMENTS Recommended Technical Provisions for Shoring and Sloping of Trenches and Excavations, U.s. Department of co~rkmerce. Construction Safe~' and Heal~ Regulations, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational SafeLy and' Health .Administration. SUBMITTALS In trenches, the sheeting shall be designed so that the lowest brace is no closer than 12 inches above the base of the structure to be installed. Theretbre, the Contractor shall submit drawings, computations and substantiating data prepared, and signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the S .tate, showing his proposed sheeting, sheet piling, and bracing design and method of construction tbr the infbrmation of the Engineer prior to the start of such construction. Any review or comments b3 the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibili~' [br sheeting and bracing. QUALITY CONTROL During the installation of the sheeting and bracing and as long as the excavation is open, the Contractor's Professional Engineer shall monitor the work to ensure that it is carted out m accordance with his design and procedures. For this purpose, leveling observations for hea~ e and settlement shall be made in addition to piezometric readings where excavations extend below the water table or through soft cohesive soils. DIVISION 2- Page 6 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK MATERIALS Steel Sheet Piling 1. Steel sheet piling shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A328. B. Timber Sheeting The timber, unless otherwise noted, may consist of any species which will satisfactorily stand driving. It shall be sawn or hewn with square comers and shall be free form worm holes, loose knots,, wind shakes, decayed or unsound portions, or other defects which might impair its strength or tightness. .,VERIFYING EXISTING CONDITIONS Before commencing, work, the Contractor shall check and verify all governing dimensions and elevations, including field measurements of existing and adjoining work on which his work is dependent, to assure proper fit and clearance of each part of the ~vork to the new and existing structures. The Contractor's attention is drawn to General Conditions for general information for evaluating existing conditions which ma)' affect his work. COORDINATION WITH OTHER OPERATIONS The schedule and progress of the shoring, bracing, and sheeting work shall be coordinated with the dewatering, excavation, and backfilling work. If, during the progress of the excavationi lateral movement of the adjacent ground or structures is discovered, corrective measures shall be taken immediately to prevent further movement. INSTALLATION A. All sheeting Ail sheeting, whether steel or timber, pe~rnanent or temporary, shall be safely designed and shall be carried to adequate depths and braced as necessaxzy for proper performance of the work. Construction shall be such as to permit excavation as required. Interior dimension shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for construction forms and their inspection. Movements of sheeting or bracing which prevent the proper completion of the sub-structure or cause damage to any adjacent structure by undermining or any other change shall be corrected at the sole expense of the Contxactor. No part of the sheeting or bracing shall be allowed to extend into the structure without ~vritten permission of the Engineer. DIVISION 2 - Page 7 of 67 If the Engineer is (, 't~ [iri,.n 'i:a:. ~ m. :~.int, any proper support.~ have be provided, he n~, ~,~tc. c~Jdi~ cll~il ;tOrt.t~.s put in at the exp¢nsc of the Contractor, ~d (OltIT[i~ltt': %4t}1 ~LC~ ,71C,~ shall not relieve or r,:lease thc Contractor from h~s respt.ni~bbi~ [o" ira: sa~G:,ency of such suppo~s Care si'tall be t~en to prevet~r ':t ids >t~t>ide :.' tar 4 ['e rog, but if voids are /6treed. thex shall be i~ediatcl3 tillc., and rmn:t,~d. Permanent Steel Sheet Pihnc In locations where sheeting is installed to protect existing structures, it shali remain in place unless otherwise specified. MI permanent sheeting shall bt s~ee,. Permanent steel sheet piling shall be cut off at 2 feet below the original ground. or as directed by the Engineer. All material cut off shall remain the property ot the contractor shall be disposed of by him. Temporary Steel or Timber Sheeting 1. Temporary sheeting shall be either steel or timber. Unless othem4se ordered by the Engineer, all parts of the temporary, sheeting shall be removed .upon completion of the work for which it was provided Thc excavation shall be backfilled and properly compacted prior to remoxal ot sheeting unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Sheeting may be left in place at the option of the Contractor if so permitted by the Engineer and the cutoffs removed from the site. The Contractor shall leave in place to be embedded in the backfill, any sheeting and bracing ~vhich the Engineer may direct him in ~witing m leave in place at any time, during the progress of the work, for the purpose of preventing injuo' to structures, utilities, or property, whether public or private. The Engineer ma5 direct that steel or timber used for sheeting and bracing be cut off at any specified elevation. The fight of the Engineer to order sheeting and bracing left in place shall m)t bt, construed as creating any obligation on his part to issue such orders, and his failure to exercise his right to do so shall not relieve the contractor from liabilit5 for damages to .persons or property occurring form or upon the work occasioned by negligence or otherw',se, gro~Sng out of a failure on the part or' the (_ontractor to leave in place sufficient sheeting and bracing to prevent an5' caving o~ mc, ring of the ground. No sheet is to be completely ,,,,4thdrawn if driven belo:v mid-diameter of any pipe' or structure footing, and under no circumstances shall an5 sheeting be cut off at a level lower than l foot above the top of any pipe. DIVISION 2 Page 8 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK REMOVAL OF SHORING AND BRACING MATERIALS Whether the Contractor elects not to remove shoring and bracing material, all such material shall be removed to the extent that the top of the material shall be a minimum of 5 feet beloxv the proposed finished grade. Removal of shoring and bracing shall be carried out in a manner such that no structure shall be disturbed or damaged during or after removal. Protection of structures during the removal of the shoring and bracing shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, and any disturbance or damage shall be rectified at no expense to the SAFETY Installation and removal methods of shoring and bracing shall meet, or exceed, the minimum requirements of the applicable codes and safety precautions as outlined in Such codes, and shall be enforced by the Contractor. METHOD OF PAYMENT The Contractor shall not receive separate pa3maent for the cost of shoring and bracing. All costs for shoring and bracing shall be included within the unit payment item for related items listed on the Proposal Form. END OF SECTION 02160 - SHORING AND BRACING DIVISION 2 - Page 9 of 67 SECTION 02170 - ADMINIST RA'I'il )N BOIL DI NI; RE I,OCATION WORK INCLUDED The Contractor shall furnish l~.h,_;r. ,:n~:cri'.tls. t'_l.fil,n;c~' .md appurtenances necessa0 ,:~:' required to perform the building rel=~at ,vi ~pd .:c.~ ~ 71 t: ~cork including, but not limited the following: A. Disconnect and make safe existing utilities to strucmr,: Clearing, removing and the legal disposal of al! debris and miscellaneous structures anchoring the building to the fi)tmdation system. The Contractor shall do all stakeout, layout, and elevations necessa~- to perform the building relocation. Surveying shall be performed by a Licensed Land Surveyor acceptable to the Engineer. All instruments, equipment, stakes and any other material necessary to perform this work satisfactorily shall be provided by the Contractor approved by the Engineer. D. Coordinate the relocation with local traffic, utilities, and site operations. QUALIFICATIONS The Contactor responsible for relocation of the existing building shall have experience in similar building relocations and successfully pertbrmed a minimutn of 5 moves within the last 2 ,real's. INSPECTION The Contractor shall visit and thoroughly familiarize themselves with the site and ~xith the building(s) to be relocated and the proposed coustruction phasing. When the Contractor submits their proposal, it shall be interpreted to mean that he has examined the site, fully understands the existing and proposed conditions and has made due allowances for them in their proposal. PREPARATION Notification of utility companies shall be in accordance with Industrial Code Rule #53 of Title 12, of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State ot New York. Notify all pertinent utility companies, prior to start of work and ascertain locations of all existing utilities. Exercise extreme caution in the area of existing utilities so as not to cause danxage or breakage. DIVISION 2-Page 10 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK The Contractor shall verify' all elevations and dimensions of the proposed foundation system to satisfy, themselves as to their correctness prior to lifting of the building from the existing foundation system. PERFORMANCE The Contractor shall exercise diligent care to protect existing trees, shrubs, surrounding structures, utilities within proximity of the building to be relocated and shall replace at his own expense any such damage. The Contractor shall perform the building relocation in one work day. IVluitiple lifts and temporary setting of the building on cribbing or xvheels shall be avoided. Upon relocation, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate tie downs and temporary securing of the building to the proposed foundation system until a permanent attachment can be made. Connection of the building to the proposed foundation system shall be in accordance with the construction plans and as ordered by the Engineer. PROTECTION OF EXISTING BUILDING The Contractor shall remove all connected porches, steps and exterior appurtenances on the building that may be damaged during the building relocation. All associated pipes, wires and tubing for the building utilities shall be secured to the building and protected during the relocation. The Contractor shall remove or protect the exisfmg window and doom from damage during the building relocation. All damage to the building (interior and exterior) during the relocation shall be repaired at the Contractor expense. END OF SECTION 02170 - BUILDING RELOCATION DIVISION 2- Page 11 of 67 SECTION 02200 - SITE PREP~kRAT iO ~ WORK INCLUDED The Contractor shall furnish lld>or, r~atcdals, eq.tip.~el~ and appurtenances necessar3, or required to perform and complete a 1 v:ork inciudmg, bt ~ lmited to the following: A. Location and Stakeout Clearing, removing and the legal disposal of all debris and miscellaneous structures not covered under other sections of these Specificatioas. The Contractor shall do all stakeout, layout, and elevations necessary, to perfom~ the intended construction. Surveying shall be pertbm~ed by a Licensed Land Surveyor acceptable to the Engineer. Ail instruments, equipment, stakes and an5' other material necessary to perform this work satisfactoril.~ shall be provided by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. QUALITY ASSURANCE Location and stakeout work shall be performed by a Professional Engineer or [,and Surveyor dui}' licensed in the State of New York. The Contractor shall, at their own expense, secure and pay for all permits, inspections, fees and give all legal notices that may be required in connection x~4th the ~ork, including the notification of owners of existing subsurface gas and other utility, lines. INSPECTION The Contractor shall ~4sit and thoroughly familiarize themselves with the site and with the scope of work to be done. V~"nen the Contractor submits their proposal, it shall be interpreted to mean that he has examined the site, fully understands the existing and proposed conditions aa~d has made due allowances for them in their proposal. PREPARATION Notification of utilit),, companies shall be in accordance with Industrial Code Rule ~53 of Title 12, of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State or' New York. Notify all utilivy companies, prior to start of work and ascertain location of all existing utilities. DIVISION 2- Page 12 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Exercise extreme caution in the area of existing utilkies so as not to cause damage or breakage. The Contractor shall verify all elevations and satisfy themselves as to their correctness by visiting the site of the proposed work and examining the actual condition prior to the beginning of the work. PERFORMANCE The Contractor shall exercise diligent care to protect existing trees, shrubs and under- grow~th not to be removed and shah replace at his own expense any such existing plants, trees, shrubs or other plant material removed, destroyed, disfigured or damaged because of his negligence with similar planting approved by the Engineer. B. All wood and brush shall be legally disposed of by the Contractor at their own expense. ADJUST AND CLEAN The Contractor shall clean up and remove from the site all rubbish and surplus material as fast as it accumulates and shall not permit it to be scattered about the project site. PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION Top soil cover over root systems of existing trees and shrubs shall be minimized and never exceed 6 inches in depth. Trenching across tree root systems should be a minimum distance to the tree diameter in inches, converted to feet, from the tree trunk. (e.g. 10 inch caliper tree shall have a minimum of 10 feet distance between trunk and trench.) Tunnels under the root system should start 18 inches or deeper below existing grade. Tree roots which must be severed should be cut clean. Backfill material around roots shall be topsoil. Construct sturdy fences, wood or steel barriers, or other protective devices surrounding valuable vegetation from construction equipment. Place barriers far enough from tree so that all equipment such as backhoes and dump trucks do not contact tree hunk or branches. Trees shall be protected from grade to the lo,vest branch or 8' above grade, whichever is lowest. Material shall only be stockpiled in locations approved by the engineer. No equipment shall be parked or repaired, and no oil, gasoline, concrete or other debris shall be dumped near trees and shrubs to remain. At the end of each workday, all debris shall be removed and disposed of off-site. DIVISION 2 - Page 13 of 67 Obstructive and broken b ~ 3r c 3: · ~ t,,)'~ Id ~- c pt-t l,, t I' '_~perly. Yhe 3 cut method should be used on all branches lzre,' tn~,rt .w*, . ],:.~,~: ~ :!,e cut. The branch collar oa ail branches whether living ~.~ tte~d ;n.~u d ~,t [,.: ,133 z!._,ed. First cut the tmderside ot the branch partly through 6 i-3cl e, ,,' t~:o.'e ~?~ t",'~, m through the branch 2 inches or further out from trunk. ~--~ ;in~l ,;.~r sl~o.t:., t nl~c by placing the shears or sa~ in front of the branch bark rm ._,~ 3n. c~.[tting & ,x~.n to: rind slightly outward D,~ not paint the wounds. An3' trees damaged during construction sl~zall be repaired by an approved tree surgec, n. Any tree erroneously removect or darnaged beyoncl satisfactory repair shall be replaced with the same species, (, h~ches in caliper, whict, shall be balled, bur[apped and platformed and planted at the airection of thc Engineer Where cuts expose or affect root systems of trees, the exposed roots shall be cut off cleanly and such areas shall be backfi/led with topsoil as soon as practicable and shall be watered and protected fi:om further damage. END OF SECTION 02200 - SITE PREPARATION DIVISION 2- Page 14 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02222 - CLEAN GRANULAR FILL DESCRIPTION Under this Item, the Contractor shall furnish, place and compact clean granular fill material in accordance with the plans and ~pecifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not deliver mater al to the site without prior approval by the Engineer. Clean granular fill material delivered without prior approval of the Engineer ~vill not be paid. INTENT The intent of this section is to provide clean granular soil material as specified to locations where filling is required. Based upon existing site conditions and the proposed grading plan, the construction activity within the proposed site shall generate an excess of clean granular soil material. The importation of clean granular fill fi.om off-site sources shall be done only when all construction activity has not yielded the required volume of acceptable fill material on-site. MATERIALS Clean granular fill shall be sound, hard, durable bank run sand and gravel. Gradation shall be as follows as determined by ASTM D422 Testing Methods Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight l-inch 100% No. 40 0-70% No. 200 0-10% The Engineer reserves the right to randomly test for conformance any material that arrives at the site. All costs associated with laboratory testing of the material shall be borne by the Contractor. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The Contractor shall furnish and place clean granular fill material as directed by the Engineer. The fill material shall be placed in 6" to 9" lifts and thoroughly compacted with a vibratory tamper or other approved means. The fill material shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture content in accordance with ASTM D698 Standard Proctor. Testing fees shall be borne by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02222 - CLEAN GRANULAR FILL DIVISION 2 - Page 15 of 67 SECTION 02320 - UNCLASSIF i E [ ~ ['. ~, CAVAf I,,)N AN ! } GRADING CLASSIFICATION Classification of excavation: ix:i, ttt:~r snail ~e tn,.ist,>ified, and the term "unclassified excavation" shall be understood t: n-cat ,n.x ant' .t l '~.rt tls encountered during exca~atiot~ work including structures, pax,em:at. ~ecs ~ntl -turr~ . i~:undations, retaining walls, earth. piping, demolition, drainage systems, c:c GENERAL SITE EXCAVATION A. The Contractor shall cut to exact elevations, grade and transport excavated materials to fill areas of the site if the material conforms to the specifications an&or as approved b.x the engineer. Material, which is unacceptable to the Engineer, shall be disposed of at thc Contractor's expense. B. Unstable soil shall be removed and replaced ~x4th on-site sand or gravel and shall be thoroughly compacted. C. Adequate provision shall be made to intercept or divert all surface water from the areas construction operations and designated ~vetlands. D. The Contractor shall establish a construction grid for the areas of proposed excavation a grading to establish all stakeout, layout, and elevations necessa-D' to perform the intended construction. Surveying shall be performed by a Licensed Land Surveyor acceptable to thc Engineer. Pdl instruments, equipment, stakes and an.',' other material necessa.,?, to pertbrm this work satisfactorily shall be provided by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES: A. Depth: As indicated Clearance: Sufficient for form~vork or other work to be pertbrmed. C. Embankments and Berms: Excavate to angle of recline or provide sheeting, shoring and bracing required for containing earth bank. D. Excess Depth: Can? footing and foundation walls to undisturbed soil. E. Loose Material and Debris: Keep out of excavation so footings will rest on solid, undisturbed soil. F. Protect against frost until concrete is poured. G. Soil Bearing Capacity: Do not proceed with pouring tootings until nature of soil under footings has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. DIVISION 2 - Page 16 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK EXCAVATION FOR PIPES AND CONDUIT Trench excavation to depths and widths as indicated on the contract drawings and or as directed by the engineer. EXCAVATION FOR PIPES~ STROMWATER AND SEPTIC SYSTEMS Excavation to depths and widths as indicated on the contract drawings and or as necessary for installation of the precast concrete structures and associated piping. END OF SECTION 02320 - UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION AND GRADING DIVISION 2 - Page 17 of 67 SECTION 02231 - SCREENEI} DESCRIPTION Under this Item, the Contractor shall t~_trnish an,~. n>t01l compact screened angular stone material in accordance xv/th the plan> ar d specificau,:,r ~,r as directed by the Engineer MATERIALS Screened angular stone shall be furnished by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Al/ angular stone material shall be free of any debris, chemicals or waste materials. CONSTRUCTION DETAII,S The Contractor shall furnish, transport and place the screened angular stone material as shown on the construction plans or as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 02231 - SCREENED ANGULAR STONE DIVISION 2 - Page 18 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02232 - SCREENED SUB32NGULAR STONE DESCRIPTION Under this Item, the Contractor shall transport, place and compact screened subangular stone material in accordance with the pl. ns and specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS Screened subangular stone shall be available from the onsite composting facility. The Town Will not transport the material. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The Contractor shall transport and place the screened subangular stone material as shown on the construction plans or as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 02232 - SCREENED SUBANGULAR STONE DIVISION 2 - Page 19 of 67 SECTION 02371 - PRECAST t?t)~x ('RILTE RET MN IN C WALL BLOCK DESCRIPTION Work includes furnishing and ivsmlling concrete retaiqirt~ wall units to the lines and grades designated on the construction drax~ ing~-~ and as specifi ~erein. MATERIALS The precast concrete retaining wall blocks shall be as manufactured by Redi-Rock{ International, 05481 South US-31. Charlevoix, MI 49'7'20, 1-866-222-8400, xxwx~.redi- rock.corn or approved equal. REFERENCE STANDARDS ASTM A615 Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM C94 Ready-Nlixed Concrete ASTM C1372 Segmental Retaining Wall Units DELIVERY~ STORAGE~ AND HANDLING Contractor shall check the materials upon delivers' to assure proper material has been received. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement and like materials from coming in contact with the retaining wall units. Contractor shall protect the materials from damage. Damaged material shall not be incorporated in the project. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 1. WALL UNITS Wall units shall be made with Readb-Mixed concrete in accordance x~lth AS PM C94. latest revision, and per the following chart: Climate Negligible Moderate Severe Air Content 28 Day Strength PSI Slump* 1/., oZ . 1,-,o-4,:Vo I 3,000 [ 5"+/- I 1/2" 3%-6% 3,000 5" +/- I l'2" [ 5TM I 1 '2" 4~%-7!'i°,/o 3,000 I '- DIVISION 2 -Page 20 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK NOTE: For critical walls, steps, and pavers, use a minimum of 4000 PSI mix designs with frost-free aggregate. *Higher slumps are allowed if afhieved by use of appropriate admixtures. Not~vithstanding anything stated above, all material used in the wall units, steps, and pavers must meet applicable ASTM and local requirements for exterior concrete. Exterior block dimensions shall be uniform and consistent. Maximum dimensional deviations shall be 0.50 inch or 2%, whichever is less, excluding the architectural surface. Maximum width (face to back) deviation including the architectural surface shall be 1.0 inch. Exposed face shall be fmished as specified. Other surfaces to be smooth form type. Dime-size bug holes on the block face may be patched and/or shake-on color stain can be used to blend into the remainder of the block face. LEVELING PAD AND FREE DRAINING BACKFILL Leveling pad placemem and leveling shall be xvell graded recycled concrete aggregate base material (RCA). Free Draining Backfill material shall be granular, well draining sand or stone (from on- site sources) and shall be placed to a minimum of 1' width behind the back of the wall and shall extend vertically from the Leveling Pad to an elevation 4" below the top of wall. The Tobin's subangular stone can be used as the Free Dra'ming Backfill material or porous soil materials yielded by construction activities. Backfill material shall be approved site excavated soils. 'Non-woven geotextile cloth shall be placed between the Free Draining Backfill and retained soil. DR.M[NAGE The heel drain shall be cominuous along the length of the wall and connected into the site stormwater drainage system as shown on the construction plans. CONSTRUCTION OF WALL SYSTEM 1. EXCAVATION A. Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. DIVISION 2 - Page 21 of 67 A. B. C. FOUNDATION SOIL PREI'ARATIO3 Native foundation soil sha[~ 0e ct~mpactM t,, '~5', of standard proctor or 90%, of modified proctor prior to l:.h,c e:~xcn: ot tilt: - e .'e ~ ad material. LEVELING PAD PLACEMENI Leveling pad shall be placed as shown on the construction drawings. Leveling pad shall be placed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacements fills Leveling pad shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified proctor to ensure a level, hard surface on which to place the First course blocks. Pad shall be constructed to the proper elevation to ensure the final elevation shovt~ on the plans Well-graded sand may be used to smooth the top % inch on the Leveling Pad (when using gravel pad). Leveling pad shall have a 6 inch minimum depth. Pad dimensions shall extend beyond the blocks in all directions to a distance at least equal to the depth of the pad or as designed by engineer. UNIT INSTALLATION The tn:st course of wall units shall be placed on the prepared leveling pad with the aesthetic surface facing out and the front edges tight together. All units shall be checked for level and alignment as they are placed. Ensure that units are in.full contact with Leveling Pad. Proper care shall be taken to develop straight lines and smooth cum,es on base course as per wall layout. The backfill in front and back of entire base row shall be placed and compacted to firmly lock them in place. Check all units again for level and aligl~meut. All excess material shall be swept from top of units. Install next course of wall units on top of base ro;~. Position blocks to be offset from seams of blocks below. Blocks shall be placed fully fom'ard so knob and groove arc engaged. Check each block for proper alignment and level. Backfill to 12 inch width behind block with subangular stone backfill. Spread backfill in unit'oma lifts not exceeding 8 inches. Employ methods using lightweight compaction equipment that will not disrupt the stabili~' or batter of the wall. Hand-operated plate compaction equipment shall be used around the block and within 3 feet of the vtall to achieve consolidation. Compact backfill to 95% of standard proctor t ASTM D 698, AASHIO T-99) density within 2% of its optimum moisture content. DIVISION 2 -Page 22 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Install each subsequent course in like manner. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height. Allowable construction tolerance at the wall face is 2 degrees vertically and 1 inch in 10 feet horizontally. END OF SECTION 02371 - PR~. CAST CONCRETE RETAINING WALL BLOCK DIVISION 2 - Page 23 of 67 SECTION 02373 - ANGULAR. RI?- ~k~tP ST¢ ) NE DESCRIPTION Under this Item, the Contractor ~ha I ;~ppl'. all :-b, ~. n:,t.:crials, equipment and incidentals necessaO' to furnish and place rip-rap ~t: ~hc Iot:atl~a; 5tr,. · ~r dicated on the Contract Dra~ings. SUBMITTAL The Contractor shall provide the Engineer, for approxat. ~ 5-gallon bucket filled ~,;ith the proposed rip-rap prior to deliveD~ to the site. MATERIALS A. Rip-rap shall consist of hard, durable, non-calcareous, angular field or quarry stone in the form of fight rectangular prisms. B. The dso size of the rip-rap shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The rip-rap shall be placed on top of an 8 ounce/square yard geotextile filter I:abric and m a manner xvhich will not damage the filter fabric. No tip-rap shall be dropped from a height greater than 12 inches above the geotextile filter fabric. Rip-rap may be placed in location by equipment; however, care shall be taken in placing to obtain a good gradation of materials and a level surface. END OF SECTION 02373 - ANGULAR RIP-RAP STONE DIVISION '~ ~' - Page 24 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02456 - WHEEL STOPS WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and installation of all specified equipmem and materials in strict accordance with the approved manufactur&s printet directions utilizing the proper anchorage and attachments as designated by the manufacture at the locations shown on the Drawings. B. Location of the various accessories not indicated on the Draxvings shall be placed at the direction of the Engineers in the field. Precast concrete Car Bumper as manufactured by Suffolk Cement Products, Inc., 727-2317 or by an approved equal: INSTALLATION Wheel stops shall be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications (anchor pins), manufacturer's recommendations, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 02456 - WHEEL STOPS DIVISION 2 - Page 25 of 67 SECTION 02512 - PVC WATEI~I DESCRIPTION Furnish and installation of all sp,.~c f c, plas:ic . ~t:~r ~,i?~ and fittings required for approved · ' ~ .. t Contract Dra~x ings installation of the water distributi~;~ :;~ stc~ ~ s m~ ,., ~ .o . '.~ SUBMITTALS Product Data: Manufacturer's specifications with detaded information regarding dimensions. pressure rating, fittings and installation instructions M~muthcturer's data must indicate compliance with the standards specified herein. MATERLa~S PVC Water Main - The PVC ~2ter main piping shall be Blue BruteTM AWWA C900 PVC pressure pipe as manufactured by IPEX, Inc., x~,w. ipexinc.com or approved equal All PVC pipe shall bear the approval seal of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) that will remain legible during normal handling, storage, and installation. PIPE COLOR SHALL BE BLUE FOR POTABLE WATER IvIAINS. PVC Molded Fittings - The molded water tnain fittings shall be Blue BruteTM A%%VA C907 injection molded fittings as manufactured by IPEX, Inc., _~x~v. ipe.,dnc.com ,-~r approved equal. All PVC pipe fittings shall bear the approval seal of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for potable water pipe. VALVES- All valves shall be the manufacturer's standard design for the service intended and shall bear the maker's name and pressure rating cast on the body, also the valve ,type, size, flow direction arrow, if applicable. Valves shall open left tcounter clockwise) with an arrow cast in the metal of operating hand wheels or nuts indicating the direction of opening. Gate Valves- Underground gate valves shall be of the resilient seat type meeting the requirements of AWWA C500/C509. These valves shall have non-rising stems, shah be furnished with 2-inch square AWWA operating nuts, and shall open when the nut is tumed counterclockwise. Valves shall have mechanical joint end~ and shall be furnished complete with joint accessories. Exposed or aboveground gate valves shall be outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) flanged joint v/pe. Valves shall be Ken-Seal ab manufactured by Kennedy; Metroseal by U.S. Pipe; or approved equal. See Exhibit W- 7. Tapping Valves- Tapping valves shall be mechanical joint outlet, non-rising, stem. resilient seat gate valves meeting the applicable requirements of AW~A C509 Tapping valves shall be specifically designed for pressure tapping with sut'ficient seat opening to allow full diameter taps to be made. Tapping valves shall be manuthctured with an integral tapping flange having a raised lip design. DIVISION 2 - Page 26 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK, Tapping Sleeves- Tapping sleeves for size-on-size connections .shall be mechanical joint split cast iron units and rated for 150 psi working pressure in accordance with AWWA Cll0. For less than size-on-size connections, tapping sleeves shall be fabricated steel units with a fusion-bonded epoxy coating and shall be pressure rated as above. The contractor shall determine the outside diameter of the existing main before ordering the sleeve. TapF xg sleeves shall have an outlet flange per ANSI B16.1, 125 lb. standard. Service Saddles- Service saddles shall have a ductile iron body, be equipped with double tie straps, and be suitable for either wet or dry installation. The sealing gasket shall be the O-ring.type suitable for the applicable service. Outlet flange shall be ANSI B16.1, 125 lbs. standard. Tie straps and bolts shall be a corrosion resistant alloy steel. Service saddles shall be Type 313 or 323 as manufactured by Rockwell, or approved equal. Valve Box- Valve boxes for all valves installed below ground shall be cast iron. They shall be adjustable to fit the depth of earth cover over the valve and shall be designed so as to prevent the transmission of surface loads directly to the valve or piping. Valve boxes shall have a minimum interior diameter of 5 inches. Valve box extension shall be installed to reserve a minimum of 50% of the adjustment for a future extension. The operating nut should not exceed 36 inches below finished grade. However, if conditions require that the operating nut exceeds 36 inches, then an extension, mechanically attached to the valve, shall be added, and the top of the extension shall not exceed 18 inches below finished grade. The cover of the valve box shall be marked "Water" and shall be securely installed as to prevent tipping or rattling. INSTALLATION A. Install pipe as indicated on the Drawings. B. Pipe in Trenches: Keep trenches free from water. Grade and shape trench bottom to insure a firm uniform bearing for the entire trench length. Provide a minimum cover of 4'-6" to finished grade unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Cut pipe as recommended by the manufacturer. Lay pipe on a continuously rising grade from low points to high points at service lines, air release valves or hydrants. At each joint, dig a bell hole sufficiently wide and deep to allow the pipe barrel to bear uniformly on the trench bottom. Construct concrete thrust blocks behind bends, tees, caps and plugs. Minimum block size shall be 2 cubic feet in volume and cast concrete against undisturbed earth. DIVISION 2 - Page 27 of 67 PROTECTING PIPE During the progress of ti- ~, '.~ t.? < ,:ce ) [ ~1,~. :l,' u, ' u ,m all sediment, debris: laid ot[ier foreign material. Close all open ends of pipes ar, c Oilings day, during storms, when ~h< ~,~rk i.,. Director's Representative ma} , it ~ removable phigs at end or' '~. ork tl~ time. and at such times as tile All water piping shall have a ,uitable electronic it, tarot tape (metallic) buried over the water main approximately one foot below grade. ]tie tape shall be continuous betv,-een valves and secured to each valxc ']['he tape shall be at least 4.5 mils thick, 2-inch minimum xvidth and made with al! aluminum material sandwiched between 2 layers polyethylene. It shall have imprinted in permanent black' ink with i- inch letters '"CAUTION WATER MAIN BURIED BELOW" on olue background. END OF SECTION 02512 - PVC WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS DIVISION 2 - Page 28 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02513 - COPPER TUBING AND FITTINGS (UNDERGROUND) GENERAL Furnish and installation of all specified copper water tubing and fittings required for approved installation of the water distributic ' system as indicated on the Contract Drawings MATERIAL A. Tubing: ASTM B 88, Type K soft temper unless otherwise noted on the drawings. B. Fittings: Cast Bronze, Flared Type; ANSIdASME B16.26. INSTALLATION A. Laying Tubing: Minimum Depth: 4'-6" (unless otherwise indicated on draxvings) measured from finish or existing grade, whichever is lower. Install valves and fittings where indicated. Lay tubing on a continuous slope to a high point where air can be released. B. Flaring and Assembling Tubing: 2. 3. 4. Cut tube ends square.. Remove all burrs and metal chips. Slip coupling nut on tubing. Flare tubing ends, use impact or mechanical type flaring tools in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. Assemble tubing fittings and tighten coupling nuts with two wrenches, one on the nut and one on the fitting. Protecting Tubing: Securely close all open ends of tubing and fittings with removable plugs whenever directed by the Director's Representative. Testing: 1. Before the tubing, valves or other appurtenances are covered, test to 150 pounds hydrostatic pressure. Protect tubing from movement during test. 2. Remove all defective tubing, valves, and fittings. Replace x~4th sound items and make all leaky joints tight. Repeat the test after the repairs are made until no leaks develop when the line is subjected to the required pressure for a period of 30 minutes. 3. All tests shall be made in such manner as the Director's Representative shall direct and in his presence. END OF SECTION 02513 - COPPER TUBING AND FITTINGS (UNDERGROUND) DIVISION 2 - Page 29 of 67 DV~7S~OX 2 - S ~TE '~ ORK SECTION 02514 - HIGH DENSI I'Y POL~ ETll ~ LENE PIPE DESCRIPTION Under this item, the Contractor sha!l himish and Mt,taI' 1 ' c;iameter high density polyethylene pipe in accordance with the plans and :;pec~rications ,. ,c :,> directed by the Engineer. MATERL~LS The high density, polyethylene pipe shall be SDR-9 '.~ith an inside diameter ot I" ~ ,* meet ASTM D2737 minimum requirements. ['he ptpe shall be able to with stand an operating pressure of 200 psi at 7_, I:. All splices and connections shall be brass mechanical type of proper size and required inserts for water tight fit.. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ,All excavation and back:fill shall be in accordance with Section 206, Trench and Culvert Excavation of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 as an~ended. Material to be used as backfill shall be clean, granular material as approved bv thc Engineer. The cost of excavation and backfill shall be included in this item. The proposed HDPE water hne shall be installed to a depth of 54" belo;v finished grade and routed as indicated on the plans. Piping may be backfilled with suitable excavated material and thoroughly compacted. The Engineer reserves the right to reject backfill material if in his opinion contains dele.terious material. The Engineer shall determine if the compaction effort is sufficient to complete the installation. In instances where the HDPE xvater line passes through foundation walls, slabs or other hard structures, the HDPE pipe shall be inserted through a 2" diameter PVC sleeve. The PVC sleeve shall extend a minimum of 1' past the structure surface. END OF SECTION 02514 - HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE DIVISION 2 - Page 30 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02517 - WATER MAIN BLOW OFF HYDRANT DESCRIPTION Under this item, the Contractor shall furnish and install blow-off hydrants in accordance with the plans and specifications an&/or as d:~ected by the Engineer. MATERL~LS The blow-off shall be non-fi'eezing and self draining as manufactured by Kupferle foundry Co. of St Louis, MO., model #7500 - 4" Mainguard Blow-off or approved equal. Blow-off shall be furnished with a 4" MJ inlet, a non-turning operating rod and open to the left. Ali working parts shall be of bronze to bronze design and be serviceable from above grade ~vith no digging. D. Blow-off shall operate with a standard 2" gate valve wrench. E. When open, the valve shall be 100% unobstructed and drain hole shall be covered. F. Outlet shall be 4" Fl? with plug and extend a minimttrn of 12" above final grade. G. All connections shall be water tight fit. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS All excavation and backfill shall be in accordance with Section 206, Trench and Culvert Excavation of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 as amended. Material to be used as backfill shall be clean, granular material as approved by the Engineer. The cost of excavation and backfill shall be included in rids item. The proposed bio,v-offs shall be installed to a depth of 54" below finished grade and routed as indicated on the plans. Blow-off shall be backfilled with suitable excavated material and thoroughly compacted. The Engineer reserves the right to reject backfill material if in his opinion contains deleterious material. The Engineer shall determine if the compaction effort is sufficient to complete the installation. Blow-off shall be installed in accordance with SCDHS and manufactures requirements. The Contractor shall install the proper thrust blocking required. END OF SECTION 02517 - WATER MAIN BLOW OFF HYDRANT. DIVISION 2 - Page 30a of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02540 - SEPTIC SYSTEMS WORK INCLUDED A. The Contractor shall be responsible to fumish and install a complete sanitary system including all extension an :. c, 'mection work as specified herein, indicated on the contract drawings and / or directed by ' .e engineer. B. The entire installation shall b~ performed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (S.C.D.H.S.) and all necessary installation approvals shall be obtained by the Contractor prior to final acceptance. C. See DMsion 15 and 16 for detailed specifications of work under other trades. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS A. Sek.~ge disposal systems shall be installed as indicated on the contract drawings and shall meet the requirements of the S.C.D.H.S. Sewage disposal systems shall be connected to the waste lines to be installed by the Plumbing Contractor. The waste line shall extend approximately 5'-0" out from the foundation line and be cast iron or PVC pipe. B. Materials for the sewage disposal system not specifically specified under this section shall conform to the material sPecifications in other sections of the specifications as indicated on the contract drawings. C. Pre-cast concrete items shall be as manufactured by Carlson Precast Inc., Picone Brothers, Carbro Industries, Inc., or approved equ~, and shall be designed to meet the standard specifications of the S.C.D.H.S. D. Septic tank shall be as indicated on the contract drawings, complete with precast concrete pad, pre-cast concrete sections, cast iron manholes, frames and covers set flush with finished grade. E. Each sanitary leaching pool shall be installed as indicated on the contract drawings. F. Suitable backfill material shall conform to the specifications of the SCDHS. PlPING AND FITTINGS All piping shall be Schedule 80 PVC. INSTALLATION AND TESTING A. The sewage disposal system shall be installed by a firm with the prior experience to perform the scope of work. DIVISION 2 - Page 31 of 67 B. During the progress of the w~r~ ;~; l,~io' tc .:~,tt'FDIi:~ the installation shall be inspectec by the proper authorities, teste, ~ ~ n: I ~ t, i n pe,': :, t ,:~ ~ it t t ~: ~;. neat and orderly. C. Before backfilling, the Contr~ct.>t s ~al~ ootail: the ~cqt ~cd approvals from the S.C.D.H.b and notify, the Engineer upon ',:ceivt ol'the apl)Ct,' .~] D. The Contractor shall be requ~rect :,', cxcaxate., .tc abte leaching soils as determined b) ~he S.C.D.H.S. In the event that, sufficient quamit.~ of suitable leaching material is available from the excavation operation, the ¢;ngineer ~vi~l direct the Contractor to i~npor~ Clean Granular Fill. END OF SECTION 02540 - SEPTIC SYSTEMS DI¥ISION 2 - Page 32 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02577 - PAVEMENT STRIPING QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Chapter III of Title 6 of the official compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the St,,re of New York (Title 6 NYCRR), Pan 205 Architectural Surface Coatings. B. Certification: ~ffidavit by the paint applicator, certifying that the materials comply with the current regulatory requirements in effect at the time products ~vere delivered and applied. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform the painting operations after working hours, on weekends or at such time so as not to interfere with the flow of traffic. Provide temporary barriers to prevent vehicles fi.om driving over newly painted areas. B. Apply paint on dry pavement surface, when the air temperature is above 40 degrees F. MATERIALS Paint: DOT Section 640-2, yelloxv, blue or white as indicated or if not indicated as directed. PREPARATION A. Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign material detrimental to paint adhesion. B. Mark layout of stripes and lines with chalk or paint. APPLYING PAVEMENT MARKING Apply paint in accordance with DOT Section 640-3.02. END OF SECTION 02577 - PAVEMENT STRIPING DIVISION 2 - Page 33 of 67 D~V~S}'ON ? - Sr'~,':' *" '~'- SECTION 02595 - GEOTEXTiLE I;I LYER FABRICS DESCRIPTION The Contractor ~5ll be responsible ft.r 'umis!~ing ~.l;d in.~a;liag the geotextile filter 'fkbric into the various components indicated c.n t~t Contract: ri ~2~-. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals neccs>,u:' t,.~all the Geotextile Filter Fabric specified, shox~m on the Contract Drawings. and as cii,-ected h5 the Engineer. The Contractor shall be prepared to :nstall geotexti!e filter' thbric in conjunction with the site drainage system. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish certificates from the company manufacturing the geotextile attesting that the geotextile meets the chemical, physical, and manufacturing requirements specified. The Contractor shall furnish the manufacturer's quality control certificates, tbr rolls delivered to the site, ~vhich shall include: 1. Roll numbers and identification 2. Sampling procedures 3. Certified results fi.om manufacturer qualiB' control tests verifying each minimum average role properoy specified MATERIALS Geotextile - 8oz. shall be a needle punched non-woven polypropylene fabric and be "Geotex 861" manufactured by SI Geosolutions (423-899-0444), x~;~v, fixsoil.com or approved equal. The geotextile-8 oz. shall demonstrate the following properties: PROPERTY TEST METHISI~ MIN.AVE. ROI Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4632 220 lbs (min) Puncture Strength ASTM D4833 135 lbs (min) Mullen Burst ASTM D3786 420 psi (min) Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D4533 95 lbs (min) Apparent Opening Size ASTM D475 l 80 US Std SiexVe Permittivity ASTM D449 l 1.50 sec- 1 (min) Permeability ASTM D4491 0.38 crn/sec (min Water Flow Rate ASTM D4491 1 l 0 gpm/sf (minI Mass Per Unit Area ASTM D526l 8.0 oz,'sy (min)~ UV Resistance (%retain. 500hr) I ASTM D4355 70% (min) LL VALUE (max) DIVISION 2- Page 34 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fabric will be rejected, by the Engineer, if it is found to have defects, rips, holes, flaxvs, deterioration or other damage. The subgrade shall be tlc. "ed of sharp objects, boulders, stumps or any materials that may contribute to fabric ~ Lctures, sheafing, rapturing or tearing. The subgrade shall be inspected for unstable areas or soft spots, before the fabric is placed and additional fill shall be placed and compacted to eliminate those unstable areas. The fabric shall be placed in the manner and at the locations as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Fabric placed on slopes shall be placed so that the upper strip of fabric overlaps the next lower strip by eighteen (18) inches. Fabric shall be laid smooth and free of tension, stress, folds, wrinkles or creases. If geotextile should be damaged during any step of installation, a piece of geotextil6 material shall be cut and placed over the damaged area and overlap the undamaged material a minimum of 3 feet in each direction. After unwrapping the geotextile from its opaque cover, the geotextile shall not be left exposed for a period in excess of 30 days. F. Soil shall be spread in the direction of geotextile overlap. END OF SECTION 02595 - GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRICS DIVISION 2 - Page 35 of 67 SECTION 02621-6" PERFO]{A1-EI) ORKIN ? Pi, SUBMITTALS Product Data: Manufacturer's soe.¢ific ~:lotls inc t c m: h n:nsions, strength, and lnstallatiou instructions for each type of pipe a ~c~ rc ;oective lit: g QUALITY ASSURANCE Each length of pipe and each fitting shall be markee in accordance with the applicable ASTM Designation. , DRAINAGE PIPE AND FITTINGS PVC Pipe 6-inch Diameter Perforated mid Fittings for Underdrains and Discharge Lines: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pipe Classification: ASTM D 2729. Material Classification: ASTM D 1784. Property Description: Cell Class 12454B, 12454C~ or 13343C. Pipe Size: 6 inches diameter unless otherwise indicated. Perforation Size: 1/2 inch diameter on 3 inch centers, 3 rows. Joints: Solvent cement or elastomeric gasket. Acceptable Manufacturer: National Pipe Co.. 3421 Vestal Road, Vestal, NY 13850, (607) 729-9381. INSPECTION Inspect all pipe and fittings before laying in trench. Remove defective pipe and fittings from the Site. BASIC REQUIREMENTS Plastic Pipe: 1. Install pipe in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as specified in ASTM D 2321. 2. No. 2 course aggregate shall be used for bedding and backfill to the depth shown on the drawings for perforated pipe. 3. Cushion material shall be used for bedding and backfill to the depth sho~n on the drawings for non-perforated pipe. DIVISION 2 - Page 36 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK INSTALLATION Lay pipe to indicated line and grade with firm uniform bearing throughout its length. 1. Lay pipe with a uniform pitch between high and low points. 2. Position bells upstream. 3. Provide ~ 5cient clearance at each bell or coupling to allow uniform bearing al, ~g the pipe barrel. Fill excess excavation with bedding material and tamp. Joints: Wipe inside of sockets and outside of pipe to be jointed, clean and dry. Assemble elastomeric-gasket joints in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and ASTM D 3212. Assemble solvent-cement joints in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Assemble other joints in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. C. Bends: Use two 45 degree fittings for each 90 degree mm. END OF SECTION 02621 - 6" PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE DIVISION 2 - Page 37 of 67 SECTION 02623 - POLY-~qN3'I, £ H [,ORID E lP_ DESCRIPTION Under this item the Contractor sJtal lhr:~ish and ingml ';cbc Jule 80 PVC pipe in conformance with the plans, these specifications mc, orJcrs of rile ! MATERIAL PVC pipe and fittings shall be pol.xMnyl clflofide I PVC) m~ufacmred t:kom a PVC compound meeting the requirements.of Type 1, tirade 1 PVC tn accordance with ASTM Dl784. D1785, and D2241. The PVC pipe shall be gray, or white in color and shall be equal to Schedule 80 in wall thickness, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. A. Pipe: The pipe shall be bell end or plain end. Pipe shall be in accordance with ASTM D1785. B. Fittings: Pipe fittings shall be Lq accordance with ASTM D2466. C. Solvent Cement: PVC solvent cement shall be in accordance with ASTM D2564 Pipe shall be clearly marked ~Sth type, class and thickness as applicable. Lettering shall be legible and permanent under normal conditions of handling and storage. All pipe and duct placed shall be in good condition with no splits, crac~ or other physical irregularities. Pipe and duct size shall be as indicated on the Drawings. ROUTING The routing of conduit as shown on the plans is schematic but no major change in alignment ~ill be allowed unless approved by the Engineer. In all cases where obstructions are met, the judgment of the Engineer shall govern the passage of such obstacles. INSTALLATION Plastic pipe shall be shaded from sunlight as required to prevent curvature and deterioration due to thermal expansion and exposure to sunlight. Pipe shall be placed in the center of the bottom of the trench with the entire length of the pipe bearing on the trench bottom. Ihe trench bottom shall be regraded if the pipe does not have full beating. Depressions for joints shall be dug after the trench bottom has been graded, and shall be only of the len~h, depth and x~'idth required for marking the particular ~'pe joint. After final placement, pipe shall rest on the bottom of the trench in a straight line under slight tension. A check shall be made that proper depth is obtained and the pipe is in a straight line and under tension during backfilling. DIVISION 2- Page 38 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK In cases ~vhere the pipe or ducts pass above or below an underground obstruction, such as a utility line, a minimum clearance of 6-inches shall be maintained between the concrete and the utility. A minimum of 12-inches of clearance shall be maintained between the concrete encasement and a paralleling utility. No utility shall be contained within the concrete encasement. Pipe jointing shall be completed s the pipe is installed. All joints shall be made secure and capable of allowing compressed air to be used for installing a pull line. Field pipe bends shall have a maximum bend of 22 degrees unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. Where a bend is less than the allowable field bend is indicated on the drawings, factory bends shall be used unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. Where directional changes are required, the pipe shall be bent in smooth, uniform bends. The Contractor shall provide equipment to bend pipe when the radius of bends is less than the radius of allowable material design stress. Bends shall be made with approved pipe bending tools and pipe manufacturer's approved methods of procedure. END OF SECTION 02623 - POLY~VINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE DIVISION 2 - Page 39 of 67 SECTION 02624 - CORRUGA'I ED POi,¥'6'I H'(LI: M:: IPE (SMOOTH INTERIOR) DESCRIPTION Under this item, the Contractor :.hall 5. ~r.i sh and i ngtE; ~ c (, q ~tgated polyethylene pipe !smooth interior) in accordance with the pl~n~, ~t spec~fica[i s ,,' as directed by the Engineer~ MATERIALS The corrugated polyethylene pipe Ismooth intefiorl shal, meet AASHTO ~94 minimum requirements. The pipe shall be as manul~tctured by Hanc~r, Inc., Type Hancor Hi-Q, or as: manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems. Inc.] ypc ADS N- 12, or an approved equal. The Contractor shall submit shop draxvings to the Engineer tbr approval prior to order installing pipe. CONSTRUCTION DETAII.S All excavation and backfill shall be in accordance with Section 206, Trench and Culvert Excavation of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 as amended. Material to be used as backfill shall be clean, granular material as approved by the Engineer. The cost of excavation and backfill shall be included in this item. Pipes are to be installed to the lines and depths as indicated on the plans. Pipes may be backfilled with suitable excavated material and thoroughly compacted. Thc Engineer reserves the right to reject backfill nmterial if in his opinion contains deletertotts material. The Engineer shall determine if the compaction effort is sufficient to compiete the installation. END OF SECTION 02624 - CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE (SMOOTH INTERIOR) DIVISION 2 - Page 40 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE ~VORK SECTION 02630 - STORM DRAINAGE WORK INCLUDED The xvork shall include fumish/ng all labor, material, equipment, and incidemals necessary to install pre-cast concrete drain.z~;, structures, pipes, culverts, frames and grates, frames and covers, sukable granular porous ~ ~¢hing material (soil), and all other necessary operations to construct the stormxvater drainage system in accordance with the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit complete and accurate shop drawings, catalog cuts, details for the Engineer's approval. No installation shall be made prior to approval of the Engineer. Curb Inlet Structure - Curb inlet structures shall consist of precast concrete floor and wall structure and a traffic beating top slab with rectangular opening as indicated on the plan. The curb inlet structure and traffic bearing slab shall be as manufactured by Suffolk Precast Inc., Calverton, NY or an approved equal. Lea6hing Pools - Leaching pools shall consist of leaching tings and a solid wall dome. The diameter and depth of the leaching pools shall be as indicated on the plans. The leaching tings and solid wall dome shall be as manufactured by Suffolk Precast Inc., Calverton, NY or an approved equal. Frames and Grates (curb castings) - The frame and grate shall be heavy-duty type fame and oval hole grate as manufactured by Campbell Foundry Company or an approved equal. Frames and grates shall receive two (2) coats of asphaltic paint prior to installation. Frames and Grates (circular sate) - The frame and grate shall be heavy-duty type flame and grate as manufactured by Campbell Foundry. Company or an approved equal. Frames and grates shall receive two (2) coats of asphaltic paint prior to installation. Frames and Covers (circular solid cover) - The frame and solid cover shall be heavy- duty .type frame and cover as manufactured by Campbell Foundry Company or an approved equal. Frames and covers shall receive two (2) coats of asphaltic paint prior to installation. Solid Covers (precast concrete) - The solid cover shall be precast concrete be as manufactured by Suffolk Precast Inc., Calverton~ NY or an approved equal. DIVISION 2 - Page 41 of 67 Trench Drain - The tremh h, ~q .h:.ll )7 ;r: t.h'd of reinforced precast cuncrete 16" high and 6' long se::~z: h:h si t:, ~t I :i:ment shall be furnished with t'~o three-foot sections of ho-d.p:e: ~:tl,'ar .x~. :: ::r :_;ed steel gratings. I'he composite unit shall be able to st.,lai~ .~:,-;HT~' I..2 1~ ,:.ng. Concrete shall be Portland Cement concrete with a r~ini~ -m ~ ~8-da. >t~,:r t - ~ i 4,000 psi. The trench drain shall be ZipperDrain~ as mamffaciur-~z b',' ,m. :. Precast. [nc.. 20 Stiriz Roacl Brookha,/en, New York,(,~.3 I ,':/6-~)240 4: .~ g equal. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipet i smooth mterior i /he corrugated polyethylene pipe (smooth interior) shall be in accordance x~ i:.h -4ecfior t.26424. INSTALLATION The Contractor shall excavate tor the tnstallmion t',f the structures and pipes at the locations and to the limits as sho~t on the contract drawings. The outside area of the leaching structures shall be backfilted with clean granular porou:~ material as specified. C. Pipes are to be installed to the lines and ~ades as indicated on the plans. Pipes may be backfilled with suitable excavated material and thoroughly compacted. The Engineer reserves the right to reject backfill material if in his opinion contains deleterious material. The Engineer shall detenmne if the compaction effort is sufficient to complete the installation. E. Frames and grates/covers shall be installed to the grades as indicated on the plarts. F. Frames and grates/covers shall be well mortared in place. END OF SECTION 02630 - STORM DRAINAGE DIVISION 2 - Page 42 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02722 - PAVEMENT SUBBASE PREPARATION WORK INCLUDED The ~vork shall include stripping and removing unsuitable materials, performing cut and fill operations, adjusting existing castings to proposed grade and fmc grading the surface to construct a subbase for the proposed walkway, roadway and parking fields in accordance with the plans, specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS In the area that will receive pavement, the Contractor shall strip, remove and dispose off all asphalt, concrete and unsuitable material containing organic matter, such as muck, peat, organic silt, topsoil or grass, that is not satisfactory for use for pavement construction. Upon completion of the removal of the unsuitable materials to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall grade the area by cutting and filling as required. Any excess suitable excavated material shall be used for various backfilling operations. No additional payment will be made for re-handling of this material. In the event that during subbase preparation operations additional fill is required to stabilize the subbase and/or to achieve the specified grade, the Engineer will direct the Contractor to import Clean Granular Fill. After the cutting and filling operation is completed, the Contractor shall frae grade and properly compact the subbase. The subbase shall be compacted using a minimum 10-ton roller. The subbase shall be compacted to 90% of maximum density within 3 percent of optimum moisture content in accordance with ASTM D 1557 Modified Proctor. The Engineer will be sole judge in determining if the subbase is acceptable for placement of the subsequent courses. The Contractor shall not continue until he has received approval by the Engineer. D. Existing castings (drainage & sanitary) shall be adjusted to the proposed grades with concrete bricks and mortar. END OF SECTION 02722 - PAVEMENT SUBBASE PREPARATION DIVISION 2 - Page 43 of 67 SECTION 02723 - RECYCLED PORYLAND C£MElXrl CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE WORK INCLUDED This work includes furnishing and installing a Recycled Portland Concrete Cement Ag~egate (RCA) base course over an approx ed subgrade to the depti~, lines and grades where sho~ ~m the plans and/or as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS A. The Recycled Portland Cement Aggregate (RCA) material shall conform to the provisions of Item 17304.1011 - Subbase Course, Type 10ll. Material A, Recycled Portland Cement Concrete of the New York State Department of Transportation of January 2, 1995 B. The Contractor shall perform and submit laboratory analysis to verify, conformance of this material. Test results shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to acceptance of this material The cost for all laboratory testing of the material shall be borne by the Contractor. · CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Upon approval of the compacted soil subbase by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish_ place and compact the recycled concrete aggregate to the specified lines and grades. Tolerance of the compacted RCA base course shall be plus/minus IA inch. END OF SECTION 02723 - RECYCLED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE DIVISION 2 - Page 44 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02740 - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT WORK INCLUDED A. This work includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to construct new asphaltic concrete pavement for the proposed roads and parking fields in accordance ~vith the plans and specifications and as directed by the Engineer. B. The construction of the asphaltic concrete pavement shall meet the requirements of sections 401, 403, and 407 of the New' York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 as amended except as modified herein REFERENCE STANDARDS In addition to complying with all pertinent codes, regulations, and specifications comply with the referenced or applicable portions of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995. MATERIALS Tack Coat - The bituminous tack coat shall meet all requirements the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 for Item 407.01 Tack Coat. Asphalt Concrete-Type 3 Binder Course - The asphalt concrete binder course shall meet all requirements the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 for Item 403.13 Asphalt Concrete-Type 3 Binder Course. Asphalt Concrete-Type 6F Top Course - The asphalt concrete top course shall meet all requirements the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 for Item 407.17 Asphalt Concrete-Type 6F Top Course (High Friction) Marshall Design. INSTALLATION A. All Construction Details requirements of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 shall apply except as herein modified. B. No asphalt concrete courses shall be place prior to Engineer's. acceptance of the base course. C. Tack coat shall be applied to curb faces abutting proposed asphalt concrete pavement immediately prior to placement of the new pavement. DIVISION 2 - Page 45 of 67 D. Existing asphalt placement t( I,,. ,.~tdlJc~:d ,Itt I t2, Ir z,: .ine swept by the Contractor pm,r to the placement of the new p ~, ~. r~, [ ft sh ~, I~,. t ~:: )ntractor's responsibility to insure that the pavement is thomug~ 1: c t:~r. 'i'e ~ oI :~. I ~r L,C. !t st m~d other loose materia[, and to the satisfaction of the Engirc..~:..r~m?d~at¢i: [ti,,' tz he application of' the bituminous mixture. All loose material shall t?: ten,over x, itt, ):~xcr operated sweepers and,or haad brooms as may be required and linch:ed fi-om :he- ~ons:ruction site to the d[sposai area~, approved by the Engineer. Immedi~te,y prio- t~ 3slm~dr resurfacing the Contractor shall apply a tack coat over the existing as0hah ~mvemcnl E. The asphalt concrete courses shall each be laid do~xn mc. ne lift, to the compacted depth, as sho,,~xt on the plans. END OF SECTION 02740 - ASPH~a~LTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT DIVISION 2 - Page 46 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02772 - CONCRETE CURB WORK INCLUDED A. Under this Item, the Contractor shall construct a conventionally formed concrete curb in accordance with the Details, Specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. B. The construction of the concrete curbs shall meet the requirements of the Town of Southold Highway Department Specifications and New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995, as amended for Item 609.04 Conventionally Formed or Machine Formed Concrete Curb except as herein modified. MATERIALS The materials shall meet the requirements of the following subsections of Section 700 - Material: Portland Cement Fine Aggregates Coarse Aggregates Premolded Bituminous Joint Filler Wire Fabric For Concrete Reinforcement Polyethylene Curing Covers Water 701-01 703-01 703-02 705-07 709-02 711-04 712-01 The material requirements and composition shall comply ~vith the Specifications for Class "A" concrete in Section 50l-2 under "Portland Cement Concrete - General". Cohcrete shall be proportioned in accordance with the aggregate weights specified for Class "A" concrete in Table 501-3, Concrete Proportions. C. The concrete cement shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi at 28 days. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A. The curb shall be convent, ionally formed to the size and shape shown on the Details or as directed by the Engineer. B. Curbs shall not be poured monolithically with the sidewalk unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Casting Segments - Curb shall be cast in segments having a uniform length of approximately 20 feet. Segments shall be separated by contraction scoring. Contraction scoring shall be 1/4" wide x 1" deep - "V" shaped. · D. Expansion Joints - Expansion joints 3/4 inch in width shall be formed with "Premolded Bituminous Joint Filler", Section 705-07 placed at twenty (20) foot intervals as shown on the DIVISION 2 - Page 47 of 67 Plans and specified by the E~t:i ~ · ~ fi {:~ a~ e'~ :,hall be cut 1/4" below top of the curb. E. Forms - Forms shall be steel ,~: ,¥,~,:~,t. stralgk~ :i've ,i',~ n x-arp, and of such construction that there ``viii be no interference t: ins t,ec t~.m fm ~ ra Je, ~ a .~;~wnent. All forms shall extend Gr the full curb depth and shall b,2 br~c,.'d and st.cur,~d ~,ccq .~ately so that no displacement ti'om alignment will occur during p,ac ~n ¢ ~ ~ ( c oncret~. Concrete Placing and Vibrating - ~ '~mcrete shall be placed in the forms in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 555-3~04 and simll be compacted with mi approved, immersion tsloe mechanical vibrator. The vibrmc, r shall be of the size and weight capable ol' thoroughly vibrating the entire mass without ch~uraging ur misaligning the fom~s arid shall be approved by the Engineer. Forms shall be left in place Ibr 24 hours or until the concrete has sufficiently hardened, as determined b5 the Engineer. sc, that the5' can be removed withont injury to the curb. Upon remo'~al of the /buns, the exposed faces of the curb shall be immediately rubbed to a uniform surlhce. Rubbing shall be accomplished by competent finishers. No plastering ,,,All be pet'mined. G. Concrete Curing - Curing of ~he curb shall comply with the requirements of Section 502- 3.t0, Curing. Minimum curing periods for the various t.xqpes of curing materials used shall comply with the requirements of Table 502-2. H. Protection - The Contractor shall keep the curb clean, aligned and protected from damage until final acceptance of the work. Any curb damaged prior to the final acceptance of the work shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. END OF SECTION 02772 - CONCRETE CURB DIVISION 2 - Page 48 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02775 - CONCRETE WALKS ~VORK INCLUDED A. This ~vork includes all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to construct concrete ~valks to the depth, limits and grades in accordance with the plans, specifications, and/or as directed by the Engineer. B. The construction of the concrete sidexvalk shall meet the requirements of the Town of Southold Highway Department Code and the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Of January 2, 1995 as amended for Item 608.01 Concrete Sidexvalks except as modified herein. i~L~TERIALS Materials shall meet the requirements specified in the following subsections of Section 700 - Materials: Portland Cement (Type II) Fine Aggregates Coarse Aggregates Premolded Bituminous Joint Filler Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement Polyethylene Curbing Covers Water Section 701-01 Section 703-01 Section 703-02 Section 705-07 Section 709-02 Section 711-04 Section 712-01 The material requirements and composition shall comply with the Specifications or Class "A" concrete in Section 501-2 under "Portland Cement Concrete General". Concrete shall be proportioned in accordance with the aggregate weights specified for Class "A" concrete in Table 501-3, Concrete Proportions. C. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi at 28 days. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The general construction details fbr manufacturing, transporting, and placing concrete shall meet the requirements of Section 501, Portland Cement Concrete - General. Curing of concrete shall meet the requirements of Section 502, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. Handicapped sidewalk ramps shall be constructed at locations determined by the Engineer. C. The concrete shall be placed in one course four inches (4") in depth. Wire fabric for concrete reinfomement, Section 709-02, shall be embedded at mid-depth in the slab. DIVISION2 - Page 49 of 67 L The wire fabric shall e~.~;~ ~' ]',o. ,, ._~u~,- , re at 6" centers traversely and longitudinally. Transverse construction j,~ :~ .4 :.: ~,1i ,ex tex~,o;, tl ~ t'. t, lepth of the slab and spaced 2() to 25 feet apart. The edges t,:.'sd,:.: i~)ints sh il I:c ~.inisne:l vdth an edging tool having a l 4- inch radius. The concrete surface shall be ,cored as approx ed i,~ the Engineer so that the t-mished walk will be marked in squares ]he coho'rede shall [-.e worked and floated to produce a smooth and uniform surface'. Premolded bituminous joint filler. Section 705-07 shall be installed at all joints between sidewalk and curb, pavemant, building, etc After the completion of sidewalk work. the contractor shall cover the sidewalk overmght during the ftrst night of curing with a polyethylene cover or an equal to the approval of the Engineer. No sidewalk shall be left uncovered overnight during the th'st night of curing. The contractor at all times provides access to homes and businesses m a mariner approved by the Engineer. New sidewalk area shall be barricaded using ropes, horses, flagging, etc., in a manner approved by the Engineer to protect the public during the curing period until the sidewalk is sufficiently cured to allow pedestrian traffic. The Contractor shall protect the sidewalk and keep it in first class condition until the completion of the contract. .,Uny portion of the sidewalk, which is damaged or vandalized at an5' time before the f'mal acceptance of the xvork, shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory, sidewalk at the Contractor's expense. END OF SECTION 02775 - CONCRETE WALKS DIVISION 2 - Page 50 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02820 - VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATES WORK INCLUDED. This work includes all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to furnish and install 9 gauge wire core, black vinyl clad, 2" mesh, 4' and 6' height chain link fencing. SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings: Layout of fences and gates with dimensions, details, and finishes of components, accessories, and post foundations. B. Product data: Manufacturer's catalog cuts indicating material compliance and specified options. CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC PVC coated over galvanized wire: ASTM F 668, Class 2b, 7 mil thermally fused polyvinyl chloride in Black. ASTM A 641, galvanized steel core wire, tensile strength 75,000 psi with 6 gauge core wire. Size: Helically wound and woven to height of as indicated on plans with 2" diamond mesh, 6 gauge core wire with a wire diameter of 0.192" and a break load of 2170 lbs. C. Selvage of fabric shall be knuckled at top and bottom STEEL FENCE FRAMING Steel pipe - Type I: ASTM F 1083, standard weight schedule 40; minimum yield strength of 25,000 psi (170 MPa); sizes as indicated. Hot-dipped galvanized with minimum average 1.8 oz/fl2 (550 g/m2) of coated surface area. Steel pipe - Type II: Cold formed and welded steel pipe complying with ASTM F 1043, Group IC, with minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi (344 MPa), sizes as indicated. Protective coating per ASTM F 1043, external coating Type B, zinc with organic overcoat, 0.9 oz/ft2 (275 g/m2) minimum zinc coating with chromate conversion coating and verifiable pol2aner film. Internal coating Type B, minimum 0.9 oz/ft2 (275 g/m2) zinc or Type D, zinc pigmented, 81% nominal coating, minimum 3 mils (0.08 mm) thick. Formed steel CC") sections: Roll formed steel shapes complying with ASTM F 1043, GrouplI, produced from 45,000 psi (310 MPa) yield strength steel; sizes as indicated. External coating per ASTM F 1043, Type A, minimum average 2.0 oz/ft2 (610 g/m2) of zinc per ASTM A 123, or 4.0 o~'ft2 (1220 g/m2) per ASTM A 525. DIVISION 2 - Page 51 of 67 Steel square sections: [AS'I i,[ ? 'q ,I, Grac.,: !31 5i~:~ tt ~ving minimum yield stren~h o( 40,000 psi (275 MPa); size ; :t ; ~.:c~.te, l. t,t tirl-e, i:flvanizedwithminimum} 8 oz/ft2 (550 g/m=) of coated ~_ rtrt~ i '..a. F. End and Comer Post .......... 5 ~;:: :t,. indicate :1 t,,~ t,~: olans Line (intermediate) Post .......,,,.~" ~s indica:ed, tr tr~c plans Rail and Braces ........... ~ -- · ....... .1z~ as indicate~t on tq<~ plans CHAIN LINK SWING GATES Gate frames: Fabricate chaiu link s~xing gates in accordance with ASTM F 900 using galvanized steel tubular members, 2" square, weighing 2.60 lb/ft or aluminum tubular members, 2" square, weighing 0.94 lb/ft. Weld coimections tbrming rigid one-piece unit.(no substitution) Vinyl coated frames thermally fused with 10 to 15 mils of PVC per ASTM 1043. (If gate frame is not to be vinyl coated, eliminate reference to PVC coating. Chain link fence fabric: PVC thermally fused to metallic coated steel wire. ASTM t" 668, Class 2b, in color, mesh, and gauge to match fence. Install fabric xvith hook bolts and tension bars at all 4 sides. Attach to gate frame at not more than 15" on center. Hardware materials: Hot dipped galvanized steel or malleable iron shapes to suit gate size. [Field coat moveable parts [e.g. hinges, latch, keeper, and drop bar) with PV(7 touch up paint, provided by manufacturer, to match adjacent f'mishes]. Hinges: Structurally capable of supporting gate leaf and allow opening and closing without binding. Non-lift-off ~'pe hinge design shall permit gate to swing 180° 13.14 radius) inward or 180° (3.14 radius) out, yard. Latch: Forked ~,pe capable of retaining gate in closed position and have provision tbr padlock. Latch shall permit operation from either side of gate ACCESSORIES A. Chain link fence accessories: [ASTIVl F 626] Provide items required to complete fence system. Galvanize each ferrous metal item and finish to match framing. Post caps: Formed steel, cast malleable iron, or aluminum alloy weather tight closure cap for tubular posts. Provide one cap for each post. Cap to have provision tbr barbed wire when necessary.. "C" shaped line post without top rail or barbed wire supporting arms do not require post caps. (Where top rail is used, provide tops to permit passage of top rail. > C. Top rail and brace rail ends: Pressed steel per ASTM F626, for connection of rail and brace to terminal posts. DIVISION 2 - Page 52 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK D. Top rail sleeves: 7" (178 mm) expansion sleeve with spring, allowing for expansion and contraction of top rail. E. Wire ties: 9 gauge [0.148" (3.76 mm)] galvanized steel ~vire for attachment of fabric to line posts. Double ~wap 13 gauge [0.092" (2.324 mm)] for rails and braces. Hog ring ties of 12-1/2 gauge [0.0985" (2.502 mm)] for attachment of fabric to tension wire. F. Brace and tension (stretcher bar) bands: Pressed steel. At square post provide tension bar clips. G. Tension (stretcher) bars: One piece lengths equal to 2 inches (50 mm) less than full height of fabric with a minimum cross-section of 3/16" x 3/4" (4.76 mm x 19 mm) or equivalent fiber glass rod. Provide tension (stretcher) bars where chain link fabric meets terminal posts. H. Tension wire: Galvanized coated steel wire, 7 gauge, [ 0.177"(4.5 mm)] diameter wire with tensile strength of 75,000 psi (517 MPa). I. Tress rods & tightener: Steel rods with minimum diameter of 5/16" (7.9 mm). Capable of withstanding a tension of minimum 2,000 lbs. J. Nuts and bolts are galvanized. SETTING MATERIALS Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi (20 MPa). EXAMINATION A. Verify areas to receive fencing are completed to final grades and elevations. B. Ensure property lines and legal boundaries of work are clearly established. CHAIN LINK FENCE FRAMING INSTALLATION A. Install chain link fence in accordance with ASTM F 567 and manufacturer's instructions. B. Locate terminal post at each fence termination and change in horizontal or vertical direction of 30° or more. C. Space line posts uniformly at 10' on center or as indicated on the plans. D. Concrete set terminal and gate posts: Drill holes in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil.. Holes shall have diameter 4 times greater than outside dimension of post, and depths approximately 6" deeper than post bottom. Excavate deeper as required for adequate support in soft and loose soils, and for posts with heax? lateral loads. Set post DIVISION2 - Page 53 of 67 bottom 36 below surface ,,~}t: ~ i-, 5c n. urdi: t ir ,..~,t ~,. Place concrete around posts a continuous pour. Trowel lit M, ar: ~:n,t [,,> Si:. ~:., direct water a~vay t¥om posts. E. Check each post for verit:.i :t'< top :-:iz, rn,,~t[I, aid maintain in position during placement and finishing F. Bracing: Install horizontal pipt. brace at mido_e gl-a tcr fences 6' and over, on each side of terminal posts. Firmly attacc with fitt;ng~.. Install diagonal truss rods at these points. Adjust tress rod, ensuring posts remain plum},. H. Tension wire: Provide tension ~qre at bottom of fhbric if indicated on the plan= (and at top, if top rail is not specified'}. Install tension wtre before stretching fabric and attach to each post with ties. Secure tension wire ~o fabric with 12-l/2 gauge [0.0985" 1£'.502 mm)] hog rings 24" oc. [. Top rail: Install lengths, 21'. Connect joints ~vith sleeves for rigid connections for expansion/contraction. J. Center Rails (for fabric height I2' ( and over). Install mid rails between posts with fitting and accessories. K. Bottom Rails: Install bottom rails between posts with fittings and accessories. GATE INSTALLATION A. Install gates plumb, level, and secure for full opening without interference. B. Attach hardware by means which will prevent unauthorized removal. C. Adjust hardware for smooth operation. D. Touch up hardware (see 02820.5C.) CtL~.LN LINK FABRIC INSTALLATION A. Fabric: Instail fabric on side as directed by the Engineer and attach so that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released. Leave approximately 2" between finish grade and bottom selvage. Attach fabric with wire ties to line posts at l 5" on center and to rails, braces, and tension wire at 24" on center. B. Tension (stretcher) bars: Pull fabric taut; thread tension bar through fabric and attach to terminal posts with bands or clips spaced maximum of 15" [381 mm) on center. DIVISION 2 - Page 54 of 67 DMSION 2 - SITE WORK ACCESSORIES A. Tie wires: Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to persons and clothing. B. Fasteners: Install nuts on side of fence opposite fabric side for added security. CLEANING A. Clean up debris and unused material, and remove from the site. END OF SECTION 02820 - VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATES DIVISION 2 - Page 55 of 67 SECTION 02891 - SIGNAGE WORK INCLUDED This work includes fm'nishing a,! kbo,', materials ¢,c~ic~rcnt, and incidentals necessau to install new signs for the proposeJ rc ac ~, and par~::ttg lield; ,n accordance ~Sth the plans and specifications and as directed by thc i-nginee< e 'c,[,osec ,t=,ns shall include but not be limited to the following: · Directional signs · Handicapped parking siga~s · Building signs · Traffic signs The construction of the signs shall meet the requirements ct' sections 645 of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 as amended except as modified herein MATERIALS A. Sign Panels - The aluminum sign panels shall meet all requirements the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 for Item 645- 2.01 Sign Panels. B. Concrete for Foundations - The concrete foundations shall meet all requirements the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of Jamtary 2. 1995 for Item 645-2.03 Concrete for Foundations. C. Sign Posts and Support Systems - The sign posts and support systems shall be galvanized steel and meet all requirements the New York State Departmem of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 2, 1995 for Item 645-3.11 Sign Posts and Support Systems. INSTALLATION A. All Construction Details requirements of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of Januau',-, '~ 1995 shall applv, except as hereto modified. B. No signaue shall be place prior to En=~neer s acceptance of the proposed stgn [ocanon END OF SECTION 02891 - SIGNAGE DIVISION 2 - Page 56 of 67 DI*VTSION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02900 - PLANTINGS DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to install plantings. The work to be completed in this section shall include the following: Trees and Shrubs Mulching and Fertilizer MATERIALS All plant material shall be true to name and size in conformity with the following standards: Hortus Third. 1976. Revised and expanded by the staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co. American Standard for Nursery Stock, Most current edition. Washington D.C.: American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. B. Plant Materials: Plant list. A complete list of plants, including a schedule of quantities, sizes and other requirements is shown on the Drawing. In the event that discrepancies occur between the quantities of plants indicated in the plant list and as indicated on the plan, the plant quantities indicated on the plan shall govern. Substitutions. No substitutions shall be accepted, except with the written permission of the Engineer. Quality. Al1 plants shall be typical of their species or variety. All plants shall have normal, well-developed branches and vigorous root systems. They shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, and free fi.om defects, disfiguring knots, abrasions of the bark, sunscald injuries, plant diseases, insect eggs, borers, and all other forms of infection. No trees or shrubs with wounds larger than 3A" shall be accepted. No plant material containing noxious weeds in the mot ball shall be accepted. Trees with broken, cracked or damaged mot balls will not accepted and the plant material shall be replaced at no extra cost to the Town. All plants shall be nursery grown and shall have been growing trader the same climatic conditions as the location of this project for a least two (2) years prior to the plat of planting on this project. Measurement. Size and grading standards shall conform to those of the American Association of Nurserymen unless otherwise specified. A plant shall be dimensioned as it stands in its natural position. Stock furnished shall be a fair average between the minimum and maximum size specified. Large plants which have been cut back to the specified sizes will not be accepted. Perennials and Groundcovers shall be well rooted and established within the container, yet not rootbound DIVISION 2 -Page 57 of 67 C. Composted Bark Mulch Shall be of any wood except eh-~- a ~,~1 t:'[:,~. of :m~ p~ts~s. [;ark Mulch shall be natural forest product of 98% bark containing ,..;:~ hz i, i'".',, w, ~,~,l, ~r '1',~ ..lebris. Wood chips produced oil the site may also be used for tfis x,,,r< ~u.,'h that the~ h-: tree from leaves, sticks, seeds, diseased materials, chunks ofwond !ar?~ thtm ~' > c. ttte' ,t,'bris. The Engineer reserves the right to reject, on or after deli~ct.x tn, ntatert~.i that tt,)cs not, in his opinion, meet iht specifications. D. Organic Fertilizer (10-6-4~ 150°,, sloxx release'i All Organic Fertilizer (10-6-4) (50% slow release) shall be delivered in standard size bags of the manufacturer, showing organic certification, weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. It shall be stored as directed by the Engineer in such a manner that its effectiveness ~xill not be impaired. PLANT MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION A. Location of individual woody plants shall be staked and the planting beds outlined on the project site in accordance with the planting plan before any planting pits are dug. Engineer prior to installation shall review all staking. The Engineer shall have the authority' to adjust the plant or bed locations at no cost to the owner if in his opinion these do not resemble the plant or bed locations as originally laid out and approved. B. Planting pits shall be round, with tapered sides and fiat bottoms, and sized in accordance with outlines and dimensions sho~xn on the drawings. C. In the event that the Contractor identifies detrimental soil conditions, the Engineer shall be notified in writing of said conditions along with suggestions tbr rectit~ing the conditions Poor quality subgrade soils shall be removed from the planting pit and replaced with good quality topsoil at no additional expense to the Town. D. Plants shall be planted the root flare level with at or slightly higher than the finished grade. In the event that the root flare is bm'led within the root ball, the top of the ball shall be cut down and any adventitious roots removed. E. In the event that the pit is excavated to a greater depth, the pit shall be refilled with the appropriate amonnt of soil and the soil tamped. All planting stock shall be nursery-grown in accordance with good horticultural practices. Plants shall be free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as 'knots, sunscald, injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement. They shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, ot uniform groxvth, typical of the species and variety, well-formed, free from irregularities. with the minimum quality conforming to American Standard for Nurseo, Stock. No trees or shrubs with wounds larger than ~/~" shall be accepted. Trees having damaged or missing leaders, muhiple leaders, Y-crotches. or indications of topping or heading back will not bc DIVISION 2 Page 58 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK accepted. Single stem trees shall have the lowest branches between 6'-7 above f'mished grade. Multistem or clump trees shall be pruned at the direction of the Engineer if in his opinion an excessive number of branches protrude from the canopy of the tree below 7' which may require pruning in the future. The Contractor may request to have plant material selected by the Engineer prior to delivery, on site. This shall not preclude the Engineer from rejecting material once on site if in his opinion it has been damaged or fails to meet the specifications. Plants furnished in containers shall have the roots well established in the soil mass and shall have grown in the container for at least one growing season. Containers shall be large enough to provide earth-root mass of adequate size to support the plant tops being grown. Plants over-established in the container, as evidenced by pot-bound root ends, will not be accepted. Tubers shall be firm, non-desiccated, and certified free of disease and viral infection, as indicated in the Plant Schedule. All tubers shall be top size and firm with numerous fibrous roots if applicable. The Contractor shall submit a list of the proposed daylily species, quantities, colors, bloom periods and ultimate sizes for review and approval of the Engineer prior to purchasing said material Ground covers shall be xvell-established cuttings and planted by hand. Tubers and herbaceous plants shall be planted in the spring after suitable preparation of the planting bed by tilling the soil, allowing the weeds to germinate (two-week minimum) and tilling again prior to planting. Groundcovers shall be planted 8 or 12 inches on center (O.C.). as indicated on the plan. These areas shall be fertilized in the same manner as areas to be prepared for turf. A 2" mulch of aged bark mulch shall be spread around all ground covers to aid in establishment and minimize competition from weeds. The beds shall be maintained in a weed free condition throughout the guarantee and maintenance period. Preparation of Plants. In preparing the plants for moving, all precautions customary in good practice shall be taken. Workmanship that fails to meet the highest standards will not be accepted. Balled and burlaped plants shall have a solid ball of earth of minimum specified size held in place by burlap and a stout rope. Oversize or exceptionally heavy plants are acceptable if the size of the ball or spread of the roots is proportionally increased to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Delivery. All plants shall be packed, transported, and handled with the utmost care to ensure adequate protection against injury. Trees with broken, cracked or damaged root balls will not accepted and the plant material shall be replaced at no extra cost to the Totem. Any inspecti6n certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment invoice. DIVISION 2 - Page 59 of 67 L. Inspection. The Contractor sltt ! I'l~rt ~,, p .mt m ~:: ti:l ~ntil it is inspected and approved by the Engineer at the site o! he )') *,2t .' ~ n st~.fi. I with fresh or uncallused x~ounds larger than 3/4" in diameter t~ <', ~: ;:lb ec ,. re ,~t ~ The Engineer shall be the ~o[e judge of the quality and acxpt;t~ Ii '. ~ f xne nr~lc':~. ~ All rejected material shall be irrmaediately removed from t~t site ~nd rephtc~:d x, ,tn :itceptable material at no additional cost. TIME OF PLANTING: Unless other~Sse directed by the Engineer. deciduous material shall be planted ti'om M~rch [st to May 1st and from October 15th to December 15th, evergreen mater/al shall be planted from April 1st to May 15th and from September 1st to Octobe,' 15tb. or as approved by the Engineer PLANTING: A. Setting Plants. Each plant shall be planted in an individual hole as specified. All holes shall be dug with tapered sides and flat bottom.s, or as directed. All plants shall be set to ultimate finished grade, so that they will be left in the same relation to the surrounding grade as they were grown in the nurser3' or slightly higher. In the event that nurseo practices have resulted in soil being placed above the root flare, this extra soil and an5 advantageous roots shall be removed. The planting detail shall supersede these specifications. Ail synthetic material shall be removed from the planting pit and root bail. Ropes, wires and burlap shall be removed from the top and upper 1/2 of the root ball and hole before filling in. Burlap shall be properly cut and removed from the sides of the bail and the planting pit. When depth is specified, it shall be understood as meaning depth below finished grade. Excess excavation from all holes shall be removed from the site. B. Backfilling of Planting Pits. Use planting mixture of 4 parts topsoil. 1 part approved commercial horticultural peat moss. Upon approval of the Engineer, existing native soil may be used if the soil is found to be of a suitable quality. Existing subsoil is to be removed from site by Contractor. Planting pits and beds shall be back filled carefully to fill all voids and to avoid breaking or bruising roots. An approved fertilizer such as 1 cup of 5-10-5 or slow release fertilizer tablets per 1" of caliper shall be placed with the backfill. A sample of the proposed fertilizer shall be submitted to the Engineer r't~r approval prior to the start of work. Tamp backfill firmly to prevent settlement. Whan pit is nearly filled, water thoroughly and allow water to soak away. If settling of the backfill .occurs after xvatefing, add more backfill to bring to level. A slight "saucer" shall be tbrn~ed around each plant to hold additional water. C. Shrubs. All shrubs shall be planted in holes at least 1 foot greater in diameter that the ball of earth or spread of roots. The depth of the ho[es shall be at least ltbot and as much greater as is necessary to set the plant properly at finished grade. A2:ter preparation of the hole as specified, the plant shall be planted in the center of the hole. The hole shall be filled with topsoil and settled thoroughly by watering. Areas between shrub beds {.masses of shrubs planted 4' apart or closer) betxveen shrubs must be tilled and pulverized to a depth of 6 inches excepting those areas within the driplines or' existing tree.s. :\ slight DIVISION 2-Page 60 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK "saucer" shall be formed around each plant to hold additional water. Skrubs shall not be planted closer than two (2) feet from the edge of the shrub beds. Groundcovers Plants shall be carefully removed from the containers or flats immediately prior to planting and set to the same depths as they were grox~aa in the nursery bed or container, to the correct spacing indicated on the plans. Roots shall be arranged in their natural position and topsoil worked in among them, taking care to avoid bruising or damaging the roots. No later than one (1) hour after planting, all plants shall be thoroughly settled with water. The unit as listed on the plant list as "flat" shall be flats of 24 plants per flat. Upon completion of planting, all debris and waste material resulting from the planting operation shall be removed from the project area, and the affected area raked or swept and cleaned as necessary. MECHANICAL TRANSPLANTING TREES A. Description. This Item shall consist of all labor, material, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to transplant designated trees within the limits of the project- hereinafter specified. B. Materials. Transplant Inoculant. The Transplant inoculant shall consist of Mycor Tree Saver Transplant, a product of Plant Health Care, Inc., 440 William Pitt Way, Pittsburg, PA., 15~38, 1-800-421-9051 or an equivalent product as approved by the Engineer. Sandy Loam Backfill. Sandy loam backfill shall be typical of the area with no noxious weeds, grasses, sticks, roots, stones present and shall be consistent in texture. (1 inch Maximum lump size). C. Construction IVlethods: Equipment. The Contractor shal 1 use machinery in good condition with minimum tolerances between cutting blades. All blades shall be true to their designed spade and free of bends which could interfere with its operation. The tree spade shall be mounted on a suitable, stable machine capable of supporting the weight of all dug materials and heavy enough to force all blades into the soil at the proper depth. Pits to receive machine transplanted trees shall be dug with machines of like size and manufacture to that which is used to dig the intended tree. DIVISION 2 - Page 61 of 67 General Notes: a. Three to s 2: Ilia 42"} :~thpe~ tie;. ,'hal 1 be moved with a nrmimum of sixty in: ' f { ': n,ec ha ~ c ~ t~ ,..: ; 5z ,le. Over eight t, art ,nth ~-[ ,"* ,::t per trees shall be moved xxith a minimum cit~e 7 .tcix 190 incct-,ar3izt i tree spade The Contracto, shall be re:sponsib{e tor locating underground utilities for transplant operations. The Contractor shall be rca ~' ponsl)~ for watering and maintaining the trees for two (2 ~ 5ears. TheContractor shall keep the project areas cleaned of all debris and left in a neat and presentable condition at all times. 'Fine Contractor shall fill grade, and repair an3' damaged x~ork areas on the project site to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise utmost care to prevent damage to an3' utilities, structures, fences, gates, or other facilities at all sites. Pruning: a. Before digging, or within forD'-eight (48) hours after transplanting trees shall be Class 1 pruned, in accordance with the National Arborist Association Pruning Standards for Shade Trees. Pruners shall be kept sharp, clean and adjusted properb' to re proper cuts. Anvil type praners or loppers will not be acceptable pruning equipment. Digging, Transporting and Planting: a. Trees shall be centered in the machine when dug. Caution should be observed to prevent damage to the tree branches and trucks while backing up to or driving away from the tree. Roots protruding from the digging spades shall be cut flush with the rootbal I before planting. Transplanted trees shall stand plumb and be planted two to ibur iuches (2"-4") higher than existing fitfished grade. fhe Contractor shall use one-quarter inch (l.,'4") diameter twine or other suitable material approved by the Engineer to compress the branches the tree to prevent breakage during transportation or planting the trees. e. 'Frees shall be dug and transph'mted within forty-eight 148 hours. DIVISION 2- Page 62 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK MULCHING: Sandy Loam Backfilling: a. Trees shall be backfilled with sandy loam topsoil. b. Backfill shall be watered in after each twelve inch (12") layer. c. A water basin shal 1 be constructed around each tree. The basin shall be no more than (12") beyond the edge of the tree pit and the maximum height shall be eight (8"). On slopes, the areas around the tree shall be graded in such a manner that an adequate basin can be provided. Transplant Inoculant: a. Trees shall be inoculated with a mixture of "Tree Saver" or approved equals, mixed as per label instructions. b. Transplant Inoculant shall be applied during transplanting. After planting has been approved, layer aged bark mulch shall be placed within the extent of all planting beds to cover the planting pit of all trees, shrubs and groundcovers and the areas in between to a depth of 2". All shrub beds shall be completely covered with a similar material. Upon completion of planting and prior to application of wood ch/ps, commemial fertilizer (10-6-4) shall be incorporated into soil to a depth of two (2) inches at the rate of(10) lbs. per thousand (1,000) square feet. Wood ch/p mulch shall be applied to the surface of beds and tree pit areas as shown on the plans and directed by the Engineer. Mulch shall be applied to a uniform depth of three (3) inches, and shall be so distributed as to create a smooth, level cover over the exposed soil. Plants shall not be covered. EDGING OF PLANTING AREAS: The Contractor shall establish a neat edge where planting areas meet grass areas, as shouaa on the plan or as directed by the Engineer. Edging shall be done by competent mechanics in a workmanlike manner with a spade or edging tool immediately after all planting and seeding is completed. Particular care shall be exercised in edging to establish good flowing curves as sho~ on the plan or as directed by the Engineer. DFv'ISION 2 - Page 63 of 67 MAINTENANCE: A. At the time of planting, the soi; alto,ltl each F[,tttt silaJi q~z thoroughly saturated with water, and as many times later as seasonable t:ortdition~ reqtt rc antil final acceptance of the plant materials. Maintenance shal[ Jnclttd.' ;~ateru~g, ,xeecmg, cultivating, edging, control of insects, fungal infections, and c,ther disea.~c.- b3 means of spraying xvith an approved insecticide or fungicide, pruning, adjustmer~t and repair of stakes, anchors, and ~ires. repair of minor washouts and guilies ap to z~elx..' inches (12") in depth, and other horticultural operations necessa~' tot the proper gro,.~lh of all trees, and for keeping the entire area within the contract hntits neat m appearance until the final acceptance and completion of the whole work of this contract, q be maintenance schedule fi)r the groundcovers and herbaceous materials shall continue lot a period of time not to be less than 2 years or until such time as me ~ound cover and herbaceous materials has become fully established and has begun to spread such that the occurrence of weeds is non-existent or incidental to the plantings. The maintenance fi)r lawtl areas is described separately. schedule of maintenance operations shall be submitted to the Engineer fi)r rcviex~ and approval, and checked periodically for concurrence. B. All planting areas shall be cultivated and weeded with hoes or other approved tools within the growing season extending from May 1st to October 1st, and such cultivating and weeding shall be repeated at least eveE,' three (3) weeks. Under no conditions shall weeds be allowed to attain more than six inches (6"') of gro',~lh. The cost of maintenance shall be included in the price bid. END OF SECTION 02900 - PLANTINGS DIVISION 2 - Page 64 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02911 - TOPSOIL DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for hauling, stockpiling, placing, grading, and compacting of topsoil in accordance with the Specifications, Engineer and as indicated on the Contract Drawings. The Town of Southold will furnish the required leaf compost material necessary for the Contractor to blend on-site soils suitable for making topsoil. The Contractor will be required to transport all soil materials on-site, blend/screen the leaf compost material with the suitable on-site soil material before spreading, compacting and prepping for hydroseeding. MATERIALS A. Screened Leaf Compost material shall be available from the Town of Southold. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A. The Contractor shall be responsible to test the screened (blended) topsoil material to verify organic content, Ph and soil nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus). B. No topsoil shall be spread until the subgrade elevations and the topsoil have been verified by the Contractors surveyor and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply all required equipment and personnel necessasy to scarify, rake and fine grade topsoil. Raking shall be performed at a minimum to the top 2 inches of soil. D. The Contractor shall rake and frae grade all areas within the contract limit lines. All equipment tracks, depressions, etc., shall be graded smooth. E. The Contractor shall amend soil as required to the recommendation of an agricultural · laboratory based upon test results. The Contractor may supply erosion control to protect the contract area. Any erosion, which may occur during construction, shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Town. END OF SECTION 02911 - TOPSOIL DIVISION 2 - Page 65 of 67 SECTION 02920 - HYDROSEgD DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all Inbox, t:mterials. :,l~tipmer t md incidentals necessary to apply hydroseeding, amend the soil and estabiish an acceptabte stand of grass as specified, shown on the Contract Drawings and as approved b> the Engineer. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submi't to the Engineer all items described in subsequent sections as. outlined by the following schedule: A. Prior to hyd[oseeding material deliYery to the proiect site: 1. Certified seed mixture. 2. Certified soil amendments, i.e. fertilizer, lime, peat moss, etc. as required pet' Agricultural Laboratory recommendations. '[he Contractor shall submit the repor~ to the Engineer. 3. Certified wood fiber nmlch. Upon completion of hydroseeding: 1. Maintenance instructions for Owners maintenance after tinal acceptance. 2. Statement of warrant2,.' (1 3'ear maintenance) MATERIALS The seed mixture should be as follows and applied at a rate of 150 pounds per Acre: 35% Care Free Tall Fescue 35% Cavalcade Tall Fescue l 5% AffiniBr Perennial Ryegrass 15% PS 8990 Perennial Ryegrass B. All fertilizer and lime shall be of commercial grade. A 100% wood fiber mulch binder should be incorporated into the seed mixture at a rate of eight (8) pounds mulch per one (1) pound of seed. D. The 100% wood cellulose fiber mulch binder should meet the following requirements: Organic Matter 98% ±2% Ash Content 1.4% pH 6±2 Water Holding Capacity 90% minimum DIVISION 2 - Page 66 of 67 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A. Any existing vegetation determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable shall be removed by the Contractor prior to installing jute or erosion control mat. B. Seeding shall be done between April 15th to June 15th or September 1st to November 15th. Soil amendments shall be granular type incorporated into the top three inches of soil. The Contractor may utilize liquid type with manufacturer's certification and Engineer's approval. D. The manufacturer's representative anrFor installation guidelines should be consulted for more specific installation guidelines. Seeding: Every effort shall be taken to obtain a uniform distribution over the seeded area. The hydroseeder shall have continuous agitation action that keeps the seed mixed in the water slurry until pumped form the tank and the pump pressure shall be maintained such that a continuous pump' pressure shall be maintained such that a continuous non- fluctuating stream is maintained. If distribution of hydroseeding is not uniform, the affected area shall be re-seeded at the Contractor's expense. The seed-fertilizer mixture shall be used within 4 hours of adding the seed to the tank. Seed that is allowed to remain mixed with the fertilizer for longer than 4 hours will not be accepted for ruse and no compensation will be made for seed so rejected. Maintenance of Grass: The Contractor shall maintain the seeded area without additional pa~,Tnent until a uniform stand of grass approximately two and one-half (2-1/2) inches high has been obtained. Any areas that have been damaged or fail to show a uniform stand of grass shall be re-fertilized and re-seeded with the original mixture at the Contractor's expense until all the designated areas are covered with grass. The Contractor shall properly water, protect if necessary, the areas until a satisfactory stand is obtained. ~qaen any portion of the surface becomes gullied or otherwise damaged, or when treatment is destroyed, the affected portion shall be repaired to re-establish condition and grade of soil and treatment prior to injury as directed at no additional cost to the Owner. Repair work required because of faulty operations (delays) or negligence on the part of the Contractor shall be performed without additional cost to the Owner. The Contractoi shall make any repairs as directed by the Engineer before final acceptance. END OF SECTION 02920 - HYDROSEED DIVISION 2 - Page 67 of 67 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF · CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Dra~vings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items ~vhich might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DMSION NO. 3 - CONCRETE Included in this Division are the following sections: 03100 03200 03300 03360 Concrete Form Work Concrete Reinforcement Cast-In-Place Concrete Concrete Surface Hardener DIVISION 3 - Page I of l 1 SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORM WORK SCOPE The work under this heading shall consist of furu~shin[,, all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or req~tirec~ it, perfom'~ ~ ~d con p~te all concrete tbmt work. including but not limited to the following: Forms and centering. ?dl forms required Ibr the x~ork in tt~fis Section. Setting and building of all anchors, inserts, hangers, supports, ties. frames, bolts, sockets, sleeves, lintels, etc.. required to be built into concrete work, except where otherwise specified. FORMS, CENTERING AND FORM WORK AFFECTING WORKMANSHIP Forms shall conform with the lines, dimensions and shapes of concrete indicated on the Drax~Sngs, for the members for wtfich they 'are provided. They shall be tight to prevent any possibility of movement after concrete is poured and shall insure safety to workmen and the public. On concrete exposed to view, metal ties where used shall be detached l-inch back fron~t surface of exposed side and holes filled with cement mortar and rubbed immediately after removal of forms. Forms for concrete work shall be plywood or composite of smooth line construction, that will produce straight, dense surface free from honeycombs, bulges and depressions. If any material is used to coat formwork to facilitate its removal, this material shall be of such nature as not to stain or injure the concrete or cause injury to £mish to be applied on exposed surfaces on concrete. Forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before reusing. All wood form work, including that used in void spaces, po. ckets and other similar places, shall be removed. Forms shall not be disturbed until the concrete has adequately hardened. Care shall be taken to avoid spalling concrete surface. WORK IN CONNECTION WITH OTHER SECTIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS Box out for pipes as directed and fill up to pipe sleeves with concrete after same are in place. Build in anchors, inserts or slots as required for proper anchorage. DIVISION 3 - Page 2 of 11 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE C. Set in concrete all sleeves furnished under other sections or contracts, in proper alignment and location. D. Cooperate with other trades. E. Build in concrete all forms furnished by other trades and required to be built into concrete. END OF SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORM WORK DIVISION 3 - Page 3 of 11 SECTION 03200 CONCRE~I E REIN[ORCEMEN 1 SCOPE The ~vork under this heading shah cor, sist of fi:rnishin~ ail labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and com[,lete tl concrete reinforcing. SHOP DRAWINGS Complete and accurate shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer tbr reviexx before an3 work is executed. Dra~vings shall show franfing plans, details, bending diagrams, sizes and spacing of members, relationship to contiguous work, scale elevations of all reinforced concrete walls, and all other pertinent infommtion. Details shall be carried out in accordance with the A.C.I. roles. Contractor shall submit one black and white print and one reproducible with each submission. Cost of all prints required from the reproducible, including prints required by the Engineer, shall be borne by this Contractor. MATERIALS Deformed reinforced steel shall conform with SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW BiLl.ET-STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEIvlENT, ASTM A-615, GRADE 60. Deformations on deformed bars shall conform with SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFORNLATIONS OF DEFORMED STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCE_MENT. ASTM A-305. C. ' Welded wire fabric shall comply with ASTM A-185. PLACING OF REINFORCEIVIENT Metal supports, ties and spacers for reinforcement shall be rustproof of proper size, and strength to ensure against displacement during pouring operations. For structural slabs placed on ground. provide legs of slab bolsters and continuous high chairs with continuous plates. All reinforcement shall be bent cold. IVlinimum radius of bend shall be four dian~eters for bars 5/8 inch round or less, and six diameters for larger bars. C. At intersections, rods shall be securely wired together. Contractor shall exercise extreme care to prevent discoloration of exposed concrete surfaces reinforcement. All reinforcement shall be inspected in the fom~s before concreting starts by the Engineer Contractor shall notify, the Engineer at least 24 hours prior to an5' pour. END OF SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DIVISION 3 - Page 4 of 11 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE REFERENCES Except as shown or specified otherwise, the Work of this Section shall conform to the requirements of Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ACI 301-89 of the American Concrete Institute. QUALITY ASSURANCE Concrete batching plant shall be currently approved as a concrete supplier by the Ne~v York State Department of Transportation. PROPORTIONING (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter 3): Compressive Strength: Minimum 3000 psi, unless shown or specified otherwise. Minimum 4000 psi for stmcturai footings, foundations, floor slabs, exterior slabs, ramps and stairs. Weight: Normal weight as indicated, Lightweight Concrete (for floor fills): Air-dry trait weight between 95 and 115 lb/cu fi. Durability: 1. Concrete shall be air-entrained. Design air content shall be 6 percent by volume, with an allowable tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 percent for total air content. Entrained air shall be provided by use of an approved air-entraining admixture. Air-entrained cement shall not be used. Tipping floor and loading trench cortcrete slabs shall be air-entrained to a designed air content of no more than 3 percent by volume for the application of the surface hardener per ASTM C 173 or ASTM C 231. Slump: 1. 3000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 4 inches. 2. 4000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 3 inches. 3. Lightweight Concrete: Between 1 inch and 4 inches. Admixtures: Do not use admixtures in concrete unless specified or approved in writing by the Engineer. Selection of Proportions: Concrete proportions shall be established on the basis of previous field experience or laboratory trial batches, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer. Proportion mix with a minimum cement content of 564 pounds per cubic yard for 3000 psi concrete and 611 pounds per cubic yard for 4000 psi concrete. DIVISION 3 - Page 5 of 11 DIVISIOX 3 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter _fi}: A. Bar Reinforcement: ASTM x, ¢i'~ q Grade 6~), delo:-n~cd steel bars. B. Fabric Reinforcement: ASIM k t85, welded ~,i:'e fabric, fabricated into flat sheets unless otherwise indicated. C. Bar Supports: Galvanized steel or AISI Type 430 stainless steel, and without plastic tip,s. D. Tie Wire: Black annealed wire. 16-l/2 gage or heavie~ PRODUCTION (Amendments to ACI 3017 Chapter 7} A. Provide ready-mixed concrete, either central-mixed or truck-mixed. EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Do not use items of aluminum for mixing, chuting, conveying, forming or finishing concrete, except magnesium alloy tools may be used for f'mishing. B. Keep excavations free of water. Do not deposit concrete in water. C. Hardened concrete, reinforcement, forms, and earth which will be in contact with fresh concrete shall be free from frost at the time of concrete placement. D. Prior to placement of concrete, remove ail hardened concrete spillage and lbreign materials from the space to be occupied by the concrete. FORMWORK (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter 4) A. Chamfer all exposed external comers of concrete. PLACING REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter 5) A. At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other materials or coatings that may adversely affect or reduce the bond. PLACING CONCRETE (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter 8) A. Operation of track mixers and agitators and discharge limitations shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. B. Do not allow concrete to free fall more than 4 feet. DIVISION 3 - Page 6 of l 1 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE FINISHING FORMED SURFACES (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 10) Finish Schedule: Except xvhere indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rough Form Finish for concrete surfaces not exposed to view. Smooth Form Finish for concrete surfaces exposed to view. Smooth Rubbed Finish for exterior concrete surfaces exposed to view. Grout Cleaned Finish for interior concrete surfaces eiposed to view. FINISHING SLABS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 11) A. Slabs On Grade: Provide key type joints unless otherwise shown. Tool exposed joints. Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: 1. Floated Finish for: a. Treads and platforms of exterior steps and stairs. b. Slabs and fill over which waterproofing, roofing, vapor barrier, insulation, terrazzo, or resin bound flooring is required. 2. Broom Finish for exterior slabs. Texture as approved by the Engineer. 3. Bull float/highway straight edge "Tipping Floor" Concrete slabs for the application of surface hardener. Finishing, General: Provide monolithic finishes on concrete floors and slabs without the addition of mortar or other filler material. Finish surfaces in true planes, tree to line, with particular care taken during screeding to maintain an excess of concrete in front of the screed so as to prevent Iow spots. Screed and darby concrete to true planes while plastic and before free water rises to the surface. Do not perform finishing operations during the time free water (bleeding) is on the surface. CURING AND.PROTECTION (Amendments to ACI 301~ Chapter 12) Maintain concrete surfaces.in a moist condition for at least 7 days after placing, except where otherwise indicated. For surfaces of exterior slabs (on grade), apply chemical curing and anti-spalling compound in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 16) The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer a maximum of (2) two test cylinders per track load of concrete delivered to the site for testing as determined by the Engineer. One sample shall be taken at the start of the pour and the second at the end of the pour. Furnish shipping boxes for compression test cylinders. DIVISION 3 - Page 7 of 1 l B. The Contractor shall be rc.:~:)msirl: fi,r Ium :;~i~ I: t-c Engineer with the [est results ,~i' each concrete test cylinder tested t~ ' a~td [4 c at..- ~/r .:ach truck load. LABORATORY TESTS All laboratory costs in establishing -he design mix and testing of cylinders shall be borne by thc Contractor. END OF SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 3 - Page 8 of 1 l DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03360 - CONCRETE CURING/SEALING/HARDENING Dra~fngs and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to this section. Furnish labor, materials, equipment and supervision to install the monolithic heavy-duty non- resting, non-corrosive floor hardener as specified or shown in drawings. Work includes providing pre-mixed, ready-to-use surface hardener; proportioned,, mixed, packaged at the manufacturing facto .ry and delivered to the job site ready to apply; placing, finishing and curing as specified. SUBMITTALS Description: A ready to use floor topping comprised of a blend of 100% pure emery corundum, Portland cement and special additives proportioned and sealed in moisture resistant 50 pound bags. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company Specializing in manufacturing the products specified in t/tis section shall have a min/mum of 10 (ten) years documented experience in floor hardener manufacturing. Applicator: Company specializing in performing the work of this section shall have a minimum of three (3) years documented experience, and shall have prior approval of the floor hardener manufacturer. Applicators not certified or approved by the manufacturer, refer to Quality Assurance. Supervision: Trained by product manufacturer, under direct supervision of the manufacturer of the floor hardener. Notification: A notification of the manufacturer's authorized representative must be given at least 2 weeks before the start of work. QUALITY ASSURANCE Applicators not certified by the floor hardener manufacturer shall provide a mockup of flooring including surface preparation. B. Provide a 10 foot by 10 foot applied sample for each color and texture or finish specified. C. Locate where directed by Architect/Engineer. D. Retain mockup throughout the application period to serve as reference until final approval. DIVISION 3 - Page 9 of 1 l DELIVER~ STOIL4~GE, AND ItANDLI N{ i A. Deliver products in original un~p_~c,~.d, undamaged ~it, to~' packaging bearing identificanon of product, manufacture, batcl- ~ ur,.ff.-~,:, md expifat~o?. &,ia as applicable. B. Store the product in a locamm protected from damage construction activity, and precipitation in strict accordance with the manufacturer' s recommeudat~ons. EN~qRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not use specified prodnct under conditions of precipitation or freezing conditions. Usc appropriate measures for protection and supplementary heating/cooling or to ensure prior drying and curing conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Floor hardener manufacturer shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets. I'he applicator shall be responsible to post these sheets during the application of the floor hardener. WARRANTY The approved applicator and hardener manufacturer shall provide a one ( 1 ) .,,'ear lin~ited ,varranty for the work specified against becoming unserviceable or causing an objectionable appearance resulting from either defective or non-conforming materials or wor 'kmanship. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Approved Manufacturers: specifications are based on the fa'st named manufacture. Other approved manufactures must meet or exceed this standard and must be approveci by the Engineer. Anti-Hydro International, Inc., 45 River Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone: 1-800-777-1773 Product 1. A-H Eme~~ as manufactured by Anti-Hydro International 2. MATRIX: 100% pure emery/corundum - minimum 58% aluminum oxide, mininmm 24°/; iron oxide and maximum 4°.6 silica. 3. Application Rate: Heavy-Duty Use 1.25 lbs/ft2 DIVISION 3 - Page 10 of 11 DMSION 3 - CONCRETE EXECUTION A. Concrete Mix 2. 3. 4. Maximum slump shall not exceed 4 inches. Maximum air content shall not exceed 3%. Minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Add 1.5 gallons of "Anti-Hydro" admixture per yard of concrete in accordance xvith manufacturer's specifications. B. Concrete Placement 1. Move concrete into place with square-tipped shovels or concrete rakes. 2. Vibrators, xvhen used shall be inserted and withdrawing vertically. Concrete shall be struck to specified level with wood or magnesium straight edge or mechanical vibrating screed. The concrete surface shall be further leveled.and consolidated with high~vay magnesium straight edge and/or magnesium bull float. Mechanically float the concrete surface as soon as the concrete surface has taken its initial set and will support the weight of a power trowel using float shoes or a pan (combination blades shall not be used). C. Installation- Flooring Hardener The installation of the floor hardener shall be as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. D. Curing The curing oflhe slab shall be as per the surface hardener manufacturer's instructions. E. Protection of Finished Work 2. 3. 4. Protect finish work. Prohibit foot or vehicular traffic on floor surface as directed by the Engineer. Barricade area to protect flooring as directed by the Engineer. Protect floor surfaces from sub-trades until final inspection and acceptance by Owner. END OF SECTION 03360 - CONCRETE CURING/SEALING/HARDENING DIVISION 3 - Page 11 of 11 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA, and other Contract Documents. Refer to the .Draxvings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS Included in this Division are the following sections: 05100 05300 05400 05503 05510 05720 Structural Metal Cold Formed Metal Framing Miscellaneous Metal Bollards Metal Stairs AlumInum Handrails 5-1 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05100 - STRUCTURAL METALS SCOPE A. The work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perfom~ and complete all structural steel as shm~ o~: the Drawings and specified herein, including but not limited to the tbllowing: 1. Furnishing, fabricating and erecting all strnctural steel work as shown on the Drawings. 2. Furnishing anchor bolts for setting under other sections of the Specifications. 3. Bearing plates for beams. 4. Shop and field painting. 5. Preparation of shop, erection and detail drawings. 6. Hot dipped galvanized members exposed to weather and where indicated on drawings. 7. Hangers and struts. DRAWINGS A. Submit shop and erection drawings tbr review in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, immediately on award of Contract, based on design drawings. B. Materials shall not be fabricated or delivered to the site before the shop drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer, and returned to the St¢¢1 Contractor. Shop drawings shall include layouts and details showing the sizes of members, connections, cuts, holes, welds, bolts, etc. Provisions for the connection of other work shall be indicated. All Welds shall be indicated b.~ standard welding symbols contained in the "Structural Welding Code" of the American Welding Society. Shop drawings shall show the size, length and type of each weld. C. Review of shop drawings will be for size and arrangement of principal and auxiliary, members and strength of connections. Errors in dimensions shall be the Contractor's responsibilin.'. DIMENSIONS A. The Contractor must verily' all measurements at the building, especially when his ;~ork is subsequent to other work of the building and is to join it and will be held responsible fbr an.;' error in said measurement unless he notified the Engineer in time for proper a4iustment to be 5-2 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS made. This Contractor must cooperate with other contractors of the several trades so that work will not be constructed prematurely and have to be taken down to allow the construction ofxvork that should have had precedence. All work so done must be adjusted and must be replaced at the Contractor's cost. Dimensions shown on the structural drawings shall be verified and · supplemented. MATERIALS A. All structural steel and accessories shall be new. B. Structural steel shall be ASTM A-36. All stock material shall be of quality equal to that called for in Paragraph A above. Mill test reports shall constitute sufficient records as to materials taken from stock. Unidentified stock material, if free from surface imperfections, may be used for shore sections of minor importance or for small unimportant details where precise physical properties of the material would not affect strength of structure, as approved by the Engineer. E. No material containing plugged or filled holes will be accepted. Structural steel exposed to view in finish work shall be uniformly roiled true to section, without kinks, bends or surface imperfections. G. Welding Electrodes and Flux Combination: Use 70XX Class Electrodes. H. High Strength, Steel Bolts and Nuts shall be ASTM A-325. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Except where otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, all materials, design, fabrication, erection and inspection shall comply with Specifications for DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS and also CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES latest edition, issued by the American Institute of Steel Construction. The design of members and connections for any portions of the structure not indicated on the Drawings shall be completed by the fabricator, and shop drawings submitted to the Engineer for review before fabrication. Welding, where permitted shall be in accordance with STANDARD CODE FOR ARC AND GAS WELDING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION of the American Welding Society. 5-3 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS All pieces having assigned positions shall have a distinguishing mark plainly indicated thereon and near one end. These markings shall agree with those given on the Drawings relating thereto. or calling for those pieces. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all errors of fabrication and erection and for correcl' fitting of structural members to each other and to adjacent work. Templates sl~alt be furnished for setting of anchor bolts and other bolts and item,s. Femplates and bolts shall be delivered within such time as x;411 not delay progress of concrete and masonry xvork. CHECKING MEASUREMENTS~ EXAMINATION OF FOUNDATIONS The Contractor, before commencing with the xvork, shall check all governing dimensions at the building and the levels of all footings on which the work is to stand, and shall notify the Engineer of any- discrepancies. SUBSTITUTION OF SECTIONS Substitution of sections or modifications of details shall be made only if accepted by the Engineer. Substituted sections, if permitted, shall be of strength equal to those sho;xq~ on Drawings and shall not interfere with Architectural and Mechanical requirements. DELIVERY AND STORAGE All work shall be fabricated in ample time so as not to delay the progress of the work, and shall be delivered at such time as required for the proper coordination of the work. Competent workmen and suitable equipment shall be on the job at the time o~' deliveD' to properly handle and receive the material. All materials shall be kept clean and stored and ~handled in such a manner as to cause a minimum of inconvenience and to avoid injury in any' way. FABRICATION Finished members shall be tree to line and free from twists, bends and open joints. Shearing and punching shall leave clean, true lines and surfaces. All shop connections shall be high strength friction type bolts, or welded, except where welded connections are indicated on Drawings or specially authorized by the Engineer. Field 5-4 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS connections shall be bolted, except where welding is required. C. Bolts shall be 3/4 inch in diameter, except where otherwise noted. Holes shall be 1/16 inch larger than nominal diameter of the bolts. D. Holes in bearing plates shall be drilled. Grout holes shall be provided in column bearing plates where required. E. Contractor shall do all cutting, drilling, fitting, blocking, reinfoming, etc. of structural steel as required for the proper fabrication, connection and erection of work and as may be required for passing through, support or attachment thereto of work of other trades, where shown on Drawings, where required by site conditions or where instructions for same are given. Extent and location of all such drilling or cutting of each member shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. F. Provide standard AISC framed beam connections wherever possible. Web connections shall be double angle connections. End connections shall be of sufficiem strength to develop maximum reaction of the member, plus any eccentric load. G. Connections shall be so arranged as to avoid eccentricity so far as possible. H. Field Connections. All field connections shall be made with high strength friction type bolts. I. End connections shall be of sufficient strength to support safely the maximum reactions of cans'ing member, plus any load due to eccentricity. WORKMANS~ AND ERECTION A. Except as otherwise sho~m or specified, details of erection shall be in accordance with the Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel. B. It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to correct errors in shop fabrication or deformations ~vhich result from handling and transportation and prevent the proper assembly. Corrections shall be made at no additional cost to the O~mer. C. Location of anchor bolts shall be verified by Steel Contractor before erection of structural steel work. D. All members shall be aligned, leveled, and adjusted accurately prior to final fastening. Tolerances shall conform to A.I.S.C. code of Standard Practice. Fastening of splices of compressions members shall be done after the abutting surfaces have been brought completely into contact. 5-5 DI~TSION NO. 5 - METALS As erection progresses, the work shall be fastened securely to take care of all dead load. wind and erection stresses. All structural steel shall have suitable temporaD' braces to bold i~ m position until permanently secure. Field cutting of structural steel max only be done with prior consent of the Engineer Burning o! holes for bolted connections will not be permitted, and violation nl' this clause ~ill be sufficient cause for the rejection of any piece in ~vhich a burned hole exists. WELDING Welds shall be made only by operators who have been previously qualified b.~ tests as prescribed in STANDARD QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE of the American Welding Society to perform ~'pe of work required, except that this provision need not apply to rack welds later incorporated into finished ~velds cm'D4ng calculated stresses. Appearance, quali~' of work and methods of correction for defective work xvhere welding is permitted shall be in accordance with the American Welding Society publication CODE' FOR ARC-WELDING IN BUILDINO CONSTRUCTION. PAINTING AND CLEANING A. All steel work shall receive a shop coat except as follows: l. Milled bearing surfaces. 2. Contact surfaces of high-strength bolted friction connections. 3. Within two inches of field welds unless paint is certified weldable. B. Cleaning: All interior steel work, except steel visible inside the finished building, to be shop painted shall be cleaned in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council SP2. Hand-Tool Cleaning. Steel which will be visible inside the finished building shall be cleaned in accordance with SSPC SP6, commercial blast cleaning. Painting and cleaning of structural steel shall conform to the requirements of DMsion 9 - Finishes, Section 09910. 5-6 DFv'ISION NO. 5 - METALS INSPECTION A. Field inspection will include but not be limited to ascertaining that: 1. Plates are level and properly placed. 2. Connections fit. 3. Welding is properly executed by qualified welders. 4. Torque of high strength bolted connections. B. Any weld which upon examination or inspection is found to be defective, shall be removed to the satisfaction of the inspector and the weld shall be remade. This Contractor shall remake the welds at no additional cost to the Owner and shall in addition bear all costs of examination and inspection of the welds that have been remade. C. This Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish such facilities and provide such assistance as may be required for proper inspection. D. Reports shall be made of each inspection and shall be distributed in accordance xvith directions issued by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 05100 - STRUCTURAL METALS 5-7 DIgq[SION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05300 - COLD FORMED METAL FRA~IING GENERAL Description l. Scope of Work - All axially or wind loaded light gauge steel studs, track, bridging and related accessories as indicated on the Contract Drawings and specified herein. 2. Related work specified elsewhere. Quality Assurance 1. Inspection and Qualits' Control: Contractor shall provide effective full time qualiB' control over all fabrication and erection activities. 2. Standards Work shall meet the requirements of the following standards Axnerican Iron and Steel Institute (A.I.S.I.) Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members, 1980. American Welding Socie~' (A.~,r.S.) D. 1.3, 1981 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel. American Society. for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.). ~:nerican Institute of Steel Construction (A.I.S.C.) Manual of Steel Construction, 9th edition. All pertinent Federal, State and Local Codes. The most stringent requirements shall govern in conflicts bev, veen specified codes and standards. Product Handlin~ 1. Protection - Upon deliver3.,, material shall be protected t?om rain and snow b3 impervious covering or shelter. 5-8 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS Manufacturers All flaming members shall be manufactured and supplied by Marino Industries Corp., Montmse Road, Westbury, NY 11590, 1-800-MARINO7, or approved equal, and be of the .type and size as shoxvn on the Plans. Materials 1. Galvanized Material: All galvanized studs 12, 14 and 16 gauge, shall be formed from steel that corresponds to the minimum requirements of A.S.T.M. A446, Grade D' with a nfinimum yield of 50,000 psi.. All galvanized 18 and 20 gauge studs, all galvanized track, bridging, end clo~ures and accessories shall be formed from steel that corresponds to the requirements of A.S.T.M. A446, Grade A with a minimum yield of 33,000 psi. All galvanized studs, track, bridging and accessories shall be formed from steel having a G-60 galvanized coating meeting the requirements of A.S.T.M. A525. Properties: The physical and structural properties shall be considered the minimum permitted for all flaming members. Specifically, the following minimum properties, calculated in accordance with the latest A.I.S.I. Specification shall be provided: ix (in. 4), Area (in. 2), rx (in.), Fy (KSI), Resisting Moment (in. - lb.). Substitutions Any substitutions must be approved in writing ten (10) days prior to bid date, by the Engineer of record. Fabrication Framing components may be preassembled into panels prior to erecting. Prefabricated panels shall be square, with components attached in a manner as to prevent rocking. All framing components shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members, or as required for an angular fit against abutting members. Members shall be held positively in place until properly fastened. 5-9 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS Fasteners: Fastening of component~ shall be with self tapping screws or welding of sufficient size to insure the stren~h of the comlection Screws shall be of type ktlld Draxvings and shall be manufactured by Buildex, Inc. (Division of Illinois Inc.'} or equal. V¥~aere protection against moisture and corrosive environmanr ~s needed. screws shall have Climaseal coating as supplied by Buildex, Inc. or approved equai. Welds shall be performed by the operators qualified in accordance with sectiop, the Pd~erican Welding Society Structural \Velding Code - Sheet Metal !AWS D (Where field welds are anticipated, ~ve suggest that components ,)t' 20 gauge are not specified.) All svelds shall be touched up with zinc rich paint. G. Surface Conditio~ Inspection - Prior to installation, inspect work of all other trades. Veri~' that all such work is complete and accurate to the point where this installation ma5 properl:~ commence in strict accordance x~4th fi'aming shop draxdngs. Discrepancies: Immediately notify Engineer of all discrepancies. END OF SECTION 05300 - COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 5-10 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05400 - MISCELLANEOUS METALS MISCELLANEOUS METALS Provide at the proper time, all various miscellaneous metal support, bracing and flaming not provided under other sections and required to complete the work, whether or not such items are shox;m on Drawings or specified. ALUMINUM SADDLES Aluminum saddles and slip saddles where indicated or specified herein shall be shaped to fit jambs and other adjoining work closely, and shall be cut and drilled as required to fit hardware. Saddles at exterior entrances unless otherwise shown shall be abrasive cast aluminum, weatherstrip type, fabricated and set in accord with approved details. Saddles shall be full length of door opening, of width and profile as shown. Saddle shall be not less than 3/8 inch thick at any. point and shall be set in a nonstaining bed of caulking secured in place with 3/8 inch flush head white bronze expansion bolts, 12 inches o.c. Furnish and install dividing strip saddles, 1/8 x 1/4 inch strip, at centers of door openings and elsewhere shown on the Drawings, wherever different types of flooring finish occur in opposite side of openings except as otherwise shown on Drawings. MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING Provide miscellaneous framing members at fascias and soffits as shown and elsewhere as required consisting of angles, channels, plates, hangers, brackets, clips, fasteners and other miscellaneous items shown or required. PROTECTION AND CLEANING All work shall be protected by positive means from any damage or defacement. All defective or other~vise unsatisfactory parts shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Upon completion of the work, all coatings and materials applied for temporary protection shall be removed. All ornamental metal shall be washed with mild soap and water or with a petmlettm distillate. No abrasive cleaning agent shall be used. All operative items shall be adjusted to xvork properly, and work left ~vhole, clean and in satisfactory condition. END OF SECTION 05400 - MISCELLANEOUS METALS 5-11 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05503 - BOLL.&RDS A. Bollards shall be minimum of schedule 40 steel pipe. The steel pipe shall be 6" dictameter and c}. long. B. Bollards shall be adequately backfilled, tamped and set so as to provide a neat. lever and plumb appemance. C. Bollards shall be installed in the locations shown and as detailed in the Contract l)ra~x ings. D. Painting and cleaning of bollards shall conform to the requirements of Division O - Finishes, Section 09910. END OF SECTION 05503 - BOLLARDS 5-12 .DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05510 - METAL STAIRS A. Stair framing shall be steel, designed for a safe live load of 100 pounds per square foot in addition to the dead load. B. Include box stringers, bent plate interlocking thread and risers, and ail necessary .brackets, struts, lugs, carrier angles, and the like. C. ,MI landings/platforms shall be open grate aluminum. D. Provide handrails and ail necessary accessories. Components shall be similar to products of IWM Construction, 775 Long Island Avenue, Med£ord, New York or approved equal. E. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drax~/ngs for all stair designs for approval by the Engineer, prior to fabrication. F. Painting and cleaning of stairs shall conform to the requirements of Division 9 - Finishes, Section 09910. END OF SECTION 05510 - METAL STAIRS 5-13 DIVISION NO. 5 - METALS SECTION 05720 - ALUMINUM HANDRAILS SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install aluminum handrails at all locations as shown on the Contract Drawings and approved by the Engineer. MATERIALS All rails shall be 1-l/2" O.D. aluminum (1.660") 6063-~f52 (pipe) as designated bl, "Specifications for Aluminum Structures" 1982. Lengths shall be not less than 20 feet or as required. Railings and railing parts shall be as manufactured by Julius Blum & Co. bm. Carlstat, N.J (800)526-6293 or approved equal. Sleeves where showm on drawings, shall be a minimum of one- half inch larger than rail outer diameter. All sleeves to be set in concrete in a straight line as approved bx the Engineer. Sleeves to be flush vdth the top of concrete walk. Epoxy grout where shown on drawings, shall be "Five Star Ready Grout" ,T~ manufactured by U.S. Grout Corporation or approved equal. Grout shall be constructed to shed water from mil. 3. Bolt railings to steel platforms/stairs as required. INSTALLATION Install as per manufacturers specifications and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 05720 - ALUMINUM HANDRAILS 5- 14 DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, D1L~WINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DMSION NO. 6 - WOOD Included in this Division are the following sections: 06100 Rough Carpentry DIVISION6 - Page 1 of 4 SECTION 06100 - ROUGtt C ~RPENTR'b QUALITY ASSURANCE Mill and Producers \lad,: S ach pice,-o: ha:J~et and [-.li',v ~od shall be grade stamped indicating tspe, grade, m~l ~nd gr~:din~ r,gen,'~ cettiticd b, ~he Board of Review o~ ~eric~ Lumber Standard: Committee. M:tr~ ;hall ..t~>c~r on unfinished surface. ends of pieces with fimsned surthce>. 1. Pressure Preser~ati,.e I rcated Material: Accredited agency quailD- mark. oa each piece of wood. indicating treatmen,.. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND 1-L&NDLING Keep materials dD'. Make provision for air circulation around and betxxeen stacks wood products. LUMBER General: Furnish seasoned dimension lumber dressed to nominal sizes indicated with 19 pement maximum moisture content at time of dressing, marked "S-DRY" Comply with clry size requirements of PS 20. I. Dress: Surfaced 4 sides (S4S) unless otherwise indmated. Framing Lumber: Species: Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir (WWPA or WCLIB), or Southern Pine (SPIB), or Spruce-Pine-Fir (NGLA) unless otherwise indicated. 1. Light Framing; 2 inches through 4 inches thick, less than 6 inches wide: Standard and Better grade, except Stud grade for stud framing. 2. Structural Framing; 2 inches through 4 inches thick, 6 inches wSde and wider: No 2 grade. Board Lumber; less than 2 inches thick: 1. Exposed Board Lumber, for Paint Finish: Southern Pine No. 1 (SPIB), Douglas Fir 2 Common (WWPA), Select Merchantable (WCLIB), or Spruce-Pine-Fir Appearance (NGLA). 2. Concealed Board Lumber: Southern Pine No. 3 (SPIB), any species No 4 (WWPA). any species Standard (WCLIB), or Spruce-Pine-Fir No. ! ' Nt,. 2 (NGLA). Miscellaneous Lumber: Standard ~ade, No. 3 grade, or better grade o[' the follo~xing species unless otherwise indicated: 1. Nailers and Blocking: Douglas Fir, Hem-Fir. idaho White Pine, Southern Pine. or Spruce-Pine-Fir. 2. Furring: Spruce. Hem-Fir, or Spruce-Pine-Fir except Douglas Fir or Sotahern Pine for furring required to receive preservative treatment. DiViSION 6 - Page 2 of 4 DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS PLYWOOD A. Sheathing and Subflooring: ,4PA RATED SHEATHING, EXPOSURE 1. Furnish APA PS 1 veneered panels, with span ratings for the required thicknesses as listed below unless otherwise indicated. THICKNESS 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 3/4 SPAN RATING 24/0 32/16 40/20 48/24 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT Treat lumber and plywood where indicated and as specified. Comply with applicable AWPA and AWPB Standards and quality control and inspection requirements. Complete fabrication of items to be treated to the greatest extent possible prior to treatment. Where items must be cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces with heavy, brush coat of the same chemical used for treatment or other solution recommended by AWPA Standards for the treatment. Pressure Treatment (Above Ground Use): Treat the following wt)od items with waterborne preservatives for above ground use, complying with AWPB LP-2. Redry wood to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent after treatment. 1. Nailers, blocking, cants, shim stock, and similar members used in conjunction with roofing (including related flashings, trim and vapor barrier) and coping. 2. ' Nailers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with exterior masonry and concrete (including interior Wythe of exterior wails). 3. Wood items indicated or scheduled on the Drawings to be preservative treated. Pressure Treatment (Ground Contact Use): Treat the following wood items with waterborne preservatives for below ground use, complying with AWPB LP-22: 1. Wood members placed in the ground. 2. Wood members immersed in fresh water. 3. Wood members encased in concrete. FASTENERS AND ANCHORING DEVICES A. Select and furnish items of type, size, style, grade, and class as required for secure installation of the Work. Items shall be galvanized for exterior locations, high humidity locations, and for use with treated wood. DIVISION 6 - Page 3 of 4 INSTALLATION Wood Framing: In~m:l m accordax,~'¢ x~ :h al,pl,c,Lqc 1;:~ '.~,,tons of the AFPA "Manual for V~rood Frame Cormlrt~cttor~ -, unlc,4s otne~v~q(, inc leal2 ~ Plywood: l. Install in accordm~ce with APA 2. 3. 4. Des,g~c.2on:m'acuon Guide. Residential & Commercial. tmlcss otherwise indicated. Fasten in accordance with APA recorrm~endations Underlayment I[se ring-shank ar screx~-shm~ type nails. Set nails 1 i6 inch, bui do not fill nail holes. Subflooring: Glue-nail pb~ood to supports Comply with APA re- commendations. C. Nailers and Blocking: Attach to substrate as required to support applied loading. D. Wood Framing: Install true to lines within a tolerance of 1, 8 inch in l 0 feel. E. Treated Wood: Brash-coat field cut surfaces ~5th same treatment material. END OF SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY DIVISION 6- Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DiLA. WINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contracts for items which might affect the ~vork under this DMsion. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 7 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION Included in this Division are the following sections: 07111 07210 07411 07600 07920 Bituminous Damp proofing Building Insulation Preformed Metal Roofing Flashing and Sheet Metal Sealants & Caulking DIVISION 7 - Page 1 of 8 SECTION 071£1 · MF,:MINC; b L t_Mp PI;tOt,O'lN¢, SUBMITTALS A. Product ;~ta: ~:ualog >}t, xb material s;~ecilit:d PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply damp prooling in c,ear d,? xxeathe~ 40 degrees F. MATERIALS A. B. PREPARATION A. L,o ll.>t appl; ,Jatm~ Asphalt Primer: ASIM D 41. Asphalt Emulsion, heavy duty. fibrated: ASTM D 1227, ]ype IX,.. Comply with manufacturer's printed recommendations for preparation o~' type of surface shown or indicated to receive dantp proofing. Thoroughly clean surfaces to be damp proofed of soil. 'debris and ali fi)reign matter. Allow cleaned surfaces to thoroughly On porous surfaces, except new concrete masonry units, apply a uniform coating of asphalt primer. APPLICATION Provide continuous uniform damp proofing coating, 3/32 inch minimum dr3.' thickness. on surfaces shox~m or scheduled to be damp proofed. Apply damp proofing b.~ brush. Damp proof vertical wall surfaces to within 4 inches of finished grade at top of walls At bottom of walls, extend damp proofing across horizontal projection of footing and down face of footing approximately 2 inches. END OF SECTION 07111 - BITUMINOUS DAMP PROOFING DIVISION7- Page 2 of 8 DMSION 7 - THERMAL .aND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07210 - BUILDING INSULATION The metal building is to 'be insulated to comply with ASHRAE 90.1 - Compliance for Metal Buildings. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Catalog 'sheets, specifications, and installation instructions for each type of insulation specified. Include data substantiating that the materials comply with the specified thermal resistance and vapor resistance qualities. DELIVERY~ STORAGE~ AND HANDLING Do not allow insulation materials to become wet or soiled, or covered with ice or snow. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for handling, storage, and protection during installation. Do not deliver flammable insulation materials to the project site more than 2 days ahead of the time of installation. Protect at all times against ignition. Protect insulation materials subject to deterioration by sunlight from exposure to sunlight. Complete the installation and concealment of insulation materials as rapidly as possible. PROJECT CONDITIONS Do not proceed with the installation of insulation on walls or under slabs until the Work which follows (and which conceals the insulation) is ready to be performed. Examination of Substrate: Examine the substrate and the conditions under which the insulation Work is to be performed. Do not proceed with the insulation Work until unsatisfactory' conditions have been corrected. MATERIALS Metal Building Insulation: Glass or other inorganic fibers and resinous binders formed into flexible blankets, batts or rolls with vapor retarder facing; meet North American Insulation Manufadturers Association requirement NAIMA 202-96. 1. R-Value requirements: A. Exterior ~valls - R-19. B. Ceiling - R-19 with 1' x 3" foam thermal spacer block on purlins. DIVISION 7 - Page 3 of 8 INSTALLATIO ~ Comply x~iS' u~4:alb_ct.~,:"~ >Sntec iu;t'uz ,,l., ,, :.:',.,:~ 'onditions ur' project coildittons, constlt fl,, il~.nti~ ..ti.,- ~,.ch ~ca: ',., ,:~'u :u tor specific recommelTdat Oll~, before [I{,C;t'c ill~ ~,~ i:h t0 ,~ ,~:t, Extend insulation (ull II:lic[,n..-,., i~.er cntlr..: ;ttctac.~ t~ kc i:i, [ 5ia'.; .ppl.,,r a layer of insulation of the ,-equaed thickn.~ss, ui~less ,:it. crux i-~ itt[lC i!t.,.. ,r required make up the total thickness. ( t;t and Iil tightl/,tround ,~b<tl ut rt*ui._,..,i.c ill voids with insulation. install instdation with Ihctorv applied oarriel' men;brahe fitcing ~tte .vann side building spaces. Replace insu}ation with ruptures in barrier mcnq)ran? END OF SECTION 07210 - BUILDING INSULATION DIVISION 7 - Page 4 of 8 DMSION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07411 - PREFORMED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. See DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION, METAL BUILDING SYSTEMS for Metal Roofing System and other related work. END OF SECTION 07411 - PREFORMED METAL ROOFING,SYSTEM DIVISION 7 - Page 5 of 8 SECTION 07600 - ~I.A$ttlN6 lis ? ~liEEI ~'.tl: '~;,I DELIVERY Deliverec rtate~a[> shall ;c : m-~ rolm v~:t a,_'r- ,,' gms! ~>:,.~.,.~- Id containers clearlymtrged ~.'[tt~t[~ea3~:,, :.lrnantt.~.tdJ~t: t,dlc,~l :.,i:? ~ ? : . .er.'. Ltem Store all ntateri:llv in a th3. ,'2n~i,atecl ;?}[~ce or'thc 2r3tm~ )~o i'~ ~: :~: .erse :~attter conditions mid lob delays, scor~ n atcrial> itqtlt,r 2ox 2:' o'ln .i ~:3i,'. ell, ,,: cd space. [:se of wet materials will not bc pe~'afitted. PREPARATION A. Vents, drains and other projections tttrough surfaces shall be p~opcrI?, a,-,¢~: ,one& B. Wood blocking and nailers for flashing cleats shall have been rigmiy anchored in vlace. Dissimilar metals in contact shall be fully isolated from each other. UnptSmed, abraded or otherwise corrosive surfaces of metal shall receive a coat of the bituminous paint and allow to dr3.' betbre assembling. MATERIALS Stainless Steel: Sheets or strips - ASTM A167, Type 302 or 304 gauge. :015 inch - 8 to 10-foot lengths. Finish - 2D. Solder - ASTM B32 - 60-40% block tin and pig lead. Flux - Acid type. Sealant - single component synthetic robber - color as selected by the Engineer. Pop Rivets - noncorrosive metal, may be used where water tightness of thstener is not a factor or if waterproof rivets are used. Pipe Flashing - Flashing around pipes and vents extending above the roof shall extending at least 12" above the fro/shed roof surface, and extending at least six inches beyond opening. Mechanical Equipment Flashing - Examine Plans and Specifications for mechanical and electrical trades and note extent of flashing coxrered herein. Provide all flashing addition thereto as necessary. MISCELLANEOUS WORK AND CLEANING Do all necessary cutting, patching, fining in connection with the fining and sealing of'the modular units, one to another. On completion, work shall be left in perfect condition. END OF SECTION 07600 - FLASHING .~ND SHEET METAL DIVISION7- Page 6 of 8 DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07920 - SEALANTS AND CAULKINGS WORK INCLUDED Caulking of exterior joints formed by the intersection of different materials, such as masonry and concrete, masoras' and metal, wood with masonry or metal, and adjacent dissimilar materials. B. Caulking of joints at heads, jambs ,and sills of door fi:ames and windows. C. All other caulking where indicated on Drawings or required by building conditions. DELIVERY Materials delivered to the job site shall bear the quality label and the name or trademark of the approved manufacturer; shall be new, unopened and fi:om fresh stock, and shall be the same products and manufacture as approved. Caulking tubes shall bear label indicating conformance to referenced Federal Specifications. MATERIALS Caulking compound for general exterior application shall be "Tremco's Dymeric", a two- part polytremdyne polymer sealant conforming to Federal Specifications TT-S-00227E as manufactured by the Tremco Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Approved equivalent items of the following manufacturers any be provided: Pecora Chemical Corp., Harleysville, Pa. or Products Research and Chemical Corp., Burbank California. Caulking compound for general interior application shall be "Tremco"s Caulking Compound" an oleo-resinous caulking compound conforming to Federal Specifications TT-C598B as manufactured by the Tremco Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Approved equivalent items of the following manufacturers may be provided: Pecora Chemical Corp., Harleysville, Pa.} or Products Research and Chemical Corp., Burbank, Califomia. C. Colors of Caulking Compound - As selected by the Engineer. Primer - A quick drying, non-staining liquid as recommended by the caulking compound manufacturer. Primer shall be used in all installations unless the caulking manufacturer specifically states otherwise. Back-up (Packing) Material - Polyethylene foam or hollow tubing or other approved non-staining material. DIVISION 7 - Page 7 of 8 INST.4.LLATI£O A. Surface Pc.~ozt~at~ot: - ~,n~ ,,x. , ~ <~..t t ! r:~-, m,' , :1 .- ' ,', : material. :. objectionable B. Application o:' ( aulK l. Joints deeper flxtn I'2" shall hax~ backing mater a[ insc. t ie~ ',, '~ ~,/q~ the joint. ,')f the thee of Apply caulking compound uader snfficient pressure to l~,rcc ,~u~ a,l at:' ~m. to completeb filI the joints, using a canlking gtm with nozzles of v. Sdths as necessa~, t · fit the various joints, except in locations where knife application is necessary 3. Tool joints to a neat and smooth bead of m~ifonn v, idth. tlnisl~tng flush ,Mth adjoining surfaces or tool to a concave profile. 4. Upon completion of caulking, joints not completely filled stroll have :a.alk roughened and then the joint shall be properly filled and tooled. 5. Adjacent surfaces soiled by caulking operations shall be cleaned tmmediately. END OF SECTION 07920 - SEALANTS AND CAULKINGS DiVISiON 7- Page 8 of 8 DMSION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL .CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items which might affect the ~vork under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS Included in this Division are the following sections: 08110 08331 08710 08800 Steel Doors and Frames Overhead Coiling Doors Finish Hard~vare Glazing DIVISION8 - Page 1 of 14 SECTION 08110 STANDARDS Steel Doors and Fran,.,::, ;t-~a [ cot fo 'm t,~ cqmren.e, r:., "T~, I Door Institute (SD[ [i)O01 as modified by local cc c ,: r,',,u tetn.:nt; .mi label indicating comoharcc a irh the ',_~,:.*~'cnced Doors - 1-3/4" thick. 18 ,.,..att_c.,_J' I Ser,~s-; atvaancaled ,',iti' .>,~,l:, styrene core for exterior and non Galvannealed for int.~rior as manulitcl.ured by Srct. lc~aff Budding Products. Cincinnati Ohio (513-745-6400) o:' approved eqt:a[, itt eleva ions a:~ i~¢icated on the drawings. Frames - Full width t.,,pc ]6 gauge. Inc'a~de pmvisiot,~s Ibr qlencers and gaskets Frame profile shall be one piece D. ' Glass Lites - Insulated glass lites as shoum on drax~,qngs E. Maximum Clearance · top rail and hinge stile: 1.'16" · lock stile: 1/8" · floor and saddle: 14" SHOP PAINTING AH doors and frames are to be shop primed and painted. INSTALLATION OF DOORS & FRAMES A. HOLLOW METAL DOORS .AND FRAMES Install hollow metal units and accessories in accordance with the final shop draxvings. manufacturer's data, and as herein specified. Placing frames - Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remoxc temporao' braces and spreaders leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. Make field splices in frames as detailed on final shop drawings, welded and finished to match factory work. Remove spreader bars onl3 after flames or bucks have been properly set and secured. D[V][SION 8 - Page 2 of 14 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 3. Door Installation Jambs and head: 3/32". Meeting edges, pairs of doors: 1/8". Bottom: 1/4", where no threshold. Bottom: At threshold: 1/8". Place fire-rated doors with clearances as specified in NFPA Standard No. 80. 4. Adjustments Check and readjust operating finish hardware items just prior to final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective work, including doors or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise unacceptable. INSTALLATION OF FINISH HARDWARE A. GENERAL All finishing hardware specified in the Section 08710 of this specification entitled "Finish Hardware" shall' be received, accounted for, stored and applied under this Section. Hardware shall be sorted and stored in space assigned by Contractor and shall be kept at all times under lock and key. The safety and preservation of all items delivered will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Hardware shall be carefully fitted and securely attached, in accordance with these specifications and the instructions of the various manufacturers. Mount hardware units at heights recommended in "Recommended Locations for Builders' Hardware" by NBHA unless otherwise noted on Drawings. (See Door Type elevations in the Drawings.) Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Wherever cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto or into surfaces which are later to be painted or finished in another way, install each item completely and then remove and store in a secure place during the finish application. After completion of the finishes, re-install each item. Do not install surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrate. Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. DIVISION 8 - Page 3 of 14 Drill and eom ~<~,~t , t it ,,~ t ~ ~ ~, b.~,, :_',: ed for anchorage th. stoner_-,. Spacefastener~:~:~ .~:',.}~ r c.t. l n,, ,~it ,i: [:.t' : andard>. Cut and fit tNe, lcl :utc:oct: ~," t ~,,I ~: I ,~ · rames, with mitered comers and hair-line jo.q s . ): ~.mt4 ,, t ~.~ :: .e.I ,~ it., oncealed mechanical ioints Cut smooth op-'~[m4-, tot .q,inc ic:. b :,Irs ,u d ii,xil:~r ~,:t s if anS. All keys used :iq,all [,c co~:sn'[,cfior i,e.~> ~h.:l [',. ,. t.: tagged xxith fiber disc> approved, cleart: ld~,.'[cct -..*Sth ~ctenttt?in~ i~>cr?t ,m-~ :ir d then neatly an'anged m temporary cabinet..'~ 1 c,~n.structio~ l:¢y> shall !~,: i-t ltu~,.'d to the B. ADJUSTING AND C[.£AN~N(, Adjust and check each operating ~tem of hm'dware and each door, to ensure proper operation or thnction of eve~x' trait. [.ubrmate moving parts v, Sth ~pe lubricatio~ recommended by manufacturer (graphJte-t.~pe if nt, c. ther recommended). Replace units which cam~ot ~oe adjusted and lubricated to ,~perate fi'eely and smoothl5 a~ intended for the application made. Final adjustment: Wherever hard~are installation is made more than one month prior to acceptance or occupancy of a space or area. retm-n to the work' during the week prior to acceptance or occupancy, and make a final check and adjustment of all hardware items in such space or area. Clean and re-lubricate operating items as necessary to restore proper fimction and finish of hardware and doors. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and veutilatmg equipment. CLEAN UP AND PROTECTION A. CLEAN-UP At regular intervals during the course of the work, all debris and excess material shall be cleaned up and removed from the site. Upon completion of installation, clean all spaces o~' debris caused by woodxvork installation. B. PROTECTION Protect all woodwork hardware, doors and frames and finish accessories from mamng_ defacement or other damage until final completion and acceptance of the project b3 the Owner. Repair or replace all defective units prior to ILnal inspection as directed by the Architect..Any units that cannot be satisfactorily repaired in the opinion of the .Architect shall be replaced with ne,,,,, units of same original design, at no additional cost to the Owner END OF SECTION 08110 - STEEL DOORS .aND FR~ad~IES DIVISION 8 ~ Page 4 of 14 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS SECTION 08310 - OVERHEAD COILING DOORS GENERAL Description A. Ail roiling service doors shall be as manufactured by The Cooksan Company or approved equal. Furnished material includes all guides, hoods, operating mechanisms and special features as pertaining to the particular type of door. B. Work not to be furnished by The Cookson Company includes design of, material for and preparation of door openings but not limited to structural or miscellaneous iron work, access panels, finish painting, electrical xviring, conduit and disconnect switches. Performance A. Exterior roiling doors shall be designed to withstand at least a twenty (20) pounds per square foot windload. Windlocks shall be provided as required for windload protection. B. All service doors and grilles shall be able to withstand a standard maximum of up to 50,000 operating cycles for the life of the door and 6 cycles per day for side-coiling doors. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Show application to project. B. Product Data: Catalog sheets, specifications, and installation instructions for rolling service door assemblies, finishes, and operators. C. Samples: Curtain slat, 1 foot long end piece. D. Contract Closeout Submittals: 1. Operation and maintenance data. 2. Replacement parts list. PRODUCTS Materials A. The door curtain shall be constructed of interlocking slats - 22 gauge. B. Guides are to be constructed to structural angle form'mg a channel for the curtain to travel in. The guides shall be attached to the wall by minimum 1/2 inch fasteners. (Fastener type to be determined by type of surrounding mounting surface.) C. Brackets are to be constructed of steel plate and shall be bolted to the wall angle with 1/2 inch fasteners. DIVISION 8 - Page 5 of 14 All gears shall be cai: l c ~.:t -=err be less than a 3-inch > t,' ,1 at u tie I .e effbrt of not more tM- ,1~ 'ttad . terus. ] he pinion gear shall esigned for a m:_q_ximum mmmaJ The barrel shall be slee. ,lbmg c,f ,, ~.s~ ir...~ - i~. i,,:s tiameter, t)il tentpered t~rsi,'m springs shall be capable tl c,~ 'ret ti5' ~ ,) l't<t bal:,nci:~g I t.~ .x= :!_, ~t of the curtain. The barrel shall also be designed to I 1t,i~ I~ t:l~tX mu n ,[,:' cct.~, t o ~7- '. ~. [ ] z foot of opening ,xidti~ Hoods shall be fabricated from 24 .2aLt?: ga!x.m~'cd -t:'<-i I!oods shall be formed to tit the curvature o f the brac k ct ~. Operation A. Chain Operation shall operate with an endless chain and t as~ iron reduction gears IVlotor Operation shall be of the proper size firr the type cfi' door selected and shall be activated by push bunon controis. Additional control stations for motor operator shall be as noted oa the drawings. Locking Locking de*4ce shah be standard provided. Finish Galvanized steel curtain and hoods shall have "FinalCoate receive one coat of dark bronze rust inhibiting paint. finish. All other exposed surfhces shall EXECUTION Installation All Cookson Company Rolling Door products shall be installed by an authorized Cookson Dis'tributor. Warrfln~r Cookson Company Rolling Door products shall be guaranteed tbr a period of one year against detects m workmanship and materials from the time of Contract completion. ADJUSTING Adjust and lubricate doors and operating equipment to operate smoothly. Adjust door fit and weatherstripping to make a weathertight fit tbr the door perimeter. CLEANING Clean doors, and clean work area surfaces that have been soiled pertbrming the Work. END OF SECTION 08310 - OVERIIEAD COILING DOORS DIVISION 8 - Page 6 of 14 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND '~VINDOWS SECTION 08710 -FINISH H~S~RDWARE DESCRIPTION Applicable provisions of the "General Conditions", the "Supplementary and Special Conditions" and "Division 1 General Requirements" form a part of this section. Furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all work including, but not limited to, the follow'rog: l. Finish Hardware 2. Weatherstripping 3. Door Saddles QUALITY ASSURANCE Hardware shall conform to Federal Specification FF-H-106, FF-H-116 latest edition. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's latest printed literature on materials specified herein. Obtain approval before materials are delivered to the job site. B. Samples: Submit samples in accordance with the Contract Conditions for the various pieces of hardware required. DELIVERY~ STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver hardware and specialty items in ample time to facilitate GUARANTEE the work oft/tis section. Furnish to the Owner a written guarantee signed by an authorized official of the various suppliers for a period of two (2) years as evidenced by the date of final payment. All hardware shall be guaranteed against faulty workmanship and finish and to satisfactorily perform the functions required at the various places. PRODUCTS Hinges, lock and latch sets, door closers, holders, push and pull protective plates, exit devices, door stops and flush bolts, shall be as indicated in the "Hardware Schedule". DIVISION 8 - Page 7 of 14 Code Requirement: Ii :,t ,. u: I ~ .... i. ., indicated as labeled confom~toapplicabl::e, d',:i ltn'~:- i It *,tt, t Lt , . Door Silencers: All J ~,~ trt~.s. ::,.e zap-rt.',, tc:~ ', ~. all be furnished with three silencers tbr single d.~c:r: .t-c ~o.lt 1, tar ol I ~tn. ,t.' i ~ ' doors. Anchorage Devices: [ xp)qcd plt!-:- ill ~:c,'t..,', ~,: }. ~l- qhall be finished ,~ame hardware they secur.~. l'L~tc:, s}ta:l 'ct set,ired x~i:h [q'.it!q,~ s!,~ screws. Concealed alex ices shall be on non-ferrous r~e:ai, galvanizec steel ,: stainle':, <t:~ I. Templates: Furnish ~,uitab!e template_-, together .t:t[- 'hr approved schedule to the respective trades, as requircJ Packing and Marking: Each item of hm'dware shal! hat c fastening devices, key and iostructions included ir: the same package as the hardware. Each package shall be properly labeled indicating contents and the part of the work for which intended. [.abels shall include a marketing con'esponding to equivalenl designation on the approved hardware schedule. Hardware Requiring Shop Installation: Shall be delivered to the proper Comractor in sufficient time so as not to dela3 the progress of the work. Protection: Wrappings famished by the manufacturers on knobs, handles, protective plates, kick plates, push plates and pulls, shall be of adhesive-coated paper, of a ~pe easily removed without marring the finish of' the hardware. Field Checks: The Contractor shall make periodic checks during installation of finish hardware to ascertain the correctness of the installation..~0.er completion of the wor~<, he shall certil}', in writing, that all items of finish hardware have been installed, adjusted and are functioning in accordance with the specification requirements. MATERIALS A. Finished hardware shall include but not be limited to: butts lock and latch sets, rosettes escutcheons, push plates, pulls, door mutes: 3 for single doors, closers, stops, holders and all other items necessary to make a complete job. Doors shall have i-l/2 pair of butts per door minimum. All hardware for labeled doors shall conform to the requirements tbr labeled doors of the class as shown whether herein specified or not. C. Finished: 1. US10D Satin Bronze 2. US26D Satin Chrome 3. US32D Satin Stainless Steei DIVISION 8 - Page 8 of 14 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 4. SBL Sprayed Aluminum 5. DBL Sprayed Bronze 6. DURO 313 7. LBL .- Bronze Enamel 8. USP Prime Coated D. Keying Construction Master Key System shall be provided for all locks during construction. Construction master key system shall be changed over to the building master key system upon completion of the work. Keying System: The Owner will consult with the Contractor to ascertain the specified requirements for individual keying, master keying and grand master keying. Within 30 days of receipt of such information, prepare and. submit a keying chart for the Owner's approval. 3. Keys Formed of nickel silver, with change number and key control symbol stamped thereon. Forward master keys and grand master key by registered mail, in safety envelopes, to the Owner. c. Furnish keys as follows, except as otherwise requested by the Owner. 1) 2) 3) 4) Individual lock settIng ........... 2 keys each Master key setting .................. 3 keys each Blanks .................................... 25 extra Grand master key setting ......... I key E. All other materials as specified herein. MANUFACTURE A. Butts Stanley,Works, Hager, Lawrence, McKirmey B. Locks and Cylinders Corbin, Sargent, RusswSn, Yale C. Closers L.C.N., Norton, Yale D. Overhead Stops Ives, Rockxvood Mfg. E. Stops and Bumpers Ives, Rockwood Mfg. DIVISION 8 - Page 9 of 14 F. Exit Devices ~ !~ ~: , G. Kick, Mop and Atw~. ' ? ;.ti- H. Push and Pulls I. Silencers ..'es, Rockwood Mtk. J. Key Cabinet [cli, e: K. Weatherstripping Zero, NatienaI (}ttard INSTALLATION Install door saddles full width of door opening scribco to fi:amc, set in bed of caulking compound and anchored ~4t}r 3/8" xvhite bronze flush head expansion bolts [2" Provide removable cover plates of matching design x~ here floor hinges occur Install door weatherstripping at head and jambs with No. 8 stainless steel fiat head machine scre~vs 12" o.c. C. Finish Hard~vare Receive, store and distribute all f'mishing hardware and assume the responsibility for ns safety. Leave the protection wrapped around pieces of hardware as it is installed, properl? maintain until the final completion of the building. Do not install finishing hardware in the building until all wet work had been full)' completed and dr5'. Apply hardware not only to the work furnished under this Section but fit and adjust to work furnished under other Sections. Accurately fit and secure hardware in place, adjust to operate perfectl3 and flee from scratches and/or other defacement. Assume responsibilit3' for the condition and operation of all finished hardware until thc issuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance or until the building ts occupieo. whichever event is sooner. Face har&~are shall, after being fitted, be removed before the woo&~ork finish or painting is applied. Immediately prior to completion of all work, go over the entire building with the Architect and see that each piece of hardware is undamaged, in perfect working order and that the proper key for the lock in question is identified. DIVISION 8 - Page 10 of 14 DUv'IS1ON 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS Properly tag and identify all keys and turn over to the hardware supplier, for filing by him in the key cabinet. ADJUST AND CLEAN At time of completion of the work, the Contractor shall clean and adjust all hardware and replace any damaged parts. Setting Up: The hardware supplier shall gather together all keys and data conceming them and shall perform the actual work of setting up and putting into operation the complete key control system for the entire project. All keys shall be properly tagged, indexed and filed in the key cabinet in accord x~Sth the instructions of the manufacturer of the lock sets and as approved by the Architect. Keys shall be turned over to the Architect, xvho will issue a receipt for same. SCHEDULE For any doors ~vhich may be indicated on the drax~Sngs but not mentioned in the DOOR and HARDWARE SCHEDULE listed hereafter, hardware of the same kind, quality and function as that scheduled for similar proposed door shall be provided. GROUP A Hinges: 3 - Stanley FBB179-4-1/2" x 4-1/2", stainless steel finish. Door Closer: 1 - LCN 4040 Series Alum. finish w/Hold-Open arm & metal cover. Lockset/Exit device: 1 - Adams Rite 8300 series Mortise exit device, US32D (satin stainless) finish, Model 3001 Tubular fixed pull, 4036-01 mortise cylinder. Silencers: 3 - Ives No. 20. Weather stripping: Zero International system to metal frame & door sweep. Threshold: Extruded aluminum GROUP B Hinges: 3 - Stanley FBB179-4-1/2" x 4-1/2", stainless steel finish. Lockset: 1 - Yale 5400LN series Key-In-Lever Bored Lockset, US32D (satin stainless) finish, Momoe MO Trim. Silencers: 3 - Ives No. 20. END OF SECTION 08710 -FINISH HARDWARE DIVISION 8 - Page 11 of 14 SECTION 08800 GLAZIN~; DESCRIPTION A. Applicable provision; ," 'l~c Gcne,'at ¢'oadit~o~.,' t · '3upplementars. and Special Conditions" and "D~v'sioa ' (~eneral Reqa~rem,:nt:; ' 5,re, t ?,ta of this section. B. Fumis~ng all labor, ma.erials, equipment and applianc,:: necessa~ or required perfo~ and complete all work inclading, bul nc.t lhnited w, the following: l. Cle~ Gl~s 2. Tempered Grass 3. ~sulated Glass QUALITY ASSU~CE A. All materials shall be ~ee from defects impairing strengfl~, d~abili~~ or appearance and sh~l be of ~e best qualiB' for the pu~ose specified. B. Glass shall meet Federal Specification DD-G-45 ld. C. Grazing compo~d shall meet Federal Specification TT-G-410. SUBMITTALS Sub~t staples in accord~ce with the General Condition~, as requested by the Arc~tect. DELIVERY~ STOOGE AND ~L~G A. Deliver products to job site ~ mple time to facili~te the work of t~s section. B. Store all glass with due care to prevent bre&age. JOB CO~ITIONS Protect all glass on the project before, d~ing, and after installation. N~TE~S A. Clear Glass: Type I - Pfim~~ glass (a~ealed float) Class I Tmn~parem, Glaz~g Select; 1/4" thick except as othe~vise ~nd~cated. L~inated Glass: 2 sheets T~e l-Pfimao~ Glass (~ealcd float) Cl~s l Transparcm~ Quali~~ q-5 Glazing ~ pe~anemly l~inated togetheg with a 0.030" ~ck s~act o~' cl~ar pl~ticized pol3winyl bu~-ral. Fi~shed thic~ess l/4" except as otherwise indicated. DIVISION 8 - Page 12 of 14 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS · Tempered Glass: Type 1-Primary Glass (annealed float) Class 1 Transparent; Quality q-5 Glazing B; heat strengthened by manufacturer's standard process (after cutting to final size) to achieve a flexLtral strength of 4 times normal glass strength. Provide with MANUFACTURER'S; SEAL iNSCRIBED ON EACH LIGHT, 1/4" thick except as otherwise indicated. D. Safety Glass: Laminated or Tempered as specified above for the following: All doors, both exterior and interior. All sidelights, both exterior and interior. All vision panels, fixed or sliding. Insulated Glass: Two sheets of 1/4" thick Type 1-Primary Glass (armealed float) Class 1 Transparent, Quality q-3 glaz~ing select; permanently and hermetically sealed together at . edges with spacers, sealant and metal protective edge binding; to provide a dehydrated air space 1/2" thick with a -60 degree dew point. F. Butt Glazing Compound: Silicone sealant. II. Glazing Gaskets: Preformed glazing gaskets formulated of a neoprene compound conforming to the requirements of ASTM C542. Gaskets shall be as detailed on the drawings and shall be as manufactured by the Standard Products Co. Glazing Compound: "Dap 1012" as by Dap Inc. or approved equal. Joint cleaner, primer and sealer: Recommended by the manufacturer of the primary glazing material for each specific use. J. All other materials herein specified. MA1NUFACTURE Unless otherwise noted above, provide products manufactured by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Libby-Owens and Ford Glass Co. or A.F.G. Industries, Inc. INSPECTION Examine conditions and be responsible for the proper arrangement and fit of the work. Correct discrepancies prior to proceeding with the work of this section. INSTALLATION Perform all work using mechanics skilled in their trade and execute work in a first class manner. DMSION 8 - Page 13 of 14 ' Set all glass in a tru~ gl~ ~ ~. : ~1: a ~: !t' ~_ eh. ~, tit i:~ .'-: t ' ~ adequate clearance, firml5 anchoredtoprevent".tllir2 ;at, loc ~.~.s~ ~.'d a ,,1~_,, t ~',.nl5 cut: do no~ nip o~' ,,can: the edges. Cut and set sheet wi~,,lo,~ ,. ~,>s wit } Set smooth surfaces of t12t:rect glass ~}~ th.' .:ttt~c:t .>~ :×terior openings and on th=. corridor side tbr interior openiugs. Obtain and verily' all measurements and stze ct' work, accep: responsibility for the correc~ and accurate fit of all work. Well bed and back putt;' glass and carefl_dly remove all surplus glazing compound from doors, sash and adjoining work while still fresh. [imsb glazing compound in true, e~en lines, neat and smooth faced. ADJUST AND CLEAN Upon completion of glazing, thoroughly clean all glass surfaces, correct all imperfection.,. replace and clean all damaged or broken glass betbre leaving project. END OF SECTION 08800 GLAZING DIVISION 8 - Page 14 of 14 DI~'ISION 9 - FINISHES GENERAL The ~vork under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRA. WINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drazdngs and Specifications of other ~'ades and contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 9 - FINISHES Included in this Division are the following sections: 09250 09771 09910 09920 Gypsum Board Fiber Reinforced Plastic Panels/Boards Exposed Steel Painting Interior Painting DIVISION 9 - Page 1 of 12 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM DRY~ Al l DESCRIPTION A. Applicable provision of tit,.' "i.,t.ncral Co-opt ti,,~.' the Supplemenan7 and Special Conditions" and "Division 1 ,Scherzi Requi 'er w,n.- . :orm a pan of this section. B. Furnish all labor, materials, eqnipmcnt ancl 2ppli.mces necessary or required to perlbrn'. and complete all gypsum dr3. x~ all xx ork includinz, ot,t not limited to, the tbllowing, 1. Type X Gypsum Board 2. Tape & Spackle 3. Trim and Accessories DELIVERY~ STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver all materials in their original tmopened packages and store in an enclosed shelter providing protection from damage and exposure to the elements. Remove damaged or deteriorated materials from the premises. JOB CONDITIONS A. In cold weather and during the period of gypsum board application and joint fiinshing. maintain within the building a uniform temperature ;vithin the range of 55 F to 70 F. Provide adequate ventilation to eliminate excessive moisture ;~Sthin the building during this same period. MATERIALS A. Type X Gypsum Wall Board: As required, 5/8" thick unless otherwise noted, 48" wide in len~hs as long as practical to minimize number of joints. B. Fasteners: Type S Bugle head screws. Lengths as recommended by' manufacturer for the various panel thicknesses. C. Metal Trim: USG No.200 CJ" Molding). D. Corner Bead: Dur-A-BeadNo. 103 E. Joint System: USG Perf-A-Tape Reinforcing Tape, with USG Ready-mixed Joint Compound All Purpose F. Control Joint: USGNo. 093 D~qSION 9 - Page 2 of 12 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES G. Adhesive: USG Durabond 90 H. Gypsum vinyl panels: USG "Textone"; type, pattern and color shall be as selected by the Architect. Core shall be type X of thickness indicated on the drawings. I. Plastic trim: USG RPV series; including RPV-2 inside comers, RPV-4 end caps, and RPV-7 snap on battens. J. Vinyl foam tape: 1-1/2" wide (min.) 1/32" to 1/16" thick. K. Other materials hereinafter specified. MANUFACTURE A. Above listed materials are manufactured by U.S. Oypsum. Equivalent products of. National Gypsum or Celotex will be accepted. INSTALLATION Apply wallboard with long edges parallel to, and centered over studs. Headers or backing must be provided behind horizontal joints. At no time should the comers of four boards meet at one single point. For single-layer vertical application of gypsum panels, space screws 12" o.c. in field of panels and 8" o.c. staggered along vertical abutting edges. For horizontal panel appiication, space screws 12" o.c. in field and along abutting end joints. C. For double layer screw attachment, space screws 16" o.c. for both layers. Apply both layers of gypsum panels vertically with joints in face layer offset from base layer joints. D. Wallboard joints on single layer, or the face layer on two layer applications, shall not occur ;vithin 12" of the comers of door frames. Provide metal trim at junction of wallboard and adjacent materials. Metal Comer Bead shall be securely installed at all external comers. Finish with joint compound, as required. Control joints shall be used to isolate wallboard surfaces where partition or furring hms exceed 30 feet and installed in accordance with the wallboard manufacturer's recommendations. Fasteners shall be driven not less than 3/8" from edges and set to provide a 1/32" deep dimple. Screw lengths must be not less than 1/2" greater than the total thickness of material being fastened. DIVISION 9 - Page 3 of 12 Using a broadknife, butter ~c.'~ ..... iI ou~! c cess formed by tapered cdge~ ,~! adjoining wallboard panels: Lil ~ '. ; e ex er :'l Y tape to £ull length of each ioint. centering it over joint. Use t ,,itt t i ",'sst '.: ,' ,: dknife to embed tape itt compom-td Remove excess compound. ~e~ ~ ~, tt 'i',-: ~.~ .nterior angles in a similar m:mr,e~ Fill depressions around scre'x be.~.t; ~, th fi~ s :,},~ :' oint compound. After first coat is dr3.', apply ~.c,:c t', ~, :x~ of <c,n~: ,,.n, to joints and screwhead, Feather' out compound on each side o: tap.. When second coat is dr3.', sane {lo_it:ix. :\ppi?' finistn coat of regular compound or topping compound to joints, nail head, mc ;~ick_-..k 'te~' 24 t~,,urs, sand smooth for paint finisl;. Gypsum vinyl panels shall be attadtcd to metat t',~rring in the following mam'~er: Applx 8" long strips of vinyl form tape to Ihce of turring strips positioned at 3'-0" oc. ~kppi5 a continuous 3/8" bead of do'wall adhesixe to the eufire face of furring between the x in3'! foam tape. Immediately apply Gypsum Vinyl panels vertically and apply' sufficient pressure to insure complete contact xx ith both tape and adhesive. Finish panel joints, edges and corners with plastic trim moldings matching specified panels and installed according to manufacturer's directions. END OF SECTION 09250 GYPSUM DR~W~ALL DIVISION 9 - Page 4 of 12 DIVISION 9 - FINISHEs SECTION 09771 - FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC PANELS/BOARDS DEFINITIONS Plastic Panels (FRP): Glass-fiber rekaforced polyester plastic panels without substrate backer SUBMITTALS Product Data: 1. Catalog sheets, specifications, and installation instructions for each material specified. 2. Physical property, data for plastic panels. Samples: 1. Plastic Panels and Plastic Boards: 12 inch square pieces. 2. Substrate Backer: 12 inch square pieces, each type. 3. Accessories and Moldings: 12 inches long, full section, each type. 4. Fasteners: One, each type. 5. Adhesive: One pint, or standard size tube. 6. Laminating Adhesive: One pint. 7. Color Samples: Plastic panel manufacturer's standard colors and textures. Quality Control Submittals: Fabricator's Qualifications Data: a) Name and address of proposed fabricator and name and telephone number of contact person at proposed fabricator's facility. b) Names, addresses, and telephone number of 3 similar projects that the proposed fabricator's plastic boards have been installed at for a minimum of 3 years. · Contract Closeout Submittals: Maintenance Data: Deliver 2 copies, covering the installed products, to the Director's Representative. ' QUALITY ASSURANCE Fabricator's Qualifications: The fabricator of the plastic board shall be regularly engaged in the lamination of plastic panels to subslrate backer for a minimum of 5 years, and shall be subject to the approval of the Director. DELI¥3ERY~ STORAGE~ AND HANDLING Packing and Shipping: Deliver panels and boards with protection sheets intact on exposed f'mished surfaces. Deliver accessories and fasteners in original, unopened containers. Storage and Protection: Store materials in a manner to prevent soiling. Protect materials from physical damage and wetting. DIVISION 9 - Page 5 of 12 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Enviroan~ental Requiremen': c~!l~. ~i t t~.hcturer's written reconnneadation5 regarding environmental con& i~ ~ t,~ ..e' wifi:: t~ ~:,~r als can be installed. MATERIALS A. Plastic Panels: Glass-fiber reinforced poliesrer piLl>ti_ r~anels: 1. Kemlite Company, [nc.. o: appro't ed cqm4 Finish: Suitable for hminating. Nominal Thickness: 1,2 inciq. B. Substrate Backer: Particleboard: x, NS[ A2708.[, tirade l-M-1.40.0 lbs.'cu, ft. mininmm average densiBr, 1/2 inch nonnnal thickness. C. Accessories and Moldings: One piece extruded vinyl or aluminum, color to match plastic panels, thicknesses to match plastic panels and plastic boards. D. Fasteners: Plastic panel manufacturer's or plastic board fabricator's standard ~,:' recommended rivets sized to securely attach material to substrate, color to match plastic panels or plastic boards. E. Adhesive: Plastic panel manufacturer's standard or recommended high strength waterproof adhesive for substrate involved. F. Laminating Adhesive: High strength waterproof structural adhesive recommended and approved by both the plastic panel manufacturer and the substrate backer manuthcturer. FABRICATION A. Factory laminate plastic panels to substrate backer to lbrm permanently adhered plastic boards. INSTALLATION A. Install the Work of this Section in accordance with the manufacturer's printed mstmcnons, except as shovm or specified otherwise. B. Pli, xvood Substrate Backer: Seal cut edges as required by manufacturers' instructions. C. Install moldings and trim plumb and level, v~4thin 1/8 inch in an)' 8 feet of length, in longest lengths practicable. Install division bars between panels in the same plane, inside comers at interior junctures, outside comers m external comers, and cap at top of panels and where panels abut dissimilar materials. DIVISION 9 - Page 6 of 12 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Attach moldings and trim to substmte with concealed fasteners spaced not more than 2 inches fi'om ends and 12 inches on center. Showers and Kitchen Areas: a. Apply a continuous bead of Type 1D sealant to one side of channel trim piece. Install trim piece on leading edge of panel. Apply a continuous bead of Type 1D sealant to exposed channel and install the next panel. Continue in this manner until installation is complete. b. Appb' Type ID sealant into each fastener hole before inserting fastener. CLEANING, Remove dirt and other foreign substances from exposed surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's printed cleaning instructions. END OF SECTION 09771 - FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC PANELS/BOARDS DIVISION9 - Page 7 of 12 SECTION 09910 - EXTERIOR PA N'I i'i,, GENERAL A. Work under this heading si:ti ,', ~; s ,t t ti'is ~ le all labor, materials, equipment arm incidentals necessary to complete the tail t:xt z, t' ,tli ,:"Ir,.5 -~.: -' t, el surfaces. PAINTING~ CLEANING AND St' RFA( E PREf'AR~T{ON A. Cleanina ?dl steel work shall be cleaneu in accordant c ~ ith Steel Structures Painting Conncil SP-6 Commercial Blast Ciealdng. Surfac: profile shall not exceed 1.5 mils Surfaces inaccessible to blast cleaning after assembly shall be blast cleaned beforehand. B. Shop Applied Primer Application shall be by spra.5, each coat with care, to thoroughly clean surfaces only. in accordance with all provisions of SSP(' PA-I Paint Application, specified dtT film thic'knesses maintained on edges and comers; sharp cut edges shall be uniformly relieved to fmxn a slight radius sufficient to permit proper arap of the coatings. Manufacturer's printed label instructions for all handling, applying and re-coat intervals, shall be followed. No work shall be performed when temperature and humidly' conditions are outside the limitations stated by the coatings manut~acmrer. Do no apply paint to fe35ng surfaces of high strength bolted friction connections or at areas to be welded, except as permitted by AISC Manual of Construction. Handling, shipping and erection of painted steel shall not be performed until thoroughly dr3'. Special care shall be exercised to avoid abrasion or ouher damage to the coated surfaces. Stacking and storing of painted members - in the shop, in transit and at the job site - shall be done using softeners and timbers to keep individual members free from contact vdth the ground, and with each other; and shall be protected from soiling by adjacent thbfication or construction operations. C. Field Applied Coating Application shall be by spray, each coat with are, to thoroughly clean surfaces only, in accordance with all provisions of SSPC PA-1 Paint Application, specitied do film thicknesses maintained on edges and comers; sharp cut edges shall be uniformly relieved to form a slight raditts sufficient to permit proper ~wap of the coatings. DIVISION 9 - Page 8 of 12 DIVISION 9 o FINISHES Touch-up after erection shall consist of smoothing all damaged painted or galvanized areas and building back each coat to achieve initial condition. Where abraded to bare metal, and all other bare surfaces such as on field welds, bolts, washers, and nuts - the surfaces shall be cleaned to the standard of the shop applied system and painted with the two coat system, in proper recoating intervals. Galvanized surface shall omit the primer except where required for touch-up of damage to galvanize. D. Coating Materials Surface Preparation: SSPC Commercial blast cleaning as a minimum. Remove all mill scale. Shop applied primer: No. 90-97 TNEMEC - Zinc (By Tnemec Company, Inc., . ' Kansas (816) 483-3400) at 2.5 - 4.0 mils dry. film thickness or approved equal. Field Touch-up: (In addition to Item C, Paragraph 2, Page 9- 25) No. 90-97 TNEMEC - Zinc as all touch-up. First Field Coat - apply to all steel, 1 coat 163 Varacure at 4.0 - 6.0 mils dry film thickness, or approved equal. Second Field Coat - apply to all steel, 1 coat 163 Varacure at 3.0 - 5.0 mils d~ film thickness or approved equal. Colors shall be as selected by the Engineer. Any coating substitutions will be considered for approval if submitted by copy of data sheets that include performance criteria off The specified coating, the coating proposed, a schedule listing the specification article paragraph number, the specified product and the p[oposed product; and color 'charts. Minimum dry film thickness herein specified shall hold precedence over whatever recommendations are made for other supplier's products. 8. Galvanizing where shox~m on the Drawings conform to ASTM A- 123. NOTE: 163 could be applied by spray in one coat at 7-10 mils dr3' film thickness. END OF SECTION 09910 - EXTERIOR PAINTING DIVISION 9 - Page 9 of 12 SECTION 09920 - INTERIOR Pg.{ ~ T t ?~ (, WORK INCLUDED Painting of interior walls, ce, i ~g:; d } ,rs. frt~mes, tc,m and unfinished snrfhces as indicated on Drawings. EXAMINATION AND C OORDINATI ON Smd3' the Drawings, Specificarions mid job condittons to determine the extent of painting and finishing. Examine surfaces prior to the application of paint. Give notice of any defects which arc detrimental to the proper and timety performance of the work. PAINT MATERIALS A. All finish paint colors used shall be as selected b5 the Owner and or Engineer ,' .~chitect. EXTRA STOCK .&mount: Upon completion of the work of this section, deliver to the Ox~mer an extra stock equaling 10 percent of each color, .type. and gloss of paint used on the work. B. Packagingi Tightly seal each container and clearly label with the contents and location used APPROVED PAINT MANUFACTURERS Typical enamels and emulsions shall be as manufactured by one of the following or approved equal: · Benjamin Moore & Company · The Glidden Compan) · Sherwin-Williams Company · Or approved equal DELIVERY AND STORAGE Deliver materials to the job site in original containers and packages bearing the manufacturer's name, type and brand. Paints shall be delivered ready-mixed except as otherwise approved. Store materials and equipment used on the job in a single designated space Keep storage area neat and clean and floors adequately protected from paint spillage. Place cloths and cotton waste wkich might constitute a fire hazard in metal containers: remove at the end of each work day. DIVISION 9 - Page 10 of 12 DUv'ISION 9 - FINISHES PREPARATION A. General - Surfaces to receive paint shall be clean, db' and free of all matter which will affect adhesion of paint or appearance of £mished surfaces. B. Fixtures: Remove lighting fixtures, canopies, saStch plates, receptacle plates and the like before painting adjacent surfaces; replace after painting. Protect flush type fixtures. C. Protection of Adjoining Surfaces: 1. Prior to application of paint, remove fixture times, escutcheons, cover plates and other similar objects on walls and store in protected area until ready to be replaced. 2. Use tarpaulins, drop cloths, masking tape and other suitable covers as required to protect adjacent and underlying surfaces which are likely to be stained, spotted or otherwise marred.. PAINT APPLICATIONS A. Material for succeeding coats on any one surface shall be the product of the same manufacturer fumishing the first or primer- sealer coat for that particular surface except where metal primer is used applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. B. Exercise care so that paint does not splatter. When splattering does occur, remove promptly. C. Primer and intermediate coats of paint shall be unscarred and completely integral at the time of application of each succeeding coat. Each coat of paint shall be inspected and approved before the succeeding coat is put on. Tint each coat of paint a slightly different shade for identification of the different coats. D. The number of coats hereinafter specified is in addition to any shop primer coats. PAINTING SCHEDULE A. General 1. Refer to Drawings for extent of painting work. 2. The following schedule shall be construed as a general guide for complete painting and finishing including all spaces, surfaces and items of furnishing or equipment except those surfaces and items specifically referenced as facto~ finished or as not requiring job finishes. 3. Materials for succeeding coats on any one surface shall be compatible products of the same manufacturer. DIVISION 9 - Page 11 of 12 B. Schedule 1. Primed Ferrous Metals i.e. _iqt¢l~ ,x,'~¢~'e .q.i .,5. ,Other than Steel to be painted with Tnemic) a) Two coats ...... & 1-.3 c' ]at ,)r alk~,i ~t~trc: (as selected/. 2. Firfished gypsum board and tnn: mxc: all t~scia and tr,m on exterior. a) Onecoat ...... Latex Pt'liner b) Two coats ..... Alkad Flat or Enamel i.ts selected) CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion of the work, remove staging, scaffolding and containers fi:om the site: lea.re storage areas in acceptable condition. B. Replace fixture frames, escutcheons, cover plates and other similar items which were removed during painting. Paint stops and stains shall be completely removed withoc~t damage to surface. END OF SECTION 09920 - INTERIOR PAINTING DIVISION 9 - Page 12 of 12 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements o£ the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. P,e£er to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the ;york under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 10 - SPECIALTIES Included in this Division are the following sections: 10430 Exterior Signs 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories DIVISION 10 - Page 1 of 4 SECTION 10430 - EXTERIOP, Slt,~, s GENERAL Furnish labor, materials, equip~r,rnt a',c applian:c~ ttccess4a or required to perform and complete all work including, but l,,): 1. Painted Cast Alumimm~ [cttering :md Mount SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Submit scaled shop drawings showing t'abricafion method, finish, anchoring methods, layout, and installation method PRODUCTS CAST LETTERS Scope: The project shall include cast letters as described below, to be installed by contractor. Letterstyle, finish and mounting to be determined by owner. Acceptable Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products manufactured by A.R.K. Ramos Architectural Signage Systems, Oklahoma Citv Oklahoma, Toll Free 1-800-725-7266, Fax 405-232-8516 or approved equal. Fabrication of Letters: Fabricate letters to comply with requirements indicated below and as indicated on drawings. 1. Cast letters: Form letters by sand casting. Produce characters with smooth flat faces, sharp comers, precisely formed lines and profiles, free from pits, scale, sand holes and other defects. Cast anchoring devices into individual letters as required for anchorage. D. Template: Provide full size paper mounting template showing hole placement an~ location of mounting holes. E. Finishes: Colors and surface textures for exposed letters as selected by the architect from the manufacturer's standards. EXECUTION INSTALLATION A. General: locate sign units and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of the type described and in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. DIVISION 10 - Page 2 of 4 DMSION 10 - SPECIALTIES Install signs level, plumb, and at the height indicated with sign surfaces free from distortion or other defects in appearance. Cleaning and Protection: After installation, clean soiled sign surfaces according to the manufacturer's instructions. Replace all work showing any' defects or blemishes without additional cost to o~uer. Protect units from damage until acceptance by the owner. END OF SECTION 10430 - EXTERIOR SIGNS DIVISION 10 - Page 3 of 4 DI~qSI()N 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10800 - TOILET AND UTILITY ROOM ACCESSORIES SCOPE A. Toilet accessories specified herein have been selected from the cun'ent catal,,g Bobfick Washroom Equipment. Inc. Products of equal quality, design and fm~ction. be approved. B. Installation of all equipment shall be done in strict accordance ;vith the approxed manufacturer's printed directions utilizing the proper anchorage and attachments to the various wall finishes as designated by the manufacturer. C. Location of the various accessories not indicated on the Drawings shall be placed at thc direction of the Engineers in the field. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit complete and accurate shop drawings, details or illustrated literature to the Engineer's approval. No installation shall be made prior to approval of the Engineer. SOAP DISPENSER A. Shall be as manufactured by "Bradley Co.", Milwaukee, WI or approved equal by the Engineer. S~'le shall be model 6562 all purpose (stainless steel). TOILET TISSUE DISPENSERS A. Shall be as manufactured by Bradley, model No. 5412, recessed dual roll or approved equal. PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS A. Shall be as manufactured by Bradley, model No.250-15 or approved equal. GRAB BARS A. Shall be as manufactured by Bradley, Model No. 812, or approved equal. Standard finish size as sho~n on the Contract Drawings. MIRRORS A. Mirrors shall be as manufactured by Bradley, or approved eqtml. S .tyle shall be model 720 size as indicated on Drawings. END OF SECTION 10800 - TOILET AND UTILITY ROOM ACCESSORIES DIVISION 10 - Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENEP,2kL CONDITIONS, DRA~qNGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and othei Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIvISION NO. 11 - EQUIPMENT Inctuded in this Division are the following sections: 11721 11780 11822 Scale Video Monitoring System Radiation Detection System Gas Detection System DIVISION 11 - Page 1 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11721 -SCALE VIDEO MONITORING SYSTEM SCOPE Work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the installation of a surveillance monitoring s3stcm l., include but not be limited to the following: A. Ultra high resolution color cameras (4) B. Camera power supply C. Camera weather enclosures (4) D. Ivlountings E. Color Monitors (2) F. All Cables and Wiring G. Color Digital Video Recorder H. Setup and training INTENT The intent of this monitoring system is to provide a total of four (4) high resolution color cameras that can clearly identify the vehicle's license plate on each scale and the abilit:,' to examine the contents of the waste material inside a conventional trailer body. Each of the t~o scale operations shall have two cameras (high/overhead and low) with a 10" color monitor (desktop or mounted) at each work-station located in side of the scalehouse, The scale operator (2) shall have the ability to toggle between the two respective views or have the ability to view both camera views simultaneously (overhead and license plate) split-screen. All four cameras shall be integrated to a color digital video recorder housed inside of the scalehouse building. GENERAL The Contractor shall furnish aod install a total of four (4) cameras as specified to locations defined on the contract drawings. Each camera shall be properly fastened inside of specified protective housings. free from any external sources of moisture. The protective enclosures shall also regulate temperature conditions to eliminate togging (condensate), freezing or over temperature conditions. The Contractor furnish and install include v,vo (2) high resolution color monitors and a color digital video recorder as specified. The Contractor shall provide full service of all equipment, including changing lenses for fine tuning of fields of view, recording equipment setup, adjusting mounting stands and training of all personnel required to use the ~-stem. All cables and wiring necessary for the installation of the complete monitoring system shall be neatly concealed to minimize exposure along the outside of the building as well as the interior workspace of the scalehouse. Any penetration, through the building shall be sealed to prevent any external moisture intrusion. DIVISION 1 t - Page 2 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT Cameras shall be high resolmion fixed, auto iris cameras and have the following minimum properties: l. Signal System: NTSC or PAL 2. Imagining Device: 1/3" Inch Interline color CCD (Super HAD) 3. Scanning System: 2:1 Interlace 4. Power: 12VDC or 24 VAC 5. Horizontal Resolution: NTCS-450TV lines, PAL- 440 TV Lines 6. Signal-to-noise Ratio: 48db 7. Min Illumination sensitivity: 1 lux (f2.0) 8. Video Out: 1Vp-p Composite (75ohm) 9. Auto Gain Control 10. Exposure: Automatic Control w/DC Iris meter (1/60-1/100,000) 11. Auto White Balance 12. Auto or Manual (switch selectable) Backlight compensation B Lenses shall be color hi-resolution only and must meet the following specifications: 1. Focal Length: 3-6mm 2. Format size: ¼ inch 3. Relative aperture (F): 1.2 to 1.5 4. Auto iris, manual focus, and manual zoom 5. The Angle of view must be 72o-36° deg in the horizontal position and deg in the vertical position. 52°- 260 The Four (4) camera housings shall consist of two ICS-300 Series Camclosures to be mounted to separate support poles and two DF5HD-PG-E1 series fixed heavy duD, pendant mount domes to be mounted to a 20' high light pole. All housings are to be manufactured by Pelco (800-289-9100) and/or approved equal. The power supply shall be MSC4-2B series power supply' as manufactured by. Pelco or approved equal. The power supply must have 120/230VAC input, four circuit breaker with 24VAC outputs, and total capacity of 2A (45vA). The color video digital recorder shall be model DX-7108o120 as manufactured by PeIco or approved equal, and have the following minimum properties: 1. Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz, 210watts 2. Celeron-CPU, 256MB- RAM, 120GB Total HDD Space 3. Image Size: NTSC 320X240; PAL 352X288 4. Compression: M-JPEG 5. Video Inputs: 8, Video Outputs: 2, Alarm Inputs: 8, Control Output: 8 DIVISION 11 - Page 3 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 6. Data Transfer Rate: Write-52X f7.SMB'sec), Re~wite- 24Xi56MBsc,. Read-52X Max (7.2MB/sec } 7. Video Playback (VCD): 32X max. (6MB sec~ 8. Keyboard, PS/2 mouse. RS-422 converter, Windows 2000. DX'I00RX remote site software, and rack ears nmst also be include m an acces,oric~ pack. The Color Monitors shall be Pelco model PMC 10A or approved equal. Fhc Monitors shall be a minimum of 10 inches and have the following minimum properties: l. Input voltage: 90-260VAC. 50-60 Hz auto-ranging 2. Power consumption: 95 watts 3. Resolution: 350TV lines 4. Vie;vable picture size: 1 O-inch diagonal 5. Sweep linearity: 10% 6. Speaker output: 1.0 xvatt (-3dbV) CAMERA POLE Steel 4" Straight Square Poles: PyTamid Lighting Group, Inc.'s. Gardco ki~ning 'Gullwing" 18 Poles Series SSS20-4-11, or approved equals having: 1. 20' height. 2. Pole shall be steel plate longitudinally welded providing a minimum yield strength of' 36 KSI. 3. Removable top cap. 4. Handhole opening shall be reinforced ~ith cover plate and attachment screws. The handhole shall be located 1800 ;~4th respect to the luminaire arm. 5. Base cover shall completely conceal the entire base plate and anchorage. 6. Anchor bolts shall be cold rolled steel with miniratm~ yield of 50 KS[. Bolts shall have an "L" bend on one end with 7. Four 5/8 inch diameter anchor bolts, 18 inches long x~th a 4½ inch right angle leg. Anchor bolts to be completely hot dipped galvanized. Include 2 galvanized nuts. 1 loekwasher and 2 flat~vasher with each bolt. Template for setting onchor bolts 8. Finish color shall be natural aluminum. CONCRETE BASES As detailed on the drax~fngs for the standard light pole base. Bases ma3' be precast or poured in place. RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT PVC Plastic Conduit and Fittings: Carlon Electrical Sciences lnc.'s Plus 40, Certain Teed Corp.'s Schedule 40, National Pipe Co.'s Schedule 40, or Queen Ci~' Plastic lnc.'s Schedule 4i). END OF SECTION 11721 -VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM DIVISION 11 - Page 4 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11780 - RADIATION DETECTION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Under this Item, the Contractor shall supply all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to fumish and install a radiation detection system at the proposed track scale. SUBMITTAL The Contractor shall submit shop draxvings and specifications to the Engineer, for approval, for the proposed radiation detection system, foundations and equipment placement prior to delivery to the site. MATERIALS A. Radiation Detection System: The radiation detection system shall be Model 3500- 1000RWM Waste Monitor as manufactured by Ludlum Measurments, Inc. (325-235- 5494) or approved equal. The System shall provided shall include: I. (1) Microprocessor Based Electronic,s, 2. (2) 480in Plastic Detectors with 200 Cables 3. (1) 5" Diameter Red Alarm Strobe with 50' Cable 4. (1) 40 Column Date/Time Printer Detector Assemblies - The radiation detection assembly shall be feature the folloxving: 1. Two detectors for pole mounting. 2. Medium and high energy gamma emitters. 3. Detection volume of 960 cubic inches. 4. Remote microprocessor, high voltage supply, phot0multiplier divider assembly, pulse height discriminator and line driver electronics. Control Unit - The radiation detection assembly shall be feature the following: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Maximum sensitivity is set automatically. READY (green) and ALARM (red), LOST SIGNAL (yellow) Sound for alarm and alert conditions, with push button resets Background compensation from 4-34 deviations. Continuous self diagnostics Meter shall be 3.5"arc, lmA analog type, with a meter dial of 0-25kcps Must contain a 9 pin connector to allow a computer/printer to be connected Must conta'm a 5 pin connector for connection of external alarm indicators Ivfust contain a 3 pin connector for connection of external alarm indicators Checkout and Training: The Contractor shall provide one (1) day of checkout and training of the completely installed radiation detection equipment. The Contractor shall coordinate the training with the Owner of the facility. DIVISION 11 - Page 5 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENI Foundation/posts/housing: The Contractor shall provide concrete foundation un~! Steel Square posts for the detector assemblies. Fouudations and steel posts =b~ali thee, manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor shall assemble a steel housing around each detector as shown on the contract drawings. ]'he steel shall be ;5" plate stee! grade 836. Conduit: The Contractor shall furnish and install dedicated 1" diameter schedule 4O PVC conduits from each detector assembly in the scale house. The conduit shall bt: installed in the most direct path available, with necessary fittings, connectors, crc necessary to provide xvatertight terminations at each end. Bollards: Four bollards shall be furnished and installed for protection of the post mounted detector assemblies. The bollards shall be 6" diameter concrete filled schedule 40 steel pipe and painted fluorescent yellow. Foundations/'or bollards shall b~: diameter and 30" deep. The overall height of the bollard shall be 6" higher than the detector assemblies; each detector shall have 2 bollards. END OF SECTION 11780- RADIATION DETECTION SYSTEM DIVISION l I - Page 6 of 9 DIWISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11822 - GAS DETECTION SYSTEM GENERAL A natural gas (LEL) and carbon monoxide (CO) detection system shall be supplied for the relocated scale house building. The system shall consist ora single control panel, (3) remotely mounted LEL sensors, and (1) remotely mounted CO sensor. The system shall be the Mine Safety Appliances Co. QuadOas Il control panel with Ultima XA gas sensors, as distributed by Vanguard Controls Inc. at (973) 691-2246, or approved equal. Contractor is responsible to furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the installation and testing of a gas detection system EQUIPMENT A. Natural Gas Sensor Requirements The natural gas sensor shall be the catalytic-bead type, MSA Model Ultimax-A-3 I-E or approved equal. The detector shall have a detection range of 0-100% LEL and a demonstrated resistance to silicones and reduced sulfur compounds. The transmitter shall have built-in display with non-intrusive calibration, and shall be rated NEMA 4X. Transmitter output shall be 3-wire, 4-20 mA. The sensor shall be dual-condulet type, whereby the sensor housing and transmitter housings are separate. Two of the LEL sensors shall be mounted in the crawlspace below the building with their respective transmitters inside the building. The crawlspace sensors shall incorporate a sensorgard fitting and remote calibration tubing allowing normal calibrations to be performed from within the building at the transmitter location. The contractor shall install the sensors per the manufacturer's guidelines, and shall furnish and install the necessary signal cable in conduit between the sensor, transmitter, and the control module. B. Carbon Monoxide Sensor Requirements The CO sensor/transmitter shall be the electrochemical type MSA Model Ultimax-A- II-B or approved equal, with a detection range of 0-100 PPM and 3-wire 4-20 mA output. The transmitter shall be rated as NEMA 4X. The contractor shall install the sensors per the manufacturer's guidelines, and shall furnish and install the necessary signal cable in conduit between the sensor/transmitter and the control module. DIVISION 11 - Page 7 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT C. Control Panel Requirements The control panel shall be wall mount type MSA Model 215345 QuadGa.4 ii (J:t> Monitor/Controller, or approved eqnaL The Panel shall have a NEMA 4X rating, and shall operate on 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz power. The panel shall be capable of supporting up to (4) remote gas sensors. 2. A scanning module xvith three digit LED readout shall be provided for the purpose oJ displaying the gas value of each sensor and initianng alarms. 3. Visual Alarm Indicators - The monitor shall have a separate indicating lights for each of (2) alarm levels and system fault light. Alarm Set Point Levels - Two separate alarm set point levels shall be provided fo~' each channel (warning and alarm). Each set point shall be independently a4justable any value in the readout range. 5. Each gas channel shall have one SPDT, 8 amp warning relay. Common SPD-[, 8 amp alarm, horn, and fault relays shall also be provided. Audible Alarm - A 75 db audible buzzer shall be integral to the panel, and shall have an associated SPDT horn relay tbr energizing remote audible devices. The integral buzzer and horn relay shall be capable of reset during active alarm events. D. Remote Alarms Upon any detection of natural gas above 20% LEL or CO above 25 PPM, red strobe/buzzer unit shall be activated inside the building, and the crawlspace exhaust fan shall be automatically engaged thought the alarm panel's relays to exhaust any gases within the crawlspace. E. Foundation Exhaust Fan Contractor shall fnrnish and install a foundation exhaust fan within the crawlspace at th.~ proposed locations. The Exhaust fan shall be a Model SE-12-432-CB as manufactured by Greenheck (715-359-6171)or approved equal. The fan shall be wired in to the MSA control panel so that in the event of an alarm situation from the gas detection sensors located within the crawlspace, the exhaust fan ~xSll engage automatically to cleat the crawlspace of any dangerous gases. The fan shall automatically remain on until the sensors are no longer in alarm mode. The Fan shall have the following minimum properties: 1. Fan Shall be 1/8 Hp 2. Fan must be explosion proof 3. CFM Rating: 438 min 4. Motor RPM: 860 DIVISION l 1 - Page 8 of 9 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT F. Calibration Accessories Contractor shall furnish a calibration kit with sufficient test gas to allow for quarterly calibrations for two years following initial start-up. Kit shall include a hand-held IR calibrator allowing one-man calibration at the Ultima XA gas sensor locations. G. Start-Up and Training SeN, ice Contractor shall provide the sen,ices of a factory representative for the purpose of initial start- up, calibration, and training of the Owner's personnel in proper system operation and maintenance. END OF SECTION 11822 - GAS DETECTION SYSTEM DIVISION 11 - Page 9 of 9 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION .GENERAL The work under this Divisic,n shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRA~vTNGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DMSION NO. 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Included in this Division are the following sections: 13046 13120 13122 13410 Information Booths Steel Deck Motor Truck Scale Pre-Engineered Metal Building Systems Above Ground Double Wall Storage Tanks DIVISION 13 - Page 1 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 13046 - INFORMATION BOOTHS GENERAL Provide all labor, equipment and materials to furnish and install prefabricated pot[able steel building(s) where shown on the contract drawings. The installation shall include bu[ limited to: 1. Site/foundation work. 2. PVC stub for electric 3. Unloading, placement, installation and anchoring. SUBMITTALS Catalog sheets, specifications, and installation instructions ibr each material specified. Physical property data for prefabricated booths. REFERENCES Prefabricated building manufhcturer shall provide the locations and owne/'s of 3 similar buildings that have been in service more than three years so that the architect can inspect on site and obtain a statement from the owners on the quality of workmanship (fit and finish). SUBMITTALS Upon award of order, manufacturer shall prepare and submit shop drawings fbr each different building required for this project. Drawings shall include elevations, section, floor plan, electric schedule, service entrance locations, and anchor clip detail. Color charts illustrating available colors and patterns for specified finishes shall be submitted to owner Ibr prompt selections. QUALITY ASSURANCE l. Structures shall be the product of a manufacturer with a minimum of 20 years- documemed experience in the design and fabrication of portable steel buildings, The recommended manufacture is Par-Kut International, Inc., 40961 Production Driw, Harrison Township, Michigan, 48045, Phone (586) 468-2947. Fax 1586) 463~6059. website: x~xv.parkut.com, email: sales,~parkut.com, or approved equal. Manufacturer shall maintain and fumish proof of maintenance of qualit5 assurance program vxSth regularly scheduled independent third part3.' testing. Production process will include a minimum of 5-stage, 35-step inspection. Prefabricated buildings by manufacturers other than the one approved shall submit sufficient data to enable approval to be given. As a minimum: design drax~,ings and. er DIVISION 13 - Page 2 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION calculations, applicable certifications, catalog information, and color samples showing equal range of variety. A request for substitution must include a list of three or more projects in satisfactory service for not less than three years that use products identical to those being proposed for substitution. For each project, provide name, address, and telephone number of the A/E firm, the contractor and the owner. Requests for substitution after bids have been submitted will not be considered. Electrical devices factory installed within the prefabricated building shall be UL listed. Factory installed wlxing system shall bear UL Classification label certi ~fying compliance with the current NFPA's National Electrical Code Adherence to applicable portions of state and local building codes is the responsibility of the installing contractor. Building manufacturer shall not be responsible for permits, special engineering calculations or architectural type drawings unless otherwise notified in writing three weeks prior to release of bid document. 8. Design loads: Live Loads: Floor 50 PSF, roof 50 PSF, wind 100 MPH. PRODUCTS The attendant's booth shall be a Pre-assembled unit. The unit shall be Model 86 PRES as manufactured by Par-Kut Imemational, Inc or approved equal. Unit shall include hip roof, colonial style xvindow mullions and architectural wall treatment. Structure: Prefabricated steel building shall be single unit welded steel construction with 14-gauge galvannealed steel panels and tubing on the exterior and 18-gauge galvannealed steel interior panels. Exterior walls beneath window line shall include raised rib architectural tube steel treatment utilizing 1" x 2" ribs and a formed 1-1/2" by 6" formed base panel. Building to be shipped completely assembled. All welded joints ground smooth. Aluminum or fiberglass construction not acceptable. Base and floor: Base height shall be 4 inches for outside use. Floor shall be 12-gauge galvanized steel, 4-way tread plate. Four 1/4" steel angle anchor clips with pre-drilled holes are provided to secure building. Anchor bolts by installer shall be galvanized or stainless steel. Door(s) shall be top-suspended hea~3' duty sliding galvarmealed steel, 18-gauge minimum, fully weather-stripped. Include Adams Rite,~ #1850 hook bolt type lock, view window and all roller assembly hardware. Trolleys shall be ball bearing, adjustable pendant type. Windows: Shall be steel construction, properly primed and finish painted, fabricated in decorative colonial style. Perimeter window mullion shall be 1-1/2y x 1/4" and inner window mullions shall be 1" x 1/4". All ~vindows shall be fixed unless clearly stated DIVISION 13 - Page 3 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION otherxvise. Window, s will haxe interior anodized aluminum stops screv, ed in place easy glass replacement, ii' required. Furnish glass of type specified herein. Windo~xs shall be squared and weather-sealed at the factoD. A cashier's window shall be installed in one window location as shown on the cc, ntra,.t drawings. The window shall be a tull height, side-sliding windo~x. Glazing: All windows and doors shall contain clear tempered safety glass, 1/4" minimnni thickness. Finish: All steel surfaces shall be painted with rust inhibitive epoxy primer. Ali exposed interior and exterior steel surfaces shall be painted with one finish coat of industrial acrylic epoxy. Choice of single color of paint for the building and one separate colin the roof as selected by oxx:aer from manufacturer's standards. Additional colors available for extra charge. Canopy: Shall be 14-gauge galvanneated steel and shall extend 6" beyond the side walls At soffit, underneath the overhang, supply decorative crown molding. Standard fascia height shall be 3". Omit hip roof for buildings to be located within a garage or under cover. 10. Roofi Roof surface shall be 14-gauge galvannealed steel sheet with 1" standing ribs 1.2' 16" on center. Roof welded, caulked and weatherproofed. 4:12 pitch minimum Hip roof will have ridge cap covers fabricated of formed 14-gauge galvannealed steel l '2" perimeter drip edge standard. 11. Insulation: Walls shall be insulated xxSth 2" rigid fiberglass board, R=I0. Roof structure fully insulated, R=I 7.4. 12. Work counter: One 18" minimum depth 14 gage painted steel counter across width or' booth. Include one (1) 16" wide steel storage drawer, and one (i) locking cash draw Counter shall be ~velded in place. Include one electrical cord access hole. 13. Electrical: Unit shall be delivered complete with all wiring required for two-lamp shielded fluorescent light with lamps and wall switch, one 110V duplex outlet, heater, and a 100A 12-circuit load center with 100A main. All wiring copper No. 12 minimum, enclosed in EMT. All fittings, wiring devices and fixtures UL listed. Ready for site connection. Three ~vire 240/120V single-phase se~4ce required. Thru-wall a,'c optional. 14. Heating/Cooling: Electrical wall unit shall be a combination heaffcool unit. The unit shall be fan-forced type 'including integral thermostat. Minimum size shall be 120V;1500~ EXECUTION The Contractor is responsible to install prefabricated buildings on fiat and level concrete pad ir~ accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and placement drawings. Position units over utility stub-ups, verify building is level and anchor. END OF SECTION 13046 - INFORMATION BOOTHS DIVISION 13 - Page 4 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 13120 - STEEL DECK MOTOR TRUCK SCALES 40 TON WITH ANALOG LOAD CELLS GENERAL PROVISIONS Ali work shall conform to the requirements of the follo~ving: · Furnish and install one steel platform motor track scale and associated electronic controls. · The scale shall have a clear and unobstructed weighing surface of not less than 70 feet in length by 11 feet in width. · The scale shall be fully electronic in design and shall incorporate a restraint system that limits motion of deck. · The scale shall be designed to perform as a single weighing platform and shall be of flat top design. · The scale shall have a gross weighing capacity of 135 tons and shall have a concentrated load capacity of 40 tons. · The scale shall be designed to accept vehicles, which generate up to 80,000 lbs. per tandem axle. · The scale shall be calibrated 200,000 lb. by 20 lb. increments. · Load ceils shall be constructed of stainless steel. · The scale must have no more than 8 load ceils. · The scale shall be NTEP certified and shall meet the requiremen;s as set forth by the National lnstltute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44, current edition for class III L devices. The scale manufacturer s.hall provide a Certificate of Conformance to these standards. Provisional certification will not be acceptable. · The design and manufacturer of the scale weighbridge, toad cells, digital instrument, and associated accessories, shall be one manufacturer to maximize compatibility and availability of components and design. · The manufacturer shall provide ~4th the bid proposal a listing of major spare parts and their prices including but not limited to, replacement load cells, digital instruments, junction boxes, circuit boards, and associated accessory parts. · The scale shall be a Cardinal Model 13570-EPR or equal. DIVISION 13 - Page 5 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS The foundation shall meet ali local requirements and the minimum specifications as stated in thiq section. · The minimum soil bearing required shall be 3,000-psfminimum. · The foundation shall extend to the frost line at the load cell piers. The areas between the loaci cell piers are not load beating and are tbr cover. · The foundation shall provide a minimum of 3" of clearance to the weighbridge. · The approach slab shall be a maximum of 15 1/2" above grade. · The foundation shall be constructed of concrete with a minimum strength of 3,500 psi. · The entire foundation shall be tied together by a minimum of 6" X 6", 10 gauge woven wire mesh, which shall cover the entire length and width of the foundation. · The foundation shall be constructed to provide positive drainage away from the foundation. · The foundation shall be designed to include txxo approaches, one at each end of the scale in accordance to local regulations and to the guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44, current edition. WEIGHBRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS All work shall conform to the requirements of the following: · The scale weighbridge shall be capable of weighing trucks having a tandem axle weight of up to 80,000 lbs. · The weighbfidge shall consist of 3 prefabricated modules. · The weighbridge shall allow side access to load cells and junction boxes. The.deck module~ are to be designed with interlocking yoke and pin arrangement for "no bolt" assembly · All required junction boxes, load cells and interconnecting cables shall be furnished and installed at the job site. · All xvork shall conform to the requirements of the following: o The weighbridge and load cell mounting assemblies shall be designed to allow installation or replacement of a load cell with only one additional inch of clearance required between the top of the foundation and the bottom of the weighbridge. DIVISION 13 - Page 6 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION There shall be no bolted connectious between the load cell and xveighbridge assemblies. SURFACE PREPARATION AND FINISH The weighbridge shall be shot blasted to a minimum of SSPC SP6 specification prior to painting, then coated with Sherwin-Williams EPOLON II epoxy in Cardinal blue. LOAD CELL SPECIFICATIONS All xvork shall conform to the requirements of the follo~ving: All load cells are to be of double-ended shear beam type and shall have a minimum capaci .ty of 50;000 lbs. with 150% safe overload rating. Load ceils shall be certified by NTEP and meet the specifications as set forth by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 for Class III L, 10,000 devices. The manufacturer shall provide a Certificate of Conformance to these standards. · Load cells shall output an analog signal to the scale instrument; digital signals fi:om the load cells are not acceptable. · The load cell assemblies shail incorporate double link suspension. · The load cell shall be stainless steel. LOAD CELL SPECIFICATIONS The load cell shall have a cable that is made as an integral part of the load cell. Overload Safe Ultimate Rated Output mV/v. Resistance Input Output Zero Balance Excitation Voltage Non-lineadty Hystersis Non-repeatability Creep Deflection Insulation Resistance Temperature Range Compensation 150% 300% 2.0 + 0.1% 791 OHMs 700 + 1% OHMs 1% of rated output 15 vdc max. + 0.03% of rated output + 0.03% of rated output + 0.02% of rated output + 0.03% of load in 20 min. 0.016 5k megohms 14°F to 104°F DIVISION i3 - Page 7 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Operating Temperature Effect Rated Output Zero Balance V Min -20°F to +200F _+ 0.0008%: F of load ± 0.0015% ' F output 2 lb. Load cells shall be Cardinal Scale stainless steel model DB-50000S or equal. JUNCTION BOXES AND CABLE All work shall conform to the requirements of the follovAng: · All junction boxes shall be NEMA 4. · Junction boxes shall be accessible for inspection and maintenance from the side of thc scale platIbm~. · The load cell cable shall be terminated blocks on the junction box circuit board. SURGE VOLTAGE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS While it is understood that then is no total protection from lightning, a comprehensive surge voltage protection system shall be provided x~ith the scale. The system shall not requtre complicated g4ring or devices to provide this protection. There shall be a surge protection system built into the load cells themselves and surge voltage protection in the junction box on the scale and section seal box. Proper grounding is a critical part of any surge voltage protection system. All scale component~ shall be grounded to one common point. The grounding point shall be in accordance x~4th the scale manufacturing company's specifications. The grounding system shall be inspected and maintained during the normal maintenance and calibration progran~. The Contmct0r shall install (2) two 8' long x 9~" diameter ground rods per scale. Scales shall be connected to the ground rods by a minimum 1/0 gage wire x~Sth appropriate bolted connections to from a continuous bond. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS The scale manufacturer shall warrant the scale assembly, including the deck and components below the deck for 3 years, digital weight indicator; printer and peripheral devices shall be covered for I year or by manufacturer's standard warrant),. The manufacturer or its local representative shall present a program of regular maintenance and calibration service. Inspection shall occur at a minimum of once every slx months and shali comply xvith the guidelines as set forth by the manufacturer, local regulations and the current edition of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44. END OF SECTION 13120 - STEEL DECK MOTOR TRUCK SCALES 40 TON WITH ANALOG LOADCELLS DIVISION 13 - Page 8 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 13122 - PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING SYSTEMS GENERAL PROVISIONS ~%rork under this Section includes the design, fabrication, delivery', and erection of the structural framed structure with metal roofing system in this Project. Included are all the structural steel framing, fasteners, joists, furnishing anchor bolts, purlins, girts, bracing, roofing, wall panels, gutters, flashing and any other material or equipment for a pm-engineered metal building. The General Contractor shall be responsible to adapt structural foundation design as required based on final selection of building manufacturer and size of structural steel. REFERENCES Reference Standards: Comply with the following as applicable: 1. Design, Fabrication and Erection: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" and the "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges'I by the American Institute of Steel Construction (.~ISC Specification and Code). 2. Design and Fabrication of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members: "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members" by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI Specification). 3. Welding: Comply x~4th the provisions of the "Structural Welding Code - Steel, AWS D 1.1" or the "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel, AWS D1.3", by the American Welding Society (AWS Codes). 4. High-Strength Bolting: Provide high strength bolting In accordance with the "Specification tbr Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts" approved by the Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints of the Engineering Foundation on August 14, 1980 except as follows: a. Item 1 (c): Wind connections and. all other connections transferring moment shall be included among the connections limited to friction-type. b. Item 5(b): All high strength bolts shall have a hardened washer under the element (nut or bolt head) turned in tightening, regardless of the method of tightening. c. Item 6: The inspection of bolt tightening shall be as specified under Item 6(d). Furnish the calibration device and the inspection torque wrench, and make them avail:able, upon request, to the Engineer or designated inspection laboratory during the entire period when steel is being fabricated and erected. The inspection torque x~Tench shall be capable of indicating ~hat the job inspecting torque has been reached by a second method in addition to direct observation of the wrench dial. The inspection wrench calibration and the bolt tightening inspection shall be performed by the Contractor, and shall be ~Stnessed by the Engineer/Architect or the designated inspection laboratory.. 5. Pedestrian Doors and Frames: Comply with applicable requirements of Steel Door Insfitute's "Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames" (SDI-100). 6. Clevises, Turnbuckles, and Sleeve Nuts: Comply xvith the "Steel Construction Manual" by The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC Manual). DIVISION 13 - Page 9 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Gag~s: Sheet Steel: U.S. Standard. Steel Wire: U.S. Steel Wire Gage. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Design Criteria: Building design shall conform to the Metal Building Manu~acturcr~ Association's (MBS, L~X) "Design Practices" and "Code of Standard Practice". "Building Code of New York State" and ~4th the following criteria: Design Load: Basic design loads shall include dead, live, wind, uplift, sno~. temperature, and seismic zone in addition to all dead and collateral loads in accordance with IV[BNA and the Building Code of New York State and all other applicable codes Light-gauge elements of the building shall be designed in accordance with th~ "Specification for the Design of Light-Gage Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members' published by AISI. 3. Provide framing for all door, window and louver openings. 4. Roof pitch for the major steel "bents" shall be 3-inch on 12-inch. SUBMITTALS Shop Dra~vings: Drawings shall shoxv specific apphcation to this Project. Submit all required dra~Sngs in one submission, except as noted. 1. Erection Dra~vings: Manufacturer's complete erection draMngs, h~dicate manufacturer's identification marking for the components. Structural Drawings: a. Manufacturer's drax~Sngs showing base plate dimensions and foundation loads for all columns and/or rigid flames. b. Manufacturer's dra~vings showing anchoring details for the sill members, door jambs, and other miscellaneous items requiting connections to the concrete foundation. c. Manufacturer's details tbr any proposed wall wind bracing system other than portal columns as shown. d. Foundation drax~Sngs showing dimensions and elevations of all piers, walls. and footings required. e. Anchor bolt plan showing the location of all columns and/or rigid frames, and the location of all necessary anchor bolts or other main framing connections t{~ the concrete foundation. f. Anchor bolt and tie rod details. Note: Drawings required under 2.d., 2.e., and 2.f. shall not be submitted until the manufacturer's drawings required under 2.a.. 2.b.. and 2.c. ha~e been approved. DIVISION 13 - Page 10 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Note: Manufacturer's standard sheets sho~ving loads or details for a multiple range of building spans, heights, and loadings will not be accepted. Architectural Drawings: Architectural detail drawings for all auxiliary building components and accessories. Product Data: Manufacturer s catal% sheets, spemficat~ons and installation instructions for the folloxving: 2. 3. 4. 5. Roofing panels. E:cterior wall panels. Trim, exterior and interior. Flashings. Sealants and gaskets. Samples: 1. Color Samples: Manufacturer's standard colors for exterior wall and roofmg panels, trim, and other facto~ color-coated components. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Design Calculations: Manufacturer's design calculations, signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer registered in the State of New York, for the structural framing and exterior wall and roofing panels. The framing plan, structUral elevations and all other structural drawings shall bear a New York State Professional Engineering registration stamp of Engineering who is responsible for the structural design. a. The Engineer's cover letter shall state that he or she has received a set of the Contract Drawings and Specifications and that the design calculations are based on the requirements of the Contract Drawings and Specifications. b. Design shall take into consideration the necessary clearance for the overhead door track at the rigid frame compression flange bracing, and the necessary increase in girt height at the concrete unit masonry core area. Certificates: Metal building manufacturer's written certification that the structure. has been designed in conformance to the specified design loading and other design requirements. Contract Closeout Submittals: 1. Warranties: a. Roofing Panels: Metal building manufacturer's 20 year warran~ on roof'mg panels and related trim against rupture, structural failure, or perforation due to atmospheric corrosion. DIVISION 13 -Page 1 1 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCYION Exterior Wall Panels: Metal building mann£acturer's 20 ,','em' x.xmTartt., tk,t factoD' applied cotor finish on exterior surfaces of exterior wail 9antis ,tn,, related trim against blistering, peeling, cracking, flaking, checking, chippit~g color change exceeding 5 N.B.S. units (per ASq'NI D-2244), and chalking exceeding a rating of 8 (per ASI'M D-659). QUALITY ASSUR,ad'qCE Manufacturer's Qualifications: The manut:acturer of the pre-engineered metal building shall be regularly engaged in the design and fabrication of pre-engineered, pre-fabricated metal buildings, shall have fia'nished such buildings for five similar projects that i~a;~. been in use for not less than five >'ears, and shall be snbject to the approx al Engineer/Architect. The building manufacturer shall be capable of furnishing compatible auxiliary building components and accessores sho;;~n or specified. If requested, furnish to the Owner the names and addresses of five similar prQiect~, ~vhere the manufacturer's building has been in use tbr five 3,'ears. Installer's Qualifications: The person supervising the installation of the work ~)f thi,. Section shall be experienced in pre-engineered metal building ~vork, and shall have been regularly employed by a company engaged in the erection and installation; tit sach buildings for a minimum of three 3rears. If requested, furnish to the Engineer/.~chitect the names and addresses of three similar projects for which the supervisor has supetwised the erection and installation of pre-engineered metal buildings. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Code: Comply with the applicable provisions of the Building Code of Ne~ York State. 2. Column Fire Rating: Comply with the applicable specifications and details ot Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 3. Building Grounding: Comply vAth National Electrical Code. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the follov~qmg or other approved equal: 1. American Buildings Company 2. Star Building Systems 3. Butler Manufacturing 4. Package Industries The manufacturer shall be the prime contractor for the design and fabrication of the building. DWISION 13 - Page 12 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION DELBrERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver building components, except structural steel, to the Site in unopened cartons, crates, or other protective containers beating the manufacturer's labels. Components shall have manufacturer's identification marking corresponding to the marking shown on the erection draxvings. C. Keep materials dry w~le in storage. Handle materials by a method which will prevent damage to components, including finishes. MATERIALS Basic Materials: Except as otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings, building components and assemblies shall be fabricated from the following applicable materials as required to produce units conforming to the design and types of fabrications required for the building. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. .. 10. 11. 12. 13. Structural Steel Members: ASTM A36, A529 or A572 except as otherwise indicated. Cold-Rolled Structural Steel: ASTM A446, Grade A except higher strength grade if needed to comply with design criteria. Cold-Formed Structural Steel: ASTM A570. Structural Steel Tubing: ASTM A500, Grade B or A501. Steel Plate and Bar Stock: ASTlvl A529 or A572. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, type and weight as required, Grade B.. Anchor Bolts and Tie Rods: ASTM A36 or A675, Grade 70. Cle~4ses, Turnbuckles, and Sleeve Nuts: Similar to those shown in Part 4 of the AISC Manual. The safe ~vorking loads shall be adequate for the building furnished. High Strength Bolts: ASTM A325. Common (Standard) Bolts: ASTM A307. Steel for Shims and Fillers: ASTM A569. Welding Materials: AWS Codes, type required for materials being ~velded. Covering Fasteners: a. Screw Bolts: Type 300 series stainless steel capped low profile head, 200 inch lb rain stripping tongue, color finish on exposed exterior surfaces matching adjacent panels/trim. b. Sheet Metal Screws: Type 300 series stainless steel or ASTM A165 cadmium plated case hardened carbon steel, self-drilling or self-tapping, standard hexagonal head or hex-washer head, color finish on exposed exterior surfaces matching adjacent panels/trim. c. Rivets: Aluminum, pull type, 1400 lb setting strength, 1650 lb shear strength, 350 lb min push out strength, color cap on exposed exterior surface matching adjacent'panels/trim. DIVISION 13 - Page 13 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION d. Sealing Washers: Neoprene ,rashers. AS]TM D735 14. 15. 16. 17. Shop Primer Paint for Framing: Equal pertbnnance requirements of FS TT-P-63t. or TT-P-664. Cold Galvanizing Compound: Single component compound giving 93 percent pure zinc in the dried film, and complying with DOD-P-21035A (NAVY! Bituminous Paint: Asphaltic type, SSPC - Paint 12. Bedding Mortar: a. Cement Grout: Portland cement complying with ASTM CI50, Type I or IiL and clean uniforml5 graded natural sand complying with ASTM C404, size No. 2: mixed at a ratio (by ,~olume') of 1.0 part cement to 3.0 parts sand, ~iri: only the minimum amount of water required for placement and hydratior,. b. Shrill-Resistant Grout: Factory-packaged, shrink-resistant, non-staining. non-ferrous mortar grouting compound selected from the follo~4ng: 1) Masterflow 713 by Master Builders. 2) Sonogrout by Sonnebom. 3) Five Star Grout by U.S. Grout Corporation. 4) Crystex by L&M Construction Chemicals. 5) Non-Corrosive, Non-Shrink Grout b5 A.C. Horn. Assembly and Installation Accessories: Building manufacturer's standard reinforcements, extensions, clips, brackets, miscellaneous fasteners and anchoring devices, spacer~. furring s!rips, closures, flashings, expansion joints, thermal breaks, adhesives, and other components needed for a complete, pem~anently weatherproof installation. Mmerials shall be non-deteriorating, corrosion resistant, and compatible with adjoining materials. Connections: Fasteners shall be of size and in quantities to securely and pemtanemly join building components, and shall be complete with necessary hardware and accessories a,~, required for the application. Connections shall allow for expansion and contraction m accordance with the approved design. Screw bolts and rivets shall have metal-backed sealing washers. Except as other~vise indicated, provide the following fastener ~pes for the following locations: 2. 3. 4. Roofing Panels to Structural Members: Screw bolts or rivets. Wall Panels to Structural Members: Screw bolts or standard bolted connection. Wall Panels to Wall Panels: Screw bolts, sheet metal screws or rivets. Interior Panels to Supports: Cadmium plated steel fasteners of required Upe for secure attachment. Trim: Same fasteners as adjacent panels. Sealants, Gaskets and Closures: l. Tape Sealant: Flat shaped, elastomeric, non-hardening, ribbon sealant: tx'pc recommended by building manufacturer tbr the particular use and conditions or' application. 2. Tube or Pumpable Sealant: Polybutenebutyl or acrylic terpolymer base sealant, or other type sealant recommended by building manufacturer for the particular use and conditions of application. DFVISION 13 - Page 14 of 28 DIVISION 13 ~ SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 3. Gaskets: Rubber, building manufacture's standard shapes. 4. Closures: Closed cell foam or rubber material, formed to match panel profiles, sized to provide weather tightness. Galvanizing: specified. 1. 2. 3. 4. Complying with the following requirements except where otherwise Formed Sheet Steel: ASTM A653, coating designation G-90. Assembled Steel Products: ASTM A123. Iron and Steel Hardxvare: ASTM A153. Products Fabricated From Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip: ASTM A123. Color Finish: Factory applied color f'mish system on exposed surfaces of steel components specified to receive color finish, complying with the following requirements: 1. Surface Preparation: Galvanized steel shall be given a chemical conversion treatment conforming to Federal Government Specification MIL-C-490A, Type 1, Grade 1. 2. Coating: After conversion treatment, metal shall be precision coated with thermosetting polymedzed enamel to a dry film of one mil, plus or minus 0.2 mil, over the entire material width prior to forming of panels. 3. Finish Pigmentation: Inorganic pigments selected for maximum durability and resistance to fading, except do not use aluminum pigment. Use Kynar 500 or approved equal. 4. Finish Gloss: Evenly maintained over the entire surface at 30, plus or minus 5 units, as measured on a 60 degrees Gardner photo volt meter for appearance, balance, reflectivity and durability. 5. Colors: As selected by the Owner from building manufacturer's standard colors. Note: Shop painting shall be the responsibility of the pre-engineered metal building manufacturer. Note: Field finish coat(s) painting shall be the responsibility of the General Construction Contractor. PRIMARY BUILDING FRAMING Columns, roof beams, trusses, and rigid frames shall be factory fabricated, with required holes in webs and flanges accurately punched or drilled unless otherwise indicated or approved. Enlarging or gouging holes at the ske will not be permitted. Base plates, splice plates, stiffener plates, and other required plates shall be shop fabricated and welded in place where applicable. Rigid Frames: Clear span, solid web framing, tapered or uniform depth, ~velded-up plate section columns and beams. DIVISION 13 -Page 15 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Rigid Frame Tie Rods and Anchor Bolts: a. Tie rods shall be round bars, of constant diameter or with integral upset ends. b. The allowable tensile ~tress on the unthreaded body area of tie rod~,, and ~m the tensile stress area of anchor bolt and tie rod threads shall be 22.000 p>i. c. Tie rods shall not be spliced by welding. Tresses: Open web framing; hot rolled sections, cold formed shapes, or built-up shapes welded plate construction. Endwall Framing: Comer posts, endposts and rake beams; hot rolled sections, c,qd formed shapes, or built-up shapes of welded plate construction. Endwalt Framing: Rigid frame with full bay loading capacib- and endwall colunms bni~t- up shapes of welded plate construction, hot rolled sections, or cold formed shapes. Bracing: Wind bracing and slruts, flange'and knee bracing, sag rods, and other bracing and support members as required by the building design; steel angles and rods recommended by building manufacturer unless otherwise indicated. Bolts for Field Assembly of Primao.' Building Framing and Bracing: High strength bolts Shop Painting: Comply wSth the following requirements except where othemise specified: 1. Refer to Division 9 - Finishes, Section 099 ! 0 - Exterior Painting (Metal Building). NOTE: Shop painting shall be the responsibility of the pre- engineered tnetal building manufacturer. NOTE: Field finish coat(s) painting shall be the responsibiliv,., of the General Construction Contractor. NOTE: Both shop and field coat(s) paint shall be as manufactured by "INEIvlEC Company, Inc. or approved equal. SECONDARY BUILDING FRAMING B. C. D. Purlins: Cold formed steel shapes, or cold formed open web welded tresses Girts: Cold formed steel shapes Eave Members: Cold formed steel shapes. Sill Members: Roll formed steel base angle (or zee), or steel base robe with anchors. DIVISION 13 - Page 16 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Overhead Door Frames: Frames shall be fabricated fi.om structural shapes and bars as required ro receive overhead doors, with coruers fully welded and ground smooth, and with provisions for bracing to building framing. Framing for Miscellaneous Openings: All openings shall be framed for proper support and attachment. Frmues shall be fabricated from structural shapes and bars with comers full)' welded and ground smooth, and with provisions for bracing to building framing. G. Shop Painting: Comply with the requirements specified for Primary Building Framing. ROOFING PANELS General The roof shall be covered with a double-lock standing seam roof system installed in accordance xvith the manufacturer's instructions. Roof Panel 1. Roof panel shall be factory roll-formed roof s panel 24" wide, with 2 major corrugations, 2" high (2-3/4" including seam). 24" on center. The flat of the panel shall contain cross flutes 6" on center perpendicular to the major corrugations the entire length of the panel to reduce wind noise and improve walkability. 2. Panel material as specified shall be 24 gage galvanized (G-90 coating), per ASTM specification A653 (G90), and painted with standard finish system, a full strength, 70% Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 fluoropolymer coating. Manufacturer warrants that coating shall not blister, peel, crack, chip, or experience material rust through for 25 years. For a period of 25 years chalking shall not exceed #8 - ASTM and fading shall be 5DE Color Difference Units or less. 3. Panel of maximum possible length shall be used to minimize endlap; cave panel shall extend beyond the structural line of the sidewall. 4. Panel shall be factor~~ prepunched at panel end to match prepunched holes in the eave structural member. Panel end splice shall be factory prepunched and prenotched. Panel end splice shall be floating and allow the roof panel to expand and contract with roof panel temperature change. 5. Ridge assembly shall be designed to allow roof panels to move lengthwise with expansion/contraction as the roof panel temperature changes. Parts shall be fact6ry prepunched for correct field assembly. Panel closure and interior reinforcing strap shall be installed to seal the panel end at the ridge. The attachment fasteners shall not be exposed on the weather side. A lockseam plug shall be used to seal the lockseam portion of the panel. A hi-tensile steel ridge cover shall span from panel closure to panel closure and flex as the roof system expands and contracts. DIVISION 13- Page 17 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION System Installation 1. Panel clips shall be positioned b.~ matching the hole in the clip with the prepnnched holes in the secondary sn'nctural members. 2. Panel shall be positioned and properly aligned by matching the prepunched holes in thc panel end with the prepunched holes in the cave structural member and by aligrting thc panel with the panel clip. 3. Panel sidelap shall be field-semned by a self-propelled and portable electrical lock seaming machine. The machine shall field form the final 180 degrees of a 360 degree Pittsburgh double-lock standing seam; all sidelap sealant shall be factoo' applied. 4. Panel endlap, when required, shall be at least 6". sealed with sealant and fastened together by clamping plates. Sealant shall contain hard nylon beads ~vhich prevent it from flowing out due to clamping actions. The panel lap shall be joined by means o1' a two-piece clamped connection consisting of a bottom reinforcing plate and a top paneJ strap. The panel endlap shall be located directly over, but not fastened to, a supporting secondary roof structural member and be staggered, so as to avoid a tbur panel lap splice condition. Fasteners 1. Connection of roof system panel-to-structural member, except at cave. shall be mad[' with clips with movable stainless steel tabs that are seamed into the standing seam sidelap. 2. Panel clip shall be fastened to structural member wSth fastener as per manufactnrer's erection drawings, using factoD' prepunched hole in structural member. Fastener' shall contain a metal backed rubber washer which serves as a torque indicator. 3. The roof system panel-to-panel connection shall be made with a positive, field-fore, ed standing double-lock seam, formed by a special seaming machine, l-he machine shall field form the f'mai 180 degrees of a 360 degree Pittsburgh double-lock standing seam, all sidelap sealant shall be factory applied. 4. Fasteners penetrating the metal membrane at the following locations shall not exceed the frequency listed: Fastening System Basic Panel System Exterior Eave Gutter Gable TrLm (no parapet) Ridge High Eave (no parapet) Panel. Splices High Side Transition Frequency 0 per sq. ft. 2 per lineal ft. 2 per lineal ft. 1 per lineal ft. 2 per lineal fl. 2 per lineal ft. 1 per lineal ft. DIVISION 13 ~ Page 18 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECLaJ~ CONSTRUCTION 5. In lieu of prepunched secondaries and panels, predrilling of the structural members is mandatory in order to maintain proper alignment of the roof system. Accessories 2. 3. 4. Accessories (ventilator, sl~'light, gutter, fascia) shall be as standard with manufacturing company, unless otherwise noted and furnished as specified. The color coating on all gutter, downspout, gable trim and cave trim to be Kynar 500 finish system. Location of standard accessories shall be as shown on erection drawings as furnished by manufacturing company. Material used in flashing and transition parts and furnished as standard by manufacturing company may or may not match the roof panel material. Parts shall be compatible and shall not cause a corrosive condition. Copper and lead material shall not be used with GALVALUME or optional aluminum coated panels. Provision for Expansion/Contraction 1. Provision for thermal expansion movement of the roof system panel shall be accomplished by the use of clips with a movable tab. The stainless steel tab shall be factory centered on the roof clip when installed to assure full movemem in either direction. A force of no more than 8 pounds will be required to initiate tab movement. Each clip shall accommodate a minimum of 1.25" in either direction. The roof shall prox4de for thermal expansion/contraction without detrimental effect to the roof panel when there is a ±100°F. temperature difference between the inside structural framework of the building and the temperature of the roof panels. TRANSLUCENT LIGHT P.SdNELS Light Panels: Translucent, xvhite, fiberglass reinforced plastic panel, factory fastened to corrosion resistant metal side corrugations, formed to fit metal building panels. Light panel assembly shall have a load capacity equal to or exceeding adjoining metal building panels, and shall be designed to be weather tight ~vhen in~alled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. EXTERIOR WALL PANELS General: I. Exterior wall panels shall include all related components and accessories necessary for a complete exterior ~1 system. 2. Metal sheets shall be prefinished (coil coated) to the greatest extent possible prior to forming and panel fabrication. 3. Panels shall be fabricated in one-piece length fi.om sill to roof line, except where panels are interrupted by auxiliary building components such as ~vindows. Upper end of panels shall be fabricated to form a close fit with roof system. Provisions DIVISION 13 - Page 19 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION shall be made Iora weather ttght closure at ends of panels a. Self-c,mtamed ,nsulated units shall be scl f drainir~g to the exterio* Description: 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Type: Preciaion roll tbnned metal sheet. T3l~e: Multi-Rib P~mel Seam Design (Sidejoint): Ox erlapping side ribs. Panel Tkichtess 26 ga.. Attachment to Supporting Melnbers: Exposed fasteners. Attachment to Supporting Members: Concealed fasteners. Sidejoint Sealant/Gasket/Seal: Factory applied. Sidejoint Sealant'Gasket/Seal: Field applied. Coatings and Finishes: l. Frout Surface: G90 galvanized coating designation, and color finish. 2. Back Sm'face: G90 galvanized coating designation, and panel manut~tcmrer', standard rust-inhibitive back surface finish used ~Sth specified from sur~hce color finish. 3. Front and Back Surfaces: Alclad hammered surface. 4. Ex~terior Facing: a. Front Surface: G90 galvanized coating designation, and color finish. b. Back Surface: G90 galvanized coatiug designation, and panel manufacmrer'.s standard rust-inlfibitive back surface finish used ~4th specified front surface color finish. Exterior Wall System Trim, Flashing, and Accessories: Materials shall be the stone materials used for the panels, unless othenvise indicated or required b.x the application. Configurations shall be the standard with the building manufacturer for the specified wall panels, un/ess othem'ise indicated. Coatings and finishes shall match walt panels, except building manufacturer's standard fin/shes (as required by application) ma3' be famished on special use accessories. FABRICATION Tolerances: Conform to tolerances set forth in MBMA Code of Standard Practice, except as follows: 1. Alignment and fit-up of welded joints shall conform to the "Structural Welding Code - Steel" (AWS Di.1). EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions: Examine surfaces to receive the metal building for detects that will adversely affect the execution and quality of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. DWISION 13 - Page 20 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION A. Protect factor5.' applied finishes from damage during erection. B. Clean surfaces to receive the work of this Section. C. Isolation: Isolate aluminum in contact with cementitious materials and dissimilar metals, except compatible metals. Separate the materials by applying a hea~3' coat of bituminous paint or 10 mil self-adhesive polyethylene tape on the contact surfaces. Use gasketed fasteners where needed to eliminate the possibility, of corrosive or electrolytic action between metals. ERECTION AND INSTALLATION General: Erect and install the metal building and appurtenances in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions except as otherwise specified or required by the Reference Standards. Install the work of this Section so the su*ucture is secure and ' weather fight, and exposed materials are free of visible dents, scratches, tool marks, cuts, and other imperfections. Install building systems free of rattles, wind ~vhistles, and noise due to thermal movement. Framing Erection: 1. Provide temporary bracing to securely hold members in proper position until permanent bracing is fastened in place. 2. Erect primary and secondary structural members in their designed positions, and fasten each securely in place. a. Prepare, place, and cure shrink-resistant grout in accordance with grout manufacturer's printed instructions. 3. Do not field cut or alter structural members without approval of the Engineer. 4. After erection, touch-up welded and abraded surfaces, bare spots, and field bolts with shop primer paint. a. For galvanized items, first repair galvanized coaling with a 2 mil thick coating of cold galvaniz'mg compound applied in accordance with compound manufacturer's instructions. Roofmg System: I. Assemble and anchor panels in place, in straight alignment, with provision for necessary thermal and structural movement. Locate panel end laps over supports. Lap panel ends minimum 6 inches. Fasten panels to each structural support. 2. Seal longitudinal joints and transverse end laps. a. Seal longitudinal joints with electrically operated seaming machine. 3. Flash and seal roof covering at ridges, hips, rakes, eaves, and junctions with all related building components and accessories so that the roof is watertight. Roof Insulation: Install blanket insulation as panels are installed, with tight butt joints, and with vapor bamer toward building interior. Install insulation blocks, supports, and other accessories as requ'tred for a complete insulation system. Seal each joint in the vapor barrier ~vith joint tape or adhesive. DIVISION 13 - Page 21 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Wall System: 1. Assemble and anchor panels in place, aligned and plumb, with provision necessary thermal and stmctm'al movement. Use panels of one-piece len~h sill to roof line with no horizontal .joints, except ~vhere panels are inten'upted auxiliao' building components such as windows. Fasten panels to each structural support. 2. Seal longitudinal joints with sealant. 3. Flash and seal wall coveting at sill, roof lines, and junctions with all related building components and accessories so that the walls are watertight. Wall Insulation: Install blanket insulation with tight butt joints, and with vapor barrier toward building interior. Install supports and other accessories as required tbr a complew insulation system. Seal each joint in the vapor barrier v~Sth joint tape or adhesive Related Building Components: Install related components in their designed locations. fitted with required accessories. Securely fasten items to structural supports. Adjast and lubricate operative units for smooth and easy operation. Seal components watertight a! junctions with wall and roof systems. Tolerances: Conform to tolerances set forth in MBiYL~k Code of Standard Pracuce, except as tbllows: 1. Aligrtment and fit-up of welded joints shall conform to the "Structural Welding Code - Steel" (AWS DI. 1). ADJUSTING Restore minor visual damage to factory, applied finishes in a manner to match the appearance and performance of the original finish, or remove the damaged parts and replace them vAth undamaged parts. CLEANING Remove strippable protective coatings after completion of work liable to dan~age the finish. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for coating removal. Clean exposed exterior and interior surfaces of exterior ~vall panels. Remove an), residue from strippable coatings. Comply ~ith panel manufacturer's printed recommendations for cleaning. END OF SECTION 13122 - PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING SYSTEMS DWISION 13 - Page 22 of 28 DIVgSION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 13410 - ABOVE GROUND STEEL STORAGE TANKS SCOPE The Contractor is to furnish tank, stairs with platform and equipment necessary to install, test and make ready for operation; aboveground, steel wall, SCDHS Approved waste oil and diesel fuel storage tanks as specified herein and manufactured by Arco Power Unitized Fueler, Inc. GOVERNING STAND.a~RDS All work shall conform to the reqttirements of the follow'mg: · Suffolk County Department of Health Services Article 12 Tank Program. · NFPA-30 AND 30A Standard for flammable and combustible liquids. · UL-142 Standard for aboveground tanks for flammable liquids. TANK MATERI.4J~S AND PRODUCTS DIESEL TANK A. General 1. The above-ground storage tank shall be as manufactured by Areo-Power Unitized Fueler, Inc., 631-366-4362 or approved equal. 2. The unit shall consist of a steel 1,000 gal. above-ground horizontal cylindrical storage tank mounted on saddles within a containment dike providing secondary containment of at least 110% of primary tank capacity. 3. The entire tank / dike assembly shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and labeled with the UL "Closed Top Diked Aboveground Tank for Flammable Liquids" label. 4. Diesel accessory package shall include: 18 GPM pump with meter, %" x 12' UL listed fuel hose, 2" float level gauge, automatic nozzle, safebreak with straightening hose, 2" aluminum normal vent cap, 2" fill adapter with cap, 2" Sch. 40 pipe x 8', 2" vent whistle, and 4" lettering. B. Materials 1. The tank, dike and all steel appurtenances shall be fabricated from commercial or structural grade carbon steel. Only new materials shall be used. DIVISION 13 - Page 23 of 28 DUvq[SION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION All carbon steel shall comply with the latest edition of the Spec!ficatiot~ Steel, ASTM A36: or the Specification.Iht Steel, Carbon ~0. i5 l[a,vimam Ro[led Sheet and Strip, Commercial Qualio', ASTM A569. Size and Dimensions The primary tank shall be 48" dianteter by 10'9" long. The shell steel thicla~ess shall bc 10ga and tank heads shall be 10ga. The containment dike shall be 6'0" wide by 12'9" long by 2'0" high. The containment dike steel thickness shall be 7ga. Primary Tank Fittings All fittings will be sized and located as indicated on tank construction dra~xing number APB590. Ail fittings shall be protected with plastic thread protectors to prevent dan~age to threads and minimize foreign matter from entering the tank during shipping. Assembly and Appurtenances The tanks will be furnished with 6" high steel supports. The containment dike shall be furnished with support dunnage to allow for visual inspection of containment dike bottom. The size and location of supports shall be as indicated on tank construction drawing number APB590. The trait will be provided with a drip pan type pump platform of the size and location indicated on drawing number APB590. The unit shall be provided with removable 12 ga. (rain) steel rain shields designed to minimize water and debris from entering the diked area. The rain shield design will allow for easy visual interior dike inspection while allowing the dike area to be naturally ventilated to avoid possible vapor collection. The primary tank shall be provided with a fill containment sump designed to contain spills of up to 3 gal.(approximately) in a tank top reservoir while a 1" Sch. 40 overfloxt pipe diverts spills in excess of 3 gal in to the containment dike. The tank shall be furnished with a 6" emergency vent designed to relieve internal tank pressure in excess of 0.5 psig. The emergency vent shall haxe a 235,500 cubic feet pet' hour (cfh) rating at 2.5 psig. DIVISION 13 - Page 24 of 28 10. DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 11. Fo Ge The tank assembly shall be provide with an emergency vent protection hood designed to prevent snow, ice m~d debris from rendering the emergency vent ineffective while allowing the vent to operate as intended. The hood shall provide a cross sectional venting area of 160 square inches. An emergency vent diverter shall be provided such that under emergency conditions the first 9 gallons (approximately) of product emitted from the emergency vent will be contained in a tank top reservoir using a weir plate. Emissions in excess of 9 gallons shall be directed to the containment dike via a chute of rectangular cross section having. an area of 27 square inches. The containment dike shall be provided with a sump and 3/4" Sch. 40 draw-off pipe to allow liquid to be pumped out of the dike. The unit will be provided with stairs, landing and handrails designed in accordance ~vith OSI-L4 requirements. The top of the staircase shall attach to the front head of the tank to allow easy tank top filling. The stair frame and handrails shall be fabricated from carbon steel. Stair treads and fill platforms shall be constructed of slip resistant grating. The tank and dike shall be provided with separate lifting lugs such that the primary, tank and dike may be lifted separately. Exterior Coating for Steel Parts All exterior steel surfaces (including the interior of the containment dike) shall be factory grit blasted to the Steel Structures Paint Councils Surface Preparation Specification No. 7 (SSPC-SP7) and coated with the manufactures standard white finish. Factory Testing Requirements The tank shall be factor3' tested in accordance with the requirements of UL 142. WASTE OIL A. General The above-ground storage tank shall be as manufactured by Areo-Po~ver Unitized Fueler, Inc., 631-366-4362 or approved ~qual. The unit shall consist of a steel 500 gal. above2ground horizontal cylindrical storage tank mounted on saddles within a containment dike providing secondary containment of at least 110% of primary tank capacity. The entire tank / dike assembly shall be listed by Undev~vriters Laboratories, Inc. CUL) and labeled with the UL "Closed Top Diked Aboveground Tank for Flammable Liquids" label. DMSION13 - Page 25 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Waste oil tank package shall include: tank painted xQfite, painted stall w/th handrail both sides, fiberglass grating, special over flit box as shown on plans and lettering. Materials The tank, dike and all steel appttrtenances shall be fabricated front commercial structural grade carbon steel. Only new materials shall be used. All carbon steel shall comply with the latest edition of the Spec!ficatioa Steel ASTM A36; or the Specification for Steel Carbon (0. 15 Maximum, Percent,. Rolled Sheet and Strip, Commercial Qualio', ASTM A569. Size and Dimensions The primary tank shall be 48" diameter by 5'5" long. The shell steel thiclo~ess shall 12ga and tank heads shall be 12ga. The containmem dike shall be 6'0" wide by 7'5" long by 1'8" high. The containment dike steel thickness shall be 7ga. Primars' Tank Fittings All fittings ,,,,rill be sized and located as indicated on tank construction drawing number APB580. All fittings shall be protected ~vith plastic thread protectors to prevent damage to threads and minimize foreign matter from entering the tank during shipping. Assembly and Appurtenances The tanks will be tktrnished with 6" high steel supports. The containment dike shall be furnished with support dunnage to allow tbr visual inspection of containment dike bottom. The size and location of supports shall be indicated on tank construction drawing number APB580. The unit ;vill be provided with a drip pan type pump platform of the size and location indicated on drawing number APB580. The trait shall be provided with removable 12 ga. (min) steel rain shields designed to minimize water and debris from entering the diked area. The rain shield design will allow for easy visual interior dike inspection while allovdng the dike area to be naturall3 ventilated to avoid possible vapor collection. The primary tank shall be provided with a fill containment sump designed to contain spills of up to 3 gal.(approximately) in a tank top reservoir while a 1" Sch 40 overflow pipe diverts spills in excess of 3 gal in to the containment dike. DIVISION 13 - Page 26 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 10. 11. 1. H. 1. The tank shall be furnished with a 4" emergency vent designed to relieve internal tank pressure in excess of 0.5 psig. The emergency vent shall have a 100,725 cubic feet per hour (cfh) rating at 2.5 psig. The tank assembly shall be provide with an emergency vent protection hood designed to prevent snow, ice and debris from rendering the emergency vent ineffective while allowing the vent to operate as intended. The hood shall provide a cross sectional venting area of 160 square inches. An emergency vent diverter shall be provided such that under emergency conditions the first 9 gallons (approximately) of product emitted from the emergency vent will be contained in a tank top reservoir using a weir plate. Emissions in excess of 9 gallons shall be directed to the containment dike via a chute of rectangular cross section having an.area of 12 square inches. The containment dike shall be provided with a sump and 3/4" Sch 40 drawoff pipe to allow liquid to be pumped out of the dike. The unit will be provided with stairs, landing and handrails designed in accordance with OSHA requirements. The top of the staircase shall attach to the front head of the tank to allow easy tank top filling. The stair frame and handrails shall be fabricated from carbon steel. Stair treads and fill platforms shall be constructed of slip resistant grating. The tank and dike shall be provided with separate lifting lugs such that the primary tank and dike ma)' be lifted separately. Exterior Coating for Steel Parts All exterior steel surfaces (including the interior of the containment dike) shall be factor5' grit blasted to the Steel Structures Paint Councils Surface Preparation Specification No. 7 (SSPC-SP7) and coated with the manufactures standard white finish. Factor>, Testing Requirements The tank shall be factory tested in accordance with the requirements of UL 142. Spill Box For waste oil tanks~ a five gallon spill box as detailed in the Drawings shall be furnished and installed. DMSION 13 - Page 27 of 28 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION LABELS 1. Tanks shall be labeled in 4" high block letters on all sides and include the/bllo~mg' a) Diesel tank: DIESEL FUEL '/000 GALLONS S.G.D.H.S. NO.--- NO SMOKING b) Waste Oil tank: WASTE OiL 500 GALLONS S.C.D.H.S. NO.--- c) Tank number shall be determined by the SCI-IDS upon permit approval. INSTALLATION The tank shall be installed at the location shown on the Contract Drawings. The mstallatim~ procedure should strictly folloxv manufacturer's instructions. The Contractor shall furnish to thc Owner a statemem that the installation was performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instmction. WARRANTY The tank shall bear a UL certification plate and manufacturer's 3 year warrant' shall be turned ove~ to the Owner after the systems acceptance. INSURANCE The tank manufacturer shall provide a certificate of insurance that provides a minimum of twenB (20) million dollars ($20,000,000) of product hability coverage per occurrence. END OF SECTION 13410 - ABOVE GROUND STEEL STORAGE TANKS DWISION 13 - Page 28 of 28 DI~rlSION 15B - PLUMBING GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA, and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Draxx4ngs and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items, which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING 15000 15060 15084 15090 15100 '15400 15408 15411 15424 15450 15771 15900 15950 General Piping Waterline Insulation Hangers, Supports, Expansion and Contraction Devices Valves, Cocks, and Faucets Water Service Reduced Pressure Device (RPZ) Plumbing Fixtures Domestic Water Heater Sleeves and Trkn Electric Heating Cable System for Water Pipes Project Completion Stand-By Fire Well DWISION 15B - Page 1 of 22 DIVISION I SB - PLUMBING SECTION 15000 - GENERAL GENER~SJ~ REQUIREMENTS All applicable provisions of the section entitled "General Conditions" and "Special Conditiom," shall apply to all work under this Contract as if written out in full, and shall be adhered to b: tile Contractor. SPECLS, L INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS The bidder shall, before submitting his proposal, examine the Civil, .,M'chitectural, Heating, Ventilating, Electrical and Plumbing Drawings and Specifications coveting the work of other trades, so as to familiarize himself with the character of the work as a whole and to enable him better to understand the relation and extent of the work with reference to the work of other trades. The Dravdngs show schematically the approximate location of all apparatus, pipes, drains_ etc. The exact location shall be subject to approval of the Engineer and/or Owner. who reserve the fight to make, prior to installation, an3' reasonable changes in location indicated without extra cost to the Owner. It is the intent of the Contract Drawings and these Specifications to provide a complete and operative system. V~q'tether shown on the Contract Drawings and/or included in the Specifications or not, the Contractor shall furnish and install all material, equipment and labor usually furnished with such systems, unless specifically excluded in these Specifications. WORK INCLUDED The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals to complete all plumbing work as specified herein, shown on the Contract DravAngs and as directed by thc Engineer. In general, the work shall include but not be limited to the following: Sanitary piping system and connections to the sanitary, system, connection to house se;ver, cleanout drain, and vent and all required leaching and veto connections to plumbing fixtures and other equipment requiring same. 2. Proposed domestic water supply system. All plumbing fixtures and trim as hereinafter specified anti'or indicated on the Drawings. 4. Cutting and patching as required so that all piping shall be concealed. Excavation, backfilling and mechanical tamping of all waterline trenches. Trenches shall be backfilled in 6" compacted lifts. DIVISION 15B - Page 2 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING 6. House sewer line connection to new sanitary, disposal system 5'-0" from building. 7. Pipe covering as specified; sleeves and eScutcheons for piping. 8. Flashing for vent stacks. 9. Hot water heater. 10. Testing and procurement of approvals for all ~stems as may be required by the Engineer, governmental authorities and utility companies having jurisdiction. SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish three (3) copies of Shop Drawings of all equipment and material to be furnished by him under this Contract for approval by the Engineer. Drawings shall be supplemented with catalog cuts, materials of construction, ratings, etc. DRAWINGS Contract Drawings are generally diagrammatic, not show~g every bend or offset as may be required to properly complete the work to meet job conditions, building geometry, changes in locations, work of other trades, etc. The Contractor shall fumish all such additional offsets, bends, piping, etc., at no additional cost to the Owner so that the completed installations will result in neat, workmanlike, first-class operating plumbing systems of the highest quality. Field Drawings shall be maintained by the Contractor showing actual installed locations of all equipment and materials under this Contract. The Contractor shall maintain shop drawings approved by the Engineer in a file in the field. Record Drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer upon completion of work and shall be marked "As- Built". ADJUSTlVIENT AND/OR INSTRUCTIONS FOR EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall make all necessary adjustments for proper operation of all equipment furnished by them under this Contract. They shall also instruct and acquaint the Owner's designated representative in the proper operation of all equipment. The Contractor shall prepare typewzitten instructions and diagrammatic sketches of all equipment and systems, sealed in a watertight enclosure and posted in each Utility Room for the following: Sequence of operation to start-up each system. Sequence of operation to shutdown each system. Seasonal maintenance operations. DWISION 15B - Page 3 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING Final payment under this Contract shall not be made until all the above requirements at*' satisfactorily completed to the approval of the Engineer. PERMITS AND REGULATIONS The Plumbing Contractor shall obtain and pa5' lbr all permits necessary to conduct the xxork mkl complete the Contract. All work shall be perforated in strict accordance xx4th the regulation.~ and requirements of the various agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Upon completion of the xxork provided for in this Contract, and before final pasxnent shall be made, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with any necessaD.' certificates of approval issued by these various agencies. END OF SECTION 15000 - GENERAL DIVISION 15B - Page 4 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15060 - PIPING MATERIALS Water supply: piping, below' grade shall be type K annealed, seamless copper water tube conforming to ASTM specifications B88-89. Water supply piping, above grade shall be type L, hard drawn conforming to ASTM specification B88-89. Fittings shall be wrought copper, solder type, conforming to ASTM specification 361-86. Solder joint shall be made with 95-5 tin and antimony. Waste, soil and vent piping for underground and below slab locations shall be standard ~veight cast iron hub and spigot, conforming to ASTM standard A 74-87. The Contractor may provide "slip-on" type compression joints with gaskets as approved by the engineer. Piping up and through floor for connection points to fixture soil lines, vent and drain connections shall be standard weight cast iron. At all such connection points, methods of jointing and sealing of dissimilar materials and diameters shall be performed in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Concealed piping and other piping locations not under floors shall be No-Hub cast iron piping and fittings. Piping installation shall be performed utilizing expansion and contraction joints at locations as approved by the Engineer. Cast iron piping shall conform to ASTM A74- 87. Cleanouts shall be provided at all bends, ends of soil lines, etc. and shall be full size opening per the piping diameter. The Contractor shall provide all necessary flashLng for vent pipes that pass through the roofing system. All flashing shall have a minimum 18-inch square base. No vents shall pass through roof closer than 18 inches from edge of the roof. Vent pipes shall extend at least 12 inches above roof and shall be flashed with Neoprene-aluminum Flashing. Water hammer arrestors shall be sized according to pipe size and shall be as manufactured by Precision Plumbing Products, Portland, Oregon or approved equal. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION Workmanship shall result in quality of the first class only. Piping shall be concealed wherever possible and shall be mn straight and direct as possible either at right angle to or parallel with walls, floors and ceilings. Where slopes are indicated for piping, such runs shall be installed at the uniform rate indicated without high points and valleys between inverts shown. Reducing fittings shall be used wherever a change in size occurs. No bushing shall be allowed. Piping shall not be marred by tool marks. No more.than one (1) thread shall be DMSION 15B - Page 5 of 22 DIhqSION 15B - PLUMBING shown for fittings. Allowance shall be made tbr expansion ,and contraction of piping. Swing joints shall be used at all cormections to equipment, main risers mK[ branches Hangers and supports shall be provided tN'oughout to securely affix piping system:, to, thc building construction. Veto piping shall be set and pitched so as to drain nut moisture and prevent scale accumulation. Offset shall be made with 1:8 bends. Changes in direction shall be made ~4th 45-degree ~wes and long mm or long sweep fittings. On vertical lines. >hort rant sanitary fittings may be used. Cteanouts shall be provided and extended through walls and floor where necessm-,' and as a minimum for: 2. 3. 4. At the base of all stacks and risers. At all changes of direction. At all traps. At the end of all horizontal drains. Water shock arrestors shall be provided on all individual branch lines and shall be in accordance with accepted practice to prevent contamination of water supply in accordance with local and state codes and regulatory agency requirements. Water supply connections to fixtures shall be complete with chrome plated cast brass piping and stops. END OF SECTION 15060 - PIPING DIVISION 15B - Page 6 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15084 - ~VATERLINE INSULATION Insulate exposed incoming water supply piping and fittings with a high densi~' fiber glass insulation (minimum thickness of 2 inches) or polyurethane modified polyisocyanurate rigid cellular plastic (minimum thickness of 3 inches) and cover with a ~veather~pmtective jacketing, Micro-Lok Fiber Glass Pipe Insulation as manufactured by Johns Manville, or approved equal. END OF SECTION 15084 - WATERLINE INSULATION DIVISION 15B - Page 7 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15090 - HANGERS~ SUPPORTS, EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION DEVICES GENERAL The Contractor shall support all above grotmd, abo~'e ceiling and exposed piping systems itl a suitable, secure manner as approved by the Engineer. In general, all htmg piping the floor and ceiling shall be supported at 6-foot centers with threaded rod and steel pipe cradle type hangers or pipe supports capable of handling the full weighted load, Hanging devices shall be as manufactttred by Grinnell, (}rabler, Elcen or appro~ed eqtm',. designed for the hanging method required and as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor when installing all supports shall allow k>r expansion and contract/on of al! piping as is required. All required devices to properly allow for expansion and contractmns shall be incorporated by' the Contractor in the construction of all piping systems. END OF SECTION 15090 - HANGERS~ SUPPORTS~ EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION DEVICES DIVISION 15B - Page 8 of 22 DMSION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15100 - VALVES, COCKS AND FAUCETS MATERIALS Gate Valves - for shut-off purposes of all branches shall be solid wedge gate .type ~4th rising spindle, cast bronze, non-heat hand wheel equal to Jenkins Figure 47 (threaded ends) or Figure 1242 (solder ends), 2000 psi. non-shock water. ~iphon Vacuum Breakers - shall be pressure type, all bronze equal to Watts Regulator Co. or approved equal. The style, size and function shall be as approved by the Engineer. Pressure Relief Valves - shall be installed for system safety on the hot water heaters and shall be all bronze, 80 psi setting, air or water and shall be Watts Regulator Co. or approved equal. The size, st3'le and function shall be as approved by the Engineer. Drain %ralves - shall be roughcast brass faucets with 3/4-inch hose connection, non-heat hand-wheel, Sanitary B 1680 or approved equal. Wall Hydrants - shall be 3/4" non-freeze hydrant; bronze casing and satin nickel finish for 8" wall. Wall hydrant shall be Model 8-8604L8 as manufactured by Wade Division / Tyler Pipe, Tyler, Texas or approved equal. END OF SECTION 15100 - VALVES, COCKS AND FAUCETS DIVISION 15B - Page 9 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15400 - WATER SERVICE WORK INCLUDED The scope of the work shall include the installation of water sen'ice lines at all buildings (to 5 fi. out from building), shox~n on the contract drawings and/or as directed by the engineer Plumbing Contractor shall coordinate hookup to incoming site water line ~t}enerai Contractor's work). 5~TERIALS The ~vater service line shall be l-inch diameter ~pe K annealed, seamless copper water tube conforming to ASTM specifications B88-89. All necessary fittings and coupling shall contbm~ to the standard specifications tbr kxpe lk annealed copper pipe. C. Double check assembly - Model 850 (1") by FEBCO METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The water service line shall be installed a minimum of 54 inches below proposed grade. FEES The Contractor shah bear all expenses and fees required for the necessaod inspections. END OF SECTION 15400 - WATER SERVICE DIVISION I5B- Page 10 of 22 DMSION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15408 - WATER SERVICE AND REDUCED PRESSURE'ZONE DEVICE DESCRIPTION Furnish and installation of all materials necessary to establish water service to the site in accordance with all Suffolk County Water Authority, Suffolk County Department of Health Services And the Contract Drawings. All work will be in accordance with the Contract Drawings and SCWA approved Plans. SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer's specifications with detailed information regarding all components and installation instructions. Manufacturer's data must indicate compliance with standard contained in this specification. MATERIALS RPZ Device with NRS gate valves - Device and associated equipment shall be as manufactured by FEBCO or an equal device approved by the SCWA. If an approved equal is proposed the Contractor shall submit required revisions to the SCWA permit and obtain approval at his own expense. Pipe stanchion supports shall be in accordance with industry standards and the SCWA. Insulated Enclosure - The heated insulated enclosure shall be manufactured by HotBox or an equal enclosure approved by the SCWA. Concrete slab shall be poured in-place concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. SCWA Meter Vault - Meter Vauk shall be a small meter vault meeting the requirements of the SCWA. Miscellaneous piping, valves fittings and accessories shall be in accordance ~vith other sections of these specifications, the latest AWWA standards and SCWA standards. INSTALLATION Install water services, water pipe, valves, fittings, RPZ devices, and all other devices in this specification in accordance with: I. the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures 2. Latest applicable AWWA Standards 3. with the Contract Drawings 4. ASTMD2321 5. The requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services 6. The requirements of the Suffolk County Water Authority B. Install insulated enclosure in accordance with manufacturer's x~a-itten instructions. DIVISION 15B ~ Page 11 of 22 DlXqSION 15B - PLUMBING SCWA Meter vault shall be constructed in accordance xxith SCWA standard drat~ings tm meter vaults. Installation of the concrete pad for insulated enclosure shall be in accordance ~ith Section 501 of the New York State Standard Specifications, latest edition. Coordinate installation of water services with plumbing contractor. Coordination shall bc at no additional cost to the Oyster. Pressure and leakage testing: All .types of installed pipe and devices shall be pressure tested and leakage tested in accordance with the latest addition of AWWA Standard C600. Disinfection: Water mains and devices are to be disinfected in accordance with Ax,VWA Standard C-651-86, or the latest version. Bacteriological testing: Bacteriological analyses of water samples collected after disinfection are required at locations specified by the Suffolk County Department ol Health services. Generally, a bacteriological sample is required fbr eveD~ 1000 linear feet of water main or portion thereof. Excavation and backfill shall be in accordance with Section 02220 of these Specifications and the Drawings. Continuous and uniform bedding shall be provided in the trench tbr all buried pipe. Backfill material shall be tamped in layers around'the pipe and tv a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe. Stones tbund in the trench shall be removed for a depth of at least six inches below the bottom of the pipe. Blocking: Install thrust blocks (reaction blocks) and tie rods as shown in the Contract Drax~4ngs. Thrust blocks shall be installed at all tees, bends, plugs, and hydrants. Cover: All water mains shall be covered to minimum depth of 54 inches with earth. 1. Testing, Inspection and Approval: The Contractor shall provide copies to the Owner of all test results, inspection reports or comments and the approval of the water supply system work by SCDHS, SCWA and the Town. 2. Acceptance: Work will not be accepted by the Owner until all the requirements of the SCDHS, SCWA and Town, have been complied ~a4th and approvals from each received. xvith copies to Owner. END OF SECTION 15408 - WATER SERVICE AND REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE DEVICE DIVISION 15B - Page 12 of 22 DMSION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15411 - PLUMBING FIXTURES MATERIALS - GENERAL A, Vitreous China: First quailS,, smooth, uniform color and texture, with fused on glaze covering surfaces exposed to view. 1. Surfaces shall be free of chips, craze, ~varpage, crocks and discolorations. Surfaces in contact with walls or floors shall be flat, with warpage not to exceed 1/16 inch per toot. 2. Color: White. B. Fixture Trim: Brass, bronze, or stainless steel construction; consisting of supply and waste fittings, faucets, traps, stop valves, escutcheons, sink strainers, nipples, supplies, and metal trim. C. Fixture Trim Finishes: 1. Brass or Bronze: Polished or satin finished chrome plating, 0.02 mil chromium over 0.2 mil nickel plating. 2. Stainless Steel: Invisible welds and seams, and unless otherwise specified, polished to No. 4 commercial finish. D. Fixture Hold-down Bolts: Steel, plated for corrosion resistance. Cap nuts, metal polished and chrome plated. E. Combination Faucets: Faucets shall mm counter to each other for the on and off positions. F. Vandal Resistant Fasteners: Torx head with center pin. LAVATORY - HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Fixture: Vitreous china, flat top, extended back ledge punched for lavatory fitting, anti- splash rim, front overflow, and lower lugs for bearing plate bolting; designed for wall mounting. Model No. K-2054 as manufactured by Kohler or approved equal. Lavatory. Faucet: Center set unit with the following features: 1. Maximum Flow: 2.0 gpm. 2. Vandal resistant water guard. 3. Brass valve body. DIVISION 15B - Page 13 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING 4. Lever handles set on 4 inch centers, with quarter turn washerless ceramw disc valves. Plastic spline inserts will not be accepted. a. Faucet: Model No. K~7404 -KE or approved equal. b. Handles: Model No. K-I6010-4 Triton Lever Handles or approved equal. Waste Fitting: 1-1/4 inch tailpiece with a cast brass flat perforated straSner gratc D. Trap: Cast brass, non-adjustable P trap, 1-l/4 inch tubing inlet, 1-1/2 inch ips outlet. E. Trap Nipple: Ips brass with a solid cast brass escutcheon. F. Supplies: 3/8 inch ips brass, with offset and straight key operated stops with keys VITREOUS CHINA WATER CLOSETS Fixtures: Vitreous china, full size, elongated combination toilet. Model No. K-3481 as manufactured by Kohler or approved equal. Operation: Fixture shall flush satisfactorily w4thout extraordinaD' rise of ~vater level in the bowl. Maximum gallons of~vater per flush: 1.6 gallons. Water Closet Floor Flange: Use with Cast Iron Soil Pipe: Cast iron, 90 ounce minimnm weight. Seat: Extra heaw duty, commercial design; Model No. K-4670-CA by Kohler, or approved equal. Color: Wq~ite. VITREOUS CHINA URINALS Wall Supported Fixture: Vitreous ckina, with elongated rim. integral trap and extended side shields Model No. K-4960-ET as manufactured by Kohler or approved equal. Method of Support: Wall hangers and lugs for beating plate bolting. Operation: Fixture shall flush satisfactorily with a maximum of one gallon of water and be accomplished without extraordinan,~ rise in water level in the bowl. Fixture Types: Wall supported, washout action, back outlet, and a 3/4 inch top spud inlet for an exposed flush valve connection. FLUSH VALVES Exposed urinal flushometer for ~A" top spud urinal Royal II Model 186-1.0 Low Consumption w,' satin chrome finish by Sloan Valve Company or approved equal Maximum Flow Per Flush: 1.0 gallons DIVISION15B - Page 14 of 22 DIVISION 15B ~ PLUMBING CLEANING, FLUSHING AND ADJUSTMENT A. Clean fixture and trim. Remove grease and dirt; polish surfaces but leave stickers and warning labels intact. B. Flush supply piping and traps; clean strainers. C. Adjust stops for proper deliver),. D. Adjust metering faucets for proper timing. END OF SECTION 15411 - PLUMBING FIXTURES DIVISION 15B - Page 15 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15424 - DOMESTIC WATER HEATER IVLS~TERIALS Wrater heaters - shall be 12 gallon, Model EHI2 manufactured by RHEEM-RLR~D having electrical input of 3kW x~Sth a recovery rate of 12 GPH at a 100 F temperature rise t~r app~oxcd equal. METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION A. Water heater shall be installed with two unions, one ball valve and one relief valve, B. The water heaters shall be installed in accordance with the contract drax~Sngs and as per the manufacturer's insmactions. The engineer shall approve final layout of all plumbing materials and connections. END OF SECTION 15424 - DOMESTIC WATER HEATER DIVISION 15B - Page 16 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15450 - SLEEVES AND TRIM GENERAL The Contractor shall install sleeves at ali locations xvhere pipes pass through masom-y walls. MATERIALS A. Sleeves - shall be galvanized steel, 16 gauge minimum, sized one inch larger than the outside diameter of the pipe passing through it. Sleeves shall be fastened in place and a surface fir~shing plate or escutcheon shall be installed to cover the sleeve ope~ng but allm¥ the pipe to pass through the plate or escutcheon. B. Plates or escutcheons shall be chrome-plated brass securely fastened. All sleeves shall be concealed by the plate or escutcheon. END OF SECTION 15450 - SLEEVES AND TRIM DIVISION 15B - Page 17 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15771 - ELECTRIC HEATING CABLE SYSTEM FOR WATER PIPES GENERAL Provide a low temperature, all electric, self-regulating tb.'pe heating cable trace system fi~r plastic and metallic pipes that will maintain the pipeline water temperature at approximately 50 dcgrccs i- when the ambient temperature drops to a low of-40. -20, 0 degrees F. All exposed water piping and fittings to have a low voltage heat trace system complete m ail respects including seasonal thermostat. MANUFACTURERS System shall be as manufactured by Raychem Corporation, 300 Constitution Dr., Menlo Park. CA 94025-1164, (800) 542-8936, ~x~'.raychem.com, or approved equal. HEATING CABLE A. Gardian W51 Heating Cable: preassembled electric heating cable sized according to pipe lengths according to the manufacturer's instructiorm. B. Rating: 120 V, 15 amp ACCESSORIES A. Thermostat: B. Fiberglass Tape C. Caution Labels D. Aluminum Tape (Necessary, for plastic pipe installation) EXAMINATION A. Installer to verify field measurements are as shown on Drawings. B. Installer to verify that required utilities are available, in proper location, and ready tbr use~ C. Beginning of installation means installer accepts conditions. INSTALLATION A. Complete installation shall conform to appropriate local codes and shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. DMSION 15B- Page 18 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUM[BING B. Allow additional cable for values, flanges, pumps and support per manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Band heating cable to pipe with tape ~aps. approximately even' 12". Locate heating cable on pipe per manufacturer's instructions. D. If heating cable is being used to heat plastic pipe, attach aluminum tape length of pipe and band heating cable on aluminum tape to evenly distribute heat. E. For pipes ~vith flanges and multiple runs install according to detailed layout drax~4ngs. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test continuity of heating cable. END OF SECTION 15771 - ELECTRIC HEATING CABLE SYSTEM FOR WATER PIPES DIVISION15B - Page 19 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15900 - PROJECT COMPLETION CLEANING AND ADJUSTING As directed, the Contractor shall finally and thoroughly clean all fixtures, equipment, piping, and other exposed work. Cleaning work shall be done in stages if so ordered to facilitate the x~ot'k o! others. All traps, wastes and supplies shall be sho;~n to be free and unobstructed. All xaive.,. faucets and automatic control devices shall be carefull5 adjusted for proper and quiet operation GUARANTEE The Plumbing Contractor shall guarantee tbr a period of one year from date of thaal acceptance ot the work, all materials and equipment furnished and installed and shall replace any work or equipment without charge which may become, as a result of defective work or materials, or which may be damaged during the correction of defective work. TESTS The Contractor shall perform ,and pass all required tests prior to acceptance ot the work These tests shall include but are not limited to the following: Hydrostatic Pressure Test shall be performed on ail piping at a milfimum pressure of 100 psi. Hydrostatic Pressure Test on all waste water drainage and soil piping when systems are filled to overflowing. Provide temporary test plugs as required. The entire plumbing system shall be subject to function under normal design operating conditions and shall be leak free and capable of withstanding actual water pressures prior to final acceptance of the work. Final payment shall not constitute release or remove obligations from the Contractor to provide an acceptable operating system. STERILIZATION All potable water lines shall be sterilized in an approved manner prior to acceptance. FINAL CLOSEOUT The Contractor shall provide operations and maintenance manuals for all materials, equipment and systems installed and instruct the Ox~mer's designated personnel on their use. END OF SECTION 15900 - PROJECT COMPLETION DIVISION 15B- Page 20 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING SECTION 15950 - STAND BY FIRE WELL WORK INCLUDED The scope oft. he work shall include the installation of stand-by fire well as specified herein, shoxvn on the contract drawings and/'or as directed by the engineer. MATERIALS Well Equipment A. Well Casing - shall be 6-inch diameter SCH 40 PVC. Well Screen - shall be 304 stainless steel conforming to the interior and exterior diameters of the well casing. Well screen pattern shall be 30 slots (.030") with a Number 1 gravel pack. Pump - shall be a 7.5 horsepoxver stainless steel model 230S75-3BB, 3-wire 120/240 volt, 3 Phase as manufactured by Grundfos or approved equal. The pump shall be rated to provided 200 gallon per minute (GPM) at 80 pounds of pressure per square inch (psi), at 100' TDH. The Motor shall and be equipped with a 30 ampere pump start panel to be located within Transfer Station building. Start panel shall be NEMA 3R weather proof box with a manual on/off switch. Drop Pipe - shall be 3-inch diameter galvanized steel pipe and include a "Tee" check valve at the top oft. he well. E. Well Seal - shall be a 6-inch diameter by 3-inch. F. Wiring - shall be direct burial No. 8 conductors Exterior Enclosure - shall as manufactured by Amtek or approved equal The size of the enclosure shall be as required to adequately accommodate and cover the irrigation well as approved by the engineer. Above-Ground Post Hydrant The hydrant shall be Eclipse Model No. 2 post hydrant (non-freezing model) as manufactured by the The Kupferle Foundry Company (1 - 800 - 231 - 3990) or approved equal. The hydrant shall have these minimum properties: I. One 2" nozzle for hose connection. 2. Capable of the bury depths shown on the contract drawings. 3. Inlet shall be a 3" iron pipe, and shall be furnished with ductile iron pipe trench stock. 4. Contain a 2-3/16" valve opening 5. Shall be capable of replacing the interior parts without disturbing any connections. 6. Hydrant shall be red in color. DIVISION 15B- Page .21 of 22 DIVISION 15B - PLUMBING Fire Hose and Reel Assembly The fire hose reel shall be model 43-3321-CG-1LC as manufactured by Reelcraft I 1-800-444 3134) or approved equal. The hose reel shall be capable of holding 200' of 1%" hose Tile ho,~ shall be a series 43. 147 I.D. and 2-l/I6" O.D. hose. Reel shall be a hand crank drive type. Ree: shall contain a 90° ball bearing swivel joint with female NPT threads and 2" Victanlic groove All flanges shall be powder coated steel, as well as the entire frame and componet~ts shall be powder coated red and black. The reel unit shall have a Max working pressure of 000psi. Thc Reel shall be attached to a stand as shown on the contract dra~xSngs, as well as the stand shall b<: bolted to the floor. The nozzle tbr the fire hose shall he Model 3714 as manufactured by Guardian Fire Equipment. Inc. (305-633-0361) or approved equal. Nozzle shall have an "Ow'OW' flow pattern a4mstlnent through the body's rotation and be capable to disperse water in either a fog or straight stream Nozzle shall be constructed of a red polycarbonate material. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall install the well at the proposed location as indicated on the plans and or as approved by the engineer. The x~ells shall be developed using compressed air and constructed in a maimer cqnforming to the highest industry standards to provide for the greatest performance potential as possible. A well log shall be completed and provided for submission upon completion o£ the well. All necessary plumbing materials and equipment not fully specified herein shaii be furnished and installed to provide a complete operative system. The top of the well casing shall be installed approximately 1-toot below grade and be capped off with a well seal as specified. E. An exterior enclosure (Irrigation Box) shall be installed to grade over the proposed well. F. AIl piping from the well to the hydrant shall be Y' SCH 1120 PVC pipe. A pump starter panel shall be installed in the Transfer Station Building as indicated on the construction plans. The hydrant shall be installed ;vithin the Transfer Station Building as shown ou the contract dra;x4ngs. The hydrant shall be connected to the hose reel through the use of a flexible 2" Ultra high molecular weight Polyethylene (U.H.M.W.) hose. This hose shall have helical wire reinfomement consisting of 4 textile spirals and 2 textile braids. END OF SECTION 02520 - STAND BY FIRE WELL DIVISION 15B - Page 22 of 22 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES, ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. T.MILE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Included in this Division are the following sections:. 16000 16110 16111 16120 16131 16134 16160 16170 16175 16176 16177 16190 16191 16192 16231 16402 16430 16450 16475 16510 16520 16521 16720 16722 16880 16885 16895 16896 16902 General Raceways Conduits Wires and Cables Pull Boxes and Junction Boxes Outlet Boxes Panel Boards Circuit Disconnects Receptacles Switches Device Plates Supporting Devices Expansion Joints Sleeves Emergency Standby Generator Underground Electric Se~Sce Metering Grounding Temporary Light and Power Interior Building Lighting Exterior Building Lighting Street Lighting and Grounds Lighting Telephone Conduit System Coaxial Cable Distribution System Electrical Baseboard Heaters Electric Overhead Space Heater Electric Water Heater Exhaust Fans Electrical DMSION 16- Page 1 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16000 - GENERAL SECTIONS INCLUDED All applicable provisions of the sections entitled "General Conditions" and "Special Conditton," shall apply to alt work under this Contract as if ~witten out in fi-ti, and stroll be adhered t~) b3 thc Contractor. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS The bidder shall, before submitting a proposal, examine the site, construction drawings and specifications covering the work of other trades, so as to familiarize themselves with the scope of the project as a whole and to enable them to better tmderstand the relation and extent of the work. The construction drawings and details show schematically the approximate location of all apparatus, lights, switches, and appurtenant electrical materials and equipment. ]7he exact location of shall be subject to approval of the Engineer who resev,'es the right to make, prior to installation, an3' reasonable changes in location indicated withoat extra cost to the Owner. It is the intent of the contract drawings and these specifications to provide a complete and operative system. Whether sho~m on the contract dra~Sngs anti'or included in the specifications or not, the Contractor shall furnish and install all material, equipment and labor usually furnished with such systems, unless specifically excluded in these Specifications. WORK INCLUDED The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals to complete all electrical work as specified herein, shown on the Contract DrawSngs and as directed by the Engineer. In general, the work shall include but not be limited to the folloxx4ng: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Underground permanent electrical senSces; Temporary power during construction until permanent power is provided: Light and power distribution system, including panel boards; Interior and exterior lighting systems; Receptacles, switches, disconnect switches, outlet boxes, device plates: Branch circuit wiring; Conductors and raceways: Grounding; Final connections to equipment furnished by others such as pumps, hot water heaters, etc. Equipment safe .ty s~vitches; DIVISION 16 - Page 2 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish four (4) copies of Shop Drawings of all equipment and material to be furnished by him under this Contract for approval by the Engineer. Drawings shall be supplemented with catalog cuts, materials of construction, ratings, etc. DRAWINGS The contract draxvings are generally diagrammatic, not showing every bend or offset as may be required to properly complete the work to meet job conditions, building geometry, changes in locations, work of other trades, etc. The Contractor shall furnish all such additional offsets, bends, piping, etc., at no additional cost to the Owner so that the completed installations will result in neat, workmanlike, first-class operating electrical systems of the highest quality. Field drawings shall be mainta'med by the Contractor showing actual installed locations of all equipment and materials under this Contract. Shop drawings approved by the Engineer shall be maintained by the Contractor in the field. Record Drawings shall be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer upon completion of work and shall be marked "Record Plan". ADJUSTMENT OF AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall make all necessary adjustments for proper operation of all equipment furnished by him under this Contract. He shall also instruct and acquaint the O~T~er's designated representative in the proper operation of all equipment. The Contractor shall prepare type wxitten instructions and diagrammatic sketches of all equipment and systems. This material shall be posted in Transfer Building and O&M Shop for the following: 1. Circuit breaker schedule. Final payment under this Contract shall not be made until all the above requirements are met by the Contractor. PERMITS AND REGULATIONS The Electrical Contractor shall obtain and pay for any pen-nits necessary to conduct work and complete this Contract. All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electric Code. Upon completion of the work provided for in this Contract, and before final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with any necessary Certificates of approval issued by various regulatory agencies. The Contractor shall supply a Certificate of Approval from the New York Board of Fixe Underxwiter's. END OF SECTION 16000 - GENERAL DIVISION 16 - Page 3 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS GENERAL Branch circuit raceways tbr light and power may be rigid galvanized steel or alanfinum conduit, electric metallic tubing in accordance with the job conditions, National, State and Local Codes. Minimum trade size 3'4'', except where otherxvise noted. All home runs and feeders shall be in rigid steel or EMT. Aluminum conduit is not pemfirted be embedded in concrete.) All raceways installed shall be placed parallel (or perpendicular) to walls and ceilings using fittings and shall be installed in a workrnaniike manner. No raceways shall bt: mn exposed in finished areas. The routing of raceways and locations of outlets and panels shox~ on the pimps ~:~ diagrammatic only and subject to such modifications (without extra cost to the as conditions may necessitate. The ends of raceways where entering boxes shall be fitted with galvanized locknuts and bushings. Where allowed by National Electric Code Regulations, Contractor may substitute "MC" in lieu of conduit and wire for branch circuits. Provide all explosion-proof fittings ~vherever required to comply with National Electric Code for the intended building use. END OF SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS DIVISION 16 - Page 4 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16111 - CONDUITS GENERAL A. Aluminum conduit will not be approved. Rigid metallic or non-metallic conduits (Schedule 40 or 80), will be approved when installed in accordance ~Sth the requirements of the latest issue of the National Electrical Code. Conduit size shall be as indicated on the drawings, or minimum in accordance with the N.E.C. Conduit system shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the N.E.C. and shall be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner. Schedule 40 metallic or non-metallic conduk may be used below grade under pavement or sidewalks unless prohibited by municipal ordinances. In all cases, rigid non-metallic conduit shall be clearly and permanently identified as to schedule and trademark. The entire conduit .system shall be installed to provide a continuous bond throughout the system. Exposed conduits shall be mn parallel to and at right angles to buildings using conduit fittings for all tums and off-sets. Exposed conduits shall be securely fastened in place on maximum ten (10) foot intervals. Hangers, supports or fasteners shall be provided at each elbow and at the end of each straight mn terminat'mg at a box or cabinet. J. All empty conduits shall contain a 3/16-inch vinyl pull rope. END OF SECTION 16111 - CONDUITS DMSION 16 - Page 5 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES GENERAL Conductors No. 10 and smaller shall be single braid, solid, Conductors No. 8 and target shall be stranded cable. Branch circuit wiring shall be continuous from outlet to omlet. No splices wil! be permitted except at outlets. Splices shall be made mechanically and electrically' secure with 3M "Scotch-Locks." No conductors shall be installed in raceways until all mechanical work is completed. Raceways shall be kept free of moisture. Use approved lubricants only for pulling purposes. D. Branch circuit conductors shall be Type THW, color coded/hr identification. Connections at panels shall be such that no neulzal conductor shall service more than one branch ckcuit ~om the same phase. Connect branch circuits in phase sequence in panel boards. Minimum size of conductors shall be No. 12 gauge ~xcept where specifically permitted in other sections of this division. G. Feeders shall be load balanced as closely as possible. Conductors in buried exterior conduits for secondary sen'ice shall be Type THHN or USE-2. I. Conductors in interior conduits shall be Type THWN-2. END OF SECTION 16120 - WIRES AND CABLES DIVISION 16 - Page 6 of 36 DI'~q[SION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16131 - PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES GENERAL Pull boxes and junction boxes shall be made of code gauge steel with screw covers. Sizes shall be as required and/or approved in accordance with the National Electric Code. END OF SECTION 16131 - PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES ,i DIVISION 16 - Page 7 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16134 - OUTLET BOXES GENERAL At eveo' outlet shown on the Plans, install a galvanized steel outlet box complete xxitb cover. Set all boxes correct, square and tree with building finish. Edge of covers shali be flush w4th building finish where concealed ~Sring is required. Outlets shall be erected in advance of partitioning, furring and fireproofing and shall be properly secured to building structure or steel. Locations of all outlets shoxx~a on the Plans shall be verified. Engineer's plans showing interior details and finish and adjustment shall be made to coincide ~vith architectural locations xvhere necessary. In no case, however, shall the number and t?pe of outlets be less than that shown on the Plans. Outlet boxes installed in concrete or fill shall be of the concrete ~'pe, with removable cover. Receptacles and sv, ftch boxes shall have regular deep plaster covers Outlet boxes in hung ceilings shall be of the regular shallow type. Other types of boxes shall be as heminal'ler specified, as noted in the Plans as required. Contractor shall allow for overhead pipes, ducts and other mechanical equipment. variations in arrangement and thickness of fireproofing and plastering, etc. Gang type boxes shall be used wherever more than one wiring device is to be installed in the same location. Weatherproof outlet boxes shall be cast aluminum ~xSth gasket between box and cra'er making boxes vapor tight and ~vater tight. END OF SECTION 16134 - OUTLET BOXES DIVISION 16 - Page 8 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16160 - PANEL BOARDS GENERAL Proposed Panel Boards: Proposed panel boards shall be Square D or approved equal as indicated on the construction plans. Provide surface mounting type panel boards as indicated on the Plans. Connectors shall be compression type suitable for copper conductors. Provide flush combination catch and locks on each door, all of ~x~ch shall be operable from the same master key. Panel Boards shall be mounted in enclosing cabinets, consisting of a code gauge sheet steel box, having a trim and door. Boxes shall be manufactured from commercial hot dipped, galvanized sheet steel with comers lapped and riveted. Trim shall be' manufactured fi'om one piece of full finish sheet steel. Doors shall have concealed hinges. Finishes shall be light gray enamel. A directory holder with correct typewritten list of circuits shall be included with all panel boards, and shall be mounted in steel frames with plastic covers. Panel boards shall be of the dead fi:otu phase sequence circuit breaker type construction, with each circuit number clearly identified by means of letters, and rated in accordance with the Drawings. Circuit breaker for panel board shall be molded case, automatic quick-make, thermal- magnetic type as manufactured by Cutler Hammer or approved equal. They shall indicate whether the handle is in the "ON", "OFF", or "TRIPPED" position. Multi-pole breakers shall be internal common trip type. Breaker shall be as indicated in the schedule on the Drawings. G. All breakers shall be bolt in type only. Existing Panel Boards to be Reused: The Contractor shall utilize the existing panels within the Administration Building and Weigh Station. The Contractor shall tie into the existing panels; provide necessary breakers, route circuits as necessmy, and grounding as required. END OF SECTION 16160 - PANEL BOARDS DIVISION 16 - Page 9 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRIC:~L SECTION 16170 - CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS GENERAL A. Safet), switches shall be installed xvherever required by code and at the followin;2: 1. Unit heaters 2. Fan units B. Safe.t); switches for exterior service shall be 3R switches. Safer,., s;~dtches shall be non- fused where circuit is protected by circuit breakers. C. Safety switches shall be sized for the circuit sen'ed. Switches shall be hea;~,' dutv T>pc by Cutler Harrm~er or approved equal. END OF SECTION 16170 - CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS DIVISION 16 - Page 10 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16175 - ,RECEPTACLES GENERAL Provide flush mounted receptacles ~vhere indicated. Mounting heights to be 18 inches above finished floor unless otherwise directed or required to maintain clearance of equipment by other trades, etc. Verify work of others trades before installing to be ~ertain that there will be no interference as to height, location, etc. Mount all receptacles in a vertical position. B. Standard receptacles shall be duplex, grounding type, rated at 20 amperes, 125 volts AC. Exterior receptacles shall be duplex, grounding type, ground fault interrupting, 20 AMP, 120 volt, Model 6898-HGG with Model 4998 cover by Leviton or approved equal. D. Receptacles Ln bathrooms shall be ground fault protected. END OF SECTION 16175 - RECEPTACLES DIVISION 16 -Page 11 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRIC.~L SECTION 16176 - SWITCHES GENERAL Ail switches shall be flush mounted. Verify all mounting heights before installing to be cert;~in that there ;,,'ill be no intel~'erence with equipment of other trades as to location, ,:;c. ,~nci compliance with hazardous location requirements, if an3', of the NSq3FU and N~C. Single poles, three pole and four-way switches shall be fully rated at 20 amperes. 125 volts. 5t quiet line ~pe, x;~te, by keviton or approved equal. END OF SECTION 16176 - SWITCHES DIVISION 16 - Page 12 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16177 - DEVICE PLATES GENERAL A. Provide a cover plate for each outlet installed. B. Plates shall be metal (painted), by Leviton or approved equal. C. Cover plates for junction boxes shall be flat galvanized. D. Where more than one device is mounted in one outlet box or where two or more outlet boxes are installed adjacent to each other, the face plate shall be a common "Gang" type. END OF SECTION 16177 - DEVICE PLATES DIVISION 16 - Page 13 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES GENERAL All racew%~s shall be supported from the building structure by means of approved t3pc hangers, clamps or straps as conditions require. I'his excludes race~va3b concealed concrete slabs. Hangers, clamps or straps shall be securely anchored to building's structure by means bolts or inserts as required. Raceways shall be supported at intervals of not over 10 feet for 1-1::4" and l~ger. 8 feet for 1" and 3/4", and 6 feet for 1/2" END OF SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES DIVISION 16 - Page 14 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16191 - EXPANSION JOINTS GENERAL All raceways crossing expansion joints shall be placed so as to compensate for movement of one part of the structure in relation to another and shall have an expansion fitting inserted wherever same crosses such a joint in the structure. Set the insulating bushing in the center of the fitting so as to allo~v a 2 inch movement in either direction. Expansion heads shall be sealed by high grade graphite packing. Provide each fitting with a copper bonding jump, with one loop of jumper placed in the mastic joint. END OF SECTION 16191 - EXPANSION JOINTS DIVISION 16 - Page 15 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16192 - SLEEVES GENER3~L Provide .conduit sleeves in connection with all conduits passing through concrete walls and floor slabs. Sleeves shall be set in concrete construction before pmtring m~cl shall bc ~aterproof type. Locate, set and anchor all sleeves in a substantial manner so that the3' ~411 not become displaced. All sleeve locations shall be subject to the approx al of thc Engineer prior to construction of same. Where conduits pass through exterior foundation walls or slab on ground, sleeves shall be provided and set b}r the Contractor. Sleeves in exterior of building walls bel,'m grade shall be installed xx4th approved caulking bem'een sleeves and conduit t,, make it waterproof. Conduit sleeves shall extend past walls or above floors at least 2 inches. The space bet~veen sleeves and conduit passing through them shall be amply sufficient to permit conduit expansion and contraction and precaution shall be used so as to prevent concrete. piaster, etc., being forced bet~veen risers and sleeves. END OF SECTION 16192 - SLEEVES DIVISION 16 - Page 16 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16231 - EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR GENERAL The Electrical Contractor shall remove the existing standby generator, day tank, and transfer switch for reuse on the proposed Transfer Building. The Electrical Contractor will be responsible for the relocation, temporary storage, safeguarding and reinstallation of the standby generator, day' tank, and transfer switch. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for providing the proposed concrete generator slab, conduit, w/ring, equipment, labor and incidentals required to provide an operational standby generator. END OF SECTION 16231 - EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR DIVISION 16 - Page 17 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16402 - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE WORK INCLUDED 'The Contractor shall fm'nish and install ali labor, equipment, materials and incidental:~ necessary to provide electrical services to the proposed locations shox~ on thc Drawings. SetMce shall be 3-phase, 600 ,AMP, 240/120 volt, Delta service. Service shall be from existing LIPA pole located on the east side of the site. Service entrance cables shall be in conduit for the full length. Conduit shall be marked ~lith metallic top buffed 6" deep in service trench. Tape shall be marked "Canti~r - B,,tricd Electric Line" or approved equal. Closely coordinate this work with the Long Island Power Authorigr prior to submitting the bid so there are no misunderstandings as to the extent and character of the ,,xork artd charges involved. Include all utihtv company (if applicable) charges in the bid. All trenches shall be backfilled in 6" lifts. Backfill shall be clean sand from on site up to within 6" of f'mish grade. The top 6" of backfill shall be screened topsoil. Backfili shall be thoroughly consolidated with mechanical tampers to 95 percent of the standard proctor value. for soil used. Soil shall be at optimum moisture content for backfill operation. MATERIALS The material specification for all conductors and conduits shall confon'n to the other sections of this Division as is appropriate, indicated on the contract drawings and ,ar directed by the engineer. Feeder cable shall be as shown on the Construction Drawings. Cable shall be marked with metallic tape buried 6" above the setwice conductors. Tape shall be marked "Caution - Buffed Electric Line" or approved equal. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall perform the electrical setMces installation in accordance with the requirements and standards of the LIPA "Red Book". All work required to complete the sen'ice installations shall conform to thc other Divisions of the specifications as is required. All trenches in pavement areas shall be backfilled in 6" lifts. Backlill shall be clean sand and gravel from on site. Backfill shall be thoroughly consolidated with mechanical tampers to 95 percent of the standard proctor value for soil used. Soil shall be at optimum moisture content for backfill operation. DIVISION 16 - Page 18 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL D. All undergrotmd trenches shall comply with Article 300.5 of the NEC. END OF SECTION 16402 - UNDERGROUND F, LF, CTRIC SER¥ICE DIVISION 16 - Page 19 of 36 DI~q[SION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16430 - METERING GENERAL A. The Contractor shall ~mish and install electric metering equipment in accordance with LIPA requirements. B. The metering equipment shall be furnished with a main disconnect located belox~ thc actual meter and be accessible from the exterior of the proposed transfer building END OF SECTION 16430 - METERING DIVISION 16 - Page 20 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16450 - GRouNDING GENERAL A. The Contractor shall install all equipment and material necessary to provide a complete and adequate "grounded system" in accordance with the requirements of the New York Sate Building Code and National Electric Code. Size of ground conductor shall be as required to suit the conditions. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary, for grounding connections as required by the Long Island Power Authority. This includes the grounding of all apparatus furnished under other sections of the scope of work for the project. C. Exposed, non-current carrying metal parts of fixed equipment ;vhich is liable to become energized, shall be grounded under any of the following conditions: 1. Where equipment is supplied by means of metal-clad wiring. 2. Where equipment is located within the reach of a person who can make contact with any grounded stirface or object. 3. Where equipment is located within the reach of someone on the ground. 4. Where equipment operates ~4th an), terminal t 20 volts to ground or greater. 5. Where equipment is in electrical contact with; metal or metal lath. D. Pdl circuits shall be mn ~vith a separate grounding conductor. END OF SECTION 16450 - GROUNDENG DIVISION 16 - Page 21 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16475 - TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER GENERAL The Electrical Contractor shall provide and maintain temporaO' power and light Proposed Transfer Station and Residential Dropoff Facili~' during the entire constructt, period as may be required. The Electrical Contractor shall connect to an existing onsite service to remain or install temporary metering and make ail arrangements with Power Compan5 for temporaL; construction service for working purposes and for the safeB' of all personnel, fhe General Contractor shall pay 'all energy charges incurred by use of temporary power. The Electrical Contractor shall provide all necessan.' materials and labor to make power connections for equipment, machines, electric hand tools, etc. as used by all trades. Temporary lighting at construction trailers shall be available at all times. Prox ide fi~li time safety lighting of corridors and the stairs. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish all labor needed to keep this temporar~ system energized during the entire construction period of daily working day of all trades. The Electrical Contractor shall provide distribution cabinets with fused circuit, local luse boxes, feeders, branch circuit wiring and sockets, lamps and lock D'pe lan~p guards distributed for adequate general working light and not less than one 150 watt lamp every 1000 square feet of space or 100 watt lamp for 700 square feet. Provide alt connections, repairs, replacements and maintenance as reque~ed by all trades. Permanent setMce shall be installed as soon as General Construction progress permit and ma}' be used for temporary light and power. The temporats' light or power shall remain as long as it is needed or until it is replaced by permanent electrical utili~~. END OF SECTION 16475 - TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER DIVISION 16 - Page 22 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16510 - INTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING I. LIGHTING FIXTURES (FLUORESCENT) Fixtures shall be I-)ay-Brite - 2 bulbs, 40W, surface mounted ceiling light with ~wap around lens model # SWW 2 40 - 120 or approved equal. Fixtures shall be constructed in accordance with the National Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications and shall bear the Underwriters' label. Ballasts for fluorescent fixtures shall be HPF, energy saving 60 cycle, with lowest available sound rating. Ballast shall be Watt-miser II type. Fixtures shall be complete with new lamps of sizes and types as indicated. Lamps shall be as manufactured, by Lithonia, Sylvania, General Electric, Westinghouse or approved . equal. All fluorescent lamps shall be ener~~ conservation type such as Watt Miser 11. All fixtures shall be installed at locations shown on the Plans. Minor deviations from locations shown will be allowed to obtain symmetrical layouts and to clear obstructions. The installation shall be coordinated with the equipment of others whenever interference may occur. Fixtures shall be rigidly supported and suitable canopies shall be installed as required. Supporting steel angles or channels spanning the structural framing shall be furnished and installed ~vhen required to support the fixtures. Furnish the correct flanges, plaster frames, etc., and any other necessary mechanical appurtenances for mounting the fixtures in or on the ceiling as required. Coordinate with the General Contractor prior to purchasing fixtures for recessed mounting in any type of ceiling construction. 2. HIGH BAY METAL HALIDE LIGHTS Fixtures shall be Day-Brite 400W pulse start metal halide light model # HBE 400 P MT- PSC WDF HP25 - AR - FL or approved equal. The fixtures shall be 240 volt, in line double fused and hook-cord-plug assembly for mounting. Fixtures shall be constructed in accordance with the National Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications and shall bear the Underwriters' label. D. Reflector shall be 19" open acrylic prismatic reflector with flat acrylic lens. Fixtures shall be complete with new lamps of sizes and types as indicated. Lamps shall be as manufactured'by Lithonia, Sylvania, General Electric, Westinghouse or approved equal. DIVISION 16 - Page 23 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRIC.~L o All fixtures shall be installed at locations shoxxqa on the Plans. Minor deviationa from locations shown ,,:,ill be allowed to obtain syrrm~etrical layouts and to clear obstruction,. The installation shall be coordinated with the equipment of others ,,x henever intertbrencc ma)' occur. Fixtures shall be rigidly supported and suitable canopies shall be installed as required. Supporting steel angles or channels spanning the structural franfing shall be famished and installed when required to support the fixtures. Furnish the correct flanges, plaster frames, etc., and any other necessar3 mechmfical appurtenances for mortaring the fixtures in or on the ceiling as required. Coordinate ~x ith the General Contractor prior to purchasing fixtures for recessed mounting in an5 ~','pe c,i~ ceiling construction. The building interior overhead contactors may be placed at the contractor's discrefinn allow switching shown on the plans. EXIT LIGHTING Exit signs as shown on Transfer Station Electrical Plan are to be 2 head emergenc? LED exit signs with bat EX Series EXCL-IRW as manufactured by mcPhilben or approves equal. Fixtures shall be constructed in accordance with the National Board of Fire Underxwiters~ specifications and shall bear the Underwriters' label. Fixtures shall be complete with new lamps of sizes and types as indicated. Lamps shall be as manufactured by Lithonia, Sylvania, General Electric, Westinghouse or approved equal. All fluorescent lamps shall be energy conservation K~pe such as Watt Miser II. All fixtures shall be installed at locations shown on the Plans. Minor deviations from locations shown will be allowed to obtain symmetrical layouts and to clear obstractions. The installation shall be coordinated with the equipment of others v,~enever interference may occur. Fixtures shall be rigidly supported and suitable canopies shall be installed as required. Supporting steel angles or channels spanning the structural framing shall be furnished and installed when required to support the fixtures. END OF SECTION 16510 - INTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING DWISION 16 - Page 24 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16520 - EXTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING 1. FLOURESCENT WALL LIGHTS A. Fixtures shall be Glare Buster 23 W fluorescent wall mounted light model # GB-1000 or approved equal. B. Fixtures shall be constructed in accordance with the National Board of Fire Underv~xiters' specifications and shall bear the Underwriters' label. C. Fixture shall have full cut-offopfic design. D. Fixtures shall be complete with new lamps of sizes and types as indicated. Lamps shall be Panasonic's GeaW compact fluorescent light bulbs or approved equal. E. All fixtures shall be installed at locations shown on the Plans. Minor deviations from locations shown will be allowed to obtain s)~nmetrical layouts and to clear obstructions. The installation shall be coordinated with the equipment of others whenever interference may occur. Fixtures shall be rigidly supported and suitable canopies shall be installed as required. Supporting steel angles or channels spanning the structural framing shall be furnished and installed when xequh'ed to support the fixtures. END OF SECTION 16520 - EXTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING DIVISION 16 - Page 25 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16521 - STREET LIGHTING SUBMITTALS Product Data: Catalog sheets, specifications and installation instructions. Include candlepox~cr distribution curves for each ~'pe fixture if different/'rom Company or catalog number spec~fieLt. QUALITY ASSURANCE List of Completed Installations for Lighting Standards and Luminaires: If brand names t,ther than those specified are proposed for use, furnish the name, address, and telephone number of ~ least 5 comparable installations xvhich can prove the proposed products have operated satisfactorily for 3 years. LIGHTING POLES Steel 4" Straight Square Poles: Pyramid Lighting Group, Inc.'s, Gardco Liodatmg 'Gullwing" 13 Poles Series SSS16-4-11, or approved equals having: I. 16' height. 2. Pole shall be steel plate longitudinally welded providing a nfinimum yield strength of 36 KSI. 3. Removable top cap. 4. Handhole opening shall be reinfomed with cover plate and attachment screx~s. The handhole shall be located 1800 with respect to the luminaire arm. 5. Base cover shall completely conceal the entire base plate and anchorage. 6. Anchor bolts shall be cold rolled steel with minimmn yield of 50 KSI. Bolts slmll have an "L" bend on one end x~Sth 7. Four 5/8 inch diameter anchor bolts, 18 inches long with a 45,~ inch right angle leg Anchor bolts to be completely hot dipped galvanized. Include 2 galvanized nuts, lock washer and 2 flat washer with each bolt. Template for setting anchor bolts. 8. Finish color shall be natural aluminum. LUM1NAIRES Luminaires ~ ,~m Mounted: P3Tamid Lighting Group, Inc.'s, Gardco Lighting 'Gullwing" Series or approved equals. The luminaries shall be as follows: Type SA - Model Gl3 - 1 - 3XL - 150HPS - 240 - NP - LF PC T320e SB - Model Gl3 - l - 4XL - 150HPS - 240 - NP - LF PC, Having: 1. Housing to be one piece die cast aluminum that mounts directly to a pole. 2. Lens assembly is a single piece die cast aluminum lens frame. An optically clear, hear and impact resistant tempered flat glass lens mechanically secured. Electrical and optical chambers are thoroughly sealed with a one-piece memory retemive hollow core. EPDM gasket to prevent intrusion by rain, dust and insects. 3. Segmented optical systems manufactured from homogenous sheet aluminum which has been electrochemically brightened, anodized and sealed. DIVISION 16 - Page 26 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 4. Electrical components to be UL recognized and factory tested. The ballast shall be capable of providing reliable lamp starting down to -20°F. 5. Finish shall be fade and abrasion resistant, electrostatically applied, thermally cured textured TGIC powder coat. Finish color shall be natural paint. 6. All fixtures to bear UL and CSA labels. 7. High Pressure Sodium lamp, 160 watt. 8. Luminaire suitable for operation voltage indicated on drawings. 9. Photoelectric control. CONCRETE BASES As detailed on the drawings. Bases may be precast or poured in place. RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT PVC Plastic Conduit and Fittings: Carlon Electrical Sciences Inc.'s Plus 40, Certain Teed Corp.'s Schedule 40, National Pipe Co.'s Schedule 40, or Queen City Plastic Inc.'s Schedule 40. FUSE HOLDERS AND FUSES Enclosed waterproof in-line fuse holders rated 600 volts, Bussmarm Mfg. Div. McGra~v-Edison Co.'s TRON waterproof fuseholder Symbol HEB with fuses rated 600 volts, Buss Symbol KTK. GROUT L&M Const. Chemicals lnc.'s Crystex, Protex Industries Inc.'s Propak, Sonnebom's Sonogrout, or U.S. Grout Corp.'s 5 St~ Grout. SPLICE CONNECTORS FOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR A. Exothennic Type Weld: Cadweld Process (Erico Products Inc. - Cadweld Div.). B. Compression Connectors: Thomas & Betts Co.'s Grid and Ground Rod System. Indent Type: Bumdy Corp.'s Hydent, or Thomas and Betts Corp.'s Compression Connectors. INSULATED GROUNDING BUSHINGS Appleton Electric Co.'s GIB-50 Series, Gould Inc.'s Efcor 56-50-8 Series, Midwest Electric Mfg. Corp.'s GLL Series, OZ-Gedney Co.'s 1BC-50L Series, Raco Inc.'s 1212 Series, or Thomas & Betts Corp.'s 3870 Series. DiVISION 16 - Page 27 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL PREPARATION Before installing any Work, 1%' out the proposed course for the conduits, location of' lighting standards, etc. and have same approved. INSTALLATION Lighting Standards: 1. Install each lighting standard on concrete base. 2. Prepare a level surface on compacted earth, undisturbed earth or concrete tholing. Set bases on the prepared surface. Have all bases checked and approved by the Engineer for level and elevation prior to making any conduit connections. 3. Install lighting standards vertical. The maximum allowable shinuning is l/8 incl,. After shimming, grout voids bev4~een metal bases of lighting standard and concrete base Below Finished Below Top Surfaces of Roads & Grade (inches) Parking Lots (inches) Rigid ferrous metal Conduit 24 24 Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit 24 30 4. Conduits Entering Buildings: Conduit entrances into building shall be watertighi. 5. Cleaning Conduits: Take precautions to prevent forei~ma matter fi'om entering conduits during installation. After installation, clean conduits with tools designed for the purpose. 6. Jacking Conduits: Rigid ferrous metal conduit may be jacked under roads, parking lot~. etc. Submit jacking details for approval. 7. 'Concrete encasement is not required for street lighting and grounds lighting conduit system. Grotmdin~: 1. Provide a bare copper equipment grounding conductor (san~e size as phase conductors) installed within the conduit. Terminate and bond equipment grounding conductor ~'ith suitable fitting in panel. 2. Bond lighting standards, conduit and equipment grounding conductors in lighting stand~u base ~vith indent type splice connectors, insulated grounding bushings and ~ound tug or: standard. 3. Bond rigid ferrous metal conduit in manholes to the equipment grounding conductor. 4. Make grounding splice connections in manholes with exothermic type weld ,~' compression connectors. Fuse Holder and Fuses: Install in base of each lighting standard an inline fuse holder and 5 ampere fuse for each ungrounded conductor, install fuse holders so that fuse is no~ energized when fuse holder is uncoupled. DWISION 16 - Page 28 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAl, D. Wiring Inside Lighting Standards: Install Type THW, XHHW, THWN or T}~pe USE insulated conductors from fuse holder to luminaire. END OF SECTION 1652 l - STREET LIGHTING DIVISION 16 - Page 29 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAl. 16720 - TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEiX I GENERAL The Contractor shall provide a complete operable system of conduit and telephone cablc to the existing and proposed buildings within tile contract area and as shown on thc constructi(.r: plans. The central distribution point for the telephone system shall be in tile mechanical r, of the transfer station building (Shop area). MATERIALS Conduit shall be schedule 40 PVC tubing where permitted and electric metallic tnbing within the building. Minimum size of conduit shall be l-inch diameter capable of housing t~,, (2~ telephone service lines. Radius of conduit bends shall be at least ten times the conduit diameter and conduit runs between ternfinals or splice boxes shall contain no more than two 90-degree bends, or their equivalent. Conduit connectors for electrical metallic tubing shall be compression type only and all conduit joints shall be reamed and ends fitted with bushings. All PVC connections shall be glued and sealed per the tubing manufactures standard requirements. Telephone Cable shall be Cat 6 Enhanced Plenum Network Cable~ Blue 4pr 23awg. UL Listed. All telephone conduits shall be fitted with two (2) nylon drags for pulling of telephone cables. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION All work shall be performed in accordance with the contract drawings and provisions of the other Divisions of the specifications. The Contractor shall connect the proposed telephone cable into the distribution systems of the Administration Building and Weigh Facili~'. END OF 16720 - TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DIVISION 16 - Page 30 o£36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16722 - COAXIAL CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM GENERAL The Contractor shall provide a complete operable system of conduit and coaxial cable to the existing and proposed buildings within the contract area and as shown on the construction plans. The central distribution point for the coaxial system shall be in the mechanical room of the transfer station building (Shop area). MATERIALS Conduit shall be schedule 40 PVC tubing where permitted and electric metallic tubing within the building. Minimum size of conduit shall be 1-inch diameter capable of housing one (1) coaxial service line. Radius of conduit bends shall be at least ten times the conduit diameter and conduit runs between terminals or splice boxes shall contain no more than two 90-degree bends, or their equivalent. Conduit connectors for electrical metallic tubing shall be compression type only and all conduit joints shall be reamed and ends fitted with bushings. Ail PVC connections shall be glued and sealed per the tubing manufactures standard requirements. Coaxial Cable shall be RG 6fiLl Coaxial Cable, plenum 75 Ohm, 18 awg. solid bare copperweld, 100% foil shield, tinned copper 60% braid coverage. Co All coaxial conduits shall be fitted with one (1) nylon drags for pulling of coaxial cables. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION All ~vork shall be performed in accordance with the contraci drawings and provisions of the other Divisions of the specifications. The Contractor shall connect the proposed coaxial cable into the distribution systems of the Administration Building and Weigh Facility. END OF 16722 - COAXIAL CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DIVISION 16- Page 31 of 36 DI~qSION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16880 - ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATER GENERAL The Contractor shall install baseboard heaters as sho~n on the contract drawings and or directed by the engineer. MATERLa~LS The heaters to be furnished shall be wired for 240 volts and include a field installed double poi,: thermostat. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall perform all electrical work and necessary connections to provide complete installation as required. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS 58 inch kIBB Series liquid filled electric hydronic heater and HBBT2 double pole thermostat by Berko, A Marley Engineered Products Brand or approved equal by Engineer .' Architect. END OF SECTION 16880 - ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATER DIVISION 16 - Page 32 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16885 - ELECTRIC OVERItEAD SPACE HEATER GENERAL The Contractor shall install overhead space heaters in "O&M Shop" as shown on the contract drawings and/or as directed by the engineer. MATERI,aBLS The heaters to be furnished shall be ;vired for 240 volts 3-phase. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall perform all electrical wdrk and necessary, connections to provide a complete installation as required in accordance with local and national electric codes. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS A. Space heater shall be vertical delivery unit heater Model VE200 with no deflector as manufactured by Modine Indoor Air Solutions. or approved equal by Engineer / Architect. B. Mounting height of the units shall be 20' above finished floor. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish all necessary strut and bracing required for heater installation to the building structure. C. Both heaters shall be controlled by a common wall thermostat. END OF SECTION 16885 - ELECTRIC OVERHEAD SPACE HEATER DIVISION 16 - Page 33 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16895 - ELECTRIC WATER HEATER GENERAL The Plumbing Contractor shall furnish and install the water piping to the proposed water heater and the Electrical Contractor shall perform the electrical connection. END OF SECTION 16895 - ELECTRIC WATER HEATER DIVISION 16 - Page 34 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16896 - EXHAUST FANS Bathroom shall be equipped with an exhaust fan capable of exhausting 60 CFM. Fan shall be Solitaire Ventilator Model No. S130 as manufactured by Broan or approved equal. Exhaust shall be ducted with 4" flexible duct to building exterior. Exhaust fan duct shall be terminated with 4" plastic sidewall damper with screen. Control switch for bathroom shall be 60 mir/ute timer switch, 120 volt, 20 amp as manufactured by Broan or approved equal. Timer switch shall be supplied with two gang white switch plastic cover plate suitable for time switch and light switch and cover shall be Decom by Leviton or approved equal. END OF SECTION 16896 - EXHAUST FANS DWISION 16 - Page 35 of 36 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16902 - ELECTRICAL GENERAL The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible to provide all power wiring to miscellaneou., equipment located within the project area. Items that shall reqttire wiring include~, hut acer limited to diesel fuel tank, roll-up doors, exhaust fans, methane detection, sun'eillance systen :~ and exit signs. END OF SECTION 16902 - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 16 - Page 36 of 36 January 9, 2006 ROBBINS & COWAN, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS SINCE 1965 179 NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINOTON, NY 11743 TEL: 631-271~2324 · FAX: 631-271-2335 Mr. Chris Dwyer L.K. McLean Associates 437 South Country Road Brookhaven, NY 11719 RE: Town of Southold c.o. #1 Job #05-08 Gentlem~n: We submit, herewith, our request for a change order in the ~mount of THREE TH(YJMAND ONE HUNDRED F1FI'~ FIVE ($3,155.00) DOLLARS, for the additional sanitary work at the transfer building as shown on drawings S-2 Revision dated 8/22/05. Breakdown of Costs: Noresco Ltd ............................. $ Robbins & cowan, Inc. overhead & profit Insurance ................... 2,665.00 400.00 3,065.00 90. O0 $ 3,155.00 If you have any questions please call. RTm/ms Very ~oursF~ Richard T. Robbins Treasurer COMMERCIAL · INDUSTRIAL RENOVATIONS · DESIGN/BUILD CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SwyVt \) - ~(,. a..tJ.~ Board Meeting of April 25, 2006 .-~ .Jlf RESOLUTION 2006-386 ADOPTED Item # 41 DOC 10: 1784 TIDS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-386 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 25, 2006: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby authorizes the followine modifications to the Town's Contract with Robbins & Cowan. Inc. for construction of the Cutchoeue Transfer Station: A) Reduce Contract Item # 37(radiation detection devices) by $19,900; increase Contract Item # I (General Conditions) in the amount of $8,682 to provide for installation of elctrical conduit for possible future site lighting. B) Increase Contract Item # 42 (Fire Well) by $16,500 to accommodate Building Department requirements for a 500 gpm well; increase Contract Item # 16 (8" concrete slab) by $42,183 to allow for the replacement of asphalt pavement with concrete in critical area subject to heavy surface wear. And hereby be it further RESOLVED that these modifications be identified as Transfer Station Construction Project Change Order Nos. 2. and 3 respectively, AND that such change orders will be offset by savings in the Town Responsiblities portion of the project and will result in NO NET INCREASE to the overall project cost. ~~;IL Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefusco@town.southold.ny.us SCOTT A. RUSSELL Supervisor PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Lynne Krauza Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: June 27, 2006 Subject: New Transfer Station - Change Order Nos. 2 and 3 For your records, I am enclosing an original, fully executed Change Order NO.2 and Change Order No.3 in connection with the referenced matter. Also attached is a copy of the resolution authorizing Scott to sign same. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your attention. Ilk Enclosures cc: Mr. James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator (w/encls.) '.; Li[j\\j\ L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. CHANGE ORDER NO.2, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY ROBBINS & COWAN INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 24 TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2005. THE CONTRACT KNOWN AS THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY, ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE 24TH DAY OF August, 2005 IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ADDED, DELETED, CHANGED WORK IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THIS IS APPROVED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER (IF APPLICABLE) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IS AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE THIS CHANGE ORDER FOR LEGAL SUFFICIENCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY SAID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE DAY OF 200 . Current Contract Amount: Change Order No.2: Revised Contract Amount $ 2,933,127.58 $ (11,218.00) $ 2,921,909.58 The amendments to the subject contract involved herein have been made in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of the contract and the Contract Agreement itself. 60f7 . :' Li[i\\i\ L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. CHANGE ORDER NO.2, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY ROBBINS AND COWAN, INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 24TH DAY OF August, 2005. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE HE~ ANDS AND SEALS Richard Robbins, Treasurer, Robbins and Cowan I Dated: ;;;;~/ tl t ~~,~ Supervisor and/or Deputy Supervisor Dated: 6//'~~ ,. , GCL ~.~ L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. Consulting Engineers lol~ Dated: wn Attorney Approval as to Legal Sufficiency Only l Dated: ~ [1 0 6 70f7 . .. . 'LI[i\\i\ L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. CHANGE ORDER NO.3, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY ROBBINS & COWAN INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 24 TH DAY OF AUGUST,2005. THE CONTRACT KNOWN AS THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF FACILITY, ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE 24TH DAY OF August, 2005 IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ADDED, DELETED, CHANGED WORK IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THIS IS APPROVED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER (IF APPLICABLE) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IS AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE THIS CHANGE ORDER FOR LEGAL SUFFICIENCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY SAID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE DAY OF 200 . Current Contract Amount: Change Order No.3: Revised Contract Amount $ 2,921,909.58 $ 58,683.00 $ 2,980,592.58 The amendments to the subject contract involved herein have been made in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of the contract and the Contract Agreement itself. Change Order 3. RC Page 3 of4 , * < 'a.ol[i\\i\ L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. CHANGE ORDER NO.3, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY ROBBINS AND COWAN, INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 24TH DAY OF August, 2005. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: Dated: o ins, Treasurer, Robbins and Cowan Supervisor and/or Deputy Supervisor Dated: 6~;Gp , Q~ ~. Ck L.K. McLean Associates, P.e. Consulting Engineers Dated: Iol~\ blo ,4-n1-- Town Attorney Approval as to Legal Sufficiency Only Dated: b 0-10h Change Order 3- RC Page 4 of 4