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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrown Tide Research Initiative 19981998 BROWN TIDE
During 1998, the Peconic Bass of Long Island New York. remained
relatively free from Drown tide for the third consecutive year and neither
Rhode Islan(~ nor New lersev repor[eo any bloom activity, Brown tide
bloomed, however in isolated emba~ ments of Long Island's east end ano
south snore. A short but relatively intense bloom occurred n West Neck
ga,v on Shelter Island that startec~ in June and ended by late July, This
bloom pea <ed at approximately 600,000 cells/per milliliter see page 6h
A slightly longer PUl ~ess intense bloom appeared in Great South Bay,
This bloom started m April and
ended injuh peaking at onlv
about 260 000 cells/per
milliliter. Since 1985 when
brown tide first appearea,
1989 and 1996 have been the
only years in which the south
shore bays and the Peconic
Bays have been free from
significant bloom events. (See
BTRI Report Number I for a
hmeline of bloom activity.
Peconic scallop populations
have not recovered to pre~
1985 abundances. Since then,
only three years 1992, 1994
and 1995-- ]lave [lad notable
levels of harvest. The
quantities yielded during these
, ears were only about ten percent of the yearly harvest prior to the brown
tide Even though Peconic Bay has been relatively free of the brown tide
for the past three years, the bay scallop population has not recovere(]
despite what has appeared to be a strong natural set. After a negligible
harvest in 1996, 1997 showed a significant increase in the scallop
population, though well belo~v '1992 and 1994-5 levels, The harvest lor
1998 however, has declined even further to only 20 oercent of 1997 levels.
Build ng on BTRI Reports Numbers I & 2, this report presents progress
made after the second of three BTRI field seasons and announces several
related new initiatives sponsored by New York Sea Grant. Report Number
3 follows the same format as the first two BTRI reports allowing roi' easy
project tracking. Boldfaced terms are defined under Ket Tbrms adding To
those in BTR] Reports h, umbers 1 /( 2.
West Neck Bay, June 1998.
Writer: Patrick Dooley
Editors: Barbara Branca
Cornelia Schlenk
Designers: Barbara Branca
Sharon O'Donovan
BTRI Steering Committee:
Cornelia Schlenk, Chair, NYSG
Richard Balla, US Environmental
Protection Agency, representing the
Peconic National Estuary Program IPEPI
Susan Banahan, NOAA Coastal
Ocean Program
Hon. Jean Cochran, Southold Town
Supervisor, representing the eastern Towns
Kenneth Koetzner, NYS Dept. of
En~ ironmentalConservatiofl,
representing New York State
Dr. Robert Nuzzi, Su[(olk County
Dept. of Health Services, representing
Suffolk County
Roger Toiler'sen, NY Seafood Council,
representing SSER and PEP Citizens
Advisor;' Committees
William Wise, Marine Sciences
Research Center, SUNY Stony grook,
representing the South Shore Estuary
Reserve ~SSERi Councd
New 'Ybrk Sea Grant is part of a
national nelwork of universities
meeting the challenging
environmental and economic needs
of the coastal ocean and Great Lakes
regions. Unique among the 29 Sea
Grant programs nationwide because
it has both marine and Great Lakes
shorelines, New York Sea Grant
engages in research, education, and
technology trans(er to promote the
understanding, sustainable
development, utilization, and
conservation of our diverse coastal
resources. NYSG facilitate~ the
transfer of research-based information
to a great variety of coastal user
groups ~,,hich include businesses,
federal, state and local government
decision-makers and managers, the
media, and the interested public.
New York Sea Grant Staff'
Diredor: Dr. lack Mattice
Associate Director: Dale Baker
A~sistant Director: Cornelia Schlenk
Communicator: Barbara Branca
Project A~istant & BTRI
Outreach Specialis~: Patrick Dooley
Funds for a "Phase 2" of the Brown Tide Research
Initiative will soon be available for a suite of new
research projects. Mainly through the foresight and
continued efforts of NY Congressman Michael
Forbes, substantial federal funding for brown tide
work has again been secured through NOAA's
Coastal Ocean Program to carry BTRI through the
year 2002. The success of this program to date
demonstrates the value of this larger-scale and
coordinated approach. Each year, the Symposium,
Reports and investigator interactions are becoming
more and more exciting as we try to fit all the new
pieces of information together.
A Call for Proposals addressing Long Island Brown
Tides is being issued as part of the broader ECOHAB
IEcology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal
Blooms) program, supported by NOAA, EPA, NSF,
NASA and the Office of Naval Research. Local input
is being maintained through the continued
involvement of the BTRI Steering Committee and
administration of the program by New York Sea
Grant. Potential researchers may find the Call on the
World Wide Web at <<http://habservl
announcements/ECOHAB99.html>>. The goal of
BTRI continues to be to understand and predict the
onset of brown tide blooms and advance strategies
for mitigating its environmental impacts. The COP
expects to commit approximately $1.5 million over
the next three years to support the activities of the
Brown Tide Research Initiative.
Brown Tide Research Initiative
Research Project Brie : Ecology
Glibert & Kana Mechanisms for
Nutrient and Energy Acquisition in
Low Light: Successful Strategies
of Aureococcus anophagefferens.
Using nine culture isolates of A.
anophagefferens from the CCMP (see
Andersen page 6), this team has
developed methods for monitoring
and maintaining growth and survival
of A. anophagefferens. Rapid A.
anophagefferens growth has been
difficult to maintain in culture and
the focus of efforts thus far has been
in establishing the basic growth and
culture conditions. Bubbling air
through the cultures significantly
improves culture success. Employing
lhese "in-house" culture techniques,
this team compared culture growth
of four isolates at different salinities
and temperatures. The results
showed growth differences among
the various conditions tested.
To select the least stressed culture
isolates for subsequent growth
experiments, this team measured
"variable chlorophyll fluorescence"
in A. anophagefferens. Four isolates
were chosen and growth rates
measured at various temperatures
and salinities. Growth rates for the
four isolates at 16~C were
approximately the same. However,
they were about 50 percent less than
at 20~C. At 20~C the four different
culture isolates showed different
growth rates. Differences in culture
growth rates measured in this study
are consistent with growth rate
differences seen in Andersen's
project. Salinity also affected A.
anophagefferenff growth rate.
Generally speaking, the highest
growth rates measured under these
experimental conditions were seen
in the warmer and saltier waters.
Report #3
Insert: Close-up of the
culture chamber for on-line
experiments with the
membrane inlet mass
Pat Gilbert recording data from the membrane inlet mass
In May 1998, tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay
were the sites of blooms of Prorocentrum
minimum, an alga unrelated to A.
anophagefferens. This bloom appeared to
follow a period of wet weather with a large
amount of runoff. Bay eelgrasses and shellfish
populations were negatively impacted in a
similar fashion to brown tide's effects on the
Peconic Estuary in 1985 and subsequent years.
Since P m. inimum's effects were similar to A:
anophagefferens', some of the physiological
growth characteristics of P minimum are being
analyzed for comparison to brown tide.
Comparison between these two species may
provide valuable insights in
understanding brown tide.
Key Terms
Look for the
definitions of key
terms in boldface
on page 13.
Research Project Briefs: Ecology
Caron & Lonsdale Microzooplankton-
Mesozooplankton Coupling and Its Role
in the Initiation of Blooms of
Aureococcus anophagefferens (Brown
Most of the 1997 zooplankton community
samples have been processed. Initial
evaluation of the larger mesozooplankton
(>200 mml and smaller microzooplankton
Ibetween 20-200 mml population data do
not show substantial differences in the
population numbers or species type
between the two treatments that main-
tained brown tide growth (sediment and
Graduate student Becky Schaffner monitoring a mesocosm
experiment on Coecles Harbor, Shelter Island, during the
1998 field season.
sediment with hard clams), and the
control treatment (only seawater with A.
anophagefferensL The small
nanoplankton samples (between 2.0-20
mm), however, are still being processed.
Nanoplankton grazing dynamics may
play an important role in bloom develop-
ment. Accordingly, assessing the relation-
ship between brown tide and plank-
tonic grazing will continue.
This team completed two mesocosm
experiments during the 1998 field
season. Although samples are still being
processed, they found that when
various numbers of hard clams were
present, algal population numbers and
A. anophagefferens growth rates were
significantly reduced. For the experi-
mental conditions, it seems that the
presence of high numbers of filter
feeding bivalves may act to limit brown
tide bloom formation.
In mesocosms with pumps, brown tide
became the dominant phytoplankton.
The pumps created an artificial situation
by possibly eliminating grazing on A.
anophagefferens, thus allowing brown
tide to bloom. The ability to create an A.
anophageft~rens bloom in mesocosms
developed through this study will greatly
enhance the next round of experiments in
the 1999 field season.
Hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria)
feeding rates were measured in another
set of experiments designed to assess
toxic effects of A. anophagefferens.
When brown tide concentrations
reached 35,000 cells per milliliter, the
clams' clearance rates were significantly
reduced. At concentrations greater than
400,000 ceils per milliliter, the clams
stopped filtering. These results are
consistent with Bricelj's findings (see
BTRI Report Number 2) that brown tide
can inhibit mussel and hard clam
feeding rates.
I 4 Brown Tide ~'o,:o ,ch Ini ' ,tivb
Research Proiect Briefs: Culturing
Andersen Multiple Culture Isolates
(Xenic and Axenic), Biodiversity and
Ultrastructure of Aureococcus
Andersen and co-workers have made
steady progress in establishing different
culture strains (or isolates) of A.
anophagefferens and investigating
genetic variability among these strains.
Eight new A. anophagefferens strains
have been established from samples
collected in Great South Bay, Long
Island. These strains are available for
study and have been deposited at the
Provasoli-Guillard National Center for
Culture of Marine Phytoplankton
(CCMP). The identification of these
strains as A. anophagefferens has been
confirmed by DNA sequence
Establishing bacteria-free (axenic)
cultures of A. anophageft~rens has
proven difficult. After an extended period
of brown tide growth, bacteria have
arisen in cultures that initially appeared
bacteria-frae. Continued efforts to
establish axenic strains are now
underway. These efforts include the use
of different antibiotics as well as new
combinations of antibiotics. A problem is
that A. anophagefferens is itself sensitive
to antibiotics, and concentrations
routinely used to establish axenic
cultures of other marine phytoplankton
appear to inhibit the growth of A.
Growth differences have been noted
among cultured isolates of A.
anophagefferens. Cultures that grow best
are often characterized by increased
amounts of bacteria in the medium. This
seems to suggest that bacteria may
perhaps play a fundamental role in
maintaining brown tide blooms, but this
hypothesis has yet to be rigorously
tested. Growth of some strains is
; 't#3
promoted by the addition of peptone
and VA vitamins to the medium.
However, the amounts of these organic
compounds must be kept Iow because
they also promote bacterial growth. A.
anophagefferens cultures initiated with a
large innoculum of cells that
subsequently are maintained in relatively
high light conditions also generally
exhibit higher rates of growth.
To examine genetic variability within A.
anophagefferens, nucleotide sequences
for three different DNA regions were
determined. These include the nuclear-
encoded 18S rRNA gene and the rbcL
gene and RUBISCO spacer region that
am found in the chloroplast genome. No
genetic differences among strains of A.
anophagefferens have been found in
these regions. These data imply that
blooms of A. anophagefferens are
comprised of cells that are very similar. It
is possible that variation within the
species may be revealed using other
techniques or by examining DNA
regions that are more variable. Two new
finer-scale methods, heteroduplex DNA
analysis (HAD) and denaturing gradient
gel electrophoresis (DGGE), are now being
tested in an effort to find genetic differences
among A. anophagefferens isolates.
The rbcL and RUBISCO spacer
sequences were also determined for a
second brown tide alga, Aureoumbra
lagunensis, isolated from Laguna Madre,
Texas. These data were compared to that
for A. anophagefferens. Differences
between the A. anophagefferens and A.
lagunensis sequences support the
conclusion of morphological studies that
these organisms am separate species.
The nucleotide sequence data place A.
anophagefferens and A. lagunensis
within the class Pelagophyceae. This
implies that they are not necessarily
closely related.
These data
imply that
blooms of A.
are comprised
of cells that
are very
Research Project Briefs: Bloom Triggers
Safiudo-Wilhelmy, Hutchins & Donat
Biogeochemical and Anthropogenic
Factors that Conn'ol Brown Tide
Blooms: The Effects of Metals and
Organic Nutrients in Long Island's
This team of investigators conducted a
21 -station water column sampling cruise
across Great South Bay in September
1998. The goal was to continue their
assessment of the role of metals and
organic nutrients in controlling brown
tide blooms in Long Island's
embayments. Flanders Bay did not
experience a bloom this past year and
will,, be used as a control site
for comparison to Great South Bay and
West Neck Bay. Groundwater samples
were collected from seven wells around
Flanders Bay and from ten new wells
surrounding West Neck Bay. (See figure
below.iThese samples are currently
being processed.
A new survey has been started with the
help of Suffolk County Department of
Health Services ISCDHSt Division of
Water Resources and the United States
Geological Survey. Groundwater
monitoring has been established around
West Neck Bay for the purpose of
comparing the chemical composition of
local groundwater to that of bay waters.
To understand how chemical
composition of groundwater may alter as
it seeps through sediments into coastal
embayments, this project now includes
sampling of intertidal wells and seepage
chambers in West Neck Bay. (See
Assessing Groundwater diagram,
page 9).
Continuing their successful collaboration
with the Caron and Lonsdale project (see
page 5L members of this team sampled
the mesocosms for an array of chemical
factors. This collaboration will continue
in the 1999 field season. New field
research investigating nutrient limitation
of A. anophagefferens at West Neck Bay
shows that nitrogen (either urea or
nitrate) and organic carbon additions can
stimulate A. anophagefferens growth
rates during bloom events.
Hutchins is investigating the effects of
light and organic carbon on brown tide
growth. Preliminary laboratory results
indicate that for short periods of time,
organic carbon can stimulate the growth
of brown tide. These results are
consistent with other field observations
and, with them, suggest that A.
anophagefferens may have a specific
requirement for materials produced by
other plankton.
Development of
Brown Tide in
West Neck Bay.
500 000
515198 6/5/9B 715198
I~I · ·
8/5/98 9/5~98
*Data from 5CDHS and Gobler
Brown Tide Research Initiative
R search Pro ect Briefs: Bloom Triggers
Boyer & La Roche Ferredoxin and
Flavodoxin as a Metabolic Marker for
Iron Stress in Aureococcus
The trace metal iron has been
hypothesized to be a limiting factor that
may influence brown tide bloom events.
However, the role of iron in brown tide
growth remains unclear. In order to
establish iron's influence in brown tides, a
method must first be developed to
measure "iron stress" in A.
anophagefferens. This team of
investigators has been working on four
possible markers for brown tide.
There are a number of different ways to
measure chlorophyll, the photosynthetic
pigment used to represent population
abundance in phytoplankton. A number
of these could potentially be used in the
field to determine iron stress in A.
anophagefferens. Promising results were
obtained using a ratio that indicates the
change in photosynthetic efficiency.
Using this ratio with laboratory cultures
has shown that A. anophagefferens'
photosynthetic capacity diminishes as
iron levels decrease. This occurred even
though the cells' growth rates did not
change. Work will continue to determine
if this indicator can be applied to field
populations to determine iron stress.
In higher plants and other green algae, the
enzyme ferric chelate reductase (FCR) has
been reported to be produced when the
plant is iron-limited. Thus, the production
or activity of FCR may be useful as a
marker for iron stress. Laboratory results
with cultured A. anophagefferens grown
under iron-limited conditions did not show
an increase in FCR activity. Field samples
containing A. anophagefferens and other
marine phytoplankton, however, showed a
high level of FCR activity. These results
imply that FCR activity is not very useful as
an iron-stress marker in A. anophagefferens.
Under iron-limited conditions, freshwater
and marine bac.teria produce high affinity
iron chelators called siderophores that aid
in iron uptake. Results from several
experiments with iron-stressed A.
anophagefferens showed no evidence of
siderophore production. If siderophores
are produced in A. anophagefferens, they
are likely below the detection limits of the
methods used to measure them.
Accordingly, they are not useful as
markers for iron stress.
As reported in BTRI Reports Numbers 1 &
2, a primary focus of this project has been
evaluating the use of the ratio of
flavodoxin to ferredoxin as an indicator of
iron stress. Under iron-limited conditions,
the iron containing protein ferredoxin is
replaced with the non-iron containing
protein flavodoxin formulating the basis
for this marker. Brown tide cultures grown
under iron-rich conditions have produced
ferredoxin. Under iron-limited conditions,
A. anophagefferens has produced a
"flavodoxin-like" protein. Neither protein,
however, has been sufficiently purified for
use as standards in detection
experiments. This team continues its work
to purify these two proteins so they can
be used as markers.
Experiments also continue with nitrate
reductase, the key enzyme for
phytoplankton use of dissolved ino~gaoic-
nitrogen. A. anophagefferens shows very
typical nitrate reductase activity. Culture
experiments have shown very similar
growth rates on DIN (nitrate) and DON
(urea). Field samples, however, show Iow
nitrate reductase activity. This suggests
that A. anophagefferens may not use
nitrate as its primary nitrogen supply in its
natural habitat.
In order to determine iron's role in bloom
formation, a method must first be
established to assess if the growth of
natural populations of A. anophagefferens
is limited by iron. Boyer and his team will
continue their efforts to develop a method
to measure iron stress.
shows very
typical nitrate
experiments have
shown very
similar growth
rates on DIN
(nitrate) and
DON (urea).
Resulting from topics and questions discussed at the Spring 1998
BTR1 Informational Symposium (see BTRI Report Nutnber 2), New
York Sea Grant will sponsor additional brown tide research. These
efforts have been derived as offshoots or enhancements of current
BTRI or other brown tide projects. The following five projects
represent new initiatives whose results will help in understanding
brown tide.
These microscope images of an Aureococcus bloom in Great South Bay, May
1998, were prepared using fluorescent antibody methods. The Aureococcus
are the smallest cells and the material between them is mucopolysaccharide
(MPS) which is produced by Aureococcus. Of particular interest are the
filamentous bacteria associated with the MPS which form a mesh that could
affect filter-feeding organisms.
Keller & Sieracki: Measurement of
Bacterial Biomass in the Brown Tide
Study Area
Building on their currant BTRI project
(see Keller & Sieracki BTRI Report #2),
this team of investigators plans to
explore the relationship between A.
anophagefferens and heterotrophic
bacteria. A. anophagefferens and these
heterotrophic bacteria efficiently utilize
DON. Therefore, they compete for this
nitrogen source. In theory, this could
imply that under bloom conditions, A.
anophagefferens must be able to out-
compete these bacteria for DON. If
this were true, bacterial growth and
biomass would vary with bloom
activity. Results from 1997 suggest that
this may be true. This team will use a
state-of-the-art image analysis system to
measure heterotrophic bacterial
abundance, biomass, size(s), and
morphology from 1997 and 1998
samples. David Caron (see Caron and
Lonsdale page 5) and Robert Nuzzi
of the Suffolk County Department of
Health Services, have agreed to
supply additional samples for the
bacterial analysis.
Safiudo-Wilhelmy: Sources of Nitro-
gen and Bioactive Trace Metals to the
Great South Bay, Long Island: Effects
on Brown Tide Blooms
Saffudo-Wilhelmy and his team will try
to establish the relative importance of
natural processes versus anthropogenic
inputs on the water quality of Great
South Bay. The levels and types of
organic nutrients (organic nitrogen and
urea), inorganic nutrients (nitratel and
trace metals (iron, nickel and zinc) have
not been characterized for Great South
Bay. This type of information is required
to understand the major processes
controlling the levels of several factors
that may influence brown tide growth.
These results will also help determine if
results from the Peconics can be
extrapolated to other systems, such as
Great South Bay. Seasonal and temporal
patterns and possible sources of these
chemical constituents will be
determined and correlated to field
measurements of growth rates and cell
densities. The results from this work are
critical for understanding when, where
and under what conditions brown tide
blooms will be predicted to occur.
Safiudo-Wilhelmy: Impact of Intersti-
tial and Groundwater on the Chemical
Composition of Surface Waters of
Long Island's Embayments
Saffudo-Wilhelmy will also be directing a
New York Sea Grant Scholar graduate
student who will supplement his current
BTRI project (see Sa~udo-Wilhelmy page
4 for an overview of these activities). The
scope of this effort will be expanded to
include more water quality sampling of
groundwater. This student will investigate
the chemical and physical changes
occurring in sediments that influence the
chemical quality of groundwater seepage
in the study area.
Assessing Groundwater
atmospheric deposition
[~ runoff & river iiwell
~7 discharge ]]
sewage treatment ~ ~ ....
plant ~, ~.W.!ter zao'e
This schematic shows how measuring the quality of groundwater at wells only shows part of the picture of water quality in
coastal embayments. As groundwater flows through the sediment and out into embayments, it is influenced by diagenetic
processes. Diagenetic processes are transformations of materials that occur within the sediments after deposition. Bacterial
decomposition of organic matter or formation of an animal burrow are examples of such processes. Added to the mix are
river discharge (runoff) and atmospheric deposition (either dry or in the form of precipitation).
Giner: GCMS Detection of Sterol
Biomarkers for Aureococcus
Dr. Jos6-L. Giner, from the Department
of Chemistry at the State University of
New York College of Environmental
Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY
is a new brown tide investigator. Giner
is developing another type of
biomarker using sterols to help
identify brown tide in the field Isee
Boyer & La Roche page 7 for another
type of a biomarker). Since A.
anophagefferens is a very small alga
with no particularly distinguishing
features, a highly specialized form of
microscopy involving
immunofluorescence is used for its
detection and quantification.
Immunofluorescence microscopy,
however, requires expensive
instrumentation, antibodies and large
amounts of technician time. Giner has
found that A. anophagefferens is the first
microalga to contain the rare sterols E-
and Z- propylidenecholesterol.
Furthermore, the relative proportions of
the two sterols appears to be constant
for A. anophagefferens. Since these
sterols are rare, they can be used to
identify and quantify brown tide.
Sterols are identified in the laboratory
using Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry (GCMS). This method is
fast, relatively easy to do, requires little
technician time and can be
automated. Using GCMS, Giner will
work towards developing an analytical
protocol based on sterol biomarkers to
specifically detect and quantify A.
anophagefferens in seawater samples.
Fostering the cooperation which is the
hallmark of the BTRI network,
investigator Boyer is supplying A.
anophagefferens cell material for
this study.
Bricelj: Cytotoxic Effects
of Brown Tide
This new project builds on Bricelj's
current New York Sea Grant funded
project, "Relative Susceptibility of
Bivalves to the Brown Tide Alga
Aureococcus anophagefferens:
Comparison Among Species and
Life History Stages" which she
presented at the Spring 1998 BTRI
Symposium. She has developed a
short-term bioassay using mussels
that allows toxicity comparison
among the various A.
anophagefferens cultures. The
bioassay has shown remarkable
differences in the toxicity of three
available isolates of A.
anophagefferens from Long Island
estuaries. The reason for culture
toxicity differences may be due to
culture age. Culture toxicity could
change over time, or the initial
toxicity in older cugtu£es (e.g., from
1985) could be I~ss. Bricelj's team
will investigate the varying brown
tide toxicity and explore the
possible mechanismls) of
cytotoxicity. This work will utilize
histopathological analysis of
tissue samples from hard clams
and mussels exposed to the
various isolates.
Brown Tide Research Initiative
Groundwater Hypothesis:
Does brown tide "go with the flow?"
The BTRI projects are investigating numerous hypotheses to explain the occurrence of
brown tide. The hypothesis below demonstrates the complexity of the brown tide story and
does not imply that this is the only hypothesis under investigation. An additional hypothesis,
the "Groundwater Hypothesis" proposed by investigators from Brookhaven National
Laboratory and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), suggests a
mechanism for the development of brown tide in the Peconic Estuary where brown tide is
regulated by the relative availability of dissolved inorganic nitrogen which, in turn, is
regulated by groundwater flow into the estuary. The relevance of this hypothesis to other
estuaries affected by brown tide, such as Great South Bay, has not been determined. Some
of the BTRI results mesh with this hypothesis, but others indicate that different factors are
involved. The picture of what causes brown tide is still evolving.
Defining the terms
· Groundwater results from precipitation that passes through the surface of the ground to
become the subsurface water supply. Groundwater within the Peconic Estuary
watershed moves toward, and into the estuary, supplying it with fresh water.
· Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) is composed of small nitrogen molecules that do not
contain carbon. Nitrate, often found in fertilizers, is an example of DIN. This is a form of
nitrogen easily utilized by most phytoplankton.
· Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) is a larger, carbon-containing molecule not easily used
by most plants. It results from animal waste products such as urea and organic matter
(animal and plant biomass) containing particulate nitrogen decomposed by bacteria.
Setting the stage
· Due to farming activities and, more recently, urbanization, the groundwater flowing into
the Peconic Estuary is high in nitrate (DIN), providing one to two times more DIN to the
estuary than any other source.
· Unlike most phytoplankton, Aureococcus anophagefferens can utilize DON as well as
DiN. When DIN levels are limited, A. anophagefferens can outcompete the "typical"
phytoplankton. Accordingly, when DIN levels are high, competing species which use DIN
will outgrow A. anophagefferens (see Boyer & La Roche and Sa~udo-Wilhelmy).
· Depending upon climatological factors, such as precipitation, the volume of high DIN-
containing groundwater into the Peconic Estuary varies from year to year. Therefore,
the supply of DIN to the estuary can be limited during years of Iow groundwater flow.
· The long term time-series (1950-1990) of annual average groundwater flow shows
variability from year to year.
· Data collected by the SCDHS over an eleven-year period suggest an inverse relationship
between groundwater flow and A. anophagefferens abundance. In other words, brown
tide occurred during years of Iow groundwater flow and was mostly absent during years
of high groundwater flow.
Understanding the hypothesis
The groundwater hypothesis suggests that brown tide blooms are controlled by the
relative amounts of DIN and DON in the system, which are tied to the flow of groundwater.
For example, 1985 was preceded by several years of high groundwater flow (presumably
high DIN conditions), then two years of Iow groundwater flow. During the Iow groundwater
flow period, measured salinities increased. The decrease in the amount of DIN, accompanied
by increased DON, may have set the stage for brown tide to bloom. Additional work still
needs to be completed to test this theory, likely requiring several more bloom events to
collect data.
In addition to the groundwater hypothesis, there are other hypotheses that attempt to
explain brown tides in different locations (e.g., Narragansett Bay and Great South Bay), the
mechanisms controlling bloom formation (e.g., bay flushing and grazing pressure), and how
and why A. anophagefferens first appeared in the bays of Long Island. In all likelihood, a
combination of factors such as DON availability, poor bay flushing, changes in the grazing
community and other chemical factors may all play a role with brown tide.
Report #3
Brown Tide's "Family Tree"
Kingdom: Protista ]
] Phylum: Chrysophyta]
I Class: Pelagophyceae ]
A class of algae that
includes Aureococcus,
Aureoumbra and related
Order: Pelagomonadales
One of two taxonomic orders
classified within the
pelagophyceae. This order
includes A. anophagefferens
and is the name of a group of
very small free-floating
golden-brown algae.
Order: Sarcinochrysidales ]
A second taxonomic order
classified within the
pelagophyceae. This order
includes Aureoumbra
lagunensis, the organism which
causes brown tide in bays along
the Texas Coast.
BTRI and Other Brown Tide Investigators
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, ME
Dr. Robert A. Andersen
Dr. Maureen Keller
Dr. Michael Sieracki
Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY
Dr. Julie La Roche (guest scientist)
College of Marine Studies, DE
University of Delaware
Dr. David A. Hutchins
Graduate School of Oceanography, RI
University of Rhode Island
Dr. Theodore J. Smayda
Horn Point Environmental Laboratories, MD
University of Maryland
Dr. Patricia M. Glibert
Dr. Todd M. Kana
Institute for Marine Biosciences,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dr. V. Monica Bricelj
Marine Sciences Research Center, NY
SUNY at Stony Brook
Dr. Darcy J. Lonsdale
Dr. Sergio Sa6udo-Wilhelm,~
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, CT
Dr. Richard A. Robohm
Dr. Gary H. Wikfors
Old Dominion University, VA
Dr. John Donat
SUNY College of Environmental Science and
Forestry, NY
Dr. Gregory L. Boyer
Dr. Jos~-L. Giner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA
Dr. David A. Caren
Brown Tide Research Initiative
bioam~y a mefl-~dfor quantitatively iinte~idal :the zone between high and
detetmining:tb~ cenc~r:~ation'Of'-~' ...... Io~ tide.~;. :
S~.~. by -Mc4f<'d °n4fi~ Surwval, i_ ~;~ si~esped.'~_ of:algae pieked
measurable ph~ .ys'iqi.ogk:;~! respOn~ o{ a - ~Jbbe~l in CuJtum.
suitable animal; p~nt, ~ mictoorgah[sm
under controlledic, ondit~, :
blema~er ~ change;in cell '¢onte~t that
can be used as an ~lndi~tot ~ tl~ cell Or
its pfiysiologicat ~ta~. i .;
moq:holosy :lhe stucly of a fo~m
aPP.., ~an~ ~ ~ructum' of an
or~anismsuch as:shape, Size and colo~,
The way the s'~letU~e 6f form o~ an
(e-g.; urea). I '
feedin~ates ra~e at which a predator
consun-ies its prey. I ....
Spedmmet (GCMS) a mique u ,ct
b6 ~ePafate,-ide~ and~guan.tify
~ll [ ~ ar~?~ectroch;e~ical
process in v~hi(:l~ Charggd'.m61e~ales:
migrate in a ~! ~n.d.~r-the~intluence bf~an
electric ~:urrer}~ typJ¢~lty_' 0sa~d'a~ s~Ociie~
of genetics. ..
seepage c~ a devise used to
collec~gmU~wa~r ~eping through
intertidal sediment~
~erels a type of lipid, such as
cholesl~rol; present in th~e[I
membra, ne~ of ialanb~ arid animals.
,~"'~1' a l§rOup of oeganisms"of the same
sl:~ecies: O~ presumed common a~Cestry
w~ clear<ut physE~iCal ~ usually
no[ mO~l~ot98ica[ distinctic~ns ( e., a.
~oek ~ tine),
:he~ ~craractertsti~'ofan toxic :the kind arid amount otc a POison
organiSm th&z~a[ns :nou~,fifiment from. &r tox~ produced by a microo .q~ahism
the'' estiOn and i~ak~ of omg ..... moa_ 0lc ' or a chemlc~ sul~'ance n°t Of; ' .- _ '
mateer ~uch as plant~ and animals. Tl~is is - biological. ~igin.
untike a~¢ b~ahisms ~ud~ a~ - tl~-?c~_ :. fl~j~ - sta~:or effect of 5eing lOXic.
plants arid ~ ~whk:~ Pnxlace : l VA ~1~'a mixture ef Vitamins
k,/pathesis an idea o~r~sr,,a~meat th~ . . sunlight that is'abSOd~ed.l~the ceils,
must be:testext bef~'e :it :1~ ~tated and-then ~released a~in aS lisht-.
as fact. ·
technique ~or ide~ti.f~.rlg ~)r_ COunting ~ .. '
antibo~ that~;glb~vrun .der Idle or_ outer
wavelengths of fight:
~- a ~ _o~:qum-~itatlv61y : intedk[al the z~ ~n high and
~ng~~a;- ' .... I~.; L ~
su~b~' ~I,~ ....... ~ ~angm, . . ~ the ~ ~a form
ca~'~ u~ ~ ~of ~:~1 Or ' ~wa~ ~u~ ~To~ of an
i~iol~cal~;::: : : ' - o~1~. : : ·
~xif to tire,Is .... ~dud~ Au~ca~, ~mb~ and
DIN. :Dissdved: ~e Nitre~en:
.g., chemical ,fertih~er).-
.DON. DJssDJv~ ~ ,N.i~n,'
! '-
~ ~ :ra~e at Wh.i.~h 'A p/edator;
consumes.~ pr~/. - '
Speetemm"t~ ( .(RT. MS~ alechniqae used
to ~ral~, itla~:,~rk~uamW
pelito~e a9 organic carbon source used
t~r°w bac'~r, ia or'other he~roOopMc
= seepi~ ~ a devise used to
coiled, g.roundwa_ _'~. s6eping through
intertidal sedirc~ents.
stetol~ a type0flipid/such as
:cholestero{, present Jt~ the cell
~anes of' plaints andanimals.
gele~_~-t~ :a6 e~hernical: ;stmla a gmupof.°rganisrns of the same
: pr0f:egs!ib ~l~i~ mblec~les species of presumed comrriOn ancestry
migral~.ih a:Rei uhife~ ~e ~uence of an.r : W~h C~Ut Physio .log~aJ but usually
electric current:ly~_~H¥ ~ as studies not tn0rphoi~cal dist[rtctions 0.e.; a
ofgenetics. - -,. · stock:or, line);
he~e~¢ :c~h~a~e~iSt~ of-an . ' toxic, the kind a~liamou~'~ a poison
~,~ ~_a~(:~ir~s~lshment from ' r pr l~x~i.n produced by a ~ic~sm
~1~ inge~on aod ~n o~ eq~a~i~ :: 0r a cl-_~mical-subsfan~e no~ ef
m~e~-Su(~h,~s.~ml.~alS:'ThisJ~ : :b'~t~ogicalOfigin~-; _'~, .
unlrik~ ~ .prg~sm~ .g0~ti as : · t~ 1he ~ ar efYeet 0f being ~xic.
Plants and some ct r ,wh , pro :e VA.V'aaa m' a
otalg~e.. :::.
Since brown tide first appeared in
Long Island waters in 1985,
combined efforts of many agencies,
organizations and investigators have
made steady progress in
understanding Aureococcus
anophagefferens and what causes it
to bloom. Although the specific
mechanisms surrounding the bloom
cycle remain hypothetical, some
general factors which seem
conducive for brown tide
development in shallow estuaries
have been identified.
Continuing work by Keller, Sieracki
and other investigators indicates that
A. anophagefferens seems to grow
best at higher salinities and in
warmer water but that it also can
survive Iow over-winter temperatures.
Progress made by Sa~udo-Wilhelmy's
group, Gilbert's team and other
researchers also demonstrate that,
unlike other coastal marine algae, A.
anophagefferens prefers organic
nutrients over inorganic nutrients. It
has also been shown that A.
anophagefferens can maintain growth
in Iow nutrient environments.
While specific bloom triggers are still
unknown, factors have been
identified which seem to influence
blooms. Smayda and other
researchers agree that reduced
embayment flushing rates seem to
help set the stage for bloom
development. Boyer's team has
shown a Iow iron requirement for A.
anophagefferens and continue to
investigate iron's role in bloom
formation. Other work by
researchers, including Lonsdale,
investigating the dynamics between
A. anophagefferens and other
plankton has shown that some
plankton avoid consuming A.
anophagefferens. Bricelj's work
suggests some degree of toxicity for
A. anophagefferens in mussels and
hard clams. However, it is possible
that culture toxicity may vary. Yet,
other work by members of Lonsdale's
team as shown that hard clams can
graze on brown tide in Iow densities.
This grazing pressure can potentially
control A. anophagefferens blooms.
Clearly, additional research and time
are still needed to fit all these brown
tide pieces into the bloom puzzle.
BTRI Informational Symposium
Saturday, April 10th 1999
From 8:30 am Registration to 3:00 pm
Westhampton Beach High School Cafetorium,
Westhampton, New York
1998 Brown Tide .......................................... 1
New BTRI Funding Projects .......................... 2
BTRI Project Briefs: Ecology ........................ 3
Glibert & Kana ..................................... 3
Caron & Lonsdale ................................ 4
BTRI Project Briefs: Culturing ..................... 5
Andersen ............................................. 5
BTRI Project Briefs: Bloom Triggers ............. 6
Safiudo-Wilhelmy, Hutchins & Donat .. 6
Boyer & La Roche ................................ 7
New Initiatives ............................................. 8
Keller & Sieracki .................................. 8
Safiudo-Wilhelmy ................................ 9
Giner ................................................. 10
Bricelj ................................................ 10
Groundwater Hypothesis ............................ 11
Brown Tide Family Tree ..............................12
BTRI Investigators ...................................... 12
Key Terms ................................................... 13
Summary .................................................... 14
BTRI Symposium Announcement ................ 15
The Brown Tide Research Initiative (BTRI) is
funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Coastal Ocean Program and
administered by New York Sea Grant. The three-
year $1.5 million BTRI program was developed to
increase knowledge concerning brown tide by
identifying the factors and understanding the
processes that stimulate and sustain brown tide
blooms. The program will hell) us better
understand brown title and actvance strategies for
minimizing its impact.
The BTRI is composed of eight research
projects that were selected from a national call for
proposals in 1996. To involve concerned parties
and aid in decision-making, New York Sea Grant
formed the BTRI Steering Committee of invited
state, local and government agency
representatives, and citizen's groups (see side bar
page 2). The research projects chosen for BTRI
funding were selected following peer review and
evaluation by a technical review panel and the
BTRI Steering Committee. Proiects were submitted
by investigators from along the east coast
including: Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, New York, Delavvare, Maryland and
This Report Series will aid in the
dissemination of general brown tide information.
The results and conclusions of the projects will
help determine the directions of potential
management and future research.
ff you have any questions about brown fide, would like a copy of Report #1 or #2, or would like to be added to our
mailing list, please contact Patrick Dooley at New York Sea Grant (patrick.dooley@sunysb. edu or 516 632-9123).
You may also read these reports by visiting our website: << http'.//www,>>. This publication may
be made available in an alternative format.
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