HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaste Loads for Land Use Nass/Suff Plan Bd 1975 DETERMINATION OF UNIT WASTE LOADS FOR VARIOUS LAND USE GROUPINGS NASSAU-SUFFOLK REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD APRIL 1975 DETERMINATION OF UNIT WASTE LOADS ~)R VARIOUS I~hND USE GROUPINGS Table o£ Contents Methodologies 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Development of Land Use Mixes in Each Grouping 1.3 Development of Discharges for Each Land Use Cate- gory 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.3.10 1.4 PAGE 1-1 1-1 1-5 1-21 Sewage 1-21 Solid Waste 1-30 Stormwater Runoff 1-37 Space lleating Emissions 1-40 Motor Vehicle Emissions 1-47 Fertilizer Losses, Agricultural and Lawn 1-53 Agricultural Wastes 1-59 Power Station Emissions 1-65 Industrial Discharges 1-66 Boating Discharges 1-74 Development of Weighted Average Waste Loads for Each Land Use Grouping 1-78 2. Review of Methodologies Introduction Transferability of Land Use Groupings Environmental Significance of Types of Discharge, and Limitations of Methods Used to Compute Tt~em 2.1 2.2 2.3 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-12 PART I LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 1-2 NO, 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 Title Land Use Classification Revised Land Use Classification Typical Composition of Domestic Sewage Typical Composition of Ordinary Refuse Institutional Solid Waste Composition Industrial Solid Waste Composition Stormwater Runoff Constituents Flue Gas Emissions from Domestic Heaters Atmospheric Emission Rates from Com- mercial and Industrial Land Use Categories Estimated Automobile Emissions on Major Highways Atmospheric Emissions from Diesel Locomotives Fertilizer Usages and Losses for Various Crops Waste Generation Rates for Duck, Poultry and Dairy Farms Agricultural Solid Waste Generation Rates Industrial Waste Discharges Products of Gasoline Combustion Page No. 1-8 1-17 1-21 1-29 1-33 1-36 1-39 1-41 1-45 1-50 1-51 1-57 1-61 1-63 1-68 1-76 iii vii 0 0 0 0 0 1. METHODOLOGIES 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 ~cope The work described in this report is that section identified as Task 2, Work Element 2, in "A Methodology to Achieve the Integration o£ Coastal Zone Science and Regional Planning", by Lee E. Koppelman, Executive Director of the Nassau-Suf£olk Regional Planning Board (NSRPB). As stated on page 65 of that document, "The objective 2] is to identify the types of environmental with Plan land uses and activities". [of Work Element loads associated Work Element 1 had been "to identify, locate, and quantify those land uses and related activities specified or implied in the Plan" (see page 64 of the above), based upon 1985 land use projections. It is the scope of Work Element 2 to examine each of the land uses identified in Work Element 1, and to determine its waste generation characteristics. Part 3 of this report presents this data, but, for the sake of clarity~ it includes only the minimum amount of description of the methods by which the waste generation characteristics were determined. The details o£ these methods are presented in this part of the report, with numerical examples, where desirable, drawn ~rom the work of Part 3. 1-1 1.2 Development of Land Use Mixes A land use plan will generally be defined in terms of a limited number of broadly defined groupings, each of which encompasses possibly widely disparate land use categories. Naturally, the fewer the groupings, the broader they must be. Insofar as the land use plan itself is concerned, placing a limit on the number of groupings makes for simplicity. However. this study requires that waste generation characteristics be generafed for each land use grouping. If each category within a grouping has significantly different characteristics from the others, then weighted averages must be computed for the grouping. In order to compute the weighted averages, some determination must first be made of the composition of each grouping, i.e.. what fraction each of its categories represents. 1-5 Sheet ] oJ 3 TABLE 1-1 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION grouping residential Commercial categm'y Residential Hotels-Motels Retail g Ser- vices Automotive Marine Recreational 1-7 detail Sincle Yamily Two-Family Multi-Family Farm Houses Estates Rooming g Boarding Houses Seasonal Houses Trailers Commercial establishments in which short-terwa lodging is the major business activity- Hotels, Motels, Cabins Establishments whose main pur- pose is the sale or rendering of a personal service on a re- tail level and not listed und~,r "offices" S~rvice Stations Dealers }~epair, painting and washing Tire sales Sear cover installation Boat yards and marinas vate) Sales and services Fishery services Boat storage (pri- Amusement parks Beaches and pools (profit oriented) Billiards Bowling Dance (school, hall, studio, etc.) Day camps and nursery schools Miniature golf and driving Theaters indoor and drive-in Sports arenas, skating rinks Race tracks gr~pin~ Institutional (cont'd.) Open Space Roadways Agriculture Uater Sheet 3 of 3 TABLE 1-1 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION category Public Quasi-Fublic Public Quasi-Public Roadway s Agriculture Inland Tidal 1-9 detail IIunicipal buildings Courts Hospitals Post offices lntian reservations Fire stations Churches~ convents, seminaries Colleges and universities Nursing and rest homes Schools parochial and private Synagogues and temples Fraternal organizations Hospitals geaches and pools Golf courses~ conservation and wildlife areas, arboretum Cemeteries Marinas and boat ramps Par~s Plavgrounds (not school con- nected) Beach clubs, golf clubs, gun clod, s Cemeteries, scout camps and ai3 no~,-profit recreation Streetn and parking ~ar~:wdvs Crop i. u] Fry and ducks n.~i~zv and livestock r!ursery I,a_Large basins drainage Lakes and inland fresh water %nuth Shore only Channels and bays (excludes Peconic Bay) Uetlands - conservation water Agriculture - "The Comparative Importance of Suffolk County, New York Agriculture" (7). This report delineates several agricultural uses by number of acres and amount of production. Open Spa_e - "The Inventory of Public Lands and Facilities" (11) presents open space acreage figures by specific category (i.e., conservation, golf courses, etc.) and according to governmental jurisdiction. "Transportation Inventory, Analysis Plan" (12) discusses the total transportation system within Nassau and Suffolk Counties and includes parkways and expressways. Traffic volumes and road capacities are also presented. Utilities "Utilities - Inventory and Analysis" (14) identifies · and discusses drainage areas, water supply systems, sanitary sewers, waste disposal facilities and power lines and pipe lines. "Transportation - Inventory, Analysis Plan" (12) dis- cusses the total transportation system within Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Included in this report and of interest here, bus facilities, railroads, air transportation and water transportation. Institufional "The Inventory of Public Lands and Facilities" (Il) presented acreage and enrollment figures for each public school (elementary, junior and senior high schooIs) within the Nassau/Suffolk County area. Colleges and universities, both 1-11 Industrial - "Directory of Manufacturers - Suffolk County" (32). This report is divided into two basic sections. The first section consolidates manufacturing establishments within Suffolk County into 20 distinct use groups. correspond to the system established by the Classification Manual prepared by the U.S. They are commonly known as SIC groups and have corresponding numbers and descriptions. The total number of employees and firms falling in each SIC group is listed in the report. The second section lists all group. "County Business employees and the number These groups Standard Industrial Bureau of the Budge~. firms within Suffolk County by SIC Patterns" (31) lists the number of of firms for each SIC group within both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. "Directory of Commerce and Industry for Nassau/Suffolk" (33) lists each business or indus- trial firm located in the Nassau/Suffolk County area. Water - "Utilities - Inventory and Analysis" (14) contains a section on urainage areas. "Marine Wetlands" (71) specifically locates all tidal wetland areas within the Bi-County area. 1-13 b) The Long Island Railroad - Real Estate Department (16). c) Long Island Lighting Company - Executive Headquarters (17). Institutional Two agencies were contacted regarding total hospital acreage figures for Nassau and Suffolk. a) The Long Island Health and Hospital Planning Council (169). b) The New York State Department of Health - Comprehensive Planning Section (170). In addition, a number of hospital administrators were contacted in order to determine specific individual hospital acreage figures (18-28). 1-15 1.2.4 Determination of Land Use Mix As noted previously, the Land Use Classification Table (Table 1-1) from the 1966 Existing Land Use Survey did not precisely fit the needs of this study. In developing a Re- vised Land Use Classification Table (Table 1-2) for this ~'eport, several factors came into play. The first and most important factor involved th? significance of each particular land use in terms of waste generation. Industrial Grouping, it was decided to manufacturing categories since each one For example, under the list eighteen specific generated its own set of unique waste products. In comparison, the Institutional Grouping contains only four specific categories. The first three categories are Schools, Colleges/Universities and Hospitals. The fourth category consolidates the dozens of other Institutional uses (i.e., libraries, police stations, municipal buildings, etc.) that generally produced waste loads and, therefore, were not considered to for the purposes of this study. insignificant be important The second factor to be considered involved the avail- ability of accurate information. If acreage figures were not available directly from a report or other document, then alternate information sources were considered. If a particular land use was considered to be a significant waste producer, every effort was made to determine its relative distribution within its Grouping. If this was not possible, the only alternative was 1-17 Sheet 2 ol 2 TABLE 1-2 REVISED LAND USE CLASSIFICATION grouping category Utilities: Generating stations Power lines Raih'oads Airports 0 t her Inst itut iona 1: Schools Colleges and universities Ilospitals Other Open Space: Parks municipally Parks federal, state county-owned Conservation areas Golf courses Roadways Agriculture: Nurseries (b) Greenhouses (b) Potato farms Other vegetable farm~ Sod larm8 Duck farms Poultry farms Other Water: Inland Tidal (including wetlaads not in "Open Space") FOOTNOTES: (a) (b) Suffolk County only The only significant agricultural activities in Nassau County 1-19 1.3 Development of Discharges for Each ~und Use Category 1.3.1 Sewage Residential It was and manuals determined through a review of several text books (34, 35, 37, 38) that the composition of domestic ~ewage is fairly uniform regardless of population density. The constituents of domestic sewage are ilIustrated in Table 1-3. For the purposes of this study, only the following six constituents are considered to be important. 500 mg/1 200 mg/1 200 rog/1 500 rog/1 40 rog/1 10 rog/1 Total dissolved solids Total suspended solids BOD5, 20°C COD Total nitrogen Total phosphorus chosen since The medium concentration factor for each has been it was assumed this approach would be more reasonable than us ing the strong or weak figures for each component. An average discharge rate of 60 gallons/capita/day was selected as a reasonable figure to use for the purposes of this study. Although average design figures usually approach or exceed 100 gallons/capita/day, this usually represents n peak use condition. A review of actual metered flows revealed that a more realistic figure to use would be 60 gallons/capita.' day. This information is ultimately converted into per acre'year generation figures per Residential Grouping for each of the selected sewage components. 1-21 TABLE 1-3 TYPICAL COMPOSITION OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE (TABLE 7-3 OF REFERENCE 37) Constituent Strong Medium Weak mg/liter Phosphorus (total as P) 20 10 6 Organic 5 3 2 Inorganic 15 7 4 Chlorides* lO0 50 30 Alkalinity (as CaCO)* 200 100 50 Grease 150 100 50 * Values should be increased by amount in carriage water ** mi/liter 1-23 Utilities Two of the five categories (Power Stations and Railroads) within the Utilities Grouping produce measurable quantities of domestic sewage (70, 128). The remaining three categories (Powerlines, Airports and Other) are considered to have zero ~ewage discharge rates (69). Of the two categories that produce domestic sewage, Power Stations generate less sewage than Railroads. It was determined that the rate and composi- tion of Power Station sewage is similar to sewage generated by Parks and Golf Courses. The same per capita generation rate has been used (15 gcd) discussed in Determining generation and the composition is not unlike that Railroads are a specialized type of use. rates could not be accomplished through a standardized procedure. Instead, it was first determined how many railroad cars operate on a daily basis (800) and how many individuals are served daily (150,000). ~nsed on this information, some assumptions were made as to the daily sewage generation rates and from these statistics, per acre year figures were derived. Institutional Each of the four categories included within this Grouping generates measurable quantities of sewage effluent. The four categories are schools, colleges/universities and hospitals and other uses. It was determined that the same per capita 1-25 generation rate of 15 gallons per capita/day was found to be applicable (75, 77-83). Likewise, the sewage composition is similar to such non-residential categories as parks and rail- roads (~6). It should also be noted that the number ol people per acre accomodated by each category was found to vary considerably. Industrial The Industrial Grouping is divided into twenty separate categories, all but two involve a manufacturing process of some type. Although the industrial effluent of each category may differ, the domestic sewage generation rate and composition of each is relatively the same. It has been determined that 15 gcd is a reasonable figure to apply to this grouping and the respective densities for each county have been calculated to be 24.5 employees/acre for Nassau and 13.9 employees/acre for Suffolk (84, 87). Water The Water Grouping consists of three categories; inland lakes and streams, tidal water areas and tidal wetlands. The only category that produces any sewage effluent is the tidal waters category, by virtue of the boating activity surrounding Long Island. Sewage effluent from boats is difficult to determine accurately because of the mobile nature of the activity. A survey of the Great South Bay has revealed that 1-27 TAELE 1-4 NASSAU COUNTY ~PICAL COMPOSITION OF ORDINARY REFUSE (REFERENCE 40 - Nassau County) Category Weight Percent Card board Newspapers Misc. papers Plastic film Leather, molded 'plastic and rubber Garbage Grass, leaves, dirt Text i les Wood Glass. ceramics Meta llics and' stone 7 15 25 2 3 12 12 3 3 10 8 100 1-29 park facilities. The manner in which a golf course is utilized, however, differs somewhat from the way in which a park is generally used. Solid waste generation figures as well as usage figures were obtained from actual golf course operations (59, 143). From this 677 lbs/acre/year was reasonable. Both the waste was areas. data a solid waste generation rate of calculated and was determined to be composition of park and golf course solid determined to be similar to that produced in residential utilities As with sewage, two of the five categories (Power Stations and Railroads) with the Utilities Grouping produce measurable quantities of solid waste (67, 70, 135). The remaining three categories (Powerlines, Airports and Other) are considered to have zero discharge rates (67, 69). Of the two categories that produce solid waste, it was found that railroads generate more than power stations. This conclusion was based on an analysis of the operation of one LILCO plant which produced approximately 420 lbs of solid waste per acre/year. This appeared to be a reasonable average figure to use for power stations in each county. The amount of solid waste generated by railroads was determined by making a number of assumptions. First, the number of cars utilized per day and the number of passengers serviced were studied. It was then determined that a reasonable per passenger generation rate was 1./2 lb per passenger per week 1-31 TABLE 1-5 SUFFOI,K COUNTY INSTITUTIONAL SOLID WASTE CO~IPOSITION (Ref. 39 - Suffolk County) Item Percent Garbage Rubbish Bulky Junk Demo. ~iateria 1 Incinerator Residue Paper and Cardboard et her Tota 1 28 5 14 5 11 5 19 0 12 5 13 5 10 5 100 1-33 29,336 lbs/acre/year, marine 36,000 lbs/acre/year, commercial recreation - 34,000 lbs/acre/year. Industrial All of the Industrial categories generate solid waste. The industrial solid waste products that are not handled by average collection procedures will be discussed in Section 2.3.9. The composition of "normal" industrial solid waste is described in Table 1-6. This description applies to both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. However, as would be expected, the genera- tion rates differ between Nassau and Suffolk, with Nassau having the higher rate. This conclusion is based exclusively on the information that is contained in the solid waste studies for Nassau and Suffolk Counties (39, 40). Water Based on an analysis of the water categories, it was determined that the amount of solid waste generated was neg- ligible. Only one category, tidal waters, was determined to produce any solid waste at all. It was felt, upon further analysis, that boating enthusiasts deposit solid waste within shore receptacles. It has been assumed, therefore, that the solid waste generated by boats has already been included in one or more of the previously discussed categories (i.e., Open Space, Commercial). 1-35 1.3.3 Stormwater Runoff The fraction of the total rainfall that does not percolate into thc, subsoil, but runs (~'i', is essentially determined by the degree to which the land has been covered by impermeable surfaces, namely buildings, streets, roadways and parking lots. Clearly, this is a phenomenon of human settlement and urbani- zation. However, the approach taken here is to estimate the percentage of impermeable surface associated with each type of land use. Then, the distribution of land use, i.e., the number of acres in a given area assigned to "paved" and "non-paved" uses will automatically generate runoff rates which will be lower in agricultural areas, for instance, than in high density residential ones. Studies indicate that 100% of rainfall runs off impermeable areas, and that, for unpaved areas, 50% of rainfall is lost to evapotranspiration, 45% percolates into the subsoil and 5% runs off (42, 72, 76). Using these figures in conjunction with an average annual rainfall value, and the percentages of impermeable surface discussed above, it is a straightforward matter to compute stormwater runoff flows, per acre per year, for each type of land use. In this study, we are not so much interested in the total flow of stormwater, as in the pollutants it carries. However, there is a paucity of such information available today. This 1-37 TA BI,E 1-? STOR.~I ~¥ATER RUNOFF CONSTITUENTS (Reference 42) ~onst ituent Lbs/Acre/Year BOD COD Total Solids Volatile Solids NaC1 Lead phosphorus Suspended Solids 84 1,040 15,900 1,730 73 3.4 1.9 0 1-39 TABLE 1-8 Pollutant FLUE GAS EMISSIONS FROM DOMESTIC HEATERS (Nassau and Suffolk Counties) Oil-Fired Gas-Fired Lbs/1,000 Lbs/Million Gallons Cubic Ft Lbs/D.U ·/Year Particulates Sulfur oxides Carbon monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitroge~ oxides ^ldehydes Other organics 10 19 144 0 o6 5 20 3 8 12 50 2 10 14.2 192.7 7.5 4.3 18.1 3.1 <0.1 1-41 Pollut:tnt Part icu la 6e.q Sulfur Oxidos Carbon Mort oxido Hydrocarbon:; Nitrogen Oxides A l'de hy dos OrF~anics 1,256.9 8,586_5 26.5 168.3 4,327~9 61o9 0.8 1-45 1.3.5 Motor Vehicle Emissions Residential Automobile emissions are a significant Residential grouping. factor in the The gaseous components present in automobile exhausts that are considered pollutants are carbon r~onoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and unburnt hydrocarbons (H/C). Based on a Public Health Service study which assumes that the pollution control capabilities of automobile engines will continue to improve (41), the following emission rates are expected to occur by 1985. Grams/Vehicle Mile Ur ban Rura 1 Hydrocarbons 3.71 2.18 CO 25.7 10.7 NOx 7.08 8.27 In order to obtain an estimate of vehicle emissions in residential areas, it was assumed that low density areas and areas o_ 0-1 dwelling unitsZacre can be considered rural and higher densities can be considered urban. ing numbers of automobiles per household were reasonable. Next, the follow- judged to be Low Density 0-1 D.U.'s/acre 2-4 D.U.'s/acre 5-10 D.U.'s/acre High Density 2 cars/household 2 cars/household 1-1 1/2 cars/household 1-1 ]/2 cars/household 1 car/household 1-47 figures. In 1985 the vehicle-miles travelled on major high- ways in Nassau County will be 7,453,100 re%les or 1,237 vehicle miles/acre and in Suffolk County, 14,412,700 miles or 654 vehicle miles/acre. Having established the number of vehicle miles to be expected per acre/year in each county in 1985, the numbers of lbs/acre/year of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and NOx that would be generated can be computed. These values are listed in Table 1-10. Utilities Only the railroads category within this grouping produces any vehicular emissions of consequence. Ail of the emissions are caused by diesel powered locomotives and the components of these emissions are carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulates, hydrocarbons, aldehydes and organic acids (43). Based on 1974 data that was available (135), it was found that during a typical weekday, diesel locomotives accounted for 25% of all passenger miles travelled. percentage rose to 31%. Freight traffic powered but the number of freight trains the number At weekends, the is entirely diesel is small compared to of passenger trains, 30 compared to 718. During 1974, the LIRR consumed approximately 9,524,000 gallons of diesel fuel. This amounts to 4,740 gallons/acre/year. Table 1-il lists the amounts of each pollutant generated by diesel locomotives in lbs/1,O00 gallons of diesel fuel consumed. 1-49 TABLE 1-11 ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS FROM DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES Pollutant I,bs/1,000 Gallons Particulates 25 Sulfur Oxides 65 Carbon Monoxide 70 HydrocarSons 50 Nitrogen Oxides 75 Aldehydes 4 O~ganic Acids 7 1-51 1.3.6 Fertilizer Losses Residential Fertilizer loss in residential areas would, of course, vary somewhat depending on the amount of impermeable surface involved per acre. Natural areas do not generally receive fertilizer treatments and, therefore, fertilizer loss from such areas was considered to be negligible. In any event, it was determined that an average total loss of nutrients in lbs/acre/year approximates the following: 26 lbs N, 16 lbs P, ll lbs K (45). This loss occurs through runoff and soil absorp- tion, unfortunately no estimates are available pertaining to loss from runoff alone. A search of existing literature did not reveal any information concerning fertilizer loss in resi- dential areas, instead the aforementioned estimates were derived from conversations with the staff of the Suffolk County Dep~rt- ment of Environmental Control. Agriculture Of all the land uses considered, produces the greatest fertilizer loss, the Agriculture grouping as would be expected. The Agriculture grouping, as noted previously, contains eight categories. Three of those categories produce no fertilizer loss of any significance, namely duck farms, poultry farms, and other agricultural uses. The other categories were found to produce varying amounts of fertilizer loss. based on conversa- tions with several individuals, at the S~ffolk County 1-53 fertilizer used in potato operations loss, although not important to this to be 100 lbs/acre/year. is 8 ~16/8. Potassium study, was calculated Nu~ ~eries and greenhouses present a much different picture than the other categories within the Agriculture grouping. It was found through discussions with operators of typical facili- ties (57, 58) that the fertilizer loss from these operations were very low compared to sod and potato farms, for example. This has been attributed to the glass enclosure, and, therefore, the high degree of housekeeping possible with greenhouse opera- tions. It may also be attributed to the high degree of fertilizer uptake associated with both greenhouse and nursery facilities. One operator of a 90,000 sq ft greenhouse (57) uses about 11,000 lbs of fertilizer containing 15% nitrogen and 20% phosphorus. This is equivalent to 798 lbs/acreZyear of nitrogen. A typical fertilizer formulation used in nurseries contains 20G of nitrogen. Based on a quoted figure (58) of 1,000 lbs of fertilizer used per year on a 1 1/2 acre plot, this gives a nitrogen applicalion rate of 133 lbs/acre"year. It is estimated that the nitrogen uptake in the finished crop is 95%, i.e., 6.7 lbs of nitrogen are lost to the environment per acre'~year. Other vegetable crops grown in the Bi-County area bmsically generate the same amount of fertilizer loss. Three of these crops (cauliflower, corn and strawberries) are presented in 1-55 TABI,E FERTILIZER USAGES AND LOSSES FOR VARIOUS CROPS Crop Fertilizt, r Application Rate as Lbs Nitrogen Per Acre/Year Typical Nutrient Loss in Fertilizer Lbs/Acre/Year Formulation used* N P K Sod 260 16/8/8 52 26 26 Potatoes 200 8/16/8 100 200 100 Greenhouse 798 15/20/15 8 10.7 8 Nursery 133 20/20/20 6.7 6.7 6.7 Cauliflower 70 6/12/6 35 70 35 Corn 90 10/10/10 36 36 36 Strawberries 40 10/6/4 20 12 8 * These numbers are the percent by weight of nitrogen, phos- phorus, and potassium, always in that order. 1-57 1.3.7 Agricultural Wastes This particular waste type involves only the Agricultural grouping. There are two basic kinds of agricultural wastes, animal wastes and solid wastes. Each is described separately as follows. Animal Wastes Three categories of agricultural activity are included here, namely duck farms, poultry farms, and dairy and livestock farms. Since the impact of animal wastes, especially those derived from duck farms, were expected to be significant, a substantial amount of information was compiled about this particular waste type (48, 49, 53, 94, 96, 163, 164, 166). It was first deter- mined how many animals per acre were accomodated within each category. The number of ducks per acre was found to be con- siderably higher than the number of animals per acre in the other two categories. It was learned that, generally, the ducks go through :.n eight month raising season and that 10% of them are retained as breeder stock for the remaining four months. The typical components of duck waste and the waste associated with the other animals in question was determined through literature research, and the specific quantities produced of each component were calculated and are listed in Table 1-12. The five major components are BOD, COD, Total Solids, Total Nitrogen and P205. 1-59 TABLE 1-13 WASTE GENERATION RATES FOR DUCK, PO[II,TRY AND DAIRY FARMS Duck Pollutant Farms POU 11¢b4 'Acre/Year Poultry Dniry and Live~t(~(.k Farms Fa rms BOD 44,450 10,150 1,050 COD * 11,200 2,025 Total Solids 289,600 33,500 5,235 Total Nitrogen 10,750 18,700 5,035 P205 17,700.* 1,320 140 * Not readily available ** Total phosphorus 1-61 TABI~ 1-14 AGRICULTURAI, SOLID WASTE GENERATION RATES Lbs ,/Ac I'o./Yo a r Sod Potato Green- Farms Farms houses Nurseries Other Veg. ~letal 2 2 2 1 2 Glass 6 6 6 3 6 Plastic 3 3 3 1.5 3 Paper, etc. 3 3 3 1.5 3 Prunings, etc. - 2,000 4~000 5,000 Soil, etc. - 700 - - - 1-63 1.3.8 The atmospheric and will be considered to be and will not Power Station Emissions thermal discharges from power stations emanating from lndividnal point sonrct.s. be averaged over tile entire Utilities acreage. Information on existing power plants is available in federal, state and county publications (63, 64, 65, 66). These provide detailed information on the fossil-fueled conventional thermal plants now in operation, including average annual oper3t- ing hours, annual fuel consumption rates, annual discharge rates of atmospheric pollutants, and average cooling water flow rates. Some computation was required to determine the temperature rise in the cooling water, and the annual heat discharge rate. This is done from the figures on plant heat rates, quoted as BTU/KWH in Reference 63. Information on all the other power plants in the Bi-County area was obtained from the environmental report prepared by Long Island Lighting Company for the construction permit applicatioq for the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station (171). This provided sufficient data to show that the gas-turbine and diesel-engine plants contribute negligible amounts of air pollutants compared to the fossil-fueled steam plants. The stated capacities for the nuclear power stations permitted the computation of the annual heat releases in the cooling w~ter discharged, assuming a plant. based on their operating 100~ of the time, and thermal efficiency somewhat lower than the newest 1-65 steam Non-Manufacturing It was determined that, beyond the waste products already discussed in 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3, there are no additional significant pollutive discharges associated with non- manufacturing establishments. Mining Mining operations are similar to non-manufacturing uses in that they also produce no significant pollutive discharges. 1-67 TA~I,E 1-15 Pollutant BOD Suspended Solids COD Dissolved Solids Total Solicb; Total I[j el d;;hl-N AIlIIIIO 11 i a - N Nitr;tte-N Total Phozphor u~ Grease & Oil Sulfate Sur fact nil t2 ~ Cadmium C hr ola i um( t o t a 1 ) Copper Iron (Fem~ic) Lead Manganese Nickel Silver Zinc Al'scnJ c Ti tanium Cyanide Bar i um Fluorine 7403 1.2 1.5 8.0 1.7 2O .13 .15 557.0 786 13 .01 61.6 5.5 17.5 2.5 .6 1.0 3.7 3.6 .01 .04 0.31 0.76 23 21 .02 .15 9 .1 .3 .15 0.d 0.8 '1-69 Paper and Allied Products Industrial operations in this category on Long Island generate mainly high BOD, oil and grease, and COD. However, heavy metals, such as copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and iron have been identified. Printing and Publishing Most companies in this field generate COD, phenols, cyanide, and toxic heavy metals, includ- ing silver, cadmium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, and lead. Chemicals and Allied Products The companies in the chemical category manufacture a wide range of potential pollutants, particularly organic compounds. arsenic, heryllium, are found. In addition, BOD, COD, nitrites, titanium and sundry heavy metals Petroleum Refining and Related Industries The drips and drains around petroleum and fuel storage and transfer stations are believed to make a significant contribution to stormwater contamination, but no specific data is available. No other pollutive discharges have been identified from this source. 1-71 from this category, including gold, rubidium, and cobalt in addition to the commoner metals. Also found are surfactants, bromine, nitrates, nitrites, cyanides, sodium, and grease and oil. boron, potassium, Transportation Equipment No significant pollutive identified. discharge has been Instruments Heavy metals are the major possible pollutants from this category. COD and fluorides have also been identified. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries No significant pollutive discharge has been identified. 1-73 Specific data was available from the Harbor Master of the Town of Huntington (116) regarding the number of boats which use Huntington Harbor and Bay on a regular basis. According fo the Harbor Master~ 300 motorboats use the immediate area regularly. Approximately 30% or 90 are used exclusively for fishing, the remainder 210 are used for a variety of recreational purposes. A number of reasonable assumptions were then made regarding the manner in which these boats are used and the amount of fuel they consume. Research indicated that boats used exclusively for fishing generally use less fuel than those used for other recreational activities (i.e., water skiing, pleasure boating, etc.) (137, 156, 159). This led to the following estimates: boats used for fishing exclusively - 30 gallons per week from May to September and 15 gallons during March, April and October, boats used for other recreational purposes - 45 gallons per week from May through September and 20 gallons per week during March, April and October. This yields a total annual fuel consumption per boat of 1,140 gallons for recreational use and 780 gallons for fishing use. Multiplying these figures by the number of boats pre- viously mentioned, a figure of 309,600 gallons is arrived at of fuel used per year by boats which utilize Huntington Harbor. Assuming that 10% of this fuel is spilled (113), we can assume 1-75 that approximately 30,406 gallons are discbarged annually into the waters of Huntington Bay and associated harb,~rs and bays. Noting that the extent of this area is 8,160 acres, the spillage can thus be defined as 38 gallons/acre/year. Spilled fuel can be considered to be regular gasoline wit~ about 2% of ].ubricating oil. This is representative oI outboard motor fuel, but for the purposes of this repol't, it will be used for inboard motors as well. In addition to fuel spillage, there are exhaust emissions to be considered. Marine motors discharge just under or just above the water surface and the emissions affect the waters immediately adjacent to the boats. The products of combustion (43) are listed in Table 1-16 and the fuel consumption rate is 34.2 gallons/acre/year, being 90% of the total, the remainder being spilled. 1-77 Once the various generation rates were determined for each category, weighled averages were calculated for each grouping. Th~s was done by simply multiplying the applicable land use mix percentages by the category generation rates. The results are presented in lbs/acre/year in Section 3.0. Usually the method of presentation is on a County basis, however, in several instances figures are presented on a Bi-County basis. 1-79 2. CRITIQUE OF METHODOLOGIES 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 ~cope The work reported on here is Task 2, Work Element 2 of she Coastal Zone Management project of the Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board. This work element pertains to identifying and quantifying the waste generation characteristics of each of the types of land use included in the Board's 1985 Land Use Plan. 2.1.2 Report Format The report is divided 1. 2. 3. into three sections, Methodologies Critique of Methodologies Data for Nassau-Suffolk Coastal Zone name ly: Management This, the second section, reviews the methodologies described in the first section, and essays judgments on their "transferability", i.e., to what extent they are valid for the Long Island area, only, and to what extent they are univers- ally applicable. 2-1 2.2.1 Residential The five Residential Groupings formulated as follows: Low Density (Suffolk County only) 0-1 D.U.'s/acre 2-4 D.U.'s/acre 5-10 D.U.'s/acre High Density by NSRPB are Many areas located within the Coastal Zones throughout the United States would have no need for the Low Density Grouping as defined by the NSRP. Likewise, certain Coastal areas might find a need to define High Density housing as anything exceeding 20 or 25 D.U.'s per acre, rather than as exceeding 10 D.U.'s per acre as defined by the NSRPB. The percentage land use distribution of the five Residential Groupings appears to be representative of most ex-urban areas except that an excessive number of acres may be included in the Low Density Grouping. 2-3 natural factors. In some coastnl areas, the major crop might be corn or cranberries, for example. It is doubtful if the ultimate waste products will be much different regardless of crop ype, but it is a factor to consider. 2-5 2.2.4 Utilities The Utilities Grouping is divided into five categories; Generating Stations, Powerlines, Railroads, Airports and Other. There are a variety of uses included in the Other category which were not listed individually because specific acreage ~igures were not available for them. The remaining categories are generally applicable to other coastal areas, except that, in some cases railroads, may occupy less land area than in Nassau/Suffolk. Airport acreage might also be quite different if a major airport facility happens to be located in a specific area. Powerlines and generating stations, on the other hand. would generally be tied to population levels. Generally, the land use mix within the Utilities Grouping would appear to be applicable to most other coastal areas. 2-7 2.2.6 Commercial There are seven categories within the Commercial Group- ing; Hotels and Motels, Regional Shopping Centers, Retail and Service. Auto, Marine, Recreational, Office. The primary reason why seven categories have been presented is simply that ~;pecific acreage figures were available for each category. Unexpectedly, the waste generation rates of the seven categories were found to differ considerably on a per acre basis. There- fore, rather than being redundant, the establishment of the seven categories proved to be a valid exercise. In terms of land use mix within the Commercial Grouping, the percentage distribution within the Bi-County area appears to be fairly standard. Over one-half of the commercial acreage is in the form of retail and service establishments. The rest of the commercial acreage is fairly evenly divided among the rest of the categories, except that commercial recreational uses consume slightly more acreage than the rest. Generally, the Commercial Grouping mix is representative of commercial uses found in other coastal areas. The percentage distribution of this mix also appears to be representative. 2-9 2.2.8 Water The Water Grouping is divided into three categories; Inland Lakes and Streams, Tidal Waters and Tidal Wetlands. All coastal areas will generally accomodate the same three categories. In terms of percentage mix, the tidal waters ,~ategory will usually be substantially greater in land area than the other two. The extent to which this is true, however, depends on how the tidal water limits are defined. Also it should be noted that the extent of tidal wetlands will differ from one geographic area to another, depending on the local demand for housing, and the consequent encroachment on the wetlands by developers. 2-11 is great because of the enormous quantities involved. Except in underdeveloped, underpopulated areas, sanitary sewage will continue to be the item of major concern. Agriculture Sanitary sewage from agricultural activities was considered to be insignificant in the Bi-County area. This should also be true in other agricultural areas since population densities rarely, if ever, approach the level at which sanitary sewage becomes a concern. Open Space Only two of the four Open Space categories (Parks and Golf Courses) produce significant levels of sanitary sewage. As noted previously, the sewage generation rates of individual park sites vary considerably, but, using the per acre attendance figures of the Long Island State Park Commission, we arrived at a reasonable per acre generation figure. The Long Island Park System consists of a variety of parks, some of which are inten- sively utilized and others less so. In calculating a domestic sewage generation rate for a particular park system (which, of course, excludes conservation acreage), it should be determined if it is comparable to.the Long Island system. That is, does it contain a variety of park sites or are most of the facilities of one type. In any event, for a given attendance per acre, a generation rate of 15 gallons per capitaZday appears to be a reasonable figure to use to calculate a specific rate. 2-13 The composition of the sewage from both power stations and railroads is similar to that generated by open space facilities and would not be expected to change regardless of location. Generally, the sewage generation rate presented for the Utilities Grouping is applicable beyond the limits of the Bi-County area. Institutional Ail four categories within this Grouping generate sub- stantial amounts of sewage effluent. It was determined that, because of student density differences, the sewage generation rate for schools was higher in Nassau than Suffolk. This would probably hold true for other geographic areas, which con- rain similar development patterns. The sewage rates of colleges/universities and hospitals are based on actual metered flows, and there is no reason to believe that these two land use types would differ in opeartion if fourth category includes a variety of are similar to the other three located elsewhere. The Institutional uses which in terms of sewage generation. The sewage composition of all four categories is similar to residential sewage as previously described. In terms of environmental significances, the per acre generation rate of the Institutional Grouping is significant. The generation rate established for the Institutional Grouping in 3.6.3 is generally applicable to other geographic areas and can be used accordingly. 2-15 determined. The Nassau County figures can be considered typical of an area with modest industrial development and no heavy industry. The Suffolk County figures can be used for areas having less development still. The composition of the sewage is similar to other non- residential areas as previously described. The environmental significance of these discharges can be considered to be moderately important. In comparison to some of the discharges resulting directly from certain industrial processes, the sanitary discharges appear to be relatively unimportant. Water Only one of the Water Grouping generates a survey that identified the South Bay area, figures were the three categories (Tidal waters) within any sewage effluent. Based on number of boats in the Great developed which represented average sewage generation rates. The assumptions that were made on a per boat basis were reasonable and can be considered applicable to other geographic areas, except that seasonal conditions should be considered in determining degree of beat- ing activity. In terms of sewage generated per acre/year, the figures are somewhat less applicable, because of the wide differences in numbers of boats per acre that can be expected in other localities. 2-17 2.3.2 Solid Waste Residential The amount of solid waste generated by the five Resi- dential Groupings can be considered fairly standard. The data that was used to develop the per acre year generation rates for each Grouping originated in two studies pertaining to the two counties. Solid Waste production within a resi- dential area is dependent on population levels. Regional differences do not appear to affect the rate of generation. It should certainty, to decline below the be noted, however, that in times of economic un- the amount of refuse produced might be expected levels presented in this report. The composition of residential solid waste is also fairly standard, consisting of a variety of items normally associated with household activities. Some minor variations might be expected in selected geographic locations, but, generally, the composition of solid waste as presented in this report is applicable to other areas as well. In terms of the environ- mental significance of this waste type, the impact can be considerable depending on the method of disposal involved. Agricultural The population density in agricultural areas is so low, that the generation rate of domestic solid waste (like that of sanitary sewage) is considered to be negligible. 2-19 remaining land uses comprised in the Utilities grouping are water rights-of-way, bus and truck terminals, and tele- communications sites. When considering the numbers of people employed in these activities, and the total areas involved, the average solid waste generation rate can be considered negligible. All of these remarks are valid, regardless of geographical location. The only foreseeable change would occur if the rail- road, elsewhere, had passenger-carrying characteristics sub- stantial different from those of the L.I.R.R. Institutional Much of the data for this grouping came from studies specific to each of the two counties. The two reports did not follow the same pattern, and it was sometimes to apply Suffolk data to Nassau institutions, and Consequently, the data developed in this report is necessary vice versa. a synthesis. The transferability of this data depend very much on how similar those areas are County region, in terms of numbers and sizes of to other areas would to the Bi- schools. universities, hospitals, etc. It seems rather unlikely that such a similarity could occur. However, solid waste genera- tion rates for individual establishments are probably quite representative, and could be used with caution. 2-21 2.3.3 Stormwater Runoff As stated in Section 1.3.3, this is a topic of great interest, and many studies can be expected to be published in the f',ture. In the light of those studies, some of the conclusions drawn in this particularly with respect runoff from various types report may have to be revised, to the actual composition of the of land use. Insofar as flow rates of runoff are concerned, future work may disclose a different correlation between the amount of rainfall and the ratio of impermeable to permeable surface used here, i.e., 100% runoff from paved areas and 5% runoff from unpaved areas. It is to be hoped that future studies will actually quantify the flow rates from different land uses. The procedure used in this report, of relating the paving ratio of a particular land use to an equivalent residential density is subject to question. Any runoff rates developed here can be applied elsewhere only with the greatest caution, even where the rainfall is similar to Long Island. The environmental effects of stormwater runoff are considerable. It is a non-point source, difficult to handle and control, and contributing large pollution loads st the points of discharge. 2-23 2.3.5 Motor Vehicle Emissions The acreages devoted to residential use Use Plan include local streets and roadways, in the 1985 Land the Open Space groupin~ includes main highways, and the Utilities grouping includes railroads. All other groupings are considered negligible generators of motor vehicle emissions, either by reason of minor or zero population densities, or by reason of their manner of use, i.e., the public simply drives into the spaces provided and parks there. (Diesel locomotives are considered motor vehicles in this report.) It should be pointed out that, for simplicity, all street areas were included in the residential categories, and not distributed betn~een the groupings. Taking this into account. the above judgments are reasonable, and applicable everywhere. Emissions per vehicle-mile are studies, projected into the future, urban and rural locations. Figures available from federal and differentiated between for vehicle-miles driven on main highways are available from government publications also. but these are applicable elsewhere only with great caution, since they obviously depend on the degree of land occupancy and development in the area. In order to obtain vehicle-miles for residential areas, a reasonable pattern of vehicle use had to be synthesized. This can be subject to criticism, and should be applied elsewhere only with caution. 2-25 2.3.6 Fertilizer Losses, Agricultural and Lawn The amounts of fertilizer taken up into crops sumably a function of plant growth. Some qunntity zer is required over and above the amount taken up, to ensure adequate application. washed away by rainfall. is pre- of [ertili- in order This excess amount is then Since farmers everywhere probably aim for the same optimum amount of plant growth, the amount of fertilizer taken up by a particular crop is probably the same, and the amount lost to runoff would appear to depend on the local rainfall. Therefore, when considering the transfer of the data in this report to another locality, attention must be paid to two things. First, if the rainfall differs markedly from Long Island's, the amount of fertilizer washed away will be different. Second, if the types of crop differ markedly from those grown on Long Island, the amounts taken up will differ, and the whole pattern of fertilizer application will differ. The same comments hold generally true for lawns, including residential areas, parks and golf courses. However, the primary difference between localities will probably be due to rainfall. 2-27 2.3.8 Power Station Emissions These have been treated in this report as point sources. That is to say, the atmospheric and thermal discharges from power s+ations have not been averaged over the total area occupied. Consequently, for a station of a given power out- put, the discharge rates of atmospheric pollutants and heated cooling water are roughly comparable for all power stations of similar type and age. Certain basic facts should be pointed out: a) Fossil-fueled stations have higher thermal efficiencies than the usual type of nuclear station, which employs a light boiling water reactor. They, therefore, discharge less heat for the same power generation rate. b) New fossil-fueled stations have higher thermal efficiencies than older ones, because of im- proved engineering design and lack of wear. in equipment, c) Power stations of exactly the same size and thermal efficiency can circulate cooling water at a lower flow rate and higher temperature rise, or at a higher flow rate and lower temperature rise. Both have advantages and disadvantages in the environmental sense. 2-29 2.3.9 Industrial Discharges Notes on the types of discharge to be expected from various kinds of industrial enterprise are given in Section 1.3.9. These notes are generally true, regardless of locality. However, as far as rates of discharge are concerned, the values developed in this report cannot be transferred. To achieve transferability, the discharge rates of specific pollutants from a specific type of industrial activity should be related to a definite production rate, e.g., x lbs of pollutant y per ton of product per day. Unfortunately, it proved impossible to obtain information in this degree of detail, both because of the large number of companies involved, and the reticence of their representatives. 2-31 various 1.3.9. However, 2.3.9 Industrial Discharges Notes on the types of discharge to be expected from kinds of industrial enterprise are given in Section These notes are generally true, regardless of as far as rates of discharge are concerned, the ~i~:. developed in this report cannot be transferred. To ach~tve transferability, the discharge rates of specific pollut?~s from a specific type of industrial activity should be t(% a definite production rate, e.g., x lbs of ~ollutant per ton of product per day. Unfortunately. it proved to obtain information in this degree of detail, both of the large number of companies involved, and the ret~ce~, ~. of their representatives. 2-31 2.4 Comments on Weighted Averaging The methods followed in this report to obtain weighted average waste loads per acre for each land use grouping are generally valid, regardless of locality. Whatever weaknesses there may be in the values so obtained are due not to the ~ethod, but to the availability and reliability of the basic information. 2-33 3. DATA DEVELOPED FOR THE NASSAU-SUFFOLK 1985 LAND-USE PLAN 3.1 In'-roduction 3.1.1 Scope In this part of the report, the methodologies described in Part 1 are applied to Nassau and Suffolk Counties. This is done in order to develop the waste generation character- istics of each of the land uses identified in the 1985 Land Use Plan of the Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board (NSRPB). 3-1 FIGURE 3 - I h NASSAU-SUFFOLK EEGIONAL PLANNING BOARD COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT JANUARY 197.5 H2M CORP~OL2M/Z, CH{ ~ M,L~ ND()N ,md MUlcH[ L'. MLIVll L, r~ , · ENVIRONMENIAL ENC, INEEFt% ,~ndSCIENTISTS NEV~I,,h h 3-2A For the residential areas, the average number of persons per acre was needed. However, the other land uses are clearly fairly broad groupings of diverse activities, and more in."~rmation was required concerning these. Table 3-1 was intended for this purpose, but it treats "Residential" as one land-use grouping, and identifies "Roadways" as another. (In the Furthermore, "categories", Table 3-1 is 1985 plan, Roadways are included in Open Space.) by breaking down the land use "groupings" into and then into sub categories called "details", unnecessarily complicated. Consequently, a new simplified list of land use groupings and categories was compiled, as shown in Table 3-2. This has formed the structure of the work described in this report. The first step in this study was to determine land use "mixes", i.e., what percentages of each land use group- ing were de-oted to each of the categories making up the grouping. Section 1.2 describes the procedure in detail. The data available was found in publications of the Federal Government, the Planning Board, and various Long professional and business associations. Much of pertained fo the years 1966 to 1970. However, the land use "mixes" thus established were assumed to hold for the future. Island civic, the data 3-3 Sheet 1 of 3 TABLE 3-1 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION ,$~ouRing Residential Commercial ,,category Residential Hotels-Motels Retail $ Ser- vices Automotive Marine Recreational detail Single Family Two-Family Multi-Family Farm Houses Estates Rooming & Boarding Houses Seasonal Houses Trailers Commercial establishments in which short-te~m lodging is the major business activity- Hotels, Motels, Cabins Establishments whose main pur- pose is the sale or rendering of a personal service on a re- tail level and not listed under "offices" Service Stations Dealers Repair, painting and washing Tire sales Seat cover installation Boat yards and marinas rate) Sales and services Fishery services Boat storage (pri- Amusement parks Beaches and pools (profit oriented) Billiards Bowling Dance (school, hall, studio, etc.) Day camps and nursery schools Miniature golf and driving ranges Theaters - indoor and drive-in Sports arenas, skating rinks Race tracks 3-3A Sheet 3 of 3 TA~E 3-1 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION grouping Institutional (cont'd.) Open Space Roadways Agriculture Water category Public Quasi-Public Public Quasi-Public Roadways Agriculture Inland Tidal detail Municipal buildings Courts Hospitals Post offices Indian reservations Fire stations Churches, convents, seminaries Colleges and universities Nursing and rest homes Schools - parochial and private Synagogues and temples Fraternal organizations Hospitals Beaches and pools Golf courses, conservation and wildlife areas, arboretum Cemeteries Marinas and boat ramps Parks Playgrounds (not school con- nected) Beach clubs, golf clubs, gun clubs Cemeteries, scout camps and all non-profit recreation Streets and parking Parkways Expressways Crop Orchard Poultry and ducks Dairy and livestock Nursery Greenhouse Recharge basins, drainage areas Lakes and inland fresh water South Shore only Channels and bays (excludes Peconic Bay) Wetlands - conservation water areas 3-3C Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 3-2 REVISED LAND USE CLASSIFICATION grouping. Utilities: category Generating stations Power lines Railroads Airports Other Inst itut ional: Schools Colleges and universities Hospitals Other Open Space: Agriculture: Parks - municipally owned Parks federal, state or county-owned Conservation areas Golf courses Roadways Nurseries 2 Greenhouses 2 Potato farms Other vegetable Sod farms Duck farms Poultry farms Other farms Water: FOOTNOTES: Inland Tidal (including wetlands not in "Open Space") 1 2 Suffolk County only The only significant agricultural activities in Nassau County 3-3E 3.1.3 Report Format This is Part 3 of a three-part is a detailed description this s;-,dy, a~d Part 2 is methodologies.. report, of which Part 1 of all the methodologies used in a review and critique of those In Part 3, each of the land-use groupings listed in Table 3-2 is treated in sequence. For each in turn we develop, first, the land-use mix, second the waste discharges per acre per year for each land-use category in the grouping, and for each applicable type of pollutant, and third, the weighted average discharge rates for each type of pollutant. 3-5 acreage (1) of 119,197 yields an average number o[' persons gross acre of 13.0. Thus, the population will be slightly more compact in 1985 than in 1970, which is in line with NSRPB'~ philosophy. In 1966, the utilization factor (actual housing lot acre- age over gross acreage) was 89,701/114,075 ~ 0.786. We, assume that this factor will be the ~ame in 1985, and derive the utilized residential areas projected for 1985 as follows: Dwelling Number of Utilized Acres Units/Acre Acres (1) at 0.786 0-1 30,245 23.773 2-4 17,181 13,504 5-10 63,795 50,143 High Density 7,976 6,269 119,197 93,689 Using a figure of 3.7 persons/household (6), the popula- tions in each category are then developed thus: D.U./Acre Assumed Average Utilized No. of D.U.s D.U./Acre Acres (Household) Population 0-1 0.5 23,773 11,887 43,982 2-4. 2.0 13,504 27,008 99,930 5-10 5.0 50,143 250,715 927,645 1,071,557 The balance of the population, namely 478,443 persons, must, therefore, live in high density housing. At two persons." household (6), this gives 239,221 households, and, on 6,269 acres, the average density is 38.2 households/acre, which is a reasonable figure. 3-7 TABLE 3-3 NASSAU COUNTY RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES IN 1985 Dwelling Units/Acre Popu lat ion Gross Acres* Persons"Gross Acre 0-1 43,982 30,245 1.5 2-4 99,930 17,181 5.8 5-10 927,645 63,795 14.5 High Density 478,443 7,976 60.0 1,550,000 119,197 County-wide average is 13.0 persons/gross acre. * Gross acres are housing lot acreage plus streets and parking. 3-9 Using a figure of 4 persons/household for the lower density categories, and 3.5 persons/household for the 5-10 D.U. /acre category (6), the populations in each category are developed thus: Assumed Average Utilized No. of D.U.s D.U./Acre D.U./Acre Acres (Household) Popu lat ion Low Density 0.25 55,139 13,785 55,139 0-1 0.5 54,645 27,323 109,290 2-4 2.0 100,545 201,090 804,360 5-10 5.0 29,231 146,155 511,542 1,480,331 Therefore, the balance of the population, namely 368,544 persons, must live in high density housing, it having been assumed that none of the seasonal homes fell into this category. At two persons/household (6), this gives 184,271 households, and, on 6,057 acres, the average density is 30.4 households/acre, which is a little lower than the Nassau County figure. Hence, the average number of persons/gross acre in the residential areas of Suffolk County in the 1985 Land Use Plan will be as shown in Table 3-4. The 1985 values of acreage and population in each level of residential density are displayed graphically in Figure 3-3, for both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. 3-11 [-----"] Low ~1 0-10WELLI~ UNIT /ACRES 5-10 ,, ,, HIgH POIIUL~,TION I,~OOAO0 1,000 ~ 0 ,.K 4~.8% ~l.4% HS.4% 3OO,OOO 250,000 200~00 0 ACIII~ IN~t'RI~JTION 2~.4% 40.0% NASS~U-~r~r~OI,.K REOtOMAL PLANNI,M~ BO~O H2M CORP. dANUII~RY 19~/'5 HOLZMACHER.McLENDON and MUFIRELL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS MELVfl_LE. f'l Y NEWTON ,t'J j $~15 Eastern towns. Although the solid waste generation rates pre- sented in the reports differed for each county, the Nassau rate of 7 lbs/capita/day or 2,555 lbs/capita/year for both counties was selected. This is based on the assumption that as resi- dential development increases in the Suffolk County area, the solid waste generation rate will approach that of Nassau County. Table 3-5, derived from Reference 40, presents a detailed breakdown of the composition of ordinary refuse. Table 3-6 provides some idea of the total volume of solid waste that is generated within Nassau County on an annual basis. Street wastes account for 13,724 tons per year, which when divided by the number of street acres and converted to lbs, is 1,130 lbs/acre/year. Using the same methodology for Suffolk County, we arrived at a figure of 375 lbs/acre/year. Each figure when compared to the total amount of solid waste generated per acre/yeer by each county appeared to be insignificant and has, therefore, been disregarded. Stormwater Runoff In assessing the amount of paved area per gross acre of residential area, in accordance with the procedures described in Section 1.3.3, one finds that the values are higher for Suffolk County than for Nassau County. This does not, at first, appear to be reasonable. However, it must be remembered that the total area for streets and parking was added to the resi- dential area, in order to derive the "utilization factor". 3-15 c~ 0 ~E~ 3-56 TABLE 3-27 SUFFOLK COUNTY AGRICULTURAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Fertilizer Loss Solid Waste Pollutant Lbs/Acre/Year Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium 51 96 49 Metal Glass Plastics Paper, etc. Prunings, etc. Soil, etc. 1.3 3.8 1.9 1.9 720 315 3-54 3.3.3 Agricultural Weighted Average Waste Loads Table 3-26 lists, under each category in this grouping, whether or not a given type of pollutant discharge ~as con- sidered significant. Those discharges so considered were included in the weighted averages. Animal wastes have not been included. This class of waste, particularly duck wastes, are known to constitute severe problems in specific localities. If they were averaged over the entire agricultural acreage, their influence would be masked. Animal wastes are best considered as point sources in whichever land use zones such operations are clustered. For per acre/year values, refer to Table 3-25. Table 3-27 presents the computed annual average waste discharge rates for fertilizer loss and solid waste. Sewage and atmospheric emissions were negligible, and the pollutive components of stormwater are to be found in fertilizer loss and animal wastes. 3-52 TABLE 3-25 WASTE GENERATION RATES FOR DUCK, POULTRY AND DAIRY FARMS Pounds,'Acre/Year Duck Poultry Dairy and Livestock Pollutant Farms Farms Farms BOD 44,450 10,150 1.050 COD * 11,200 2,025 Total Solids 289,600 33,500 5,235 Total Nitrogen 10,750 18,700 5,035 P205 17,700.* 1,320 140 * Not readily available ** Total phosphorus 3-50 TABLE 3-24 AGRICUL~RAL SOLID WASTE GENERATION RATES Lbs/Acre/Year Sod Potato Green- Farms Farms houses Nurseries Other Ve$. Metal 2 2 2 1 2 Glass 6 6 6 3 6 Plastic 3 3 3 1.5 3 Paper, etc. 3 3 3 1.5 3 Prunings, etc. - - 2,000 4,000 5,000 Soil, etc. - 700 - - - 3-48 TABLE 3-24 AGRICULTURAL SOLID WASTE GENERATION RATES Lbs/Acre/Year Sod potato Green- Farms Farms houses Nurseries Other YeS. Metal 2 2 2 1 2 Glass 6 6 6 3 6 Plastic 3 3 3 1.5 3 Paper, etc. 3 3 3 1.5 3 Prunings, etc. - 2,000 4,000 5,000 Soil, etc. 700 - - - 3-48 Extensive inquiries and literature searching (45, 49, 51, 54) turned up no explicit measured quantities of pesticides in agricultural runoff and leaching. The possi- bility is Dot to data, pesticides chrrge. be minimized, but in the absence of usable are not included here as a polluting dis- Crop Wastes Solid wastes in agriculture arise from several sources. In crop agriculture, there are leaves, stalks and culls (e.g., defective tomatoes or ears of corn). In potato farm- ing, there is the soil and debris from the potato grading operation, plus, of course, spoiled potatoes. In addition, there are scrap pesticide packaging materials. Pesticides are purchased in a variety of containers, that the total is distributed as follows of pesticide weight: one-sixth in reusable containers one-sixth in 5 gallon metal cans one-sixth in glass bottles one-sixth in plastic bottles one-third in paper or cardboard containers This can be redefined in percentages by weight of scrap material as: 14.3% 42.9% 21.4% 21.4% metal glass plastics paper and cardboard and it is estimated (39), on the basis 3-46 TABLE 3-23 FERTILIZER USAGES AND LOSSES FOR VARIOUS CROPS Crop Fertilizer Typical Nutrient Loss in Application Fertilizer Lbs/Acre/Year Rate as Lbs Formulation Nitrogen Per used* N P K Acre/Year Sod 260 16/8/8 52 26 26 Potatoes 200 8/16/8 100 200 100 Greenhouse 798 15/20/15 8 10.7 8 Nursery 133 20/20/20 6.7 6.7 6.7 Cauliflower 70 6/12/6 35 70 35 Corn 90 10/10/10 36 36 36 Strawberries 40 10/6/4 20 12 8 * These numbers are the percent by weight of nitrogen, phos- phorus, and potassium, always in that order. 3-44 3.3.2 Agricultural Waste Generation Domestic Sewage The number of people living and working in the agricul- tural area~ must clearly yield a population per acre much lower than the sequently, the lng is assumed lowest density of residential land use. Con- domestic sewage load in the agricultural group- to be negligible. Solid Waste Domestic solid waste generation is assumed to gible, for the same reason as for domestic sewage, population density. be negli- i.e., low Stormwater The stormwater runoff from roadways and streets is covered in other sections of this report. Insofar as runoff from agricultural land is concerned, pollutive components carried away in below in the sections on crop wastes it is believed that the the runoff are identified and animal wastes. Space Heating Emissions The population density is low, and, since most space heating would be for residences, the overall emission rate is assumed to be negligible. 3-42 TABLE 3-22 SUFFOLK COUNTY AGRICULTURAL PERCENTAGES Agricultural Use Duck Farms Poultry Farms Greenhouse Operations Nurseries Potato Cropland Other Vegetables Sod Farms Other Percentage of Total Agricultural Acreage 1% 10% <1% 5% 45% lO% 5% 23% 3-40 3.3.1 Determination of Agricultural Land-Use Mix The 1985 Land Use Plan (1) shows no acreage for agri- culture as such in Nassau County. Consequently, no consid- eration is ~iven to Nassau County in this section. However, Suffolk County is quite varied agriculturally. Land devoted to crop, orchard and nursery uses account for more than half of the agricultural acreage in Suffolk County. Dairy, livestock, poultry and ducks account for at least one-quarter of the acreage and greenhouses account for the remainder. The principal crop is the potato, but sod farm- ing is also important. The distribution of agricultural acreage throughout the Suffolk County area is listed in Table 3-21. No attempt was made to determine the acreage figures for each detailed use within the ten Suffolk County Towns since this information was not easily retrieved. Certain general assumptions, however, can be made about the use distribution pattern. The majority of the duck farms are located in the eastern portion of Suffolk, generally along the South Shore or in the vicinity of Peconic Bay. Sod farms are scattered throughout the county and potato farms are located primarily in Riverhead and Southampton. However, all the data was combined into one average distribution for the entire county, and the percentage mix is given in Table 3-22. The same information, but in acres, is displayed in Figure 3-4. 3-38 TABLE 3-20 NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES RESIDENTIAL LAWN FERTILIZER LOSS ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Po 1 lutant Nitrogen 23.4 20.8 18.2 14.3 9.1 Phosphorus 14.4 12.8 11.2 8.8 5.6 Potassium 9.9 8.8 7.7 6.1 3.9 * Suffolk County only 3-36 TABLE 3- 18 SUFFOLK COUNTY RESIDENTIAL HEATER EMISSIONS ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Po 1 lutant s Particulates Sulfur Oxides Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Aldehydes 2.5 5.1 20.3 34.5 69.0 275.6 1.3 2.6 10.7 0.8 1.5 6.1 3.2 6.4 25.9 0.6 1.1 4.4 50.8 688.9 26.8 15.4 64.7 11.1 372.8 5058.4 196.9 112.9 475.1 81.4 3-34 TABLE 3-16 NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES RESIDENTIAL STORMWATER ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Pollutant BOD 45 45 56 COD 560 560 725 Total Solids 8,750 8,750 11,100 Volatile 930 930 1,210 Solids Salt 39 39 51 Lead 1.8 1.8 2.4 Phosphorus 1.0 1.0 1.3 84 1,040 15,900 1,730 73 3.4 1.9 84 1,040 15,900 1,730 73 3.4 1.9 * Suffolk County only 3-32 TABLE 3-14 NASSAU COUNTY RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE?YEAR Pollutant ~ c~ Cq c~ Cardboard, paper~ Leather, plastic, Garbage Grass, leaves, etc. Textiles Wood Glass Metals etc. etc. 1,800 6,970 17,400 72,050 190 740 1,850 7,670 460 1,780 4,445 18,400 460 1,780 4,445 18,400 115 445 1,110 4,600 115 445 1,110 4,600 385 1,485 3,705 15,300 305 1,185 2,965 12,300 3-30 TABLE 3-12 NASSAU COUNT RESIDENTIAL SEWAGE ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RAq'ES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Pollutant Total Dissolved Solids 137 530 Total Suspended Solids 55 212 BOD 55 2 12 COD 137 530 Total N 11 42 Total P 2.7 10 .6 1325 530 530 1325 106 26.5 5480 2190 2190 5480 440 110 3-28 Lawn Fertilizer Runoff The flow associated with lawn areas will have a somewhat more limited composition than the flow from an impermeable surface. L~wn runoff will consist of the nutrients found in typical fertilizers, i.e., nitrogen, phosphorous amd potassium° An average total loss of nutrients in lbs/acre/year h~s been estimated as follows: 26 lbs N, 16 lbs P, 11 This loss, however, occurs through runoff and no estimates are available pertaining to loss alone. lbs K (45). soil absorption, from runoff Pesticide loss was found to be unmeasurable. 3-26 subject to regulation, and 'the automobile companies have been given a timetable for progressively improving the per- formance of their engines in this regard. Assuming that such regulations wall continue, a Public Health Service study (41) estimates the following automobile emission rates by 1985: Grams/Vehicle-Mile Urban Rural Hydrocarbons 3.71 2.18 CO 25.7 10.7 NOx 7.08 8.27 In order to obtain an estimate of vehicle emissions in residential areas, it was assumed that low density areas, and areas of 0-1 dwellin~ units/acre can be considered rural, and higher densities can be considered urban. Next, the following numbers of automobiles per households ~ere judged to be reasonable: Low Density 2 0-1 D.U.s/acre 2 2-4 D.U.s/acre 1-1/2 5-10 D.U.s/acre 1-1/2 High Density cars/household cars/household cars/household cars/household car/household Finally, it was estimated, on the basis of information received (62), that each car drives 20 miles/day in the vicin- ity of the home. Combining all of these factors with the average numbers of dwelling units/acre listed in Section 3.2.1, we arrive at the numbers of vehicle-miles/acre/year listed in Table 3-11 for the five levels of residential density. 3-24 Space Heating Emissions Domestic heating data (47) for Nassau and Suffolk Counties in 1973, together with population estimates for that year (3), indicate tb~t 78% of homes were heated by oil, and that the average annual oil consumption by such homes was 1,715 gallons. Cl£arly, large houses (low density) require more fuel than small ones (high density). However, for the purpose of this study, we will assume no difference. The data also indicates that 4% of all homes are heated by electricity, and 18% by gas. The natural gas consumption rate equivalent to the above annual oil consumption is 227,000 cu. ft/year. It is assumed that there are no emissions from electrically-heated houses. Table 3-10 lists unit emission rates from the combustion of oil and gas in domestic heaters. By multiplying these numbers by the respective fuel consumption rates, and combining them in the given proportions of oil-heated to gas-heated houses, we arrive at an average annual discharge rate in lbs/house/year, as listed in the last column of Table 3-10. Motor Vehicle Emissions The gaseous components present in automobile exhausts (apart from nitrogen, unused oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are not considered pollutants) are carbon monoxide (CO), oxi,les of nitrogen (NOx), and unburnt hydrocarbons (H/C). The~per- missible emission rates of these compounds are continually 3-22 TABLE 3-8 NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES ESTIMATED STORM WATER RUNOFF FROM RESIDENTIAL AREAS Grouping Gallons/Acre/Year High Density 5-10 D.U.s/acre 2-4 D.U.s/acre 0-1 D.U.s/acre Low Density 760,000 760~000 530,000 410,000 410,000 3-20 Nassau. or less, averages for percent of in Table 3-7. The total residential area of Suffolk County is a smaller fraction of the whole county than is the case in Nassau (40% versus 53%). Consequently, adding all the street area to the residential area distorts the picture more in Suffolk than in On the other hand, the differences are not great (20% depending on the density level). Hence, bi-county paved area have been used, as listed On the basis runoff from paved absorption of the runoff rates from residential areas are as of an annual rainfall of 45 inches, 100% areas, and 50% evapotranspiration and 90% remainder on unpaved areas, the stormwater listed in Table 3-8. A typical gallon of stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces contains the constituents named in Table 3-9. This information has been derived from a study done in Durham, North Carolina (42). Since the mean annual rainfall in Durham (40-42 in.) is comparable to that experienced on Long Island, it was judged that the Durham'study was directly applicable to the high density areas of the Nassau/Suffolk County region. Table 3-9, therefore, lists the number of lbs/acre/year of each constituent that will be used in this study. densities other than "high", these quantities will in proportion to the stormwater runoff flows. For housing be reduced 3-18 0 0 0 ~E~E~ '00 .00 0 3-57 0 c~ 0 Z~ 0 (J 0 3-59 OO,1 O0 0 3-61 3.4.2 Open Space Waste Generation Sewage The average amount of sewage effluent generated by a park fz~ility was derived from attendance figures and from standard effluent generation rates. Using the total atten- dance and acreage figures for eleven park facility sites under the jurisdiction of the Long Island State Park Commis- sion (13), a reasonable usage figure of 1,659' people/acre/year was reached. Continuing further, Reference 34 gives a design value of 25 gallons of sewage per capita for parks. We saw, in Section 1.3.1, that actual domestic sewage averaged 60 gcd, compared to the standard design value of 100 gcd (37). By applying the same ratio, we arrive at 15 gcd for parks, and thus derive an average annual sewage generation rate of 24,880 gallons/acre/year, which is applicable to both Counties. Golf Courses are essentially specialized park facilities. The manner in which a golf course is utilized, however, differs somewhat from the way in which a park is generally used, as discussed in Section 1.3.1. Specific waste load figures for golf courses have, therefore, been developed, rather than use the figures developed for parks. Based on available figures (59), 264 people/acre/year appears to be a reasonable usage figure for golf courses. The sewage genera- tion estimate for golf courses has been calculated to be 3,960 gallons/acre/year. 3-63 Stormwater Runoff As discussed in Section 1.3.3, the ratio of paved to unpaved areas in parks and golf courses is very small, approxi-~tely equal to that of low density housing with streets and parking excluded, i.e., 2%. Consequently, the runoff flow is small, since vegetated areas are assumed to lose 50% of the total rainfall by evapotranspiration and 45% by seepage. This yields a runoff rate of 84,000 gallons/ acre/year. The polluting constituents found in stormwater runoff from parks and golf courses are comparable to those listed in Table 3-9. Runoff from conservation areas is assumed to be that from natural, unspoiled land, and is, therefore, assumed not to contribute any pollutants to the environment. The information listed in Table 3-9 is that obtained in an urban study (42). Unfortunately, similar data for express- ways and parkways is not available. However, for the purpose of this report the urban pattern of stormwater composition listed in Table 3-9 will be assumed to apply to main high- ways. Paving accounts for 50-60% of the rights-of-way of such highways. This proportion of paved to unpaved area is similar to that for high density r~sidential areas. Conse- quently, the same runoff flow of 760,000 gallons/acre/year will be used (see Table 3-16). 3-65 TABLE 3-32 ESTIMATED AUTOMOBILE EMISSIONS ON MAJOR HIGHWAYS IN NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES IN 1985 Hydrocarbons Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides Lbs/Acre/Year Nassau Suffolk 3 , 690 1 , 930 25,600 13,500 7,050 3,720 3-67 3.4.3 Open Space Weighted Average Waste Loads Table 3-33 lists, under each category in this grouping. whether or not a given type of pollutant discharge was con- sidered significant. Those discharges so considered were included in the weighted averages. Tables 3-34 and 3-35 present the computed annual average waste discharge rates for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, respectively. The types o.f discharge included are sewage, solid waste, stormwater, fertilizer loss and automobile emissions. 3-69 Sheet 1 of 2 TABLE 3-34 NASSAU COUNTY OPEN SPACE DISCHARGES ANNEAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Po llutant Lbs/Ac re/Ye ar Sewage Solid Waste TDS 33.6 TSS 13.4 BOD 13.4 COD 13.4 Total N 5.4 Total P 0.7 Cardboard, etc. 69.6 Leather, etc. 7.4 Garbage 17.8 Grass, leaves, etc. 17.8 Textiles 4.4 wood 4.4 Glass, etc. 14.8 Metals 11.8 3-71 Sheet 1 of 2 TABLE 3-35 SUFFOLK COUNTY OPEN SPACE DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Po 1 lutant Lbs/Acre/Year Sewage Solid Waste TDS TSS BOD COD Tota 1 N Tota 1 P Cardboard, etc. Leather, etc. Gar bage Grass, otc. Textiles Wood Glass, etc. Me tals 56.1 22.4 22.4 22.4 9.0 1.2 63.4 6.8 16.2 16.2 4.0 4.0 13.4 10.8 3-73 3.5 Utilities The Utilities land-use grouping consists of a number of detailed uses in the areas of power supply, water supply and transportation. These detailed uses have been consoli- dated into five categories: Generating Stations Powerline rights-of-way Railroads Airports Other The last category includes (in Suffolk County) a large area belonging to the Voice of America, the acreage being essen- tially unoccupied and unused. It also includes sewage treat- ment plants, which do not, of themselves, create wastes. 3.5.1 Determination of Utilities Land-Use Mix Table 3-36 lists the acreages occupied in Nassau and Suffolk Counties by the above land-use categories. The data was compiled from NSRPB sources (2), and by personal contact with the Long Island Railroad (16) and the Long Island Lighting Company (17). Figure 3-6 displays the acreages graphically, and Table 3-37 translates the acreages into r percentages. ~ 3-75 TABLE 3-37 NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES UTILITIES PERCENTAGES Generating Stations Powerlines Railroads Airports Other Nassau 9.5% Suffolk 5% Bi-County 6% 50% 32.5% 6.5% 1.5~ 12.5% 5.5% 37% 40%* 15% 8% 34% 37% * Voice of America Port Areas Department of Commerce 3-77 3.5.2 Utilities Grouping Waste Generation Sewage Information obtained from LILCO (67) indicated that a reasona'-le employee/acre ratio would be 0.4 people/acre. It should be noted that fossil fuel plants will on the average have a greater number of employees/acre than nuclear plants. Assuming that the 0.4 figure is reasonable, however, and assuming an average waste flow of 15 gallons/capita/day, as discussed in Section 1.3.1, we have developed a sewage effluent generation figure of 2,190 gallons/acre/year. As further discussed in Section 1.3.1, the composition of such sewage will differ from that of domestic sewage by having a higher nitrate content (86). Powerline rights-of-way, have essentially no environ- mental impact, once the structures are in place. There will be zero sewage discharge. It was assumed that, during the course of one day, the rest room facilities on each railroad car are used an average of ten times per day. Approximately 800 cars are in service daily (128, 135). This figure seems reasonable when it is considered that approximately 150,000 people utilize the LIRR per day (70). Based on this assumption, 6,000 gallons of sewage/acre/year are generated by railroads, with a compo- sition as discussed in Section 1.3.1. 3-79 Solid Waste Solid waste collections at one LILCO plant (68) dis- closed the following. Based on a figure of 2.75 tons per pickup ~t two pickups per month, it was estimated that the amount of solid waste generated on an annual basis was 420 lbs/acre/year. This appears to be a reasonable average figure that can be applied to generating stations as a whole. It has further been assumed that the composition of the solid waste is generally similar to domestic solid waste. Solid waste generated by railroads is limited both in composition and amount. Collection is handled locally, and is difficult to identify separately. The material is probably largely cardboard and paper~ including paper coffee cups. Assuming a generation rate of 1/2 lb/passenger/week, a figure of 26 lbs/passenger/year has been arrived at, equivalent to 1,300 lbs/acre/year. For the very same reasons discussed above for sewage, the solid waste generated by powerline rights-of-way, air- ports, and other land uses are considered negligible. Stormwater Generating station acreage is largely unpaved, the paved areas accounting for 10% to 30% of the whole. The stormwater runoff characteristics will, therefore, resemble those of iow density residential areas, and a runoff rate of 410,000 gallons/acre/year will be used. Its composition will be as listed in Table 3-9. 3-81 passenger trains, 30 compared to 718. During 1974, the Long Island Railroad system consumed approximately 9,524,000 gallons of diesel fuel. This amounts to 4,740 gallons/acre/ year. Table 3-38 lists the amounts of each pollutant generated by diesel locomotives, in lbs/i,000 gallons of diesel fuel consumed (43). 3,5.2.5 Power Station Emissions The emissions specifically generated are the flue gases from the combustion of by power stations fuel and the heat carried away from the steam condensers by cooling water. Both types of emission will be treated as point sources, rather than averaging them over the entire land-use grouping° An inventory of the stations located in the Bi-County area, together with the emissions discharged by each, is listed in Section 3.5.3 (Tables 3-42 and 3-43 3-83 3.5.3 Utilities Weighted Average Waste Loads Table 3-39 lists, under each category in this grouping, whether or not a given type of pollutant was considered significant. Those discharges so considered were included in the weighted averages. Discharges for Nassau County are listed in Table 3-40, and for Suffolk County in Table 3-41. The waste types considered to be significant are sewage, solid waste, stormwater, and atmospheric emissions. The atmos- pheric emissions data includes only diesel locomotive emissions. As stated previously, in this report, the atmospheric and thermal discharges from power stations have been con- sidered to be emanating from individual point sources, and not averaged over the Utilities acreage. Tables 3-42 and 3-43 list atmospheric emissions from electric power stations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, respectively. Several of the stations in Suffolk are small, older diesel or gas turbine plants. Their combined annual oil consumption is less than 10,000 gallons. This is negligible compared to the smallest of the steam plants, Glenwood, which uses over 100 million gallons per year. No atmospheric emissions are shown for nuclear plants at Shoreham and Jamesport. The quantities of such emissions are extremely small. 3-85 Sheet 1 of 2 TABLE 3-4O NASSAU COUNTY UTILITIES DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Sewage Solid Waste Po i lutant Lbs/Acre/Year TDS TSS BOD COD Tota 1 N Tota 1 P 8.9 3.6 3.6 3.6 1.4 0.2 Cardboard, etc. Leather, etc. Garbage Grass, etc. Texti les Wood Glass Me ta ls 217.3 23.0 55.5 55.5 13.8 13.8 46.2 36.9 3-87 Sheet 1 of 2 TABLE 3-41 SUFFOLK COUNTY UTILITIES DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Sewage Solid Waste Po 1 lutant TDS TSS BOD COD Total N Total P Lbs/Acre/Year 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 .28 0.04 Cardboard Leather Garbage Grass Textiles Wood Glass Metals 44.47 4.62 11.10 11.10 2.77 2.77 9.25 7.40 3-89 Also listed in Tables 3-42 and 3-43 are total quantities of heat discharged per year in cooling water. Whatever cool- ing requirements may exist in gas turbine plants are minor, and arc neglected. 3-91 Z 0 ~odse~£ Moo~qIOH ~ ~ 0 0~1000 9V9 0 ~o 3-93 0 0 3-95 '-t-I 0 00 Oo 00~ 0 c~ ~OU~ ~[~ 3-97 0 ,'-~o ,-~0 3-99 .t 14e/~ 41% 14E~ 196~ ACt~AM~ DISTRIBUTION 25,000 ~o,ooo io~)oo 0 I1~~ I,.MI)-U,tE: 6tQUPIN6 NASS~IAJ-~JFFOLK REGIONAL PLAII~IIN~ BOARD COd, STAL MANAIEMENT PROJECT H2M CORP. JANUARY 1975 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and'MURRELL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS ME LVILLE, N.Y NEWTON . N J ? -Inl Information on hospital sewage flows was obtained from Southside Hospital, Kings Park, Veterans Administration and Brookhaven Memorial (25, 26, 73, 134). Each has its own treatm-nt plant, and each had a per capita sewage generation figure that appeared reasonable, (range: 60 gcd to 87 gcd)o However, values of gallons/acre/day varied considerably. The two larger hospitals, Kings Park and Veteran Administration, had a combined average flow of approximately 880 gallons/acre/ day. The two smaller facilities, Southside and Brookhaven, had a combined average flow of 3,833 gallons/acre/day. Kings Park and Veterans Administration are representative of facili- ties with more than 500 beds, providing care for a large number of chronic patients. Southside and Brookhaven are representa- tive of neighborhood facilities with 500 beds or less. It was then determined that 88% of Nassau County's hospital acreage fell into the small hospital category, and only 12% of Suffolk County's. The weighted average hospital sewage generation rate for Nassau County was then computed to be 1,269,470 gallons/ acre/year. This figure is close to the value for high density housing in Nassau County. The corresponding hospital sewage generation rate for Suffolk County was computed to be 385,805 gallons/acre/year, which, not surprisingly, is considerably less than the value for high density housing in Suffolk County. The composition of hospital sewage is as listed in Section, for domestic sewage. 3-103 TABLE 3-48 SUFFOLK COUNTY INSTITUTIONAL SOLID WASTE COMPOSITION Item Percent Garbage Rubbish Bulky Junk Demo. Material Incinerator Residue Paper and Cardboard Other Total 28.5 14.5 11.5 19.0 12.5 13.5 10.5 100 3-105 Space Heating Emissions In order to determine the oil consumption for school heating, it was assumed that a building's requirements were proportional to its exterior surface area, i.e., walls and roof. Further assumptions were made as to typical dimensions for schools and houses, so that values could then be prorated from known figures for domestic heating oil consumption. Taking into account the fact that schools require full heat only during weekdays and daylight hours and partial heat the rest of the time, it was judged that schools are heated for an equivalent of about one-half of the time that homes are. This reasoning leads to an average oil consumption rate of 6.94 gallons/pupil/year. Using the numbers of pupils/acre quoted above, Nassau County schools consume 646.8 gallons of oil./ acre/year, and Suffolk County schools, 351.2 gallons/acre/year. The flue gas composition is as listed in Table 3-10. Space heating requirements are not the same for colleges as for schools, because, in colleges, there are many more student facilities than in schools, and, consequently, the average floor space per student is greater. In addition, the number of students/acre is lower than in schools. Comparing population densities and space requirements with those for the residential groupings, a reasonable assumption is to equate colleges to the housing density of 5-10 dwelling units/acre. This leads to an average annual oil consumption of 6,500 gallons/acre/year. 3-107 3.6.3 Institutional Weighted Average Waste Loads Table 3-49 lists, under each category in this grouping, whether or not a given type of pollutant discharge was con- sidered ~ignificant. Those discharges so considered were in- cluded in the weighted average. Tables 3-50 and 3-51 present the computed annual average waste discharge rates for Nassau and Suffolk Counties, respectively. The types of discharge included are sewage, solid waste, stormwater, space heater emissions, and lawn fertilizer loss. 3-109 Sheet I of 2 TABLE 3-50 NASSAU COUNTY INSTITUTIONAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Sewage Solid Waste po 1 lutant Lbs/Acre/Year TDS TSS BOD COD Tots 1 N Total P 1267.5 506.9 506.9 506.9 101.0 25.0 Garbage Rubbish Bulky Junk Demo Material Incin. Res. Paper and Cardboard Other 1499.0 762.6 604.8 999.3 657.5 710.1 552.2 3-111 Sheet 1 of 2 TABLE 3-51 SUFFOLK COUNTY INSTITUTIONAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Po 1 lutant Lbs/Acre/Year Sewage Solid Waste TDS TSS BOD COD Totsl N Tota 1 P Garbage Rubbish Bulky Junk Demo Material Incin. Res. Paper and Cardboard Other 1457.0 582.7 582.7 582.7 116.0 28.7 1637.3 833.0 660.7 1091.6 718.2 775.6 603.3 3-113 3.7 Commercial The Land-Use Classification Table 3-2 divides the Commercial grouping into seven categories, hotels and motels, regional shoppip~ centers, retail and service establishments, automotive establishments, marine activities, recreational facilities, and office buildings, 3.7.1 Determination of Commercial Land-Use Mix Table 3-52 lists the acreages utilized by the seven cate- gories. Ail acreages are presented both on a county and a bi-county basis, and a further distinction is drawn between Western Suffolk and Eastern Suffolk. Figure 3-8 presents the acreage figures graphically, and Table 3-53 translates them into percentages. Apart from the absence of regional shopping centers in Eastern Suffolk, the various percentages are very comparable. Consequent]y, for the purposes of this study, the whole region will be treated as one, and the hi-county figures will be used. 3-115 .0 0 3-117 3.7.2 Commercial Waste Generation Within the Commercial grouping, the six categories, offices, hotels and motels, retail and service, automobile, marine, and recreation were analyzed, in order to obtain reasonable representative values for the generation of wastes. For each category, values were derived for sanitary sewage, solid wastes, stormwater runoff, and atmospheric pollutants. The number of operating days per year was required in order to generate waste flows/acre/year. It was assumed that offices function five days per week and retail and department stores are open six days per week. Hence, and 300 days per year, respectively, were and motel category, and in the automobile of 360 days per year was used. Marine establishments are basically s~mmer places, being open seven days a week from March through October, only from May through 200 full working days also operate for an equivalent of averages of 250 used. In the hotel category, a figure but operating at nearly full capacity September. This is equivalent to about per year. Recreational facilities would 200,days per year. Sanitary Sewage A value of 15 gallons/capita/day was used as the mean daily sewage generation rate, in line with all the non- residential groupings discussed previously. The sewage composi- tion is also as discussed previously. (See Section 1.3.1,) 3-119 From information obtained (11. 33. 137, 138), the weighted average number of employees per acre was found to be 12, and for a 200 day working year, the amount of sanitary sewage generatgd was found to be 36,000 gallons/acre/year. In the commercial recreation category, a number of facilities were sampled such as bowling alleys', driving ranges, movie theaters, and rscetracks. There was a large difference seen in the number of acres and the number of attendees that were associated with each of these activities. Based on available information (139-144), a figure of 17,800 gallons./ acre/year was determined to be a reasonable sewage generation estimate, Office buildings are a fairly uniform category (77, 79), and an employee population of 125 persons per acre reasonable estimate. At yields a sanitary sewage acre/year. 78, is a 250 days a year, this population density generation rate of 468,750 gallons./ Hotels and motels are also a fairly uniform category (82, 83), at least in Long Island, and an occupation density of 30 people per acre has been estimated. For 360 operating days per year, the sanitary sewage generation rate is 162,000 gallons/acre/year. 3-121 Service stations Auto repair services Wh lesale motor vehicles and equipment sales Lbs/Acre/Year References 31,800 30,200 22,800 145,146,147 148,150,152,153 149,151,154 As a result, the weighted average solid waste generation rate is 29,300 lbs/acre/year. For the marine category, it was found (155-160) that solid waste generation rate is 36,000 lbs/acre/year. In the commercial recreation category, solid waste data was received from a variety of sources (139-142). Based on the available data, the solid waste generation rate for the commercial recreation category was computed to be 3,400 lbs/acre/year. Stormwater Runoff Quantitative studies of particularly to this type of storrawater runoff applying land use grouping are not readily available. The stormwater data used for previous groupings in this report have all come from the same source (42). The area studied was highly urbanized, with substantial commercial and industrial development. Furthermore, the rainfall in the area was very close to that for Nassau and Suffolk Counties. The same values of pollutant discharge as listed in Table 3-9 are assumed to pertain here for all categories. 3-123 TABLE 3-54 ATMOSPHERIC EMISSION RATES FROM COMM]~RCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LAND USE CATEGORIES Pollutant Lbs/Ac re/Ye ar Particulates Sulfur Oxides Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Aldehydes Organics 1,256.9 8,586.5 26.5 168.3 4,327.9 61.9 0.8 3-125 TABLE 3-55 C OM MERC ! A L POLLUTION SOURCES Land Use Categories Pollution Type oo Sewage X X X X X X Solid Waste X X X X X X Stormwater X X X X X X Space X X X X O 0 Heating Motor 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vehicles O Negligible X Computed 3-127 Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 3-56 NASSAU AND SLrFFOLK COUNTIES COMMERCIAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR ~tormwater Space Heater E~issions Pollutant BOD COD Total Solids Volatile Solids NaC1 Lead Phosphorus Particulates Sulfur Oxides Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Aldehydes Organics Lbs/Acre/Year 84 1040 15906 1730 73 3.4 1.9 955.0 6525.6 20.0 127.7 3253.0 46.9 .6 3-129 TABLE 3-57 INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE FOR TKE BI-COUNTY REGION Nassau 970 1070 50 150 140 15 50 100 370 75 Suffolk 1340 1100 50 120 130 20 35 80 200 70 Bi-County 2312 2173 100 270 270 35 85 180 570 145 Total Nassau --- 80 25 50 115 600 110 150 160 375 4600± Suffolk 300 60 40 40 90 500 95 150 130 200 4900! Bi-County 300 140 65 90 205 1100 205 300 290 575 9500~ Total 3-131 e,ooo i 4,000 MAiCHtNERY (EXCI... ELECTRICAL) ,~% .PRINTIN~ & PU~USHIN~ ~.~, lINING ,&% 2,0OO NON ~4% TOTALS DISTRIBUTION 1966 NU~tI-SUIrlI*OI..K R~ONAL PLANNING BOARO COASTAL ~ME~NT PROJECT H2M COlIP. J441UA RY 1975 HOLZMACHER. McLENC)ON and MURRELL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS MELVILLE, N Y NEWTON , N. J. :5- handle. Materials that do not fall in this category are discussed in the section on industrial wastes. Based on available data (39, 40), and as described in Section 1.3.2, the following solid waste generation rates have been developed: Nassau County Suffolk County 73,300 lbs/acre/year 50,000 lbs/acre/year Table 3-59 describes the composition of this waste. Stormwater Runoff The Industrial grouping in Long Island includes very little heavy industry. Consequently, its proportion of paved and unpaved areas resembles that of a highly urbanized area such as that described in Reference 42. Hence, the runoff composition and quantity used for this grouping will be the same as those used for high-density residential areas. (See Section Some fertilizer 10ss could be expected from the grass areas of large industrial parks. However, the amount of industry located in such parks is difficult to assess, and for the purposes of this report, fertilizer loss is ignored. Atmospheric Emissions In the Industrial land use grouping, atmospheric emissions are caused by automobiles, process heating and space heating. 3-135 Automobiles do not actually drive around in industrial areas, but simply stop and park. Consequently, the contribution of automobiles to atmospheric emissions from this grouping is considered negligible. Information is available on the total annual fuel oil consumption in commercial and industrial establishments in Nassau and Suffolk Counties (47). (See Section The average fuel consumption per acre/year is estimated at 54,000 gallons of oil and 785,000 cu. ft of natural gas. On the basis of published emission factors (43), the atmospheric emission rates from the manufacturing and non-manufacturing categories (i.e.~ excluding mining) are as given in Table 3-54. Industrial Wastes The waste discharges considered so far in the Industrial grouping have been those caused by human occupancy and by rainfall. The wastes caused specifically by the industrial operations themselves have been discussed generally in Section 1.3.9, and specific data regarding each is presented in this section, in Table 3-60. If no figures appear in the table, under a particular category, it is to be understood thai the waste from that source is negligible. 3-137 TABLE 3-6 0 NASSAU & SUFFOLK COUNTIES INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGES ANNUAL AYERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Sheet 2 of 2 Pollutant BOD Suspended Solids COD Dissolved Solids Total Solids Total Kjeldahl-N AmmoniaoN Nitrate-N Total Phosphorus Grease & Oil Sulfate Surfactants Cadmium Chromium (total) Copper Iron (Ferric) Lead Manganese Nickel Silver Zinc Arsenic Titanium Cyanide Bar ium Fluorine 7403 557.0 21 1.2 1.5 8.0 1.7 20 2.5 .6 1.0 3.7 · 13 .15 786 13 .01 .02 61.6 .15 5.5 9 17.5 .1 .3 3.6 .15 .01 .04 0.31 O. 76 23 0.4 0.8 3-139 · · dsu~z.~L · ~ soI.~ · ~o}f 'q~ · ~e}q · ~ ~ouo~E 'o~o '~qn~ ' moqO ~u~u~md ~d~ a~n~]u~n~ ~n? I ~ddv SOl ] ~xo~ · so~ poo~ · S~-uo~ ~c 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-141 Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 3-62 NASSAU COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Stormwater Space and Process Heater Emissions Po 1 lutant Lbs/Acre/Year BOD COD Total Solids Volatile Solids NaC 1 Lead phosphorus 84 1,040 15,900 1,730 73 3.4 1.9 Particulates Sulfur Oxides Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Aldehydes Organics 1,256.9 8,586.5 26,5 168.3 4,327.9 61.9 0.8 3-143 Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 3-63 SUFFOLK COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Stormwater Space and Emissions Process Heater Po 1 lutant BOD COD Total Solids volatile Solids Nat1 Lead Phosphorus particulates Sulfur Oxides Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Aldehydes Organics Lbs/Acre/Year 84 1,040 15,900 1,730 73 3.4 1.9 967.8 6,611.6 20.4 129.5 3,332.4 47.6 .6 3-145 3°9 Water The Water Land Use grouping is divided into two cate- gories, inland and tidal. The inland category consists of the following detailed uses: recharge basins, drainage areas, lakes and inland fresh water. The tidal category includes channels and bays along the South Shore and selected wetland areas not listed under the Open Space grouping. Peconic Bay is specifically excluded. 3.9.1 Determination of Water Land-Use Mix The detailed uses as described above have been consoli- dated into three columns for the purpose of determining a workable acreage mix for the Water grouping. Table 3-65 lists the acreage data for Nassau and Suffolk Counties that has been derived for the purposes of this study. The acreage figures are also displayed graphically in Figure 3-10. 3-147 4.1 dl~ LEGEND ~ TIOAL WETLN~R~ ACI~AGE DtSTRIBI~ION WATER, LAND-UIE GROUPING NASSAU-SUFFOLK RE~IOflAL PLANNING BOARD COASTAL MANdi~EMEMT PROJECT I,.r2AR CORP. HOLZMACHER. McLENDON .nd MURRELL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS $- MELVI[LE, N.Y. NEWTON, N J County. Evidence indicates that boats are used an average of 14 days per year (137). Based on an assumed average of four head discharges per boat per trip, and an average discharge of five gallons, the total number of gallons of sewage generated by boats along the South Shore of Suffolk County is computed to be 848,400 gallons/year. Dividing this figure by the 87,870 acres of water along the South Shore of Suffolk County, a sewage generation figure of 9.7 gallons/acre/year has been developed. The specific constituents found in the type of sewage generated by boats are as discussed in Section 1.3.1. It should be noted here that it could have been assumed that the sewage discharge from boats was zero. This would be true if every boat owner complied with all existing discharge regulations. Since numerous violations occur, it is more conservative to assume that the regulations are universally disregarded. 3°9.2.2 Solid Waste Solid waste production is considered negligible. Although many boat operators will not bother to have their heads pumped at shore installations, it is believed that most boating enthusiasts do deposit solid waste within shore receptacles. For the purposes of this study, therefore, it has been assumed that the solid waste generated by boats has already been included in one or more of the previously discussed land use groupings (i.e., Open Space, Commercial). 3-151 TABLE 3-66 PRODUCTS OF GASOLINE COI~BUSTION ,~omponent Particulates Su 1fur Oxides Lbs ,' 1000 Gs 1 Ions 8.3 5.0 Hydrocarbons NOx Aldehydes Organics 289.4 181.3 9.9 3.6 3-153 TABLE 3-6 7 NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES WATER DISCHARGES ANNUAL AVERAGE DISCHARGE RATES IN LBS/ACRE/YEAR Pol lutmnt Lbs/Acre/Year Sewage Gasoline Spill~ge A~mospheric Emissions TDS TSS BOD COD Total N Tota 1 P Oil Gasoline Part icu lares sox H/C NOx Aldehydes Organics ·036 .014 .014 ·014 .005 .0007 · 06 3.43 .25 · 15 9.08 5.69 .30 .11 3-155 (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) A Representative of Executive Headquarters, Long Island Lighting Company, Mlneola, December 11, 1974. Administrator's Office Long Beach Memorial Hospital, .'ovember 1, 1974. Administrator's Office Meadowbrook Hospital, Nove- ember 1, 1974. Administrator's Office Oceanside Gardens Hospital, November 1, 1974. Administrator's Office Nassau Hospital, Mineola, November 1, 1974. Administrator's Office Syosset Hospital, November 1, 1974. Administrator's Office Community Hospital, November 1, 1974. Administrator's Office. Brunswick Hospital Center, November. 4, 1974. Administrator's Office Brookhaven Memorial Hospital, November 4, 1974. Engineering Department Veteran's Admin. HospitaZ, November 4, 1974. Engineering Department Central Islip State Hospital, November 4, 1974. Administrator's Office Pilgrim State Hospital, Novem- ber 4, 1974. Long Island Business Review, Guide to Long Island Properties: Commercial~ Industrial~ and Residential Real Estate, October 23, 1974. Suffolk County Planning Commission, Suffolk County Office Study, January, 1974. U.S. Department of Commerce, County Business patterns, 1974. Suffolk County Department of Commerce and Industry, Directory of Manufacturers, 1974. 3-157 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (5?) <58) Bruce Matzner, Department of Environmental Control, Suffolk County, December 4, 1974. Mr. Richard Marke11, Department of Environmental Control, Suffolk County, Hauppauge, December 5, 1974. Mr. Ken Rykbost, Long Island Yegetable Research Farm, Riverhead, December 2, 1974. Mr. Burn, Long Island 0il Heating Ins~tute, Decem- ber 20, 1974. Loehr, R.C., Pollution Implications of Animal Wastes- a Forward Oriented Review, F.W.Q.A., July, 1968. Federal Water Pollution Control Association, A~ri- cultural Pollution of the Great Lakes Basin, Pub1. No. 13020, July, 1971. Sanitar~ Landfill - Principles of Design and Opera- tion, Solid wastes Training Operations, Training Program, National Center for Urban and Industrial Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Sl~el, Long Island Yegetable Research Farm, Rlverhead, December 4, 1974. Mr. William Sanok, Cooperative Extension Services, Riverhead, December 4, 1974. Mr. Kenneth Johannson, Cornell University Duck Research Farm, Riverhead, November 26, 1974. Mr. Jack Foehrenbach, New York State Department of En- virom~ental Conservation, Stony Brook, December 5, 1974. Professor D.R. Bouldin, unpublished minutes of Water Resources Research Meeting, Cornel1 University, Janu- ary, 1973. Mr. Richard McGovern, McGovern Sod Farm, Melville, December 5, 1974. Mr. Anthony Corrco, Greenhouse Operator, Patchogue, December 4, 1974. Head Foreman, Shaw Nurseries, North Babylon, December 5, 1974. 3-159 (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) Mr. Manicalco, Southside Hospital, Bayshore, December 12, 1974. Sewage Plant Operator, C.W. Post College, Greenvale, December 12, 1974. Wolf, J.B., F.P. Linaweaver, Jr., and J.C. Geyer, "Water Use in Selected Commercial and Institutional Establishments in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area," Report to the Department of Public Works, Balti- more County, Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University, June , 1966. Karubian, J.F., Polluted Ground Water: Estimating the Effects of Man's A~.ivities, EPA Report 600: 4-74-002, July, 1~4. Melville Industrial, Melville, December 12, 1974. Warefield-Irving Properties, Melville, 'December 12, 1974. Cushman & Wakefield, Mlneola, December 12, 1974. Mr. Evans, Evan's Clothing Store, Levittown, Dec- ember 16, 1974. Mr. Jay, Jay's Department Store, Mineola, Decem- ber 16, 1974. Mr. Jude Wickfell, Dutch Inn at Islip, Islip, Dec- embe~ 16, 1974. Mr. Jim Ryan, Holiday Inn of Hauppauge, Hauppauge, December 16, 1974. Holzmacher, R.G., et.al., ~ngineering Report of Industrial Waste Water CollectionI Treatment~ and Disposal~ Suffolk Processin~ Company, November, 1971. Gross, M.G., D. Davies, P.M. Lin, W. Loeffler, Characteristics and Environmental Quality of Six ~orth Shore Bays~ Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Lon~ Island~ New York, Marine Science Research Center, Technical Report Series Number 14, SI/NY, Stony Brook, 1972. 3-161 (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (i1o) (111) (112) (113) Holzmacher, et.al., Flnal Report: Industrial Waste Water Collection~ TreatRent~ and Disposal Facilities, Hazeltine Corporation, December, 1972. Holzmacher, et.al., Schwenk Dair¥~ Industrial Waste '"ater Collectionz Treatment and Disposal, August, 1973. Holzmacher, et.al., Engineering Report on Indus- trial Waste Water Facilities, Thomas Wilson and Company, Inc., June, 1972. Mr. Gerald Robin, Department of Environmental Con- servation, Stony Brook, November 19, 1974. Mr. Palladino, Metallurgical Process Corp., Syosset, January 3, 1975. Mr. Richard Strezpeck, Department of Environmental Control, Hauppauge, November 20, 1974. Consolidated Lithographic Printing Company, Carle Place, December 18, 1974. Universal Millwork Corporation, New Hyde Park, Dec- ember 18, 1974. Master-Millwork Corporation, Garden City, December 18, 1974. Hurricane Bay Ltd., Farmingdale, December 18, 1974. Osrcw Production, Glen Cove, December 18, 1974. Howath and Doczy, Co., Inc., Long Island City, Decem- ber 18, 1974. E. Berezin, Redactron Corporation, Hauppauge, Nov- ember 22, 1974. Mr. Ingells, New York T~ist Drill, Melville, Janu- ary 3, 1975. Mr. Kunz, Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board, January 3, 1975. Natlonal Marine Fisheries Service, Acute Effects of Outboard ~otor Effluent on Two ~arine Shellfish, Clark, R.C., Jr., and J.S. Finley, Northwest Fisheries Center, 1974. 3-163 (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) Mr. Lisi, Kings Park Hospital, January 17, 1975. Mr. Sturm, LIRR Representative, January 16, 1975. Mr. Werner, Department of Commerce, Bureau of ~ensus Library, January 14, 1975. Mr. B. Walters, SUNY, Stony Brook University Sea Grant Program, January 14, 1975. Mr. T. Brown, Cornel1 University, January 14, 1975. Manager, Sheridan Bowl, Mineola, New York, January 17, 1975. Mr. Manardi, Mid Island Bowl, Bethpage, New York, January 17, 1975. Mr. Lindsey, Mid Island Movie Theater No. 2, Bethpage, New York, January 17, 1975. Mr. Walsh,.UA Cinema 150, Syosset, New York, Jan- uary 17, 1975. Assistant Manager, Huntington Golf & Tee, Hunting- ton, New York, January 17, 1975. ~r. Sullivan, Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, New York, January 20, 1975. Mr. Zawisa, Gerry's Gulf Station, Syosset, New York, January 16, 1975. Assistant Manager, Jericho Shell Station, Jericho, New York, January 13, 1975. Assistant Manager, Norejkos Triangle, Upper Brookville, New York, January 13,.1975. Manager, Gibraltar Auto Service, Huntington, New York, January 15, 1975. Mr. McKan, Doug East Inc., Huntington, New York, January 15, 1975. Mr. Pritzlaff, Pritzlaff & Son, Huntington, New York, January 15, 1975. Mr. Dunne, Bay Auto Parts, Inc., Huntington, New York, January 15, 1975. 3~165 (169) Long Island Health and Hospital Planning Council. Private communication, November 2, 1974. (170) New York State Department of Health, Comprehensive Planning Section. Private communication, November 2, 1974. (171) Long Island Lighting Co., Applicant's Environmental Report, C~nstruction Permit Stage, Jamesport Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, 1974. 3-167