HomeMy WebLinkAboutAg Chemicals in Ground Water REPORT ON THE OCCURRENCE AND MOVEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS IN GROUNDWATER: NORTH FORK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS, M,D,, H,P,H, COHHISSIONER H, W, DAVIDS, P,E, DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PREPARED BY: BUREAU OF WATER RESOURCES JOSEPH H. BAIER, P.E., CHIEF SY F. ROBBINS, HYDROGEOLOGIST AUGUST, 1982 RECEIVED JUN 3 1987 ~old Tm Olerk II. III. IV. Ve VI. VII. VIII. IX. Table of Contents Summary . Introduction Background Hydrogeology A. General B. North Fork Transect C. Cutchogue and Mattituck Hot Spots . Groundwater Hydrology A. General B. North Fork Transect C. Cutchogue and Mattituck Hot Spots Chloride A. General B. North Fork Transect C. Cutchogue and Mattituck Hot Spots Nitrate A. General B. North Fork Transect C. Cutchogue and Mattituck Hot Spots Aldicarb A. General B. North Fork Transect C. Cutchogue and MattitUck Hot Spots . Dichloropropane A. General B. North Fork Transect . C. Cutchogue and Mattituck Hot Spots . Monitoring Program Findings, Conclusions, A. Findings B. Conclusions C. Recommendations and Recommendations Bibliography Page 1 22 25 29 31 31 34 38 41 41 46 49 49 54 56 58 62 62 65 66 68 68 69 7O i List of Appendices App. A - Water Quality Data Summary: App. B - Water Quality Data Sununary: App. C - Water Quality Data Summary: App. D - Velocity Field Calculations: North Fork Transect Cutchogue Hot Spot Mattituck Hot Spot North Fork Transect App. E - Agricultural Well Pumpage: North Fork Transect App. F - Discussion of Chloride Data: North Fork Transect App. G - Well Construction Data App. H - SCDH$ Chemical Analysis Forms 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 List of Figures East End Study Areas Farmland: Riverhead and Southold Towns Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Well Network: East End . Aldicarb Sampling Results: Town of Riverhead Aldicarb Sampling Results: Town of Southold Study Areas: North Fork Well Locations: Cutchogue Hot Spot Well Locations: Mattituck Hot Spot Well Locations: North Fork Transect Page 5 9 14 15 16 18 19 20 Geologic Cross Section and Salt-Water Interface: North Fork . 24 Geologic Test Hole Locations: North Fork Transect 26 Hydrogeologic Cross Section: North Fork Transect 27 Geologic Cross Section: North Fork Transect Area 28 Water Table and Groundwater Flow Directions: North Fork . 32 Groundwater Flow Pattern: North Fork Transect 33 Groundwater Flow Pattern: Cutchogue Hot Spot 35 Groundwater Flow Pattern: Mattituck Hot Spot 37 Chloride: North Fork 40 Chloride: North Fork Transect 42 Chloride: Cutchogue Hot Spot 43 Chloride: Mattituck Hot Spot ...... 44 ii 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 8-1 8-2 8-3 9-1 9-2 D-1 E-1 F-1 List of Figures (cont'd) Nitrate: North Fork 48 Nitrate: North Fork Transect 50 Nitrate: Cutchogue Hot Spot . 51 Nitrate: Mattituck Hot Spot . 53 Aldicarb: North Fork Transect . 57 Aldicarb: Cutchogue Hot Spot 59 Aldicarb: Mattituck Hot Spot 61 Dichloropropane: North Fork Transect Dichloropropane Treated Fields: North Fork Transect 63 64 Groundwater Flow Paths: North Fork Transect . D-5 Agricultural Wells: North Fork Transect E-2 Chloride Concentrations: North Fork Transect F-2 3-1 4-1 6-1 7-1 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 List of Tables Aldicarb Survey Results: North Fork Major Hydrogeologic Units: North Fork Chloride Concentrations: North Fork Nitrate Concentrations: North Fork 12 23 39 47 Head Measurements: North Fork Transect D-4 Vertical Velocities: North Fork Transect D-6 Horizontal Velocities: North Fork Transect D-6 Approximate Residence Times: North Fork Transect. D-8 LIRPB - mg/1 - MSL - NYSDOH - ppb - ppm - SCDEC - SCDHS - USDA - USEPA - USGS - USPHS - List of Abbreviations fire well Long Island Regional Planning Board milligrams per liter mean sea level New York State Department of Health parts per billion parts per million Suffolk County Department of Environmental. Control Suffolk County Department of Health Services United States Department of Agriculture United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Survey United States Public Health Service iii I. Summary Since 1979, over 1,400 private wells in the Towns of Southold and Riverhead have been found to be contaminated with the insecticide aldicarb. Other wells have been found to con- tain the agricultural fertilizer nitrate and the insecticide dichloropropane. In response to this problem, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, under contract to the New York State Health Department, drilled a series of geologic test holes and monitoring wells along a north-south transect near Cutchogue, and at two aldicarb "hot spots" in East Cutchogue and Mattituck. The objectives of this study were to assess the movement of aldicarb, nitrate, and dichloro- propane within the North Fork's shallow groundwater aquifer, and to identify the hydrogeologic processes that affect their movement. The analysis of data collected during this and previous studies on the North Fork indicates that: 1) The amount of fresh groundwater available east of Mattituck is limited by the presence of salty groundwater at the coastlines and a thick clay layer only 100 ft. (or less) below the water table. 2) The residence times of recharged precipitation within the groundwater aquifer increase with increasing distance from shore; near the center of the North Fork, residence times approach 150 years. 3) The conservative agricultural chemicals nitrate and (potassium) chloride, wkich have been in long-term use, are pervasive within the aquifer below and downgradient of farm fields. 4) Aldicarb contamination is presently limited to the upper 30-40 ft. of aquifer except in the central recharge por- tion of the North Fork, where it has been detected near the bottom of the aquifer (100 ft. below the water table). 5) The pumping of agricultural irrigation wells has probably accelerated the downward movement of nitrate and di- chloropropane contamination. These findings imply that: 1) Aldicarb, if conservative in groundwater, will even- tually contaminate most of the North Fork aquifer, even though additional inputs have ceased; concentrations will probably approach or exceed the 7 ppb drinking water guideline. 2) If the above is true, it will take over 100 years for the groundwater system to purge itself of aldicarb, and recourse to deeper private wells to avoid aldicarb contamination will be only a temporary solution to water supply problems. 3) If aldicarb is not conservative, as preliminary bench tests performed by Union Carbide indicate, the material may hydrolyze before reaching the deeper portions of the aquifer. Based on these findings and conclusions, it is recommended that: l) Surveillance of private wells should continue in order to protect the consumer and to track pollution in the upper - 2 portions of the aquifer; sample analysis should be expanded to include other agricultural chemicals. 2) A surveillance network that includes agricultural wells and deep monitoring wells should be established to monitor contaminant movement in the deeper portions of the aquifer, and a sampling program at farm fields should be con- ducted to determine the soil storage, leaching rate, and degradation rate of aldicarb. 3) Planning and engineering studies should continue in order to reduce future contaminant loadings and to find viable alternatives for supplying North Fork residents with safe drinking water. - 3 II. Introduction The residents of Suffolk County's North Fork rely solely on groundwater for their supply of drinking water (Figure 2-1). In recent years there has been increasing concern about the contamination of this resource by agricultural chemicals (fer- tilizers, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides). This concern has led to the establishment of an observation well network by SCDHS to obtain general water quality data, and a massive sampling program by SCDHS and Union Carbide to identify com- munity and private wells contaminated with the pesticide aldicarb. The NYSDOH and SCDHS entered into a contractual agreement in April, 1981 to obtain detailed water quality information at selected locations on the East End, including three on the North Fork (Figure 2-1). The objective was to more precisely identify the overall horizontal and vertical distribution of aldicarb, nitrate, and dichloropropane, and to assess the hydro- geologic processes that control groundwater movement and may affect the quality of the groundwater resource in the future. This report presents the data collected on the North Fork of Suffolk County by the SCDHS under the NYSDOH contract which, along with data from previous studies and ongoing monitoring programs, are used to evaluate the general hydrogeologic and water quality situation. Groundwater management implications are then assessed. - 4 - - 5 - The major findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study are presented in Section I; a general description of the problem and the methods used to address it are presented in Section III, "Background." Sections IV and V describe the geologic factors affecting the North Fork's groundwater resource, and the directions and rates of groundwater flow; Sections VI through IX present an analysis of data collected during the study on chloride, nitrate, aldicarb, and dichloropropane, respectively. A discussion of monitoring needs is presented in Section X. - 6 - III. Background Agriculture has been a major industry on the North Fork for over 200 years. Although much farmland has been lost to develop- ment in recent years, the Towns of Riverhead and Southold still have over 26,000 acres under cultivation, which represents over 36 percent of their combined land area (Figure 3-1). Various crops have been grown on the East End, but potatoes have tradi- tionally been the major cash crop, with about 24,000 acres under cultivation county-wide in 1979 (Pacenka and Porter, 1981). North Fork soils are particularly well suited to potato culti- vation, and with the addition of fertilizers such as nitrate and potassium, produce large yields. The practice of fertilization began in the early nineteenth century, when fish were incorporated into the soil; manure was also used, and by the 1870s, commercially prepared fertilizers became available (Talmage, 1977). In 1929, a survey of Long Island potato farms conducted by Cornell University found that the annual average rate of commercial fertilizer application to potato fields was 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre; over half the farmers surveyed were also applying manure at an average rate of 7.7 tons per acre per year as an additional nitrogen source (Underwood, 1933). These fertilization practices led to widespread nitrate contamination of the North Fork's shallow groundwater aquifer, and prompted the establishment of a SCDHS shallow monitoring well network to track the spread of nitrate pollution (Figure 3-2). - 7 - J z - 9 - The potato plant is susceptible to a number of pests, most notably the golden nematode, which attacks the roots, and the Colorado potato beetle, which eats the leaves. Since the early 1950s, pesticides containing 1,2 dichloropropane have been ap- plied to fields infested with golden nematodes, particularly those fields quarantined by the USDA. In 1974, the carbamate pesticide aldicarb (trademark TEMIK, Union Carbide Corp.) was registered for use on potatoes, and the USEPA accepted an application rate of 3 pounds of active aldicarb per acre to control the potato beetle (Guerrera, 1981). Aldicarb was to be applied at the time of planting with the seed, where it would be taken up by the roots and distributed throughout the plant; it would then act as a systemic poison when the plant is eaten by the beetles. Studies at the time of registration (1974) implied that aldicarb would break down in the soil and would not leach to groundwater. In 1975, New York state approved the use of five pounds per acre for control of the golden nematode. In 1977, USEPA amended the aldicarb federal label to allow the use of five pounds per acre in Long Island, N.Y., only. In June 1978, New York state approved the use of post- emergence side-dress application of two pounds of active aldicarb per acre in addition to the five pounds applied at planting. The USEPA countermanded New York state's recommendation until it was conclusively shown that aldicarb residues in potatoes were less than the established Food and Drug Administration tol- erance of 1 mg/L (ppm). These data were procured in 1978, and New York state rein- stituted the postemergence side-dress application in May 1979. (Guerrera, 1981). - 10 - Aldicarb was used by a large number of North Fork potato farmers in 1975, and was almost universally used in the next few years. Concerns about the leaching potential of aldicarb were expressed by the Cooperative Extensive Service as early as mid-1976, but no analyses were performed on groundwater samples until August, 1979. At that time, the manufacturer, Union Carbide, which alone had the laboratory capability for detecting aldicarb, informed the USEPA that analyses of shallow well samples located within potato fields were contaminated with aldicarb's toxic breakdown products and aldicarb sulfone. Between August, 1979 and mid-March, aldicarb sulfoxide 1980, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services collected approximately 270 samples from shallow wells in areas near potato farms; these were analyzed by Union Carbide, and almost one-third showed aldicarb contamination. At the same time (December, 1979) Commissioner Harris of the SCDHS requested that the state reduce the allowable application rate, especially the rate at time of planting. Just two months later (February, 1980), Union Carbide asked the USEPA to revoke its approval of aldicarb on Long Island; this was done almost immediately, and aldicarb has been unavailable for use on Long Island since that time. The SCDHS continued its surveillance efforts during 1980. From April through June, nearly 8,000 private wells in potato farming areas were sampled; again, Union Carbide provided the laboratory support (Table 3-1). Of 2,161 wells sampled in the - 11 - TABLE 3-1 ALDICARB SURVEY RESULTS: NORTH FORK Town of Riverhead Community~ % of Wells None Detected <7 ppb Aquebogue 261 167 (64% Calverton 464 322 (69% Jamesport 227 144 (64% Laurel* 299 108 (36% Manorville** 76 65 (86%] Riverhead*** 604 451 (75% Wading River 230 208 (90% Total 2,161 1,465 (68%) >7 ppb 44 (17%) 50 (19%) 85 (18%) 57 (12%) 23 (10%) 60 (26%) 63 (21%) 128 (43%) 10 (13%) 1 (1%) 102 (17%) 51 (8%) 18 (8%) 4 (2%) 345 (16%) 351 (16%) Town of Sout/%old Community % of Wells None Detected Cutchogue 579 415 (72% East Marion 153 145 (95% Greenport 45 39 (87% Mattituck 984 742 (75% New Suffolk 125 97 (78% Orient 335 290 (87% Peconic 225 160 (71% Southold 714 539 (76%1 Total 3,160 2,427 (76%) <7 ppb >7 ppb 70 (12%) 94 (16%) 3 (2%) 5 (3%) 1 (2%) 5 (11%) 121 (12%) 121 (12%) 13 (10%) 15 (12%) 27 (8%) 18 (5%) 34 (15%) 31 (14%) 105 (15%) 70 (10%) 374 (12%) 359 (11%) %Mailing address. *Includes some residents of Southold Town. **Includes portions of Brookhaven. ***Includes Northville. From: J. Baier and D. Moran, 1981, pp. 19 and 21. - 12 Town of Riverhead, 32 percent showed contamination by aldicarb, with 16 percent exceeding the NYSDOH guideline of 7 ppb. In Southold Township, 23 percent of the 3,160 wells sampled showed aldicarb contamination, with i1 percent exceeding the NYSDOH guideline. The 1980 survey found that, in general, the shal- lower the well and the shorter the distance to a potato field, the greater the concentration of aldicarb (Baier and Moran, 1981). The current study is an outgrowth of these previous efforts. In particular, the SCDHS and NYSDOH were interested in improving their knowledge of how nitrate, aldicarb, and other contaminants move through the North Fork's aquifer. This required the collection of data in the vertical as well as horizontal direction. The existing SCDHS monitoring network (Figure 3-2) was designed to measure the spread of pollution only near the top of the aquifer, and the data from private well sampling did not provide sufficient vertical coverage, nor were the screen depths indicated for private wells con- sidered accurate. Therefore, a new series of geologic test holes and observation wells were drilled for this study. The study areas examined during the current program were selected on the basis of the results of the 1980 aldicarb survey, which were mapped by computer (see Figures 3-3 and 3-4). Two "hot spot" areas near the shore were selected--Cutchogue and Mattituck (Figures 3-4 and 3-5). Monitoring wells at these areas were drilled to a depth of 40-50 feet below the water table at Cutchogue, and 40-70 feet below the water table at - 13 - O'lOH~,no$ C~'¢3H~3AI~ N3^'~H>IOOMI~ - 14 -/ - Z5 - - 16 - Mattituck; after a well was pumped and sampled, the casing and screen were withdrawn at 10-foot intervals, where additional samples were taken. In this way, a vertical profile of water quality at each site was determined. The wells were generally left in place at their last setting just below the water table to provide water level information and follow-up water samples (Figures 3-6 and 3-7). In addition, wells were installed along a northwest- southeast transect across the North Fork at Cutchogue (Figures 3-4, 3-5, and 3-8). This area was selected because it was flanked on both sides 'by farm fields and provided easy access to the drilling rig. Three geologic test holes were drilled along the transect, and core samples were taken to determine the local geology. Monitoring wells were installed in pairs; each well was drilled to near the bottom of the aquifer, then one well was withdrawn at 20-foot intervals and sampled to provide a profile of water quality. The final settings, with one well screened near the bottom of the aquifer and one well screened near the water table, provided water level information with which to determine vertical hydraulic gradients. The chemical analysis of chloride and nitrate was performed 1 for the study by the SCDHS lab using an auto-analyzer. Analyses of 1,2 dichloropropane and a whole suite of other organic contami- nants were performed by the SCDHS lab using a gas chromatograph.2 1. Nitrite and ammonia were also measured, but are not used in this report. Field conductivities and depth to water (DTW) are also indicated on the lab forms (see Appendix H). 2. See Appendix H. Only 1,2 dichloropropane (#405) results are used in this report. Test results for'other contaminants were almost always negative. - 17 FIG. 3-6 WELL LOCATIONS: CUTCHOGUE HOT SPOT - 18 - · '~.~. ' / Shore Acre~ Watervill'e 7106 / 7108 ..~ F W3 '-~'$3336 '",~'~ 7~o=1 U FIG. 3-7 WELL LOCATIONS: MATTITUCK HOT SPOT - 19 - FIG. 3-8 NELL LOCATIONS: NORTH FORK TRANSECT - 20 - Aldicarb analyses were performed by H2M Corp. of Melville, N.Y., which reported results as total aldicarb (aldicarb + aldicarb sulfoxide + aldicarb sulfone). - 21 - IV. Hydrogeology HYDROGEOLOGY - GENERAL A number of reports have previously been published that describe the geology of the North Fork and its to water resources (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Corp., 1978; H2M Corp., 1970; Crandell, 1963). relationship 1977; H2M They describe the sequence of stratigraphic units on the North Fork, which is similar to that found on the main body of Long Island (Table 4-1). A longitudinal cross section of the North Fork was de- veloped during the p~esent study using well logs of test holes drilled during previous studies (e.g., H2M Corp., 1970) and geologic interpretations provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. The contact between upper glacial aquifer and Magothy aquifer deposits was found to vary in depth from about -200 to -430 feet MSL (Figure 4-1). Although a thick clay layer was found at a depth of -65 to -85 feet MSL in each of the test holes, it does not appear to form the contact between the two aquifers, as the Gardiners clay does on the south shore of the main body of Long Island. It is not certain whether the clays encountered are all part of a continuous layer that underlies the entire North Fork, or whether they occur as isolated lenses. Fresh groundwater under the North Fork is believed to exist as a series of four separate, irregularly shaped lenses (Figure 4-1). The position of the freshwater-saltwater inter- face, however, has only been measured in a few places (Figure 4-1). - 22 - - 24 - Those measurements that are available indicate that the depth of the interface is somewhat greater than would be predicted by the Ghyben-Herzberg relation, which states that the inter- face will be located 40 feet below sea level for each foot of elevation of the water table above sea level (Figure 4-1). B. HYDROGEOLOGY - NORTH FORK TRANSECT Three geologic test holes were drilled study along a northwest-southeast transect for the NYSDOH (Depot Lane) that crosses the North Fork at Cutchogue, Town of Southold $-71044, and core sand and (wells 3 S-71170, and S-71279; Figure 4-2). Driller's logs samples from these wells indicate a highly permeable gravel formation that extends from land surface to a depth of about -120 feet MSL (Figure 4-3). Beneath these porous glacial deposits lies a clay layer that varies in thick- ness from about 85 feet near the center of the fork, to about 200 feet, and possibly more, under the northern and southern portions of the transect. Another sand and gravel layer, of ~nknown thickness, underlies the clay layer at the center of the fork (see well S-71170, Figure 4-3). The stratigraphic sequences of other test holes near the center of the fork show a similar layering of clay and sand beds (see wells S-68831 and S-32390, Figures 4-2 and 4-4).4 The upper surface of the 3. The mud rotary method was used; a drag bit with an open center was employed to facilitate the collection of core samples with a split-barrel corer. 4. The apparent local dip of the beds, including the top surface of the uppermost clay layer, is toward Depot Lane (see Figure 4-4 and Appendix F). - 25 - H 0 L '\ ~ *,,~o,, ,=oo~o S~ 0 U T ~ H 0 FIG. 4-2 GEOLOGIC TEST HOLE LOCATIONS: NORTH FORK TRANSECT - 26 v DISTANCE FROM NORTH SHORE (1000 FT) FIG. 4-3 HYDROGEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION: NORTH FORK TRANSECT 50- -50 - -200 -25( -30( ~-~ CLAY, gray, with ~ c-~se sand and gravel with grit a~nd gravel SAND, fine to medium brown, with grit and small gravel CLAY, solid and silty brownish gray CLAY, solid brown brown, with grit, gravel, some clay No horizontal scale. FIG. 4-4 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION: NORTH FORK TRANSECT AREA - 28 - clay layer in each of these test holes is found at an elevation similar to that found throughout the region (compare Figures 4-1, 4-3, and 4-4). Pore waters from core samples from the northern and southern transect wells were analyzed for chloride; the results indicated that the freshwater-saltwater interface occurs at about -270 feet and -280 feet MSL, respectively (Figure 4-3). These depths are much greater than would be predicted by the Ghyben-Herzberg relation, and are probably due to the osmotic effects of the low permeability clay.5 Cores from the center well ($-71170) were not analyzed, but earlier tests from a nearby well (S-32390) showed the interface to be at about -290 6 feet MSL (Figures 4-2 through 4-4). Thus, there may be some fresh water below the clay layer (below -228 feet MSL) at well $-71170, but the quantities would be extremely limited (if any) and any attempts to pump this water would probably cause up- coning of salt water from below as it did during tests at well S-32390.7 C. HYDROGEOLOGY - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS The deepest wells drilled at the Cutchogue and Mattituck hot spots reached a depth of about -50 to -60 feet MSL.8 5. Although clay is very porous and holds a large volume of water, its. low permeability makes this water unavailable for water supply purposes. 6. H2M, 1970, Vol. II, p. 269. 7. Ibid. 8. These wells were drilled with a hollow-stem auger. - 29 - The driller's logs for these wells indicated that the shallow subsurface geology consists almost entirely of sands deposited as glacial outwash; a few thin (~1 foot thick) clay lenses were also encountered just below the surface. No major confining beds or other significant hydrogeologic features were discovered. The freshwater-saltwater interface was found right at the shore- line in both areas. - 3O V. Groundwater Hydrolo~ A. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY - GENERAL The direction of groundwater flow on the North Fork can be determined from maps of the water table (Figure 5-1). Ground- water elevations are highest near the center of the fork (~4 ft.) and lowest near the shorelihe. Flow is perpendicular to the water-table elevation contour lines, moving outward from a cen- tral groundwater divide toward either shoreline (Figure 5-1). The rate of flow depends on the magnitude of the hydraulic gradient (slope of the water table) and on the hydraulic con- ductivity (permeability) of the material. B. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY - NORTH FORK TRANSECT Water-table elevations were measured at transect wells during the five months October, 1981 to February, 1982 (see Appendix D, Figure D-4). Water levels of 4-5 feet MSL were found along the central groundwater divide. On either side of the divide the water table slopes gently seaward; within 1,000 feet of the shoreline the water table starts to slope more steeply, dropping from about 2 feet MSL to sea level it- self right at the shoreline (Figure 5-2). Temporally, the water levels increased from October to February, with the greatest increases near the divide (~2 feet) and the smallest increases near the shorelines (~½ foot). - 31 - - 32 - 33 - Subsurface flow patterns for the transect were determined using five-month average water-level values for each shallow and deep well (Figure 5-2). Near the central groundwater divide, flow was found to be vertical, with velocities of approximately 0.1 ft/day.9 The major portion of the transect was found to be dominated by horizontal flow, with calculated velocities on the order of .2 to .4 ft/day; some downward recharge also occurs in these areas. Within 1/4 mile of the shorelines, the vertical component of flow is upward as groundwater is influenced by the boundary effects of the saltwater interface and is discharged via seepage and underflow to surface waters. The above results imply that water percolating through the soil and reaching the water table near the center of the fork will take 100 years or more to complete its movement through the aquifer before being discharged to surface waters. Water recharged to areas with shallow, horizontal flow will have residence times ranging up to about 30 years (see Appendix D). C. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS The direction of groundwater flow in the area of the Cutchogue hot spot is determined by the slope of the water table, which generally follows the slope of the land surface down toward East Creek (Figure 5-3). Because of the sharp drop-off of the water table in this area, horizontal flow 9. See Appendix D for a discussion of the groundwater velocity calculations. - 34 - · Data po:Lnt (feet above mean sea leve~) ( ) Horizontal velocity (ft/day) .I 2.7&; .. I, ii- :. i. I ' ' .I..! ' '1':!.! II East Cutchogue I I 1 I I FIG. 5-3 GROUNDWATER FLOW PATTERN: CUTCXOGUE HOT SPOT - 35 - velocities are relatively higk (on the order of 1.0 to 1.5 ft/ day, see Figure 5-3).10 Clusters of wells at various depths were installed only recently (February, 1982); thus, the records of head (water level) measurements at these wells are not long enough to calculate vertical velocities. It is expected that vertical velocities will be fairly small, with a small downward component near the surface of the water table (indicating local recharge) and an upward gradient at depth (reflecting regional flow patterns). The direction of groundwater flow at the Mattituck hot spot is influenced greatly by Long Creek, which extends north- northeast from Mattituck Creek (see Figure 5-4). The slope of the water table increases rapidly near the creek; flow is 11 primarily horizontal, with velocities ranging 1-2 ft/day. 10. This velocity was calculated for the area between the 2.0. foot water-table elevation contour at the farm field and East Creek using the methodology outlined in Appendix D. 11. Paired wells (piezometers) were not installed at the Mattituck hot spot, so vertical gradients could not be measured; they are assumed to be small. Horizontal velocities were cal- culated for the area between the 2.5 foot water-table contour and the creek using the methodology outlined in Appendix D. - 36 - I) $°71087 sd~?~oss F.If. 8 ('T) I I ,.v. , I S-53336 ~. (2) 1..-.- 3.0 2.5 I .I i ( ) horizontal velocity (ft/day) m mWater table elevations (average of monthly data 10/81-5/82). Elevation dat~ is mean sea le~. feet 5~o l~OO FIG. 5-4 GROUNDWATER FLOW PATTERN: MATTITUCK HOT SPOT - 37 - VI. Chloride A. CHLORIDE - GENERAL Although chloride contamination of groundwater is generally not a public health concern, it was of interest in this study because of chloride's extremely conservative nature in the groundwater environment; it can thus provide insight into the probable movement of other conservative chemicals applied to farm fields. Chloride concentrations on the North Fork have been examined in a number of previous reports (H2M Corp., 1974; Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1977). These studies and data from SCDHS files on private wells indicate that chloride levels in the upper glacial aquifer on the North Fork range from natural background levels (less than 20 ppm) to over 250 ppm (Table 6-1, Figure 6-1). Most of the values, however, are well below the USPHS drinking water standard of 250 ppm (Table 6-1). The sources of chloride contamination include rainwater, agricultural fertilizers, cesspool leachate, and road runoff (road salt). Chloride levels in rainwater generally average less than 5 ppm; sea spray during severe storms may raise chloride levels significantly. Agricultural chemicals, par- ticularly potassium chloride, is probably the major source, contaminating water at about 30 ppm.12 Cesspool leachate is a minor source on the North Fork, as is saltwater intrusion (both lateral and upward). 12. Potassium chloride applied at the normal rate of 286 lbs/acre/yr (150 lbs K/acre/yr) will produce an average con- centration in recharge of 30 mg/liter, assuming a recharge rate of 20 inches/year. - 38 - TABLE 6-1 + CHLORIDE CONCENTRAIIONS: NORIH FORK ~,.~,,un.J.t'~. ! of ~11~ 0-10 10-20 20-100 100-250 J~juebogue 132 13 (10%) 45 (34%) 62 (47%) 6 Calv~'to~ 99 48 (48%) 27 (27%) 21 (21%) 3 (3%} J~To. rt ?8 9 (12%) 28 (36%) 39 (50%) 0 (0%) Manor~le* 121 86 (71%) 24 (20%) 11 (9%) 0 (0%) ~Lv~rb~** 254 96 (38%) 63 (25%) 91 (36%) 3 (1%) W~n~ Ri%~-r 173 42'(24%} '96 (55%) 33 {19%} '2 (1%) Total 857 294 (34%) 283 (33%) 257 (30%) 14 (2%). To~n of 'Southold {2c,~,,unlt~,~ # of Wells 0-10 10-20 200100 100-250 Cutchogue 227 4 (2%) 47 (21%) 162 (71%) 8 (4%) East }~rion 69 3 (4%) 22 (32%) 38 (55%) 4 (6%) Qreenport 74 3 (4%) 13 (18%) 53 (72%} 4 (5%) Laure~ 49 2 (4%) 11 (22%) 31 (63%) 2 (4%) Mattituck 287 17 (6%) 103 (36%) 160 (56%) 5 (2%) New Suffolk 25 i (4%) S (20%) 17 (68%) 2 (8%) O~ient ~8 3 (3%) 24 (24%) 66 (6?%) 3 (3%) _Peo~___/c 46 2 (4%) 13 (28%) 26 (5?%) 5 (11%) Southold 335 16 (5%) 96 (29%) 209 (62%.} 8 (2%) ~ 1,210 51 (4%) 334 (28%) 762 (63%) 41 (3%) *Includes portions of F~ookha~. **Includes Northville. +Concentrations in ~. (rog/liter). Percentages are for the ~munity (~ow). fr~n SCIT~S Drinking ~a~er ~pply Sectic~ files ¢~ private we_lls. >250 C5%) C0%) (3%) (0%) (0%) (0}) (1%) >250 6 (3%) 2 (3%) I (1%) 3 (6%) .2 (1%) 0 (0%) 2 (2%) 0 (0%) 6 (2%) 22 (2%) - 39 - - 40 - B. CHLORIDE - NORTH FORK TRANSECT Chloride levels along the transect generally range from 20 ppm to 60 ppm, which is considerably higher than natural levels (below 20 ppm) found in the upper glacial aquifer (Figure 6-2). Significantly elevated chloride levels are found throughout the aquifer.13 Elevated chloride levels appear to have a good correlation with elevated nitrate values, which implies that agricultural fertilizers are the major source of chloride ions in the groundwater. It appears that the entire upper aquifer has been impacted by the extensive farming activity taking place above, and that agricultural well pumpage may have accelerated the movement of contaminants through the aquifer (see Appendix E). The data also suggest that any widely used conservative agricultural chemical is also likely to be found throughout the aquifer after some time. C. CHLORIDE - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS Chloride levels at the Cutchogue hot spot show the same range of elevated values as is observed throughout the North Fork (Figure 6-3). The entire area appears to be impacted, including the groundwater at depth. The freshwater-saltwater interface is shown to be located right adjacent to the shore- line (Figure 6-3). Chloride data for wells at the Mattituck hot spot are presented in Figure 6-4. The two wells nearest the creek (S-71087 and F.W. 9) show saltwater intrusion at shallow depth. 13. For a further discussion of chloride data, see Appendix F. - 41 - 7 7 (J,~) NO I J~'~/A~¥I~ 0 0 42 - - 43 - 10-19 2,100 -- 54 -- ~90 37 33 25 .... 50-59 X~O ........ 49 ........ FIO. 6-4 CHLORIDE: ~AIIIIUC[ HOI SPOT - 44 - Ail wells show elevated chloride levels; wells S-71088 and S-71089 are highly contaminated, with levels up to 220 ppm. The source of chloride in these upland wells is probably the farm field located immediately upgradient. - 45 - VII. Nitrate A. NITRATE - GENERAL Nitrate levels on the North Fork are significantly elevated from what are considered natural background levels (0.1-1.0 ppm, see Table 7-1). Large areas are affected, and concentrations often approach or exceed the USPHS and USEPA drinking water standard of 10 ppm (10 mg/1, see Table 7-1 and Figure 7-1). The extent and movement of nitrate in the upper portions of the aquifer have been monitored by SCDHS with its monitoring well network (see Figure 3-2). Data from these wells and pri- vate wells were used to map impacted areas (Figure 7-1). The severity of the problem is also reflected in a recent SCDHS s~rvey of 600 private wells located within about 2,500 feet of farmland, which found that about 25 percent exceeded the nitrate standard.14 The primary source of nitrates to groundwater is agricul- tural fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers applied to potato fields at a typical rate of 200 lbs/acre/year will produce an average concentration in recharged water of 16 ppm.15 Cesspool leachate and lawn fertilizers may be more significant sources in residential areas of the North Fork. 14. Dennis Moran, SCDH$ Drinking Water Supply Section, personal communication 3/24/82. 15. This assumes a plant uptake rate of 125 lbs/acre/year, and a recharge rate of 20 inches/year. 46 - TABLE 7-1 NITRATE CONCENTRATIONS: NORTH FORK C~.unit}, # of Wells 0-5 5-7.5 7.5-10 >10 A:ju~:x:~jue 11,6 54 (47%) 25 (22%) 15 (13%) 22 {19%) Calvertcm 59 36 (61%) 8 (14%) 5 (8%) 10 (17%) ,.Tames~oort 76 51 (67%) 13 (17%) 4 (5%) 8 (11%) Yanorville* 67 55 (82%) 2 (3%) 5 (7%) 5 (7%) Ri..,~r~,-l** 179 88 (49%) 21 (12%) 27 (15%) 43 (24%) ~,,~ir~ River 142 88 (62%) 33 (23%) 9 (6%) 12 (8%) Total 639 372 (58%) 102 (16%) 65 (10%) lO0 (16%) ·own of Soutbolcl ~'-,.,unity # of wells 0-5 5-7.5 7.5-10 >10 Cutchogue 210 92 (44%) 47 (22%) 33 (16%) 38 (18%) ~ast Mari~n 67 45 (67%) 12 (18%) 4 (6%) 6 (9%) ~ 72 44 (61%) 14 (19%) 7 (10%) 7 (10%) Laurel 49 17 (35%) 12 (24%) 9 (18%) 11 (22%) Mattituck 264 130 (49%) 46 (17%) 38 (14%) 50 (19%) New Suffolk 25 18 (72%) 4 (16%) 3 (12%) 0 (0%) Orient 98 52 (53%) 21 (21%) 7 (7%) 18 (18%) Peccxtic 40 18 (45%) 9 (22%} 3 (8%) 10 (25%) Sout~ld 296 159 (54%) 40 (14%) 45 (15%) 52 (18%) Total 1,121 575 (51%) 205 (18%) 149 (13%) 192 (17%) *Includes portions of B~okhave~. **Includes Northville. +Cor~entrations in p~ (mtTliter). t~rc~ntag~s ar~ for t/~ ~u,,,unity (~w). ~ata taken from ~ Drinking Nater Supply S~=ctic~ files c~ private wells for which a specific value is recorded. (Values reported as less than ~ nutS' ~_r are not in=lu~d. ) - 47 - B. NITRATE - NORTH FORK TRANSECT The range of nitrate values along the transect is similar to that found in other areas impacted by agricultural fertil- izers (Figure 7-2). The entire transect is affected, including groundwater at depth. There appears to be a good correlation between nitrate levels and chloride levels, thus supporting the conclusion that agricultural fertilizers are the primary source (see Appendix A and Section VI. B). The fact that neither ni- trate nor chloride concentrations decrease significantly with 16 depth implies that little dilution is taking place. This is not surprising, since most of the land surface near the tran- sect is covered by farm fields; thus, little uncontaminated water is being recharged with which contaminated water can mix. Also, the effects of longitudinal dispersion are made insig- nificant by the long-term, continuous use of these fertilizers. C. NITRATE - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS The profile of nitrate levels for the Cutchogue hot spot shows that most samples were near or exceeded the USPHS drink- ing water standard of 10 ppm (Figure 7-3). Since this area is one of shallow recharge and horizontal flow, elevated nitrate levels at depth (i.e., below -30 ft. MSL) are probably due to contamination originating further upgradient (to the north) that is carried by regional flow patterns (which in this area have an upward component). High nitrate values are also found 16. See also Figure 6-2. It also implies that both are truly conservative (i.e., do not decay, react, absorb, or adsorb). - 49 - (J, cI) - 50 - o o o 0 - 51 - within the zone of diffusion along the saltwater interface (well S-71188, Figure 7-3). Nitrate levels at the Mattituck hot spot are also sig- nificantly alevated, even at depth (Figure 7-4). Again, this probably represents the effects of agricultural pollution from nearby fields being recharged from above, and pollution from distant fields being carried upward by vertical regional flow (discharge). - 52 - S.71088 F,V. l& ;-71090 S-71089 So71091 S-7]087 'F.V. 9 F.~. 8 I i 40-49 7.3 -- 0.7 2.2 1.9 8.1 -- 9.7 .... FIG. 7-4 NITRATE: MATTITUCK HOT SPOT - 53 - VIII. Aldicarb known is the soil material 1981). A. ALDICARB - GENERAL The estimated average application rate for aldicarb during the years it was in use was about 5 lbs/acre/year. A small per- centage (<20 percent) of the aldicarb applied to potato fields is thought to be assimilated by the plant. The remainder is be- lieved to leach downward through the soil column, where an unknown percentage is decomposed by microbial action. Also un- the percentage of aldicarb retained (adsorbed) within column below the root zone, and how susceptible this is to leaching at some future time (Pacenka and Porter, These uncertainties make it difficult to estimate the per- centage of aldicarb applied to a given field that will reach the water table. INTERA Environmental Consultants, Inc., in their 1980 report to the USEPA, were best able to reproduce field-study data collected at Wickham Farm, Cutchogue, when a value of 20 percent was used in their computer simulations (INTERA, 1980). Using this 20-percent figure and a 5 lbs/acre/ year application rate, a simple mass balance predicts a re- sultant concentration of 220 ppb at the water table below the farm field; this concentration is very similar to those found 17 at Demarest Farm, Orient, during a SCDHS testing program. 17. The mass balance assumes that the leaching aldicarb is uniformly mixed with 20 inches of rainfall recharge per year. Demarest Farm data are from a Union Carbide memo (2/26/81) on SCDHS samples collected under the Emergency Use Program (EUP). - 54 - The fate'of aldicarb within the aquifer (saturated zone) is also largely unknown. In the INTERA study at Wickham Farm, the best computer simulation fit of water quality data from the saturated zone was achieved with an infinite half-life when a 20-percent leaching rate to the water table was assumed (INTERA, 1980).18 Recent laboratory studies by Union Carbide on the hydrolysis of aldicarb indicated that the half-life of aldicarb and its toxic breakdown products would probably be only 2-3 years for Long Island groundwater conditions.19 To date, no long-term field data records have been available with which to determine trends in aldicarb concentrations. If the Union Carbide estimate of a 2-3 year half-life is accurate, however, it would take groundwater polluted at 220 ppb (see above) from 10-15 years to reach the 7 ppb level (assuming no biological degradation within the saturated zone). On the other hand, if aldicarb proves to be conservative in ground- water, no degradation will occur, and concentrations will be reduced only slightly by mechanical dispersion as the ground- water slowly moves through the aquifer. 18. A "half-life" is the time required for a substance to degrade to a mass which is 50 percent of the original mass. The "half-life" concept is usually associated with first-order decay processes, in which the rate of decay at any time is directly proportional to the amount left. 19. Unpublished data, Union Carbide. The half-life of aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide, and aldicarb sulfone in sterile water at various pH and temperature values were determined. - 55 - B. ALDICARB - NORTH FORK TRANSECT The results of aldicarb analyses for the eight profile wells constructed during the NYSDOH study are presented in Figure 8-1. Also shown are results from private wells along 20 the transect for which information on screen depth was known. Aldicarb contamination was found at shallow depths (less than 40 feet below the water table) on the northern and southern portions of the transect, and at depth (up to 100 feet below the water table) near the center of the transect. Since aldicarb was first used in 1976, only five years ago, it is not surpris- ing that contamination at depth is presently limited to the central portion of the fork where vertical movement is greatest.21 Because aldicarb was applied almost universally to potato fields, if it proves to be conservative within the saturated zone, it can be expected to spread throughout the entire aquifer 22 in farming areas, just as nitrate and chloride have done already. The length of time it takes before a particular portion of the aquifer becomes affected will depend upon its location; agricul- 23 rural well pumpage may accelerate contaminant movement locally. Concentrations at depth will be less than those presently found in the shallow portions of the aquifer due to mechanical 20. Depth information on private wells was provided by the owners and may not be too reliable; for example, according to the information provided, three of the private wells would be screened above the water table (Figure 8-1). 21. See Section V and Appendix D. 22. See Sections VI and VII. 23. See Appendices D and E, and Section IX, B. - 56 - - 57 - dispersion; this process, however, will probably reduce con- centrations by less than an order of magnitude, so that most of the aquifer will experience peak concentrations approaching or exceeding the 7 ppb level.24 Levels will begin to decline at any point within the aquifer as the main "slug" of aldicarb contamination passes by. The length of time that a particular point (i.e., well) will be contaminated with aldicarb will de- pend on a number of factors, including the length of time aldicarb continues to be leached out of the soil column, and the amount of dispersion that has occurred during travel through the aquifero25 Because groundwater moves so slowly on the North Fork, it will probably take over 100 years for the entire aquifer to purge itself of aldicarb.26 C. ALDICARB - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS Aldicarb concentrations at the Cutchogue hot spot are presented in Figure 8-2. The data are from three profile wells installed by SCDHS during the study, two fire wells, and six private wells along Harbor Lane for which depth in- formation was known. Aldicarb contamination appears to be 24. This conclusion is based on the evaluation of chloride and nitrate data for deeper portions of the aquifer collected during this study. 25. The amount of dispersion will depend on the ground- water velocity and the distance the "slug" has traveled. 26. This assumes that aldicarb will not decay or be de- graded within the saturated zone during this period of time. Mechanical dispersion would cause aldicarb residence times to exceed those calculated in Appendix D for the groundwater itself. - 58 - - $9 - limited to the upper 30 feet of the aquifer in this shallow flow region.27 Contamination in fire well 23 probably origi- nates in fields to the north. In time, contamination from the north can also be expected to affect water at depth (below 30 feet) below the rest of the hot spot. Aldicarb contamination at the Mattituck hot spot also appears to be limited to the upper 30 feet of the aquifer (Figure 8-3). Well defined aldicarb plumes appear to extend from upland farms downgradient to Long Creek. Again, deeper portions of the aquifer will probably be affected in time as a result of lateral and upward regional flow. 27. The presence of aldicarb at depth within the zone of diffusion (well S-71188) is somewhat surprising; however, the flow field within the zone of diffusion can be quite complex. - 60 ~ S-7~087 F.if. 9 14, S-71089 7.I~. 8 I I 3 FIG. 8-3 ALDICARB: MATTITUCK HOT SPOT - 61 - IX. Dichloropropane A. DICHLOROPROPANE - GENERAL Pesticides containing 1,2 dichloropropane have been used since the early 1950s on North Fork fields that were quaran- 28 tined by the USDA because of golden nematode infestation. The SCDHS began regular testing for the compound in 1980. Thus far, groundwater contamination has been found in only a few agricultural communities. In Cutchogue, dichloropropane was found in 17 of 33 wells; two approached or exceeded the NYSDOH standard of 50 ppb on two 29 successive samplings. In Mattituck, 2 of 9 samples were con- taminated at levels of 10-15 ppb. One well of 16 in Southold was contaminated, with a concentration of 49 ppb. B. DICHLOROPROPANE - NORTH FORK TRANSECT The results of analyses for dichloropropane at the eight profile wells and at a number of private wells in the northern portion of the transect are presented in Figure 9-1; the years that pesticides containing dichloropropane were applied to fields along the transect are indicated on Figure 9-2. Fields on the northern portion of the transect were treated as long ago as 1951; this, however, does not fully explain the presence 28. The compound is also used in industrial processes, and has been found in groundwater in non-agricultural areas. Pesti- cides containing 1,2 dichloropropane include DD, Vorlex, Vidden D, and Telone (small percentage, mostly 1,3 dichloropropene). 29. The state standard is 50 ppb for any single organic contaminant in drinking water. 62 - 7 T 63 - 1971 FIG. 9-2 DICHLOROPROPANE TREATED FIELDS: NORTH FORK TRANSECT - 64 - of dichloropropane at depths down to -60 ft. MSL north of Oregon Road, where the water is much older than 30 years.30 It is most likely that large agricultural wells and the collective effect of small private wells have caused an accelerated down- 31 ward migration of contamination. This same mechanism is also likely to affect aldicarb contamination. The absence of dichloropropane from samples taken from the southern portion of the transect does not necessarily mean that this portion of the aquifer is free from contamination. Unlike aldicarb, dichloropropane was not universally applied, and it is likely that the profile wells installed during this study did not intercept the contamination plume of a treated field (Figure 9-2). Nevertheless, wells downgradient (south) of treated fields; e.g., the well at the Cutchogue School, will probably be impacted within a few years. C. DICHLOROPROPANE - CUTCHOGUE AND MATTITUCK HOT SPOTS None of the samples taken at the Cutchogue and Mattituck hot spots showed dichloropropane contamination (see Appendices B and C). A check of USDA records for fields within a half- mile upgradient of the hot spots found that none had been quarantined, and, presumably, none had been treated with pesti- cides containing dichloropropane. 30. See Section V and Appendix D. 31. Large agricultural wells are located near well S-71282 and between wells S-71285 and S-71283 (see Appendix E). About 15 houses and a motel are located north of well S-71286. - 65 - X. Monitorin~ Pro~ram Contamination of the North Fork's groundwater by agricul- tural chemicals will persist well into the next century, even if agricultural practices are modified so as to prevent further leaching of these chemicals. The potential threat to public health will also persist, not just from nitrates, aldicarb, and dichloropropane, but from numerous other chemicals. Future monitoring efforts should be carried out at three different levels. First, surveillance of private wells for nitrate, aldicarb, and other agricultural chemicals should continue. Sampling schedules should continue to be based on the distance to farm fields, with houses closest to and down- gradient of fields receiving the highest priority. Data from private well surveillance will not only serve to protect the public health, but will also provide a good data base with which to track the large-scale movement of agricultural chemi- cals through the upper portions of the aquifer. Second, an ongoing monitoring effort should also be initiated to track the vertical and horizontal movement of contamination through the deeper portions of the aquifer. Additional wells at intermediate depths should be added to the paired wells now in place along the North Fork transect; additional wells should be installed to provide more complete spatial coverage. Frequent sampling should be conducted at these wells (e.g., bi-weekly) to develop a sufficient data 66 - base on which to do statistical evaluations; without these evaluations, the representativeness of individual sample analyses cannot be determined, nor can the health risks be accurately assessed. On a regional scale, contamination in the deeper portions of the aquifer should be tracked by making use of selected agricultural wells, supplemented by additional observation wells; priority should be given to areas considered as potential water supply well fields. The third level of monitoring effort should be made at selected farm fields that were treated with aldicarb; these fields should represent a number of conditions, including soil type (clay content) and depth to groundwater. Continuous sampling should be conducted at these sites to determine the amount of aldicarb still tied up in the soil column (if any) and the leaching rate to groundwater. Monitoring of shallow groundwater directly below the field and immediately down- gradient should be conducted on a continuing basis to establish the statistical variability and, most important, to identify trends and determine the degradation rate (half-life). - 67 - XI. Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations A. FINDINGS 1) The amount of fresh groundwater available east of Mattituck is limited by the presence of salty groundwater at the coastlines and a thick clay layer only 100 feet (or less) below the water table. 2) The residence times of recharged precipitation within the groundwater aquifer increase with increasing distance from shore; near the center of the North Fork, residence times ap- proach 150 years. 3) The conservative agricultural chemicals nitrate and (potassium) chloride, which have been in long-term use, are pervasive within the aquifer below and downgradient of farm fields. 4) Aldicarb contamination is presently limited to the upper 30-40 feet of aquifer except in the central recharge portion of the North Fork, where it has been detected near the bottom of the aquifer (100 feet below the water table). 5) The pumping of agricultural irrigation wells has probably accelerated the downward movement of nitrate and di- chloropropane contamination. B. CONCLUSIONS These findings imply that: 1) Aldicarb, if it proves to be conservative in ground- water, will eventually contaminate most of the North Fork - 68 - aquifer, even though additional inputs have ceased; concentra- tions will probably approach or exceed the 7 ppb drinking water guideline. 2) If the above is true, it will take over 100 years for the groundwater system to purge itself of aldicarb, and recourse to deeper'private wells to avoid aldicarb contamination is only a temporary solution to water supply problems. C. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) Surveillance of private wells should continue in order to protect the consumer and to track pollution in the upper por- tions of the aquifer; sample analysis should be expanded to include other agricultural chemicals. 2) A surveillance network that includes agricultural wells and deep monitoring wells should be established to monitor con- taminant movement in the deeper portions of the aquifer; and a sampling program at farm fields should be conducted to determine the soil storage, leaching rate, and degradation rate of aldicarb. 3) Planning and engineering studies should continue in order to reduce future contaminant loadings and to find viable alternatives for supplying North Fork residents with safe drinking water. - 69 - Bibliography Baier, Joseph and Dennis Moran. 1981. "Status Report on Aldicarb Contamination of Groundwater as of September 1981." Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Hauppauge, New York. Crandell, H. C. 1963. "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York." USGS Water Supply Paper 1619-GG. Franke, O. L. and Philip Cohen. 1972. "Regional Rates of Ground-Water Movement on Long Island, New York." USGS Prof. Paper 800-C. Geraghty & Miller, Inc. 1977. "Hydrologic Impact Caused by Proposed Dewatering on the Long Island Lighting Company Tract, Jamesport, New York." Syosset, New York. (Un- published Consultant's Report). March 1977. Guerrera, August A. 1981. "Chemical Contamination of Aquifers on Long Island, New York." Journal AWWA 73(4), April 1981. Hoffman, John F. 1961. "Hydrology of the Shallow Ground-Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York." State of New York Water and Resources Commission, Bulletin GW-45. H2M Corp. 1970. "Comprehensive Public Water Supply Study: Suffolk County, New York." CPWS-24, Volumes I, II and III. Melville, New York. H2M Corp. 1974. "Water Quality Study in the Town of Southold." Melville, New York. H2M Corp. 1978. "Section 201 - Wastewater Facility Plan of the Mainland Portion of the Town of Southold." Prepared for the Town of Southold and Incorporated Village of Greenport. (Unpublished Draft Consultant's Report). August 1978. INTERA Environmental Consultants, Inc. 1980. Simulation of Aldicarb Behavior on Long rated Flow and Ground-Water Transport." USEPA. December 1980. "Mathematical Island: Unsatu- Prepared for the Jensen, H. M. and Julian Soren. 1971. "Hydrogeologic Data from Selected Wells and Test Holes in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York." Published by SCDEC. - 70 - Bibliography (continued) Malcolm Pirnie Engineers. 1967. "Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: Investigation of Water Resources." White Plains, New York. McClymonds, N. B. and O. L. Franke. 1972. Properties of Long Island's Aquifers." 627-E. "Water-Transmitting USGS Prof. Paper Pacenka, Steven and Keith S. Porter. 1981. "Working Paper: Assessment of the Environmental Fate of the Potato Pesti- cide, Aldicarb, in Soi~ and Ground Water: Eastern Long Island, New York." Water Resources Program, Center for Environmental Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Soren, Julian. 1977. "Ground-Water Quality Near the Water Table in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York." Long Island Water Resources Bulletin LIWR-8. Prepared by the USGS for the SCDEC. Talmage, A. N. 1977. "The Growth of Agriculture in Riverhead Town, Suffolk County, New York." Riverhead, New York. Suffolk County Historical Society. Underwood, F. L. 1933. "Costs and Returns in Producing Potatoes in New York in 1929." Cornell University Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, New York. Woodward-Clyde Consultants. 1977. "Assessment of Geohydro- logic Conditions: North Fork and Shelter Island, Long Island, New York." Prepared for the LIRPB. Hauppauge, New York. April 1977. - 71 - APPENDIX A WATER QUALITY DA?A SUMMARY: NORTH FORK TRANSECT Sa~l~ De.ch* Well % (T~t~ Sampled) Ckloride (~cm) Nitrate (~) Aldicarb 1,2 DJ. chlo~'opane S--71286 (8./28/81) 20 42 6.5 <1.0 <2 40 40 3.9 <1.0 <2 60 47 5.4 <1.0 <2 80 42 5.3 <1.0 6 90 540 3.5 <1.0 4 100 18,000 1.0 <1.0 <2 S-71285 (9/4/81) 20 22 6.9 40 <2 40 34 7.1 ~1.0 60 31 .5.2 <1.0 15 80 27 2.4 <1.0 <2 100 28 3.0 <1.0 <2 (9,/10/Sl) 20 54 10.0 84 40 48 6.9 <1.0 60 48 9.3 <1.0 80 47 8.0 <] .0 100 18 0.2 <l.n 5-71283 5-71282 (8/25/81) 25 51 7.5 <1.0 .~2 45 56 8.6 <1.0 5 65 64 11.0 <1.0 16 90 57 8.9 (1.0 13 5-7~ (7/13/81) 30 8 0.3 <1.0 50 15 0.8 <1.0 70 11 O.S 1.0 90 11 0.6 <1.0 110 460 4.7 <1.0 5-71280 (8/].9/81) 10 29 11.0 18.o ,~2 30 26 7.6 <1.0 <2 50 34 13.0 4.0 <2 ?0 27 9.0 3.0 <2 90 20 4.5 <1.0 <2 110 12 2.4 1.0 < 2 5-7~78 (8/4/81) X0 34 7.6 <2 30 10 8.2 <1.0 <2 50 14 4.2 < 1.0 "~ 2 70 22 6.0 <1.0 <2 90 27 6.0 <1.0 <2 115 27 5.2 <1.0 <2 130 9 0.2 < 1.0 < 2 A-1 APPENDIX A (cont'd) Sable De,ch* ~ell # (Date Sailed) (~],oride S-7~276 (7/27/8X) ? X4 27 23 37 22 4'7 16 S-'71275'* (7/21/81) 15 74 35 320 45 5,600 55 9,800 65 11,000 75 12,000 S-71274'* (7/22/81) 25 37 5-71045** (6/24/8].) 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 120 - 8,7 <1.0 <2 6.1 <1.0 <2 6.2 <1o0 <2 7.8 5 30.0 <1.0 1.2 <1.0 .OS <1.0 .03 <1.0 .03 <1.0 5.9 15.0 <1.0 5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 A-2 APPENDIX B WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY: CUTCHOGUE HOT SPOT we.11 ! 5-71188 Sable (Oa~.e Sailed) C'~lo=i~e (p;:~ Nitra~ (pp~) .~.lc~carb (7/2L'81) 5 2,200 6.7 5.0 15 170 1.3.0 <1.0 25 1,000 8.5 6.0 35 16,000 8.5 6.0 45 3,600 8.3 5.0 55 LO,OhO 1.0 <1.0 1,2 Dichlozopropane (ppb) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 5-71187 (7/22/81) 11 16 4.7 17.0 <2 21 38 12.0 53.0 < 2 31 49 1~.0 3.0 < 2 41 38 ]3..0 <1.0 <2 51 23 7.4 <1.0 <2 5-71186 (7/33/81) 7 33 8.7 20.0 <2 17 46 8.2 22.0 <2 27 32 9.3 l.O <! 37 30 9.0 <1.0 <2 5-71190 (7/27/81) 10 45 16.0 43.0 < 2 20 50 11.0 3.0 <2 30 52 5.8 47.0 <2 40 24 8.4 <1.0 <2 50 22 8.2 <1.0 <2 5-72268 (a) (2/3/82) 5 9.1 1.9 <1.0 <2 S-72269 (a) (2/3/82) 20 40 11.0 20.0 <2 S-72270 (a) (2/4/82) 40 44 12.0 <i.0 <2 S-72266{b) (2/8/82) 7 44 7.9 - <2 S-72267 (b) (2/8/8:~ 27 34 8.1 - <2 5-72264 (a) (2/2/82) 10 2~ 7.1 3.0 <2 5-72265 (¢) (2/2/82) 30 25 8.2 <l.O <2 Fire ~ '=116'* (11/16/81) 4 38 13.0 40.0 < 2 Fire ~-ll 123'* (11/16/81) 4 29 7.0 9.0 <2 *A~p=u~mate depth of to9 of 2 foot screen, in feet **Top of 20 foot screen, i~ feet below MSL. (a) - ~djacent to well S-71187. (b) - ~djacent to well S-71186. (c) - Adjacent to w~ll S-71190. APPENDIX C WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY: MATTITUCK HOT SPOT Sample r=w: '~* (D~ts Sampled (~.loride (~m~) Nitrate (~) Aldicarb (ppb) 1,2 D£chlozopro~ane (ppb) S-71087 (7/13/81) 13 2,100 0.1 < 1.0 <2 23 1,400 2.6 < 1.0 <2 33 150 5.9 < 1.0 <2 43 200 7.3 < 1.0 <2 53 110 8.0 < 1.0 <2 ~71~8 (7/1~/81) 2 38 3.4 <1.0 <2 12 54 7.5 < 1.0 < 2 22 190 2.0 <1.0 <2 32 59 0.5 <1.0 <2 42 51 0.? < 1.0 < 2 ~71~9 (7/15/81) 3 150 1.S <1.0 < 2 13 190 1.6 <1.0 < 2 23 220 1.5 <1.0 < 2 33 32 2.9 < 1.0 < 2 43 27 1.9 <1.0 < 2 S-71090 (7/7/81) 2 38 8.5 59.0 <2 12 37 10.0 37.0 <2 22 35 7.0 <1.0 <2 12 42 6.7 <1.0 < 2 42 48 8.1 <1.0 <2 52 49 11.0 <1.0 <2 62 45 8.4 <1.0 <2 (7/10/8!) 8 33 12.0 102.0 < 2 18 25 10.0 65.0 < 2 28 21 11.0 32.0 - 38 23 8.7 1.0 < 2 48 29 9.7 < 1.0 < 2 ~ We. ll J3** (1L/4/81) 4 46 7.3 < 1.0 < 2 ~ Well. J14**(ll/&/81) 13 33 13.0 25.0 < 2 ~ Well IS** (11/4/81) 44 19 2.2 <1.0 FLce~,le11 19'* (11/4/81) i 18,000 0.2 <2 *Ap~ox~ate depth of top of 2 foot screen, in feet be/ow ~L. *'*~'~ of 20 foot scr~m, in feet below ~L. C-1 APPENDIX D VELOCITY FIELD CALCULATIONS: NORTH FORK TRANSECT A. Average Linear Velocity The velocity field for the Depot Lane transect was deter- mined using Darcy's law, which states: v ='K ~1 where, v = specific discharge (volumetric flux per area) (ft/day); K = hydraulic conductivity (ft/day); and, hydraulic (head) gradient along length 1 (dimension- less). The average linear velocity ~ can then be defined v K ~h where, as: n = the volumetric porosity of the medium (dimensionless). B. Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity For the purposes of this analysis, the upper sand and gravel aquifer in the area of the transect is assumed to be homogeneous (see Figure 4-3). Measured and estimated hori- zontal hydraulic conductivities for the upper glacial aquifer along the north shore of eastern Suffolk and the North Fork vary: Approximate Avg. Value (ft/day) 425 200 Method pump test specific capacity Location Jamesport North Central Suffolk Co. Reference Geraghty & Miller, 1977, p. 27. McClymonds & Franke, 1972, p. E 15. D-1 For this analysis, korizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kh) of 300 ft/day was used. (This value is close to the average value of 270 ft/day estimated by the USGS for the upper glacial aquifer, see Franke and Cohen, 1972, p. C271). C. Anisotropy Estimated values of anisotropy (ratio between vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity) for the upper glacial aquifer also vary. The general rule-of-thumb used by the USGS is 1:10 (Franke and Cohen, 1972, p. C271). On the North Fork, however, there appears to be an absence of significant layering in the upper glacial aquifer deposits that would re- sult in large differences between vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Julian Soren, USGS, personal communica- tion on 1-21-82). Pump tests at Jar~esport have indicated that the water-table aquifer in the glacial outwash deposits is highly isotropic on the site, with a ratio of about 1:5 (Geraghty & Miller, 1977, p. 27). A value of 1:5 was used in this analysis. D. Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity Using a value of Kh = 300 ft/day and an anisotropy of 1:5, the vertical hydraulic conductivity Kv used in this analysis was 60 ft/day. E. Porosity The computed porosity of upper glacial aquifer materials at Jamesport ranged from 30-50 percent (Geraghty & Miller, 1975, p. 18). A typical porosity range for glacial till is 25-45 percent; fine sand ranges 40-50 percent; and coarse sand ranges D-2 25-35 percent. A value of 35 percent was used for this analysis, since the material is fine to coarse sand with grit and gravel (see Figure 4-3). F. Head Measurements Monthly head measurements were made at each well along the transect using a steel tape. Measurements for the period October, 1981 to February, 1982 are presented in Table D-1. These values were then plotted on a cross-sectional map along the transect, and contour lines were drawn (see Figure D-i). G. Vertical Flow Using the equation presented in Section A and the data tabulated in Table D-l, the vertical components of flow were calculated for each paired set of wells (see Table D-2). Average head values (elevations) for the water table were then determined from average measurements in shallow wells (see Table D-i) and were adjusted, where necessary, to -10 MSL using the gradients from Table D-2. Vertical flow com- ponents and water-table elevations were then plotted on Figure D-1. ft. H. Horizontal Flow Using the equation presented in Section A and the water- table elevations plotted on Figure D-l, the horizontal veloci- ties near the top of the aquifer were calculated (see Table D-3). Representative values were then plotted on Figure D-l, and additional values at depth were calculated using the equipotential lines. As can be seen in Figure D-l, horizontal velocities increase toward the shoreline and decrease with depth. D-3 - (.r**.,T) D-5 TABLE D-2 VERTICAL VELOCITIES: NORIH FORK TRANSECT From To Well % Well S-71286 S-71287 S-71283 S-71284 S-71171 S-71191 S-71280 S-71281 S-71278 S-71289 S-71276 S-71277 6O * v= ** actual Ah (ft) A1 (ft) Ah/A1 -.02 55 3.6 x 10-4 0 70 0 +.05 80 6.2 x 10-4 +.02** 75 2.0 x 10-4 +.02 85 2.4 x 10-4 -.05 40 1.2 x 10-3 ft/day Ah .35 (~-~),positive downward. value used .015, see Table A-1. (ft/day) -.06 0 +.11 +.03 +.04 -.21 HORIZONTAL TABLE D-3 VELOCITIES: NORTH FORK TRANSECT From To Well # Well % Ah (ft) A1 (ft) Ah/Al* S-71286 S-71285 +.52 1250 4.2 x 10-4 S-71285 S-71283 +.34 1000 3.4 x 10-4 S-71283 S-71282 +.57 2500 2.3 x 10-4 S-71282 S-71171 +.33 2500 1.3 x 10-4 S-71171 S-71280 -.16 2000 0.8 x 10-5 S-71280 S-71278 -.84 3000 2.8 x 10-4 S-71278 S-71276 -1.22 2500 4.9 x 10-4 (ft/day)** +.36 +.29 +.20 +.11 -.07 -.24 -.42 * slope of water 300 ft/day ** ~ = .35 table between wells assumed Ah ~A--f~, positive northward. to be linear. D-6 I. Residence Time (Time of Travel) Residence times for six representative flow paths through tke aquifer were calculated (see Figure D-1 and Table D-4). The time of travel appears to vary proportionally with the square of the distance from shore.* Residence times of 100 years and more were found for water recharged near the center of the fork, although the time required to reach depth is only about 3 years. Water recharged above areas with primarily horizontal flow have residence times of up to 30 years. All these values are approximate; given the various uncertainties in the analysis, these values are probably accurate to within ±25 percent. *The constant of proportionality is about 1.8 when distance from shore is measured in thousands of feet, and time is measured in years. D-7 D-8 APPENDIX E AGRICULTURAL WELL PUMPAGE: NORTH FORK TRANSECT Five large agricultural wells lie within 500 ft. of the transect (Figure E-l). They range in size from 300 gallons per minute (gpm) to 600 gpm. over 31 ft. (Figure E-i). these well screens in the Screen lengths vary from 15 ft. to The effect of partial penetration of 100+ ft. thick aquifer is to produce vertical head gradients and flow patterns near the well. While it is not possible to precisely calculate the vertical velocities produced by an individual well, the effect of well pumpage can be inferred from water quality on the transect. For example, the movement of dichloropropane to depths up to -80 ft. MSL near well S-71282 (see Figure 9-1) was probably accelerated by the pumping of agricultural well 8134 (Figure E-l); similarly, contamination in well S-71285 (see Figure 9-1) at depths up to -60 ft. MSL is probably related to the pumping of agricultural well 8135 (Figure E-l). It is also implied that pumping of these and other wells will accelerate the downward movement of aldicarb. The radius of influence of a 500 gpm well is calculated as about a mile using the formula of C. E. Jacob: R = ~ 2.25 Tt S where, R = radius of influence (ft.), T = transmissivity (ft /day) = 30,000, E-1 APPENDIX E (cont'd) t = number of days = 60, and S = storage coefficient = .15. Drawdowns of the water table, however, are less than 1 ft. at a distance of 1000 ft., and 5 ft. right at the well. These values were calculated using the Dupuit-Forchheimer equation: z Q R½ sr = hO - (hO - ~ in F) where, r = drawdown at a distance r from the center of a pumping well (ft.), ho = height of the water table before pumping .(ft.) = 100, Q = discharge of pumping well (gallons/day) = 720,000, K = hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer (gallons/ftZ/day) 2,250, R = radius of influence (ft.) = 5196, and r = distance from the center of a pumping well (ft.). The effect on the local water budget of a 500 gpm well is to use (although not necessarily consumptively) the annual recharge (20 inches) to the area within a 1,050-foot radius of the well. E-3 APPENDIX F DISCUSSION OF CHLORIDE DATA: NORTH FORK TRANSECT Figure 5-2 (reproduced as Figure F-l) shows that the freshwater-saltwater interface along the north shore above the clay is a sharp boundary; chloride levels increase from 42 to 540 ppm in just 10 feet, and then increase to 18,000 ppm in another 10 feet. The interface above the clay appears to closely follow the Ghyben-Herzberg relation; the water level in well S-71286 is about 2.1 feet MSL (Figure D-l), while the interface is found approximately 40 times as deep (-85 feet MSL). The position of the interface on the south (Cutchogue Harbor) is inferred from data for well S-71276. The chloride (and nitrate) values at well S-71171 appear to be close to natural background levels, except at the level just above the clay layer (see Figures F-1 and 7-2). This well is located at a recharge basin that drains County Route 27 (Middle Road) and receives runoff from agricultural fields (primarily during early spring, when the ground is frozen). Since the basin is located at the top of the groundwater di- vide, flow is essentially vertical, and the well is probably sampling only recharged runoff, which appears to be of better quality when compared to water that leaches through active farm fields. Data for well S-71171 should not be interpreted as implying that the central portion of the fork has escaped the impacts of agricultural chemicals. F-1 / ~ / / / I I I T The anomalous chloride (and nitrate) values for well S-71171 just above the clay layer may indicate the presence of a leachate plume originating at the Southold Town landfill lo- cated 2,000 feet to the north (see Figure 3-4). Previous drill- ing at the landfill has indicated that the clay layer is at a higher elevation than at the sump (sea Figure 4-4)i Landfill leackate, which is denser than surrounding waters, may be travelling down the slope of the clay layer, even though this direction is somewhat against the regional gradient of ground- water flow. This hypothesis is supported by sampling results for wells downgradient of the landfill, which have not shown leachate contamination. F-3 APPENDIX G WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA S-71286 PtofLle S-71285 Profile S-71283 Pzofile S-71282 P:ofile S-71171 P~ofile 8-71280 8-71278 Profile S-71276 Pzofile 8-71275 Profile S-71045 Profile S-71287 C~servation S-71284 Observation S-71191 Observation S-71281 O~rvatic~ 8-71289 Cbsezvatiaa S-71277 Observation S-71044 Geologic S-71170 ~ologic S-?1279 GeologY= 8/31/81 9/4/81 9/10/81 8/25/81 7/13/81 8/19/81 7/30/81 7/27/81 7120181 6/24/81 9/1/81 9/11/81 7/16/81 8/21/81 8/14/81 7/22/81 9/2a/81 7/8/81 e~4/8~ S-71186 ~:o~11e 7/30/81 ~-71187 ProfLle 7~81 ~7~88 ~f~e 7~0/81 ~7~90 ~e 7~3/81 S-722~ ~ ~/82 ~72265 ~t~n ~/82 ~72266 ' ~ 2/8/82 S-72267 ~t~ 2/2/82 ~722~ ~t;~ 2/3/82 S-72269 ~ 2/3/82 S-72270 .~ 2/4/82 ~71~7 ~file 7~3~1 ~71~8 ~e 7~6/81 S-71~9 ~f~e 7~/81 ~71090 ~f~e 7/6/81 S-71091 ~e 7~/81 20-24 19-23 19-23 7-11 28-30 12-14 9-11 7-11 15-19 20-22 75-80 90-95 109-114 86-91 94-99 48-52 15-25 0-2 11-13 5-7 10-12 10-12 30-32 7-9 27-29 5-7 20-22 4O-42 3-5 2-4 1-3 2-4 0-2 + Wells =~structed for t]~ NYS~ Study. *Screen interval, in feet below ~L. G-1 FIELD NO. COl- BY DATE COL. TIME COL. APPENDIX H SCDHS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FORMS NAME OR FIRM ADDRE$~ OR LOCATION fOINT OF COLLECTION REMARKS/INSTRUCTIONS ILABORATORY I LAB NO. (GROUNDWATER SECTION) TYPE SAMPLE DATE REC'VD. TiME REC'VD. DATE COMPLETED SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES LABORATORY CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER, SEWAGE, INDUSTRIAL WASTE Observation Well TEST RESULT TEST RESULT TEST RESULT liter =ONDUCT un-,ho ]( NITRATE-N COPPER ~H X NITRITE RON %'EST RESULT ~ X AMMONIA-N MANGANESE h. ALKALINITY TKN CHROMIUM I'. ALKALINITY D-PO~l-P NICKEL · X =HLOR'IDE ZINC FLUORIDE MAGNESIUM :YANIOE TOT. SOL105 CALCIUM ;US. SOLIDS LEAD SULFATE DISS. ~OLIDS CADMIUM MBA~ SILVER P..O.O. SODIUM T.O.C. POTASSIUM BARIUM FIELD D.O. FIELD TEMP FIELD RH ~'~.eld A1ka. I X FIELD COND. umho X D.T.Wo H-1 APP, ENDIX H (cont'd) Lab No. TO- Field No. Date (Nime not In£tLals) (Groundwater Section) Received in Lab Othe~ Date Com~feced Ham Lo~ation o~ well: · oi~t o£ Co%lection ~e~arkst SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTH£HT OF H£A/,TH SERVICES D:It,~SZON OF HEDZCAL LEGAL ZNV~STZGAT[ONS & FORENSZC $CZENCE$ PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY T~AC~ O]U3ANIC ANALYSIS OF USGS/ SCDHS (Temik ,Study) Owne~ Wel~ No'. S- Depth: SEND RESULTS TO: Richard Markel., Health Services 225 Rabro Drive, Hauppauge ft. 305 200 323 30O 324 321 304 294~ I 40S 310 303 293 311 302 Compound Hethylene chi~ridm. 1,1 Dichloroeth&nu T=ans Dicltloroe~.hyl~e ........ Chlozo£om .... ~,2 Dlchlu=oe~hane ....... ~,1,1 Tri~hlo=oet~ane Carbon Tet=achlorl~e. I Bromo-2~Chloroethan~o 1,2 Dl¢~loro~=o~ane ...... 1,1,2 T=i=hlo~oet~ylene ...... C~lo:o41b=omomethane. G ....... 1,2 Dlbr~moet~ane.. 2~Bromo-l-Chlozop~o~ane ...... CIs-Dlch[o=oe~h~[ene°..~ p-Xylene ........................ Xylene (a) ...................... £thylbenzene .................... o-Chlorotoluene ................. m-Chlorotoluene p-Chlorotolue~e ................. Chlorotoluen~ {$) ............... m-Dlchlozobenzene ............... Q-Dlchlo~obenzene ............... .,2,4 Trimethylbenzene .......... 2,3 Di~hloroprope~e ............. 1,1,~ Trichloroethane ........... 1,2,2,3 Tetrachlo~propane ....... ~b H-2