HomeMy WebLinkAboutNF Water Supply Plan 1982NO£T!t FDRK WATER SUPPLY PLAN SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Dec~mber 1982 Prepared For: Suffolk County Deparl~ent of Heal th Services Hauppauge, New York Prepared By: -' ERM-Northeast Engineers, P.C. 88 Sun~yside Blvd. Plainview, New York Cal~p Dresser & ~Kee One World Trade Center Ney! York, N6w York q CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATI~S ..................... 1-! 1.1 1-1 Executive Summary .................................... Area Characteristics ................................. 1-1 Groundwater Quantity ................................. 1-2 Groundwater Quality .................................. 1-4 Water Supply Alternatives ............................ 1-5 Implementation ....................................... 1-6 1.2 Recommendations ...................................... 1-7 General Recommendations .............................. 1-7 Area-Specific Recommendations ........................ 1-8 Preventive Measures .................................. 1-11 2.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................. _~-1 2.1 Scope ................................................ 2-I 2.2 StuOy Area ........................................... 2-2 2.3 Planning Approach--Water Supply Zones ................ 2-2 3.0 POPULATION AND LAND USE ................................... 3-1 3.1 Population ............... 3.2 Lan~ Us~...]i .............. ]i ]~]i~ii~]~ii~]i~] ]]~] 3-13_~ 4.0 GEOLOGY ................................................... 4.1 Geologic Units ....................................... 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 Bedrock ...................... ~ ................ Raritan Formation ............................. Matawan Group--Magothy Formation Undifferentiated .................... Pleistoc6ne Deposits .......................... 4.2 Aquifer Parameters...- ................................ 4.3 Fresh Water-Saltwater Interface ...................... 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-4 4-5 LIST OF TABLES ] ] ] ] 1 l ) t Table 1-1 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 7-1 Table ?-2 Table 7-3 Table 7-4 Table 8-1 Table 8-2 Water Budgets and Consumptive Use Projections ........ 1-3 Population by School District ........................ 3-2 Population by Groundwater Supply Zones ............... 3-3 Peak Summer Weekend Population ....................... 3-4 Existing Land Use .................................... 3-6 Upper Glacial Aquifer Parameters ..................... 4-6 Magothy Aquifer Parameters ........................... 4-7 Percentage of Well Samples Exceeding Standards or Guidelines for Inorganic Parameters .................. 5-2 Percentage of Well Samples Exceeding Guidelines for Organic Parameters ................................... 5-7' Summary of Well Supplies for the Greenport Municipal System ..................................... 6-3 Summary of Well Supplies for the Riverhead Water District ............................. j ......... 6-5 North Fork Private Water-Supplie~ .................... 6-7 Existing Water Usage--Greenport and Riverhe~d Water Districts ...................................... Average Annual Water Usage ........................... 7-4 Irrigation Requirements-for Crops Grown the North Fork ....................................... 7-~ Summary of Water Budget Analysis ..................... 7-8 Estimated YeaP 2000 Population 'and Water Water Supply ~oncepts ................................ 8-5 5.0 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ...................................... . 5-i 5 1 Inorganic Parameters ........ 5-I 5 2 Organic Parameters 5-6 6.0 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS ......................... . ... 6-1 7.0 6 I Greenport Municipal System 6-I 6 2 Riverhead Municipal System .. 6-4 6 3 Private Water Systems · · ..,, · 6-6 WATER USE AND AVAILABLE SUPPLY ............................ 7-1 7.1 Existing and Future Water use ........................ 7-i 7.1.1 Residential Use ............................... 7-! 7.1.2 Agricultural Use .............................. 7-3 7.1.3 Total Water Use ............................... 7-3 7.2 Available Groundwater Supply ......................... 7-6 7.3 Water Balances ....................................... 7-9 7.4 Well Yields and Spacing Considerations ............... 7-9 7.4.1 Well Yields .................................... 7-9 7.4.2 Well Spacing .................................. 7-t2 8 0 WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES · . . 8-1 8.1 Water Demand Centers ........................... . . . . .. 8-1 8 2 Water Supply Concepts ' .. . . ......o 8-4 '8.2.1 Level I Alternatives .......................... 8-5 Home Treal:nent Units ................. 8-5 Bottl ed Water ........................ 8-6 Local Delivery of Bulk Water ......... 8-6 Local Supply of Bulk Water (With Trea tmen t) ........................... 8-6 Individual Home Wells ................ 8-6 Level I. Cost Estimates ............... 8-7 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 Level II--Neighborhood Systems ................ 8~12 Level II~--SubdemanU Center System~ ........... 8-I3 Level-IV--Subregional Systems ................. 8-15 Level V--Regional Systems ................... ... 8-15 Table 8-3 Table 8-4 Table 8-5 Table 8-6 Table 8-7 Table 8-8 Table 8-9 Table 8-i0 Table 8-11 Table 8-12 Table 8-13 Table 8-14 Table 8-15 Table 8-16 Table 8-17 Table 8-18 Table 8-19 Cost Estimate--Individual Home :~'ell Systems (No Treatment) ....................................... 8-8 Cost Estimate--Individual Home Well Syst~s (With Treatment) .................................. . . 8-10 Level V Alternatives ................................ 8-18 Components of Alternatives Levels II Through V ...... 8-22 Example of Cost Determination for Alternatives ...... 8-25 Estimated Annual Dwelling Unit Costs of Water Supply Alternatives for the Wading River/ Northville Demand Center ........ 8-29 Existing Public Water Systems in the Wading River/Northville Demand Center ...................... 8-31 Capital Cost Estimates--Wading River/Northville Demand Center ....................................... 8-34 Estimated Annual Dwelling Unit Costs of Water Supply Alternatives for the Riverhead/Jamesport Demand Center ....................................... 8-36 Capital Cost Estimates--Riverhead/Jamesport Demand Center 8-40 Estimated Annual Dwelling Unit Costs of Water Supply Alternatives for the Mattituck/Cutchogue Demand Center ....................................... 8-43 Level III Alternative Components for the Mattituck/Cutchogue Demand Center .................. · 8-45 Summary of Level V Alternative Components for the Mattituck/Cutchogue Demand Center .................. . 8-49 Capital Cost Estimate--Mattit~ck/Cutchogue Demand Center ....................................... 8-52 Estimated Annual Dwelling Unit Costs of Water Supply Alternatives for the Southold/Greenport Demand Center ' 8 53 Level III Alternative Components for the Great Hog Neck and East Marion Subdemand Centers .......... 8-64 Cost Estimates--Greenport/Southold Demand Center .............................................. 8-66 8.3 Water Treatment Processes .................. 8-17 8.3.1 Ion Exchange/Carbon Adsorption ................ 8-19 8.3.2 Reverse Osmosis .............................. . 8-20 8.4 Alternatives for Demand Centers ...................... 8-21 8.4.1 General 8.4.i.3 Development Criteria .................. 8-21 Supply ............................... 8-21 Transmission/Distribution ............ 8-23 Treatment ............................ 8-24 Annual Operation and Maintenance ..... 8-24 8.4.2 Development of Cost Estimates ................. 8-2C 8.4.3 Wading River/Northville ....................... 8-26 Level I Alternatives ................. 8-26 Level II Alternatives ................ 8-30 Level III Alternatives ............... 8-30 8.4.4 Riverhead/Jamesport ........................... 8-35 Level I Alternatives ................. 8-35 Level II Alternatives ................ 8-35 Level III Alternatives 8-39 8.4.5 Mattituck/Cutchogue ......................... . . 8-39 Level I Alternatives ................. 8-42 Level II Alternatives ................ 8-42 Level III Alternatives ............... 8-42 Level IV Alternatives ................ 8-46 Level V Alternatives ................. 8-46 8.4.6 Southol d/Greenport ............................ 8-51 Level I Alternatives ................. 8-51 Level III Alternatives ............... 8-51 Level IV Alternatives ................ 8-61 Level V Alternatives ................. 8-61 8.4.7 OPient ........................................ 8-68 8.4~7.3 Level I Alternatives ................ . 8-65 Level III Alternatives ............... 8-65 Level IV and V Alternatives .......... $-68 8.4.8 Isolated Neighborhood Systems ................. 8-69 Table 8-20 Table 8-21 Table 8-22 Table 8-23 Table 8-24 Table 8-25 Table 8-26 Table 8-27 Table 8-28 Table 8-29 Table 9-1' Estimated Annual Dwelling Unit Cos~ of Water Supply Alternatives for the Orient Demand Center .... 8-65 Capital Cost Estimates--Orient Demand Center ........ 8-68 Estimated Costs of Water Supply Alternatives for Isolated Neighborhood Systems ................... 8-70 Capital Cost Estimates--Neighborhood Systems ........ 8-71 Comparison of Alternatives--Wading River/Northville Demand Center ...................... 8-75 Comparison of Al ternatives--Riverhead/Jamesport Demand Center ....................................... 8-76 Comparison of Alternatives--Mattituck/Cutchogue Demand Center ....................................... 8-77 Comparison of Al ternatives--Greenport/Southold Demand Center ....................................... 8-78 Comparison of Alternatives--Orient Demand Center .... 8-79 Comparison of Alternatives--Isolated Neighborhood Areas · 8 80 Summary of Capital Costs for the Recommended Plan... 9-2 (SPHS/26 8.5 Comparison of Alternatives ........................... 8-69 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 Cost .......................................... 8-69 Rel iabil ity ................................... 8-72 Impl ementabil ity .............................. 8-72 ~nvironmental Considerations .................. 8-73 Adaptability to Future Changes ................ 8-73 Summary Comparative Matrices .................. 8-7~ 9.0 RECOMMENDED WATER SUPPLY PLAN ............................. 9-1 9.1 Wading River/Northville .... 9.2 Riverhead/Jamesport ........ 9.3 Mattituck/Cutchogue ........ 9.4 Southold/Greenport ......... 9.5 Orient ..................... 9.6 Isolated Areas ............. 9.7 Groundwater Management ..... ................. 9-i ................. 9-3 ................. 9-3 ................. 9-4 ................. 9-5 9-5 10 0 IMPL~£NTATiON PLAN - 10 t 10. i Implementation Agencies ............................. · !0-1. 10.2 Potential Funding Sources ............................ 10-4 10 3 Legislative Requirements 10 5' (SPH5/26) LIST OF FIGURES 2-1 Study Area--North Fork Water Supply Plan ................. 2-3 4-t Geologic Cross-Section ................................... 4-3 5-1 Nitrate Contamination Areas 5 3 5-2 Aldicarb Contamination Areas. . 5 7 6-1 Existing Water Supply Systems ............................ 6-2 7-1 Water Budget Area ........................................ 7-7 8-1 Major Demand Centers ..................................... 8-2 8-2 Level III--Subdemand Center Systems ...................... 8-14 8-3 Level IV--Schematic of Subregional Systems ............... 8-17 8-4 Average Construction Cost Breakdown ...................... 8-27 8-5 Piping Cost Per Dwelling Unit at Various Housing Densities ................................................ 8-28 8-6 Level III Alternative Components for Wading River/Northville ......................................... 8-32 8-7 Levels III and IV Alternative Components for Calverton ................................................ 8-37 8-8 Level III Alternative Components for Jamesport ........... 8-38 '8-9 Level III Alternative Components for Mattituck/Cutchogue ...................................... 8-44 8-10 Level V(B) Alternative Components for Mattituck/Cutchogue and-Southold/Greenport ............... 8-48 8-11 Level Iii Alternative. Components for Great Hog Neck ...... 8-54 8-12 Level III Alternative Components for East Marion ......... 8-55 8-13 8-14 8-15 Level III Alternative Components for the Greenport Municipal System ............................... 8-57 Schematic of Level III(B) for Greenport .................. 8-60 Level III Alternative Components for Orient .............. 8-67 (SPH5/26) SECTION 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUM~RY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Water supply problems on the North Fork of Long Island are severe. Shallow, thin groundwater aquifers are extensively impacted by con- tamination from agricultural chemicals, primarily nitrates and pesticides, and are threatened by saltwater intrusion from over- pumping. Increasing pressures for development which will result in accelerated population growth will further stress the water supply aquifers. In response to the threats to groundwater quality and the increased demands for potable drinking water, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services {SCDHS) sponsored a study of water supply options for the North Fork. The objectives of this North Fork Water Supply Plan are to develop and evaluate several alternative water supply plans which could safely meet present and future potable water requirements and recommend a future course of action. The planning area includes the towns of Riverhead and Southold. Since hydrogeologic conditions are significantly differeqt throughout the area, five water supply zones were established for planning pur- poses. Zone 1 starts at the western Town boundary of Riverhead and extends easterly to the hamlet of Riverhead~ In this zone, the Magothy aquifer is saturated with fresh water all the way to bedrock. The presence of saltwater increases in .the lower portions of the Magothy as one progresses east from the hamlet, until the fresh water lens terminates at Mattituck Inlet, which is the eastern boundary of Zone 2. Zones 3, 4 and 5 are defined by three isolated fresh ground- water lenses. Zone 3 extends from the Mattituck Inlet, to Hasha-- momuck Pond; Zone 4 extends from Hashamomuck Pond to Dam Pond; Zone 5 starts at Dam Pond and continues through Orient Point. Area Characteristics -The Long Islahd Regional Planning Board estimates that permanent population in the study area will increase fr~_ approximately 391,0Q0 today _to 49,800 in the year 2000. On a peak summer_weekend, an addi- tional 32,000 persons.are anticipated. Agricultural land use is the most prevalent in the study area today, accounting for approximately 42 percent of the land area (29,560 acres); current residential land use accounts for 12 percent of the area. Future land use projections by the Regional Planning Board indicate that low-density residential development will significantly increase in both Towns, while agricultural usage will decrease. The land use trends projected by the Planning Board forecast a decline in agricultural land of approximately 18 percent (5,300 acres). Fur- thermore, the Cooperative Extension Service anticipates a gradual change in the types of crops grown on the North Fork. In general, potatoes, sod and rye acreage will decrease while grapes, mixed vegetables, horse farms and nursery stock will increase in acreage. Groundwater Quantity The major geologic units in the two towns are bedrock, the Raritan Formation, the Matawan Group {Magothy Formation aquifer) and Pleistocene deposits (glacial deposits including the upper glacial aquifer). The principal water supply source in the study area is the upper glacial aquifer. It is a highly productive water-bearing unit with consistent physical properties. In the eastern part of water supply Zone 2 and in zones 3, 4, and 5, a very delicate balance exists between fresh groundwater lenses, saltwater intrusion, chemical contamination and water supply require- ments. The fresh groundwater lenses are relatively thin; therefore, the total available supply is limited. Over-pumping or improper well location causes lateral and vertical saltwater intrusion. The aqui- fers are extremely susceptible to chemical contamination because they are shallow and have limited dilution or assimilative capacity. Groundwater flow velocities are very low (on the order of one foot per day) so it takes long periods of time fQr contaminants to flush out of the aquifer (up to 100 years). These conditions mandate that groundwater resources be properly managed and protected in order to be able to support necessary water supply requirements. Consumptive water use patterns will change in the ~tudy area over the next 20 years. Domestic requirements (including commercial and in- dustrial) will increase by 25 percent from an annu~ average of ap- proximately 4 million gallons-per day (mgd) today .to over 5 mgd in the year 2000. Agricultqral usage, however, will decline-by 18 per- cent from 11 mgd to 9 mgd. During summer months, domestic usage is expected to be over 6 mgd; ~gricultur~l consumption'will be approxi~ mately 22 mgd~ The trend to residential development from agriculture will result in a slight overall decline in average daily water use over the planning period, but the demand for uncontaminated, potable water wil) increase. In order to estimate the total quantity o~ groundwater that may be withdrawn from larger capacity public supply wells from each water supply zone, water budget-areas were delineated. Substantial amounts of groundwater are available outside of the budget areas but, to avoid saltwater intrusion, can only be withdrawn by small, domestic capacity wells. In zones 1 and 2, the budget areas were defined as those locations where the groundwater level is 5 feet or more above sea level. In zones 3, 4 and 5, the availability of groundwater is more limited, so the budget area boundary was defined as the 2-foot groundwater con- tour. A total of approximately 41.2 mgd of fresh groundwater is available from the budget areas. An additional 10 to 20 mgd is available for domestic wells outside the budget areas. The results of the water budget analysis, by zone, are shown below in Table 1-1, which also includes consumptive use projections for the year 2000. Conclusion. Sufficient fresh groundwater is available to satisfy the needs o~ she overall planning area. However, critical water supply conditions exist in Zone 5 (Orient) where projected requirements are approximately equal to available supply. Groundwater supply condi- tions in Zone 4 (Greenport/Southold) are also critical although there is some extra available supply (0.9 mgd available versus 0.63 mgd re- quired). TABLE 1-1 WATER BUDGETS AND CONSUMPTIVE USE PROJECTIONS Permissive Domestic Agricultural Water Sustained Yield, Consumptive Use, Consumptive Use, Supply Budget Area Year 2000 Year 2000 Zone (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) 1 29.4 2.25 3.06 2 5.6 0.97 3.06 3 4.9 1.18 2.80 4 0.9 0.59 0.04 5 0.4' 0.11 0.35 TOTALS 41.2 5.10 9.31 1-3 Groundwater Quality The upper glacial aquifer throughout the planning area is already contaminated with nitrates and organic pesticides and herbicides. Nitrate levels are significantly elevated above natural background conditions of 0.1 to 1.0 milligrams per liter (mg/1) and exceed the drinking water standard of 10 mg/1 in many areas. Sampling of 639 wells for nitrates performed by SCDHS in the Town of Riverhead showed the following: 58 percent of the samples ranged from 0 to 5 mg/1; 26 percent were above 7.5 mg/1; and 16 percent were above 10 mg/1. Similar results were obtained in a sampling of 1,121 wells in the Town of Southold; 51 percent of samples ranged from 0 to 5 mg/1; 30 percent were above 7.5 mg/1; and 17 percent were above 10 mg/1. Organic contamination from pesticides and herbicides is also wide- spread. A comprehensive survey to define the extent of contamination from one pesticide--Aldicarb--was conducted by the SCDHS in 1979 and 1980. In the Town of &iverhead, 2,161 wells were sampled; 32 percent were contaminated by Aldicarb; 16 percent had Aldicarb concentrations above the health guideline of 7 parts per billion (ppb). In the Town of Southold, 3,160 wells were sampled; 23 percent showed Aldicarb contamination; 11 percent exceeded the health guideline of 7 ppb. Numerous other agricultural chemicals have also been found including carbofuran, dacthal, dichloropropane, oxamyl and dinoseb. Nitrate contamination is vertically extensive throughout the upper glacial aquifer. Aldicarb and other organics are presently limited to the upper 40 feet of groundwater; however, they are expected to distribute throughout the aquifer over time. Since velocities of flow are on the order of 1 foot per day in the North Fork aquifers, contaminants will be present for many decades before they are ~ushed Out. The amounts of uncontaminated groundwater avail able for consumption, although not quantifiable, are substantially less than those shown in Table 1. When groundwater flow is considered, almost all of zones 3, 4 and 5 become suspect as well as the upper 50 feet of groundwater in zones 1 and 2. Conclusion. Groundwater contamination is currently extensive and w~)) remain so for many years. As additional groundwater quality data is collected, more contamination problems will be discovered. Water supply implemehtation for the North Fork must proceed im- mediately. Alternative solutions must consider the fact that the limited volume of fresh groundwater is further limited because large portions have been contaminated by agricultural chemicals. I-4 Water Supply Alternat,i.¥es There are several levels of development, on the 1;orth Fork, all of which had to be considered in the ~lanning process. Five areas of population concentrations were defined as major water supply demand centers: (1) Wading River/Northvi~le, (2) Riverhead/Jamesport, (3) Mattituck/Cutchogue, (¢) Southold/~reenport, and (5) Orient. Dis- tinct individual communities (e.g.j Calverton, Little Hog NecK, East Marion) comprise the demand centers. The remaining areas were con- sidered low-density residential and rural and were considered separately. The development of alternative water supply plans to serve this broad spectrum of needs proceeded in a b~ilding block fashion, beginning with an evaluation of individual h~me wells through community systems to large, regional systems. Five levels of water supply alternatives were developed and evaluated: Level I: Level 1I: Level III: Level IV: Level Y: Individual Home SyStems--In areas where groundwater is degraded, theselwould include treatment of the home supply. Neighborhood Systems--These are small municipal sys- tems serving two tb 50 homes. Community Systems-~l"nese are systems serving indi- vidual communitiesl with local groundwater. Subregional System~--These are larger systems serving an entire demand c~nter with local groundwater. Regional Systems--Wherein the supply is uncontamin- ated groundwater f~om Riverhead piped via a major transmission main Ito the eastern portions of the study area. In addition to the above listing, ~ual water supply systems, bottled water, clean water vending machines, trucK-delivered water and cen- tral, com~unit~ .water supply taps twere al so evaluated as part of this study. I Preliminary engineering-studies a~d designs were developed for each m ~lternative. C~pital cost estimaqes were prepared and annual amorti- zation and operation/ma~ntenance/~dministr~tion costs were also esti- mated. The cost estimates ranged)from $15~ per-year per hom~ for-in~ dividu~l home wells in areas wi-th)potable groundwater to over per y_ear per home where exteQsive Itreatment is necessary or where clean groundwater has to be imported. Because o~ low.density devel- opment, the relative costs of distribution systems are extremely high and preclude the developme?t of municipal systems in some areas. : -1_-5 '- - - Commerical and industrial water usage was not included in the development of per home costs. Although t~is represents a small fraction of the total, the inclusion of the commerical and industrial base would reduce the cost per home. In addition to comparing the costs of alternatives, several other factors were considered in the screening and evaluation process: (1) Reliability of operation (2) Environmental consequences (3) Implementation problems (4) Flexibility to respond to future problems. Conclusion. The study found that a combination of residential public water systems and individual home treatment units is essential. Some form of direct governmental involvement is needed for implementation. Implementation Under the provisions of New York State l~w, there are four institu- tional entities that could implement all .or portions of the selected alternatives: villages, towns, counties and the Suffolk County Water Authority. Implementation at the town level will give local government the abi- lity to provide public water systems in response to the needs and desires of the people. Expenditures and cash flow would remain in the control of the towns and they would retain a great deal of flexi- bility in the types of public water supply facilities to be provided for individual areas. Mai.or legislation 'at th~ County or State level is not required if the towns implement the study's recommendations. It will be necessary, however, to amend existing State legislation in order to define home treatment units as water supply facilities, rf the towns do not choose to implement, the County would have to consider creating water districts for implementation; the County could, operate the districts or contract to the Suffolk County Water Authority. County implement- a~ion would require !egislative action at t~e County .level. This.investigation also-included an analysis of (unding s~ur~es to assist in implementing the reco~endations. No such s~urces were found which are currentlT-funded. Thus, the improvements will have to be paid for at the local level, primarily through user charges. Conclusion. The towns of Riverhead and Southold can best implement the stuOy's recommendations: (1) by forming town Water Management Programs, as administrative functions, to coordinate all water supply activities in the respective towns, {2) by forming Water Supply Dist ricts or extending existing district boundaries to purchase, own and operate private water companies or to construct new public water sys- tems, and {3) by forming Home Treatment Unit Districts (covering all or portions of the town area not served by public water) and owning and maintaining the home units. {The towns may allow private industry to sell home treatment units after approval of the units by the town, but the town should retain maintenance responsibility.) 1.2 RECOMMENDATIONS General Recommendations This study has demonstrated conclusively that numerous technical and financial difficulties are encountered when attempting to provide potable water to the residents of the North Fork. Pre- ventive measures to minimize or eliminate additional groundwater contamination must be implemented. These measures are not immediate solutions to current water supply problems but are desireable and necessary long-torm actions. (2) Because of severe groundwater quality problems in the study area, a safe, dependable water supply must be provided to the residents of the North Fork. A combination of individual home treatment units plus public water systems should be implemented. (3) The towns of Riverhead and Southold should individually assume responsibility for implementing water supply programs within their boundaries. Administratively, the towns should establish Water Management Programs, Water Supply Districts and/or water improvements encompassing parts of, or the entire areas of, the towns, for implementation of the plans and recommendations of this study. As an incorporated village, Greenport cannot be included in the Southold District unless it petitions the Town for inclusion. (4) The personnel operating the water systems in the hamlet-of Riverhead and Village of Greenport have technical and adminis- trative water supply expertise which can be utilized by the towns. Since the Riverhead system is currehtly a part of Town government, institutio'nal arrangements would not be required to utilize this expertise. In Southold, the Town can do the fol- lowing: establish its own water supply staff; contract wi.th Greenport for personnel services beyond those currently provided by the Village; or employ a combination of Town staff and Village services. 1-7 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The town Water Management Programs should include individual home treatment as part of their overall responsiblities as Home Treatment Unit Districts. In order to ensure safety and reli- ability, the town Home Treatment Unit Districts {not the home- owner) should own, operate and maintain the home treatment units, not the homeowner; private enterprise can al so be allowed to supply units, as approved by the towns, but the towns should retain maintenance responsibilities. In areas of existing development where groundwater is contamina- ted, the Water Management Programs should provide public water systems, if economically feasible, through Water Districts. If public systems cannot be implemented, home treatment units should be publicized and recommended by the water programs and, if existing homeowners request service, the program should provide, own and maintain the home units. When new subdivisions are proposed in areas of groundwater con- tamination or potential contamination, connection to existing public water supplies of adequate capacity are required. If such supplies are not available, then new public supplies are to be constructed by the developer and deeded to a town Water Dist- rict. If an existing home is sold in an area of suspected groundwater contamination, the SCDHS or other appropriate agency should sample and test the home well and the results should be attached to the deed. If the water quality does not meet standards, the current homeowner should make provision through the Water Management Program to provide a safe water supply prior to the sale of the home. The SCDHS is planning to locate a vending machine in the study area which will purify local groundwater and sell the purified water at a nominal cost. If the concept is accepted by the citizens of the area, other vending machines should be located by the Water Management Programs throughout the area as interim measures until the other recommendations of this study are implemented. Area-Specific Recommendations (1o) Wading River/Northville--The existing individual water systems in Wading River, Baiti'ng Hollow/Woodcliff Park and Reeves Park should be connected to new supply wells which will separately serve each of the three individual subsystems. This is neces- sary to improve the reliability of the supply and to assure potable water. The new facilities also should De located and sized to serve areas which do not currently nave public wa~er systems but the new service areas should be developed in a phased approach. (11) (12) (13) The Riverhead Town Water District should own and operate the new supply wells and transmission lines, and should sell water to the individual water systems through metering facilities. If any of the private systems want to deed their facilities to the Town, the Water District should accept them. It is not economically feasible to provide public water systems to the remainder of the area; these residents should continue to be served by individual home wells, with treatment as required, provided by a Home Treatment Unit District. Riverhead/Jamesport--?he Riverhead system should be extended to serve the Calverton area and should actively attempt to further expand its system to other areas adjacent to the present system. Major improvements are not required in the Riverhead system ex- cept for additional distribution system storage. The remainder of the area, including Jamesport, should continue to be served by individual home wells with treatment as required, since it is not economically feasible to serve those areas with public water facilities. Mattituck/Cutchogue--The Town of Southold should acquire and operate the existing water system in Mattituck Hills (Captain Kidd); measures should be taken (mmediately to upgrade the performance and reliability of the system and to augment its source of supply~ In the remainder of the Mattituck/Cutchogue demand center {including Cutchogue, Mattituck, Little Hog Neck, East Cutchogue, Fleets Neck, New Suffolk and Indian Neck) it is not economically feasible to provide public water supply sys- tems. These areas should continue to utilize individual home wells; when treatment is required, it should be provided through the Home Treatment Unit District. SoutholdlGreenport--The Greenport Municipal System, which pre- sently'serves Greenport and parts of Southold, should continue to rely on local groundwater sources. However, major improve- ments to the system are required. An agricultural well on County Rt. 48 (on the Donohue Farm) should be upgraded (450-gp~ total capacity) and used for public water supply. A 2.2-mgd reverse osmosis treatment plant should be constructed in stages to tPeat the water from the Donohue Well and existing plants no. 6 and 7 used for removal of nitrates,.pesticides and herbicides. After implementing the improvements, the Greenport system should actively attempt to'further expand into other areas adjacent to the existing sysfem. Such_expansion should not be ~ermitted, however, until the redommehded modifications have been com- -- pleted. (14) (15) 16) The activities of any town Water Districts should not impact the existing customers of the Greenport system who are located in the Town; their charges should only reflect the costs of operat- ing the present Greenport system after it is upgraded. In the remainder of the Greenport/Southold area, including Great Hog Neck and East Marion, it is not economically feasible to provide public water supply systems. These areas should con- tinue to be served by individual home wells, with treatment as required, provided through a Home Treatment Unit District. Orient--The Orient area, with its relatively low density of development, cannot economically support public water supply. Existing development should continue to be served by individual home wells with treatment as required. The available fresh water supply is limited and future development should be tightly controlled and result in water requirements consistent with the permissive sustained yield of the aquifer in Zone 5. It is further recommended that only variances resulting in less water usage be approved. If future development is more water-use intensive, the permissive sustained yield in the area will be exceeded and other more costly solutions will be neeOed. Neighborhood Systems--Public water systems for existing isolated neighborhoods in areas of groundwater contamination are gener- ally not economically feasible. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to serve these areas by individual home wells, wish re- quired treatment provided through a Home Treatment Unit Dist- rict. Regional Pipeline System--The development'of a major supply of uncontaminated groundwater in eastern Riverhead anO piping it via a major transmission main to the eastern portions of the study area was a major alternative considered in the study. ds not recommended for the following reasons: (a) (b) The pipeline would encourage levels of development which appear to be inconsistent with the current life style of the peop)e and the general character of the area. The construction'of such a pipeline'would require the early commitment of major financial resources and resolution of numerous institutional issues. Both types of problems would require a great deal of time for resolution; the water supply problems of' the North Fort cannot tolerate significant delays, (c) The pipeline alternative is economically competitive with treating local sources of groundwater in Mattituck, Cutch- ogue, Greenport and Southold only if an uncontaminated supply can be found in the Mago--6-{ffy aquifer, below the clay layer and above the saltwater interface in eastern River- head. Preliminary data indicates such a supply exists, but its extent and yield needs to be verified with pump test information. To move further west in Riverhead into the Peconic Valley, where clean groundwater is known to exist in sufficient quantity, is not economically competitive with treating local sources of supply. Preventive Measures (17) This plan has identified numerous technical and financial prob- lems associated with providing water supply to areas of the North Fork where groundwater is contaminated. Preventive measures must be undertaken in parallel with recommendations 2 through 16 in order to eliminate or minimize additional con- tamination. The following preventive measures are recommended: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Expand the SCDHS observation well network and home well sampling program. Support the Cooperative Extension Service, Cornell Univer- sity and U.S. Depar~ent of Agriculture (USDA) research and education programs directed to the homeowner and farmer relative to usage, dosages and timing of application of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Support the testing of agricultural chemicals by State or federal agencies in the local environment as a precondition to use by the farm community. Prohibit or control the sale or use of products and chemi- cals which threaten the groundwater resources. Control industrial, commercial and residential activities which impact negatively on groundwater quality. Incorporate detailed water quantity and quality considera- tions into rezoning and variance decisions.. Encourage water conservation through public information programs and require water-saving fixtures in new home con- struction. 1-11 Continue public information and education programs ~o emphasize the fragile nature o~ She area's water supply and to foster cooperation in the solutions to those problems. (98/4) 1-12 SECTI ON 2.0 INTRODUCTI 2.1 SCOPE The water supply aquifers of the North Fork are threatened by several sources of contamination. Agricultural chemicals used on the land eventually find their way into the aquifers as demonstrated by the elevated nitrate and pesticide (Aldicarb) levels found in the upper glacial materials. In addition, over-pumping and incorrect well location can induce saltwater intrusion into the aquifers. Changing land use patterns further exacerbate the water supply prob- lems. As agricultural lands are converted to residential and commer- cial use, the need for potable drinking water increases. Planning officials have predicted that the trend from agricultural to residen- tial development will continue over the next 20 years, so the demand for potable drinking water will continue to grow. In response to the threat to groundwater quality and the increased demands for potable drinking water, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services {SCDHS) initiated a study of water supply options for the North Fork. The objective of the North Fork Water Supply Plan is to develop and evaluate several alternative water supply plans which could safely meet present and future potable water demands. This was accomplished in three phases. Phase I consisted of an analysis or present and future population levels and land uses. Present water consumption patterns were also evaluated to develop a complete understanding of water supply systems needs and to accurately project future water supply demands. Simul- taneously, hydrogeologic studies were performed to develop estimates of the quantities of fresh groundwater available and to ascertain the extent and degree of contamination of the grgundwater by organic and inorganic constituents. The background-investigations formed the basis upon which alterna~ve plans were developed and evaluated in Phase.II. Alternative re- gional, subregdonal and community water supply concepts were identi- fied and developed. These were then evaluated on the bas'is of cost, environmental consequences, reliaDility of operation, and f]exibi) i~y to determine a future course of action. - In Phase III legislative, management and financing constraints were stu'died and suitable recommendations for implementation were developed. 2-1 .1 .l 2.2 STUDY AREA The plan covers the towns of Riverhead and Southold on the ~or~h Fork of Long Island (see figure 2-1). The North Fork is essentially a peninsula which extends east for over 35 miles from the eastern terminus of the main land body of Long Island. The study area ex- tends from the community of Wading River on the west to Orient Point on the east, and covers approximately 109 square miles. It is bound on the north by Long Island Sound and on the south by the Peconic River and Peconic Bay. Offshore islands were not included in this study. 2.3 PLANNING APPROACH--WATER SUPPLY ZONES As one progresses west to east through the study area, groundwater availability changes significantly. From the standpoints of planning and implementation, it is logical to organize the study area into discrete groundwater supply zones for analysis. Five such zones were defined {see Figure 4-1). Zone 1 starts at the western Town boundary of Riverhead and extends east to the area of the commercial hamlet of Riverhead. In this zone, the Magothy aquifer is saturated 'with fresh water all the way to bedrock. Doctor's Path is-used as the eastern terminus of Zone 1. In the hamlet area, saltwater becomes evident in bhe lower depths of the Magothy. The presence of saltwater in the Magothy increases as one progresses east, until the fresh water lens terminates at Mattituck Inlet, which is the eastern boundary of Zone 2. Zones 3, 4 and 5 are defined by the east-west boundaries of three isolated fresh groundwater lenses. Zone 3 extends from the Mattituck Inlet to Hashamomuck Pond. A fresh water lens begins at the Inlet, increases in depth in an easterly di6ection, and then ends where the ground surface intersects the groundwater table at the.Pond and salt- water intrudes. Zone 4 extends from Hashamomuck Pond to Dam Pond; Zone 5 starts at Dam Pond and ends at Orient Point. Each zone has its own hydrogeologic characteristics and water Dudget. There is some fresh water movement between zones 1 and 2; the other three function independently. Contamination problems vary among the zones and there are substantially different volumes of fresh water available in'each zone. -In other words, each zone is unique, and i~s distinguishing features have to be considered. Therefore, all basic inventory data was drganized by zone, and the development and evalua- tion of alternatives al-so considered the zone boqndaries.. (98/5) 2-2 INSERT FIGURE 2-1 2-3 SECTION 3.0 POPULATION AND LA~D USE 3.1 POPULATION The U.S. Census indicates that the year-round population of the North Fork study area was 39,Dg7 in 1980; 20,243 people resided in the Town of Riverhead, and 18,854 in the Town of Southold {excluding Fishers Island, which is outside the study area). As shown in Table 3-1, the population reached these levels after growing 7 and 15 percent, respectively, in Riverhead and Southold during the 1970's. During this period, almost 4,000 people were added to the two towns. Most of the growth occurred in the Shoreham/Wading River, Southold and Mattituck/ Cutchogue areas. Oyster Pond, Greenport, and New Suffolk experienced minor decreases in population during the period. Population projections developed by the Long Island Regional Planning Board on the basis of school districts forecast continued growth. It is anticipated that the population in Riverhead and Southold will in- crease to 49,800 people {a 27 percent increase) between 1980 and 2000(1), with all school districts experiencing growth. The popu- lation in Riverhead is expected to increase to 26,750 persons (a 32 percent increase) while the population in Southold is expected to increase by 22 percent, reaching a level of 23,050. These projec- tions represent a refinement of earlier planning board estimates (prepared during the 208 Program), and project a lower rate of growth in the area than that originally forecast. Population data is presented in Table 3-2 by groundwater supply zone. The reorganization of the data, which was based on school districts, was accomplished with the aid of-detailed census tract data, Long Island Lighting Company {LILCO) population estimates and planning board population density and land use maps. During the summer, the population on the North Fork increases signi- ficantly. The summer.population increase consists of guests, second- home owners, campers and motel users. The Suffolk County Planning Board estimates that the population in Riverhead and Southold in- creased during a peak weekend by 10,705 and 19,760 people, re- spectively, during the summer of 1980 (see Table 3-3). (1)Futu/e ~opula~ion, land use and water demand information in this report is presented for the year ~000 although the planning board data is developed for 1995. However, the timing of the projected growth levels is not accurate, and it is entirely possible that they will not be reached until 2000 or 2005. N 3.2 LAND USE Land use impacts water supply requirements since individual land uses have different water quality and quantity needs. It was, therefore, important to consider existing land use on the North Fork and to examine projected future land use. Existing land use in the two towns is summarized in Table 3-4. Wit~ the exception of Zone 4, agricultural land dominates each zone, wit~ 42 percent of the land area (29,360 acres) currently devoted to agri- cultural usage. Crops grown on the North Fork include potatoes, mixed vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, rye, nursery stock, fruit trees, grapes and sweet corn. Lower density residential development (one to four dwellings per acre) dominates the residential land use category. High-density residential development (greater than five dwellings per acre) occurs significantly only in zones 1 and 4 {downtown Riverhead ano the Village of Greenport). The vacant land category includes open space, unmaintained parkland, and undeveloped portions of Grumman's complex in Zone 1. Industrial development on the North Fork is ex- tremely limited (except for Grumman). Commercial usage can be found to a limited extent in each zone, with significant commercial devel- opment in the hamlet of Riverhead, Greenport Village and to mlesser extent in Mattituck and Southold. Future land use was projected by the regional planning board during the 208 Program. The projections indicate that low-density residen- tial development will significantly increase in both towns, while agricultural and open/vacant space will decrease, The land use trends projected by the planning board forecast an 18 percent decline in agricultural land use (approximately 5,300 acres). These projec- tions are generally consistent with past trends, which resulted in the loss of 30 percent of the farm land in Suffolk County between 1964 and t978. This trend is abating somewhat as the County's Farmland Preservation Plan and open space policies are implemented. The Cooperative Extension Service anticipates a gradual change in the types of crops grown on the North Fork. In general, potatoes, sod and rye acreage will decrease while the other crops grown will in- crease in acreage. (98/12) 3-5 SECTION 4.0 GEOLOGY The geology of the study area has been described in several earlier investigations. The most recent detailed geologic investigation of the Nor~ Fork was performed by the Suffolk County Department of Heal th Services (SCDHS). A brief summary of the stratigraphic re- lationships found in the study area is presented below. 4.1 GEOLOGIC UNITS 4.1.1 Bedrock Crystalline bedrock of Pre-Cambrian age underlies the entire study area at depths ranging from 500 feet below sea level in eastern Southold to approximately 1,300 feet below sea level in southwestern Riverhead. The bedrock consists of gneiss and schist of very low permeability. It has virtually no value as an aquifer. 4.1.2 Raritan Formation Resting unconformably on the bedrock surface is the Raritan Formation of Late Cretaceous age. This unit is generally divided into the lower Lloyd Sand member and t~e overlying Raritan Clay member. Both units become progessively thinner to the east. The Lloyd decreases from a thickness of about 300 feet to 150 feet. Similarly, the Rari- tan Clay varies from 200 to 100 feet. The Lloyd Sand has been described as a-grayish white, coarse sand and gravel with interbedded units of gray clay. The Raritan Clay is described as gray clay and silty clay. Fresh water is only found in the Raritan Formation in parts of Zone i. Generally, the water quality and depth of the Raritan Formation make it an-unlikely source of water supply within the study area. 4.1.3 Matawan GKoup--Magothy Formation Undifferentiated The Magothy Formation,qike the Rarita~, is a later Cretaceous- deposit although an erosional un6onformity ~eparates the two units~ The upper surface of the-Magothy was al~o shaped by erosion forces. The irregular upper Magothy surface forms a circular high about. 150 feet below sea level in western Riverhead and then drops to a rela- tively constant surface about 350 feet below sea level. The con- figuration of the Magothy's upper surface is shown in Figure 4-1. The total thickness of the Magothy in the study area varies from about 150 to 600 feet. The Magothy generally consists of gray fine to coarse sand with interstitial silt and clay. Lenses of clay, silt and clayey sand are also commonly found in the Magothy, particularly the upper sections. The basal portion of the Magothy is generally coarser with coarse sand and gravel being characteristic. In the five western towns of Suffolk County, the Magothy is the principal source of public water supply. Within the study area, however, the Magothy is only available for supply in zones 1 and 2. East of Mattituck Inlet, in zones 3, 4 and 5, the Magothy is generally salty. 4.1.4 Pleistocene Deposits The most important geologic unit within the study area with respect to supplying drinking water are the glacial deposits of Pleistocene age. This material rests unconformably on the Magothy's eroded upper surface and reaches a maximu~n thickness of about 650 feet in north- eastern Riverhead. The physical properties and appearance of the glacial deposits vary with manner of deposition. The predominant type of glacial deposit in the study area is outwash. Deposited by glacial meltwater, the outwash is stratified and generally composed of clean sand and gravel. Till, the other major glacial deposit, was laid down by moving ice, and consists of unsorted clay, silt, sand, gravel and boulders. The till is primarily found along the north shore of the study area. Several previous investigations discuss the existence of a substan- tial clay unit interbedded with the outwash deposits. As part of this study, an attempt was made to Collect all the geologic logs available from wells drilled in Southold and Riverhead. Based on the correlation of these logs (wells no. A through E shown on Figure 4-1) including recent drilling projects done by SCDHS, a continuous unit of clay and sandy clay is shown to exist between 60 and 150-feet below sea level. The variable thickness and horizontal extent of the clay is shown in Figure 4-1. The clay is particularly well docu- mented in zones 2 and 3. In these areas, every well that penetrated deep enough encountered the clay at approximately the same elevation. The clay was also found in zones l, 4 and 5; however, the paucity of data makes a correlation in these areas somewhat problematic. The complete areal extent o-f the clay, the depositional environment and its relationship to other clays on Long Island (i.e., the Gardiners Clay, the 20-foot clay, and the Smithtown Clay) remain to be dete- rmined. 4-2 1 INSERT FIGURE 4-1 4.-3 ] ] J ] ] ] ] (a) The water supplied to commercial development was included in the per capita rate calculated for the districts; commercial development outside of the water districts' service areas is limited. (b) The per capita rates for the water districts include use by summer visitors. This use was estimated separately in areas not served by public supplies, using a rate of 50 gpcd extending over a 90-day period (from June through August). The population projections presented in Section 3.0 were used to estimate the future residential water use shown in Table 7-2. The per capita rates were held at current levels in projecting future use. 7.1.2 Agricultural Use Irrigation rates required for each type of crop grown on the North Pork as well as estimates of the total acreage devoted to each type of crop were obtained from the Cooperative Extension Service (see Table 7-3). The average irrigation rate was then calculated to be 140,000 gallons per acre per year. Total irrigation requirements were developed by applying these rates to the total amount of agricultural land. crop irrigation is normally required from May through September. Peak months are July and August, when 70 percent (35 percent during each month) of the total annual irrigation demand is required. Peak daily agricultural usage is assumed to be equal to the average daily demand during these peak months. 7.1.3 Total Water Use Total annual average water use {current a~nd future) was obtained by adding the residential and agricultural usage in each zone (see Table 7-2). Currently, 15.35 mgd is used on the North Fork. Agricultural use accounts for i1.33 mgd or 74 percent of the total annual use. Residential water use will increase i~ the future as the population increases. However, this increase will be offset by the decline in water used for 'irrigation as the amount of land. in agricultural use decreases. These-changes will result in a slight overall decline in average daily water use over the planning period, although the demand for potable water will in~rease. Consumptive water use takes-place when water is used and not returned to the groundwater system. Consumptive losses include evapotrans- p~ration from crop and lawn frrigation and residential water not re- 7-3 . ]' This clay unit has negative and positive water supply ramifications; it is not, in itself, a good fresh water aquifer, but it does have an ability to inhibit the upconing of sal~.~ater beneath high-yield sup- ply wells. The clay unit has been shown to underlie Greenport Water District's Plant 6, and this facility has never been affected by elevated chloride levels even during periods of peak demand. Ground- water modeling of the impact of prolonged dewatering at the Long Island Lighting Company's {LILCO) proposed Jamesport plant also indicated that saltwater upconing through the clay would not take pl ace, al though lateral saltwater intrusion would be a problem. 4.2 AQUIFER PARAMETERS To characterize an aquifer's ability to store and transmit water, physical parameters including porosity, permeability (horizontal and vertical), specific capacity, and transmissivity must be determined. This can be done in several different ways (theoretical hydraulic formula, lab tests, tracer tests); however, the most accurate method for evaluating local aquifer performance is through a carefully monitored pump test. The data available from pump tests conducted in the study area are somewhat limited and variable, but enough informa- tion does exist to generally establish the average aquifer proper- ties. One of the first attempts to empirically determine aquifer parameters was a series of pump tests conducted throughout the County as part of the Suffolk County Test Well Program. This included three individual sites in Riverhead where six different screen settings in the Magothy and one setting in the upper glacial were tested. In Southold, two upper glacial settings were also tested. The results-of this work are presented in the "Comprehensive Public Water Supply Study--Suf- folk County, Volumes II and III" (Holzmach6r, McLendon and Murrell, 1970). A theoretical analysis of aquifer parameters that relied on existing data was presented in "Water Transmitting Properties of Aquifers on Long Island, New York" (McClymonds and Franke, 1972, USGS Profes- ' sional Paper 627-E). The regional variations in hydraulic conducti- vity and transmissivity were estimated using specific capacity and' lithologic data. A detailed'analysis of-aquifer properties in the study area is con- -tained in the-1975 Geraghty and Miller report "Study of Groundwater Condition on the Long Island Lighting Company Tract, Jamesport, New York." As part of this study,_several pump tegts in the upper glacial aquifer were perf6rmed'to determine the impact of ~rojectea- heavy groundwater withdrawals. Most recently, a pump test was run in the upper glacial aquifer at a site near the Village of Southold as part of the Nassau-Suffolk Re- gional Planning Board's 208 Program. The pump test results are sum- marized in the 1977 Woodward Clyde report "Groundwater Studies for Section 208 Plan, Long Island, New York." Table 4-1 presents a summary of the upper glacial aquifer parameters determined during the studies cited above. The upper glacial aquifer is a highly productive unit, with physical properties that are relatively consistent throughout the study area. The uniform composition of the glacial outwash deposits in which all the aquifer test wells were screened makes average parameter values applicable over the entire extent of the aquifer. The variation in specific capacities reject differences in well construction and pumping rates as well as aquifer lithology. The differences in transmissivities are the product of changes in aquifer thickness (transmissivity: hydraulic conductivity x saturated aquifer thick- ness). The Magothy aquifer pump test data developed during the Suffolk County Test Well Program are summarized in Table 4-2. The sites tested are all in zones 1 and 2 where the Magothy is actually available for water supply. Because the Magothy deposits and thedr physical properties vary considerably both horizontally and verti- cially, it is not as easy to make regional extrapolations from these data. McClymonds and Franke {1972) estimated that the Magothy in Riverhead has a hydraulic conductivity of about 400 gallons per day per square foot (gpd/sq ft) and a transmissivity of 260,000 gpd/sq ft based on an aquifer thickness of 650 feet. Although the Magothy is generally composed of finer-grained material and is less permeable than the upper g)acial, the data-in Table 4-2 indicates that it is capable of supplying large quantities of water. The Osborn Avenue well _in Riverhead is screened in the Magothy and is currently used for public supply by the Riverhead Water D~strict. Any interpretation of the data in Table 4-2 must consider that the well screens were intentionally loQated in the most permeable hori- zons and hot in strata that are necessarily representative of the entire aquifer. In general, the transmissign of water in the Magot~y in zones i and 2 is not-a limiting factor to.the development of public water supplies. 4.3 FRESH WATER-SALTWATER ~INTER~ACE The configurations of the fresh water lenses beneath groundwater supply zones 3, 4 and 5 are in dynamic equilibrium with the saltwater that surrounds them. Their thicknesses and lateral extents remain 4-5 stable over time because of the balance between recharge and dis- charge. The location of the fresh water-saltwater interface, the boundary be%ween the fresh water lenses and the underlying saltwater, also tends to remain unchanged as long as the aquifer is not over- pumped. The position of the interface has been determined during exploratory drilling on various projects by SCDHS, test well installations associated with the 208 Program and CPWS-2¢, miscellaneous test ~lls (i.e., S189, S490) and private supply wells that were inadvertently screened in saltywater. (For the purpose of this study, saltwater is assumed to have a chloride concentration of more than 250 milli- grams per liter (mg/1.) This information, in conjunction with esti- mates based on the Ghyben-Herzberg principle, were used to locate the position of the interface on an east-west longitudinal cross-section of the study area. The location and elevation of the interface is shown on Figure 4-1. The Ghyben-Herzberg relationship states that the distribution of fresh and saltwater at hydrostatic equilibrium is caused by the difference in density between fresh and saltwater. Based on this difference, the depth of fresh water below sea level is predicted to bq 40 times the height of fresh water above sea level. This re- lationship is theoretical and when applied to the North Fork, Cran- dell ("Geology and Groundwater Resources'of' the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, 1963, USGS Water Supply Paper 1619-66) found that it consistently underestimates the actual depth of available fresh water. However, in a hydrologically sensitive area such as this, a conservative approach is appropriate for water supply planning and, therefore, Ghyben-Herzberg was used. The position of the interface, deviates from the predicted location in some areas because of lithology. The interface is found below the clay unit throughout Zone 3, and in many areas this is much deeper than would be expected. The thick, nelatively impern~eable clay unit apparently prevents the interface or the associated zone of diffusion from responding to short-term fluctuations of the water table. The interface in zones 4 and 5 has not been accurately determined during drilling projects so the influence of the clJy unit cannot be assessed, The lateral position of the interface is not'in~uenced by the clay. There is no comparable-barrier to check the horizontal, landward -encroacrment of' saltwater. Groundwater withdrawals near.the sh~re- iine, over a prolonged ~eriod of reduced recharge, could have an effect on the position of_the tnterface with r~spect to-thc shore-~. line. ~ '(98/13) SECTION 5.0 GROUNDWATER QUALITY The groundwater aquifers underlying the North Fork are significantly contaminated by inorganic and organic chemicals. The nature and extent of groundwater contamination was evaluated in this study relative to its impact on water supply. The data used in the analy- sis was collected by the Suffolk County Depar~ent of Health Services (SCDHS) in their home- and monitoring-well sampling programs and their North Fork transect project. 5.1 INORGANIC PARAMETERS Table 5-1 summarizes the SCDHS data for inorganic parameters an the North Fork. The table characterizes groundwater quality by present- ing the percentage of well samples which exceed established guide- lines or standards for nine inorganic.parameters. Data is presented for 14 communities on the North Fork (grouped by zone) and for Suf- folk County as a whole. Using the data on Table 5-1 and other supporting data from the SCDHS, it was determined that the upper glacial aquifer throughout the plan- ning area is already contaminated with nitrates. Nitrate levels are significantly elevated above natural background conditions of 0.1 to 1.0 milligrams per liter (mg/1) and exceed the drinking water stan- dard of 10 mg/1 in many areas. A sampling pf 639 wells for nitrates by the SCDHS in the Town of Riverhead showed the following: 58 per- cent of the. samples ranged from 0 to 5 mg/1; 26 perce~t were above 7.5 mg/1; and 16 percent were above lO mg/1. Similar results were obtained in a sampling of 1,121 wells in the Town of Southold: 5t percent of samples ranged from 0 to 5 mg/1; 30 percent we.re above 7..5 mg/1; and 17 percent were above 10 mg/1. Figure 5-1 graphically depicts the areal extent of nitrate contamina- tion in the upper glacial aquifer. As expected, the affected areas are closely related to 9gricultural land use in zones 1, 2, 3, and-5. ~he vertical ektent of the contamination is also important in pro- jecting future migration rates through the aduifer system and future water supply impacts. Themos~ detailed study of vertical conce~tral tion gradients was done by SCDHS as part of their New York State De- partment of Health (NYSDOH) pesticide grant. The results of the ver- tical groundwater quality profiles compiled along a transect in Cutchogue (Zone 3) showeU extensive distribution of nitrates verti- ] J 4 '~I INSERT FIGURE 5-1 cally, permeating almost all of the upper glacial aquifer above the clay. These results were confirmed by limited vertical profiling at two other study sites also in Zone 3. The vertical nitrate concen- tration data from Zone 3 is consistent with groundwater quality find- ings in other supply zones. In zones 1 and 2, the fresh water which is available beneath the clay unit is not contaminated with nitrate and will probably remain un- contaminated because of the reduced rate of migration of contaminants through the clay. While only a small number of wells currently tap the Magothy aquifer, this formation beneath zones 1 and 2 has been shown to have acceptable water quality and low nitrate concentra- tions. Samples from Riverhead and Baiting Hollow Magothy wells had nitrate concentrations of less than 0.02 mg/1. A nitrate concentra- tion of 1.09 mg/1 was found in a Magothy well in Aquebogue in 1969; the most recent data from that well {December 1981) showed a small increase to 2.9 mg/1. As indicated in Table 5-1, a significant number of samples exceeded the 20 mg/1 sodium guidelines contained in the New York State drink- ing water standards. The sodium standard is relevant to consumers on severly restricted salt diets. The State guideline also indicates that water containing more than 2?0 mg/1~ of sodium should not be used for drinking by those on moderately restricted sodium diets. As in- dicated in the table, few samples approach this level. Iron and manganese are frequently found in levels that exceed State standards. These constituents occur naturally in the groundwater and their distribution on the North Fork is not related to land use acti- vities. These standards do not represent toxic or hazardous levels, but have been established for aesthetic reasons {staining of bathroom fixtures and clothes during washing). The chloride levels found by the SCDHS in the North Fork transect were higher than normal background levels (20 mg/1) but well below the drinking water standard of 250 mg/l~ The elevated chloride levels correlate with elevated nitrate levels, suggesting that agricultural fertilizers are the major source of the contamination. Table 5-1 indicates that the chloride standard is normally not ex- ceeded in home water supply wells on the North-ForK. MBAS {detergents)-and sulfates are rarely found in North Fork water supplies in concentrations exceeding standards. Copper and zinc wer~ similarly not detected in concentrations exceeding established stan- da6ds. 5-5 5.2 ORGANIC PARAMETERS Table 5-2 presents the results of the SCDHS home well sampling pro- gram for the pesticide Aldicarb and three chlorinated hydrocarbons. This data summarizes the results of the Department's surveillance efforts which were begun in mid-1979. The extent of Aldicarb contamination is similar to the distribution of nitrates because both have been used extensively by potato farmers on the North Fork. Figure 5-2 maps the areal extent of Aldicarb con- tamination on the North Fork. SCDHS correlated the presence of Aldicarb contamination with potato farming; 98 percent of the wells with more than 7 parts per billion {ppb) of Aldicarb were within 1,000 feet of a potato farm. SCDHS data and their statistical summaries of Aldicarb sampling re- sults further demonstrate that organic contamination from pesticides and herbicides is widespread. In the Town of Riverhead, 2,161 wells were sampled: 32 percent were contaminated by Aldicarb; and 16 per- cent had Aldicarb concentrations above the health guideline of 7 ppb. In the Town of Southold, 3,160 wells were sampled: 23 percent showed Aldicarb contamination; 11 percent exceeded the health guideline of 7 ppb. Unlike nitrates, Aldicarb has been shown to be generally limited to the upper 30 to 40 feet of the aquifer, except in the central re- charge areas where it has been detected near the bottom of the aqui- fer. The eventual migration of Aldicarb throughout the aquifer can reasonably be expected in the future. Efforts to deepen wells to avoid current Aldicarb contamination will, therefore, provide only temporary relief. Most notable among the wells contaminated with Aldicarb are the Greenport Water District wells 6-1 and 6-2. The water derived from well 6-1 was found to consistently exceed the ?-ppb guideline while the water from well 6-2 periodically exceeds the guideline. A carbon filter was installed in August, t980 to treat the contaminated water from well 6-1. Water from well 6-2 is blended with treated water from well 6-1. Additionally, wells 4-6, 4-7, welt 7 and well 8 have been impacted by pesticide contamination. SCDHS has sampled for and confirmed the presence of other pesticides and herbicides in the groundwater beneath the North Fork {dichloro- propane, carbofuran, dacthal, oxamyl and dinosebl) The data avail- able on these contaminants is not as comprehensive as that compiled for Aldicarb but does verify that additional contamination has oc- curred. Table 5-2 also presents the results of the SCDHS home well sampling program for three chlorinated hydrocarbons (1,t,1 trichloroetnane, tetrachloroethytene, and 1,1,2 trichloroethylene). The use of these - 5-6 INSERT FIGURE 5-2 5-8 chemicals is generally not associated with agricultural activities. The greatest occurrence of these compounds was in Greenport, an area where agricultural activity is limited. The sources of this type of contamination are generally commercial activities and homeowner use of the compounds. After reviewing the water quality conditions on the North Fork, it was determined that a conservative approach to water supply planning must be taken because of degraded water quality and the need to pro- tect consumers. It is clear that the aquifers will remain contamin- ated with nitrates, Aldicarb and with other organic parameters through the year 2000. Even though additional inputs have ceased, concentrations of Aldicarb will continue to exceed the 7-ppb drinking water guideline. As additional water quality data is collected, more contamination problems will be discovered. (98/14) 5-9 ] ] SECTION 6.O EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Within the study area, there are two municipal water supply systems: one serving the hamlet of Riverhead, and the other, the Village of Greenport. In addition, there are numerous (21) small, privately owned water systems. The Riverhead and Greenport service areas and the locations of the 21 private systems are shown on Figure 6-i. 6.1 GREENPORT MUNICIPAL SYSTEM The Greenport system presently serves the Village of Greenport and portions of the Town of Southold, as shown on Figure 6-1. The franchised area encompasses about 15 square miles extending generally from East Marion, west to Horton Neck and Jockey Creek. The system includes about 50 miles of piping serving about 2,300 connections and has one distribution system storage tank with a capacity of 300,000 gallons. The Village presently owns and operates six well fields with two (Plants 1 and 2) abandoned several years ago due to water quality problems. Table 6-1 summarizes information on the well supplies. Presently, Plant 3 is only used for emergency purposes due to re- latively poor water quality. Also, it has been reported that the yield of Plant ¢ has been reduced to 300 gallons per minute {gpm) due to the recent activation of Plant 8, since these well supplies are relatively close to each other and hydrologically connected. There- fore, the net available pumping capacity is about 1,710 gpm. At Plant 6, a granular activated carbon filter was installed on the larger of the two wells during the summer of 1980 (well no. 6-1) in order to remove pesticides. Union Carbide, the manufacturer of Aldicarb, supplied the filter and the initial 20,000 pounds of carbon. Because of the hydraulic restrictions imposed by the filter, the well capacity was-reduced from 550 gpm to 400 gpm. Water from this well is blended with water from well no. 6-2 (150-gpm capacity) resulting in a total combined plant capacity of 550 gpm. Plant 6 represents the major source' of water for the system, accounting for up to 61 percent of the total water pumped over the last few years. Aldicarb contamination has also been detected, in lesser degrees, in the water from wells 4-6, 4-7~ Plant 7 and Plant 8. 6-1 INSERT FIGURE 6-1 6-2 P1 ant No. 3 4 5 6 8 TOTALS No. of Wel 1 s 3 3 1 2 1 1 11 TABLE 6-1 SUMMARY OF WELL SUPPLIES FOR THE GREENPORT MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Total Pump Well Historical Water Capacity (gpm) Depth (ft) Quality Problems 340 45-57 Iron, manganese, chlorides, pesticides 510 79-80 Occasionally high chlorides, pesticides 160 60 Nitrates 550 77, 94 Nitrates, pesticides 350 89 Chlorides, pesticides 350 '95 Pesticides 2,260 5-3 :J :J J If, due to mechanical failure or maintenance, the carbon filter is inoperable at well no. 6-t, this supply would be removed from service, reducing the total system capacity from 1,7!0 gpm to 1,310 gpm. This latter capacity should be adopted for water supply planning purposes in order to assess future requirements. Accordingly, based on an estimated maximum day requirement of 1,780 gpm (see Section $.0) it is estimated that a deficit of about 470 gpm 10.68 mgd) in dependable water supply capacity will exist by the year 2000. The Greenport system is well maintained and operated. Its major problems are the quality of its raw water supplies. However, the personnel operating the system have been able to cope with the quality probl~n because of their experience and expertise. 6.2 RIVERHEAD MUNICIPAL SYSTEM As shown on Figure 6-1, the Riverhead Municipal System (Riverhead Water District) serves an area north of the Peconic River between Calverton and Aquebogue. The system presently has about 53 miles of piping and provides service to 2,124 residential, 346 commercial and 57 institutional customers. Present population served includes 9,900 within the District and 2,200 outside Of the District (Riverside Water District) for a total served population of 12,100. There are twp elevated water storage tanks within the system; one having 750,000 gallons of active storage and the other 150,000 gallons. The larger tank automatically controls the operation of five of the District's six well pumping stations by use of a telemetering system that serves to sequentially start or stop the District's pumping stations according to the water level in the tank. The District presently has six well supplies; their capacities and depths are summarized in Table 6-2. Well no. 2, which is not automatically controlled by tank water level, is used for emergency purposes,-and is powered by a diesel engine. Excluding this well, the total net available system pumping capacity is 5,150 gpm or 7.4 million gallons per day (mgd). Based on the estimated year 2000 maximum daily demand of 2900 gpm for River- head, it is apparent that sufficient well caI~acity exists to satisfy future requirements. Reportedly, there have been no significant water quality problems or concerns at the well supplies. Chlorine for disinfection and li~e'for pH control are added at each well, except for well no. 2 where only ch!orine is added. 6-4 Wel 1 1 2 3 4-t 4-2 5 TOTAL TABLE 6-2 SUiV~IARY OF WELL SUPPLIES FOR THE RIVERHEAD WATER DISTRICT P~mp Capacity (gpm) 75O 800 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 ,5,950 6-5 Well Depth (ft) 120 140 120 715 390 250 J 1 .~l The system appears to be well maintained and efficiently operated. It is essentially IOQ percent metered, with a meter replacement pro- gram recently being completed. Leakage detection and repair is an ongoing practice, as is hydrant and valve maintenance. These prac- tices are the major reason why the unaccounted-for water portion of the total average daily production is below 10 percent, a relatively low amount and representative of a well-maintained system. 6.3 PRIVATE WATER SYSTEMS Excluding the Riverhead and Greenport water districts, 21 privately owned water supplies were identified as serving residential areas in the towns of Riverhead and Southold. In all, an estimated population of approximately 5,¢00 is served by these systems. Under New York State Law (State Sanitary Code Pt. 5-1.1) these sys- tems are classified as community or noncommunity systems based on the number of service connections or seasonal nature of the service. Those designated as community systems are required to meet more stringent monitoring and quality requirements. Several of these water systems have experienced problems related to lack of standby power, water quality deterioration, and inadequate pressure. Since these difficulties may directly impact upon the availability and/or suitability of water, the Drinking Water Supply Section of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has de- signated some of these systems as Marginal Water Suppliers (July 1981). Community water systems serving moPile home parks (M.H.P.), adult homes and apartments were excluded from this classification under the assumption that these facilities could be evacuated in the event of an emergency. Table 6-3 summarizes the water supply equipment, populations ser- viced, and classifications of each of the private supplies on the North Fork. Comments have been included describing the reasons for "marginal supply" classification, as appropriate. SPH12/9) 6-6 t ! X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SECTION 7.0 WATER USE AND AVAILABLE SUPPLY 7.1 EXISTING AND FUTURE WATER USE Water use patterns were analyzed for residential use lincluding commercial and industrial), and agricultural use. 7.1.1 Residential Use Water for residential use is supplied through both public water sup- ply systems and individual home wells. The major municipal public supplies are the Riverhead and Greenport water districts. In addi- tion to the two major municipal systems, there are a n~ber of smaller systems serving residential developments and mobile home parks in the study area. ODerating records from Riverhead and'Greenport were reviewed to determine water use in the two districts. The results of the analy- sis, shown in Table 7-1, indicate that the Greenport District uses an average of Q.81 million gallons per day (mgd) or 110 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). The Riverhead District supplies 1.18 mgd or 120 gpcd to consumers in the study area and an average of 0.32 mgd to the Riverside section of Southampton. Average daily per capita usage was also examined during the periods from January to April and October to December. Usage during, these periods more. accurately rejects domestic use by permanent residents. Both the Riverhead and the Greenport_systems reflected per capita use of 90 gpcd during these months. The relationship between annual average daily use and peak seasonal, monthly and daily demands were evaluated in_both systems and found to be almost identical. Average dai~y use during the peak season (M~y to Sept~ber) is 1.25 times annual average daily use. The peak month for consumptien is July and average daily.use during that month is 1.6 times the annual average. The peak dai-ly demand experienced was -2.7 times the-annual average daily use. Residential use in a~eas not served by a publio supply ~as-estimated to be 80 gpcd. The lo,er-per Capita rate in these areas (80 versu~- 110 and 120 gpcd) results from two factors: charged to the ground (i.e., discharged to a sewer system with sur- face water outfalls}. Therefore, all agricultural use is considered as consumptive use (leaving the system as evapotranspiration). Re- sidential use in sewered areas was assumed to be 100 percent con- sumptive, while residential use in unsewered areas was estimated to be 20 percent consumptive. Table 7-2 lists existing and future con- sumptive use figures for each zone. As with total use, consumptive use will decrease in the future as irrigation requirements decline. Peak water use rates were developed by applying the previously deter- mined peak use factors to the future annual average daily use rates. During summer months, domestic use will be over 6 mgd; agricultural use will be about 22 mgd. 7.2 AVAILABLE GROUNDWATER SUPPLY Groundwater reaches the aquifers underlying the North Fork from two sources: (1) annual recharge from precipitation and (2) groundwater in.ow from outside the study area. Of these two sources, annual recharge provides the majority of water reaching zones 1 and 2, and essentially all of the water in zones 3, 4 and 5. Groundwater inflow from Brookhaven Township to zones 1 and 2 is estimated at 7 mgd {CPWS-24, 1970). The aquifers underlying zones 3, 4 and 5 are iso- lated and do not receive in.ow from other groundwater sources. Average annual recharge is estimated to range between 19 and 21 inches per year or 42 to 46 percent of the total average preci- pitation (45 inches per year). The average recharge of 19 to 21 inches is equivalent to approximately 1 mgd per square mile of land area. In reality, however, not all of the recharge should be withdrawn for use. Some recharge must be allowed to ~ow across the fresh water-saltwater interface to prevent the movement of the inter- face and sal.twater intrusion. CPWS-24 contains the following permissive sustained yields for the groundwater supply zones on the North Fork: Groundwater Supply Zone Permissive Sustained -Yield (mgd/sb mile) 1 0;7 ' 2 0.4 3 0.35 4 0.25 5 0.25 The permissive sustained yield is the maxim:n rate at which water may be withdrawn from the aquifer perennially without bringing about the undesirable effects of saltwater intrusion. The permissive ~ j- sustained yields were ~eveloped during the preparation of CPWS-24 through an optimization procedure that balanced maximum withdrawal with storage capacity in each zone, Since groundwater elevations and aquifer storage volumes in zones 3, 4 and 5 are lower than in zones 1 and 2, the permissive sustained yields for these eastern zones were developed utilizing recharge rates reflecting drought conditions rather than the average recharge rates used for zones 1 and 2. The permissive sustained yields for each zone were examined in this study. Using the most recent data and information available, the impacts they would have on the position of the saltwater interface were estimated. It was found that these yields would have only a minor impact on the configuration of the fresh water-saltwater inter- face. In order to estimate the total quantity of groundwater that may be withdrawn for public supply from each zone, water budget areas were delineated {see Figure 7-1). The budget areas represent those loca- tions where there is sufficient groundwater to develop large public supply wells. Outside the budget area, there is only sufficient supply to allow the development of smaller home well systems. In zones i and 2, the budget areas were defined as those locations where the groundwater level is 5 feet or more above sea level. In zones 3, 4 and 5 the availability of groundwater is more limited; therefore, the budget areas in these zones were defined as the areas where the groundwater level is 2 feet or more above sea level. Allowable withdrawal rates and well capacities will be more limited in the three eastern zones because of the lower groundwater elevat- ion. The definitions of the water budget areas are consistent with those presented in CPWS-24. Table 7-4 presents summary data for the water budget areas in each groundwater supply zone. As one progresses west to east through the study area, the size of the water budget area generally decreases. Zone 1 has a water budget area of 42 squaPe miles (approximately 95 percent of the total land area). In Zone 5, the budge{ area covens 1.6 square miles, 'representing only one-third of the total land area. These areas were based upon interpretation of the March 1981'ground- water contour map prepared by the SCDHS. Total permissive sustained yields were derived by app)ying the unit-' yield rates listed above {mgd per square mile) to the area covered Qy the water budget areas. The total permissive ~ustained yields range from a high of 29.4 mgd in Zone 1 to a low of 0.4 mgd in Zone 5. It should be emphasized that these total permissive susiained yields only account for the q~antity of water that may be withdrawn from the water budget areas. AdditiQnal groundwater suppl~ may be'oDCained- .. from smaller capacity, private home wells located outside the budget areas. It is estimated that approximately 10 to 20 mgd could be available outside the water buUget areas for all five zones. J j- 7.3 WATER BALANCES Table 7-4 compares the quantity of available groundwater with current consumptive water use in each zone. Each of the zones {excep~ Zone 5) potentially has sufficient quantities of water to meet anticipated demands without causing adverse impacts from saltwater intrusion. Zone I has the largest surplus of water available (2¢.7 mgd); zones 2, 3 and 4 have a more modest surplus. In Zone 5, the analysis indi- cates that the current consumptive use is approximately equal to the permissive sustained yield. Again, it should be emphasized that there is additional water available for use in Zone 5 outside the water budget area. that can be developed utilizing small capacity wells. In reviewing the findings of the water budget analysis, several important factors must be considered: (1) Well location and design require special attention in ground- water supply zones 2, 3, ¢, and 5 because of the low per- missive sustained yields and shallow aquifers. ~n the rained future Because of pesticide and nitrate contamination, all fresh groundwater potentially available may not be suitable for pot- able water supply without treatment, but could be used for irrigation. development of water supply, alternatives, the permissive sus- yields and the quantity of water potentially available for use were utilized to identify possible sources of supply. 7.4 WELL YIELDS AND SPACING CONSIDERATIONS The permissive sustained yields presented earlier represent average withdrawal rates that are appiicable acros~ an entire groundwater supply zone. Individual well capacities and well spacing must also be considered when developing specifi~ water supply alternatives. 7.4.1 Well Yields The yield that can be obtained frQm a well i~ dependent upon a number of inter~elated factors: 7-9 J ] I Specific capacity of the aquifer Height of the water table above sea level Proximity to saltwater bodies Well screen location and length Well finishing and development techniques. While specific information can best be obtained from site investi- gations and pump tests, sufficient information currently exists to make planning decisions on well spacing, location and yields. The Suffolk County Test Well Program and data developed by the USGS indicate that the specific capacity for wells in the upper glacial aquifer averages 30 gallons per minute per foot (gpm/ft) of drawdown. (See Section 4.2 for a complete discussion of aquifer parameters.) This means that properly constructed wells can generally yield 30 gpm for each foot the water level in the well drops after pumping com- mences. Water table wells located close to saltwater bodies should not be designed and operated in such a manner that the continuous, average drawdown level over the year is below sea level, as t~is will induce saltwater intrusion into the well. As a general rule, wells are designed to meet peak day requirements {generally two to- three times annual average pumping rates). There- fore, the well only pumps about 5D percent of the time to meet the annual average demands. It is, therefore, permissible to design a water table well so that it will have an intermittent pumping level below sea level, realizing that during the inactive pumping periods the well will recover. It is typically assumed that if a well is located several thousand feet from a saltwater body, it can be designed to have a drawdown twice the height of the static water level above sea level, and still operate safely without drawing saltwater from lateral or upconing intrusion. Such a well should not be pumped continuously; it should be used only 50 percent of the time and allowed to recover the other 50 percent of the time. Allowable well capacity can then be calculated: (1) if the height of the water table is known, (2) assuming a 30 gpm/ft specific capacity, and (3) all owing a total drawdown of two times the static water level above sea level. In zones I and 2, the water table ranges from 5 to 40 feet above se~ level. Wells in the water budget areas within these zones c'an, therefore, be designed to provide 300 gpm to over 1~000 gpm. In the water budget areas in zones 3, 4 and 5, the hedght of-the water table ranges from 2 to 4 feet above sea level. Wells in these zones can be designed for capacities of 120-to 240 gpm._ 7-t0 The larger seasonal and weekend increases in the water supply re- quirements of the North Fork further complicate the design of wells. If the well-sizing criteria discussed above were followed, a large number of small-capacity wells would be required to meet peak weekend summer demands. Many of those wells would be completely inactive during the week and the off-peak season. This type of well network, comprised of numerous small wells, would be prohibitively expensive to construct and operate. It was, therefore, decided to allow peak- ing wells to pump intermittently at drawdowns up to 3 to 4 times greater than the static water level above sea level. The larger wells would only be operated on peak weekends during the summer. Since their period of operation will be limited, there would be no danger of drawing saltwater into the well. The well yields and negative saltwater impacts predicted through this type of analysis were verified by examining the existing installed capacities and saltwater impacts of the Greenport Water District wells. {The Riverhead Water District wells tap the Magothy aquifers in Zone 1 and are not subject to saltwater intrusion and, therefore, could not be used to further verify the assumptions.) The Greenport wells range in capacity from 200 to 400 gpm. The smaller capacity Greenport wells produce yields which are consistent with those pre- dicted by the assumptions made in this study with no saltwater intru- sion proDlems. The 400-gpm wells, however, are larger than would be allowed by the specific capacity/drawdown criteria of thi~ study {drawdowns greater than twice the height of the static water level above sea level). A review of the Greenport records indicates that their larger wells must be periodically rested because of increasing high chloride concentrations. In essence, then, the larger wells are sized and function similarly to the peaking wells assumed in this study, and substantiate the assumption that larger wells can be used on an intermittent basis to satisfy peak summer weekend requirements, if carefully monitored and controlled. Although the well-yield analysis has been presented for the water budget areas in each zone, the same general analytical approach can be used for locations outside the budget area. In summary then, wells tapping the upper glacial aquifer can be pumped intermittently at the following capacities without drawing saltwater: Height of Water Table Above Sea Level (feet) Capacity (~pm) 5 300 4 240 3 180 2 60-120 1-i/2 45-90(1) 1 15-30(1) Less than 1 0-10(1) (1) Requires site specific investigations and analyses. ] 7.4.2 Well Spacin? Wells should be located and spaced based upon considerations of the effective radius of influence of each well. A well should not be located closer to a saltwater body than a ~istance equal to two times its effective-radius of influence. Furthermore, wells within a group should be separated by a minimum of two radii of influence (center- to-center) so that their areas of influence do not overlap. These spacing criteria were used in subsequent phases of this investiga- tion. ?or steady-state conditions, the radius of influence of a pumping well describes an area over which the recharge rate is equal to the well pumping rate. This relationship is described by the following equation: QW= '~ro2 w where, QW: effective well pumping rase in gallons/minute ro = radius of influence in feet W : recharge rate in gallons per squ~re foot per minute (18 inches per year : 2.13 x 10- gallons per square foot per minute) To normalize the p~ping rate over the year, QW was taken to be edual to the total annual 'quantity of water withdrawn from the welt distri- buted evenly over the entire year {effective well pumping rate). Using the effective pumping rate and'~n average recharge of 18 inches/year, ro was calculated and used to define minimum well spac- ing distances, as described above. Example. As an example of the well-yield analysis and the use of the above equation for well spacing, assume that a total well capacity of 900 gpm was required to satisfy a peak day requirement for a particu- lar service area where the groundwater table was 5 feet above sea level. Three wells would be required, each with a capacity of 300 gpm, based on a specific capacity of 30 gpm/foot and allowing eac~ well to draw down to a level twice the static level above sea level (2 x 5 feet = 10 feet). Using a recharge rate, W, of 18 inches/ year and QW equal to 300gpm, r was calculated to be 2,050 feet. These wells were then located ~,100 feet apart. Groundwater Technology, David K. Todd, 1964. (125/i1} 7-12 SECTION 8.0 WATER SUPPLY ALTER~,~IVES 8.1 WATER DEMAND CENTERS The initial step in developing and analyzing water supply alterna- tives was to define the location and magnitude of water requirements. Accordingly, water demand centers which represent the greatest con- centrations of population and/or commercial development within the study area were delineated. As shown on Figure 8-1, five m~or demand centers were identified. Within each demand center, subdemand centers were al so delineated; these represent the m~or concentra- tions of population within the larger demand centers. The future land use plan, as projected by the Long Island Regional Planning Board (LIRPB) during the 208 Program, was utilized to estimate the extent of future development and, accordingly, subdemand center boundaries. Separating each demand center into subdemand centers was primarily done for water supply planning purposes because it facili- tated development and analysis of a more localized level of altern- atives for comparison with larger subregional or regional options. Nine isolated neighborhoods that represent concentrations of popu- lation removed from the demand centers were also identified (see Table 8-1). They generally consist of single-family homes built as part of a subdivision, with each home having an individual well sup- ply. These neighborhoods were identified in order to develop and analyze water supply options that would be available at a smaller, neighborhood scale. The homes within these neighborhoods have wells that withdraw water from the upper glacial aquifer, which is, or has the potential to be, laden with objec%ional concentrations of nitrates and/or pesticides. Table 8-1 summarizes the estimated year 2000 populations and water consumption requirements for each subdemand center and isolated neighborhood. Future population was estimated, as discussed in Sec- tion 3.0, with detailed census tract data and LIRPB estimates uti- lized to apportion population among demand centers. Future water consumption was estimated by the methods presented in Section 7.0. Generally, historical water use trends were utilized to develop the following estimates of water consumption given in gallons per capita per day (gpcd): 8-1 ] J J d INSERT FIGURE 8-1 8ST?ATED Y~ 2000 P0PULATION ~ERMAN£NT AOD'L SU,'~4ER TOTAL AVE DAY ~X DAY PEAK HOUR Waoinq River/Nort~ville 120 165 210 660 1780 2500 860 100 200 295 3985 (5.74 MGO) 20 45 70 8 17 26 27 60 90 8 17 26 13 28 43 10 21 32 6 13 20 18 40 62 23 50 80 4118 (E.g3 ~r~) 80 gpcd Residential use in areas not presently served by public supply t10 gpcd - Greenport Municipal System permanent residents 120 gpcd - Riverhead Municipal System permanent residents 50 gpcd Summer residents. The above rates were used to estimate year 2000 average daily water use. Maximum daily water use, which is used to determine the design capacity of most waterworks facilities, was estimated using a maximum day to average day ratio (i.e., maximum day ratio) of 2.5, based on historical water use trends for the Greenport and Riverhead municipal systems. The maximum day use represents the largest 24-hour water use that is expected to occur within a year, usually during the sum- mer season when water use is higher. The maximum day ratio was applied only to the average daily water use for permanent residents, since summer residents would, most likely, use water at a more con- stant rate throughout the season, with lawn watering and car washing being less prevalent within this class of users. The adopted rate of 50 gpcd for summer population is, most probably, slightly conserv- ative and should be more than adequate to account for any fluctua- tions in average daily water use. Peak hourly water use was estimated using the same method that was established for maximum day use, but using a peak hour ratio of 4.0. Peak hour represents the largest water use expected to occur over a 1-hour period during the maximum day {i.e., the highest hourly flow expected to occur within a year), and was used in this study :o size pumping facilities for systems that do not have available system storage. 8.2 WATER SUPPLY CONCEPTS Based on the present groundwater quality problems associated with the upper glacial aquifer, as discussed earlier in this report, the need for water supply planning is apparent. According to historical area groundwater quality data and the resulting mapping that was developed to show the extent of nitrate and pesticide contamination, it is evi- dent that most individual home well systems throughout the study area presently have, or in the future, may have objectional levels of nitrates and/or pesticides. The Greenport Municipal System has ex- perienced high levels of nitrates and pesticides, in addition to iron, manganese and chlorides. Additional water supply is also re- quired in Greenport. The Riverhead system has an adequate, high- quality supply primarily due to the utilization of water from the Magothy aquifer. Accordi_ngly, water supply planning, from a quality and quantity standpoint, is not required for this system. However, recommendations associated with distribution system storage and con- tinuation of the present operation and maintenance practices will be addressed later in this report. 8-4 In order to evaluate all available options that would provide ample and high-quality water to North Fork residents, several water supply concepts were developed. These essentially represent a building block approach ranging from individual home well treatment systems large-scale regional systems. Five levels of water supply alterna- tives were developed and evaluated: TABLE 8-2 WATER SUPPLY CONCEPTS Level I: Level II: Level III: Level IV: Level V: Individual Home Water Supply Systems Neighborhood Systems Subdemand Center ("Community") Systems Subregional Systems Regional Systems 8.2.1 Level I Alternatives Several Level I alternatives were developed and .evaluated: - Home treatment units Bottled water Local delivery of bulk water - Local supply of bulk water (with treatment). Home Treatment Units. Reverse osmosis (R-O) was chosen as the preferred met~oO of treatment in individual home systems (see Section 8.3). Two basic concepts werb developed for individual' homes: - Treatment of the entire home supply '- Treatment of drinking/cooking supply only (kitchen tap). Although they are not commonly used, individual R-O systems compact enough to install in a home are available to produce up to 400 gal- lons per day (gpd) of treated water. These uni.ts are typically in- - stalled in commercial establishments. For a'domestic installation, water supplied from a contaminated home well would be.piped to the R-bunit. A booster-pump .would be used to raise t~e water pressure to approximately 200 pounds per square inch gage (psig), the~inima! working pressure of the unit~ Treated water, or permeate, would pass- through a pressure-reducing valve to a 50- to lO0-galton storage tank maintained at 60 psig. Concentrated reject water, or brine, would be disposed of in a small dry well for percolation into the ground. This will not exacerOate groundwater contamination. 8-5 Trea~ent of only the drinking/cooking supply would require the in- stallation of a compact under-sink unit. These units are capable of treating 5 to 20 gallons a day. In an installation of this type, water would be supplied to the entire home through an individual home well. The R-O unit, installed under the kitchen sink, would be tap- ped into the cold water supply line. Normal house pressure (30 to 50 psig) can operate these units with no booster pump required. The treated water is stored in a small hydropneumatic tank, which is con- nected to a third faucet. Reject water is piped directly to the kit- chen sink drain line for disposal. The unit will be serviced every six months to replace filters, clean the membrane, and collect quality control samples. Bottled Water. As an alternative to home treatment units, a home supply can be augmented by periodic delivery of bottled water. It was assumed that the daily consumption of bottled water (for drinking and cooking purposes) would be limited to i gallon per day (gpd) per person. A1 though average levels for individual consumption are typically much higher, the high cost and restricted availability of bottled, as opposed to tap, water was assumed to restrict consump- tion. Bottled water would be delivered once or twice a week in re- turnable, plastic containers of 5-gallon capacity. A deposit would be required on each bottle delivered to ensure return of the con- tainers. A bottle stand, rented monthly from the water supplier, would dispense the water. Local Delivery of Bulk Water. For this concept, a 5,000- gallon tanker truck would be empl6yed to deliver water purchased from the Riverhead water supply system. The tanker would be driven to a central community station, where it would remain until depleted. At that time, it would be replaced with a full tanker and towed to Riverhead for refilling. Residents would be required to transport their own water. It was assumed that the 5,000-g~llon tanker would be replaced once a week, each household would make 120 roundtrips {at 6 miles) per year, and the community station would be located within 35 miles of the Riverhead Water District. Each station would serve approximately 1,000 people. 8.2.1.& Local Supply of Bulk Water (With Treatment). In areas of groundwater contami'nation', t~e alternative Qf providing a treated supply of bulk water at a central source-was investigated. A central supply of groundwater would be treated to remove nitrates and pesti- cides, and stored in a supply tank for distribution'. As above, the residents would be required to pick up their water' for drinking and cooking purposes. Each ~tation would also serve about 1,~O0 people. Individual Home Wells. It is important to ndte that in ~)l Level I water-suPply concepts,_ even those which require the-importa- tion of potable water, an individual home well system is required for each residence. For existing homes in areas of contami-nation, the well system would continue to be required either as a source of non- potable water and/or to supply an inOividual treatmen: system. Each well system would consist of t~e'following major combonents: 8-6 Well casing and screen Pump and motor Storage/pressure tank Piping and valving Electrical equipment and controls. Well systems in different areas of the North Fork have different well requirements. In Wading River, for example, a 200-foot well depth is typical, requiring a 4-inch casing and a submersible pump. In River- head, depth to water averages 100 feet and a 2-inch casing with a jet pump is adequate. Southold Township wells average 75 feet in depth; a 2-inch casing with a jet pump is also adequate for these installa- tions. Typically, the service life of a 4-inch well is about twenty years: a 2-inch well system would require replacement every 10 years. For comparative purposes, it was assumed that a 4-inch well system would require a replacement pump every i0 years, while a 2-inch system would require a new casing and screen to be driven and the pump to be replaced every 10 years. Level I Cost Estimates. Costs for individual home well sys- tems were developed by averaging costs for new installations as ob- tained from local North Fork drillers. For 200-foot-deep, 4-inch wells typically installed in an area similar to Wading River, a com- plete installation averages $4,~00, including pump,.pressure/storage tank and all necessary piping and valves.. Shallower wells, requiring a 2-inch casing, averaged $1,600 (lO0-foot depth) and $1,200 (?5-foot depth). Some areas may utilize slightly less expensive suction pumps in the well system. This should not significantly impact the accura- cy of the cost analysis. For these new installations, an amortized cost was developed under the assumption that the capital cos{ would be included in the cost of the home-and resulting-mortgage loan. Loan terms of 14 percent for 30 years were used for these calcula- tions. Additional annual costs include power, routine maintenance (estimated at $70 a year), insurance, and well replacement. An addi- tional insurance premium of $25 a year is typically charged for lack of fire protection in areas ~hich are not served by water systems, for fire protection. A sinking fund factor was applied (10 percent, 10 years) to annualize the $750 pump replacement cost for ~-inc.h wells expected every 10 years. An identical factor was applied to the cost of replacin~ the 2-inch well casing and jet pump (estimated at 60 percent of first cost) every 10 years. Costs for existing h6mes-presently served by individiual Jell systems .were developed by subtracting the amortization of the _capital ~os~ from the to:al annual cost of a new well system. A summary of annual costs for new and existing homes in areas where well. supplies do not require treatment is presented in'Table 8-3. A new home in an area with a depth to water of 200 feet would incur an annual cos: of $810. For an existing home with a well system, annual operating costs were estimated to be $155 to 3172. Home owners in areas requiring treatment of groundwater supplies (using R-O systems) must incur a~ditional costs t~ pay for the capi- talization, operation and maintenance of these systems. Under-the- sink R-O systems treating 8 to 20 gallons a day have an average cabi- tal cost of $650. Annual operation and maintenance lO&M) costs for these systems include two service calls for replacement of filters and membrane cleaning. R-O units capable of serving entire homes have a capital cost of $1,800 (this figure may be significantly higher for homes which require additional storage and/or flow capa- city to meet peak demands). These units also require two service visits a year. In order to develop an annualized cos~ of individual systems which include treatment, it was assumed that these units would be purchased by a central authority that would own and maintain them. Costs would be passed on to the home owner. Amortized costs for these units were developed using terms typical to a municipal bond (12 percent, 40 years). Operating costs for these systems were developed from manufacturers' quotes. The annual O&M cost for an under-the-sink R-O unit was found to average about $100; the annual cost to maintain an entire home unit was about $170. For units serv- ing an entire home, an additional S30 a year is required for power costs associated with the R-O booster pump. As can be seen in Table 8-4, a new, complete individual home well system with treatment, includes the amortized costs of the well sys- tem and treatment equipment, plus the O&M costs assigned to the R-O unit and well system. For new homes equipped with under-sink units, total annual costs ranged from S~05 to $990; using R-O units to treat the total home supply increased these costs to $745 to $1,230 a year. For existing homes, the capitalization of the well system can De sub- tracted. This lowered the range of costs to $335 to $352 a year for under-sink units and $575 to $592 for entire home units. These costs also include the O&M associated with the existing well system. The cost of using bottled water for drinking and cooking supply was developed using vendor quotes. Presently, water can be purchased for $1.19 a gallon, with a minimum delivery of five 5-gallon bottles. Assuming a per capita consumption of 1 gallon a day, annual water cost per household (average of 3.2 people) would be $1,510, including $10 a month for rental of a bottle stand. A fully refundable deposit of $100 would also be required. These costs must be added to those incurred for individual well systems, which must still be operated to supply the remaining wa~er demand. Local delivery of bul~ wa:er to a central location incurs transporta- tion and operational costs in addition to the cost of the water. Assuming a 1-gpcd consumption, a 5,000-gallon tanker can serve 1,000 people for about 5 days. ~sing a bulk purchase price of $0.60 per 1,000 gallons for Riverhead water, a tanker cost of $40,000, and an annual labor cost of S8~,000 per man-year, a total estimateQ annual cost of $200 per household was calculated. This includes a 15-year capitalization of the tanker at I2 percent, O&H at S0.40 a mile, and a 3S-mile round trip for refills. It was also assumed tha~ each 8-9 J .J J .ii J J household would require 120 trips to the tanker per year at an aver- age round trip of 6 mil es. Auto reimbursement was taken ~o be S2.25 a mile. As above, each household also would be required to maintain and operate an individual well system. Treatment of local water, with community pickup as above, would re- quire a central treatment plant and a storage tank. The cost of a facility to remove nitrates and pesticides (using ion exchange and carbon) at a flow rate of 25 gallons per minute (gpm) was estimated at S97,000. Capitalization of this cost, with associated 0&M costs and consumer mileage costs, resulted in a per household cost of SB22 year. Again, each household would require an individual well system. Based upon cost and convenience, individual home treatment units were selected as the optimum Level I alternative to compare with Level II, Ill, IV, and V alternatives presented in the following sections. 8.2.2 Level II--Neighborhood Systems This level of alternatives includes the following: (i) Providing a new public water supply system for the nine iso- lated neighborhoods listed on Table 8-1 (2) Upgrading the existing neighborhood water systems located in the Wading River/Northville demand center and the Mattituck West subdemand center. The required components associated with the development of a new public water system for isolated neighborhoods include two production wells, each capable of providing the maximum daily demand. Each in- stallation would include a submersib)e vertical turbine well pump in- stalled in a vault. The well pumps would deliver water to a booster pumping sta%i0n, which would serve to increase system pressures to desirable limits for distribution to c6nsumers (50 psi to 60 psil through a piping network. It was assumed that 6-inch-diameter cement-lined piping would be provided for water distribution. The booster station would house all controls, chemical addition facili- ties and standby power. A hydropneumatic tan~ would also be provided. to assure_ proper system operation a~d control pumping cycles. In general, the n~ighborhood systems 1 through 5 in Table 8-1 could tap the Magot~y aquifer, avoiding the need for treatment. The Magotny aquifer underlying systems 6 through 9 is brackish; thus, it was assumed that the upper glacial aquifer would be utilized, with ~reatment for nitrates_ and pesticides required. Upgradi-ng the existing neig~borh'ood water systems would include pro- viding additional supoly, if required, and providing treatment faci- lities, since all wells presently tap the upper glacial aquifer. Supply augmentation was assumed for those systems expected to exper- ience supply deficits, based on es~imated year 2000 maximin Gay de- mand. In addition, a minimum of two well supplies was considered a requisite; thus, a second well was provided for systems having only one at the present time. It was also assumed that the existing piping systems are adequate and their continuous use would be main- tained. 8.2.3 Level III--Subdemand Center Systems Level III alternatives generally consist of the development of new public water systems for each subdemand center as illustrated on Figure 8-2. Under this concept, each system would be a separate entity and essentially include components similar to those described for the isolated neighborhood systems, but at a larger scale. Simi- larly to Level II, treatment was assumed not to be required for those subdemand centers that could tap the fresh water portion of the Magothy aquifer. These include the Wading River/Northvitle and Riverhead/Jemesport demand centers. A1 so, treatment was assumed not to be required in the Little Hog Neck and New Suffolk subdemand centers. Water system components for the subdemand centers within the Wading River/Northville and Riverhead/jamesport demand centers (excluding the Riverhead subdemand center) include production wells, well pump- ing stations, and transmission and distribution piping. Since there are several existing neighborhood systems located throughout the Wading River/Northville demand center and an existing system located in the Mattituck West subdemand center, two Level III options were developed for these areas, as follows: Level III (A) - A new public system would serve the presently unserved areas only. Existing systems v~uld be upgraded as required (under Level II alternatives) for continued operation. Level III (B) - A new public system.would serve the presently unserved areas and provide supply to existing neighborhood systems. Existing neighborhood system suoplies would be discontinued {or used as ~ back-up source), but existing distribution systems would remain in service. T~o Level III options were also developed for augmentation of'the Greenport Municipal System, which has been designated as a subdemand center within the Sou:hold/Greenport Uemand center. They are summar- ized as follows~ 8-13 Level III (A) - Renovation and use of an existing farm well for municipal supply (9ononue's Farm Well, an agri- cultural well on County Rt. 48). Construction of a water treatment facility for reduction of nitrates, pesticides and dissolved solids from plants 6 and 7 and the Donohue's Farm Well. Additional distribution system storage and piping. Level III (B) - Development of a water supply system at Great Pond. - Continued use of existing supplies as required. - Additional distribution system storage and piping. The specific alternatives as they apply to each subdemand center under Level III are described in detail in Section 8.4. Water treat- ment processes evaluated for this analysis and adopted for cost esti- mating purposes are discussed in Section 8.3. 8.2.4 Level IV--Subregional Systems Under this concept, a single puDlic water system would be developed for each of the five demand centers. System components would include a central well supply and production facilities (multiple wells), treatment facilities as required, transmission piping and distribu- tion pi ping and storage facil'ities. For the Riverhead/Jamesport and Southold/Greenport demand centers, 'expansion of the existing ~unici- pal systems 'to serve adjacent subdemand centers wouldPbe analyzed under this level. The major intent o~ the investigation of this con- cept was to compare the differences in supply and treatment costs 'between Level IV and 'Level III, since piping costs would essentially be the same. As will be discussed in Section 8.4, it was found that detailed consideration of Level IV alternatives was ~ot warranted, for the_most part, for economic reasons, generally related to distri- bution system piping requirements and the resulting costs. However, considerat.ion was given to development of a Water system with central supply sources for the'Wading River/Northville demand center for com- -_parison with ~evel III. Supplying'Calverton from the Riverhead Water District was also evQldated under Level III. Figure 8-3 schemati- cally depicts the elements associated with t~ese analyses. ~' .. detailed discussion of these analyses is presented in Section 8.4. 8.2.5 Level V--Regional Systems Regional systems evaluated for this report generally consist of the following major components: CALVERTON / DISTRIBUTION SYSTE~ RIVERHEAD/ AQUEBOGUE JAHESPORT RIVERHEAD/JAI1ESPORT DENAND CENTER L£VEL IV . cHE:.,A ~ I C OF SUBREG I ONAL S. ~ ~ ~..~ Supply wells plus production facilities from potable ground- water sources in Riverhead {I.lagothy aquifer) Transmission system from supply to demand centers Distribution system piping and storage for demand centers. The Level V analysis focused only on the Mattituck/Cutchogue and Southold/Greenport demand centers. Providing a supply from Riverhead to Wading River/Northville was not considered, since potable ground- water is available within the demand center itse)f; thus, a more re- mote supply could only result in a higher cost. Similarly, the Riverhead/Jamesport demand center was not considered under Level V since potable water is available from the Riverhead district which could serve Calverton {Level IV) and Jamesport. Orient was also ex- cluded from Level V primarily because of the extensive transmission system piping and pumping requirements and resulting high costs associated with providing water to this relatively remote area from a source in Riverhead. Several alternatives were developed and analyzed under Level V, rang- ing from augmentation only of the existing Greenport system, to sup- plying the entire Mattituck/Cutchogue and Southold/Greenport demand centers. In all cases, the supply sources would consist of new pro- duction wells in Riverhead. For alternatives involving Greenport, two scenarios were considered: (1) Providing a supply to satisfy the estimated year 2000 maxi- mum daily demand, and discontinuing the use of Greenpor-'~'~- existing well supplies (except for emergencies) (2) Providing a supply to satisfy the estimated year 2000 aver- age daily demand, and continuing the use of Greenport's ~-T~l~est quality supply wells to serve as supplemental sources when required. The latter scenario is based on the assumption that the quality of water from the Greenport wells would improve with reduction in groundwater withdrawal requirements. A summary of the 'alternatives evaluated under Level V is presented in Table 8-5. 8.3 WATER TREATMENT PROCESSES Water treaT~nent for the remJval of nitrates and pesticides is a m~or component of Level I, II and tli alternatives. Alternative III{A) for Greenport also includes reduction of total dissolved solids (TDS) from existing well supplies owing to occasionally high chloride levels. The following processes were considered for removal of ~nese constituents: 8-17 TABLE 8-5 LEVEL V ALTERNATIVES Alternative Service Area (D.C. : Demand Center) (S,D.C. = Sub Demand Center) V(A) V(B-i) V(B-2) v(c-1) v(C-2) ¥(o-1) Mattituck/Cutchogue D.C. Mattituck/Cutchogue D.C. Southold/Greenport D.C. Mattituck/Cutchogue D.C. Southold/Greenport D.C.(I) Greenport Municipal System S.D.C. Greenport Municipal System S.D.C.(1) Mattituck West & East S.D.C.'s(2) Greenport Municipal System S.D.C. MattitucK West & East S.D.C.~$(2) Greenport Municipal System S.DJC.(1) Year 2000 Supply (Max.. Day or Ave. Day) Max. Day Max. Day Max. Day Max. Day Ave. Day Max. Day Ave. Day Max. Day Max. Day Max. Day Ave. Day (1 Alternative includes continuing the use of Greenport's highest quality well supplies. Evaluated these S.D.C.'s separately Oue to economic reasons which are discussed in Section 7.~. !22/! Constituent Treatment Process Considered Nitrates Pesticides TDS Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange Reverse Osmosis, Carbon Adsorption Reverse Osmosis As shown, the process of reverse osmosis is capable of reducing all of the constituents to acceptable levels. However, based on an analysis of treatment facility requirements and associated costs, it was found that removal of nitrates and pesticides could be accomp- lished at a lower cost utilizing the processes of ion exchange and carbon adsorption. Accordingly, these unit processes were adopted for development of water treatment cost estimates for nitrates and pesticide removal for Level II and III alternatives. For alternative III(A) (Greenport), TDS reduction is also required. For this alter- native, the process of reverse osmosis was adopted for cost esti- mating purposes. The proposed reverse osmosis system is identical to those used for desalinization of brackish water. It should be emphasized that the treatment processes considered and adopted for this study are based on average study area water quality parameters and reported process Wemoval efficiencies obtained from historical operating data from existing facilities, manufacturers' information and literature. They do not re~ect site-specific treat- ment requirements; these would be determined by water quality analy~ sos and pilot plant testing that is beyond the scope of this study. However, the treatment costs presented in this report and utilized for development of alternative costs, sufficiently represent treat- ment costs in a level of detail comparable to other alternative components. A summary of water treatment processes adopted for this study follows. 8.3.1 Ion' Exchange/Carbon Adsorption. The processes of ion exchange and carbon adsorption were adopted 'for removal of nitrates and pesticides, respectively. At a treatment facility, the process unit reactors would be arranged in series and consist of an ion exchanger followed by a granular aotivated carbon (GAC) filter. Both units would operate as pressure vessels. The ion exchanger would contain a strong base anion exchange resin that would serve to displace the negative nitrate ion-(NO~) with a negative _ chloride ion ICl-}. The resin would be perio~Ycally regenerated with -sodium chloride {NaC1} when the unit's exchange capacity has bee6 ex- hausted. Recent testing by the U.S. EnvironmenTal Protection Agency (EPA)-showed that nitrate-remov-al is effective at an appiication rate- of 20 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area.- At raw water nitrate levels that averaged-23 milligrams per liter (mg/1), removals to less than 10 mg/1 were .consistently realized.' Abcut 20 pounOs of )laC1 per cubic foot of resin was required for regeneration of the bed and to remove the nitrate.from she spent resin. 8-19 A GAC pressure filter would follow the ion exchanger for removal of pesticides by adsorption. This process nas proven to be effective in removing the pesticide Aldicarb as shown ~y the successful operation of the existing filter at Greenport's well no. 6-1. It has been reported that about 107.447 million gallons of water were treated by the 20,000 pounds of GAC contained in the filter before replacement was required. Aldicarb levels were reduced from slightly over 7 micrograms per liter (ug/1) to below detectable limits. 8.3.2 Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis was adopted as the treatment process for removal of nitrates, pesticides and TDS because, as a membrane process in which the water passes through a barrier membrane, it has proven effective in rejecting ionic and a m~ority of non-ionic species such as pesti- cides, bacteria and viruses. For comparison, the processes of elect- rodialysis removes only ionic species, and thus was not considered. The reverse osmosis process was selected for treating water produced from existing wells in Greenport under alternative III(A} which nave, or have the potential, to contain nitrates, pesticides and high TDS. It is also the process utilized in the individual home well treatment systems evaluated under Level I. Reverse osmosis (R-O) is a membran~ process in which the semipermer able characteristics of a membrane are utilized to separate contamin- ants from the feed water under high pressure. To overcome the natural osmotic pressure of a solution and provide sufficient driving force to obtain economical water production rates, R-O systems are typically operated at a pressures of 400 to 500 psi for treating brackish water. R-O membrane materials fall into two broad categories: cellulosic and polyamide. There are also two primary memb6ane configurations: spiral wound and hollow fiber. For all systems, the feed water is pressurized using high-pressure pumps_ and conveyed to the membrane units, where the contaminants are rejected at the membrane wall and .directed out of the unit as a brine reject stream requiring disposal. The contaminant-free stream, after passing through the membrane, must be decarbonated to remove carbon dioxide that has been entrained by the pretreatment requirement of pU reduction-by addition of acid. Other pPetreatment requirements include sequestering for scale inni- bition and cartridge filtration for particulate removal to protect the membranes. At the completion of the d~carDona:ion process, the _ treated waten is chlorinated and then p~mped into the distribution -system. 8-20 m 8.4 ALTERNATIVES FOR DEMAND CENTERS 8.4.1 General DevelopmeE~ Criteria In accordance with the Level I through V water supply alternatives presented in Section 8.2, several alternatives were developed and costs estimated for each demand center. The criteria associated with the development of Level I alternatives, which consist of individual home water supply systems, were presented in detail in Section 8.2.1 and will not be repeated in this section. The Level II through V alternatives generally consist of the development of new public water supply systems or augmentation of existing systems, with similar com- ponents for each alternative. These components are summarized on Table 8-6. The conceptual design criteria for each component that was adopted for this study in order to enable the development of re- presentative estimated costs is presented in the following sections. 8.4.1,1 Supply. The supply components include new production wells ano wel) pumping stations. For the Wading River/Northville and Riverhead/Jamesport demand centers, the wells would be 350 feet to ASO feet deep into the Magothy aquifer and sized in accordance with the estimated year 2000 maximum day demands. For the other demand centers, new production wells would tap the upper glacial aquifer. Gravel-packed wells were assumed and 20 feet of stainless steel well screen was included for cost estimating purposes. The new wells were sized and spaced in accordance with the criteria presented in Section 7.4. Two types of well pumping facility arrangements were considered, depending upon the size and spacing of the wells. For relatively small-capacity wells spaced in accordance with their zones of in- fluence, it was assumed that each well would be equipped with a sub- mersible versical turbine well pump with the motor installed in a below-ground concrete vault. The well pumps would discharge to a common header in which water would be conveyed, to a booster pumping station, where system pressure would be increased to desirable levels for distribution to customers. For 'relatively large-capacity wells that are spaced further apart, double pumping in this manner would not be cost-effective; thus, separate well pumping stations were assumed, each delivering water into the system. The selection of the type of system most applicable to an alternative was on a case-by- case basis and will become apparent during the discussions of the specific alternatives. The booster pumping stations and the indivi- dual well pumping stations would include a structure, standby power, pump and motor and associated piping and valves, HVAC, metering, electric power and control's. Facilities for the addition of caustic soda for pH control and sodium hypochtorite for disinfection were also included, and would generally consist of storage tank, chemical feed pumps and controls. A hydrooneumatic tank to control pump' oper- ation and maintain proper system pressures was also included for those systems where distribution system storage is not warranted. 8-21 TABLE 8-6 COMPONENTS OF ALTERNATIVES LEVELS II THROUGH V SUPPLY o o PRODUCTION WELLS WELL PUMPING STATIONS TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION o TItANSMISSION PIPING 0 BOOSTER PUMPING STATIONS (If Required) o DISlltIBUTION SYSTEM PIPING 0 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STORAGE TREATMENT (If Required) o CARBON/ION EXCHANGE (PESTICIDES, NITRATES) o REVERSE OSMOSIS (PESTICIDES, NITRATES, BRACKISH WATER) ANNUAL OPERATION & h~INTENANCE o POWER o LABOR o CHEMICALS o EQUIPMENT REPAIR & REPLAC~4ENT (122/12) ] t 1 Wells were sized, located and spaced based on providing the estimated year 2000 maximum day demands. Pumping stations for systems with distribution system storage would also have maximum day pumping capa- city, with demands in excess of maximum day supplied from storage. For hydropneumatic tank systems, estimated year 2000 peak hour pump- ing capacity was provided, since there would be no distribution sys- tem storage. Transmission/Distribution. It was assumed that all new piping would ~onsls[ Ot cemeh't-'~ned ductile iron pipe. Transmission piping was sized to provide carrying capacity for the estimated year 2000 maximum day demands. A large-scale transmission system was re- quired only for Level V alternatives, and included piping and booster pumping sized for year 2000 maximum day demands (except under the scenario where only average day demands would be supplied to Green- port). Booster pumping would be required along a transmission system to maintain system pressures and to supply new distribution system storage facilities. The booster pumping stations would include a structure, standby power, a pump, motor, associated pi ping and con- trols, HVAC and electrical power. Distribution system piping for subdemand centers was assumed to be all 8-inch diameter, which should have adequate carrying capacity for year 2000 demands and fi re requirements. For the isolated neighbor- hood systems, 6-inch diameter piping was utilized since demands are relatively small. The length of required distribution system piping was estimated for each subdemand center based on providing service co the estimated year 2000 population. As will be discussed later in this section, piping represents the most costly component in all the alternatives because of the relatively low housing densities that are characteristic of the North Fork. Distribution system storage was provided for .the larger subdemand centers, especially where the supply source is not centrally located. Storage provides a volume of water for fife protection Qnd for hourly fluctuations and also serves to equalize system pressures. The re-. quired fire protection volume for residential areas was based on a fire-flow requirement of 750 gpm for a 1-hour duration in accordance with Insurance Service Office {ISO) requirements for a typical single-family residential area. Required volume for hourly fluctu- ations was assumed at 25 percent or-the estimated year'2OOO'maximum day demand, which is typical of predominantly residential areas. The sum of these two required volumes represents_ the total required active storage for a water system. Preliminary siting of storage facilities was ~ased on area topography, location of supplies and location of the highest-demand areas. Generally, the facility would be located so that the highest water demand area would be between the supply source and the storage tahk, for reliability an~ to equalize pressures. A site havin~ a high ground elevation is favoraole since it reduces the required height'of the tank and associated costs. The 8-23 overflow elevation of the tank is based on providing a minimum system pressure of 35 psi at the highest ground elevation to be served by the system. Either a standpipe or elevateo steel tank was selected based on area topography. Treatment. Treatment requirements and associated facilities were olscusseO ~n section 8.3. In general, an activated carbon/ion exchange system was adopted, for cost estimating purposes, for treat- ment of groundwater in the Level II and III alternatives, except for Greenport's alternative III(A). For that alternative, a reverse osmosis treatment facility was selected since groundwater produced from existing Greenport wells is occasionally brackish, in addition to containing nitrates and pesticides. Individual home well treat- ment systems, evaluated under Level I, also utilize a reverse osmosis treatment process. Annual Operation and Maintenance. Annual operation and m~'lnt~nan~e '~M) requirements for new water systems would include power, labor, chemicals and equipment repair and replacement. Power primarily includes the energy required to operate pumping and water treatment equipment. Labor requirements for new water systems in- clude a water department staff and crew. The present size and type of staff personnel for the existing Riverhead and Greenport systems was used to estimate labor requirements .for new wa~er systems. Water treatment facility labor requirement estimates took into considera- tion the size and complexity of the system and were based on past ex- perience with facilities similar in nature. In general, it was assumed that water department personnel could operate and maintain the relatively small activated carbon/ion exchange systems with proper training; however, the large reverse osmosis treatment plant under Greenport's alternative III(A) would require a full-time, qualified operator and staff, since this is a large facility and a complex process. It was assumed .that caustic soda for pH control and sodium hypo- chlorite for disinfection would be added at all new well 'supplies. 8.4.2 Development of Cost Estimates For each alternative, capital and annual O&M co'ts were'estimated for the demand 'centers and/or subdemand centers relative to the alterna- tive components discussed in the preceding section. In order to facilitate the comparison-of the cost-effectiveness of each alterna- tive, and to assess relative affordability, costs were expressed as the estimated annual 'cost per dwelling unit for each alternative and for each subdemand center. Table 8-7 presents a txpical exomple of the methodology associated wSth t:is approach. 8-24. TABLE 8-7 ~XAMPLE OF COST DETERMINATION FOR ALTERNAT!VES o Wading River Sub-Demand Center Estimated Year 2000 Water Demands CONSTRUCTION COSTS -- Alternative III(A) -- Average Day 360 gpm -- Maximum Day 690 gpm Supply -- 2 Wells, each 350 gpm, 350 Ft. Deep -- 2 Well Pumping Stations, each 350 GPM Sub-total Transmission/Distribution -- Piping; 5.7 mi. 12" dia.; 32.4 mi. 8" dia. -- Storage; Active Storage = 300,000 gal. Sub-total Total Construction Cost Total Project Cost (including 30% for engineering and contingencies) Amortized Capital Cost (40 yrs., 12%) S 165,000 400,000 $ 565,000 (65)(1) S 8,735,000 (89%)(1) 540,000 (5%)(1) $ 9,275,000 $ 9,840,000 S12,790,000 $ 1,550,000 ANNUAL O&M COSTS o Power, Chemicals, Labor, Maintenance Total Annual Capital + O&M Estimated No. of Dwelling Units Estimated Annual Cost per Dwelling Unit 75,000 S 1,625,000 $ 1,812 $ 900 (1) Percent of total estimated construction cost. (122/14) J 1 ;] As shown, estimated construction costs were increased by 30 percent to account for engineering fees during qesign and construction and other contingencies such as administrative and legal fees. The total project cost was then amortized over ¢0 years at 12 percent interest, which is representative of an annual debt service for repayment of a long-term revenue bond. Added to this are estimated annual ~M costs, resulting in a total estimated annual cost for the subdemand center. Ris cost was then divided by the estimated number of year 2000 dwelling units, resulting in an estimated annual cost per dwell- ing unit. Table 8-7 also shows the relative percentage of the major capital cost components, with piping accounting for 89 percent of the total cost. l"nis trend is similar for all presently unserved subdemand centers because of the relatively low housing density in most areas of the North Fork. Figure 8-4 illustrates this trend and shows that, on the average, about 87 percent of the costs for alternatives in- volving new public water supply to serve presently unserved areas is piping. Figure 8-5 further illustrates the impact of housing density on piping costs. For example, a typical home owner in Reeves Park, which contains homes on 3/4- to 1/2-acre lots (on the average) would pay about S400 a year, representing his share of distribution system piping cost. This estimate is based on 8-inch ductile iron piping in- stalled in an existing paved roadway, ihcluding service connections. For comparison, a typical home owner in Jamesport would pay over S1,100 a year due to the much lower housing density {3.5-acre lots on the average). In Jamesport, there is an average of only 25 homes per mile of roadway, which must support the costs for installing the re- quired mile of pipe, as compared to 90 homes per mile, on the aver- age, in Reeves Park. The subdemand center with the lowest density is Great Hog Neck, where there is an average of only 18 homes per mile of roadway, resulting in an estimated annual piping cost of over SI,400 per home. 8.4.3 Wading River/Northville The total estimated costs of water supply alternatives for the Wading River/Northville demand center are shown on Table 8-8. They are pre- sented as estimated annual costs per dwelling unit to allow compari- sons among alternatives. Level I Alternatives. Level I represents individual Nome water supply systems'for homes located in presently unserved areas. The Level I costs shown on Table 8-8 represent a weighted average of the cost of systems for new homes and the cost of augmenting existing home systems. The home systems for the expected number of new homes by the year 2000 would include a well and treatment system. Auoment- ation of existing home ~ystems would include only the installation of a trea~nent unit since existing homes presently have wells. 8-25 FIGURE 8-4 1 AVERAGE CONSTRUCTION COST BREAKDOWN. FIGURE 8-5 I I ,J I £$i'IMATED ,I~NUAL COST P£R DNI~LLING UNIT ($) PIPING C~ST PER DWELLING AT VARIOUS HOUSING D:J~,~.S Level II Alternatives. Level 1I costs for the Wading River/~or~vill~ demand center r~present augmentation of the existing small public water systems located in each of the three subdemand centers. Augmentation would include: (1) additional well supply, if necessary, to provide the expected year 2000 water requirements and/or to provide at least two well supplies (for reliability), and (2) an activated carbon/ion exchange water treatment system for re- duction of existing or potential future high levels of nitrates and pesticides. The existing distribution systems would remain in ser- vice. Table 8-9 summarizes information on the existing water sys- tems and augmentation requirements adopted for this study. It snould be noted that the costs shown on Table 8-8 are average costs per existing system dwelling unit, and are based on total capital and annual costs for all existing systems wi thin a subdemand center. Also, these estimated costs do not include the present annual cost each homeowner is paying, Level III Alternatives. under Level iii: Two alternatives were considered III(A) - New public water systems to serve the presently un- served areas only Existing small public systems augmented for continued operation, as described under Level II III(B) New public water systems to serve the presently un- served areas and to suDply the existing public systems - Existing public system supplies discontinued; distri- bution systems to remain in service. Figure 8-6 presents the Level III alternatives for the three sub- demand centers and shows the locations of new well supplies, trans- mission mains and system storage. The alternative components would be the same for both III(A) and III(B); however, the supply capacity would be greater for III(B) in order to provide service to the exist- ing systems. AS shown, the new system for Wading River would include two well supplies, a transmission network and a storage facility. The total supply capacity would be 700 gpm for III(A) (two wells, each rated at 350 gpm) and 900 gpm for III(B) (two wells, each rated at 450 gpm) based on expected yeae 2000 maximum day water demands. A pumping station would be provided at each well. The avemage we)l depth would be about 350 feet into the ~agothy aquifer, thus treatment was as- sumed not to De required. A transmission main network of 12-inch diameter pipe would convey maximum day flows to the storage facility and to the higher consumption areas. A storage facility was provided for this subdemand center since it is a relatively large area with 8-30 TABLE 5-9 £XISTI~G PUBL!C WATER SYSTEMS in the WADI!(~ ~IVER/NORTHVILLE DE~A)4D CENTER :Estimated Estimated(i) Existing Supplies Level II ' '2 Augmentation Reouirements NO. of Yr. 2000 NO. ~Totalk ) System Dwellings Peak Hr. of Well~lCapacity Supply{3) ) Treatment Wadin~ ~iver Wading River Water Works B3 85 I i 60 2nd supply ~ 50 Wildwood Shores Assoc. 18 10 1 , 30 2nd supply ) 6 Herod Point Assoc. 22 20 1 Oakwood-on-the-Soun~ g9 105 4 ){unknown) (Assunm OK) ~ 65 Hulse Farms 74 85 2 ' 45 3rd supply ' 50 Ramblewood Motor Homes 128 50 2 I 200 Adequate , 30 Subtotal 394 Baitin9 Hollow/Woodcliff Pk ' Woodcliff Park 200 225 2 ) 220 Adequate , 135 Baiting Hollow Condo's 3~8 50 1 ) 25 2nd Supply i 30 Subtotal 238 ) ' , Reeves Park [ , Reeves Beach Water Co. 184 170 2 ) 165 Adequate 110 Roanoke Water Co. 5~4 4B 2 , 40 Adequate , 30 Subtotal 238 TOTAL 870 ) , 2_ , J J l (1)Gallons per minute (gpm) (2)Total reported we)l pumping capacity, in gpm (3)Includes new well at dept~ similar to existing walls, and a well bumping station. Well pumping capacity acequacy based on peak ~our since there is no distribution system storaQe. (4)All systems ~uld require treatment consisting of a carbon/ion exchange system. Treatment oabacity shown is b~sed on max day water demands {in gpm). 1 '.-1 1 I INSERT FIGURE 8-6 8-32 expected maximum day demands in excess of 1 mgd. Also, since the supplies are not centrally located, a tank would serve to equalize system pressures and increase system reliability. Fire protection would also be provided. A standpipe was selected and located off of Wading River Road, as shown on Figure 8-6. This site has a rela- tively high ground elevation {El. 235 +, USGS base) which results in a required tank height of about 80 feet based on a 315-foot overflow elevation to provide a minimum of 35 psi at all points within the system. The required active storage volume would be 300,DO0 gallons for III{A) and 370,000 gallons for III(B). Distribution system piping requirements include about 32 miles of 8-inch diameter piping in addition to about 6 mil es of 12-inch diameter transmission main. The systems for Baiting Hollow/Woodcliff Park and Reeves Park include several small-capacity wells, each equipped with a submersible pump in a vault and connected to a manifold-type piping system. The mani- fold system would convey flow to a booster pumping station, which would deliver water to the distribution piping network. The booster pumping stations would operate off a hydropneumatic tank in lieu of providing distribution system storage since these subdemand centers are small and have relatively low water demands. The supply capacity for Baiting Hollow/Woodcliff Park was estimated at 190 gpm for III(A) (4 wells at 50 gpm each) and 335 gpm for III(B) (4 wells at 55 gpm each; 2 wells at 75 gpm each), the higher capacity being required for III(B) to serve the estimated 238 dwelling units in the existing systems. The well depth would be about 270 to 300 feet into the Magothy aquifer; thus, it was assumed that treatment would not be required. About 9 miles of distribution system piping would be required to serve the presently unserved areas. The supply capacity for Reeves Park was estimated at 160 gpm for III(A) (3 wells at 55 gpm each) and 300 gpm for III(B) (5 wells at 60 gpm each). The well depth would be about 275 feet into the Magothy aquifer. About 5 miles of distribution system piping would be re- quired to serve the presently unserved areas. The Level III estimated annual cost per dwelling unit for the three subdemand centers are shown on .Table 8-8. The Level III(B) costs are lower since the supply costs were proportioned between the unserved areas and the existing systems on the basis of maximum day water re- quirements; thus, they would share the costs. Table 8-10 presents capital cost estimates for the Wading River/Northville Level III alternatives. A Level IV alternative was considered for the Wading R~ver/Northville demand center which would involve a central groundwater supply source and a transmission system to provide supply to the three subdemand centers. It was found that the cost of supply and transmission under this concept was about-25 percent greater than the total of the sup- 8-33 ply costs for each subdemand center under Level III. This was due to the length of required transmission pi ping which was substantial since the centers are relatively far apart. Accordingly, this con- cept was eliminated from further consideration. 8.4.4 Riverhead/Jamesport The estimated total annual costs per dwelling unit of water supply alternatives for the Riverhead/Jamesport demand center are shown on Table 8-11. The Riverhead Municipal System (i.e., Riverhead, Aque- bogue subdemand center) was not considered for analysis since an adequate, high-quality supply presently exists. Level I Alternatives. Level I represents individual home w~ter supply systems consisting of a well and treatment unit for new homes, and only a treatment unit for existing homes, The Level I costs are a weighted average of the costs for existing homes and the costs for new homes. Level III Alternatives. Level III consists of new public water systems for Calverton and Jamesport, as shown on Figures 8-7 and 8-8. The Calverton system would include two 40-gpm-capacity wells and pumping facilities operating off a hydropneumatic tank, and about 3.5 miles of dlstribution piping. The Jamesport system would include two 1SO-gpm capacity wells and pumping stations, a distribu- tion system storage tank with 150,O00'gallons of active storage, and about 30 miles of transmission and distribution system'piping. A storage tank was provided for this subdemand center because of its size, and to assure equalized pressures throughout the system since the supplies are not centrally located. It would also provide fire protection throughout the area. As shown on Table 8-11, the estimated annual cost of the Level I'II alternative.for Jamesport is S1,530 per dwelling unit. -This high cost is primarily.due to low housing dehsity and the resulting length of distribution piping required to provide service throughout the area. For this area, about 90 percent of the total water system con- struction costs would be piping. Accordingly, an attempt was made to reduce public water supply system costs in Jamesport by lim~:ing the service area to the relatively highJdensity developments located close to the supply source, as shown on Figure 8-8. This reduction in service area would reduce the estimated number of dwelling units from 764 to 440 and the Oistribution system piping from about 30 miles to about SI miles. The expected year 2000 maximum day demand would also reduce from.30D gpm to about 155 gpm, Which would require two.80-gpm-capacity wells wi. th s~bmersible pumps,-and one 6ooster pumping'station with a pe~k hour pumbing.capacity of 230 gpm operatr lng off a hydropneumatic-tank (a storage tank would not be warranted with ~he reduction in service area}. From the results o£ this anal? ~-35 I~ISERT FIGURE 8-7 $-37 ~NSERT F~GUR£ 8-8 8-38 sis, it was found that the ~nnual cost per awelling unit would be re- duced by about 33 percent to $1,020. The capital costs were suPstan- tially reduced by over 60 percent; however, a comparable reduction in cost per dwelling unit was negated by t~e reduction in the total number of dwelling units to be served. Level IV Alternatives. Level IV was considered for Calver- ton only for comparison with Level III costs. Ninety percent of the Level III costs for Jamesport is for piping; a significant cost savings would not be realized in a Level IV option by utilizing Riverhead as a supply source (in lieu of new wells and pumping sta- tions) since piping requirements would essentially be the same. Accordingly, Level IV for Jamesport was not considered for further analysis. As indicated on Figure 8-7, Level IV for Calverton would simply con- sist of a metered connection to the existing Riverhead system and construction of about 3.5 miles of distribution system piping. A connection could be made to the existing 12-inch main located along Route 25 near its intersection with River Road. A meter installed in a vault would also be required to monitor water use for billing pur- poses. The Level IV cost shown on Table 8-11 includes an estimated annual water cost that Riverhead would assess Calverton based on their present bulk rate of S0.60 per 1,000 gallons. This option has the a~vantage of providing Calverton with a reliable, high-quality supply and fire protection available from Riverhead's storage facilities. Table 8-12 includes capital cost estimates for Level III and IV alternatives for the Riverhead/Jamesport demand center. 8.4.5 Mattituck/Cutchogue . The estimated total annual costs per dwelling unit of water supply alternatives for the Mattituck/Cutchogue demand center are shown in Table 8-13. The concepts associated with each level of alternatives were discussed in Section 8.2, and can be summarized for this demand center as follows: Level I: Individual home water supply systems Level II': Level III(A): -- Augmentation of the existing neighborhood sys- tem (Captain Kidd'development) in Mattituck West New systems for presentily unserved areas - Captain Kidd system augmenteU as per Level .ii 8-39 ] ] ] ] ] 1 Level III(B): Level V: - Level V(A): - Level V(B-1): - Level V(B-2): Level V(C-1,2): - Level V(D-1): Level V(D-2): - New systems for presently unserved areas and to supply Captain Kidd system Captain Kidd system supply to be discontinued (except for emergency use); distribution sys- tem to remain in service Supply from potable groundwater sources in Riverhead Transmission system from supply to demand centers Distribution system piping and storage for demand centers Mattituck/Cutchogue demand center (year 2000 maximum day) Mattituck/Cutchogue and Southold/Greenport demand centers {year 2000 maximum day) Mattituck/Cutchogue demand center (year 2000 maximum day) Southold/Greenport demand center (year 2000 average day) Continued use of existing supplies, as re- quired (Regional alternatives for the Greenport Municipal System presented in Section 8.4.6) Mattituck West and East Subdemand centers (year 2000 maximum day) Greenport Muni.cipal System (year 2000 maximum day demanU) Mattituck West and East subdemand centers (year 2000 maximum day) Greenport Municipal System (year 2000 average day) Conlinued use of existing supplies, as re- quired. 8-41 B.~.5.1 Level I Alternatives. The costs shown on Table 8-13 are a weTg'hted average of existing home and new home costs, based on %ne expected number of new homes by the year 2900. Treatment would no~ be required in the Little Hog Neck and New Suffolk subdemand censers since high levels of nitrates and/or pesticides are not expected in these areas. B.~.5.2 Level II Alternatives. Level II for this demand center applies only to the Mattituc~ West subdemand center, which contains an existing neighborhood system serving the Captain Kidd development. It is estimated that by the year 2000 the population would be about 580, housed in 154 dwelling units, wi th estimated water demands of 32 gpm on an average day basis, 96 gpm on a maximum day and 160 gpm during a peak hour. Presently, the system has two wells with a com- bined pumping capacity of 300 gpm; therefore, the supply is consider- ed adequate. The estimated annual cost per dwelling unit of S300 re- Jects the cost of a IO0-gpm capacity activated carbon/ion excnange trea~ent facility. Level III Alternatives. Level III alternatives for this oemanO center are simi'lJr'~n ~ature to those developed for the Wading River/Northville demand center. This level involves development of individual public water systems for each subdemand center including supply, trea~nent (if necessary) and tr.ansmission and distribution pi ping. Layouts of the major system facilities for each suboemand center are shown on Figure 8-9. Table $-14 summarizes information on the components of the alternatives for each demand center and in- cludes estimated supply and treatment system capacities and piping requirements. For each subdemand center, a system consisting of multiple wells (with submersible pumps) discharging to a header system for convey- ance to a booster pumping station was selected. Multiple wells would provide increased reliability and assure that the aquifer is not overstressed at one location, since groundwater withdrawals would be Qistributed over a wide area. This should prevent upconing and, accordingly, saltwater intrusion. For the subdemand centers requir- ing treatment, the booster pumping station would be contained within the treatment facility structure and would be operated off a hydro- pneumatic tank, except in Mattituck South, where a distribution sys- tem storage tank is suggested. As is evident on Figure 8-9, the pro- posed well location for Mattituck South is actually outsiQe the demand center boundary at the western extremity. Accordingly, in order to equalize system pressures and to reOuce water transmission requirements, a storage tank, centrally located at a high ground ele- vation as shown, was provided. The required active storage volume for fire protection and hourly fluctuations is estimated at Z25,O0~ gallons. The remaining subdemand centers would not warrant system storage, either because of their relatively small size and resulting I:ISERT FIGURE 8-9 low water demands, or a centrally locateo supply. For these areas, peak hour pumping capacity would be requir~, with the pumps operated off the nydropneumatic tank (which serves to control pump cycle time and system pressures). As with the Wading River/Northville demand center, the costs of Level III(B) for MattitucK West include supplying the Captain Kidd system from a new, central source that would also supply the unserved areas. Accordingly, the supply and treatment costs were proportioned between Captain Kidd and the unserved areas based on maximum day water re- quirements. As shown on Table 8-13, Level III(BI would be more ex- pensive for Captain Kidd since it includes a portion of the total supply and treatment costs, whereas Level ~II(A) includes the addi- tion of only a treatment system to their present supplies. For this demand center, piping represents an average of 53 percent of the Level III costs shown on Table 8-13. Indian Neck has the lowest housing density within the demand center (average of 30 homes per mile of roadway) and the highest Level III costs due to piping re- quirements. Mattituck West and East have the highest density within the demand center (average of 60 homes per mile of roadway) which re- flects the lower Level III costs. However, in all subdemand centers, Level I proved to be less expensive than Level III. 8.4.5.¢ Level IV Alternatives. Level IV for MattitucK/Cutchogue was not evaluated in detail since a significant cost savings would not be realized compared with Level III. Level IV would include a central supply serving the entire demand centerl however, piping requirements and associated costs would be essentially the same as the sum of the piping costs for the subdemand centers under Level III. Since an average of B3 percent of the Level III costs is piping, and consider- ing that a central supply would require additional transmission piping and, most likely, distribution system storage, it is estimated that only a 5 to i0 percent cost savings would be realized unoer a Level IV option. Refering to Table 8-13, Level IV costs would s~ill be significantly nigher than Level I costs, except in Mattituck West and East where the difference would not be as significant. For these subdemand centers, additional an.alysis is warranted and was performed under Level V. This will be discussed in the following sections. Level V Alternatives. Level V for Mattituck/Cutchogue in- cludes construction of groundwater supply and production facilities in Riverhead, a water transmission system from the supply sources to demand centers, and distribution system piping and storage within the demand centers. As discussed earlier, Levels V(B) and V(D) also in- clude service to Greenport. and essentially involve a continuation of the water transmission system to that area. For these options, the supply and transmission costs would be shared by the demand centers, proportioned on the Oasis of design flows. As shown in Table the cost of scenarios 1 and 2 under bot~ Levels V(B) and '~(O/ are $-46 essentially equal for Mattituck/Cutchogue since the scenarios apply only ~o Greenport. Scenario 1 would provide maximum day supply to Greenport, while scenario 2 would only provide up to average day supply, wi th Greenport's existing supplies re~aining in service. Under all Level V alternatives, maximum day supply would be provided to Mattituck/Cutchogue since there are no existing supplies within this area, Level V for Greenport will be discussed in Section 8.4.6. Level V(D) was developed and evaluated primarily to determine if the Level III costs for ~attituck West and East could be reduced by uti- lization of a regional supply source. Since a regional supply would, most likely, not be developed only for these subdemand centers, the Greenport Municipal System was also incorporated into this Level for comparison with the costs for Greenport's Level V(C) (discussed in the next section). A layout of the components of Level V, specifically Level V(B), is shown on Figure 8-10. Table 8-15 summarizes pertinent information on each component. Supply would consist of deep production wells in Riverhead, preliminarily located as shown on Figure 8-10. Each well would tap the Magothy aquifer and would average 350- to 450-feet deep. Treatment for nitrates and pesticides removal was assumed not to be required since, reportedly, the.Magothy aquifer in this loca- tion Goes not contain these constituents. Each well would include a pumping station equipped with a vertical turbine well pump, standby power, chemical addition facilities (for disinfection and pH adjust- ment) and other associated piping and control appurtenances. Total supply (and transmission system) capacity was based on the to~al estimated year 200D maximum day demands for the areas to be served for Levels V(A), V(B-1), and V(D-1). For Levels V(B-2) and V(D-2), supply and transmission system capacity was based on year 2000 maxi- mum day demands for Mattituck/Cutchogue plus year 2000 average Oay demands for Greenport. Transmission system pi ping would consist of cement-lined ductile iron pipe with a maximum pipe size for each-alternative as indicated in. Table 8-15. This pipe size would be required for the section between the most easterly production well and the connection to the first storage tank in the Mattituck/Cutchogue area, and would convey up to the total design flow for the entire service area. Beyond. the first. tank, th~ pipe size would reduce in size as it heads toward Green- port, in accordance with the reduction in required carrying capacity_ as demands are satisfied. Under Level V(D)~ the transmission system would follow the same route as indicated in Figure 8-10; however, the -pipe sizes wo~d be less and only ohe new s:orage facility to serve' Mattituck West and East Would be required. Booster pumping stations would be provided along the pipeline in order to'maintain-system pressures, which would gradua)ly decline due to pipe friction as t~e. water ~ows east. The s~ations woulO include a centrifugal pump, standby power and other related appurtenances, housed in a super- 8-47 J INSERT FIGURE 8-10 8-48 J structure. For this Conceptual analysis, minimum transmission system pressures were assumed to be 35 psi and maximum pressures 100 psi. As presently conceived, the system would aave the capability of fill- ing proposed storage facilities in the Mattituck/Cutchogue area. For Levels V(B) and V(O) the pressures at the eastern end of the system would be sufficient to supply the Greenpor% system while maintaining their present system pressures. System pressures within the Matti- tuck/Cutchogue demand center would be controlled by the water level in the storage tanks, which would provide a minimum of 35 psi at highest ground elevations. Water would be delivered to consumers through a distribution piping system containing about I30 miles of piping, required to serve the entire demand center. As shown on Figure 8-10, the transmission main route selected for this analysis generally follows Route 25, which traverses the areas %o be served. Transmission piping costs include allowances for uti- lity crossings, pavement restoration and policing. Two alternative routes were also considered, as follows: Option 1 - Generally follows North Road. Option 2 - Along the existing right-of-way (ROW1 of the Long Island Ligh%ing Company (LILCO). This option assumes access could be obtained from the utility. These route options are also shown on Figure 8-10. An analysis of the estimated transmission system piping requirements and related costs associated with each option was performed only for Levels V(C) and V(D) since only these alternatives have the potential to be as cost-effective as Level I, as is evident in Table 8-13. The results of the analysis for Level V(C) (Greenport Municipal System) will be presented in the next section. For Level V(D), it was found that the amount of piping would be less for options 1 and 2, and the pipe in- stallation costs for option 2 would be about 10 percent less expen- sive since paving, utility crossing and policing would not be re- quired along the LILCO right-of-way. The impact on Level V(D) costs for the route options is summarized as follows (for Mattituck West and East only): Route 25 Option i Option 2 V(D-!) V(D-2) ¥(O-i) V(O-2) V(O-k) V(O-2) Length of Piping ~equired, miles* 19.5 15.2 18.8 14.2 15.7 12.5 Annual Cost per Dwelling Unit S685 S660 S665 'i'ncludes service to Greenport also and includes ~ran~mission piping only. ~-50 A significant cost savings would not be realized since, as discussed earlier, over 83 percent of the total capital cost of Level V(D) for Mattituck West and East is distribution system piping, which tends to reduce the overall impact of cost savings associated with the trans- mission system route options. However, Level V(D) costs are lower than Level III costs, regarUless of transmission system routing, for two reasons: (1) treatment would not be required, and (2) Greenport would pay for a portion of the supply and transmission system. Level I, however, still appears to be the lowest-cost option available to all subdemand centers within Mattituck/Cutchogue. Table 8-16 presents the capital cost estimates for Level Iii and V alternatives for the Mattituck/Cutchogue demand center. 8.4.6 Southold/Greenport The estimated total annual costs per dwelling unit of water supply alternatives for the Southold/Greenport demand center are shown on Table 8-17. The concepts associated with each level of alternatives were summarized in the preceding section and so will not be repeated here. Level I Alternatives. Level I applies to Great Hog Neck and ~ast Mar~on on)y ano includes individual home water supply systems. In both subdemand centers, treatment would probably be required; therefore, it was included in the Level I costs. Level III Alternatives. Level III consists of new public water systems for Great Hog Neck and East Marion, and augmentation of the existing Greenport Municipal System. Similar to the other demand centers, Level III for Great Hog Neck and East Marion includes a multiple well-type supply system feeding a booster pumping station and water treatment facility, as shown on Figures 8-11 and 8-12. For Great Hog Neck, a distribution system storage tank was provided due to the size of the area and the availability of a relatively high ground elevation (El. 70 feet, USGS base) near the supply source. Table 8-18 summarizes information on t~e components of Level III alternatives for the two subdemand centers. As is evident in Table 8-17, the Level III costs for Great Hog Neck and East Marion are relatively high, primarily because of the length of required piping and associated costs. Great Hog Neck has she lowest density of any subdemand center on the North Fork, with an average of only 18 ho~es per mile of roadway. To provide water ser- vice throughout the area, over 28 miles of piping would-be required to serve only about 500 homes. Similarly, East Marion also has a very low density with an average of aDout 40 homes per mile of road- way. It is apparent that these areas are not conducive to a public water system because of the lack of an aeequate population base. 8-51 INSERT FIGURE 8-11 8-5,$ INSERT FIGURE 8-12 8-55 Two Level III alternatives were evaluated for the Greenport Municipal System, as follows: III(A) Reverse osmosis water treatment plant Additional distribution piping and storage Great Pond Water Supply System Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant Additional distribution piping and storage. The components associated with these alternatives are shown concep- tually on Figure 8-13. As indicated, additional distribution system piping (8 miles) and storage would be required under each alterna- tive. Year 2000 distribution system storage requirements were estimated assuming that storage of 25 percent of the estimated year 2000 maxi- mum day demand would be provided to account for hourly demand fluc- tuations. In addition, a fire-flow volume was also included based on a fire ~ow of 1000 gpm for a 1-hour duration. The resulting total required storage volume is 700,000 gallons. The existing system storage facility, which is located on Moores Lane, has a capacity of 300,000 gallons of active stDrage, resulting in an estimated deficit of 400,000 gallons. Accordingly, alternatives III(A) and III(B) in- clude costs for a 400,O00-gallon elevated sto~age tank with the same overflow elevation (El. 178 feet, USGS base) as the existing tank. This would allow continuation of the present system operating condi- tions and would maintain current system pressures, The tank location would be somewhat dependent upon the water supply plan ultimately selected for Greenport and a hydrualic analysis of ~ne piping system, which is beyond the scope of the present study. A possible tank location would be adjacent to the existing tank, which would serve to centralize system storage and equalize system pressures if a new sup- ply source were located in the western portion of Greenport. The components associated with ~evel III(A) include a 15OD-gpm capa- city reverse osmosis water treatment plant (WTP) which would serve to remove nitrates, pesticides and total dissolved solids from the raw groundwater. Under this option, the existing carbon filter would be removed at well 6-1, increasing the capacity from bOO gpm to its original 550 gpm. With well 6-2, the total Plant 6 capacity would be 700 gpm. Plant 7 would also be utilized as a raw water source and has a pumping capacity of 350 gpm. The third proposed raw water source is an existing farm well located off of Middle Road near Tuckers Lane, known as Dononue's Farm well. It has a reported yield of about 450 gpm. It was assumed that renovations would include a new pump and motor and associated piping an~ appurtenances, electri- cal controls anO a new structure. Cleaning of the ~ell screen may also De required. 8-56 INSERT FIGURE 8-13 8-57 At plants 6 and 7, the piping connections to the existing !2-1-~n main in Middle Road would be blocked (or valveo) an~ a new raw transmission system constructed from the wells, including Donon~e'~ Farm well, to the WTP. It was assumed that the plant would De located along Middle Road opposite the Donohue's Farm well, as on Figure 8-13. The raw water would be metered and then chemically treated with sulfuric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate (SHM?! ~ri~r to filtration. The acid is required to lower the pH to prevent cium carbonate deposition and fouling of the m~Dranes. £HMP !s added to prevent precipitation of iron, manganese and/or o~her ~cn- stituents which would also foul the membranes. The chemically treated water would then pass through cartridge fii:ers wnicn remove any suspended solids greater than 10 microns in size. T~is protects the membranes and increases the length of time between ~eq- brahe cleaning and, eventually, replacement. High-pressure pum:s would boost the pressure to about 300 to 400 psi and the treated water would enter the R-O membrane units. The brine which is that portion of the water that does not pass threugn membranes, would be collected and transported out of the 21an~ f:r disposal. Typically, the volume of this waste stream averages 20 to 25 percent of the total plant fl.ow, resulting in an average flow rate of about 300 to 375 gpm. It would contain nitrates, pesticides, total dissolved solids and other constituents f~un~ i~ the groundwater, in concentrations approximately four co Five ti~es , greater than the raw groundwater, tt was assumed for %his ~ucS the waste stream could be discharged into Jockey Creek since the dilution offered by the creek would, most probably, negate ~ny rial adverse effects. However, this would require de~aileQ investi- gations including receiving water analyses and impact assessment? in addition to approvals from local, State and federal regulatory agen- cies. The 75 to 80 percent of the water that does pass through the mem- branes would require decarbonation to remove carbon diQxide an¢ 3the dissolved gases that may be entrained within the flow stream ~ue the addition of acid and the lowering of the pH. Removal of car~n dioxide would serve to increase the finished water pH and prevent buildup within the distribution system. Accordingly, a forceo-craft degassifier, which operates similarly to an mir-stripping tower coq- manly used for ammonia removal, was included in the cost estima~a the plant. Sodium hypochlorite, or another form of chlorine, ~ou~ then be added to the flow stream for disinfection prior to ~u~iq~ the finished water into the distribution system. ~he treatment facilities would be contained within a one-story s:~er- structure, assumed to-be constructed of concrete-blocK wi~ · facade. The approximate building size would be on the order of to 3,500 square feet. Staff requirements would include one plant operator and one full-time assistant. It was assumed that Greenport Water Department personnel would also ~e availaol~ t~ ~s- sist in WTP maintenance and repair when requ~reo. 8-58 As discussed above, 20 to 25 percent of the raw water entering the plant would be rejected; thus, the plan~s actual production capacity would be in the range of 1,100 to 1,200 gpm. Since the estimated year 2000 maximum day demand for GreenDort is 1,780 gpm, some of the existing supplies must remain in service. It was assumed that plants 4, B and 8 would remain in service and be used, when required, for peaking purposes. It was also assumed that with reduced usage of these wells and blending with the WTP finished water, overall system water quality would comply with all County and State water quality standards. The Level III(B) alternative, for Greenport is based on a concept that was discussed previously and was developed in more detail for this study in order to assess potential costs and how they compare with other Greenport alternatives. It involves the use of Great Pond, which is located in the northwest portion of Greenport's system, as a water supply source. It has been reported that the nitrate levels in Great Pond water are considerably lower than levels in the ground- water of the surrounding area. It has been further assumed that this was most likely due to a natural denitrification process occuring in the bottom sediments of the pond, where bacteria would convert nitrates into nitrogen gas. It has been estimated that the potential yield of the pond would be in the order of 500 gpm; however, it could be as high as 1,000 gpm.. Level III(B) is based on the assumption that Great Pond water contains acceptable levels of nitrates and that no treatment, other than disinfection, would be required. A system capacity of 500 gpm was also assumed. A concept of utilizing Great Pond water without a high degree of treatment was developed for this study and is shown schematically on Figure 8-14. It involves the construction of a groundwater injection system including a pond water pumping station. Pond water would be withdrawn from the pond and injected into the upper glacial aquifer through a number of injection wells arranged around a central produc- tion well. The production well would be a typical well and pumping station containing chemical addition facilities and the necessary system control s. This arrangement serves two purposes: (1) the injection wells would increase ~he water table elevation around ihe production well, creating a hydrologic barrier between the well and the aquifer, which would prevent "short-circuiting" by assuring that pond water and not contaminated aquifer water was delivered to the system, and (2) pond water would travel through several feet of soil before it reaches the production well, taking advantage of the natural purifying action of the soil to reduce turbidity and increase overall water quality. It must be emphasized that this is a concept only, and its applicability is dependent upon actual pond water qual- ity, grounowater conditions and movement in the area and subsurface soil conditions. A full engineering investigation would be required prior to serious consideration of this alternative. The estimated cost of such an investigation was included in the Level III(B) cost estimate {aparoximately S90,000), based on performing the following work tasks: 8-59 F I Gt;P,E 8-14 '" ) PRODUCTION { WELL AND PUMP INJECTION WEL. k PIPING SYSTEM OND WATER PUMP STATION GREAT SUCTION PiPE POND 'R,~NSMISSION (TYPICAL) m MAIN TO SYSTEM PLAN WATER TABLE WITH SYSTEM IN OPERATION GROUND )UCTION WELL WELL TYPIC AL') NORMAL WATER TABLE GREAT POND SECTION - Site investigation - Exploratory program (including test wells) - Installation of monitoring wells - Extended duration pump test (4 months) - '~ater quality sampling and analyses - Analysis of results and development of recommendations - Preparation of engineering report. Since this system would deliver only 500 gpm of finished water, Level III(B) also includes construction of a 1,050-gpm (1.5 mgd) reverse osmosis water treatment plant, similar to Level III{A), which would treat water from plants 6 and 7 only. Assuming a 25 percent reject by the R-O process, the WTP production capacity would be about BOO gpm, resulting in a total of 1,300 gpm of potable water production including the Great Pond system. Utilization of Greenport's other existing wells, to a limited extent, would be required under this alternative, similar to III{A), to provide up to maximum day produc- tion capacity (1,780 gpm). As shown on Table 8-17, the estimated cost of Level III(B) is slightly less expensive than III(A) s~nce the Great Pond system does not include treatment. If the Great Pond system could be developed as presently conceived, which would be determined from the above- described engineering study, Level III{B) would be more cost-effective than III(A). Level IV Alternatives. Level IV low the Southold/Greenport Oeman~ center.was not considered for reasons similar to those dis- cussed in connection with the Matticuck/Cutchogue demand center. Since about 90 percent of the Level III costs for Great Hog Neck and East Marion are for distribution system piping, a significant cost savings would not be realized by supplying these areas from'the Greenport system. Estimated costs per dwelling unit would still be over S2,000 for Great Hog Neck and close to ST, O00 fo~ East Marion. Level V Alternatives. The components and preliminary desigQ Criteria assoclateo wlt~ Level V alternatives were described in Sec- _tion, ~i.nce most of the altrnatives aiso include the Matti- tuck/Cutchogue demand center. In summary, ¥(A) involves Ma~ti:ucK/ Cutc~ogue only and does not include Greenport, .V(B) provides service to Mattituck/Cutchogue and ~he Southold/Greenpor~demand den~er~, V{C) provides service on)y to the Greenport Municipal S~stem, and ¥(D) .provides service' td ~he Mattituck Wes~ and East su~emand centers in addition to the ~reenport Municipal System..For each 8-61 alternative, the water supply from deep wells in eastern Riverhead would be conveyed to the demand centers by a transmission piping and booster pumping system. A conceptual layout of the components of Level ¥ alternatives is shown on Figure 8-10, which also shows the transmission pipeline route options. As indicated in Table 8-17, two scenarios were considered for alter- natives V(B), V(C), and V(D). Alternatives ¥(B-1), V(C-1) and would brovide supply from Riverhead equal to Greenport's estimated year 2000 maximum daily demand. Under these options the use of Greenport's existing well supplies would be discontinued. Alterna- tives V(B-2), ¥(C-2) and V(D-2) would provide supply equal to Green- port's year 2000 average daily demand, with selected existing well supplies remaining in service, in order to provide maximum day pro- duction capability. Under all alternatives, transmission system connections would be made to Greenport's existing system at its western extremity. The hydrau- lic grade line (HGL) of the transmission system would exceed Green- port's HGL at that location in the system in order to convey water into Greenport's system. Distribution system piping and storage would be required fer Greenport as discussed under Level III in Sec- tion, and also for Great Hog Neck and East Marion under alternative V(B). Supply costs were distributed to the demand centers {or subdemand centers) on the basis of design flow which, except for Green~ort under V(B-2), V(C-2) and ¥(D-2), was the esti- mated year 2000 maximum day demand. Transmission system costs were also distributed based on flow; however, they were also dependent on proximity of the demand center in relation to the transmission sys- tem. For example, referring to Figure 8-10, which depicts alterna- tive V(B), estimated costs for the transmission system from the supp- lies to the eastern storage tank serving Mattituck/Cutchogue were proportioned between Mattituck/Cutchogue and Soutnold/Greenport based on year 2000 maximum day demands. HoweveK, costs for the remaining portion of the system, from the tank to the connection(s) with Green- port's system, were allocated to Southo~d/Greenport only. A~ mentioned above, scenario 2 (i.e., ¥(B-2), V(C-2) and V(D-2)) in- cludes continuation of the use of certain existing supplies in Green- port, since only year 2000 average day demand would be supplied from the Riverhead wells. This scenario-was considered in 6rder to deter- mine the impact-on costs to Greenport by reducing the ~iverhead sup- ply requirement and associated facilities. For alternatives V(C-2) and V(D-2), the estimate~ year 2000 average day that would be supp- lied to the Greenport Municipal System is 660 gpm. Since t~e esti- mated maximum day demapd is 1,780 gpm, a system supply capability in Greenport of about 1,120 gp~_ mus: be maintained. -Reporte61y, the highest quality well supplies in Greenport are Plant 6. which is equipped with a carbon filter (550 gpm), Plan: 7 (350 gpm) and Plant 8 (350 gpm). The total combined capacity of these supplies is i,,250 5-62 gpm. Reportedly, plants 7 and 8 occasionally experience high chlor- ide concentrations; however, with reduced usage, the quality of the Greenport wells remaining in service would improve and the overall system water quality would comply with all federal, State and County standards. Prior to serious consideration of this scenario, further engineering study and water quality analyses on Greenport's wells would be required. Referring to Table 8-18, the cost impact of distribution system piping is apparent for Great Hog Neck and East Marion, since there is essentially no difference in cost between Level III and Level V(B). Level III involves a local, treated groundwater supply while under Level ¥(B) the supply would emanate from Riverhead. Source of supply has little, if any, significant impact on costs in these subdemand centers since, under either level, ~iping represents about 90 percent of total capital costs. As mentioned earlier, these subdemand cen- ters are not conducive to support of a public water system. The Level V costs for the Greenport Municipal System are similar for each alternative. There is a slight cost advantage to Greenport if the supply and transmission costs were shared with Mattituck/Cutch- ogue under V(B) or with only Mattituck West and East under V(D). However, as discussed in Section B.4.5, Level V(B) does not appear to be cost-effective for Mattituck/Cutchogue if compared with Level I. Levels V(C) and V(D) do appear to be cost competitive with other options, especially with Level III for Greenport. If Greenport's existing supplies were to remain in service under scenario 2, costs of Levels V(C) and V(D) would be reduced an estimated 20 to 25 per- cent. As discussed in Section 8.4.5, alternative transmission main routes were considered for Levels V(C) and V(D), as shown on Figure 8-10. The route selected for detailed transmission system analysis gener- ally follows Route 25 and the costs shown in Table 8-17 reflect that route. The two options considered were: (1) generally along North Road (Route 27) and (2) generally along the LILCO right-of-way, as- suming access would be available. The cost comparisons for the Greenport Municipal System were su~arized as follows: Greenport Municipal System Estimated Annual Cost Per Dwelling Unit Route 25 Option i Option 2 V(C-l) $530 S520 S475 ¥(C-2) 430 420 465 V(D-1) 515 510 395 ¥(D-2) 410 400 380 2-63 As indicated, a significant cost savings would not be realized if Option 1 were pursued; however, Option £ costs do average about 10 percent less than the Route 25 costs since paving restoration would not be required along the LILCO right-of-way. Costs for utilizing the easement, however, were not included in the above estimates. alternative V(C) or V(D) were considered for eventual implementation, Option 2 should be further investigated and LILCO contacted to deter- mine if use of their easement would be allowed. Table 8-19 presents the capital cost estimates for Level III and V Alternatives for the Southold/Greenport demand center. 8.4.7 Orient The estimated total annual costs per dwelling unit for water supply alternatives in the Orient Demand Center are summarized in Table 8-20. TABLE 8-20 ESTIMATED ANNUAL DWELLING UNIT COSTS CF WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES FOR THE ORIENT D~4AND CENTER Estimated Ahnual Estimated Number of Level Year 2000 Dwelling Units I Cost per Dwelling Unit Level I!I 593 $620 S.1,055 Level I Alternatives. As discussed in previous sections, Level I consists of indivioual home waier supply systems and includes the installation of a ~reatment unit in existing homes, and the in- stallation of a well plus a treatment unit for new homes. Treatment would consist of a reverse osmosis system for removal of nitrates, pesticides and/or total dissolved solids. The costs shown in Table 8-20 reflect a weighted average of the costs of facilities for exist- ing homes and the costs of facilities for new homes, Daseo on the estimated number of new .homes by the year 2000. ~.4.7.2 Level-III Alternatives. As with the other demand centers, the Level III alternative consists of a new groundwater supply, a water treatment system and ~ transmission/distribution system. Figure 8-15 shows a conceptual layout of the m~or system components. Two wells, approximately 90-fqet deep, woulU be constructeO, as 8-65 shown, and tap the upper glacial aquifer. Each well would be equip- ped with a submersible vertical turbine pump with the motor located in an underground vault. The wells would be sized for a total pro- duction capacity of 200 gpm (100 gpm eachl which is equivalent to the estimated year 2000 maximum day demand for Orient. Water would be conveyed to a treatment facility which would employ the processes of ion exchange and carbon adsorption for removal of nitrates and pesti- cides. Chemicals for disinfection and pH control would also be applied. Treated water would then be pumped into the distribution system for delivery to consumers. The booster pumping station would operate off a hydropneumatic tank and would include standby power. It is estimated that about 14 miles of distribution system piping would be required to serve this area. As with Mattituck/Cutchegue and several other areas on the North Fork, the relatively low density of Orient results in significantly high piping costs. The density of Orient is essentially the same as East Marion (an average of about 40 homes per mile of roadway) resulting in comparable Level III costs which, in both cases, are almost double the Level I costs. Level IV and V Alternatives. Levels IV and V were not con- ~oereo for Orient s~nce a preliminary analysis revealed t~at costs would be greater than Level III. This is primarily due to the transmission piping required to serve this relatively isolated area from the Greenport system. This piping requirement essentially negates any potential cost savings resulting from the elimination of the water treatment system required under Level III. Table 8-21 presents the capital cost estimate for the Level alternative in Orient. III TABLE 8-21 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES ORIENT DEMAND CENTER (ENR-3800) LEVEL III Supply $ 185,000 Transmission and 3,180,000 Distribution Treatment 400,000 Total Construction Cost S3,765,000 Total Projec~ Cost S4,895,000 8-68 :q 8.4.3 Isolated Neighborhood Systems The estimated costs for Level I and Level 11 water supply alterna- tives for the isolated nei§hborhood systems are summarized on Table 8-22. As indicated, treatment would not be required for the neigh- borhoods located in the western portion of the North Fork because uncontaminated groundwater sources are available. As with several of the subdemand centers located throughout the North Fork, distribution piping represents a substantial portion of the Level II costs. Although these neighborhoods are not as sparsely populated as several of the eastern subdemand centers, the housing density is relatively low, averaging about 60 homes per mile of road- way. The required piping and associated costs to provide public water ser- vice to neighborhood homes is the major reason for the higher Level II costs, as compared to Level I. Table 8-23 presents the capital cost estimates for the Level Alternatives for the neighborhood systems. 8.5 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIV£S Several criteria must be considered when comparing and evaluating water supply alternatives for the North Fork. The criteria used in the evaluation include the following: Cost Reliability Implementability Environmental considerations Adaptability to future changes. 8.5.1 Cost The cost of the various alternatives is perhaps the most straightfor- ward criteria to evaloate, and certainly one of the most important. The cost is comprised of two components: The capital requi~ed to construct the components of the sys- tem (i.e., source of supply, transmission/distribution, and treatment) 8-69 TABLE 8~22 ESTIMATED COSTS OF WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES for ISOLATED NEIGHBORHOOD SYSTEMS ESTIMATED NO. ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST PER DWELLING UNIT OF YR.2DDO ................ 1 ............. HB~GHBO~HOOD SYSTBMS BWELLING UNITS ~;~ i [~ ii $ $ I. Lake Panamoka 115 230* 485* 2. ~t. 25 S. of Scuttle Hole 44 230* 865* 3~ lt. 25 N. of Grunl~an Airport 150 230* 615' ~. Salting Hollow 43 325* 1000' 5. Off Tuthill Lane 71 225* 675* 6. Duck Pond Point 70 605 785 7. Rt. 27 near Depot Lane 43 605' 930 6. Goldsmit~ Inlet ~32 605 665 g. Great Pond ]65 605 805 The cost of administering, operating and maintaining the system: labor, power, chemicals, supplies and routine main- tenance; this cost is generally referred to as the O&M cost. In order to compare the total cost of each of the alternatives, it was necessary to place the capital and O&M costs on a common basis. The approach utilized in this study was to amortize the total capital cost (using an appropriate interest rate and payback period) to yield an annual cost required to finance the construction of the project. This annual amortized cost was then added to the annual O&M cost to determine the total annual expenditures required. The annual costs were then divided by the estimated number of dwellings served by the alternative (in the year 2000) to develop average annual costs per dwelling unit. These costs were then used as the basis of comparing the alternatives. 8.5.2 Reliability Reliability addresses a series of considerations which bear upon the ability of the water supply system to consistently operate in a satisfactory manner. The following aspects were considered: (1) The reliability of the source of supply to provide,water which meets required quality standards {2) The reliability of the treatment processes employed to re- move objectional constituents found in the raw water (3) The reliability of equipment and hardware to consistently remove contaminants from a raw water supply (4) The reliability of the water supply system to consistently deliver water of adequate pressures and volumes. The number of supply sources (i.e., wells), the provision of auxiliary power, and the provision of competent system operators were important considerations inevaluating system reliability. 8.8.3 Imelementabi.lity The potential for implementing the project is an important criteria used to evaluate the .alternatives. Two issues related to project implementation were considered: Project scope--In-general, capital-intensive projects cover- ing large geographic areas are more difficult to implement than projects with a more limited geographic scope. 8-72 Public and political acceptability--Alternatives which in- volve the transfer of water from one municipality to another are more difficult to implement from a political standpoint. This is due to potential conflicts in the development goals of the two municipalities and to the complications that arise from the need to involve additional government bodies in the decision-making process. Alternatives which provide needed service and meet local growth objectives would re- ceive greatest public acceptability. 8.5.~ Environmental Considerations The potential environmental consequences of the alternatives con- sidered are: (1) Consumptive water use--This criteria considered the anti- cipated consumptive use of water in each zone with respect to the permissive sustained yield. Transfer of water from one supply zone to another was a particularly importans con- sideration, because such withdrawals are totally consumptive from the perspective of the zone supplying the water. (2) Adherence to land use objectives--All alternatives were designed to meet the land use objectives expressed in she Comprehensive Plan. However, because of differences in scope and the physical configuration of the supply and transmission systems, the alternatives differ in their potential for stimulating undesired growth. Therefore, alternatives which minimized the potential for these nega- tive "secondary impacts" were deemed more desirable. (3) Construction impacts--Water supply system components were located, as far as practical, to minimize encroachment on sensitive environmental areas. However, alternatives differ in their impacts on these types of areas, particularly with respect to stream crossings required for the construction of major transmission lines. 8.5.5 Adaptability to Future Cha~ges Depending upon the type and character of each alternative, some are more flexible in responding to unforeseen future changes than others. Those alternatives that require major initial construc~isn and imme- diate financing tend to be tess flexible than those alternatives which are gradually implemented over time. Because future conditions in the study area cannot.be predicted with a high degree of cer- tainty, adaptability of an alternative to future change is an aomir- able, desirable characteristic. 8-73 5.5.6 Summary Comparative Matrices Tables 8-24 through 8-29 compare all levels of alternatives which were developed for each demand center on the basis of the five screening criteria. (121/5) 8-74 SECTION g.S RECOMMENDED WATER SUPPLY PLAN Section 8.0 of this report has presented in detail all of the water supply alternatives studied and evaluated as part of this plan. Sec- tion 8.0 also described the evaluation criteria and procedures used to compare the alternatives. This section enumerates the water supply alternatives recommended for implementation in each demand center, Only brief descriptions of the recommended plans are pre- sented--the reader is referred to Section 8.0 for the detailed descriptions. Table 9-1 summarizes the capital costs of the major structural com- ponents of each recommended alternative. The table does not include the capital costs for individual home treatment units since the number of required units cannot be predicted. Section 8.0 of the report, however, includes detailed capital and operation and mainten- ance cost data for home treatment unit systems. 9.1 WADING RtVER/NORTHVIL~E The Level III (B) alternative for Wading River/Northville, as shown on Figure 8-6, is recommended for implementation. The existing in- dividual water systems in Wading River, Baiting Hollow/Woodcliff Park and Reeves Park should be connected to new supply wells, which will separately serve each of the three individual subsystems. This is necessary to improve the reliability of the supply and to assure potable water. The new facilities should be located and sized to al so serve areas which do not currently have public water systems; the new service areas should be developed in a phased approach. Table 9-1 includes the cost estimates to implement the Level alternative. The future distribution ~ystem costs shown in the table can be incurred over time as a town Water District oecomes finan- cially able to provide public water service to those areas that are presently unserved. It is not economically feasible to provide public water systems to the remainder of the demand center outside the service areas shown on Figure 8-6. The residents in those areas should continue to oe served by individual home wells, with trea~ent as required. Schedule. The connections of the existing systems to new supply ~ould be accomplished wi thin a 3-year period. Service to new systems along the route of the transmission mains should be accomp- lished within 7 years thereafter, providing the areas are financially capable of supporting the new facilities. 9.2 RIVERHEAD/jAMESPORT The Level III alternative is recommended for the hamlet of Riverhead; the only required m~or improvement is to increase distribution sys- tem storage for the cost shown in Table 9-1. The Riverhead system should also actively attempt to further expand its system to other areas adjacent to the present system. The Level iV alternative is recommended for the Calverton Area and consists of extending the Riverhead system to serve the area shown on Figure 8-7. Jamesport and the remainder of the area in the demand center should adoot the Level I alternative (i.e., continue to be served by indivi- oual nome wells with treatment as reduired, since it is not economi- cally feasible to serve those areas with public water facilities). The capital cost estimate for the Riverhead/Jamesport recommendations are included in Table 9-1. jchedule. Additional distribution system storage and the extension ~iverhead system to Calverton should be accomplishd within a 3-year period. 9.3 MATTITUCK/CUCTHOGUE The Town of Southold should acquire and 'operate the existing water system in Mattituck Hills (Captain Kidd); measures should be taken immediately to upgrade the performance and reliaDility of th~ system and to augment its source of supply. In the remainder of the Matti- tuck/Cutchogue demand center {including Cutchogbe, Mattituck, Little Hog Neck, East Cutchogue, Fleets Neck, New Suffolk and Indian Neck) i: is not economically feasible to provide public water supply sys- tems. The Lqvel I alternative is recommended and these areas should continue tO utilize indtv)dual home w~lls with treatment as required. Table 9-1 includes capital cost estimates for implementing the Mattituck/Cuthogue recommendations. Schedule. The Captain Kidd acquisition should be completed within 6 mort:ns and system improvements provided within 1 year thereafter. g.~ SOUTHOLD/GREENPORT The Level III alternative as shown on Figure 8-13, is recommended for Greenport. The Greenport Municipal System, which presently serves Greenport and parts of Southold, should continue to rely on local groundwater sources. However, major improvements to the system are required. The existing Donohue Farm well should be upgraded to ~50-gallon-per-minute (gpm) total capacity and used for public water supoly. A 2.2-million-gallon-per-day (mgd) reverse osmosis treatment olant should be constructed in stages to treat the water from the Donohue well and existing plants no. 6 and 7 for removal of nitrates, pesticides, herbicides and salt. After implementing the improvements, the Greenport system should actively attempt to further expand its system to other areas adjacent to the existing system. in the remainder of the Greeport/Southold area, including Great Hog Neck and East Marion, it is not economically feasible to provide pub- lic water supply systems. These areas should follow a Level I ap- proach and continue to be served by individual home wells, with treatment as required. Schedule. The upgrading of the Greenport system should be staged as ~as possible to minimize the impacts of the required capital cost expenditures as shown in Table 9-t. The Great Pond feasibility study should be undertaken and completed within 18 months. Concur- rently, preliminary design efforts on the reverse osmosis plant should be done. The Donohue Farm well and the final construction of the reverse osmosis plant should be completed within 3 years. The distribution system and storage additions should be implemented within the next 5 to 10 years as the needs develop. 9.5 ORIENT The Orient area, with its relQtively low density of development, cannot economically support public water, so the Level I alternative is recommended. Existing development should continue to be served by individual home wells with treab~ent as required. Since the avail- aDle fresh water supply is extremely limited, it is further recom- mended that development in the Orient area be tightly contrblled to conform with existi-ng zoning and result in water requirements which are consistent with the permissive sustained yield o6 the aquifer in Zone 5. It is further recommended that only variances resulting in less water usage be apprbved. 9-4 ~.~ ZSOLATED AREAS Puolic water systems for existing isolated neighborhoods in areas of ~roundwater contamination are generally not economically feasible. ~herefore, it is recommended to implement Level I alternatives and to continue to serve these areas by individual home wells wi th treatment as required. 9.7 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT Throughout this study and planning process, it was apparent that groundwater contamination is extensive and, even if all contaminant imputs to the groundwater were to immediately cease, the contamin- ation will remain for many years. Because of the contamination, numerous technical and financial problems associated with providing water supply to areas of the North Fork were identifieq. In order to protect the future groundwater quality and to reduce the water supply problems associated with contamination, it is imperative that preventive measures be taken in parallel with implementing the structural components of this plan. At a minimum, the following preventive measures should be considered: (!) Expand the SCDHS observation well network and home well sampling program. (2) Support the Cooperative Extension Service, Cornell University and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) research and educa- tion programs directed to the home owner and farmer relative to usage, dosages and timing of application of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. (3) Support the testing of agricultural chemicals Dy State or federal agencies in the local environment as a precondition to use by the farm community. (4) (S) Prohibit or control the sale or use of products and chemicals which threaten the groundwater resources. Control industrial, commercial and residential activities whic~ impact negatively on groundwater quality. {6} Incorporate detailed water quantity and quality considera- tions into rezoning and variance decisions. (7) Encourage water conservation through public informacion pro- grams and require water-saving fixtures in new home construc- tion. 9-5 (8) Continue public information and education programs to empha- size the fragile nature of the area's water supply and to foster cooperation in the solutions to those problems. 9-6 (SPH12/19) SECTION 19.3 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN !0.1 IMPLEMENTATION AGENCIES A review was performed of institutional structures in order to select an organizational framework under which the selected technical alter- natives could be implemented. The objective of the institutional analysis was to describe the entity that ~hould develop, finance, construct, own and operate the required facilities. Under the provisions of New York State Law, there are four institu- tional entities that could be utilized to implement all or portions of the selected alternative: the Village of Greenport, the towns, the County or the Suffolk County Water Authority. V~ll~ges (Village Law, Section 1.1-1102) are able to develop, own ano operate a municipal water system, or to acquire an existing system by purchase or eminent domain. Towns (Town Law, Article 12-C) are able to develop, own and operate a "water improvement," by resolution of the Town Board, as a Town function servicing all or a particular area in the Town; a permissive referend~ is not required under 12-C. Towns (Town Law, Articles 12 and 12-A) and Counties (County Law, ~te S-A) can establish special improvement ~ricts, ini- tiated.by resolution or by petition of the residents of the pro- posed district, with the purposQ of developing, owning and oper- ating a water system. The procedures for establishing such are explicitly detailed in the respective sections of the State statutes. Such procedures include allowances for a possible per- missive referend;~n, requirements for stipulating the maximum capital cost for district im_provements; identification of the means of allocating costs within the district, and requirement of State Comptroller approval of the proposed district. Towns can also assume any or.all responsibilities for water management as normal administrative functions. Thus, towns can establish deparl~ments, groups, programs, etc. to coordinate water development activities, ~onitor water qual'ity, pro~ioe-water- testing services, provide informational services and generally serve as the focus of water management activities. !0 -1 Counties and Villages (General Municipal Law, Article Ia-C) may develop, own and operate a water system as a revenue-prooucing under.king. In addition to powers provided to such municipali- ties in other statutes, this statute explicitly authorizes the municipalities to develop water systems on a multi-municipal level by resolution of the governing body of the particular muni- cipality. Under such, no formal special district must be estab- 1 i shed. The Suffolk County Water Authority was established under New York State Law for the purpose or deve)oping, owning and operating a water supply system. Private water companies can also provide water supply services in New York State. The choice of an institutional structure for implementation should always be dependent upon the alternative course of action selected for implementation. The uniqueness of the recommended plan--a com- bination of home treatment units and new and expanded municipal sys- tems using local groundwater supplies--further limits the available choices. There is only one incorporated village in the study area, Greenport. Since water quality problems exist throughout the two towns, and townwide water supply actions are required, it is not possible for Greenport to assume implementation responsibility except within its own borders, unless it is contracted to do so by either of the towns. The recommended technical alternative does not involve large, re- gional systems or the transfer of water across municipal boundaries. It focuses upon local sources of supply and control. Thus, there is no incentive for the County to become involved. Additionally, Suf- folk County government has historically left water supply responsibi- lities to local units of government. Similarly, because of the local nature of the recommended plan, it is inconsistent with the goals and past involvements of the Suffolk County Water Authority. The Author- ity has not shown an interest in implementing the type of plan recom- mended in this report. The Authority might have difficulty financing the plan since the Authority can only utitize revenue-bond financing mechanisms. It is not clear that home treatment units, small water systems for isolated neighborhoods and purchasing and interconnecting small, private systems are amenable to complete revenue-bond finan- cing procedures. Clearly, governmental en~ities that should be responsible for imple- mentation are the Towns of Riverhead and Southold. Water supply districts may be established under Article 12 of Town Law (by peti- tion of the people) or under Article 12-A of Town Law (by motion of the Town 2oard). Water improvements can De established under Article 10-2 12-C. Water Management Programs can be estaolished as administrative actions in the Towns. In all cases, the resultant entity can provide %he full range of services contained in the recommended plan. Under Article 12, a Water Supply District can be created upon receipt of a petition signed by owners of taxable real property owning at least one-half of the assessed valuation of real property. The dist- rict cannot be extended into an incorporated village unless requested by the village. Under Article 12-A of Town Law, a town board may, by resolution, establish a water supply district covering portions of the entire town. The action is subject to permissive referendum if 5 percent of the owners of taxable real property sign a petition asking for the referendum. Again, the district may not be established or extended into an incorporated village unless the village consents. Article 12-C of Town Law authorizes a town board to provide for water improvements as a town function in the entire area of the town (out- side any villages) without the establishment of a district. The town board is responsible for the management, maintenance, operation and repair of the water supply facilities. The cost of providing water improvments may be on a benefit or ad valormm basis. This oiffers from Article 12 and 12-A, which provide that the expenses must be charged on a benefit basis. The cost of the water improvement can be borne: - Entirely by the area of the town outside of any villages - Partly by the area of the town outside of villages - Partly by the lands benefited - Entirely by the lands benefited. The resolution adopted by the town board authorizing a water improve- ment is subject to a permissive referendum only if all or any part of' the costs are to be borne by the entire area---~Fthe town outside of any villages. Within the framework of the applicable laws as discussed above, the following approach abbears to be the most desirable for the towns to follow. The town governments should first create Water Management Programs as administrative functions and appoint individuals to direct the programs. These programs would assume responsibility for managing and coordinating all of the water supply programs in the townS. 10~3 As specific water supply needs develop, the program w~uld react to solve them. If private water systems were to be taken over by the town, for instance, the program would be responsible for organizing the establishment of a new Water Supply District or expanding the area of an existing district to purchase, own and operate the system. A number of such districts could be created as private water com- panies were taken over by the Town, or one Water Supply District could be created to own and operate all the private systems. Simi- larly, if new public systems were required, new districts could be formed for Implementation. Home treatment units could be handled as a separate town Water Management Program function. A Home Treatment Unit District could be formed covering all areas of the town not served by public systems. Or, several Home Treatment Unit Distric--{-~' could be established in specific areas where they are required, as they become necessary. The Water Management Program and Home Trea~ent Unit Districts could own and maintain the individual home treatment systems or could create a set of regulations to allow private enterprise to do the same. Under the latter approach, the'town should control which home treatment units are to be allowed in .the town by retaining approval power. In addition, the town should control maintenance by perform- ing it themselves or contracting it to a private company under con- trol of the town. Schedule. Town Water Management Programs should be established imme- ~n both towns. Water Supply Districts for the ownership and operation of new or existing public systems should be established over a 1- to 5-year period, as the town Water Management Programs are able to incorporate them. Home Treatment Unit Districts should be established wi thin 1 year and begin providi'ng services at that time. The number of home treatment units will increase over time; initial emphasis should be focused on those ~reas where nitrate and pesticide contamination is known to exist. 10.2 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES There are no State or federal grant programs from Fm~A or HUD cur- rently avail able or funded to assist with the implementation of thi-s study's recommendations. All funding, therefore, would have to be at the local level. There is a proposal for a New York State bond i~sue to Qss.ist local munioipalities in funding ware6 systems but the timing, fat6 and nature of the bond issDe are all unknowns at this ti~e. If Riverhead and ~uthold.imolement this plan's 'recommendations, financial support from a combination of ad valorem taxes ano benefit charges and revenue-bond .financing'is appropriate. Thos~ costs in- curred by the town Water Management Program w~ich benefit all town residents (general management, sampling, wa~ar quality management) could be paid for from the general tax base. Costs soecific to an area (home treatment units, acquisition and operation of a private water company) would be charged directly to the users; these types of activities could be financed through revenue-bond issues. 10.3 LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS New legislation is not required to implement the recommendations of this plan. There is some question as to whether or not home treat- ment units can be considered as water supply facilities. An inter- pretation by the legislature or State Comptroller would be helpful in clarifying this issue. (121/2) t0-'5