HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County Land Use 1962 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . NEW YORK OFFICE OF H. LEE DENNISON '-- O'o~,-,~,~- REPORT ON SUFFOLK COUNTY ( PART TEN) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND USE ,JANUARY t962: I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I .H. LEE DENNISON County Executive PLANNING COMMISS ION Seth A. Hubbard, Chairman Lewis H. Pomper, Vice Chairman Harvey Cardon Robert E. Madsen Robert D.L. Gardiner John S. Lamont Mae Hawkins Joseph M, O~Connell Ralph V. Quinton EX-OFFICIO Riverhead Huntington Babylon Brookhaven Islip Shelter Island Smithtown Southampton Southold H. Lee Dennison~ County Executive Hermon F. Bishop, Commissioner of Public Works Frederick B, Hose, Jr,, Comptroller Lee E. Koppelman Director o£ Planning I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I EXISTING LAND USE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This is one of a series of 10 reports enumerating the depart- ment's findings on existing land use in Suffolk County. The informa- tion has been gathered on a town basis as retlected in the presenta- tion This inventory and analysis of the physical composition is a vital preliminary to comprehensive planningo The resultant pattern is due to factors that may affect any geographical area, i.e., cir- culation networks to serve local and distant needs arising out of gradual growth of past decades and of current dynamic population increases; community facilities necessary for the public welfare; residential communities both planned and random; comrnercial and industrial facilities both to serve and support the public. The method has been straightforward. Every parcel has been examined in the field and assigned to a use category. Leeway was taken in regard to residential parcels. Those properties with one residence on a plot larger than necessary under current zon- ing were considered as residential for that portion obviously used, and vacant for the balance. This is reasonable in that it is prob- able to expect the future development o£ the surplus and, there- fore, it should be reflected in the current vacant inventory. The information was then plotted on a large scale map and computed as to area, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The report is critical only in the sense of isolating those factors which could be changed to achieve a planned approach for the future. This visual documentary illuminates in part the trends that have chansed the physical nature of the town as well as point- inS up past mistakes. The value lies in the fact that this scrutiny provides warning signals for possible future errors, The map has been simplified for reproduct/on. Those in- terested in the more detailed breakdown as delineated in the tables may use the orisinal copy available at the county pl_s,~n~ng office in Hauppauge. I I USE GI~EENPO~T 358.4.0 ACRES I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND USE. TO TA L OrounW Ploor r~i~i/ ' IFa/M- mo~al ................ O~a/ee ..................... ,4~omoliva ~toraff~ f ~e~vie¢ ....... TOTAL ln~t~t~t~or~ Ti)TAL V~c~nt Park / autalaav ~ereatian:. . . Park~f~ .............. $t~t~ ............... ~ ~kki~ klt .: ......... TOTAL TOTAL LAND AREA 110.54 30.$4 4.61 1,Z9 .43 .12 115.58 7.39 2.06 4.76 2.55 · T0 .20 1.15 t6.55 4.62 .70 .20 7.67 1.14, .60 .17 15.4~ 4.3t t9.81 .47 . 58.4.4 16,31 3.21 t.05 .30 121'. l ~ .69 &3.~1 t'L64 IZT, 13 35.47 .15 .ffi lO0.O0 I I I i I UN1NC~ORPORATE:D AREA /,~/,~/~__.) LAND AREA~ /e3.9~ $~,. MILES, 2~,153.~0 ACR£5 LAND USE ,,,~/,~,~. .............. TOTAL 1,9~.30 TOTAL LAND AREA .02. .03 6.$4 ~mm~inl/~e/;~,~/ ~F~i/ ......... 8LO~ ~4d~ ....................... 4.04 A~o.~ ~to.~ / ~'ce ....... ~5.~$ TOTAL .0~ .O& .44 TOTA~ ~-8L$5 i ~OTA~ ~,018. b2 .0! .23 .00+ · 05 .71 1,00 {,oa~h~ ...................... 3. 37. .30 I I I I I I 0pen SF~,¢¢ ........................... rOVA~ &,8~O.~O 4.84, .01 .07 56.80 .68 .O8 t0o.00 I I I I LAND TOTAL LAND AREA ACRES . .. 2,050.~tl "' O 7.26 I mCommcr¢~ I I I I 14,1.46 9~. 45 .31 ,04 .08 .0! 'rO'~AL 1,038.43 .5O .01 .Of · 05 I I I I I I Open ~l~ee ·/°ar~ / ouldaat' ?tcrta;lio ~ .... 354. ~ 5 d'tr~.tz ............... t,4~0. 78 I'Po~ ~Is ............ ~1,80 L P~rk / au/door r~crea~,b~ . . . 190.5t Mi~celt~.eo~ ~ ff?e¢iaJ ea{~or.C4' ............... ~^.t, I'o~'^~. 28,511.60 1.24 4. DD .00' .08 56.10 24.40 .08 ,08 t00.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND USE TOTAL, LAND AE~A g. Z4 Comrn6vcic~l ................ 18.58 .7O Tvanspor'k~'ion ............. 16.53 .62 lns+ifufional ............... 36.55 t.38 Open space ............... 3~.7. 07 1~.34 Vacc~n+ ................ ~,006.48 75.72 GRAND TOTAL .......... ~,, 650.00 100.00