HomeMy WebLinkAboutRafferty Legal File~A~311AU :i'Al~$ AI3~OOIATION ~/o P.O. BOX 3° OtlTI]H~'JOU~,, ~.~f. July ~.3%h. 1949. To~ ?rulteee. Town oF 5outhold. The mouth of ~tttle Creek. wAloh ia located in Nass~ Fame. on the shore of Little PeoonSe 2~y. North of Krs. ~esaen~er~o property, has moved fforth on the beaoh ,ppro.t~t~ly l,n~n f~et fro~ lie srl~tn~h poe~tion frilled ~$t~ s~nd. so that now it te l~p~esable for The Com~onere. requoet pe~le~ton to dr~d~e a n~ mouth approximately 3,a feet Xon~ ~d approximately 30 feet w~de Juet ~orth of ~r,- ~ees~eree p~perty, oonneotln~ the prleent Creek ~d l. tttXe PeoonJo Bay.. Thil ~uld put the mouth In approximately ltl original poeition ~d ~ive t~e Ne~e~u ~ame Co~lty better ~e of the Cree~. proooe8 -e ~outd ~ppreol~te *ith this work. your pemiesion to Very truly your~.--~ ~'eoy - eaos~u I963. A meeting of the Commoners was held at the home of Mrs. Carroll Newell at 3.!~0 P.M. on Sept. 29th, I963. Present were Trustees Bauer and Newel~'and Shareholders Mrs. Thomas Cuttle-Bell,Philip O. H~r- ton, Miss Lillian Howell, Howard Terry, R.G.Terry, Jr., and John Wickham. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Newell. Min- utes of the last meeting,were read. and approved. The treasury report was given ~nd approved. After taxes of 1962-63 were paid on Ja~. 3rd the balance in the 3~vings Acco.~nt was 6583.56 tlr. Wiekham reported that he and hrs. Newell had interviewed Su- pervisor Albertson about the Little Creek property and were advised that the Town is anxious to obtain shore front property, and in time i,ir. Alber[son hopes to ha. ve something concrete to offer the Commoners. Personally he favors Mr. Wickham's suggestion th~tb the Town tgke a long lease,paying the annual taxes and a nominal sum of $25.00 or so annually. Howard Terry and Philip Herren reported that the road through the former }{often property (sold lash year) is underway and will probably bs completed in I964.It will be a private road for a time, but will reach the line of the Cr~mmoners' property. A motion was passed to continue the 1962 committe to deal with any possible developments in arrangements with the Town. Mrs. Newell and R.G.Terry brought up the subject of the danger of lawsuit for accident on Commoners' property, especially because of the bad condition of the piece at Goose Creek. There was discussion of individual liability in ease of litigation. A motion was passed appointing P.G.Horton to investigate the cost of Public Liability on all holdings of the Commoners, and if the charge is niminal, i.e. within $40.00, to consult with the Chairman of Trustees and proceed to take out the necessary insurance. Mrs. Newell reported that she had attempted to contact Mr. Hath by letter and by calling at ghe house, to find out, if possible, wha~ he intends to do with~ his piece of land adjacent to the Commoners Goose Creek. No response as yet. In the discussion it came out that the Town may dredge Goose Creek channel and raise the bridge, in which case the Commoners might get clean fill, thus improving the piece and making it more valuable, l'he Smith Sons are still interested in acquiring the property and have raised their offer to $1000.00. It was agreed that we should continue to hold the property. Mr. Oram, President of ~he Nassau Farms Aes'n., had contacted Mrs. Newell on Sept. ISth concerning the channel at LiLtle Creek, which has agi~n filled in ~o some extent since I96I when the Commoners gave per- mission for dredging to open the mouth at the Bay and to place the excavated sand on our beach. Mr. Cram now appeared before the Com- monersand explained the proposition of the 20 families comprising the Association. This is to have the County dredge dig a channel 1OO feet wide and 9 feet deep in from the Bay, starting near the present mouth and extending through to the open basin at the west end, thus cutting through Commoners' meadowland and not following the convolutions of present channel. They feel that this will relieve the sometimes nanb condition of the inner end and give a flow of tidewater that will keep %he creek open for some time, though perhaps not permanently. This would entail an adjustment of property lines and arrangements fo~ plncin~ the du,-out fill. After his nresentation and departure~ the Commoners discussed the idea at length, its feasibility and its effec~ (,Jut;. 1Ut, h~ I'~A'.. ~ll,,2ht' 1 ( ~ LrHI 'Jb" .I,' ,,',, For your lol, l,_nr Ol Ootub,~}r Ai'L,'i' ,'/,}u hqd expleined bhi~; propo~;il.iun Til.q l;;,:.,:,l,J;,f' vt}Led [~ approvo kilii: project l.ub- ick -- .~h'~ Chnrlllo]. f~}lO~l(1 f,~iLow %ho i) ~l',l"r o[ l;h,' C~,~r,loi,,,rn~ prop{JI'by~ this Jr t. ht. r,t.'~' qL c}l',,,u,~{ ...,}'t of t,h~, ',;ny. t;,~ ,,[m,,r'::' ,u'op,,rl:y ,,v:,ilable for o[{?r~ll ll/,ll<l li]_l. yvu l'urther on tl~is project, I965- 66 ILittle Creek. Mrs. Newell took the proposition to co-trustees John }~auer and Harold Goldsmith, and by virtue of their authority as trustees and also the mmjority power of their combined Bhareholder votes made the decision to grant permission for the dredging according to the plan and map of County Engineer g0~.~Evans, with certain provisos. See followin~ copy of paper. April I~th, 1966. The Trustees of the Common and Undivided lmnds and Mea- dows of the Town of Southold do hereby grant permission to the Nassau Farms Association to arrange for dredging the channel into Little Creek, Cutchogue, according to the plan and map sub- mitted by Suffolk County Engineer Barney Evans. This plan proposes to go straight through the beach and mea- dowland owned by the Commoners, eliminating the present existing curves which obstruct the free flow of tidewater, causing an un- sanitary and unhealthful condition at the inner end of the creek. This permission is given with the provisos that:- I.- Enough clean sand be deposited on the Cgmmoners' beach to fill the present gully which makes up to the north and to b~up the beach sufficiently to maintain its proper level and p~event its erosion into the new proposed channel. 2.- No fill from the dredging will be deposited on their meadow- l~nd on either side of the proposed channel. Signed- Chairman of Trustees- Trustee - Trustee - Rosalind C. Newell. Harold E. Goldsmith John Bauer April 20th, I966. Mrs. Newell and John Bauer met with Nassau Farms Ass'n President, Mr. John J.Bomb8 and other members of the Associa- tion ms well ss Mr. Douglas Robertson, member of the Board of £rustees of the Town of Southold. There was considerable discussion of the proposed dredging of Little Creek. Mrs. Newell presented a copy of the above agreement to permit the dredging, and re- ceived the agreement attached, signed by Pres. Bomb~ and other members of the Ass'n. She also sent to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold a copy of the first document, permitting the dredging. / A~curdin to l.h,: ~l~.n e,l' ,;uffo[k Cou,,t.'~ gngJ. nee~ Barney , l~ pre,~,.'(.d ,h:.,m(,l ~.'~[1,¢;o str~':iVht in fro,, 2ittle l'oconic c~de, o[l.,i,~. I.i. the pr,".,~.n~ exicti,~, curves which obstruct { i~; {-iveh ;~j l,h ~}ie Orovisoa 1~ E}~ou;;t, <"le~.~}.:~.t,d bec deposited ¢~a ghe commo/lors' beacil ~o fill tB¢ pre~,~,nt ,.ully ~;hic}l ~akes up ~o tl~e north and to build up l,~,e beach .u. l'f'iuiell~ly Lo i.ol,,tai~ its proper level i~ oreo. ion '[ri[.o thc ney; proposed channel. l:hid o~l ~}il, her ~i,{e (31' th., prol',,)seu ch~,anel. Gutoho~ue~ Cron', ~ Zsq, Now York.' Deal, Mx,) ...OUtCho~e, New York ~ ' ~UXy 19, 1967 · Tb~e la to oonfllm Our disouSltOn of Some days I~IO . .' gard'to the willingness o£ the O~nmoners to ohnnSe the looatlon .- ..: .,..j.'of the. proposed .new channel at'"l, ittle Creek'by moTi~ the l)oin~ " 10' feet he. ,.bess n,' · ahaped'/pAe~e'. :~l lO .... . 'l change wlll'thus be'o' pie wh~oh <.feet at the ' ~' ]~our client's prope~t~ and ot~:~dJo~nin[,:'~ne~a~ the Con- '"= .' . '.:. lO--one,s .a~ Nassau F~ms 'AoeoOiat~on .and' eX,ned by bo~ -..' .~-./': " Icl any kind a~ll .be 'placed 'on",~e:meadow,on either side, but J: ~ ' Ithat enough clean sand. shall be'~de b81tedjon' the O~oners ' ,. ' beach to fill the. exieti~ o~el:~and, to.: build up the beach ~' ' ..... - , ~ufflolentl[ to maintain .its" pvO[e~.'leVel a~ help to pPeven~ ' ~.~. pie ham Let CO~ · ~d.~ ~' 1967 con~. ,Il r~turned it For revision as we no longer own the ~oose Greek e. ~ will call for a motion Go p~y t,,(~ ~,ill on the Little Creek it comes in. Go voted. 'he meetinL; was (:slled to order by Chairman [~ewell with Tru,qtees er and ~okdslnith, Shareholders Fisher, Horton, Newbold and Wick- present. Idinutes of the 1~365 meeting were read ~nd approved, b¢ reft; and a~.reements between ~assau Farms Ass'n ~nd the Commoners cerain(~ ti~e dred~,in[~ of Little Creek were fhere w,~s discussion of this project, ~,s ~[)pears thr~t the dred~.in{; wit[ soon begin. read at~d approved. af'ter r, two Fir. [;nue r year delay and Pit. i{or- that the a- the Engin- it ton n~reed to keel, tra. ck o£ the work in order to be sure cre.~ment with the ~ass~t~ Farms Ass'u and the pro~nises on eer~i' map are adhered to. ~.lr. Wickhnm's letter to Hichard J. Cron, ln,~, 'er for the landow~}ers Lo the south of the Commoner's' swamp also vet lies the plan. The discur~sion led to a mot[o, by I:,r. ]~auer, r'e- c~d t,y Fir. Fisher, that Nr. '~ickham be empowered %o a. rran(~e with ~.,r. Van~uy[ For a survey of the whole Commoners' piece o¢ 2U acres, ~;o that the Commoners wi Il have a tee'ak documan% in accordance with the oI'ficia. 1 m~p ~nd ~/ recreant of the En~inaers. This must specify the exact line of the center of the channel ms nf now, October, 1967, in view (,[' he foot tha~ in tha Future the forces of Nature will probab'ky r:hift the channel to )he i~r, rth anti Rast 2s it h~s done in former years. (}~tit claim deeds het~¢,~,n the Commone~-s at~d the landholders to the south should also be dr2~ up and ~;i¢-ned by both p~'ties or this micht be dr*ne with l'%r~ ~; Ass 'm., ,~ependin.,,; upon the .[e~2l advice in the mr, tter. l.lrs. Newer1 bro,4chh up the matter of Chairmanship of the Commoners r~nc was asked to serve another year. l;tr. Goldsmith oFfer'ed a resolution w}li ti w~o unaHJ~nously Cf]Fuied o~ r$ineere appreciation of her servYces. ' Upon motien the meeting: adjourned. l~espectffu [ly submitted, -I , .,Id. L'Ott. m TOt URY L. DOWD VN ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHRAN Superxdsor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Al Krupski, Trustees Laury L. Dowd, Town Attorney September 12, 1996 Rafferty Property I have reviewed the maps and deed you have provided on this property in an attempt to resolve the question of ownership. However, I have insufficient information to give you a clear opinion. In July 1967 there was a grant of an easement from Sprague to the County of Suffolk to enter upon Sprague's property to dredge the new channel. It doesn't say that the channel is on Sprague's property, and the 1932 survey suggests that the channel was cut into the meadow, which was Commoner property. The easement suggests that the parties believed that the property was owned in the following ways: · the Commoners owned the meadow land south of the new dredged channel shown in the 1932 Commoners survey · the Trustees owned the underwater land in Little Creek Channel south of the new dredged channel The easement calls for the Trustees and Commoners to deed their interests to the adjacent property owner, so he would own up to the new channel. You have provided me with a copy of the Trustee's deed doing this, but I have no i,3formation showing whether the Commoners complied. Al Krupski, Trustees September 12, 1996 Page 2 The Trustee's deed makes reference to the "Map showing Proposed Dredging in Little Creek and Peconic Bay, town of Southold, Suffolk County, approved by the Southold Supervisor on September 12, 1966 and filed with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works." I obtained a copy of this from the Town Clerk's file. The Trustees' deed indicates that the Trustees deeded away their rights south of the southerly line of the Little Creek channel as dredged in 1968. The deed from Scheel to Martin transfers title to property south of the high-water mark of the channel, but adds a grant of "all right, title and interest of the parties...to land below high-water mark and under the waters of the dredged channel and the old channel adjacent thereto to the center lines thereof". I do not see anything that suggests that Scheel had any interest in land under the waters of the dredged channel, but it may be contained in the missing Commoners deed. Otherwise, the current owner can claim ownership up to the southerly line of the dredged channel as it existed, although a surveyor could locate it. Who owns any changes in the dredged shoreline since 19687 This question was reviewed in Town of Southampton v. Heilner 84 Misc. 2D 318, 375 NYS2D 761. Since the channel is navigable in law, ownership of the upland would run to high-water mark. Tiffany v. Town of Oyster Bay, 209 NY 1. If it was non- navigable in law, it would run at least to the Iow-water mark. General principles of law hold that the property owner has title to the farthest seaward boundaries of their deeds except such portions as have been lost by erosion or gained by accretion, subject to a right of the pubic for navigation and connected uses up the present high-water mark. Judging by the 1994 survey, some part of the original land in the deeds has increased to the channelward due to accretion. Accretion will alter the ownership of the underlying bottom land. Accretion is the increase of the upland by a change so gradual as not to be perceived in any one moment of time (Halsey v. McCormick, 18 NY 147.) The riparian owner increases title by that amount, at the cost of the diminution of title of the owner of the land previously underwater (here the Trustees) but now covered by the accretion. Thus, in Town of Southampton v. Heilner the court held that the trustees did not own any land above water abutting the defendants' property, since they had gained no further title through accretion and in fact had lost some. Similarly, if Al Krupski, Trustees September 12, 1996 Page 3 the south high-water mark of the channel has expanded north, Mr. Rafferty would own that accreted land. However, under the Trustees' deed, Mr. Rafferty owns only to the high-water mark, and the Trustees continue to own the land below that mark, including the tidal area. The deeds now in your file do not establish that he owns any land below that mark or to the center of the creek. Documents which might be researched are the Commoners deed (as discussed previously), or all the deeds to the Rafferty property between the current date and the dredging in 1967. DEPARTMENT OF STATE George E. Pataki Governor Alexander F. Treadwell Secretary c~f State Division of Coastal Resources 41 State Street Albany, NY 12231-0001 January l9,2001 Patrici~ 510201 Southo Dear In gen~ offsho platen Signif propo,. and sl~ sandb~ Mana Theref of Stat Please liuoral sandbz deterk deteric C. Moore, Esq. ~ain Road d, NYI1971 JAN 2 5 "' Re: F-2000-1081 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Nexv York District Permit Application #2000-01009-L2 Gerald Rafferty- Dredge, Relocate Float Assembly, & Revetment Little Creek, Town of Southold, Suffolk County Request for Additional Information s. Moore: mi, beaches act as a reservoir of sand or other unconsolidated material for longshore littoral transport and 'e sandbar and shoal formation. The sand resulting from the proposed dredging and proposed for ~ent behind the revetment is publicly owned. The site is located within the Little Creek and Beach cant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat (copy enclosed). The proposed revetment and the dredging as ed appear to reduce the reservoir of sand available for longshore littoral transport and offshore sandbar aal formation. Reducing the reservoir of sand available for longshore littoral transport and offshore r and shoal formation would not be consistent with the Coastal Policies of New York's Coastal ement Program. )re pursuant to 15 CFR 930.58, the following data and information is necessary to enable the Department to adequately assess the coastal zone effects of this proposed project: evaluate an alternative that would not remove the sand from the reservoir of sand available for longshore transport and thus reduce the reservoir of sand available for longshore littoral transport and offshore and shoal formation. One such alternative would be placement of the sand without a revetment. amitted Environmental Questionnaire indicates that the dredging of Little Creek has resulted in beach ration and over-wash. Please submit additional information describing this deterioration, how this ration has occurred, and how the County has addressed those concerns. Please provide the information requested above to the Department of State as soon as possible. Pursuant to 15 CFR ~0.60(a), the review of your consistency certification will begin after we receive this information and any other ~tata and information necessary for us to adequately assess the effects of the proposal on the Coastal Management Program. Any additional information which you believe will facilitate our consistency review of this project would be appreciated. .7 Ple~¢ call mc at (518) 474-4516 if you have any questions. EnclOsures cc: (~OE/NY District - James W. Haggerty NYS DEC/Region I - Iolm Pavacic Sincerely, William F¢ldhusen Coastal Resources Specialist ~own of Southold Trustees - Albert J. Krupski, Jr.  DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~ NEW YORK DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS " JACOB K. JAVITS FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK, N.Y. 10278-0090 R ~¥TO January 9, 2001 ~stern Permits Section JBJECT: Application Number 2000-01009-L2 by Gerald P. Rafferty Whom It May Concern: The New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has ceived a request for Department of the Army authorization for he following activity: PPLICANT: Gerald P. Rafferty 1 North End Avenue New York, NY 10282 A2TIVITY: Dredge approximately 150 cubic yards of material and placed the resultant material above the spring high tide line of the adjacent beach for renourishment. Plant Cape American Beach Grass and Rugosa Rose to minimize beach erosion. Relocate and existing ramp, float and pilings 75 feet to the west of their present location. The purpose of this project is to stabilize and renourish the beach area and provide safe navigation in Little Creek. W%TERWAY: Little Creek, Little Peconic Bay LDCATION: Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York As this is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter o[ Permission. This is in accordance with current Federal R~gulations governing work in navigable waters of nhe United Szates. To accomplish the coordination required, prior to the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of the enclosed drawings is requested. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management A~t of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1465 (c) (3) (A)), the applicant h~s certified that the activity complies with and will be c)nducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved state c~astal zone management program. To allow for the timely processing of the subject a')plication, your comments are requested within 15 days of the di~te of this letter. Sincerely, Haggert E:lclosures ~J~ief, Eastern Permits Section ~astern S~JECT: T~ Whom DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW YORK DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS JACOB K. JAVITS FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK, N.Y. 10278-0090 December 20, 2000 Permits Section Application Number 2000-01009-L2 by Gerald P. It May Concern: DEC 2 8 2000 Rafferty r A The New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has ~ceived a request for Department of the Army authorization for le following activity: ?PLICANT: A¢!TIVITY: W~TERWAY: Gerald P. Rafferty 1 North End Avenue New York, NY 10282 Dredge approximately 150 cubic yards of material and placed the resultant material above the spring high tide line of the adjacent beach for renourishment. Plant Cape American Beach Grass and Rugosa Rose to minimize beach erosion. Relocate and existing ramp, float and pilings 75 feet to the west of their present location. The purpose of this project is to stabilize and renourish the beach area and provide safe navigation in Little Creek. Little Creek, Little Peconic Bay LOICATION: Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York As this is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter ofl Permission. This is in accordance with current Federal Regulations governing work in navigable waters of the United States. To accomplish the coordination required, prior to the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of the enclosed drawings is requested. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management AcT of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1465 (c) (3) (A)), the applicant ha~ certified that the activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved state coastal zone management program. To allow for the timely processing of the subject application, your comments are requested within 15 days da~e of this letter. of the Encllosures Sincerely, J~es W. Haggert}t/z' ~ief, Eastern Permits Section Continued On Map No.18 /TA.OO,t~L OL~ S =z_--- AAHV ............ lag 0 Michael Moskowitz 907-01-01-17 6 Widgeon Way of West Hampton Dunes Z 0 n- O TC ~URY L. DOWD WN ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor Town FIalI, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM Ai Krupski, Trustees Laury L Dowd, Town Attorney September 12, 1996 Rafferty Property I have reviewed the maps and deed you have provided on this property in an attempt to resolve the question of ownership. However, I have insufficient information to give you a clear opinion. In July 1967 there was a grant of an easement from Sprague to the County of Suffolk to enter upon Sprague's property to dredge the new channel. It doesn't say that the channel is on Sprague's property, and the 1932 survey suggests that the channel was cut into the meadow, which was Commoner property. The easement suggests that the parties believed that the property was owned in the following ways: · the Commoners owned the meadow land south of the new dredged channel shown in the 1932 Commoners survey · the Trustees owned the underwater land in Little Creek Channel south of the new dredged channel The easement calls for the Trustees and Commoners to deed their interests to the adjacent property owner, so he would own up to the new channel. You have provided me with a copy of the Trustee's deed doing this, but I have no i,lformation showing whether the Commoners complied. Al Krupski, Trustees September 12, 1996 Page 3 the south high-water mark of the channel has expanded north, Mr. Rafferty would own that accreted land. However, under the Trustees' deed, Mr. Rafferty owns only to the high-water mark, and the Trustees continue to own the land below that mark, including the tidal area. The deeds now in your file do not establish that he owns any land below that mark or to the center of the creek. Documents which might be researched are the Commoners deed (as discussed previously), or all the deeds to the Rafferty property between the current date and the dredging in 1967. T~wNURY L. DOWD ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOVfN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Al Krupski, Jr., Trustees Laury L. Dowd, Town Attorney November 19, 1996 Rafferty Here is the title search, which I believe shows that both the Trustees and the Commoners deeded their property south of the dredged channel. Rafferty owns halfway into the old channel, but does not own lands north of the southerly channel line or the high water mark of Hog Neck Bay. Let's meet to discuss. I have enclosed the bill of $100 for the search for your Department to pay as we agreed. L kURY L. DOWD ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCI-IRA~ Superv/sor Town ~{a{], 53095 ~ain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, ~ew ~ork 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 F~ (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF TI-]~ TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 21, 1996 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 177 Old Country Road P.O. Box 419 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-104-3-16 Rafferty, 9205 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York Dear Sir/Madam: The Town Trustees have questions about the ownership of the underwater land on the east of the above described property, particularly after the County redredged the channel in the mid 1960s. They feel that a simple title search nould establish whether the owner ever acquired underwater rights from the Trustees and the Commoners. Please provide an estimate for the preparation of a title report on the interests held by the owner of the above captioned property to the underwater lands fronting on that property. Please contact me to discuss this Very truly · . ~ . / \. Town Attorney LLD:pg