HomeMy WebLinkAboutRafferty, GeraldUse ot lexas B,rd~ng Tra~l b, the Texas Parks and ¥%'Jdhfe 463 3039 or 800-998-4GLO (select option 6), or ph d.m art~n,~glo.state.tx.us. Geotubes Along Gulf Shoreline Under Review i op,cal Storm Frances ~n September 1998. Galveston of the public, ~ndMduall) and collecbvely, to exercise its rights of use of and ,d theTreasure IsLand Municipal L.~iht7 Oistr~ct constructed access to and from public beaches shall be preserved and enhanced" !xt,le tube (ge©tube) shore protect,on projects on the gulf §501.14 k)(II (D k eston and Brazona count,es. These were the first suck, The Counol directed staff to forte, a geotube workgroup consistm§ of the .-uucted on Texas gulf beaches. The projects ~,ere funded Counol members, local governments, and other ~nterested part~es. The p[irr,ar~l, ,..Jth fe~Jeral d~saster relief funds from the Federal Emergency i~lanagemer, t Agency IFEMA) and from the C/S. Department ofi klOuslng and Urban De,,elopm~nt (H~JD) Several geotube prolects on Galveston Island .vere funded . such as the FEMA funded prolect at Oellanara Park, the West Beach GrAnd prol~ct, and the R~v~era I and II condom~r, lurr, s, A]togethe~ as of Jar, uar, 2001. 2J.920 feet ol neath' five miles ofi geotubes have been geotube prolects Geotu~es com create a tube. The begun to gro.s geotubes Howe,' and sea,,~acd of ti to the beach. The Coastal C( potenbal ~mpact the federal Sunder the Coastal Zor (Cl~P) pohoes ialveston and Follets rslands and Bohvar Pen,nsula. Other ~r'e planned. ~ of ~eotext,le fabric tolded over and sewn together to tube ,s filled w,th a water/sediment iprimar~]7 sand) m~xture ]ssur,zed ~th add,bonal fill to fo~m a sol~d tribe about 30 ~ce. A ~cour p3d ,s plac~d under the tube to held prevent DU~ rog. ~eotubes constructed on gulf beaches are generall,, reline and covered ,,v,th sand In some cases, ,,egetat,on has )~er them. ~eotbbes have also been constructed along sy.stems, where they pnma[~l7 funct,on as bredlcwaters for ~ ~rom erosion. ~e gulf sh©rehne are ~r, tended to slow erosion of upland provide some protection to those hwng behind the iR their protect,~e function, espeoally dur,ng major storm en ~ tested. There is a concern that during major storms, )letted to the tremendous forces generated b, ,.~aves and geotubes may become mobile and damage or destroy ~ey are designed to protect. Other malor concerns are that ' exacerbate e~os~on ofi the pubhc beach, both downdnft e geotubes, and that they pre~ent or h~nder pubhc access or&nation Council has expressed some concern about the ~f the geotubes on the gulf shorehne and coastal natural ] Council did not receive a consistency determination firom g agencies or state and local gocernments, as required by ] i~lanagement A, cL. The Coastal Management Program ost apphcabLe to the geotube prolects, ,nclude those for e beach/dune system (31 TAC §50[.14(k)) and "the abMty work§roup is heLping the Council define polioes fior any future use of geotubes on the Texas coast If*ou have questions about geotubes and the Coastal Management Program contact Tom Calnan at 5L2-463-5100 or 800 998 4GLO (selec[ option 6), or thomas.calnan,~lo, state.Zx.u s. Oun-li01 01:41P Southol policQ 2715 P.02 BOARD OF TRUSTEES O~ THE FREEHOIDE~g5 .~)¥D COMMONALTY OF TOW~' OF ~Ou~H'AMPTO~ SOUTHAM.P~ON, ~ Y~ I ,:_dO! JLl~l 9 '-' ' DATE: JUNE 19, 2001 TO: FROM: sCOTT A. STROUGH, PRESIDENT INSTALLATION OF GEO-TEXTILE TUBES Ocoaextile rub~s should be considered a hardening, shore-parallel structure for shoreline managemgm, much like a built, head or rock r~vetment. Our Board has experienced adverse impa~ts fi-om gco-mxtile tubes, wlfich include wave r~flection, scouring, loss of wetland habita! and loss of adjoining wetland habitaL 'typically. these sand ~illed synthetic mats are installed parallel to the beach, intercepting the high water mark, or they ar~ used ~s t~md~tions to re. create dune areas. It ha~ been the p~licy of our Board to encourage and hnFOsc p~rmits which inclu4tc dune r~storarion aad plailfi~g plans along the irda~d bays atld its ponds and creek systcm~, a~ an ',tltemative to the in~*talla~ion of eeo-tabes. -]un- i ~S,~ i. ~, 0_..1~:.4 1._P .~.Southo l~ Pol 2715 Southampton Town Trustees 116 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 Phone-(631)287.5717 Fa~x - (631) 287 - 5723 Fax Cover Sheet Date; To: Fax #: From: Comments: Pages: ,~- , (Including cover sheet) SEQRA RESOLUTION RE: #10 OF THE PUBLIC HEARING SECTION Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold that that application of GERALD RAFFERTY, more fully described in the Public Hearing Section, #10 of the Trustee agenda dated Thursday June 21,200l is, pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations, an Unlisted Action; and be it Further Resolved that the applicant is required to submit a Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF); and be it Further Resolved that upon receipt of the LEAF the Clerk of the Trustees is hereby directed to commence a coordinated review pursuant to SEQRA. Proje App moul rock float Lane State P: A SEQ,q Coast R THIS IS NOT A PERMIT New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application Date: December 11, 2000 Applicant: GERALD RAFFERTY I NORTH END AVE NEW YORK, NY 10282 Facility: RAFFERTY PROPERTY 9205 SKUNK LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Application ID: 1-4738-02711/00001 'ermitsfs) Applied for: l - Article 15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters 1 - Article 25 Tidal Wetlands 1 - Section 401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification ,oject ~s located: m SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY ! Description: [icant proposes to dredge a total of 150 cubic yards of material from two sites at the h of Little Creek. Dredge spoil will be deposited behind a proposed 195 linear foot revetment to be constructed 32 feet landward of average high water. An existing and ramp is proposed to be relocated 75 feet west. The project is located on Skunk . Cutchogue, T - Southold, Suffolk County. :nvironmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination oject is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was not performed. Lead Agency None Designated Yistoric Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination Jltural resource lists and map have been checked. No registered, eligible or inventoried :haeological sites or historic structures were identified at the project location. No further review accordance with SHPA is required. tl Management tis project is located in a Coastal Management area and is subject to the ~3~a..~rfro~)[ .... ~vitalization and Coastal Resources Act. ~i, ' i,~ '~ DEC I ~1 2000 ,4 va il, CC Chi{ GE][ File rbility For Public Comment omments on this project must be ~bmitted in writing to the Contact ~rson no later than 01/12/2001 Contact Person KENDALL P. KLETT NYSDEC SUNY ~ STONY BROOK BUILDING 40 STONY BROOK, NY 11790-2356 (631) ~.~.~.-0365 ~ist for Complete Notice f Executive Officer ALD RAFFERTY C De Ba Re De~ It ! thc I ; .If yo~ on~ us A sh Pr: Di~ Fo] AB I~:OU NTY 01= P~TER F. C:OHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Barton Cass )mmissioner )artment of Public Works March 26, 1985 Janet T. Swanson ' Avenue .chog~e, New .York 11935 Little Creek - Town of Southold 1000 104 3 16 Ms. Swanson: is proposed to remove the shoal areas that have built up at ,ittle Creek - Southold and place some of the surplus :erial on t]'~e beach portion of vour property. 'mission must be obtained from each property owner to place material on their property. mltaking the liberty, of enclosing two of the easement forms. y6u have nc objection to the placing of surplus material on ~r portion of the shore, please execute the forms and return ~ copy. to this office. However, if you refuse permission for to dispose of surplus material on your shorefront, please so :e on the enclosed forms and return them to this office. :tamped return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. ,uld you have ~tac~. this office. / ~truly yours, ~n R. Guldi, P.E.,L.S. .ncipal Engineer 'ision. of Waterways any further questions, do not hesitate to Commission'er ': 'A..Barton Cass, 2:JRG: tv M~ Sc P. SC M~ Sc DE ar or P] o~ lc da wJ fJ R~ ir he PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631 ) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary y 16, 2001 uthold Town Trustees O.Box 1179 uthold Town Hall in Road, uthold, NY 11971 Re: Gerald Rafferty Property: 9205 Skunk Lane Cutchogue, NY ar President Krupski d Board: I was advised that you did not inspect the property this date because Mr. Edgar was not available. ease be advised that pursuant to your direction the tine Surveyor, Bob Fox had staked the location of the oposed geotube with the final grade identified on each the stakes. The staking clearly identified the cation of the structure and the stakes may not last til next month's inspection. I am sorry that Mr. Edgar could not meet with you. · Edgar works on his own and can not take the entire y off from his other jobs. We tried to coordinate th your schedule, but your office could not give us a rm time for your inspection. Unfortunately when we re advised that you were ready to inspect Mr. fferty's property (around 1:00 p.m.) Mr. Edgar was out the Bay on a dredge and could not abandon his other oject. Mr. Edgar would have been able to be there if had a few hours notice. d Please let me know when we can schedule a firm day time for the inspection which will enable Mr. Edgar be present. If you are not ready to proceed on the cc cc te of the ke special eting. Thank operation. : Mr. Edgar Mr. Rafferty meeting please advise us because I have to arrangements to have Mr. Edgar attend the you in advance for your anticipated Ver~uly yours, x. Patricia C. Moore LAW MAY-16-01 17:20; PAOE 1/2 PATRICIA C. MOORE /kttomcy at T.aw 1020 Main Koud Southold, Ncw York 11971 Tel: (63 I) 765-4330 Fax: (631') 765-40a3 Margaret Rutkowski May116, 2OOl Sou~hold Town TrDstees P.OLBox 1179 Soulhold Town Hall Mai~ Road, Soushold, NY 11971 Re: Gerald Rafferty Property: 9205 Skunk Lane Cutchogue, NY Dea~ President Krupski andI Board: I was advised that on| this date because Please be advised that Ma~ine Surveyor, Bob proposed geotube with the of! the stakes. The lodation of the structure u~l~il next month's inspection. you did not inspect the property Mr. Edgar was not available. pursuant to your direction the had staked the location of the final grade identified on each stakin9 clearly identified the and the stakes may not last wi~h firm I am sorry that Mr. Edgar could not meet with you. Edgar works on hi~ own and can not take the entire off from his other jobs. We tried to coordinaue your schedule, but your office could not give us a time for your inspection. U~lfortunately when we advised that you were ready to inspect Mr. Ra~ferty's property (around 1:00 p.m.) Mr. in! the Bay on a dredge and could not abandon project. Mr. Edgar would have been able ~o be he had a few hours notice. Please let me know when we can schedule a an, time ~or the inspection which will enable to be are not to Edgar was out his other there if present_ If you ready fir~ day Mr. Edgar proceed on the SENT BY: I,~OOR~ LAW OFFICE~; 83i 785 4843; MAY-~8-Oi ~7:2~; PAGE 2,'2 mak~ meet CO0 CC of the meeting please advise us because I have to special arrangements to have Mr. Edgar attend the ing. Thank ~z-ation. you in advance for your anticipated Mr. Edgar Mr. Rafferty very truly yours, ............ '~atricia C. Moors (631) 965-1892 Towm Ha/1. 53095 Main Road P.O. Bo~ 11'79 6our. bold. New ¥o~k 11971 SOUTROLD TO~Vlq COHSERV'A.TIO[~ ADVISORY COLTN_C. IL Atllthe meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, April 161, 2001, the following recommendation was made: M(~ved by Bill McDermott, seconded by Melvyn Morris, it was · RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the W~tland Permit application of GERALD RAFFERTY 104-3-16.1 for the placement of spbil (from SCDPW dredge of Little Creek or other); Geotube for retention of sand and plant with Cape American Beach Grass 18" on center, and Rosa Regosa 5' on center. Relocate away from wetland existing float, ramp and piles approx. 75' west (inside private boat basin). 92 ::)5 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue V¢ te of Council: Ayes: All M( ~tion Carried 1/2 6/01 PATRIClA C. MOORE Attomey at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax:: (631) 765-4643 March 29, 2001 Bo To 53 P. So De Ap pr qu ~rd of Town Trustees ~n Hall ]95 Route 25 D. Box 1179 lthold, NY 11971-0959 Re: Gerald P. Rafferty Premises: 9205 Skunk Lane, SCTM: 1000-104-3-16 Cutchogue, NY · r Sirs: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $200.00 for an Dlication for Wetlands Permit for the above referenced Dperty. Thank you for your courtesies. Please call with any estions. Very truly yours, PATRICIA C. MOORE PC~:gh En21. PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631} 765-4330 Fax:: (631) 765-4643 March 29, 2001 Bo To 53 P. So De He qu PC En ~rd of Town Trustees ~n Hall 395 Route 25 D. Box 1179 lthold, NY 11971-0959 Re: Gerald P. Rafferty Premises: 9205 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY SCTM: 1000-104-3-16 Sirs: Enclosed please find a Notice to Neighbors, Notice of aring, Survey Map of the proposed location and Proof of Mailing Notice with Certified Mail Receipts for the above referenced [ter. Thank you for your courtesies. Please call with any estions. Very ~ly yours, PATRICIA C. MOORE Ma So P. So Ma So De an th of to pl b PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, Nexv York 11971 - ? 2001 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary ~ch 7, 2001 athold Town Trustees D.Box 1179 athold Town Hall in Road, athold, NY 11971 Re: Gerald Rafferty Property: 9205 Skunk Lane Cutchogue, NY ar President Krupski Board: Enclosed please find an application and Drawings of proposed renourishment of the beach and relocation the existing dock inside the private boat basin ard the west 75'. We are trying to coordinate the acement of the fill from Little Creek annual dredging the SCDPW. Thank you in advance for your anticipated Dperation. Very t=~ly yours, · Patricia C. Moore Alber J. Krupski, Presiden: Jame ~ King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18~2 Fax (516) 765-1823 Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~Wetland Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Changes ~eceived Applicj~: _~]7]0~ /Received Fee: $(~) ~] ~10% ;Completed Appl~lon-.~/~/~] Zincomplete -- SEQRA Classification: ~e I .Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date sent) ~CAC Referral Sent: ~]6] -Date of Inspection.'--~__ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: . Technical Review: -Public Hearing Held:~ Resolution: N~me of Applicant A~ dress / A3%~ S~ffolk County Tax Map Number: P1 operty Location: ~ (trovide LILCO Pole 9, distance to cross streets, and location) ( f applicable) A~ldress: b~Z~ /'~Q~/I~ I/~f~ ~c~-/~/~/ /],~/ //~/ ~d of Trustees Applicatio~ La: Ar~ Pr~ In~ GENERAL DATA Pr: Ha.= go~ If td Area (in square feet): ~a Zoning: ~- ~o' ~vious use of property: :ended use of property: .or permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date .7-0 ~ I- q'?~ 5"- 027/1~/~ OO~ l ~ ~,~p q __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a ernmental agency? /No Yes yes, provide explanation: Pro iect Description l (use attachments if necessary): B~ oi Trustees ApplicationO WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS ~PLICATION DATA Pur lose of the proposed operations: , ,~F~' ~ -- Are Pez Clc edc~ Clc ed§ Doe If Ho% De~ fee Pre Mar Sta war ope of wetlands on lot: 3hc~ 6~ ~js~,~/~square feet / ent coverage of lot: '2~- % sest distance between nearest existing structure and upland of wetlands: '7 ~ feet est distance between nearest proposed structure and upland of wetlands: '7~- feet the project involve excavation or filling? No ~/ Yes yes, how much material will be excavated? much material will be filled? cubic yards th of which material will be removed or deposited: t ~ ~',~'~ posed slope throughout the area of operations: ner in which material will be removed or deposited: / tement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal ers of the town that may result by reason of such proposed rations (use attachments if appropriate): B~d of Trustees Applicatio~ COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA ~oses of proposed activity: Pul If Ho% Mai DeE ret pr( wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No ~Yes :s the project involve excavation or filling? No ~Yes t/Gc~'DIe,~ ~ Yes, how much material will be excavated? /t/m/~ (cubic yards) much material will be filled? ~5/~J 2oO-~ (cubic yards) ner in which material will be removed or deposited: .cribe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts .sonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the ,ject as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) 4 PAR 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only I--PROJECT iNFORMATION (To be como(eted by AoDlicant or Pro)eD: sponsor) SEC m ~- [] ExDarism~ ~ Mooifica,lon,amteration / /'~' /~'C~[,~ ILL FROPOScD~CT~ON COMPLY WITH ~ISTING ZONING OR OTHER ~ISTING '~ND USE RESTRICTIONS? Commercial t ~ [] NO If yes, Iist agency(s) and permiUaoorovam FEDERAL, OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? lfyes, ltstage¢cy name and Derm~a0proval t If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the ] I Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this as~essmen~ OVER 1, =A :IT ilI--0ETERMINATICN CF SIGNIFICANCE ~To ~e cor~oleted b.v Agency) INSTRUCT](3N$: For e3c:1 ~overse -effect i(~en[dle~ 3cove. ~etermine wne~er ~t is substantial, ;arge. E3Cn ~-Hec: saouJc ~e ~ssessed ~n connection w~ ,ts la) setting (i.~. urban or rural); (b) irreve~s~3~tit¥: (el geograomc sc~ce: an~ (0 magmtuce. I~ necessa~, s,~cl attachments or re~erence St. lI3Oor~in(~ materials. Ensure of Trustees ApplicatioO Co~tnty of Suffolk St.[te of New York DEl DE: TR~ WO] AN] TH2 TR~ AR~ CO] TO APi?LICATION. SWl ~OSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THF/~PLICANT FOR TH~ ~OVE ;CRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ~L STATEMENTS CONTAIN~ HERIN ARE ;E TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER ~OWL~GE AND BELI~, AND THAT ~L ~ WILL BE ~NE IN THE MANN~ SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHO~ TOWN BOARD OF APPLICANT AG~ES TO HOW THE TOWN OF SOUTHO~ AND THE TOWN STEES HARMLESS AND FEE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND C~I~ 2SING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANT~. IN ~LETING THIS ~PLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, ~IR AG~T(S) OR REP~SENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO ~ PROP~TY INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVI~ OF THIS ~ ' ' Signature )RN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ;~ -~z6£ ;Y · N~tary Public ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOVfN OF SOUTitOLD:NEW YORK In thc Matter of thc Application of Gerald P. Rafferty (Names of Applicants) Parcel ID #1000- 104 - 03 - 16 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEV¥' YORK) I, Carol Owens residing at Town Harbor Lane 8outhold , New York, being dnly sworn, depose and say that: On tile 27th day of March , 2001 , I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in 50~-I"~ac~, , New York. by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true cop3' of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records oo file ;vith the ~Assessors, or ( ) Connty Real Property Office ~Oqr'14oc> t 'VT' , for eve~' property which abuts nEEd is across n public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrotmding the applicant's property. (signatt~re~ Sworn to before me this grt+day of m /. cd . 20o . INotary Public} PLEASE list, on the back qf this .{[~llarit or an I1 sheet qf lmper, the lat tmmbers ne-vt to the awner nalaes anti addresses fi~r which notices were mailetL Tltank )'till. 1000-104-3-18.1: 1000-104-3-19: Robert & Alvina Martin 15 Bayside Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Donald & Ellen Ball 142 Darrow Lane Greenlawn, NY 11740 PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law Main Road 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765~-330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 March 27, 2001 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Neighbors RE: Gerald P. Rafferty 9205 Skunk Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 1000-104-03-16 Dear Neighbor: I represent Gerald P. Rafferty with regard to his property as referenced above. He is requesting a permit to place sand on existing beach, plant beach grass and Rugosa Rose, and to maintain sand with Geotube which will be covered and planted. Enclosed is the Notice of Hearing and a survey of the premises showing the pro- posed location. The hearing on this matter has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at Southold Town Hall. If you have any questions, or you wish to support this application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, PCM:co encls. Patricia C. Moore / . ,I~~ ~ Il: z ~-- c