HomeMy WebLinkAboutBroadwaters Cove43-35 Forley Street Elmhurst, New York April 19, 1966 Mr. Lester M. Atbertson Supervisor Town of Southold Greenport, New York Dear Mr. Albertson: Our house is located on Stillwater Avenue in Cutchogue, directly on Eugene (East) Creek, lots #Z1,ZZ, Z3. This past week-end, we noticed the dredging machine in Eugene Creek working from south to north along the shore line -- possibly 1/Z mile from our property. When the machine works its way to within our property lines -- would it be possible to have the sand that is dredged deposited on our property? We would appreciate it. At your convenience we await your reply. Sf~er ely, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS A~,il 7, 1966 J~m*. F ~*edel, iek 4 South MaA. ylA~d PO~ Waoh~-~ou, ~ew Y~ - 110~ ~e~ ~er ~U ~, 1966 ~re~y~ ~lo~ ~t~ ~ 3, 1966, a~aMe ~ ~e ~e ~ged mate~ for ~e Very ~y 7o~0, I~=B A]E:nmv I~ M. Kanmmere~ Gommiwwionor of l~h%bLt~ W®rkg Cc: Supeevtwe~ Looter J.(. Albei. tsea// Cutchogue, I'~. Y. Apr. 8, 1966 The Trustees~ Southold To~rn ~ Mr. Douglas Robertson Orient~ H. Y. Dear Mr~ Robertson: In reference to the dredging of Eugene's~ ~:ud and Broadwater's Creeks, job # the undersigned hereby request that the following change be made: Co~tinue the present propossd w~,~ 7~' x 7' channel another 90~O, ~ee approximately to the head of Eugene's Creek. Cl. ¢~tc~o~ue · ~ 4t~OI* c ~ o o u £ H~ m.$ 0 ~ IN SUFFOLK COUNTY N. Y. A~PI. IG~TID N 8y COUNTY DP $~FFDL~., Gg M M I lis I§AIIL/q OF PI~ISLI~ f(pKI~G, :' YtPFIANK N.Y. r===, , 5ED DREDOl NO . ._ f~ROFIDW~T£.F{5 COV£ "LITTLE Vl:'COiqlC. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TEL, YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 Februar'y 10, 1966 ~epartment ~ the A~my I~w York District corps o£ knilineers III East 16th Street New York, New York 10003 Re: I-~N0P-E Public /~ot[ce 5375 - Plropo~ed Dredging in Cutchogue Harbor - ~ter Cove - Pe~t 1507-~ I he{~ apply f{ ~n {xte~{on to t~e referenced pro, eot. It ia prop~ to dr~ge a chan~l 7~ geet ~ide to a depth o~ 7 geet u sh~n on the dr~ing. The estimated volume of dredging is .1.~,000 cubic yards. The 4redging is necessary to provide navif{able waters £or the Broad, ret ~ove c~unity propert~ and Town property at the £oot o~ ~a3on Drive. At present the County dredge is in ~roadwater Cove. there£ore, ! would appreciate very ~uch your expeditln~ the approv&l ~ this extension so that both projects can be completed at the same ti~eo very truly yours, R~: ~ = c. Ab Iincl. Tracing Prints 3 cc.- supervisor ilbertso~ Southold T~ Tr~teel Co~is~ioner o~ Public C u.'tr ho~ue LI?TL£ POSED DREDGING IN t~OGu~ HAMBO~ BROADWATER5 COVE TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY N. Y. ,/ YAPHAN~ N Y Frederick Falcomer 4 South Marylam~ Ave. Port Wash~mgto~,N.V.l1050 Dec, 13, 1965 Mr. Lester aloert~om eu~®rviaor Tow~ of £outhol~ ~upervisors Office Dreenport, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. Albertsoe: ~he e.cIo~ee netitlon sigme~ by the re~imemts of · lee+w',o~ Rd., ~equa~n A~e., aaa Stlll~ater ~. reque~t~mg am extems~cn o~ ~re~gimg from the Maim Cha~ael, i~ Eas~ Creek, ~o the camal boum~e~ ~y Flee t~oo~ R~., Pequash Ave., am~ Stlllwater Rd. Area marke~ 1~6 om Pro~ose~ bre~glmg Ma~. Amy coms~aeratio~ g~vea ~o the eaclo~e~ ~e~oa woul~ be gr®atl2 ao~maclatea b~ ~he real,eats cf Yours truly, ?leetwaoe ~a. Cutchogue, L.!., Pequash Avenue mad 8tillwmter ~oa&, C~tchogue, Sufffolk County, extead the propole& dredgilg ffrom Cutebogue ~arbor iato last Creek to the caaal ~oleded By Fleetwood load, Pequalb Avenue Dated August N LITT££ P~COMIC rr~ PROPOSED DREudING 'IN CUTCHOGU[' HARBOR LITTLE PECONIC BAY TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY N.Y. APPLICATION BY COUNTY OF 8UlrFOl-I( OOMMI881ONER OF PUBLIC WORRG y~ p~IANK N~w YoRK GEORGE C, {~RAHAM. M.D. ~pril 2,1~ 1966 Southold ToTm Trustees Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: I wish to strenuously protest any further dredging in Broadweters Cove. At the time of the public meeting last fall, it YRs my impression that the dredging in Cutchogue Harbor would b~ kept to a min- imum and that the chan~els would follow as closely as possible the existing open water arc.se The autherized dredging is not yet completed end already permission is requested to extend the channels almost to the shore. This would benefit only an existing marina on Bay Ave. Expansion of this marina and construction of a boat yard hwre would lead to contamination of the whole area. Con~ereial development of this area will not only distroy valuable wet lands but also devaluate residential property. I can see no way in which l=urther dred- ging in Bro~dv~ters Cove can be justified. You~rs truly,~ _ ~Oeorg~ C. Gr,,hem MD cc N.Y. State Conservation Dept. U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, NEW YORK NANOP-E Geo'~e G. Gl*a.b~t, M.D. 265 Woodfield Road West Hemps'tea, d, N. Y. 11552 Reference is ~ade to your letter d~ted 11 March 1966, expressing your views and cca~nts concerning the applicatio~ by the D~ent of Public Work~, ~uffol~ County, N. Y., fc~ a Del~-hueat of the Arm~ per,it to dredge in Broaclwater Cove, I~ittle Peconic Ba~ at Town of Southold, ~fol~ Coul~y, N. Y. The cc~e~ts expressed in your letter have be~n given careful consideration by this office. Since the p~oposed work is not con- sidereal inimical to the interests of general navigation or the regimen of the watere~y, a De~t of the Arm~ permit has bee~ issued there- for under authorit~ of the Secretary of the Arm~ by the District E~gineer on 2o m966. You a~e advised that the DepaA~ment of the Arm~ permit issued, does not give amir property rights either in real estate or ~.terial, or ~ exclusive privileges; ~ud that it does not authorize a~ injury to private property or invasion of private rights, or an~ ~-l~geme~ of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the necessity of obtaining State assent to the work authorized. IT ~ EXPRESSES THE ASS~I~T OF ~E ~'~,,ERAL ~ SO FAR A~ 001~2d~3 ?m tions Divi on - 2ay &venue, Box ~utchogue, ~(ew ']arch 16, !9~' Trustees, Town of $outhold ~outhold, :<ew fork 2entle%en; I a~ writing you with reference to the mdditional dredzinE per-nit to Zroadwaters Cove (Permit No. llgR0). Having a feeling that little would cone fror. a formal opposition at this time, I wonder if you would tell '~e - wh? this additional dredging is necessary. It was my belief that at the tine of the Public lIearin~ the dz'~dse ',,as to come up to the Causeway and stop. ~ith reference to the Public ,qotiCe ~ap in the paper, I would appreciate it also if you could tell re the proposed new channel is as far west as it appears to be. It would seen the ~eneral public would sain far 'note use of this additional channel if it were to the east alonI the fil~ area. This would then ~ake the channel an ideal public If you can answer Ehese few questions, I would appreciate it. 3incere~y, , ~aul ¢ toutenburgh