HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1893Board Of Southold Town Trustees Mooring # N/~;OUTHOLD' NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. 1.~9.~ ........... DATE:S~.pt. ~8.f...1.984 ISSU ED TO ......~g~.~....~.:.....~9.~.ff~... ~... ~ ~..z.~. ~'.t.. ~o~c] ............. Aultlorizalim{ Pursuant fo fha provisions of Chapter 615 of fha Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952: and the SouthoJd Town Ordinance en- titled "REC~ULATINC= AND THE PLACINC- OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL Of: SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on .$.~p~.,__21, 19..8~.., and in consideration of the sum of $.5 ~ Q.O ....... paid by .................................. Ro.gar....A~.....~ohnson.. &. Jill ...~D~d ............................ of ........ C.u.~.¢h~.g.u~ ............................................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southo{d Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Application approved to secur~ a permit under the Grandfather Clause for a dock in Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue, all in accordance with the application submitted. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees h.ere- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said as of this date 7frusgee~ Please Board Of tear off and return to the Trustees $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I4OOR-~:,'G NO. PFR~41T NO. ISSUED TO DATE: , cerzify that the work as authorized cmlt has been ccmpleted and ~s no~ read,z. fcr your inspec- t .... project is clearly visible. ~o, the number required on b~ understand this permit is not va~id until this tear sheet ecurn~d to the Trustees. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MaY 25.2001 Richard Daley 190~ Broadwaters Road Cut~ hogue, NY 11935. RE: Dea The Me~ GA_ app~ This Ifyo Sine Albe President, Board of Trustees ! AJKt cjc cc: l~U]~l~ing Department Gary Comorau & Jill Nord 2050 Mason Drive Cutchogue NY SCTM# 104-7-17 : Mr. Daley: following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular ting held on Thursday, May 24, 2001. OLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant the request for a Waiver to {Y COMORAU & JILL NORD to construct a second.,~deck approximately 22'x6' within oximately 90 feet of tidal wetlands. -0~- approval docs not constitute approvals from any other agency. a have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. ,'rely, Telephoae (631) 765-1892 Towrr Hall, 511095 ~ Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, May lz 2001, the following recommendation was made: M;ved by Bill McDermott, seconded by Me'lvyn Morris, it was RE~SOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the W~iver Request of GARY COMARAU & JILL NORD i04-7-17 to construct a second floor deck approx. 22'X 8', within approx. 90' of tidal wetlands. 19~00 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue Vole of Council: Ayes: All MOtion Carried lg :~001 ~ 03 AM T~ar~Town Trustees Page. 2or2 Ri,chard Alexander Daley, Architect To~,. n o[ Southold P'%iBox I 179 No~thoLd ~ew Yark 11971 ','L~ F'ACS ~MILE ~E Gary ('omorau De~r S~r,~r hladame ~,lr /(%>morau has asked me to apply for a waiver ofjurtsdmtmn in regard to hts prqlect to add a second floor We ~re hoping that you wd] consider this appheanon [brn waiver at the meeting of the Trustees next week ]h~ you fur 5~r kind ~ttention Sincerely yours l #ard ilexllder Baler, / Phone 631-734-6644 Email rdaley@ suffolk.lib.ny.us Wednesday, April 18~ 2001 B&ldings Department To'am of Southold Toga Hall SoCthold, New York 11971 Itl 20 Ct S( ap pu T T : Ga~ Comomu 50 Mason Drive tchogue TM#104-7-17 ar Sir or Madame: hough we do not have the Trustees' waiver in hand, we are hoping that you will aeeei~ the submission of this >lication for reviewat thisiime. The DEC aPlaoval has been seeured. It isnot avery large proje~ andMr. momu is hoping that be may begin wodr this ~pd~g. We know that your are very busy, and that ff it cannot be : in line now, there is little hope that he will be able to begin work before the fall. te Trustees office has inspected Mr. Comorau's IXoperty, and Lauren at the Trustees office has assaned me flaat we n anticipate a waiver from them as soon as it can be ~cbeduled at the meeting, as there is no controversy involved. te said that you should call her to confirm this. She will forward to yo~ the waiver, as soon as it is available. rank you for your kind aUeation. ncerely~yours, ~<.~ ' R~chard A. Daley, R.A. C >py: Trustees ~/ Comorau jl Tq ' Richard Alexander Dalev, Architect ',Vednesdav. ApriI 4 Bo.~rd of Town Trustees Town t~f Southold 43295 Route 25 Pt ~ Bt~x 79 So~tht~ld New Tork 11971- 959 [63 )76q- 1366 RE Gary Comorau St- lg lt~4 7-17 De: S~r or Madame De Ple, Tha~ you R~r your kind attention. / APR- 5 t let me sa',' that J',lr Comorau was inftwmed t~f the problem t>fexcess~e mop, lng, and has ussured me that he be ~er5 caretuI not tc~ mow tt)o far in the future md, we have recmved the necessary DEC permit for his second floor balcony (see attached) and awmt only' - letter of non-.lurisd~ctton [or approval9) in order to proceed with the fdmg of plans with the Butldmgs arrment \Ye are hoping that a letter from you might come soon. for as I am sure you are aware there wtll snll ~e slx-week wmt tn line at the Buddings Department se [et me know as soon as possible if you need an)' add]ttonal reformation regarding thts pro ect :rely ytmrs. R~c}' ard A. Dale_v, R.A. 'Eax Company. Richard Alexander Daley Arc}fitect Vome Nmi>er ~'34-6644 Fax Number' 1900 Broadwaters Road C~tch~gae, N5 11935 Date: Wechesday, April 04:2001 Total Pages: 3 Sublect: S,Ee attached Name: 13"oard of To~n Trustees Compan? Tovm of Southold Voice Ni~mber: (631) 765-1892 Fax Nu~nber: (631) 765-1366 Note: NE~ YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PERMIT EFFECTIVE DATE March 27, 2001 North 27, 2005 [] Arti :ie 15, T)tLe 27: Wi[d, ~ 6NYCRR 608: Water 9uaLity Certification [] Articte 17, Tit[es 7, 8: SPDEE ISSUED TO OF PERMITTEE DESIRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTI¥1T~/: Albert · James Feb Krupski, President (lng, Vice-President [-I e rn~ Smith .~ie Foster (en Poliwoda · ua~ 15,2001 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES YO'~2q OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone ~631) 765-1892 Fax ~6bl.) 765-1366 Mr. Richard A. Daley, R.A. 190~) Boradwaters Road CutChogue, NY 11935 Re: GARY' COMORAU 2050 Mason Dr., Cutchogue SCTM#104-7-17 De8 A re Cu~ spa is w pla,.' Pie; Vet AIb~ Pre AJ[~ Mr. Daley: :ent field inspection on the Comorau property by our Board revealed the mowing or ng of a substantial amount of inter-tidal wetland areas, specifically the species ~ina patens. This ?!ant is protected by the State and the Town Wetland Codes as it ~luable salt water vegetation. This mowing must cease and no activity should take e in this area without the Board's consent. Ise contact this office if you have any questions. tmly yours, ~rt J. Krupski, Jr. ~ident, Board of Trustees :lms Bl¢lllrd IMIXlldlr BIlly, 1900 Bl~mdwat~rs Road Chltc~ogue, New York 11935 Sc T( M S( th pi Si ursday, January 18. 2001 J~ athold Town Supervisors lin Street - [ l~'-- uthold. NY 11971 ('" ar Sir or Ma0~m: ~lX~3hO- t behalf of my client, Ga~ Comorau, of 2050 Mason Drive, Cutchogue, I am asking for a letter of non- isdiction regarding theft' proposed addition of a deck adjoining the rear of their house. I have enclosed a copy of '. survey and the buildings depa~ment application for your reference. Should you requae further information. ase advise me. tcerely yot~,s. /- ~_ ~ :hard A. Daley, R.A. E~closures 11 ~plavved. ..................................... , ............... ~'s~.uved ~/c. ............................................ BO~J~D OF ~TIt ......................... 3 ~ O~ P~'~ ............................... '.1[ a. lifts applicatioa must be complexly f~d m ~ ~ g m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B~ ~t~ ~ 3 ~ ofp~, ~ pl~ ~ to ~ F~ ~ m ~. l c ~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~!1 ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ of~ ~t d. U~ a~ ~ ~ ~ B~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ P~ to ~ ~t. S~h ~PLICATION IS ~BY ~E ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ t~ ~ a ~ P~t ~t to ~ Build~ ~ ~ of ~ To~ ~ ~1~ S~ C~, ~w Y~ ~ ~ ~e ~, ~ ~ Rcg~aho~s, f~ ~ ~ of ~in?. ~fi~ ~ M~, ~ f~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~ h~ de~[ ~. ~ ~fi~t ~ ~ ~ply ~ ~ ~h~ ~, ~~, ~ ~,~ S~te wi ~ ap~t ~ o~, ~, ~L ~, ~, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~d~ Name ol o~ of ~ ........................................ ~ C~ ..~ Jill .4. ,V~ ................................................................... (~ m ~ mx m~ ~) ll'a~c m~ ma ~i~, ~ ofd~y a~ ~. (Na~ a ~d tit~ of~te offl~) and .:t: nnncv of rimmings and intended u~e and occul~n~v of~moosed am.~uctiolt: ar~ o~¢tlpall~y .v#tgle.[amtO~ ~lele~c~ ......................................................................... 2. 3. 4. ff dwellia~ n~ o~ dv~n~ t~m_ ......... l .................. Nunfl~ o~ dwelhng ~its ~ ~ llo~ ..................... Diw(y~ of exi~ng ~ if my:. F~...-_61.2'......_~ ........ 61.2'- ........ De~a .........21.2: ..................... ~ight ................. 19.7: ............................ NtllldY~ af Slmie$ ...... .2. ................ )imm~i~a of sam~ ~ wi~ allamtim= ~ ~:a;~: Ft~t ........ ~ .................. ~ .......... ~m~ .................. :)immff~ms of mtive ~tw ~ F,~;.,......29. 7 : .... Rett ....... 29.7'_ .......... Dq~ ....... Z 3 : ...... ~ei~ht ........ OpmDeaL ...... lq~mb=~ ~,e of Pmclm~ ._.Dee 19~ ...... Name of gatm~t Owaer ~ _.J~a~r ~ a~l ~tl /l. A~,,_ ........................... Vta ~ot be re~.t~a ..._..ffo ................ wm ~e~ ~ be m~aved ~m prmme~ YEa ~ of ArrYaitect: Riei~nl ~. ~ ................. Addn~ l ~ ~,naa~ar~'t M C~ Flam~ Ho T.~.-6644 .............. *IF YE~, SOUTHOLD TOWN TR~ ~ MAY BE REQUIRI~. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Arkie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TELEFAX COVER SHEET rom: # ~°ages (inc. cover sheet) L ti' Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Poster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1892 Fax(631) 765-1366 BOARD OFTOWNTRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD LETTER OF REQUEST FOR A WAIVER DATE Apri. 1 30, 200l DWNr~R Gary Comorau & Jill Nord PHON~ aJ)DKESS 2050 Mason Drive: £ntchngup ~.GENT Richard Daley PHONE (718)456-2~521 APR 30' 734-6644 aJ])DR]~SS 1900 Broadwaters Road. £ntcho?p; NYllq3q 'ROPERTYLOCATION 2050 Mason Drive, Cutcho~ue, NY 11935 'AX MAP NO. SCTM # 104-7-17 ~VVe Gary Comorau & ~ill Nord request aWaiverto~ floor dec~ approximately ZZ' X ~', within approximately 90 feet of tidal wetlands I .~pril 26, 2001 T~ the South Board of Trustees ~e: Application Authorization Gary Comorau owner of the Property at 2050 Mason Drive in Cutchogue, New Yprk, residing at 77-15 62nd Street, Glendale, New York 11385 do hereby ~-.~uthorize Richard Daley to apply for a waiver ,to construct a deck, before the uthold Boar/d~of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~Abe J. Krupsld, President King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 ! BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C©UNTY(~F SUFFOLK) S'?ATE ~F NEW YORK) I b~ TI b: h~ p~ Di AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ~..~. ~ ~~_, residing at ~ing duly sworn, depose and say: ~at on the ]~ day_of ~Af, 200(, I personally posted the 'operty known as ~.~3~o ~ ~ placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can ~sily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster ~s remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the ~lic_hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held ~, 7,,ool SWorn to before me this /l~ day of ~ 200 f MARILYN VAUGHN Not~ ry Public, State of New York No. 01VA5052781 Q~ ~afified in Nassau County Com~ ~is$ion Expires Dec. 4, 2001 BOARD OF TOWN TI{USTEES TOWN OF SOUl-HOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box Southold, New' GRANDFATH£R ~ doc~ 1. Name o~ Applicant: 2. Address of Applicant: 3. Telep)one Number: 4. Year of Construction: _ /'~Z' %ELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Sketch of the work including sizes: located 6. Mark off on the map attached, where your property is using an X. . Mooring Applications- $5.00 fipplicati::.l, Fi?,? and :: $5.00 annual renewal[ fee each year. NOTES: THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE CUTCHOGUE IOWN OF SUFFOLK COUNIY~ N[W YO~K S.C. TAX No. 1 000-104-07'-1 7 SCALE 1"= 50' APRIL 20, 2000 JUNE 16, 2000 ADDED TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY AREA = 101,729.42 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE) 2.,~35 ac. CERTIFIED TO: GARY COMORAU COVr"" Joseph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor PHONE (651)727-2090 Fax (§31)727-1727 20-247A