Minutes of Regular Meeting held
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Also present:
Ray Blum
Craig Arm
Fred Lee (7:16 p.m.)
Ray Huntington
John Sepenoski
Eric Keil (7:47 p.m.)
Michelle Zaloom;
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Bill Edwards, Town Board Liaison (left 7:30 p.m.)
Tim Caufield, Vice Preseident - Peconic Land Trust
The meeting began at 7:05 p.m. with four LPC members present.
SCTM #: 115-10-1
Location: 4180 New Suffolk Avenue
Total Acreage: +15.21 acres
PDR Acreage: + acres
Zoned: R-60
CPF: Yes
FWet: 0
MWet: 0.19
Property is for sale. Discussed possible preservation.
In the event the landowner is interested in selling the development rights, LPC
members showed an interest in buying the rights at current price per acre as
determined by an appraisal with a possible one building lot scenario. If more than
building lot was to be established, members would need to discuss this issue
further. Melissa Spiro to inquiry further with broker involved in the sale of the
SCTM #: 18-4-1.3
Location: 27153 Route 25, Orient
Total Acreage: +16.89 acres
PDR Acreage: + acres
Zoned: R-60
FWet: 0
MWet: 0
Discussed potential for additional preservation.
Tim Caufield made presentation for a possible option to be considered on the
Johnson property. Peconic Land Trust already holds an easement that previously
extinguished the development rights on farmland but allowed for a two acre
buildable lot in the northwest corner. Landowner would like to expand
preservation to eliminating the two acre building area. Peconic Land Trust is
proposing a three-way split of a bargain sale purchase price on the two acre lot
between the Town and neighbors and, perhaps other private funding. In addition,
Tim is proposing to add the Town to the existing easement held by the Peconic
Land Trust. Peconic Land Trust would continue to be a steward of the property
and plan to re-vegetate with native plantings the clearing that was done on the 2-
acre lot by an adjacent homeowner. The Land Preservation Committee directed
Tim Caufield to proceed on this project. The Land Preservation Committee
would be in favor of contributing in the range of other current per acre values
towards the easement purchase.
SCTM #: 55-1-9
Location: 3340 Horton Lane, Southold
Total Acreage: +16.00 acres (GIS 15.61 acres)
PDR Acreage: + acres
Zoned: A-C
CPF: Yes
FWet: 0
MWet: 0
SCTM #: 55-1-8.3
Location: 5455 Youngs Avenue, Southold
Total Acreage: +22.56 acres
PDR Acreage: +22.56 acres
Zoned: A-C
FWet: 0
MWet: 0
Property is for sale. Discussed possible preservation.
Landowner met with Planners for lot line change to add approximately 3 acres
with 125' of road frontage from property with development rights intact to the
property with development rights already owned by the Town. This additional
land would allow room for the existing encroachment of planted grapevines, a
storage shed and, as proposed by landowner, future building of a winery near the
center of the added land and a home on the back hill beyond. Land Preservation
Committee members directed Tim Caufield to proceed with further discussions
with landowner and Planning in regard to potential to purchase both parcels for
Town to acquire development rights on parcel with rights intact.
SCTM #: 59-4-8 & 9; 63-1-1.6
Location: Horton Lane, Southold
Total Acreage: 5.73 acres
PDR Acreage: 5.73 acres
Zoned: RO
CPF: Yes
FSNet: 0
MWet: 0
Discussed existing residential use on property.
Tim Caufield discussed existing and future use of the existing residence that is
located on the property when the Town accepted the previous gift of a
development rights easement on the property. Tim Caufield to review the issue
further and will bring back his findings to the Land Preservation Committee for
further discussion.
SCTM #: 56-4-17.1
Location: Main Road, Southold
Total Acreage: + 0.33 acres
PDR Acreage:
Zoned: Mil
CPF: Yes
FSNet: 0
MWet: 0.01
House and property listed for sale.
This parcel adjoins the former Aurichio property that is now the entrance to the
trail system located within the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve. The Schwartz
driveway is an encroachment on Town property as well as part of the mowed
area and bulkheading located along the pond behind the homestead. Melanie
instructed to research the Schwartz encroachment issue from the Aurichio
closing file and the possibility of the Town's having been given the right of first
refusal for this parcel.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
· Adoption of minutes from July 12, 2005.
MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept
minutes of the July 12, 2005 meeting.
Motion carried 4/0. (Ray Blum & Craig Arm abstained)
The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION.
· Melissa Spiro's status report [executive session status of offers]
Confidential status report handed out and discussed with LPC members.
2006 Budget
Melissa Spiro made a request to LPC members for any additional expenses the
committee may anticipate in the upcoming year.
· Update re: July 19th County Farmland Committee
Melissa gave report on meeting that she attended along with Ray Huntington. It
was noted that Reid Jarvis that represents the Town of Southold on this county
committee has not been in attendance at these meetings. It was suggested that
the Supervisor be made aware of this and Mr. Jarvis contacted as to his
interest/intentions to continue serving on this committee.
Annual Fishers Island Town Board Meeting: August '10, 2005 from '10:-00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
RSVP is required. Contact Ruthanne Woodhull in Supervisor's Office (765-1889)
if you plan on attending. Fred Lee plans on attending and Ruthanne has been
notified of such.
NOFO Associates (McFeely) property - closed on July 20, 2005
Discussed potential for property stewardship. John Sepenoski gave report of his
field inspections of the property.
· Manzi (Oregon Landing I) - anticipate an August closing date
Paradise Point Holding Corp.
Vincent Orlando and his attorney, Bill Goggins, have met further with the
Planning Department and the possibilities for this property.
Tax Map Books
The yellow 2004 Suffolk County Tax Map books need to be collected and
returned to the County and will be replaced with the new 2005 issue. Melanie will
contact all those who were given a book just prior to County return date. All
members holding books will need to drop their book off directly to the Land
Preservation Department.
Next Regular Meeting:
· The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2005,
Conference Room, at 7:00 p.m.
MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Fred Lee, to adjourn this meeting.
Motion carried 5/0.
· The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m..
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary