HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County Dept of Pub WksBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 13, 1983 TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 11, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board APPROVAL of the Wetland Application #164 submitted by the Suffolk County Department of Public Works to remove existing bridge and bulkhead. Construction of 50' of new bulkhead on each side of the creek and installation of a new bridge carrying Oaklawn Avenue over Jockey Creek, Southold. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees President PS:ip JUDITH T. TERRY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE September 16, 1983 ....... ~. Paul Board of Southold Southold, Stoutenburgh, President Southold Town Trustees Town Hall New York 11971 Dear Mr. Stoutenburgh: Transmitted herewith is application no.164 for a wetland permit submitted by Suffolk County Department of Public Works. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment - To~n Of ~outhold Town Clerk's Office Sou~hold, N. Y. APt LIEATION FOR ~ETL-A--NI)S I*~&liT D~TRUCTIC~I$~ FOR A? This application i~to .~e completely filled in by typewrlmrmr ~ ~ sa~en~tted to ~e Town ~rk in qu~ruplic~;~, ~ompanie~by writter' ~rmis~ion f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if not th~ some os ~e appl.ca~.' Pilot Plrm must oe drawn to sc~ale on the re~erse ~ide ~¢ ~ ~ show~cj the location property,, the names~ and locations of ownere~a[f adjoining IpmalFe~r~s, ~ a (le~iled description proposed project· (No~e: Copies c4 .the Pilot ,~lm may be rne6~ Jblf a caplr' mad~ine and attached the Pern~t Application./) C: No operation shall i~e initiated by the app;~ic~t until ail permits ~at ~e required are issued· [CA detailed statement~of the rehabilitation m~d~ proposed ¢om~,~ of ~he premises after the york is com.~leted must I~e given, imd'uding a surv~; if required. E~ If permh'tis being soeght for a m~re sizeable e~cavation ~ the consh'uction of a private s,~gle dock ¢~ jetty, the-r: this applicc~tion must be eccompanied by a survey and topographical mop c~ified by a registerecl land surveys., or Pr0fessi~l Eng/neer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based-.upoa an a;.~proval local ooardinate sys~n. The vert~ca~ control fo~ elevation and sound- ings. shall be based upon Onited State~ Coast and (:~e~detic Survey and/or United States Geological Sur~ey datum',. F. A statemeat must ac=ompany tl~e. application describing any k~own prior operation, s conducted on the premises in question, and whether any prior I.icenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or ~o~ dredge or ¢JeposJt fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses wem[ever revot4ed or susp~'~ded by a governmental agency. G, A filing fe~ of $25.00 s~kall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection therefis o $5,0O.~fee for each additional ~spection. H. '~he Town Board upon request~;~_~,_~e/applicant for a permit, may waive in whole or in parr, the p4ovisions of Article II, ,~ection¥.2~l-,~, ~ubdivisions (~ and ~'where it finds that nature of the propeaed operations are such~ that the ~'quirements of such provisions are not necessary for a prope,~ considero~on of a peri, it applical'ion. I. !J~ appro~:l of this appllJ:ation the 1'own Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be e,~ailable for inspection at any time, upor~ request. Digit.proved ............. AI'q~LICATi~NI IS HERE1~T~.MADE tc~the Town E:ta~d of the Ta~m of Southold, Suffolk County, NeW York, for the issuoace of a pe.~tit pursuant tO the Law~,13T.~linances and Regulations goverr~ ing~the Coastal and Inierior Wetla~,dS, Flood Plciirs and Drei.,,,_t--Amas of the Town of Southold: Permit requesmd to Remove exist'~ bridBe ~d bulkhe~L. Construct new 50 L.F. of bulkhead on each side~ of cree)~'.and new b~flge - bo'S,n 'Jim thru'same Ii,cations as the existing b:lkhead and~ bridge. ~ ~cation o~properb/ fo~ :which per~-dt wonted ........................................................................ · Hbme address oj~perm:atapplicant if different frcrrn aforesaid I<a:elim ,.~,_f~.]&.._C?.?,~.,t~..,D.e.~..a..r..t...~nt '~ Public :Works, Y,'phank Aven,]e. Yaphan~.. New York '~'~B C~ek, Boy oc Harbor fr.~nting propemy ..... .J..o..c...k..e.,y.~.,~..e..e..k. .......................................................... Si~e of prolx~d work: Ler~jth ....B.r. ~ .cl~.e......1..2. Z :..7..! .f..t..: ...1..°..n. ~ ............................................................................................... 46. O~ ft. wi de Wld~h ....... 6.97 vertical clearance at H.it.W. at centerline Heigl~t Above High Water '. ............................................................................................................. Dept~ Below Law Water ................................................................................................................. Yarz~t to be Exaavated 0 0 Yor~ISlto be Filldd ................ Wide: of canol~ creek or IJlm/ fronting -r~-~,~, .9.7. feet . t)ept~ et Low TiUe Varie~ - ..O....f..t.. ~t bulkhead to 5. ft. at center of creek. Averc&le Rise in Tide 2.0 feet Is this for private or busines~ use? ..... ...P.u..b.].l.'c....U..s.e. ........................................................... i ...... ~ ........... "A" Residential - Agricultural .~,rea .-o~ .~g ............................................................................................................................................ Manner ~ which 'material will be removed or ~lepasited . ..E..x.~J.,s.~l}.g...s..t.?..u..c..t..u.~.e....c...0..m..p..o,?..e.~l.~....... will ~e removed by tru~:k. Intendedcu~e of prok:art~/ ...~B..r.~.d.~.:...c..r..~..S..S..~.n`~`...~..[....d..~..c..k..e.y..`.C..r..e..e~ ......................... ; ............................. WritYe~ consent ali owner of p~operty, if n:~ ,qle same as ehe ~ ' . .... COUI'~'TY OF SUF-'I~LK ) STATE ~OF NEW '/~ORK ) SS: being duly swam dep6ses and ~:~/s that he i~.the applicent for the ogiam~e described pe.,=dt, ~ Ihat all statements contained herein~are true to the best of hiii knowledge ~ belief; that the m~. ~ill be done in the manner set forth in this app:i¢ation and as may be ~q~roved. by the To,~m Ilamd of the Town of Southold. The ~l~plicant agrees to hold the Town of ~muthold and ~ Tmon Board harmless and free frorn any and all dama:~s and claims arising u~,L~ or by virtue of said permit, if granted. Signature of ~ Sworn to before mz this ...~..~.-:~ .............. day of ..... ~..~~.- .--. .......... , 19.~... No~a'y ~l~elk ~,oum~,, riO. 62-452265~1 Tem~ r:l~lre~ March 30. 19.~r" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 'WORKS YAPHANK, NEW YORK RECONSTRUCTION OF JOCKEY CREEK BRIDGE OAKLAWN AVENUE, SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PROPERTY OWNERS John Charnews Main Road Southold NY 11971 Mary Grigonis Southold, NY 11971 Louis F. Baker Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Robert T. Kroepel 2360 Oaklawn Avenue Southold NY 11971 John H. Graves Jockey Creek Drive Southold, NY 11971 John H. Wohlberg 2750 Oaklawn Avenue Southold NY 11971 Alice C. Leslie 20 Grandview Circle Plandome Heights, NY ll030 Robert H. Rothman Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Hugh & Rosemary Murphy 135 Terrace View Avenue Bronx, NY 10451 Corrado & Marie Macini 3105 Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Kathryn K. Mullen Oaklawn Avenue Southold NY 11971 Rose Pulicicchio 215 West 21st Street Huntington Station, NY 11746 Amelia Vaskelis & Anna Vaskowitz 1220 Rambler Road Southold, NY 11971 Charles D. Hardy Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Charles D. Hardy Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Everett T. Goldsmith Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 ! 62.0 .It ££1 '. 2..2_0 sJodJeH . .£90 · ' "..,,zgo. ' £9O £90' -® ~ ~,~/~,~ ~,~'w~'~--~ ~,~p,*~./~-~'~ J RECONSTRUCTION OF JOCKEY CREEK BRIDGE, -' ~=~ ~Z~ ~/~.~ J OAKLAWN AVE., SOUTHOLD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLO '~~ ~ ~ ~~ J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK I ~, ~. v~, /~. I~LICATION BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK A. BARTON CASS,COMMISSIONER ~ ' __ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF P~ ~ O~ SU' DEPARTMENT OF P~ ~ O~R ~ · ~.~r ~ ~ ~ ~: [ ., ' ~ ..~ , , m mmiAWN AVE~U " ~ ..... I ' x ~,-~--.,~_ ~ ~,, ~, ~ ~, ,~.. ~.~.~.~,,~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ i~ . : SECTION .~CONST.UCT~ON OF 0OC~[~ O*KLAWN ~V~.. SOUT.OL~, TOW. OF SOUT.OLO COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK, .~ A~UCAT~ON S~ COUNT~ OF SUFFOL~ A. BARTON CASS ,COMMISSIONER I ' x. $UFFOLKCOUNTY DEP4RTMENT OF PUE{C SHEET N~ ,I SECTION THRU BRIDGE EAST ELEVATION OF BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION THRU PROP. BULKHEAD IN R.O.W. ....... ~.~.g~,,_.,,. f,f,f, ,1,~ ...... -,~.. ELEV. OF PROPOSED BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION OF JOCKEY CREEK BRIDGE, OAKLAWN AVE., SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK ~PPLICATION BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~~ DATE =~~~i~ A.BARTON CASS, COMMISSIONER r. 'r~ - ..~ .~..Ap~-MF., T .bi:' D"F~',.iC WORK?