HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetersen, HowardTelephone 516-765-1938 BOARD:OF TOWN TRUSTEES iOV~N 0/3 SOUTHOLD ,~SUFFOLK:. COUNT~'., : . Southold. L. I.;. N. Y. I 1971 August 6, 1981 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town }~all Southold, New York Town Clerk Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held August 5, 1981: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wet- land application of Enconsultants, Inc. for Howard Petersen, ~68, for a permit to expand an existing 30' x 60' loading ramp by 43' on the north side; to construct a 43' retaining wall at inner end; to install approximately 100' of 3' wide catwalk attached to existing piles and to install two 60' x 5' precast steel ramps. Yours truly, Anna T. Hataier, President Southold Town Trustees JUDITH ILTERRY T O[;rN CLERK Southold, L. 1., N. Y. 11971 June 22, 1981 TELEPHONE [516~ 765-1801 Mrs. Anna Hataier, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Det:,r Mrs. Ilataier: Transmitted herewith is application no. 68 wetland permit submitted by Howard Petersen. for a Please prepare a written report of findings and reco~nendationswith respect to this application and submi~ said report to me within 20 days of receipt of this letter. JTT Enclosures Very truly yours, Town Clerk !NSTRUCTIONS~ (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAr is ie assumed that the ~reparer wilt use currently available information concS~lling the project a~d the ~ely ~pac=s of %he action. It is ncc e~ec=ed ~t addi=ional s=udies~ research or other investigations w~l be ~der~aken, (b) If any question ~s been answered Yes :he proJeco completed ~viro~en:al Assessment Fo~ is necessa~, (c) If all questions have been answered No i: is l~ely uo~ significant, {d) ~v$~o~sn~al Assessmsn~ 1. ~1 proJec~ reset in a large physical ~o the project sl~e or physically al~er more than 10 acres of land? , , . , . . . · Will =here be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on the sits? , 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? . Will project have a potentially large impact on groundwater quality? , , , . , , 5.WLll project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? , , , . , . , . Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? , . 7, Will project result in a major adverse effect on 8.Will project have a major effect on visual char- acter of the community or scenic views or vistas · ' known to be important to the community? , , . 9, Will project adversely impact any site or struct- ure of hlstoric~ pre-his~oric, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? , , 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational opportunities$ . , , Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors~ noiss, glaret vibrationt or electrical disturb- ance as a result of the project's operation? . 13, Will project have any impact on public heal ch or Will projecu Affect the exia~inE community by directly causing a growth in permanent popu/a- period o__r have a major negative effect on %he character of ~he community or n~ighborhood?. · 15. Is there.public~ntro~r~y concernmng =he projectl~/ .... .__.Yea / No Yes /No Yes /' No Yes , ,/No ---. ~ee ,:,'C-, No Yes / No Yes / No Yes Yes --'"No Yes Yea / No Yes ~ No Yes ~'No Town Of Sonthold Town CleriCs Office Southold, N. Y. APPI.II:ATION I,'OR WETLANDS PERMIT Dote of Application 64 kk~rth Hain St. PO Box 217, 38 Qt~aker Path Suuthanlpton, ?!.Y. 11968 Stonv Brook, N.Y. 11790 Applicant ......................................................................................................................... INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT rhp., .q,pho~t~ r; I' I,, he (,).q,h!lely f[Ih?rJ .~ hy I'¢pt:wr,ter or ~nk arid ?~Lm~tted to thr~ To¢/r '~:t P',an mc,st he drawn Io scale on the reverse ¢ide of this opplicotio;q showing the location ' i r.;,,~ri-, thc ~-,3n',o~ and locations of owners of ocJjoining properties, and o detailed descriptiop · .'~ -, ,%J p~3ioct ,Note: Capi~'s of tJ~e Pilot PJgn ma'.' ~e marlo by acopv r~lgchJr;e and attachccI ., a'c,r~,h,')n ,hall be initiated by thc applicon! L.~td oli Fr:rr,'~its that ore required ore issued J,~taN,.J st.-,tc~:u?nt of the rehabilitation and proposed conditioa of thc premises after the -,..~tc ~ :,. t be g~e~, Jnclu,fing a sur,/e¥ if required. '': I , I ,l:! I: b~]';c,,I ~!',,n United States Coosl' and C-.er~d,-,t~c %tlrvc. y c, nd/or kh,itr.,1%tote,. C~er, fogic-¢ ':;',"mc~;t t;,*.t ac~omparly the applicatioh deycribi~g c,r/ known prior operation: canduct,':d · q [,,' , f ?%.00 shah occ,~mpmm, the apphr:c,f~on. TJ',r. fdinq fee incl,ide, s one inspection ,'~c - ,z 75 00 fee f .r each additional indirection. rr :-, ')f '; '~Cl.' !1, ¢~ct~ar, ~ subdivisions. ~J~) .m,d (~¢r-where it fin~i; that malure of the · o :pr,9,.'ol c.¢ tills application th~ Town Cleric. ,',,ill isst.~e c~ permit to thc applicant. Suck, -¢.'.1 L-e a.,a~l 'hie for inspection at any tlcne, LIpOn request. Appr,vved ............................................................... Condition% if anv ................................................................................................................................ Body ................................................................................................................................. cr,~'tqf''ro of Choirman .......................................................................................................... ^P°IICA¥1ON iS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count,/. t,!.,,,,, Yc~r]-, for the i-;uonce of a permil pursuant to the Law% Ordinances end Reguicrtion~ govern- thc C.?a~tal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains ,md Drainage Areas of 'ihe Town of Southoid %' ,'r~t re.qtmste~q t,~ SEE AFTACIIEI) 5UEET I :q,c.,~ ,,f property for which permit wanted ....... I~,,.Q,.[:L,...g.[,~..~lct~tg.k~-I~....P.[~.]f~...~:.lp,~k~L.q.q[~ ....... !'~mo ..... re~ of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location ...l~Q..D.q::..~2~..~i3..Q;tflI;f,~. vat h ,>t~,~. B~.-ool.:, U.i'. ,Tr "l. aa,, or HarJ-x>~ fronting property ............. t?l.a~[[tV.g.l!..C..Kq'el! ............................................... ",~,*. ,-,~ propo;ed work' 'iktl~c,r vav~p !43~' e_al:vl,all,;, ~' , 5t Hm,q:,t *~ ,,-v Hiah VVoter var£aialc (angled ramps) · ~r' *a le Excavate.] ................... none .......................................................................................... ' :mb, t,~ be Filled .. UCL.~]LJ,..iB..W.o. Ec~T!.~n~L.....~p. pi:'Oa..5.[L.C.t,...3~0, g...¥!~kJ.J...l~.,:...ti!~t!g[{[~5! .)!!..:!r!,.I .. Fl.ccd ,~n upland at; ~ landi~ard t,nd o[ kilvhc~r l'amp. "/i,i¢, ,.f conol, creek or bay fronting prope~.....~O~.:...~ ........................................................... ?'¢pd, at LCw Tide Vnr£ablc from 6'-14' Rife ~n Tide siness Is thrs for private or business use~ ......................................................................................................... Zo~ n industrial ,'\ rea g ...................................................................... ~.~lnrlt'r in whtch material will be ~emoved or dei,oqted ................................................................. Intended use of property boac facility. ~,',ritten con~ent of owner of property, if not the same os the applicant ........................................ ..................... A£L~£h~d ................................................................................................................ ,. ~L:Nq-'~' OF SUFFOI I< ~ "z- ~ [~r: ' SS' : ,,,[ . NEW YORK , ' .............. ~'9~' L:...!!~ .~ ........................................... beina duly sworn deposes r; ~ i .,p,.,, tiaa! he ~,, lbo oppliconl for the above de,cribed perrnit, and Ihot oil ~,totements contained ~ r,..ul clrc true to tho hem of his knowledge and belief; that the work wiJJ be done in the manner sar fc,,'h ,n this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Tawn of Southold The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from nn., onH all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. ?~'~r~ tO before me this ................................ Signature of Applicant :lay of .................................................... , 19 ......... Notary Public Pit() II'lC F DE.ci(;P.[ i~'l l:!.l~ md :In ,.t:isL~ng 3()'×60' timber ]o,nclJn~ r,'1lnp by 4if' on not-~h side. Ram~o v' 1~ be suppo~'ted by steel "I" beams and ~i].l }t.~ve timber pla[tk[ng. O,~L~.r ~nd ,..~11 be connected to exLstin% steel be,~ms on pilings. At.inner end. .~ 4~' retain~n~I ~,~al! will be construct,',d above ~,~arsh and unloadin,~ of commercial fishin~ boats. UidLh of prcac.nt / / ~),'I T,.,' ,'~ : .tlr. to L S"--~ EL i ,, '_- ..~:1..,.~[.:~ "..~~coosultants,Inc. to upply for l)e~nito o,] my b,akelf.