HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI-22 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATIQN UNIQUE SITE N0.43,0.00V QUAD FI-22 NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECRE-ITION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (5 18)4740479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE.: December 1987 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main TELEPHONE: Rd, 516 765 1892 Southold, LI, NY 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION I. BUILDING NAME(S): John S. Ferguson House 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE: Fishers Taland 3. STREET LOCATION: North of East End Rd. , at Brooks Pt, 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private ❑X 5. PRESENT OWNER: Chris Roosevelt ADDRESS: 6. USE: Original: residence Present: --residence T ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. Exterior visible from public road: Yes ❑ No Interior accessible: Explain private rpsidenrP DESCRIPTION ti. B1111.I)ING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick N d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles @ g. stucco ❑ other: 1) STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ID 01 kn( wn) c. masonry load bearing walls Q d. metal (explain) e. other 10, CONDITION: it. excellent 0 b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site 0 b. moved ❑ if so,when'? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 12. PIiOTO: neg_. KK VIII-32, fm S 13. MAP: NYS DOT Mystic Quad ks p8 Int I* • r • IP 4 !' o'ocp'1r'0 y _ nChocomo t -AI TL coy 11 by l " i �J oxd 'aa` x •* i,`ygo •- Reach 6 gla�� irrR.vo Sc�was tip 1 FI-22 la. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known b.zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i, landscape features: large lawn j. other: dock 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land 12 b. woodland Q c.scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential 0 h.other: marshland to north water 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS:. (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Located in a very low density, private, residential area of large estates, in a secluded area at Brooks Pt. , Property adjoins Fishers Island sound to the north. In an open area, surrounded by woodland to S, E, and W. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including intgrior features if known): Large, 1%2 story, L-shaped shingled house with brick gable ends. High flaring gambrel roof sweeps to cover porch on north. Shed roof dormers. Entrance with pilasters and pedimented hood. 6/6 windows and paneled shutters. SIGNIFICANCE 111. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1920' s ? ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 0. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: A fine example of a 1920"s adaptation of the Dutch Colonial style. This example is one of the many estates on the east end of Fishers Island that reflect various design revivals. 21. SOURCES: Interview, office of Bagley Reid, 1188. 22. rHL-Aff: Form prepared by Kurt Kahofer, research assistant .