HomeMy WebLinkAboutPI-4 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE NO. PP " PI-4 DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (519)474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: March 1988 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Rd. TELEPHONE: 516 765 1892 Southold LI NY 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Communtiy Development//Office to IDENTIFICATION I. BUILDING NAME(S): Mine Storage Building (Bldng. 257) 2. COUNTY:Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE:Plw2 Islari 3. STREET LOCATION: Southeast shore, NE of PI-2. 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ h private ❑ 5. PRESENT OWNER: U.S. Government ADDRESS-Plum Island Animal Disease Cntr. 6USE: Original: mine storage Present:animal laboratories (Building 4257) 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ❑ No Interior accessible: Explain restricted DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. beard and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e, cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other:tile, reinforced concrete, concrete block. 1). STRUCTURAL. a_ wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if known) c. masonry load bearing walls N d. metal (explain) e. other reinforced concrete 10. CONDITION: a• excellent ❑ b. good 0 c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site 91 b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): 1954 - rehabilitated into laboratory. 1956 & 1966 - wings added. 12. PHOTO: neg: KK XIII-25a, fm SE 13. MAP: NYS DOT Plum Island quad w _ P L, UM fi.S;�,A','�N D RESTRIU E& "0 _ .' Vl Mine i/� ii" �r 1 Il ra Plum Gut ''1 11arbor; 1J 90 rig 37 - =w ine Pt3 t8 164 $ Pine Point 78 T - -- - rzo '31 a PI-4 . 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known 1� b.zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. ether: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: multiple a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ® f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: behind low dunes. j. other. animal pens, access ramp. IES. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ,KI b. woodland ❑ c. scattered buildings a d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other: Other Fort Terry buildings to N/NE. 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Located in an open, low density area, behind low dunes, parallel to Gardiners Bay. This is the most isolated of the former Fort Terry buildings now used by the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. 18- OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): Large, rectangular, flat roofed, multi-bay building. Quoined windows divided into single and double bays with slightly pro- jecting piers and large masonry stringcourses at midsection. Large cornice below roof line to create a parapet wall. SIGNIFICANCE 1911 N. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECT: BUILDER: HISTORICAL AND ARCIi1TECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This pre WWI military building is an important component in this historically significant military complex. As part of the Harbor Defense of Long Island Sound, it was built to store mines for use in averting a foreign attack on the East Coast of the U.S. early in this century. Its present use as a high level animal disease laboratory for the USDA enhances the significance of this building. 21. SOURCES: Peconic Bay Shoppar, 12/3/86. Master Plan. Perkins & will, 1977. 27. fHLNI£: Form prepared by Kurt Kahofer, research assistant. Mine Storage Building (Bldng. 257) 111-4 h Plum Island Perkins & Will Plum Island Animal Disease Center MASTER PLAN Greenport, L.I. , New York acistin Buildin Evaluation Building 257 - Laboratories June 20, 1977 DATE BUILT 1911; rehabilitated to lab, with 5,780 GSF addition in 1954; 11485 GSF addition in 1956; 2,755 GSF addition in 1966. FUNCTIONAL USE Gross Height Functional Use Floor Level Area1 Mechanical, incinerator, sewage 23,080 GSF F1' to F1_ decontamination, change rooms, labs 2 Animal rooms, labs, autopsy �.17,657 GSF TOTAL40,750 GSF Note: The areas indicated above reflect existing space planned and work presently under construction. STRUCTURE Type & Condition steel, reinforced concrete, Rile. EXITS Location & Adequacy EXTERIOR Painted concrete block in good condition. Type & Condition INTERIOR Painted concrete block; concrete block and drywall Type & Condition partitions. HVAC oil-fired steam from boilers; chilled water air Type & Condition conditioning. PLUMBING Water and sanita Services & Condition rY systems are in satisfactory condi- tion. ELECTRICAL-POWER Fluorescent and incandescent lighting. Type & Condition SPECIAL SYSTEMS Distilled water, gas, vacuum, sewage decontimination unit. OCCUPANCY Sixty (60) persons, of which 12 rotate shifts 24 hrs/day. EVALUATION Building is in generally ondition. New incinerator has facilitated wworkyoncthe al canimals. Stor- age and building services are greatly undersized. up- grading of labls required to meet OSHA and ARS stand- dards. RECOMMENDATION Retain for generally restricted use to diagnostic and training. Transfer the research functions to plant additions - Laboratory 101. Master Plan, Plum Island Animal Disease Center. Perkins & Will, 1977. C63 Mine, storage Building (Bldng. 257) PI-4 PJ.11llt Island PreseMrig Your'81r of History Thr Pernik Bry Shur�y,er ne�emb6r 3, 1486 f 7�4 x Plum Island Miscellany by Sam Sander he stay of the f,rsf white settlers on Plum Island has not beenJMBofflkls a Gift that can be opened clearly outlined We are told that the island was originally ac- Again&Again quired by Samuel Wyllys of Hartford.Connecticut from Wyan- danch, the Sachem of the Montaukelt and Shinnecock Indian tribes.This chieftain was extremely powerful on long Island.His influence extended from Montauk to Hempstead, The purchase price was said to be a coal,a barrel of biscuits and 100 fishhooks.Eventually Wyllys sold r it to Joseph Beebe of Plymouth.Incidentally,the year of the purchase from f Wyandanch is thought to be 1659, r r It is of interest to nate here that what is now an island was many , years ago attached to Orient Point by a land bridge.A family story handed r' down through generations depicts an ancestor walking across this narrow bridge each year to eny some fishing.He noticed that every year the sir of Land between the Sound and Gardiner's Bay was growing narrower ar narrower. Now, of course, the deep waters of Plum Gut with their Books ular • Classics •Chirdren's racing tidal currents separate Plum Island from the eastern extremity of po F a 0 the North Fork of Long Island. Books • Specials •Casserles Sul how did Plum Island gel its name?There are two versions of the Games •X.mas Cards Used Books + o e answer.The prosaic explanation is that the early explorers,impressed with Bookbinding&Restoration o the wealth of beach plums growing along the shore,named it"Plum Island". The second and mae imaginative version has it that when Plum Gut had ^ been formed,vessels sailed here between Sound and 13ay for the first time. In order to avoid running aground or being wrecked on the rocks,they studiously checked the depth with their plumb-bobs.Hence,'Plumb Is. land"! pq���@ Coming back to the land owners,by 1800 the island had been divided up into several sections and was in the possession of a numberof individual owners.We shalt we that it was acquired by the U.S.Government who put it to various uses.For one thing,it was a strategic observation point Merry Christmas from which to protect Connecticut's shore on the Sound and the approaches IN 4 from there to New York Harbor.The last individual owner was Abraham If to everyone on,your list Hewitt,Mayor of New York City D with a special gift from � In 1897 the eastern end of Plum Island was purchased by the Govern- merit and Fort Terry was commissioned as a coast a1illery post. It was our great Collection of active in this capacity from the Spanish American War through World War 11.By 1901 the entire island had been purchased from its owners, Most ' pot racks,ice Cream machines, 16 ' of the buildings presently on Plum Island were built by the Government pot holders,cutting boards,and around that time. gadgets,gadgets,gadgets. One of the uses of Plum Island in the Second World War was to act as a storage area for some munitions including mines to be placed in the 9f 14 surrounding waters against enemy submarines.A sturdy warehouse building {gyp 2:11 for tfre32 devices was eroded about the yards from the wharf. Narrow �] Vgauge tracks were installed between these Iwo_-points. Pictured here in .-c',-.T i�ie starage bui -ing is t smallsteam engine which hauled the mires toteboars picked them up there and depositedtem 132 M.in 5b.1t,c—.part.N.T.I)9N(5T6)477-0059 in the waters as planned. The Plum Island Railroad was probably the 52 sora L—.so�lh.mpwn,NY.,1968(516)283-31 S6 Continued an page 27 Nip WV1*g1!%W@1?7 VV1*7t'S2Wt4tV1 WV&%V%W?* r Mine Storage Building (Bldng. 257), ,Plum- Island PI-4 Preserving Your Bit of Hlsrory"Fist I', m"Ilny'Sh.plw DP"enfln 3, 1984 —27— Continued 27_Continued hom page t8 � shonest steam railroad in the world! Whatever r_ After the war the Government felt they had no further use for the Whatever tate weatF . property and decided 10 sell it in the interest of economy. When they r r advenised their wish to do so there were numerous applicants for this enjoy the ZUannth (ji]Z-�]ivtng brings/ purchase. Southold Town made a sizeable deposit since they hoped to J Ll J-U make Plum Island a recreation area for their people.On Seplember 141h, 1948.the N.Y.Herald Tribune carried an article about Fort Terry on Plum Give a Island,saying that a pact of 840 acres would be sold together with perma- nent brick barracks,a chapel and other buildings which made up a complete army post.It was mentioned that all armaments had been removed. On September 22nd, 1949,the Traveler stated that Suffolk County MAN imumwindwtsarc was Interested in buying Fort Terry.The War Department wanted to excess the I imst on the nuat.ct it.This was one of wveralLong Island sites to be disposed of.They had UWAv, The"Maenro"Le1b been an integral part of the Eastern Harbor Defense System, but the you windspccd,direct inn, Department stated that this move would not imperil national security. And reciu(Is the maximum gusts However,the outbreak of the Korean War In 1950 prevented the sale. for the day dll in one dial. Federal regulations prohibited selling such land at a lime of national crisis. 8rushpd Aluminum dial housed The GDeernmeru retained its possession,and,as we know,the Plum Island in a solid brass ease,Come, Animal Disease Center where the U.S.Department of Agriculture provides complete with sensors,h.edwate, Agricultural Research Service working tont the spread of the dreaded instructions Anda 5 year animal fool and mouth disease, swine lever, and other possible animal warrant).And hest news to all.,. and sometimes human epidemics. _ we meet lhis lu yuu ar rwr usual The Wall Street Joumal on July 15th,1954,mentioned that on Plum I. Island such research as that on Foot and mouth disease was being carried ° I D%DISCOUNT. on by a team of Federal scientists"in a fortress-type military warehouse here that once held a stockpile of explosive mines." S 7 C Although we cannot go into detail,we must give credit to the many 1 J. dedicated people who have devoted and continue to devote themselves 5owholme a6 wQwlely to he benermentof the ow in order.th nd The writee of r to COMPLETE SELECTION OF WEATHER INSTRUMENTS Same adtrtvwledgemenls are now in order.The writer wishes to note that Dr.JJ.CaN5,the Senior Scientific Advisor here and in other centers Barometers,thermometers.humidlry indicators&more.Come bro%,v? of research service. generously provided the photograph of the steam engine shown here together with other helpful information, GIVE AN UNUSUAL G11171'...AND OPEN THE Amst Vincent Quatroche of Greenport suggested the topic of this DOOR TO NATURE'S FASCINATING DIMENSIONSI paper and furnished information about the railroad.He mentioned that a story had been circulated that the mini steam engine lies buried somewhere star dwrts -$a4r darcapa< prisms' on Plum Island, Neither Vincent nor I have managed to confirm $his. hokyrams—cdatiat'giiotres- ravdts4ha although I have consulted a number of those who are well-acquainted with sun dials—barometers comptrasar Pium Island such as Dr.Callis,Dr.Ahmed Dardiri,Walter Mengewelt and Railroader Dan Monahan of Orient. The east end of Plum ]stand has suffered certain erosion from the ins surrounding wafers since the end of the Second World War,and remains of the batteries and undergground passagewaysconnectingthem are now FUREC116TER visible.Perhaps railroad buNs and/or archaeologists may form an expedition WIND CWEATNEItSHOP bringing metal detectors and shovels to find'The Little Engine That Could"! omw Your complete weather instrument shop, 477-9559 4L 1 h Frnnt Street.Greenport we ship UPS. Shoreline WellsTruck t5.Auton-iotive Service EXPERT St RELIABLE SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE. MAIN ROAD,PECONIC Experience that Red Carpet Treatment. • FOREIGN&DOMESTIC REPAIR&SERVICE 7b5 t000 SHUWROOxr:open DWr!-0,Emninp br ApgoGnmeu • REBUILT ENGINES,REBUILT DIFFERENTIALS SERVICE: Dar ea.Satmaa,59A3 7223110 &TRANSMISSIONS • CLUTCH INSTALLATIONS • COMPLETE BRAKE&EXHAUST SYSTEMS INSTALLED AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Lifetime guarantee on most mufflers • AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE eLIGCHTIN r • 24 HOUR TOWING • WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 765-2924 Heating—Lighting—Power Equipment RETAIL SHOWROOMS CENTRALOFFICE: BRANCH OFFICE Route 48 east of Daval), Southold 550 EAST MAIN STREET 445 COUNTY ROAD 39A RIVERHEAD 727.1155 SOUTHAMPTON 283-4800 OPEN Mon Fr, 7.30 Am-5Go p- Sat B:ooam.1:00 pro Call:800-832-171,7