HomeMy WebLinkAboutGR-26 BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO. ty3ly.volJl � GR-26 DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARK'S AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY,NEW YORK 1518)474-4470 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: - April 1988 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Rd. TELEPHONE: 516 765 1892 Southold Ll NY 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office * * * * Of * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): Lord/Fordham House 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE. Greenport. -- 3. STREET LOCATION: NYS Rte. 25, north side, west of Gull (unincorp. )_ 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private ® Pond Ln. 5. PRESENT OWNER: ADDRESS: h. USE: Original: residence Present: residence 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ❑ No 51 partial Interior accessible: Explain private residence DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDIM; a. clapboard [Z b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d, beard and batten ❑ MATT:RIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: 1). STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints (X_j SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if krt(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent n b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dales (if known): 12. PIIOTO:neg: KK XVI-- 27, fin SE. 13. MAP: NYS DOT Greenport quad NG ISLAND 4 ' SOUND ' a H M BfV r! 7 5 Olt � ♦ .• � oo �t1 t tirlin ' nYi iin�J```�� 1 • 25 w p ,�_( �i 0 y ty • a 1r 5t Aqes„ -4 r EM Sr .ciartiCero jt `z2ilver "'•s .c.. c �a•+► ".D� .'',�` `- ..� - - -'-" . `�ysyyice_ L• Lake andy EXr•• 25 h, a GR-26 ~ 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known J1 b. zoning C c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. {ether: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage IN d. privy ❑ e. shed ® f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ 11. gardens ❑ i. landscape Features: j_ ether: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land IN b. woodland Pq c.scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ F. industrial ❑ g. residential U h.other: golf course to east. 17. INTI-RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Located on NYS Rte. 25 in a low density, residential area. Golf grounds directly north of the house. This property is NE of Greenport Village. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): 2 story, low hipped roof, 5 bay, Greek Revival mansion. Twin, flanking, 1 bay, flat roof wings marked with pilasters. 2z story, gable roof wing on rear (north) facade. Semi-circular entrance portico with 4 fluted, Ionic columns. Fully molded entablature. Main door with sidelights, narrow pilasters, and transom with SIGNIFICANCE dentiled surround. Paired chimneys on east end. 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1848 ARCHITECT: Master builder Orange Cleaves Orange Cleaves BUILDER: 10. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This house was built in 1848 for Dr. Fred Lord. It was sold to Seth Corwin in 1893 and in 1905 to Herbert L. Fordham. It is a good example of the Greek Revival style..and retains a high degree of original detail that distinguish this style. Another source states that this house was built in 1840 by Joshua Webb, Mr. Fordham's uncle. Webb sold it in 1863 to T.D. Fordham, Herbert Fordham's father. This account is quite different ; perhaps there were two Herbert Fordham houses. {?) , 21. SOURCES: The Diary of a Country Newspaper. (Greenport Yesterday and Today) . Elsie K. Corwin, 1972, p. 113,. 118. Magdalene Goodrich, Town Historian, correspondence 10/17/79. 22. THL-NIF: A GR-26 • MAGDAL,INE GOODRICH ` Q (516) 477-2090 Town Historian �►f o C�� U 683 Bayshore Road Greenport, New York 11944 October 17, 1979 Barbara. F. Van Liew, Editor Society for the Preservation of L.I . kntiquities 93 North Country Road Setauket, New York, 11733 Dear i,:rs . Van Liew: I believe that I have found some information that may be of help to you about the house whose picture you encloded in your recent letter. In the booklet "halfway" , A confidential Personal Memorandum by Herbert L. Fordham, published in 1921 , he mentions this house where he lived until his death. It was called Oak Farm. The house was built in 1840 by Joshua � ebb, Nr . Fordhams uncle on the maternal side . Joshua kept the house until 1863 , at which time it was purchased by Thomas Dering Fordham, Herbert ' s father. After his father ' s death, Herbert lived in the house with his mother and his wife. The mother died at Gale Farm July 221 1925 and the property was left to Herbert. 'Ahen he died it was left to his wife Inez Fordham,nee Robbins . Having no children and since Herbert predeceased Inez, she was left with the property. Upon her death, it was left to Austin L . Davison, her nephew. He lived in New jersey and consequently the house was unoccupied when you took the picture . fir. Davison later sold tl�e house to an R. or D. Ripley. I believe the letter is D . On ",pril 20, 1977 Er. Ripley sold the property to Mr . Russo Abadiotakis and ,rife and they are now living in the house . I could find no mention of the architect or the cost of building this beautiful house in 181+0; only that Joshua ''!ebb had built it . The last member of the f,-.roily to occupy it was Herbert L. Fordham. l hope that this information will be of some help to you. Sincerely ,/ p ✓moo-n-tGu-�- Mrs ) :agdaline Goodrich Southold 'Town Historian Lord/Fordham House Greenport air r i 'iEntrance portico, KK • 47 ...► J.� �.,�-,, ,moi. View from E, neg: KK of� „y ��� �`•'` �� ;�`� ♦T y� � r�it -����� Lord/Fordham ! ! -Greenport View from NE, neg: KK • JI r - � V • � � '� /•o r r a /r rj��r. Or i 5� Y � —_ •-- storye! with pyramidal !! and bracketed Je clipped Lord/Fordham House GR-26 Greenport Fniptiml mailrcam. Pilasters with Greek Revival detail on wall between double parlors on west side of house. Circa 1960 photos, Coll. SPLIA.