HomeMy WebLinkAboutGR-14 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY GR 14 BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE N0.103r0+M//0 DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (516) 474-0479 NEG. NO, YOUR NAME:T wn of Southold/SPLTA DATE: September 11487 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE: ( 516) 765_1892 Southold , L.i . , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any):- Southold- TTawrl oM Unit_V_3}eyeloJ3mt-.nt Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): Ti.sk-Ar house 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE:G .) 3. STREET LOCATION: #232 Route 48, north aide , east of McCann Lane 4, OWNERSHIP: a. public D b private 7 _5. PRESENT OWNER: Misuraca ADDRESS: same 6USE: Original: residence Present: reiidenCa__ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes I No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard KI b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f, shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: 9. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members E (if kmown) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other stone foundation 10. CONDITION: a. excellentlD • b. good El c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated l i. INTEGRITY: a. original site 77 b. moved ❑ if so,when° c. list major alterations and dates (if known): New windows, original frames. Shutters removed . GR--RSM T-13 12. PHOTO:From south east I3. MAP:N.Y.S . DOT Southold— Front (south) facade and Greenport Quad—composite. east elevation. 6 w�a'Pa •• `a `�' �� _ R �• s'F iriin 5 � . . 4 l 11.1 I"P" = i� r' ! `• :V % P Greer, ilt'w, 4+- J (ver Luke 14. o Moores prain q . EAT'•• 1ar RTN S i G w, S,-Sewage tit(1 Disposal y. r—i ow RICE N u • •�rr .,. "s. v T, ack. n ra _1 z Unio •.= l GR 14 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known X1 b.zoning ❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: modern a. barn b, carriage house ❑ C. garage 6 d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ L landscape features: j. other:Qy ra- all drive 16. riy - 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land M b. woodland EX c.scattered buildings X d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other: 17. INTF.RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) County Route 48, the old .Kings Highway, is a low- density residential road in this area. I& OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): Irregular 1-i-story, high hip roof, stick-style house. 1/1 windows. Projecting front gable with jerkin head roof and wide Eastlake vergeboard. let floor bay window with ornamental brackets at corners. Semi-wrap around porch on west half of front facade . Clapboards below SIGNIFICANCFand decorative shingles above. 19, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION:_ Las Hurter 19th Century ARCHITECT: BUILDER: --- 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: Tasker in 1909. One of the very few Stick-Style houses on the North Fork. It retains its integrity and is a significant example of its type. 21. SOURCES: E. Belcher-Hyde. Atlas of Suffolk Count L.I . Vol. 2: North Side. Sound More. 1909 ?2. THLNIF Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt , research assistant .