HomeMy WebLinkAboutGR-9 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY GR 9 BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM • UNIQUE SITE NO. 1"A'b"0W10av DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK t5l H) 474-0479 NEG NO YOUR NAM1 Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE; September 19$7 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Dain Road TELEPHONE: (516) 765-1892 Southold, L.I. , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAMI.(S): Inlet PQint P d 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWNICITY: Southold VILLAG zTfmmn - -1. STREET LOCATION: 275 Soundview Avenue, north side. 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ la private IX S. PRESENT OWN t:1tSled saki/Suffolk—C.tyADDRESS game 6. USE: Original: remidis-nce-gnd_ farm Present: Zegidence 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes 1X_ No Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard EX b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: 1). STRUC'T'URAL. a. wood frame with interlocking joints SYSTEM: h. wood frame with light members ❑ (if knavn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent ❑ b. good ® c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ h. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): lst floor window and front door altered . GR-RSM-I - 7 12. PHOTO: 13. MAP:N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad e7 � Ro r 14Ilk n ' 0p . Sewage VW r µ D,s0.. h •. ".. 's°. 1 V. ��■� Blue• � I .� ` v ` ,n 25 N .. r Drtve-art �29 6'. Theater tion --- f7 Ntia ry' HP-1 25 _ a of z sJ,a GR 9 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known b.zoning ❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ F. other: IS. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn El b. carriage house ❑ C. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ Ir. gardens ❑ i, landscape features: }. other: 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b. woodland IX c.scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other: 17. INTI•,RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) CR 48 is a low density road , it was originally the old Kings Highway. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND Sl I E (including interior features if known): Small 1i-story, 3-hay, side entrance plan, gable roof house with small windows under the eaves. Interior chimney opposite front door. Long gable roof \qing on rear with 6/6 windows . SIGNIFICANCE Int. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: Pr. or to 1873. ARCHITECT: BUII.DER: 'ti i IIti 10RICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE. Inlet Point Park is a 37 acre undeveloped nature preserve featuring a large variety of native animals, waterfowl and bird life. Guided nature walks are led by environmental specialists. There was a house on or near this site in 1838. Whether or not this is the structure requires further research. The house was Conklin in 1873 and in 1909 . Inlet Pond , considered to be one of the North Fork Historic Sites , is now a Suffolk County Park. It is bordered on the west by Greenport Village parkland. The Sledjeski house and its two acres, when purchased by the County, will fill a gap SOURCES: You' ll love Eastern Lone Island . between the two. Come - Explore. East EndChambers Assn. (n.d . )Page lg. Beers, Comstock, Cline . Atlas of Long Island . 1373 22 THL`MF Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. GR • ti�� �M ` � -war ��•w �s��...-n•�Eawvwws • Sound • '• .48) Inlet Point Count_� Nicholaseh: Report, 1 GR 9 2. S O RT G RFEN POK-r i3prN e� MURse rS//cyotAS �RNd��A/tr' Drermoldr1C /6/ !Q gji I KA _ fA�tMBTS f3$T�s } t 1 KIrc-MAFK I . 00 I � ' o � ,4•.a rG�f'.tjsUtL I7/ JlI►NG [t 0 SYa t 1r O a N( ' ' r 9 EMM cao ga pr?oo+Mt ' Pt LIVING RoQM .x_ carp -- C�EDJ?OJAA� -t. 2o'E? , FIRST FLoorz srr� 5�e.nit/n FGacarZ GR 9 o SOUTHOLD (Continued) SCHOOLS LEATHER SCHOOL. In the village. Route 25. BRICK SCHOOL. In the village. Route 25. GEORGE TAYLOR SCHOOL. West end of village. Route 25. 2 PRIVATE SUBSCRIPTION SCHOOLS. In the village. Route 25. NICHOLAS EADES SCHOOL. In the village. Route 25. BENJAMIN YOUNGS' SCHOOL. In the village. Route 25. MEHITABLE BABCOCK'S DAME SCHOOL. East end of Southold. Route 25. JAMES TUTHILL SCHOOL. Bay View. HASHAMOMMOCK Hasharnornmock, first English settlement in the State of New York,settled by men from Antigua in the Spring of 1637-B. All signs pertaining to sites are placed along Route 25 in this section, although the sites themselves may be inland or adjoining the bay. THOMAS BENEDICT'S MILL SITE. East side of Tom's Creek. THE SITE of the "LONG HOUSE." TO the STRAWBERRY LOT and HOME SITE of JOHN COREY. TO JOHN OSMAN'S BRICKYARD. TO CONKLIN'S FERRY to SHELTER ISLAND. CONKLIN FAMILY GRAVEYARD. Here Rarus, the famous trottin horse, was foaled. THE INLET POND THE GREAT PINE SWAMP-*z THE FIVE WIGWAMS. HOME SITE of WILLIAM SALMON. TO PIGEON'S NECK. Where millions of birds rested during their yearly flights north and south. HENRY WHITNEY. Mill Wright. Later of Huntington. THOMAS BENEDICT. Miller. SITE of FIRST MILL. Mill Creek Bridge. TH.E. STRAWBERRY LOT. { Tercentenary Celebratio- of Southold Tow-. 1649-1940 GR 9 1011� 44 r� . � t 45 46 51, At ", xj ■lpa Rocky Pt Vjyx a r _ 119 68 EAST ARION \ + House at Inlet Point ! p$ 23 ST1R INS 6W ANO , i S y_ V ,y 1 48 %#1[F. W G~ a STIR 1N �• r ern. 4 'rW pQ77rM Cleves FE $®UTAOLD, '�ELT�R�d5LAND °Hrr0 q` GREENPORT Ifay Beach_Pl q:1 o25 / p � tJ r.G• zip 0 ;. ,� ;.iIR PIPM1,COVE Dercn Pi- ornetttu }-f z� Fannin rG. k•' 1,, 3 Y 9 t s° SKI GARC1NER3 ` `• I '-�.r & a•*' .' r. " PAY •rrtc.y'_ �— f r :'t' �1�iOA o " q !� /± COURtIr s.�,•• MEli� V•'i K.' r'�� r b. s �" d vat S s:r"I v �� '..;![µ+r■�t ¢ NSI y' "+�y. CL�LQ v 1� r�� 8(`j ` « rr'' f ` D,f'} r ;oi �1P e.�9�•,YY "°eI t"`� h:• f Yr 9°zr`+" M AN ti ' ■�rK3 °" 4w'- 3 �r�'�i�r r 1 �.�t„F SrhaWhrill.�`;�+ � � �{•`.1,'`,. �,s2si '013, iv F. dt1+i 4iy, . '4 tea. 4,� ,trt r @ G � • CoaklcngPb'.r S� c 11965 SIN TER isLAND "" Z•S to 1 f++w.+A+ •"r ze HEIGHTS ,sad.« .f[ 7.kir MRIr ' 30 yam, a WEST NECK BAY ' �■ 'k ry a farwaM s I ' 4r •`wY �rrrur ti a i J wcc A 5 ! Nom. r} i ` � °v.%�[ .t'� Atter■ar^rr[ns ftlMfl�l. oar ,���J �_ [►'fit #W /+ � lMA► � i7,` • Coe 7 196 r - Par�adist.•t� •: �POIrI "firrR ra NECK eb Nicholas 'anghart 'deport , Dec. 16 , 1986 . nest of �n every day in summer,and on m e urir the school year.) scribing one man's view firom the cro� upris- dimly discove ,t,ant he loves to talk-But you can the Pegou some and cernible form, [that') seems tired t fpeople who ask him why he to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts GR 9 -,y Dick olara'thon every Year. o the soul by continually flitting you w,Sag Harbor used to be that only pe ple wn,"he d,with the tans of some- through it" of Canio's readers, is to ezpl 'n something that really �t is wonderful to hear the sound of the words," . :we to be p icked at by explainers."It's said one of the more magical_.Continued on Page 23 ,ned in th6 book." es a Pact foil* 1 st , LandimSavIng e Woodard my has completed negotiations on thea of more than 6,000 acres the county r L .»- ase for preservation in a landmark$60- -• i�FO • ition program. Meanwhile, county offi- ;ing to block the approval of subdiviaionj racta, is being prepared for tworthen 61 scree art,which will fill a gap .• �, , a .� a St@Il1t1 my and Greenport Village parkland. he 9 ,has been set, according to Benson 'Tel• , •• • r, and county officials. But both parties Route 2b real the amount. we are out of the starting block," Steven D-Setauket), -nairan of the legisia md r ,. ,�inmittee,said."We're under way. so -etirad attorney who lives in a home near. said he was eager to s owned for 3$years, taty despite higher offers from builders. rt rolling,"he said. T this thing faces potential roadblocks on five o North Stre .aunty ending. e applications for subdivision are p 2 Gr trustzey have sent letters to town plan- and the health department asking for ex• W ' ' -� -onmenta I reviews of the proPo sed projects a oa Main avironment Quality Review Act requires a a •ens of public hearings and studies before �. gyred environmentally sensitive can be de v P ,ght and Legi E Edward Ptomaine (It-Centel ,len to ask the legislature to back the re Pl gives us a lot more lever 'pY� r park trustees.,,it gi director,said :oppelmaiz,county planning ma n attorney for a group of investors hoping to ,miniums on Mooches Bay on one of the NewsdsyIFhMPBi0aRia in question —said the county is seeking an antage. Kapco Amociatee of Plainview had approval from the Brookhamums and 19 chase it good faith." a lower value. It smadka o7 aCtiing a subdivision of 218 con whose apPr0vals are needed for a project Aly homes But the town asked for more ex- An agency ivironment$1 reviews in l+ebruary, based on can ask for the extensive reviews outlined under e expressed by the county health department chi f of the bureautate environment l of environmentalto Jais servation, the nage disposal- a back to square one, Her- state Department of Environmental) ConrovIll of sewage-din an t at th►s stage g C ntinued on Page 4 n,the��,�ieY for Kapco, said. "lt is so obvi- County health dePtcrtment app 'tempt tel damage our property to try,and pur- rTewsda 9/3/1986 GR s PHASE II CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORT for Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation and N.Y. State Division for Historic Preservation PARK #31 : INLET POINT COUNTY PARK Prepared by: Edward J. Johannemann Project Director Laurie Schroeder Ass't Project Director Dr. Philip C. Weigand Consultant L.I. Archaeological Project Suffolk Co. Archaeological Assoc. Anthropology Dept. S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook October - November 1980 Cultural Resource Survey Report 1980 GR 9 PARK #31 : INLET POINT COUNTY PARK Alternate Name: Eastern Shores County Parkland (Suffolk Co. Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Conservation 1979:10) Acreage: 37 Location: Inlet Point County Park is located in the Township of Southold, Village of Greenport. It is bounded on the north and east by privately-owned lands, on the south by Middle Country Rd. , and on the west by privately- owned lands, lands now or formerly of the Village of Greenport and Town of Southold and Long Island Sound. (Van Tuyl 1970) Cultural Resource Survey Report. 1980 i C� 0 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT c OF PARKS} RECREATION &CONSERVATION Q Jahn D.Chester Commissioner (� cil ON G . t point. 23 5 fl�}�D Cr 31 Hunhnylon 23 �! ISLANDr 44 Pon.telT.r.on �^ 16 � 29� 37 35 !4• 30 ci- 4 34 Cex.m 26 7 33 1s 6 LD 19 12 24 25 lira+>'3fi r 21 ManlauK 0 OD r 1L43 Q j ym 32 + 3 21 4U !2 MIM0041 ' S E..t p Pelcho0ue 13 1 $.Trill! 22 r QW IsInampton Booch 15 17 OCEAN ATLANTIC Fipmre 1 . Location of Inlet Pt. County Parke (Suffolk Co. Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Conservation �, 1979) Cultural Resource Survey Report . 1980 GR 9 1-3 • to /~ F AW r N • 410 076 PRn1et47 1 At; 31- `r 0 3!- r 27 70 ^hplam'iCTw.!+ ..ir ��•' C c . 27 z 3� - 41006' � ;c JSSUZv f 'n•i t'' — +t «+r ► ,�' +,: pipes --1' •�` �- �•«'n•: - --~`f•— f�` � to Ah 121 '-� �a�p4t ', ti ` - � '°1 �, ��•; �y ltd.# � �• •: .y �.• - ,nom` �. 18 a"!'9�.' •'b. .� � •• 'ti �ti w �r"+' 77 +i Figure 2. Aboriginal and his toric site Locations wl th9 n Inlet 4 Pt. Co. Park. (U.5.G.5. 1956) I 1 CR 9 I. LAND USE A. Aboriginal Inlet Pond, the focal point of this County park, is a small (300 m. x 80 m. +) body of fresh water that lies on the north shore of Long Island. Situated on the share edge of the Harbor Hills moraine, the low hills to the north, east and south form an amphitheater-like feature around a mini-marine environment. (Plate 1 ) The high ground along the southerly side of the pond would have provided protection from adverse weather. Although no rupture in the barrier beach (that separates the pond from Long Island Sound) is in evidence today, the name "Inlet" implies the breaching of this natural dam. This inclusion of sea water would have created various sources of sustenance (ie. shellfish and fish) to hunters and gatherers. B. Aboriginal Site Inventory Site 31-2 (Figure 3) During a surface reconnaissance of this hypothetically-sensitive area, a primary quartz flake and quartz blade base were found. Three subsurface tests (31-S-1 to 31-S-3) ,yielded no additional artifactual material . Three subsurface tests (31--S-6 to 31-S-8) were also c,)nducted along the eastern perimeter of Inlet Pond and tests 31-S-9 anA 31-S-10 were conducted north of the pond. Again , no aboriginal artifactual mater- ial was recovered. A surface reconnaissance of the few dirt roads that ccY�:. ect the pond area with Middle County Rd. also revealed no evidence of aboriginal exploitation. C. Historic Archival research has not indicated any intense historic land use of Inlet Pt. County Park. However, marine resources (as well as water fowl ) were also exploited by whites. 0. Historic Site Inventory Only one structure appeared on the historic maps researched prior to our reconnaissance of the park. On a 1903 U.S.G.S. map, a structure was noted on the shore of the Sound opposite the southwest corner of Inlet Pond. (Figure 5) No evidence of this structure remains. Persistent erosion of the shore line has , no doubt, eradicated all evidence of the structure which once stood just above the high water line. Cultural Resource Survey_Report . 1980 5 GR 9 Cultural Resource Survey Report . 1980 r r r SDUPID Q . I _ 31-5-9 I I ' � 1) i 31-5-7 $-3 INLET POND I/ 31-s.z T ' 31 5-6 ally T.� 31-5-4 Wft t1 31-S-5 # Zz it Il 1 Figure 3. Aboriginal ( 31-2) and historic (31-1. 31-4) site locations. (Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett 1974) C) GR 9 Il if � •, I! � c .► � 1 !I 1l - House to be acquired by — _ - --- - - — Courty pG\� L,�! 1� L 1� Figure 4. Historic site location. Lockwood. Kessler & Bart Lett 1974) Cultural Resource Survey Report . 1980 7 2 GR 9 E. Contemporary Inlet Pt. Co. Park is an undeveloped nature preserve. (Suffolk Co. Dept. of Parks , Recreation & Conservation 1979:10) F. Contemporary Site Inventory Site 31-1 (Figure 3) Our reconnaissance revealed the existence of a contemporary dump site containing coal , coal ash, concentrations of field stones, and domestic refuse. Subsurface tests 31-S-4 and 31-S-5 indicated that the cultural material is a surface scattering as opposed to a long-term accumulation of debris. Site 31-3 (Figure 4) This is a circular depression measuring approx- imately 2.5 x 3 x .5 m. Numerous subsurface probes failed to indicate the existence of cultural material . The nature of this feature, therefore, is unknown at this time. Site 31-4 (Figure 3) This is also a contemporary dump site. II . CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTS A. Aboriginal Although our subsurface tests revealed no additional data on the aboriginal exploitation of the terrain surrounding Inlet Pond, the presence of the aforementioned stray finds are indicative of at least a small degree of sensitivity, especially when considered in the environmental context. Therefore , any proposed alteration of the existing terrain should be preceded by a cultural resource survey of the impact area. B. Historic The minimal extent of land exploitation during the historic period (ie. shellfishing and hunting) is not reflected by any physical remains. The proximity of the early 20th c. dwelling to the exposed shoreline of Long Island Sound accounts for the lack of any remaining evidence. C. Contemporary These sites (31-1 , 31-3, and 31-4) have been noted in order to distinguish them from possibly aboriginal or historic sites. No additional course of action is recommended. Cultural Resource Survey Re ort . 1980 g ' - ',i� rte',f�.•i:',r ��r— _��� �;{ . - ��, r! ' �l �r 1.f l �,� ,,,. ,.x r• n' � � ... 1�0;•. f.Yl�;f�l�:'ROc1c`� � F 3 .x�'LM fes/ r r, i'r r�//"r�`I f rx�II I •� 11 �'�" ._ I-�j',rr+;rrr .r� frir/ f,� S •'l S.' f �.'e4-st w ��ry\\tib{ 1 f fJ'r,-,�/JT ��/ ��� rl� :�•.; r•L 1 1 YM ji UO �_-.._� �1'r.+.,/I. r. ✓ i 'iLP�' ���'rF� 1 M,Is f% y� a rlS -'if• 1 ��-= r— /1 / y4 ✓ f . ,S3�te [3�rF�rtgP!'r `+� ^- NLEfi POINT F�4RK A� 1 l i//j�i 1i� s / F '. Bmx 4t lot 1. L _ Ti LVI7 I '� F��+}�ir�YIE��,��=��-�l��r i`\t + '�•J'. •'� ���( - ,'`y�, '�J��T t N t, •, �_ �• l � ,�� r.»1i' '� �.: � Tom' •;�� �. .; Figure 5. Location of beach structure that no longer exists. (U.r.G.S. 1903) � Cultural Tesource Survey Report. 1980 Site no. 31-2 GR 9 NEW YOLK STATE PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE INVENTORY FORM For Office Use Only--Site Identifier Project Identifier Date May, 1980 Your Name Edward J. Johannemann Phone 516) 246-86.15, 6745 Address _ Anthropology Department S._U.N.Y. Stony Brook zip 11794 Organization (if any) Long Island Archaeological_ Project 1. Site Identifier (s) -Edward Johannemann 2 . County Suffolk One of following : City Township Southold Incorporated Village Unincorporated Village a: Hamlet 3 . Present Owner Suffolk Co. Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation Address P.0. Box 144 West Sayville, N.Y. Zip 11796 4 . Site Description (check all appropriate categories) : Site Stray find _Cave/Rockshelter Workshop Pictograph _Quarry Mound Burial Shell madden Village. xSurface evidence _Camp Material in plow zone _Material below plow zone Buried evidence _Intact occupation flob _Single component Evidence of features _Stratified Mullticomponent Location T Under cultivation Never cultivated Previously cultivated Pastureland Woodland Floodplain Upland T—Sustaininq erosion Soil Drainage: excellent _ good_ fairX poor Slope : flat gentle _ moderate _ steep x Distance to nearest water from site (approx. ) Elevation: 10 ft. 5 . Site Investigation (append additional sheets; if necessary) : Surface date (s) May, 1980 x Site Map (Submit with form*) Collection Subsurface--date (s) 9/2/80 Testing: shovel coring! other unit size 3❑ X _40_= no. of units 3 (Submit plan of units with form*) Excavation: unit size no. of units' (Submit plan of units with form*) * Submission should be 8�"xll" , if feasible Investigator George Myers & Daphne Staurides �- Cultural Resource Survey Report. 1980 10 Page 2 GR 9 Manuscript or published report (s) (reference fully) : Present repository of materials Anthropology Dept S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook 6 . Component (s) (cultural affiliation/dates) : 7 List of material remains (be as specific as possible in identifying object and material) : Primary quartz flake, quartz blade base If historic materials are evident, check here and fill out historic site form. 8 . Map References : Map or maps showing exact location and extent of site must accompany this form and must be identified by source and date. Keep this submission to 8�11xll" , if passible. USGS 7� Minute Series Quad. Name 195(1 c;niifhn1d Qui irannla For Office Use Only UTM Coordinates 9 . Photography (optional for environmental impact survey) : Please submit a 5"x7" black and white print (s) showing the current state of the site . Provide a label for the print (s) on a separate sheet. Not conducive to photographing. 4 Cultural Resource Survey Report. 1980 11 1i GR . .� .•-.-����4My,,y�� F �`��r Mew . Plate 1. Inlet '■ ■ looking southeast. ' ultural Resouroe Survey Report'. 1980 T.Q. DEPTH STRATIGRAPHY COLOR CULTURAL MATERIAL 31-S-1 0-5 cm. Marsh grass- roots and sand None 5-12 cm. Humus-stained sand gray 1220 cm. Sand whitish c� 2O- Infusion of water C+ 31-S-2 0-8 cm. Humus-stained sand gray charcoal flecks 8-50 cm. Sand tan charcoal flecks 31-S-3 0-8 cm. Humus dk. gray None 8-25 cm. Humus-stained sand gray CD 25-45 cm. Sand and gravel tan 0 31-5-4 0-4 cm. Marsh grass roots & humus dk. brown None 4-20 cm. Humus-stained sand & loam dk. gray 2.0-40 cm. Clay brown 31-S-5 0-25 cm. Organic silt black None 25-35 cm. Sandy loam & heavy gravel brown 31-S-6 0-30 cm. Organic silt black None CD 31-S-7 30-47 cm. Organic silt & loam dk. brown None Q with heavy gravel 1-1 :+ 31-5-7 See description of "31 -S-6" H 31-S-8 See description of 1131-S-611 0 31-S-9 0-5 cm. Humus dk. gray None 5-20 cm. Humus and sand gray 20-40 cm. Sand and loam brown 31-S-10 0-10 cm. Humus dk. gray None 10-25 cm. Fine sand gray 25-30 cm. Fine sand brown T.D. DEPTH STRATIGRAPHY COLOR CULTURAL MATERIAL 27-C-1 0-30 cm. Organic silt Black None 30- Clay Gray 27-C-2 0-246 cm. Organic silt Black None 246-280 cm. Silty sand 280-310 cm. Sand Gray hFj 27-S-3 0-25 cm. Silty sand Black None Z 25-40 cm. Sand Yellow F1 27-S-4 0-30 cm. Humus-stained sand and loam None N 30-45 cm. Sand, loam and gravel Yellow ca 27-C-5 0-30 cm. Organic silt Black None 0 30- Sand FI 27-C-6 0-320 cm. Organic silt Black None 4D 320- Sand CA 27-C-7 0-320 cm. Organic silt Black None 320- Gravel m 27-C-8 0-300 cm. Organic silt Black None 300- - Sand CD 0 27-C-9 0-110 cm. Organic silt Black None Fj 110- Sand 27-C-10 0-110 cm., Organic silt Black None 0 110- Sand 00 0 27-S-11 0-20 cm. Humus and sand 2 pcs. of lead strip, 6 sq.-cut nails, 4 wire-cut nails , l tack, 3 pcs. of lime mortar, 1 pc. of unidentified animal bone 20-40 cm. Humus-stained sand with Broken & pitted hammer- traces of loam stone, 3 sq. -cut nails , 2 wire-cut nails 40-58 cm. Fine sand with traces of loam Yellow None T.D. DEPTH STRATIGRAPHY COLOR CULTURAL MATERIAL 27-5-12 0-26 cm. Humus-stained sand with 3 pcs. of shell , 2 traces of loam pcs. of wire-cut l� nails , 2 pcs. of sq.-cut nails 26-47 cm. Sand, loam and gravel Yellow 1 sq.-cut nail 27-S-13 0-4 cm. Decayed vegetation and sand Black None 4-13 cm. Humus-stained sand Glazed ceramic sherd 13-40 cm. Sand Yellow None CD no 0 0 n 0 m C ca ,j 0 0 0 w Bibliography Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett 1974. Topographic Map of the Five Eastern Towns of Suffolk Co. , N.Y. , Suffolk Co. Dept. of Public Works , Yaphank. Suffolk Co. Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Conservation 1979. Suffolk Co. Parks : Something for Everyone, West Sayville. U.S.G.S. 1903. Shelter Island Quadrangle. 1956. Southold Quadran le. Van Tuyl , Otto W. 1970. Map of Property to Be Ac uired by the County of Suffolk for County Park Purposes from H.J.S. and F.H.S. Land and Development Corp. Near Greenport, Town of Southold, New York. Cultural Resouroe Survey Report. 1980 17