HomeMy WebLinkAboutGR-6 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OR 6 BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM -"~' . . ,.:. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVAT~. ~:~,~ON · '~...~%.~?. ~n · ~" ' .' :. NEWYORKSTATEPARKS'~NDRECREATION,~?~;~-__,~;..: SERIES ' ~ · .: · ' ALBANY NEW YORK (51~j 474-0479 ': '~' ,~'~ ..... ~ --~ , .' ' ,,"' . :":~'~ -..,~.,."" .ti'" ,. ,'YOUR ADDRESS: ~O~ ~ ~ ~OI d' TELEPHONE:~:~ I. BUILDING NAME~S): areen~or~ Schools/Ove~nnav~ ~ton · ~;,~," ~,. ~.'3.,STREET LOCAT ON Pron~ g~.. north eide. ean~ of _ _(~nc~ora~ed) · '"~,'~[."" 4'O~ERSHP ' ~ pub c ~ ':"~ ~ vrv~te'~ MOO~t~ ~ . - · . ,. "~"."," - .' ,7, ACCESSBILITY TO PUBLC -Ext~rorvsbefromvub croad Ye~ · N ~-~ · -';. -: . ' .~'.'.'~. . - · ' '-~ . '. Inter.or accessible: Exp am Y~S BUILDING ~ , t;,,a. 'clapboard ~ "b. stone ~ :-.. :c. brick~- .-x.'d. board and batten MATERIAL: ', '. e. cobb estone ~ f shingles ~ g stucco ~ ' olher': -J;' ,~-, ' - . .., :~.. ,. .. ',;,.~ .~. , ~..~5~,,~ -.~.. [;',~f?~ .... ... ' d. melal (explain) : ~:~,~r:~'- ' a excellent ~ b good ~ c fa r ~ d .~.: .% 10. CONDITION. . .... deteriorate~[-:-,.t' . ~.~?;';~'.11. INTEGRITY: - a. original site ~ , b. moved ~ . if so,when? -f'4o '.t: '". ' · '"'.. '" c. list major alterations and dates (if known): {2]' ..¢~'garage [] greenhouse [] one if necessary): md [] .( >m~ercial [~ )ING$: · a low-density 2-lane .nduetrial, in this ~E Oncludinginl~rior~aturesifknown): ~n~ed by projecting bay ion. Flat parapet roof bay..On ~nd and 3rd stories Gothic entrance with bslcol~y o~er. hool building retains its was built it was called and complete sohool plan~s awaty. Tel. 477-1950. and TodaF. 1972. tt, r~search assistant. OR 6 Old one-cent postal card.