HomeMy WebLinkAboutGR-1HISTORIC AND NATURAL DISTRICTS INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ~ ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 :. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY uNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD. SERIES_ - NEG. NO. GR 1 YOUR NAME: Town of Southoid/SPLIA DATE: March 1988 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE:516 76c,-1Rq? Southold, L.I., N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (i£ any): Southold Town Community Dmvmlopman~ ~o~ 1. NAME OF DISTRICT: The Unincorporated Are~ of Greenport 2. COUNTy:Suffolk TOWN/CITY: 3. DESCRIPTION: The unincorporated sections of Greenport are covered in this survey. These surround the incorporated Village of Greenport on the west, north and east. The area is bounded on the north by Long Island Sound, on the west by the vicinage called Ashamomaque, on the south by Gardiners Bay, and on the east by East Marion. The terrain is relatively flat, sloping gently from the sound shore bluffs on the north to the marshes and inlets of the southern shore. The only through east-west artery is the north road which is CR. 48 in the western half of the area and becomes N.Y. Stage Route 25 in the east part of the area. The railroad coming from New York follows the southern side of the peninsula terminating at the Villao~e of Greenport which is 95 miles from Brooklyn 4. SIGNIFICANCEZ ' While the Village of Greenport is a mid-19th century village, in the surrounding area there are found earlier structures. The vicinage along the north road, which was the original Kings Highway, was the original hamlet called Sterling. The Young/Coyle house is the earliest house found here (GR 21). When Greenport became an important port with a profitable whaling industry, Brecknock Hall was built, reportedly with whaling profits (GR 23). Prior to the arrival of the railroad in 1844, the main land route through the area was the Kings Highway which was marked at intervals by mile- stones (GR 8, GR 13a, GR 28). In 1874 R. M. Eayles reported that there were many German families living in this immediate neighbor- hood. 5. MAP: HP-2 GR 1 6. SOURCES: Greeport~ Yesterday and Today. Elsie Knapp Corwin and Frederick Langton Corwin. 9972 Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk County. Richard M. Bayles, 1874. Griffin'$ Journal. Augustus Griffin, 1857 U. S. Coast Survey. T-55. 1838 7. THREATS. TO AREA: BY ZONING [] BY ROADS [] BY DEVELOPERS BY DETERIORATION I-]. OTHER ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 8. LOCAL ATTITUDES TOWARD THE'-AREA: PHOTOS: TOWN OF SOUTH}LD HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY --GREENPORT --ENVIRONS 1988 I i~!sOOOO LONG ISL'AND GR-2 J' SOUND F I GR-26 GR-24 GR-lz % (Outside incorporated village) NYS DOT COMPOSITE SOUTIIOLD AND GREENPORT QUADS }('IET¥ FOR THE PRESERVATIOn, (IF I.ONG ISLAND ANTIQUITIES GR-SA er-8 ~ GR-11 \ GR-IO' GR-9 GR-12 .% \ I x %.. GR-2 "GR-3 CI ,. ;3R-13. GR-4 GR-7 .~ / GR-6 j GR-28 $ PI 16, 17, · Derin; Harbor :0-. Lad o! N.Y.S. DOT Composite Southold and Greenport quads. Inlet Pipes Cove · Pilae~ ~Lllht$ / / / · , / / / · Dering Harbor Chequit ~aves Pt ~T / / Hay B