HomeMy WebLinkAboutAS-2 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY } BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION UNIQUE SITE NO. 161310,aV 14AS 2 QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY,NEW YORK [5191474-0479 NEG. N0. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: April 1987 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE: (516) 765-1892 Southold L. I. , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING; NAMIJ-z : Sanford Brickyard f called: "The Stack" 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CI Y: out�l VILLAGE: Ar_shamomaque 3. STREET LOCATION: South of Route 2s, west of MU ,Creek Bridge 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 11 b. private Cl 5. PRESENT OWNER: Goldsmith ADDRESS: same 0. USE: Original: Briclyard Present: marina 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes IN No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard D b. stone ❑ c. brick 56 d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: t), STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members (if kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls EX d. metal (explain) the large metal warehouse. e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent [-1 b. good W c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11: INITGRITY: a, original site X b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): AS RSM XXXI-5 12. PHOTO: From north east 13. MAP: N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad Front (north) and east elevation • OCerW2 w+ OJlz. A. ze, 'C% ,� r 0j - p -"�'. 4k- Mir 4L-r . rr.a•._ t A udds R ' 25. 51• ,SII M n I' 10 AS +2 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known ❑ b.toning ❑ c. roads d. developers ® e. deterioration 2 f. other: chi coney is in disrera i t IS_ RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f_ greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: sand$ waterfront marina facilities j. other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b. woodland 71 c.scattered buildings 50 d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial It f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h,other: Creek and bayfront 17. IN'TF.RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) This is a low flat marshy area with many inlets and fresh water ponds. The brickyard is a prominent landmark on the shoreline of Southold Bay at the eastern entrance to Mill Creek. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): The large metal warehouse was part of the Sandford Brick- yard. It dates prior to 1' . See form AS 2a for another Sandford building. SIGNIFICANCE. I1). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION:_ Prior to 1q_3,2_. ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 'R HISTORICAL AND ARCHITf CTURAL IMPORTANCE: From the earliest settlement bricks were manufactured at Arshamomaque. Clay lies near the surface under these marshy lowlands on both sides of Main Road (Route 25) . Captain Charles L. Sanford, barn 1846 & died 1928, went to sea and was skipper of the barque "Marie Bird, " and last of the "Macedon" . After retirement he started the Sanford Brick Company. This brickyard was Albertson in 1838, Graham in 1873, Sandford Brick Company in 1897, Sandford in 1909, Sanford in 1929. In 1873 there was a wharf here, probably for shipping brick via water. 21. SOURCES: E. Belcher-Hyde. Atlas of Suffolk County. L. Y. Vol. 2: North Side. Sound Shore. 1909 Suffolk County Historical Society.Register. Fall 1985spp. 40 & 41• 2-1 IHfi°tT Richard M. Bayles. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk County. 1874, po 398 cont. ) Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. AS 2 (cont. ) SOURCESe Long Island Traveler-Watchman. "50 Years Ago" . 11/23/1978 U.S . Coast Survey. 1838 Beers, Comstock, Cline . Atlas of Long Island. 1873 Hyde & Co. , Map of Long_Island. Brooklyn 1897 Sanborn. Mattituck-Southold. Aug. 1929 Interview Greg Scholand of Goldsmith Boat Shop, Inc. Tel. 765-1600. AS 2 SANFORD BRICKYARD -- These buildings were Sanford Brickyard structures. They are located southeast of Goldsmith Boat Shop. Photo # AS-RSM XXXI-8 View from southeast i� eT e 305 0 CID � � e j SOUTH COUNTRY F%D., 'tea '!ea Y.of Gres r ,i �y M � 103 Pond �.p f; t 306 r r r � e 3MfD a;'fp[P VY - t SR �nRn a. W r r If, �. G 1 ' ` } Sol/ 1 rhald Gy " s � a P • p. SOUTH COUNTRY RD nF d 3 M i les S fy of Green ort f 4q3� gnbon,f �S Pond 0 J7 f� 4 o � � f' MOP boat Ho i I' Soutfto /d AJ, v J AS F0OTNO1 J. Wickham Case, editor of the 1882 10 See an 1864 advertisement and il- US compilation of Southold's town records, lustrations from Norwalk's Smith Pottery; added an explanatory note that a Andrew L. and Kate Barber Winton, brickyard at the mouth of Toms Creek, Norwalk Potteries(Norwalk, Connecticut: H tslrtmomock, began before 1657 and it Friends of the Lockwood House, Inc., was thought that bricks in the chimney of 1981): 30-31, 33; compare to brown the old Barnabus Horton house had come earthenware attributed to the Greenport from that yard;J. Wickham Case, editor, Pottery, Webb, "The Greenport Pottery": Soutlx)W Town Records, (Southold, New cover illustration June 1963; no page York: Town of Southold, 1882), 1: 198-199. number. 2 Detailed in town records, 9 May 1677; 11 Census of Manufacturing, 18611. Southold Toum Records, 1: 192-193. 12 Inventory of the estate of Thomas 3 Account Book, Store Between Hempstead, 28 January 1873, Suffolk Riverhead and Greenport, New York, County Surrogate's Court, Riverhead, New 1790-1829, Suffolk County Historical York. Society, Riverhead, New York. 13 Manuscript Population Census, 1870. 4 The two partners, Hempstead and Osborn, purchased land for their pottery a 14 Wbitestone Herald, 11 April 1877. year earlier. Although no public records show a land transfer, Reginald Webb, who 15 History of Suffolk County, New York researched Greenport's pottery in the (New York, New York. W. W. Munsell & 196K found among family papers a Co., 1882): 39("Town of Southampton"). notice for the sale of land that later maps show as the Greenport property. Reginald 16 Edward J.Johannemann and Laurie M. Webb, "The Greenport Pottery," Long Schroeder, "Archaeological Investigation I.clarui Forum Dune July, 1963): 133. of the Hempstead Pottery, Greenport, New York, for the Society for the Preser- 5 Ibid. vation of Long Island Antiquities., Setauket, New York," March 1981, 6 On 7 October 1822, Charles Booth noted in his account book that Austin Hempstead would pay the full bill when he paid it. 7 Even the woman writing the letter may have been influenced by Grant Thorburn as she described the plants she intended to put in her newly acquired Hempstead flowerpots: "She gave me some flowers to put in them and my Father gave me a piece of ground about as big as my two hands to set them that I did not want to sit in pots the names of them were Tea Plant, hoxwood, ground lilac, Hedge Plant, Creeping Charly, Pink root, Hens and Chickens," letter in private collection. K Census of Manufacturing, 1850, 9 Advertisement reprinted in Elsie Knapp Corwin, Greenport Yesterday and Toddy and TEA,Diary of a Country Newspaper (Greenport, New York: Suffolk Times, 1972): 26. Useful Arts Long Island Pottery. Ocie y for the eserva ion of Long Island Antiquities. AS 2 THE EAST HAMFr`0N STAR,EAST HAMPTON,N.Y., OCTOBER 10, 1985 r � ' 3 1 4w� UNEARTHED when the ancient elm fell were these bricks, most likely made shortly after the turn of the century.Arthur Griffing used to have a brickyard on AGI the Bridgehampton Turnpike just outside Sag Harbor. The Sanford bricks are Mus believed to have come from Southold. AS 2 Long Island Traveler-Watchman -1AN kA IrgU SDAY,NOVEMBER 23,1078 ftrs I � mother Mrs. Lucinda Smith of Freezing weather did not bother 75 Peconic. the cauliflower crop much. The Married on November 26 at the price was$3.25 and many farmers Miss Anna H. Tury returned bride's home,Eldridge P.Latham spent Thanksgiving Day in the home after several months touring and Miss Carrie Westlake,both of fields harvesting. Canada with a concert company. Orient. Mattituck's new chemical en= Turnips and carrots were frozen The old schoolhouses in Cutch gine combined with ladder appara- � in during the cold snap. menu- with its fond memories and :us arrived, much to the satisfac- �lt Bowling teams from Southold recollections, has been -cold at tion of the firemen. and Peconic met at the Pine Neck auction. The new ons is nearuig Capt.Charles L.Sanford d� ied at Alley, Southold winning by comletion. 82.He went to sea when he was 13 small margin.. Friday night December 4 the and became second mate at 17 and H. W. Simons contracteTth Mattituck Lecture Course will have soon after became skipper of the build a house fortbomas Farley at asguestspeakerthe renowned and barque"Marie Bird". Last of the Greenport. F.E.Booth will do the popular cartoonist Alton G. Pack- ships he commanded was the ir_ick work. ard. "Macedon". After his retirement Harry F.Carter of East Quogue from the sea he started a nc � at 76 years challenges any man his ® ��1 go ,business in Southold. age to a sprint on Christmas day. ++�� Republicans to hold great "Vic- He suggests 100 years with a side The Shinneeock Casino burned tory Dinner" after their recent bet of$10.00, with a loss of$100,000. Hampton success in the county election. 1t Mr.and Mrs.Emmett Sayre and gays had no fire department and will be held at the Patchogue Elks their little grandaughters of, apparatus had to be summoned Club on December 10 at 6:30 p.m. Southampton are visiting their from Southampton. Mr. W Kingsland Macy will :: F• , preside as principal.Speakers will be Senator Fearon and Attorney Tuttle. S • �' � ^n. ',tea � __ _ - -. ,-�`�— •'� '-.•y_ ` . � �. - g•. iy,�*-• Arm CO3L 13 a O a u e a sa o a � fl °a n x' G:Feeney X Fc 3 r/67 w � FF�� :� "I • a \ 4 C AtLI r i t 1 OL +� a p i Q 1-6 Ja wo ' DA6L BRICK YARQ CO.'-__—, + t, is aRiCK r *.Wo 1 1 - a � E. Belcher-Hyde. Atlas of Sufffolk County, I ` North Side. Sound Shore. 1909" 1 ��©�