HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-234 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM RED DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION UNIQUE SITE NO. 103io-mf-b 7-71 SD 234 QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (519) 4740479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: April 1987 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE:516) 765-1892 Southold Ii.I. , N.Y.11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): Horton/Payne/Kuhn house 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE: Southold 3. STREET LOCATION: Old North Road, north side 1235 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ h private M 5. PRESENT OWNER: Kuhn ADDRESS: 0. USE: Original: Present: residence 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ® No Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING; a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d- board and batten El MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ® g. stucco ❑ other: 1) STRUCTURAL. a. wood frame with interlocking joints SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent 1X b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site Y b. moved ❑ if so,when"? c- list major alterations and dates (if known): Restored circa 1946 SD RSM XXVII-8 12- PHOTO: From north east 13. MAP: N.Y.S . DOT Southold Quad Front (east) and north elevation . 4 N �y0 `,\\ \ `LI] NORTH f ROAD s A �o r ti Fco ` 4 y nor' M1.V.� ;44 c,q' RoeiE K Pt -Southold.' ` V RED , SD 234 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known 50 b. zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: I. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn b. carriage huuse c. garage d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: j. other: 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land L' b. woodland KI c. scattered buildings 91 d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) This historic road remains untouched and clearly reflects the old ambience . The scattered houses are surrounded by open and cultivated fields and patches of forest. 18. OTHER NOTABLE. FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): 1L-story, 3-bay, side entrance plan gable roof house with 12-story, 3-bay gable roof wing on west. Main fagade roof and main root` continue without any break across both main unit and wing. Roof sweeps down over front stoop. 9/6 windows. SIGNIFICANCE I(). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION:_Prior to 1812 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: _10. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTAM I This house was Horton in 1858 and Payne in 1873. It has always been greatly admired. It was photohed by Herbert S . Pratt circa 1950 . The Kuhns bought it in November 1945 when it was "apparent- ly in bad repair. '1. SOURCES: U.S . Goast Survey. T-55. 1838 Chace . Map of Suffolk County. 1858 Beers , Comstock, Cline. Atlas of Long_Island. 1873 27. THLAIC: Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. SD 234 KuYn house' prior to 1945 Kuhn hcuse in �x -- r .y • • in Peconic • • - T Gto tiRf i - r SD 234 Preservation Notes/Society for the. Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/fune. 1978 I •:mss.' " Southold house"before" gouthold house"after" otos by Evelyn L. Kuhn 1798 Tuthill House Southold The old Tuthill place on Ne Seen here are before and after views folk Lane in Cutellogue s be.n of another typical North Fork one- preserved and renovat t icy are not and-a-half story three-bay house. Lo- always synon s by Mr. & Mrs. cated on Old North Road in South- John L. am. This typical one- old, the house was about to be torn an a f story North Fork house was down when it was rescued in 1945-46 uilt in 1798. The two story section by the present owners. Mr. George was added mid-nineteenth century. It Smith, Southold contractor and build- is indeed good news to see such an er, put on the small entrance porch at important landmark in appreciative that time copying others in the hands. ■ area. AIA Award GOOD NEWS IN SIMTHTOWN When the AIA announced their ❑ The owner of the Perry Farm on awards for 1978 they explained that Shep Jones Lane and North Country there were two categories, Extended [toad in St. James has asked the Use Category and Current Use Cate- County to include him in the farmland gory. The Extended Use Category in- reservation ro am. ❑ A second 1 ciuded restoration, rehabilitation, and p p addition to the David Weld Nature adaptive use. In this year's awards, 4 Preserve in Nissequogue has been given designs to restore older structures out- by Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Woody ■ numbered those for new buildings. Long Island was honored when they chose one in East Hampton, the Adc- PRESERVATION BILL aide de Mend complex --"Private Resi- A new historic preservation bill deuce, Eastern Long Island." Archi- (A.10684/S.8222) has been introduced in tects, Howard Barnstone FAIR,Morey the New York State Legislature. Among and Hollenbeck AIA, and William other provisions,the bill authorizes a credit toward the state income tax for owners of Chafee AIA. Landscape Architect, historic residences. It is urged that SPLIA Zion and Breen Associates. Historical members and other interested persons write Consultant, Daniel M. C. Hopping. to their State Senators and to Governor General Contractors, M. Clark Smith, Carey urging support of this bill. It has Samuel Lester,and Bill Maris. IN been passed by the Assembly.■ 10