HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-145A FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SD 145A BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE NO. 103'6. azrdX3,` DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (51 k) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: March 1987 YOUR ADDRESS:Town Fall, Main Road TELEPHONE( 516) 765-1892 Southold L.I. , N.Y.11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): Goldsmith/Horton house 2. COUNTY: TOWNICITY: Southold VILLAGE: Southold 3. STREET LOCATION: Youngs Avenue , west side 4. OWNERSHIP: a, public ❑ b. private M s. PRESENT OWNER: Jahn ADDRESS 6. USE: Original: residenee Present: rAnidAnc 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC Exterior visible from public road: Yes No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e, cobblestone ❑ f. shingles EX g. stucco ❑ other: l➢. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints M SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (ii'kncuvn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10, CONDITION: a. excellent ❑ b. good TLI c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ b. moved LX if so,when? Prior to 1929 c. list major alterations and dates (if known): Moved from SW corner Youngs Avenue & Main Road to make way for the gas station. Porch added . SD-RSM XVII-9 12. PHOTO: From south-east 13. MAT': NYS DOT Southold Quad Front (Past) and south elevation ^ t' « 27 " Be 1 ` '�` �`� �t �' D�. •T+mss i •` 'a N ^ r�—Zr�M1 5.A. e �S D Harpers _ (�+ P�t�t pp3, v� �J SD 145A la. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known b.zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn 11 b" carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: j. other: 16- SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b. woodland ❑ c. scattered buildings EX d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial IX f. industrial ❑ g, residential IN Ii.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Youngs Avenue crosses Main road at the main intersection in the hamlet of Southold . Here it is a 2-lane low density residential road . 125. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): 1-i-story, 3-bay, gambrel roof, Federal house . Bungalow- style porch with Crafts"man-style columns and arched openings . Porte-cochere on north. Hound-topped window with interwoven muntins in south gable . Fine Federal entrance with side lights and slender Ionic columns . SIGNIFICANCE I1t. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: circa 1816, ARCHITECT: BUILDER: `0. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This early house was Goldsmith in 185b & 1873 , and Horton in 1909. .It was moved south from the corner of Main Road when the gas station was built on that site . An old photo- graph shows it before moving, After Horton, Harper lived here . 21. SOURCES:interview — Mrs. Marjorie Baker. 765-32b3 , 1/18/d7. Chace, Map of Suffolk County, ld58. Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant . '+�vp - •• j/ �, . `� =a.J�. j�� �. • ' 04 7 '�`1 .ri Y'" ,•.. 4L ±.il�-+ *j 1��rr'k, '�' rT r ,.. `� T t►'.� ' ,�,+ ■' •' •i ;Y t. 7tf i +� r�sr �!•rir rr.�,. "'/ 5..,i 1 iAI �1 i'> �.,•e •' ,',.a7,■`,f _ �«'1,���C,+. 1 r . ct rte._".,�� � ��.: 4 !■ 1 ALi i �� ,� _. !w a ' A < {� / �, � +•\ e r - ,'� � +tri �r `�r rr v i i�ri,;'�* - ° {��' .�'/ L �• ,. ,�y:t ,,. ,�e-i� 'f �:� ., - � � i �.- � -�{+Y� � '�: .' / � �+�� �s -.—•...rte,"..-�.<+ tom` r '� ;�, s ti��.� �'•I� � •, --- - .•� NX NO IPA jPA Jq af + -• i �/�i i�l��r�VVV�����. `�_� �; xis 9; : ?�F `L"y s*pyl �!�°1 �s \ a Q� •t i-41 r � �e_:. S;+r ;�r�w•r y' w� �e {�s �'.+� i1� ,5 '4. '�a: �•, .�.7�. ��.��}����Fil '�R,T 1 • "I i -- +-• .amu ■,.� I �