HomeMy WebLinkAbout30106-ZFORM ~IO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-30947 Date: 05/27/05 T~IS CERTIFIES t~at the building ACCESSORY Location of Property: 4715 GREAT PECONIC BAY BLVD LAUREL (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 125 Block 4 Lot 24.23 Subdivision Filed Map No. __ Lot No. __ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated FEBRUARY 23, 2004 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 30106-Z dated FEBRUARY 24, 2004 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ACCESSORY INGROUND SWIMMING POOL WITH FENCE TO CODE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to LAUREL LINKS COLrNTRY CLUB INC (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNt"f DEPARTMEnT OF~E~J~T~APPRO~-AL N/A ELE<-rKICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2018703 12/09/04 PLU~BERS CERTIFICATION D~r~u N/A Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TO.tN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO~VN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled iii by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new nsc: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic £eatures. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Undenvfitera. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certi~ing that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Cormnercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Plmming Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-exisfing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by die applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Buildiug hlspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of'Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Aherations to dwelling $25.01), Switraning pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Buildiug - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Conmaercial $15.0(} Date. New Construction: ~" Old or Pre-existing Building: LocationofProperty: (~}.~' ~/4~t_"~ ~'(.aOdJt, ~'~t~ /13L~ House No. Street OwnerorOwnersofProperty:_/..~lqSEb LIA/,U-.~' C0utCrl~}t CLUg ~/C. Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section /t,,~ ~* Block 5l Subdivision Permit No. jO[ 0[ Heahh Dept. Approval: .K-- 25-05'" (check one) Hamlet ~ __ Date of Pe,'l,lit. Underwriters Approval: Filed Map. Lot: Applicant: /~/} tq/~'].. Plamting Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ ~0.00 Final Certificate: _ ,/~ (check one) FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. (THIS BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES L~TIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 30106 Z Date FEBRUARY 24, 2004 Permission is hereby granted to: LINKS COUNTRY CLUB LAUREL 1833 MAIN ROAD DRAWER A JAMESPORT,NY 11947 for : CONSTRUCTION OF AN IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL AS APPLIED FOR PER SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL & PRIOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL at premises located at 4715 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 125 pursuant to application dated FEBRUARY GREAT PECONIC BAY BLVD LAUREL Block 0004 Lot No. 024.023 23, 2004 and approved by the AUGUST 24 2005 BuildingFee $ Inspector200.00t0 expire on , ,~~ ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET ~ NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by FULTON ELECTRIC INC. MANZI HOMES 61 WINDSOR PLACE PO E~OX 702 CENTRAL ISLIP, NY 11722, ROCKY POINT, NY 11778 Located at 6400 MAIN RD LAUREL, NY 11948 Application Number: 2018703 Certificate Number: 2018703 125 Block: 4 Lot: 24-30 Building Permit: BDC: ns11 Section: Described as a Cormnercial occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: pool & pump shed, Outside, Pool Spa. A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 9th Day of December, 2004. Name QTY Ra~t_e Rat~in~ Circuit: T¥'pe Appliances and Accessories Pool, Spa Bonding 1 0 Time Clock Switch 2 0 Pool Spa Circulator Pump Moro I 0 7.5 H.P. Panels 1 200 7 Wiring and Devices Fixture '~ 0 Incandescent Sx~itch I 0 General Propose Receptacle 2 0 GFCI GFCI Circuit Breaker l 0 PooL, Spa Motor Starter 1 0 Pool Spa frequent test andor repairs made by a q uali fled person seal 1 of I This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 05/2S/200§ 10:42 631BS42505 PAGE 02 B~ L. Heq~r, M.O., M.P.H., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~eve Levy SU~eFOLK COUNTY EXECUTNE OFFICE OF POLLUTION CONTROL SWIMMING POOL PROGRAM Memorandum To: Joseph Pfaff Laurel I*,ink~ Co'~d1'~ Club Date: May 26, 2005 Re: Laurel Links Country Clnb Swtmmb~g Pool Please find, attached, a copy oft_he final eog/neering approval granted by this office May 24, 2005, for your outdoor swimming pool, Please be adviscd that your application for a Pe~tit to Operate this pool ha~ been received by this office and is approvecL Aa such, you may consider your facility under p~..it and open this pool at your l=isure. Owing to a clerical backing'we 'are experiencing at this time, it may t~ke approximately two weeks for you to receive the physical Permit to Operate. If you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance to you in auy manner, please feel free to contact me at (63 l) 854-2525. 0~v'alm a' F. nvlm~mental Quality 15 Horaebfock PI, Fa;ml~g~lle, N.Y, 1173&-1220 FAX~a1)SM-2505 ~ PHONE(~l)854-~25 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND ( I INSULATION [ I FRAMING [ I FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: ~ DATE ~ INSPECTOR COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES LINDA MERMELSTEIN, M.D., M.P.H. ACTING CO~IMISStONER February 13, 2004 Stephen Lemanski, P.E. Southampton Engineering Sen'ices, PC P.O. Box 1538 Southalnpton, NY 11969 Approval of Plans to Construct a Swimming Pool Laurel Links, Laurel, Town of Southold SCDHS Job # SP03-017R3 SCDHS File Ref# 15720 Dear Mr. Lemanski: This office has reviewed the plans submitted by you for the above referenced facility and finds them in conformance with Suffolk County and New' York State standards, specifications and guidelines. The following are enclosed: I) Approved plans 2) Certificate of Approval of Plans for the Construction or Renovation ora Swimming Pool. After construction has progressed to the point that the piping has been completed in accordance with the approved plans, an inspection by this office must be performed before backfilling can begin. All inspections must be conducted jointly by a representative of the Office of Pollution Control, the Bureau of Marine Resources and the Engineer of Record. Please call me at (631) 854-2540 to arrange for the required inspections. ?ery Truly Yours, alnes W. Meyers, P.E. kssociate Public Health Engineer Supervisor, Bureau of Enviromnental Engineering enc. Cc: Tom Nanos, Bureau of Marine Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - OFFICE OF POLLUTION CONTROL · 15 HORSEBLOCK PL., FARMINGVlLLE, N.Y. 11738 . (631) 854-2517 ~IELD INSPECTION REPORT I DATE FOI_~NDATION (1ST) FOUNDATION (2ND) -- ROUGH FIL4~IING & STATE ENERGY CODE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOV~TN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 1~971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 xx~'w, north fork.net/Southoid/ Examined ~ [ ~- ~ I Approved ~ /~7l - l Disapprox ed a c PERMIT NO. :__~ C_~ ( C~ ~.-~ ,20 · 20 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the fo[lox~ing, before applying? Board of Health 3 sets of Building Plans Plarmmg Board approval Survev Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.£.C. Trustees Contact: Mail to: .20 ~'~-~~. ~/~'~)~'~" Phone: '--~uildin~ Inspector PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTiUCTIONS Date ~C. Jr3 3 ~ , 20 08 a. This application MUST be c~l~in by t)~ewriter or in i~ and subn6tted to the Building ~sp¢ctor with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location ? lot and of buildings on.pre~ses, relations~p to adjoining prenfises or public streets or areas, and watem~ays. ~ ....... ~ c. The work covered by this application may not be cot~enced be/bre issuance of Building Pe~it. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building ~spector will issue a Building Pemt to the applicant. Such a pemt shall be kept on the premises available tbr inspection t~oughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in paa tbr any pu~ose what so ever until the Building ~spector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. tk EyeD, building pemfit shall expire if the work authorized has not co~nenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the prope~y haxe been enacted in the interim, the Building ~spector may authorize, in writing, the extensiou of the pe~t for an addition six months. Therea~er, a new pe~it shall be required. .~PLICATION IS HE,BY M~E to the Building Depamnent tbr the issuance ora Building Pe~t pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suftblk Count),, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Re~lations, for the coustmction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code. housing code, and regulations, and to adnfit authorized inspectors on preimses and in building tbr necessaq, inspections. /~14~L Cl~'l~ OOq,*/TR/ CL.q~ p 0, ~3~a~r~ ~f applicant °r name, if a c°rp°rati°n' {Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Nameofownerofpremises ~ Ma~ ~h~gy C~8 ~. (As on the tax mil or latest deed) If a~s~c~, si~at~e of duly ~uthofized officer ~ (~a~e an~i~gofco¢orate officer) t Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. Location of land on which proposed 6 q00 ,qD House Number Street work will be done: Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section I ,~ ~ Block 4 Subdivision Filed Map No. (Name) Lot 29, R3 Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy ofproposfd construct?on: a. Existing use and occupancy_ b. lntended use and occupancy ~;{,dlllqO~lN'(r ~900(,_ F~/~ ~0'}~--'¥r31[~'1~. ~g~' 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition 4. Estimated Cost "~'l,O0~ 000 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling un, its If garage, number of cars Addition Alteration Other Work RL:::}4 5141m~td~- (Description) Fee N//f] (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specil? nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Height Number of Stories Rear Depth Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Depth Height Number of Stories Rear 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear t t Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front ~3"~',~ell,~.~ Rear Depth -" 10. Date of Purchase l 1. Zone or use district in which premises are situated l 2. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO ~( 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES 14. Names of Owner of premises L~61~T& Name of Pd'chitect ,"J~'~ Name of Contractor NO Address Address Address 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet ora tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO Phone No. '],,~,~- yqffa Phoue PhoneNo. qq~- }0sql o-,,6 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: CO UNTY OF-~..j~t~ ) ~"~-r'~ .~o~ /~"'~ ~' ,~ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of indMdual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the ~a~O~,ZVot~.r'L 0 t,l~ J.~,~ ~ ~ {Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, ete. I of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perfom~ or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief: and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this Notary Public J^NFTV ?C'.' NOTARY F Ut/C(' 7 Nc.. 52- ' _' /// ~(ignat ure ~,4~.r~cant BUILDING PERMIT E,~CAMINER CHECKLIST APPILCANT: L~o~z ~,v~g.~ ~ot,',-~zy f_~c,z~ SCTM~ DIST~CT: 1,000, SECTION: J~ , BLOCK: ~ ADDRESS: ~ ~ PD- CITY: ~~ BUILDING PERMITS OPEN/EXPI~D: P~ CO: Y OR N BP -Z ,' C/0 Z- . INFO / BP -Z / C/0 Z- BP -Z / C/0 Z- , ~0 ~ / BP -Z / C/0 Z- DATE REVIEWED: DATE SUBMITTED:~_ ~3 04 , kOT:o~z-/~ff SUBDIVISION: ZONING DISTRICT: __ CONFORMING? SINGLE & SEPARATE CERTIFICATION-REQUIRED NOTES: LOTS 40.000SF -100-24. Lot recognition. ICREA fED before June 30, 1983), UNDERSIZED LOTS FROM JJuN.1997 100 25 Merger qA nonconforming at an3 time after 71,'83 REQ. LOT SIZE: ACT. LOT SIZE: __ REQ. LOT COV. ACT. LOT COV. REQ. FRONT PROP. FRONT~/~REQ SIDE ACT. SII)E REQ. REAR PROP. REAR u/ REQ. HEIGHT PROP. HEIGHT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: _~w, Sp. EST[MATED PROJECT COST:~/Oo,,t_ ARCHITECT/~ WATER FRONT? /Vc., DESCRIPTION: PANEL # FLOOD ZONE:x~' APPROVALS REQUIRED SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTtt DEPT: ~r NO, (BED #'~: DTE: TOWN SEPTIC RECEIP~h')or N NEW YORK STATE DEC:~WI'R£-DE('o L75 YES ot~. DTE: SOUTHOLD TOIVN TRUSTEES: YES o~~ DTE: TOWN ZONING BOARD APPROVAL: YES or DTE: TO'~VN PLAN. BOARD APPROVAL: ~lor v"~' DTE: TOWN HISTORICAL PRE (SPLIA): YES or NEW YORK STATE CODE COSIPL1ANCE {SEE PAGE ~r NO v NOTES: PERMIT #: PERMIT #: PERMIT #: PERMIT #: PE RAMIT #: FEE STRUCTURE: FOUNDATION: FIRST FLOOR: SECOND FLOOR: OTHER: TOTAL: 1. ( SF)- ( SF)= SFX$__ 2. ( SF)-( SF)= SF X $ 3. ( SF)- ( SF): SF X $ SF SF SF SF iNIT OTHER TOTAL SF FEE FEE FEE =$ ~-$ +$ = $ =$ +$ +$ = $ =$ +$ .+$ ~ FINAL TO NEW YORK STATE ('ODE COMPLIANCE CHECKI.IST CLINIATI(' GkOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA: Ground Sram Load: 45 Weathering: Severe Design Temp: 11 ___ Fro~t Depth: 36" Ice Shield Underlay: IES __ USE/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: HEIGHT/FIRE AREA: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: DESIGN CRITERbX: ENGINEERED/PRESCRIPT1X'E FULL FRAM~G DESIGN ELEMENTS: Y/N HEADERS: Y/N WALL STUDS: Y/N CEILING JOISTS: Y/N FLOOR JOISTS: LUMBER SPECIES AND GILa. fi)E: YfN DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS: Y/N LIVE: Y/N DE ,3/,~: Y/N SNOW: YAN SEISSIIC: Y/N VqlNDOW AND D00R SCHEDLILE: MISSIuI~..TEST REQUIREMENTS: YIN EGRESS 5.7 S.F.: Y/N LIGHT 8%: Y/N VENT 4°,{,: Y/N NAILING'CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: Y,N MEANS OF EGRESS: Y/N PLUMBING PdSER DLa. GILAM: Y/N LOCATION OF t:IRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: TRUSS DESIGN: Y/N CERTlYICAffION: Y/N ENERGY CALCS: Y,qN TOTAL COMPLIENCE? Y/N (RETURN TO PAGE ONE) iud Speed: 120MPH __ Seismic Design Category: B __ Ternfite; M-H __ Decay: S-M Flood Hazards: GIRDERS: Y/N ROOF RAFTERS: Y/N WIND: Y/N 473889 NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY DATE : 02/23/2004 SOUTHOLD SCHOOL MATTITUCK SCHOOL ROLL SEC TAXABLE PRCLS 553 COUNTRY CLUB TOTAL RES SITE 125.-4~24.23 TOTAL COM SITE 4715 GREAT PECONIC BAY BLVD ACCT NO 14 = OWNER & MAILING INFO ===I=MISC I=== .... = ====== ASSESSMENT DATA ====== .... = LAUREL LINKS COWNTRY CLUB IRS-SS INC 1 1833 MAIN ROAD DRAWER A BANK JAMESPORT NY 11947 I **CURRENT** RES PERCENT ILAND 46,400 **TAXABLE** ITOTAL 54,600 COUNTY 54,600 **PRIOR** TOWN 54,600 ILAND 46,400 SCHOOL 54,600 ITOTAL 46,900 ==DIMENSIONS ACRES 154.70 IBOOK 12159 SALE DATE 00/00/00 IPAGE 270 PR OWNER =======TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 =============1== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE IFD030 IPK071 IWW020 ISW011 Fl=NEXT PARCEL F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC 75.10- 03-050 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF ===1======= SALES INFORMATION ================================== VALUE F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC F10=GO TO MENU