r7 -
ALBANY, NEW YORK 151 KI 474-0474 NEG. NO.
YOUR NAME: Town of SoutholdLSPLIA DATE: April 1987
YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE:(516) 765-1892
Southold, L. I. . N.Y.11971
ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office
1. BUILDING NAME(S): Original Seafood Barge
2. COUNTY: SLiffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE:Southold
3. STREET LOCATION: Port of Egypt - Main Road
4. OWNERSHIP: a. public 0 h private DQ
.5. PRESENT OWNER: Reiter family ADDRESS: same
0. USE: Original: Navy barge Present: restaurant
7- ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. Exterior visible from public road. Yes ® No ❑
Interior accessible: Explain
g. BUILDING; a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑
MATERIAE.: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: wood
'). S'TRUC'TURAL, a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑
SYSTEM: b. wood frarne with light members (Z]
(if kmwn) C. masonry load bearing walls❑
d. metal (explain)
e. other wood
10. CONDITION: a. excellent n b. good X c. fair ❑ d. deteriorates! ❑
11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ h. moved ❑ if so,when?
c. list major alterations and dates (if known):
Navy ammunition bane towed to Southold from
Boston in 1948.
12- P1t0'": From South west 13. MAP: N.Y.S. DOS' Southold Quad
:.west; and south elevation
° T ow
' —�#VlllflY+iluruyni,eyrrr .9` �' T l
f� sPilingr
" '"'
SD 91a
14, THREATS TO BUILDING: a, none known 50 b. zoning❑ c. roads ❑
d. developers ❑ e- deterioration
f, ether:
a. barn F-1 b. carriage house ❑ C. garage ❑
d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑
g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑{commercial
i. landscape features:
j. other:
ICS. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary):
a.open land ❑ b. woodland ❑
c.scattered buildings 91
d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑
f. industrial D g. residential ❑
h.other:wa tprfroint fishing station
(Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district)
The area is filled-in wetlands, Of the many 1&A*;hb*
buildings here the most conspicuous is the tower-like
structure which was originally a windmill moved here
from a farm.
18. OTHER NOTABLE: FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known):
This area has been called Egypt since early times.
A U.S. Navy Ammunition Barge that saw duty in the
Pacific during World War II.
The Navy "Barge 39YFN529" .
21. SOURCES: Interview Helen Reiter. 2/3/1987
Menu "The Original Barge" . 1981
Tercentenary Celebration of Southold Town.
16'70_71_9 0. 1940
7. fHi. %1l
Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant.
Page 6:The Suffolk Times/December 11, 1986
N.F. Wildlife Habitats Labeled-
ALBANY--The New York Depart-
ment of State has proposed 18 sites
in Southold Town
-is "significant
coastal fish and wildlife habitats."
And while the designations don't all
fect what can be done with the par- e r
cels, the list does provide etn inven-
toryof the unique resources of South-
"There truly are a lot of valuable k t
}daces in Southold Town," said Torn
Hart, who helped coordinate the sig-
nilkant habitat designations. ""The
entire East End has some incredible
resources," added Mr. Hart, whose
agency goes by the ,haw-busting
nioniker of the Division of Coastal
Resources and Waterfront Revitali -
'lotion of the State of New Yurk Dv- ,A sem= -° .q
partment of State.
Ne characterized Southold's wet-
land complexes, creeks and bays as
-unique, saying, "I think there's
only one other place in the state that
uf'Eer,such diversify --a stretch off7
miles of shoreline on the east end of
Lake Ontario."
The sites proposed for designation
are C'edur Beach !Point, Southold;
CA Conkling Point, Greenport; Corey
ro Creek, Southold; Cutchogue Harbor
and wetlands; Downs Creek, Cutch-
0 ugue; Fishers Island beaches; °
CDHashamomuck Pond,Southold; Hun
�i gry Point Islands, ofT Fishers Island;
.irwkav ['rppk s-mil areamouth^14
Little t-:reett and beach, Cuccnogue; PhNo by JWy Ahrom
Long Beach Bay (Hallocks Bay}. HANDLE WITH CARE--Orient Harbor is among 18 nificant Fish and Wildlife Habitats by the New York
See Habitats, page 26 sites in Southold town slated for,designation as Sig- Department of State.
PaigQ2&TheSuffolk TimesrD+ec+ember 11,,198r&
Habitats... develop the designated parcels, Mr. cess to island is restricted--no recre- turbulent currents. Rare in1�ew `
Hart said, but he admitted that as a ational or commercial fish and York State No endang eyed;
"purely practical matter" the desig- wildlife-related human use ... Con- threatened or special concern species
Continued from page 6 nation would alert authorities that centration of nesting ospreys is un- reside in the area ... Nationally re-
they were dealing with a sensitive usual in New York State. Irreplace- knowned for its sportfishery and is a
Orient; Mattituck Inlet wetland; area. able.Score: 126. commercial lobster fishery of reg-
Orient Harbor; Plum Gut; Port of The Critical List Plum Gut: A primary area of tidal ional significance ... Concentrations
E r t Island Southold; The .Race; exchange between Long Island of finfish foraging in and migrating
Richmond mond Creek and beach, Peconfc; Amore substantive step that the Sound and Gardiners Bay; contains through the area are unusual in New
and Robins Island. town could take, he said, would be to a deepwater channel with very tur- York State. Irreplaceable. Score:
designate some or all of the proper- bulent currents. Rare in New York 144.6.
ties on the state list as "critical en- State ... No endangered, threatened Long Beach Bay(Halloeks Bay):
Southold Scores High vironmental areas." That would or special concern species reside in Large undisturbed coastal wetland
The program has been in operation mean that any proposals on the par- the area ... This area supports one of and beach ecosystem, rare in New
for more than two years, Mr. Hart cels would automatically be "type 1" the most valuable sportfisheries in York State ... Osprey and diamond
said. After consultation with local of- actions, requiring at least a long en- the northeastern U.S., and is a reg- terrapin ... Commercial shellfishing
ficials, the Department of State con- vironmental assessment form and ionally significant area for commer- area of significance in the northeast
tracted with biologists from the state likely a full-blown environmental cial fishing for finfish.and lobster ... region of the U.S. Various fish and
Department of Environmental Con- impact statement. Concentrations of finfish foraging in wildlife recreational activities in-
servation to survey and inventory Of the 18 areas in Southold pin- and migrating through the area are eluding clamming are important to
the state's entire coastline. Using a pointed as significant habitats by unusual in state. Irreplaceable. Suffolk County residents ... Number
somewhat intricate formula, the state officials, six came in with "sig- Score: 131.4. of nesting osprey is unusual in the
biologists assigned a number value nificance" ratings over 100. The Cutchogue Harbor and Wet- state. Concentration of scallops un-
to each area. areas and the state's description of lands: Bay-wetland complex, un- usual in northeastern U.S. Irreplace-
The spots that came in with a score them: usual in northern Long Island, but able.Score: 1713.71.
of 15.5 or better were recommended Orient Harbor: Moderately shal- degraded in places by marina/resi-
for inclusion on the significant low open water bay area;common in dential development ... Least tern,
habitat list. Of the 18 sites in South- Peconic Bays area but rare on Long piping plover, osprey and d' Tax V�OrkShID
old, the lowest ranking was 16; the Island ... Osprey nesting. Diamond diamondback terrapin nesting ... FreP
highest was 17€3.8. The average back terrapin may nest in the area ... Commercial and recreational seal- H&R Block will offer a free infor-
ranking was just under 75. Commercial bay scallop shellfishery loping significant on a level between mation seminar entitled "How Will
Mr. Hart stressed that the designa- is significant in the northeast region Long Island and Suffolk County. the New Tax Laws Affect You?" at 8
tions, which will be finalized by the of the United States ... Concentra- Clamming significant at the county . p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 885 Old
state after hearings this week in tions of bay scallops significant level ... Concentration of osprey is Country Rd., Riverhead. The semi-
Riverhead, Hauppauge and Mineola, waterfowl concentrations significant significant at the county level. Con- nar will highlight individual tax
are one of the last steps in conform- between county and regional level, centration of scallops significant at changes which will take effect in
ing to the 44 policies sPt down in the especially for scoters. Irreplaceable. the county level. Irreplaceable. 1987,and cover the few changes that
coastal zone management program, Score: 114, Score: 144.2. will apply to the 1986 tax return.
federal legislation that mandates (Robins Island. Undeveloped The Race: A primary area of tidal Each participant will receive a
state action to protect the shoreline. marine island is rare in New York exchange' between Long Island booklet showing comparisons of the
No additional permit applications State ... Osprey nesting. One pair of Sound and Block Island Sound. con- current law and the new law. To re-
or restrictions would be required to piping plover nested in 1985 ... Ac- tains a deepwater channel with very gister,call 261-1154.
00 Accessory buildings of five hundred 1500)square feet. Subsection J. cellars, decks, st- LKcupancy by reason otad t
Legal Notices and additions and alteratiorua to ld1 Foundations con- t$�hl air inhabit-_ _ _
.mow�. s �,„.,buikbnge _structod-under' exioinp build- ,,hle area shall be included in $.A).r.
twen.ty-f,ve dollar, ,$25.1 plu, ings:seventy-fivrdollars($7:,.1. the calculation offloorarea. Ig)Copies of gBFt�ficgtes of
LEGAL NOTICE fifteen cents 1$0.151 for each (e1 Swimming pool,, W- 1I.Subsections E and G of Sec- occupancy tsssucd'five or le:sm d
NOTICE OF square foot of floor area in excess gather with required enclosure tion 1W-144 1Certificates of Oc- years ago:rive dollars 1$5.1.
PUBLIC HEARING of rive hundred(500)square feet. fencing: one hundred fifty dol- cupencyf are amended to read as lhl Copies of certificalers of'Lra +
ON LdCAL LAW cb)Farm buildings and lars($150.1, follows: occupancy issued more than five
PUBLIC NOTICE 15 additions and alterations to if)All other structures E.Every application for a cer- years ago:ten dollarsi$10.P.
HEREBY GIVEN that there has existing farm buildings: fifty (ix., fences, etc.) and additions lrficate ofoccupancy or a tempo- IV.This Local Law shall take
been presented to the Town dollars MO.)foreach building. and alterations to such strut. rary certificate of occupancy elTect upon its filing with the
Board of the 'Town of Southold, cer Hotel, motel, multiple tures;twenty-live dollars 1$25.►,
I..,n:.cc, r..,.... r.r..... v..,.c ,.. ,..._„�_.__ _. _ _ shall be accompanied by the fee Secretary of State.
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