ALBANY, NEW YORK 1518)474-0479 NEG. NO.
YOUR NAMI.: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: November 1986
YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE:(516) 765-1892
Southold, L. I. , N.Y. 11971
ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office
IDENTIFICATION Ragle Hook & Ladder
I. BUILDING NAME(s): Fire Department '
2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE:
3. STREET LOCATION: Mein Road, Route 25._ south east corner Hobart Rd.
4. OWNERSHIP: a. public D b. private 1A
5. PRESENT OWNER: Rbt, Gilbert ADDRESS: same
6. USI:: Original: Present: Ta-yern
7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes IR No ❑
Interior accessible: Explain
H. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑
MATFRIAL e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other:
1). STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑
SYSTEM: h. wood frame with light members CX
(if* kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑
d. metal (explain)
e. other
IU. CONDITION: a. excellent Cl b. good IN c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑
11. INTI GRITY: a. original site [) b. moved ® if so,when? early 1900S
c. list major alterations and dates (if known):
Belfry removed.
The one-story addition on the front blocks the
SD-RSM VIII-6 original entrance.
12. PHOTO: From W 13. MAP: N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad
West elevation and front (north)
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SD 73
14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known IN b. zoning ❑ C. roads ❑
d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑
f. other:
a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑
d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑
g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑
i. landscape features:
j. other:
16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary):
a.open land ❑ b, woodland
c.scattered buildings E�
d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial FX
f. industrial ❑ g. residential
(Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district)
Low density area of historic Southold The Main
Road is lined with large trees and many interesting
old structures and surrounded by lawns and greenery.
18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including intQrior features if known):
This was the home of the Eagle Hook & Ladder until the
prespnt fire house was built in 1936 (see form No.SD 67) .
When first used in the early 1900 'sy the fire trucks were
horse drawn. The stables were in the basement. .
21. SOURCES*Rbt. Gilbert. Interview 10/1986.
Sanborn. Insurance Map of Southold. 1929. Sheet 12
The Suffolk Times. September 4, 1986. "Century Mark".
22. rHLNIE:
Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritti research
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SD 73
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Eagle Hooh a>t`)1A La&&eir Co]C apany N0 a a�
100 Ylr&rS Of Growth
he following historical view shows essentially many of the highlights of Hook and
Ladder's 100 years of service to Southold. Most of this information is derived from
the yellowed pages of the Cairns and Brothers Fire Company Register; paper brittled
with age, holding the only documented facts that reveal the story of Hook & Ladder,
and the men who served through the years.
The different writing styles of the various secretaries are noted, the comparisons are made,
and the results show the preferred as being the more descriptive comical style, allowing a more
honest view into Hook & Ladder's lively past: 11-7 —Quite a skirmish with several votes
being taken as ro having Virginia Baked or Fresh Ham — Final vote 8-7 for fresh. By
comparison, when the minutes reflect a simple "Met and et" variety of writing, the sequence of
events is interrupted and the research left to one's imagination, reminding us that the volunteer
fireman's primary concern is the present. When the alarm sounds the priorities are quickly
Eagle Hook and Ladder Company #1
February 13th 1886
The first official meeting was called to order on February 13th at the old Case house near
the corner of Boisseau Avenue and Main Street. After a brief election, H.G. Booth was elected
Foreman; William A. Glover, Assistant foreman; William Cochran, Secretary; and John Singley,
Secretary Cochran read the proposed by-laws to the membership for approval and, after
several amendments were made, the motion for their acceptance was carried. The design for
the uniforms met with as much discussion. A lively debate ensued and eventually a blue blouse
with eagle breast work, red belt and black derby hat emerged as the official uniform of Eagle
Hook and Ladder.
March 8th was offered as the day for their next meeting. This was accepted and the men
were dismissed. Thus, a viable fire company was born and a prominent period in the history
of Southold recorded.
Going To Work
John Singley, Jr., a man of talent and affluence, played a leading role in the formative
years of Hook and Ladder. Already elected Treasurer, Singley enjoyed a reputation as a skilled
wagon maker and blacksmith. His prowess in this field was noted by his fellow firemen and he
was contracted to build Hook and Ladder's first Hand Truck; his fee was a mere $100.00. Soon
after the completion of the Singley Truck, the July 4th parade gave ample opportunity for both
Protection Engine and Hook and Ladder to show off their new apparatus and uniforms. The
line of march, began at the Albertson general store (now Albertson Realty) and proceeded to
the Protection Engine Company's meeting house (presently Church of the Open Door) where
the proud members of Southold's two fire companies basked in the celebration of the day.
A New Location
By September of 1886, the membership had grown to 34 men. Soon, the services of John
Singley, Jr. would again be needed. His generous offer to lease a building in his ownership
was eagerly accepted. A committee consisting o Iohn-Quarty, JA-'Young acid Witham Gagen
promptly procured the furnishings for the meeting room. This building would suffice until 1909
when the companv decided a new truck house wa5_neede . A vote to lease the land in front
of the present quarters was carrie a committee proposed a 2 story, 20' x 40' building
consisting of tfuck room below and meeting area on the second floor. This motion was carried
as was the motion that an oyster supper be the very first meal enjoyed upon the completion
of the new truck house.
100th Anniversary. Southold Fire Department
jt September 69 1986 "
SD 73
World War If
At the outbreak of World War 11, Hook&Ladder shared in national concern for the American
Soldier. A motion was carried to extend to each Hook and Ladder member serving in the Armed
Forces a donation of $5.00- By 1943, the concern for the homefront heightened. The threat
of invasion lurked ominously near. Blood drives, bond drives and civil defense shared the many
priorities of the beleaguered Fire Department. Slowly, a new problem developed-the shortage
of manpower; more specifically, youthful manpower. In an attempt to combat this growing
problem, the by-laws were quickly amended for the duration of the war to reduce the minimum
age requirements to 16. Chief Max Newbold issued a new order, seemingly a reflection of the
times: "Any fireman driving the Ford to an alarm, your first duty is to stop at the High School
to pick up the younger members, then proceed to the fire!"
Near the end of the war, Chief George L. Gaffga, by special permission front the United
States War Department ordered the Mack Pumper. The Mack, as it is still referred to, although
no longer on line as a primary fire fighting vehicle, has recently undergone restoration by several
enthusiastic firemen on the "Antique Squad" and can be seen in most parades and musters; a
wonderful symbol of Hook and Ladder's recent past.
This historical view of Eagle Hook & Ladder would indeed be incomplete without the
mention of our older members; men who remember the "Smoke Eaters" of the earlier days
before the days of Scott Packs and Walkie Talkies. 60 year member Pat Kelly; 55 year members
Leland Booth, John Kaelin, Richard Mullen, Sr.; and 50 year members John Berry, Frank Berry
and Lester Albertson have contributed in time and effort to help in the continuity of Eagle Hook
& Ladder and have linked us to the past by memory and presence.
So it is,with this a modem fire department as it was in the days gone by. Hook and Ladder
stands with our fellow companies "to raise our ladders to the sky."
Michael P. Hagerman
Eagle H & L Co- No. 3
The members of Eagle Hook and Ladder Company wish to thank Mrs. Fran Woodward, Walt
Mengeweit and especially Mrs. Helen Conway for much information and support.
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The old Case house- First home of Nook & Ladder.
., 100th Anniversary. Southold Fire Department. September b, 1986 y.
SD 73
and will probably benefit our races at Riverhead and she is ex- (Greenport)Mr. and Mrs. Fred
a4 Firemen. Reser$ed seat tickets at pected to again bring to Southold Tyrrell and family of Bridgeport,
the post office. the blue ribbon acid first"prize. 'Ct.returned to their home on Sun-
in our= Nearly all the summer guestshave
//yy left Southold alone in her glory. SO Years Agoday having spent two weeks with
N Willard Ballou has concluded to Mr, and Mrs. Y. Santacroce on
Fifth Street,
open a select school at Southold, There will be another card party Mr,and Mrs.Samuel Levine and
100 Years Ago beginning on Monday next in the in St. Patrick's auditorium► on daughter, Janet, are vacationing
Summer weather this week.
basement of G. Hahn's residence. Tuesday afternoon,August 25 st 2 for two weeks at Swan Lake,N.Y.
The members of Banner Lodge, o'clock. The hostesses are Mrs.
E.G. Teary is visiting friends at I.O.G.I, will enjoy an excursion James Grattan,Miss Marcella Fox Mr. Levine is a member of the
Bay Shore. Village Board of Trustees.
to and picnic at Rose's Grove, and Mrs. John Moffatt.
The Universalist Sunday School Noyac, Southampton,on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodrich 28 Years Aga
had an enjoyable picnic in the next,going by sloop Morgan,Cap- of Cambridge, N.Y. have moved
beautiful grove at Calves Neck on tain Harvey Reeve. into the Davison house on Hummel
Friday last. Avenue. Mr. Goodrich is to teach
Miss Hattie,daughter of Daniel 7'S Years A Commercial subjects in the Master Jackie Delaney, son of
Terry, formerly of Southold, now Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delaney,
of Caldwell, N.J. has returned Southold High School this year. celebrated his fifth birthday August
home after a visit with East End The Southold Fire Department 4th by entertaining a number of his
The Public Library will be closed Band will give another concert on friends at a party at his home on
friends. ; �S'& on Labor Day. the lawn on Founders Landis
The Eagle Hook and Ladder g Boisseau Ave.
��r The Southold High School and Sunday evening,August 23 at 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sarkus of
Company wi I soon have a nice Southold Academie will be open p.m.
house for their truck and meetings. next Tuesday. Laughing Water celebrated their
Jerry Singles, Jr. assisted b Boss Rensselaer Terry will enter at twentieth wedding anniversary on
Y g Y Mrs. John Dickerson of Flat- Albany Law School this fall. August 9th.
J.E. Corey, has finished off a bush, Long Island , is at "'Pebble A baby girl was born to Mr.and Miss Eileen Marie, daughter of
room, 18 by 36 feet for their truck Path"for her annual stay with her Mrs.Alfred E. Dart at the Eastern Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walters
and,aGove,a meet[ngur8 by son, J. Elmer,Dickinson. Long Island Hospital on Tuesday celebrated her twelfth birthday on
18 feet. ', Mr. and Mrs. Manning and evening. Wednesday, August 9 at a family
The Wren Comedy Company daughter of Brooklyn are the guests The Universalist Parsonage is be- art
will perform in Belmont Hall on of Mrs. N.L. Horton until after ing put into readiness for Rev.Dr. p y
the 21st Inst.They will perform two Mr. and Mrs. Horace Williams
Labor Day. and Mrs. Ayres who are expected of Montrose, Pa. are visiting with
pieces: The Octoroon and The William Batterman will enter to arrive about -the first of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Toodler. This will be a great treat Belle Chimes in the Labor Day September. Lahr.