HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-67 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE N0. 1631a_r,�z,6-7! SD 67 / DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD l NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES - - ALHANY,NEW YORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAMETown of South Id/SPLIA DATE: November 1986 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall. Main Road TELEPHONE: (516)76 5-1892_ Southold Z. I. , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION I. BUILDING NAME(S): Southold Fire D partwnt 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE: Southold 3. STRFFT LOCATION: Main Road, Route 2 5. Past of Ann's Way 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private ❑ 5. PRESENT OWNERSouthold Fire DepartTty>rDDRESS: Main Road,Southold 0. USE: Original: Fire Department Present: Fire Department 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PIJBLI(': Exterior visible fr(lm public road. Yes No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain - DESCRIPTION 8. WILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick N d. board and batten ❑ MATIAZIAI. e. cobblestone ❑ F. shingles ❑ g. stucco Cl other: '). STRUCTURAL a. wood Frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYS' -'M: b_ wood frame with light members ❑ 61' kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls 50 d. metal (explain) e. ether It). CONDITION: a. excellent ® b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ® b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): Wing added at east circa 1975• SD-RSM VT-21 12. PHOTO:From south west 13. MAP: N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad Front (south) and west elevation 7nlarge • ww w x"' W r f • Ul ♦ • • . } r � i SD 67 Z 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known b. zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration f. other: 15. RLLATLD OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhopse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: j. other: lawn, -parking—lot in rear 16, SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b. woodland c. scattered buildings d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial f. industrial ❑ g. residential 19 h.other: 17. INTFRRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Low density historic Southold business district. The Main Road is lined with trees and many interesting old structures surrounded by lawns and greenery. 01IlLR NOTABLE: FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): Handsome 212-story, 5-bay fire house with balustraded gable roof and cupola. Heavy cornice breaks over the flanking ?nd bays. The breaks are supported on giant two-story columns. A wide flat-arch with keystone provides access for three fire trucks. This is flanked by doorways with SIGNIFICANCE with broken pediments and view balconies at 2nd 11). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION:_ �]31,~ 1 floor level. ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20 IIISFORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This unusually handsome structure was erected at a cost of $ 33,000. with the assistance of a PWA (WPA) allotment of $ 13,000. The work done undor the SPA program was al- ways of exceptional quality. 21. SOURCES: Suffolk County's Ten Great Townships of L. I. Super- visors of Suffolk County. 1939. P. 107 Lonp, Island Traveler-Watchman. "550 years ago" , Jan. 30, 19$ 22. THEINIF Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. SD 67 April 13, 1934 We extend a cordial invitation to our Juvenile Fire Co. to meet with us at our next meeting. Moved, seconded and carried that we choose all feed committees alpha- betically after next October 1, 1934 . May 11, 1934 Howard Terry, George Akscin, John Shipuleski, Joseph Gradowski, F . K . Merrill and Charles Fields residing outside of our district are not entitled to regular membership so were therefore elected to become band members of our department with no initiation fee or dues to be paid unless at some future time our district is enlarged and reaches their homes and then they are to pay initiation fees and dues and become regular members at that time . November 9, 1934 t R. L. Davidson asked for information on the Bay View and Peconic l situation. Chief Booth reported that Bay View is nearly all signed up and Peconic coming along nicely. Also Chief N. E . Booth and Lieut. John Scott led open discussion in regard to blowing signals more efficently than we have been doing in the past. No action. February 7, 1935 Due to the condition of the Treas. of Packard Hose Co. Motion was made and seconded that we pay half of their expense (for the turkey k supper) provided the Hook & Ladder Co. pay half. Carried. or Captain Newbold reported that Chief N. E . Booth would like to have an expression of our company in regard to a central fire house if it �- can be obtained through the W. P. A. as they are doing in other towns. We are in favor ofinvg rtn tTMI matter thoroughly. 1k- s September 12, 1935 Captain Newbold reported that for our company to make any showing with our racing team we should consider purchasing a Ford V-8 chassis and trade in our Buick for a price they quoted $475.00. Comm. VanWyck spoke in favor of encouraging our racing team and urged them to work harder than they have before. Chief N. E . Booth also spoke in favor of our racing team and urges them to work hard so they will be able to compete better at the tournaments. cet Motion made and seconded we purchase a Ford V-8 for $475.00 . We 2nts. are to keep the body, lights, siren, etc. Motion carried. November 8, 1935 Earle Lockwood was nominated for membership and on ballot elected, o subject to the approval of our commissioners . Due to the Kirkland .s Law of New York State a nominee has to be approved by the commission- ers before he can be elected to membership in a Vol, Fire Co. Protection Engine Company No. 1. 1986 SD 67 Long Island � . 3 ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN 2THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1986 "yA ing, some young people - Miss Church last Sunday was greatly on Friday afternoon sponsored by Paynes' Sunday School Class and enjoyed. the Red Group of the Dorcas Socie- in our= a few of Miss Gracie's friends-met Mr. John H. Young and Mrs. ty was pleasingly successful. Prizes Past at B.T.Paynes'and with music and C.E, Boisseau arc visiting their were given to those with high scores games and a little help from the sister, Mrs. W.A. Clark of and refreshments were served. "Old Folks"the time passed all to Brooklyn, Silver Lake had many skating on fast, all apparently enjoying The Ladies' Society of the Monday afternoon. 100 `� themselves to the fullest extent. Universalist Church will hold a ■ ears ��U The Ladies' Aid Society(Meth. Valentine Party in the Parish 7a5 Years .4(1) Episc.) meets on Wednesday of House.Valentines to be sent to best Longer days. Mild, "moisty, next week with Mrs. George B. girl will be on sale. Admission 25 Congratulations to Mr.and Mrs. moisty" weather. Simmons. John Scott of Mechanic Street who H. Jennings and others have ants which includes refreshments. celebrated their 35th wedding an- been filling their ice hoses with fine Hawkins paid him a very pleasant — niversary on Thursday, Jan. 19. ice this week. surprise on Saturday evening. �� �'� r8 `�go Richard Montgomery and Fred Miss Wilhelmina Tuthill has pur- lq 3& Fickeissen attended the Motor Boat chased a house for her occupancy 75 Years Ago Show and the Ice Follies in New in Jacksonville, Fla. Southold is preparing far the York City on Thursday. Due to the David Griswold returned home Concert at Belmont Hall Thurs- construction of a new fire house blizzard which started Thursday after an abasenee of nine years dur- day evening, Jan. 26 by Chicago which will be erected at a cost of noon theyy were forced to stay at ing which he has visited nearly all Glee Club iin Southold Lecture $33,404 with the assistance of a the Patchogue Motel and arrived the seaports of the world. Course. It will be one of the PWA allotment of $13,000. home Friday at 3:34. The following went from greatest entertainments ever given Under the agreement,the��� Schools and business offices and Southold on the farmers'assn.ex- in Southold. ire house will be sold and stores were mostly all closed on Fri- cursion to New York last week:Dr. The officers of Banner Lodge theproc s use taward�te pur- day due to the blizzard which and Mrs. Hartranft, S.M. Terry, will be elected this Friday evening. chase of a site for the planned depositeed drifts as high as six feet M.H. Cleveland and B.H. Case. The violin playing of Edwin building. in some places. Train service was Last Friday afternoon and even- Marshall at the Presbyterian (Greenport)The card party held discontinued until Monav the 23rd. SD 67 The Suffolk 7irnesl.laritiary)1 ',487/Page 9P ack more circles. One man rewntly asked a political opposed. During the evening ver 604 people in friend how he could enroll by a split ticket,so it spected the modern new firehouse, is presumed that some of those who marked inor ow exacing e two circles thought somewhat the same way -- laws are relative to the payment of taxes on es- that they wanted to"vote a split ticket." tates was emphasized several days ago in the Many people refused to enroll at all, making estate of Stephen Lane Wickham of Cutchogue the statement that they didn't intend to allow -- a small bit of additional property was found the politicians a chance to see how they voted and papers had to be prepared and the court Of course the ballots on which private notes to machinery set into motion again--all to recover the commissioners were written, or those 60 cents for the state. marked in more than one circle, were thrown 25 Years Ago out as defective, so the markers have done no- thing more than "bite off their noses to spite Jan.12,1962 their faces,"because they cannot carry their vin- Program on Microwaves: The program at dictiveness to the primaries. the weekly luncheon meeting of the Greenport 5o Year Ago Rotary Club at Mitchell's Restaurant was spon- sored by the New York Telephone Company. Jan. 937 Frank J. Johnston, business manager for the 8 le al in Suffolk:The activities of the telephone company for the North Fork, was the unemp dyed Pennsylvania miners who"booteg" program chairman for the day.The program,en- stolen coal to Suffolk County consumers present titled "Microwaves in Action," was one of the one of the greatest problems with which his de- post-war promises that became a reality. Today partment has to contend, C.P. Smith, county microwaves beaming radio signals are sent from i sealer of weights and measures,states in his an- tower to tower all over North America. Mie n - nual report to the Suffolk Board of Supervisors. waves are a vital part of the nation's teieplim w Mr. Smith declares that although the New and television programs. York City authorities are attempting to creek Bowling Lanes Progress: Work on the new the flow of bootleg anthracite, the traffic per- Falcaro Bowling Lanes,one of the largest build- sists. Prosecution is difficult owing to the neves- ings on the North Fork, located on the east side city of proving the coal as stolen, the report of Moore's Lane adjacent to the municipal light states. and water plant, is progressing rapidly despite $8,000 Bond Issue Passed: At a special the winter weather.The huge roof span has been Feeting of the Southold Fire District, held on completed and it is planned to have the new riday evening of this week in the new Southold bowling lanes open the last of February or v;1H • Fire Department. headquarters, with former in March. chief Nat Booth of the Southold Fire District act- The 170-by-125-foot single-story concrete° ing as chairman, it was voted to issue bonds to block structure with brick front will be equipped the amount of$8,000 for the purpose of complet- with 20 modern bowling lanes with automatic ing the building on which work has been stopped electrically operated pin-setting machinery. In for several weeks due to the lack of funds. The addition to the lanes there will be a cocktail vote was 87 in favor of the bond issue and 21 lounge and a luncheonette. i WC'i i-Kep l Lumillul ll i y cul 1��, file i t lupi , h is Founders Park on Peconic Bay, er bathing and boating and scenic bove per. C an active yacht club, Southold has ark omprising a magnificent club house, id golf course. It also has several points Town Harbor :rest, including a lighthouse recently , a marine museum. Ad Suffolk County's Ten GreatA. Townships of Lori Island. Supervisors of Suffolk � . County. 1939 `_ _ 1 ai "!.r - rai��""M max.. sa_ _ ,_r.jy..�E�•'�p"'...._;. Udlilo'161 1 II .•u U 1n!111�. r^ rllpl I t}7 oil BID a�ll� {{{ logo 40 t { _ Southold Fire House i a } . k r ai *...,rt_ fw a•J^.ars. _ e 4. _ I Reydon Country Club 107 Februar SD 67 The Chi second Maxim leaving the Fire House 9 ter . Only use Hortons Lane if necessary because of a lack of railroad lights. Chief Berry noted that if the 2nd Maxim leaving on a 13 does not hook up the driver will automatically be suspended. May 9, 1974 Commissioner Albertson reported that the tank truck is being fixed and should be done soon. Also an addition to the fire house is being looked into . September 12, 1974 The War Memorial Committee requested a donation from Protection Engine Co. A discussion followed. A motion was made to donate company raffle money from Sept. , Oct. and Nov. to the fund.. A discussion followed. Motion seconded & carried . A motion was made seconded & carried for Protection to donate to the War Memorial Fund. A motion was made and seconded to donate ='500.00 to the Fund . By written ballot 16 favored, 14 opposed and 2 abstained . Total voting 32 . A motion was made, seconded and carried to make this donation in memory of any departed Company members. A motion was made, seconded and carried to rescind the motion to donate raffle money. A motion was made & seconded to rescind the donation of 1-500.00 . �y written ballot 19 favored, 9 opposed, 3 abstained. Total voting 31 . (Chief Driver Barry Lehr had left meeting) . A motion was made to table the issue. A motion was made to appoint tellers to count the vote. Lou Walters & Bill Zebroski were appointed tellers. Reported 19 favored, 9 opposed, 3 abstained . A motion was made, seconded and carried to table the issue. A motion was made & seconded to rescind the motion to table the issue . A motion was made, seconded & carried to adjourn. October 10, 1974 Prior to the meeting the Captain made the following announcements: All were counted present at the last meeting of Protection. Any 2 members bickering without permission will be suspended for 2 months from Company meetings. Anyone leaving a meeting without permission will be suspended from Company meetings for 2 months. }lay ferry made a motion that Protection Engine Company donate X100.00 to the Southold-Peconic War Memorial Committee. Motion seconded and carried unanimously. November 14 , 1974 Chief 13erry thanked the Company for the feed and commented on yester- day's fire and asked mein to put air rucks on at all Sig. 131s. Chief 7oerry also requested that men under the influence refrain from re- sponding to alarms and that no booster lines should be used at 131s . P g Protection Engine Company No. 1. 1986 The Suffolk TlmesrSeptember 4,1996VOU*to SD 67 COND SzvrrllON THE SUFFOLK TIMES Century Mark Southold Fire Department Celebrates 100th Birthday In February, 1886,the Protection Engine Company and Eagle Hook and Ladder were formedlo provide ? 1 " ..► R�;� r t floe service in the hamlet of South- old.On Saturday,Sept.8,the South- 1 old Fire Department will celebrate Ix • i � , its 100th birthday with a celebration ,.r that will run from early morning to - � - long atter dark .. j The festivities will begin at 10 - a.m., as the department's parade steps off from the corner of Hobart - +- M Avenue and Route 25. The paraite `- �•. will end at Southold School on Oak. lawn Avenue, where Southold will host, 6remen's drills among the de- +� partment's three companies. Oak- lawn Avenue will be closed to traffic .4 r' from 8 a.m.to 6 p.m. All of the fire engines used in the competition Saturday are at least 25 r years old. The centerpiece of the a ,. parade will be the first piece of equip- meat used by thr Protection Engine - company in 1986: A hand-drawn Rumaey piston, still capable of throwing a stream of water more than 100 feet. A fireworks display by the Grucci r" family will light the sky over the ! school grounds at 8:30 p-m.Accord- ing to First Assistant Chief Dun Fisher, the fireworks will be fired " ' From the highest point the depart- ment could find,so the show will be ON THE ROAD--"Dutch" Walters, behind the wheel, and Leslie Jewell get rolling in the Southold Fire visible throughout Southold Town Department's new 1423 REO hook and ladder truck.The old Southold Hotel is visible in the background. and on Shelter Island.After the fire- works,the department will host its annual street dance,which is open to ranging in age from 18 to 70. At- started with the equipment that was vidual mastiff¢ maces and join In- the pub]ic. though the membersh-p is committed available at the time,and then the -fin one firehouae. The fire- fnt6el3e a --depending on rank and other re- members continually bought more house that now stands on Main ger g-•- sponsibihties, fireirsn can spend efficient equipment, uniforms and Street (with a new wing) h,'- One cold night in January,1886,a anywhere from three to 60 hours a breathing apparatus." u=u Ing. The department's first group of Southold residents met in week at the firehouse.,Chief Fisher woman member, Tifli Ssymcrek, Belmont Hall on Main Street(where said --Southold has act had to an- In 1936,the three fire companies joined Protection Engine Company the runic; 1 arking lot is now lo- swer an enormous number of calls. were to give up t ei`indi• in.1998. i to iscum One o et�r moat last year,the department answered pressing problems--lack of fire pro- only 265 alarms (a "minimal tectron.A short time later,the Fire- amount,"according to Chief Fisher), r„ ruen'a Aid Association of Southold 70 percent ofwhich were rescue calls, was formed w raise funds to ealab- Mr. Fisher attributes the lack of lish the department. fires to the"cautious endcareful"re- : Both Protection Engine Campany aidents of the hamlet, as well as and Eagle Hook and Ladder held numerous lectures on!ire prevention their first official meetings Feb, 13, the department gives it loco]schools. _ - a 1886. The department's third com- A lot has changed in the last cen- ' pany.Packard Hose,was formed in tury,as the department continues its -t 1928. progressive policies. 'Southold was Protection Engine Company first one of the first to start training its met in the basement of to- firemen in the Comity Schools in �. cated next to Belmont Hall: Eagle Yaphank in the 1940'66"declared Mr. Hook and ladder met in the rase Fisher.Today,a firefighter must go llou The first firehouse built for through an 18-month training the Protection Engine Company was period, which includes a 13-wasion located on Beckwi h Avenue and course offered by tlm county fire r X Traveler Street,the preeant . anon school c ld sum k. BRAIN TRUST--Southold Fire Department officials, class of 1986: oCThe Church of the Dpen oar. "Lf l could sum up the last hundred In the beginning, there were ap- years of the Southall? Fire Depart- Standing,from right—fire commissioners John Barris,Albert Salmon, proximately 30 members in each ment in one word,"he said,"it would George Conway,George Berry(absent--Ben Drumm).Seated•from company. Today, the department be'progress.'The Southold Fire DO. right: First assistant chief Don Fisher, Chief Adolph H. Westerlund, numbers about 260 firefighters, partment has always progressed. It second assistant Peter Grattan Jr.