HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-64· :.. ..-.r ... ', ::',,, ; ~';':";* .: , '¢~ .'~;'"'-<-'~" ..." -FOROFYlC.~:~./_~ . . - - - .. .. - -: ..... , - .- ,.::; DIVISION FOR HISIOR[C PRESE~V'ATION' ' ' QUAD '"' "'~ NEW YORK STA~E PARKS AND RECREATION " SERIES 2 ALBANY, NEW YORK. fSI:i) 474-0;79 NEG. NO. ' " YOUR NAME ~'.~ ~hn ~- ~nm~nn_~na DATE: 6/a/78 YOUR ADORESS~O~? O~U~ Rd. TELEI~ONE: ORGANIZAfIO'NIffan ' ¢~nn~ ~ t~~ ~h~ - . '. . .:.~ .:.? '' I BUILDING NAME"S).~em~n~~- ~t~¢~ ~On~ 2. COUNTY: ~ TO~/CITY:~~ ~LLAGE: ~~ 3. STREET [,~.AII()N: Mm!n g~ nn~ ~9t1~0n~ ~: ~:~: 4. O~ERSHIP: a. public ~] b private ~ 5. PRESENT O~ER:~~snf~ ADDRESS:_ ~nm~ . . 4~.~,. :',{ 6 USE: Origmal:~qO~n~ Pre~,[: nR~ ' 7. ACCESSIBILIT~ IO PUBLIC: Extermr v~slblc from pubhc road: Yes ~: . No ~ -. .. ,' . ..~ - ".,"¢¢~ [nteror ac~ssbe- Explain h~ tn~{nn ' 8. BUILDIN~ a. 8lapboard ~ b, stone ~ ' c. brick ~ ; d. ~d ~d'~tReR ~ . ' '., ,~'- MATERIAL: e. cobbles[one ~ f. shin~es ~ g. ~tucco ~; o~er;' - '. a. wood frame with interlock ngjonts [~, · - ;',., ~'?.?':~. .':¢g.:, ~. :-.,~.'*,'-*,-:. :~ -." b. wood frame with light members [] ' -' '-"~ :? '?~/ '<~',~¢';~:¢;,,;-:?,, ~ : ' ' :' c. masonry load bearing walls [] ~ . .' ' :; .'.,:,;-,;" ;~5;4:' ;?; .., '. "' - '.~ :' d. metal (explain) -" '" :" :/ ' ':''~'' ' ' '; ' e. other ' ' ' '"' ':' -":' '" a. excellent L~ b. good [] c. fair [] d. deteriorated []~.,~.,.:, :"~,t.:,,...., :. , ; a. original site ~] b. moved [~] .. if so,when.* :' ,. ,.,' .~..'f~--', ,,~2,;.-7:-',.'--",. .. ,,'.-?.:.. ,-.;f :, c. list major alterations ahd da.te~ (if known): .' .,:!!~;;. ..... .;,..~ :~,-.~ . ,'-: ".q,:r ::' ' See attaohed.'rt.e~ of.iStl/:"een'~UZ'~;:bOa~S;i:" " "~ Eala=ged ~n 18~5.foz Ezra "' Doo~ere. date f~°m'i $~.~,. -- AP · ,. '-: ..... :2~..' -: .1,. ~ : STRUCTURAl SYSTEM: (if known } I0. CONDITION: 1 I. INTEGRITY: SD 64 Hartranft House. SouthoM SOUTHOLD The handsome landmark at the northeast corner of Main Road and Youngs Avenue in Southold has been the source of considerable concern over the past months. This historic house evolved from the one- and-one-half story Justice Robert Hempstead house of 1757. In 1835 the house was enlarged with William D. Cochran believed to have been the architect/builder. Cochran also signed the Southold Universalist Church (1836), and the Cleveland- Charnews house (1835) two doors east of the church. The Charnews house, like the Hartranft house, has clapboards __ on the sides of the dormers. The dormers on both houses are similar and are original with the structures. The Heckscher Museum study, "The Architecture of Suffolk Count)'," (1971) described the Hartranft house, "The attenuated pilasters, the cornice with its flattened mutule- like modillions, the side-lighted Harvey A. I¢'eberphotograph entrance, the slender porch columns. and above all, the three large segmental-arched dormers make this handsome gambrel-roofed house a distinguished example of the Federal style."* At last report the house has been bought by an appreciative owner. · "The Architecture of Suffolk County," Myer and Galling. 1971. The Heekscher Museum. f LEGISLATIVE ALERT S. 6684/A.7942, a bill to exempt religious properties from the provisions of the local landmark and historic district legislation, has. been intr6duced in both houses of the New York State Legislature. The Preservation League of New York State is strongly opposed to this bill, and urges concerned persons to call and to write their assemblymen and senators imme- diately. (Senate telephone is 518- 455-2800; Assembly telephone is 518-4454100.) NEW YORK STATE HISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE INVENTORY FoRM SD 64 For Office Use Only--Site Identifier Project Identifier _Historic Structures Survey Your Name 'for T6wn of Southold/SPLIA Phone Address Town Hall, Main Road Southold, L.I., N.Y. Zip 11971 Organization Date'November 1986 765-1892 (if any) Southold Town Community DeveloDment Office 1. Site Identifier(s) 2. County Suffolk ® Joseph Hartranft house · One of following: City Township Southold Incorporated Village Unincorporated Village or Hamlet ~n11%~n] ~ ~ ~ Present Owner Town Of Southold Address. Town Hall~ Main Road Zip Southold 11971 Site Description (check all appropriate categories): Structure/site " " ..... not evident Superstructure:".complete__partial COllapsed ~' ~ ' .Foundation:' above _below x (ground level) .not. evident x Structural subdi~sions ~pa~ent Only. surface trac~s.~sible --Buried traces detected ~-~st construction materials (be as specific as possible): Stone foundation Grounds Under cultivation Sustaining erosion Woodland Upland Never cultivated Pr---eviously cultivated ---Floodplain --Pastureland S6il Drainage: exce--~lent "good ~ fair __-- poor __ Slope: flat gentle moderate steep Distance to H~arest w~-~er from s~ucture (approx.) Elevation: Site Investigation Surface--date(s) Site Map (Submit with form*)' Collection Subsurface--date(s) Testing: shovel__coring., other no. of units (append additional sheets, if necessary): unit size (Submit plan of units with form*) Excavation: unit size no. of units (Submit plan o-~its with form*) * Submission should be 8½"xll", if feasible Investigator ~ Manuscript.or pgblished report(s) (reference fully): Guide to H~storlc Markers. Southold Historical Society. 1960 Preservation Notes. Society for the Preservation of L.I. Antiquities. Fall/Winter. 1983 Present repository of materials Town Dump SD 64 Page 2 (append additional sheets, Site inventory: a~ date constructed or occupation periodl?th cent.& 1836 - 1986 b. previous owners, if known Thomas Cooper Robert Hemstead c. modifications, if known Ezra Terry rebuilt 1836 Joseph Hartranft if necessary) Site documentation (append additional sheets, if necessary): a. Historic map references 1) Name Date Source Present location of original, if known 2) Name Date Source Present location of original, if known b. Representation in existing photography Neg. SD-RSM VI-19 1) Photo date Where located 2) Photo date Where located c. Primary and secondary source documentation (reference fully) Division for Historic Preservation, Albany, N.Y. Building-Structure Inventory Form 6/1/78 on file in Albany. The Architecture of Suffolk County. Heckscher Museum. 1971 ~.C. New~Rose Reme be~s. 1976 d. Fersons wltn~: 1) Name Address 2) Name Address e List of material remains other than those used in construction (be as specific as possible in identifying object and material): Stone foundation If prehistoric materials are eviderrt, prehistoric site form. check here and fill out 9. Map References: USGS 7% Minute Map or maps showing exact location and extent of site must accompany this form and must be identified by source and date. Keep this submission to 8½"xll", if feasible. Series Quad. Name~ ~Southold Quad. For Office Use Only--UTM Coordinates 10. Photography (optional for environmental impact survey): Please submit a 5"x7" black and white print(s) showing the current state of the site. Provide a label for the print(s) on a separate sheet. ~hl IL:MENFS ON THE E..\SI'FI~,N END OF LONG ISL-\ND The Paync h,msc i> c×cellcntly preserved and i, a museum ol interest, q lie interiors have lings which must have been made by a carpenter. ~o quaindy and delicately are they framed together. The road from Greenport to Riverhead passes through the towns of ~uthold. New Suffolk, Cutchogue. Acqueboghe and L~urel. all of which have numeh)u5 examples of delightful d~rways. ii, .-\t South, dj iii ad,liti(m ~e find three example, ~1 houses ~ ill~ Jormer5. a most unusual leaturc~ [ hc<e ]illJc x~t~nd-buih hollies di,pla> a White Pine Series of Architectural r~1onographs Vol. V. No. 2. April 1919 SD 64 23 THIRD GENE} ATIQ,N Benjam:Ln's home ~nd silw.~:'smith shop w,-~re on the proper- ty deeded him by hi.,3 father il,. 1783 sub.iac~ to his having an heir: the ~';.W. corner of Youn~;'~ Ave. and [q~in St. Starting in.18¢8, Benjamin Coleman, a i..~,.ter silverz~nith, had a silver- smxth ~chool on the N.E. corner'. That ao:mer is referred to as Si]versmi~th C orn~--~e~'~ t'i.n's early ~l~ath was the result of h:u dships he suffered whil .~ an appren~.i, ce to a silversmith in Sag Harbor. In 1812 Benjamin's widow a~¢[ her second husband, Thomas Ledysa-d, signed a quit-claim ~:~ the property but continued to live there until her death. (See Plates III,IV, and his Inven~;ory in App.B, Doc.l?89 Jar more.) #30 .William M. Prince (178 5--1877) m/1 1809 Euniee Jen- nings: m/2 ].856 Wai't~ (Case) Wells. EdwarH. Howell Prin:e ( ) m. 4 Feb. 1777 Huldah 0viat':. Resided New Milford ~T. [J.B. }:~ince Cor.] #31, Chs.rlotte P~ince b. 1£ Dec. 178]L. #~2, Noble Prince b. 15 Seft. 1784. #33, Electa Prince b. 23 Oct. 1787, d. 7 Feb. 1793. #34.. Hu].dah Prince b. 23 M~2' 1790. #35,, Czar Prince b. 5 Aug. ].792. #36, Jervis Prince b. 8 De~. 1794. H=].en W. Prince, T~e Desce.~j~.ants of J"-2~.%~ Princ____~e. 1983 Photo from Antiquarian and Landmark Society of Connncticu~. SD 64 ~E Rowland H. ant.) in Wells and .v V'/illiam D. . ~9~B.o~ in ~. there have thcs, stairway ~erent periods. v York. There ~s great e sheds at the cargo, wheat, wners in many ,tam Benjamin ,rids across the sprain married ards: and had ..'aroline. David : and their chil- the homestead. rat's first To~vn homesite in the ?resent Southold :hold Hotel site. · S,mthold) :1 E. Terry (mar- me in 1856, was -cords as an early ~vnes, cooper, and Col. John Yonges, colonial life, son .mi in 1856 from rough more hands over the last 104 years by purchase or rental, and has served more varied purposes than possibly any other house about. For some years Lawyer Albertson Case, son o[ Southold his- torian J. Wickham Case and Sarah Albertson, local historian as well as lawyer, had his office above William H. Vail, living below. A white picket-fence surrounded the place. When Daniel E. Terry built the house in 1856 he placed it end wise and nearer his east boundary. In 1915-16, Sinclair Smith, living on the east bounding property (which is now that of the North Fork Bank & Trust Co. and home of Dr. Cl~,us H. Robohm), annexed this house and lot to his own, moved and turned the house to the position held today under Dr. Paul Die{enbacher's ownership. 16. JUSTICE ROBERT HEMPSTEAD HOUSE c. 1757 Enlarged, 19th C. by Sq. Ezra C. Terry and Col. John Wickhara. , q ~ ~ ? THE SILVERSMITHS' CORNER (Joseph B. Hartranft, northeast corner Main Street and Youngs Avenue, Southold) Robert Hempstead o{ New London, son of the Joshua Hempstead xvho wrote the historically famous "Joshua Hemp- stead Diary 1711.4758", was Justice and Town Clerk in South- old for many years before his death, 1779. He married Mary, daughter o£ Judge Benjamin YongesY-J'r., grand-daughter of Rev. John Yonges. Justice Robert, through his daughter Abi- gail, was grand-father to John Ledyard, celebrated world traveler. This house is attributed to Hempstead oxvnership e. 1757. Part of its own fog~q.t~al structure and the old stone foundation off the p~operty ........... a?~-6f 17th Century origin probably of early settler Thomas Coopery'fit~ter whom Cooper's Lane was named. Squire Ezra C. Terry, (Justice of the Peace) in 1835 enlarged the house considerably: William D. Cochran the builder. Col. John Wickham, 1855, inc"ZF~§~d it. Several wings now are removed and are homes and a store on Youngs Avenue. Other property owners who have been named are John Gardiner, John C. Appleby, Joseph C. Albertson. Toward the end of the last century Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft bought this beautiful old 18th-19th century home and was the revered doctor of the countryside for many years. Guid~ to Historic Markers. Southold Historical Society. 1960 "Silversmiths' Corner" was a name long used for this loca- tion, as stated by Town Historian Wayland Jefferson. Several silversmiths dwelt here at different periods: Benjamin ¥onges who had one o[ the earliest 17th century apprentice schools in Southold, the Benjamin ¥onges School; also Silversmiths .~-Benedict and Coleman. 17. HISTORIC SOUTHOLD HOUSE Tradkional Home of Col. John Yonges L a~fli.tT._e.~r ded 1656 (Mrs. C. J, Olpp, owner, ¥oungs Ave., South; Dr. Nell L. Norcross, tenant) This house ,vas called for many years the Col. John Yonges House o[ the early 1640 settlement. The record of lands of John Yonges, Southokl's man oi greatest prominence in the 17th century and son of Rev. John Yonges, is found in the published Town Records. dated Feb. 2, 1656. These lands extending from the Town Street were his recorded homelot property. Deeds and papers establishing full proof for the history of the house were lost or misplaced as several historians have stated. Certain documents and an account book record discovered about 20 or more years ago impelled the belief that the house originated with Capt. John Prince, 1732, Captain of a vessel, svho came from Boston. From the Prince family genealogy he is recorded as ancestor of the Sonthold Town ~rince descendants. .The construction o{ the house indicates sections built in different periods and possibly at a different site. Research on 4ts history and its first owners has been done {aithfullv for a long time and will be continued. A further report w~ll be made in the next publication. The Peters' and Downs' line of later ownership is traced. Indentures of 1784 show Richard Peters. as an owner. He married Fannie Ledyard, (2nd wife) in 1793. Fannie Ledyard, daughter of Capt. John and Abigail (Hempstead) Ledyard and sister oi John Ledyard, World Traveler, was distinguished for her courageous acts during the Revolutionary War. From a deed o[ Richard Peters to his "heloved son" ltenry, from the wills of Henry and Richard L. Peters, of Abigail Moore Landon and of Amelia Ann Magee, the family genealogy is defined and also the ownership t,f the house. From Richard Peters it passed to ]rienry Peters and wife, Rebecca, daughter of Capt. Jonathan and Abigail (Moore) Guide to Historic ~ark~r~. Southold Historical Society. l?o0