HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Parks District' CO/./ b r RECEIVED . ..Zo:.~Sputho~a Town Boar~ ~tty Neville To digress from my agenda: There is a Southold Park District Road. [ d.¢.._ u, r','% ~'aciiity on South Harbor One way or another for many years the district has been training its teenage personnel to (one) believe and (two) tell others that the Park District owns the entire facility ~the entire beach at that i'aci±ity. The employees are instructed to check for district stickers and tell everyone that they can only use the beach if they belong in the district or if they pay a fee. THIS IS UNTRUE Years ago the son os t'ormer police officer Faucan (sp.) and his wife worked at that I'acility. When I confronted them with the ~act that their son was telling an outright lie they said ,'we want to make money" (actually she said). I saw this as parents teaching their children to lie to benei'it the Southold Park District coffers. This year a young man tried to flag me down at the district's "guard house entrance'. I just went on down to the end of the road and onto the beach. He may have been mixed up about town stickers and district stickers but he did say I could not go on the beach unless I had a sticker (and I guess or paid). OZ' course I did go on the beach and he stared at me a bit. When I left I stopped to talk to him and told him he was wrong. Then I found Jim Mc~ahon an~ others ~nd determined most of the history of the area (Jim agrees they are wrong and g~ve a map). Linda Bohn of the ~outhold Uistrict said the District owned the entire beach. I am trying to straighten this out as it involves the Town, the District and the Trustees (pos~ib±y a drawing will be attached). Also, your assessor Darlene Duffy is loo~ing into this. The end of South Harbor (and the channel at Richmona Creek~ are part of w~at for many years was my sphere of interest and I am familiar with it and its history. Fairly briefly: there was no beach but there were some wetlands to the side oZ' the road away 1'rom the Bay. The roaa end was bulkheaded. Apparently at some point ~redge material needed placement and landowners only accept fill when they are granted sole use of property created. I guess because this attached to Emerson/Wortis property and the wetlands they were the owners rather than the Town (normal end of road~. Far a while the Emerson/Wortis family leased the beach to the Town until a falling out. At some point the District obtained land probably originally belonging to the E~erson/Wortis family. This is an area of considerable dredging and fill which can overtime lose its beach entirely and/or change size. Finally (seeming around ~99u~ most of the beach was transferred to ~e District, but a piece running down to the beach (~alf creek half Bay~ starting at about where the metal District fence ends running straight to the water,South and over to ~ne trustees mooring land North was deed~o~ the Town cng seems to be considereG a normal tree end of the road beach. Therefore, any trustee permit holder who is not in the District can access the mooring without paying a fee and any person from anywhere can access the water and beach on a limited basis and can go South if t~ey stay un,er the high mean water mark. I A~ ASKING THAT ALL INFORNATiOM RELATING TO THIS I~v~EDIATE AREA BE RESEARCHED AND PRODUCED and ~ny contracts changing the status of this aproximate twenty foot strip which is free for anyone to use under tradition an~ agreement be pro~uce~. I especially urge that you work with the Town Clerk and the ~outhold Park District to work out as viable a system as possible that makes clear that the p~rk district does not o~n the entire b~ach and that anyone who wants to can access the twenty foot stip an~ all (or some) to its right or North. Tbs allows swi~mmi~g sunbathing without charge, obviously trainzng teenagers to delzver untruths and to in~efere with the rights of people is not something the ~outhold Park District should do. It does perhaps indicate how are police become what they are an~ why our politicians are so comfortable accepting wrong as right ana falsehooa as truth. For the record: there seem to be some existing agreements which oesides what I ~ave mentionea ~ave ~nvolved Sout~old Town (in the persons of highway and police and proDably town Doard). For instance - one side oI South Harbor is 1or no parking but that is where those paying the district (and without any stickers inclueing Town permits~ are parkea or park. The other side and seemingly t~e cross space facing t~e beach are parking Dy tov~ permit only (in other wores those w~o pay the districE don't nave to pay the town for parking permission out are parking in a No Farking zone and should I woule think, be ticketed. What arrangement permits this I don,t know. The fee charged by the District seems fairly reasonable but isn't as cheap as free. Obviously access to the pare district property and bathrooms is not available to those who chose not to pay - the issue being honesty, inteference, and choice. (note: Robert Cochra~, son~ oi' forn~r Supervisor C~chran~ is on the Southold Fare District board. with the police and she was Supervisor. may De the telling linK. Another son is ihvolved The fact oi' the eishonesty There seem to need to De changes in the District operation in admition to telling the truth and openly permitting and welcoming l'ree visitors. Giving out tag, s for the day to their memDers and customers, putting a I'ence down the line between the two properties (possiOly metal, possibly split rai~ and possibly metal) to the mean high water mark. Posting declarative signs and working openly on the foregoing problems ~which include 0eing able to imentify those who have paid anm are rightfully using district I'acilities and those who should not be on District property, in its parking area (if t~at is found legal; - the one claimed on the road -. A ience a declaration and ~aentification and, hopefully a non inteI'ering proced%~re is absolutely needem. At present, they lie, stop you and indirectly ii' not mirect±y threaten you. ~rs. Faucan sa~d (may years agoJ we tell them ii' a person insists on using the beach without paying, let them. ~This at the time avoided utilizing the police and being openly proved a liar as well as ilzegatiy rousting and arresting. You understand the police overview. Incidentally, Mr. Schembri nas surveyed his side of Spring Lane Peconic (which ends on Richmond Creek; and I hope the town will check this in terms of possible fencing, parking restrictions and so on. They did not like surveying and, thereI'ore, caused my removal in a less than pleasant fashion. It was either that day or the next that I was assaulted by the beach attendant at the Park District oi Southold's South Harbor I'acility. The Trustees meet tonight, the Park District meets Monday, the Town Board meets Tuesday. Your attorneys, their attorneys, ou~ attorneys, the district attorney and others could all be in- volved in this embarrassment and outrage. RIGHTS - TRUTH abuse and misinforming of youth wko work for the district. The ignorance created no doubt by District propaganda of its members. The less explicable ignorance of Linda Bohn an employee of the Town Clerk and who gives out supposedly accurate and authorat~- rive inIormation to the public ... the lack oi' easy access to clarifying information at the Town Clerk's o~'I'ice. What inI'ormation and instructions do your police have, If the district employee hag called the police what do they know and what would they have done - especially to someone they don,t like, Do they know the true status of that beach and facility so they would have responded properly. How can this be permitted to occur repeatedly in this Town? I look forward to a very quick response. This might be considered a very long FOIL request and legal demand - and, oh, yes, I think a notice of claim will be fiend ~ th~k~r may be available. ~~ // J JODY APAMS P0B 33 Peconic I'IY llg~U / my immediate documentation~vailable on request Z ,h NOTICE ,~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SECTION NO PROPERTY MAP June 5, 1981 Hon. William Pell, Town Supervisor Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Pell: We are writing to offer as a gift to the Town of Southold and for use by Town residents a part of the beach adjacent to Emerson Park and the foot of South Harbor Road and providing access to Little Peconic Bay. The family at present owns the beach adjacent to the foot of South Harbor Road, the SW side of Emerson Park, the edge of the R. E. Lavinia property, and extendibg along the edge of Lit-tie Peconic Bay and Richmond Creek. Our title is based upon the conveyance of th& meadow land described in a certain deed recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 5737 of Deeds at page 335. This beach was formally leased by the To~xqa 1961- 1974 and has been used by the public informally thereafter. It is the family's feeling that a part of this beach providing access to Little Peconic Bay forms a natural addition to the present Emerson Park. We feel a commitment to the local residents, the community and the Town and would like to donate such a part for public use. We propose at the same time to maintain private ownership over the remainder of the beach. We request that the Town pro~'ide a qui?claim deed to this area. The dividing line we propose starts at the end of South ttarbor Road and follows the line of the present main fence (i. e. not the short right-angle section at the south end) directly to the high-water mark of Little Peconic Bay. The land to the north and east of this line we would donate to the Town. The re- mainder, including the point and the entire shoreline of the Rickmond Creek lagoon where the present boat moorings are located, would remain in private ownership. We propose as conditions on the gift the following: 1. That the Town effectively address the problem of rain- water run-off from the end of South Harbor Road into the Richmond Creek lagoon. The water is eroding a channel along and under the present fence as it empties into the lagoon. This run-off channel is unsightly and will eventually undermine any fence. The run-off should be eliminated and the present channel should be filled. 2. The Town should construct and maintain a sturdy 4-5 foot chain-link fence along the dividing line from the road-end to the high-water mark in order effectively to distinguish the public and private parts of the beach. 3. That the Town establish and maintain some restriction and regulation of beach usage. Because we hold adjacent property and out of concern for other local homeoxwners and community users of this beach, we maintain an interest in setting up a situation in which the beach is not overused and not misused. We strive to preserve ~he beaatyof a beach which is rather smatl and rather fragile. What form or forms such restriction and regulation would take is somewhat negotiable. One restriction might be to require local parking stickers. It is our wish that the so. utherly terrnin us of South Harbor Road not be extended, beyond its present location. Regulation would include prohibition of vehicles and dogs on the beach, boat launching, concession stands, consumption of alcoholic beverages the use of radios, etc., and also the limitation of fires and perhaps picnicing to the present park area, plus the usual rules concerning hours of use, e~c. We would be glad to meet the Town Board to discuss this proposal at a mutually convenient time. Sincerely yours, cc: Hon. John J. Nickles, Councilman [ion. Henry Drum, Councilman Hon. Serge Doyen, Councilman Hon. Lawrence Murdock, Councilman Hon. Francis Murphy, Councilman 't CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGHIHO THIS INSTRUMSNT -- THIS INSTRUMENT SHO'JLD BE USED BY LAWYERS OHLY THIS INDENTURE, made the / '/'~day of ~,,~k~r- , nineteen hundred and ninety-one, BETWEEN MICHAEL WORTIS and RUTH EMERSON WORTIS~ his ·wife, both residing at 7367 Ridge Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5A1B4, CANADA; NICHOLAS POTT and JUDITH POTT, his wife, bo,th residing at / party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipality with office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the £rst part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the build/ngs and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being~ at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly terminus of South Harbor Road; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly end of South Harbor Road North 87 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds East, 20.14 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE South 4 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West, 302.0 feet, more or less, to the former shore line of "Mutt Island," RUNNING THENCE northwesterly along said shore line 135.0 feet, more or less; RUNNING more or RUNNING more or THENCE North 85 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West 40 feet, less, to the ordinary high water mark of Richmond-Creek; THENCE northeasterly alomg said high water mark 1~.5 feet, les s; ' RUNNING THENCE South 85 Degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 22 feet, more or less; RUNNING THENCE North 4 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 110.0 feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING. Tm~E~, .H~..R ~,i. tha, ll rig,,t, 0ff.'e and late. rest, fi.any, of the party of the ~rst part of, m and to any streets and s aourung me aoove-aesermea premises to the center liner thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances ~od_a_~ t.he estate an.d rights of th.e party of the first part in and to said premtses~ TO HAVE AND TO . LD the, p..remtses n~, rem. I~ranted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of toe psx~, Ot me secono part forever. cAfNt,D He.par t.y of..t, he l]~t part, in eo, m, pli?ce.with Section 18 of the Linn Law, hereby covenants that the party .n.e nrst part .w~.~, re.c. mv,e the eo.ns~?,erat,on for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- ;~ation as.a trust luna to oe applied 8rst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply e same nrst to the payment otthe cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other p. urp~s_ .e. The word party' ~hall be construed as if it read 'parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the ttist part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. MICHAEL WORTIS ) N WORTIS NICHOLA~ POTT./ JUDITH POTT 11§53r 833 to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged.that they executed the same., __ Notary PuB l'ic DAVID M. PHILUPS Notary Public, State of New Yo~E No. 31-4614277 Qualified in New York County Commission Expires April 30, 19 STATE OF NEW YOSK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , before me personaHy came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation desortbed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STAT~ OF ~ YOSK, COUNTY O~ /10~d0 Y0~" SS: ~' I~*Y°f~ lO 91, ~{ore me ~m~y ~me to me kno~ to be tb ~dlvldual described in and who execut~ ~e foregoing ins~ment, and acknowledged that they ex~uted the same. ~ · .. ~ot~r7 DAVID M. PHILLIPS Notary Public, State of New York No. 31-4614277 Quelifled in New York County ~,..~ Commission Expires April 30, 19 personally came m 'ck / /' 9o'' to me known to be the individual describ~ in and who executed the foregoing i.strument, and acknowledged t~at ex~uted the ~me. TITLE NO. TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IllW V~ll ~ ~ TIRE Distributed by CHI(~tGO TITL{ SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Becorded at R~quest of Return by Mall to Zip No. · ', OR PRINTED IN ;BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR ~'0 RECORDING R'~ , 80,xES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED O LING L/PIt . : ¢.-: -~ ~{'W .' ~ ~:.~. ~' :.:~ 'FORItENS ~ t ~ 124BB ['ag~ / FilJ,~ lhmdli,g ~.¢0 I, ~a/IC Tax -.~ Sub Total Nulafioa 3, Slmc./A~d. EA-.5217 (Coon b') ~.~_ Sub Total gA-521? (Siule)~.~~ TOT. MTG. T~ ILP.T.S.A. / ~ ~ ~~~ Dual Town Dual Couniy ~ Held [or APlmHlonme,t Comn,. ,,r Ed. 5_._00_ J * * Transfer T~ Affidavit Mansion T~ Cc,'(ificd Copy The I)rope~y covered Ily fills ~ ~ ~0 l, or will be ,mi,roved by a one ar lwo Copy Sub Totffl '~. family dwc{lln~ only, YES or NO ~ p~e ~ of ~1~1~ Indic'meaL ~ ~ R~al Pro ~e~7 T~ Se~lce A~enc~ Yer[fl¢atlon ~ Title Comlmn~ Information" ~.~ Dis~ Scene. BIo¢I{ , L0[. , ~' Commonwealth, ~ ~.,~ /000' 0~,~ ~,00 0~,~0 ~.LandTidelnsuranceC'ompany I I-I~-~ / Company Name ~ , hd6al~ .... ? /' TIII~ ~umb~r ~.~ Cash Check Charge ~ Land Tide lnsuranc~ Comping7 '~ S ~ t?~OldCaun~yk~d(R~aS8) -- ~ ~cO~ & ~TU~ TO ~verh~d,~Y 11901~2~fi:. . (ADDRESS) Suffolk Coun Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the aHached ~ made by: (Deed, Mo~gage, etc.) SUFFOLK COUNt, ~EW YO~. In th~ V~LAG~ or ~ML~T or . "" ' ' I 1. SwIs Code I I '.'../... 2. Date Deed Recorded ,.; j"'t a. Bookl/ / '-/~' ~1 4. Page I STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD O"' 'UAIJZATION AND ASSE~MEhrT REAL P~ .~TY TRANSFER REPORT EA-52f7 Rev. 3/91 CONTROL .UM.ER 8928513 B IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION 1, Property .~. · . , (a~er ~e s~e) J r' I Street Name and Numbm' City or Town State Zip Code 7. Deed 8. School Property Size ] ] or [ J Distdct Name [ Dimensions Acres ASSESSMENT INFORMATION C 1. Enter the year of the assessment r011 from which the information was taken. ] I I 3. Check the box Indlsating the number of parcels which sold where one parcal relates to one ~ One Parcel assessment on the assessment roll. 4. Enter the total assessed value (of all parcels In the sale). [ (Data should be taken from the tax bill representing the latest final assessment mil) 2. Enter the three digit property class code. ] 1 [] More Than One Parcel (Spec;fy) I I ~ Only p;ut of a Parcel -, 2 5. Enter the tax map identifier of the percal I/~1,'~1~'1 *.1,~ I -- I '~-I~1 r-'lC) -- IC-I~I- I'' I I I I lit more than one. list on a separate sheet). Section . Sub-Section Block Lot /~/O Sub-Lot 6. Enter the roll Identifier if d]fferest from lax map Identifier. ] "r ] I D PROPERTY USE INFORMATION ] 1. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale. Check the boxes below that describe the property at the brae of sale. 2. Condominium ~-] Yes [] No 3. New Construction ~ Yes [] NO on Vacant Land IIII E SALE INFORMATION I ~ Agricultural gB ~ Non-Res,derlfial VaCall, Land S ~ Commualty Set~dce 2A One Family Residential 4A Commercial 7 Industrial 2B 2 or 3 Fairly Residential 4B Apartment 8 Public Service 3A Residential Vacant Lend 5 Entertainment/Amusement 9 Forest 1. Date of Sale ~ranster) I *~ / 1 / o ? I 2. State the Full Sales Price. $ ; ,2 ~ .~ } (.Cuff Sales Price Is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be In the form of cash. other property or gOOdS, or the assumption et mortgn~le~ or other obligations.) 3. Was there personal property in excess ~ r-~ of $500 included in this sale? Yes No S. Is th, S. Che A B C U 4. If yes. indicate the Value of the personal proper~y included in the sale. $ F CERTIFICATION I I certd7 that all the items of information entered on Ihls transfer form are tr~e and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject rne to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and filing of false instruments. Street Name & N[imber ......... (IY ~ ;:Y . I I 11~01 ,I I I I I I ~ CoDe Correction Form To Re Transmitted CHECK ALL THAT APPLY by City or Tow~ Aasesaor to SBEA Significant change in the preper~y behvasn taxoble status date end sale date. Property in more than one Swis Code. Other Swls Code ] ] ] I I I I CORRECTION 'sOURCE __CODE CODE CORRECTION CITY/TOWNCOPY ASSESSOR co,, o, NUMBER CITY/TOWN ASSESSOR COPY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON CORRECTIONS CONSULT YOUR EA-5217 HANDBOOK. CORRECTIONS TO SECTION E REQUIRE DOCUMENTATION. ...eOU.T.~O~.O , t.,r: 0 '4., Al,bert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith A.rtie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 9, 2001 Mrs. Linda D. Berumi John Bertani Builder, Inc. 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, NY 11971 RE: Southold Park District - South Harbor Park SCTM#87-1-18.7 Dear Mrs. Bertani: However, any activity within 100' of the Wetland line wo~tld require action fr>m this office. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any further questions, please do not hesiiate To cail. Sincerely, Albert J. Kmpski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed the survey dated August 8, 2000 and determined that the construction of a 44'X 30' pavilio~ to be out of the Wetland jurisdiction under Chapter 97 of the Town Wetland Code. ' John Bertani Builder Inc. 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1594 FAX (516) 765-3916 January 31, 2001 Mr. AIb~t Krupsld Jr., President Southold Town Beard of Tmsteas Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Southold Pad( Distdct - South Harbor Park (Ememon Park), South Harbor Road, Southold SCTM ff. 1000-87-01~18.7 Dear Mr. Krupski, Our firm has been contracted to construct a 44 x 30 pavilion at South Harbor Park in South(id. Please advise if this is in your judsdi~on or not. Thank you. Unda D. Bertani Vice President