HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-32B · ' '. '. FOR OF --~'~'~ BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FOI~VI FICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVA 'FION QUA[, NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECRE~, lION SERlt S_ ALBANY. NE'~¥ YORK {518) 47J-O.J 79 NJ.f;. 9~ North Country Rd. YOUR ADDRESS: Setauk_,~:_ N.Y. _lEI. 'PttONE:._9¢1-9444. ORGANIZATION {'if a~y): Unive:-'salis ~ Church of :3outhold IDENTIFICATION * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * I. BUILDING NAME(s):Barn an_d ~;~.~ bui_ldinz~_~_lo~eland- Caa~oo~8 Hou~ 2. COUNTY: ~u~o~ .... ~'OWN/CHy $o,_t~ho]~ ~ ~~-., 3. STREET L~ATION: ~t. 2~outb & eas~ on p~r~y ~~d~bar~ews 4. O~ERSHIP: :t. pubhc ~ h private ~1 ~O~8~ 5 PRESENT O~ER.Mr. John Cha.rnews . ADDRESS Ba~ 6. USE: Origmal: r~fl~ds;~C~ & ~a~ . Pre~ent 8a~ 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. [xt, nor vi,,I,l,: from pubi,c ,:,a{: Yes~7[] DESCRIPTION 8. BUILDING MATERIAL 9. STRUCI'URAL SYSTEM: (if known) I0. CONDITION: I I. INTEGRITY: a. clapbo.,rJ ~] b. stone :~] c. ,hr, k [] e. cobble~,,Ine I_~ f. shrug.:.; b. wood In,ne '.wl,~ light nlm~ber! [] c. masonry h)ag t,2aring wallx d. metal e. other c. a. original site (~ c. list major alter:mons vnd dates , il' kn< wn)' ~'~ d. board :nd b.ttten [] o:her: 12. P#OTO: ae~. Filed Southold Hist° Soc. 13. t~,u,: zo~ -, T0~n o~ 2ouShold ES Roll 1,- / ~.., / . ~.~ ~. · , :~ ~ ~; . . ] .,'": _. .. · . ,- ~;,x '. ~ '"'C '," ' ~~ ;' ,'... ,. ;..'. - ' ~ -;~'~¥~'t-;:' :.V. · [ '~ / X ..~ .... ~ ,.. .... k ~ -'~'~-w ...... . . -. 14 THREATS TO BUILDING' a. none known~ b. zoning I~ ~ roads E~ ' a a... ..... ~ e deterioration u f. other :_ 15, RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn~ . b. carriage hbu~ ~ c. garage d. pdW ~ e. shed ~. f. greenhou~ ~ g. shop ~ h. gardens ~ i. landscape features: j. other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessa~): a. open [and ~ b. woodland ~ c. scattered buildin~ ~ al. densely built-up ~ e. commerci~ ~ f. industrial ~ g. residenti~ ~ h. o~er: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic ~stfict) See Sob2, Se~ting is greenla~n ~it~ no inappropriate '"~oundatlon plantiag" 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF B~LDING AND SITE (including interior ~atures ,f known): See Sob 2 SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1835 ~obably BUILDER: ' * - HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: ' · "- 1. Se%~tng' · .: · 2. Exeellent.,taSe of preservation The ~elation~hLp to otbe~ structures on Rt.25, $ou~hold, by ~.. D. Oochran · '. 2~ SOuRcEs: Intez~ie~. ~ttb the .pz~sent' o~ne~,;~.N~...~?hn Charnews'. Preservation Notes - Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities SEGMENTAL-ARCHED DORAIERS Photograph by Barbara I:err~s Van Lbew The well preserved Cleve- land-Charnews house on tile south side of Main Road in Southhold is a fine example of a Long Island home of 1835. This gambrel roof 2Y~ story half-house bcars no rese~n- blance to thc tbpical north fork "Cape Cods" which line Main Road and Sound Avenue from Orient Point almost to Baiting tlollow and which, incidentally, arc today too often vacant and boarded up. The Clcvcland-Charnews house is of special architectural interest because of the sophisticated large segmental-arched dorincrs that embellish its high roof. Not surpdsin~y, these dormers arc similar to the dormers on thc Robert llcmpstcad hou~ one block to the west*..A_, the tlcmpstead house was erdarged by .%tuke Ezra C. Terry in 1835 and as the Clcveland-Charncws house was built in 1835, it seems ~fc to as~utnc that both sets of dormer:, were po:,sibly thc work of the mine builder-architect. NEW HYDE PARK Renovated Schumacher House The Williams-Van Nostrand- Kissam house, which is today known as the Schumacher house, formerly stood where Marcus Avenue now runs. The original sec- tion, said to have been built early in the 1700's, consisted of a single twelve-by-fifteen-foot room with a wide fireplace, an oven, and a steep stair - almost a ladder - that went up by the chimney to the loft above. This house with its later additions became the property of Sperry Gyroscope Company and, only slightly remodded, was the guest housc for distinguisbcd visitors during thc first years that the United Nations occupied the Sperry plant. Now moved to New Ilyde Park Road, the gift of Fred Schumactwr, Jr., the house is in Clinton G. Martin Park and has been taken over by thc Town of North Hempstead to serve a.$ a historical house-museum. While 'The Architecture of Suffolk County. Denys Peter Myers and Eva Ingersoll Gatling, Heck~cher Museum, Huntington, L. I., 1971, pages 11, 12 & 13.