HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-14 BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SD 14 r UNIQUE SITE NO. 10310,0m&-8 DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK (5191474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold / SPLTA DATE: October 1986 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE:(516) 765-1892 Southold L. 1. , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION Lazarus Manly House I. BUILDING NAME,(S): The Miller's House 1706 f Mrs. Glover 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: S—o=uth.nld VILLAGE: SoutHol ri 3. STREET LOCATION: l_e_tW_e ai oa.d (25) and LaAar Road 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public El h private 21 5. PRESENT OWNER: Frieda Ruppell ADDRESS- 6. USE: Original: Residence Present: Residence 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road. Yes ❑ No Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard El b' stone 0 c. brick ❑ d. beard and batten MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 -f. shingles K g. stucco ❑ other: u. STRucTLIRAL. a. wood frame with interlocking joints 50 SYSTEM: h, wood frame with light members ❑ (if' kn(xvn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent Xl b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTFGRITY. a. original site CK b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): SD-RSM-IV-22 12. PHOTO. From NVI 13. MAP: N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad Front and western elevation N•` aaS �` V hiS v. u . Willow 11Ce . 'i�•�• NEI J20 I, O /4ry. 7D,'.y� sp SD l4 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known E b. zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn El b, carriage house ❑ c. garage ❑ d. privy ❑ e. shed ® 2 f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ It. gardens ❑ i, landscape features: j. other: 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b, woodland IM C. scattered buildings d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) The house stands in an elevated position above the Lower Road, which was once the King' s Highway, at the point where Jockey Creek used to end, on Willow Hill. The windmill to grind grain (ong gone) stood on the top cq}f thR hill, ad, pnt0 t thi louse 18. UTIIER NOTABLE FEA U ES F BUILDIN� A D SITt (including interior features if known): Small 12-story, 3-bay, side entrance plan gable roof house with Pxtension on rear to create the "sal -box" profile. 6/6 windows and small frieze windows under the eaves. SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1704 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 'ti IIISI'ORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: A plaque on the north side of the house (on the frieze) reads : HOME of LAZARUS MANLY The Miller 1706 It was the Glover House in 19090 S. Simonds on 1873 map. Guidp to Historic Markers. Southold Historical Soci-ty. 1 0. 4 _41 Currie Bel . Guide to Historic Markers. 1960. P. 38 Joy Bear. Historic Houses 1981. P. 32 , #15. 'l. SOURCES: E. Belcher-Hyde. Atlas of Suffolk County. L. I. , Vol.. 2 : North Side. Sound Shore. 1909 Beers , Comstock. Atlas of Long Island. 1873. P. 180 2. TrILnI>-. Form prepared by rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. SD�14 formerly wife of Caleb Dyer Esq., Sailing Master of the United States Frigate Shelala which was lost at sea with all on board viz. 365 Souls in the year 1781. Mrs. Smith died July 1825 Age. 66. 41. HOME OF LAZARUS MANLY _ e x er, l 46 (Mrs. Elmira A. Glover, south corner of Bowery Lane and ` Lower Road, Southold.) Lazarus Manly, a miller from Boston, was granted by the owners of Common and Undivided lands in Southold four acres for his use so long as he maintained a "'sufficient grist k mill" for the Town. The land was bounded by the Billberry Swamp and Common Lands (Southold Town Records.) The ' mill stood on the hill nearby the miller's house, considered to be this one. A millstone placed by a later occupant of the house as a foundation support, is imbedded in the fieldstone wall of the very small, low ceilinged cellar. The rear kitchen is said to be a moved carpenter shop of Gamaliel. Bennett, added later. The original house and addition present the fine old lines of a "Salt-box". The old Post Road ran by the door. -19 number of families have dwelled in this house. Pre- vious to Glover ownership, it was long known as the "Steve Simons' place". Mrs. Elmira Austin Glover in her 94th year is the present owner. Married to John Septer Glover, a farmer in Cutchogue, in 1891, she came with her family in 1902 to live here. 42 THE JOSEPH REEVE HOMESTEAD In Origin 1677 Henry Talmadge 1857 (William P. Boken, Lower Road, Southold) J. Wickham Case has located Joseph Reeve on this prop- erty, in describing the Joseph Reeve homestead of 1702. Pre- vious to that date land was given him at a Town meeting in 1677 and where his blacksmith shop may have been built were as by Town record 1680. The lands for many ye in the Reeve famld ily. (Early settler Thomas Reeve had his honelot recorded 1636 on the Town street.) This house of Joseph Reeve on the Lower Road has a very old foundation but has undergone radical period changes. it is remembered as the home in the 19th century of the Reeve's family and of Henry Talmadge who married Mary Catherine Corey 1857; also the home of Stephen Walters. Guide to Historic Markers. Southold Historical Society. 1960 Road). His land encompassed today's adjacent cemetery and extended south along Jockey Creek,where his milt was located.A millstone in the tiny,low-ced- ing cellar was added by a later owner, _- probably as a foundation support. Of her home and commui :vr+ A comfortable kitchen to the back of Ruppell said: l the house was once a carpenter shop of a K � f; it I '� � later owner, Camaliel Bradford, who "'This was a nosy corner in N ll moved it to this site. SO Later a 1700's.My house was the miller silversmith worked in what is now the Ackerly Pond Road was t +a dining room. Some spoon in need of doctor's house. Nearby was t) replating were found from this period. im„Southold is distinguishes �. Ms lunate today in having two The present owner, Ms. historic early Southold houses Frieda Rup = iog, in good repair, and beim Pell, upon laking possession,found that private homes — this one. the most ceilings throughout the house were and the doctor's house. low,and made of molded tin. When the living room's tin ceiling was removed ti. original oak beams of 1706 were exposed. To find the miller's house, The removal of the ceiling in the kitchen off Main Road (Route 25) oa+ and bedroom revealed an equally gnat- Pond Road. Al its interses ifying surprise — random-width boards Lower Road you will see Ll supported by age-darkened beams,which house sketched,atop a little today are left exposed. southwest corner, nearly hidr f 5 its trees and landscaping. In the early 1700's an essential job in One of Ms.Ruppel!'s hobbies is refin- /� � _ any community was that of the miller.He ishing old woodwork, which entails re- Manly— e- M not only ground the grain that were a moving layers of paint and sanding the staple of the town folks'diet,but his mill woad to a handsome, satiny finish. Old was the news and social center of the white buttermilk paint has sunk into village--a hub of community life. scars here and there in the wood,and In The m-11 was Ruppeflareas defies removal, attractively link- L1 Iill_f ing the distant past to the present. the social centCr Lazarus�lltanh ,a Boston miller, was granted four acacres of Common and tt village gG d T j©��� Undivided lands for operating — as Door frames are narrow,and at least the LMl stipulated in Southold Town records--a one door is of museum quality.Basically Q sufficient grist mill"for the town. this door is made of one large upright plank.When this plank turned out to be not quite wide enough, a narrow strip Southold, 170b to 1706 Lazarus Mazdy built his house, was added to one side. A wide, wooden sketched, on the southwest corner of crosspiece spans the center of the door Bouerie lane(now Ackerdy Pond Road) horizontally, and to this is fastened a Fricda Ruppcll and the old Post Road (now Lower hand-wrought iron latch. Joy Bear. Historic HQU8PS. 1981 32 i 1—•